Surveillance 24/7 (2007) Movie Script

It's easy now -
CCTV everywhere.
You could pick up on a target
getting on train at, I don't know,
Glasgow, and track him all the way
down to a shop on Oxford Street.
Give us a day or so and we could
find anyone, anywhere.
It's the best city in the world.
I love it.
I love the clubs.
I love the people.
I love the whole vibe, man.
That's how I met Jake.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I'm Adam.
What's your name?
Smile, Jake.
Fucking phones will be
the death of us.
I'm just messing, man.
I should go.
No, no, no.
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to...
Shall we go again?
My playtime is precious to me.
Mine too.
Let's not waste another minute.
- Amy.
- Adam?
The very same.
It's been a while.
You got there, huh?
Big smoke, big job in telly.
Something like that.
What did I tell you?
Look, Adam, it's getting late.
Can we cut to the chase?
What's this all about?
OK, listen.
It's about a guy
called Jake Raven.
You little work slave.
It's way past your bedtime.
They still wasting your brilliance
on cutting edge rock profiles?
No rest for the wicked, aye?
Tell me about it.
I need a favor.
Oh, you little horror.
Here's me thinking you were calling
for a late night heart-to-heart.
No, your security clearance, actually.
Go on then...use me.
I need everything you can give me
about a guy called Adam Blane.
And why can't you look up
this Adam Blane yourself?
He's come to me
with some crazy story.
I just want to see
what he's been up to.
He's an ex.
You kept that
to yourself, didn't you?
It wouldn't look good.
No, no.
You're quite right.
They'd sack you.
It's a nice pic.
I'm assuming you know
about the boys, Amy.
Ah, the boys.
Look, uh...Adam--
Not a problem.
I'm a bit like that myself.
What time is it?
I'm really sorry l--
Honestly, it's not a problem.
If I can just jump in
for a quick wash,
I'll be out your way.
You take this job,
and yeah, it's true -
a tiny little piece of you thinks
it's gonna be like James Bond.
But you don't think--
What they definitely don't
tell you is that the reality
is much, much worse than any story.
In the real world
people do go missing.
They do have to be...terminated.
I didn't sign up
for any of that shit.
Where is it, Jake?
Where's the fucking film?
The same phone.
I had to take it straight back.
If it's a thriller you go diving in there,
guns blazing and you never get hit.
But when it happens
to you in real life,
right in front of your very eyes...
I can't tell you -
you just shit yourself.
You just get out of there fast...
just in case you're next.
the photographer son of media
magnate Lord Raven,
has been drowned.
In a statement, Jake Raven's
family say he has not
been seen since yesterday
when he boarded the family yacht.
Crew members report
that he was drunk
and had clearly taken drugs.
It is believed that
Jake Raven fell overboard
and was unable
to save himself.
Good night?
You look like you haven't slept.
I haven't, really.
Good for you.
Quite fond of clubbing myself.
My stop.
You okay?
Can't be helped.
It's easy now -
CCTV everywhere.
You could pick up on a target
getting on train at, I don't know,
Glasgow, and track him all the way
down to a shop on Oxford Street.
Give us a day or so and we could
find anyone, anywhere.
Can you get me evidence?
We're talking hard evidence -
tapes, photographs, transcriptions.
Sure, yeah,
I can get it.
But it's got to be
totally anonymous.
I do this for you and this is it.
Do you understand?
I get you.
I'll post it.
Anything I get, I'll post.
Snail mail -
safest way these days.
Its the one thing we can't monitor.
What goes on is, well,
the left hand doesn't understand
what the right hand's
doing half the time.
One unit might have been
briefed about the hit on Jake,
while another knew nothing about it.
That's what went on there.
Except no one knew who
the fuck had ordered this,
or what was going on.
This guy, Adam, were we meant
to be shaking him down
scaring him off,
or just keeping a watching brief?
No one really knew.
No one knew what Adam knew.
That's what made him dangerous.
OK, well, I'm Adam -
Adam Blane.
I'm a teacher these days.
Have been for a while,
and I enjoy it.
I teach l.T. at a private school.
It's a good school.
And, yeah...I'm bloody lucky.
I got a great life.
So the way I see it is this.
I work really hard.
So when I have my free time,
that is it - it is mine.
I have to be able
to do my thing.
Hello, class.
It's not very funny, is it?
What does Sir do at weekends?
Where does he go?
Who does he see?
Are you safe with Sir?
Who did this?
Nice tie, Sir!
Well, of course, I told him
to pay no attention to it.
Just some juvenile nonsense.
If you react to it -
any response at all -
that's it, you've lost everything -
your stature, your discipline,
your command of the class.
Do you understand?
I must say I was surprised that
Blane let a thing like this
get to him - unless there was
something in it, of course.
I recall it very clearly.
I said to him, excuse me, sir.
What I want to say to you is that
what I choose to do in my own time
is a matter for myself
and only myself.
What is more important here
is who the hell would do this.
Who could do this?
This is the Blast Channel.
This is Exit Ten with us today.
And so just want to ask you
a few questions...
Can you leave it?
...I just want to go way back
to the very beginning
and maybe ask about
where you first met.
- Amy?
- Adam?
The very same.
It's been a while.
I mean, uh...
How have you been?
Ah, so-so.
What about you though?
You made it then?
Made what?
You got there, huh?
Big smoke, big job in telly.
Something like that.
What did I tell you?
Look, Adam, it's lovely to hear
your honey tones and all,
but it's getting late.
Can we cut to the chase?
What's this all about?
Okay, listen.
It's about a guy
called Jake Raven.
The sequence of events that led
to the tragic drowning
of society photographer Jake Raven,
started at Kensington Palace,
at around 2:1 5 on the
afternoon of the 6th of May.
Guests at the Palace confirm
the flamboyant son
of media baron Lord Raven
appeared drunk and emotional,
and had to be escorted
from the Palace grounds.
Hours later he was dead.
The story of Jake Raven's
abduction could come
from the pages
of a conspiracy thriller...
but it doesn't.
It really happened.
Our investigation,
painstakingly pieced together
by eyewitness accounts
and real-life footage,
shows exactly what happened
to Jake on that night.
Where did he go to after the party?
Who did he meet?
And what secrets did he
take with him to the grave?
One man is certain that Jake
was killed to keep him quiet.
That man is his father -
Press Baron Lord Raven.
Raven was as bad as Ml5.
He filmed everything -
absolutely paranoid.
Classic standoff.
He know everything
we where up to;
we knew all about him -
Thank you for dropping
everything at such short notice.
Your wish is my command, master.
He's cute.
This was the last person
to see my son.
What do want me to do?
I want you to find out who else
is asking around about this--
Adam Blane.
An old friend of his,
and a very good friend of mine, actually.
Who is?
Who is Ms. Amy Conroy.
She's a highly talented
and undervalued young lady,
who we're fortunate enough
to employ.
Oh, really?
on the Blast Channel.
You leave our Amy alone.
She's a sweetheart.
Did her work experience
with me years ago.
Oh, good.
That's what we like to see -
And she knows this
Blane of old, does she?
I can attend to your sordid
requirements perfectly well
on my own,
thank you very much.
I'd like to see her.
Hello, you.
Hello, stranger.
You look fantastic.
You're not even looking at me.
I mean it.
You look well.
God...this is weird.
So you're a teacher, huh?
How'd you know that?
How's your Dad?
He's good.
You still seeing that
hairy-arsed biker?
I was never seeing Ben.
How about you?
Seeing anyone?
So...Jake Raven.
I want this on the record.
Let's do this.
Uh, do you want me--
Look at me
or look into the camera.
Well, I'm Adam.
Adam Blane.
I'm a teacher these days...
It's the best city in the world.
I love the clubs.
I love the people.
I love the whole vibe, man.
That's how I met Jake.
Why don't you tell us a bit
more about what happened.
Ms. Conroy,
Lord Raven will see you now.
He did ask to see me?
Come in, come in.
I'm sorry to keep you waiting.
It's these damned Americans...
So please, Mrs. Conroy, sit.
And don't have any of that
"l prefer to stand."
I won't bite.
It's Ms., sir.
Or Amy.
Oh, Ms., please.
Have you been taking
an interest in Adam Blane?
No, not especially, sir--
Well, you should.
It could be hot.
Could be a very hot story
for a young reporter to break.
I'm not sure--
Obviously we're taking
a keen interest.
We believe that your
Adam Blane could have been
the last person to see
to my son before...
We don't think it was just
a straightforward suicide.
I have information
that Ml5 was watching him.
So perhaps your Mr Blane could
shed some light on this subject.
Obviously we don't rush in
heavy-handed at this stage -
more the...gentle touch.
We'll give a complete crew,
a full crew.
And it's over to you, young lady.
Ms. Conroy.
Some information about our subject...
Might be of some interest.
By day, Adam Blane worked
at a distinguished public school.
An l.T. teacher, he was both
popular and dedicated.
But by night,
he lived a very different life.
Adam Blane would cruise the clubs
and bars of London's gay scene,
seeking out his next thrill.
It was in one of these clubs
where he met and seduced
the society photographer, Jake Raven.
Raven had been drinking heavily.
He took Adam Blane back to his studio
where the two men slept together.
Amy, can you talk?
Guess who Jake Raven's
special friend was?
Oh yeah, yeah.
I've got it all here.
The estranged son
of media baron Lord Raven
was 'like that' with Prince Charming.
Hang on a sec.
Oh, right.
How you doing?
What's happened!
I'm fucked if I know,
to be quite honest with you.
I could do with seeing you.
Okay, cool.
So he didn't say anything -
anything at all - about the Prince?
Not a word.
But it felt at the time like he
was like he was reaching out.
Do you know what I mean?
Like he was desperate.
I mean, I'm not a romantic,
but I felt something for Jake.
I mean, I know we hardly
knew each other - drunk--
What do you think
is going on, Adam?
Fuck knows.
Why-- I mean...
Why are they following you?
Probably the last person to see
the poor kid alive, wasn't l?
Probably think he's told me
some big secret or something.
Did he?
He just said he'd had a bad day.
That's it.
And then you had sex with him?
We had sex.
I just--
I would've said something before,
but you seemed to be
taking it a bit...personal.
You call me up out of the blue,
after God knows how long.
And even though, by the way,
you're actually in London
shagging whoever you want,
so it would seem.
London, by the way--
That's so fake, isn't it?
- It's, uh, full of phonies--
- Amy.
And fucking sad am l?
I haven't heard
from you in seven years?
And you know what, Adam?
My heart was thumpin'.
I was excited!
Can you believe that?!
And what do I get?
What do I get for letting you back in?
You know, it's just the same
old story with you.
You hold back!
You only tell me the bits
you want to tell me!
I only get half a fucking story!!
So, yeah, I would say it was
a wee bit personal!
I'm sorry, all right?
I should've...
I might have been able to help you.
That's all.
How come?
Well, I do work for a major
news corporation, Adam.
Are you that naive?
I've started doing bits and bobs
for the main channel.
This...this would've been--
Ah, now I get you!
This would've been
one substantial bunk
up the ladder, wouldn't it?
The Jake Raven Mystery,
signed, sealed and parcel-wrapped!
Little Miss Ambitious gets an
almighty scoop, right in her lap!
No wonder you're angry with me.
I haven't got a fucking story.
It's getting late.
We should go.
Don't let me
stand in your way.
You have told me
everything you now know?
I might've done.
I might not have done.
Come on.
I'm getting this, am l?
And then I said
I haven't handed in a lecture...
because it's something on--
Are you all right?
I'm fine.
You sure you're gonna be okay?
Yeah. work on
your own stories then?
Only in my own time.
Shoot the footage on your mobile,
edit it on your computer
and stick it onto the net.
It's easy.
Be careful with that!
It's very sensitive.
The future of
news-gathering, yeah?
I prefer to call it storytelling.
Oh, yeah.
What's that one?
"Don't let the truth
stand in the way"?
Isn't there some homework
you should be marking...sir?
Come on, Amy...
Is all that way gone, hey?
All what?
Fair enough.
Amy...we were kids.
I'm borderline interested
in your story, Adam.
That's all.
Is the Royal Family
running scared from a scandal
that could destroy the monarchy?
A thousand years of tradition
now hang in the balance -
not to mention a global brand
and a turnover that runs
to tens of millions of pounds.
The real scandal goes
beyond the Royal Family,
to those at the very heart
of the establishment...
to those who will stop at nothing
to kill a story they don't like.
Sorry, sir.
It's police business.
What's going on, Bernie?
Sorry, Mr. Blane.
They've got a warrant.
Excuse me!
Who gave you the information?
Did you attempt to verify it?
Oh, absolutely.
The school followed the correct
procedures to the letter.
So you were able
to verify that Adam Blane
had downloaded child pornography?
Well, l--
It's a yes or no question.
There is a perfectly
equitable appeals system
if Mr. Blane is dissatisfied
with our findings.
Good news travels fast
around here, doesn't it?
You don't exactly
help your cause, do you?
Hang on a sec, Dad.
Hang on.
You don't actually believe
any of that stuff, do you?
Can you not just...
keep your nose clean for once?
You know what?
I'm sick of this!
You're sick of it!
Have you heard some of the things
they're saying about you?
Believe me, Dad.
Of course I've heard.
Well, very nice to see you...
at long last.
Come on, Dad, you know how it is -
school, sports, activities.
Maybe you'll have a bit
more time on your hands now.
Thanks, Dad.
Once again,
thanks for all your support.
Once you've been accused
of something like that,
you're on your own.
And you're so busy running
and looking over you shoulder
you don't see
what's right in front of you.
You don't ask
the basic questions.
They said I was up to my elbows
in kiddy porn.
How come they didn't
fucking charge me?
Well, we know now.
Don't we?
I had to do something.
Who is this?
You calling from a secure line?
Very well.
I shall secure the line.
Hang up now.
I shall call you.
Why should l?
My dear young man,
you called me.
Moreover I've just driven
a considerable distance
in my motor to meet you.
Doesn't mean I should trust you.
True, indeed.
Who on earth can one
trust nowadays?
Although a point comes when one
might as well take a flyer
and trust some bugger, yes?
Well, I don't know you from--
No one does.
That's a good thing.
No one is quite sure
even how to refer to one.
Do you know?
Royal Butler?
Personal Secretary?
No one knows.
No one knows what one actually does.
It's a real quandary when it comes
to knowing what to call one.
The Saint?
I mean that's--
that's your nickname, right?
Oh, God.
The Saint!
Dear Jake.
For the record, it's Sinjun.
Sure you don't want
anything to eat?
I'm not hungry, thanks.
As you will.
So, let's get things
absolutely clear -
as clear as it can be
under the circumstances.
You meet the wondrous Jake.
He gives you my telephone number
in case of emergency.
He gets killed.
You're morbidly curious.
You want a last little look--
I didn't say that.
You want to dig around a little bit.
Then your computer
is tampered with.
You nearly get run over--
I certainly didn't tell you that.
You didn't need to.
And neither did I need
to let you know that I know.
Do you see?
So...the running over you.
That's almost certainly
just a warning.
Oh, really?
Believe me.
If these people
wanted you dead--
Who are 'these people'.
Ml5, Special Branch.
- Raven's.
- Raven?
All in good time, young man.
The girl intrigues me.
You know her how?
We go back.
How far?
Far far.
We were at University together.
Very interesting.
Because one asks oneself
how it is the hit and run gang
knew exactly where you were.
Interesting, isn't it?
Make good television.
Is the Royal Family
running scared from a scandal
that could destroy the monarchy?
A thousand years of tradition
now hangs in the balance--
No, wait.
Now 'hang' in the balance?
A thousand years of tradition
now hang in the balance -
not to mention a global brand
and a turnover that runs
to tens of millions of pounds.
We want to kind of
finish on them, don't we?
How long this time then?
Seriously, mate.
The place has been bugged.
I'm sure of it.
I just--
You ever get the feeling
you're being watched?
Do you get that?
Oh, well thanks for that, kid.
Why don't you just lead 'em
all right to my front door
and invite them all in?
Just till the heat dies down.
Does it have to die down?
I could do with a bit of fucking
excitement around here.
It's serious, mate.
I don't know what the fuck
these goons want...
but I really think I'm in trouble.
I suppose a shag's
out of the question then, is it?
- There you go.
- Thank you.
What is this?
Make yourself at home, darling.
So why the face?
Where do you want me to start?
Out of my depth?
Feel like a pawn?
Nothing adds up.
Welcome to RNN, sweetheart.
Adam Blane is not the guy
I've been reading about.
Appearances can be
deceptive, precious.
Oh, but I know him.
Not sure I should be
telling you this.
The day he died,
Jake Raven stormed
into his father's.
There was a terrific row.
What about?
You do know he was
seeing the Prince?
Who doesn't?
That's why he'd come
to see his Dad.
There was some film -
very important film -
film he wanted broadcast.
Lord Raven is anxious
to retrieve it.
I see.
And they think
Adam's got the film?
So, Adam Blane.
You think you're being pursued
by ruthless cutthroats.
Who do you think is after you?
The establishment.
And what, pray tell,
is the establishment, Adam?
I don't know.
They're the men In black.
And what do these
strange persons want
with your pretty young arse, Mr. Blane?
They want to fuck me.
- All of them?
- All of them.
All at once.
Especially the really old,
disgusting ones.
And who else is in
on this terrifying secret?
Amy Fantayzee?
The very same.
Oh, Jesus.
How long's she been
back on the scene?
She's not back
on the scene, mate.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Well, don't trust her...ever.
That's all I'm gonna say to you.
My word.
Nice to see you, too.
Come on in.
- How are you?
- I'm fine.
Tell me to get lost
if you don't feel up to it,
but would you answer
a couple of questions for me?
On camera?
I don't know, Amy.
I don't know
where I went wrong, Amy.
Maybe you didn't do anything wrong.
It's not as if--
Once his mother died,
that was it.
Went off the rails.
I, of all people, can back you
up on all that one.
He's a good boy, Adam.
He's one of the good ones.
Surely you must see that?
I'm being serious.
Someone's got it in for Adam.
I think he's been set up...
but if anyone can
fight their way out of it--
He wouldn't have to fight
his way out of anything
if he'd just live a normal life.
You okay?
Don't know.
Am l?
What does that mean?
Were you going to tell me
you'd been to see my Dad?
I mean, you're the one that
wanted to meet me down here.
I haven't been here for ages.
Of course I'm going to pop in
and see your dad.
Fuck's sake, Adam.
He's your Dad.
He worships you.
"Our Adam's a teacher.
You should see what he's done
with that little wreck of a place.
He could sell it for a fortune.
When was he last around?
You just got to face up to it--
Your Dad, he's old school.
He's never gonna
understand your--
Remind me about the bit
where I cared about his approval.
Bit late for all that, isn't it?
End of the day,
that's not what I signed up for.
Exciting, rewarding,
unusual, they said.
All of which it can be
at times, more or less,
but killing innocent people...
It's me, Ben.
I'm a bit weirded out, mate.
I've had two guys
sat outside my place all day -
blacked-out windows,
black shirts.
One of them wanted to
use my mobile phone as well.
Anyway, I thought
I should let you know.
See ya.
- Fuck.
- Indeed.
That's Jake and--
The Prince.
They were an item.
Actually, they were very much
in love with each other. this real?
Could not be more solid
if it was gold plated.
It's an open secret.
Every editor in Fleet Street
knows about it,
but none of them dares to print it.
Upset the equilibrium.
The Equilibrium, yes?
So it's down to you
to keep it all quiet -
keep it sweet
for the royals?
Crudely put,
but not entirely inaccurate.
It is my job, as you say,
to keep things sweet
for one particular royal.
He whose life it is my
peculiar charge to facilitate.
That's what one does.
Brief hasn't changed for centuries.
My grandfather procured harlots
for Edward VII.
It's much the same for me.
Keeping it under the hat--
I still don't--
That's one's job.
Let me tell you,
if Mr. Clinton had had a man
of my caliber in his retinue,
that dress would have
been immaculate by first light.
This is the thing...
My royal Prince
turns out to be a fairy.
So what?
Every soap opera
has its queer nowadays.
Why should the longest-running soap
opera in the world be any different?
It's just a matter of finding
the right sort of chap--
My finding the right sort of chap.
I was the one who vetted
the wondrous Jake.
Beautiful boy.
Lovely chap.
Absolutely wild.
Parties, weekenders,
secret visits to country houses.
HRH was totally taken by it all,
as you can imagine.
Just loved it.
Why you telling me all this,
Mr. Sinjun?
What do you want?
You're learning.
What does one want?
I suppose one wants it
all out in the open,
which is somewhat ironic
considering one's spent
one's life covering the tracks.
One starts to wonder
about certain tiresome things...
like right and wrong.
You see?
See, from our--
their point of view,
it's like a virus.
Moment it seeps out,
they want to cut it off,
stem its flow,
stop it contaminating any further.
They have to work on the assumption
that anyone who comes into
contact with the virus
could be contaminated.
And you eliminate them?
Just in case.
In this job...
there's people who want
that kind of action.
Couldn't care less
about the consequences.
Just want it to be like the movies--
Shoot first, ask questions later?
Is that what happened to Ben?
And then I walk into Ben's place...
and everything changes.
If this was ever gonna
get sorted out,
it was gonna be down
to one person to see It out.
Me, and only me.
I'm sorry to have
to contact you again.
A timely call.
Meet me at precisely 1 0 AM.
Dudley Aerodrome.
Dear boy,
there is only one entrance.
Ten AM.
Thirty-five seconds early.
How worrying.
I see you've got
your little phone with you.
Snaps you took the other day
come out all right?
No disrespect to you, sir,
but it makes me feel safer.
It's all gone
completely fucking crazy.
It's just...
It's gone way, way too far.
I just want out.
I want it to stop.
Whatever it takes.
No more running or hiding.
Whatever it takes.
This is just the tip of the iceberg.
You're lucky you're alive.
Man, that's berserk!
That's off its head--
I do most seriously wish you would
refrain from calling one 'man'.
Sorry, old chap.
You know the story.
One believes staunchly
in the monarchy.
One does the best one can.
But equally one recognizes
when the good fight is over.
Do you want to know why?
Because one of the princes is gay?
No, no, no.
The family's no stranger
to Auntie Dorothy.
It's not because he was
in love with Jake.
It's because he was on the verge
of doing the unthinkable...
Of going public.
Where do I come into this?
Oh, there is much, much more.
Letters, photographs...
And, of course, the video.
They filmed a message to the nation.
Kind of a Queen's Speech, if you will.
They were to cut and run,
leave the country.
Start a new life together.
Australia was mentioned,
California, other places.
This was their plea for patience,
for understanding -
for compassion.
Edward and Mrs. Simpson, take two.
Wow, indeed.
You know...I've never
seen him so radiant -
so very, very happy.
What happened?
What always happens.
They got to him.
They worked on him.
They quite literally
worked him over.
They brainwashed the poor boy.
They all but imprisoned him.
They set him up with some
nice girl they could
parade him in front
of the tabloids with.
They stopped him talking to Jake,
they stopped him
talking to anyone.
I, who was his closest confidant,
was redeployed.
Poor Jake went absolutely berserk.
He started railing
and screaming at the palace,
telling them that he'd go
to the world with their pledge.
So they shut him up for good
before he could do any more damage.
Maybe, Special Branch.
I wouldn't even
put it past Raven's people.
His own Dad?
The moment he found out
Jake was gay
he all but disowned him.
Eight centuries
of courtiers and kingmakers,
only to end up with
three disappointing daughters
and a twinky for a son?
I don't think so.
And the video--
I mean, where is it now?
This is where you
come into the picture.
That is why you're still alive.
They think I've got it?
If only one had it oneself,
one would finish the job off.
How come?
How come?
You really don't
trust me at all, do you?
Can you blame me?
Answer me one question.
When you met Jake,
did he say anything
about this at all?
Anything at all?
Smile, Jake.
Those fucking phones
will be the death of us.
No, he didn't.
Why are you so bothered?
Oh, Ben...
Special Branch, standard M.O.
Make it look as if he'd
gone out for one last spin
while he was still
somewhat the worse for wear.
Why Ben?
Because he made the mistake
of taking you in, Adam.
Who knows what you told him.
Who know what you gave him.
Those fuckers.
I didn't say anything to him.
Not a thing?
No, nothing.
So the only reason I'm not
dead is because they think
I've got the video, is that right?
Or you can lead them to it.
Yes, absolutely.
This is what I call a scandal.
This is what I call
a national disgrace.
Gay royals?
Big fucking deal!
Which century
are we living in exactly?
They are eliminating people
because they upset the equilibrium.
This is the country that I serve.
The disgrace!
That is how come
I am so fucking bothered, man!
Jake, if you will...
We don't ask for your
support, or your tolerance -
just your understanding.
Call it a fairytale,
if you will...
but you, the people
of this magical kingdom,
it's up to you to decide whether
our story has a happy ending.
Have you ever had
a favorite bedtime story?
One about a handsome prince
who's locked in a tower
to keep him away
from his loved one?
Well, this is our story.
This is our own very special love story.
The Prince and l.
Oh, my God.
Come on, come on.
Move it!
Thank God.
Start talking, Amy.
This has all gotten
incredibly dangerous very quickly.
Hasn't it?
- What do you think--
- What do I think?
What I think Amy, is you're
up to your neck in it.
What I think is that there's
nothing your boss won't stop at
to keep this story under wraps.
Do you really think a respected
member of the British Aristocracy
would kill his own son?
I'm an expert on disappointed dads,
Amy, believe me.
I know Raven.
I know what he wants
You know?
You know nothing!
You really think Raven
just woke up one morning
and recognized the journalistic
brilliance of Amy Conroy?
Oh, God!
Here we go--
Ben has been murdered!
The hairy-arsed biker
has just been eliminated.
Do you want to know why?
Ben has been killed
because I stayed the night with him.
I took refuge.
And your people--
My people?
Do you think...
Amy, my friend has been killed
to stop this story coming out.
You haven't got a chance against
people like that, Amy.
Not even you.
We now knew Adam had the film.
We could only guess
he was heading
to the broadcasters with it.
We had to get it back.
It's the only way
he was gonna live.
You're probably wondering
who the fuck I am, right?
I've lost the capacity to wonder.
Sandy Murray, Special Branch.
Don't worry.
We're the good guys.
Oh, there are good guys, are there?
You been up all night?
You should know.
Actually, it's not yourself
we're keeping tabs on.
Someone has to regulate
the Spooks, sadly.
Law onto themselves, that lot.
We really, truly do not know
who killed Jake Raven.
Tea? Coffee? Juice?
Coffee would be good, thanks.
Do you want something to eat?
You must be starving.
Actually, yeah.
Tell you what-
I feel really rancid.
I could do with diving
in there for a quick wash.
Shall I order for you?
Can I be cheeky
and go for the full English?
Whatever you want.
We aim to please.
My stop.
You okay?
This needs to get out
in the big, wide world.
And for that, Dad,
I need your help.
What is it?
It's the last testament
of a dying man.
This is big.
Dad, this is serious stuff.
People will kill
to keep this buried.
Are you with me?
I don't know what you've got
yourself mixed up in, Adam.
Me neither, Dad.
This is important though, yeah?
I've explained it all
in this note.
So if I'm not back,
you get yourself down to London
and take this directly
to that address.
Okay, Dad?
Gay Times.
You will do that for me?
I can rely on you,
can't I Dad?
Because if I can't come to my
old man when I need him most...
Yeah, I'm all right.
Listen, can you meet me?
Mum's memorial service, yeah?
Can you get there
first thing tomorrow?
Okay, bye.
Well, if they're onto us here,
I surrender.
It's weird being back, aye?
So...tell me.
Good job I've read
my John McCurry, isn't it?
Little tip I picked up.
If you want something
to get there, safe and sound,
Mail it.
Are you with me?
Safest way of getting
anything from A to B.
- So you've sent it?
- Yup.
And did it just as I said?
Good man.
Good thinking, I guess.
I should call and check
to see if it's arrived safely.
Well, I didn't actually
send it to that place.
Who did you send it to?
Did I do wrong?
No, no.
You weren't to know.
Better to send it to someone
we know we can trust, hey?
She gave me her address
when she came to see me.
She would do, wouldn't she?
It's all right.
Come on.
Thank you very much
for waiting, Ms. Conroy.
Shall we?
You okay?
I might as well use this.
News desk please.
Thank you.
He may as well have stood
at Poet's Corner with a megaphone
and shouted,
"Here I am. Come and get me!"
The moment he made that call
it was Code fucking Red.
Just a matter of who
got to him first.
Here we go then, Dad.
- Wish me luck.
- Do it.
This has been
excellent work, Ms. Conroy.
Truly excellent--
Excuse me.
Yes, we have it.
Adam Blane was picked up.
Yes, indeed.
My club?
I do so love a happy ending.
I can give you the phone.
I can give you whatever want.
I don't know what I've done!
What the fuck is going on?!
The eagle has landed,
thanks be to God.
Thanks be to you, too,
young lady.
We have both Blane
and we have the cursed telephone.
We are not ungrateful.
My assistant has made
all the necessary arrangements.
Absolutely everything's
been taken care of.
Your personal possessions,
your pension, your annual leave.
And, as you can imagine,
there will be
substantial compensation.
So if there's anything,
My dear?
So you bumped off your own son?
For this?
Now, now.
Come on.
Let's not spoil
this wonderful experience.
You've helped me find
this fucking telephone
and I know I'm not alone
in our thanksgiving.
Our country is now saved.
Is there anything?
I'll go.
In essence, the question
being asked of me was:
Will you remain complicit in this?
Are you happy for this
to remain a secret forever?
Are you satisfied with your role
in one of the most appalling
and sinister cover-ups in recent times?
As a gay man,
are you happy to sit back
and allow that to happen?
Can you be at peace
with yourself...
knowing what you know?
I mean it, Ned.
I'm going for this.
Who are you speaking to?
Believe me, I want to get this
out in the open.
I've even got someone
from Ml5 who'll speak to us.
It's a big deal for me.
Avery big deal.
I've worked for Raven for almost
three decades of my life.
If you're in...
you know what it means.
Lets go for it.
You and me -
we can actually do something.
We can just blow
this whole thing apart.
Well, here's the rest of
Lord Raven's contribution then.
Mr. Blane, Adam.
Why is it that I feel exactly like
the guy who's about to be asked
if he has any last requests?
Oh, on the contrary.
You're safer now
than you've been for days.
Do you have the dark materials?
Can we just
get this over with?
As I said, we mean you no harm -
just so long as you cooperate.
You see, unbeknown to you,
this little fellow
almost sparked a bloodbath.
You fucking murdered my best friend!
Oh, come on, Adam.
You killed my mate, you bastard!
We had nothing to do with that.
I know.
I know, I'm dead.
Fucking hell!
I know, I'm dead.
For God's sake, Jake!
It's all right, Dad.
It's all going to be all right, really.
Go on, then.
I don't know--
I don't know where to start.
Why don't you start
with your Big Love, hey?
I mean, that's what this
is all about, isn't it?
That's why I'm here.
You and your Prince
going out into the world
with your precious love story.
Wasn't that what you
wanted to tell your Dad?
Didn't you beg him
to put your story out there?
Of course I wanted him to show it.
So what?
So where is he now?
Prince Charming?
Or was it just
a fairytale, after all?
I had him abducted to save him -
to save his life.
Save him from whom?
Whoever makes these
little problems go away.
So, Adam,
now you've returned the telephone
to its rightful owner,
you're quite safe again.
You're no longer
a menace to society -
just another lonely nut
on the computer
with a conspiracy theory.
That's really funny.
What about Amy?
Amy Conroy is a very bright reporter
who saw you coming, Adam.
You walked right into it.
You gave her
the story of a lifetime.
The story.
Yeah, I was forgetting
that's what this was about.
Your story, Jake...
that you were so
desperate to tell the world.
The story that cost
my friend his fucking life.
That condemns your lover,
your Prince,
to live a lie,
now and forever.
So what now?
Is the story all just buried
with Ben's body?
All forgiven and forgotten?
- We haven't really--
- Yes, you have!
You fucking have.
There is no story, is there?
It's business as usual.
Is it recording now?
Jake, if you will...
We don't ask for your
support, or your tolerance -
just your understanding.
Call it a fairytale, if you will.
But you, the people
of this magical kingdom,
it's up to you to decide whether
our story has a happy ending.
Has anything positive come
out of the whole experience?
Has anything positive come
out of the whole experience?
It's a bit early to say...
only time will tell.
I can't wait for you any longer.
I mean, where are you?
I'm here.
- Sorry I'm late.
- It's okay.
Let's do this.
Do you want me to--
Look at me,
or look into the camera.