Streets Of Blood (2009) Movie Script
How do you feel about taking
another human being's life?
Well, like my daddy always said,
it's better be judged by 12
than carried by six.
And what did he do? He...
You know what he did.
He was a hero.
The vast majority of
New Orleans, Louisiana, is underwater.
Tens of thousands of homes
and businesses are beyond repair.
We're dealing
with one of the worst
natural disasters
in out nation's history.
The mayor, Ray Nagin,
has ordered almost every one
of the city's 1500 police officers
to leave their search and rescue mission
and return to the streets
to stop people
from taking goods
from stores and businesses.
Jesus. Is that Kenny?
What the hell was your partner
doing here?
I don't know. We got separated
a couple days ago.
I've been down in the 9th Ward
since it hit.
People are trapped in there
like rats.
They never got half of them out
before the flood waters rose.
Come on, help me.
Your late partner,
Mr. Kenny Cowlings...
- Was he...?
- Was he what?
You tell me.
Was he dirty?
Ma'am, if Kenny was dirty,
I would have killed him.
I've got a floater.
I'm gonna need some pickup.
All looters will be shot.
Get away from the store.
All looters will be shot.
Stupid motherfucker, you can't even
carry that TV. Freeze!
- Let's get the fuck out of here.
What the fuck? Metro PD.
What the fuck are you doing?
- Stand down.
- Get your ass down from there.
I'm just doing my job.
- Stand down.
- You get your ass down off that roof.
Come in here
and clean your mess up.
We're all in this shit together.
What the fuck is the matter with you?
- Get off the roof.
- Stand down.
I will not. You stand down.
I'm just doing my job.
You get your ass down from there.
No, I will not.
You do your job.
- You just shot that man for no reason.
- He deserved it.
- Hey.
- Stan Johnson, 5th Ward.
- You a cop?
- Private security.
- He ain't no cop.
- I got this. You a cop killer?
You're pointing your gun at an officer.
Put that gun down.
- Stand down.
- Put it down.
- Andy Deveraux.
- Nice to meet you. Stan Johnson.
- Where's your partner?
- He left when the water got deep?
Yeah, mine stayed.
- Where are you from?
- Chicago. I just transferred.
Lucky you.
Yeah, right? Lucky me.
That guy shot that man for no reason.
The Big Easy
ain't so easy anymore.
As the ferocious
hurricane Katrina
drew a bead on their precariously
sited city and suburbs,
metropolitan New Orleans residents
prayed for salvation...
The death toll
from Hurricane Katrina
continues to climb dramatically.
Entire communities have been wiped out.
And residents of New Orleans
are now being told
they may not be able to return
to what's left of their city for months.
The number of dead
in the devastated city
could well be into the thousands.
Conditions continue to deteriorate
after two levies broke
sending water coursing
through the streets.
An estimated 80% of the city which lies
below sea level is underwater...
We are facing a storm
that most of us have feared.
I do not want to create panic,
but I do want the citizens to understand
that this is very serious.
That's why we've taken this
unprecedented move.
Every person is hereby ordered
to immediately evacuate
the City of New Orleans.
Truckloads of water,
ice, meals, medical supplies,
generators, tents and tarpaulins.
There are currently over 1700
trailer trucks
which have been mobilized to move
these supplies into position.
The Coast Guard has worked heroically
for the last 48 hours,
rescuing or assisting well more
than 1000 people who were in distress
and held high and dry
above the flood waters.
The Federal Emergency
Management Agency is scrambling
to find temporary housing
for tens of thousands of people,
to rescue people stranded on roofs
in the now uninhabitable Super Dome.
This recovery
will take a long time.
This recovery will take years.
In some cases violence
has broken out as people looted stores.
Several businesses report
having their entire stock of guns
and other weapons taken.
And police officials report
armed gangs roaming the streets.
- Hey, what up, coz.
- Hey, coz, how are you doing, man?
- Yeah, go ahead in that there.
- Yeah, keeping it real.
- Man, what's up?
- Yeah yeah, what up, coz?
What's up, man?
You got some new chompers on you, coz.
- Morning.
Hey, coz, you got what I need?
Yeah, baby.
Hey, babe.
It's the Latin Kings!
Hey y'all, grab your shit.
It's the Latin Kings!
Fuck, Chamorro.
Are we through?
No, sir, we're not.
You have a new partner now.
Do you trust him?
Starting to.
Look at this.
Two joints tops.
A bunch of wannabes.
Been out there all day.
Oh, not this asshole.
- Whoa.
Welcome to my park. This shit will
get you hot for real, no joke.
- Nice. Thanks, man.
- Y'all are welcome back anytime.
- Thanks.
- Yeah, appreciate it.
Freeze. Narcotics.
- What did I do, man?
- Hands behind your head.
Turn around.
I just want to talk to you.
Shit, man.
Oh, look what we got here, Stan.
What's a punk like you doing
with a SIG Sauer?
Ooh, a fancy gun.
Got an ID, killer?
No, I don't have an ID.
- How about a name, asshole?
- My boys call me George Carter, man.
Shut up. I know this punk.
His name is Downey Little.
What are you doing in my park?
You know me...
no walking on the grass,
no pissing on the trees and no dealing.
Okay okay, put the gadget down.
Turn around.
Let me see that gun.
Put it down before I blow your head off,
Shit, blow away, asshole.
It don't mean nothing.
Shoot him, Stan. Shoot him.
Oh, shit.
Get off me, coz. Damn, man.
- Get off me, man.
- Don't cuff him, Stan. Get him up.
Get up!
This is my park.
I'm gonna give you a 9mm in a second.
Wait a second. Whoa whoa, come on.
I don't do that, man.
All right.
Let's shoot him, Stan.
It's not right to shoot.
He's not a threat.
Well, he's willing to kill a cop.
We take him out now...
we're gonna save another life.
Let's shoot him.
Don't shoot. Look, man, look,
I know some valuable things.
- You don't know shit.
- I know some real shit, man.
The dude named Ray Delacroix,
man, Delacroix.
The dude hangs
on El Dorado Street, man.
That nigga's got
the whole damn street, coz.
- What?
- Ray Delacroix, man.
- What does he look like?
- Man, the cat's black, man.
He's a black dude
with freckles, man.
And he drives a tight green Capris.
And the Capris got some 24s on it.
What do I care
about a mid-level dealer
in a fat car? Big fucking deal.
The nigga is a DEA agent, man.
The dude works for the feds
and he works for the street muscles.
Now why do I care about
a Fed rat named Delacroix?
Get up.
Shit, Latin Kings.
- Are you okay?
- I'm all right.
- That was lucky.
- Not for Downey Little.
So after they found his partner dead,
he asked for you
to transfer over from patrol
to the VCTF and become his partner?
Yeah, a little kick in the paycheck.
I needed it too.
I have a wife and three kids
at home.
Tell me about your family.
Why? You're not profiling my family.
For your file, I need for you
to talk about it.
Not about my family.
Let's talk about your partner.
What about him?
All I know is he's the first to go
through the door every time, all right?
He put a lot of drug dealers behind bars
and he killed a few, okay?
And that colors your opinion of him?
Look, except for our task force,
the department is a laughingstock,
all right?
It's gonna get worse
before it gets better.
We got gangs
from all around the country
circling this city like a pack
of fucking rabid dogs.
Guys like Andy and me,
we're all that stands
between people like you
and the end
of the motherfucking world.
I'm so fucking bored, man.
We gotta find some trouble.
Are you ready for some trouble,
huh, son?
Huh-uh, no.
You gotta learn how to welcome
that shit, man.
You gotta learn to love that shit. You
can start noticing this shit, Barney.
What's the matter?
Quit playing with your dick.
Hold up. Here we go.
What the fuck is that?
- It's fucking Santa Claus up ahead.
- Do you see what I see? I see a ghost.
The motherfucker can't be riding
up here unless I say so.
You see he's got his lights off?
He's trying to creep.
Oh, you wanna play? All right.
I see he's slowing down.
Oh, you give me a reason.
Are you gonna give me a reason?
- Wanna play?
- He wants to fucking play.
Let's play.
- Are you fucking ready?
- Let's do this.
Where is he going?
Keep an eye on him.
Keep an eye on him, Barney.
Here we go. Look alive.
What was his fucking set, Barney?
Right or left?
- Left.
- Left?
- Where'd he go, Barney?
- Take a right about right here.
Come on, Barney,
where the fuck is he?
- Maybe we should just take off, man.
- Fuck that shit, man.
Just fucking deal with it another night.
That motherfucker can't roll up
in Mid-City like that.
Hey, there he is.
Did you shit your pants?
You fucking creep piece of shit.
What you got there, boy?
That sure don't look like fried chicken
and watermelon, boy.
You tagging me, motherfucker?
Recognize, bitch.
You know who you're talking to?
- Recognize.
- I don't give a shit who you are.
Roll up your window.
Get the fuck out of here.
Shut the fuck up,
you freckled-face fuck.
- Where are you, Niggermint Pattie?
- What, did you steal Santa's sleigh?
I'll bust a cap in your ass right now.
Hey, hands on the wheel.
Metro Narcotics.
You breathe, you die, motherfucker.
Cover him, Barney, cover him.
That's it.
- Shit. Shit.
- Get right up there.
I thought we were just playing.
Get the fuck out of here.
Get the fuck out of here.
Fucking move.
I'm DEA, motherfucker.
Shit, DEA, are you?
- Fucking dirty.
- He's DEA.
You fucking dirty cop.
Dirty, huh?
Just enough to still be alive.
You went and got filthy.
Look where it got you.
You're dead, motherfucker.
Throw of the dice, DEA.
- What about our fucking backup?
- You're my backup, Barney baby.
Barney, what did you do?
You shot that motherfucker
in the head, Barney.
He's DEA?
DEA... that's a bullshit
fucking story, ain't it?
- That was good shooting, Barney.
- What about our backup?
That's all right.
Look, we're gonna wash it down
with a little half and half...
half his money, half his dough.
- Half and half.
- Half his money, half his dough.
Barney, you see, in this world
you ain't special...
you ain't special
unless you got fuck-you money.
- I shot him in the head.
- That was a good shot.
- I shot him in the head.
- That's right.
You shot that motherfucker
in the head.
We're fucked.
We're fucking fucked, you know that?
Barney, call it in, huh?
I want you to call it in.
I'm gonna check the car.
- You want me to call it in?
- Call it in, buddy.
- You sure you want me to call it in?
- Call it in, Barney.
- Somebody might see us.
- I told you you're a fucking ghost.
You don't exist in Mid-City
unless I fucking say so. Huh?
Are you listening to me,
you motherfuckers out there?
Oh, shit, Barney.
Damn, I told you it was a good night.
Call the shit in, Barney.
You're gonna get my ass killed.
You're one crazy motherfucker.
Barney, can't you feel it?
Oh, Barney, this is the best part.
I can feel his soul
cutting right through me.
How are the storm repairs coming?
The roof's still got a hole in it,
but it's coming along.
Well, I got some money saved up.
If you want, I could loan you some.
We're doing okay.
I really appreciate it, though.
Yo, Andy,
- about tonight, you know...
- Hey, shut up. You did good.
Stop chasing your sister
through the house.
If she hurts herself,
I'm gonna knock you out.
Dinner's almost ready.
Please do something with him.
Come on. I got it.
Can the roof man
come out tomorrow?
That's good news. We're covered
for rain damage, just not flood damage.
Who is it?
Hold on. Hold on.
Yeah, okay okay.
It's the insurance broker.
He says we're covered for rain damage...
rain damage.
Get off me, bitch.
Whoa! You don't talk like that.
What is wrong with you?
- Apologize to her.
- I'm sorry.
I'd better never hear that mess
come out of your mouth again.
FBI. Where are the shooters?
Right there, sir.
- Vasquez? Balentine?
- Yes, sir.
Yeah. Who's you?
Agent Brown, FBI.
You boys know what you've done?
Yeah, my fucking job
is what I've been doing.
- Yeah, our job.
- That's what I did.
Your job, huh?
I killed this drug-dealing piece of shit
named Ray Delacroix.
- You killed a federal agent.
- Oh, he's one of yours? Is that right?
Why didn't you teach him not to shoot
at police officers, Special Agent?
Did you identify yourselves as police?
Shit, yeah. He opened up
on us first, just like that.
Captain Friendly.
- Vasquez, what we got here?
- Yeah, Captain,
he rolled up on us, right?
He rolled up on us hard.
We identified ourselves as police
and he just opened fire. That's right.
- Why would he do that?
- Check your toxicology reports.
That motherfucker was so high,
he was coming in for landing.
All right, get on back,
fill out the report.
He deserves a fucking medal, Captain.
He was still alive. His heart was
pumping blood for a few minutes
before he was shot in the brain,
stopping his heart.
The first shot to the torso.
Suspect raises gun.
They fire again, and in self-defense
the backup officer shot him in the head.
That's good shooting.
You know what I think?
I think your detectives coup-de-grace'd
him with the third shot,
executed him.
So you say he's one of yours.
What was he working on?
It's a federal investigation.
Y'all need to be cleaning up
your own house.
You're here to investigate your vic?
Man, my guys are clean.
Captain, your department
is fucking legendary...
suspects beaten,
short counts on drug deals,
cocaine that never makes it
to the evidence locker.
Have you got any evidence
to back that up?
More than you know.
So this was your first
shooting incident?
Yes, ma'am.
How did you feel?
I felt pretty good,
'cause, see, I realized right there
that if I needed to fire my gun
to protect and serve, you know,
I could.
How do you feel about taking
another human being's life?
I did my job.
It was a righteous kill.
It was all good.
They are fucking animals out there,
all right?
I go after the animals.
It's what I do.
I had a snitch the night
before last finger Ray Delacroix.
- I wanted to talk to him.
- It's too late for that,
unless you want to call
Psychic Friends Hotline.
You did a good job on it. Did he say
anything I might want to know?
He called me a punk motherfucker.
I knew that.
Is that why you shot him?
Shit, we're from Mid-City, yo.
- We eat our dead.
- Yeah, we eat our dead.
In other words, fuck,
it was getting late and I was hungry.
Shit, I like me a little dog meat
from time to time.
- You know what I'm saying?
- Preach it, brother, preach it.
Yeah, it looked like a good meal,
so yeah, I did...
I shot him.
Cocksuck, motherfuck.
Give me some chew.
I'm a Mid-City cop.
Who the fuck are you?
So it really is true... those rumors.
Y'all really do eat your dead.
They eat their dead?
Well, I hold my socks up
with thumb-tacks.
I wipe my ass with razor wire.
I'm not asking, I'm telling...
you're gonna help me find out what
I would have, had you not smoked him.
You didn't hear? Lincoln freed the
slaves. I don't do your heavy lifting.
- Yeah, you do.
- Yeah? Since when?
Since you put Ray Delacroix in hell.
- Come on in. The water's fine.
- The water is fine.
But bring your fucking
water wings, huh?
Bring your water wings.
- Bring your fucking water wings.
- Let's play.
Hey, Stan, I'll treat you
to a lap dance later,
get you away from that wife,
loosen you up a little bit.
- I think we should rush him.
- Fuck him up.
This is bullshit.
I didn't do anything.
Come on, man, just let me go.
Hey, any harder
and I would have to charge you.
Ferraro, in my office, now.
- Yes, sir.
- I got the feds so tight on my ass,
I feel like I'm wearing
J Edgar Hoover's G-string.
Are these guys mentally sound?
There are some red flags,
some warning signals.
The normal feelings of guilt
and remorse after shooting
are sublimated by the feeling
that it's us against them.
This mindset can lead to feelings
of paranoia and isolation.
Oh, man, all the neighborhoods
in this area...
they're run by...
controlled by violent gangs.
And there's large sums
of dope money at stake.
And as a result the police have been
given extra latitude to enforce the law.
- Given or taken?
- What the hell? That's the way it is.
You didn't answer my question.
I'm not finished with my analysis, sir.
I think one of the cops
on my street unit
cut himself a deal with the FBI.
Blowing the whistle
on other cops?
Did they tell you this?
I think they wanted me to know
to see what I would do.
Regardless, if there's a rat
in the squad...
You expect me to find this out?
That's a job for Internal Affairs.
But you're supposed to
have their backs.
I am supposed to evaluate
their mental state.
They are protected
by my oath of confidentiality.
Which you can break
to report misconduct.
If you happen to hear anything...
Oh, if I happen to find a rat?
No, you need to talk to me, Ferraro.
You work for me.
So much for the 3NGs.
Chamorro and the Latin Kings
did a heck of a job.
That used to be the 3NGs.
You think they pissed off the do-rags,
the Latin Kings?
Used to be five guys
standing on a corner make up a gang.
This is different.
You can't buy that
in a local gun shop.
It's not even legally imported.
Someone spent a lot of money trying
to lock up drug traffic in New Orleans.
More likely this is a local turf war
between 3NGs and Latin Kings.
If that's true,
how come the FBI is on it?
FBl... they're always playing
their own game.
They're probably investigating
the same shit we are.
Damn, look at this.
Relax. You all know
why we're here.
Someone's gotten greedy.
Are you trying to start
a turf war?
New Orleans is ready,
open for the taking.
We have to establish
who's in charge.
You mean, like a vote?
I guess the ayes have it.
Fuck you.
Check this out.
I've been working on this.
All right, let's hear it.
I'm from Mid-City.
We eat our dead.
Preach it.
Preach it, come on.
Delacroix, that motherfucker,
forgot he was a puppet.
Now he rocks the flowerbed.
I feel like I'm riding
with fucking Edgar Allan Poe.
- You see what I see?
- We got something.
- Oh, shit. Go go.
- Good morning.
Barney, go get her. Go get her.
Get on the ground.
Get on the fucking ground.
I'm not above that.
Hold on a second.
All right, you're gonna like this.
Everybody get back inside.
Are you still living on the corner
over here? Which one?
You're not gonna fucking move.
You're not gonna fucking say a word.
Don't fucking move.
It's too tight.
Shit, it's too tight.
Let me get my...
- What's your name?
- Tanya.
Tanya. Tanya, okay.
I see you.
- Jimmy. Jimmy Dean.
- Hey, what up, dawg?
You all right?
Where are we going, Barney?
- I told you straight ahead.
- Straight ahead, boss.
Straight ahead, all right.
Who's the lit bitch?
Just little chickenheads in here.
Hey, how are you doing?
Whoa whoa.
What's the bitch's name?
- What's her fucking name?
- Selina.
Selina, open the door.
Metro Narcotics.
- Open the fuck up, Selina.
- You need a search warrant.
We don't need a search warrant.
Tanya here gave me permission
- to get her shit.
- Open up.
Selina baby, you're not in trouble,
but you make me huff and puff
and blow your door down...
I'm gonna find your shit.
I'll find it and then I'm gonna
set some cops on you.
I'm getting pissed.
Open the motherfucking door.
- Open the fucking door.
- Okay okay.
- Hand up. Here we go. Hands up.
- Hands up. Hands up.
Get your fucking hands up.
Bitch, you want to get punched
in the mouth, huh?
Turn the fuck around.
Get your nose in the fucking corner.
- Dump the fucking bag. Okay.
- What have we got here?
You were going
somewhere hot with this.
- I was going nowhere.
- Good shit.
Why don't you make love to this thing
here? I don't want to see your face.
What have we got here?
Don't you know that this...?
This roca right here is peligrosa,
- What do we got?
- Oh, we're racking it up now.
There we go. There we go.
Now I see why you were in such a hurry.
- You're on parole, huh?
- Yeah.
- Spread 'em. Here we go.
- Oh, man.
Don't be scared. Don't be scared.
You're gonna spend the rest
of your sentence in the slammer, baby,
maximum security,
whatever they tack on
for the possession of crack cocaine.
That's a felony, baby doll.
So what do you want?
You girls used to party
with Ray Delacroix?
We did.
Delacroix? Who do you think
fucking killed him, bitch?
He was DEA. Don't tell me
you didn't know that.
- I didn't.
- You didn't know that?
Fuck you. Fuck you.
You're going in.
- Fuck you both. Fuck you both.
- Take 'em in.
- Let's go.
- Wait. No no no.
Oh, now you want to talk?
Sit down. Fucking sit down.
Fucking sit down, bitch.
What do you got?
Come on, talk to me, bitch.
- What do you got? Spit it out, do it.
- Look, listen,
Ray was hanging out at this place,
this FEMA trailer park all the time.
- Yeah.
That's fucking federal.
Are you bullshitting me?
You'd better not be fucking
bullshitting me.
- Did you know that?
- I didn't. You believe me, don't you?
- We don't want no trouble.
- You don't want no trouble?
- Be nice.
- Be nice, huh?
Oh, whoa.
Don't kiss me on the lips,
you crackhead bitch.
Barney, I'm commencing
a proper search.
- How long are you gonna be, Pepe?
- I'm gonna be a second.
Why don't you make
yourself a drink?
My partner gets a little rough
and stuff.
It doesn't matter.
I like rough.
- You like rough?
- Yes.
Oh, shit.
Not on the fucking mouth.
Oh, yeah, baby.
Oh, God.
Please, we don't want any trouble.
Why don't you take the cuffs off?
Why don't you polish the badge, baby?
You wanna do something?
Give it a little... there you go.
That's it.
- Oh, shit.
- Uncuff me.
All right.
That's a fine moment
for Metro Narcotics right here.
I looked at his file.
Kenny's ancient history,
believe me.
Your father's.
That's what this is about.
That's why you brought me here, huh?
I'm trying to figure out
why you push yourself to the edge.
Well, I'm a clean cop.
That's all that should concern you.
Maybe I'm concerned
about your safety.
Oh, you're concerned about me?
That's nice.
Look, there's crime
We're a proactive department.
We go out and find it.
And then what?
Don't hesitate.
Enforce the law.
You can't think in a shootout.
It's just your motor reflexes.
I know a bad guys is gonna shoot Stan...
I'm gonna shoot him in the head.
If somebody has a gun pointed at me,
he's gonna shoot them.
Total trust in your partner.
Does your partner feel
the same way?
He knows he's safer with me
than with anyone else on the force.
You're out there, gun strong,
black knife,
up against a closed door.
If you want your partner
to be safe,
wait for backup.
Don't go chasing a legacy.
You got me all figured out, huh?
If I had you all figured out,
I'd have ordered.
Nothing's going on.
It's fucking late.
My daddy's partner used to hate
working nights.
He used to let him go home.
He didn't mind it so much.
Why not?
He had his own way
of looking at things.
He said the city would wake up
when people went to sleep.
He said the city was his then...
his to protect,
that he would save it from the evil
and the shadows one by one.
What happened that night?
Did they ever catch the guy?
There's another floater over there.
When is this night gonna end?
Looks like someone took out the trash.
Russians, Asians, brothers
sharing the same grave.
Definitely a turf war.
Not much of a war.
Chamorro has taken everybody out.
How many more
do you think they'll find?
What the hell is wrong
with this picture?
Nothing. He ain't lost.
N7B 9F7.
The car's registered
to a Jason Trotter.
Jambalaya Jake.
He's a big-time pimp for all the gangs.
He used to work for Kenny and me.
He's heading into the 6th,
not too late to make
the 11:00 News.
He just eye-fucked us.
That's Chamorro's crib.
Let's head around back.
What's up, man?
You all right?
Who's the bitch, bro?
Fine motherfucker there, man.
Oh, shit, baby, that's what
I'm talking about.
Come on with it.
Suck Jake's dick, bitch.
What are you doing?
Well, I had a nice Sunday drive.
Now I'm going to take a stroll.
Andy, no warrant, no probable cause,
no nothing?
Come on, you know what's going on
in there. How much PC you want?
I'll radio for backup.
No, then they got a record
you got no probable cause.
Look, I don't want to get shot,
all right?
Stan, chill.
The bad guys don't aim.
That's why they shoot
the wrong people.
They don't need to aim with the kind
of firepower they got in there.
Look, this is fear itself.
When they see the flames
at the end of my shotgun,
the devil himself won't be able
to shoot straight.
I promise you,
the first badass that shoots at us
and I blow him to hell...
fear will set in.
I will not let them shoot you.
- You know why?
- Why?
You got charisma.
What would your wife say?
She's probably say for me
to stand up for myself and my family
and that she needs me
for everything in her life.
What would separate you
from them?
My death.
What else?
Look, what's supposed
to happen here?
Just talking.
This is not talking.
You're searching for something.
I don't know what you're looking for,
but you're not gonna find it.
What are you afraid
I'm gonna ask you?
Get your ass up, bitch,
and get on that fucking bed.
- What's up, Jake?
- What's up, baby?
You all right?
Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I got
a little something for you in there.
Go handle your business, man.
But don't kiss it.
- What's up, Jake?
- What's up, Andy?
Shut up.
Andy, what the fuck
is going on, bro?
- Shh.
- What the fuck is going on, man?
- Yo, who is this nigga, man?
- Quiet, shh.
Hey, Andy, I'm really sorry
for what happened to Kenny.
- I always liked him.
- Shut up.
Andy, talk to me, man.
We're boys, man.
You gotta believe me, Andy.
I ain't had shit to do with this, bro.
Hey, you ain't gotta talk to me
like this, man.
- Get down. Get down.
- Freeze!
Nobody move. Metro PD.
Now slowly put your hands
on your head.
All right, fuck, I'll give you 10
to put your hands on your head. One...
Andy, what the fuck, man?
Don't do this shit. Don't do this shit.
...two, three, four...
Get your fucking hands up.
He's serious. I know this nigga, man.
...five, six...
- Put your hands over your head.
- You ain't got to do this shit.
- God damn it, hands up.
- Come on, Andy man.
...nine and a half...
I said to wait till 10.
Oh, shit!
Oh, God damn.
You just rest easy, Jake.
Oh, God damn.
Get the motherfucking hospital.
Nice. Hold up.
Our PC was gunshots.
Our reasonable suspicion was the area.
The door opened. They fired.
We defended ourselves.
- I got it.
- Let me hear you say it. Be specific.
We were driving by.
We heard shots... five or six.
- I said I got it.
- We entered into a gun battle
without calling for backup
in order to save a life.
We neglected our own safety
to protect and serve others.
I hate it when you treat me
like I'm a fucking kid.
- No. No, please.
- Shh.
- You've seen nothing.
- No.
- You know nothing.
- No, okay.
All right, get along.
What do we got?
What do we got?
Aw, Barney what did you...?
Oh, shit.
Good shooting, partner.
This hype is unarmed. Aw, fuck.
What did you do, Barney?
Fuck. Fuck.
He pointed a gun at us,
end of story.
Good shooting, Tex. Nice.
We'll keep that...
just a little bite.
The asshole pointed a gun at you.
You shot him dead.
- Barney.
- Yeah.
- Barney.
- Yeah, I'm with you. I'm with you.
Come on.
Hey, bro.
Here are the cavalry.
Hey, they shot you, Jambalaya Jake.
- Don't you want to know who?
- Fuck you.
You murdering motherfucker.
You know, they say
that when you're dying
you lose your mind in stages.
But you're not there yet.
You want to tell me something?
They say that shit
when you die of old age,
not from being shot,
you stupid-ass motherfucker.
That's true.
Andy man, I got you a lead
on Delacroix.
Seems like he was spending most
of his time at this FEMA trailer park...
- Lakeview.
- Lakeview, yeah.
See you motherfuckers in hell.
OIS and IA have cleared me.
But there were four lethal shootings
in three years.
Yes, ma'am, I'm a good shot.
You confront violence with violence.
Yes, ma'am.
And if another man
came through that door right now
pointing a gun at my head,
what would you do?
I'd shoot him.
And you'd thank me.
You wasted your time
driving down here, partner.
I couldn't get you the search warrant
for the trailer park.
Well, then get another judge.
Not proper procedure, Andy.
Get you a wire,
get some tapes and pictures,
and we'll get you your warrant.
The way things are now,
no judge is gonna touch this.
- Don't bullshit us, all right?
- Where you at, Shaft?
The drug house shootout
is still under investigation.
- You're lucky you still got that badge.
- So are you.
- They're not gonna let it happen.
- They? Who's they?
My hands are tied.
You can't have a warrant
for that establishment
without pictures and a wire.
Now who the fuck cares really?
I do.
Where do they find these guys?
Fucking lawyers.
Fucking cops.
I understand.
- What happened?
- It's official.
The feds are investigating
the guys on my unit.
FBI got a tip about a denied
warrant request.
They suspect officers are gonna make
the raid anyway without the warrant.
They're gonna be there
waiting on my guys.
FBI calls me and says, "Your men are
dirty. Yeah, and if you warn them,
we're gonna know that you're
as dirty as they are.
Are they guilty?
They're guilty of being underpaid.
They're guilty of being police
in this division.
What do you mean?
I mean the public is tired.
They're tired of all this violence.
They're tired of the city
they don't recognize no more.
Is your duty to the law less important
than your loyalty to those men?
Now, Ferraro, you know these men.
They beat and force confessions.
They maybe steal, maybe worse.
But they're doing it
for our side.
Then warn them.
I can't.
Then why are you
telling this to me?
I mean, we are trying
to prevent a gang war.
The city's rebuilding
and the drug dealers
aren't gonna wait for federal funding.
They're industrious.
That gives you permission
to do anything you want?
No, but ultimately
out on the street
no one's gonna control
what I do...
no judge, no jury.
Out on the street
I have the authority,
and they know it.
I am the law.
Oh, and if that law is corrupt...
You think I'm corrupt?
- It don't matter what I think.
- Bullshit.
Our little time together...
you're getting attached.
I get paid not to.
Seriously, though, you don't see it?
See what?
A lot of problems out there,
trying to make things better,
get up every morning,
come to work,
counsel those
who've drifted among the ashes,
work hard, stay focused,
so you can do your job.
You think I'm just like you,
don't you?
Which is why you want me to change,
be less hard-boiled.
Maybe then there's hope...
hope for this department,
hope for our city,
hope for you.
What are you afraid of most?
Some other time.
let's do it by the book.
Thanks for the advice.
It's not advice.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Hi, Andy.
How's it hanging?
How's it hanging? What did you say?
Sorry, sir.
- Hi, Andy.
- Hi.
These kids... I told them
to turn the TV off.
Nice TV.
Yeah, I just got the last
of the insurance settlement money,
got a little left over.
Bye-bye. Love you.
Baby, have a good day.
I love you.
Oh oh oh, I call the Caddy.
- No no, we're in the Caddy.
- We got the Caddy.
I don't want this Buick, man.
This Buick has got fumes.
I got the tip. I get the Caddy.
You know how Mexicans are
and their Caddies.
- Are you coming, Stan?
- You want me to ride in this shit?
You heard what he just said.
It's got motherfucking fumes and shit.
Why you got us in this shit car?
God damn.
Who wants to ride around
in this motherfucker?
- Are they set?
- They're set. They're watching them.
Come on in, boys.
Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
I came up short last time.
Fuck, it's Tanya.
Oh, Selina.
- Who?
- It's our tip-off, man.
Who the fuck cares?
Let's do this.
- Play it by the book.
- Thanks for the advice.
It's not advice.
- Come on.
- Hold on. This is a setup.
- What?
- It's no good. We're being set up.
- What do you mean, a setup?
- What are you talking about?
The warrants. It's no good.
Who said it's a fucking setup?
It's never stopped us before.
Oh, no no no.
- B team, what's going on?
- Do you guys have anything?
Somebody tipped him off.
Somebody got to him.
God damn it!
How did you know for sure
we were being set up?
Because we were, Stan.
I could feel it.
Something's not right.
We got ratted out.
- Who do you think it was, AJ?
- Why would he care?
I don't know. Captain Friendly
or Pepe or Barney?
Barney's a bitch. Friendly... no.
Maybe Pepe is a snitch.
You tipped them off, didn't you?
What are you talking about?
Somebody warned them
at the trailer park.
- I didn't warn them.
- You're lying.
Fuck you, Brown.
You don't scare me no more.
I'm no longer cooperating
with your investigation.
In fact, I just may open up
an investigation on you.
Wait a minute.
We had an agreement
to make this city safe.
We're on the same side.
Well, that's my goal,
but I have no fucking idea
what your goal is.
Yeah, well, I'm sorry you feel
that way.
Look around, Friendly.
Nobody is safe in this city.
I mean, nobody.
Go fuck yourself, Brown.
You four are coming with us.
What, did they win some prize?
Let me call you back.
We came down here
to correct the problem with corruption
in this division's Street Narcotics
Enforcement Unit.
Now we have enough evidence
to charge you with murder.
However, before we take
this case any further,
we'd like to offer you deals
in exchange for your testimony
against other dirty cops.
Well, I have not seen or know of
any police misconduct.
There's no dirty cops in that unit.
There's no fucking way.
- We're all clean.
- You guys are all the same.
Just take this deal
'cause you're dirty.
We got a cop in your unit
in our pocket.
You got a cop you turned.
Yeah, this idiot was selling dope
to an undercover FBI agent.
He's admitted to stealing
and selling cocaine
as well as framing suspects.
So he framed guilty suspects, sir?
What else is new?
He's framing cops?
If you put him on the stand,
everyone will know what he did,
so that's not much of a witness.
Now let me drop a bomb on you...
we have a witness who saw you kill
everybody in the LKs' crib.
She saw you and your partner enter
and commence a gun battle.
She witnessed you and Balentine
shoot an unarmed man.
She then observed you plant a gun
on the dead man and take his money.
Is that it?
If that's it, then I'm getting
the fuck out of here.
You're fucking crazy.
You're talking about
that crack whore?
So you admit she's a witness.
If she is the same little
strawberry crackhead I let go,
she was there,
but she wasn't a witness.
She didn't see anything.
See, when guns go off, people duck.
So she didn't see a thing.
And there ain't no jury or judge
who's gonna believe
a poor little crack whore
over a couple of hero cops.
It's automatic to call for backup,
but you didn't call for backup
because you didn't want patrol
to discover your criminal conduct.
No probable cause. Looks to us
like you went in there to rob, to kill.
Gunshots are probable cause.
And we didn't have time
to call that in.
The cop we turned is telling the truth.
We believe him,
and so will the jury.
And by the way, we're gathering
collaborative evidence,
and it's about as easy to find
as getting wet in the rain.
Scores of your arrests were bogus.
Your unit planted evidence,
framed and even shot
innocent victims
to serve time for crimes
they didn't commit.
With respect, that's all lies.
Now I'm not a lawyer,
but I do have a rough idea
how this kind of thing works.
And I'm telling you,
doing you a favor here,
that your strategy will not fly.
You gotta take criminals out of jail
to testify against us.
You will have conceded that these
criminals were wrongly convicted.
Once you get these criminals
out of prison,
the first thing they're gonna do
is hire other criminals called lawyers
and they're gonna sue the city
for millions...
all this based on allegations
of one lying con man cop.
Your only shot of convicting us
of anything
is by turning a second cop,
and that's not likely.
Only dirty cops will, and they usually
don't live long enough to testify.
The rule of thumb in the drug world
where there's this much money
is that there's always
law-enforcement corruption...
dirty cops, dirty DEA,
dirty CIA, dirty FBI.
But you won't make the cops
the scapegoats.
There's one more thing...
you just committed a crime
by revealing the identity
of a federal witness.
You did just do that.
Yes, but I didn't tell you anything.
Sure you did. You said
that there was a dirty cop.
How long do you think it's gonna be
before we find out who that is?
In your police report you said
that Jambalaya Jake
died telling you
important information.
That's right, sir,
but I'm not gonna tell you.
Believe me, though, he did tell me
what I wanted to know.
Yeah? And what's your MO
for making suspects talk?
I can't really describe it,
but I'd like to show it to you.
Yeah, I bet you would.
And you'll tell
me what I want to know.
I won't tell you anything
under any circumstances.
You don't know
who you're dealing with.
Captain, Doctor,
you're my independent witnesses.
I'm putting these clowns on notice.
They committed a crime
by revealing a partial identity
of a federal witness.
Andy, if you and your men
crossed the line,
- I cannot protect you.
- All right, all right.
- Hey.
- Sorry about that.
Listen to me.
The feds are serious.
Oh, are you afraid I'll go to jail?
No, I'm afraid
you won't make it to jail.
I thought they paid you
not to get attached.
I know I'm not a rat.
I know Stan is not a rat.
- I ain't no rat.
- I ain't no fucking rat.
We're gonna find out who it is
and then we're gonna set him up.
Put a bullet in his head.
I'll put a bullet in your head.
That's not how we do things.
- What about the witness, Andy?
- I let her go. She didn't know nothing.
- Let her go? Jesus fucking Christ.
- She didn't know nothing.
She was a brutalized strawberry
little crackhead.
Besides, you stole
and you didn't give me my share.
Hey, we'll cut you in there.
We'll give you your share.
- Moron.
- What?
You just let him trick you
into telling him anything.
- Hey, shut the fuck up, Stan.
- What else did you tell?
- Wanna start some shit?
- Listen, hey,
I didn't know there was a crime
'cause I didn't know you guys stole.
I didn't know she was a wit 'cause I
didn't know you guys committed a crime.
And I don't want a share
'cause I don't steal.
Let me see if I get your version
of the Commandments here, Charlie.
So you're saying
that stealing is bad,
but what you do, which is lying
and beating people and killing them
and letting witnesses go
'cause you want to fuck 'em...
that's good?
You're like the idiot version...
Hang on. She was a brutalized
little strawberry.
- Of the Bible, you dumb fuck Moses.
- Number one...
I never struck anybody
that didn't assault me first.
Number two... I never killed anybody who
didn't shoot at me first, more or less.
And that's a brutalized
poor little crackhead.
That's a sick thing to say.
Besides, it's your fucking girl
brought us here.
Don't worry. That bush is done burning.
Let me straighten them out.
If you talk to me like that again
you're gonna meet with a horrible
disfiguring accident.
You understand what I'm saying?
Yes, bring it.
Dumb fuck Moses.
- Andy.
- Barney.
- Hey, he just fucking set me up.
- What the fuck is wrong with you?
What was I supposed to do?
What did your parents do to you, huh?
You've had too many long rides
on your Uncle Bubba's knees?
- Fucking asshole.
- Why are you always running your mouth?
Barney, you're this close.
You're this fucking close.
- Why are you always running your mouth?
- Let's just do it. Come on.
Hey, Tanya, it's me.
It's Barney.
Shh shh.
- You hear something?
- I don't like it. I don't like it.
Yo, guns up.
Hit it.
All right, go.
Oh, shit.
- Oh, God.
Oh, shit.
Oh, fuck that.
Yeah, they took it up a notch.
Oh, God. Let's back the fuck off this.
Let's go.
- Oh, shit.
- They fucking cut out their tongues.
I can't believe they cut out
your tongue, baby.
She won't be licking
my badge no more.
It's okay, baby. It's okay.
Barney's here.
It's gonna be okay.
Barney, let's go.
I'll miss you.
Their case ain't ready
but they showed us their hand. Why?
To scare us.
This park is ground zero
for drug trafficking in the city.
And we cleaned it up,
didn't we, Stan? Ain't that right?
Man, forget this park.
I can't.
They found my daddy
not far from here.
They never found the guy.
I can't tell you what his face
looks like, what color his skin is,
but I've seen his face 1000 times,
every collar I made.
I've been chasing him
for years, Stan.
I ain't gonna chase him no more.
Man Andy, we're inches away
from losing everything.
We can't fight the feds.
Maybe we should just step off
and let them finish their plan.
They just want to take our guns away
so we lose control of this park.
We lose control of the park...
we lose the city. This is my city, Stan.
Andy, you're too close, man.
Back off.
Hey, what's up, man?
I got the elevator.
I got it right here, man.
Metro PD, asshole.
Put your hands on your head.
Turn around.
I like the way you cooperate.
You're gonna tell me exactly
what I want to know
or I'm gonna take my piece
and break one of your kneecaps.
- You understand?
- Yeah, man. I understand.
What are you doing in my park?
You know this is my park.
Hey, man, look, word was
the park was open for business, man.
That's the wrong word.
You'll get your ass shot off down here,
- you know that?
- I got a franchise.
From who?
You know, this motherfucking
Spanish dude from Florida.
- Latin Kings?
- Look, man,
you can't do shit out here no more
unless the LKs give you the green light.
Give me a name.
- Give me a name.
- Chamorro, man.
- Where is he at?
- The FEMA trailer park, man.
That's where I get my shit sometimes.
- If I search you, what am I gonna find?
- Man, come on.
What is he gonna find?
$200 on the street
against five-to-10 in the joint.
Ain't worth it, brother.
Get your ass out of my park.
Where do you think he's got
the 20 dime rocks at, in his ass?
Thompson sub-machine gun...
Tommy gun.
not bad for 1921.
Davey Johnston... the hardest-working,
toughest litigator
- this city's had in generations.
- Thanks, Andy.
Let me ask you a question.
Every time we put up a case
against the bad guys,
it's always the same fucking story
'cause it works.
And you guys always go along with us
no matter what.
Good. Now when was the last time
a judge or one of you guys
- found a cop's testimony not credible?
- Easy now.
Just listen. The judiciary
and the district attorney's office
have been our silent partners...
or rather I should say we've been
your silent partners
making cases easy for you...
no problem.
Now the FBI comes sniffing around...
nothing we can do about it.
But if you let them make us
the scapegoats,
I'm gonna take everybody with me.
The media are gonna have a field day.
- Oh, yeah?
- They're gonna eat you raw.
Every time I stood in front of a judge,
he acted like a de facto prosecutor.
You know why?
You know how many citations I got?
You know how many years of incarceration
my testimony generated?
- Now I want my fucking warrants.
- Andy, calm down.
I'm not calming down. I'm throwing down.
I'm gonna take you with me.
I want my warrants.
I'm sorry, Andy, but with the feds
investigating you,
no judge is gonna sign off
on your warrants.
Just try.
We're this close.
- Fucking lawyers.
- Fucking cops.
This place is a bit of a dump.
Cops raided my crib, cabron.
Any idea how many men I lost?
You want a tissue?
How about a fucking warning?!
What, are you a child?
You think this is a game?
You wanted this city clean
without getting your hands dirty.
- Yeah.
- You look the other way;
I take out the gangs,
kick back some paper;
Everybody wins, right?
Yeah, who wins by dumping bodies
in the swamp, huh?
Sloppy work.
Have some beads.
Just don't show me your tits.
You fuck up one more time
and I'll kill you.
You understand me?
Yeah? All right.
Now I got one more thing
I want you to do for me.
Everybody has a melting point, right?
And you don't know what it is
till you get there and do something.
You melt down and it's too late.
You do something
you can't take back.
Are you at your melting point?
A partnership is like marriage...
a contract of honesty
between two men.
What happened between you and Andy?
I don't know.
It just feels like
I'm committing suicide,
changing my mind
at the last minute.
At that very second
you suddenly have a passion for life
that you never knew.
I understand.
I agree with you.
What brought this on, Stan?
The FBl...
they're following us around.
They want to take us down.
You don't have to be scared
if you're clean.
I don't know what clean is anymore.
Andy always says to me,
"It's hard to be in this shit all day
and come home clean."
But he does.
All the other cops...
I see some shit rub off on them.
He comes home fucking clean.
What about you?
Lately l...
I've done some thing
I ain't proud of.
Did you break the law?
Bent it all to shit maybe.
But the FBl... they're wrong.
They're going after good cops.
I don't like it.
I don't know how to fight back.
You just tell the truth.
You can't go wrong
if you tell the truth.
I don't know what the truth is anymore.
A spokesman for
the Metropolitan Police Department
has confirmed the brutal slaying
of Police Captain John Friendly,
shot to death just outside his home
in uptown New Orleans.
Witnesses report that two masked gunmen
opened fire on the captain
as he arrived home at approximately
Captain Friendly,
responsible for restoring order
to the gang-ridden streets
of New Orleans in the wake of Katrina,
leaves behind a 30-year record
on the force.
He also leaves behind
a wife and three children.
The FBI has joined
in the search for the two men.
Once again, Metropolitan Police Captain
John Friendly
assassinated this evening.
Do you think it's him?
I don't know.
Pepe is as corrupt as they come,
but I don't know if he's up for this.
Whoever this snitch is, though,
we've got bigger fish to fry.
What's that?
He's sold his soul to the FBI,
but these feds are dirty.
They killed Friendly. We're next.
We're going in now.
Mid-City representing.
I don't sleep with no fishes.
Mid-City shoutout...
Konichiwa Bitches.
Pepe, shut the fuck up.
Barney's ready.
So I guess calling for backup's
out of the question.
There's gonna be plenty of police
here real soon.
Yeah, when they
show up to arrest us.
Are we even cops anymore?
We're past that, brother.
One, two, three.
Metro PD!
Ay! Mis huevos!
Mi cola!
Cojones, mi cola!
Hijo de puta, no!
Drop the weapon.
Drop it.
- Tell me who your connection is.
- I ain't no fucking raton.
You're gonna be.
One, two, three.
Wake up.
Fuck. One, two...
one, two, three. Wake up.
One, two, three.
Wake up.
- Who's your connection?
- I ain't no fucking raton, man.
You'd better tell him what he wants
to know before he fucking kills you.
Tell me who's your connection!
Man, I deal with the feds, man.
I take out the other gangs.
Fucking Brown tips us off
on possible drug busts, man.
He warns us about search warrants.
If we get arrested,
he'll fucking bail us out, man.
He controls the airports.
He controls the borders.
Fucking dirty cops, man.
You're all the same, man.
Oh, shit.
Pepe, Pepe.
I didn't know it was you, man.
I couldn't see.
I didn't know.
I'm sorry, man. I'm sorry.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
Barney, you okay?
- He's dead.
- Who?
Pepe. I killed him.
I didn't mean to, Andy.
I didn't mean to.
Pepe is dead. Pepe is dead.
DEA giving the Latin Kings
the keys to the kingdom.
Where are we going?
Where we met.
Where it all started.
You have a new partner now.
Do you trust him?
Shoot him, Stan. Shoot him.
Well, I've got some money saved up.
If you want, I'll loan you some.
We're doing okay.
- Nice TV.
- Yeah.
We got a cop in your unit
in our pocket.
You're too close.
Just back off.
Back off.
Is this where they moved in?
Yeah, this is where
they brought the dope.
Looks like they're all cleared out.
You want to look around?
No, Stan.
It's where we met.
Something you want to tell me, Stan?
Something you want to tell me?
Andy man, I made a mistake.
I needed the money.
The baby was on the way.
Then the hurricane.
I didn't become a cop because of
no crusade like you, Andy.
I had to make a living.
And I wasn't cutting it.
You're my fucking partner, Stan.
What, are you gonna shoot me?
You're the rat, Stan.
You work with Brown keeping the DEA
away from me the whole time.
You lied to me, Stan,
ever since the flood,
every day, every hour
keeping me from my investigation.
I took the money
and Brown caught me.
I'm not perfect like you.
I ain't perfect, Stan.
I'm your partner.
You didn't have
nothing to do with it.
I didn't have nothing to do...?
Andy man, it was before
I even met you.
Listen, you're my partner,
so I'm gonna stand by you,
but you're going in.
What do you mean, going in?
I'm gonna help you
every way I can,
but you gotta do some time, Stan.
No, man, I'm not going nowhere.
Come on now,
you're not gonna shoot me.
Stan, I'm your partner.
- What was I supposed to do, Andy?
- You lied to me.
No, you tell me
what I was supposed to do.
I don't know, Stan.
Lose the piece, drug dealer.
I'm the FBI.
I got nothing to do with drugs.
Chamorro ratted you out.
Now you're going down.
Chamorro was a means to an end.
We're on the same side.
It's over, Brown.
I still got this.
Andy man, this is the asshole
you've been chasing your whole life.
- Let me fucking shoot him.
- No good, Stan.
We're gonna take him in.
There's a deal for both of you.
What for, man? We won't make it
back to the station house.
We gotta finish this here.
Johnson, God damn it,
help me out here.
Case closed.
Now let's get our story straight.
- Let's get our story straight.
- We got a code of silence, right?
- That's right.
- I'm your partner.
I know you won't talk.
We ain't got a lot of time.
Let's get our story straight.
We had no alternative
but to defend ourselves
with lethal force. Say it.
We had no alternative
but to use lethal force.
Did you shoot him?
Did he shoot himself?
Was it an accident?
Did he...?
He was my partner.
You okay, Andy?
another human being's life?
Well, like my daddy always said,
it's better be judged by 12
than carried by six.
And what did he do? He...
You know what he did.
He was a hero.
The vast majority of
New Orleans, Louisiana, is underwater.
Tens of thousands of homes
and businesses are beyond repair.
We're dealing
with one of the worst
natural disasters
in out nation's history.
The mayor, Ray Nagin,
has ordered almost every one
of the city's 1500 police officers
to leave their search and rescue mission
and return to the streets
to stop people
from taking goods
from stores and businesses.
Jesus. Is that Kenny?
What the hell was your partner
doing here?
I don't know. We got separated
a couple days ago.
I've been down in the 9th Ward
since it hit.
People are trapped in there
like rats.
They never got half of them out
before the flood waters rose.
Come on, help me.
Your late partner,
Mr. Kenny Cowlings...
- Was he...?
- Was he what?
You tell me.
Was he dirty?
Ma'am, if Kenny was dirty,
I would have killed him.
I've got a floater.
I'm gonna need some pickup.
All looters will be shot.
Get away from the store.
All looters will be shot.
Stupid motherfucker, you can't even
carry that TV. Freeze!
- Let's get the fuck out of here.
What the fuck? Metro PD.
What the fuck are you doing?
- Stand down.
- Get your ass down from there.
I'm just doing my job.
- Stand down.
- You get your ass down off that roof.
Come in here
and clean your mess up.
We're all in this shit together.
What the fuck is the matter with you?
- Get off the roof.
- Stand down.
I will not. You stand down.
I'm just doing my job.
You get your ass down from there.
No, I will not.
You do your job.
- You just shot that man for no reason.
- He deserved it.
- Hey.
- Stan Johnson, 5th Ward.
- You a cop?
- Private security.
- He ain't no cop.
- I got this. You a cop killer?
You're pointing your gun at an officer.
Put that gun down.
- Stand down.
- Put it down.
- Andy Deveraux.
- Nice to meet you. Stan Johnson.
- Where's your partner?
- He left when the water got deep?
Yeah, mine stayed.
- Where are you from?
- Chicago. I just transferred.
Lucky you.
Yeah, right? Lucky me.
That guy shot that man for no reason.
The Big Easy
ain't so easy anymore.
As the ferocious
hurricane Katrina
drew a bead on their precariously
sited city and suburbs,
metropolitan New Orleans residents
prayed for salvation...
The death toll
from Hurricane Katrina
continues to climb dramatically.
Entire communities have been wiped out.
And residents of New Orleans
are now being told
they may not be able to return
to what's left of their city for months.
The number of dead
in the devastated city
could well be into the thousands.
Conditions continue to deteriorate
after two levies broke
sending water coursing
through the streets.
An estimated 80% of the city which lies
below sea level is underwater...
We are facing a storm
that most of us have feared.
I do not want to create panic,
but I do want the citizens to understand
that this is very serious.
That's why we've taken this
unprecedented move.
Every person is hereby ordered
to immediately evacuate
the City of New Orleans.
Truckloads of water,
ice, meals, medical supplies,
generators, tents and tarpaulins.
There are currently over 1700
trailer trucks
which have been mobilized to move
these supplies into position.
The Coast Guard has worked heroically
for the last 48 hours,
rescuing or assisting well more
than 1000 people who were in distress
and held high and dry
above the flood waters.
The Federal Emergency
Management Agency is scrambling
to find temporary housing
for tens of thousands of people,
to rescue people stranded on roofs
in the now uninhabitable Super Dome.
This recovery
will take a long time.
This recovery will take years.
In some cases violence
has broken out as people looted stores.
Several businesses report
having their entire stock of guns
and other weapons taken.
And police officials report
armed gangs roaming the streets.
- Hey, what up, coz.
- Hey, coz, how are you doing, man?
- Yeah, go ahead in that there.
- Yeah, keeping it real.
- Man, what's up?
- Yeah yeah, what up, coz?
What's up, man?
You got some new chompers on you, coz.
- Morning.
Hey, coz, you got what I need?
Yeah, baby.
Hey, babe.
It's the Latin Kings!
Hey y'all, grab your shit.
It's the Latin Kings!
Fuck, Chamorro.
Are we through?
No, sir, we're not.
You have a new partner now.
Do you trust him?
Starting to.
Look at this.
Two joints tops.
A bunch of wannabes.
Been out there all day.
Oh, not this asshole.
- Whoa.
Welcome to my park. This shit will
get you hot for real, no joke.
- Nice. Thanks, man.
- Y'all are welcome back anytime.
- Thanks.
- Yeah, appreciate it.
Freeze. Narcotics.
- What did I do, man?
- Hands behind your head.
Turn around.
I just want to talk to you.
Shit, man.
Oh, look what we got here, Stan.
What's a punk like you doing
with a SIG Sauer?
Ooh, a fancy gun.
Got an ID, killer?
No, I don't have an ID.
- How about a name, asshole?
- My boys call me George Carter, man.
Shut up. I know this punk.
His name is Downey Little.
What are you doing in my park?
You know me...
no walking on the grass,
no pissing on the trees and no dealing.
Okay okay, put the gadget down.
Turn around.
Let me see that gun.
Put it down before I blow your head off,
Shit, blow away, asshole.
It don't mean nothing.
Shoot him, Stan. Shoot him.
Oh, shit.
Get off me, coz. Damn, man.
- Get off me, man.
- Don't cuff him, Stan. Get him up.
Get up!
This is my park.
I'm gonna give you a 9mm in a second.
Wait a second. Whoa whoa, come on.
I don't do that, man.
All right.
Let's shoot him, Stan.
It's not right to shoot.
He's not a threat.
Well, he's willing to kill a cop.
We take him out now...
we're gonna save another life.
Let's shoot him.
Don't shoot. Look, man, look,
I know some valuable things.
- You don't know shit.
- I know some real shit, man.
The dude named Ray Delacroix,
man, Delacroix.
The dude hangs
on El Dorado Street, man.
That nigga's got
the whole damn street, coz.
- What?
- Ray Delacroix, man.
- What does he look like?
- Man, the cat's black, man.
He's a black dude
with freckles, man.
And he drives a tight green Capris.
And the Capris got some 24s on it.
What do I care
about a mid-level dealer
in a fat car? Big fucking deal.
The nigga is a DEA agent, man.
The dude works for the feds
and he works for the street muscles.
Now why do I care about
a Fed rat named Delacroix?
Get up.
Shit, Latin Kings.
- Are you okay?
- I'm all right.
- That was lucky.
- Not for Downey Little.
So after they found his partner dead,
he asked for you
to transfer over from patrol
to the VCTF and become his partner?
Yeah, a little kick in the paycheck.
I needed it too.
I have a wife and three kids
at home.
Tell me about your family.
Why? You're not profiling my family.
For your file, I need for you
to talk about it.
Not about my family.
Let's talk about your partner.
What about him?
All I know is he's the first to go
through the door every time, all right?
He put a lot of drug dealers behind bars
and he killed a few, okay?
And that colors your opinion of him?
Look, except for our task force,
the department is a laughingstock,
all right?
It's gonna get worse
before it gets better.
We got gangs
from all around the country
circling this city like a pack
of fucking rabid dogs.
Guys like Andy and me,
we're all that stands
between people like you
and the end
of the motherfucking world.
I'm so fucking bored, man.
We gotta find some trouble.
Are you ready for some trouble,
huh, son?
Huh-uh, no.
You gotta learn how to welcome
that shit, man.
You gotta learn to love that shit. You
can start noticing this shit, Barney.
What's the matter?
Quit playing with your dick.
Hold up. Here we go.
What the fuck is that?
- It's fucking Santa Claus up ahead.
- Do you see what I see? I see a ghost.
The motherfucker can't be riding
up here unless I say so.
You see he's got his lights off?
He's trying to creep.
Oh, you wanna play? All right.
I see he's slowing down.
Oh, you give me a reason.
Are you gonna give me a reason?
- Wanna play?
- He wants to fucking play.
Let's play.
- Are you fucking ready?
- Let's do this.
Where is he going?
Keep an eye on him.
Keep an eye on him, Barney.
Here we go. Look alive.
What was his fucking set, Barney?
Right or left?
- Left.
- Left?
- Where'd he go, Barney?
- Take a right about right here.
Come on, Barney,
where the fuck is he?
- Maybe we should just take off, man.
- Fuck that shit, man.
Just fucking deal with it another night.
That motherfucker can't roll up
in Mid-City like that.
Hey, there he is.
Did you shit your pants?
You fucking creep piece of shit.
What you got there, boy?
That sure don't look like fried chicken
and watermelon, boy.
You tagging me, motherfucker?
Recognize, bitch.
You know who you're talking to?
- Recognize.
- I don't give a shit who you are.
Roll up your window.
Get the fuck out of here.
Shut the fuck up,
you freckled-face fuck.
- Where are you, Niggermint Pattie?
- What, did you steal Santa's sleigh?
I'll bust a cap in your ass right now.
Hey, hands on the wheel.
Metro Narcotics.
You breathe, you die, motherfucker.
Cover him, Barney, cover him.
That's it.
- Shit. Shit.
- Get right up there.
I thought we were just playing.
Get the fuck out of here.
Get the fuck out of here.
Fucking move.
I'm DEA, motherfucker.
Shit, DEA, are you?
- Fucking dirty.
- He's DEA.
You fucking dirty cop.
Dirty, huh?
Just enough to still be alive.
You went and got filthy.
Look where it got you.
You're dead, motherfucker.
Throw of the dice, DEA.
- What about our fucking backup?
- You're my backup, Barney baby.
Barney, what did you do?
You shot that motherfucker
in the head, Barney.
He's DEA?
DEA... that's a bullshit
fucking story, ain't it?
- That was good shooting, Barney.
- What about our backup?
That's all right.
Look, we're gonna wash it down
with a little half and half...
half his money, half his dough.
- Half and half.
- Half his money, half his dough.
Barney, you see, in this world
you ain't special...
you ain't special
unless you got fuck-you money.
- I shot him in the head.
- That was a good shot.
- I shot him in the head.
- That's right.
You shot that motherfucker
in the head.
We're fucked.
We're fucking fucked, you know that?
Barney, call it in, huh?
I want you to call it in.
I'm gonna check the car.
- You want me to call it in?
- Call it in, buddy.
- You sure you want me to call it in?
- Call it in, Barney.
- Somebody might see us.
- I told you you're a fucking ghost.
You don't exist in Mid-City
unless I fucking say so. Huh?
Are you listening to me,
you motherfuckers out there?
Oh, shit, Barney.
Damn, I told you it was a good night.
Call the shit in, Barney.
You're gonna get my ass killed.
You're one crazy motherfucker.
Barney, can't you feel it?
Oh, Barney, this is the best part.
I can feel his soul
cutting right through me.
How are the storm repairs coming?
The roof's still got a hole in it,
but it's coming along.
Well, I got some money saved up.
If you want, I could loan you some.
We're doing okay.
I really appreciate it, though.
Yo, Andy,
- about tonight, you know...
- Hey, shut up. You did good.
Stop chasing your sister
through the house.
If she hurts herself,
I'm gonna knock you out.
Dinner's almost ready.
Please do something with him.
Come on. I got it.
Can the roof man
come out tomorrow?
That's good news. We're covered
for rain damage, just not flood damage.
Who is it?
Hold on. Hold on.
Yeah, okay okay.
It's the insurance broker.
He says we're covered for rain damage...
rain damage.
Get off me, bitch.
Whoa! You don't talk like that.
What is wrong with you?
- Apologize to her.
- I'm sorry.
I'd better never hear that mess
come out of your mouth again.
FBI. Where are the shooters?
Right there, sir.
- Vasquez? Balentine?
- Yes, sir.
Yeah. Who's you?
Agent Brown, FBI.
You boys know what you've done?
Yeah, my fucking job
is what I've been doing.
- Yeah, our job.
- That's what I did.
Your job, huh?
I killed this drug-dealing piece of shit
named Ray Delacroix.
- You killed a federal agent.
- Oh, he's one of yours? Is that right?
Why didn't you teach him not to shoot
at police officers, Special Agent?
Did you identify yourselves as police?
Shit, yeah. He opened up
on us first, just like that.
Captain Friendly.
- Vasquez, what we got here?
- Yeah, Captain,
he rolled up on us, right?
He rolled up on us hard.
We identified ourselves as police
and he just opened fire. That's right.
- Why would he do that?
- Check your toxicology reports.
That motherfucker was so high,
he was coming in for landing.
All right, get on back,
fill out the report.
He deserves a fucking medal, Captain.
He was still alive. His heart was
pumping blood for a few minutes
before he was shot in the brain,
stopping his heart.
The first shot to the torso.
Suspect raises gun.
They fire again, and in self-defense
the backup officer shot him in the head.
That's good shooting.
You know what I think?
I think your detectives coup-de-grace'd
him with the third shot,
executed him.
So you say he's one of yours.
What was he working on?
It's a federal investigation.
Y'all need to be cleaning up
your own house.
You're here to investigate your vic?
Man, my guys are clean.
Captain, your department
is fucking legendary...
suspects beaten,
short counts on drug deals,
cocaine that never makes it
to the evidence locker.
Have you got any evidence
to back that up?
More than you know.
So this was your first
shooting incident?
Yes, ma'am.
How did you feel?
I felt pretty good,
'cause, see, I realized right there
that if I needed to fire my gun
to protect and serve, you know,
I could.
How do you feel about taking
another human being's life?
I did my job.
It was a righteous kill.
It was all good.
They are fucking animals out there,
all right?
I go after the animals.
It's what I do.
I had a snitch the night
before last finger Ray Delacroix.
- I wanted to talk to him.
- It's too late for that,
unless you want to call
Psychic Friends Hotline.
You did a good job on it. Did he say
anything I might want to know?
He called me a punk motherfucker.
I knew that.
Is that why you shot him?
Shit, we're from Mid-City, yo.
- We eat our dead.
- Yeah, we eat our dead.
In other words, fuck,
it was getting late and I was hungry.
Shit, I like me a little dog meat
from time to time.
- You know what I'm saying?
- Preach it, brother, preach it.
Yeah, it looked like a good meal,
so yeah, I did...
I shot him.
Cocksuck, motherfuck.
Give me some chew.
I'm a Mid-City cop.
Who the fuck are you?
So it really is true... those rumors.
Y'all really do eat your dead.
They eat their dead?
Well, I hold my socks up
with thumb-tacks.
I wipe my ass with razor wire.
I'm not asking, I'm telling...
you're gonna help me find out what
I would have, had you not smoked him.
You didn't hear? Lincoln freed the
slaves. I don't do your heavy lifting.
- Yeah, you do.
- Yeah? Since when?
Since you put Ray Delacroix in hell.
- Come on in. The water's fine.
- The water is fine.
But bring your fucking
water wings, huh?
Bring your water wings.
- Bring your fucking water wings.
- Let's play.
Hey, Stan, I'll treat you
to a lap dance later,
get you away from that wife,
loosen you up a little bit.
- I think we should rush him.
- Fuck him up.
This is bullshit.
I didn't do anything.
Come on, man, just let me go.
Hey, any harder
and I would have to charge you.
Ferraro, in my office, now.
- Yes, sir.
- I got the feds so tight on my ass,
I feel like I'm wearing
J Edgar Hoover's G-string.
Are these guys mentally sound?
There are some red flags,
some warning signals.
The normal feelings of guilt
and remorse after shooting
are sublimated by the feeling
that it's us against them.
This mindset can lead to feelings
of paranoia and isolation.
Oh, man, all the neighborhoods
in this area...
they're run by...
controlled by violent gangs.
And there's large sums
of dope money at stake.
And as a result the police have been
given extra latitude to enforce the law.
- Given or taken?
- What the hell? That's the way it is.
You didn't answer my question.
I'm not finished with my analysis, sir.
I think one of the cops
on my street unit
cut himself a deal with the FBI.
Blowing the whistle
on other cops?
Did they tell you this?
I think they wanted me to know
to see what I would do.
Regardless, if there's a rat
in the squad...
You expect me to find this out?
That's a job for Internal Affairs.
But you're supposed to
have their backs.
I am supposed to evaluate
their mental state.
They are protected
by my oath of confidentiality.
Which you can break
to report misconduct.
If you happen to hear anything...
Oh, if I happen to find a rat?
No, you need to talk to me, Ferraro.
You work for me.
So much for the 3NGs.
Chamorro and the Latin Kings
did a heck of a job.
That used to be the 3NGs.
You think they pissed off the do-rags,
the Latin Kings?
Used to be five guys
standing on a corner make up a gang.
This is different.
You can't buy that
in a local gun shop.
It's not even legally imported.
Someone spent a lot of money trying
to lock up drug traffic in New Orleans.
More likely this is a local turf war
between 3NGs and Latin Kings.
If that's true,
how come the FBI is on it?
FBl... they're always playing
their own game.
They're probably investigating
the same shit we are.
Damn, look at this.
Relax. You all know
why we're here.
Someone's gotten greedy.
Are you trying to start
a turf war?
New Orleans is ready,
open for the taking.
We have to establish
who's in charge.
You mean, like a vote?
I guess the ayes have it.
Fuck you.
Check this out.
I've been working on this.
All right, let's hear it.
I'm from Mid-City.
We eat our dead.
Preach it.
Preach it, come on.
Delacroix, that motherfucker,
forgot he was a puppet.
Now he rocks the flowerbed.
I feel like I'm riding
with fucking Edgar Allan Poe.
- You see what I see?
- We got something.
- Oh, shit. Go go.
- Good morning.
Barney, go get her. Go get her.
Get on the ground.
Get on the fucking ground.
I'm not above that.
Hold on a second.
All right, you're gonna like this.
Everybody get back inside.
Are you still living on the corner
over here? Which one?
You're not gonna fucking move.
You're not gonna fucking say a word.
Don't fucking move.
It's too tight.
Shit, it's too tight.
Let me get my...
- What's your name?
- Tanya.
Tanya. Tanya, okay.
I see you.
- Jimmy. Jimmy Dean.
- Hey, what up, dawg?
You all right?
Where are we going, Barney?
- I told you straight ahead.
- Straight ahead, boss.
Straight ahead, all right.
Who's the lit bitch?
Just little chickenheads in here.
Hey, how are you doing?
Whoa whoa.
What's the bitch's name?
- What's her fucking name?
- Selina.
Selina, open the door.
Metro Narcotics.
- Open the fuck up, Selina.
- You need a search warrant.
We don't need a search warrant.
Tanya here gave me permission
- to get her shit.
- Open up.
Selina baby, you're not in trouble,
but you make me huff and puff
and blow your door down...
I'm gonna find your shit.
I'll find it and then I'm gonna
set some cops on you.
I'm getting pissed.
Open the motherfucking door.
- Open the fucking door.
- Okay okay.
- Hand up. Here we go. Hands up.
- Hands up. Hands up.
Get your fucking hands up.
Bitch, you want to get punched
in the mouth, huh?
Turn the fuck around.
Get your nose in the fucking corner.
- Dump the fucking bag. Okay.
- What have we got here?
You were going
somewhere hot with this.
- I was going nowhere.
- Good shit.
Why don't you make love to this thing
here? I don't want to see your face.
What have we got here?
Don't you know that this...?
This roca right here is peligrosa,
- What do we got?
- Oh, we're racking it up now.
There we go. There we go.
Now I see why you were in such a hurry.
- You're on parole, huh?
- Yeah.
- Spread 'em. Here we go.
- Oh, man.
Don't be scared. Don't be scared.
You're gonna spend the rest
of your sentence in the slammer, baby,
maximum security,
whatever they tack on
for the possession of crack cocaine.
That's a felony, baby doll.
So what do you want?
You girls used to party
with Ray Delacroix?
We did.
Delacroix? Who do you think
fucking killed him, bitch?
He was DEA. Don't tell me
you didn't know that.
- I didn't.
- You didn't know that?
Fuck you. Fuck you.
You're going in.
- Fuck you both. Fuck you both.
- Take 'em in.
- Let's go.
- Wait. No no no.
Oh, now you want to talk?
Sit down. Fucking sit down.
Fucking sit down, bitch.
What do you got?
Come on, talk to me, bitch.
- What do you got? Spit it out, do it.
- Look, listen,
Ray was hanging out at this place,
this FEMA trailer park all the time.
- Yeah.
That's fucking federal.
Are you bullshitting me?
You'd better not be fucking
bullshitting me.
- Did you know that?
- I didn't. You believe me, don't you?
- We don't want no trouble.
- You don't want no trouble?
- Be nice.
- Be nice, huh?
Oh, whoa.
Don't kiss me on the lips,
you crackhead bitch.
Barney, I'm commencing
a proper search.
- How long are you gonna be, Pepe?
- I'm gonna be a second.
Why don't you make
yourself a drink?
My partner gets a little rough
and stuff.
It doesn't matter.
I like rough.
- You like rough?
- Yes.
Oh, shit.
Not on the fucking mouth.
Oh, yeah, baby.
Oh, God.
Please, we don't want any trouble.
Why don't you take the cuffs off?
Why don't you polish the badge, baby?
You wanna do something?
Give it a little... there you go.
That's it.
- Oh, shit.
- Uncuff me.
All right.
That's a fine moment
for Metro Narcotics right here.
I looked at his file.
Kenny's ancient history,
believe me.
Your father's.
That's what this is about.
That's why you brought me here, huh?
I'm trying to figure out
why you push yourself to the edge.
Well, I'm a clean cop.
That's all that should concern you.
Maybe I'm concerned
about your safety.
Oh, you're concerned about me?
That's nice.
Look, there's crime
We're a proactive department.
We go out and find it.
And then what?
Don't hesitate.
Enforce the law.
You can't think in a shootout.
It's just your motor reflexes.
I know a bad guys is gonna shoot Stan...
I'm gonna shoot him in the head.
If somebody has a gun pointed at me,
he's gonna shoot them.
Total trust in your partner.
Does your partner feel
the same way?
He knows he's safer with me
than with anyone else on the force.
You're out there, gun strong,
black knife,
up against a closed door.
If you want your partner
to be safe,
wait for backup.
Don't go chasing a legacy.
You got me all figured out, huh?
If I had you all figured out,
I'd have ordered.
Nothing's going on.
It's fucking late.
My daddy's partner used to hate
working nights.
He used to let him go home.
He didn't mind it so much.
Why not?
He had his own way
of looking at things.
He said the city would wake up
when people went to sleep.
He said the city was his then...
his to protect,
that he would save it from the evil
and the shadows one by one.
What happened that night?
Did they ever catch the guy?
There's another floater over there.
When is this night gonna end?
Looks like someone took out the trash.
Russians, Asians, brothers
sharing the same grave.
Definitely a turf war.
Not much of a war.
Chamorro has taken everybody out.
How many more
do you think they'll find?
What the hell is wrong
with this picture?
Nothing. He ain't lost.
N7B 9F7.
The car's registered
to a Jason Trotter.
Jambalaya Jake.
He's a big-time pimp for all the gangs.
He used to work for Kenny and me.
He's heading into the 6th,
not too late to make
the 11:00 News.
He just eye-fucked us.
That's Chamorro's crib.
Let's head around back.
What's up, man?
You all right?
Who's the bitch, bro?
Fine motherfucker there, man.
Oh, shit, baby, that's what
I'm talking about.
Come on with it.
Suck Jake's dick, bitch.
What are you doing?
Well, I had a nice Sunday drive.
Now I'm going to take a stroll.
Andy, no warrant, no probable cause,
no nothing?
Come on, you know what's going on
in there. How much PC you want?
I'll radio for backup.
No, then they got a record
you got no probable cause.
Look, I don't want to get shot,
all right?
Stan, chill.
The bad guys don't aim.
That's why they shoot
the wrong people.
They don't need to aim with the kind
of firepower they got in there.
Look, this is fear itself.
When they see the flames
at the end of my shotgun,
the devil himself won't be able
to shoot straight.
I promise you,
the first badass that shoots at us
and I blow him to hell...
fear will set in.
I will not let them shoot you.
- You know why?
- Why?
You got charisma.
What would your wife say?
She's probably say for me
to stand up for myself and my family
and that she needs me
for everything in her life.
What would separate you
from them?
My death.
What else?
Look, what's supposed
to happen here?
Just talking.
This is not talking.
You're searching for something.
I don't know what you're looking for,
but you're not gonna find it.
What are you afraid
I'm gonna ask you?
Get your ass up, bitch,
and get on that fucking bed.
- What's up, Jake?
- What's up, baby?
You all right?
Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I got
a little something for you in there.
Go handle your business, man.
But don't kiss it.
- What's up, Jake?
- What's up, Andy?
Shut up.
Andy, what the fuck
is going on, bro?
- Shh.
- What the fuck is going on, man?
- Yo, who is this nigga, man?
- Quiet, shh.
Hey, Andy, I'm really sorry
for what happened to Kenny.
- I always liked him.
- Shut up.
Andy, talk to me, man.
We're boys, man.
You gotta believe me, Andy.
I ain't had shit to do with this, bro.
Hey, you ain't gotta talk to me
like this, man.
- Get down. Get down.
- Freeze!
Nobody move. Metro PD.
Now slowly put your hands
on your head.
All right, fuck, I'll give you 10
to put your hands on your head. One...
Andy, what the fuck, man?
Don't do this shit. Don't do this shit.
...two, three, four...
Get your fucking hands up.
He's serious. I know this nigga, man.
...five, six...
- Put your hands over your head.
- You ain't got to do this shit.
- God damn it, hands up.
- Come on, Andy man.
...nine and a half...
I said to wait till 10.
Oh, shit!
Oh, God damn.
You just rest easy, Jake.
Oh, God damn.
Get the motherfucking hospital.
Nice. Hold up.
Our PC was gunshots.
Our reasonable suspicion was the area.
The door opened. They fired.
We defended ourselves.
- I got it.
- Let me hear you say it. Be specific.
We were driving by.
We heard shots... five or six.
- I said I got it.
- We entered into a gun battle
without calling for backup
in order to save a life.
We neglected our own safety
to protect and serve others.
I hate it when you treat me
like I'm a fucking kid.
- No. No, please.
- Shh.
- You've seen nothing.
- No.
- You know nothing.
- No, okay.
All right, get along.
What do we got?
What do we got?
Aw, Barney what did you...?
Oh, shit.
Good shooting, partner.
This hype is unarmed. Aw, fuck.
What did you do, Barney?
Fuck. Fuck.
He pointed a gun at us,
end of story.
Good shooting, Tex. Nice.
We'll keep that...
just a little bite.
The asshole pointed a gun at you.
You shot him dead.
- Barney.
- Yeah.
- Barney.
- Yeah, I'm with you. I'm with you.
Come on.
Hey, bro.
Here are the cavalry.
Hey, they shot you, Jambalaya Jake.
- Don't you want to know who?
- Fuck you.
You murdering motherfucker.
You know, they say
that when you're dying
you lose your mind in stages.
But you're not there yet.
You want to tell me something?
They say that shit
when you die of old age,
not from being shot,
you stupid-ass motherfucker.
That's true.
Andy man, I got you a lead
on Delacroix.
Seems like he was spending most
of his time at this FEMA trailer park...
- Lakeview.
- Lakeview, yeah.
See you motherfuckers in hell.
OIS and IA have cleared me.
But there were four lethal shootings
in three years.
Yes, ma'am, I'm a good shot.
You confront violence with violence.
Yes, ma'am.
And if another man
came through that door right now
pointing a gun at my head,
what would you do?
I'd shoot him.
And you'd thank me.
You wasted your time
driving down here, partner.
I couldn't get you the search warrant
for the trailer park.
Well, then get another judge.
Not proper procedure, Andy.
Get you a wire,
get some tapes and pictures,
and we'll get you your warrant.
The way things are now,
no judge is gonna touch this.
- Don't bullshit us, all right?
- Where you at, Shaft?
The drug house shootout
is still under investigation.
- You're lucky you still got that badge.
- So are you.
- They're not gonna let it happen.
- They? Who's they?
My hands are tied.
You can't have a warrant
for that establishment
without pictures and a wire.
Now who the fuck cares really?
I do.
Where do they find these guys?
Fucking lawyers.
Fucking cops.
I understand.
- What happened?
- It's official.
The feds are investigating
the guys on my unit.
FBI got a tip about a denied
warrant request.
They suspect officers are gonna make
the raid anyway without the warrant.
They're gonna be there
waiting on my guys.
FBI calls me and says, "Your men are
dirty. Yeah, and if you warn them,
we're gonna know that you're
as dirty as they are.
Are they guilty?
They're guilty of being underpaid.
They're guilty of being police
in this division.
What do you mean?
I mean the public is tired.
They're tired of all this violence.
They're tired of the city
they don't recognize no more.
Is your duty to the law less important
than your loyalty to those men?
Now, Ferraro, you know these men.
They beat and force confessions.
They maybe steal, maybe worse.
But they're doing it
for our side.
Then warn them.
I can't.
Then why are you
telling this to me?
I mean, we are trying
to prevent a gang war.
The city's rebuilding
and the drug dealers
aren't gonna wait for federal funding.
They're industrious.
That gives you permission
to do anything you want?
No, but ultimately
out on the street
no one's gonna control
what I do...
no judge, no jury.
Out on the street
I have the authority,
and they know it.
I am the law.
Oh, and if that law is corrupt...
You think I'm corrupt?
- It don't matter what I think.
- Bullshit.
Our little time together...
you're getting attached.
I get paid not to.
Seriously, though, you don't see it?
See what?
A lot of problems out there,
trying to make things better,
get up every morning,
come to work,
counsel those
who've drifted among the ashes,
work hard, stay focused,
so you can do your job.
You think I'm just like you,
don't you?
Which is why you want me to change,
be less hard-boiled.
Maybe then there's hope...
hope for this department,
hope for our city,
hope for you.
What are you afraid of most?
Some other time.
let's do it by the book.
Thanks for the advice.
It's not advice.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Hi, Andy.
How's it hanging?
How's it hanging? What did you say?
Sorry, sir.
- Hi, Andy.
- Hi.
These kids... I told them
to turn the TV off.
Nice TV.
Yeah, I just got the last
of the insurance settlement money,
got a little left over.
Bye-bye. Love you.
Baby, have a good day.
I love you.
Oh oh oh, I call the Caddy.
- No no, we're in the Caddy.
- We got the Caddy.
I don't want this Buick, man.
This Buick has got fumes.
I got the tip. I get the Caddy.
You know how Mexicans are
and their Caddies.
- Are you coming, Stan?
- You want me to ride in this shit?
You heard what he just said.
It's got motherfucking fumes and shit.
Why you got us in this shit car?
God damn.
Who wants to ride around
in this motherfucker?
- Are they set?
- They're set. They're watching them.
Come on in, boys.
Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
I came up short last time.
Fuck, it's Tanya.
Oh, Selina.
- Who?
- It's our tip-off, man.
Who the fuck cares?
Let's do this.
- Play it by the book.
- Thanks for the advice.
It's not advice.
- Come on.
- Hold on. This is a setup.
- What?
- It's no good. We're being set up.
- What do you mean, a setup?
- What are you talking about?
The warrants. It's no good.
Who said it's a fucking setup?
It's never stopped us before.
Oh, no no no.
- B team, what's going on?
- Do you guys have anything?
Somebody tipped him off.
Somebody got to him.
God damn it!
How did you know for sure
we were being set up?
Because we were, Stan.
I could feel it.
Something's not right.
We got ratted out.
- Who do you think it was, AJ?
- Why would he care?
I don't know. Captain Friendly
or Pepe or Barney?
Barney's a bitch. Friendly... no.
Maybe Pepe is a snitch.
You tipped them off, didn't you?
What are you talking about?
Somebody warned them
at the trailer park.
- I didn't warn them.
- You're lying.
Fuck you, Brown.
You don't scare me no more.
I'm no longer cooperating
with your investigation.
In fact, I just may open up
an investigation on you.
Wait a minute.
We had an agreement
to make this city safe.
We're on the same side.
Well, that's my goal,
but I have no fucking idea
what your goal is.
Yeah, well, I'm sorry you feel
that way.
Look around, Friendly.
Nobody is safe in this city.
I mean, nobody.
Go fuck yourself, Brown.
You four are coming with us.
What, did they win some prize?
Let me call you back.
We came down here
to correct the problem with corruption
in this division's Street Narcotics
Enforcement Unit.
Now we have enough evidence
to charge you with murder.
However, before we take
this case any further,
we'd like to offer you deals
in exchange for your testimony
against other dirty cops.
Well, I have not seen or know of
any police misconduct.
There's no dirty cops in that unit.
There's no fucking way.
- We're all clean.
- You guys are all the same.
Just take this deal
'cause you're dirty.
We got a cop in your unit
in our pocket.
You got a cop you turned.
Yeah, this idiot was selling dope
to an undercover FBI agent.
He's admitted to stealing
and selling cocaine
as well as framing suspects.
So he framed guilty suspects, sir?
What else is new?
He's framing cops?
If you put him on the stand,
everyone will know what he did,
so that's not much of a witness.
Now let me drop a bomb on you...
we have a witness who saw you kill
everybody in the LKs' crib.
She saw you and your partner enter
and commence a gun battle.
She witnessed you and Balentine
shoot an unarmed man.
She then observed you plant a gun
on the dead man and take his money.
Is that it?
If that's it, then I'm getting
the fuck out of here.
You're fucking crazy.
You're talking about
that crack whore?
So you admit she's a witness.
If she is the same little
strawberry crackhead I let go,
she was there,
but she wasn't a witness.
She didn't see anything.
See, when guns go off, people duck.
So she didn't see a thing.
And there ain't no jury or judge
who's gonna believe
a poor little crack whore
over a couple of hero cops.
It's automatic to call for backup,
but you didn't call for backup
because you didn't want patrol
to discover your criminal conduct.
No probable cause. Looks to us
like you went in there to rob, to kill.
Gunshots are probable cause.
And we didn't have time
to call that in.
The cop we turned is telling the truth.
We believe him,
and so will the jury.
And by the way, we're gathering
collaborative evidence,
and it's about as easy to find
as getting wet in the rain.
Scores of your arrests were bogus.
Your unit planted evidence,
framed and even shot
innocent victims
to serve time for crimes
they didn't commit.
With respect, that's all lies.
Now I'm not a lawyer,
but I do have a rough idea
how this kind of thing works.
And I'm telling you,
doing you a favor here,
that your strategy will not fly.
You gotta take criminals out of jail
to testify against us.
You will have conceded that these
criminals were wrongly convicted.
Once you get these criminals
out of prison,
the first thing they're gonna do
is hire other criminals called lawyers
and they're gonna sue the city
for millions...
all this based on allegations
of one lying con man cop.
Your only shot of convicting us
of anything
is by turning a second cop,
and that's not likely.
Only dirty cops will, and they usually
don't live long enough to testify.
The rule of thumb in the drug world
where there's this much money
is that there's always
law-enforcement corruption...
dirty cops, dirty DEA,
dirty CIA, dirty FBI.
But you won't make the cops
the scapegoats.
There's one more thing...
you just committed a crime
by revealing the identity
of a federal witness.
You did just do that.
Yes, but I didn't tell you anything.
Sure you did. You said
that there was a dirty cop.
How long do you think it's gonna be
before we find out who that is?
In your police report you said
that Jambalaya Jake
died telling you
important information.
That's right, sir,
but I'm not gonna tell you.
Believe me, though, he did tell me
what I wanted to know.
Yeah? And what's your MO
for making suspects talk?
I can't really describe it,
but I'd like to show it to you.
Yeah, I bet you would.
And you'll tell
me what I want to know.
I won't tell you anything
under any circumstances.
You don't know
who you're dealing with.
Captain, Doctor,
you're my independent witnesses.
I'm putting these clowns on notice.
They committed a crime
by revealing a partial identity
of a federal witness.
Andy, if you and your men
crossed the line,
- I cannot protect you.
- All right, all right.
- Hey.
- Sorry about that.
Listen to me.
The feds are serious.
Oh, are you afraid I'll go to jail?
No, I'm afraid
you won't make it to jail.
I thought they paid you
not to get attached.
I know I'm not a rat.
I know Stan is not a rat.
- I ain't no rat.
- I ain't no fucking rat.
We're gonna find out who it is
and then we're gonna set him up.
Put a bullet in his head.
I'll put a bullet in your head.
That's not how we do things.
- What about the witness, Andy?
- I let her go. She didn't know nothing.
- Let her go? Jesus fucking Christ.
- She didn't know nothing.
She was a brutalized strawberry
little crackhead.
Besides, you stole
and you didn't give me my share.
Hey, we'll cut you in there.
We'll give you your share.
- Moron.
- What?
You just let him trick you
into telling him anything.
- Hey, shut the fuck up, Stan.
- What else did you tell?
- Wanna start some shit?
- Listen, hey,
I didn't know there was a crime
'cause I didn't know you guys stole.
I didn't know she was a wit 'cause I
didn't know you guys committed a crime.
And I don't want a share
'cause I don't steal.
Let me see if I get your version
of the Commandments here, Charlie.
So you're saying
that stealing is bad,
but what you do, which is lying
and beating people and killing them
and letting witnesses go
'cause you want to fuck 'em...
that's good?
You're like the idiot version...
Hang on. She was a brutalized
little strawberry.
- Of the Bible, you dumb fuck Moses.
- Number one...
I never struck anybody
that didn't assault me first.
Number two... I never killed anybody who
didn't shoot at me first, more or less.
And that's a brutalized
poor little crackhead.
That's a sick thing to say.
Besides, it's your fucking girl
brought us here.
Don't worry. That bush is done burning.
Let me straighten them out.
If you talk to me like that again
you're gonna meet with a horrible
disfiguring accident.
You understand what I'm saying?
Yes, bring it.
Dumb fuck Moses.
- Andy.
- Barney.
- Hey, he just fucking set me up.
- What the fuck is wrong with you?
What was I supposed to do?
What did your parents do to you, huh?
You've had too many long rides
on your Uncle Bubba's knees?
- Fucking asshole.
- Why are you always running your mouth?
Barney, you're this close.
You're this fucking close.
- Why are you always running your mouth?
- Let's just do it. Come on.
Hey, Tanya, it's me.
It's Barney.
Shh shh.
- You hear something?
- I don't like it. I don't like it.
Yo, guns up.
Hit it.
All right, go.
Oh, shit.
- Oh, God.
Oh, shit.
Oh, fuck that.
Yeah, they took it up a notch.
Oh, God. Let's back the fuck off this.
Let's go.
- Oh, shit.
- They fucking cut out their tongues.
I can't believe they cut out
your tongue, baby.
She won't be licking
my badge no more.
It's okay, baby. It's okay.
Barney's here.
It's gonna be okay.
Barney, let's go.
I'll miss you.
Their case ain't ready
but they showed us their hand. Why?
To scare us.
This park is ground zero
for drug trafficking in the city.
And we cleaned it up,
didn't we, Stan? Ain't that right?
Man, forget this park.
I can't.
They found my daddy
not far from here.
They never found the guy.
I can't tell you what his face
looks like, what color his skin is,
but I've seen his face 1000 times,
every collar I made.
I've been chasing him
for years, Stan.
I ain't gonna chase him no more.
Man Andy, we're inches away
from losing everything.
We can't fight the feds.
Maybe we should just step off
and let them finish their plan.
They just want to take our guns away
so we lose control of this park.
We lose control of the park...
we lose the city. This is my city, Stan.
Andy, you're too close, man.
Back off.
Hey, what's up, man?
I got the elevator.
I got it right here, man.
Metro PD, asshole.
Put your hands on your head.
Turn around.
I like the way you cooperate.
You're gonna tell me exactly
what I want to know
or I'm gonna take my piece
and break one of your kneecaps.
- You understand?
- Yeah, man. I understand.
What are you doing in my park?
You know this is my park.
Hey, man, look, word was
the park was open for business, man.
That's the wrong word.
You'll get your ass shot off down here,
- you know that?
- I got a franchise.
From who?
You know, this motherfucking
Spanish dude from Florida.
- Latin Kings?
- Look, man,
you can't do shit out here no more
unless the LKs give you the green light.
Give me a name.
- Give me a name.
- Chamorro, man.
- Where is he at?
- The FEMA trailer park, man.
That's where I get my shit sometimes.
- If I search you, what am I gonna find?
- Man, come on.
What is he gonna find?
$200 on the street
against five-to-10 in the joint.
Ain't worth it, brother.
Get your ass out of my park.
Where do you think he's got
the 20 dime rocks at, in his ass?
Thompson sub-machine gun...
Tommy gun.
not bad for 1921.
Davey Johnston... the hardest-working,
toughest litigator
- this city's had in generations.
- Thanks, Andy.
Let me ask you a question.
Every time we put up a case
against the bad guys,
it's always the same fucking story
'cause it works.
And you guys always go along with us
no matter what.
Good. Now when was the last time
a judge or one of you guys
- found a cop's testimony not credible?
- Easy now.
Just listen. The judiciary
and the district attorney's office
have been our silent partners...
or rather I should say we've been
your silent partners
making cases easy for you...
no problem.
Now the FBI comes sniffing around...
nothing we can do about it.
But if you let them make us
the scapegoats,
I'm gonna take everybody with me.
The media are gonna have a field day.
- Oh, yeah?
- They're gonna eat you raw.
Every time I stood in front of a judge,
he acted like a de facto prosecutor.
You know why?
You know how many citations I got?
You know how many years of incarceration
my testimony generated?
- Now I want my fucking warrants.
- Andy, calm down.
I'm not calming down. I'm throwing down.
I'm gonna take you with me.
I want my warrants.
I'm sorry, Andy, but with the feds
investigating you,
no judge is gonna sign off
on your warrants.
Just try.
We're this close.
- Fucking lawyers.
- Fucking cops.
This place is a bit of a dump.
Cops raided my crib, cabron.
Any idea how many men I lost?
You want a tissue?
How about a fucking warning?!
What, are you a child?
You think this is a game?
You wanted this city clean
without getting your hands dirty.
- Yeah.
- You look the other way;
I take out the gangs,
kick back some paper;
Everybody wins, right?
Yeah, who wins by dumping bodies
in the swamp, huh?
Sloppy work.
Have some beads.
Just don't show me your tits.
You fuck up one more time
and I'll kill you.
You understand me?
Yeah? All right.
Now I got one more thing
I want you to do for me.
Everybody has a melting point, right?
And you don't know what it is
till you get there and do something.
You melt down and it's too late.
You do something
you can't take back.
Are you at your melting point?
A partnership is like marriage...
a contract of honesty
between two men.
What happened between you and Andy?
I don't know.
It just feels like
I'm committing suicide,
changing my mind
at the last minute.
At that very second
you suddenly have a passion for life
that you never knew.
I understand.
I agree with you.
What brought this on, Stan?
The FBl...
they're following us around.
They want to take us down.
You don't have to be scared
if you're clean.
I don't know what clean is anymore.
Andy always says to me,
"It's hard to be in this shit all day
and come home clean."
But he does.
All the other cops...
I see some shit rub off on them.
He comes home fucking clean.
What about you?
Lately l...
I've done some thing
I ain't proud of.
Did you break the law?
Bent it all to shit maybe.
But the FBl... they're wrong.
They're going after good cops.
I don't like it.
I don't know how to fight back.
You just tell the truth.
You can't go wrong
if you tell the truth.
I don't know what the truth is anymore.
A spokesman for
the Metropolitan Police Department
has confirmed the brutal slaying
of Police Captain John Friendly,
shot to death just outside his home
in uptown New Orleans.
Witnesses report that two masked gunmen
opened fire on the captain
as he arrived home at approximately
Captain Friendly,
responsible for restoring order
to the gang-ridden streets
of New Orleans in the wake of Katrina,
leaves behind a 30-year record
on the force.
He also leaves behind
a wife and three children.
The FBI has joined
in the search for the two men.
Once again, Metropolitan Police Captain
John Friendly
assassinated this evening.
Do you think it's him?
I don't know.
Pepe is as corrupt as they come,
but I don't know if he's up for this.
Whoever this snitch is, though,
we've got bigger fish to fry.
What's that?
He's sold his soul to the FBI,
but these feds are dirty.
They killed Friendly. We're next.
We're going in now.
Mid-City representing.
I don't sleep with no fishes.
Mid-City shoutout...
Konichiwa Bitches.
Pepe, shut the fuck up.
Barney's ready.
So I guess calling for backup's
out of the question.
There's gonna be plenty of police
here real soon.
Yeah, when they
show up to arrest us.
Are we even cops anymore?
We're past that, brother.
One, two, three.
Metro PD!
Ay! Mis huevos!
Mi cola!
Cojones, mi cola!
Hijo de puta, no!
Drop the weapon.
Drop it.
- Tell me who your connection is.
- I ain't no fucking raton.
You're gonna be.
One, two, three.
Wake up.
Fuck. One, two...
one, two, three. Wake up.
One, two, three.
Wake up.
- Who's your connection?
- I ain't no fucking raton, man.
You'd better tell him what he wants
to know before he fucking kills you.
Tell me who's your connection!
Man, I deal with the feds, man.
I take out the other gangs.
Fucking Brown tips us off
on possible drug busts, man.
He warns us about search warrants.
If we get arrested,
he'll fucking bail us out, man.
He controls the airports.
He controls the borders.
Fucking dirty cops, man.
You're all the same, man.
Oh, shit.
Pepe, Pepe.
I didn't know it was you, man.
I couldn't see.
I didn't know.
I'm sorry, man. I'm sorry.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
Barney, you okay?
- He's dead.
- Who?
Pepe. I killed him.
I didn't mean to, Andy.
I didn't mean to.
Pepe is dead. Pepe is dead.
DEA giving the Latin Kings
the keys to the kingdom.
Where are we going?
Where we met.
Where it all started.
You have a new partner now.
Do you trust him?
Shoot him, Stan. Shoot him.
Well, I've got some money saved up.
If you want, I'll loan you some.
We're doing okay.
- Nice TV.
- Yeah.
We got a cop in your unit
in our pocket.
You're too close.
Just back off.
Back off.
Is this where they moved in?
Yeah, this is where
they brought the dope.
Looks like they're all cleared out.
You want to look around?
No, Stan.
It's where we met.
Something you want to tell me, Stan?
Something you want to tell me?
Andy man, I made a mistake.
I needed the money.
The baby was on the way.
Then the hurricane.
I didn't become a cop because of
no crusade like you, Andy.
I had to make a living.
And I wasn't cutting it.
You're my fucking partner, Stan.
What, are you gonna shoot me?
You're the rat, Stan.
You work with Brown keeping the DEA
away from me the whole time.
You lied to me, Stan,
ever since the flood,
every day, every hour
keeping me from my investigation.
I took the money
and Brown caught me.
I'm not perfect like you.
I ain't perfect, Stan.
I'm your partner.
You didn't have
nothing to do with it.
I didn't have nothing to do...?
Andy man, it was before
I even met you.
Listen, you're my partner,
so I'm gonna stand by you,
but you're going in.
What do you mean, going in?
I'm gonna help you
every way I can,
but you gotta do some time, Stan.
No, man, I'm not going nowhere.
Come on now,
you're not gonna shoot me.
Stan, I'm your partner.
- What was I supposed to do, Andy?
- You lied to me.
No, you tell me
what I was supposed to do.
I don't know, Stan.
Lose the piece, drug dealer.
I'm the FBI.
I got nothing to do with drugs.
Chamorro ratted you out.
Now you're going down.
Chamorro was a means to an end.
We're on the same side.
It's over, Brown.
I still got this.
Andy man, this is the asshole
you've been chasing your whole life.
- Let me fucking shoot him.
- No good, Stan.
We're gonna take him in.
There's a deal for both of you.
What for, man? We won't make it
back to the station house.
We gotta finish this here.
Johnson, God damn it,
help me out here.
Case closed.
Now let's get our story straight.
- Let's get our story straight.
- We got a code of silence, right?
- That's right.
- I'm your partner.
I know you won't talk.
We ain't got a lot of time.
Let's get our story straight.
We had no alternative
but to defend ourselves
with lethal force. Say it.
We had no alternative
but to use lethal force.
Did you shoot him?
Did he shoot himself?
Was it an accident?
Did he...?
He was my partner.
You okay, Andy?