Swathi Muthyam (2022) Movie Script
Dont mention dowry too soon
like last time.
We will talk about it after a decision.
When did I mention it?
They started the topic last time.
Why blame me?
Instead of sitting like a prince
cant you come in and take it?
Check if Suri has come.
-The auspicious time is nearing.
Hey, Suri! Where are you, man?
Hey, didnt I ask you
to make it fast and not be late?
Anyway, come.
Chinnababu is elected againd as MLA.
Veerbhadram spent a lot of money.
But he couldn't win.
-Hey, has Suri come?
-I am not able to find my bike.
-Hey, how long to wear your sari?
Make it fast.
Dad! I cant find my bike.
Did you give it to someone?
I wanted to go out this morning
but my scooter had a flat tyre.
I looked for your bike but didnt find it.
I thought you gave it to some friend.
Where did you park it last night?
Where else would I park it, dad?
I park it here every day!
-What happened?
-He cant find his bike.
-How can it be?
Dont you check whether the gate
is locked or not?
-Why do you blame me?
-You are the one who stays at home!
-What? Not able to find your bike?
You should be careful!
You shouldve locked it properly.
Someone knocked off a bike in Potthur
the other day. Are you aware?
You youngsters seem to have
no responsibility at all!
I am on the way.
Our blue vehicle is coming.
This is the one. Stop, stop.
This is the house.
Stop, stop.
-Mr Borada Venkatrao. Ive already told you.
-Greetings. -Greetings.
-Mr Kota Harishchandra Prasad.
-Namaste, sister.
Please, come. Come.
Doesnt that bike look like ours?
Oh, damn! He saw me.
-Is this your son?
I told you they have two sons.
He is the second son.
The elder one is the groom.
-I wonder how many gates he has jumped!
This bike is yours.
Oh! Great time. We came to see
the bride and we found the bike.
-Lets not delay. Lets proceed. Come.
-Wait, wait.
If I take them along,
I will lose my reputation.
-Do you know what he did?
You asked me to come
and why are you silent?
Why do you talk to Pushpa all the time?
Do you know
how angry it makes me?
-Oh! My dad is here. Go away.
-Who is there?
-Oh, my! He saw me.
-Hey! Who is the scoundrel?
-Hey! I am going to kill you. Stop, idiot!
-Dad! Mom, mom!
-You are dead today.
-Mom, mom!
Stop! Stop!
-Oh, my! He is carrying a stick!
-Hey, stop!
I am going to break your legs.
You know she is meant to marry your brother.
I have no idea, dad.
Not my elder daughter.
The younger one.
So, the younger boy
and girl are in love.
Lets conduct both the weddings together.
-Only, you have to pay me 2100...
-Hey, quiet.
Is this how you bring up boys?
They jump into girls houses
instead of staying home at night.
Hey! What is all this?
She asked me to come home at two.
Anyone would wet their pants
to look at my house.
But this idiot jumped over my gate
-I hope he didn't hit you?
-and ruined my reputation.
-He said, hell kill you, not me!
-Stand still for a while.
I wont.
I wont give my daughter into such a family.
What nonsense are you talking?
You are ruining your own reputation
by shouting about it in public.
Dont you worry about my reputation!
Bother about your own reputation
and your sons'.
So, Vasu spoiled the alliance.
Do you have leg pain?
-I have cramps down the legs.
-May be the problem is back.
-Have your coffee, Bala. Its hot. Careful.
-What about your arm?
-Do you want one more dosa?
Hmm. Let me ask.
Husband! You prescribed my brother
some tablets for leg pain.
Dad is asking if he can use them too.
No. I will prescribe different ones.
Hmm. No, dad.
He will prescribe different tablets for you.
Dont use whatever you find.
My brother-in-law is recently married
and he wanted Viagra. So I prescribed it.
My father-in-law wants to use it.
Already my mother-in-law has backache.
If something happens,
it will be disastrous.
Take these tablets twice a day
for four days.
Eat only curd in the afternoon and evening.
So I can eat green-gram dosa
for breakfast?
You should eat nothing
but idli these four days
-that too only with sugar. Go.
So, I can eat green-gram dosa
after four days?
Whats wrong with you?
Do they make such tasty dosas at home?
Get them to me after four days
and I will decide if you can eat them. Go!
-With hard chutney-
-Get lost!
-Namaste, sir.
-For whom?
-For my wife, sir.
-Sit down.
What happened?
She has fever with chills from last night.
Severe cold too.
-Do you have cough?
-No, sir.
Prescribe two coldact
and two paracetemol tablets.
Hmm. Why did you come to me then?
The shed next door is free.
Open your own clinic there.
Set up a medical shop the other side
and make your wife sit.
Dont I know?
Didnt uncle insist on seeing another match?
Why wouldnt he?
He has already found another alliance.
-I told him I will meet the girl privately
without the family. -Best.
I convinced him all of us can go to
her house in case I really like her.
Where are you meeting then?
Is she the one?
As if my family would have
such good taste!
Excuse me! One chocolate brownie.
It must be her.
Hello, madam.
Let me.
Sorry, madam.
The bridge near two-town was closed.
I had to come roundabout and am late.
You are?
My name is Balamurali Krishna.
-Balamurali Krishna!
Excuse me!
Oh! Sorry.
Since you look average,
I thought it must be you.
How blunt!
-Hello, madam.
Please, sit.
Actually, you were the one I saw first.
Since you are so beautiful,
I thought it may not be you
and went there.
Tell me.
-Its right over here, sir.
-Oh, sorry. Its here?
Tell me.
What shall we order?
I was asking about you.
Not the order.
Brother, you can go.
He is anyway here.
Order something.
Cool drink?
Two Thums Up.
I want a Mazza.
-Fine. Get two Mazas.
-Tell me.
-I mean
I could recognize you
from your photograph.
-First time you
-Just a minute, madam.
Get me Limca.
Okay, brother.
Maza is mango juice, right?
Somehow, I never liked it.
Sorry. You were saying?
I mean is this the first time for you?
I can see you are very tensed
No, not at all.
I saw four or five matchers earlier.
They were all average
and so I just concluded everyone will look
the same but here you are so beautiful.
Thats making me tense.
I mean you look more beautiful
than in the picture.
I meannot for saying I am beautiful.
This is my first match making.
So, for keeping it less formal
and keeping it simple.
I heard you work
at the power station?
Yes. I am a junior engineer.
Its a government job.
I heard you are a school teacher
Yes! I did my engineering from KITE.
I even got a job in Bangalore.
But my family objected because
it was too far.
I didnt want to be idle.
So I am working as a teacher.
I want to work even after my wedding.
Are you okay with it?
I have no problem.
Honestly speaking, consider you got yourself
a wonderful mother-in-law.
My mother is very supportive
of such things.
See? Its true.
Hey, did you meet the girl?
I have met her, dad.
I just spoke to the priest.
Why does he say the girls father is
too particular and he eats up brains!
Okay, okay.
Dad, I will call you back.
I am talking to her.
You shouldnt speak too long
before the wedding.
Its new moon from the afternoon.
[Whispering] Tell him about it.
Hey, Bala! Tell her she cant wear
all those dresses once she is married.
Also tell her
she neednt work after marriage.
We can see what is happening
with our neighbors.
Mom, mom!
I will call you back.
I am sorry.
-Speaker problem.
Do you like me?
Its okay even if you dont.
I just wish you do.
What shall I tell my family?
Ill speak to my family
and call you back tomorrow.
Brother, bill.
Its okay. Keep it.
Sir, its your bill.
Oh, bill?
Sir, greetings!
Oh, careful, sir.
Why are you so surprised?
Its your ring stone.
I liked it and so I set it.
Ah, what is it?
Power outage in the warehouse?
What do you expect when it is disconnected?
Good morning, Mr Daniel.
Hello, Bala! Bala!
Give me your phone.
Please give me if I get a call.
Hey, come on!
Why wouldnt I give you what is yours?
Hello! Hey, its me.
My phone is not working.
Has he got you the money?
Okay. I will call you back.
Bala! You got some message.
I liked you the first time I met you.
I have decided to marry only you.
Says Charan to Sriya.
Watch Atha Kodallu at 7:30
on your Mee TV tonight.
I dont know
about the other serials, Mr Daniel,
but Atha Kodallu is really good.
Only yesterday, Sriya met Charan
in the coffee shop.
Oh! They should have met in the graveyard.
It would have been unique.
Today Sriya is going to tell Charan
if she likes him.
It means not less than six months.
What the heck!
This guy became a hero
and we miss his comedy.
What news?
What news Nothing.
The usual.
What would there be?
-Hey, I almost forgot.
-What is it, dad?
You know Bhaskar Rao, right?
He bought a buffalo recently.
It had a calf.
How beautiful it is!
-Bhaskar Rao had a calf?
Why didnt he send us the biestings?
He wanted to!
But his daughters recently married and so I
asked him to give it to his son-in-law
But when are we short of biestings?
We have grandpa Subbarao
just behind our house.
We can get it whenever we want.
-Give me also some tea.
I forgot to tell you.
-The girls family called up.
I said no.
Said no to what?
The alliance!
I said no.
Why, dad?
The girl wants some time
to think about it.
I said this wont work out as we are for
face-to-face talk and rejected them.
You could have asked me once, dad.
You would anyway ask me to decide
and so I said no.
There is a proposal from Chebrolu.
We will see next week.
Hey! Wont you give me tea?
Is it only for your son?
These two will never get me married.
I must do something.
Why didnt you do your home-work?
I told you I will punish you
if you dont.
Yes, Miss. Please.
When I went home,
I had fever, Miss.
Is that why you were playing cricket?
You think I didnt see you?
-Show it. Show me your hand.
Stop saying Miss.
Show me your hand. Now!
Hmm. Maintain that fear.
Do it tomorrow.
Sit down.
Show me!
-Madam, Principal madam is calling you.
-I will come.
Madam is inside.
Madam, you wanted to see me?
Where did you disappear
in the afternoon yesterday?
Last afternoon
I had a severe headache.
My head was splitting, madam.
So, you went to watch the Noon Show
in Satyam theater?
Are you not ashamed to bunk the class
and go to movies?
You are not a student.
You are a teacher.
This is your sixth time.
How can you be so undisciplined?
We are done with the fitting.
If you check and confirm,
we will leave.
We have a lot of other work.
The enthusiasm you show
while taking money disappears in the job.
Yes, madam.
You are absolutely right.
Where are you going?
Stay right here.
-Ill come back and speak to you.
-Okay, madam.
Show me how you have done.
We did what you told us.
Why would we do anything different?
Tell me.
What do you want?
One kg lentils and one kg jaggery.
One kg lentils and one kg jaggery.
One minute hello.
(clearing throat)
Listen to me carefully.
My husband is going on a camp tonight.
Come home by nine tonight.
Hello, hello!
What the heck!
Such a great offer all of a sudden!
Let me call her.
Are you going to give me
the provisions or not?
Wait. Dont pester me.
-Buy from the next shop!
-What sort of shop is this?
I got a great offer.
How come she spoke to me like that?
Uh, tell me Bhagyalakshmi.
You were an old student
of this school, right?
Madam, actually-
Normally I close the shop at ten.
Its okay.
Ill close it early for you
and come home.
Give me your address.
-You want to close the shop and come?
Where to?
You said your husband is going on a camp
and asked me to come home?
If my husband goes on camp,
you want to come?
-Who the hell are you?
-Useless fellow!
-Oh my!
I will beat you to pulp.
Have you any sense?
If I come there,
you will see stars.
Hang up! Idiot!
What is this?
She dampened my spirits!
Miss Bhagyalashmi!
Hello, madam.
Its you!
Actually I want to talk to you.
I have a class now.
Sorry. I cant.
Umevening is fine.
-Fine then. I will come back after school.
Miss Bhagyaakshmi!
Nice prank.
I couldnt help laughing.
What did I do?
That phone call
I saw it all.
You cornered her neatly.
Are you going to tell her?
No way. Why would I?
-By the way, why did you want to meet me?
-I mean about our alliance.
-You have already rejected it.
-It wasnt me.
My father was misled
and he said no.
You mean you are for it?
No, no. Not at all.
I meanI am for it.
I was wondering if you are okay.
I already told you.
-I need some time.
-Its not that.
Let me tell you
whats on my mind.
First point is-
I liked you as soon as I saw you.
And I liked you so much
that I dont want to see anyone else.
Point Number two-
Please dont look at me like that.
I feel you are angry.
This is not point number two.
I have just added it.
Point Number Three-
Take all the time you want.
No problem at all.
Hey, get down.
Get down!
I will wait as long as it takes.
I will speak to my family as well.
Point Number four-
You dont have to worry you might have
to stop working after marriage.
Ignore my mother.
Point number five
One minute.
This is an important point.
But I forgot.
I got it written by my cousin
who is an RMP doctor.
Never take a doctors for writing.
-Ask me why.
-Hmm. Why?
No one will understand it
except the druggist.
Tell me your opinion now.
Like or dont like?
Since you already rejected,
they are looking for other suitors.
Give me some time.
I covered that in the third point.
Give me time to take time.
He simply made an issue
but there was no problem at all.
-I fixed the fuse and came back.
-Govind! Come here.
-Ah. Coming.
-Please, check the meter.
-Make three copies of this.
Give one to our EO sir and
two to Chandram from the Municipal Office.
-Sir, I will be right back.
-Uh, sir.
this is your office, is it?
-Please, sit.
Tell me.
I thought about
what you said yesterday.
I wanted to talk to you about it.
I switched off the fan
to stop the papers from flying.
-One second.
It happens sometimes.
-Its a small problem.
-Mm hmm...
You sent him for some copies yourself.
Just one minute, madam.
Uff! Its done, madam.
Average looks are also fine, priest.
This girl is below average.
It isnt for this that I waited so long.
-Sir, listen to me. -Huh?
-The girl side also didn't like you much.
They say you look more like an uncle-
-than a husband.
Hello! Hello?
He gets all stupid alliances
and then sarcasm on top of it.
Who is this girl? Beautiful!
Hey, Bala! What are you doing?
-Hey, hey!
Just because I am your E.O and your senior,
you dont have to stand each time.
-Sit down.
-Thats why I never stand up.
Its different that
I get double your salary.
-The car I bought recently?
I just gave it for service.
But who is this girl?
Some complaint?
How can I do everything, Bala?
You guys must work too!
Okay, okay. Do it.
Err my cabin is right here.
-It has an ac too.
-Sir, sir, sir!
-Whatever complaint you have-
-I am going to marry her, sir.
His face is burning.
-Mrs Srilakshmi, you are saying something?
-Nothing, sir.
I was saying the bulb is burned out.
Do you want me to change it?
Tell Govindu.
-Sir she wanted to speak to me-
Go ahead. Feel free.
Girls these days are very poor at selection.
Sorry. Please dont think otherwise.
I said I am going to marry you
without your consent.
Its okay.
Our EO is a little jealous of me.
I said that to tease him.
Is he still looking at us?
He is pretending to be on phone
but stealing glances at us. Watch.
You took me to the night show
against my will.
I had a tough time managing at home.
Oh, my!
He is already taking her
to the night shows!
But how were you so spontaneous?
My EO wont eat for a few days.
Are you a virgin?
I mean its
Oh, so you are not.
No, no.
You mean you are not a virgin.
Nothing of that sort.
I am still a virgin.
Lack of interest or lack of opportunity?
I mean I never thought on those lines.
Basically, I guess its lack of interest.
-Dont tell me you have some problem!
-What problem would I have?
Somehow, love never worked out for me.
Oh! Okay.
-What about you?
What about you
We have just met.
Its not proper to discuss
these things right now.
Correct. Correct.
Hmm. I watched a movie last night.
The lead characters are just like us.
They meet in a coffee shop.
After that they meet without the
knowledge of their families,
get to know each other
and then inform at home.
Nice, isnt it?
What is the name of the movie?
How can he be so naive?
I dont remember.
Oh! Okay.
-Why cant we do that?
-Please take it.
you want us to inform at home
after some time. Right?
Hmm. Right.
-Did you see that, Mr Daniel?
The girl wants to date
for a few days.
He is all focused on informing at home.
-Does he deserve the girl?
-Greetings, sir.
-Okay. I will make a move.
Uh money for tea?
-I will take care. Carry on.
-Okay, bye.
Now I know
why you are still single.
-Dont boys pay for tea?
-Its not that.
A girl says she is leaving
and you dont even offer to drop her!
How can he be so dumb?
Lets go, sir.
Before Balu gets married,
EO might die of envy.
Mr Daniel, you are not coming
Let me pay for the tea.
You can take me home.
But if my people see,
there will be questions.
-Okay. Bye.
Give me your hand.
When I dont answer your phone,
it means someone is with me.
If I do answer,
dont say hello until I do.
Like a lightning streak
Sparkling so bright!
With your mind blowing glances
Doesnt my heart soar to the clouds?
Like a lightning streak
Sparkling so bright!
With your mind blowing glances
Doesnt my heart soar to the clouds?
I yearn to spend every moment with you
I am restless thanks to you
What do I do? What do I do?
It feels great to begin
every morning with you
I am sleepless thanks to you
What do I do? What do I do?
I keep reading your wide eyes
I stumble in your love
and find my feet again
I keep reading your wide eyes
I stumble in your love
and find my feet again
Let's take a picture.
-Hey, what is this?
What is happening?
I don't know.
Not good.
Worst gesture.
-Are you free?
Can you come home? Let's meet.
If it's a problem, don't. Bye.
I am coming.
Hello, I am in front of your house.
My dads instruments shop is right outside.
Its open.
Yes. I found it.
Come in through it.
Why did yousuddenly
call me at this hour?
Do you have a problem with the time?
No, no. I didnt mean that.
You are a boy after all.
You have no problem.
Girls have all the problems.
Huh! What happened?
You came without telling your parents,
didnt you?
When you go back,
what if they ask you where you were?
I will tell them I went to my friends.
Of course, you will.
They will say nothing to you.
When it comes to girls?
Even before we step out
Why? Which friend?
Where does she live?
Is it a girl or a boy?
Give us the phone number.
Never be born as a girl.
What happened now?
They are not sending me to Vijayawada
for my friends wedding.
They dont want me to step out.
Earlier also,
when I got a job at Bangalore,
they said why go so far.
This has been the case
since my childhood.
If I question it,
they scold me
saying girls shouldnt back answer.
They never let me to do
what I want.
No one cares for me.
Including you.
Its not that, Bhagya
You simply stare but
you dont even hold me
and console me!
Once we are married,
are you going to impose restrictions?
You mean you wont care?
Wherever you go,
I will come along.
I must take good care of you, dont I?
You can hold me tight.
Tell me nothing will go wrong.
Nothing will go wrong.
Say calm down.
Calm down.
Should I tell you the next line too?
Say I am here for you.
I am there for you, Bhagyam.
Bhagi will do.
You have me, Bhagi.
I will take care. Okay?
There is no one.
You asked me about my boy friend.
There is no one.
It's nothing. My phone.
Just the phone. That's all.
-What is it?
-Will it take time?
If it takes time,
I want to go to Chandrikas.
Not done with what happened last time?
Stay right there.
I am coming.
I need to leave.
Shall I?
My poor heart cant go on without meeting you
so strange is this feeling
Silence that cant find words
breaks all barriers seeing you
But you do know this is your fault
Oh let me bundle the stars
and place them at your feet
Hey, the moon and you are no different
Let me stitch the clouds together
And make you beautiful wings
Lets go beyond the clouds
and reach the skys horizon
I keep reading your wide eyes
The moment I look at you,
I blindly follow you
I keep reading your wide eyes
The moment I look at you,
I blindly follow you
Hey, what is that laugh for?
Why is she talking
laughing so loud?
Marry her off and she will be fine.
Miss, miss! Aunty and others are here.
-They want you to come fast.
Tell me.
Is this good or this one?
You wear this one.
I will wear the other.
And then my mother will kill me.
Get going.
I will follow you.
-Mr Venkatrao!
-Hey, hey!
They were considering Mr Tadepalli Suryaraos
alliance because you rejected.
I stopped them.
They wanted some time.
Otherwise, we would have fixed
the wedding long back.
Oh, my! Why did you fill the walls
with Veerabhadram?
Are you his fans?
Not just fans.
He is much bigger than that
Bah! He hoarded a lot of money last time.
Thats why we elected Chinnababu.
Veerabhadram wont win in near future.
Chinnababu is no less.
he gave all the sand ramps
to his own people.
Though Veerabhadram was corrupt,
he helped whoever approached him.
Where and when?
If thats the case,
why didnt the public vote for him?
All this is-
See, have you seen Chinnababu allot
the ramps to his people?
We dont have to see.
Anyone in the village
would vouch for it.
Have you seen?
If you did, then tell me.
Wedding is getting too political.
Let us fix the auspicious time first.
We can decide later whether to invite
Chinnababu or Veerbhadram.
-What do you say?
what did you say
the girl studied?
She completed her Engineering.
She also got a job in Bangalore.
But her father didnt send her
because its too far.
Whats so great about jobs?
Why go there instead of happily
staying here with us?
We asked her not to work
in the school as well.
But she is doing it for pastime.
Now that her wedding is fixed,
ask her to stop working. Huh?
Your daughter-in-law will be here.
You can tell her yourself.
Manikantha Suppliers also belongs
to our people.
Miss said she wont come.
That guy?
But if his mike works,his bulb doesnt.
If the bulb does,the mike doesnt.
-Where is your miss?
-She is upstairs.
Ask her to stop acting crazy
and come down.
With such people round,
we always stay number one.
Aunty asked you to stop acting crazy
and come down.
Miss doesnt want the wedding.
Ask them to leave. Go.
Hey, what's wrong?
Why are you so sullen?
Miss doesnt want this wedding.
Ask them to leave.
-Where is she?
-She is upstairs.
-What's the problem all of a sudden?
-Miss doesnt want this wedding.
Whats the problem?
Is this about what my mom said
about your job?
My mom speaks like that.
I told you I will take care of it.
She only appears like that.
If she likes you,
she will pamper you lots.
Who knows? Once we are married,
you both may become a team and ignore me.
Bhagi, look here.
Look here, Bhagi.
You have me.
Dont you trust me?
-Not Bhagyalakshmi.
They should have named you
sulking queen.
Are you going to sulk for this now?
-He is holding Miss.
-Hey, hye!
He is holding Miss!
Dum dum dum
goes the music band
With a rhythmic sound
The girl side has selected this.
Nice. Very nice.
We can get it at this price.
Please have it.
Take a look.
This is nice.
Isnt it nice?
This will cost you thirty.
Dont bother about the price.
We should look better than them.
Thats all.
Fine, then.
Take this.
-Look, isnt this nice?
-Very nice.
-Fix it for 17.
Another half rupee.
Fix it at 17.5
A large group has to shop
roaming the whole town for just a sari
Gold jewelry is an unending battle
Reducing a hundred or thousand
after a long bargain
"Hey, it's unbelievable"
Dum dum dum
goes the music band
How do you make prawns curry?
We have already told them
you dont know much cooking.
So, dont take the trouble.
Hey, its not that.
Tell me how to make it.
-Why now?
-Why not?
Dont you make fish twice a week
for your husband?
We will also have some preferences.
Chatting on phone through the day
Not even a break for a while
O o o o o
Is the pre-wed shoot a bother?
With all the novel postures?
Dreams countless
even with two pairs of eyes
She is about to fall and you catch her.
Thats it!
Loves glances touch
Didn't you understand?
...despite being the crowd
Radhe Shyam poster still.
Radhe Shyam lets do it!
Will you ignore week and time
to be together?
"Hey! It's unbelievable"
Dum dum dum
goes the music band
With a rhythmic sound
Dum dum dum
the future ahead
Appears to be a puzzle
The girl has speed, the boy is gold
and they have matched so well
A beautiful pair, a bond of joy
the world rejoices
-Take it, bro.
-I promised your sister, bro.
-Thats why I stop with half.
-Hey, what about you?
He will know once he is married.
He was almost an alcoholic once.
Yes! He would drink raw
because mixing water takes time.
-Hey! Come on. Drink!
-Why do you answer phone now?
-Sir, I am Govind.
Hey, Govindam!
Why are you still at the office?
Mr Daniel and others are already here.
I asked you to come, right?
Everyone is there.
But EO is still stuck here.
-Here. Some lady is here for you.
-No, no.
Lets not entertain electricity meters now.
Ask them to come on Monday.
Not that, sir.
-Is this Mr Balamuralikrishna?
I am Sailaja.
We met two years ago.
I meanDubai Visakha Nursing Home?
Tell me.
What happened?
I need to talk to you.
Shall I come there?
No, no. I will come over.
Please, wait.
As if you dont know about my husband!
Why do you ask me again?
I wanted to know if he has changed.
-Mom! Mom!
Where is my bike?
-I sent Vasu to get turmeric sticks.
Where are you going?
I have a small job in the office.
I will be right back.
Hey! Bride groom shouldnt step out
before the wedding.
Silly fellow!
Duty is everything to him.
-I am borrowing your bicycle.
-Okay, dear!
Dont pull such a long face.
Did I ask you for your kidney or eyes?
After all I asked you for your sperm.
How can you call it after all?
It means a baby and the emotion I must
enjoy with my wife ends artificially, right?
Oho! Dont treat it like an offence!
There is no direct contact.
This is also like giving blood
or urine sample.
The doctor will take care
of the rest of the process.
I dont think you have understood.
-Shall I explain from the beginning?
-I get it.
There is a lady in Dubai.
She has no time to get married.
She has no patience to have kids.
So, she wants to have kids
through surrogacy.
There is a girl ready to carry the baby.
You want me to donate
my sperm for this.
You have told me this ten times already.
Please don't say that.
She has some problem with having kids.
She wants to be a mother in some way.
Something good is happening
because of you.
It sounds good when you say it.
I wont do this.
Not for my life.
Hey, please dont say that.
Relying on you,
I have even taken advance.
I have already told you.
I stood surety for someone.
He filed insolvency petition.
I am caught.
Hey, you know about my dad.
You know about my wife.
She will hack me to pieces.
Why did you sign surety
when you are so afraid?
I didnt consciously do it.
He had two pegs got sentimental.
I had four and signed the bond.
Before I became sober,
the damage was already done.
Let me get sentimental now.
You go and give it instead of me.
Not everyone can do that.
There are lots of parameters including
family history, height and complexion.
Let us find someone else then.
We are supporting illegal surrogacy.
We cant take strangers into confidence.
If the police hear about it,
they will put both behind the bars.
Why do you call this illegal?
Why do you bother?
Trust me. I will take care.
-Or shall we
-There is no other option.
You are going with me tomorrow.
Thats all.
No way.
I wont come. I wont. I wont.
-Hey, I beg you. Please!
Hey, why cant you have kids, sir?
We helped a 70 year old lady
become a mother.
Sir, new procedures are in place now, sir.
Hi, sir.
Sir! Finding surrogate mothers is easier
than finding a house on rent in the city.
We dont have to talk to anyone, sir.
Money does all the talking.
-Namaste, sir.
This is the guy we were talking about.
I hope he has all the qualities we want.
Sir! I have made all possible enquiries.
From family background to naked
body measurements, everything is on dot.
So is this girl.
She is ready to carry the baby.
As a formality,
if you can sign the document-
There is nothing to worry.
Just a safety measure
to avoid any trouble in the future.
Sir, what about the remaining amount
I will take care of that.
I will arrange it.
Do one thing.
Wait outside.
-I will call you again.
-Okay, sir.
Why are you so afraid for a signature?
The girl has agreed
for a nine-month pregnancy.
You are so apprehensive
for a two minute job! Huh?
Come, sign.
Its just a signature. Do it.
Books or videos?
Who is reading books these days?
Videos of course.
He must be having them.
But my cousin is not the
present generation type, sir.
-Books may be better.
Dear! You can go in.
Carry the container.
Careful. Take your time.
-Use the boxdont forget the box.
-You found a man with great qualities!
A pure pearl, sir!
We have landed in a huge problem.
You must somehow
What problem?
Tell me clearly what happened.
Did someone come to know
and is there a police case or something
No, no. Nothing of that sort.
The lady from Dubai was to pick up
the baby after nine months, right?
She never came.
They dragged six months saying
she would come the next month.
I had some doubt
and pressurized them to tell me.
They said she died in an accident.
They say-
Dont panic.
We are in touch with her family.
Well send the baby away.
Dont worry. They say.
But they kept the baby still with me.
My husband works in Kuwait.
He doesnt know this issue at all.
Which issue?
The Dubai ladys death?
No, no.
-That I consented to surrogacy.
My husband says he will come
and take me to Kuwait.
My VISA is also processed.
I didnt know
what to do with the baby
Take your son.
He cried himself to sleep.
This baby?
Its the same baby boy.
Please, sir.
Somehow you must
Just a minute
-There is no one in the office, right?
-Right now, no one.
EO said he will come.
Okay. Tell me if he comes.
Comelets sit in the other room.
Sit down.
Tell me now.
Why have you come to me?
To hand over this baby to you.
To me?
How can you give me?
Look. Whether you agree or not,
we both are his parents.
How can you give him to me?
This is not correct.
I was in confusion all these days
not knowing what to do.
But I have to go back to my husband now.
Please, try to understand.
I cant take the baby with me.
If my husband comes to know,
it will be a huge problem.
Its a problem for me too.
Its my wedding tonight.
Imagine when this comes out!
Its wrong!
You sort it out with the doctor.
I am in no way connected.
Why dont you do that?
I cant deal with it anymore.
I will leave the baby here.
-I have lots of things to take care of.
-Please, wait. Please, wait.
Let me call my cousin.
Please wait.
-Why try it on me?
-It should match, right?
You know nothing.
Hmm, okay!
Hey, Bala!
I was about to call you.
-In the same design and same colour...
-My wife is on a shopping spree for your wedding.
You must foot the bill though.
Hey, just meet me
and I will give you a strong one.
What happened?
Hey, I kept refusing that day.
That lady from Dubai died.
-Is dead?
-Who died?
-His buffalo died.
Now this lady wants to give the baby to me
because no one is responding.
How can she do that?
Dont agree.
Tell her you will approach the police.
Hey! Have you lost your senses?
You said this is illegal and we can face
jail time if anyone comes to know.
Hey, is this colour better or this one?
Any colour goes with your skin tone.
Really? Then, I will take both.
I simply said that.
That will scare them off.
But be stern.
I will talk to the hospital in the mean time.
Okay, bye!
-Shall I select something for you?
-Buy me two pairs of underwear.
Why two?
One will do.
-One underwear.
-Which brand?
Not at all possible.
I will approach the court.
-I will file a police case.
-Good! Do that.
We will get some conclusion.
I am not able to bear this tension.
Till then keep your son with you.
Its not that.
I am getting married this evening.
How can I handle this now?
Have you any pity?
Thats why I waited with patience
all these days.
But please try to understand.
You are only getting married.
I am already married.
Sir, EO sir is here.
He wants you to open the door.
I dont care about that.
I am handing him over to you.
Take care of him.
Please, wait.
Do one thing.
Come home with me.
Ill call my friend there.
Lets sit and discuss it.
-Its not like that.
-Please, come.
-Please, try to understand.
-Dont say anything. Come. Please.
Come. Take this.
Bulli Venkatrao is making a big issue.
-Has he no daughters?
-He had one. She eloped with someone.
-He has been so depressed ever since.
Uh she is my friends wife, sir.
She came in the hot sun.
I made her sit in your room
since it has AC.
Please come for the wedding in the evening, sir.
Mr Daniel and others are already there.
Lets go.
Okay, sir.
There is something fishy in the ac room.
You set me thinking, sir.
Oh! What is it that you liked
so much in him?
He is a very nice person.
A very, very nice person.
Bala is not just his name.
He is also very child-like.
His past, present, future it is all me.
I am the first girl in his life.
Over all, my guy is an unblemished
pearl in character.
Hey, careful, careful!
You will fall!
Hey! Why are you standing
around like a king?
-Serve everyone tea.
-Okay, mom.
Hey, where were you?
-Mom, that
Your aunt from Bhimavaram is here.
She has been asking about you.
-How are you?
-Hey, who is this girl?
-Bangalore Sekhar I always talk about?
-His wife.
When did Sekhar marry?
Your son?
He is so cute, isnt he?
There he is!
You were all eyes for your son-in-law.
I hope you wont take him away.
Who is this girl?
-His friend, Sekhar?
-From Vijayawada?
His wife and son.
Oh! Ah!
-Aw, aw!
-Oh, heavens!
Even Bala used to outstretch his arms
just like this.
Why talk about my childhood, dad?
Aha! Brother-in-law!
I dont know what you would do.
By next year your daughter and son-in-law
should place a boy like this in my hands.
Dad, actually
she has just come.
First talk to your father-in-law.
Or he might sulk and go away.
Ill talk to him.
-Lets go, brother-in-law. Lots of work.
-Please, sit. I will be right back.
Let us sit, brother.
-Mom, please take her inside.
-Come. Have some upma.
-I will be back. Carry on. Please.
Namaste. Please sit.
You sit.
-This is my brother Mr Ramachandra Rao.
-He is my friend, guide, and philosopher.
He is the reason behind my success.
What about Bhagyalakshmi?
Uh, he raised Bhagyalakshmi too.
I just wanted to introduce you.
He praises me to skies.
But I was informed of the wedding
only a day early.
Its okay.
I just want Bhagyalakshmi to be happy.
I heard only good things about you.
-Stay in the room. I will be right back
-Okay, aunty.
You are his son-in-law
So, you are as good as mine.
Why is he here?
Thats why look
for my future son-in-law,
this is a small gift.
-One minute.
How long have you been there?
How come you are here?
I heard they are from Bangalore.
I have my relatives there.
They are not from Bangalore, sir.
They are from around Bangalore.
Oh! Hmm.
Mr Daniel was looking for you.
Oh, I will go.
I just wanted to chat.
Mom is calling you.
Please, come.
I will be back, sir.
Hey, Vasu! Come here once.
Hey, what is it?
Please take care of her for a while.
I will be right back.
-Hey, why do you guys dump everything on me?
-Its not like that.
She is our guest.
We must attend to her.
-Just for a while
-Fine. Go ahead, I will take care.
-Please come.
-I didnt come here to sit.
No, no. I will come back immediately.
Please, sit inside.
Hey, whats the matter?
What happened?
Hey, I have been trying since then.
No one is taking the call.
Do something, man.
I am in soup here.
Hey, dont worry.
You have me. I will take care.
Where are you now?
-At home.
-What about the girl?
-I took her home.
Why did you take her home?
What do you want me to do?
I took her to the office
but the EO saw me.
Okay. Dont panic.
I have just started for Vizag.
I will somehow set it right.
-Okay. Do something.
This is not nice, Bala.
Why, sir? What happened?
What do you mean what happened?
Only your school and college
friends are friends?
Arent office colleagues friends?
Dont we deserve parties?
Tell me what you want.
I will ask my people to bring it.
Is that enough?
What about company?
Our EO sir is here.
No way.
I am not going to drink with that pest.
Hey, Bala! Shyam is making a scene.
You must control him.
Come on, come!
Just now
No, no, no!
I dont think Bala knows the system.
-See this.
-Pass me that sari.
-These two go well for the wedding.
Your advice has no value here.
Come. Pack our luggage.
Lets go.
-What happened, brother-in-law?
-What more?
He informs me just one day
before the wedding.
The groom pushes me away
when I am presenting him a chain.
There seems to be no respect.
Chantis son bought a phone recently.
What was the phone?
Apple phone.
He called me and said,
Uncle, I am making the first call to you.
I had tears in my eyes.
Thatthats respect.
Get ready.
How can you leave, brother?
We are from the brides side.
We should overlook some things.
Is that why you overlooked
when your son-in-law pushed me?
I deserve this.
You taught me a lesson for raising you
like my own brother.
Listen, listen. Look!
Bring Mr Subbaiah
and others along with us.
-Okay, sir!
-You can make one more trip for the others.
The boys will come on their bikes. Huh?
Mr Venkatrao!
Who arranged all these cars?
Who else?
We did.
Our Veerababu
Why are you standing there
like a pillar?
Come on.
Come and load the luggage.
Didnt your co-father-in-law arrange it?
I didnt want to burden him.
How can you be so soft?
They will take you for granted.
I say this with experience.
Yes, yes.
-Husband! Make him sit inside.
-Come, come.
-Sit right there.
-Come on, come on.
-Get down and then get in.
-Get in, get in.
-Please bring her along carefully.
-Okay. Go ahead.
You sit!
They will come. You carry on.
Bring her.
Please, come.
Its okay. Come.
Hey, your pallu is caught there, check!
You just wear saris
and then notice nothing.
Stop shouting and get in.
After your father died,
if I didnt take care of you,
would you be so successful?
Hmm. Okay, fine.
Its your daughter and your family.
I dont mind you ignoring me.
But pay attention to them.
Your son-in-law will be here.
Wash his feet and sprinkle the water
on your head.
Please, come, brother-in-law.
Come, come.
Please come in.
Wait, wait, wait.
What sort of reception is this?
Is this how you receive the grooms family?
We are treating you better than
you treated us.
What treatment?
What have you done for us?
We have arranged for our own cars.
We took care of the band and catering.
You should at least receive us properly!
This is not correct.
Whats the problem now, dad?
We just have to go in. Lets go.
Quiet. You dont know anything.
Dont second whatever they do.
No washing of feet.
No sandal paste
No, no! What is this?
What is it now?
You want the feet to be washed, right?
-Hey, hey, Bala!
-Oh, no! Son-in-law!
Stupid fellow! Not you!
They should be washing your feet.
He is embarrassing me.
Why is he so different?
-What does it matter, dad?
Sorry, sir. Please, forgive me.
I was in a hurry in the morning
and couldnt pay attention to you.
Hey, come on!
I never felt bad.
After all you are our son-in-law.
I wanted to give you this in the morning.
I couldnt.
Let me give it to you now.
What is this, Hanumatha Rao?
Is this how you receive the grooms side?
You disgraced our family.
Dont take anything to heart.
Come inside, first.
This is a gentlemans talk.
See and learn.
My brother doesnt know these things.
-Please, come. Come inside!
-When will he learn?
Lets go, dear!
How is the sweet?
They are from his uncle's shop.
I don't mind eating.
Hey, you digest nothing unless
you eat in front of him?
Mom, is Buchi here?
I dont know.
I didnt see him from morning.
Here. Drink this milk.
You cant eat anything
until the wedding is over. Drink it!
Okay. If he comes,
ask him to see me.
Why are you after Buchi?
Is he going to live with Buchi
instead of his wife?
He is so anxious for Buchi.
We dont count for him..
Mr Venkatrao,
lentils in the lunch was delicious.
Hey, where did you disappear?
-He has been agitated since morning.
-Where is he?
-He is in the room.
-How are the arrangements?
Its your friends wedding.
That much is expected. -I can see.
Do you think Tadipatri Suryarao
could match this?
How could he?
You are something else!
Why dont you tell me
about the dowry?
-Hey, Bala!
-Hey, where the hell were you?
-Come inside, first.
Wait a minute.
First, tell me what happened exactly.
The doctor sounds evasive.
When I confronted him-
You signed a paper that day, right?
You signed it as her husband.
Projecting you both as a couple with a
pregnancy issue and opting for surrogacy
he entered both your details
in the record.
He made sure he is completely safe.
-I told you, didnt I?
-You did.
I refused to sign!
Dont worry.
After your wedding,
go to Ooty for honeymoon.
I will take care of the girl.
I will put her up in the next town
for two days.
But switch off your phone.
If she tries to be adamant
I will threaten her
How is my cousin responsible?
Do whatever you want.
What can she do?
She has to leave for Kuwait anyway.
She will go along with the kid.
We will be safe.
Somehow I feel this is not right.
This is definitely right.
I did suspect!
That something like this will happen.
No way will I trust anyone now.
I will go right now
and inform your family.
-Something seems off.
-How well you are planning!
-What? What will you do?
I didnt agree to it, right?
He didnt agree to it yet!
-Shut up.
-But I cant.
If you try to betray me,
I will not keep quiet.
I am as guilty as you are
in this boys birth.
Thats why I looked
after him till now.
I have come to you now
because I am helpless.
He is born to both of us.
I never denied it.
That baby boy is his.
-Priest! Here.
Bring the groom quickly.
-I will call him right now. Go, go.
-Dont be so stingy.
-Think like me. Work gets done.
-Hello! Where is your friend?
Why does he take so long to get ready?
They are calling him.
He is in the middle of some issue.
Hell come. Please wait.
What issue?
Not a big issue.
Some lady came with a baby boy
and claims the groom to be the father.
Tell them he will come as soon as
the issue is sorted. Please go.
Oh, my! A boy!
The groom has a pre-marital affair.
-He even has a son!
Sister Lalitha!
The groom is already married.
He even has a son!
The groom is already married.
He even has a son.
Anyway, your boy is obedient.
Our Naidus son
They sent him to America for studies.
And he came back with a wife and a son.
Mr Naidu sold the rice mill
for what his son did.
Brother-in-law! Our boy is not like that.
-Yes. You are right. Correct.
-I was a strict disciplinarian.
Even now he is marrying this girl
on my insistence.
-Yes, yes! Comecheers
-Cheers, cheers
Mr Venkatrao!
Your first daughter-in-law came
with her son and is making a scene.
What first daughter-in-law?
We are drinking but he is getting inebriated.
The lady your son brought in the afternoon
seems to be your daughter-in-law.
She says the boy is your sons.
There is a big issue going on there.
-Get lost.
-Lets go. Lets go.
-Move. Come on.
-Where is he?
-He is inside, uncle.
Hey, Bala!
-He is your responsibility now.
-It's time for my bus.
-Bala! -Its not that, madam.
-Wait! One minute!
Who are you?
What have you got to do
with my son? Huh?
-Mrs Sailaja! Please!
-Hey! Who is this girl?
-Dad, please hold him.
-What what?
-Mrs Sailaja!
-Who is this?
-I believe its your grandson.
How can he be my grandson?
Mrs Sailaja! Madam!
-Please stop.
-Hey, hey, hey!
Who is the girl?
Nothing like that, mom.
She is a Christian?
Oh! She is a Christian.
She is not even from our community.
Why did you do this? Huh?
She is not a Christian, mom.
Your wedding starts in ten minutes
and why are you following her?
Huh! What is all this?
Tell me!
Dad its nothing like that.
I will tell you. Please wait.
Both of you tell us.
How can all this happen without
your knowledge?
This is a drama by father-son duo.
Hey, stop!
What do you mean drama?
Hold him once. Hold him.
What do you take the Boradas for?
What is there to think?
Its all crystal clear.
-Father-in-law, please once-
-Dont you call me that!
First, come out with the truth.
What truth?
Where is he?
Hey, idiot!
You are always next to him.
Didnt you advise him?
I was telling him the same thing, uncle.
Who are you?
You knew this earlier,
didnt you?
She even learnt the prawn curry for you.
Why did you do this?
Hey! Stop your prawn nonsense.
-Is that important now?
Hey, Hanumantha Rao!
Hey, get up.
I am right here.
-You could have called me.
-Its not that, brother.
-I will talk to him. You wait.
-Okay, go ahead.
Hey, gentleman!
You were infuriated because
we didnt wash your feet.
Show your maturity now.
Hey, do you hear them?
-Tell us what you did.
-What do I say-
If you all can come inside for ten minute,
I will explain everything clearly.
No one will go inside.
An image tarnished in public
should be cleared in public.
-Its not that, sir.
-Whatever you want to say, say it right here.
When you are not at fault, why should
you be scared, Bala?Say it right here.
Sir, please wait, sir.
What is all this, Bala?
Everyone says he is your son.
Is he your son?
Or not?
Speak up!
Is he your son or not?
-Tell them he is not your son.
-Swear by me and say it he is not your son.
-Its not like that, mom.
-Speak, Bala!
They are asking you something.
Yes. He is my son!
But its not what you think, Bhagyalakshmi!
You have done enough damage.
What is left to say now?
Uncle! Our guys are
having drinks downstairs.
Shall I place the plates?
What plates?
He has already placed a huge plate
for all of us together.
What is there to see?
Lets go.
You should be blamed.
You were mad about his government job
and forced me into this.
What did I do?
You dragged Borada Venkatraos
name through mud.
Come now!
Why are you standing around? Come!
As soon as you received a proposal,
without any enquiry or foresight,
you fixed the wedding!
We made enquiries, brother.
You did? Keep quiet.
You informed me of the wedding
just one day in advance.
Cant I imagine how well
you must have enquired?
Our ancestors said check seven generations
before a wedding.
When you are ignorant,
at least involve elders like us
and we would take care.
Okay, brother!
-Do take care nonsense.
-I meanwe will check properly and do.
Listen, pack those laddoos and kaza.
We can use them for the baby shower
of Chantis daughter next week.
When the groom was all flustered
in the morning, I had my doubts.
I should have become alert then.
I brushed them aside thinking
you would have taken all care.
Hey, pack those saris and blouse pieces.
We can give them to Chantis daughter.
Why dont you say anything?
Okay. Lets pack them.
Do that.
You have instructed anyway.
We will make a move, aunty.
Why do you want to leave in the dark?
Why dont you go tomorrow after breakfast?
The wedding is canceled.
My husband took leave for two days.
My son also has his exams.
Why to waste time-
Of course!
He has to write the first class exams
and become a Collector.
When Bala comes home,
dont say anything, uncle.
You were very strict in raising him.
Thats why he must be scared to tell you.
We will make a move.
See you, aunty.
-Lets go.
-Bye, aunty.
When he was a child,
he used to steal bidis
from his dads pocket and smoke.
Now he is preaching me
on how to raise kids.
Its gone!
The reputation of Borada Apparaos family
is totally gone today.
Who will step into this house again?
-Why this garlands?
-Why why this decoration?
-Husband! Husband, dont!
Please dont remove the festoons
in the middle of the night.
-Its bad luck.
-What can be worse?
The worst has happened..
Can I ever walk like earlier
in the Gandhi statue center?
Hey! I should actually
Give him some milk.
I think he is hungry.
I never expected this from Bala.
You should have pulled him up.
I withheld myself because
the girl could be lying.
-What else do you want to know?
She came with a kid in hands.
But why are you supporting Balu?
Tell me the truth.
-Didnt you know this earlier?
-No way.
-Would I keep quiet if I knew?
I wont allow such injustice to the girl
or let the issue get this far.
I would have pulled him up then and there.
I was shocked myself.
Thats why never go by soft looks.
But you look softer.
Anyway, keep a hold on roaming with Bala.
Dont encourage him to come home.
We can get rid of him.
You never know what he is up to.
Why do you always talk
about your friend, Madhubala?
Our Bala is here.
Make some coffee.
Oh! No milk at home?
Thats fine.
I curse myself for trusting you.
Dont you want coffee?
Thats fine.
Damn you!
Hey, Bala!
I will explain to you
what Bala had done.
What else is there to know?
He ruined our reputation.
My heart aches for what he has done.
Is it here, uncle?
It must be gastritis.
It comes from over eating.
-Like fritters, ragada
I am not such a fool
not to know gastritis from chest pain.
You are not.
Give your stupid medical advice
to the others. Not to me.
Hey, do you know what he did?
The Gundam family called him to attend
to the mother who had fever
and he gave the injection to the infant.
He is so efficient.
Now he is trying to advise me.
All things said and done, uncle
Is there a man in our town
who can beat you at words?
See that?
Okay, tell me.
You wanted to say something.
I was going to say it, uncle.
You are an expert at everything.
You are aware of our epics.
-You mean Mahabharatha, Ramayana?
In those epics, In those days,
when kings and queens had no children,
they turned to sages and maharshi's
for advice, right?
The sages would come
and bless the queen with a child.
Bala did something like that.
The thing is
There is a queen like person in Dubai.
She has no kids.
So our sage-like Bala blessed her
with a child.
The only difference is
You call him a sage?
Our boy is a saint.
-But the thing is
-You will get it from me.
Are you supporting the nasty thing he did?
What is it, husband?
What does he say?
Some lady from Dubai wanted a child.
Our son spent a day with her and-
-he gave it.
What kind of mindset is that?
Dont say a word.
I will beat the crap out of you.
-Quiet, uncle. Hear me out.
-Balu never met the lady.
How would he have a son
without meeting her?
I am a father of two sons.
Dont I know?
What you have done is a dirty job.
And you are trying to describe it.
I will skin you alive
If you come back with
such dirty words again
That uncle!
Are they unable to understand?
Am I unable to explain?
I just dont understand.
You did a nasty job.
And then you draw a comparison
with sages and epics.
You will be cursed.
Idiots! Idiots!
You are lucky to find it out
before the wedding.
If this came out after the wedding,
we would have been in soup.
Sister, tell brother-in-law
not to spare him at all.
I will give this back to you in the evening.
-How long are you going to sit like this?
-How are you sir?
-Have something.
-Is madam home?
She is inside.
Please go in.
-Greetings, mother-in-law.
-Shut up!
Who is your mother-in-law?
Its not that, aunty.
Arent you ashamed to come here?
We wanted to talk about
what happened last night.
What you did at the venue
was not good enough?
You came all the way home now!
Dont take my daughters name ever.
I wont spare you. Get lost!
Get out, first.
-Please hear us out.
-We had a quiet life till last night.
-Thanks to you, we have lost our reputation.
-It's not that.
Get out!
You wont find peace.
You will be ruined.
Dont stand here shamelessly.
Get out!
Why doesnt she listen to us?
Too much.
Bala! Leave it.
At least you listen to me, Bhagyalakshmi.
I dont care what the others think.
You are important to me.
I didnt do anything, Bhagyalakshmi.
You are angry as usual, arent you?
You will come back in two days,
wont you?
I know.
Hey, hey!
How dare you come and make a scene
when there are no men at home?
Stop! Wait, wait.
This is my chain.
You were pretty fast to take it yesterday.
-Dont think its all over with this.
-Come on.
Sorry, Bala.
I never foresaw such damage.
I will somehow
get you out of this problem.
Lets go, I will take care!
The world without you
seems like hell all around
I feel deep inside
anguish thats fathomless
Time that played a wedge
chases me away
Before the next step
the story has changed
Again and again the tired heart
keeps calling you in silence
A commotion rocked
the shore it has merged into
Broken and with eyes welling up
at an invisible distance
Won't the lovely past
ever come back?
Go away, distance
Is it a crime to be together?
Is this a thread that can be broken?
This love never grows apart
Is silence my flaw?
Is it an imperious curse?
I shall wait all my life
I sent all the reports on what'sapp.
Yes, sir?
-Is the Dr Daivaprasadam available?
-No, sir.
-Has Daivaprasadam returned?
-No, sir. We dont know when he will come.
-I have come to give blood.
-Hey, Buchi! -What is the hurry?
Its a sin, man.
Thats why I will admit him
with my own hands.
Let me bear the sin.
Hey, Bala!
I cant bear to see you in this position.
No, no! I will take care of him.
Its only until his family comes from Dubai
as the doctor said.
Give me the baby.
I will take real good care of him.
Chuck it! Even if no one comes, its fine.
I will take care of him myself.
Why should he be made to live here
because of our selfishness?
Dont ever give me such stupid ideas.
What sort of drink is this?
It gives no kick at all!
Chicken manure seems to be lucky for him.
He is spending a lot on his sons wedding.
This is doesnt look like a wedding
in his home.
Its like pointing to my failure.
If your son were more disciplined,
what is this man before you?
Stop it.
He is a youngster.
It is a mistake of his age.
As if we were any less at that age.
Whatever happened has happened.
Bring your daughter-in-law home.
Things will fall into place.
Dont bother about all these things.
-Get the girl home, first.
Where are you going, brother-in-law?
I will relieve myself and come.
But why that way?
The staircase is this way!
He said the drink had no effect?
Hey, Bala!
-Please come upstairs once.
Why do you want him upstairs now?
Strike when its hot.
Tell him, brother-in-law.
Why do you stare, brother-in-law?
Tell him!
I wont say anything.
Get the girl home.
I will speak to your mom.
Which girl?
Dont test my patience.
How many do you have?
-You dont seem to understand what I say.
-Dont say anything else.
We will speak to the
girls family if necessary.
Seeyour dad himself has agreed.
-Uncle, you
-Go and get the girl.
-Bah! I drank too much.
-Brother-in-law! Do I smell?
First stop asking me that.
Every day nuisance.
I dont know if my wife
opens the door or not.
-Bring her. Bring her.
Ill take care.
Go bring her.
Try to stay calm, madam.
If you get hypertensive,
it will become a health issue.
How can I be calm
when my daughters life is falling apart?
They will be ruined! Idiots!
Ever since I saw the two rogues yesterday,
I have palpitations,
stress and weakness.
What is my BP?
Dad! Everything is fine.
I said I will take care.
Ill take care.
You will be fine.
-Your name?
-I will inform mom. She will take you.
-How old is the baby?
-Nine months.
Nine months!
Take this.
Please, sit there. I will call you.
Okay. Can you see
that my turn comes faster?
Okay, sir!
Is the doctor in?
-No, maam. She will come in the evening.
Doctor asked me to keep the baby
there for an hour.
Men are not allowed inside.
Only ladies are allowed.
I dont have any ladies with me.
It takes time for them to come.
Just an hour. Thats all.
No. Mothers are feeding
their babies inside.
They will be uncomfortable if you go in.
You take him then.
I will wait here for an hour.
Should I do my duty or yours?
Already, our lady doctor is cranky.
-Its not that. My son is crying a lot.
-Not possible.
-I brought him so far because he is not well.
-I tell you repeatedly. Why don't you get it?
-No matter how much you request, not possible.
-Please dont say that.
You cant say not possible
-Can I go?
-Yes, you can.
Okay, he is fine.
He is fine.
They want him back
for a general check up after a week.
Bring the babys mother at least next time.
Bhagi! Bhagi!
Please wait.
Bhagi, please listen to me.
What should I listen to?
When you were in love with her,
and married her,
why did you see me?
Why did you say you loved me?
Why did you take me
to the point of wedding?
Because it was you I loved.
It was you I wanted to marry.
And it was with you
that I wanted to spend my life, Bhagi.
He was born out of my sperm donation.
Not the way you think, Bhagi.
So, what about the girl?
She will never come back.
This poor baby?
He wont leave till my death.
Bah! World is full of men.
Why should you end up giving it?
I didnt know I would be so unlucky
when I gave it.
I was coming to your home
to tell you that.
No one paid me attention.
What would you tell them, Bala?
That you had a son before marriage.
That he was born through some method.
Give me your daughters hand
and all three of us will live happily.
Tell them this and who would accept?
Why did you do this, Bala?
When our wedding was canceled,
do you know how much I cried?
How many dreams we had?
No kids for two years.
Only you and I.
When you destroy them all at once,
how does it feel, Bala?
Why did you tell me all this?
Till now...
I was thinking you cheated some girl
and then was about to cheat me.
You were an evil person in my mind.
Why did you tell me this
and become a good man again?
What should I do now?
Anger on one hand
compassion on the other
Wont this confusion end?
Its not even a moment
and the dream has melted away
Tears begin to weep uncontrollably
Should I give him up
and stay in the truth?
Should I ally his resolve
and erase the past?
Go away, distance
Is it a crime to be together?
Is this a thread that can be broken?
This love never grows apart
Go away, distance
Is it a crime to be together?
This love never grows apart
Make that alliance fix and make it done.
Lets tell her.
Okay the proposal I brought
and invite them for engagement.
Whatever you do, always do it for others.
Do nothing for me.
No dad!
Bala is innocent, dad.
He has no connection anyone as you think.
Stop taking his name.
Marry the boy I bring.
Its good, if you listen to me this time.
I dont know what you will do.
The Losettis got sent their son-in-law
to prison, remember?
Is it possible to do that?
Hey, brother!
Police case?
Are we not done with our defamation?
I will die bribing the department.
Hey, wait.
What? Why are you barging in
as if you are my son-in-law?
I wanted to talk to you.
We wont listen to you
and we wont be convinced.
We realized you are a cheat.
If he was deceptive,
he wouldnt admit the baby was his.
He would have told some lie
and got married.
What? You are at fault
and still raise your voice! Huh?
-No raising. Its the truth.
-Hey, one minute.
Knowingly or unknowingly,
your family has suffered a lot
because of me, sir.
There is no point in explaining
how it happened or why it happened.
I cant return the honor your family
lost because of me.
Give it to me.
But, I can reimburse
all the expenses of the wedding.
Do we look money-minded to you?
Keep it on the vehicle and go.
Please forgive me.
I wont disturb you again.
I have nothing of yours with me
other than this.
Lets go!
You were hasty for no reason.
Sailaja's issue would have been
resolved in two days.
Hello, friends!
Welcome to Facebook Live!
You must have watched
crimes and atrocities on TV.
But today I stream it to you live!
Do you know
what the wonderful monstrosity is?
Our EO sirs engagement.
There! The wedding party is here!
Come on!
Wow! It looks very festive here.
The wedding arrangements are in full swing.
The bridegrooms car is approaching.
Ah! Dashing groom!
Come, come!
Come, come!
What is this, Mr Daniel?
Why all this celebration?
You got into an alliance overnight.
You are getting engaged by the morning.
What am I compared to you?
Come, come.
Wait, wait, sir.
Hi, friends!
We seek your blessings for our EO
who is getting engaged today.
Greet them, sir.
Hi! Hi, friends!
Why all this?
You are finally getting married, sir.
The whole town should hear of it.
I arranged live streaming on Facebook.
You actually like the idea.
But you blush on the outside.
-Namasthe Father-in-law!
-This was planned overnight.
-So we couldnt make better arrangements.
-Thats fine. Thats fine.
My brothers son-in-law is as good as mine.
Thats why here
this small gift for you.
A small favour, sir.
Come, come.
Please come inside.
-Lets go.
-Lets go.
Why is he in the way?
Wow, we are getting unbelievable likes.
-Take it.
Mother-in-law served him something.
EO sir is putting the sweet aside.
And is about to eat boondi.
He is 40+. So he is being careful.
-Hey! Is that necessary?
-Live update, sir.
They should know
what is happening here.
See? 234 people are watching.
Sir, sir. Did you see the comment?
Tailor Suribabu
He says Your EOs clothes are really nice.
-He tailored these clothes.
-Hey, nauty Suribabu.
-Who is the bride groom?
Its already quite late.
Call the bride quickly.
We cant avoid such things
-How can he say that?
-Dont bother.
We cant find the girl.
-What? What happened?
-She is not inside.
-Friends! Interesting twist!
-Where did she go?
Not willing to marry our EO,
the bride has jumped with Bala.
What do we do now, brother?
Hey, keep all the sweets and snacks inside.
-Send the saris and blouse pieces
to Mr Kotaiahs shop. -Oh damn!
-Hey, Hanumanth Rao!
-What about my fee?
Sir, sirThey want to see your reaction.
Favour, favour
-Did they tell you she eloped with Bala?
-No, sir.
I added it to make it
more interesting for the viewers.
See. The viewers increased
by a hundred after the twist.
-Please, get down.
-Is this the house?
Damn your silly pauses!!
This is the house. Get down!
I didnt respond when I had to.
I hope Bala wont murder me
as soon he sees me?
If you dont respond now,
I will have to murder you.
Get down.
Mr Venkatraos daughter-in-law is here.
What is it?
Mr Venkatrao!
Your daughter-in-law is here.
Hey! Did they tell you
she is the daughter-in-law?
They dont have to.
The whole town knows it.
This is how you ruined my cousins life.
Uncle! Speak.
What is this?
Have you any sense?
Where were you all these days? Huh?
If there is some clash between
my son and you, you should tell us.
How could you leave the baby and go?
Uncle, let me explain.
No, I wont.
Now things will happen as I say.
Why do you stand like a statue?
Speak up!
-Actually, sir
-What sort of a father are you?
You left your daughter to her fate!
-Oh, no. Its not that.
-Whatever happened has happened.
Forget everything
and accept your daughter-in-law inside.
Hey! Keep those clothes aside.
Put vermilion and take her inside.
Unlike you imagine
AhI understand
They are not into all this.
Wear it just once.
For our sake.
First time you are coming home
as our daughter-in-law.
So, you brought your daughter-in-law home.
Where is my daughter then?
-Are you drunk early in the morning?
Why would your daughter be here?
If your son didnt come to our house again,
my daughter would be in my house.
Your son has hypnotized her.
-My son came to your house?
Hey! Why would he go to their house?
Ahhe went to pay them some money.
So, you knew this earlier!
I dont know whats happening
in my own home!
No one heeds my words.
-I dont want to stay here anymore.
-Uncle! Uncle!
-He ruined Boradas reputation.
-Do you see that, brother?
-Oh damn!
Whats this?
Why does he lock himself up
without answering us?
Like a woman?
-Hey, please check.
-Open the door, uncle!
-There he is!
What is this, sir?
What happened?
Where did you hide my daughter?
What are you doing here, Madam Sailaja?
Dont look at me like that, Bala.
You can greet your wife
and father-in-law later.
-First tell us where you hid our girl.
-Tell us.
Bhagya what happened to Bhagya, sir?
Hey, you can find out later.
Come here.
-Your dad locked himself up.
Dad! Open the door!
-Who put him to sleep here?
-Mosquitoes are biting him.
Cant you wait till I open the door?
Why are you banging the door like that?
You locked yourself in.
I was scared.
I wanted to wear underpants
since I am talking to gentlemen.
You want me to wear them in the street?
Tell me now.
Why were you in a hurry?
-What is there to say?
-Go ahead.
Where did you hide my daughter?
First tell me what happened to Bhagi.
Why do you repeat my question to me?
Tell me!
Hey, why isnt Bala answering his phone?
He is not in a position to.
Tell me the matter.
Its not that.
Bhagyalakshmi is undergoing a surgery
in the hospital not to have children.
She already spoke to the chief doctor.
-Surgery is in an hour.
Hey, Bala!
Bhagyalakshmi is undergoing a surgery
in CMC hospital not to have kids.
What are you saying?
What? Why would my daughter
undergo surgery?
Hey, lets go.
Hello, Bala!
-Why do you run away without telling us?
- Move aside, sir.
I am asking you.
-Bala, Bala, Bala!
-Favour, sir!
EO sirs engagement episode
has now reached Balas house.
Hey, stop your nonsense.
This is no nonsense, sir.
Its Bala.
Brother, hop on.
-Lets follow them.
Lets go in this car.
Oh, ho! Do you see that?
Mr EO has unabashedly asked his future
father-in-law to get in to his car.
Father-in-law is to the drivers seat.
The Tiger claw father-in-law sat by his side.
-Balas father got in along with his grandson.
-Come here daughter-in-law!
-Get in!
-Get in, dear.
The car went past the statue centre
at lightning speed.
-Oh, no!
You are the main character.
Why are you left behind?
Come on. Come on!
Friends, they made an extra player of our EO
and left him in the middle of the road.
Sir, sir, they want your reaction
Why do you want this surgery so young?
When did you think of this?
When I saw Vijayashanti
in Swayamkrushi last night.
You made a decision based on a film?
You may find this foolish.
But its very important to me.
Tell me in case you are not willing.
-I will go to another hospital.
-Who are you?
-Maam, please, please.
Please respond.
Why dont you respond?
One minute.
What is it, Bhagi?
Why all this?
Dont talk to me.
I wont talk to you either.
What happened, Bhagi?
Leave me, Balu.
No one cares for me.
Not even you.
What is this, Bala?
Cant I take care of him for your sake?
I want you, Bala.
I want you. Thats all.
I thought if I did this,
my family would consent
to my wedding with you.
To marry you
-I couldnt find another way, Bala.
-Um hmm.
Unless it gets this far,
wont you react?
Sorry, Bhagi.
I didnt know
what to do and hurt you.
You can hug me tighter.
Tell me we will always be together like this.
We will be together.
Always like this together.
-What the heck!
Hey, Bhagyalakshi!
Have you gone mad?
You have your wife right here.
And what are you doing?
-Dont be upset. I will talk to him.
-Dad! Its not that.
-We found the girl.
You take your time.
Stop it!
Is this a hospital or a village fair?
-First, all of you leave.
-Dad, lets leave.
Why fifty rupees for the auto?
The hospital is very close.
Dubai ladys death spelled disaster for us.
I saw a number of cases in my service.
But something like this never happened.
Thats why in all the panic
I didnt know what to do
and remained passive.
When you do such things
you shouldnt panic.
You should be ashamed.
Make blood donation.
Food donation.
What sort of donation is this?
Donation, my foot!
Have we ever heard of such things?
Dont be so dismissive, sir.
So many couples across the world are happy
with kids because of your son.
Because of people like your son.
This is nothing new.
-We find it in our epics-
-Shut up!
Dont mention that again.
-He told me the same thing the other day.
-He was the one who told me.
Sorry. It was sir.
Why didnt you tell me that day?
Did you allow him to tell you?
Each one wrote a story to his liking.
He could have got rid of the boy
if he wanted.
But he didnt do it.
I dont know whether what I did
that day was right or wrong.
But I felt it was wrong
to give him up.
I stopped myself
from making that mistake.
So, you dont have an illicit affair
with this girl, Bala?
This bloody
Sorry, Mr Bala!
I was in a state of fear
and judged you wrong
and said something.
Forget all that.
What about the baby?
You dont have to worry about the boy.
We both came to a decision on that.
We will raise him.
What do you mean we?
What is she talking about?
Dont you still understand?
I will stay with Bala.
-Its not that. He is-
-Hey, Hanumanthu!
When the kids are stubborn,
what can we say?
Others talk about your sons affair
with some girl etc.
That is a better story.
Keep that real.
Dont let truth come out.
Its very nasty.
What, Hanumanthu?
Okay. You have agreed.
-What choice do I have?
-Its okay!
The boy is the only problem.
He is not naturally born of your son.
If you can leave him somewhere-
Why should he live somewhere?
We have our own house.
Four acres of land.
Cant we give him some?
It looks very little right now.
What if he wants half the property
when he grows up?
What does it matter?
If he is my brothers grandson,
he is my familys grandson.
Where is it?
You took the chain
very smoothly from me.
Return my chain.
Here. This is my first gift
to my grandson.
So, the tigers claw medal
was meant for him.
Okay. I will take care.
Dont worry.
Come, come.
Give your gifts that side.
have your meals this side.
-Brother, stop talking about gifts.
Hanuantha Rao!
Are you in your right mind?
Why did you choose someone
who already has a son?
That kid is not how we think.
Its different matter there.
Wait, Hanumanthu.
Yes, he has a son.
What do we care how he was born?
Its our girl. Our decision.
Why are you bothered?
For giving gifts go this side.
For meals go that side.
-Greetings. -Greetings.
For pastime check whether all the items
are served in the plates and tell me.
Go, go!.
What is this?
I didnt agree because we would face this.
You were too eager.
I didnt consent just like that.
Errwhat was that the boy did?
-I think its surrogacy
-Some gacy
I didnt understand what it was.
But childless people like me
can recognize its value.
He had no connection with the boy
and yet Bala didnt leave him.
Why would he leave our daughter?
-Wait, wait.
Dont get emotional and hug me and all.
Just as I told you,
be stiff with your co-father-in-law
and pretend you dont like this wedding.
Otherwise, he will take advantage of you.
No smiles and greetings
since morning, brother.
No backing down. Ah!
My mother-in-law gave this to me.
I am passing it to you now.
After marriage, do the job you like.
Wear the clothes you want.
-But I have a condition.
You must teach me
Hindi to follow Hindi series.
-Mr Venatrao!
Jackfruit biryani is so tasty.
Why wont it be?
He charged me 300 per plate.
Did you have ice cream?
Oh, no. Its cold.
So I didnt eat.
But if you gave betel leaf and nut
at the end, it would have been terrific.
Will do, will do.
See you.
We served 25 items.
He is missing betel nut. Idiot!
Thats how they think.
How do I address you after the wedding?
Husband or Bala?
Call me as you like.
I will call you Bala then.
I like that name.
When you call me by name,
I like my name better.
You like it. And you like it.
What is the problem?
Go ahead!
Music and selfie batch get ready.
Tie only three knots for bride.
Here it is.
Wait. Wait, wait.
Whats the problem now, dad?
They even washed my feet.
I have been watching since morning.
Not a smile. Not a wish.
This looks like a forced wedding.
Its not correct.
It wont work out.
Hey, Hanumanthu!
Didnt I ask you to forget the past?
Brother-in-law, I am also
your co-father-in-law.
-My brother is a cranky fellow.
-He turned the tables!
Please dont take it to heart.
Why do you glare?
That is called a gentlemans talk.
The auspicious hour is approaching.
Please continue what you are doing.
Hey, he has tinkled.
He wet his pants.
He had his revenge befitting his range.
Dont mention dowry too soon
like last time.
We will talk about it after a decision.
When did I mention it?
They started the topic last time.
Why blame me?
Instead of sitting like a prince
cant you come in and take it?
Check if Suri has come.
-The auspicious time is nearing.
Hey, Suri! Where are you, man?
Hey, didnt I ask you
to make it fast and not be late?
Anyway, come.
Chinnababu is elected againd as MLA.
Veerbhadram spent a lot of money.
But he couldn't win.
-Hey, has Suri come?
-I am not able to find my bike.
-Hey, how long to wear your sari?
Make it fast.
Dad! I cant find my bike.
Did you give it to someone?
I wanted to go out this morning
but my scooter had a flat tyre.
I looked for your bike but didnt find it.
I thought you gave it to some friend.
Where did you park it last night?
Where else would I park it, dad?
I park it here every day!
-What happened?
-He cant find his bike.
-How can it be?
Dont you check whether the gate
is locked or not?
-Why do you blame me?
-You are the one who stays at home!
-What? Not able to find your bike?
You should be careful!
You shouldve locked it properly.
Someone knocked off a bike in Potthur
the other day. Are you aware?
You youngsters seem to have
no responsibility at all!
I am on the way.
Our blue vehicle is coming.
This is the one. Stop, stop.
This is the house.
Stop, stop.
-Mr Borada Venkatrao. Ive already told you.
-Greetings. -Greetings.
-Mr Kota Harishchandra Prasad.
-Namaste, sister.
Please, come. Come.
Doesnt that bike look like ours?
Oh, damn! He saw me.
-Is this your son?
I told you they have two sons.
He is the second son.
The elder one is the groom.
-I wonder how many gates he has jumped!
This bike is yours.
Oh! Great time. We came to see
the bride and we found the bike.
-Lets not delay. Lets proceed. Come.
-Wait, wait.
If I take them along,
I will lose my reputation.
-Do you know what he did?
You asked me to come
and why are you silent?
Why do you talk to Pushpa all the time?
Do you know
how angry it makes me?
-Oh! My dad is here. Go away.
-Who is there?
-Oh, my! He saw me.
-Hey! Who is the scoundrel?
-Hey! I am going to kill you. Stop, idiot!
-Dad! Mom, mom!
-You are dead today.
-Mom, mom!
Stop! Stop!
-Oh, my! He is carrying a stick!
-Hey, stop!
I am going to break your legs.
You know she is meant to marry your brother.
I have no idea, dad.
Not my elder daughter.
The younger one.
So, the younger boy
and girl are in love.
Lets conduct both the weddings together.
-Only, you have to pay me 2100...
-Hey, quiet.
Is this how you bring up boys?
They jump into girls houses
instead of staying home at night.
Hey! What is all this?
She asked me to come home at two.
Anyone would wet their pants
to look at my house.
But this idiot jumped over my gate
-I hope he didn't hit you?
-and ruined my reputation.
-He said, hell kill you, not me!
-Stand still for a while.
I wont.
I wont give my daughter into such a family.
What nonsense are you talking?
You are ruining your own reputation
by shouting about it in public.
Dont you worry about my reputation!
Bother about your own reputation
and your sons'.
So, Vasu spoiled the alliance.
Do you have leg pain?
-I have cramps down the legs.
-May be the problem is back.
-Have your coffee, Bala. Its hot. Careful.
-What about your arm?
-Do you want one more dosa?
Hmm. Let me ask.
Husband! You prescribed my brother
some tablets for leg pain.
Dad is asking if he can use them too.
No. I will prescribe different ones.
Hmm. No, dad.
He will prescribe different tablets for you.
Dont use whatever you find.
My brother-in-law is recently married
and he wanted Viagra. So I prescribed it.
My father-in-law wants to use it.
Already my mother-in-law has backache.
If something happens,
it will be disastrous.
Take these tablets twice a day
for four days.
Eat only curd in the afternoon and evening.
So I can eat green-gram dosa
for breakfast?
You should eat nothing
but idli these four days
-that too only with sugar. Go.
So, I can eat green-gram dosa
after four days?
Whats wrong with you?
Do they make such tasty dosas at home?
Get them to me after four days
and I will decide if you can eat them. Go!
-With hard chutney-
-Get lost!
-Namaste, sir.
-For whom?
-For my wife, sir.
-Sit down.
What happened?
She has fever with chills from last night.
Severe cold too.
-Do you have cough?
-No, sir.
Prescribe two coldact
and two paracetemol tablets.
Hmm. Why did you come to me then?
The shed next door is free.
Open your own clinic there.
Set up a medical shop the other side
and make your wife sit.
Dont I know?
Didnt uncle insist on seeing another match?
Why wouldnt he?
He has already found another alliance.
-I told him I will meet the girl privately
without the family. -Best.
I convinced him all of us can go to
her house in case I really like her.
Where are you meeting then?
Is she the one?
As if my family would have
such good taste!
Excuse me! One chocolate brownie.
It must be her.
Hello, madam.
Let me.
Sorry, madam.
The bridge near two-town was closed.
I had to come roundabout and am late.
You are?
My name is Balamurali Krishna.
-Balamurali Krishna!
Excuse me!
Oh! Sorry.
Since you look average,
I thought it must be you.
How blunt!
-Hello, madam.
Please, sit.
Actually, you were the one I saw first.
Since you are so beautiful,
I thought it may not be you
and went there.
Tell me.
-Its right over here, sir.
-Oh, sorry. Its here?
Tell me.
What shall we order?
I was asking about you.
Not the order.
Brother, you can go.
He is anyway here.
Order something.
Cool drink?
Two Thums Up.
I want a Mazza.
-Fine. Get two Mazas.
-Tell me.
-I mean
I could recognize you
from your photograph.
-First time you
-Just a minute, madam.
Get me Limca.
Okay, brother.
Maza is mango juice, right?
Somehow, I never liked it.
Sorry. You were saying?
I mean is this the first time for you?
I can see you are very tensed
No, not at all.
I saw four or five matchers earlier.
They were all average
and so I just concluded everyone will look
the same but here you are so beautiful.
Thats making me tense.
I mean you look more beautiful
than in the picture.
I meannot for saying I am beautiful.
This is my first match making.
So, for keeping it less formal
and keeping it simple.
I heard you work
at the power station?
Yes. I am a junior engineer.
Its a government job.
I heard you are a school teacher
Yes! I did my engineering from KITE.
I even got a job in Bangalore.
But my family objected because
it was too far.
I didnt want to be idle.
So I am working as a teacher.
I want to work even after my wedding.
Are you okay with it?
I have no problem.
Honestly speaking, consider you got yourself
a wonderful mother-in-law.
My mother is very supportive
of such things.
See? Its true.
Hey, did you meet the girl?
I have met her, dad.
I just spoke to the priest.
Why does he say the girls father is
too particular and he eats up brains!
Okay, okay.
Dad, I will call you back.
I am talking to her.
You shouldnt speak too long
before the wedding.
Its new moon from the afternoon.
[Whispering] Tell him about it.
Hey, Bala! Tell her she cant wear
all those dresses once she is married.
Also tell her
she neednt work after marriage.
We can see what is happening
with our neighbors.
Mom, mom!
I will call you back.
I am sorry.
-Speaker problem.
Do you like me?
Its okay even if you dont.
I just wish you do.
What shall I tell my family?
Ill speak to my family
and call you back tomorrow.
Brother, bill.
Its okay. Keep it.
Sir, its your bill.
Oh, bill?
Sir, greetings!
Oh, careful, sir.
Why are you so surprised?
Its your ring stone.
I liked it and so I set it.
Ah, what is it?
Power outage in the warehouse?
What do you expect when it is disconnected?
Good morning, Mr Daniel.
Hello, Bala! Bala!
Give me your phone.
Please give me if I get a call.
Hey, come on!
Why wouldnt I give you what is yours?
Hello! Hey, its me.
My phone is not working.
Has he got you the money?
Okay. I will call you back.
Bala! You got some message.
I liked you the first time I met you.
I have decided to marry only you.
Says Charan to Sriya.
Watch Atha Kodallu at 7:30
on your Mee TV tonight.
I dont know
about the other serials, Mr Daniel,
but Atha Kodallu is really good.
Only yesterday, Sriya met Charan
in the coffee shop.
Oh! They should have met in the graveyard.
It would have been unique.
Today Sriya is going to tell Charan
if she likes him.
It means not less than six months.
What the heck!
This guy became a hero
and we miss his comedy.
What news?
What news Nothing.
The usual.
What would there be?
-Hey, I almost forgot.
-What is it, dad?
You know Bhaskar Rao, right?
He bought a buffalo recently.
It had a calf.
How beautiful it is!
-Bhaskar Rao had a calf?
Why didnt he send us the biestings?
He wanted to!
But his daughters recently married and so I
asked him to give it to his son-in-law
But when are we short of biestings?
We have grandpa Subbarao
just behind our house.
We can get it whenever we want.
-Give me also some tea.
I forgot to tell you.
-The girls family called up.
I said no.
Said no to what?
The alliance!
I said no.
Why, dad?
The girl wants some time
to think about it.
I said this wont work out as we are for
face-to-face talk and rejected them.
You could have asked me once, dad.
You would anyway ask me to decide
and so I said no.
There is a proposal from Chebrolu.
We will see next week.
Hey! Wont you give me tea?
Is it only for your son?
These two will never get me married.
I must do something.
Why didnt you do your home-work?
I told you I will punish you
if you dont.
Yes, Miss. Please.
When I went home,
I had fever, Miss.
Is that why you were playing cricket?
You think I didnt see you?
-Show it. Show me your hand.
Stop saying Miss.
Show me your hand. Now!
Hmm. Maintain that fear.
Do it tomorrow.
Sit down.
Show me!
-Madam, Principal madam is calling you.
-I will come.
Madam is inside.
Madam, you wanted to see me?
Where did you disappear
in the afternoon yesterday?
Last afternoon
I had a severe headache.
My head was splitting, madam.
So, you went to watch the Noon Show
in Satyam theater?
Are you not ashamed to bunk the class
and go to movies?
You are not a student.
You are a teacher.
This is your sixth time.
How can you be so undisciplined?
We are done with the fitting.
If you check and confirm,
we will leave.
We have a lot of other work.
The enthusiasm you show
while taking money disappears in the job.
Yes, madam.
You are absolutely right.
Where are you going?
Stay right here.
-Ill come back and speak to you.
-Okay, madam.
Show me how you have done.
We did what you told us.
Why would we do anything different?
Tell me.
What do you want?
One kg lentils and one kg jaggery.
One kg lentils and one kg jaggery.
One minute hello.
(clearing throat)
Listen to me carefully.
My husband is going on a camp tonight.
Come home by nine tonight.
Hello, hello!
What the heck!
Such a great offer all of a sudden!
Let me call her.
Are you going to give me
the provisions or not?
Wait. Dont pester me.
-Buy from the next shop!
-What sort of shop is this?
I got a great offer.
How come she spoke to me like that?
Uh, tell me Bhagyalakshmi.
You were an old student
of this school, right?
Madam, actually-
Normally I close the shop at ten.
Its okay.
Ill close it early for you
and come home.
Give me your address.
-You want to close the shop and come?
Where to?
You said your husband is going on a camp
and asked me to come home?
If my husband goes on camp,
you want to come?
-Who the hell are you?
-Useless fellow!
-Oh my!
I will beat you to pulp.
Have you any sense?
If I come there,
you will see stars.
Hang up! Idiot!
What is this?
She dampened my spirits!
Miss Bhagyalashmi!
Hello, madam.
Its you!
Actually I want to talk to you.
I have a class now.
Sorry. I cant.
Umevening is fine.
-Fine then. I will come back after school.
Miss Bhagyaakshmi!
Nice prank.
I couldnt help laughing.
What did I do?
That phone call
I saw it all.
You cornered her neatly.
Are you going to tell her?
No way. Why would I?
-By the way, why did you want to meet me?
-I mean about our alliance.
-You have already rejected it.
-It wasnt me.
My father was misled
and he said no.
You mean you are for it?
No, no. Not at all.
I meanI am for it.
I was wondering if you are okay.
I already told you.
-I need some time.
-Its not that.
Let me tell you
whats on my mind.
First point is-
I liked you as soon as I saw you.
And I liked you so much
that I dont want to see anyone else.
Point Number two-
Please dont look at me like that.
I feel you are angry.
This is not point number two.
I have just added it.
Point Number Three-
Take all the time you want.
No problem at all.
Hey, get down.
Get down!
I will wait as long as it takes.
I will speak to my family as well.
Point Number four-
You dont have to worry you might have
to stop working after marriage.
Ignore my mother.
Point number five
One minute.
This is an important point.
But I forgot.
I got it written by my cousin
who is an RMP doctor.
Never take a doctors for writing.
-Ask me why.
-Hmm. Why?
No one will understand it
except the druggist.
Tell me your opinion now.
Like or dont like?
Since you already rejected,
they are looking for other suitors.
Give me some time.
I covered that in the third point.
Give me time to take time.
He simply made an issue
but there was no problem at all.
-I fixed the fuse and came back.
-Govind! Come here.
-Ah. Coming.
-Please, check the meter.
-Make three copies of this.
Give one to our EO sir and
two to Chandram from the Municipal Office.
-Sir, I will be right back.
-Uh, sir.
this is your office, is it?
-Please, sit.
Tell me.
I thought about
what you said yesterday.
I wanted to talk to you about it.
I switched off the fan
to stop the papers from flying.
-One second.
It happens sometimes.
-Its a small problem.
-Mm hmm...
You sent him for some copies yourself.
Just one minute, madam.
Uff! Its done, madam.
Average looks are also fine, priest.
This girl is below average.
It isnt for this that I waited so long.
-Sir, listen to me. -Huh?
-The girl side also didn't like you much.
They say you look more like an uncle-
-than a husband.
Hello! Hello?
He gets all stupid alliances
and then sarcasm on top of it.
Who is this girl? Beautiful!
Hey, Bala! What are you doing?
-Hey, hey!
Just because I am your E.O and your senior,
you dont have to stand each time.
-Sit down.
-Thats why I never stand up.
Its different that
I get double your salary.
-The car I bought recently?
I just gave it for service.
But who is this girl?
Some complaint?
How can I do everything, Bala?
You guys must work too!
Okay, okay. Do it.
Err my cabin is right here.
-It has an ac too.
-Sir, sir, sir!
-Whatever complaint you have-
-I am going to marry her, sir.
His face is burning.
-Mrs Srilakshmi, you are saying something?
-Nothing, sir.
I was saying the bulb is burned out.
Do you want me to change it?
Tell Govindu.
-Sir she wanted to speak to me-
Go ahead. Feel free.
Girls these days are very poor at selection.
Sorry. Please dont think otherwise.
I said I am going to marry you
without your consent.
Its okay.
Our EO is a little jealous of me.
I said that to tease him.
Is he still looking at us?
He is pretending to be on phone
but stealing glances at us. Watch.
You took me to the night show
against my will.
I had a tough time managing at home.
Oh, my!
He is already taking her
to the night shows!
But how were you so spontaneous?
My EO wont eat for a few days.
Are you a virgin?
I mean its
Oh, so you are not.
No, no.
You mean you are not a virgin.
Nothing of that sort.
I am still a virgin.
Lack of interest or lack of opportunity?
I mean I never thought on those lines.
Basically, I guess its lack of interest.
-Dont tell me you have some problem!
-What problem would I have?
Somehow, love never worked out for me.
Oh! Okay.
-What about you?
What about you
We have just met.
Its not proper to discuss
these things right now.
Correct. Correct.
Hmm. I watched a movie last night.
The lead characters are just like us.
They meet in a coffee shop.
After that they meet without the
knowledge of their families,
get to know each other
and then inform at home.
Nice, isnt it?
What is the name of the movie?
How can he be so naive?
I dont remember.
Oh! Okay.
-Why cant we do that?
-Please take it.
you want us to inform at home
after some time. Right?
Hmm. Right.
-Did you see that, Mr Daniel?
The girl wants to date
for a few days.
He is all focused on informing at home.
-Does he deserve the girl?
-Greetings, sir.
-Okay. I will make a move.
Uh money for tea?
-I will take care. Carry on.
-Okay, bye.
Now I know
why you are still single.
-Dont boys pay for tea?
-Its not that.
A girl says she is leaving
and you dont even offer to drop her!
How can he be so dumb?
Lets go, sir.
Before Balu gets married,
EO might die of envy.
Mr Daniel, you are not coming
Let me pay for the tea.
You can take me home.
But if my people see,
there will be questions.
-Okay. Bye.
Give me your hand.
When I dont answer your phone,
it means someone is with me.
If I do answer,
dont say hello until I do.
Like a lightning streak
Sparkling so bright!
With your mind blowing glances
Doesnt my heart soar to the clouds?
Like a lightning streak
Sparkling so bright!
With your mind blowing glances
Doesnt my heart soar to the clouds?
I yearn to spend every moment with you
I am restless thanks to you
What do I do? What do I do?
It feels great to begin
every morning with you
I am sleepless thanks to you
What do I do? What do I do?
I keep reading your wide eyes
I stumble in your love
and find my feet again
I keep reading your wide eyes
I stumble in your love
and find my feet again
Let's take a picture.
-Hey, what is this?
What is happening?
I don't know.
Not good.
Worst gesture.
-Are you free?
Can you come home? Let's meet.
If it's a problem, don't. Bye.
I am coming.
Hello, I am in front of your house.
My dads instruments shop is right outside.
Its open.
Yes. I found it.
Come in through it.
Why did yousuddenly
call me at this hour?
Do you have a problem with the time?
No, no. I didnt mean that.
You are a boy after all.
You have no problem.
Girls have all the problems.
Huh! What happened?
You came without telling your parents,
didnt you?
When you go back,
what if they ask you where you were?
I will tell them I went to my friends.
Of course, you will.
They will say nothing to you.
When it comes to girls?
Even before we step out
Why? Which friend?
Where does she live?
Is it a girl or a boy?
Give us the phone number.
Never be born as a girl.
What happened now?
They are not sending me to Vijayawada
for my friends wedding.
They dont want me to step out.
Earlier also,
when I got a job at Bangalore,
they said why go so far.
This has been the case
since my childhood.
If I question it,
they scold me
saying girls shouldnt back answer.
They never let me to do
what I want.
No one cares for me.
Including you.
Its not that, Bhagya
You simply stare but
you dont even hold me
and console me!
Once we are married,
are you going to impose restrictions?
You mean you wont care?
Wherever you go,
I will come along.
I must take good care of you, dont I?
You can hold me tight.
Tell me nothing will go wrong.
Nothing will go wrong.
Say calm down.
Calm down.
Should I tell you the next line too?
Say I am here for you.
I am there for you, Bhagyam.
Bhagi will do.
You have me, Bhagi.
I will take care. Okay?
There is no one.
You asked me about my boy friend.
There is no one.
It's nothing. My phone.
Just the phone. That's all.
-What is it?
-Will it take time?
If it takes time,
I want to go to Chandrikas.
Not done with what happened last time?
Stay right there.
I am coming.
I need to leave.
Shall I?
My poor heart cant go on without meeting you
so strange is this feeling
Silence that cant find words
breaks all barriers seeing you
But you do know this is your fault
Oh let me bundle the stars
and place them at your feet
Hey, the moon and you are no different
Let me stitch the clouds together
And make you beautiful wings
Lets go beyond the clouds
and reach the skys horizon
I keep reading your wide eyes
The moment I look at you,
I blindly follow you
I keep reading your wide eyes
The moment I look at you,
I blindly follow you
Hey, what is that laugh for?
Why is she talking
laughing so loud?
Marry her off and she will be fine.
Miss, miss! Aunty and others are here.
-They want you to come fast.
Tell me.
Is this good or this one?
You wear this one.
I will wear the other.
And then my mother will kill me.
Get going.
I will follow you.
-Mr Venkatrao!
-Hey, hey!
They were considering Mr Tadepalli Suryaraos
alliance because you rejected.
I stopped them.
They wanted some time.
Otherwise, we would have fixed
the wedding long back.
Oh, my! Why did you fill the walls
with Veerabhadram?
Are you his fans?
Not just fans.
He is much bigger than that
Bah! He hoarded a lot of money last time.
Thats why we elected Chinnababu.
Veerabhadram wont win in near future.
Chinnababu is no less.
he gave all the sand ramps
to his own people.
Though Veerabhadram was corrupt,
he helped whoever approached him.
Where and when?
If thats the case,
why didnt the public vote for him?
All this is-
See, have you seen Chinnababu allot
the ramps to his people?
We dont have to see.
Anyone in the village
would vouch for it.
Have you seen?
If you did, then tell me.
Wedding is getting too political.
Let us fix the auspicious time first.
We can decide later whether to invite
Chinnababu or Veerbhadram.
-What do you say?
what did you say
the girl studied?
She completed her Engineering.
She also got a job in Bangalore.
But her father didnt send her
because its too far.
Whats so great about jobs?
Why go there instead of happily
staying here with us?
We asked her not to work
in the school as well.
But she is doing it for pastime.
Now that her wedding is fixed,
ask her to stop working. Huh?
Your daughter-in-law will be here.
You can tell her yourself.
Manikantha Suppliers also belongs
to our people.
Miss said she wont come.
That guy?
But if his mike works,his bulb doesnt.
If the bulb does,the mike doesnt.
-Where is your miss?
-She is upstairs.
Ask her to stop acting crazy
and come down.
With such people round,
we always stay number one.
Aunty asked you to stop acting crazy
and come down.
Miss doesnt want the wedding.
Ask them to leave. Go.
Hey, what's wrong?
Why are you so sullen?
Miss doesnt want this wedding.
Ask them to leave.
-Where is she?
-She is upstairs.
-What's the problem all of a sudden?
-Miss doesnt want this wedding.
Whats the problem?
Is this about what my mom said
about your job?
My mom speaks like that.
I told you I will take care of it.
She only appears like that.
If she likes you,
she will pamper you lots.
Who knows? Once we are married,
you both may become a team and ignore me.
Bhagi, look here.
Look here, Bhagi.
You have me.
Dont you trust me?
-Not Bhagyalakshmi.
They should have named you
sulking queen.
Are you going to sulk for this now?
-He is holding Miss.
-Hey, hye!
He is holding Miss!
Dum dum dum
goes the music band
With a rhythmic sound
The girl side has selected this.
Nice. Very nice.
We can get it at this price.
Please have it.
Take a look.
This is nice.
Isnt it nice?
This will cost you thirty.
Dont bother about the price.
We should look better than them.
Thats all.
Fine, then.
Take this.
-Look, isnt this nice?
-Very nice.
-Fix it for 17.
Another half rupee.
Fix it at 17.5
A large group has to shop
roaming the whole town for just a sari
Gold jewelry is an unending battle
Reducing a hundred or thousand
after a long bargain
"Hey, it's unbelievable"
Dum dum dum
goes the music band
How do you make prawns curry?
We have already told them
you dont know much cooking.
So, dont take the trouble.
Hey, its not that.
Tell me how to make it.
-Why now?
-Why not?
Dont you make fish twice a week
for your husband?
We will also have some preferences.
Chatting on phone through the day
Not even a break for a while
O o o o o
Is the pre-wed shoot a bother?
With all the novel postures?
Dreams countless
even with two pairs of eyes
She is about to fall and you catch her.
Thats it!
Loves glances touch
Didn't you understand?
...despite being the crowd
Radhe Shyam poster still.
Radhe Shyam lets do it!
Will you ignore week and time
to be together?
"Hey! It's unbelievable"
Dum dum dum
goes the music band
With a rhythmic sound
Dum dum dum
the future ahead
Appears to be a puzzle
The girl has speed, the boy is gold
and they have matched so well
A beautiful pair, a bond of joy
the world rejoices
-Take it, bro.
-I promised your sister, bro.
-Thats why I stop with half.
-Hey, what about you?
He will know once he is married.
He was almost an alcoholic once.
Yes! He would drink raw
because mixing water takes time.
-Hey! Come on. Drink!
-Why do you answer phone now?
-Sir, I am Govind.
Hey, Govindam!
Why are you still at the office?
Mr Daniel and others are already here.
I asked you to come, right?
Everyone is there.
But EO is still stuck here.
-Here. Some lady is here for you.
-No, no.
Lets not entertain electricity meters now.
Ask them to come on Monday.
Not that, sir.
-Is this Mr Balamuralikrishna?
I am Sailaja.
We met two years ago.
I meanDubai Visakha Nursing Home?
Tell me.
What happened?
I need to talk to you.
Shall I come there?
No, no. I will come over.
Please, wait.
As if you dont know about my husband!
Why do you ask me again?
I wanted to know if he has changed.
-Mom! Mom!
Where is my bike?
-I sent Vasu to get turmeric sticks.
Where are you going?
I have a small job in the office.
I will be right back.
Hey! Bride groom shouldnt step out
before the wedding.
Silly fellow!
Duty is everything to him.
-I am borrowing your bicycle.
-Okay, dear!
Dont pull such a long face.
Did I ask you for your kidney or eyes?
After all I asked you for your sperm.
How can you call it after all?
It means a baby and the emotion I must
enjoy with my wife ends artificially, right?
Oho! Dont treat it like an offence!
There is no direct contact.
This is also like giving blood
or urine sample.
The doctor will take care
of the rest of the process.
I dont think you have understood.
-Shall I explain from the beginning?
-I get it.
There is a lady in Dubai.
She has no time to get married.
She has no patience to have kids.
So, she wants to have kids
through surrogacy.
There is a girl ready to carry the baby.
You want me to donate
my sperm for this.
You have told me this ten times already.
Please don't say that.
She has some problem with having kids.
She wants to be a mother in some way.
Something good is happening
because of you.
It sounds good when you say it.
I wont do this.
Not for my life.
Hey, please dont say that.
Relying on you,
I have even taken advance.
I have already told you.
I stood surety for someone.
He filed insolvency petition.
I am caught.
Hey, you know about my dad.
You know about my wife.
She will hack me to pieces.
Why did you sign surety
when you are so afraid?
I didnt consciously do it.
He had two pegs got sentimental.
I had four and signed the bond.
Before I became sober,
the damage was already done.
Let me get sentimental now.
You go and give it instead of me.
Not everyone can do that.
There are lots of parameters including
family history, height and complexion.
Let us find someone else then.
We are supporting illegal surrogacy.
We cant take strangers into confidence.
If the police hear about it,
they will put both behind the bars.
Why do you call this illegal?
Why do you bother?
Trust me. I will take care.
-Or shall we
-There is no other option.
You are going with me tomorrow.
Thats all.
No way.
I wont come. I wont. I wont.
-Hey, I beg you. Please!
Hey, why cant you have kids, sir?
We helped a 70 year old lady
become a mother.
Sir, new procedures are in place now, sir.
Hi, sir.
Sir! Finding surrogate mothers is easier
than finding a house on rent in the city.
We dont have to talk to anyone, sir.
Money does all the talking.
-Namaste, sir.
This is the guy we were talking about.
I hope he has all the qualities we want.
Sir! I have made all possible enquiries.
From family background to naked
body measurements, everything is on dot.
So is this girl.
She is ready to carry the baby.
As a formality,
if you can sign the document-
There is nothing to worry.
Just a safety measure
to avoid any trouble in the future.
Sir, what about the remaining amount
I will take care of that.
I will arrange it.
Do one thing.
Wait outside.
-I will call you again.
-Okay, sir.
Why are you so afraid for a signature?
The girl has agreed
for a nine-month pregnancy.
You are so apprehensive
for a two minute job! Huh?
Come, sign.
Its just a signature. Do it.
Books or videos?
Who is reading books these days?
Videos of course.
He must be having them.
But my cousin is not the
present generation type, sir.
-Books may be better.
Dear! You can go in.
Carry the container.
Careful. Take your time.
-Use the boxdont forget the box.
-You found a man with great qualities!
A pure pearl, sir!
We have landed in a huge problem.
You must somehow
What problem?
Tell me clearly what happened.
Did someone come to know
and is there a police case or something
No, no. Nothing of that sort.
The lady from Dubai was to pick up
the baby after nine months, right?
She never came.
They dragged six months saying
she would come the next month.
I had some doubt
and pressurized them to tell me.
They said she died in an accident.
They say-
Dont panic.
We are in touch with her family.
Well send the baby away.
Dont worry. They say.
But they kept the baby still with me.
My husband works in Kuwait.
He doesnt know this issue at all.
Which issue?
The Dubai ladys death?
No, no.
-That I consented to surrogacy.
My husband says he will come
and take me to Kuwait.
My VISA is also processed.
I didnt know
what to do with the baby
Take your son.
He cried himself to sleep.
This baby?
Its the same baby boy.
Please, sir.
Somehow you must
Just a minute
-There is no one in the office, right?
-Right now, no one.
EO said he will come.
Okay. Tell me if he comes.
Comelets sit in the other room.
Sit down.
Tell me now.
Why have you come to me?
To hand over this baby to you.
To me?
How can you give me?
Look. Whether you agree or not,
we both are his parents.
How can you give him to me?
This is not correct.
I was in confusion all these days
not knowing what to do.
But I have to go back to my husband now.
Please, try to understand.
I cant take the baby with me.
If my husband comes to know,
it will be a huge problem.
Its a problem for me too.
Its my wedding tonight.
Imagine when this comes out!
Its wrong!
You sort it out with the doctor.
I am in no way connected.
Why dont you do that?
I cant deal with it anymore.
I will leave the baby here.
-I have lots of things to take care of.
-Please, wait. Please, wait.
Let me call my cousin.
Please wait.
-Why try it on me?
-It should match, right?
You know nothing.
Hmm, okay!
Hey, Bala!
I was about to call you.
-In the same design and same colour...
-My wife is on a shopping spree for your wedding.
You must foot the bill though.
Hey, just meet me
and I will give you a strong one.
What happened?
Hey, I kept refusing that day.
That lady from Dubai died.
-Is dead?
-Who died?
-His buffalo died.
Now this lady wants to give the baby to me
because no one is responding.
How can she do that?
Dont agree.
Tell her you will approach the police.
Hey! Have you lost your senses?
You said this is illegal and we can face
jail time if anyone comes to know.
Hey, is this colour better or this one?
Any colour goes with your skin tone.
Really? Then, I will take both.
I simply said that.
That will scare them off.
But be stern.
I will talk to the hospital in the mean time.
Okay, bye!
-Shall I select something for you?
-Buy me two pairs of underwear.
Why two?
One will do.
-One underwear.
-Which brand?
Not at all possible.
I will approach the court.
-I will file a police case.
-Good! Do that.
We will get some conclusion.
I am not able to bear this tension.
Till then keep your son with you.
Its not that.
I am getting married this evening.
How can I handle this now?
Have you any pity?
Thats why I waited with patience
all these days.
But please try to understand.
You are only getting married.
I am already married.
Sir, EO sir is here.
He wants you to open the door.
I dont care about that.
I am handing him over to you.
Take care of him.
Please, wait.
Do one thing.
Come home with me.
Ill call my friend there.
Lets sit and discuss it.
-Its not like that.
-Please, come.
-Please, try to understand.
-Dont say anything. Come. Please.
Come. Take this.
Bulli Venkatrao is making a big issue.
-Has he no daughters?
-He had one. She eloped with someone.
-He has been so depressed ever since.
Uh she is my friends wife, sir.
She came in the hot sun.
I made her sit in your room
since it has AC.
Please come for the wedding in the evening, sir.
Mr Daniel and others are already there.
Lets go.
Okay, sir.
There is something fishy in the ac room.
You set me thinking, sir.
Oh! What is it that you liked
so much in him?
He is a very nice person.
A very, very nice person.
Bala is not just his name.
He is also very child-like.
His past, present, future it is all me.
I am the first girl in his life.
Over all, my guy is an unblemished
pearl in character.
Hey, careful, careful!
You will fall!
Hey! Why are you standing
around like a king?
-Serve everyone tea.
-Okay, mom.
Hey, where were you?
-Mom, that
Your aunt from Bhimavaram is here.
She has been asking about you.
-How are you?
-Hey, who is this girl?
-Bangalore Sekhar I always talk about?
-His wife.
When did Sekhar marry?
Your son?
He is so cute, isnt he?
There he is!
You were all eyes for your son-in-law.
I hope you wont take him away.
Who is this girl?
-His friend, Sekhar?
-From Vijayawada?
His wife and son.
Oh! Ah!
-Aw, aw!
-Oh, heavens!
Even Bala used to outstretch his arms
just like this.
Why talk about my childhood, dad?
Aha! Brother-in-law!
I dont know what you would do.
By next year your daughter and son-in-law
should place a boy like this in my hands.
Dad, actually
she has just come.
First talk to your father-in-law.
Or he might sulk and go away.
Ill talk to him.
-Lets go, brother-in-law. Lots of work.
-Please, sit. I will be right back.
Let us sit, brother.
-Mom, please take her inside.
-Come. Have some upma.
-I will be back. Carry on. Please.
Namaste. Please sit.
You sit.
-This is my brother Mr Ramachandra Rao.
-He is my friend, guide, and philosopher.
He is the reason behind my success.
What about Bhagyalakshmi?
Uh, he raised Bhagyalakshmi too.
I just wanted to introduce you.
He praises me to skies.
But I was informed of the wedding
only a day early.
Its okay.
I just want Bhagyalakshmi to be happy.
I heard only good things about you.
-Stay in the room. I will be right back
-Okay, aunty.
You are his son-in-law
So, you are as good as mine.
Why is he here?
Thats why look
for my future son-in-law,
this is a small gift.
-One minute.
How long have you been there?
How come you are here?
I heard they are from Bangalore.
I have my relatives there.
They are not from Bangalore, sir.
They are from around Bangalore.
Oh! Hmm.
Mr Daniel was looking for you.
Oh, I will go.
I just wanted to chat.
Mom is calling you.
Please, come.
I will be back, sir.
Hey, Vasu! Come here once.
Hey, what is it?
Please take care of her for a while.
I will be right back.
-Hey, why do you guys dump everything on me?
-Its not like that.
She is our guest.
We must attend to her.
-Just for a while
-Fine. Go ahead, I will take care.
-Please come.
-I didnt come here to sit.
No, no. I will come back immediately.
Please, sit inside.
Hey, whats the matter?
What happened?
Hey, I have been trying since then.
No one is taking the call.
Do something, man.
I am in soup here.
Hey, dont worry.
You have me. I will take care.
Where are you now?
-At home.
-What about the girl?
-I took her home.
Why did you take her home?
What do you want me to do?
I took her to the office
but the EO saw me.
Okay. Dont panic.
I have just started for Vizag.
I will somehow set it right.
-Okay. Do something.
This is not nice, Bala.
Why, sir? What happened?
What do you mean what happened?
Only your school and college
friends are friends?
Arent office colleagues friends?
Dont we deserve parties?
Tell me what you want.
I will ask my people to bring it.
Is that enough?
What about company?
Our EO sir is here.
No way.
I am not going to drink with that pest.
Hey, Bala! Shyam is making a scene.
You must control him.
Come on, come!
Just now
No, no, no!
I dont think Bala knows the system.
-See this.
-Pass me that sari.
-These two go well for the wedding.
Your advice has no value here.
Come. Pack our luggage.
Lets go.
-What happened, brother-in-law?
-What more?
He informs me just one day
before the wedding.
The groom pushes me away
when I am presenting him a chain.
There seems to be no respect.
Chantis son bought a phone recently.
What was the phone?
Apple phone.
He called me and said,
Uncle, I am making the first call to you.
I had tears in my eyes.
Thatthats respect.
Get ready.
How can you leave, brother?
We are from the brides side.
We should overlook some things.
Is that why you overlooked
when your son-in-law pushed me?
I deserve this.
You taught me a lesson for raising you
like my own brother.
Listen, listen. Look!
Bring Mr Subbaiah
and others along with us.
-Okay, sir!
-You can make one more trip for the others.
The boys will come on their bikes. Huh?
Mr Venkatrao!
Who arranged all these cars?
Who else?
We did.
Our Veerababu
Why are you standing there
like a pillar?
Come on.
Come and load the luggage.
Didnt your co-father-in-law arrange it?
I didnt want to burden him.
How can you be so soft?
They will take you for granted.
I say this with experience.
Yes, yes.
-Husband! Make him sit inside.
-Come, come.
-Sit right there.
-Come on, come on.
-Get down and then get in.
-Get in, get in.
-Please bring her along carefully.
-Okay. Go ahead.
You sit!
They will come. You carry on.
Bring her.
Please, come.
Its okay. Come.
Hey, your pallu is caught there, check!
You just wear saris
and then notice nothing.
Stop shouting and get in.
After your father died,
if I didnt take care of you,
would you be so successful?
Hmm. Okay, fine.
Its your daughter and your family.
I dont mind you ignoring me.
But pay attention to them.
Your son-in-law will be here.
Wash his feet and sprinkle the water
on your head.
Please, come, brother-in-law.
Come, come.
Please come in.
Wait, wait, wait.
What sort of reception is this?
Is this how you receive the grooms family?
We are treating you better than
you treated us.
What treatment?
What have you done for us?
We have arranged for our own cars.
We took care of the band and catering.
You should at least receive us properly!
This is not correct.
Whats the problem now, dad?
We just have to go in. Lets go.
Quiet. You dont know anything.
Dont second whatever they do.
No washing of feet.
No sandal paste
No, no! What is this?
What is it now?
You want the feet to be washed, right?
-Hey, hey, Bala!
-Oh, no! Son-in-law!
Stupid fellow! Not you!
They should be washing your feet.
He is embarrassing me.
Why is he so different?
-What does it matter, dad?
Sorry, sir. Please, forgive me.
I was in a hurry in the morning
and couldnt pay attention to you.
Hey, come on!
I never felt bad.
After all you are our son-in-law.
I wanted to give you this in the morning.
I couldnt.
Let me give it to you now.
What is this, Hanumatha Rao?
Is this how you receive the grooms side?
You disgraced our family.
Dont take anything to heart.
Come inside, first.
This is a gentlemans talk.
See and learn.
My brother doesnt know these things.
-Please, come. Come inside!
-When will he learn?
Lets go, dear!
How is the sweet?
They are from his uncle's shop.
I don't mind eating.
Hey, you digest nothing unless
you eat in front of him?
Mom, is Buchi here?
I dont know.
I didnt see him from morning.
Here. Drink this milk.
You cant eat anything
until the wedding is over. Drink it!
Okay. If he comes,
ask him to see me.
Why are you after Buchi?
Is he going to live with Buchi
instead of his wife?
He is so anxious for Buchi.
We dont count for him..
Mr Venkatrao,
lentils in the lunch was delicious.
Hey, where did you disappear?
-He has been agitated since morning.
-Where is he?
-He is in the room.
-How are the arrangements?
Its your friends wedding.
That much is expected. -I can see.
Do you think Tadipatri Suryarao
could match this?
How could he?
You are something else!
Why dont you tell me
about the dowry?
-Hey, Bala!
-Hey, where the hell were you?
-Come inside, first.
Wait a minute.
First, tell me what happened exactly.
The doctor sounds evasive.
When I confronted him-
You signed a paper that day, right?
You signed it as her husband.
Projecting you both as a couple with a
pregnancy issue and opting for surrogacy
he entered both your details
in the record.
He made sure he is completely safe.
-I told you, didnt I?
-You did.
I refused to sign!
Dont worry.
After your wedding,
go to Ooty for honeymoon.
I will take care of the girl.
I will put her up in the next town
for two days.
But switch off your phone.
If she tries to be adamant
I will threaten her
How is my cousin responsible?
Do whatever you want.
What can she do?
She has to leave for Kuwait anyway.
She will go along with the kid.
We will be safe.
Somehow I feel this is not right.
This is definitely right.
I did suspect!
That something like this will happen.
No way will I trust anyone now.
I will go right now
and inform your family.
-Something seems off.
-How well you are planning!
-What? What will you do?
I didnt agree to it, right?
He didnt agree to it yet!
-Shut up.
-But I cant.
If you try to betray me,
I will not keep quiet.
I am as guilty as you are
in this boys birth.
Thats why I looked
after him till now.
I have come to you now
because I am helpless.
He is born to both of us.
I never denied it.
That baby boy is his.
-Priest! Here.
Bring the groom quickly.
-I will call him right now. Go, go.
-Dont be so stingy.
-Think like me. Work gets done.
-Hello! Where is your friend?
Why does he take so long to get ready?
They are calling him.
He is in the middle of some issue.
Hell come. Please wait.
What issue?
Not a big issue.
Some lady came with a baby boy
and claims the groom to be the father.
Tell them he will come as soon as
the issue is sorted. Please go.
Oh, my! A boy!
The groom has a pre-marital affair.
-He even has a son!
Sister Lalitha!
The groom is already married.
He even has a son!
The groom is already married.
He even has a son.
Anyway, your boy is obedient.
Our Naidus son
They sent him to America for studies.
And he came back with a wife and a son.
Mr Naidu sold the rice mill
for what his son did.
Brother-in-law! Our boy is not like that.
-Yes. You are right. Correct.
-I was a strict disciplinarian.
Even now he is marrying this girl
on my insistence.
-Yes, yes! Comecheers
-Cheers, cheers
Mr Venkatrao!
Your first daughter-in-law came
with her son and is making a scene.
What first daughter-in-law?
We are drinking but he is getting inebriated.
The lady your son brought in the afternoon
seems to be your daughter-in-law.
She says the boy is your sons.
There is a big issue going on there.
-Get lost.
-Lets go. Lets go.
-Move. Come on.
-Where is he?
-He is inside, uncle.
Hey, Bala!
-He is your responsibility now.
-It's time for my bus.
-Bala! -Its not that, madam.
-Wait! One minute!
Who are you?
What have you got to do
with my son? Huh?
-Mrs Sailaja! Please!
-Hey! Who is this girl?
-Dad, please hold him.
-What what?
-Mrs Sailaja!
-Who is this?
-I believe its your grandson.
How can he be my grandson?
Mrs Sailaja! Madam!
-Please stop.
-Hey, hey, hey!
Who is the girl?
Nothing like that, mom.
She is a Christian?
Oh! She is a Christian.
She is not even from our community.
Why did you do this? Huh?
She is not a Christian, mom.
Your wedding starts in ten minutes
and why are you following her?
Huh! What is all this?
Tell me!
Dad its nothing like that.
I will tell you. Please wait.
Both of you tell us.
How can all this happen without
your knowledge?
This is a drama by father-son duo.
Hey, stop!
What do you mean drama?
Hold him once. Hold him.
What do you take the Boradas for?
What is there to think?
Its all crystal clear.
-Father-in-law, please once-
-Dont you call me that!
First, come out with the truth.
What truth?
Where is he?
Hey, idiot!
You are always next to him.
Didnt you advise him?
I was telling him the same thing, uncle.
Who are you?
You knew this earlier,
didnt you?
She even learnt the prawn curry for you.
Why did you do this?
Hey! Stop your prawn nonsense.
-Is that important now?
Hey, Hanumantha Rao!
Hey, get up.
I am right here.
-You could have called me.
-Its not that, brother.
-I will talk to him. You wait.
-Okay, go ahead.
Hey, gentleman!
You were infuriated because
we didnt wash your feet.
Show your maturity now.
Hey, do you hear them?
-Tell us what you did.
-What do I say-
If you all can come inside for ten minute,
I will explain everything clearly.
No one will go inside.
An image tarnished in public
should be cleared in public.
-Its not that, sir.
-Whatever you want to say, say it right here.
When you are not at fault, why should
you be scared, Bala?Say it right here.
Sir, please wait, sir.
What is all this, Bala?
Everyone says he is your son.
Is he your son?
Or not?
Speak up!
Is he your son or not?
-Tell them he is not your son.
-Swear by me and say it he is not your son.
-Its not like that, mom.
-Speak, Bala!
They are asking you something.
Yes. He is my son!
But its not what you think, Bhagyalakshmi!
You have done enough damage.
What is left to say now?
Uncle! Our guys are
having drinks downstairs.
Shall I place the plates?
What plates?
He has already placed a huge plate
for all of us together.
What is there to see?
Lets go.
You should be blamed.
You were mad about his government job
and forced me into this.
What did I do?
You dragged Borada Venkatraos
name through mud.
Come now!
Why are you standing around? Come!
As soon as you received a proposal,
without any enquiry or foresight,
you fixed the wedding!
We made enquiries, brother.
You did? Keep quiet.
You informed me of the wedding
just one day in advance.
Cant I imagine how well
you must have enquired?
Our ancestors said check seven generations
before a wedding.
When you are ignorant,
at least involve elders like us
and we would take care.
Okay, brother!
-Do take care nonsense.
-I meanwe will check properly and do.
Listen, pack those laddoos and kaza.
We can use them for the baby shower
of Chantis daughter next week.
When the groom was all flustered
in the morning, I had my doubts.
I should have become alert then.
I brushed them aside thinking
you would have taken all care.
Hey, pack those saris and blouse pieces.
We can give them to Chantis daughter.
Why dont you say anything?
Okay. Lets pack them.
Do that.
You have instructed anyway.
We will make a move, aunty.
Why do you want to leave in the dark?
Why dont you go tomorrow after breakfast?
The wedding is canceled.
My husband took leave for two days.
My son also has his exams.
Why to waste time-
Of course!
He has to write the first class exams
and become a Collector.
When Bala comes home,
dont say anything, uncle.
You were very strict in raising him.
Thats why he must be scared to tell you.
We will make a move.
See you, aunty.
-Lets go.
-Bye, aunty.
When he was a child,
he used to steal bidis
from his dads pocket and smoke.
Now he is preaching me
on how to raise kids.
Its gone!
The reputation of Borada Apparaos family
is totally gone today.
Who will step into this house again?
-Why this garlands?
-Why why this decoration?
-Husband! Husband, dont!
Please dont remove the festoons
in the middle of the night.
-Its bad luck.
-What can be worse?
The worst has happened..
Can I ever walk like earlier
in the Gandhi statue center?
Hey! I should actually
Give him some milk.
I think he is hungry.
I never expected this from Bala.
You should have pulled him up.
I withheld myself because
the girl could be lying.
-What else do you want to know?
She came with a kid in hands.
But why are you supporting Balu?
Tell me the truth.
-Didnt you know this earlier?
-No way.
-Would I keep quiet if I knew?
I wont allow such injustice to the girl
or let the issue get this far.
I would have pulled him up then and there.
I was shocked myself.
Thats why never go by soft looks.
But you look softer.
Anyway, keep a hold on roaming with Bala.
Dont encourage him to come home.
We can get rid of him.
You never know what he is up to.
Why do you always talk
about your friend, Madhubala?
Our Bala is here.
Make some coffee.
Oh! No milk at home?
Thats fine.
I curse myself for trusting you.
Dont you want coffee?
Thats fine.
Damn you!
Hey, Bala!
I will explain to you
what Bala had done.
What else is there to know?
He ruined our reputation.
My heart aches for what he has done.
Is it here, uncle?
It must be gastritis.
It comes from over eating.
-Like fritters, ragada
I am not such a fool
not to know gastritis from chest pain.
You are not.
Give your stupid medical advice
to the others. Not to me.
Hey, do you know what he did?
The Gundam family called him to attend
to the mother who had fever
and he gave the injection to the infant.
He is so efficient.
Now he is trying to advise me.
All things said and done, uncle
Is there a man in our town
who can beat you at words?
See that?
Okay, tell me.
You wanted to say something.
I was going to say it, uncle.
You are an expert at everything.
You are aware of our epics.
-You mean Mahabharatha, Ramayana?
In those epics, In those days,
when kings and queens had no children,
they turned to sages and maharshi's
for advice, right?
The sages would come
and bless the queen with a child.
Bala did something like that.
The thing is
There is a queen like person in Dubai.
She has no kids.
So our sage-like Bala blessed her
with a child.
The only difference is
You call him a sage?
Our boy is a saint.
-But the thing is
-You will get it from me.
Are you supporting the nasty thing he did?
What is it, husband?
What does he say?
Some lady from Dubai wanted a child.
Our son spent a day with her and-
-he gave it.
What kind of mindset is that?
Dont say a word.
I will beat the crap out of you.
-Quiet, uncle. Hear me out.
-Balu never met the lady.
How would he have a son
without meeting her?
I am a father of two sons.
Dont I know?
What you have done is a dirty job.
And you are trying to describe it.
I will skin you alive
If you come back with
such dirty words again
That uncle!
Are they unable to understand?
Am I unable to explain?
I just dont understand.
You did a nasty job.
And then you draw a comparison
with sages and epics.
You will be cursed.
Idiots! Idiots!
You are lucky to find it out
before the wedding.
If this came out after the wedding,
we would have been in soup.
Sister, tell brother-in-law
not to spare him at all.
I will give this back to you in the evening.
-How long are you going to sit like this?
-How are you sir?
-Have something.
-Is madam home?
She is inside.
Please go in.
-Greetings, mother-in-law.
-Shut up!
Who is your mother-in-law?
Its not that, aunty.
Arent you ashamed to come here?
We wanted to talk about
what happened last night.
What you did at the venue
was not good enough?
You came all the way home now!
Dont take my daughters name ever.
I wont spare you. Get lost!
Get out, first.
-Please hear us out.
-We had a quiet life till last night.
-Thanks to you, we have lost our reputation.
-It's not that.
Get out!
You wont find peace.
You will be ruined.
Dont stand here shamelessly.
Get out!
Why doesnt she listen to us?
Too much.
Bala! Leave it.
At least you listen to me, Bhagyalakshmi.
I dont care what the others think.
You are important to me.
I didnt do anything, Bhagyalakshmi.
You are angry as usual, arent you?
You will come back in two days,
wont you?
I know.
Hey, hey!
How dare you come and make a scene
when there are no men at home?
Stop! Wait, wait.
This is my chain.
You were pretty fast to take it yesterday.
-Dont think its all over with this.
-Come on.
Sorry, Bala.
I never foresaw such damage.
I will somehow
get you out of this problem.
Lets go, I will take care!
The world without you
seems like hell all around
I feel deep inside
anguish thats fathomless
Time that played a wedge
chases me away
Before the next step
the story has changed
Again and again the tired heart
keeps calling you in silence
A commotion rocked
the shore it has merged into
Broken and with eyes welling up
at an invisible distance
Won't the lovely past
ever come back?
Go away, distance
Is it a crime to be together?
Is this a thread that can be broken?
This love never grows apart
Is silence my flaw?
Is it an imperious curse?
I shall wait all my life
I sent all the reports on what'sapp.
Yes, sir?
-Is the Dr Daivaprasadam available?
-No, sir.
-Has Daivaprasadam returned?
-No, sir. We dont know when he will come.
-I have come to give blood.
-Hey, Buchi! -What is the hurry?
Its a sin, man.
Thats why I will admit him
with my own hands.
Let me bear the sin.
Hey, Bala!
I cant bear to see you in this position.
No, no! I will take care of him.
Its only until his family comes from Dubai
as the doctor said.
Give me the baby.
I will take real good care of him.
Chuck it! Even if no one comes, its fine.
I will take care of him myself.
Why should he be made to live here
because of our selfishness?
Dont ever give me such stupid ideas.
What sort of drink is this?
It gives no kick at all!
Chicken manure seems to be lucky for him.
He is spending a lot on his sons wedding.
This is doesnt look like a wedding
in his home.
Its like pointing to my failure.
If your son were more disciplined,
what is this man before you?
Stop it.
He is a youngster.
It is a mistake of his age.
As if we were any less at that age.
Whatever happened has happened.
Bring your daughter-in-law home.
Things will fall into place.
Dont bother about all these things.
-Get the girl home, first.
Where are you going, brother-in-law?
I will relieve myself and come.
But why that way?
The staircase is this way!
He said the drink had no effect?
Hey, Bala!
-Please come upstairs once.
Why do you want him upstairs now?
Strike when its hot.
Tell him, brother-in-law.
Why do you stare, brother-in-law?
Tell him!
I wont say anything.
Get the girl home.
I will speak to your mom.
Which girl?
Dont test my patience.
How many do you have?
-You dont seem to understand what I say.
-Dont say anything else.
We will speak to the
girls family if necessary.
Seeyour dad himself has agreed.
-Uncle, you
-Go and get the girl.
-Bah! I drank too much.
-Brother-in-law! Do I smell?
First stop asking me that.
Every day nuisance.
I dont know if my wife
opens the door or not.
-Bring her. Bring her.
Ill take care.
Go bring her.
Try to stay calm, madam.
If you get hypertensive,
it will become a health issue.
How can I be calm
when my daughters life is falling apart?
They will be ruined! Idiots!
Ever since I saw the two rogues yesterday,
I have palpitations,
stress and weakness.
What is my BP?
Dad! Everything is fine.
I said I will take care.
Ill take care.
You will be fine.
-Your name?
-I will inform mom. She will take you.
-How old is the baby?
-Nine months.
Nine months!
Take this.
Please, sit there. I will call you.
Okay. Can you see
that my turn comes faster?
Okay, sir!
Is the doctor in?
-No, maam. She will come in the evening.
Doctor asked me to keep the baby
there for an hour.
Men are not allowed inside.
Only ladies are allowed.
I dont have any ladies with me.
It takes time for them to come.
Just an hour. Thats all.
No. Mothers are feeding
their babies inside.
They will be uncomfortable if you go in.
You take him then.
I will wait here for an hour.
Should I do my duty or yours?
Already, our lady doctor is cranky.
-Its not that. My son is crying a lot.
-Not possible.
-I brought him so far because he is not well.
-I tell you repeatedly. Why don't you get it?
-No matter how much you request, not possible.
-Please dont say that.
You cant say not possible
-Can I go?
-Yes, you can.
Okay, he is fine.
He is fine.
They want him back
for a general check up after a week.
Bring the babys mother at least next time.
Bhagi! Bhagi!
Please wait.
Bhagi, please listen to me.
What should I listen to?
When you were in love with her,
and married her,
why did you see me?
Why did you say you loved me?
Why did you take me
to the point of wedding?
Because it was you I loved.
It was you I wanted to marry.
And it was with you
that I wanted to spend my life, Bhagi.
He was born out of my sperm donation.
Not the way you think, Bhagi.
So, what about the girl?
She will never come back.
This poor baby?
He wont leave till my death.
Bah! World is full of men.
Why should you end up giving it?
I didnt know I would be so unlucky
when I gave it.
I was coming to your home
to tell you that.
No one paid me attention.
What would you tell them, Bala?
That you had a son before marriage.
That he was born through some method.
Give me your daughters hand
and all three of us will live happily.
Tell them this and who would accept?
Why did you do this, Bala?
When our wedding was canceled,
do you know how much I cried?
How many dreams we had?
No kids for two years.
Only you and I.
When you destroy them all at once,
how does it feel, Bala?
Why did you tell me all this?
Till now...
I was thinking you cheated some girl
and then was about to cheat me.
You were an evil person in my mind.
Why did you tell me this
and become a good man again?
What should I do now?
Anger on one hand
compassion on the other
Wont this confusion end?
Its not even a moment
and the dream has melted away
Tears begin to weep uncontrollably
Should I give him up
and stay in the truth?
Should I ally his resolve
and erase the past?
Go away, distance
Is it a crime to be together?
Is this a thread that can be broken?
This love never grows apart
Go away, distance
Is it a crime to be together?
This love never grows apart
Make that alliance fix and make it done.
Lets tell her.
Okay the proposal I brought
and invite them for engagement.
Whatever you do, always do it for others.
Do nothing for me.
No dad!
Bala is innocent, dad.
He has no connection anyone as you think.
Stop taking his name.
Marry the boy I bring.
Its good, if you listen to me this time.
I dont know what you will do.
The Losettis got sent their son-in-law
to prison, remember?
Is it possible to do that?
Hey, brother!
Police case?
Are we not done with our defamation?
I will die bribing the department.
Hey, wait.
What? Why are you barging in
as if you are my son-in-law?
I wanted to talk to you.
We wont listen to you
and we wont be convinced.
We realized you are a cheat.
If he was deceptive,
he wouldnt admit the baby was his.
He would have told some lie
and got married.
What? You are at fault
and still raise your voice! Huh?
-No raising. Its the truth.
-Hey, one minute.
Knowingly or unknowingly,
your family has suffered a lot
because of me, sir.
There is no point in explaining
how it happened or why it happened.
I cant return the honor your family
lost because of me.
Give it to me.
But, I can reimburse
all the expenses of the wedding.
Do we look money-minded to you?
Keep it on the vehicle and go.
Please forgive me.
I wont disturb you again.
I have nothing of yours with me
other than this.
Lets go!
You were hasty for no reason.
Sailaja's issue would have been
resolved in two days.
Hello, friends!
Welcome to Facebook Live!
You must have watched
crimes and atrocities on TV.
But today I stream it to you live!
Do you know
what the wonderful monstrosity is?
Our EO sirs engagement.
There! The wedding party is here!
Come on!
Wow! It looks very festive here.
The wedding arrangements are in full swing.
The bridegrooms car is approaching.
Ah! Dashing groom!
Come, come!
Come, come!
What is this, Mr Daniel?
Why all this celebration?
You got into an alliance overnight.
You are getting engaged by the morning.
What am I compared to you?
Come, come.
Wait, wait, sir.
Hi, friends!
We seek your blessings for our EO
who is getting engaged today.
Greet them, sir.
Hi! Hi, friends!
Why all this?
You are finally getting married, sir.
The whole town should hear of it.
I arranged live streaming on Facebook.
You actually like the idea.
But you blush on the outside.
-Namasthe Father-in-law!
-This was planned overnight.
-So we couldnt make better arrangements.
-Thats fine. Thats fine.
My brothers son-in-law is as good as mine.
Thats why here
this small gift for you.
A small favour, sir.
Come, come.
Please come inside.
-Lets go.
-Lets go.
Why is he in the way?
Wow, we are getting unbelievable likes.
-Take it.
Mother-in-law served him something.
EO sir is putting the sweet aside.
And is about to eat boondi.
He is 40+. So he is being careful.
-Hey! Is that necessary?
-Live update, sir.
They should know
what is happening here.
See? 234 people are watching.
Sir, sir. Did you see the comment?
Tailor Suribabu
He says Your EOs clothes are really nice.
-He tailored these clothes.
-Hey, nauty Suribabu.
-Who is the bride groom?
Its already quite late.
Call the bride quickly.
We cant avoid such things
-How can he say that?
-Dont bother.
We cant find the girl.
-What? What happened?
-She is not inside.
-Friends! Interesting twist!
-Where did she go?
Not willing to marry our EO,
the bride has jumped with Bala.
What do we do now, brother?
Hey, keep all the sweets and snacks inside.
-Send the saris and blouse pieces
to Mr Kotaiahs shop. -Oh damn!
-Hey, Hanumanth Rao!
-What about my fee?
Sir, sirThey want to see your reaction.
Favour, favour
-Did they tell you she eloped with Bala?
-No, sir.
I added it to make it
more interesting for the viewers.
See. The viewers increased
by a hundred after the twist.
-Please, get down.
-Is this the house?
Damn your silly pauses!!
This is the house. Get down!
I didnt respond when I had to.
I hope Bala wont murder me
as soon he sees me?
If you dont respond now,
I will have to murder you.
Get down.
Mr Venkatraos daughter-in-law is here.
What is it?
Mr Venkatrao!
Your daughter-in-law is here.
Hey! Did they tell you
she is the daughter-in-law?
They dont have to.
The whole town knows it.
This is how you ruined my cousins life.
Uncle! Speak.
What is this?
Have you any sense?
Where were you all these days? Huh?
If there is some clash between
my son and you, you should tell us.
How could you leave the baby and go?
Uncle, let me explain.
No, I wont.
Now things will happen as I say.
Why do you stand like a statue?
Speak up!
-Actually, sir
-What sort of a father are you?
You left your daughter to her fate!
-Oh, no. Its not that.
-Whatever happened has happened.
Forget everything
and accept your daughter-in-law inside.
Hey! Keep those clothes aside.
Put vermilion and take her inside.
Unlike you imagine
AhI understand
They are not into all this.
Wear it just once.
For our sake.
First time you are coming home
as our daughter-in-law.
So, you brought your daughter-in-law home.
Where is my daughter then?
-Are you drunk early in the morning?
Why would your daughter be here?
If your son didnt come to our house again,
my daughter would be in my house.
Your son has hypnotized her.
-My son came to your house?
Hey! Why would he go to their house?
Ahhe went to pay them some money.
So, you knew this earlier!
I dont know whats happening
in my own home!
No one heeds my words.
-I dont want to stay here anymore.
-Uncle! Uncle!
-He ruined Boradas reputation.
-Do you see that, brother?
-Oh damn!
Whats this?
Why does he lock himself up
without answering us?
Like a woman?
-Hey, please check.
-Open the door, uncle!
-There he is!
What is this, sir?
What happened?
Where did you hide my daughter?
What are you doing here, Madam Sailaja?
Dont look at me like that, Bala.
You can greet your wife
and father-in-law later.
-First tell us where you hid our girl.
-Tell us.
Bhagya what happened to Bhagya, sir?
Hey, you can find out later.
Come here.
-Your dad locked himself up.
Dad! Open the door!
-Who put him to sleep here?
-Mosquitoes are biting him.
Cant you wait till I open the door?
Why are you banging the door like that?
You locked yourself in.
I was scared.
I wanted to wear underpants
since I am talking to gentlemen.
You want me to wear them in the street?
Tell me now.
Why were you in a hurry?
-What is there to say?
-Go ahead.
Where did you hide my daughter?
First tell me what happened to Bhagi.
Why do you repeat my question to me?
Tell me!
Hey, why isnt Bala answering his phone?
He is not in a position to.
Tell me the matter.
Its not that.
Bhagyalakshmi is undergoing a surgery
in the hospital not to have children.
She already spoke to the chief doctor.
-Surgery is in an hour.
Hey, Bala!
Bhagyalakshmi is undergoing a surgery
in CMC hospital not to have kids.
What are you saying?
What? Why would my daughter
undergo surgery?
Hey, lets go.
Hello, Bala!
-Why do you run away without telling us?
- Move aside, sir.
I am asking you.
-Bala, Bala, Bala!
-Favour, sir!
EO sirs engagement episode
has now reached Balas house.
Hey, stop your nonsense.
This is no nonsense, sir.
Its Bala.
Brother, hop on.
-Lets follow them.
Lets go in this car.
Oh, ho! Do you see that?
Mr EO has unabashedly asked his future
father-in-law to get in to his car.
Father-in-law is to the drivers seat.
The Tiger claw father-in-law sat by his side.
-Balas father got in along with his grandson.
-Come here daughter-in-law!
-Get in!
-Get in, dear.
The car went past the statue centre
at lightning speed.
-Oh, no!
You are the main character.
Why are you left behind?
Come on. Come on!
Friends, they made an extra player of our EO
and left him in the middle of the road.
Sir, sir, they want your reaction
Why do you want this surgery so young?
When did you think of this?
When I saw Vijayashanti
in Swayamkrushi last night.
You made a decision based on a film?
You may find this foolish.
But its very important to me.
Tell me in case you are not willing.
-I will go to another hospital.
-Who are you?
-Maam, please, please.
Please respond.
Why dont you respond?
One minute.
What is it, Bhagi?
Why all this?
Dont talk to me.
I wont talk to you either.
What happened, Bhagi?
Leave me, Balu.
No one cares for me.
Not even you.
What is this, Bala?
Cant I take care of him for your sake?
I want you, Bala.
I want you. Thats all.
I thought if I did this,
my family would consent
to my wedding with you.
To marry you
-I couldnt find another way, Bala.
-Um hmm.
Unless it gets this far,
wont you react?
Sorry, Bhagi.
I didnt know
what to do and hurt you.
You can hug me tighter.
Tell me we will always be together like this.
We will be together.
Always like this together.
-What the heck!
Hey, Bhagyalakshi!
Have you gone mad?
You have your wife right here.
And what are you doing?
-Dont be upset. I will talk to him.
-Dad! Its not that.
-We found the girl.
You take your time.
Stop it!
Is this a hospital or a village fair?
-First, all of you leave.
-Dad, lets leave.
Why fifty rupees for the auto?
The hospital is very close.
Dubai ladys death spelled disaster for us.
I saw a number of cases in my service.
But something like this never happened.
Thats why in all the panic
I didnt know what to do
and remained passive.
When you do such things
you shouldnt panic.
You should be ashamed.
Make blood donation.
Food donation.
What sort of donation is this?
Donation, my foot!
Have we ever heard of such things?
Dont be so dismissive, sir.
So many couples across the world are happy
with kids because of your son.
Because of people like your son.
This is nothing new.
-We find it in our epics-
-Shut up!
Dont mention that again.
-He told me the same thing the other day.
-He was the one who told me.
Sorry. It was sir.
Why didnt you tell me that day?
Did you allow him to tell you?
Each one wrote a story to his liking.
He could have got rid of the boy
if he wanted.
But he didnt do it.
I dont know whether what I did
that day was right or wrong.
But I felt it was wrong
to give him up.
I stopped myself
from making that mistake.
So, you dont have an illicit affair
with this girl, Bala?
This bloody
Sorry, Mr Bala!
I was in a state of fear
and judged you wrong
and said something.
Forget all that.
What about the baby?
You dont have to worry about the boy.
We both came to a decision on that.
We will raise him.
What do you mean we?
What is she talking about?
Dont you still understand?
I will stay with Bala.
-Its not that. He is-
-Hey, Hanumanthu!
When the kids are stubborn,
what can we say?
Others talk about your sons affair
with some girl etc.
That is a better story.
Keep that real.
Dont let truth come out.
Its very nasty.
What, Hanumanthu?
Okay. You have agreed.
-What choice do I have?
-Its okay!
The boy is the only problem.
He is not naturally born of your son.
If you can leave him somewhere-
Why should he live somewhere?
We have our own house.
Four acres of land.
Cant we give him some?
It looks very little right now.
What if he wants half the property
when he grows up?
What does it matter?
If he is my brothers grandson,
he is my familys grandson.
Where is it?
You took the chain
very smoothly from me.
Return my chain.
Here. This is my first gift
to my grandson.
So, the tigers claw medal
was meant for him.
Okay. I will take care.
Dont worry.
Come, come.
Give your gifts that side.
have your meals this side.
-Brother, stop talking about gifts.
Hanuantha Rao!
Are you in your right mind?
Why did you choose someone
who already has a son?
That kid is not how we think.
Its different matter there.
Wait, Hanumanthu.
Yes, he has a son.
What do we care how he was born?
Its our girl. Our decision.
Why are you bothered?
For giving gifts go this side.
For meals go that side.
-Greetings. -Greetings.
For pastime check whether all the items
are served in the plates and tell me.
Go, go!.
What is this?
I didnt agree because we would face this.
You were too eager.
I didnt consent just like that.
Errwhat was that the boy did?
-I think its surrogacy
-Some gacy
I didnt understand what it was.
But childless people like me
can recognize its value.
He had no connection with the boy
and yet Bala didnt leave him.
Why would he leave our daughter?
-Wait, wait.
Dont get emotional and hug me and all.
Just as I told you,
be stiff with your co-father-in-law
and pretend you dont like this wedding.
Otherwise, he will take advantage of you.
No smiles and greetings
since morning, brother.
No backing down. Ah!
My mother-in-law gave this to me.
I am passing it to you now.
After marriage, do the job you like.
Wear the clothes you want.
-But I have a condition.
You must teach me
Hindi to follow Hindi series.
-Mr Venatrao!
Jackfruit biryani is so tasty.
Why wont it be?
He charged me 300 per plate.
Did you have ice cream?
Oh, no. Its cold.
So I didnt eat.
But if you gave betel leaf and nut
at the end, it would have been terrific.
Will do, will do.
See you.
We served 25 items.
He is missing betel nut. Idiot!
Thats how they think.
How do I address you after the wedding?
Husband or Bala?
Call me as you like.
I will call you Bala then.
I like that name.
When you call me by name,
I like my name better.
You like it. And you like it.
What is the problem?
Go ahead!
Music and selfie batch get ready.
Tie only three knots for bride.
Here it is.
Wait. Wait, wait.
Whats the problem now, dad?
They even washed my feet.
I have been watching since morning.
Not a smile. Not a wish.
This looks like a forced wedding.
Its not correct.
It wont work out.
Hey, Hanumanthu!
Didnt I ask you to forget the past?
Brother-in-law, I am also
your co-father-in-law.
-My brother is a cranky fellow.
-He turned the tables!
Please dont take it to heart.
Why do you glare?
That is called a gentlemans talk.
The auspicious hour is approaching.
Please continue what you are doing.
Hey, he has tinkled.
He wet his pants.
He had his revenge befitting his range.