Straight Outta Compton (2015) Movie Script
Violent street gangs from Los Angeles...
are now trafficking in drugs in cities
far from their own turf.
...Crips, the Bloods.
...has enabled the gangs to become
richer, better armed and better organized.
Drugs are menacing our society.
The war on drugs
is focused on crack, the super-addictive...
The Los Angeles Police Department's
CRASH program.
They will have
no dark alleyways to hide in.
I, Lieutenant Colonel North,
I don't recall that conversation.
You are now about to witness
the strength of street knowledge.
I'm about to give you this right here.
Who is it?
You know who it is.
Open the fucking door.
Open the door.
Hurry up, man. Open the fucking door.
- What's up, cuz?
- What's up, homey?
- A'ight.
- E.
So, what's up with you and this code knock,
asking me to say my name at the door?
We don't trust you motherfuckers.
- What y'all tryin' to do?
- You ain't heard?
Best runner got cracked.
Sent his young ass up to YA.
That's sad.
Fuck that gotta do with me?
Hey, Tasha!
- I'm right here.
- Get this dude a 40.
- God.
- Hurry up!
Nigga, I look thirsty?
I look thirsty to you?
- Here.
- Bitch, I just said I wasn't thirsty!
Hold up.
Why you gotta be so ruthless, Eric?
What, y'all don't want something to drink?
You want some pussy?
Not from these little strawberry bitches
you got up in here.
I want my fucking money.
Where the money at?
What the fuck you being so disrespectful
in my house for, cuz?
Nigga, this a dope house
that you already disrespecting.
Yeah, we good.
So, bottom line is we short.
So you gonna have to
let us hold on to that.
Oh, yeah?
Well, my people sitting right across the street
from your mama house right now.
'Cause if I don't show up,
they gonna show out.
Greenleaf, right?
That's the street she stay on?
You really wanna take it there?
You already took it there.
Shit, it's one time. They got a battering
ram. Get to the back, Rock!
Hey, man, get to the back!
They best not find
a motherfuckin' thing!
Get all that shit up in the roof.
Hurry up!
Man, get to the back!
- You know what to do with it.
- Yeah.
Oh, shit!
- What's taking you so long?
- Shit.
Hurry up!
Step up, girl!
Go, go, go!
Oh, shit.
Fuckin'... Fuckin' dog.
Jazz Funk]
# My life, my life,
my life, my life #
# In the sunshine #
# Everybody
loves the sunshine #
# Sunshine #
# Everybody
loves the sunshine ##
Record Winding Down]
What happened?
What you mean?
What happened with what?
Andre, boy, don't play with me.
Do you even care how it makes me look?
Called in favors to get your thoughtless ass
an interview, and you can't even show up?
Look, I'm...
I'm sorry, Ma. I just...
I got so caught up in this DJ stuff,
I forgot.
You have a child, Andre.
Spinnin' records ain't paying none
of the bills around here.
What you talkin' about? I get paid.
- So that makes you rich?
- It's a start.
Damn! Why you riding me so hard?
I'm not riding you, baby.
I'm trying to make you understand.
And you know how I run my house.
Now, you gonna have to go to school,
or you gonna have to go to work.
I don't even care if you are a janitor.
I don't care what you do.
Long as I own the company.
I know, I know.
- But you don't own the company. Lonzo does.
- Okay.
- You think we're done here?
- Yeah, I mean, you keep...
You got something to say to me?
You don't care
what I'm fighting for, okay?
I already know what
I want to do with my life,
and it definitely ain't sitting in some cubicle,
taking orders on a bullshit-ass job.
Shut up!
People used to tell me
I was too young when I had you.
Said I wouldn't be shit.
Said you wouldn't be shit.
Now, I worked my ass off to get us here,
and I refuse to let you throw it all away.
Hey, I grabbed some of your stuff.
Good lookin' out, T.
When you comin' back?
Man, I don't even know.
Got a lot of things to figure out.
Can I come with you?
Really? You've been crying this whole time
about us sharing a room.
And now you wanna come with me.
Man, get out of here.
You know Mom. She just...
She just want the best for you.
Hey, I know that, T.
But check this out.
I want the best for me too. A'ight?
That mean I gotta go.
Look, when I get set up right,
I'm gonna bring you with me.
Don't even worry about it.
I'm-a have you in Miami.
For real? You gotta get me to Miami.
- Yeah, man.
- Don't play, man. Get me somewhere.
Hey, I'll call you later.
For now,
stay your little ass outta trouble.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Hey, nah.
For real.
- All right, bruh.
- A'ight.
# Kick off shoes
Jump on the jock #
# Listen to the Jam Master
as he starts to rock #
# His name is Jay
and he's on his way #
# To be the best DJ
in the US of A ##
# Welcome to your life #
# There's no turning back #
# Even while we sleep #
# We will find you #
# Acting on
your best behavior #
What you been up to, Cube?
Shit. Writin' rhymes.
- You a poet now?
- The flyest one you know, nigga.
This nigga. Okay. I'll see you.
- Bye, Mr. Davis.
- Okay.
I wish somebody would try me though.
Funk, Muffled]
- That's all I'm saying.
Hey! Shit, nigga! Come here!
Hey, what up, cuz?
What up, cuz?
What's good, nigga?
Hey, cuz! What up?
What's up?
- Ha! Yeah!
- What you doin', nigga?
All good? Hey, what up, cuz?
Aw, get outta here, man.
You old mark-ass.
You see that shit?
Shut it down!
Open up the goddamn door, man.
- Hey, what's going on?
- Shut the fuck up, blood.
Y'all niggas ready to die today?
Don't get quiet now.
All that shit y'all was throwin' up
out the window?
What's up wit' it? Huh?
You didn't think we saw that, huh?
Let me see how you do that shit.
I was just playin', man.
I swear. I was only playin'.
You think niggas out here playin'? Huh?
Niggas die every day.
I kill Crips for breakfast.
Don't you ever put your motherfuckin'
hands up on no school bus, nigga.
- You understand me?
- Y-Yeah.
- Huh?
- Y-Yeah.
Y'all motherfuckers
need to gangbang them books...
instead of tryin' to be somethin'
y'all ain't.
Shit, you never know.
'Cause I might be the one
to kill your motherfuckin' ass.
Remember me.
O.G. 2-Tone. Crenshaw Mafia, blood.
# Another day in Compton #
# The thrill is high #
# Know somebody's watchin' #
# But I don't know why #
# Feel the fire burnin' #
# It touches the sky #
# Feeling coming at you #
# I won't die tonight #
- Yo, Dre and Jinx in there?
- Yup, they in there.
# I get by ##
Man Speaking]
- Hey, Auntie.
- Hi, baby.
- How you doin'?
- Just fine.
- Lavetta, where Dre and Jinx at?
- They in the back.
Hip-hop, Muffled]
- Excuse me.
- Come on, baby. Chill out. Take your nap.
- Hey, little mama.
Why you didn't say hi?
Hip-hop, Scratching]
- What up, Cube?
- What up?
# It's time #
Scratch that shit!
Damn, Dre!
- # It's time #
- Whoo!
- # It's time #
- Damn!
# It's ti... It's ti...
It's... It's... It's... #
- # It's time #
- Whoo! Yeah!
That's right.
- Whoo! Fuck that shit up, Dre!
- Yo.
- That shit was dope, homey!
- What's up, Cube?
Man! Had some crazy shit
happen on the bus today.
I had a Crenshaw Mafia O.G.
get on the bus,
pulled a gun out on us,
gave a fucking motivational speech
and then bumped out.
Shit was crazy.
You wanna avoid some more crazy shit,
you better not get up
on that stage and fuck up.
Ain't nobody gonna fuck up, man.
You must be stayin' a while.
Yup. Mama kicked him out
'cause of that mouth.
Shut your ass up.
She didn't kick me out. I left.
- Whatever.
- That's what they all say, homey.
You got them rhymes?
Man, I stay with the rhymes.
Man, I'm talkin' about that hard shit.
All I write is that hard shit, Dre.
So what's up, man? You ready for Doo-To's?
- Is Doo-To's ready for me?
- You know that's Compton, right?
They got body bags at the door.
Your ass better bring it.
'Cause if you don't,
you might end up in one for real.
Body bag?
Man, I don't know about that shit.
Ain't nobody fucking with you, Jinx.
You can tell your moms
to fix this fucking AC.
Man, what are you doing here, homeless?
Get off of me, nigga!
Well, fuck you! Fuck you!
Get the fuck off me!
Shit! The fuck you holdin' me for?
Get the fuck off me!
Where the fuck you going?
Hey, man, I'm just trying to get home, man.
I'm not even doin' nothin'.
Put your fucking hands on top of
your head. Interlace your fingers.
Spread your fucking legs.
- Stay the fuck down.
- Man, this hood is fuckin' hot!
- Shut the fuck up!
- What the hell is going on out here?
- Look, these boys, they all grew up on this block. Okay?
- Get back in the house.
That's my son. O'Shea!
- That's my son.
- Lady, I'm telling you.
Get back inside, or I promise you,
I will ruin your fuckin' night!
- Man, you ain't got to talk to my moms like that.
- Shut the fuck up!
- Motherfuckin' nigger.
- Oh, I'm a nigger now?
Wait a minute, my ass, motherfucker.
- Okay.
- Officer, can you explain why you jackin' us right now?
Man, I ain't explaining shit to you.
- Get the fuck up off the street.
- I'm on my property.
I can stand right here.
You got that?
Son! We right here!
Where you got the fuckin' rocks,
- Not everybody slangin' dope, man.
- I don't give a fuck!
This is LAPD.
I'm the only gangster out here.
- All right. They all check out.
- Check what? Y'all are just over here fuckin' with us.
- Get up.
- We got cards on all of 'em anyway.
- Pick your shit up.
- Stay out of trouble, man.
Okay, let's go. Head home.
- Stay back.
- Ain't doin' shit, man!
Get the fuck outta here.
- Hey, man...
- Take a fuckin' walk.
- Get the fuck outta here!
- This is bullshit!
You really want to be here?
This club full of Pirus.
We straight.
Yeah, thanks for the tip, homey.
These niggas.
I just wanna say this.
You should be a model.
Yeah, you look like a model.
Just sayin', you know.
- I look in your eyes and I see a Capricorn.
- Mmm.
You're a Capricorn, right?
I mean, I can look at a girl
and I know their sign. You know?
- It's just something I do.
- Oh. Mm-hmm.
- Look, I hope I'm not disrespecting
you, right? - Uh-uh. Not at all.
- Good. Good.
- Yella!
Lonzo coming, man.
- No, no. "Weak at the Knees. "
- Huh?
- "Weak at the Knees. "
- Oh.
Hey. I'm gonna go outside,
make sure nothing's poppin' off.
I want you to keep
these fat asses shakin'.
Don't play none of that
street-ass rap shit.
I want these motherfuckers
thinkin' about pussy, not pistols.
I saw you talking to my lady, man.
Keep your motherfuckin' hands to yourself.
All right.
Man, why you always fuckin'
with Lonzo's girl, man?
Why not?
Can't be afraid of a grown man
in high heels, Dre.
Cube, you up.
Hey, yo, Compton! I got my little homey!
He 'bout to come and bust
a little rhyme for y'all.
I want y'all to give it up
for Ice-motherfuckin'-Cube!
# Here's a little
somethin' 'bout a nigga like me #
# Never shoulda been
let out the penitentiary #
# Ice Cube would like to say #
# That I'm a crazy muthafucka
from around the way #
# Since I was a youth,
I smoked weed out #
# Now I'm the muthafucka
that you read about #
# Takin' a life or two
That's what the hell I do #
# You don't like how I'm livin'?
Well, fuck you #
# This is a gang
and I'm in it #
# My man Dre'll fuck you up
in a minute #
# With a right, left, right, left
You're toothless #
# And then you say
goddamn, they ruthless #
# Everywhere we go
they say "Damn!" #
# Ice Cube
fuckin' up the program #
# And then you realize
we don't care #
# We don't just say no
We too busy sayin' yeah #
# About drinkin' straight
out the eight bottle #
# Do I look like
a muthafuckin' role model? #
# To a kid lookin' up to me #
# Life ain't nothin'
but bitches and money #
# 'Cause I'm the type of nigga
that's built to last #
# If you fuck with me
I'll put my foot in your ass #
- # I don't give a fuck 'cause I keep bailin' #
- Yella!
# Yo, what the fuck
are they yellin'? ##
- Fucking right! I told you. I told you.
- Yeah, you did. You did.
That's what I'm talking about, man.
Now, see, I'm this close
to firing your monkey ass.
What, you trying to start
a riot up in here?
Didn't I tell you I don't want that
hard-core shit played in my club?
As soon as I turn my back,
you do that shit anyway.
I'm just trying to help your business out,
Lonzo. They went crazy for that shit.
Don't worry about my business, a'ight?
Just remember the only reason you up on that
stage is 'cause I put you up on that stage.
Now, you a badass DJ, I'll give you that.
But you don't like to listen, Dre,
and I get tired of arguing all the time.
There's a lot of cats that'll come in here
and play exactly what I want 'em to play.
R & B]
- Like that shit right there.
Cats that understand that you don't
bite the hand that feeds you.
Now, you take a backseat
to that shit, nigga.
These fuckin'
marching jackets and shit.
Marching, my ass. You march your ass
and do what the fuck I say.
Hey, Dre.
Don't even trip on him, homey.
Nigga ain't got
no fucking vision, man.
That's why I'm-a fuck his bitch
right after he leaves.
Not with that shit on.
- Dr. Dre.
- What's up, E?
It's been a minute, man.
I love your jacket, by the way.
You baggin' on me.
You know I don't like wearing this shit.
That's Lonzo's shit, man.
You know it's part of the gig.
You remember the homey,
Ren from Kelly Park, right?
- What's up?
- What up, Dre?
- What up?
- What's up, man?
Look, I heard you been, um, spending
some time at your auntie house.
How's the couch life?
It's fucked up.
I'm too tall for that shit.
Plus, I got my woman
and baby living there. It's hard, man.
But you know, everybody
can't do what you do.
But what I do gettin'
played out quick, man.
Motherfuckers is gettin' locked up
and laid down out here, you know?
- Gonna make some changes.
- Changes ain't bad.
Thinking about making
a few changes myself.
What you mean?
What you think about dumping some money
into this music shit?
Look, I got some ideas.
Let's give it up for Dr. Dre!
- I gotta get back up there.
- That's your calling, man.
Tell Lonzo I said, "Fuck him. "
All right. Hey, E.
Think about it.
All right.
- What's up? Do I know you?
- What?
- Get 'em up.
- Hell no!
Hey, don't be fuckin'
with my little brother, nigga!
- What the fuck did he do?
- Nigga lookin' at me like he know me or somethin'.
Man, I told you about this shit!
- Clear the parking lot.
- I told you to go the fuck home.
- The fuck wrong with you, man?
- You better chill the fuck out.
One time.
Hey! We told everybody
to clear this parking lot!
We just standing here.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Get outta here!
- What's going on?
- Hey! Hey! Head home!
I fell.
You fell? He fell?
That's what he said.
I didn't ask you what he said.
Get the fuck home!
I am home.
Head home! Go!
If you don't start walking...
Or what?
Turn around. Hands on your head.
- Come on.
- Fuck.
You have the right to remain silent.
Stop resisting, boy!
- What up, sucker-punch?
- You already know what it is.
Sucker-punched that dude, man.
Hey, man, nah, nah. That was Tyree.
You know he got that temper and shit.
- Always getting me into fucking trouble, man.
- What they lock you up for?
I was literally just standing there, man.
That's it.
As far as they was concerned.
That's the gangsterist shit
I heard all week.
Man, it's stupid.
Well, I was thinking about what you was
saying last night though, man.
Oh, yeah?
- It's interesting.
- How long?
Really, like, how long do you think
that shit you doing out there gonna last?
'Cause it ain't no happy endings
in that game, man.
You saying a lot for a nigga
who just got bailed outta jail.
- I'm just saying, if you can slang dope...
- Nigga!
- What, man?
- Just tell the whole fuckin' world I sell dope.
Yo, yo. You can slang dope,
you can slang records, man. It's easy.
You got a mind for that shit, E.
- So what you talkin' about doing? Li'I homey from last night?
- Nah, man.
He in a group. You know, they a trip, but...
But that shit, the reality raps,
that's what I'm talking about, man.
That's it.
My boy, D.O.C., he coming in
from Dallas, dope.
- My little homey, Ren, rap too.
- Oh, yeah?
Hey, look, I got these cats...
H.B.O. Home Boys Only.
From New York. Dope voices, man.
Some wack-ass lyrics though, man.
I'm saying, Cube,
he wrote this shit for 'em. It's crazy.
Shit, we could probably
do something with that.
That's what I'm saying, man.
Start a label or something, man.
A label?
That's kinda fuckin' farfetched, Dre.
Yeah, but check this out.
What would you call
a record label like that?
- Just like these fucking police, nigga.
- Ruthless.
Let's get the fuck from around here.
Trying to get me sent to jail.
Get your simple ass in the car.
Rap Beat]
What the fuck is "gankin'"?
And what's a "6-4"?
- Yeah.
- It's a car.
A 6-4 Impala.
"Gankin'" is when you jack somebody, man.
It's not a big deal.
The shit just sound better.
Yo, man, it's too much
cursing for radio play.
- Besides, who gives a fuck about Compton anyway?
- Hey, hold the fuck up.
Hey, y'all got something
to say about Compton?
'Cause we might have
a problem up in this bitch.
Huh? No?
Then do the lyrics,
'cause I'm really losing my patience.
A'ight? Stop fuckin' embarrassing me, man.
- Hey, man. I ain't with this shit.
- Yeah, man. Fuck this shit.
- Fuck this Jheri curl rap bullshit, man.
- Fuck you!
- Wearing a Kangol don't make you LL Cool J, nigga.
- Fuck you gonna do about it?
- What you gonna
do, mark-ass nigga? - Hey.
Let's roll, B.
- B-street-lookin' motherfucker.
- Fucking Jheri curl-ass.
Keep talkin' that bullshit
on your way out the door, nigga.
- Well, there goes the talent, Dre.
- Shut the fuck up, E.
- I'm just sayin'.
- All right.
How the fuck we 'posed
to make a record label and hit records...
and we ain't got no talent?
I mean, you said hold up my side of
the deal. You said put some money up.
So it's time for you to deliver.
Why don't you do this shit, E?
Nah, for real. Get in there on the mike.
You ain't got shit to lose.
It's your money. You paying for it.
No, I can't. 'Cause I'm not a rapper.
There's your rapper.
I'm in a group already, man. Jinx and
them would trip on me if I do anything.
I understand that you wanna
keep throwing your life away...
with Jinx and the backyard boogie band
or whatever,
but I'm the Berry Gordy of this shit.
So, whenever y'all figure out
what y'all wanna do, just let me know.
Come on, man.
Look, the song is about you, E.
Eazy-motherfuckin'-E. I'm telling you.
Come on, man.
You the only motherfucker with a 6-4.
- You got a 6-4?
- I don't have a car.
- You got a 6-4?
- I got a po' Porsche, man.
Nigga, come on, man.
You ain't doing nothing.
But you the businessman,
so, you know, it's on you.
We got a cold-ass song though.
I think you could hit that shit.
I'm not sold, Dre.
What you mean, you not sold?
You just gonna sit there?
You're kinda being
a ho right now, Eric.
Fuck y'all niggas.
Berry Gordy to save the day.
- I ain't scared.
- You ain't scared?
- What are you doing?
- E, let me produce. Man.
- Feel like it's getting weird.
- Man, shut up and get comfortable.
Let's go.
# Cruisin' down the street
in my 6-4 #
- Shit!
- What the fuck?
What the fuck is so funny?
Nothing. Not...
Oh, E, can you hear me?
Yeah, I can hear you and how much
y'all fuckin' laughing.
- No.
- Hey, E, you good.
Just hit that first beat hard, man.
You gotta come in on beat.
Cruisin' down the street.
You cruisin'.
- You good, Eric.
- A'ight? Hey.
- No, no, no, no. You good, you good.
- It's dope.
But on beat.
Again. All right? Let's go.
Cruisin'. All right?
# Cruisin' down the street
in my 6-4 #
Shit. - That ain't it.
It really ain't.
Hey, hey, Dre. He gotta go if we're gonna
do this. Cube, you gotta go.
- Get the fuck outta here, Yella.
- Now, nigga. Both y'all.
- You talking to me?
- Bye!
- Go, Cube! Yella, get the fuck outta here.
- Me too?
Yeah, so we can get this shit done.
"Write the song, Cube.
Shut the fuck up, Cube. "
Take these with you, Cube.
Yella. Yes, man. Come on.
You know what? Whatever.
- You motherfucker.
- Come on, E.
You finished, Dre? You wanna laugh too?
I stay in this bitch by myself.
Hey, just say the words. A'ight?
- What does that even mean?
- Man, just say the shit with me. All right? Cruisin'.
- Cruisin'!
- Yeah, cruisin'. Let's go.
# Dre, you know this shit
ain't gonna never work #
A'ight, you... you trying to be funny.
But you see how you said that shit, right?
Like you believe it.
- Yeah, I believe that shit.
- Then say this shit like you believe it, man.
Like it's a motherfuckin' Sunday and you
cruisin' down Crenshaw in a motherfuckin' 6-4.
Come on. Say that shit like you
believe it, man. Like it's your words.
Feel that shit. Stop playing
around. Loosen the fuck up.
There you go.
# Cruisin' down the street
in my 6-4 #
Oh, shit. Hey, that was dope, E.
That shit was dope, man. Yeah!
That's what I'm talking about, man.
You feelin' that shit, right?
Now we only got 59 more lines to punch in.
But it's all good. We gonna get through it.
Let's go on to the next one.
Jump in!
# I went to get them out
but there was no bail #
# The fellas caused a riot
in the county jail #
# Two days later
in municipal court #
# Kilo G on trial
Cold cut a fart #
# "Disruption of the court, "
said the judge #
# On a six-year sentence
my man didn't budge #
# Bailiff came over
to turn him in #
# Kilo G looked up
and gave a grin #
# He yelled out "Fire!"
Then came Suzy #
# The bitch came in
with a submachine Uzi #
# Police shot the girl
but didn't hurt her #
# Both upstate
for attempted murder #
# 'Cause the boyz 'n the hood
are always hard #
# You come talking that trash
we'll pull your card #
# Knowing nothing in life
but to be legit #
# Don't quote me, boy,
'cause I ain't said shit ##
- Yes!
- All right!
- Yes!
- All right, Eazy.
Hell yes, Dre!
- Yeah?
- Whoo! Yes.
Hey, D.O.C. What you think? You think
they gonna feel that shit in Dallas?
- Man, to be honest, man, that shit is super dope, nigga.
- Hell yeah!
For real, nigga.
Hey, Lonzo. What you think?
Sound like some
waste-of-time shit to me.
Look, this shit ain't gon' work. You ain't gon'
get no radio play with that shit right there.
- Oh, for real?
- Oh, for very real.
Wrap this shit up. I need you to get back
on that slow jam we talked about.
This whole reality rap shit y'all tryin' to do,
talkin' about low riders and jail,
don't nobody wanna hear that shit.
You need to get back in there and work on
that slow jam that we worked on. I'm serious.
About all you motherfuckers taking up
my time, and that's coming out your pay.
No disrespect, Eazy,
'cause I know you real.
But you, motherfucker,
I ain't gonna take that shit from you.
20 years from now,
you gonna fucking thank me. Watch.
20 years from now, you still gonna be
recording love songs in this dusty-ass garage.
Get the fuck outta here.
- Wrap this shit up.
- Get your ass out.
Yeah, okay. You got it.
No, you got it!
- Yes!
- I told you. Didn't I tell you?
You told me, man.
I should've believed you.
What the fuck did you all get from that
that you're high-fiving and shit?
Cube. If Lonzo
think it ain't gonna be shit,
we know we got
a motherfucking hit!
- Exactly.
- 'Cause he don't know shit about music.
He don't know
good music when he hears it.
- Play that shit again!
- Dre, you a fucking genius.
You a fucking genius.
# Went to the park
to get the scoop #
# Knuckleheads out there
cold-shooting some hoops #
# A car pulls
up Who can it be? #
# A fresh El Camino
rollin' Kilo G #
# He rolled down his window
and he started to say #
# It's all about makin'
that G. T.A. #
# 'Cause the boyz 'n the hood
are always hard #
# You come talking the trash
we'll pull your card #
# Knowing nothing in life
but to be legit #
# Don't quote me, boys,
'cause I ain't said shit ##
# Get the fuck out #
# Pump that beat
Pump that beat #
Thank you.
Whoo! These phones are burning up.
This is 1580 KDAY.
This is Greg Mack with the Mack Attack,
and I gotta give it up to my boy, Dr. Dre,
who's coming with Compton's
very own Eazy-E.
And you're listening
to "Boyz-N-The-Hood",
the number-one-requested song
for six weeks and counting.
A'ight. Guess I'll see you soon.
- Excuse me.
- Yeah?
I heard your record.
- I'm Jerry Heller.
- Eric Wright.
- Real pleasure to meet you, man.
- Same here.
Uh, would it...
Here, let me get those for you.
Let me get those for you.
Would it be possible to have a word
with you for a second, Eric?
About what?
About music.
- After you.
- All right. Come on.
- So, I thought your album was good, man.
- Just good?
Hey, hey, hey, hey. No.
I thought it was exceptional.
- Exceptional?
- Yes. Fantastic.
Please, just sit down.
All right? We'll start this again.
Come on. All right.
I'm... I'm gonna try this again.
- Okay?
- All right.
As a music manager, let me tell you
what I can do for you, Eric.
I will make you legit.
It seems as if I could
do something for you.
I see.
You think because I don't have some flashy
office, I don't know what I'm talking about?
I worked with Elton John.
I worked with Otis Redding.
Let me see.
I worked with War. I worked with Styx.
- I worked with...
- Have you worked with anybody this decade?
Let me tell you what I see here, Eric.
A lot of raw talent, a lot of braggadocio.
But if you think anyone's
gonna talk to you,
you think anybody is gonna
let you in the building...
where somebody might listen to you or talk
to you, you think that's gonna happen?
You're crazy, man. I'm sorry.
That is what I can do for you.
I can make you legit.
I can get you in that building,
and I will protect you.
I will block out all the noise
of this crazy fuckin' business,
and we can build something big.
But you gotta believe in me
the way that I believe in you,
the way that I believe in this.
Because you have a unique talent, Eric.
Very special.
Don't fuck around.
But you know what?
If you can't handle it,
if it's too much fuckin' pressure
for you, then fine.
- Get outta here.
- Wait.
I'm listening.
You got more music for me?
- Absolutely.
- Good.
'Cause you are gonna have
to follow this up quick.
All right?
Now, what does N.W.A stand for, huh?
No Whites Allowed? Something like that?
Niggaz Wit Attitudes.
You're fucking kidding me
All right. We can work with that.
- Good. I like that. I like that a lot.
- You better.
Hey, what up?
- What's up, fam?
- Yeah!
- Hey.
- What's up, baby?
All right. Okay.
Hey, fellas, y'all got any idea why I
asked y'all to wear all black tonight?
'Cause we a all-star group.
And to be a all-star group,
we gotta look like it,
sound like it, dress like it.
You mind tellin' me
what the fuck happened in your situation?
Man, kiss my ass.
This the only clean shit I had left.
- That's saying a lot about how you live.
- We getting paid to wear all black?
Look, I ain't lookin' out
for your ass no more, man. Put this on.
- Oh, shit. There go Mr. Drummond.
- Nah, nah.
That's Mr. Furley from Three's Company.
Hey, that's good, Ren.
Y'all finished?
This man been out there
shopping our stuff around,
trying to get money for Ruthless.
He tryin' to get us distribution.
He tryin' to get us on tour.
He could probably bring some real money to
the table, so let's take this shit serious.
Okay. And then what, E?
All he do is take 20 off the top.
We cut 80, but that's how managers work.
Fellas, all right. I'm sorry I'm late.
How's everybody doing?
I'm gonna be honest with you.
We've had a lot of passes.
Uh, people are scared of you guys.
Big time.
They think that you're dangerous.
Uh, I happen to think
that that's a good thing.
These fucking guys,
they need some more convincing.
They're so fucking timid.
So I invited them here to the show.
So you've got to kick ass tonight.
- Can you do that?
- Hell yeah.
They're gonna be here.
Scare the shit out of them.
Blow the fucking roof off, all right?
Have a good show.
Hey, can this motherfucker Jerry Heller
bring in more pussy?
'Cause that shit's worth 20%.
Hey, man. But for real though.
They want N.W.A?
- Let's give 'em N.W.A.
- Hell yeah!
- A'ight?
- A'ight!
Let's go get this money!
Now everybody say "Yeah!"
- Hell yeah!
- Hell yeah!
Louder! Scream!
# It was once said by a man
who couldn't quit #
# "Dopeman, please,
can I have another hit?" #
# The dopeman said,
"Cluck, I don't give a shit #
# If your girl kneel down
and suck my dick!" #
# It all happened
and the guy tried to choke her #
# Nigga didn't care
She ain't nothin' but a smoker #
# That's the way it goes
That's the name of the game #
# Young brothers gettin' over
by slangin' caine #
# Gold around his neck
in 14K heaven #
# Bitches clockin'
on the dick 24/7 #
# Plus he's makin' money,
keep the baseheads waitin' #
# Rollin' 6-4s
with the fresh-ass Daytons #
# Livin' in Compton,
California, CA #
# His Uzi up your ass
if he don't get paid #
# Niggas beggin' for credit
He's knockin' out teeth #
# Clockin' much dollars
on the first and 15th #
# Big wad of money
Nothin' less than a 20 #
# Yeah, you want a five
Oh, the Dopeman's got plenty #
# To be a dopeman, boy,
you must qualify#
# Don't get high off your own supply #
# From a ki' to a G
It's all about money #
# Ten piece for a champ,
base pipe comes free #
# If people out there
are not hip to the fact #
# If you see somebody
gettin' money for crack #
- # He's the #
- # Dopeman, Dopeman, sling that shit #
- # Dopeman, Dopeman #
- Louder!
# Dopeman, Dopeman
Just can't quit #
- # Dopeman, Dopeman #
- # Hey, suck this, bitch #
# Well, I'm the Dopeman
Yeah, boy, I wear corduroy #
# Money up to here, but unemployed #
# You keep smoking that rock
and my pocket's getting bigger #
# Yo, got that five-O
Double up, nigga #
# Yeah, high rolling,
big money I'm folding #
# Bitch on my tip
for the dick I'm holding #
# Strung strawberry
jocking me so early #
# Ho, you want a hit,
you gotta get your knees dirty #
# Well, that's my life
That's how it's cut #
- # Hey, Dopeman #
- # Bitch, shut the fuck up #
# Gotta make the run
It's a big money deal #
# Gankers got the fake,
but you can get the real from the #
- # Dopeman, Dopeman #
- # Yeah, that's me #
- # Dopeman, Dopeman #
- # Can I get a "G"? #
- # Dopeman, Dopeman #
- # Just can't quit #
- What do you think?
- # Dopeman, Dopeman, suck this, bitch #
Jerry, you're my friend.
But Compton? I don't think so.
Queens, maybe.
Listen, if you find the next Bon Jovi,
call me, okay? Good luck.
- All right. Thanks for coming.
- Sure thing.
# Somebody say "Do that shit
Do that shit, do it" #
# Do that shit, do that shit, do it #
# Say, "Do that shit!
Do that shit! Do it!" #
Do that shit, do that shit, do it #
# Now say, "Do that shit!
Do that shit! Do it!" #
# Do that shit
Do that shit, do it ##
Jesus Christ!
You wrecked these motherfuckers
tonight, boy.
The stage was shaking so much, I thought
my needle's about to jump off the record!
Yo, I was trippin' off them knowing
the words though. That shit was crazy!
Hey, yo, I'm tellin' you,
Compton is definitely on the map, yo.
- Damn right.
- That's for damn sure.
Man, I figured you were
gonna represent tonight.
- Good shit, my nigga.
- What up?
What you been up to?
You still out there in Vegas?
- This Suge.
- What's up?
Man, I just been back and forth, man,
doing some security, bodyguard work.
- Oh.
- Y'all need my services, let me know.
I don't think we gon' need no bodyguards.
We might got that covered.
But you never know
what you need until you need it.
I just came here to give y'all props.
Got people waitin' on me.
Excuse me.
Uh, okay, that was...
one hell of a show.
Nice job. Very, very nice, gentlemen.
You kicked ass. Yeah, you did.
You definitely did.
Okay, uh, this is Eazy-E
and N.W.A, obviously.
- Guys, this is Bryan Turner.
- How you doin', fellas?
- Ice Cube.
- Oh. Pleasure.
Bryan runs Priority Records,
and he wants to sign you.
Yeah, immediately.
Look, fellas, I gotta say,
I loved the show.
What you did with that crowd out there,
I mean, I've never seen anything like that.
So I think, honestly,
if you all wanted to,
you guys would fit perfectly
with our label.
- Yes.
- That'll work!
- That'll work. - Nah, nah, nah,
nah. No, it w... Hold on, man.
I mean, Priority Records.
I've never heard of it. What you got?
Like, is it Def Jam?
Like, the Beastie Boys? You know?
You know what I'm saying?
- Whoa, boys.
- Or is it more R & B?
You know... Prince, Michael Jackson.
- It's a little more...
- More that end of the spectrum.
More R & B as of right now, but...
Yeah, we represent nothing big,
but mostly R & B.
- Who dat?
- It's, uh, California Raisins.
The raisins from the commercial singing
"I Heard it Through the Grapevine" and shit?
Yes, Cube, the little-ass raisins.
That would be the one.
Hear it out.
Don't get ahead of yourselves, okay?
I was laughing, too, I promise.
Then I started cashing checks.
So, look, uh, I gotta tell ya, those
little fuckers, they went gold last year.
- Gold?
- Yeah, almost platinum.
- Yeah.
- What do you say, fellas?
You wanna go make a record?
I mean, yeah!
- Thank you. Appreciate it.
- Good?
He seriously dug it. He really dug it.
- You did it, Jerry.
- He did.
- Thank you, man.
- You did it.
All right, so look.
Your rhymes ain't tight,
it ain't makin' the record.
This ain't Lonzo's shit.
This the real deal. A'ight?
So your shit better be dope.
- Who up?
- Ren up.
- Get 'em, Ren.
- Get that shit, Ren.
- I got this.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
All right. Let's see.
- Hey, Yella. Play that shit.
- Yeah, yeah.
- # Yo, hit it! #
- # Ruthless, plenty of that and much more #
# So at the party,
Ren is controllin' the floor #
# They two-steppin'
Do your dance routine #
# It ain't a dream, my man,
You in a gangsta scene #
# I go to the party,
I hip, I hop the spot #
# I don't know what it is,
but the girls get hot #
# Perspirin' like
they're on fire and #
# Their so-called boyfriends
with 'em are retirin' #
# And for this reason
I'm a walkin' threat #
- # So when I'm on stage, I want... #
- # Quiet on the set ##
- # Express yourself#
- # I'm expressin' with my full capabilities #
# And now I'm livin'
in correctional facilities #
# 'Cause some don't agree
with how I do this #
# I get straight,
meditate like a Buddhist #
- # Express yourself#
- # Ah, ah, ah, yeah, ah, yeah, ah, yeah #
# Express yourself#
- # N. W.A, take... #
- Two! ##
- Hell yeah, Dre.
- Yeah, man!
You feel that shit, right?
Hey, check this out.
Fuck it up.
Yeah. That's what I'm talking about, man.
But you hear the difference, right?
- Yeah, way better than the shit I came up with.
- I know.
Excuse me, gentlemen.
I thought you'd like to know...
our deal
with Priority Records is done.
- Yes!
- Yes!
- Okay?
- That's what's up, man!
- Contracts right here for you to sign.
- Thank you, my good man.
Music keeps sounding like this,
this album is gonna be incredible.
Well, you're welcome, Jerry.
- Very strong lyrics too, Cube.
- Thank you, Jerry.
- Very strong.
- Appreciate that, Jerry.
So what's up with our contracts though?
They're getting done right now.
Lawyers are drawing 'em up.
Jerry on top of that.
But did you just switch all the straws?
Yo, Dre. There's something outside
you need to take care of.
Right now. Trust me.
Uh-oh. Really?
- We can split that.
- Cube. Right there, hush.
- Not this time.
- You know what I got for you.
Let me get this straight.
You gonna do this right here, right now?
What am I supposed to do? We're sleeping
in a twin bed at your auntie's house.
We have a baby, Andre. You expect me
to wait for what you doin' in there?
And you in the streets fuckin' around?
Are you crazy?
What? I'm out here bustin' my fuckin' ass
day and fuckin' night...
tryin' to create something.
You gonna come up in here, talkin' about
some fuckin' bitches? Are you crazy?
- You don't get it.
- No, you don't get it, Lavetta.
- Daddy!
- It's all right, baby.
Chill out, man.
Tyra, it's gonna be okay.
All right? All right, baby?
- Bye, Dre.
- Daddy love you.
- You cool?
- Fuck no, man. I'm far from cool.
- What happened, Dre? What she say?
- What'd you do?
- Oh, shit. Here we go again.
- Oh, shit.
One time. One time.
We cool. We ain't even doin' shit.
We not doin' shit.
You guys lost?
- Nah.
- You niggas supposed to be somewhere?
Yeah. Here.
- We working.
- Oh, you working?
Yeah, I'll bet.
- What we do?
- We'll find out in a minute what you did.
- What's this?
- Hey, shut the fuck up.
- What the fuck?
- Get your ass on the ground now.
Get on the ground!
On the ground?
What am I supposed to do with this?
- What we do?
- Hey. Get down.
- Get on the ground. Now.
- Get your punk ass on the ground.
Let's go. Get the fuck down.
Hands behind your back.
Interlock your fingers.
- This is fucked up.
- Interlock 'em!
- The fuck you got us on the ground like this for, Officer?
- For our protection.
There's seven of you and four of us. So sit tight and let us do our job.
- Officer, I'm sorry. What is going on?
- Sir, stay right there, please.
We're trying to check these bangers,
make sure they're clean.
I'm sorry.
These are not bangers. Okay?
These are artists.
- Excuse me? Artists?
- Yeah.
- Seriously?
- Yeah.
- What kind of artists?
- Rappers.
And they're working with me
in the studio right now.
Well, see, rap is not an art.
- I'm sorry. Who are you?
- I'm the manager.
- Well, you're wasting your time, Mr. Manager.
- You gotta be kidding me.
- You're wasting your time.
- Really?
These clients of yours, these rappers,
they look like gang members.
You can't come down here and arrest people
just because of what they look like.
What, are you crazy?
That's police harassment.
- You said you're a manager, right? Not a fuckin' lawyer.
- Does that matter?
You cannot come down here
and harass these guys...
because they're black!
- People have rights!
- Step back!
I'll step back, you let them up.
Get up, guys. Come on. Eric!
You don't tell them to get up.
We will decide that.
You have no idea the people I know.
I'm gonna call the mayor's office.
Step back.
Now get up.
Get up now!
- Okay. Come on, guys.
- And you keep your people in line. You understand?
- And the fuck out of Torrance.
- Good. Come on.
- You got a problem?
- It's my jersey.
You ain't tough now, huh?
Just get to steppin'.
Eric, come on. Let's go.
- You got a problem?
- Yella.
- I didn't hear you.
- Let's go.
You's a fuckin' sellout.
Shut up.
Everything's fine. Okay?
- Yeah.
- You got something to say?
- Cube.
- You got something to say, boy?
Cube. Get inside.
Let's get back to work.
You heard what your master said.
Get inside, boy.
- You shut the fuck up!
- Hey.
Get the fuck back inside.
Get inside, Cube.
We're gonna go back and work. Okay?
Leave us alone.
- You know? Leave us alone.
- Fuckin' rap music.
- You're fuckin' disgraceful.
- Yeah.
I got something for this beat.
Hey, Yella, cut it.
- What is it lookin' like, Dre? It's hard?
- Yo.
- Hell yeah, Cube.
- Yeah.
This gon' start some shit,
but this what we need. Hell yeah.
# Fuck the police
Comin' straight from the underground #
# A young nigga got it bad
'cause I'm brown #
# And not the other color
so police think #
# They have the authority
to kill a minority #
# Fuck that shit,
'cause I ain't the one #
# For a punk motherfucker
with a badge and a gun #
# To be beaten on
and thrown in jail #
# We can go toe to toe
in the middle of a cell #
# Fucking with me
'cause I'm a teenager #
# With a little bit of gold
and a pager #
# Searchin' my car,
lookin' for the product #
# Thinkin' every nigga
is sellin' narcotic ##
# Feel a little gust of wind and I'm jettin' #
# But leave a memory
no one'll be forgettin' #
# So what about the bitch
who got shot? Fuck her #
# You think I give a damn about a bitch?
I ain't a sucker #
# This is the autobiography
of the E #
# And if you ever
fuck with me #
# You'll get taken by a stupid dope brother
who will smother #
# Word to the motherfucker
Straight outta Compton #
# Compton, Compton, Compton ##
Got 'im.
Hey, Dre! What's up, Cube?
- They lovin' that shit.
- Hey, what's up, Cube?
1580 KDA Y.
This is Greg Mack of the Mack Attack.
I gotta tell you,
you are witnessing history.
LA's first supergroup, N. W.A, with their
new album Straight Outta Compton,
and they're taking the nation by storm.
I need to know, are you going out there with them or not?
No. I had enough of that shit
in the '70s.
But I'm gonna fly out there a bunch
of times and I'm gonna check on them.
Can you just make sure
that everything goes smooth, please?
I've got enough bad press with
Tipper Gore and the PMRC on my ass.
- I know. It's a good contract.
- Getting ready to get outta here, guys.
Excuse me. What's going on?
What do you have in that bag?
This right here? Just a little
of the shit I was selling in Reno.
- Are you kidding me?
- Are you fucking nuts?
Jesus, Eric. Are you out of your mind?
- What?
- You can't take that on the bus.
How am I supposed to protect myself
when I'm out there on the road
riding through Texas and fucking Tennessee
and shit where they lynch niggas?
- You got me?
- I got you, okay?
I'm not gonna let you take
an arsenal on tour, Eric.
Use your fucking head.
Jerry, look, just take care
of the business side.
I'm gonna make sure
everything else good.
Otis. Get the bags.
Put them on the van.
You feel better? We're not even
riding with them no more, Jerry.
- Unbelievable. Jesus Christ.
- Do not put those arms...
Bryan, it's fine. It's fine.
I got it under control.
- I swear to you, okay?
- Handle it. Please. For me?
- I'm gonna handle it. It's fine.
- Thank you.
- Can y'all hear that?
- Yeah!
Well, clap your hands then!
Come on!
- Eazy!
- Everybody come on!
- Eazy!
- Who'd y'all come to see?
- Eazy!
- A little louder! Come on!
- Eazy!
- Get those hands in the air!
# A miracle
of modern creation #
# Eazy-E's on the set
hyped up with the bass #
# And a little bit
of what ya love #
# From a brother
who's smooth like a criminal #
# I mean subliminal #
# Otherwise known
as a villain #
# Because I'm ruthless #
# When I spot a sucka,
I kill 'em #
# But most I think
know not to deal with me #
# Yo, it's obvious
Tell 'em who you came to see #
- Eazy!
- Everybody come on!
- Eazy!
- A little louder! Say it!
- Eazy!
- Come on, say it, say it, say it!
Gangster rap has become
incredibly popular and profitable...
by selling lyrics about violence
to a young mainstream audience...
that wouldn't dream of going
anywhere near a ghetto.
Not all music stars,
as you know, are model citizens.
Some have had run-ins with the law.
That's certainly nothing new.
But now a few musicians have
taken that to new heights.
Or to new depths.
Baby, yeah.
That is so good.
- Yella.
- Hmm?
You in there watching porn
with the door open?
Yo, that's what I said, man.
What the fuck?
No, it's not even like that.
Fuck y'all, man. I'm back here
tryin' to write. Fuck y'all, man.
Oh, you tryin' to write.
Good night, Lorenzo.
Fuck y'all sleep.
That shit was crazy!
No, man, no.
I gotta go. All right?
You gotta let me
come fuck with y'all in Miami.
Okay. Now you try partakin'
of some of those fat asses?
Come on, bro. I'm tired of these same...
Man, I need something new.
No, what you think Ma gonna think
about you comin' on tour, huh?
'Cause you know you got school,
and you know she ain't gonna let you
miss that many days, man!
- You did.
- Come on, man! That's my point.
Hey. Hold on. Hold on.
- So, look, how Mom doing now?
- She good.
But you know her, constantly working, man.
Every day, man.
Make sure you take care of her, a'ight?
Hey, look, I'll tell you what.
You stay your little ass outta trouble,
I'll call you when I'm on the way to Miami,
see about getting you on a flight.
- I can come out there?
- You can come out here.
- You promise?
- I got you. I got you, a'ight?
- Hey, bring the rubbers, T.
- Get off the phone.
I still got the same ones
you gave me a long time ago.
Hey, hey. Hold on, T. Somebody at the door.
Hello? Dre?
Hold on!
Yeah, nigga, I'm lookin'
for my girl Felicia.
I heard she was up
in one of these rooms.
Ain't no Felicia in here, nigga.
Mind if I take a look?
Get the fuck outta my room, man!
This nigga just came
to my motherfuckin' door strapped, man.
- Where you going?
- I'm gonna show that nigga strapped.
- Hey, where Felicia at?
- Where Felicia?
- Hey, Felicia.
Hey, Felicia.
You Felicia? Felicia? Her dude here.
All right. So none of y'all
are named Felicia now. Okay.
Hey, Yella!
- Your name Felicia?
- You forgot my name?
- No, wait! Valerie. Your name Valerie.
- Whatever.
- He forgot her name. Damn!
- Felicia! Girl, your nigga's out there.
- She's suckin' dick though.
- He got guns, girl.
- What?
- The nigga is strapped.
I'll show this nigga right now.
Talkin' about strapped.
Hey, Ren. Nigga outside
talking about strapped.
- Watch out.
- Hey! What's that...
Talkin' 'bout strapped.
Let's ride, nigga. Time to go to work.
Y'all looking for Felicia?
She in there or what?
She kinda preoccupied
with some real nigga dick.
The fuck you say, little nigga?
I said she got a motherfuckin'
dick in her mouth, nigga!
- Oh, it ain't fun no more?
- The fuck y'all going?
Nigga, she's trying to compensate.
- Wow!
- Nigga, them fat niggas was bullshit!
- Punk-ass niggas, man.
- Bitch-ass niggas.
Y'all wild.
Nigga runnin' so fast.
That shit was crazy.
- Tryin' to get me killed?
- Whatever.
- Crazy.
- Nigga, ain't tryin' to take no bullet for no bitch.
Bye, Felicia.
# Gangsta, gangsta #
# Gangsta, gangsta #
# He'll tell you exactly how he feel #
# And don't want
a fuckin' thing back #
# Homies all standin' around,
just hangin' #
# Some dope-dealin',
some gangbangin' #
# We decide to roll
and we deep #
# See a nigga on Daytons
and we creep #
# Real slow,
and before you know #
# I had my shotgun
pointed in the window #
# He got scared
and hit the gas #
# Right then I knew
I had to smoke his ass ##
You're flying up
the Billboard 200 Albums chart.
R & B and hip-hop charts too. You have
any idea how many records we're selling?
Ruthless has arrived, Eric.
We're fucking huge.
That is dope, Jerry.
That's dope.
The Combined Law Enforcement
Associations of Texas today
called for a halt to sales of the album.
I believe that the rap music
promotes violence against authority
and, consequently,
violence against law enforcement.
Fifteen on that!
- Fuck, man!
- Hey. Come on. Put that shit up.
Excuse me! Gentlemen, I'm sorry.
- I don't mean to be the bearer
of bad news, but... - What you got?
- Oh, shit.
- What's that?
Motherfuckin' FBI.
What the fuck?
I'm supposed to not care about this?
- Wait, the FBI? They comin' after us too?
- Kind of.
I mean,
what the letter say, Jerry?
Uh, basically, uh...
"A song recorded
by the rap group N.W.A...
on their album
Straight Out Of Compton...
encourages violence
against law enforcement.
Advocating violence
and assault is wrong,
and we in the law enforcement community
take exception to such action. "
- Fuck that.
- Fuck that.
Fuck the law enforcement community.
We got freedom of speech.
What the fuck can they do to us?
You wanna provoke 'em and find out?
Because this is a warning, Cube.
And it's about "Fuck Tha Police"
in particular, so,
I think, uh, maybe we should
not play that song right now.
Not play what? Fuck that, Jerry.
That's what the song is about.
Relax, relax. We're not giving in to anything.
I just say we retire it for now.
It is a reasonably worded threat.
This isn't, uh, street bullshit.
This isn't the Crips and Bloods and crap.
This is the federal government.
These guys can come after us
a million different ways.
I don't even want to think about it.
Why provoke them?
- The fuck does that mean?
- If it was the LAPD, maybe I'd be a little worried.
- But we can't let them censor us, Jerry.
- I'm not advocating for censorship, Cube.
Maybe none of us should be worried.
Maybe we should be happy.
What you mean, E?
'Cause this right here is a gift.
- It's the FBI, E. What you talking about?
- This...
is free publicity for N.W.A.
We take this to the press
and we show them...
what type of intimidation,
discrimination and harassment...
that we dealing with from our government.
- I like that shit.
- I'm with that.
My nigga, I feel you.
- If that's what you wanna do, then we can...
- That's what I wanna do.
That's what we wanna do, Jerry.
That's it.
That's what we wanna do.
- Okay. Uh...
- Yeah?
We good?
- I hate to be the bearer of bad news...
- Mm-hmm?
- But 20!
- Twenty, man!
- Wait a minute! That ain't 20!
- Hey, hey, hey!
Shh. Let's not get thrown out
of another fuckin' hotel.
Good night, Jerry.
- Compton's crap!
- Go back to Compton!
Ain't that some shit.
Speak a little truth,
and people lose their minds.
This is not music!
Shit, the truth is, they can do
whatever they want with 'em.
They bought them motherfuckers.
# I don't drink brass monkey,
Like the beat funky #
# Nickname Eazy-E
your eight-ball junkie #
# Bass drum kicking
to show my shit #
# Rapping holding my dick, boy
I don't quit #
# Crowd-rocking muthafucka
from around the way #
# I got a six shooter,
yo' mean hombre #
# Rolling through the hood
to find the boys #
# Kick dust and cuss
and crank up some noise #
# Police on my balls,
I had to pause #
# 40 ounce in my lap
and it's freezing my balls ##
For the sake of our children,
I implore each of you
to be unyielding and inflexible
in your opposition to drugs.
'Cause another one called me
and told me she's pregnant by you too.
You just gotta slow down.
You can't fuck every broad on the planet.
- So now pussy a problem?
- It's gonna be a problem if you got 4,000 kids.
- Right?
- Yeah.
You make some money, you got all these
problems, you have to take care of 'em.
It's fine.
I'll help you take care of 'em.
- Hey, Cube.
- Sorry to interrupt y'all lobster brunch.
But what's up, E? Where the contracts
at, man? You forgot about me?
Didn't I tell you to... You know what?
Jerry, you wanna deal with this?
- I'm not talking to Jerry. I'm talking to you.
- That's Jerry's job.
That is actually... It's my department.
You're absolutely right to ask, Cube. The
contracts are being finalized as we speak.
The thing is, with these attorneys,
they'll take forever.
Poring over it, they'll bleed us dry.
But they're gonna get done.
I wish I got paid by the hour
the way they do. You know?
Me too.
I just want to know what's goin' on, since
I did write a lot of lyrics on this record.
Everybody knows
how important you are, Cube.
They do?
That's what's goin' on.
We just need some time, that's all.
Everything probably all right.
I must be trippin'.
Shit tastes pretty good.
Someday, right?
- Y'all enjoy your meal.
- Okay.
I'm telling you, that guy wants to be you
very frickin' badly.
As if I ain't got enough
fucking problems.
Excuse me. Can I get a refill.
At some point, you just gotta trust somebody.
You know?
You gotta trust somebody.
Nah, I just think
you overreacting, man.
Eazy one of us, Cube. What you
thinkin' don't even make sense.
What don't make sense is Eazy and Jerry
eating steak and lobster...
and we eating Fatburger.
Shit don't make no sense.
Look, I hear you, but I think
we need to ride this wave.
For real.
Don't be jumping to conclusions
until you know for sure.
You know?
It's my moms, man.
Yo, Dre.
What's going on?
Moms just called, man.
It's Tyree.
He's dead.
- What?
- No.
He got into a fight.
Some motherfucker broke his neck.
It's my little brother, man.
It's my little baby bro.
I never told y'all this.
But when I was 12,
my sister got killed.
Her own husband killed her,
then killed himself.
This dope gang took my cousin too.
Shot him in the trunk of a car.
Fuckin' Compton, man.
Come on, man, like...
It's my fault, man.
- This never would've happened...
- Don't talk like that.
if I had him out here, man.
It's my fuckin' fault.
It coulda happened in another way.
You can't blame yourself for that, Dre.
Tyree gonna always be with you.
No matter what.
- Yeah.
- That's right.
- Yeah, for real, man.
- And we always gon' be with you.
- Hell yeah.
- That's for damn sure.
We always gon' be brothers.
We here. All right?
- I'm sorry, man.
- You good, Dre.
We all here together.
This is not on you, Andre.
If I had just brought him
on tour with me, like he wanted.
Stop this nonsense now. Stop it.
Your brother looked up to you,
and you took great care of him.
We both did.
It's time to let someone else
take care of him now.
I'm proud of you.
"No person shall disturb the
peace by participating or abetting...
in any rude, indecent, drunken,
riotous or violent conduct...
or the use of any vulgar, obscene
or abusive language in a public place.
Note also the performance
of the song 'F the Police'...
will not be permitted.
Refusal to abide by all
the Detroit city ordinances...
will result in immediate arrest
and forfeiture. "
Are we finished here?
We got a show to do.
Just watch yourself.
Eat a dick.
It's "Fuck tha Police. "
# Straight outta Compton is a brother
that'll smother your mother #
# And make your sister
think I love her #
# Dangerous muthafucka
raising hell #
# And if I ever get caught
I make bail #
# So what about the bitch
who got shot? #
# Fuck her
You think I give a damn about a bitch? #
# I ain't a sucker #
# This is the autobiography
of the E #
# And if you ever
fuck with me #
# You'll get taken
by a stupid dope brother who will smother #
# Word to the muthafucka
Straight outta Compton #
# Compton, Compton, Compton ##
Eazy! Eazy! Eazy! Eazy!
Eazy! Eazy! Eazy! Eazy!
Eazy! Eazy!
Damn, that shit was dope!
What's up?
Let's do this shit.
- What's up?
- Let's do this shit.
- What's up? Let's go.
- What's up?
Hey, hold on, hold on.
Y'all know what the motherfuckin' police
tried to tell us backstage?
They tried to tell us
what the fuck we can't play.
Motherfuckers tryin' to tell us...
what the fuck we can't say.
This N.W.A!
We do what the fuck we wanna do.
We say what the fuck we wanna say!
So everybody...
put them middle fingers high in the sky.
And to the punk-ass cop backstage...
- Yo, Dre.
- What up?
I got somethin' to say.
# Fuck the police
Comin' straight from the underground #
# A young nigga got it bad
'cause I'm brown #
# And not the other color
so police think #
# They have the authority
to kill a minority #
# Fuck that shit
'cause I ain't the one #
# For a punk muthafucka
with a badge and a gun #
# To be beaten on
and thrown in jail #
# We can go toe to toe
in the middle of a cell #
# Fuckin' with me
'cause I'm a teenager #
# With a little bit of gold
and a pager #
# Searching my car,
looking for the product #
# Thinking every nigga
is selling narcotics #
# You'd rather see me
in the pen #
# Than me and Lorenzo
rolling in a Benzo #
# Beat a police out of shape #
- # Then when I'm finished #
- What up?
# Bring the yellow tape #
# To tape off the scene
of the slaughter #
# Still gettin' swoll
off bread and water #
# I don't know
if they fags or what #
# Search a nigga down
and grabbin' his nuts #
# And on the other hand,
without a gun, they can't get none #
# But don't let it be
a black and a white one #
# 'Cause they'll slam ya down
to the street top #
# Black police showin' out
for the white cop #
# Ice Cube will swarm #
# On any muthafucka
in a blue uniform #
# Just 'cause
I'm from the CPT #
# Punk police
are afraid of me, huh #
# A young nigga
on the warpath #
# And when I'm finished,
it's gonna be a bloodbath #
# Of cops dyin' in LA #
# Yo, Dre, I got
somethin' to say #
# Fuck the police #
# Fuck, fuck
Fuck the police #
# Fuck the police #
# Fuck, fuck
Fuck the police ##
- Hey, hey, hey, hey!
- Run! Get in the bus!
Hell! They shootin'! Let's go!
Go, go! All units, move in!
- Move! Move!
- Go, go, go, go!
- Come on! Go!
- Let's move!
Let's go, man!
Let's go! Let's go!
- Come on, Yella! Hurry up! Hurry up!
- Let's go! Let's go!
- Fuck this!
- Come on!
- Shit! Fuck!
- Shit, shit, shit!
- What we gonna do?
- Come on!
Get off me!
Backup! We need backup
in the loading area!
Come on! Get the fuck off me, man!
- Fuck all y'all!
- You got a Taser?
This is completely fucking illegal!
You realize that?
- Let us go!
- Let me go!
- Come on, man!
- Fuck you!
- Come on!
- Eazy-E!
- Fuck you! Fuck you!
- Get in there!
- All right!
- Fuck you!
Fuck the police! Fuck the police!
Fuck the police! Fuck the police!
Fuck your mama.
Fuck your daddy. Fuck your grandma!
These motherfuckers.
Fuck all this!
No, fuck y'all! Fuck y'all!
Fuck the police!
How do you explain inciting a riot in Detroit?
What do you have to say about that?
I have to say that, uh,
we didn't incite that shit.
Right. Y'all just got a snapshot
of how Americans really feel.
We gave the people a voice.
We gave the people truth.
Yeah, but your songs, they glamorize
the lifestyle of gangs, guns, drugs.
Our art is a reflection of our reality.
What you see
when you go outside your door?
- I know what I see.
- And it ain't glamorous.
We get AKs from Russia
and cocaine from Colombia.
- And ain't none of us got a passport, so...
- Yeah.
- Might wanna check the source.
- Next question.
Will you be more careful about
what you say, how you say it?
- No.
- Probably not, no.
Freedom of speech
includes rap music, right?
Well, we exercising our First Amendment
as far as I'm concerned.
And the government wrote that.
So, Cube, what's a guy from Compton do
when he starts making real money like this?
Buy Raider gear.
And curl activator.
Next question.
Good to see you, Cube.
I can barely see you, Jerry.
What's with all the Godfather shit?
I know that you've been very eager...
to sign a contract with Eric's company,
Ruthless Records.
Eric's company?
Ain't it your company too?
That's incorrect.
It's not my company. I work for you.
- You work for me?
- Uh-huh.
I've made that clear from the beginning.
All right, cool. So I could take this
to a lawyer or somebody, right?
Cube, those guys are paid to make trouble.
They're gonna create problems
where no problems exist.
Jerry, you know I don't know what
none of this legal shit mean. All right?
None of us do. We're gonna need a lawyer
before we sign anything.
Everybody else has already signed.
I thought you knew this.
You're the only one who hasn't.
There's also this.
Sign the contract...
and all this money is yours.
That's my money anyway, Jerry.
I earned that money.
- Now, I wrote a lot of hit songs.
- Mm-hmm.
We've been performing on this tour for
months... sellin' out shows, sellin' records.
- I know it's plenty of money.
- Really?
Jesus Christ.
- Give me my money, Jerry.
- How the hell do you think this works?
How the hell do you think
all of this gets paid for?
The hotel rooms, the tour buses,
security, the parties, all this shit.
- How do you think it gets paid for? You think it's free?
- Why are you doing this now?
If we were so good, why didn't you give us
contracts in the beginning?
Because nothing is a sure thing, Cube.
Even a great talent can crash and burn.
Too much ego, too much excess,
too many expectations.
It tends to ruin things.
You ought to keep that in mind.
This Eric's company, right?
Bye, Jerry.
I'm out.
What up, big Suge?
- Here you go.
- Thank you, sir.
Coming up.
Hey, what up
with D.O.C. and Suge? Hmm?
I guess that dude
is gonna be managing him now.
One day you Bobby Brown's bodyguard,
and the next day you reppin' talent.
Come on, man.
- I guess everybody wanna get into the act, huh?
- I guess so.
All right, man.
I know, right?
- How you doin'? You good?
- Here you go.
I'm helping you out all I can.
You all right?
- Yeah?
- Yeah, I'm good.
What's going on?
You hungry? Yeah?
I'll be there in a minute.
All right?
Thanks, man.
- Thanks for everything, bruh.
- You bet.
So, Cube, we gonna keep
this momentum going or what?
Nah, man. Not like this.
I'd rather be broke than to get fucked.
I told you not to sign that shit, Dre.
Nigga, I got bills to pay.
And you know that.
And I gotta put some money in my
mama's hand after Tyree passed, man.
- I feel you.
- Right.
We gotta do what we gotta do.
They're gonna take care of you.
You their bread and butter.
Cube, we Ruthless.
We N.W.A.
They Ruthless.
Cube, you comin'?
I'm about to get out of here.
- Take care of yourself, Dre.
- Peace.
- Mom.
- I missed you.
- How you doing?
- I'm good.
- Good.
- Come. Let's get home.
All right.
- So, you're leaving the group?
- Yeah, I'm through with the bullshit.
- So, you're leaving the group?
- Yeah, I'm through with the bullshit.
Eazy put everything on Jerry.
Jerry put everything on Eazy.
It's a two-man show up there.
Ain't no fuckin' group.
I get that, but I just
want you to understand...
that you are walking away
from a winning situation.
Now, how do you feel about this, Kim?
Is he making a big mistake?
- A mistake?
- Yes.
I don't think so, okay?
After hearing all the stuff
that he went through, I would've left too.
Look, I want you
to express yourself, Cube,
and I am your biggest fan.
I believe in you,
but I just want you to understand...
there's not a lot of money
in this solo play.
But if the first record hits,
I will make it up to you
on the second one.
Be ready, Bryan.
These records is comin' in fast.
# I heard payback's
a muthafuckin' nigga #
# That's why I'm sick of getting treated
like a goddamn stepchild #
# Fuck a punk
'cause I ain't him #
# You gotta deal with
the nine-double-M #
# The damn scum
that you all hate #
# Just think if niggas
decide to retaliate #
# They try to keep me
from running up #
# And never tell you to get down
It's all about coming up #
# So what they do?
Go and ban the AK #
# My shit wasn't registered
any fuckin' way #
# So you better duck away
Run and hide out #
# When I'm rolling real slow
and the lights out #
# 'Cause I'm about
to fuck up the program #
# Shooting out the window
of a drop-top Brougham #
# When I'm shooting
let's see who drop #
# The police, the media,
suckers that went pop #
# And muthafuckas
that say they too black #
# Put 'em overseas
They'll be begging to come back #
# They say he promote
gangs and drugs #
# You wanna sweep
a nigga like me up under the rug #
# Kicking shit called street knowledge #
# Why more niggas in the pen
than in college? #
# Because of that line
I might be your cell mate #
# That's from the nigga you love to hate #
- # Fuck you, Ice Cube #
- # Yeah #
# It's the nigga you love to hate #
- # Fuck you, Ice Cube #
- # Baby, your mother warned you about me #
- # It's the nigga you love to hate #
- # You ain't doing nothing positive ##
# Now I lay me down
to sleep #
# Ooh, I just can't find a beat #
# Flash light #
# Oh, I will never dance #
# Flash light #
# Flash light #
# Flash light #
# It's no use... ##
You know Cube's record is
in the Top 20 Billboard right now?
Our shit never been up there.
He blowin' the fuck up, Jerry.
It's gonna be fine. Eric.
It's not just N.W.A anymore.
It's our whole Ruthless roster.
We got D.O.C. We got
Michel'le. We got Above the Law.
We're moving up to the next level.
You know what?
Sit down for two seconds.
- Look, we need to keep Dre happy.
- Yeah.
Look at him. You think he needs
any more motivation than that?
I mean, I get it, Jerry.
He drownin' in pussy and shit.
- But that don't mean that he...
- You-You worry too much.
- Stop, okay?
- Yeah, all right.
- Here, sign some checks.
- Right now, Jerry?
- Yes, right now.
- Oh, come on!
You're gonna be out of your mind later.
Do it now.
The fact is, Ren is as good a writer
as Cube, maybe even better.
They got everything covered.
Just the last one.
Yeah. We finished here, Jerry?
We're finished.
Good. I'm about to go fuck.
- All right?
- Yeah.
# Help him find the funk #
# Most of all
he needs the funk #
# Help him find the funk #
# Most of all
he needs the funk #
- # Help him find the funk #
- # Whoa-oh #
# Most of all
he needs the funk #
# Help him find the funk #
# I know you will #
# Dance, sucker #
- # Most of all #
- # Shine the spotlight on him #
- # Help him find the funk #
- # Oh, funk me #
# Ha da da dee da
hada hada da da ##
I'm only telling you
what you told me.
If AmeriKKKa's Most Wanted blew up,
you'd pay me the advance
for the follow-up.
- Now, is that not what the fuck you said?
- That is what I said.
But it is more complicated
than that, Cube.
- All right? There are metrics...
- Come on, Bryan!
I got a baby on the way
and a house I just paid for...
off the strength of what you told me.
I mean, you gave me your word.
- Cube, would you just calm down?
- Calm down?
- I am just trying to give you what you want.
- You not.
I been did the work. I gave you the
product. Give me my money, Bryan.
When a man does the job,
he's supposed to get paid,
and you making it seem like I'm beggin'
for some shit that's technically mine.
Of course you are not begging.
And I am not trying to be difficult, man.
I promise you.
But you can't help me, right?
That's what you telling me?
My hands are tied, man.
Have everybody in at... Hey.
Shoulda kept your word, Bryan.
Jesus Christ, man!
What the fuck are you doing, Cube?
I will get you your money, man. Just...
Goddamn it!
You think I give a fuck
about these fucking records?
I put up these fucking records!
This my shit!
I know that, Cube!
I will get you your money!
- Goddamn it! I'm sorry!
- Now I'm gonna fuck up your shit.
Look, do not...
Goddamn it!
Just... Fine.
Take it out what you owe me.
- Just...
- Okay.
Prisoner like a hostage #
# Yo, you shoulda covered
your muthafuckin' head like a ostrich #
# Deep in the dirt
'cause you's a sucker #
# And your ass up high
so I can kick the muthafucka #
# Don't try to hang
You best avoid #
# 'Cause my foot will be so far up your ass
you'll get hemorrhoids #
# Before you try
to fuck with Ren #
See that shit right there?
That's what I'm talkin' about.
Fuck that nigga Cube, man.
Nigga ain't shit.
How you figure, man? His record
the hottest shit out right now, E.
Yeah, man, for real.
Cube killed that shit.
So we supposed to just sit there
and not say nothin'...
and look like bitches and just take it?
Take what?
I don't know what the fuck you
talkin' about. I like that shit.
- Clown-ass.
- Why you drunk all the goddamn time?
You need to get your shit together.
You's a motherfucking artist,
if you ain't noticed.
How about you get your shit together,
little nigga?
- Come on. - How about you
get your country-ass homeboy?
# 'Cause the vocals
were local in nightclubs #
# And not gettin' paid in full
They got the nerve to cuss #
# Only reason niggas pick up your record
is 'cause they thought it was us ##
# Swing down, sweet chariot #
# And let me ride #
# Swing down, sweet chariot #
# And let me ride #
- Hello.
- Yo, Dre.
D. O. C. was in an accident.
What? An accident?
DOC shouldn't even be alive.
Got thrown out a car, hit a tree.
Is he paralyzed?
No. But his throat got crushed.
He could lose his career over this.
Where your people?
Where Eazy and Jerry?
How the fuck should I know?
Come here.
What you know about Jerry?
What you think about him?
He all right. I guess.
What about your paperwork?
You cool with that?
- I think.
- You think?
Look, I just focus on the music, Suge.
That's it.
You see that motherfucker in there?
Gotta make sure it
don't happen to you, man.
Hey, um...
Maybe... Maybe some of your people
can look into my paperwork too.
Most definitely.
I'll arrange.
Go see your boy.
This place is nice.
You're nice. I figured
I'd take you to a nice place,
Ms. Record Executive.
Record Executive Assistant.
But, damn.
I didn't realize we was going on
like a "date" date.
I don't even know how to take that.
I got my collared shirt on.
I brought you to this nice restaurant.
That is not the kind of collared shirt
they was talking about.
It's cute, though. And you didn't take off
your hat like they asked you to.
- And I'm not.
- Oh, really?
I ain't taking off my hat for nobody.
- I think they know that.
- So what?
You bring all your little females here,
don't you?
The special ones.
I'm playing. I'm playing.
There you go getting sensitive.
You don't have to try to impress me.
We could've went to Fatburger.
Go to Fatburger?
Hey. You got a haircut.
I love it.
- How's that new house treating you?
- It's great. Thanks for asking.
So, uh, how you liking
your new decor?
Great. Yeah, I never did like
the old design anyway, you know?
What you got for me, Bryan? I know
you called me up here for somethin'.
It's N.W.A's new record.
I wanted to play it for you first
before you hear it anywhere else.
# Break me, take me, but
watch me pull the trigger #
# Dre is just a nigga with heart
A nigga that's smart #
# A nigga that's paid to say
what others are scared to play #
# We started out
with too much cargo #
# So I'm glad we got rid
of Benedict Arnold, yo, N. W... #
Benedict Arnold?
Are they trying to say
that you're like a traitor?
- Yeah.
- I'm a fuckin' traitor?
I ain't say shit about them
on AmeriKKKa's Most Wanted.
Now they tryin' to dis?
# Goddamn, I'm glad
y'all set it off #
# Used to be hard,
now you're just wet and soft #
# First you was down
with the AK #
# And now I see you
on a video with Michel'le #
# Lookin' like straight bozos #
# I saw it comin'
That's why I went solo #
# And kept on stompin' #
# While y'all muthafuckas
moved straight outta Compton #
# Living with the whites #
# One big house
and not another nigga in sight #
# I started off
with too much cargo #
# Dropped four niggas
Now I'm making all the dough #
# White man just rulin' the Niggaz
Wit'Attitude Who ya foolin'? #
# Y'all niggas just phony #
# I put that on my mama
and my dead homies #
# Yella Boy's on your team,
so you're losing #
# Hey, yo, Dre,
stick to producing #
# Calling me Arnold,
but you been-a-dick #
# Eazy-E saw your ass and went in it quick #
# You got jealous
when I got my own company #
# But I'm a man, and ain't
nobody humpin' me #
# Tryin' to sound
like AmeriKKKa Most #
# You could yell all day,
but you don't come close #
# 'Cause you know
I'm the one that flowed #
# Ya done run a hundred miles,
but you still got one to go #
# With the L-E-N-C-H M-O-B,
and y'all disgrace the CPT#
# 'Cause you're getting fucked
out your green by a white boy #
# With no Vaseline #
# Now you're getting done
without Vaseline #
# Damn, it feels good
to see people on it #
# The bigger the cap,
the bigger the peelin' #
# Who gives a fuck
about a punk-ass villain? #
# You're getting fucked
real quick #
# And Eazy's dick is smelling
like MC Ren's shit #
# Tried to tell you
a year ago #
# But Willie D told me
to let a ho be a ho #
# So I couldn't stop you
from gettin' ganked #
# Now let's play
big-bank-take-little-bank #
# Tried to dis Ice Cube
It wasn't worth it #
# 'Cause the broomstick
fit your ass so perfect #
# Cut my hair
and I'll cut them balls #
# 'Cause I heard you like
giving up the drawers #
# Gangbanged
by your manager, fella #
# Getting money
out your ass #
# Like a muthafuckin'
Ready Teller #
# Giving up
the dollar bills #
# Now they got the villain
with a purse and high heels #
# So don't believe
what Ren say #
# 'Cause he's going out
like Kunta Kinte #
# But I got
a whip for ya, Toby #
# Used to be my homey
Now you act like you don't know me #
# It's a case of
divide and conquer #
# 'Cause you let a Jew
break up my crew #
# House nigga gotta run... ##
- Mm.
- Mm-mmm.
That shit's kinda funny.
That motherfucker got us.
Yo, what we about to do?
First thing we're gonna do...
sue this ignorant fuck.
That's what we're gonna do. Defamation
of character, libel. I don't really care.
That anti-Semitic piece of fucking shit.
Who the fuck does he think he is?
That kind of fucking bullshit?
Jew-bashing bullshit?
You know what?
I'll call my friends at the JDL.
Uh, they'll handle him.
We'll see how much he likes that.
Jerry, you gotta relax. All right?
Niggas don't even know what anti-Semitic
means anyway. It's just a fucking battle rap.
Come on, Eric.
We gotta get organized.
We got to fight this kind of
ignorant fucking bullshit.
You know what? I always knew
that he was a hateful human being.
This is just ignorant shit.
He calls it political?
This is ignorant shit.
I always knew it.
Now the whole world is gonna know.
I'm gonna make sure of that. Okay?
I don't understand why the fuck
you're not more angry about this.
- Did you hear what he said?
- I heard what he said!
About you? About me? Come on!
You got your way of dealing with it.
I got mine.
We could just go to the studio and just
end his fucking career anyway.
I don't know about all that.
Fine. You do that.
You call Dre, and you guys go do that.
Do something.
Damn, E. Who work for who?
What? You questioning that?
My position is fucking solidified!
Don't never question that shit!
Fuckin' Cube, man.
- They comin'.
- Hey.
There go that nigga, Cube, right there.
What that Ruthless like, nigga?
Fuck Ruthless!
This Lench Mob, nigga.
Nigga, fuck Lench Mob.
Oh, shit!
Shit! Shit!
Oh, shit!
We've all seen the
pictures of Los Angeles police officers...
beating a man they had just pulled over.
The city's police chief said today...
he will support criminal charges
against some of the men.
- Here's ABC's Gary Shepard.
- At least we got the motherfuckers on video.
LAPD gonna have a real good time
on that level-three prison yard.
- You know what I'm saying?
- Dre, maybe we should try to get back to work.
We are working, Jerry.
I'm having a word with my client.
Hold up, man. We got this.
Nah. We got it.
You done? Suge?
Jerry? E? Huh?
...including one incident
that sparked the Watts Riots.
So far this year, there have been more
than 125 complaints...
of police misconduct...
filed with watchdog organizations.
Yo, Dre. Hold up.
Look, I did what you asked me to do.
I had my people look at your contracts.
It didn't look good.
But you gotta watch your back.
What you mean by that?
Everything you need to know is here.
And you know I can help you with this.
Help you with something?
This your house?
Who's asking?
It's a nice house.
Uh, who are you?
You're with, uh, Suge Knight?
Someone else? Ice Cube?
Have yourself a good night.
#... first to get shot #
# Whoever said that what I say
and portray is negativity #
# Need to come kick it
in the city with me #
# And find the black
and crack the fact #
# And take that shit back
'cause they don't wanna fuck with that #
# There's too many niggas
to try to calm #
# If motherfuckers could get it,
nobody would fuck with it #
# Appetite for destruction #
- # For him to get a bit more shit,
he gotta commit... # - ##
So, what's up?
When you talked to me on the phone, man,
you sounded pretty worked up.
Yeah, I know you don't like
hearing this shit.
It's about Jerry, man.
We gotta get rid of that motherfucker, E.
That's really why you came here?
I thought all this shit
was in the past, Dre.
This some real shit, man. And the shit
been happening since the beginning.
I had some people look into this.
I ain't been gettin' my fair share.
Do you even know
why you rich though?
Do you know
why you got a big-ass house...
and you ain't sleepin'
on your auntie couch no more?
Because Jerry made that possible for us.
He kicked down the door
for that shit to happen. For us.
And you just gonna turn your back on him?
What, you Cube now?
Cube was right, fool.
E, look at the papers, man, and you'll
see what the fuck I'm talkin' about.
And forget about Jerry, man!
You keep talking about Jerry this, Jerry that.
We didn't make it because of Jerry.
We made it because our shit is dope.
And we can keep going, E.
We can own the goddamn world, but we
just can't be fucking with him no more.
Man, we started this N.W.A shit.
I just want it to be right.
And this what you think right?
Turnin' your back on somebody
after all he done for us.
You mean all he done for you.
Look at me.
Look at me.
When Tyree died,
you said we was always gonna be brothers.
But I guess you forgot about that.
I'm-a start my own company
with Suge Knight, E.
Thought we were brothers, man.
- I think he's Five-O.
- # I can feel it #
# Tonight's the
night I get in some shit #
# Deep cover
on the incognito tip #
# Killin' muthafuckas
if I have to #
# Peelin' caps too
'cause you niggas know I'm comin' at you #
What up, Dre?
- This Death Row. We about to do this shit.
- That's what I'm talkin' about.
# With the swiftness
So get it right with the quickness #
# And let me handle
my business, yo #
- # I'm on a mission and my mission won't stop #
- This shit sound good.
Yeah. None of it means anything
while I'm under contract with Ruthless.
I told you about that.
I'm gonna get you out of
your contracts, I promise you.
Yeah, all right.
What up with you, cuz?
What up?
- What up, lo?
- What up, Dre?
- What's up, Warren?
- Chillin', man.
- You good?
- I'm great. You good?
- All right.
- Dr. Dre.
- What's up?
- What up with you?
- What's goin' on, man?
- Yeah, yeah.
So, look, I listened to your demo.
It was tight.
- You see that little look he gave me?
- Yeah.
Yo, yo, yo. Hold up.
Who the fuck is this guy?
Oh, my bad, Suge. This the homey Snoop.
Snoop D-O-double-G, cuz.
Who you?
- What?
- What the fuck you say, blood?
Ho, ho! Hey, hey! Hold on. Hold on.
He with me. He with me.
He ain't with me.
Nah. He's here to work, all right?
This is business, Suge.
Come on, man.
Anyway, what's this you
workin' on, cuz? I like this.
So look, you know,
it's a new track for this new movie.
It's called "Deep Cover. "
Ooh. Ooh-wee. It's for a movie, huh?
- Yeah, a movie, man.
- Dre doing big shit. Okay, okay, okay.
You think you can get down on it?
Oh, most definitely.
Throw me... Throw me in the booth.
All right.
# Chill
Let's hit a deal #
# If it ain't up to what you feel
then grab your steel ##
It's perhaps the most notorious
police brutality case in recent memory.
Those blows from Officer
Powell and Officer Wind's batons...
continued and continued
for no just reason.
They just let them people do
whatever the hell they want.
Rodney King's leg
and facial bones were broken.
Three of the four
accused officers took the stand...
and admitted that it was brutal,
but said police work is brutal
and that the videotape...
- Who is it?
- I don't know.
You watchin' this shit upstairs?
- Hello?
- Yo, it's Suge.
We gotta talk about these contracts.
Why you don't talk to Jerry
about that shit?
I don't wanna talk to Jerry.
It's your company. You the man.
All right.
Whatever, man.
I'll be through there.
He had it in a power swing,
and he...
- Who was that?
- Nobody.
...right across the top
of the cheekbone,
splitting his face
from the top of his ear to his chin.
Where Dre at?
- You said he was gonna be here.
- I'll get with you outside.
Don't worry about Dre.
Truth be told,
he got nothin' to do with this.
This what's gonna happen.
You gonna sign these,
releasing Dre and D.O.C. from Ruthless.
Whatever, homey.
You think I'm signing that,
you crazier than I thought you was.
I'm out.
Get your ass up.
Nah. I think you're
gonna stay here for a while.
Fuck you, Suge!
Y'all niggas don't scare me.
You can talk tough all you want,
but this ain't no record.
Don't make me change you, Eric.
Fuck that's supposed to mean?
Keep talkin'. You're gonna
fuck around and get smoked.
Nah, nah. But you better choose right.
You know where the fuck I'm from.
This Bompton, nigga.
Oh, my fucking God.
Eric. Jesus Christ.
What the hell are you doing here?
You can't sneak in here like that.
I thought you were...
Oh, my God. What's going on, man?
Are you okay?
What happened to your face?
I gotta kill this motherfucker
Suge Knight.
I just came here to let you know,
'cause shit might get a little thick.
I need to stay protected.
No, you're not gonna do that. No.
I didn't come here to ask for permission.
I came here to let you know.
You wanted to be involved with
this gangster shit? Here we go.
You do that, and you're gonna ruin
everything we've worked for.
You really think I got a fucking choice?
Look at my face!
This the streets.
Motherfuckers came at me!
Came at us!
If I don't hit back, we finished.
It's over.
I'm not saying that we're not
gonna hit back.
But this is not Compton...
if you haven't looked around.
Drop that shit, okay?
We don't hit back with bullets.
We hit back with lawyers.
We drain these assholes.
That really takes 'em down.
It ain't about the money, Jerry.
- I don't care about no money.
- Of course it is.
And you should fucking care
about the money.
You're so much smarter
than these fucking thugs.
You wanna kill somebody?
You're gonna go to jail forever.
No more family, no more Ruthless,
no more anything.
If you kill this man,
his problems will be over,
and yours will just be beginning.
Don't be a fucking fool.
Why the fuck I gotta be the bigger man?
'Cause it's better
than you being a dead man.
I don't want you fucking dead.
You okay?
Let me see.
- Why you so tense, Dre?
- No, I'm cool.
Man. No, you're not, man. You've been
in that house, what? A month now?
Nigga, and not one track?
I mean, what's up?
There's too much interference.
Man, you know how they
tryin' to starve me out.
Playin' games
with my motherfuckin' money, man.
That's why the house was
so goddamned empty.
- Hey, come on, man.
- I'm fucking with you, cuz. Hit this.
- All right, man, give me that shit.
- Here it is.
Fuck I'm taking about.
How you feeling righteously together.
- Holy shit.
- Oh, hell no.
Goddamn, man!
What the fuck is in this shit, Snoops?
- That right there, that's that Chronic, cuz.
- Yeah.
- Chronic.
- Yes, sir.
- Let me hit that once.
- Yeah.
- Look it.
- Wow, man.
Let me hit that once, man. Damn.
- All right. Let's head back to the studio.
- Let's go.
I got something for this.
Damn, Dre. What the fuck is that?
Feelin' that shit.
- Yeah, you feelin' it?
- Yeah!
- Hey, hey, look, I'm gonna spit a little something.
- All right.
You feel me? You say whatever...
You just jump in, nigga, and just...
Hold on.
Look, I got something. Here we go.
# One, two, three
and to the four #
# Snoop Doggy Dogg
and Dr. Dre is at the door #
# Ready to make an entrance,
so back on up #
# 'Cause you know
we about to rip shit up #
# Gimme the microphone first
so I could bust like a bubble #
# Compton and Long Beach together
Now you know you in trouble #
- Uh-huh.
- # Ain't nuthin' but a "G" thang, baby #
- # Two loc'ed out niggas, so we're crazy #
- Uh-huh.
# Death Row is the label
that pays me #
- # Un-fadable, so please
don't try and fade this # - Ooh!
# But back
to the lecture at hand ##
I want to thank
you for having us here.
- Of course.
- Very generous for you to give of your time...
with, uh, everything
that's going on right now.
Not a problem.
Now, if I may...
Are you anti-Semitic?
Now, I thought this was about
the Rodney King trial.
Well, the JDL recently got involved,
citing the lyrics
about your former manager, Jerry Heller.
I'm not anti-Semitic.
I'm anti-Jerry Heller.
Let me ask you something.
Do the JDL condone Jerry's behavior
when it comes to my situation?
Him trying to get me to sign a contract
without legal representation?
- I have no idea.
- I didn't think you did.
But when you got that for me,
we can continue on this topic.
Until then, I'm here to talk about the beating
of an unarmed motorist, Rodney King,
and four guilty LAPD officers...
who seem to be Daryl Gates's
standard issue.
It's also the LAPD and the FBI...
who feel that your negative portrayal
of police condones violence.
"Fuck tha Police" is
just a warning, that's it.
You can't treat people like that
and expect 'em not to rise up.
I'm a journalist just like you...
reporting what's goin' on
in the hood.
The only thing that's different
is that I'm brutally honest.
And what's your relationship
with the Nation of Islam?
They my brothers.
You know what?
That question right there proves to me...
what kind of a unprepared
sandbag reporter you are.
You talkin' to me like I'm some
elected official,
like I'm running for office.
But I get it. That's your job.
Bigger the story, the bigger the check
in your field of work.
It's not your fault.
I shouldn't blame you.
- What's your name, man?
- Brian.
Eat a dick, Brian. Get the fuck
out my house. Y'all done here.
Can we cut, please?
# So wide can't get around it #
# So low
you can't get under it #
# So high
you can't get over it #
# So high you can't
get over it #
# Da-ah #
# This is a chance
This is a chance #
- # Da-ah #
- # To dance your way #
- # Da-ah #
- # Out of your constrictions #
# Da-ah #
# Tell suckah #
# This a chance
to dance our way #
# Out of our constrictions #
# Gonna be freakin', up and down #
# Hang-up alley way #
# With the groove our only guide #
# We shall all be moved #
# Ready or not, here we come #
# Gettin' down on
the one which we believe in #
# Can I get it on the good foot? #
# Gettin' down just for
the funk of it... ##
Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me.
You look like you're ready to go.
Yeah. I'm just waiting on my friend.
I should've drove.
- You're not havin' a good time?
- No, no. No, I had a really good time.
But now it's starting
to get a little wild.
Yeah. We've been known
to get crazy from time to time.
- I'm Andre.
- I'm Nicole.
Come on, man. Lighten up.
We're about to get back in the game.
Big time.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
How do you figure?
Are you trying to piss me off?
Come on. God almighty.
Did you forget about Ren's new album?
Or did you forget about the fact
that you are working on something
I think is gonna be bigger
than anything N.W.A ever did.
All I know... Mm!
Fucking Cube out here...
- Doing it big. Making movies and shit.
- Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Then I keep hearing about this album
Dre about to drop.
Dre is a fucking producer, Eric.
Producers don't rap.
We have him under contract.
He can't do anything.
Cheer up.
Eat, drink and be merry.
- Suge.
- Hey.
- How you doin'?
- All right.
Jimmy Lovine, Interscope Records.
- Nice to meet you.
- You too.
So, what do I call you?
Dre? Dr. Dre? Doc?
Nah, Dre is cool.
- Go ahead. Have a seat.
- All right.
- It's good.
- Yeah.
- So, what do you got today?
- Um...
Well, you know.
I heard John McClain gave you my album.
- What'd you think?
- I think it was great.
So, you're the artist on the record.
Who produced it?
- I did.
- Okay. And who mixed it?
Hey, come on, man. I did.
Listen. I don't know
anything about hip-hop,
but I know that this is special.
Thank you.
Look, we'd love to bring in Interscope,
but there's a little problem.
- What's the problem?
- Ruthless.
Lawsuits and contracts.
Well, how about this?
You give me three weeks,
and I don't wanna hear any bullshit...
about you shopping this
anywhere around town.
If you do that,
I believe I can solve your problem
with the contract.
Lil' nigga, you in my spot?
- Yo.
- Hey, Suge.
- Suge. Easy, man, yo...
- Hey, Suge, what the...
- Hey, Suge.
- You parked in my motherfuckin' spot or what?
- I didn't... I didn't know, man.
- It's cool.
You little fuck!
- Suge, it's just a parking spot.
- Get off of me!
Come on!
Move this piece of shit.
And park my car.
And I better not see one drop of blood
on that motherfucker.
Suge, let's go, man.
The jury in the Rodney King case
has delivered its verdict,
and not one of the four police officers...
seen on videotape
beating Mr. King a year ago...
is guilty of using excessive force.
They've all been found not guilty.
Oh, for Christ's sake.
- Oh, my God.
- Judy, the details.
Peter, it was a clean sweep
for the defendants.
Not guilty, the verdict for all of them.
- Only on one count against Lawrence Powell...
- I'm sorry.
on excessive use of force
under color of authority...
could the jury not agree.
It's probably the worst case
of police misconduct that I've ever seen.
- Fuck the police!
- Fuck the police!
It was devastating to the image
of this city and our police department.
It looks kind of like
we're in a warzone though.
We've got some
courageous shop owners here, who are armed.
Anarchy is obviously a statement
of political dissatisfaction.
Police officers are still back down...
guarding the area down there
where the Ralph's...
...the police are
using, eerily reminiscent...
of military-style assault weapons.
The cars have been left
abandoned, because their drivers came under attack.
...the fire that
we showed you and that police presence.
We have fires burning.
Olympic. Pico.
More than 100 injured,
mostly in the South-Central
section of Los Angeles.
No justice! No peace!
You know, if we bag all this shit up in ounces,
we should probably be straight.
Looks like we got enough.
No, turn it down. Turn it down.
Baby. Can you smoke
that shit out there?
So, all this weed
is for your Ruthless artists?
Yeah, I mean... Shit.
I'm tryin' to take care of these little
money problems, man, so...
They can smoke it, sell it. Fuck, throw
a party on it, for all I give a fuck.
As long as I just...
Yo, man, you straight?
- E, you straight?
- Yeah, I'm good.
- No, for real, man. You straight?
- Man, I'm good!
I'm just fucking tired, man.
I'm fucking downgrading houses.
How would you feel? Answer me that.
Dre rolled out. Ruthless money low.
Tomica asking me
all kind of questions about the house.
Answer me this. Would you be all right?
Would you be all right
moving out your fucking house?
- You all right with it?
- E, I'm your boy.
I'm... I'm in this shit with you.
I'm just trying
to make sure you good, bruh.
I'm good! You good?
- You good?
- Yeah, man.
- Eric.
- What, Jerry?
Take it easy. You know what?
Let's get you out of the house.
I have stuff needs your autograph, okay?
- I'll come when I have time, Jerry.
- Eric, come on.
We still got a business to run.
Don't it look like I'm
running business right now?
No. It looks like
you're fucking cutting up weed.
I thought that was a job
for fucking jackasses.
You know what, Jerry?
You right.
You absolutely fuckin' right.
We got business to take care of.
I'll see you in a minute.
You all right?
E, are you cool?
"You got knocked the fuck out. "
That shit is funny.
- Hey, baby.
- Hey, baby.
How's Friday coming?
This shit is funny.
I'm feeling it though.
Hmm. What page are you on?
I'm not going too much longer though.
Baby, come here. Look!
# Going off on everybody like that #
Look how young y'all are.
# With bass that's
droppin' in your face #
# So give it up smooth #
# Ain't no tellin' when
I'm down for a jack move #
- # Here's a murder rap to keep you dancin' #
- Dang!
- What?
- # With a crime record like Charles Manson #
We left a lot
of good records on the table.
# Now you know that
I'm about to act a fool ##
It's like I don't even
know what I'm doing no more.
I don't know where
the money going.
Why you stressin'?
You know I know the business.
Just... Shit, just lay out all the files,
contracts, whatever it is,
and I'll look into it.
For real. Come here.
Come here.
You just go to New York.
You take care of this big ol'
distribution deal with Sony.
Bring that shit on in.
All right?
And I'll check into everything else.
I love you.
- You what?
- I love you.
You what?
So how's your home life, man?
What? That small-ass house I just
moved into in Norwalk?
Fuckin' hate it.
No, come on. You know what I mean.
I mean your love life, Eric.
You seem pretty serious
about this girl.
- I ain't in love.
- Oh? You had me scared there for a minute.
- You're too young to settle down.
- You don't have to be scared of that.
Oh, man. Wait till you taste this.
Kung pao chicken.
And it is better the second day.
There you go.
Dig in.
So, where is this girl from, again?
Look, Jerry.
I actually ate right before I came.
So I'm just gonna take this and go.
Hold on. Hold on.
Where are you going?
I just came to get this.
These are my bills, my checks.
Look, I'm gonna have a bite
of your food.
I'm gonna say farewell.
I'll talk to you later.
Your neighbors,
they've been complaining a lot.
- About the noise.
- Stop.
Man, I just think
a little privacy would be better.
So what? You want me to move?
And I... You know,
I happen to know of a place.
There's plenty of room,
and I know the owner.
Are you sure
you're ready for that, Andre?
Yeah, I am.
'Cause I'm really feeling you like that.
I'm really feeling you too.
Hey, don't even worry about it.
It was just a thought.
What's up?
All right. Good night.
Oh, whoa, whoa. Really?
- Good night?
- You okay to drive?
No. Look at you.
- Good night, Andre.
- Nah. See...
See, I can't help thinking maybe
you want me to come inside.
- Of course I do.
- So, what's different now? Huh?
I got a lot to think about.
You're asking me to move in with you.
That is a huge step.
I like you, Andre,
but there's a lot going on around you.
What you mean?
I know about the whole
Death Row business...
the assault charges, the shooting.
Just seems dangerous.
My son is my world.
I hear you.
Good night.
# Hail Mary,
run quick see #
# What do we
have here now? #
# Do you wanna
ride or die? #
# La da-da-da-da,
la la la #
# I ain't a killer
but don't push me #
# Revenge is like the sweetest joy
next to gettin' pussy #
# Picture paragraphs unloaded
Wise words being quoted #
# Peeped the weakness in
the rap game and sewed it #
# Bow down, pray to God
hoping that he's listenin' #
# Seeing niggas coming
for me and my diamonds... #
What up, Dre?
What up, Pac?
I'm about to bust niggas
in the mouth with this new album.
Okay, I feel that.
- Suge said you got some heat for a nigga.
- Hell, yeah!
- Play that for him.
- Okay.
# California love #
- Yeah. You feel that?
- Ha.
Fuck with me.
- "California Love. "
- Yeah.
# California knows
how to party #
# California know how to party #
What the hell was that?
Hey, hold on, Pac.
Stay right there, man.
Yo, shut up,
shut up, shut up!
Sic that motherfucker!
Come on, man.
Stop, man!
- Chop, chop. Chop.
- Come on, man!
Get hype! Get hype!
What the fuck are y'all doing?
Check this out.
Get him. Time to eat.
Who's hungry?
You hungry, nigga? Yeah.
- Get up.
- Come on!
Bring your bitch-ass up.
Tighty-whitey-ass nigga.
You know what to do.
- I'd like to make a toast.
- To what?
- To Death Row Records.
- Death Row! Death Row!
And Suge, for making all this happen.
And may the West Coast reign forever.
Come on. Come on.
- And may the West Coast reign forever.
- Bitch-ass nigga.
- Now toast to Dr. Dre.
- That's right.
Put your glass down.
I said put the fucking glasses down!
Hey, yo, slow your roll, Dre. Come on.
This why we got money?
To act like we ain't got
no goddamn sense?
We coulda did all this dumb shit
back in Compton.
But this what the fuck y'all turn into.
You sittin' up here eatin' fuckin' crab.
Who the fuck are you? Huh?
This my motherfucking name
on the wall, man!
And y'all in here acting like y'all
on motherfucking vacation.
I got Pac in the next
motherfucking room.
Grindin', man. Workin'!
And y'all niggas in here partyin'?
One time?
- You trippin'.
- That's right.
- Yeah.
- We can do anything we wanna do.
We started this thing. This is us.
Nah, nigga. Death Row, that's us.
I don't know what the fuck this shit is.
Better watch your mouth, blood.
And who the fuck you talking to, huh?
- Nigga, you ain't nothin' but a producer.
- Get the fuck out my face!
- Yo, yo, yo!
- Get him off me, man!
- Dude!
- Get the fuck off me, man!
Ah, shit!
This is bullshit.
Always fucking with me!
Drop the keys out of the window!
Open the door.
Step out of the vehicle.
Hands in the air.
Keep 'em up. Hold it there.
Turn around.
Turn around.
Fingers behind your head.
Hold it right there.
Hey, that's Eazy.
- What's up, E? I didn't know that was you.
- All right.
- Hey, what's up? What's up, homey?
- Yo, what up?
Hold up. Hold up.
Hey, hey. Hold up.
Relax, homey. We in a club.
Cube, I just heard you was over here.
Yeah, I'm here.
What you need?
Everybody to calm the fuck down,
from the looks of it.
I mean, I was just
in the neighborhood, man.
I came here with Bone Thugs.
I was just coming to say what's up.
What's up?
I saw Boyz n the Hood.
It was good.
You ain't called that shit
a after-school special?
I like after-school specials, Cube.
You know that.
What's up, man?
How you feel? You good?
Hell, yeah, nigga, I'm good.
- It's good to see you.
- That's what I'm talkin' about, Eric.
- It's good to see you right now.
- Look at you!
Pull your fuckin' homies off me
then if it's good to see me.
- You had niggas jump us.
- Goddamn!
How you go from selling rocks
in the dope house...
to having dinner in the White House
with the president?
They still trying
to figure that shit out.
But, hey, all publicity...
Is good publicity.
- You know it.
- You know that's right.
Man. Look, man, I...
I wish that dumb shit really would've
never popped off between us.
We shouldn't have dissed each other
in the first place.
Making the fans choose between us?
That wasn't cool.
You right.
- You ever think we'd be that big though?
- Hell no.
I was just talking to my wife about that...
how it was in the beginning.
- Yeah.
- Shit, we just wanted to do music for the neighborhood.
Be ghetto stars.
But what if we had
the chance to find out...
how big we could really be?
Come on, man, you got my mind workin'.
I be thinking
about that shit all the time.
If we could just take that shit back
to '89. We changed the world.
I hear you.
It was a simpler time, you know?
It was hard then. But I've had days...
where I almost wish
we was gettin' arrested in Detroit again.
Shit. You know?
Shit ain't gotta stop there.
But if we go do this,
we gotta do it right.
And if Dre with it, I'm with it.
But I don't know
your relationship with dude.
But if you want me, Eric,
Jerry can't be there.
All right.
Hey, man.
- Shit.
- It's 'cause you ain't got them damn gloves on.
Man, whatever.
But I hear you.
- You said it.
- All right.
These invoices haven't been paid.
They're two or three years outdated.
These are canceled checks.
They all bounced.
And these are past due.
Jerry took advantage of you.
I know it's a lot,
but you had to know the truth sometime.
Now you do.
You know, Dre and Cube
tried to warn me about this.
I've been fuckin' up for a long time.
Don't. Don't.
A really long time.
Hey, man.
Where you been?
I've been calling you all day.
Sit down, Jerry.
What is this all about?
Uh, the groupie?
The executive assistant?
She even go to college?
Man, you're so much fucking
smarter than this.
Sit down, Jerry.
This ain't about Tomica, Jerry.
This about you.
And you can stop acting like you
ain't never done nothin' wrong.
You know what, man?
I know that you're upset.
I understand.
But I'm asking you...
I'm advising you,
take a breath, okay?
I'm gonna look at the paperwork, Eric.
- You can stop giving me advice as of now.
- It's fucked up.
Here's what's about to happen.
I'm-a get N.W.A back together,
and you ain't gonna have
nothin' to do with it this time.
How the fuck can you even
say something like that?
What the fuck
is going on with you, man?
I know what's good for you.
I know what's good for Ruthless.
And we have worked up a trust
after years of hard work.
And that trust is our foundation, Eric.
I don't give a shit. Eric.
You look lousy, man. Are you okay?
Trust is a motherfucker.
Is it?
Let me ask you something.
Eric, if what I'm doing is so illegal,
how come I've never
been sued, hmm?
If I'm such a fucking thief,
such a liar, such a motherfucker,
how come nobody's
ever come to collect?
Because this is business,
and this is how it works.
And it's not always pretty. No.
Do I cover my own ass?
Do I cover my own end? Absolutely.
But don't you dare fucking tell me
that I have not taken care of you.
Don't you fucking tell me...
that I have not
had your back from day one!
Day one!
Is this taking care of me?
Are you fucking kidding me?
It's taking care
of the whole fucking thing.
It's business! And this is how it works.
Have I covered my end?
Do I cover my ass? Absolutely.
But don't you dare fucking tell me
that I have not taken care of you.
This business too?
Yes. This is business.
This is how fucked up it can get.
But I didn't start this.
I didn't fuck it up.
You did!
You did.
You fired, Jerry.
Oh, for Christ...
Eric, this isn't how we do things.
This is not you.
This is not you. Eric!
This is an important company.
Eric, I'm not gonna let you fuck this up.
Oh, for Christ's sake! Eric!
Yeah, hello?
Yeah, what up, Dre?
- Who this?
- Eric.
- E?
- Just felt like calling.
Yeah. Okay.
What's up?
I mean, you know me, man.
Doing my thing.
Killin' all this pussy.
- How about you?
- You know, man.
I'm just making tracks,
doing my thing.
Yeah, that Snoop joint you did
was crazy. That was dope.
Yeah? Thanks, E.
Good looking out, man.
Look, Dre, I know you be busy,
but, um, I talked to Cube,
and we were talking about some...
some possibilities.
Possibilities? Okay.
Yeah, like, without Jerry Heller type
of fucking possibilities.
Really? Well, it's about time.
Man, I mean,
I know shit kinda went crazy.
You know, the money
kinda had everybody divided, man,
but... I really wish it didn't.
It's, uh...
To be honest, man, I'm not proud
of all the shit I did either.
So, what you think, man?
You think we could get together, or what?
What you think?
Yeah, man.
Yeah, that sound good.
Let's do it, E. Let's do it.
I'm-a let you know when we can
get back into the studio, you know.
Lay down some tracks, like the old days.
- Fair enough.
- All right.
It's good to hear from you, man.
All right.
Man, y'all niggas ain't making no music in here.
- Hey!
- What's up, E?
What's up? What up?
What up? What up?
Yo, hey, when are Dre and Cube
gonna roll up in here, man?
- I'm ready!
- Yeah, man. 'Cause I'm ready to get this new shit going.
I'm ready too.
But long as we stay ready,
we gonna know we gonna be on, man.
Y'all already know
this new N.W.A shit about to be crazy.
- Here ya go, baby.
- E, I got books of new shit.
- I got libraries of new shit.
- That's what I'm talking about, Ren.
That's what I'm talking about.
I got the tracks. You like that?
Mm-hmm. Hell, yeah.
You think you Dre now?
I'm trying to murder Dre.
I'm about to murder both of y'all
on the track though. Check me out.
- Check me out.
- What you doing, E?
You know you don't play no instruments.
You gonna play it?
E, you all right?
Baby, you good?
- I'm all right.
- You sure?
Eric! Eric!
- Call 911.
- Eric!
- Eric. Get up, man.
- Baby?
Yo, call 911. Call 911.
- You all right, E?
- Baby? Eric? Eric.
- Eazy, wake up.
- Eric, baby!
- Open your eyes.
- Yes, we need an ambulance.
Wait. Ain't you gonna
say something?
What is it? A respiratory
infection? Pneumonia? What?
Yes, well, um,
it is those things and more, I'm afraid.
We ran a full blood battery.
And, uh...
I'm sorry, Mr. Wright,
but, uh, you've tested positive for HIV.
- Get the fuck outta here.
- Wha-Wha-What?
A normal T-cell count
is anywhere between 500 and 1500.
Right now, your T-cell count is 14.
But I ain't no faggot.
Mr. Wright, actually, um, the virus can be
transmitted in quite a few ways,
including unprotected heterosexual sex.
Uh... That's wrong.
You-You gotta test that over.
That's... Test that again.
We've run the test five times
with five different samples,
- and the result remains the same.
- Shit!
But she's pregnant, Doc.
What this mean?
It doesn't necessarily mean
that she's contracted the virus.
But, uh, we have to test her to be sure.
So, what do we do?
What... When we start the treatment?
I mean, what... I gotta get healthy.
I got things to do. I got...
Wha-What are we supposed to do?
Mr. Wright.
You need to understand
that you are very, very sick.
But I don't even feel that bad, Doc.
Don't tell me that. Don't tell me that.
With care and palliative care,
we can probably keep you comfortable...
for, uh, maybe six months,
at the very most.
What do you mean, comfortable?
It's just a matter of time.
I am... I'm truly, truly sorry, Mr. Wright.
I'll-I'll leave you time to, um, process this.
Come on, Doc. Come on, Doc. No.
Come on!
And one of the pioneers of gangster rap,
as the leader of the group N. W.A
has revealed he has AIDS.
We were totally unprepared for the kind
of outpouring of fan calls that we had.
We had over 7, 000 calls.
I can't.
Just let me make this right.
'Cause you healthy, hmm?
- And the baby healthy.
- Yeah. We're healthy.
- So?
- Okay.
But I just...
I love you.
And I don't want none of this.
I just want you to be... here.
- Are we ready?
- Yeah.
Tomica Woods, do you take Eric Wright
to be your lawfully wedded husband?
It's, uh...
It's Bone Thugs's new LP, man.
Everybody thinks
it's gonna be cool when it drop.
- It's gonna be huge, man.
- That's great.
Do you wanna hear it,
man? You... You wanna hear it?
Nah, man. Just leave it here for me.
I'll check it out later.
This is bullshit, man.
Hey, Yella, why don't you check
on him, man? See if he all right.
All right?
I... I'll call you when I get out of here.
All right?
- What's his condition?
- His condition...
He's in intensive care. Uh, we're
not certain where-where it's headed.
- What's up, Eric?
Rhythmic Beeping ]
It's Dre.
Man, I've been... I've been
makin' some dope new tracks.
This next N.W.A album,
it's about to be dope.
It's about to be huge, you know?
Hey, you remember that time when, um,
when we was making "Boyz-N-The-Hood"?
Your non-rappin' ass.
You was trippin' out, man, 'cause...
I love you, E.
You hear me? I love you, man.
Yo, Cube.
How is he doing? Can he...
Can he talk? Can he...
Nah, man. He in a fuckin' coma.
Got the machines
breathing for him and shit.
He ain't even conscious.
I need to hear his voice, Dre.
I wanna talk to him.
I want him to talk to me.
I feel that.
It's all right, man.
- It's good to see you, man.
- You too.
In Los Angeles this morning,
rapper Eazy-E has died
after a battle with AIDS.
He was among the most
powerful voices of his generation.
Towards the end
of his life, the rapper received...
more than two and a half thousand calls
a day from well-wishers...
...member of the group N. W.A,
which helped popularize
harsh inner-city rap music.
Wright was 31.
Eazy's gone.
He gone?
- Okay.
- Okay.
Damn, E.
Eazy wrote me a personal letter...
to read to each and every one
of his fans and loved ones.
"I just feel that I've got
thousands and thousands of young fans...
that have to learn about what's real
when it comes to AIDS.
I would like to turn my own problem
into something good...
that will reach out
to all my homeboys and their kin.
Much love to those
who have been down for me...
and thanks for your support. "
Pac is in the studio writing every day.
Snoop is doing his thing.
What y'all doing?
Y'all niggas gettin' too comfortable.
- Handle this shit. You know what I'm say...
- Suge.
What's the urgency, Dre?
I'm out.
I'm out of Death Row.
You ain't done.
Dr. Dre and Death Row are one and the same.
You just can't up and leave.
I'm doing my own thing, Suge.
I'm starting fresh.
Nobody to answer to but myself.
- It's time.
- You one stupid motherfucker.
You gonna walk away from all this money?
If you leave,
everything we created is mine.
Okay. Well, you know what?
You can have it.
You ain't taking nobody with you.
Death Row stays Death Row.
And you even think
about touching my money...
Motherfucker, you know how I gets down.
Do what the fuck you gotta do.
You can have the artists,
the money, the masters,
all your fuckin' bullshit.
I'm done.
I'm starting my own thing.
You can't put a price
on peace of mind.
I'm out.
I got all this nigga's money.
I got everything.
Get the fuck out. Go.
So, what you gonna
call that bullshit?
You are now about to witness
the strength of street knowledge.
It's just, like, they try
to hide what's goin' on
and we tell it like it is, you know?
# Straight outta Compton
Crazy muthafucka named Ice Cube #
# From the gang
called Niggaz Wit'Attitude #
You know it's gotta be hard.
'Cause if it ain't hard, it's weak.
# You too, boy,
if ya fuck with me #
# The police are gonna
have to come and get me #
MC Ren in the house.
When you making a record,
you gotta have some hype lyrics,
and you got that, it's gonna sell.
# Straight outta Compton
Another crazy-ass nigga #
# More punks I smoke, yo,
my rep gets bigger #
Eazy-E probably was one of the nicest
people you ever would have known.
Not as Eazy, but as Eric Wright.
# But I don't gave a fuck
I'm gonna make my snaps #
# If not from the records, from
jackin' the crops Just like burglary #
We make our records based on
stuff that's happening where we live.
And if people out there
that don't like it, fuck 'em.
# Straight outta Compton #
# Is a brother that'll
smother your mother #
Dre and Eazy had already been selling it
as cassette tapes. And they just blew up.
Eazy and Dr. Dre Wild & Wet Pool Party.
This is what it's all about!
"We wanted to invite you
to the president's luncheon. "
I said, if I go down there,
this'll start some shit.
# To me it's kinda funny
The attitude showin' a nigga drivin' #
When I think of N. W.A,
they weren't really music to me.
It was more like a real lifestyle.
Brothers from my neighborhood made it out.
# Niggas start
to mumble They wanna rumble #
# Mix 'em and cook 'em
in a pot like gumbo #
- You got the dopest album out this year.
- Thanks, man.
More than happy to get my career going
like I want it to go.
# Ain't no tellin'
when I'm down for a jack move #
# AK-47 is the tool #
You do not know how long I waited
to get in his booth...
and to have Dre out there
goin', "You ready?"
I waited all my life for that,
since Straight Outta Compton.
Dre's direction was helping me become
a strong lyricist, which I am now.
# That I'm down
with the capital CPT#
# Boy, you can't fuck with me #
Dre has taught me a lot.
Not just rap-wise,
but business-wise,
you know what I'm sayin'?
You'd have to even credit
both Eminem's and my success to Dr. Dre.
Apple's purchase of Beats
will be the biggest deal in its history.
Our music was like our weapon.
We let people know
that it's okay to say what you wanna say.
# As I leave,
believe I'm stompin' #
# But when I come back, boy,
I'm comin' straight outta #
# Straight outta
Straight outta #
# Straight outta
I'm comin' straight outta Compton #
- # Compton, Compton, Compton ##
- Ow!
Damn, that shit was dope!
# I just need y'all
to bear with me for a minute #
# While I talk
about the pages of my diary #
# Yeah
Listen up #
# Uhh, I remember
when I got started #
# My intention was to win #
# But a lot of shit changed
since then #
# Some more friends became enemies
in the quest of victory #
# But I made a vow
Never let this shit get to me #
# I let it pass, so I consider
that part of my history #
# And I'm strong
financially, physically #
# Mentally I'm
on a whole another level #
# And don't forget
that I came from the ghetto #
# Sold a new house for my moms
That's special #
# I let you going shopping
till your feet get tired #
# Then a new Benz
just for you to ride in #
- # When I didn't have it, you provided #
- # You provided #
# Don't be surprised
that I built an enterprise #
# And my house got a view
of the city like a high-rise #
# I'm just talking to my diary #
# When I open up my book
I think about the world later #
# No ink in the pen
No lines on the paper #
# I'm just, I'm just
I'm just talking to my diary #
# Sometimes when I got
a lot of shit on my mind #
# I'm just starin' at the sky
You probably thinkin' I'm high #
# I'm just, I'm just
I'm just talking to my diary #
# Now puff, puff, pass that
A nigga having flashbacks #
# I remember
how it used to be #
# Now my money like NASDAQ
My checks you can cash that #
# I remember
how it used to be #
# I used to be
a starving artist #
# So I would never
starve an artist #
# This is my passion
It's where my heart is #
# It gets the hardest
when I think about the dearly departed #
# Like the nigga
I started with #
# I know Eazy can see me now
looking down through the clouds #
# And regardless,
I know my nigga still proud #
# It's been a while since we spoke
but you still my folks #
# We used to sit back,
laugh and joke #
# Now, I remember when we
used to do all-nighters #
# You in the booth and Cube
in the corner writing #
# Where Ren at?
Shout out to my nigga Yella #
# Damn, I miss that #
# Shit, a nigga
having flashbacks #
# When I open up my book
I think about the world later #
# No ink in the pen
No lines on the paper #
# I'm just, I'm just
I'm just talking to my diary #
# Sometimes when I got
a lot of shit on my mind #
# I'm just starin' at the sky
You probably thinkin' I'm high #
# I'm just, I'm just
I'm just talking to my diary #
are now trafficking in drugs in cities
far from their own turf.
...Crips, the Bloods.
...has enabled the gangs to become
richer, better armed and better organized.
Drugs are menacing our society.
The war on drugs
is focused on crack, the super-addictive...
The Los Angeles Police Department's
CRASH program.
They will have
no dark alleyways to hide in.
I, Lieutenant Colonel North,
I don't recall that conversation.
You are now about to witness
the strength of street knowledge.
I'm about to give you this right here.
Who is it?
You know who it is.
Open the fucking door.
Open the door.
Hurry up, man. Open the fucking door.
- What's up, cuz?
- What's up, homey?
- A'ight.
- E.
So, what's up with you and this code knock,
asking me to say my name at the door?
We don't trust you motherfuckers.
- What y'all tryin' to do?
- You ain't heard?
Best runner got cracked.
Sent his young ass up to YA.
That's sad.
Fuck that gotta do with me?
Hey, Tasha!
- I'm right here.
- Get this dude a 40.
- God.
- Hurry up!
Nigga, I look thirsty?
I look thirsty to you?
- Here.
- Bitch, I just said I wasn't thirsty!
Hold up.
Why you gotta be so ruthless, Eric?
What, y'all don't want something to drink?
You want some pussy?
Not from these little strawberry bitches
you got up in here.
I want my fucking money.
Where the money at?
What the fuck you being so disrespectful
in my house for, cuz?
Nigga, this a dope house
that you already disrespecting.
Yeah, we good.
So, bottom line is we short.
So you gonna have to
let us hold on to that.
Oh, yeah?
Well, my people sitting right across the street
from your mama house right now.
'Cause if I don't show up,
they gonna show out.
Greenleaf, right?
That's the street she stay on?
You really wanna take it there?
You already took it there.
Shit, it's one time. They got a battering
ram. Get to the back, Rock!
Hey, man, get to the back!
They best not find
a motherfuckin' thing!
Get all that shit up in the roof.
Hurry up!
Man, get to the back!
- You know what to do with it.
- Yeah.
Oh, shit!
- What's taking you so long?
- Shit.
Hurry up!
Step up, girl!
Go, go, go!
Oh, shit.
Fuckin'... Fuckin' dog.
Jazz Funk]
# My life, my life,
my life, my life #
# In the sunshine #
# Everybody
loves the sunshine #
# Sunshine #
# Everybody
loves the sunshine ##
Record Winding Down]
What happened?
What you mean?
What happened with what?
Andre, boy, don't play with me.
Do you even care how it makes me look?
Called in favors to get your thoughtless ass
an interview, and you can't even show up?
Look, I'm...
I'm sorry, Ma. I just...
I got so caught up in this DJ stuff,
I forgot.
You have a child, Andre.
Spinnin' records ain't paying none
of the bills around here.
What you talkin' about? I get paid.
- So that makes you rich?
- It's a start.
Damn! Why you riding me so hard?
I'm not riding you, baby.
I'm trying to make you understand.
And you know how I run my house.
Now, you gonna have to go to school,
or you gonna have to go to work.
I don't even care if you are a janitor.
I don't care what you do.
Long as I own the company.
I know, I know.
- But you don't own the company. Lonzo does.
- Okay.
- You think we're done here?
- Yeah, I mean, you keep...
You got something to say to me?
You don't care
what I'm fighting for, okay?
I already know what
I want to do with my life,
and it definitely ain't sitting in some cubicle,
taking orders on a bullshit-ass job.
Shut up!
People used to tell me
I was too young when I had you.
Said I wouldn't be shit.
Said you wouldn't be shit.
Now, I worked my ass off to get us here,
and I refuse to let you throw it all away.
Hey, I grabbed some of your stuff.
Good lookin' out, T.
When you comin' back?
Man, I don't even know.
Got a lot of things to figure out.
Can I come with you?
Really? You've been crying this whole time
about us sharing a room.
And now you wanna come with me.
Man, get out of here.
You know Mom. She just...
She just want the best for you.
Hey, I know that, T.
But check this out.
I want the best for me too. A'ight?
That mean I gotta go.
Look, when I get set up right,
I'm gonna bring you with me.
Don't even worry about it.
I'm-a have you in Miami.
For real? You gotta get me to Miami.
- Yeah, man.
- Don't play, man. Get me somewhere.
Hey, I'll call you later.
For now,
stay your little ass outta trouble.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Hey, nah.
For real.
- All right, bruh.
- A'ight.
# Kick off shoes
Jump on the jock #
# Listen to the Jam Master
as he starts to rock #
# His name is Jay
and he's on his way #
# To be the best DJ
in the US of A ##
# Welcome to your life #
# There's no turning back #
# Even while we sleep #
# We will find you #
# Acting on
your best behavior #
What you been up to, Cube?
Shit. Writin' rhymes.
- You a poet now?
- The flyest one you know, nigga.
This nigga. Okay. I'll see you.
- Bye, Mr. Davis.
- Okay.
I wish somebody would try me though.
Funk, Muffled]
- That's all I'm saying.
Hey! Shit, nigga! Come here!
Hey, what up, cuz?
What up, cuz?
What's good, nigga?
Hey, cuz! What up?
What's up?
- Ha! Yeah!
- What you doin', nigga?
All good? Hey, what up, cuz?
Aw, get outta here, man.
You old mark-ass.
You see that shit?
Shut it down!
Open up the goddamn door, man.
- Hey, what's going on?
- Shut the fuck up, blood.
Y'all niggas ready to die today?
Don't get quiet now.
All that shit y'all was throwin' up
out the window?
What's up wit' it? Huh?
You didn't think we saw that, huh?
Let me see how you do that shit.
I was just playin', man.
I swear. I was only playin'.
You think niggas out here playin'? Huh?
Niggas die every day.
I kill Crips for breakfast.
Don't you ever put your motherfuckin'
hands up on no school bus, nigga.
- You understand me?
- Y-Yeah.
- Huh?
- Y-Yeah.
Y'all motherfuckers
need to gangbang them books...
instead of tryin' to be somethin'
y'all ain't.
Shit, you never know.
'Cause I might be the one
to kill your motherfuckin' ass.
Remember me.
O.G. 2-Tone. Crenshaw Mafia, blood.
# Another day in Compton #
# The thrill is high #
# Know somebody's watchin' #
# But I don't know why #
# Feel the fire burnin' #
# It touches the sky #
# Feeling coming at you #
# I won't die tonight #
- Yo, Dre and Jinx in there?
- Yup, they in there.
# I get by ##
Man Speaking]
- Hey, Auntie.
- Hi, baby.
- How you doin'?
- Just fine.
- Lavetta, where Dre and Jinx at?
- They in the back.
Hip-hop, Muffled]
- Excuse me.
- Come on, baby. Chill out. Take your nap.
- Hey, little mama.
Why you didn't say hi?
Hip-hop, Scratching]
- What up, Cube?
- What up?
# It's time #
Scratch that shit!
Damn, Dre!
- # It's time #
- Whoo!
- # It's time #
- Damn!
# It's ti... It's ti...
It's... It's... It's... #
- # It's time #
- Whoo! Yeah!
That's right.
- Whoo! Fuck that shit up, Dre!
- Yo.
- That shit was dope, homey!
- What's up, Cube?
Man! Had some crazy shit
happen on the bus today.
I had a Crenshaw Mafia O.G.
get on the bus,
pulled a gun out on us,
gave a fucking motivational speech
and then bumped out.
Shit was crazy.
You wanna avoid some more crazy shit,
you better not get up
on that stage and fuck up.
Ain't nobody gonna fuck up, man.
You must be stayin' a while.
Yup. Mama kicked him out
'cause of that mouth.
Shut your ass up.
She didn't kick me out. I left.
- Whatever.
- That's what they all say, homey.
You got them rhymes?
Man, I stay with the rhymes.
Man, I'm talkin' about that hard shit.
All I write is that hard shit, Dre.
So what's up, man? You ready for Doo-To's?
- Is Doo-To's ready for me?
- You know that's Compton, right?
They got body bags at the door.
Your ass better bring it.
'Cause if you don't,
you might end up in one for real.
Body bag?
Man, I don't know about that shit.
Ain't nobody fucking with you, Jinx.
You can tell your moms
to fix this fucking AC.
Man, what are you doing here, homeless?
Get off of me, nigga!
Well, fuck you! Fuck you!
Get the fuck off me!
Shit! The fuck you holdin' me for?
Get the fuck off me!
Where the fuck you going?
Hey, man, I'm just trying to get home, man.
I'm not even doin' nothin'.
Put your fucking hands on top of
your head. Interlace your fingers.
Spread your fucking legs.
- Stay the fuck down.
- Man, this hood is fuckin' hot!
- Shut the fuck up!
- What the hell is going on out here?
- Look, these boys, they all grew up on this block. Okay?
- Get back in the house.
That's my son. O'Shea!
- That's my son.
- Lady, I'm telling you.
Get back inside, or I promise you,
I will ruin your fuckin' night!
- Man, you ain't got to talk to my moms like that.
- Shut the fuck up!
- Motherfuckin' nigger.
- Oh, I'm a nigger now?
Wait a minute, my ass, motherfucker.
- Okay.
- Officer, can you explain why you jackin' us right now?
Man, I ain't explaining shit to you.
- Get the fuck up off the street.
- I'm on my property.
I can stand right here.
You got that?
Son! We right here!
Where you got the fuckin' rocks,
- Not everybody slangin' dope, man.
- I don't give a fuck!
This is LAPD.
I'm the only gangster out here.
- All right. They all check out.
- Check what? Y'all are just over here fuckin' with us.
- Get up.
- We got cards on all of 'em anyway.
- Pick your shit up.
- Stay out of trouble, man.
Okay, let's go. Head home.
- Stay back.
- Ain't doin' shit, man!
Get the fuck outta here.
- Hey, man...
- Take a fuckin' walk.
- Get the fuck outta here!
- This is bullshit!
You really want to be here?
This club full of Pirus.
We straight.
Yeah, thanks for the tip, homey.
These niggas.
I just wanna say this.
You should be a model.
Yeah, you look like a model.
Just sayin', you know.
- I look in your eyes and I see a Capricorn.
- Mmm.
You're a Capricorn, right?
I mean, I can look at a girl
and I know their sign. You know?
- It's just something I do.
- Oh. Mm-hmm.
- Look, I hope I'm not disrespecting
you, right? - Uh-uh. Not at all.
- Good. Good.
- Yella!
Lonzo coming, man.
- No, no. "Weak at the Knees. "
- Huh?
- "Weak at the Knees. "
- Oh.
Hey. I'm gonna go outside,
make sure nothing's poppin' off.
I want you to keep
these fat asses shakin'.
Don't play none of that
street-ass rap shit.
I want these motherfuckers
thinkin' about pussy, not pistols.
I saw you talking to my lady, man.
Keep your motherfuckin' hands to yourself.
All right.
Man, why you always fuckin'
with Lonzo's girl, man?
Why not?
Can't be afraid of a grown man
in high heels, Dre.
Cube, you up.
Hey, yo, Compton! I got my little homey!
He 'bout to come and bust
a little rhyme for y'all.
I want y'all to give it up
for Ice-motherfuckin'-Cube!
# Here's a little
somethin' 'bout a nigga like me #
# Never shoulda been
let out the penitentiary #
# Ice Cube would like to say #
# That I'm a crazy muthafucka
from around the way #
# Since I was a youth,
I smoked weed out #
# Now I'm the muthafucka
that you read about #
# Takin' a life or two
That's what the hell I do #
# You don't like how I'm livin'?
Well, fuck you #
# This is a gang
and I'm in it #
# My man Dre'll fuck you up
in a minute #
# With a right, left, right, left
You're toothless #
# And then you say
goddamn, they ruthless #
# Everywhere we go
they say "Damn!" #
# Ice Cube
fuckin' up the program #
# And then you realize
we don't care #
# We don't just say no
We too busy sayin' yeah #
# About drinkin' straight
out the eight bottle #
# Do I look like
a muthafuckin' role model? #
# To a kid lookin' up to me #
# Life ain't nothin'
but bitches and money #
# 'Cause I'm the type of nigga
that's built to last #
# If you fuck with me
I'll put my foot in your ass #
- # I don't give a fuck 'cause I keep bailin' #
- Yella!
# Yo, what the fuck
are they yellin'? ##
- Fucking right! I told you. I told you.
- Yeah, you did. You did.
That's what I'm talking about, man.
Now, see, I'm this close
to firing your monkey ass.
What, you trying to start
a riot up in here?
Didn't I tell you I don't want that
hard-core shit played in my club?
As soon as I turn my back,
you do that shit anyway.
I'm just trying to help your business out,
Lonzo. They went crazy for that shit.
Don't worry about my business, a'ight?
Just remember the only reason you up on that
stage is 'cause I put you up on that stage.
Now, you a badass DJ, I'll give you that.
But you don't like to listen, Dre,
and I get tired of arguing all the time.
There's a lot of cats that'll come in here
and play exactly what I want 'em to play.
R & B]
- Like that shit right there.
Cats that understand that you don't
bite the hand that feeds you.
Now, you take a backseat
to that shit, nigga.
These fuckin'
marching jackets and shit.
Marching, my ass. You march your ass
and do what the fuck I say.
Hey, Dre.
Don't even trip on him, homey.
Nigga ain't got
no fucking vision, man.
That's why I'm-a fuck his bitch
right after he leaves.
Not with that shit on.
- Dr. Dre.
- What's up, E?
It's been a minute, man.
I love your jacket, by the way.
You baggin' on me.
You know I don't like wearing this shit.
That's Lonzo's shit, man.
You know it's part of the gig.
You remember the homey,
Ren from Kelly Park, right?
- What's up?
- What up, Dre?
- What up?
- What's up, man?
Look, I heard you been, um, spending
some time at your auntie house.
How's the couch life?
It's fucked up.
I'm too tall for that shit.
Plus, I got my woman
and baby living there. It's hard, man.
But you know, everybody
can't do what you do.
But what I do gettin'
played out quick, man.
Motherfuckers is gettin' locked up
and laid down out here, you know?
- Gonna make some changes.
- Changes ain't bad.
Thinking about making
a few changes myself.
What you mean?
What you think about dumping some money
into this music shit?
Look, I got some ideas.
Let's give it up for Dr. Dre!
- I gotta get back up there.
- That's your calling, man.
Tell Lonzo I said, "Fuck him. "
All right. Hey, E.
Think about it.
All right.
- What's up? Do I know you?
- What?
- Get 'em up.
- Hell no!
Hey, don't be fuckin'
with my little brother, nigga!
- What the fuck did he do?
- Nigga lookin' at me like he know me or somethin'.
Man, I told you about this shit!
- Clear the parking lot.
- I told you to go the fuck home.
- The fuck wrong with you, man?
- You better chill the fuck out.
One time.
Hey! We told everybody
to clear this parking lot!
We just standing here.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Get outta here!
- What's going on?
- Hey! Hey! Head home!
I fell.
You fell? He fell?
That's what he said.
I didn't ask you what he said.
Get the fuck home!
I am home.
Head home! Go!
If you don't start walking...
Or what?
Turn around. Hands on your head.
- Come on.
- Fuck.
You have the right to remain silent.
Stop resisting, boy!
- What up, sucker-punch?
- You already know what it is.
Sucker-punched that dude, man.
Hey, man, nah, nah. That was Tyree.
You know he got that temper and shit.
- Always getting me into fucking trouble, man.
- What they lock you up for?
I was literally just standing there, man.
That's it.
As far as they was concerned.
That's the gangsterist shit
I heard all week.
Man, it's stupid.
Well, I was thinking about what you was
saying last night though, man.
Oh, yeah?
- It's interesting.
- How long?
Really, like, how long do you think
that shit you doing out there gonna last?
'Cause it ain't no happy endings
in that game, man.
You saying a lot for a nigga
who just got bailed outta jail.
- I'm just saying, if you can slang dope...
- Nigga!
- What, man?
- Just tell the whole fuckin' world I sell dope.
Yo, yo. You can slang dope,
you can slang records, man. It's easy.
You got a mind for that shit, E.
- So what you talkin' about doing? Li'I homey from last night?
- Nah, man.
He in a group. You know, they a trip, but...
But that shit, the reality raps,
that's what I'm talking about, man.
That's it.
My boy, D.O.C., he coming in
from Dallas, dope.
- My little homey, Ren, rap too.
- Oh, yeah?
Hey, look, I got these cats...
H.B.O. Home Boys Only.
From New York. Dope voices, man.
Some wack-ass lyrics though, man.
I'm saying, Cube,
he wrote this shit for 'em. It's crazy.
Shit, we could probably
do something with that.
That's what I'm saying, man.
Start a label or something, man.
A label?
That's kinda fuckin' farfetched, Dre.
Yeah, but check this out.
What would you call
a record label like that?
- Just like these fucking police, nigga.
- Ruthless.
Let's get the fuck from around here.
Trying to get me sent to jail.
Get your simple ass in the car.
Rap Beat]
What the fuck is "gankin'"?
And what's a "6-4"?
- Yeah.
- It's a car.
A 6-4 Impala.
"Gankin'" is when you jack somebody, man.
It's not a big deal.
The shit just sound better.
Yo, man, it's too much
cursing for radio play.
- Besides, who gives a fuck about Compton anyway?
- Hey, hold the fuck up.
Hey, y'all got something
to say about Compton?
'Cause we might have
a problem up in this bitch.
Huh? No?
Then do the lyrics,
'cause I'm really losing my patience.
A'ight? Stop fuckin' embarrassing me, man.
- Hey, man. I ain't with this shit.
- Yeah, man. Fuck this shit.
- Fuck this Jheri curl rap bullshit, man.
- Fuck you!
- Wearing a Kangol don't make you LL Cool J, nigga.
- Fuck you gonna do about it?
- What you gonna
do, mark-ass nigga? - Hey.
Let's roll, B.
- B-street-lookin' motherfucker.
- Fucking Jheri curl-ass.
Keep talkin' that bullshit
on your way out the door, nigga.
- Well, there goes the talent, Dre.
- Shut the fuck up, E.
- I'm just sayin'.
- All right.
How the fuck we 'posed
to make a record label and hit records...
and we ain't got no talent?
I mean, you said hold up my side of
the deal. You said put some money up.
So it's time for you to deliver.
Why don't you do this shit, E?
Nah, for real. Get in there on the mike.
You ain't got shit to lose.
It's your money. You paying for it.
No, I can't. 'Cause I'm not a rapper.
There's your rapper.
I'm in a group already, man. Jinx and
them would trip on me if I do anything.
I understand that you wanna
keep throwing your life away...
with Jinx and the backyard boogie band
or whatever,
but I'm the Berry Gordy of this shit.
So, whenever y'all figure out
what y'all wanna do, just let me know.
Come on, man.
Look, the song is about you, E.
Eazy-motherfuckin'-E. I'm telling you.
Come on, man.
You the only motherfucker with a 6-4.
- You got a 6-4?
- I don't have a car.
- You got a 6-4?
- I got a po' Porsche, man.
Nigga, come on, man.
You ain't doing nothing.
But you the businessman,
so, you know, it's on you.
We got a cold-ass song though.
I think you could hit that shit.
I'm not sold, Dre.
What you mean, you not sold?
You just gonna sit there?
You're kinda being
a ho right now, Eric.
Fuck y'all niggas.
Berry Gordy to save the day.
- I ain't scared.
- You ain't scared?
- What are you doing?
- E, let me produce. Man.
- Feel like it's getting weird.
- Man, shut up and get comfortable.
Let's go.
# Cruisin' down the street
in my 6-4 #
- Shit!
- What the fuck?
What the fuck is so funny?
Nothing. Not...
Oh, E, can you hear me?
Yeah, I can hear you and how much
y'all fuckin' laughing.
- No.
- Hey, E, you good.
Just hit that first beat hard, man.
You gotta come in on beat.
Cruisin' down the street.
You cruisin'.
- You good, Eric.
- A'ight? Hey.
- No, no, no, no. You good, you good.
- It's dope.
But on beat.
Again. All right? Let's go.
Cruisin'. All right?
# Cruisin' down the street
in my 6-4 #
Shit. - That ain't it.
It really ain't.
Hey, hey, Dre. He gotta go if we're gonna
do this. Cube, you gotta go.
- Get the fuck outta here, Yella.
- Now, nigga. Both y'all.
- You talking to me?
- Bye!
- Go, Cube! Yella, get the fuck outta here.
- Me too?
Yeah, so we can get this shit done.
"Write the song, Cube.
Shut the fuck up, Cube. "
Take these with you, Cube.
Yella. Yes, man. Come on.
You know what? Whatever.
- You motherfucker.
- Come on, E.
You finished, Dre? You wanna laugh too?
I stay in this bitch by myself.
Hey, just say the words. A'ight?
- What does that even mean?
- Man, just say the shit with me. All right? Cruisin'.
- Cruisin'!
- Yeah, cruisin'. Let's go.
# Dre, you know this shit
ain't gonna never work #
A'ight, you... you trying to be funny.
But you see how you said that shit, right?
Like you believe it.
- Yeah, I believe that shit.
- Then say this shit like you believe it, man.
Like it's a motherfuckin' Sunday and you
cruisin' down Crenshaw in a motherfuckin' 6-4.
Come on. Say that shit like you
believe it, man. Like it's your words.
Feel that shit. Stop playing
around. Loosen the fuck up.
There you go.
# Cruisin' down the street
in my 6-4 #
Oh, shit. Hey, that was dope, E.
That shit was dope, man. Yeah!
That's what I'm talking about, man.
You feelin' that shit, right?
Now we only got 59 more lines to punch in.
But it's all good. We gonna get through it.
Let's go on to the next one.
Jump in!
# I went to get them out
but there was no bail #
# The fellas caused a riot
in the county jail #
# Two days later
in municipal court #
# Kilo G on trial
Cold cut a fart #
# "Disruption of the court, "
said the judge #
# On a six-year sentence
my man didn't budge #
# Bailiff came over
to turn him in #
# Kilo G looked up
and gave a grin #
# He yelled out "Fire!"
Then came Suzy #
# The bitch came in
with a submachine Uzi #
# Police shot the girl
but didn't hurt her #
# Both upstate
for attempted murder #
# 'Cause the boyz 'n the hood
are always hard #
# You come talking that trash
we'll pull your card #
# Knowing nothing in life
but to be legit #
# Don't quote me, boy,
'cause I ain't said shit ##
- Yes!
- All right!
- Yes!
- All right, Eazy.
Hell yes, Dre!
- Yeah?
- Whoo! Yes.
Hey, D.O.C. What you think? You think
they gonna feel that shit in Dallas?
- Man, to be honest, man, that shit is super dope, nigga.
- Hell yeah!
For real, nigga.
Hey, Lonzo. What you think?
Sound like some
waste-of-time shit to me.
Look, this shit ain't gon' work. You ain't gon'
get no radio play with that shit right there.
- Oh, for real?
- Oh, for very real.
Wrap this shit up. I need you to get back
on that slow jam we talked about.
This whole reality rap shit y'all tryin' to do,
talkin' about low riders and jail,
don't nobody wanna hear that shit.
You need to get back in there and work on
that slow jam that we worked on. I'm serious.
About all you motherfuckers taking up
my time, and that's coming out your pay.
No disrespect, Eazy,
'cause I know you real.
But you, motherfucker,
I ain't gonna take that shit from you.
20 years from now,
you gonna fucking thank me. Watch.
20 years from now, you still gonna be
recording love songs in this dusty-ass garage.
Get the fuck outta here.
- Wrap this shit up.
- Get your ass out.
Yeah, okay. You got it.
No, you got it!
- Yes!
- I told you. Didn't I tell you?
You told me, man.
I should've believed you.
What the fuck did you all get from that
that you're high-fiving and shit?
Cube. If Lonzo
think it ain't gonna be shit,
we know we got
a motherfucking hit!
- Exactly.
- 'Cause he don't know shit about music.
He don't know
good music when he hears it.
- Play that shit again!
- Dre, you a fucking genius.
You a fucking genius.
# Went to the park
to get the scoop #
# Knuckleheads out there
cold-shooting some hoops #
# A car pulls
up Who can it be? #
# A fresh El Camino
rollin' Kilo G #
# He rolled down his window
and he started to say #
# It's all about makin'
that G. T.A. #
# 'Cause the boyz 'n the hood
are always hard #
# You come talking the trash
we'll pull your card #
# Knowing nothing in life
but to be legit #
# Don't quote me, boys,
'cause I ain't said shit ##
# Get the fuck out #
# Pump that beat
Pump that beat #
Thank you.
Whoo! These phones are burning up.
This is 1580 KDAY.
This is Greg Mack with the Mack Attack,
and I gotta give it up to my boy, Dr. Dre,
who's coming with Compton's
very own Eazy-E.
And you're listening
to "Boyz-N-The-Hood",
the number-one-requested song
for six weeks and counting.
A'ight. Guess I'll see you soon.
- Excuse me.
- Yeah?
I heard your record.
- I'm Jerry Heller.
- Eric Wright.
- Real pleasure to meet you, man.
- Same here.
Uh, would it...
Here, let me get those for you.
Let me get those for you.
Would it be possible to have a word
with you for a second, Eric?
About what?
About music.
- After you.
- All right. Come on.
- So, I thought your album was good, man.
- Just good?
Hey, hey, hey, hey. No.
I thought it was exceptional.
- Exceptional?
- Yes. Fantastic.
Please, just sit down.
All right? We'll start this again.
Come on. All right.
I'm... I'm gonna try this again.
- Okay?
- All right.
As a music manager, let me tell you
what I can do for you, Eric.
I will make you legit.
It seems as if I could
do something for you.
I see.
You think because I don't have some flashy
office, I don't know what I'm talking about?
I worked with Elton John.
I worked with Otis Redding.
Let me see.
I worked with War. I worked with Styx.
- I worked with...
- Have you worked with anybody this decade?
Let me tell you what I see here, Eric.
A lot of raw talent, a lot of braggadocio.
But if you think anyone's
gonna talk to you,
you think anybody is gonna
let you in the building...
where somebody might listen to you or talk
to you, you think that's gonna happen?
You're crazy, man. I'm sorry.
That is what I can do for you.
I can make you legit.
I can get you in that building,
and I will protect you.
I will block out all the noise
of this crazy fuckin' business,
and we can build something big.
But you gotta believe in me
the way that I believe in you,
the way that I believe in this.
Because you have a unique talent, Eric.
Very special.
Don't fuck around.
But you know what?
If you can't handle it,
if it's too much fuckin' pressure
for you, then fine.
- Get outta here.
- Wait.
I'm listening.
You got more music for me?
- Absolutely.
- Good.
'Cause you are gonna have
to follow this up quick.
All right?
Now, what does N.W.A stand for, huh?
No Whites Allowed? Something like that?
Niggaz Wit Attitudes.
You're fucking kidding me
All right. We can work with that.
- Good. I like that. I like that a lot.
- You better.
Hey, what up?
- What's up, fam?
- Yeah!
- Hey.
- What's up, baby?
All right. Okay.
Hey, fellas, y'all got any idea why I
asked y'all to wear all black tonight?
'Cause we a all-star group.
And to be a all-star group,
we gotta look like it,
sound like it, dress like it.
You mind tellin' me
what the fuck happened in your situation?
Man, kiss my ass.
This the only clean shit I had left.
- That's saying a lot about how you live.
- We getting paid to wear all black?
Look, I ain't lookin' out
for your ass no more, man. Put this on.
- Oh, shit. There go Mr. Drummond.
- Nah, nah.
That's Mr. Furley from Three's Company.
Hey, that's good, Ren.
Y'all finished?
This man been out there
shopping our stuff around,
trying to get money for Ruthless.
He tryin' to get us distribution.
He tryin' to get us on tour.
He could probably bring some real money to
the table, so let's take this shit serious.
Okay. And then what, E?
All he do is take 20 off the top.
We cut 80, but that's how managers work.
Fellas, all right. I'm sorry I'm late.
How's everybody doing?
I'm gonna be honest with you.
We've had a lot of passes.
Uh, people are scared of you guys.
Big time.
They think that you're dangerous.
Uh, I happen to think
that that's a good thing.
These fucking guys,
they need some more convincing.
They're so fucking timid.
So I invited them here to the show.
So you've got to kick ass tonight.
- Can you do that?
- Hell yeah.
They're gonna be here.
Scare the shit out of them.
Blow the fucking roof off, all right?
Have a good show.
Hey, can this motherfucker Jerry Heller
bring in more pussy?
'Cause that shit's worth 20%.
Hey, man. But for real though.
They want N.W.A?
- Let's give 'em N.W.A.
- Hell yeah!
- A'ight?
- A'ight!
Let's go get this money!
Now everybody say "Yeah!"
- Hell yeah!
- Hell yeah!
Louder! Scream!
# It was once said by a man
who couldn't quit #
# "Dopeman, please,
can I have another hit?" #
# The dopeman said,
"Cluck, I don't give a shit #
# If your girl kneel down
and suck my dick!" #
# It all happened
and the guy tried to choke her #
# Nigga didn't care
She ain't nothin' but a smoker #
# That's the way it goes
That's the name of the game #
# Young brothers gettin' over
by slangin' caine #
# Gold around his neck
in 14K heaven #
# Bitches clockin'
on the dick 24/7 #
# Plus he's makin' money,
keep the baseheads waitin' #
# Rollin' 6-4s
with the fresh-ass Daytons #
# Livin' in Compton,
California, CA #
# His Uzi up your ass
if he don't get paid #
# Niggas beggin' for credit
He's knockin' out teeth #
# Clockin' much dollars
on the first and 15th #
# Big wad of money
Nothin' less than a 20 #
# Yeah, you want a five
Oh, the Dopeman's got plenty #
# To be a dopeman, boy,
you must qualify#
# Don't get high off your own supply #
# From a ki' to a G
It's all about money #
# Ten piece for a champ,
base pipe comes free #
# If people out there
are not hip to the fact #
# If you see somebody
gettin' money for crack #
- # He's the #
- # Dopeman, Dopeman, sling that shit #
- # Dopeman, Dopeman #
- Louder!
# Dopeman, Dopeman
Just can't quit #
- # Dopeman, Dopeman #
- # Hey, suck this, bitch #
# Well, I'm the Dopeman
Yeah, boy, I wear corduroy #
# Money up to here, but unemployed #
# You keep smoking that rock
and my pocket's getting bigger #
# Yo, got that five-O
Double up, nigga #
# Yeah, high rolling,
big money I'm folding #
# Bitch on my tip
for the dick I'm holding #
# Strung strawberry
jocking me so early #
# Ho, you want a hit,
you gotta get your knees dirty #
# Well, that's my life
That's how it's cut #
- # Hey, Dopeman #
- # Bitch, shut the fuck up #
# Gotta make the run
It's a big money deal #
# Gankers got the fake,
but you can get the real from the #
- # Dopeman, Dopeman #
- # Yeah, that's me #
- # Dopeman, Dopeman #
- # Can I get a "G"? #
- # Dopeman, Dopeman #
- # Just can't quit #
- What do you think?
- # Dopeman, Dopeman, suck this, bitch #
Jerry, you're my friend.
But Compton? I don't think so.
Queens, maybe.
Listen, if you find the next Bon Jovi,
call me, okay? Good luck.
- All right. Thanks for coming.
- Sure thing.
# Somebody say "Do that shit
Do that shit, do it" #
# Do that shit, do that shit, do it #
# Say, "Do that shit!
Do that shit! Do it!" #
Do that shit, do that shit, do it #
# Now say, "Do that shit!
Do that shit! Do it!" #
# Do that shit
Do that shit, do it ##
Jesus Christ!
You wrecked these motherfuckers
tonight, boy.
The stage was shaking so much, I thought
my needle's about to jump off the record!
Yo, I was trippin' off them knowing
the words though. That shit was crazy!
Hey, yo, I'm tellin' you,
Compton is definitely on the map, yo.
- Damn right.
- That's for damn sure.
Man, I figured you were
gonna represent tonight.
- Good shit, my nigga.
- What up?
What you been up to?
You still out there in Vegas?
- This Suge.
- What's up?
Man, I just been back and forth, man,
doing some security, bodyguard work.
- Oh.
- Y'all need my services, let me know.
I don't think we gon' need no bodyguards.
We might got that covered.
But you never know
what you need until you need it.
I just came here to give y'all props.
Got people waitin' on me.
Excuse me.
Uh, okay, that was...
one hell of a show.
Nice job. Very, very nice, gentlemen.
You kicked ass. Yeah, you did.
You definitely did.
Okay, uh, this is Eazy-E
and N.W.A, obviously.
- Guys, this is Bryan Turner.
- How you doin', fellas?
- Ice Cube.
- Oh. Pleasure.
Bryan runs Priority Records,
and he wants to sign you.
Yeah, immediately.
Look, fellas, I gotta say,
I loved the show.
What you did with that crowd out there,
I mean, I've never seen anything like that.
So I think, honestly,
if you all wanted to,
you guys would fit perfectly
with our label.
- Yes.
- That'll work!
- That'll work. - Nah, nah, nah,
nah. No, it w... Hold on, man.
I mean, Priority Records.
I've never heard of it. What you got?
Like, is it Def Jam?
Like, the Beastie Boys? You know?
You know what I'm saying?
- Whoa, boys.
- Or is it more R & B?
You know... Prince, Michael Jackson.
- It's a little more...
- More that end of the spectrum.
More R & B as of right now, but...
Yeah, we represent nothing big,
but mostly R & B.
- Who dat?
- It's, uh, California Raisins.
The raisins from the commercial singing
"I Heard it Through the Grapevine" and shit?
Yes, Cube, the little-ass raisins.
That would be the one.
Hear it out.
Don't get ahead of yourselves, okay?
I was laughing, too, I promise.
Then I started cashing checks.
So, look, uh, I gotta tell ya, those
little fuckers, they went gold last year.
- Gold?
- Yeah, almost platinum.
- Yeah.
- What do you say, fellas?
You wanna go make a record?
I mean, yeah!
- Thank you. Appreciate it.
- Good?
He seriously dug it. He really dug it.
- You did it, Jerry.
- He did.
- Thank you, man.
- You did it.
All right, so look.
Your rhymes ain't tight,
it ain't makin' the record.
This ain't Lonzo's shit.
This the real deal. A'ight?
So your shit better be dope.
- Who up?
- Ren up.
- Get 'em, Ren.
- Get that shit, Ren.
- I got this.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
All right. Let's see.
- Hey, Yella. Play that shit.
- Yeah, yeah.
- # Yo, hit it! #
- # Ruthless, plenty of that and much more #
# So at the party,
Ren is controllin' the floor #
# They two-steppin'
Do your dance routine #
# It ain't a dream, my man,
You in a gangsta scene #
# I go to the party,
I hip, I hop the spot #
# I don't know what it is,
but the girls get hot #
# Perspirin' like
they're on fire and #
# Their so-called boyfriends
with 'em are retirin' #
# And for this reason
I'm a walkin' threat #
- # So when I'm on stage, I want... #
- # Quiet on the set ##
- # Express yourself#
- # I'm expressin' with my full capabilities #
# And now I'm livin'
in correctional facilities #
# 'Cause some don't agree
with how I do this #
# I get straight,
meditate like a Buddhist #
- # Express yourself#
- # Ah, ah, ah, yeah, ah, yeah, ah, yeah #
# Express yourself#
- # N. W.A, take... #
- Two! ##
- Hell yeah, Dre.
- Yeah, man!
You feel that shit, right?
Hey, check this out.
Fuck it up.
Yeah. That's what I'm talking about, man.
But you hear the difference, right?
- Yeah, way better than the shit I came up with.
- I know.
Excuse me, gentlemen.
I thought you'd like to know...
our deal
with Priority Records is done.
- Yes!
- Yes!
- Okay?
- That's what's up, man!
- Contracts right here for you to sign.
- Thank you, my good man.
Music keeps sounding like this,
this album is gonna be incredible.
Well, you're welcome, Jerry.
- Very strong lyrics too, Cube.
- Thank you, Jerry.
- Very strong.
- Appreciate that, Jerry.
So what's up with our contracts though?
They're getting done right now.
Lawyers are drawing 'em up.
Jerry on top of that.
But did you just switch all the straws?
Yo, Dre. There's something outside
you need to take care of.
Right now. Trust me.
Uh-oh. Really?
- We can split that.
- Cube. Right there, hush.
- Not this time.
- You know what I got for you.
Let me get this straight.
You gonna do this right here, right now?
What am I supposed to do? We're sleeping
in a twin bed at your auntie's house.
We have a baby, Andre. You expect me
to wait for what you doin' in there?
And you in the streets fuckin' around?
Are you crazy?
What? I'm out here bustin' my fuckin' ass
day and fuckin' night...
tryin' to create something.
You gonna come up in here, talkin' about
some fuckin' bitches? Are you crazy?
- You don't get it.
- No, you don't get it, Lavetta.
- Daddy!
- It's all right, baby.
Chill out, man.
Tyra, it's gonna be okay.
All right? All right, baby?
- Bye, Dre.
- Daddy love you.
- You cool?
- Fuck no, man. I'm far from cool.
- What happened, Dre? What she say?
- What'd you do?
- Oh, shit. Here we go again.
- Oh, shit.
One time. One time.
We cool. We ain't even doin' shit.
We not doin' shit.
You guys lost?
- Nah.
- You niggas supposed to be somewhere?
Yeah. Here.
- We working.
- Oh, you working?
Yeah, I'll bet.
- What we do?
- We'll find out in a minute what you did.
- What's this?
- Hey, shut the fuck up.
- What the fuck?
- Get your ass on the ground now.
Get on the ground!
On the ground?
What am I supposed to do with this?
- What we do?
- Hey. Get down.
- Get on the ground. Now.
- Get your punk ass on the ground.
Let's go. Get the fuck down.
Hands behind your back.
Interlock your fingers.
- This is fucked up.
- Interlock 'em!
- The fuck you got us on the ground like this for, Officer?
- For our protection.
There's seven of you and four of us. So sit tight and let us do our job.
- Officer, I'm sorry. What is going on?
- Sir, stay right there, please.
We're trying to check these bangers,
make sure they're clean.
I'm sorry.
These are not bangers. Okay?
These are artists.
- Excuse me? Artists?
- Yeah.
- Seriously?
- Yeah.
- What kind of artists?
- Rappers.
And they're working with me
in the studio right now.
Well, see, rap is not an art.
- I'm sorry. Who are you?
- I'm the manager.
- Well, you're wasting your time, Mr. Manager.
- You gotta be kidding me.
- You're wasting your time.
- Really?
These clients of yours, these rappers,
they look like gang members.
You can't come down here and arrest people
just because of what they look like.
What, are you crazy?
That's police harassment.
- You said you're a manager, right? Not a fuckin' lawyer.
- Does that matter?
You cannot come down here
and harass these guys...
because they're black!
- People have rights!
- Step back!
I'll step back, you let them up.
Get up, guys. Come on. Eric!
You don't tell them to get up.
We will decide that.
You have no idea the people I know.
I'm gonna call the mayor's office.
Step back.
Now get up.
Get up now!
- Okay. Come on, guys.
- And you keep your people in line. You understand?
- And the fuck out of Torrance.
- Good. Come on.
- You got a problem?
- It's my jersey.
You ain't tough now, huh?
Just get to steppin'.
Eric, come on. Let's go.
- You got a problem?
- Yella.
- I didn't hear you.
- Let's go.
You's a fuckin' sellout.
Shut up.
Everything's fine. Okay?
- Yeah.
- You got something to say?
- Cube.
- You got something to say, boy?
Cube. Get inside.
Let's get back to work.
You heard what your master said.
Get inside, boy.
- You shut the fuck up!
- Hey.
Get the fuck back inside.
Get inside, Cube.
We're gonna go back and work. Okay?
Leave us alone.
- You know? Leave us alone.
- Fuckin' rap music.
- You're fuckin' disgraceful.
- Yeah.
I got something for this beat.
Hey, Yella, cut it.
- What is it lookin' like, Dre? It's hard?
- Yo.
- Hell yeah, Cube.
- Yeah.
This gon' start some shit,
but this what we need. Hell yeah.
# Fuck the police
Comin' straight from the underground #
# A young nigga got it bad
'cause I'm brown #
# And not the other color
so police think #
# They have the authority
to kill a minority #
# Fuck that shit,
'cause I ain't the one #
# For a punk motherfucker
with a badge and a gun #
# To be beaten on
and thrown in jail #
# We can go toe to toe
in the middle of a cell #
# Fucking with me
'cause I'm a teenager #
# With a little bit of gold
and a pager #
# Searchin' my car,
lookin' for the product #
# Thinkin' every nigga
is sellin' narcotic ##
# Feel a little gust of wind and I'm jettin' #
# But leave a memory
no one'll be forgettin' #
# So what about the bitch
who got shot? Fuck her #
# You think I give a damn about a bitch?
I ain't a sucker #
# This is the autobiography
of the E #
# And if you ever
fuck with me #
# You'll get taken by a stupid dope brother
who will smother #
# Word to the motherfucker
Straight outta Compton #
# Compton, Compton, Compton ##
Got 'im.
Hey, Dre! What's up, Cube?
- They lovin' that shit.
- Hey, what's up, Cube?
1580 KDA Y.
This is Greg Mack of the Mack Attack.
I gotta tell you,
you are witnessing history.
LA's first supergroup, N. W.A, with their
new album Straight Outta Compton,
and they're taking the nation by storm.
I need to know, are you going out there with them or not?
No. I had enough of that shit
in the '70s.
But I'm gonna fly out there a bunch
of times and I'm gonna check on them.
Can you just make sure
that everything goes smooth, please?
I've got enough bad press with
Tipper Gore and the PMRC on my ass.
- I know. It's a good contract.
- Getting ready to get outta here, guys.
Excuse me. What's going on?
What do you have in that bag?
This right here? Just a little
of the shit I was selling in Reno.
- Are you kidding me?
- Are you fucking nuts?
Jesus, Eric. Are you out of your mind?
- What?
- You can't take that on the bus.
How am I supposed to protect myself
when I'm out there on the road
riding through Texas and fucking Tennessee
and shit where they lynch niggas?
- You got me?
- I got you, okay?
I'm not gonna let you take
an arsenal on tour, Eric.
Use your fucking head.
Jerry, look, just take care
of the business side.
I'm gonna make sure
everything else good.
Otis. Get the bags.
Put them on the van.
You feel better? We're not even
riding with them no more, Jerry.
- Unbelievable. Jesus Christ.
- Do not put those arms...
Bryan, it's fine. It's fine.
I got it under control.
- I swear to you, okay?
- Handle it. Please. For me?
- I'm gonna handle it. It's fine.
- Thank you.
- Can y'all hear that?
- Yeah!
Well, clap your hands then!
Come on!
- Eazy!
- Everybody come on!
- Eazy!
- Who'd y'all come to see?
- Eazy!
- A little louder! Come on!
- Eazy!
- Get those hands in the air!
# A miracle
of modern creation #
# Eazy-E's on the set
hyped up with the bass #
# And a little bit
of what ya love #
# From a brother
who's smooth like a criminal #
# I mean subliminal #
# Otherwise known
as a villain #
# Because I'm ruthless #
# When I spot a sucka,
I kill 'em #
# But most I think
know not to deal with me #
# Yo, it's obvious
Tell 'em who you came to see #
- Eazy!
- Everybody come on!
- Eazy!
- A little louder! Say it!
- Eazy!
- Come on, say it, say it, say it!
Gangster rap has become
incredibly popular and profitable...
by selling lyrics about violence
to a young mainstream audience...
that wouldn't dream of going
anywhere near a ghetto.
Not all music stars,
as you know, are model citizens.
Some have had run-ins with the law.
That's certainly nothing new.
But now a few musicians have
taken that to new heights.
Or to new depths.
Baby, yeah.
That is so good.
- Yella.
- Hmm?
You in there watching porn
with the door open?
Yo, that's what I said, man.
What the fuck?
No, it's not even like that.
Fuck y'all, man. I'm back here
tryin' to write. Fuck y'all, man.
Oh, you tryin' to write.
Good night, Lorenzo.
Fuck y'all sleep.
That shit was crazy!
No, man, no.
I gotta go. All right?
You gotta let me
come fuck with y'all in Miami.
Okay. Now you try partakin'
of some of those fat asses?
Come on, bro. I'm tired of these same...
Man, I need something new.
No, what you think Ma gonna think
about you comin' on tour, huh?
'Cause you know you got school,
and you know she ain't gonna let you
miss that many days, man!
- You did.
- Come on, man! That's my point.
Hey. Hold on. Hold on.
- So, look, how Mom doing now?
- She good.
But you know her, constantly working, man.
Every day, man.
Make sure you take care of her, a'ight?
Hey, look, I'll tell you what.
You stay your little ass outta trouble,
I'll call you when I'm on the way to Miami,
see about getting you on a flight.
- I can come out there?
- You can come out here.
- You promise?
- I got you. I got you, a'ight?
- Hey, bring the rubbers, T.
- Get off the phone.
I still got the same ones
you gave me a long time ago.
Hey, hey. Hold on, T. Somebody at the door.
Hello? Dre?
Hold on!
Yeah, nigga, I'm lookin'
for my girl Felicia.
I heard she was up
in one of these rooms.
Ain't no Felicia in here, nigga.
Mind if I take a look?
Get the fuck outta my room, man!
This nigga just came
to my motherfuckin' door strapped, man.
- Where you going?
- I'm gonna show that nigga strapped.
- Hey, where Felicia at?
- Where Felicia?
- Hey, Felicia.
Hey, Felicia.
You Felicia? Felicia? Her dude here.
All right. So none of y'all
are named Felicia now. Okay.
Hey, Yella!
- Your name Felicia?
- You forgot my name?
- No, wait! Valerie. Your name Valerie.
- Whatever.
- He forgot her name. Damn!
- Felicia! Girl, your nigga's out there.
- She's suckin' dick though.
- He got guns, girl.
- What?
- The nigga is strapped.
I'll show this nigga right now.
Talkin' about strapped.
Hey, Ren. Nigga outside
talking about strapped.
- Watch out.
- Hey! What's that...
Talkin' 'bout strapped.
Let's ride, nigga. Time to go to work.
Y'all looking for Felicia?
She in there or what?
She kinda preoccupied
with some real nigga dick.
The fuck you say, little nigga?
I said she got a motherfuckin'
dick in her mouth, nigga!
- Oh, it ain't fun no more?
- The fuck y'all going?
Nigga, she's trying to compensate.
- Wow!
- Nigga, them fat niggas was bullshit!
- Punk-ass niggas, man.
- Bitch-ass niggas.
Y'all wild.
Nigga runnin' so fast.
That shit was crazy.
- Tryin' to get me killed?
- Whatever.
- Crazy.
- Nigga, ain't tryin' to take no bullet for no bitch.
Bye, Felicia.
# Gangsta, gangsta #
# Gangsta, gangsta #
# He'll tell you exactly how he feel #
# And don't want
a fuckin' thing back #
# Homies all standin' around,
just hangin' #
# Some dope-dealin',
some gangbangin' #
# We decide to roll
and we deep #
# See a nigga on Daytons
and we creep #
# Real slow,
and before you know #
# I had my shotgun
pointed in the window #
# He got scared
and hit the gas #
# Right then I knew
I had to smoke his ass ##
You're flying up
the Billboard 200 Albums chart.
R & B and hip-hop charts too. You have
any idea how many records we're selling?
Ruthless has arrived, Eric.
We're fucking huge.
That is dope, Jerry.
That's dope.
The Combined Law Enforcement
Associations of Texas today
called for a halt to sales of the album.
I believe that the rap music
promotes violence against authority
and, consequently,
violence against law enforcement.
Fifteen on that!
- Fuck, man!
- Hey. Come on. Put that shit up.
Excuse me! Gentlemen, I'm sorry.
- I don't mean to be the bearer
of bad news, but... - What you got?
- Oh, shit.
- What's that?
Motherfuckin' FBI.
What the fuck?
I'm supposed to not care about this?
- Wait, the FBI? They comin' after us too?
- Kind of.
I mean,
what the letter say, Jerry?
Uh, basically, uh...
"A song recorded
by the rap group N.W.A...
on their album
Straight Out Of Compton...
encourages violence
against law enforcement.
Advocating violence
and assault is wrong,
and we in the law enforcement community
take exception to such action. "
- Fuck that.
- Fuck that.
Fuck the law enforcement community.
We got freedom of speech.
What the fuck can they do to us?
You wanna provoke 'em and find out?
Because this is a warning, Cube.
And it's about "Fuck Tha Police"
in particular, so,
I think, uh, maybe we should
not play that song right now.
Not play what? Fuck that, Jerry.
That's what the song is about.
Relax, relax. We're not giving in to anything.
I just say we retire it for now.
It is a reasonably worded threat.
This isn't, uh, street bullshit.
This isn't the Crips and Bloods and crap.
This is the federal government.
These guys can come after us
a million different ways.
I don't even want to think about it.
Why provoke them?
- The fuck does that mean?
- If it was the LAPD, maybe I'd be a little worried.
- But we can't let them censor us, Jerry.
- I'm not advocating for censorship, Cube.
Maybe none of us should be worried.
Maybe we should be happy.
What you mean, E?
'Cause this right here is a gift.
- It's the FBI, E. What you talking about?
- This...
is free publicity for N.W.A.
We take this to the press
and we show them...
what type of intimidation,
discrimination and harassment...
that we dealing with from our government.
- I like that shit.
- I'm with that.
My nigga, I feel you.
- If that's what you wanna do, then we can...
- That's what I wanna do.
That's what we wanna do, Jerry.
That's it.
That's what we wanna do.
- Okay. Uh...
- Yeah?
We good?
- I hate to be the bearer of bad news...
- Mm-hmm?
- But 20!
- Twenty, man!
- Wait a minute! That ain't 20!
- Hey, hey, hey!
Shh. Let's not get thrown out
of another fuckin' hotel.
Good night, Jerry.
- Compton's crap!
- Go back to Compton!
Ain't that some shit.
Speak a little truth,
and people lose their minds.
This is not music!
Shit, the truth is, they can do
whatever they want with 'em.
They bought them motherfuckers.
# I don't drink brass monkey,
Like the beat funky #
# Nickname Eazy-E
your eight-ball junkie #
# Bass drum kicking
to show my shit #
# Rapping holding my dick, boy
I don't quit #
# Crowd-rocking muthafucka
from around the way #
# I got a six shooter,
yo' mean hombre #
# Rolling through the hood
to find the boys #
# Kick dust and cuss
and crank up some noise #
# Police on my balls,
I had to pause #
# 40 ounce in my lap
and it's freezing my balls ##
For the sake of our children,
I implore each of you
to be unyielding and inflexible
in your opposition to drugs.
'Cause another one called me
and told me she's pregnant by you too.
You just gotta slow down.
You can't fuck every broad on the planet.
- So now pussy a problem?
- It's gonna be a problem if you got 4,000 kids.
- Right?
- Yeah.
You make some money, you got all these
problems, you have to take care of 'em.
It's fine.
I'll help you take care of 'em.
- Hey, Cube.
- Sorry to interrupt y'all lobster brunch.
But what's up, E? Where the contracts
at, man? You forgot about me?
Didn't I tell you to... You know what?
Jerry, you wanna deal with this?
- I'm not talking to Jerry. I'm talking to you.
- That's Jerry's job.
That is actually... It's my department.
You're absolutely right to ask, Cube. The
contracts are being finalized as we speak.
The thing is, with these attorneys,
they'll take forever.
Poring over it, they'll bleed us dry.
But they're gonna get done.
I wish I got paid by the hour
the way they do. You know?
Me too.
I just want to know what's goin' on, since
I did write a lot of lyrics on this record.
Everybody knows
how important you are, Cube.
They do?
That's what's goin' on.
We just need some time, that's all.
Everything probably all right.
I must be trippin'.
Shit tastes pretty good.
Someday, right?
- Y'all enjoy your meal.
- Okay.
I'm telling you, that guy wants to be you
very frickin' badly.
As if I ain't got enough
fucking problems.
Excuse me. Can I get a refill.
At some point, you just gotta trust somebody.
You know?
You gotta trust somebody.
Nah, I just think
you overreacting, man.
Eazy one of us, Cube. What you
thinkin' don't even make sense.
What don't make sense is Eazy and Jerry
eating steak and lobster...
and we eating Fatburger.
Shit don't make no sense.
Look, I hear you, but I think
we need to ride this wave.
For real.
Don't be jumping to conclusions
until you know for sure.
You know?
It's my moms, man.
Yo, Dre.
What's going on?
Moms just called, man.
It's Tyree.
He's dead.
- What?
- No.
He got into a fight.
Some motherfucker broke his neck.
It's my little brother, man.
It's my little baby bro.
I never told y'all this.
But when I was 12,
my sister got killed.
Her own husband killed her,
then killed himself.
This dope gang took my cousin too.
Shot him in the trunk of a car.
Fuckin' Compton, man.
Come on, man, like...
It's my fault, man.
- This never would've happened...
- Don't talk like that.
if I had him out here, man.
It's my fuckin' fault.
It coulda happened in another way.
You can't blame yourself for that, Dre.
Tyree gonna always be with you.
No matter what.
- Yeah.
- That's right.
- Yeah, for real, man.
- And we always gon' be with you.
- Hell yeah.
- That's for damn sure.
We always gon' be brothers.
We here. All right?
- I'm sorry, man.
- You good, Dre.
We all here together.
This is not on you, Andre.
If I had just brought him
on tour with me, like he wanted.
Stop this nonsense now. Stop it.
Your brother looked up to you,
and you took great care of him.
We both did.
It's time to let someone else
take care of him now.
I'm proud of you.
"No person shall disturb the
peace by participating or abetting...
in any rude, indecent, drunken,
riotous or violent conduct...
or the use of any vulgar, obscene
or abusive language in a public place.
Note also the performance
of the song 'F the Police'...
will not be permitted.
Refusal to abide by all
the Detroit city ordinances...
will result in immediate arrest
and forfeiture. "
Are we finished here?
We got a show to do.
Just watch yourself.
Eat a dick.
It's "Fuck tha Police. "
# Straight outta Compton is a brother
that'll smother your mother #
# And make your sister
think I love her #
# Dangerous muthafucka
raising hell #
# And if I ever get caught
I make bail #
# So what about the bitch
who got shot? #
# Fuck her
You think I give a damn about a bitch? #
# I ain't a sucker #
# This is the autobiography
of the E #
# And if you ever
fuck with me #
# You'll get taken
by a stupid dope brother who will smother #
# Word to the muthafucka
Straight outta Compton #
# Compton, Compton, Compton ##
Eazy! Eazy! Eazy! Eazy!
Eazy! Eazy! Eazy! Eazy!
Eazy! Eazy!
Damn, that shit was dope!
What's up?
Let's do this shit.
- What's up?
- Let's do this shit.
- What's up? Let's go.
- What's up?
Hey, hold on, hold on.
Y'all know what the motherfuckin' police
tried to tell us backstage?
They tried to tell us
what the fuck we can't play.
Motherfuckers tryin' to tell us...
what the fuck we can't say.
This N.W.A!
We do what the fuck we wanna do.
We say what the fuck we wanna say!
So everybody...
put them middle fingers high in the sky.
And to the punk-ass cop backstage...
- Yo, Dre.
- What up?
I got somethin' to say.
# Fuck the police
Comin' straight from the underground #
# A young nigga got it bad
'cause I'm brown #
# And not the other color
so police think #
# They have the authority
to kill a minority #
# Fuck that shit
'cause I ain't the one #
# For a punk muthafucka
with a badge and a gun #
# To be beaten on
and thrown in jail #
# We can go toe to toe
in the middle of a cell #
# Fuckin' with me
'cause I'm a teenager #
# With a little bit of gold
and a pager #
# Searching my car,
looking for the product #
# Thinking every nigga
is selling narcotics #
# You'd rather see me
in the pen #
# Than me and Lorenzo
rolling in a Benzo #
# Beat a police out of shape #
- # Then when I'm finished #
- What up?
# Bring the yellow tape #
# To tape off the scene
of the slaughter #
# Still gettin' swoll
off bread and water #
# I don't know
if they fags or what #
# Search a nigga down
and grabbin' his nuts #
# And on the other hand,
without a gun, they can't get none #
# But don't let it be
a black and a white one #
# 'Cause they'll slam ya down
to the street top #
# Black police showin' out
for the white cop #
# Ice Cube will swarm #
# On any muthafucka
in a blue uniform #
# Just 'cause
I'm from the CPT #
# Punk police
are afraid of me, huh #
# A young nigga
on the warpath #
# And when I'm finished,
it's gonna be a bloodbath #
# Of cops dyin' in LA #
# Yo, Dre, I got
somethin' to say #
# Fuck the police #
# Fuck, fuck
Fuck the police #
# Fuck the police #
# Fuck, fuck
Fuck the police ##
- Hey, hey, hey, hey!
- Run! Get in the bus!
Hell! They shootin'! Let's go!
Go, go! All units, move in!
- Move! Move!
- Go, go, go, go!
- Come on! Go!
- Let's move!
Let's go, man!
Let's go! Let's go!
- Come on, Yella! Hurry up! Hurry up!
- Let's go! Let's go!
- Fuck this!
- Come on!
- Shit! Fuck!
- Shit, shit, shit!
- What we gonna do?
- Come on!
Get off me!
Backup! We need backup
in the loading area!
Come on! Get the fuck off me, man!
- Fuck all y'all!
- You got a Taser?
This is completely fucking illegal!
You realize that?
- Let us go!
- Let me go!
- Come on, man!
- Fuck you!
- Come on!
- Eazy-E!
- Fuck you! Fuck you!
- Get in there!
- All right!
- Fuck you!
Fuck the police! Fuck the police!
Fuck the police! Fuck the police!
Fuck your mama.
Fuck your daddy. Fuck your grandma!
These motherfuckers.
Fuck all this!
No, fuck y'all! Fuck y'all!
Fuck the police!
How do you explain inciting a riot in Detroit?
What do you have to say about that?
I have to say that, uh,
we didn't incite that shit.
Right. Y'all just got a snapshot
of how Americans really feel.
We gave the people a voice.
We gave the people truth.
Yeah, but your songs, they glamorize
the lifestyle of gangs, guns, drugs.
Our art is a reflection of our reality.
What you see
when you go outside your door?
- I know what I see.
- And it ain't glamorous.
We get AKs from Russia
and cocaine from Colombia.
- And ain't none of us got a passport, so...
- Yeah.
- Might wanna check the source.
- Next question.
Will you be more careful about
what you say, how you say it?
- No.
- Probably not, no.
Freedom of speech
includes rap music, right?
Well, we exercising our First Amendment
as far as I'm concerned.
And the government wrote that.
So, Cube, what's a guy from Compton do
when he starts making real money like this?
Buy Raider gear.
And curl activator.
Next question.
Good to see you, Cube.
I can barely see you, Jerry.
What's with all the Godfather shit?
I know that you've been very eager...
to sign a contract with Eric's company,
Ruthless Records.
Eric's company?
Ain't it your company too?
That's incorrect.
It's not my company. I work for you.
- You work for me?
- Uh-huh.
I've made that clear from the beginning.
All right, cool. So I could take this
to a lawyer or somebody, right?
Cube, those guys are paid to make trouble.
They're gonna create problems
where no problems exist.
Jerry, you know I don't know what
none of this legal shit mean. All right?
None of us do. We're gonna need a lawyer
before we sign anything.
Everybody else has already signed.
I thought you knew this.
You're the only one who hasn't.
There's also this.
Sign the contract...
and all this money is yours.
That's my money anyway, Jerry.
I earned that money.
- Now, I wrote a lot of hit songs.
- Mm-hmm.
We've been performing on this tour for
months... sellin' out shows, sellin' records.
- I know it's plenty of money.
- Really?
Jesus Christ.
- Give me my money, Jerry.
- How the hell do you think this works?
How the hell do you think
all of this gets paid for?
The hotel rooms, the tour buses,
security, the parties, all this shit.
- How do you think it gets paid for? You think it's free?
- Why are you doing this now?
If we were so good, why didn't you give us
contracts in the beginning?
Because nothing is a sure thing, Cube.
Even a great talent can crash and burn.
Too much ego, too much excess,
too many expectations.
It tends to ruin things.
You ought to keep that in mind.
This Eric's company, right?
Bye, Jerry.
I'm out.
What up, big Suge?
- Here you go.
- Thank you, sir.
Coming up.
Hey, what up
with D.O.C. and Suge? Hmm?
I guess that dude
is gonna be managing him now.
One day you Bobby Brown's bodyguard,
and the next day you reppin' talent.
Come on, man.
- I guess everybody wanna get into the act, huh?
- I guess so.
All right, man.
I know, right?
- How you doin'? You good?
- Here you go.
I'm helping you out all I can.
You all right?
- Yeah?
- Yeah, I'm good.
What's going on?
You hungry? Yeah?
I'll be there in a minute.
All right?
Thanks, man.
- Thanks for everything, bruh.
- You bet.
So, Cube, we gonna keep
this momentum going or what?
Nah, man. Not like this.
I'd rather be broke than to get fucked.
I told you not to sign that shit, Dre.
Nigga, I got bills to pay.
And you know that.
And I gotta put some money in my
mama's hand after Tyree passed, man.
- I feel you.
- Right.
We gotta do what we gotta do.
They're gonna take care of you.
You their bread and butter.
Cube, we Ruthless.
We N.W.A.
They Ruthless.
Cube, you comin'?
I'm about to get out of here.
- Take care of yourself, Dre.
- Peace.
- Mom.
- I missed you.
- How you doing?
- I'm good.
- Good.
- Come. Let's get home.
All right.
- So, you're leaving the group?
- Yeah, I'm through with the bullshit.
- So, you're leaving the group?
- Yeah, I'm through with the bullshit.
Eazy put everything on Jerry.
Jerry put everything on Eazy.
It's a two-man show up there.
Ain't no fuckin' group.
I get that, but I just
want you to understand...
that you are walking away
from a winning situation.
Now, how do you feel about this, Kim?
Is he making a big mistake?
- A mistake?
- Yes.
I don't think so, okay?
After hearing all the stuff
that he went through, I would've left too.
Look, I want you
to express yourself, Cube,
and I am your biggest fan.
I believe in you,
but I just want you to understand...
there's not a lot of money
in this solo play.
But if the first record hits,
I will make it up to you
on the second one.
Be ready, Bryan.
These records is comin' in fast.
# I heard payback's
a muthafuckin' nigga #
# That's why I'm sick of getting treated
like a goddamn stepchild #
# Fuck a punk
'cause I ain't him #
# You gotta deal with
the nine-double-M #
# The damn scum
that you all hate #
# Just think if niggas
decide to retaliate #
# They try to keep me
from running up #
# And never tell you to get down
It's all about coming up #
# So what they do?
Go and ban the AK #
# My shit wasn't registered
any fuckin' way #
# So you better duck away
Run and hide out #
# When I'm rolling real slow
and the lights out #
# 'Cause I'm about
to fuck up the program #
# Shooting out the window
of a drop-top Brougham #
# When I'm shooting
let's see who drop #
# The police, the media,
suckers that went pop #
# And muthafuckas
that say they too black #
# Put 'em overseas
They'll be begging to come back #
# They say he promote
gangs and drugs #
# You wanna sweep
a nigga like me up under the rug #
# Kicking shit called street knowledge #
# Why more niggas in the pen
than in college? #
# Because of that line
I might be your cell mate #
# That's from the nigga you love to hate #
- # Fuck you, Ice Cube #
- # Yeah #
# It's the nigga you love to hate #
- # Fuck you, Ice Cube #
- # Baby, your mother warned you about me #
- # It's the nigga you love to hate #
- # You ain't doing nothing positive ##
# Now I lay me down
to sleep #
# Ooh, I just can't find a beat #
# Flash light #
# Oh, I will never dance #
# Flash light #
# Flash light #
# Flash light #
# It's no use... ##
You know Cube's record is
in the Top 20 Billboard right now?
Our shit never been up there.
He blowin' the fuck up, Jerry.
It's gonna be fine. Eric.
It's not just N.W.A anymore.
It's our whole Ruthless roster.
We got D.O.C. We got
Michel'le. We got Above the Law.
We're moving up to the next level.
You know what?
Sit down for two seconds.
- Look, we need to keep Dre happy.
- Yeah.
Look at him. You think he needs
any more motivation than that?
I mean, I get it, Jerry.
He drownin' in pussy and shit.
- But that don't mean that he...
- You-You worry too much.
- Stop, okay?
- Yeah, all right.
- Here, sign some checks.
- Right now, Jerry?
- Yes, right now.
- Oh, come on!
You're gonna be out of your mind later.
Do it now.
The fact is, Ren is as good a writer
as Cube, maybe even better.
They got everything covered.
Just the last one.
Yeah. We finished here, Jerry?
We're finished.
Good. I'm about to go fuck.
- All right?
- Yeah.
# Help him find the funk #
# Most of all
he needs the funk #
# Help him find the funk #
# Most of all
he needs the funk #
- # Help him find the funk #
- # Whoa-oh #
# Most of all
he needs the funk #
# Help him find the funk #
# I know you will #
# Dance, sucker #
- # Most of all #
- # Shine the spotlight on him #
- # Help him find the funk #
- # Oh, funk me #
# Ha da da dee da
hada hada da da ##
I'm only telling you
what you told me.
If AmeriKKKa's Most Wanted blew up,
you'd pay me the advance
for the follow-up.
- Now, is that not what the fuck you said?
- That is what I said.
But it is more complicated
than that, Cube.
- All right? There are metrics...
- Come on, Bryan!
I got a baby on the way
and a house I just paid for...
off the strength of what you told me.
I mean, you gave me your word.
- Cube, would you just calm down?
- Calm down?
- I am just trying to give you what you want.
- You not.
I been did the work. I gave you the
product. Give me my money, Bryan.
When a man does the job,
he's supposed to get paid,
and you making it seem like I'm beggin'
for some shit that's technically mine.
Of course you are not begging.
And I am not trying to be difficult, man.
I promise you.
But you can't help me, right?
That's what you telling me?
My hands are tied, man.
Have everybody in at... Hey.
Shoulda kept your word, Bryan.
Jesus Christ, man!
What the fuck are you doing, Cube?
I will get you your money, man. Just...
Goddamn it!
You think I give a fuck
about these fucking records?
I put up these fucking records!
This my shit!
I know that, Cube!
I will get you your money!
- Goddamn it! I'm sorry!
- Now I'm gonna fuck up your shit.
Look, do not...
Goddamn it!
Just... Fine.
Take it out what you owe me.
- Just...
- Okay.
Prisoner like a hostage #
# Yo, you shoulda covered
your muthafuckin' head like a ostrich #
# Deep in the dirt
'cause you's a sucker #
# And your ass up high
so I can kick the muthafucka #
# Don't try to hang
You best avoid #
# 'Cause my foot will be so far up your ass
you'll get hemorrhoids #
# Before you try
to fuck with Ren #
See that shit right there?
That's what I'm talkin' about.
Fuck that nigga Cube, man.
Nigga ain't shit.
How you figure, man? His record
the hottest shit out right now, E.
Yeah, man, for real.
Cube killed that shit.
So we supposed to just sit there
and not say nothin'...
and look like bitches and just take it?
Take what?
I don't know what the fuck you
talkin' about. I like that shit.
- Clown-ass.
- Why you drunk all the goddamn time?
You need to get your shit together.
You's a motherfucking artist,
if you ain't noticed.
How about you get your shit together,
little nigga?
- Come on. - How about you
get your country-ass homeboy?
# 'Cause the vocals
were local in nightclubs #
# And not gettin' paid in full
They got the nerve to cuss #
# Only reason niggas pick up your record
is 'cause they thought it was us ##
# Swing down, sweet chariot #
# And let me ride #
# Swing down, sweet chariot #
# And let me ride #
- Hello.
- Yo, Dre.
D. O. C. was in an accident.
What? An accident?
DOC shouldn't even be alive.
Got thrown out a car, hit a tree.
Is he paralyzed?
No. But his throat got crushed.
He could lose his career over this.
Where your people?
Where Eazy and Jerry?
How the fuck should I know?
Come here.
What you know about Jerry?
What you think about him?
He all right. I guess.
What about your paperwork?
You cool with that?
- I think.
- You think?
Look, I just focus on the music, Suge.
That's it.
You see that motherfucker in there?
Gotta make sure it
don't happen to you, man.
Hey, um...
Maybe... Maybe some of your people
can look into my paperwork too.
Most definitely.
I'll arrange.
Go see your boy.
This place is nice.
You're nice. I figured
I'd take you to a nice place,
Ms. Record Executive.
Record Executive Assistant.
But, damn.
I didn't realize we was going on
like a "date" date.
I don't even know how to take that.
I got my collared shirt on.
I brought you to this nice restaurant.
That is not the kind of collared shirt
they was talking about.
It's cute, though. And you didn't take off
your hat like they asked you to.
- And I'm not.
- Oh, really?
I ain't taking off my hat for nobody.
- I think they know that.
- So what?
You bring all your little females here,
don't you?
The special ones.
I'm playing. I'm playing.
There you go getting sensitive.
You don't have to try to impress me.
We could've went to Fatburger.
Go to Fatburger?
Hey. You got a haircut.
I love it.
- How's that new house treating you?
- It's great. Thanks for asking.
So, uh, how you liking
your new decor?
Great. Yeah, I never did like
the old design anyway, you know?
What you got for me, Bryan? I know
you called me up here for somethin'.
It's N.W.A's new record.
I wanted to play it for you first
before you hear it anywhere else.
# Break me, take me, but
watch me pull the trigger #
# Dre is just a nigga with heart
A nigga that's smart #
# A nigga that's paid to say
what others are scared to play #
# We started out
with too much cargo #
# So I'm glad we got rid
of Benedict Arnold, yo, N. W... #
Benedict Arnold?
Are they trying to say
that you're like a traitor?
- Yeah.
- I'm a fuckin' traitor?
I ain't say shit about them
on AmeriKKKa's Most Wanted.
Now they tryin' to dis?
# Goddamn, I'm glad
y'all set it off #
# Used to be hard,
now you're just wet and soft #
# First you was down
with the AK #
# And now I see you
on a video with Michel'le #
# Lookin' like straight bozos #
# I saw it comin'
That's why I went solo #
# And kept on stompin' #
# While y'all muthafuckas
moved straight outta Compton #
# Living with the whites #
# One big house
and not another nigga in sight #
# I started off
with too much cargo #
# Dropped four niggas
Now I'm making all the dough #
# White man just rulin' the Niggaz
Wit'Attitude Who ya foolin'? #
# Y'all niggas just phony #
# I put that on my mama
and my dead homies #
# Yella Boy's on your team,
so you're losing #
# Hey, yo, Dre,
stick to producing #
# Calling me Arnold,
but you been-a-dick #
# Eazy-E saw your ass and went in it quick #
# You got jealous
when I got my own company #
# But I'm a man, and ain't
nobody humpin' me #
# Tryin' to sound
like AmeriKKKa Most #
# You could yell all day,
but you don't come close #
# 'Cause you know
I'm the one that flowed #
# Ya done run a hundred miles,
but you still got one to go #
# With the L-E-N-C-H M-O-B,
and y'all disgrace the CPT#
# 'Cause you're getting fucked
out your green by a white boy #
# With no Vaseline #
# Now you're getting done
without Vaseline #
# Damn, it feels good
to see people on it #
# The bigger the cap,
the bigger the peelin' #
# Who gives a fuck
about a punk-ass villain? #
# You're getting fucked
real quick #
# And Eazy's dick is smelling
like MC Ren's shit #
# Tried to tell you
a year ago #
# But Willie D told me
to let a ho be a ho #
# So I couldn't stop you
from gettin' ganked #
# Now let's play
big-bank-take-little-bank #
# Tried to dis Ice Cube
It wasn't worth it #
# 'Cause the broomstick
fit your ass so perfect #
# Cut my hair
and I'll cut them balls #
# 'Cause I heard you like
giving up the drawers #
# Gangbanged
by your manager, fella #
# Getting money
out your ass #
# Like a muthafuckin'
Ready Teller #
# Giving up
the dollar bills #
# Now they got the villain
with a purse and high heels #
# So don't believe
what Ren say #
# 'Cause he's going out
like Kunta Kinte #
# But I got
a whip for ya, Toby #
# Used to be my homey
Now you act like you don't know me #
# It's a case of
divide and conquer #
# 'Cause you let a Jew
break up my crew #
# House nigga gotta run... ##
- Mm.
- Mm-mmm.
That shit's kinda funny.
That motherfucker got us.
Yo, what we about to do?
First thing we're gonna do...
sue this ignorant fuck.
That's what we're gonna do. Defamation
of character, libel. I don't really care.
That anti-Semitic piece of fucking shit.
Who the fuck does he think he is?
That kind of fucking bullshit?
Jew-bashing bullshit?
You know what?
I'll call my friends at the JDL.
Uh, they'll handle him.
We'll see how much he likes that.
Jerry, you gotta relax. All right?
Niggas don't even know what anti-Semitic
means anyway. It's just a fucking battle rap.
Come on, Eric.
We gotta get organized.
We got to fight this kind of
ignorant fucking bullshit.
You know what? I always knew
that he was a hateful human being.
This is just ignorant shit.
He calls it political?
This is ignorant shit.
I always knew it.
Now the whole world is gonna know.
I'm gonna make sure of that. Okay?
I don't understand why the fuck
you're not more angry about this.
- Did you hear what he said?
- I heard what he said!
About you? About me? Come on!
You got your way of dealing with it.
I got mine.
We could just go to the studio and just
end his fucking career anyway.
I don't know about all that.
Fine. You do that.
You call Dre, and you guys go do that.
Do something.
Damn, E. Who work for who?
What? You questioning that?
My position is fucking solidified!
Don't never question that shit!
Fuckin' Cube, man.
- They comin'.
- Hey.
There go that nigga, Cube, right there.
What that Ruthless like, nigga?
Fuck Ruthless!
This Lench Mob, nigga.
Nigga, fuck Lench Mob.
Oh, shit!
Shit! Shit!
Oh, shit!
We've all seen the
pictures of Los Angeles police officers...
beating a man they had just pulled over.
The city's police chief said today...
he will support criminal charges
against some of the men.
- Here's ABC's Gary Shepard.
- At least we got the motherfuckers on video.
LAPD gonna have a real good time
on that level-three prison yard.
- You know what I'm saying?
- Dre, maybe we should try to get back to work.
We are working, Jerry.
I'm having a word with my client.
Hold up, man. We got this.
Nah. We got it.
You done? Suge?
Jerry? E? Huh?
...including one incident
that sparked the Watts Riots.
So far this year, there have been more
than 125 complaints...
of police misconduct...
filed with watchdog organizations.
Yo, Dre. Hold up.
Look, I did what you asked me to do.
I had my people look at your contracts.
It didn't look good.
But you gotta watch your back.
What you mean by that?
Everything you need to know is here.
And you know I can help you with this.
Help you with something?
This your house?
Who's asking?
It's a nice house.
Uh, who are you?
You're with, uh, Suge Knight?
Someone else? Ice Cube?
Have yourself a good night.
#... first to get shot #
# Whoever said that what I say
and portray is negativity #
# Need to come kick it
in the city with me #
# And find the black
and crack the fact #
# And take that shit back
'cause they don't wanna fuck with that #
# There's too many niggas
to try to calm #
# If motherfuckers could get it,
nobody would fuck with it #
# Appetite for destruction #
- # For him to get a bit more shit,
he gotta commit... # - ##
So, what's up?
When you talked to me on the phone, man,
you sounded pretty worked up.
Yeah, I know you don't like
hearing this shit.
It's about Jerry, man.
We gotta get rid of that motherfucker, E.
That's really why you came here?
I thought all this shit
was in the past, Dre.
This some real shit, man. And the shit
been happening since the beginning.
I had some people look into this.
I ain't been gettin' my fair share.
Do you even know
why you rich though?
Do you know
why you got a big-ass house...
and you ain't sleepin'
on your auntie couch no more?
Because Jerry made that possible for us.
He kicked down the door
for that shit to happen. For us.
And you just gonna turn your back on him?
What, you Cube now?
Cube was right, fool.
E, look at the papers, man, and you'll
see what the fuck I'm talkin' about.
And forget about Jerry, man!
You keep talking about Jerry this, Jerry that.
We didn't make it because of Jerry.
We made it because our shit is dope.
And we can keep going, E.
We can own the goddamn world, but we
just can't be fucking with him no more.
Man, we started this N.W.A shit.
I just want it to be right.
And this what you think right?
Turnin' your back on somebody
after all he done for us.
You mean all he done for you.
Look at me.
Look at me.
When Tyree died,
you said we was always gonna be brothers.
But I guess you forgot about that.
I'm-a start my own company
with Suge Knight, E.
Thought we were brothers, man.
- I think he's Five-O.
- # I can feel it #
# Tonight's the
night I get in some shit #
# Deep cover
on the incognito tip #
# Killin' muthafuckas
if I have to #
# Peelin' caps too
'cause you niggas know I'm comin' at you #
What up, Dre?
- This Death Row. We about to do this shit.
- That's what I'm talkin' about.
# With the swiftness
So get it right with the quickness #
# And let me handle
my business, yo #
- # I'm on a mission and my mission won't stop #
- This shit sound good.
Yeah. None of it means anything
while I'm under contract with Ruthless.
I told you about that.
I'm gonna get you out of
your contracts, I promise you.
Yeah, all right.
What up with you, cuz?
What up?
- What up, lo?
- What up, Dre?
- What's up, Warren?
- Chillin', man.
- You good?
- I'm great. You good?
- All right.
- Dr. Dre.
- What's up?
- What up with you?
- What's goin' on, man?
- Yeah, yeah.
So, look, I listened to your demo.
It was tight.
- You see that little look he gave me?
- Yeah.
Yo, yo, yo. Hold up.
Who the fuck is this guy?
Oh, my bad, Suge. This the homey Snoop.
Snoop D-O-double-G, cuz.
Who you?
- What?
- What the fuck you say, blood?
Ho, ho! Hey, hey! Hold on. Hold on.
He with me. He with me.
He ain't with me.
Nah. He's here to work, all right?
This is business, Suge.
Come on, man.
Anyway, what's this you
workin' on, cuz? I like this.
So look, you know,
it's a new track for this new movie.
It's called "Deep Cover. "
Ooh. Ooh-wee. It's for a movie, huh?
- Yeah, a movie, man.
- Dre doing big shit. Okay, okay, okay.
You think you can get down on it?
Oh, most definitely.
Throw me... Throw me in the booth.
All right.
# Chill
Let's hit a deal #
# If it ain't up to what you feel
then grab your steel ##
It's perhaps the most notorious
police brutality case in recent memory.
Those blows from Officer
Powell and Officer Wind's batons...
continued and continued
for no just reason.
They just let them people do
whatever the hell they want.
Rodney King's leg
and facial bones were broken.
Three of the four
accused officers took the stand...
and admitted that it was brutal,
but said police work is brutal
and that the videotape...
- Who is it?
- I don't know.
You watchin' this shit upstairs?
- Hello?
- Yo, it's Suge.
We gotta talk about these contracts.
Why you don't talk to Jerry
about that shit?
I don't wanna talk to Jerry.
It's your company. You the man.
All right.
Whatever, man.
I'll be through there.
He had it in a power swing,
and he...
- Who was that?
- Nobody.
...right across the top
of the cheekbone,
splitting his face
from the top of his ear to his chin.
Where Dre at?
- You said he was gonna be here.
- I'll get with you outside.
Don't worry about Dre.
Truth be told,
he got nothin' to do with this.
This what's gonna happen.
You gonna sign these,
releasing Dre and D.O.C. from Ruthless.
Whatever, homey.
You think I'm signing that,
you crazier than I thought you was.
I'm out.
Get your ass up.
Nah. I think you're
gonna stay here for a while.
Fuck you, Suge!
Y'all niggas don't scare me.
You can talk tough all you want,
but this ain't no record.
Don't make me change you, Eric.
Fuck that's supposed to mean?
Keep talkin'. You're gonna
fuck around and get smoked.
Nah, nah. But you better choose right.
You know where the fuck I'm from.
This Bompton, nigga.
Oh, my fucking God.
Eric. Jesus Christ.
What the hell are you doing here?
You can't sneak in here like that.
I thought you were...
Oh, my God. What's going on, man?
Are you okay?
What happened to your face?
I gotta kill this motherfucker
Suge Knight.
I just came here to let you know,
'cause shit might get a little thick.
I need to stay protected.
No, you're not gonna do that. No.
I didn't come here to ask for permission.
I came here to let you know.
You wanted to be involved with
this gangster shit? Here we go.
You do that, and you're gonna ruin
everything we've worked for.
You really think I got a fucking choice?
Look at my face!
This the streets.
Motherfuckers came at me!
Came at us!
If I don't hit back, we finished.
It's over.
I'm not saying that we're not
gonna hit back.
But this is not Compton...
if you haven't looked around.
Drop that shit, okay?
We don't hit back with bullets.
We hit back with lawyers.
We drain these assholes.
That really takes 'em down.
It ain't about the money, Jerry.
- I don't care about no money.
- Of course it is.
And you should fucking care
about the money.
You're so much smarter
than these fucking thugs.
You wanna kill somebody?
You're gonna go to jail forever.
No more family, no more Ruthless,
no more anything.
If you kill this man,
his problems will be over,
and yours will just be beginning.
Don't be a fucking fool.
Why the fuck I gotta be the bigger man?
'Cause it's better
than you being a dead man.
I don't want you fucking dead.
You okay?
Let me see.
- Why you so tense, Dre?
- No, I'm cool.
Man. No, you're not, man. You've been
in that house, what? A month now?
Nigga, and not one track?
I mean, what's up?
There's too much interference.
Man, you know how they
tryin' to starve me out.
Playin' games
with my motherfuckin' money, man.
That's why the house was
so goddamned empty.
- Hey, come on, man.
- I'm fucking with you, cuz. Hit this.
- All right, man, give me that shit.
- Here it is.
Fuck I'm taking about.
How you feeling righteously together.
- Holy shit.
- Oh, hell no.
Goddamn, man!
What the fuck is in this shit, Snoops?
- That right there, that's that Chronic, cuz.
- Yeah.
- Chronic.
- Yes, sir.
- Let me hit that once.
- Yeah.
- Look it.
- Wow, man.
Let me hit that once, man. Damn.
- All right. Let's head back to the studio.
- Let's go.
I got something for this.
Damn, Dre. What the fuck is that?
Feelin' that shit.
- Yeah, you feelin' it?
- Yeah!
- Hey, hey, look, I'm gonna spit a little something.
- All right.
You feel me? You say whatever...
You just jump in, nigga, and just...
Hold on.
Look, I got something. Here we go.
# One, two, three
and to the four #
# Snoop Doggy Dogg
and Dr. Dre is at the door #
# Ready to make an entrance,
so back on up #
# 'Cause you know
we about to rip shit up #
# Gimme the microphone first
so I could bust like a bubble #
# Compton and Long Beach together
Now you know you in trouble #
- Uh-huh.
- # Ain't nuthin' but a "G" thang, baby #
- # Two loc'ed out niggas, so we're crazy #
- Uh-huh.
# Death Row is the label
that pays me #
- # Un-fadable, so please
don't try and fade this # - Ooh!
# But back
to the lecture at hand ##
I want to thank
you for having us here.
- Of course.
- Very generous for you to give of your time...
with, uh, everything
that's going on right now.
Not a problem.
Now, if I may...
Are you anti-Semitic?
Now, I thought this was about
the Rodney King trial.
Well, the JDL recently got involved,
citing the lyrics
about your former manager, Jerry Heller.
I'm not anti-Semitic.
I'm anti-Jerry Heller.
Let me ask you something.
Do the JDL condone Jerry's behavior
when it comes to my situation?
Him trying to get me to sign a contract
without legal representation?
- I have no idea.
- I didn't think you did.
But when you got that for me,
we can continue on this topic.
Until then, I'm here to talk about the beating
of an unarmed motorist, Rodney King,
and four guilty LAPD officers...
who seem to be Daryl Gates's
standard issue.
It's also the LAPD and the FBI...
who feel that your negative portrayal
of police condones violence.
"Fuck tha Police" is
just a warning, that's it.
You can't treat people like that
and expect 'em not to rise up.
I'm a journalist just like you...
reporting what's goin' on
in the hood.
The only thing that's different
is that I'm brutally honest.
And what's your relationship
with the Nation of Islam?
They my brothers.
You know what?
That question right there proves to me...
what kind of a unprepared
sandbag reporter you are.
You talkin' to me like I'm some
elected official,
like I'm running for office.
But I get it. That's your job.
Bigger the story, the bigger the check
in your field of work.
It's not your fault.
I shouldn't blame you.
- What's your name, man?
- Brian.
Eat a dick, Brian. Get the fuck
out my house. Y'all done here.
Can we cut, please?
# So wide can't get around it #
# So low
you can't get under it #
# So high
you can't get over it #
# So high you can't
get over it #
# Da-ah #
# This is a chance
This is a chance #
- # Da-ah #
- # To dance your way #
- # Da-ah #
- # Out of your constrictions #
# Da-ah #
# Tell suckah #
# This a chance
to dance our way #
# Out of our constrictions #
# Gonna be freakin', up and down #
# Hang-up alley way #
# With the groove our only guide #
# We shall all be moved #
# Ready or not, here we come #
# Gettin' down on
the one which we believe in #
# Can I get it on the good foot? #
# Gettin' down just for
the funk of it... ##
Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me.
You look like you're ready to go.
Yeah. I'm just waiting on my friend.
I should've drove.
- You're not havin' a good time?
- No, no. No, I had a really good time.
But now it's starting
to get a little wild.
Yeah. We've been known
to get crazy from time to time.
- I'm Andre.
- I'm Nicole.
Come on, man. Lighten up.
We're about to get back in the game.
Big time.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
How do you figure?
Are you trying to piss me off?
Come on. God almighty.
Did you forget about Ren's new album?
Or did you forget about the fact
that you are working on something
I think is gonna be bigger
than anything N.W.A ever did.
All I know... Mm!
Fucking Cube out here...
- Doing it big. Making movies and shit.
- Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Then I keep hearing about this album
Dre about to drop.
Dre is a fucking producer, Eric.
Producers don't rap.
We have him under contract.
He can't do anything.
Cheer up.
Eat, drink and be merry.
- Suge.
- Hey.
- How you doin'?
- All right.
Jimmy Lovine, Interscope Records.
- Nice to meet you.
- You too.
So, what do I call you?
Dre? Dr. Dre? Doc?
Nah, Dre is cool.
- Go ahead. Have a seat.
- All right.
- It's good.
- Yeah.
- So, what do you got today?
- Um...
Well, you know.
I heard John McClain gave you my album.
- What'd you think?
- I think it was great.
So, you're the artist on the record.
Who produced it?
- I did.
- Okay. And who mixed it?
Hey, come on, man. I did.
Listen. I don't know
anything about hip-hop,
but I know that this is special.
Thank you.
Look, we'd love to bring in Interscope,
but there's a little problem.
- What's the problem?
- Ruthless.
Lawsuits and contracts.
Well, how about this?
You give me three weeks,
and I don't wanna hear any bullshit...
about you shopping this
anywhere around town.
If you do that,
I believe I can solve your problem
with the contract.
Lil' nigga, you in my spot?
- Yo.
- Hey, Suge.
- Suge. Easy, man, yo...
- Hey, Suge, what the...
- Hey, Suge.
- You parked in my motherfuckin' spot or what?
- I didn't... I didn't know, man.
- It's cool.
You little fuck!
- Suge, it's just a parking spot.
- Get off of me!
Come on!
Move this piece of shit.
And park my car.
And I better not see one drop of blood
on that motherfucker.
Suge, let's go, man.
The jury in the Rodney King case
has delivered its verdict,
and not one of the four police officers...
seen on videotape
beating Mr. King a year ago...
is guilty of using excessive force.
They've all been found not guilty.
Oh, for Christ's sake.
- Oh, my God.
- Judy, the details.
Peter, it was a clean sweep
for the defendants.
Not guilty, the verdict for all of them.
- Only on one count against Lawrence Powell...
- I'm sorry.
on excessive use of force
under color of authority...
could the jury not agree.
It's probably the worst case
of police misconduct that I've ever seen.
- Fuck the police!
- Fuck the police!
It was devastating to the image
of this city and our police department.
It looks kind of like
we're in a warzone though.
We've got some
courageous shop owners here, who are armed.
Anarchy is obviously a statement
of political dissatisfaction.
Police officers are still back down...
guarding the area down there
where the Ralph's...
...the police are
using, eerily reminiscent...
of military-style assault weapons.
The cars have been left
abandoned, because their drivers came under attack.
...the fire that
we showed you and that police presence.
We have fires burning.
Olympic. Pico.
More than 100 injured,
mostly in the South-Central
section of Los Angeles.
No justice! No peace!
You know, if we bag all this shit up in ounces,
we should probably be straight.
Looks like we got enough.
No, turn it down. Turn it down.
Baby. Can you smoke
that shit out there?
So, all this weed
is for your Ruthless artists?
Yeah, I mean... Shit.
I'm tryin' to take care of these little
money problems, man, so...
They can smoke it, sell it. Fuck, throw
a party on it, for all I give a fuck.
As long as I just...
Yo, man, you straight?
- E, you straight?
- Yeah, I'm good.
- No, for real, man. You straight?
- Man, I'm good!
I'm just fucking tired, man.
I'm fucking downgrading houses.
How would you feel? Answer me that.
Dre rolled out. Ruthless money low.
Tomica asking me
all kind of questions about the house.
Answer me this. Would you be all right?
Would you be all right
moving out your fucking house?
- You all right with it?
- E, I'm your boy.
I'm... I'm in this shit with you.
I'm just trying
to make sure you good, bruh.
I'm good! You good?
- You good?
- Yeah, man.
- Eric.
- What, Jerry?
Take it easy. You know what?
Let's get you out of the house.
I have stuff needs your autograph, okay?
- I'll come when I have time, Jerry.
- Eric, come on.
We still got a business to run.
Don't it look like I'm
running business right now?
No. It looks like
you're fucking cutting up weed.
I thought that was a job
for fucking jackasses.
You know what, Jerry?
You right.
You absolutely fuckin' right.
We got business to take care of.
I'll see you in a minute.
You all right?
E, are you cool?
"You got knocked the fuck out. "
That shit is funny.
- Hey, baby.
- Hey, baby.
How's Friday coming?
This shit is funny.
I'm feeling it though.
Hmm. What page are you on?
I'm not going too much longer though.
Baby, come here. Look!
# Going off on everybody like that #
Look how young y'all are.
# With bass that's
droppin' in your face #
# So give it up smooth #
# Ain't no tellin' when
I'm down for a jack move #
- # Here's a murder rap to keep you dancin' #
- Dang!
- What?
- # With a crime record like Charles Manson #
We left a lot
of good records on the table.
# Now you know that
I'm about to act a fool ##
It's like I don't even
know what I'm doing no more.
I don't know where
the money going.
Why you stressin'?
You know I know the business.
Just... Shit, just lay out all the files,
contracts, whatever it is,
and I'll look into it.
For real. Come here.
Come here.
You just go to New York.
You take care of this big ol'
distribution deal with Sony.
Bring that shit on in.
All right?
And I'll check into everything else.
I love you.
- You what?
- I love you.
You what?
So how's your home life, man?
What? That small-ass house I just
moved into in Norwalk?
Fuckin' hate it.
No, come on. You know what I mean.
I mean your love life, Eric.
You seem pretty serious
about this girl.
- I ain't in love.
- Oh? You had me scared there for a minute.
- You're too young to settle down.
- You don't have to be scared of that.
Oh, man. Wait till you taste this.
Kung pao chicken.
And it is better the second day.
There you go.
Dig in.
So, where is this girl from, again?
Look, Jerry.
I actually ate right before I came.
So I'm just gonna take this and go.
Hold on. Hold on.
Where are you going?
I just came to get this.
These are my bills, my checks.
Look, I'm gonna have a bite
of your food.
I'm gonna say farewell.
I'll talk to you later.
Your neighbors,
they've been complaining a lot.
- About the noise.
- Stop.
Man, I just think
a little privacy would be better.
So what? You want me to move?
And I... You know,
I happen to know of a place.
There's plenty of room,
and I know the owner.
Are you sure
you're ready for that, Andre?
Yeah, I am.
'Cause I'm really feeling you like that.
I'm really feeling you too.
Hey, don't even worry about it.
It was just a thought.
What's up?
All right. Good night.
Oh, whoa, whoa. Really?
- Good night?
- You okay to drive?
No. Look at you.
- Good night, Andre.
- Nah. See...
See, I can't help thinking maybe
you want me to come inside.
- Of course I do.
- So, what's different now? Huh?
I got a lot to think about.
You're asking me to move in with you.
That is a huge step.
I like you, Andre,
but there's a lot going on around you.
What you mean?
I know about the whole
Death Row business...
the assault charges, the shooting.
Just seems dangerous.
My son is my world.
I hear you.
Good night.
# Hail Mary,
run quick see #
# What do we
have here now? #
# Do you wanna
ride or die? #
# La da-da-da-da,
la la la #
# I ain't a killer
but don't push me #
# Revenge is like the sweetest joy
next to gettin' pussy #
# Picture paragraphs unloaded
Wise words being quoted #
# Peeped the weakness in
the rap game and sewed it #
# Bow down, pray to God
hoping that he's listenin' #
# Seeing niggas coming
for me and my diamonds... #
What up, Dre?
What up, Pac?
I'm about to bust niggas
in the mouth with this new album.
Okay, I feel that.
- Suge said you got some heat for a nigga.
- Hell, yeah!
- Play that for him.
- Okay.
# California love #
- Yeah. You feel that?
- Ha.
Fuck with me.
- "California Love. "
- Yeah.
# California knows
how to party #
# California know how to party #
What the hell was that?
Hey, hold on, Pac.
Stay right there, man.
Yo, shut up,
shut up, shut up!
Sic that motherfucker!
Come on, man.
Stop, man!
- Chop, chop. Chop.
- Come on, man!
Get hype! Get hype!
What the fuck are y'all doing?
Check this out.
Get him. Time to eat.
Who's hungry?
You hungry, nigga? Yeah.
- Get up.
- Come on!
Bring your bitch-ass up.
Tighty-whitey-ass nigga.
You know what to do.
- I'd like to make a toast.
- To what?
- To Death Row Records.
- Death Row! Death Row!
And Suge, for making all this happen.
And may the West Coast reign forever.
Come on. Come on.
- And may the West Coast reign forever.
- Bitch-ass nigga.
- Now toast to Dr. Dre.
- That's right.
Put your glass down.
I said put the fucking glasses down!
Hey, yo, slow your roll, Dre. Come on.
This why we got money?
To act like we ain't got
no goddamn sense?
We coulda did all this dumb shit
back in Compton.
But this what the fuck y'all turn into.
You sittin' up here eatin' fuckin' crab.
Who the fuck are you? Huh?
This my motherfucking name
on the wall, man!
And y'all in here acting like y'all
on motherfucking vacation.
I got Pac in the next
motherfucking room.
Grindin', man. Workin'!
And y'all niggas in here partyin'?
One time?
- You trippin'.
- That's right.
- Yeah.
- We can do anything we wanna do.
We started this thing. This is us.
Nah, nigga. Death Row, that's us.
I don't know what the fuck this shit is.
Better watch your mouth, blood.
And who the fuck you talking to, huh?
- Nigga, you ain't nothin' but a producer.
- Get the fuck out my face!
- Yo, yo, yo!
- Get him off me, man!
- Dude!
- Get the fuck off me, man!
Ah, shit!
This is bullshit.
Always fucking with me!
Drop the keys out of the window!
Open the door.
Step out of the vehicle.
Hands in the air.
Keep 'em up. Hold it there.
Turn around.
Turn around.
Fingers behind your head.
Hold it right there.
Hey, that's Eazy.
- What's up, E? I didn't know that was you.
- All right.
- Hey, what's up? What's up, homey?
- Yo, what up?
Hold up. Hold up.
Hey, hey. Hold up.
Relax, homey. We in a club.
Cube, I just heard you was over here.
Yeah, I'm here.
What you need?
Everybody to calm the fuck down,
from the looks of it.
I mean, I was just
in the neighborhood, man.
I came here with Bone Thugs.
I was just coming to say what's up.
What's up?
I saw Boyz n the Hood.
It was good.
You ain't called that shit
a after-school special?
I like after-school specials, Cube.
You know that.
What's up, man?
How you feel? You good?
Hell, yeah, nigga, I'm good.
- It's good to see you.
- That's what I'm talkin' about, Eric.
- It's good to see you right now.
- Look at you!
Pull your fuckin' homies off me
then if it's good to see me.
- You had niggas jump us.
- Goddamn!
How you go from selling rocks
in the dope house...
to having dinner in the White House
with the president?
They still trying
to figure that shit out.
But, hey, all publicity...
Is good publicity.
- You know it.
- You know that's right.
Man. Look, man, I...
I wish that dumb shit really would've
never popped off between us.
We shouldn't have dissed each other
in the first place.
Making the fans choose between us?
That wasn't cool.
You right.
- You ever think we'd be that big though?
- Hell no.
I was just talking to my wife about that...
how it was in the beginning.
- Yeah.
- Shit, we just wanted to do music for the neighborhood.
Be ghetto stars.
But what if we had
the chance to find out...
how big we could really be?
Come on, man, you got my mind workin'.
I be thinking
about that shit all the time.
If we could just take that shit back
to '89. We changed the world.
I hear you.
It was a simpler time, you know?
It was hard then. But I've had days...
where I almost wish
we was gettin' arrested in Detroit again.
Shit. You know?
Shit ain't gotta stop there.
But if we go do this,
we gotta do it right.
And if Dre with it, I'm with it.
But I don't know
your relationship with dude.
But if you want me, Eric,
Jerry can't be there.
All right.
Hey, man.
- Shit.
- It's 'cause you ain't got them damn gloves on.
Man, whatever.
But I hear you.
- You said it.
- All right.
These invoices haven't been paid.
They're two or three years outdated.
These are canceled checks.
They all bounced.
And these are past due.
Jerry took advantage of you.
I know it's a lot,
but you had to know the truth sometime.
Now you do.
You know, Dre and Cube
tried to warn me about this.
I've been fuckin' up for a long time.
Don't. Don't.
A really long time.
Hey, man.
Where you been?
I've been calling you all day.
Sit down, Jerry.
What is this all about?
Uh, the groupie?
The executive assistant?
She even go to college?
Man, you're so much fucking
smarter than this.
Sit down, Jerry.
This ain't about Tomica, Jerry.
This about you.
And you can stop acting like you
ain't never done nothin' wrong.
You know what, man?
I know that you're upset.
I understand.
But I'm asking you...
I'm advising you,
take a breath, okay?
I'm gonna look at the paperwork, Eric.
- You can stop giving me advice as of now.
- It's fucked up.
Here's what's about to happen.
I'm-a get N.W.A back together,
and you ain't gonna have
nothin' to do with it this time.
How the fuck can you even
say something like that?
What the fuck
is going on with you, man?
I know what's good for you.
I know what's good for Ruthless.
And we have worked up a trust
after years of hard work.
And that trust is our foundation, Eric.
I don't give a shit. Eric.
You look lousy, man. Are you okay?
Trust is a motherfucker.
Is it?
Let me ask you something.
Eric, if what I'm doing is so illegal,
how come I've never
been sued, hmm?
If I'm such a fucking thief,
such a liar, such a motherfucker,
how come nobody's
ever come to collect?
Because this is business,
and this is how it works.
And it's not always pretty. No.
Do I cover my own ass?
Do I cover my own end? Absolutely.
But don't you dare fucking tell me
that I have not taken care of you.
Don't you fucking tell me...
that I have not
had your back from day one!
Day one!
Is this taking care of me?
Are you fucking kidding me?
It's taking care
of the whole fucking thing.
It's business! And this is how it works.
Have I covered my end?
Do I cover my ass? Absolutely.
But don't you dare fucking tell me
that I have not taken care of you.
This business too?
Yes. This is business.
This is how fucked up it can get.
But I didn't start this.
I didn't fuck it up.
You did!
You did.
You fired, Jerry.
Oh, for Christ...
Eric, this isn't how we do things.
This is not you.
This is not you. Eric!
This is an important company.
Eric, I'm not gonna let you fuck this up.
Oh, for Christ's sake! Eric!
Yeah, hello?
Yeah, what up, Dre?
- Who this?
- Eric.
- E?
- Just felt like calling.
Yeah. Okay.
What's up?
I mean, you know me, man.
Doing my thing.
Killin' all this pussy.
- How about you?
- You know, man.
I'm just making tracks,
doing my thing.
Yeah, that Snoop joint you did
was crazy. That was dope.
Yeah? Thanks, E.
Good looking out, man.
Look, Dre, I know you be busy,
but, um, I talked to Cube,
and we were talking about some...
some possibilities.
Possibilities? Okay.
Yeah, like, without Jerry Heller type
of fucking possibilities.
Really? Well, it's about time.
Man, I mean,
I know shit kinda went crazy.
You know, the money
kinda had everybody divided, man,
but... I really wish it didn't.
It's, uh...
To be honest, man, I'm not proud
of all the shit I did either.
So, what you think, man?
You think we could get together, or what?
What you think?
Yeah, man.
Yeah, that sound good.
Let's do it, E. Let's do it.
I'm-a let you know when we can
get back into the studio, you know.
Lay down some tracks, like the old days.
- Fair enough.
- All right.
It's good to hear from you, man.
All right.
Man, y'all niggas ain't making no music in here.
- Hey!
- What's up, E?
What's up? What up?
What up? What up?
Yo, hey, when are Dre and Cube
gonna roll up in here, man?
- I'm ready!
- Yeah, man. 'Cause I'm ready to get this new shit going.
I'm ready too.
But long as we stay ready,
we gonna know we gonna be on, man.
Y'all already know
this new N.W.A shit about to be crazy.
- Here ya go, baby.
- E, I got books of new shit.
- I got libraries of new shit.
- That's what I'm talking about, Ren.
That's what I'm talking about.
I got the tracks. You like that?
Mm-hmm. Hell, yeah.
You think you Dre now?
I'm trying to murder Dre.
I'm about to murder both of y'all
on the track though. Check me out.
- Check me out.
- What you doing, E?
You know you don't play no instruments.
You gonna play it?
E, you all right?
Baby, you good?
- I'm all right.
- You sure?
Eric! Eric!
- Call 911.
- Eric!
- Eric. Get up, man.
- Baby?
Yo, call 911. Call 911.
- You all right, E?
- Baby? Eric? Eric.
- Eazy, wake up.
- Eric, baby!
- Open your eyes.
- Yes, we need an ambulance.
Wait. Ain't you gonna
say something?
What is it? A respiratory
infection? Pneumonia? What?
Yes, well, um,
it is those things and more, I'm afraid.
We ran a full blood battery.
And, uh...
I'm sorry, Mr. Wright,
but, uh, you've tested positive for HIV.
- Get the fuck outta here.
- Wha-Wha-What?
A normal T-cell count
is anywhere between 500 and 1500.
Right now, your T-cell count is 14.
But I ain't no faggot.
Mr. Wright, actually, um, the virus can be
transmitted in quite a few ways,
including unprotected heterosexual sex.
Uh... That's wrong.
You-You gotta test that over.
That's... Test that again.
We've run the test five times
with five different samples,
- and the result remains the same.
- Shit!
But she's pregnant, Doc.
What this mean?
It doesn't necessarily mean
that she's contracted the virus.
But, uh, we have to test her to be sure.
So, what do we do?
What... When we start the treatment?
I mean, what... I gotta get healthy.
I got things to do. I got...
Wha-What are we supposed to do?
Mr. Wright.
You need to understand
that you are very, very sick.
But I don't even feel that bad, Doc.
Don't tell me that. Don't tell me that.
With care and palliative care,
we can probably keep you comfortable...
for, uh, maybe six months,
at the very most.
What do you mean, comfortable?
It's just a matter of time.
I am... I'm truly, truly sorry, Mr. Wright.
I'll-I'll leave you time to, um, process this.
Come on, Doc. Come on, Doc. No.
Come on!
And one of the pioneers of gangster rap,
as the leader of the group N. W.A
has revealed he has AIDS.
We were totally unprepared for the kind
of outpouring of fan calls that we had.
We had over 7, 000 calls.
I can't.
Just let me make this right.
'Cause you healthy, hmm?
- And the baby healthy.
- Yeah. We're healthy.
- So?
- Okay.
But I just...
I love you.
And I don't want none of this.
I just want you to be... here.
- Are we ready?
- Yeah.
Tomica Woods, do you take Eric Wright
to be your lawfully wedded husband?
It's, uh...
It's Bone Thugs's new LP, man.
Everybody thinks
it's gonna be cool when it drop.
- It's gonna be huge, man.
- That's great.
Do you wanna hear it,
man? You... You wanna hear it?
Nah, man. Just leave it here for me.
I'll check it out later.
This is bullshit, man.
Hey, Yella, why don't you check
on him, man? See if he all right.
All right?
I... I'll call you when I get out of here.
All right?
- What's his condition?
- His condition...
He's in intensive care. Uh, we're
not certain where-where it's headed.
- What's up, Eric?
Rhythmic Beeping ]
It's Dre.
Man, I've been... I've been
makin' some dope new tracks.
This next N.W.A album,
it's about to be dope.
It's about to be huge, you know?
Hey, you remember that time when, um,
when we was making "Boyz-N-The-Hood"?
Your non-rappin' ass.
You was trippin' out, man, 'cause...
I love you, E.
You hear me? I love you, man.
Yo, Cube.
How is he doing? Can he...
Can he talk? Can he...
Nah, man. He in a fuckin' coma.
Got the machines
breathing for him and shit.
He ain't even conscious.
I need to hear his voice, Dre.
I wanna talk to him.
I want him to talk to me.
I feel that.
It's all right, man.
- It's good to see you, man.
- You too.
In Los Angeles this morning,
rapper Eazy-E has died
after a battle with AIDS.
He was among the most
powerful voices of his generation.
Towards the end
of his life, the rapper received...
more than two and a half thousand calls
a day from well-wishers...
...member of the group N. W.A,
which helped popularize
harsh inner-city rap music.
Wright was 31.
Eazy's gone.
He gone?
- Okay.
- Okay.
Damn, E.
Eazy wrote me a personal letter...
to read to each and every one
of his fans and loved ones.
"I just feel that I've got
thousands and thousands of young fans...
that have to learn about what's real
when it comes to AIDS.
I would like to turn my own problem
into something good...
that will reach out
to all my homeboys and their kin.
Much love to those
who have been down for me...
and thanks for your support. "
Pac is in the studio writing every day.
Snoop is doing his thing.
What y'all doing?
Y'all niggas gettin' too comfortable.
- Handle this shit. You know what I'm say...
- Suge.
What's the urgency, Dre?
I'm out.
I'm out of Death Row.
You ain't done.
Dr. Dre and Death Row are one and the same.
You just can't up and leave.
I'm doing my own thing, Suge.
I'm starting fresh.
Nobody to answer to but myself.
- It's time.
- You one stupid motherfucker.
You gonna walk away from all this money?
If you leave,
everything we created is mine.
Okay. Well, you know what?
You can have it.
You ain't taking nobody with you.
Death Row stays Death Row.
And you even think
about touching my money...
Motherfucker, you know how I gets down.
Do what the fuck you gotta do.
You can have the artists,
the money, the masters,
all your fuckin' bullshit.
I'm done.
I'm starting my own thing.
You can't put a price
on peace of mind.
I'm out.
I got all this nigga's money.
I got everything.
Get the fuck out. Go.
So, what you gonna
call that bullshit?
You are now about to witness
the strength of street knowledge.
It's just, like, they try
to hide what's goin' on
and we tell it like it is, you know?
# Straight outta Compton
Crazy muthafucka named Ice Cube #
# From the gang
called Niggaz Wit'Attitude #
You know it's gotta be hard.
'Cause if it ain't hard, it's weak.
# You too, boy,
if ya fuck with me #
# The police are gonna
have to come and get me #
MC Ren in the house.
When you making a record,
you gotta have some hype lyrics,
and you got that, it's gonna sell.
# Straight outta Compton
Another crazy-ass nigga #
# More punks I smoke, yo,
my rep gets bigger #
Eazy-E probably was one of the nicest
people you ever would have known.
Not as Eazy, but as Eric Wright.
# But I don't gave a fuck
I'm gonna make my snaps #
# If not from the records, from
jackin' the crops Just like burglary #
We make our records based on
stuff that's happening where we live.
And if people out there
that don't like it, fuck 'em.
# Straight outta Compton #
# Is a brother that'll
smother your mother #
Dre and Eazy had already been selling it
as cassette tapes. And they just blew up.
Eazy and Dr. Dre Wild & Wet Pool Party.
This is what it's all about!
"We wanted to invite you
to the president's luncheon. "
I said, if I go down there,
this'll start some shit.
# To me it's kinda funny
The attitude showin' a nigga drivin' #
When I think of N. W.A,
they weren't really music to me.
It was more like a real lifestyle.
Brothers from my neighborhood made it out.
# Niggas start
to mumble They wanna rumble #
# Mix 'em and cook 'em
in a pot like gumbo #
- You got the dopest album out this year.
- Thanks, man.
More than happy to get my career going
like I want it to go.
# Ain't no tellin'
when I'm down for a jack move #
# AK-47 is the tool #
You do not know how long I waited
to get in his booth...
and to have Dre out there
goin', "You ready?"
I waited all my life for that,
since Straight Outta Compton.
Dre's direction was helping me become
a strong lyricist, which I am now.
# That I'm down
with the capital CPT#
# Boy, you can't fuck with me #
Dre has taught me a lot.
Not just rap-wise,
but business-wise,
you know what I'm sayin'?
You'd have to even credit
both Eminem's and my success to Dr. Dre.
Apple's purchase of Beats
will be the biggest deal in its history.
Our music was like our weapon.
We let people know
that it's okay to say what you wanna say.
# As I leave,
believe I'm stompin' #
# But when I come back, boy,
I'm comin' straight outta #
# Straight outta
Straight outta #
# Straight outta
I'm comin' straight outta Compton #
- # Compton, Compton, Compton ##
- Ow!
Damn, that shit was dope!
# I just need y'all
to bear with me for a minute #
# While I talk
about the pages of my diary #
# Yeah
Listen up #
# Uhh, I remember
when I got started #
# My intention was to win #
# But a lot of shit changed
since then #
# Some more friends became enemies
in the quest of victory #
# But I made a vow
Never let this shit get to me #
# I let it pass, so I consider
that part of my history #
# And I'm strong
financially, physically #
# Mentally I'm
on a whole another level #
# And don't forget
that I came from the ghetto #
# Sold a new house for my moms
That's special #
# I let you going shopping
till your feet get tired #
# Then a new Benz
just for you to ride in #
- # When I didn't have it, you provided #
- # You provided #
# Don't be surprised
that I built an enterprise #
# And my house got a view
of the city like a high-rise #
# I'm just talking to my diary #
# When I open up my book
I think about the world later #
# No ink in the pen
No lines on the paper #
# I'm just, I'm just
I'm just talking to my diary #
# Sometimes when I got
a lot of shit on my mind #
# I'm just starin' at the sky
You probably thinkin' I'm high #
# I'm just, I'm just
I'm just talking to my diary #
# Now puff, puff, pass that
A nigga having flashbacks #
# I remember
how it used to be #
# Now my money like NASDAQ
My checks you can cash that #
# I remember
how it used to be #
# I used to be
a starving artist #
# So I would never
starve an artist #
# This is my passion
It's where my heart is #
# It gets the hardest
when I think about the dearly departed #
# Like the nigga
I started with #
# I know Eazy can see me now
looking down through the clouds #
# And regardless,
I know my nigga still proud #
# It's been a while since we spoke
but you still my folks #
# We used to sit back,
laugh and joke #
# Now, I remember when we
used to do all-nighters #
# You in the booth and Cube
in the corner writing #
# Where Ren at?
Shout out to my nigga Yella #
# Damn, I miss that #
# Shit, a nigga
having flashbacks #
# When I open up my book
I think about the world later #
# No ink in the pen
No lines on the paper #
# I'm just, I'm just
I'm just talking to my diary #
# Sometimes when I got
a lot of shit on my mind #
# I'm just starin' at the sky
You probably thinkin' I'm high #
# I'm just, I'm just
I'm just talking to my diary #