Stiletto (2008) Movie Script

Kill everyone.
That's what he
taught me.
No time for doubts, no time for
hesitation, no time for feelings,
no time for friends,
no time for family.
The only way
you can make sure
you won't be betrayed, is
to kill everyone around you.
"Everyone must
die," he said.
So, you know, that
story you heard about me,
it's a true story.
Got it.
Let's talk about
my business.
I have two associates.
They just got indicted.
They end up
serving high time.
These two ratas are
gonna give my ass up.
I could take care of these two
pinche cabrones myself.
But they got the
block on them 24/7.
Because your fucking DA
has a hard on for me.
He's your boy, huh?
You lean on him.
Make this
indictment go away.
No. I am done
calling in favors
to keep certain animals
out of the joint.
You run a fucked up
operation, Ernesto.
Me? Uh-uh.
You deal
with this now.
I'm not fucking
asking you, old man.
You are not taking care
of business, pendejo.
You know what's
a pendejo, right?
It's a pubic hair.
Now, I don't have to listen
to a fucking thing you say.
Because if I want to, I will drag
this fucking DA out of his house,
put him on his
fucking front lawn
and I will cut
his huevos off.
Watch your step, Ernie.
You're crossing
the line.
Fuck the line!
What are you gonna
do, old man?
My, my God!
I love you.
I love you.
Go, guys. Let's
move this thing out.
I told you he's not
going anywhere without me.
Let him go.
Go, go.
Go, go!
This is Debra Moran reporting
live from a private men's health club
In downtown
Los Angeles.
LAPD believe that tonight's
murders of two crime bosses
are part of an ongoing power struggle
between a Greek crime syndicate
and a Mexican
drug cartel.
What's up?
Let's hope this isn't the
start of World War III.
Is my girl in there?
Do you know him?
Ernesto Jimenez.
MS 13.
This is fucking
Bentley outside.
DA just came down hard on
him and his whole crew.
And the second vic, the one
they wheeled out of here?
Virgil Vadalos, the Greek.
Gutted like a fish.
They say he died
in the ambulance.
Those two. Can
you believe it?
Check this out.
Looks like they had
a lady with them.
The perp was
a female.
I'll wait to hear from the
lab, but I don't think so.
Erni was a spinal
The knife went all
the way to the bone.
It will have to be one
pretty strong female.
Thank you.
Thank you.
And a carton of Malboros.
ID, please.
Just give me my fags,
for fuck's sake.
I need to see
and ID.
How do you like if people fucking
ask for your papers, Osama? Huh?
Look, I ask for an ID because
you look like 12 years old.
Twelve you say?
How do these look for
a 12-year old? Yeah?
I think you
better leave now.
Get the fuck out of my store.
Right now!
Get out!
All right.
Try and touch my tits again,
you fucking fagot.
Get in the car.
Tried to touch my tits.
The last thing we need is the
heat coming down on us right now.
Who is it we were
looking for, Papa?
Why do you gotta
bust my balls?
You're such
a little cunt.
Yeah? Well, I'm
your little cunt.
You fucking
piece of ass.
God help me.
What are you doing?
I'm changing.
That silly cunt called me 12.
Oh, for Christ's sake.
Hey, detective.
Remember me?
You look good.
I know.
I guess London was a
good move for you then.
Yeah. Yeah, it was.
A little souvenir I
picked up in Heathrow.
Is that you?
Listen. About Virgil,
what can I say?
How's Sylvia taken it?
The kids, I mean?
The whole thing was very
upsetting for them. For all of us.
Listen, detective,
you need to come by the house.
I will.
I mean now.
I'm on the job.
Detective, you need
to come by the house.
That's why I'm here.
To drive you there.
You can either
come with me,
or you can follow me.
What took you?
Told ya I should've driven.
You fucking pussy.
Shut up and wait
in the car.
What are you talking about?
I'm going with ya.
No, you're not.
You said you
sorted this out.
Shut up and stay
in the fucking car.
Fuck sake.
She seems like
a nice kid.
Fuck you, too.
Come on.
Stay here.
Just go.
Jesus Christ.
No, no.
He took three days.
I beat his record.
No, thanks.
My lifestyle. That's
what saved my life.
If I were 100-pound
weakling, I'd be dead.
I saw it coming. She's
a fucking bloodsucker.
This is who I
want you to find.
Her name is,
uh, Raina Mavias.
Russian. In
country Illegally.
I set her up
real good.
She was living with this "has
been" Hollywood producer.
All strung-out
doing tricks.
I don't want you to
share this information.
Not with the cops.
I don't give a shit
about your investigation.
I want you to find her.
Not the Police.
What are you
talking about?
As far as the Police
are concerned, I saw nothing.
You go find her and
bring her to me directly.
This is a murder case, not a
speeding ticket. I can't do that.
You can and you will.
I can't do this.
Let me ask you something. You still
getting those postcards from your brother?
You know, I remember when
your brother got in trouble.
He seemed to make a lot
of enemies, didn't he?
He's looked after
real well.
Why are you going
through all this?
I don't need a reason.
And neither do you.
Fucking shit.
Hey, tio.
You know my cousin
Alex, don't you?
Hi, Detective Beck.
Long time no see.
How is the LAPD
treating you?
Why does he got that
monkey handling this thing?
He knows he
won't hurt her.
Like I would.
What? Am I missing something
here? Virgil say something to you?
Look, isn't that sweet?
The pit bull.
Got himself a
little pit bull.
Hey, you wanna go
for a walk, poochy?
Oh, the Greek way, huh?
Listen to me.
The only reason you got this
job is because I went away.
You remember that.
Is that right?
Yeah, that's right.
Then it's good for me
you went away, huh?
You take it easy. You're going
to, you're going to hurt yourself.
Hey, Lee, you know it's Illegal to
keep your dog in the car llke that
with the windows rolled up.
She might get heat exhaustion.
Fuck you!
Fuck you, too, poochy.
Fuck you.
Listen to me, you
little cocksucker.
You owe me money,
you got it?
Pay me today or die.
You understand?
I made the driver's
license for her.
Uh, about, uh, six months.
Maybe a year ago.
The guy paid for it.
What did he look like?
I don't know. I try to forget
the people who come in here.
Tough guy?
White hair?
Hey, Mo.
Listen, man.
This motherfucker
put my uncle in jail.
I recognized him.
My, uh,
my employee
tells me, uh,
you send the Feds to his
cousin in the restaurant.
They sent him
to prison.
Who the girl
come in here with?
Frank Sinatra.
Okay. One, I'm a cop.
Two, I have a gun on me.
I got you and take for three
fucker years buying and selling.
Now, get out!
Fucking stupid, Mo.
Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you!
Hey, what's up?
Can you hook me up?
Can I hook you up?
Yeah? You wanna party?
Oh, yeah?
Can we go
somewhere private?
I know a place
really private.
I'm so fucked up.
I can hear
your heart beat.
You have a tattoo.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, I love tattoos.
Yeah? You wanna
see more of them?
Can I make one?
Can I make it right
Don't take this
the wrong way,
but you're pretty hot
for a crack whore.
Wait a minute.
I think...
I think I know you.
Maybe you remember
someone who looks like me.
You were right.
Suspect's a woman.
The surveillance video from the bath
house got a glimpse of her leaving.
Didn't get a clear shot
of her face though.
The bride of Dracula.
All right. Get these to Jay.
See if he can enhance them.
And then, uh, get
them on the wire.
I am so glad you're here, 'cause
I never would've thought of that.
What's this
guy's story?
Priors up the ass.
Possession with intent,
assault, armed robbery.
Guy runs with a bunch of
clowns called Nazis for Jesus.
That's nice.
This ain't about
that airport thing, is it?
I told you. I already
looked into that.
I checked it up personally.
There's nothing to it.
Something poisoned
her against me.
Listen, maybe there is
no big mystery to this.
A woman like that. She was
brought up with nothing,
watching her family
live like rats over there.
That shit gets inside
of you and never leaves,
and never gonna
be normal. Never!
No, no.
I saw her eyes
that night.
It wasn't greed.
I know greed. I used to see
it in the mirror every day.
I see it now
when I look at you.
No. It wasn't greed.
It was hate.
Pure and simple.
We got trouble. I'm at
the warehouse. Bring Virgil.
It's Lee.
We have to go.
Wooh! Go on.
Mac, hit him harder!
Hit him like
you're fucking mad.
Give it to him.
One more.
Don't quit on me...
We've only just started.
Danny Boy, you can
take a beating. I give you that.
It's 'cause I got nothing
to tell you, Lee.
Come on, think about it.
Do you think I could take all this if
I didn't have something to give you?
I got no idea where
that money is, man.
Come on. You gotta start
looking a little closer to home.
I hope you're wrong.
But I'll find out
sooner or later.
The problem
for you is that
you're the sooner.
Hey, hey, hey,
hey, hey, hey.
Lee, don't. Lee, look at me.
Look at me!
Give me that.
I don't have it.
I don't have it.
I don't know where it is.
Lee. Lee, listen.
Look, babe. Bloke's a romantic.
Look at his tattoo.
No. Hey, hey, look at me.
Look at me.
Hey. You don't
have to do that.
Look at me.
Hey, hey.
You don't have to, you don't
have to do it. Look at me. Hey.
No, no, no,
no, no no no.
Virgil! Get this crazy
freak out of here.
He's out of
his fucking mind!
What the fuck
are you doing here?
Get that psychotic
Cockney bitch out of here now.
Get out.
Get out now!
You fucking psycho.
The money's gone.
$2 million worth.
Who knew we had cash here?
You and Gus.
And him!
And what's left of this fuck.
Uh, I...
And you?
Yeah, and me.
He admit to it?
No. But I never
trusted this fuck.
Let me ask you
something, Lee.
Why did Danny Boy stick around?
Why didn't he just run?
The fuck do I now!
He's a fucking moron!
Let him talk.
Get this crazy fuck off me.
He'll kill me.
Danny Boy.
Danny Boy.
He, look, you gotta
believe me, Virgil.
I would never, never. I did
not touch the money. I swear.
Who did then?
That sick cocksucker.
He's been talking shit ever since he got back.
Says nobody gives him any respect.
You lying, piece of shit!
I'll cut your head!
I came down here looking
for out-of-state tags.
The fucking safe
was cleared out.
It was him. It was him and
that crazy Russian whore.
The one who cut you.
They set you up.
He's been trying
to nail her ever since.
Say that again.
That crazy whore, Raina.
She probably sucked his cock.
Shut up!
He told her the money was here.
That's what fucking...
I swore I would
not do this again.
Give me the gun.
I'll take care of it.
Fuck are you looking at?
Hello, Nancy.
Oh, my God.
You look so different.
Look at you.
Can I touch it?
It's amazing.
Don't you think
you should just
disappear somewhere?
I mean...
Isn't this enough?
How much is
enough, Nancy?
I really didn't mean it that way.
I just...
I just worry about you. I don't
want anything to happen to you.
Raina, no.
If you didn't come to me,
I would've never found out about it.
They all have to pay.
But not to me.
This money
is from me.
It doesn't matter
where I got it.
You won't see me
after today.
You are my sister now.
And you are going to be
a beautiful mother.
Still looking on the black widow.
But we can establish direct
links between two of the victims.
Krieger the Nazi,
he was busted six years ago
for selling roids
for Ernesto Jimenez.
I'll look into that.
Don't worry about it.
You know, it's funny.
Somehow I thought that Vadalos' name
would be tied into all of this.
But still nothing.
Yeah, that is funny.
What the fuck did
you do to your wrist?
You're the only boss and knows
what he's doing around here.
And you let Virgil treat
you like you're fucking scum.
It's how it is.
I've been away for a while.
I gotta work my way back.
You really think he's gonna
let you work your way back?
He thinks you took that money,
Lee. He doesn't even trust you.
It's done.
No. Nobody's
ever gonna find him.
All right.
I'm on my way.
No. No, she's
dropping me off.
Dropping me off?
Like I was a little fucking lap dog?
I'm not going fucking anywhere.
You think you're better than me?
Do you?
You forget what you were doing
when I first met you?
Fuck you for throwing
it at my face.
I do what I have to do to survive,
because assholes like you
have been fucking me
since I was 9 years old.
And you enjoyed
every minute of it.
I'm sorry.
That was a stupid thing to say.
I'm sorry.
So, you're saying
we were contacted by aliens?
Can we get the fuck
out of here now?
No, it just started.
I have a stronger will.
I don't care how many of them I
have to kill in order to stay alive.
How many of us are left?
What the fuck?
I'm so, so sorry.
What is your problem?
I can clean this up.
Don't touch me!
You better no. You stay there.
Do you want some Kleenex?
You fuck.
Get the fuck
out of my way, okay?
I'm going to the fucking
ladies' room.
I have some napkins
if she likes.
You're a fucking cunt.
You're gonna be
out there on your own
making life and
death decisions.
You have carte blanch to kill
when you think it's necessary.
Seems you and I
have come full circle.
I don't believe
in coincidence, do you?
It's all predestined
You were the one
in charge hunting me.
Eliminating me
and my kind.
Don't mess
with the Russians.
I cannot wait to see
the look on your face
when you realize what
you've done to your family.
I figured
it out yesterday.
How to survive here.
This absolutely hink of a planet.
Listen to me.
I'm trying to save your life.
Do you understand?
Wait five minutes
before you turn around,
and don't even think about
going back into that theater.
Do you understand?
Just nod your head.
Give me your hand.
Take a long vacation,
and make some
new friends.
Nice tattoo.
I didn't touch
that money.
And I've nothing to do with
that girlfriend of yours.
So, if she
knew about it
and where it was,
I don't know.
But it wasn't me.
You know, I asked you
if you took it.
No, I'm just
thinking out...
Now you're going
on about it.
Maybe I'm wrong.
I... I, maybe I should
just ask you flat-out.
The answer's no.
Why are you so fucking
paranoid, Lee, huh?
I don't see Raina.
What are you doing here?
You rather have this
conversation on a cell?
Your girl's not making it easy
to keep the cops off track.
She's been cutting up
her ex-boyfriends.
Those scumbags were known accomplices
who pulled out jobs together.
So she's doing
the cops a favor.
They were connected.
Do you wanna tell me now before my captain
does how these guys are tied to you?
Uh-uh. They have
no ties to me.
They're garbage.
Well, she cut you up
the same as them.
So, in her eyes
you're no different.
How are you?
Now we can party, right?
Mr. Molinas.
All right.
C'mon, show me.
Right this way. Chef's
been waiting for you.
Okay. What do we got?
Don't worry.
The best for you.
So, what's best?
We got beef,
some nuggies.
Me gusta.
How's business?
My business is
none of your business.
Right this way.
See? Best table on the house.
So, Mr. Molinas, a bottle of
champagne on the house.
A bottle of champagne
on the house?
How about two bottles
of champagne on the house?
The money I spend here.
Hey, I got a joke.
Put your hands away.
You want them cut off?
Hey. Vadalos.
What's up, man?
Why don't you show some respect?
We're having dinner.
I can see that.
You're sitting here having dinner.
My boy Ernesto is in a fucking slab.
Crazy shit, huh?
Yeah. Ernesto.
He was a real hermano.
But I sent something very
speclal to his wife and kids.
I-I should've delivered it
personally but, as you know, um,
I'm suffering from
injuries myself.
You and I both know that
you took out Ernesto.
But don't ever think you're
gonna fucking get away with it.
You cocksucker!
It's okay, it's okay.
It's okay. Let's go.
Go and get the fuck outta here.
Get the fuck
outta here!
Get the fuck
outta here!
Get the fuck outta
here, you pussies.
We'll be back.
Time to go.
Listen, those clowns puff up
like that. They're coming back.
Look, don't be so stubborn.
I get the car.
Where's the
fucking car?
Let's go. Lee.
Get it here, Alex.
Get in. Get in.
The shotgun, Virgil.
Gimme that shotgun.
What are you doing?
Lee. Hold on. Lee!
C'mon. C'mon!
C'mon. C'mon.
Go. Go!
You got something
on you mind, Lee?
Yeah. You're not
up to this!
Fuck you, cowboy!
This guy should be picking out
uniforms for cocktail waitresses.
Not running an operation
during a time of war!
Listen to him.
"Time of war."
Mr. John Wayne
fucking cowboy!
Hey, when all the guns are pointing in
our direction, that's a fucking war!
The guns are pointed at me.
Same thing!
No, not this time.
What is wrong with you?
We got kids upstairs
trying to sleep.
Okay. Everybody out.
It's beautiful.
I love you.
I love you.
Are you ashamed of me?
There's lot more important things
in life than who's fucking who.
Oh, Sylvia.
It's not...
Not important?
No. It's not.
But my family is.
I knew what you were
when I met you.
All I asked for
was your last name.
And you gave it to me.
I have everything.
Yeah. So do I.
So do you. So do you. So do you.
So do you. So do you. So do you.
I hate you.
Of course you have everything.
I am nothing.
I'm sorry.
No. No.
I knew what you had
to do to get us here.
I'm not an idiot.
Something happened
to you.
I could justify
that to myself.
To the kids.
You did it for us, right?
But if I lose you
because of this,
how do I justify
that to myself?
How do I tell the kids what
happened to their father?
But this, yes, I would
be ashamed of you.
Give it to me.
I won't give it to you.
Give it to me or I will
break your little fingers.
No, you won't.
I love you.
I love you, baby.
Oh, God, it's so
cold out here.
Hey, you!
Look at me!
If I looked like her, I'd had no
problem finding a place to crash.
Try the Four Seasons.
You wanna cry over
your ex-girlfriend all night?
You wanna let us
take care of you, hm?
Don't move, cocksucker.
You kidding me?
Shut up, pussy. You lucky I don't kill
ya after listening to all that wining.
Get your fucking
hands off me.
Oh, shit!
He's a cop!
Okay, okay,
enough, enough.
I know that bitch.
I think you broke
my fucking nose.
I've seen her once.
She's with this guy.
Who? What's his
fucking name?
I don't know. He likes to buy
titties for bitches in need.
The call him, they call him,
uh, Large Bills.
Large Bills. And he's had a hard-on
over that fucking girl for a long time.
Where's he hanging out?
I don't know.
He's all over.
You can't miss him.
Rich white boy. Rolls with the brothers.
Get out.
Can I have
my gun back?
Open the door.
We're coming in.
Sorry. Ladies
only tonight.
I said open it.
And I said no.
You're not in the list.
You're not getting in.
You're gonna
let us inside.
Or I'm gonna split
your fucking head open.
Come on.
It's all right.
I have a problem.
No shit why do I need the Lord
of the Ring motherfuckers in here.
What's wrong with you?
You're sitting here with these
monkeys and you say that to me?
Does it bother you to see
a man enjoying his life?
Like something beyond, uh, like something
you might be able to comprehend?
Huh? Huh?
You know, I think you
finally found yourself.
A white man who's
turned into a nigger.
It's okay. He called me
a nigger. I'm a nigger.
I'm a nigger,
motherfucker man.
Look, you sell crystal meth
amphetamine to underage teenage girls
and hook them into prostitution.
Wow, whoa, that's noble.
That's what you are. That's what
you do. Get fucked. Okay? I'm busy.
Two of our
brothers are dead.
That's shit to me. What's it go
to do with me? I don't give a shit.
The fucking crippled Greek.
I want you to take care of it.
They're off my side.
Leave me out of it, okay?
I severed my ties to you fucking
pieces of garbage a long time ago.
See that?
You could burn it off.
You could cut your fucking arm off.
It's still gonna be there.
Fuck you.
You think the money
made me soft, don't ya?
Don't make that mistake!
Are you gonna
help me or not?
I'll have you erase from this
world just like this tattoo.
No, I'm not
gonna help you.
I will not help you and I cannot
help you. Get the fuck outta here.
Those motherfuckers, too.
Get out of here.
Hey. Hey, hey!
It's all right.
It's all right.
Let 'em go.
Fucking goddamn barbarian.
Clean him up. Clean him up.
Give me some dope.
Okay? Let's get high.
Go on.
Come on.
Make him go away.
Make the driver leave.
He can't see shit.
No, come on, I'm serious.
He's freaking me out.
He looks like my father.
Okay. I don't want... I don't
wanna meet your father right now.
Max. Take
a walk, you know.
Where do you want me to go?
Some other place outside
the fucking car, okay?
Got you, boss.
He's gone.
Come here.
I always had a thing for you.
Okay, okay.
Sh. Stop. Stop.
Look, I'm sorry about Virgil, baby.
I really am.
We're all adults here, okay?
Hey, what the fuck is that?
Mother. Oh, mother.
You fuck.
Don't move.
Get down.
Get down now!
I know you.
You're the cop.
Listen, I wanna...
Shut up. I know
Virgil owns you.
It sucks, doesn't it?
To be someone's property?
Close your eyes.
Can I get my toast, please?
What? What, are you fucking
telling me that she ran away?
This is fucking stupid.
Go on, take it.
Beck, are you telling me you
had her and you let her get away?
This is getting very
loud and very public.
That chick is nuts. I hope you got
good security in Virgil's place.
She might be climbing through
his bedroom window right now.
You let me worry about Virgil.
Just get the job done.
Fucking amateur.
This guy is the wrong guy for the
fucking job. Why don't you eat something?
What are you,
my fucking mother?
Please. The last thing I would ever
wanna be is related to you, Lee.
You left me standing at the
crime scene like a fucking idiot.
Why were you even
tailing Large Bills?
I was following
up a tip.
Yesterday you happened to be at
the scene of a public massacre,
and today a murdered celebrity.
What the fuck is going on here?
Why am I not in the loop?
Can we do this tomorrow?
My head's fucked up.
No, you're gonna stay here and you're
gonna tell me what the fuck's going on.
You're a liar. You were lying
to me. You're a fucking liar.
Why are doing this to me?
I'm supposed to be your...
What, huh?
What is it? What do you want?
I want you to tell me
the fucking truth.
What's that look?
That was definitely
a look.
I forgot how you always make me
feel like you're doing me a favor.
What, are you
gonna cry now?
Kevin asked
about you again.
You and Vadalos.
Says he hears things.
I know something
is up with you.
I can see it in your face.
I'm gonna go back
down to the limousine.
You go down
to the coroner's office.
They got another one there.
Looks like the same M.O.
You gonna tell me what's going
on and let me help you or not?
Leave your keys and lock
the door on the way out.
Look, I'm gonna fix it.
I swear to God
I'm gonna fix it.
What did I say?
My whole world's in that car.
Of course not.
It's all falling apart.
What did I do wrong, Gus?
How could I stop this?
The minute you walked
out of that hospital,
you should've killed everyone.
Hey, Gus.
The same Neo-Nazi design
as the other dead arian.
Anyone else been down here to see him?
Any cops?
No, not yet.
Can I borrow your computer?
Get out of here!
Everybody out! Now!
What's wrong with you?
We're fucking having a party.
Get the fuck out!
Get these fucking
whores outta here!
Fucking chill.
Do you know what
I'm gonna do to you?
You're hit.
Beck, what the fuck
are you doing?
Stay out of this.
You're cleaning up
for her and Vadalos.
I fucking covered for you!
You have no idea what's
going on here. Just let it go.
Fuck you.
I'm calling this one in.
We have to go.
Come on, policeman.
We have to leave.
You can't wait here any longer.
You're taking me
to him, huh?
Do you know that
I have the money?
He didn't tell you
about the money, did he?
What the fuck are
you talking about?
I'm talking about
over $2 million.
It looks better in
real life, doesn't it?
This is Virgil's money?
No. It's mine now.
And it's ours
if you let me go.
Uncuff me.
It's just for now.
I have to clean myself.
You don't want to take me to
Virgil with a wounded leg, do you?
Stop it. What
are you doing?
You delicate
all of a sudden?
It went through. Missed
the bone. You're all right.
Do you know what will happen to
me If you take me back to him?
He's not an
angel, you know.
I know.
Your English is pretty good.
Yeah. Well, that's
because Virgil hired
a dialect coach for me.
He wanted me to
sound more American.
Dialect coach.
And you put a knife in his gut.
You know what?
Don't be so quick
to judge, Mr. Policeman.
You don't know
anything about me.
I know enough.
Oh, do you? Huh?
Do you?
Control yourself.
It's not spring break.
Huh? We could go away.
And we could just disappear.
What is the matter?
You're just going to take me back
to him and it's going to be all over.
Come on.
We can disappear.
What does he have on you?
I'm ruined.
Excuse me a second.
Yeah. I got her.
Good. Bring her to my
nightclub right now.
Fuck you. I'll drive her right
down to the Police Station.
What the hell is wrong with you?
What do you want?
Be in the parking lot
at the Safari Inn.
Anything's out of whack,
I'll start shooting.
Fuck this one or you're
gonna end up on a garbage can.
Do you hear me, cop?
Was that him?
No. Look, I gotta go.
I gotta check something out.
Where the fuck
are you going?
To my nightclub.
I got a problem.
I'll go with you.
No. You stay here with Virgil.
You need anything?
I'm gonna kill all
these motherfuckers.
What the hell is your problem, cop?
Where is the fucking bitch?
Every dog
has his day.
Did you find her?
Shit, they're not here.
Come on.
You know, you should've
asked me about Alex.
I could've warned you about him.
He was always the worst one.
Alex was in on this with
you from the beginning?
And you took off without
giving him his cut?
He's a Judas.
And what's
that make you?
I'm a lot of things,
but I'm not a traitor.
I'm sure Virgil
doesn't feel that way.
I stuck by Virgil
no matter what.
Then why did you do it?
Two years ago
my little sister disappeared.
She was on her way
here from Russia.
Virgil set up the work,
visa, social security number,
and a job when
she got here.
And the night that she was supposed
to arrive, I was at home waiting
for this phone call. Virgil's guys were
going to the airport to pick her up.
They were gonna take her to a safe
house until they were sure it was clear.
And that night came,
and it passed.
And there was no phone call.
Virgil's guy at the airport
said that she never arrived.
And my aunt back home said that
she definitely got on the plane.
And Virgil swore that he didn't
know what happened to her.
And I believed him.
And then a year later I got
this phone call from this girl
who was at the
safe house that night.
She was a drug addict.
And the Nazis made these
girls work their habit off.
She told me that
she saw everything.
That Ernesto
and the skinheads
were celebrating some kind of
deal that they made with Virgil.
And those rich idiots were there
who think that they are so hard.
And they got so tweaked
out of their minds.
One of them decided that Staysa
was just another Russian whore.
Let's fuck her.
And there were
five of them.
And they took turns.
Stop it!
And then they left
her there like a dog.
And what did
Virgil do?
He lied about it.
He said that that girl
was a drug addict.
She didn't know
any names.
So she was crazy.
But I know Virgil.
Nobody lies better than him.
So, I went to Alex.
Leave it to me.
We have to take it from the start.
And he told me
that Virgil
was furious
about what happened.
Where is she?
My God.
Who did this?
Clean it up, goddamn it.
But he couldn't start a war over
one Illegal Russian immigrant girl.
Let alone tell me
the truth.
Hey, shut the fuck up.
Shut the fuck!
So he did nothing.
I'm sorry.
But listen,
I'll help you.
Alex wanted
to move up.
I'll help you.
I wanted to get even.
He gave me names,
and I planned.
And I waited.
All right.
One million bucks.
Leave tonight
and never come back.
Are you going to kill him?
I'll handle Virgil.
You just disappear.
I want to know
that he suffered.
He's gonna find out he lost
his cousin, his money, and you.
Believe me, he won't
feel like he got off easy.
I'd tell you to be careful, but I
think you know how to handle yourself.
Let's go.
What's your name?
You better get...
Shut up a second.
Now we're talking.
Special Agent Donovan.
Yeah, it's Beck. I need you
to check the archives for me.
Virgil Vadalos.
I think the Bureau had him under
surveillance about two years back.
I need everything you got.
Log sheets, locations, ASAP.
Oh, Virgil.
What were you thinking?
All of this for
a piece of ass.
What did you do
to him, huh?
He doesn't even
trust me anymore.
Well, all of that
is about to change!
You know, in a way
I understand you.
I never had
shit neither.
And no matter
how much I got,
I never fit in with
those cocksuckers.
I hate him.
I hate their kids.
The fucking little dogs.
But that's okay.
Hate's a good thing.
Hate keeps me warm at night.
Now, I'm gonna take this crowbar
and I'm gonna bash your head in.
Then I'm gonna roll
you down that hill,
and let the animals get at you
while you're still nice and warm.
And everything will be
like it was before.
Virgil and Alex
used to laugh about you.
Alex was Virgil's favorite.
Gimme that, you bitch!
Lee, I found the perfect
place to bury her.
What's that?
Your money.
Most of it.
That, that's nothing.
Men bring me bags
of money every day.
Where is she?
Have I ever gone out of
my way to cause you grief?
Using my brother
to keep me on a leash.
Do you think that makes
you a good Samaritan?
You're so concerned about
the safety of your brother
you come here and you
turn on me like this?
Turn on you?
I got a fucking cop killed tonight!
Don't insult me.
You could care less.
Virgil, don't be crazy.
You fucked her!
Jesus Christ. You don't
even know what's going on.
I told her to disappear. Enough
dead bodies, Virgil. End it.
The alarm's down. The electric's
cut. Somebody's on the property.
You piece of shit!
Hey, boss, we gotta
get outta here.
Just go ahead.
You already killed me.
I died that night
before you put the...
Be quiet.
I would've given you
the world if you asked me.
Can you give me
back my sister?
Can you do that?
I told you.
I don't know what
happened to her.
Raina, listen to me.
No one knows
where she is.
She was lying there for
eight hours in the trash.
The fucking garbage
man found her.
I've no idea what
you're talking about.
All those months searching for her.
She was in a mental institution.
She didn't even
know her name.
I already know everything.
Your cousin told me.
Alex set you both up.
The Feds had Virgil
under surveillance.
There's no way he was at
the safe house. It was Alex.
Why, motherfucker?
He was supposed to go to the safe
house to pick up your sister.
He was working
with those animals.
Where the fuck is she?
What did you fucking do?
I'll kill you!
I'll kill all of you, motherfuckers!
Which one of you
motherfuckers did this?
Clean this up.
Clean it up now!
She never got on
the fucking plane.
And there's nothing we can do.
There's nothing you can do.
You think he fucking
loves you but he don't.
All he fucking cares
about is his money.
Go on, take it.
Together we can have it all.
Make sure you
kill them all.
That fuckin' greedy bastard.
He played us all!
He's telling the truth.
But be my guest.
Pull his fucking head off.
Why don't you?
You know what the worst
part of all this is?
Is seeing you hurt,
and knowing you think I caused it.
Would you say, he's trying to
blackmail me and pin it all on him.
Bullshit I They'll
never let you go.
He is a dirty cop and his
own people will fry him.
Just shoot him.
It'll just be you and me.
Just you and me.
It always was anyway.
Wasn't it?
It's over.
Or maybe one of us
will make it to that gun
before the SWA team gets in here.
# I'm not broken #
# I have spoken #
# Have you heard
All I have to say #
# It is still light #
# I can still
Change my mind #
# Did you see
it end this way #
# How much can I love #
# When I've had enough #
# You keep
Pushing me away #
# Say you will
Say you won't #
# Say your heart
Will still be open #
# I'm alive
I'm alright #
# I am frayed but
I'm not broken #
# Broken #
# I can't help you #
# Fate will guide you #
# Angels watch you
With every move #
# Do you feel me
They're watching too #
# Say you will
Say you won't #
# Say your heart
Will still be open #
# I'm alive
And I'm alright #
# I am frayed but
I'm not broken #
# Say you will
Say you won't #
# Say your heart
Will still be open #
# Open #
# Say you will
Say you won't #
# Say your heart
Will still be open #
# I'm alive
And I'm alright #
# I am frayed but
I'm not broken #
# Broken #
# Broken #
# I'm not broken #
# I have spoken #
# Have you heard
All I have to say? #