Stream (2024) Movie Script

[ominous music playing]
[person breathing heavily]
[cell phone beeps]
[door opens]
[door closes]
[vacuum turns off]
[vacuum clicking]
[ominous music playing]
What in the Sam Hell?
Oh, for heaven's sakes,
you almost gave me
a heart attack.
I'm sorry, Ms. Spring.
I was just doing
some last minute checks
before the big reopening
this weekend.
It's okay. I just forgot
you were working late today.
That's all.
What--? What happened there?
Well, I'm not really sure.
I was vacuuming the carpet,
and then it went dead,
and then I found this.
[grunts] Well, I think I know
what happened there.
You do?
-Afraid so.
I saw a few congregating
in the basement.
They must have come in
with all the construction.
I thought I got them all,
but it looks like they gnawed
right through your wire there.
Oh, this isn't good.
Oh, we can't have this,
especially with all the guests
that are coming this weekend.
Maybe I should go check.
I... I wouldn't go down there
if I were you.
[ominous music playing]
-They're big.
I'll throw a few traps
down on the way out,
and that should get
everything under control.
Oh, Brad. Thank you.
I don't know what I would
have done without you
these last couple of weeks.
You truly are a godsend.
-Everyone's gotta make a living.
-[chuckles] Right.
-Good night, Ms. Spring.
-Good night.
[suspenseful music playing]
[continues groaning]
[eerie music playing]
[man] All right.
Let's see what you got, bud.
Not bad, Kev.
Hey, Dad. Hey, Dad.
Look what I can do.
[pensive music playing]
[man] Wow.
Did you see?
I did it with one hand.
Want me to show you
something else?
[man] Sure. Go for it, kiddo.
All right, look at you.
Come on, girl. Come on, girl.
Come here. Okay, Taylor.
Now it's your turn.
Just how we practiced.
Now shoot.
Way to go. Yeah.
And guess
who got it all on tape?
Okay, you two. Time to go in.
Mom's got dinner...
[video glitching]
[video turns off]
Hey, Kev?
-[somber music playing]
-[keyboard clacking]
All right, you go up there,
and I'll try to get him
from down here.
[boy] I got this. I got this.
Okay, right here. Right here.
[gunfire on video game]
-I got it, yeah.
-[boy] Whoa!
Hey, bud. Can you pause
that for a second?
I need your help downstairs.
-Come on, Dad. I'm streaming.
-Come on!
I'll get abused in chat.
What's the big deal?
It's just a game, all right?
Just press pause,
come downstairs, and help me.
The old camera's
not working right.
I told you this, Dad.
You can't just pause a stream.
If I'm streaming,
people from all over the world
are watching me play.
So when you busted
into my room like that,
you embarrassed me
in front of... 1,200 people?
That's the highest
I've ever had!
Oh, my God.
I'm sorry, and congratulations?
Look, it's off now,
so what do you say
you come downstairs,
and be the tech guru
that I know and love?
All right, but next time,
when you see the sign,
just text me
and I'll run an ad or something.
And what makes you think
I know anything
about that old thing?
I was born with Blu-ray.
[whispers] Blu-ray.
[in normal voice] Do you know
what's wrong with the tape?
It just keeps breaking.
It's a tape.
That's what's wrong with it.
No one uses tapes anymore.
I don't think people used tapes
when you shot this.
Right, so you're saying
it can't be fixed?
It's old. I can't fix it.
But I can save it.
Well, you can make it digital.
-[doorbell rings]
You know what?
It sounds like you got this.
-Mr. Keenan?
Your daughter was caught
trying to steal a case of beer
from the liquor store.
[Roy] Goddamn it, Taylor.
They aren't gonna
press charges, sir.
But we wanted
to make sure you knew.
Well, I appreciate that,
officer. Thank you.
Don't let this happen again,
sweetheart. Next time,
you might not be so lucky.
-[officer] Good night, sir.
-Good night, officer.
[door closes]
Okay, I'm sorry, Dad.
Well, what do you want me to do?
They won't sell it to me.
You're not funny.
And there is definitely
nothing funny about being
brought home by the cops.
How do you think
this makes us feel?
I thought I had finally found
the date that you'd approve of.
What's going on, Roy?
You have to stop
pretending the rules
don't apply to you, Taylor.
You're not a child anymore.
The next time this happens,
they're gonna
put you behind bars.
If that's what it's gonna take
for you to learn your lesson,
then I'm gonna leave you there.
Oh, my God, Dad.
It's not even
that big of a deal.
Get up to your room now.
Your father and I need to talk.
What is wrong with you two?
[pop music playing
over phone]
Can't believe
this is going on
Hiding every day
Just to avoid you
You know, if she thinks
for one second that we're going
to pay for her college
so she can keep
acting like this, she's got
another thing coming.
You know, I'm not gonna piss off
more money for less supervision!
I mean,
she wasn't always like this.
This is not our fault.
Honey, this... [chuckles]
We are not the first parents
to go through this crap.
I know.
-And we are certainly
not going to be the last.
-I know.
We just need to stay strong
and remind her that her actions
have consequences,
you know, consequences
that may not always be obvious.
Well, in case
you haven't noticed,
listening to us
or anything we have to say,
is not a special skill of hers.
-No, it's not.
We just need to get
her away from all
of these bad influences.
Why don't we go away tomorrow?
I mean, it would do
the whole family some good.
-Yeah, we need this.
Let's do it.
-[keyboard clacking]
-Oh, you're so getting lucky.
[ominous music playing]
[Linda sobbing]
I don't hear you. Where are you?
Why are you doing this to me?
[footsteps approaching]
Don't hurt me.
Please don't hurt me.
What are you doing?
What is that?
What is that? What is that?
[Linda screaming and crying]
[suspenseful music playing]
[bones cracking]
[Roy] Okay, Keenan family.
Time to get up. We're here.
[easy-listening music
playing on speakers]
So this area was where
our sports complex
and infamous hot tub
for romantic getaways
such as yours, was located.
But sadly, this outside portion
of our little establishment
is closed due to maintenance,
but lucky for you,
our honeymoon suite...
-[keyboard clacking]
...which is available,
has its very own Jacuzzi.
We'll take it.
You didn't even ask me.
We'll take it.
I like you two.
And don't even get me started
about the massaging
shower heads.
Whoo! [chuckling]
Oh. Well, I'll just let you two
discover that on your own.
So let's call it, uh,
$200 for the evening?
-[bell ringing]
[rock music playing
over speakers]
[men speaking indistinctly]
Tomorrow is going to be
a few hours to Philadelphia.
And we bring the rental
back to the airport
in New Jersey on Tuesday.
Who cares?
First to Eleven is going
to be amazing. [chuckles]
Wait, you two
know First to Eleven?
Of course.
They're the only Americans
who know how to make music.
We came here just to see them.
[Taylor chuckles]
I didn't know
they had so many fans.
I had tickets
to go this weekend,
but my parents are assholes,
so I can't go now
because we are here.
[Taylor chuckles]
I'm really jealous
you guys are going.
Well, you should be.
It's going to be sweet.
Oh, stop. Don't be
so insensitive
to this lovely mademoiselle.
What is your name?
Well, Taylor.
it is great to meet you.
I am Theo.
This is my friend Louis.
I love your guys' accents.
They're French, right?
[Theo speaking French]
This lovely lady needs a drink.
Welcome to the Pines,
the pearl of Pennsylvania.
Your very own personal paradise.
[easy-listening music
playing on speakers]
So how can I help you today?
Uh, we are the Keenans.
My wife Elaine made
the reservation yesterday.
-But I think there was a problem
with the credit card.
We never got the confirmation.
Oh, yes.
We've been having issues.
Well, let's see,
and there it is.
One room, four guests
under the name Elaine Keenan.
I just need to see some form
of identification, please.
Oh, sure. Of course.
-There you go.
-Ah, yes. That's good.
-Thank you.
-Perfect. And here you go.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I hope this isn't a problem.
Uh, but because of construction,
our credit system is down.
I never really trusted
all of this...
high-tech stuff anyway.
-[mouthing] You have cash?
-It's always causing problems.
Wait, so that means no Wi-Fi.
Oh, buddy. Yeah.
I'm sorry about that,
little guy.
No Wi-Fi here. I'm sorry.
But this inn is
about spending quality time
with the people that you love
because you never know
just how limited that time is.
Exactly. See, this is
just what we need, all right?
[Roy chuckles]
-Cash will be fine.
[Taylor & Theo laughing]
Let me take a picture of you.
Pose for me.
Take one with me.
[camera clicks]
And now just me.
-[cell phone buzzing]
-[camera clicks]
[Taylor] Oh, no.
So are you guys
staying at the hotel?
We are staying in Room 207,
if you would like
to meet up later.
Not sure if you smoke,
but we do.
207. Sounds like a nice room.
[cell phone buzzing]
Shit, it's my mom again.
I gotta go.
207. I won't forget.
Maybe I'll see you later?
Maybe you will.
Hey, Mom. I'm coming. I'm com--
Oh, you're leaving so soon?
But we're on vacation.
Oh, I could really use a drink.
Sit down.
You know, you could at least,
like, give me a little bit
of a heads up or something
before taking off
like that, Taylor.
I barely even went anywhere.
There's literally nothing
to do here anyway.
Where could I possibly be?
What could possibly
happen to me?
You know that your dad and I
worry a lot about you,
and I would really like
to do that just, like,
a little bit less.
Nicole... you left
your beer at the bar.
Can I get you anything?
I'll have what she's having.
Well, she is having
our Cattoberfest.
It's an IPA. Slightly hoppy.
-It's good head--
We also have
a Full Moon you might like.
It's full-bodied.
Really grips you.
No, that's great.
Thank you so much.
Okay, all right. I like a woman
that knows what she wants.
I see you brought your fake ID.
Taylor, I know how this goes.
You are not gonna have
to buy yourself another drink
for the rest of your life
if you don't want to.
Where do you think
you get that power from?
Listen, I don't care
if you drink, okay?
But I do care if you get drunk
or if you try to steal it.
I cannot stop you
from having fun,
and you know what?
Honey, I don't want to.
I just really want you
to be careful.
Okay. I get it, Mom.
[Mark] All right.
I added it to Frenchy's tab.
I don't think he's gonna notice.
-Why, thank you.
-Can I get you anything else?
-Uh, no, thanks.
-All right.
Well, I just wanna make sure
you're taken care of.
I'm all taken care of.
All right.
Well, I'll be right over there.
I'm Mark.
I'll just be at the bar.
Okay. Bye-bye, now.
What is going on right now?
Guess I still got it.
Come on, you didn't think
I noticed them
when we walked in?
They're really cute.
Okay, see?
This place isn't half bad,
now is it?
It doesn't matter
how cute they are
when my mom
is sitting here
drinking with me.
I know you've been going
through a lot lately.
I get it, okay?
But your dad and I
are trying really, really hard.
I mean, when's the last time
he took off work to spend
a little time with just us?
Just cut him
a little bit of slack, please?
It's just one weekend.
I can only drink so much.
-You little bitch.
[door unlocks,
then car alarm chirps]
[car door opens]
[ominous music playing]
[suspenseful music playing]
[door handle clicking]
[panting and sobbing]
[clicks tongue]
Who are you?
Where's Mrs. Spring?
I'm guessing you must be, uh...
Mr. Conrad.
Hansen. In for Conrad.
Right. I see.
Lucky you.
I'm Mr. Lockwood.
I'm guessing Linda
didn't mention anything about me
taking up some of the slack
after all the recent changes.
Well, no.
She didn't say anything to me.
[chuckles] It's no problem.
In fact, she's still here,
in the back.
If you come over
to the side door,
I'm sure she'd
be glad to see you.
[ominous music playing]
Hey, Dad, look at that camera.
Isn't it cool?
Oh, yeah.
Hey, nice camera.
The best.
[Kevin] Is it wireless?
Yep. Just easier that way.
Just need some power.
How do you do that?
I thought
there wasn't any Wi-Fi.
Well, there isn't.
Not for the guests, anyway.
We do have
a business to run here.
-[dramatic music playing]
What the fuck?
-You okay?
-[Howard] What fucking asshole
puts a fucking ladder
in the middle
of a fucking hallway?
I wanna tell you something.
This fucking hotel sucks
camel cock.
And that shouldn't surprise
anybody, because you know what?
There ain't no
Internet service here.
None at all.
Being at this hotel is like
getting fucked in the ass
by the Oakland Raiders,
wherever the fuck
they're from now.
Who knows? Hey, hey, hey.
Speaking of getting
fucked in the ass,
I think the guy who sold me
this beer wants
to fuck me in the ass.
[laughing] I might let him.
I'm sorry.
You have a little boy.
I shouldn't talk--
Talk like that.
Fucking seltzer.
[ominous music playing]
-The hell's going on--? Oh!
[key card reader beeps,
then door unlocks]
Oh, it's so cute.
[bed springs squeaking]
[Taylor] Yay.
I get to share a bed
with the hyperactive monkey
all weekend.
Can you just at least
take your shoes off?
Taylor, remember
what we talked about?
[video game beeping]
Kevin, what did we talk about
before we left the house?
No video games on this trip.
Exactly. This is a family trip
meant to be spent
with the family.
Put it away, please. Thank you.
And now there's no service.
Just when I thought this place
couldn't get any worse.
This is a dream come true.
Boo, Taylor.
Seriously, when did you become
such a Debbie Downer?
I mean,
remember that one summer?
You had so much fun here.
-We went to the park all day,
and then Mrs. Spring
brought you to the roof,
and you looked at the stars.
It was just--
It was really perfect.
Park? What park?
I don't remember that.
Okay, all right.
It's time to get
a little shut-eye.
-[Roy] All right?
Tomorrow's a new day,
and I have a lot of plans
for this family.
-Dad, what park?
-[Roy] Should I--?
Should I tell him?
You can tell him. It's okay.
Well, let's just say
-we're not going to the zoo.
What are those?
These are VIP express passes
to Ultimate Universe.
Ultimate Universe?
Oh, my God.
-[Kevin] You're the best, Dad.
-I know, right?
Taylor, you taking notes?
Oh, come on, Taylor. Really?
The last time we came here,
you couldn't get enough
of this place.
Remember, you had us riding
each ride at least two--
-Three times.
Yeah, when I was 10.
Well, I'm 11, and I'm excited.
[Roy] Me too.
Could you at least, like,
pretend to have a good time?
For your brother's sake?
And for my sanity?
[Roy] Ultimate.
For the love of...
[both chanting]
Ultimate Universe.
Ultimate Universe.
Ultimate Universe.
[Bobby] I got this, all right?
-I told you we need a dolly.
[door opens]
Shit. Lockwood,
what's the deal with this guy?
He's a janitor.
He wasn't even
on the shift schedule.
Yeah, I know who he is, okay?
You really shouldn't be
doing this. You know, we--
You know what?
I don't wanna know.
Just-- I don't care.
I don't care.
-Just leave me out of this.
-Look, I wanna use him later.
Will you at least help us
carry him downstairs?
No, no, no. You know I don't
get involved in this part.
Come-- What the hell is that?
This one's just
malfunctioning a little bit.
-There's no time to fix it.
Don't worry about it.
I covered everywhere else.
No one's gonna complain.
They better not.
If they do, it's on you.
I know the drill.
-Now, where's my money?
Can we talk outside? Okay.
Bobby, you think
you can take care of this, huh?
Uh, tie him up.
In a chair.
-Go on. Let's go!
-You got my money, right?
Ed, how many times
do I have to tell you
don't bring up money
in front of the other workers?
You make more than they do.
Yeah, so you say.
Drive safe.
It's there.
-[keypad beeping]
-[door locks]
[arcade games beeping]
All right.
That should do it.
Oh, come on.
[arcade game beeping]
You're a genius, Mark.
[joints crack]
-Take this for a test drive.
-[buttons clicking]
All right.
Come at me like that
any time you want, baby.
You're dealing
with the Mark Man.
I know your patterns, babe.
I know your patterns.
You can't fool me.
So predictable,
you 16-bit bitch, huh?
Hey, bro. Arcade's closed.
I'm just doing
a little maintenance.
That's right.
That's right.
You want me, huh?
All right, you feel that?
That's Mark.
You feel me pressing
your buttons? You like that?
You like that
I'm making love to you, huh?
I'm making love to you.
That's it, baby. Ha, ha!
Hey, come on, man.
Move it along.
This ain't Halloween.
Yeah. Come on.
Bro, you're really starting
to freak me out, all right?
I can feel you over my shoulder.
I don't need a lunatic
breathing all over my neck,
all right? I'm going
for a high score.
-[arcade game beeping]
You totally screwed up
my high score.
This game sucks anyway.
[dramatic music playing]
[Mark shouting]
No. Please. Please.
No! No!
[Mark shouting]
Fuck you.
[Roy snoring]
[rock music playing faintly
on headphones]
[ominous music playing]
[rock music playing
over speakers]
[speaking French]
Oh, look who it is.
Well, everyone else fell asleep,
so I figured
I had no other choice.
Are you sure
you wanna do that in here?
Of course I am.
I'm saying that there are
usually smoke detectors
in places like this.
Yeah. Welcome
to America, dumbass.
[laughs] Oh, she got you.
[Louis] All right, fine.
This shit don't make any smoke.
Want some?
I have an idea.
Why don't we just go to the roof
and smoke there and not set
any smoke detectors off?
Ah, fuck that.
I love it.
Let's go.
[dance music playing
in distance]
[indistinct chatter in distance]
[Roy snoring]
[woman] Sarah! Sarah.
[whispering] Roy.
Roy, wake up.
Hey, what's all this noise
next door?
I don't want it
to wake up the kids.
Go back to sleep.
They're probably just a bunch
of kids screwing around.
I don't care.
It's after midnight.
Go over there
and tell them to shut up.
[woman laughing in distance]
[music volume increases]
[man] Shh, shh.
Get down, get down. Shh.
-May I help you?
-Hi. Yeah. My family and I
are trying to get
some sleep next door,
and it's a little loud in here.
Would you mind
taking it down a little bit?
-We have an early day tomorrow.
-Yes. Sorry.
We were playing a few
drinking games and Michelle
fell off the bed.
Sorry, mister,
but it was pretty funny.
Keep it down.
All right. Thank you.
So how did you know
about this place?
Well, I've been here before.
The old lady who works here
showed me once when I was a kid.
Ladies first.
[chuckles] What a gentleman.
-[woman moaning]
-[water splashing]
[ominous music playing]
Oh, yes.
[continues moaning]
You're fucking amazing.
[continues moaning]
-[screams] Oh, my God.
-Yo, what are you doing?
Get the fuck out of my room!
What are you, deaf?
I said get the fuck out!
[ominous music playing]
Get away from me!
No, no, no!
[woman screaming]
[screams] Oh, my God!
Oh, my God.
[woman sobbing]
Someone, please help me!
Get away from me!
No! No! No!
Help me, please!
[door slams]
-[key reader beeps]
-We're not allowed to--
What are you guys doing up?
Are they still
making noise next door?
It's Taylor. She snuck out.
Oh. You know, I bet she's with
those two guys she met earlier.
This girl is gonna be
the death of me.
You know what?
I will go downstairs
and find out
what room they are in.
Where do you think you're going?
You coming with?
Yeah, it's fine.
All right. A little quality
family bonding time.
Kev, put pants on.
[pop music playing]
You know, this is probably
one of the best views
I've ever seen.
I'm glad you showed me.
Yeah. It really is something,
isn't it?
I used to love
this view as a kid.
[pensive music playing]
You know how things are just
different when you're younger?
When you're small,
it feels like three flights
of stairs gets you
to the top of the world.
Uh, so,
what's with your boyfriend?
Why is he being such a dick?
Wait, he is not my boyfriend.
I am not homosexual.
Relax, Frenchie. It's a joke.
Well, this really is one of the
best views I've ever seen.
Okay, come on.
We're on a hotel roof
in Pennsylvania.
There are stars.
I'm not looking at the stars.
I got one for you.
What do you call a fish
with two [grunts] legs?
-A "two-knee" fish.
Get it? "Two-knee" fish?
Wow, I got one.
-Knock, knock.
-Who's there?
A terrible sister.
A terrible sister, who?
Yeah, I'd have to agree
with you right about now.
[bell ringing]
Where is everybody?
Maybe outside.
Okay. Let's go check outside.
-Language, Dad.
What the hell is going on?
[ominous music playing]
[knocking on door]
Roy? Is that you?
[ominous music playing]
[knocking on door]
Oh, my God.
Would it have been so hard
for you to bring
your damn room key?
Honey, is that you?
Is anyone there?
You know, it's not funny.
If you kids
don't knock this shit off,
I'm calling down
to the front desk.
All right. Assholes.
[key reader beeps,
then door opens]
Oh, I'm glad you guys are back.
You wouldn't believe
what these kids next door were--
[ominous music playing]
-Uh, can I help you?
-[Roy] Hi.
I'm really sorry
for bothering you so late,
but I'm looking for my daughter.
-She's 16 years old.
[Roy] She's 17 years old.
Uh, she has dark hair,
she's about your height.
She has a rock 'n' roll
T-shirt on.
A hoodie.
-Any chance you've seen her?
No. What about a couple
of foreigners?
They were down in the lobby.
I think they had French accents.
I was down there
-looking for Mr. Lockwood.
-I'm sorry, I don't know
who you're talking about.
And I haven't seen Mr. Lockwood
since I checked in. Good night.
-Good night. Thank you.
-[door locks]
I know the boys
you're referring to.
They're in the room next to me.
I couldn't sleep at all
between the smells and the sound
of their stupid accents.
Oh, okay.
-What room are you in?
209. Appreciate it.
Thank you. Come on.
[David] I'm David Burnham.
Roy Keenan. Nice to meet you.
-This is my son, Kevin.
-Hi, Kevin.
Nice to meet you.
Any chance you saw
my girl up there?
Can't say that I did.
Can't imagine
she'd be anywhere else, though.
I came down for a smoke,
wanted to go outside,
but I couldn't get out
the fucking door.
I'm sorry, Kevin.
Yeah, we were
in the lobby earlier,
and everything's locked up.
Well, it's not just a lobby.
Every door in this damn place
is that way.
I tried them all.
So, we're trapped?
Well, I'm not saying that.
It's just that
it's just a little weird.
No Internet to use.
Is there a phone in your room?
There's nothing in mine.
Do we have a phone?
I'm not sure.
I think Mom tried to use it,
but it didn't work.
I couldn't find
that Lockwood guy
or anyone else to let me out.
So fuck them.
[dramatic music playing]
[gasping and grunting]
[flesh slicing]
[ominous music playing]
[cheerful chimes
playing on speakers]
[computer beeping]
[pop music playing]
Hey, why don't we
get out of here?
-I'd love that.
-Okay. Um--
Let's just go.
Let's leave tonight
before my parents wake up
and realize I'm gone.
Wait, what?
The concert.
Let's just go, you and me.
Okay, well, we could...
I don't have a ticket.
You only have two.
Yeah, but, uh...
Oh, fuck it.
Louis won't mind.
He likes to wander, anyway.
-I mean, I think he'll mind.
-Whatever. Let's go.
What are you doing?
The quickest way between
two points is a straight line.
Plus, I do not want to run into
my parents or your friend.
Taylor, open up.
Taylor, this is your father.
Open the door!
Maybe she went back to the room.
For her sake, I hope she did.
-Come on, let's go check.
-She's so dead.
[Roy] You're right.
She is so dead.
[classical music playing
over speakers]
[Oswald grunting]
-[remote beeps and music stops]
-Hold it.
I'm sorry, Ozzy.
The music, I didn't hear you.
What's that?
[groans, then sobbing]
Oh, okay.
You promise
not to scream, chubs?
Pinky swear?
You okay?
I'm begging you.
Don't do this.
I won't say a word.
It'll just be our little secret.
I, uh--
I can help you.
I can help you.
just listen to reason.
[clicks tongue]
-No, I'm good.
-Oh, please, God, no!
-[dramatic music playing]
-Say cheese.
-[camera beeping]
I wanna show you something.
[cabinet opens]
Look at that.
That's some real
craftsmanship right there.
[Oswald groans]
[suspenseful music playing]
-[stabbing noises]
-[Oswald shouting]
Out of the game, Ozzy!
-Wanna hear a joke?
Wanna hear a joke?
No, not right now, buddy.
I'm not in the mood.
[ominous music playing]
Dad, is everything okay?
I don't know, buddy.
No, no, no.
I want you to stay right here.
Oh, my God, Elaine!
Elaine! Oh, my God.
Honey, wake up.
Wake up, baby. Wake up.
Oh, my God.
No, no, no.
[sobbing] Wake up.
Stay with me, please.
Who did this to you?
-Kevin, do not come
in this room!
Dad, is Mom okay?
Kevin, I told you to stay
in that other room!
Just do as I say, Kevin!
Don't leave me.
[keypad beeping]
[cell phone beeping]
What's going on, Dad?
Where's Mom?
you gotta listen to me, okay?
You gotta do everything
I ask you to do, all right?
-You understand? Take this.
Look at me.
Now we need to find
your sister, okay?
-You understand?
-No! Back off!
-Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Take it easy, man.
What's going on?
I don't fucking know.
And I don't know
who the fuck you are either!
Just take it easy, take it easy.
I'll tell you who I am.
I'll get my wallet.
Just relax now.
Retired, LAPD.
I was on the force for 25 years.
So take a deep breath
and tell me what's going on.
We should go to my room.
Come with me.
[key reader beeps,
then door unlocks]
Come on in.
Stay here.
Come with me, Kevin.
Why don't you hop up there?
Okay, you stay right here,
little guy,
and play your game.
My dad said no video games.
I'm sure he'll let it
slide this time.
Besides, rules
are made to be broken.
[somber music playing]
My wife is dead.
I'm sorry, man.
Dave, I don't know
what else to do.
I'm just, you know, trying
to hold it together for Kevin.
I don't know
how much longer I can do this.
Did you find your daughter?
I don't know where she is.
I knew something
was fucked up around here.
Okay, hold on,
I'm gonna get us
some protection.
[upbeat music playing
on video game]
[Dave sighs]
Never leave home without her.
Okay, now, we gotta go
find your daughter.
I know it's hard,
but you can't think of
anything else but that.
Oh, my God.
What if my baby girl
is dead too?
I get it, Roy.
I have a daughter.
I lost her once.
She ran off as soon
as she was old enough.
That's why I'm here, I mean.
I'm on my way to Philly
to attend her wedding.
A wedding that
I wasn't even invited to.
You have to stay strong
for your kids, man.
You can't put a price on life.
You have to appreciate
every moment you have with them,
as little or as much
as it may be.
We're gonna find her.
Yeah. You're right.
I need to leave Kevin here,
where he's safe.
And then you and I need
to figure out what the hell's
going on around here.
Hey, Kevin.
I need you to stay here
and play your video games, okay?
Can you do that for me?
Me and Mr. Burnham
are gonna go downstairs
and find your sister.
Hey, Kevin.
I need you
to listen to me, okay?
I'm serious.
All right? I need you
to lock that door
and put the chain on it.
Do not open it
for anybody but me.
Do you understand me?
Say, "I understand."
-I understand.
-Good. All right.
Do you remember
our special knock?
Okay, good.
[Dave] Come on, Roy.
All right, good.
Good boy. I love you.
Come on.
Come on, come on, come on.
Lock the door.
[door locks]
[pop music playing on stereo]
[music volume decreases]
I might have to move
to America now
if I don't want to hear
shit from Louis
for the rest of my life.
What is the matter?
You wanted to do this.
I just know my parents
haven't been happy with me.
I mean, they're going to turn
my house into a prison
when they find out about this.
They were so excited
to take us on this stupid trip.
I'm sure
you've snuck out before,
so this is no different.
I don't know. I mean...
you didn't see his face,
how excited he was
when he showed us the tickets.
Well, I can assure you,
these tickets are much better.
I guess.
-[Roy] Do you see anything?
-No, nothing.
No sign of Lockwood anywhere.
Let's go.
Do you think he's dead too?
Wouldn't surprise me
if that crazy bastard
was in on this.
We need to knock
on these doors then.
We gotta let these people
know what's going on.
-No, not happening.
-Why not?
We can't trust anybody here.
Any one of them
could be in on this.
Whatever this is.
[Roy] I just need to find
my daughter.
I need to know that she's safe.
[Dave] Yeah, we will. We will.
Look, I know it's not
the same thing,
but there was
a similar situation...
back in Glendale.
in an apartment building
were trapped inside
and slaughtered one by one.
It was like some kind
of a competition
because there was no motive
and each instance
was more creative than the last.
What the hell
is going on around here?
Oh, shit!
He's got a gun.
What's going on?
I got news for you guys.
We are fucked.
I can't open any fucking doors.
I've thrown chairs at it.
I've thrown sofas at it.
There's no way
to get the fuck out of here.
I don't know what's going on.
We gotta get your people.
We gotta go.
I'm gonna get my wife. Donna!
I gotta get my wife.
Howard! Howard!
Where have you been, Donna?
We are fucked.
We can't get out of here.
We're trapped, baby.
We're trapped.
What the hell are you doing?
Where have you been?
Are you drinking?
No, I'm not drinking.
These guys gave this to me.
Shut up. Okay, you're drunk.
Come to bed now.
Don't yell at me
in front of my friends, okay?
-They're my friends.
-No, they're not
your fucking friends.
You're embarrassing me
right now.
[Howard laughing]
Come on, we can have a party.
Guy with a gun
and the other guy's got
a little boy.
I don't give a fuck who
they are. You get back
to the room right now.
[Lockwood on PA] Good evening,
ladies and gentlemen.
I'm sure you're all wondering,
"What is going on?"
Luckily, you have me here
to fill you in.
Two of our guests,
Mr. Keenan and Mr. Burnham,
have had a little head start
on the fun.
But for the rest of you,
please allow me
to enlighten you.
Tonight, we are running
a game of sorts.
A game that each of you
have unknowingly signed up for
when checking in
to this fine establishment.
Gotta read those
terms and conditions.
What the hell is going on here?
I was trying to sleep.
Who the hell are you?
I'm John. Who the fuck are you?
Get that goddamn thing
out of my face
if you know what's good for you.
Our game, I admit,
is a rather unusual one,
but I can assure you that
it will be far more entertaining
than anything you have
ever been a part of before.
Also, I would be remiss
if I didn't welcome
our four all-stars
to tonight's festivities.
It is indeed an honor
to have them here
with us tonight,
and I can't wait
for all of you to meet them.
So buckle up.
Warm-ups are over,
ladies and gents.
Let's play ball!
-What's happening?
-I am not sure.
Everyone, we should stay close.
Everyone, stay close together.
[Donna screams]
-[Howard] Donna, no!
-Calm down.
-[glass breaks]
-Someone is here.
-Shoot it.
-Shoot what? I can't see shit.
I can't do this. Please.
I can't do this.
[Howard groaning]
[suspenseful music playing]
Shoot them!
Shoot them for chrissake!
Fuck this shit!
Please! Stop! Don't!
Please! Please! Stop!
[Amy screaming]
[bones cracking]
What are you doing?
We gotta help him.
Are you out of your mind?
You got kids, man.
[cheerful chimes
playing on speakers]
[cheerful chimes
playing on speakers]
Three hundred.
[continues whistling]
[computer alarm beeping]
What is this?
-[alarm stops]
-[keyboard clacking]
What the hell?
[ominous music playing]
[Louis] What the fuck?
[Louis groans]
What the fuck?
No! No!
[Louis groaning]
[bones cracking]
[keyboard clacking]
Oh. [chuckles]
Well, well, well.
Hello, Kevin.
-Mr. Lockwood?
Wow, you're a clever little boy,
aren't you?
No one hacks into my system.
I guess I have to make a note
about little prepubescent shits
like you.
What's going on?
Where's my family?
There's an old saying, Kevin.
"Curiosity killed the cat."
Maybe you've heard it.
Although it doesn't really apply
in this situation
because your curiosity
has absolutely no bearing
on whether you live or you die,
just how painful
it's going to be.
Where's my dad?
Again, with the curiosity.
You're ever inquisitive,
aren't you?
The world needs more of that.
But you're asking
the wrong questions.
What you should be asking, son,
is whether or not
your mother is safe.
[dramatic music playing]
All right, let's just go back
to the room.
I think they figured out
the power situation.
[gentle music
playing in distance]
What's that noise?
Guys, look.
Wow, what the fuck
have we been drinking?
-[music stops]
-[all laughing]
Kind of kinky.
You got that right.
You two are such skanks.
[ominous music playing]
[music resumes]
La, la-la, la
La, la...
I don't think
they're here to party.
La, la, la
La, la-la, la
La, la, la, la, la
-La, la, la..
-[alarm ringing]
What the fuck?
Guys, let's just stay close.
[all screaming]
[music box winding]
[gentle music
playing on music box]
[suspenseful music playing]
-What the fuck?
Michelle! Come on! Please!
[woman screaming]
Please don't kill me.
Please, please.
Please don't, stop.
Please, please, no, please.
Please. Please...
-[Sebastian] Stop.
No, no, no.
Please, please.
Kid, oh my God.
-Where are your parents?
-My mom is upstairs.
I need to find her.
No, we're not going up there.
We have to get out of here.
Oh, fuck me!
Who is that?
Come on, hurry, kid!
-Hey, he's coming!
-Go, go!
Come on, kid, move! Fast!
-Open the door!
-He's coming! He's coming!
-Open up, please!
-He's coming! We gotta go!
He's coming! He's right there!
-Help us!
-He's right there! We gotta go!
Come on! Hurry!
[Sebastian groaning]
[Sebastian groaning
and shouting]
[cheerful chimes
playing on speakers]
Come on! Open up! Open up!
Oh, my God! Open up!
Come on! Oh, my God!
Please, open up!
Please stay away!
Stay back!
-No, please.
-I'm warning you, stay back!
-Stay back!
-Please, no!
[elevator bell chimes]
[Sarah] No!
[upbeat pop music playing
over speakers]
[Lockwood laughing]
The brother-sister duo
have brought
their hay game tonight.
So much flair.
They're really wracking up
those style points.
This could be a major upset.
I don't see anybody.
Yeah, let's go.
I'm not so sure
that's a good idea.
I'm not just gonna sit here
while the rest of my family
gets killed.
I need to find my son.
Mind if I hang on to this?
If any of these freaks
try to hurt my kids, I want
to be the one to kill them.
-Yeah, suit yourself.
[elevator bell chimes]
[ominous music playing]
Get off me!
Oh, my God.
Get off me!
Get off!
-[gasping, then screams]
-[flesh slicing]
Come on! 207, 208, 209! Kevin!
-Where is he?
-I don't know.
I told him to stay here.
Damn it,
I told him not to leave!
[tablet cracks]
Oh, shit! Kevin! Kevin!
[dramatic music playing]
[Roy coughing]
-No. Don't! No, no, don't!
[Roy groaning]
What if that
would have fell on me?
I thought it was a gamble
you'd be willing to take.
[suspenseful music playing]
Attempted security breach.
All players must report
to disturbance.
Amber light trail activated.
[door opens]
Kind of strange
you held your locks
to your lobby doors at night.
Can't believe you wanted
to come back here.
I really can't believe
I actually brought you.
Yeah, well, tonight's
just been full of surprises,
hasn't it been?
I know.
What's with the lights?
-What is going on?
-[ominous music playing]
Oh. Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
What is that?
-Oh, my God!
-We need to get out of here.
Oh, shit! Shit!
[dramatic music playing]
-Whoa! Double kill.
-[cheerful chimes
playing on speakers]
[alarm beeping]
Kevin! [coughs] Kevin!
Shh. You know
everybody know we're here?
I know.
But these are my kids, Dave.
And I'd rather these freaks
know where I am than they are.
Shoot him! Dave, shoot him!
-What are you doing?
-I have secured my win.
My work here is done.
Sorry, Roy.
It's time for me to get
the fuck out of this place.
You don't have to do this.
Oh, but I do.
You see,
you can put a price on life.
In this case,
the price is pretty high.
Carry on.
That's it.
Oh, yeah. [chuckles] This is it.
Yes! I'm in.
Okay, now, how do I
get the hell out of here?
Security access code.
It's got to be around
here somewhere.
[suspenseful music playing]
There's no way that old man
could remember on his own.
[Roy grunting]
Come on, Roy.
Your family's already dead.
Give it up.
Let me win this thing, Roy.
Come on,
there's no reason to fight.
Don't you let me down.
Come on.
What the...?
Where did it go?
Ah, yes! [laughs]
Oh, I knew you wouldn't
let me down, Roy!
I'm gonna win this thing!
All right!
I finally get what I deserve!
They said I was crazy.
Uh-huh. Who's laughing now,
You can't do this, man. The game
is over. My bets are in. I won.
Au contraire, Mr. Burnham.
You, my dear friend,
are still alive.
You cheated, Dave. You tried
to manipulate the game.
We have integrity here.
Bettors are never allowed
to interfere with the process.
You should have just
let the game play out, Dave.
But you, you just
couldn't do that, could you?
You know, I had my eye on you
from the moment you were put on
this case all those years ago.
Did you know that?
I can't believe you thought
I wouldn't notice
when you checked in.
-[knife slicing]
-[Dave shouting]
And you know what they do
with rats, don't you, Dave?
They exterminate them.
-[computer beeping]
-[drill whirring]
[drill turns off]
Wait a minute.
[Lockwood laughing]
Well, well, well.
How about that?
Hey, Dave!
Dave, you got to see this.
Look. Look!
Apparently, you wouldn't
have won anyway.
You underestimated the kid.
Fuck you.
Fuck you.
[Dave screaming]
[dramatic music playing]
Okay, listen up.
We have one guest left,
and by my tally,
only two players
who can end this game.
So it is now
a one-on-one competition.
The player who kills the boy
will be awarded triple points.
Happy hunting!
Blood on the ground
means points on the board.
[elevator bell chimes]
[suspenseful music playing]
[Lockwood] Oh, my.
Someone is awfully warm.
And it's not you, player two.
[screams] Please don't!
Someone help me!
-Stop! Get off!
-Get off of me!
It's me. It's Dad.
Buddy, you okay? Yeah.
All right, listen to me.
I need big boy Kevin
right now. Okay?
You and me,
we're getting out of here.
Where's Taylor?
I don't know.
Hopefully, she snuck out.
It's the first time
I've ever heard you say that.
Yeah. Yeah, right. Look,
it's just you and me
right now, okay?
How long can you hold
your breath? I need you
to play dead.
Can you do that for me? Yeah?
Okay. Go on.
Holy shit.
Player 2! Player 2!
Player 1 is a fake! Do you read?
Player 1 is a fake!
Kill them both!
[dramatic music playing]
-[knife stabbing]
[Player 2 screaming]
No, no, no, no, no!
Touch, Roy.
We're going to overtime.
[suspenseful music playing]
Come on. Come on,
come on, come on, come on.
Dad, the cart!
The cart.
Move. Move, move, move, move.
Damn it!
Roy, Roy, Roy.
You ruined everything.
-You know that?
-Stay behind me, Kevin.
You were supposed
to lose this game.
You cost a lot of people
a lot of money tonight, Roy.
And they are not happy about it.
And neither am I.
Please! Just let me
and my son leave.
Leave? No, you and your son
are never leaving here.
You have an audience, Roy. Look.
You see? There?
You're a sick man.
Oh, come on.
Games are as old as the world.
[Roy] Run, Kevin!
What are you talking
about a game?
These are people's lives,
for chrissake.
[Lockwood] Oh, come on.
Pigs, cats, dogs, chickens,
monkeys, people.
What's the difference?
It's a sport.
It's the oldest sport.
It's in our nature.
Greeks, Romans, Aztecs,
Mongols, they all did it.
We do it. And now you.
Ah-ah, ah-ah.
Now you.
Joining that long history
because tonight, Roy,
you are a gladiator.
I can't say the same, though,
for your wife
or that hot little daughter
of yours.
Oh, well, we'll chalk that up
to survival of the fittest,
I guess, huh?
What do you say?
I know you're
a sentimental guy, Roy,
so it is a shame
that you will never see
the video of when they:
[gasping, then laughing]
Oh, well.
[suspenseful music playing]
Game over.
-Dad, are you okay?
-Yeah. Yeah, buddy. I'm okay.
Are you okay? Yeah?
Oh, come here.
I am so, so proud of you.
You are such a brave boy.
What do you say we go home, huh?
Let's go.
[spear stabbing]
-It's okay. We're safe.
[Taylor] Oh, my God. Dad!
Dad! Dad!
You're okay, you're okay.
You're okay.
It's gonna be okay, honey.
No, Dad. Dad. Dad.
You were just looking out
for your brother.
No, no, please, please, please.
You're okay. Don't leave me.
Don't leave me.
-It's okay. It's okay.
-[Taylor sobbing]
It's okay.
Dad, please, please,
don't leave me.
[Roy] Take--
-Take good care of each other.
-[Taylor] Dad, no!
I love you.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry for everything.
I love you too.
[somber music playing]
[suspenseful music playing]
The house always wins, bitch.
No more bets.
[pensive music playing]
[police sirens wailing]
I'm sorry your family
had to go through this
unspeakable night.
I can only imagine
what you're going through.
Just know, your father's a hero.
You're all heroes.
Detective! Detective!
I'll speak to you again soon.
Here you go, guys.
If you need anything else,
just let me know, okay?
-Here you go, buddy.
[cheerful chimes
playing on phone]
[ominous music playing]
Shift change in five minutes.
[man] Good.
Everything's on schedule, sir.
Let's keep it that way.
Yes, sir.
Well, that was
really exciting, wasn't it?
Best form of entertainment
that money can buy.
Roy really did put up
quite a fight.
It's a shame we won't be able to
have him around for an encore.
But no worries.
I have something
truly extraordinary
in store for you, streamers.
I've always found hospitals
to be particularly depressing.
I say we do something
about that.
It's time
to spice things up a bit.
You know, they say that
one's true character
can be revealed in the face
of adversity.
And our program provides
plenty of adversity
with real consequences.
The decisions we make
last us a lifetime
and are remembered
long after we're gone.
We all love competition,
and we love this competition
more than any other.
It's what sells.
This game will be
the first of its kind,
and we are providing
ringside seats
with unprecedented access
and all the comforts of home.
We are all sullen survivors
scratching for a way
to get home.
Sometimes hiding in the shadows,
waiting for our golden moment.
Men and women, old and young,
who's to say whose life
is more valuable?
I say, let the struggle begin.
Or should I say,
"Let it continue"?
[upbeat pop music playing]
[dramatic music playing]
Jesus Christ!
-Mister! Please help me!
-All right! All right!
Stop it!
[man over speaker] Welcome.
How can I help you, Sofia?
-[man laughing]
-Fuck! Fuck!
-Oh, nicely done.
-Now what?
-Why are you doing this?
Who are you people?
[Lockwood] I am the ringmaster
of this circus,
the pit boss of our little game.
But you, my dear,
can call me Lockwood.
But enough about me.
We wouldn't want
to upstage the talent.
[alarm buzzes]
I know how actors can be.
What is all this?
The Stream is everywhere.
You have no privacy.
You hardly have free will
at this point.
All of your intimate details
are being gathered and assessed,
used to manipulate you
for their gain.
[Lockwood] Your life is online,
and it all can be taken away
by the click of a mouse.
-Untie me!
-[Lockwood] That's enough!
Un-fucking-tie me, you freaks!
What do you take me for, a fool?
I am no clown.
You know what needs to be done.
The spotlight is finally yours,
so take a bow.
-[electricity crackling]
[Lockwood laughing]
Now, where was I?
Oh, the final act.
[Lockwood laughing]
[upbeat pop music playing]