Sweet Home (2015) Movie Script
Hey, babe.
Tonight... well, yeah,
I don't know, I'm exhausted.
Could we make it some
other night?
I'm just messing with you.
Happy birthday!
I called you like 27 times
and you never picked up.
No... we're not going to your
place, got a surprise.
Simon, it's your birthday.
Okay, okay, fine...
I'll cancel the reservation.
Do I get to buy some paninis
and some cheap ham...
or does that make you feel
uncomfortable, too?
Sorry. Yes, of course,
I understand.
I'm just trying to cheer you up.
Okay, at least trick your
housemates into going...
to the movies or something.
So... sorry, my battery
is about to die.
I'll swing by for you later,
I love you.
People think that rent control's
a privilege, I call it justice.
The price of rent
these days is crazy.
Tell me about it!
I've asked them time
and again to fix that.
They just ignore me.
It's really dangerous,
it could fall on you.
And there's no one else left
in the building?
No. No one.
A while back a couple tried
to do up the ground floor,
but the realtors
put a stop to it.
Said they were building an
illegal duplex.
And why was the renovation work
on the building stopped?
They thought that way I'd leave,
but they're sorely mistaken.
They even sent some squatters
in to make my life hell.
Who did?
Who do you think?
The realtors.
Haven't you been listening?
They want me out.
They want to tear
the building down.
They buy up old buildings and kick
out the old people living there.
They turn each apartment
into four or five,
then rent them for
a small fortune.
A great business!
But not me.
You're not going anywhere.
Ramon. The law's on your side.
And I'm giving the building
a favorable report.
The structure's not damaged.
But to be honest, I think you
should give in.
Well, well! And I thought you
were working for them, too.
Since there are no honest people
left in this country.
Yeah... look I know you don't
want to hear this...
but the situation's not likely
to improve.
This isn't much of a home anymore,
especially not out there.
I'm not leaving!
I see.
Could I have your card?
In case I think of anything else
to tell you.
Or, if something happens.
If anything happens, Ramon, you
should call the police.
I appreciate it.
Be sure to close the front door
properly. Please.
It's broken and anyone could
walk in.
Thank you.
Have a nice day.
You are scared of your own
Silly, you.
Stop, stop, stop! Look
at the mess you're making.
I tried to get them to go
to the cinema...
but they said with this weather, I
better just download something.
It's okay. We'll go
someplace else.
And don't say anything!
It hasn't cost me a cent.
Okay, all right.
Happy birthday.
You have to put this on.
Heh, you're joking.
No. It's my birthday surprise
and I'm totally serious.
Okay, all right.
So what, are we going?
Yeah, okay.
Ali, what are you doing?
Come on.
I'm really wet, you know?
Come on, okay, we're going.
-So, start walking.
Okay, good, stay here.
Give me a sec.
Now, go farther, yeah...
it's okay, it's okay.
Okay, I don't trust you!
Okay, I'm with you.
Now... one step.
-One more.
Ali, what's this?
Fit a bro and zero cost.
You like it?
Of course, yeah!
But where are we?
Yeah, I borrowed some keys.
Who's place is this?
Don't ask. Tonight it's ours,
okay? No more questions.
This is the nicest thing
anyone's ever done for me.
I swapped out the paninis
for my kid Ross.
Veg one, no cost.
And you know the best part
of Japanese food?
It doesn't get cold.
Tell me what
you're thinking about.
You've been in the dumps
for days now, something's wrong.
Nothing's wrong... really.
I don't like seeing you
like this.
Yeah, I don't know.
I'm sorry.
It's just that...
Sometimes I think it'd be nice to
go back and do things differently.
You know?
You can't keep going
on like this.
Well, I'm trying to stay
positive, I'm telling you.
I've got too much time to think.
I need a job. I need money.
It's not too late, Simon.
I told you a thousand times, you
should try going back into medicine.
It's not all that easy.
I think you'd be happier.
Yeah, well, I've got
to face the facts, okay?
I am a nurse. It's not
that bad, is it?
No, that's not what you want.
Well, today is not the day
to talk about this.
I don't want to think about it
now. It's your birthday.
Tah-dah! Happy birthday.
Fuck, honey, I told you,
no gifts.
Yeah, but...
I thought we had a deal.
You know how this makes me feel.
You already put the whole party
together, now you...
Shit... I am such a dick.
I'm sorry.
-Your mother.
-Not now.
She won't let up
until you answer.
Seriously, I'm sorry.
Hey, come here.
I'll go, take this
to light the way.
Ali! I'm sorry!
Well, hey!
What are you doing out here?
Hello! Come here.
You're shaking, poor thing!
You want to go upstairs?
Okay, I'll take you.
But you go in by yourself, okay?
Nice fucking job.
I'll go see if I can
find a dust pan.
Where did you find this genius,
I don't know, he looked smarter
to me the first time I saw him.
Hey, screw the dust pan, let's
Shit! It's in the car.
Please, Simon, don't come out!
There's no one in there.
Hey, hey, you stay here.
Be alert.
Get him!
What the hell's going on?
Shut up! Calm down!
You! Why the fuck are you
here? Who are you with?
I don't speak Spanish very well.
I don't understand.
Don't fuck with me.
Who else is here?
I'm by myself.
Bullshit. Who is Ali?
Ali, my cat. I was looking
for her.
Your cat, right? Cats don't
throw phones down stairs.
In beast, you be true... and where
is Ali? We don't have all night.
Where is it?
Help me! Please!
Is anyone there?
Somebody help!
Help! We're trapped!
He's not getting any better.
Your cat, right?
Don't lie to me again.
We've got to do something.
He's out cold!
He's a doctor.
This fuck is a doctor.
Shit. Do something,
come on!
Get up, you have an emergency,
Get up.
Get the fuck up!
I think he might have some kind
of spinal cord injury.
Moving him would be very
What the fuck are you saying?
I need this, okay?
See? He's got no feeling.
He needs to be mobilized and
taken to a hospital.
-The hospital.
No hospitals.
You fucking heard him! Just call
them and tell them what happened!
We're not calling anybody, okay?
They said it was only
going to be the old guy!
This shit is not
our problem now!
Could you use your goddamn head
for once, you fucking idiot?
Of course, it's our problem.
If they send someone, man,
we're fucked.
Why would they need us if we
didn't know how to do our job?
If we don't clean this up,
we are not getting paid.
Do the job and you get paid.
That was the deal.
Okay, I get it.
I'm gonna go see.
Keep an eye on him.
Something wrong?
Don't do anything stupid.
Emergency Services,
how can I help?
I... there are...
Me and my girlfriend, we're
locked inside a buil...
there are three men here.
They're trying to kill us.
You've gotta send someone.
Calm down, sir. I can't
understand you.
Tell me, what is your location?
I need you to tell me exactly
where you are. Sir?
I don't know.
I can't help you if I don't
know exactly where you are.
Thanks for taking care
of my brother.
Fuck! No!
No! No!
Are you okay?
Yeah, are you?
No, I'm not, I...
Who the fuck are these guys?
I think... I think they are
from the real estate agency.
They killed the old man.
The real estate agency,
what the fuck?
We need to get out of here!
No, wait!
The front door is stuck and all
the windows are bricked up.
We can't get out of here.
-Fuck! He's coming!
Come on! Come on!
What about the other guy?
He's dead!
Come on.
-What are you doing?
-We got the keys.
Hurry up!
Go, go, go, go! Come on!
Shit! Come on! He's coming!
Close the door! Close the door!
Close the door!
Open the fucking door!
What are you doing?
Agh! Agh!
Fuck! Holy fucking shit!
I'm going to fucking kill her!
Alicia, you bitch!
Calm down.
Hello? I know, I know.
I'm sorry for calling.
We've got a problem.
There were other people
in the building.
I don't know.
As well as the old man,
there was a couple.
No idea!
They must have snuck in.
Yeah, if you could send someone
I'd really appreciate it.
Of course, I'll wait here.
Got it. Thanks so much
and I'm really sorry.
Okay. Bye.
Let me take a look, okay?
Thanks for not pretending.
Yeah, you're losing
a lot of blood.
We need a 24-hour pharmacy.
Don't piss a little, okay.
I'm sorry about before.
How about you two come out
and we finish this?
What are you doing?
Leave us alone! Fuck!
What about the old man's flat? His
windows wouldn't be boarded, right?
Yeah, and how would we
get there?
What's going on in there?
Cut us some slack, okay?
Hey! What the fuck
is going on in there?
Simon... the duplex.
We're in the upper part.
What are you gonna do?
For now, get the blueprints out
of my purse, I'll be right back.
There's gotta be a way.
What about the basement?
Yeah, I thought about it.
We could get out to the
street through there,
but I don't have the
keys to that door.
Shit, this is a fucking
What... what about the roof?
I checked it out and it's
bricked off.
We could get out downstairs,
and try reaching the old man's
apartment and call for help.
And how do we get up to the third
floor without this guy seeing us?
By climbing the freight lift.
I don't know I'll be fit
for a hike.
Yeah, I know. You stay here.
I'll go faster alone, okay?
You can distract him.
I... I don't think this
is a good idea.
Yeah, me, neither.
Just make all the noise you can and
keep his mind off the lift, okay?
I don't know.
Trust me.
Be careful.
Let us out!
I already told you to come out.
I'm waiting here.
Stop with the fucking banging!
-Hold on!
-Fucking idiot, man.
Do you know how to say
that in Spanish?
Screw you!
Go fuck yourself!
Hey! Hey!
Hey! Fucking look up here!
Hey! Hey!
Up here! Fuck! Up here!
For fuck's sake!
Here! Fucking look up here!
Come on, Simon. Give me that!
Come on?
You're a tough guy?
You look like me, Simon?
Come on!
What the fuck?
Where do you think
you're going?
Hey! You're trapped!
Agh! You're trapped! Where do
you think you're going?
Fucking bitch! Agh!
How'd it go?
What happened?
Shut up, he'll hear us.
Who can hear us?
The back-up.
Who's that?
The old man from upstairs.
How did he get down here?
Don't ask.
Hey! I'm up here!
Someone come and help me!
I'm trapped!
Who the fuck is this guy?
I don't know.
Let's go upstairs.
It's about time! I've been stuck
here for half an hour!
One of them's inside.
I don't know where
the girl went.
Will you get a move on?
What are you doing, man?
Hey! No!
What's he doing?
Run! Down the stairs! Run!
How are we gonna get out
of here?
What's going on?
He found the keys
to the basement.
The lift, it's got electricity.
If there's electricity, maybe the
emergency intercom's working.
We could use it to call
for help.
We'll be in the middle
of the building.
He'll hear us, he'll see us.
What about trying to steal the
guys to the basement off him?
Yeah, he won't see us that way.
I can't climb up there.
Yes, you can.
No, I can't.
Simon, doing nothing
is not an option.
Just sitting here,
I'm telling you,
it's only a matter of
time before he finds us.
We'll climb up the
shaft, call for help,
and lock ourselves
in on the third floor.
That why we'll buy some time
before they come help us.
What if the intercom
isn't working?
How about this?
Let me help you.
Was there no other color?
If I don't get to
a hospital soon,
I don't think there are
gonna be many more birthdays.
We're getting out of here...
I promise you.
When he starts to knock
the door down, we go, okay?
Hey... sorry.
For what?
For this crappy birthday.
I'm sorry I was such a dick.
Thank you for my present.
Yeah, it's pretty useful, right?
I love you.
Me, too.
Let's go.
It's not working.
Let's go, Ali.
No, wait.
He's gonna find the hatch.
Let's get inside.
We've still got time.
It's gotta be a loose wire
or something.
It's not gonna work, Ali,
come on!
-Quit shouting.
I'm not shouting. If this
doesn't work, we'll go, okay?
Run, Simon! Hurry up!
Come on, Simon, come on.
Come on.
Simon, come on! Simon!
Simon, what are you doing?
Come on!
I can't move.
I'm not gonna make it.
-Leave! Go!
I won't leave without you!
Come on!
I'm sorry, honey. I can't.
You have to go.
I love you.
Please go.
I love you.
Please don't hurt her.
I need help!
My god.
We're leaving, Simon.
We're leaving.
What happened?
This is disgusting!
Go to hell!
Son of a bitch! Mother fucker!
Hey, babe.
Tonight... well, yeah,
I don't know, I'm exhausted.
Could we make it some
other night?
I'm just messing with you.
Happy birthday!
I called you like 27 times
and you never picked up.
No... we're not going to your
place, got a surprise.
Simon, it's your birthday.
Okay, okay, fine...
I'll cancel the reservation.
Do I get to buy some paninis
and some cheap ham...
or does that make you feel
uncomfortable, too?
Sorry. Yes, of course,
I understand.
I'm just trying to cheer you up.
Okay, at least trick your
housemates into going...
to the movies or something.
So... sorry, my battery
is about to die.
I'll swing by for you later,
I love you.
People think that rent control's
a privilege, I call it justice.
The price of rent
these days is crazy.
Tell me about it!
I've asked them time
and again to fix that.
They just ignore me.
It's really dangerous,
it could fall on you.
And there's no one else left
in the building?
No. No one.
A while back a couple tried
to do up the ground floor,
but the realtors
put a stop to it.
Said they were building an
illegal duplex.
And why was the renovation work
on the building stopped?
They thought that way I'd leave,
but they're sorely mistaken.
They even sent some squatters
in to make my life hell.
Who did?
Who do you think?
The realtors.
Haven't you been listening?
They want me out.
They want to tear
the building down.
They buy up old buildings and kick
out the old people living there.
They turn each apartment
into four or five,
then rent them for
a small fortune.
A great business!
But not me.
You're not going anywhere.
Ramon. The law's on your side.
And I'm giving the building
a favorable report.
The structure's not damaged.
But to be honest, I think you
should give in.
Well, well! And I thought you
were working for them, too.
Since there are no honest people
left in this country.
Yeah... look I know you don't
want to hear this...
but the situation's not likely
to improve.
This isn't much of a home anymore,
especially not out there.
I'm not leaving!
I see.
Could I have your card?
In case I think of anything else
to tell you.
Or, if something happens.
If anything happens, Ramon, you
should call the police.
I appreciate it.
Be sure to close the front door
properly. Please.
It's broken and anyone could
walk in.
Thank you.
Have a nice day.
You are scared of your own
Silly, you.
Stop, stop, stop! Look
at the mess you're making.
I tried to get them to go
to the cinema...
but they said with this weather, I
better just download something.
It's okay. We'll go
someplace else.
And don't say anything!
It hasn't cost me a cent.
Okay, all right.
Happy birthday.
You have to put this on.
Heh, you're joking.
No. It's my birthday surprise
and I'm totally serious.
Okay, all right.
So what, are we going?
Yeah, okay.
Ali, what are you doing?
Come on.
I'm really wet, you know?
Come on, okay, we're going.
-So, start walking.
Okay, good, stay here.
Give me a sec.
Now, go farther, yeah...
it's okay, it's okay.
Okay, I don't trust you!
Okay, I'm with you.
Now... one step.
-One more.
Ali, what's this?
Fit a bro and zero cost.
You like it?
Of course, yeah!
But where are we?
Yeah, I borrowed some keys.
Who's place is this?
Don't ask. Tonight it's ours,
okay? No more questions.
This is the nicest thing
anyone's ever done for me.
I swapped out the paninis
for my kid Ross.
Veg one, no cost.
And you know the best part
of Japanese food?
It doesn't get cold.
Tell me what
you're thinking about.
You've been in the dumps
for days now, something's wrong.
Nothing's wrong... really.
I don't like seeing you
like this.
Yeah, I don't know.
I'm sorry.
It's just that...
Sometimes I think it'd be nice to
go back and do things differently.
You know?
You can't keep going
on like this.
Well, I'm trying to stay
positive, I'm telling you.
I've got too much time to think.
I need a job. I need money.
It's not too late, Simon.
I told you a thousand times, you
should try going back into medicine.
It's not all that easy.
I think you'd be happier.
Yeah, well, I've got
to face the facts, okay?
I am a nurse. It's not
that bad, is it?
No, that's not what you want.
Well, today is not the day
to talk about this.
I don't want to think about it
now. It's your birthday.
Tah-dah! Happy birthday.
Fuck, honey, I told you,
no gifts.
Yeah, but...
I thought we had a deal.
You know how this makes me feel.
You already put the whole party
together, now you...
Shit... I am such a dick.
I'm sorry.
-Your mother.
-Not now.
She won't let up
until you answer.
Seriously, I'm sorry.
Hey, come here.
I'll go, take this
to light the way.
Ali! I'm sorry!
Well, hey!
What are you doing out here?
Hello! Come here.
You're shaking, poor thing!
You want to go upstairs?
Okay, I'll take you.
But you go in by yourself, okay?
Nice fucking job.
I'll go see if I can
find a dust pan.
Where did you find this genius,
I don't know, he looked smarter
to me the first time I saw him.
Hey, screw the dust pan, let's
Shit! It's in the car.
Please, Simon, don't come out!
There's no one in there.
Hey, hey, you stay here.
Be alert.
Get him!
What the hell's going on?
Shut up! Calm down!
You! Why the fuck are you
here? Who are you with?
I don't speak Spanish very well.
I don't understand.
Don't fuck with me.
Who else is here?
I'm by myself.
Bullshit. Who is Ali?
Ali, my cat. I was looking
for her.
Your cat, right? Cats don't
throw phones down stairs.
In beast, you be true... and where
is Ali? We don't have all night.
Where is it?
Help me! Please!
Is anyone there?
Somebody help!
Help! We're trapped!
He's not getting any better.
Your cat, right?
Don't lie to me again.
We've got to do something.
He's out cold!
He's a doctor.
This fuck is a doctor.
Shit. Do something,
come on!
Get up, you have an emergency,
Get up.
Get the fuck up!
I think he might have some kind
of spinal cord injury.
Moving him would be very
What the fuck are you saying?
I need this, okay?
See? He's got no feeling.
He needs to be mobilized and
taken to a hospital.
-The hospital.
No hospitals.
You fucking heard him! Just call
them and tell them what happened!
We're not calling anybody, okay?
They said it was only
going to be the old guy!
This shit is not
our problem now!
Could you use your goddamn head
for once, you fucking idiot?
Of course, it's our problem.
If they send someone, man,
we're fucked.
Why would they need us if we
didn't know how to do our job?
If we don't clean this up,
we are not getting paid.
Do the job and you get paid.
That was the deal.
Okay, I get it.
I'm gonna go see.
Keep an eye on him.
Something wrong?
Don't do anything stupid.
Emergency Services,
how can I help?
I... there are...
Me and my girlfriend, we're
locked inside a buil...
there are three men here.
They're trying to kill us.
You've gotta send someone.
Calm down, sir. I can't
understand you.
Tell me, what is your location?
I need you to tell me exactly
where you are. Sir?
I don't know.
I can't help you if I don't
know exactly where you are.
Thanks for taking care
of my brother.
Fuck! No!
No! No!
Are you okay?
Yeah, are you?
No, I'm not, I...
Who the fuck are these guys?
I think... I think they are
from the real estate agency.
They killed the old man.
The real estate agency,
what the fuck?
We need to get out of here!
No, wait!
The front door is stuck and all
the windows are bricked up.
We can't get out of here.
-Fuck! He's coming!
Come on! Come on!
What about the other guy?
He's dead!
Come on.
-What are you doing?
-We got the keys.
Hurry up!
Go, go, go, go! Come on!
Shit! Come on! He's coming!
Close the door! Close the door!
Close the door!
Open the fucking door!
What are you doing?
Agh! Agh!
Fuck! Holy fucking shit!
I'm going to fucking kill her!
Alicia, you bitch!
Calm down.
Hello? I know, I know.
I'm sorry for calling.
We've got a problem.
There were other people
in the building.
I don't know.
As well as the old man,
there was a couple.
No idea!
They must have snuck in.
Yeah, if you could send someone
I'd really appreciate it.
Of course, I'll wait here.
Got it. Thanks so much
and I'm really sorry.
Okay. Bye.
Let me take a look, okay?
Thanks for not pretending.
Yeah, you're losing
a lot of blood.
We need a 24-hour pharmacy.
Don't piss a little, okay.
I'm sorry about before.
How about you two come out
and we finish this?
What are you doing?
Leave us alone! Fuck!
What about the old man's flat? His
windows wouldn't be boarded, right?
Yeah, and how would we
get there?
What's going on in there?
Cut us some slack, okay?
Hey! What the fuck
is going on in there?
Simon... the duplex.
We're in the upper part.
What are you gonna do?
For now, get the blueprints out
of my purse, I'll be right back.
There's gotta be a way.
What about the basement?
Yeah, I thought about it.
We could get out to the
street through there,
but I don't have the
keys to that door.
Shit, this is a fucking
What... what about the roof?
I checked it out and it's
bricked off.
We could get out downstairs,
and try reaching the old man's
apartment and call for help.
And how do we get up to the third
floor without this guy seeing us?
By climbing the freight lift.
I don't know I'll be fit
for a hike.
Yeah, I know. You stay here.
I'll go faster alone, okay?
You can distract him.
I... I don't think this
is a good idea.
Yeah, me, neither.
Just make all the noise you can and
keep his mind off the lift, okay?
I don't know.
Trust me.
Be careful.
Let us out!
I already told you to come out.
I'm waiting here.
Stop with the fucking banging!
-Hold on!
-Fucking idiot, man.
Do you know how to say
that in Spanish?
Screw you!
Go fuck yourself!
Hey! Hey!
Hey! Fucking look up here!
Hey! Hey!
Up here! Fuck! Up here!
For fuck's sake!
Here! Fucking look up here!
Come on, Simon. Give me that!
Come on?
You're a tough guy?
You look like me, Simon?
Come on!
What the fuck?
Where do you think
you're going?
Hey! You're trapped!
Agh! You're trapped! Where do
you think you're going?
Fucking bitch! Agh!
How'd it go?
What happened?
Shut up, he'll hear us.
Who can hear us?
The back-up.
Who's that?
The old man from upstairs.
How did he get down here?
Don't ask.
Hey! I'm up here!
Someone come and help me!
I'm trapped!
Who the fuck is this guy?
I don't know.
Let's go upstairs.
It's about time! I've been stuck
here for half an hour!
One of them's inside.
I don't know where
the girl went.
Will you get a move on?
What are you doing, man?
Hey! No!
What's he doing?
Run! Down the stairs! Run!
How are we gonna get out
of here?
What's going on?
He found the keys
to the basement.
The lift, it's got electricity.
If there's electricity, maybe the
emergency intercom's working.
We could use it to call
for help.
We'll be in the middle
of the building.
He'll hear us, he'll see us.
What about trying to steal the
guys to the basement off him?
Yeah, he won't see us that way.
I can't climb up there.
Yes, you can.
No, I can't.
Simon, doing nothing
is not an option.
Just sitting here,
I'm telling you,
it's only a matter of
time before he finds us.
We'll climb up the
shaft, call for help,
and lock ourselves
in on the third floor.
That why we'll buy some time
before they come help us.
What if the intercom
isn't working?
How about this?
Let me help you.
Was there no other color?
If I don't get to
a hospital soon,
I don't think there are
gonna be many more birthdays.
We're getting out of here...
I promise you.
When he starts to knock
the door down, we go, okay?
Hey... sorry.
For what?
For this crappy birthday.
I'm sorry I was such a dick.
Thank you for my present.
Yeah, it's pretty useful, right?
I love you.
Me, too.
Let's go.
It's not working.
Let's go, Ali.
No, wait.
He's gonna find the hatch.
Let's get inside.
We've still got time.
It's gotta be a loose wire
or something.
It's not gonna work, Ali,
come on!
-Quit shouting.
I'm not shouting. If this
doesn't work, we'll go, okay?
Run, Simon! Hurry up!
Come on, Simon, come on.
Come on.
Simon, come on! Simon!
Simon, what are you doing?
Come on!
I can't move.
I'm not gonna make it.
-Leave! Go!
I won't leave without you!
Come on!
I'm sorry, honey. I can't.
You have to go.
I love you.
Please go.
I love you.
Please don't hurt her.
I need help!
My god.
We're leaving, Simon.
We're leaving.
What happened?
This is disgusting!
Go to hell!
Son of a bitch! Mother fucker!