Sweeter Than Chocolate (2023) Movie Script

My grandfather believed
all chocolate
was a form of magic...
an alchemy,
where the beans of a cocoa tree
are transformed into the elixir
that is chocolate.
My Opa and Bommi
came to America from Belgium,
settling in Watson Corners.
Opa felt every town needed
a good chocolatier,
so he passed down
his magical chocolate recipes
to me, Lucy Sweet.
Yes, that's my real name...
Well, after my grandmother
changed it from "Van Suyt".
Bommi wasn't
much of a confectioner,
but she knew how to give
the customer a good story.
We call these the "Cupids".
They're very special,
and they're going to be
part of our story...
Mine and my mother's...
which has been,
for many years now,
entirely predictable...
Both our lives wrapped up
like pieces of chocolate.
Mom out on the sales floor
with customers,
and me, able to hide out
in my happy place...
day after day,
making these chocolate elixirs,
exactly as Opa taught me...
until today...
when everything changed.
62% rent increase.
Each and every month.
That should be illegal!
I know.
I knew this was gonna happen
when Ben retired
and Bruno took over.
You know, I even gave that boy
a box of your best
dark-chocolate toffees.
Well, maybe he prefers
milk chocolate.
No one over 30
prefers milk chocolate.
I don't want to lose this place.
Then we will find a way.
Ha-ha! Engaged!
Oh, my gosh!
Thanks to you two!
Oh, I think
Tyler would say differently.
No! He agrees.
It's the Cupids.
They worked their magic,
thanks to you two Sweets.
You don't know?
Uh, it's Georgie's second day.
It's the first thing
she should've learned!
Anyone who eats
one of the famous...
- Not famous!
- Sweet family
chocolate Cupids
is guaranteed...
Not guaranteed!
To find their true love.
As long as
their heart is open to it.
It's part of the legend!
We even have a "Wall of Love".
Oh, I wondered about that!
A tribute
to the many successful
love stories over the years.
And now mine, too!
Tyler and I met
right after we ate the Cupids,
and rest is history.
I'll take a dozen.
Ah! Well, right this way.
You need to advertise
the Cupids.
It just doesn't feel right.
You know, Opa always said
not to get greedy.
They're supposed to find
the people they're meant for.
Well, you're gonna
have to do something,
because we have
the same landlord,
and I'm pretty sure
you're getting
the same rent increase
that I am.
I know. And you can
sell flowers year-round.
Our biggest season
is Valentine's Day,
four weeks away,
and after that...
Maybe you'll sell so much,
you won't need it.
I love your optimism,
but I'll need a miracle.
Or... a very good friend
who actually works
her social-media presence,
unlike some.
You're blowing up
on social media!
"Magic Chocolate Cupids"?
Serena, what did you do?
Magic chocolates?
Harold Welby!
Your card says
you're a licensed and bonded
but there's no record of you
They always run.
I'm surprised he didn't bolt
as soon as he saw you coming.
I know, right?
And you with the camera!
I mean...
hey, good job keeping it steady
through the alleyway.
Harold Welby is still at large,
but he has scammed
more than 20 people
with his "fake plumber" scheme
to the tune of $56,000.
This is Dean Chase,
Channel 55 News,
and I fight for you.
Do you think I should I keep
the pointing?
It's kind of your thing.
Hey, Nora.
Sure thing.
I'll be right there.
What's up?
Fingers crossed
it's about the Chicago gig.
I put her down as my reference.
Oh! Bold...
Asking your current boss
to help you get another job?
I'm her favorite.
So, you'd better be
ready to saddle up
as soon as I get back.
I bet you she's got
something juicy for us.
"Magic chocolates"?
Apparently, there's
a chocolate shop
in Watson Corners
where people fall in love,
if they eat
a particular chocolate
on Valentine's Day.
Okay... so, do you want me
to do a quick hit
or a longer expose?
"People Cheating the Lovelorn."
Throw in some shady matchmakers,
Love potions?
None of that.
I want a very nice story
for Valentine's Day.
But I do exposes.
I understand,
but that's not what that is.
Valentine's stories are popular.
This is a gift.
Trust me.
Okay, what about the House vote
on misuse of funds?
The faster you get the story,
the faster you can
get back to watching politicians
talk out of
both sides of their mouth.
How is this a gift?
I'll tell you when
you come back with the story.
And Dean?
Make it sweet.
Pun intended.
We're almost out of Cupids!
Hey, we're out of cocoa beans.
I'm gonna run to the market.
- Okay.
- Demand's a good thing, right?
I'm still gonna kill Serena.
Get the cocoa beans first!
And Lucy?
- Thank you.
- Thanks.
There you go.
Thank you.
Have a good day.
Ah. Whew.
Excuse me.
I'm a reporter.
Excuse me.
Dean Chase!
That's me.
Was that one of those
"magic love" chocolates?
Did you come here
specifically to buy one?
I hate to break it to you,
but you've been had.
That was Dean Chase.
Dean Chase! Ooh!
- Oh!
- Oh!
You really need to pay attention
to where you're going.
Sorry... again.
I, uh... I was just...
distracted by the mass delusion.
Yeah. Basically, a...
a testimonial about how
this place's chocolate Cupids
help you find true love...
Or whatever that is...
It went viral,
and now
there's a run on the place.
You don't agree?
I don't agree with deception.
This is deception
of the worst kind...
Manipulating people's hopes
about love.
Now, magic chocolates? Come on!
It's a total scam.
And I do happen to be a bit of
an expert on the subject.
On chocolates?
Scams. Dean Chase.
Channel 55 News.
- Great.
- Yeah, my boss wants me
to do a "nice" story
on this place,
but what I wouldn't give
to do a takedown, you know?
Uh, anyway...
what's your name?
There you are.
Been a madhouse since you left.
Sorry, Mom.
It was so busy,
I couldn't find parking.
Oh, sorry.
Lucy Sweet.
and nefarious love-scammer.
Thanks for stopping by,
Mr. Chase.
I, uh... I don't think
we'll be going forward
with any kind of story, though.
Uh, you know...
Bye, now.
I can help whoever's next.
Oh, my gosh, my favorite. Yum.
Yeah. Ooh, yum. Delicious.
Do you need a ribbon?
You went to a small,
artesian chocolate shop
to do a simple feel-good
Valentine's Day story
and got kicked out?
I mean, I wouldn't say
"kicked out".
Asked to leave!
Mm, more implied.
What is wrong with you?
This was a warm hug
of an assignment.
It's a con, Nora!
And lying to people about love?
That's like waving
a big red flag for me.
Dean, you're one of
the hardest-working reporters
I've been around...
Here or elsewhere.
And I know you have
your sights on being an anchor
in a bigger market...
but you're not
getting the Chicago job.
Can I ask why?
They're not considering anyone
without some anchor experience.
But that's what
I'm trying to get here!
And that is where
the chocolate-Cupid
story comes in.
that's where you lose me.
Alex in the Morning
is about to be down an Alex.
He's moving to Dallas.
We need a new anchor.
Uh, are you...
Does that mean that I'm...
You're in the mix.
Along with Patrick and Adam.
Adam is in the lead,
but mainly because
his first name
starts with an "A"...
Less signage changeover.
Well, tell me...
Just tell me what I need to do.
You've got the investigative
journalist part down,
but morning shows
are about easing the viewers
into their day,
with lovely stories about...?
Magic chocolates.
Think of this as
my Valentine's Day gift to you.
I can do this!
Nora, I can do this, I just...
I just need another chance.
Bring me something good
so I can convince
the rest of them
that you're the guy.
I will make this happen.
Don't ever do that to me again.
And while Mr. Fernsby
claims his zucchini
is the largest in the world,
some in the farming community
have their doubts.
This is Dean Chase,
Channel 55 News,
and I fight for you.
Why do you look like that?
We had the best day
of business in months.
Outside Christmas.
the Valentine's Day rush
doesn't start till February.
Well, the momentum
from Serena's post
is only gonna last so long.
Then let's call that news guy
who wanted to do
a story about us.
He thinks we're scam artists.
Then we'll call
a different newsperson.
Do a good story,
and feature the Cupids.
Mom... you know
how I feel about that.
it's a silly superstition.
We've been selling them
for years!
Yeah, by word by mouth.
Why tempt fate?
Because we're running
out of time.
If you want to keep the shop,
we have to make a change.
We both know,
once Valentine's Day is done,
profits plunge.
We either earn enough now
to overcome the rent increase
for the rest of the year, or...
you know.
All right.
Thank you very much.
All right,
see you in a few days.
What are you doing here?
how creeped out would you be
if I told you
I saw you leave your shop
and I followed you here?
On a scale of one to ten?
About a...
Okay, that's fair.
I come in peace.
Better yet, I come in business.
Yeah, I'm not interested
in doing business with someone
who thinks I'm running
some kind of chocolate love con.
Also fair.
We obviously got off
on the wrong foot.
"We" didn't.
You did.
"Dean Chase of Channel 55."
Huh! You're familiar
with my work?
Yeah. I wasn't.
Until last night,
when I watched some videos.
Impressive. Really.
Especially that fake
giant-zucchini scandal.
You really stuck it
to that farmer.
Okay, that was very early
in my career,
and the station was supposed
to have taken that clip down
by now.
it's still there.
Great. Awesome.
is this where
you buy your magic beans?
Just hear me out.
I've already heard enough.
You're not gonna persuade me
to place the reputation
of my family's legacy
into the hands
of a clearly cynical man.
And if you keep following me,
I'm gonna upgrade that 17.
Which you don't want.
I am not following you.
I just... I really need
this story to happen.
You should have
thought about that
before you led with insults.
You're absolutely right.
100%. I messed up.
Now, all I am asking
is for five minutes...
three minutes of your time,
so I can give you my proposal.
I know you don't owe me that.
And I will take your "no".
I will walk away
and leave you alone,
if that's what you want.
I just think that this could be
really good for your shop.
Three minutes?
- Three.
- Start talking.
Okay. Great.
- Starting right now.
- Sure.
So, your Wall of Love.
A lot of people
have fallen in love
after eating
your chocolates, right?
Why don't we interview
and hear
their wonderful Cupid stories?
A morning anchor, huh?
For now.
Hopefully, it'll lead
to a bigger market, bigger job.
And a story about
"How Sweet It Is" helps you...
By softening my image.
My producer thinks
that if I do this story
and it goes well,
the board might take that
into consideration
over my lack
of anchor experience.
And what's in it for me?
Of the most positive kind.
Glowing, even!
You gotta know
that the momentum
from a viral post
can only last so long.
But a news story like this...
This could take you
to the next level.
You could ride this wave
till Valentine's Day and beyond.
I don't trust you.
I don't blame you.
And I want final approval
on the story before it airs.
I don't even get final...
I'll... I'll see what I can do!
It will be
a glowing review, right?
Oh... glowiest.
Not a real word.
It... It's a real promise, okay?
From me to you.
Just... Just give me a chance.
That's all I'm asking.
Here you go. Don't break it.
I will treat it
with love and compassion.
I really wish you were
coming with me on this one.
Adam already called dibs.
DeMatto trial.
Oh, Gary, you're killing me!
I would love
to cover that story.
Hey, buddy! You're spending
the day in a chocolate shop.
That wins.
So you sure it's okay to close
the shop for the afternoon?
Wouldn't want to deny
anyone their true love.
Oh, no! No, no!
I didn't mean it like that.
I was just being, you know...
I am excited about this.
Okay. Heh. So.
The idea is, um,
we'll do a couple questions.
Easy ones.
"How'd you become
a chocolatier?"
"Why the Cupids?"
"What's the deal with
the legend," or whatever.
Don't take it off again, please.
Look, don't disparage
the legend, okay?
I won't.
The "glowiest".
The glowiest.
I promise.
I'm just gonna hit record,
then we're just gonna have
a conversation.
Just look at me. Okay?
And so, chocolate is...
Well, I mean...
So, who doesn't love chocolate?
you make it here
in the store, right?
From scratch.
How'd you get the idea
of selling the Cupids?
I didn't.
My mom... My mom did.
Helen Sweet.
Did she keep her name
when she got married?
No, "Sweet" was my dad's name,
which is why my mom
is more comfortable
in front of the cash register
than making the chocolates
herself, but...
Can we not...
Um, can we not...
Can we not include that part?
Yeah. That's okay, yeah.
Let's see...
Hey, that's super-annoying.
Okay. I think
we're gonna take a break.
Because you are about
as relaxed as someone
waiting in a dentist's office
for a root canal.
Well, there is nothing relaxing
about having a light
shining in your face
and talking about yourself
on camera.
Yeah. You know what?
Let's forget about this.
Forget about the questions.
Forget about the camera.
Is that the, uh, "Wall of Love"
I've heard so much about?
Some of our success stories
from the Cupids.
That's great.
Did your grandparents
put that up?
No, actually, I did.
It's one of the things
I'm most proud of.
Really? And, uh...
Why's that?
Well, my grandfather didn't
make the Cupids very often.
He only gave them
to friends and family,
'cause he didn't like
to draw attention to them.
What changed?
After both my grandparents
I had just gotten out
of culinary school,
and I took over the shop,
and I started to make
all of my Opa's recipes...
except for one,
well, I couldn't find it.
But then, one day,
I was in the back office,
and I was going through
some books,
and the recipe just, sort of...
fell out.
Do you think
he'd been hiding it?
It certainly felt like...
I found it
at just the right time.
Like I had to prove myself
worthy of it.
Anyway, I, um...
I made a batch
and my mom suggested
that we sell it
for Valentine's Day.
And... we did.
And, after a while,
we heard back from, you know,
people who had bought them...
Customers who had tried them...
And just had the most...
well, the most amazing
Call it whatever you want.
We're not making any guarantees.
They were open to love
and they found it.
Seems pretty magical to me.
So... that wasn't so bad.
Well, you used a lot of tricks
to get me to be more authentic.
It's all part of my job.
You did great.
I will let you know
when we're gonna air it.
And, um...
good luck
with the anchor position.
Thank you.
I'm gonna... bye.
And we started
to hear back
from all these customers
who had bought them
and then had
these amazing experiences
right after trying them.
is exactly what I wanted!
And now I want more.
More chocolates.
More... the shop.
More Lucy Sweet!
She's pretty aptly named.
I kind of think
I covered everything.
And you're missing
the best part!
It's right in front of you.
well, yeah... I mean, sure,
she's charming,
but whatever.
Bit of a tough nut to crack.
You mean the Wall of Love?
You mean the Wall of Love.
The stories of those couples
could be gold.
Make it a multi-part series
all the way to February 14th.
That's, uh...
That's a lot of Valentine's Day.
Should I assign it
to someone else?
No, no, I'll do it!
It's my story.
Thanks for coming.
Do you have any questions?
So many.
But, um...
not about the condo.
Thank you.
It's not for you, is it?
To be honest,
it's been so long since
I've even thought
of living somewhere new, I'm...
I'm still trying
to figure out what is me.
Mm. Well, here.
Feel free to reach out
if you want to see
some properties,
and maybe find the answer.
Didn't we, um, say goodbye
two days ago?
We did.
Very final. Very sad.
Yet here you are.
My news director, Nora,
loved the piece on your shop.
I mean, she's right...
It turned out great.
As promised.
You did indeed deliver, yes.
what are you doing here?
Did you, uh, want to buy
a chocolate Cupid?
I mean, no offense.
And this is me being so glad
that our story together is over.
Ooh, awkward.
Because I have another
business proposal for you.
And this one'll last
a lot longer than the first one.
If you were serious last night
about talking to these people,
you're not doing it alone.
You don't have to come with me
to every testimonial.
Yes, I do.
You're interviewing
the Sweet family's
Cupid success stories.
I... gotta protect them.
Protect them from what?
From you.
And your jaded views on love.
I did all right...
I did better than all right
with your segment.
One night versus
four-plus weeks on this project?
I don't trust you that long.
You know, leopard's spots,
scorpion on a turtle's back...
All that.
I'm not gonna poke holes
in the legend, okay?
You just air-quoted
"the legend".
All right. So...
which couple should
we interview first?
Claire and Malcolm.
They have a great story.
Mom says that
because she's the one that
introduced Claire to the Cupids.
Well, what can I say?
I'm proud of my handiwork.
Helen Sweet.
- Dean Chase.
- Dean Chase. Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
Is that you?
It is!
So, you've eaten
a chocolate Cupid?
I did.
A long time ago.
Would you like
to do a testimonial?
Well, we should keep the stories
outside the family,
so that they're more believable.
You know, for the cynical types.
Claire and Malcolm
are really nice.
Why does that sound
like a warning?
Because I'm just reminding you
to be nice, too.
I am nice.
I am.
As long as you're not
a con artist or a scammer.
Hi, Malcolm.
- Oh!
- Oh, so good to see you.
Good to see you, too.
Dean Chase, right?
That's right.
Good to meet you.
Listen, Claire
is really excited to do this,
and her classroom's
right over here.
But, just one thing...
her teaching assistant
is gone for the afternoon,
so she was wondering
if you two wouldn't mind
helping her
with a project first?
I love projects.
Sounds great.
I really appreciate this!
Oh, of course!
It's so fun.
Isn't it?
It is! It's fun.
Uh, I am kind of worried
that my hand is gonna be
stuck like this forever.
Rah! Rah!
Are you both teachers?
No. Jalen,
Miss Lucy and Mr. Dean
are here to interview
me and Mr. Malcolm
about how we met each other.
You mean about
the magic Cupid chocolate?
You know about that?
Well, it's one of
my favorite stories.
And Miss Lucy here is the one
who makes those very chocolates.
Can I have one?
You're gonna have to wait
until you're a little bit older.
How old were you
when you had one?
I, um...
I've actually, uh,
never had one.
You heard me.
Don't you believe in the magic?
Ooh! Looks like Jalen here's
coming for my job.
Excellent question.
Don't you believe in the magic?
I do. Very much.
Because I've seen
what it can do firsthand.
It was...
love at first sight.
Both times.
Both times?
We were high-school sweethearts.
I thought you said you only
started selling the Cupids
to the public
a couple of years ago?
I did.
Can we just...
let them tell their story?
Like Claire said,
we were high-school sweethearts.
My family moved into town
my junior year.
I remember seeing her
the first day of classes,
by the lockers, and thinking...
the girl I want to marry."
And we did!
40 years later.
We went to different colleges
and lost touch.
I wound up marrying Reggie.
And I married Marie.
And we went about our lives.
I lived in Washington
until Marie passed.
And then, I moved back here
to be closer to my kids.
My Reggie was ten years gone
by then...
and that Valentine's Day,
I had a feeling
I was ready to try my hand
at love again.
Which is when
Helen Sweet told me
about the chocolate Cupids
at Lucy's shop.
My son had just called me
in a panic,
because he forgot to get
a Valentine's Day gift
for his wife.
When I passed the Sweets' store,
I remembered hearing
from a friend of a friend
about the chocolate Cupids,
so I stopped in...
on a whim.
And there she was.
It was fate.
So you didn't actually eat
a chocolate Cupid?
I did,
after I saw Claire was there.
And you've been
happily together ever since?
Some things are meant to be.
I just don't think you should
claim them for the Cupids.
Why not?
Because they were already
in love back in high school.
Just because they already
had a history
doesn't mean they would've
automatically fallen
back in love
when they met again.
Tons of people see their exes.
Nothing ever comes of it.
They could've
run into each other
at a dentist's office
and fallen back in love.
What is with you and dentists?
My point being...
I think their love story
is a bit more coincidence
than chocolate.
That's 'cause you're a cynic.
Says the woman
who won't even eat
her own "magic love" chocolates.
It doesn't make me cynical.
What does it make you?
I'm gonna walk home.
Come on.
It's five miles!
In those shoes?
I'm not gonna walk home,
but we're done talking about it.
That's fine with me.
- These are all orders?
- Mm-hmm.
Both from in the store
and online.
Georgie updated the site
to allow for shipping.
And she included a page
about the history of the Cupids.
Oh. Um, is that necessary?
I can take it out.
I... I thought you were on board
with promoting them now?
Isn't that w-what
you're doing with Dean?
I mean, yes, but...
Of course,
you can leave them in.
It's just habit.
I'll go.
how are things going with Dean?
Well, he basically
doesn't believe
that Claire and Malcolm
should qualify
as one of the "Cupid Couples,"
because they already
knew each other.
I was there!
I... I can confirm it,
if he'd like.
That won't be necessary.
I just...
I just wish...
I don't know.
I just wish that he'd...
would believe.
Which is silly,
because why do I even care?
We always want to win over
the non-believers.
It's human nature.
Have you given him one?
A Cupid?
- Mm-hmm.
- No.
Or any chocolate?
Honey, you're very talented.
He should know that about you.
Well, I learned from the best.
Some things are meant to be.
This came together nicely.
- Yeah, they're a fun couple.
- Good work. What's next?
Lucy and I will do
some more interviews.
I'm heading over there later
to choose our next subjects.
- Excellent!
- Great.
You should know,
I got a call today from NYNS
in New York about you.
I sent them my resume
a year ago.
Well, it made its way
into the right hands eventually.
I gave you a rave review.
Thank you, Nora.
Though I would prefer
you stayed here.
But I was in your shoes once,
so I understand.
Did they mention
what the position is?
A mixture of stories,
not unlike
what you're doing now.
But on the national scale.
Keep me apprised.
Yeah, will do.
One other thing.
Are you coming
to the Valentine's Day event
the station is hosting
on Saturday?
Uh, I wasn't planning on it.
Reconsider that.
Some of the top brass
will be there.
Think of it
as part of your audition.
Unless you're too distracted
by the glamour of the Big Apple.
I'll definitely be there.
Good. And Dean?
Bring a date.
So, how's business?
Starting to settle back down.
Well, I'm sure
it'll pick up again
after we air
the Claire and Malcolm piece
on Monday.
Nora loved it.
that's what matters.
I'm sorry...
about the other day.
I don't mean to be so cynical.
I'm sorry, too.
- Truce?
- Truce.
Uh, so...
who's up next?
First things first,
do you have any...
dietary restrictions?
Um, nope.
I mean...
other than zucchini.
Do you prefer...
dark, white, or milk chocolate?
Oh, dark. For sure.
I mean, no one over 20
should prefer milk, right?
No wonder my mom loves you.
"Ambrosia creme."
This feels like a test.
It's not a test.
It just suddenly occurred to me
that you've never tried any of
the Sweet shop chocolates.
Hmm. Well...
a terrible oversight.
this is...
this is insanely good.
Oh, my gosh!
No wonder people think
that chocolates are magic.
Let's go meet Pablo and Mark.
I think I need to do
some more research here
before we move on.
One day into February,
and they're already busting out
the Valentine's decorations.
It'll look good on camera.
Look at you... gettin'
all expert with camera staging.
They're over there.
Hey, guys!
- Hey, Lucy!
- Hey!
Hi. Pablo and Mark
this is Dean Chase.
- Hi!
- Nice to meet you.
Thanks so much for doing this.
You're welcome.
Nice meeting you.
Oh, wow.
Um, hope this place
isn't too over the top.
It's where I proposed,
so we thought it would
be nice for our story.
It's perfect.
We took the liberty
of ordering some drinks.
We have "Chocolate Kiss",
"Love Potion No. 9..."
- Mm.
- And "Soulmate Sangria".
"Soulmate Sangria"
for me, please.
I will do the same.
Lucy's chocolate has ruined me
for anyone else.
Oh, same!
Oh, go on.
No, seriously, go on.
To telling our love story.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
When I heard from a cousin
about the super-cute Cupids
that helped people
find their love,
I went right over there.
Bought a dozen!
My idea had been
to eat one later,
before I went on
this date I had planned.
Felix, not me.
And I was so curious,
and they smelled so good,
that I had a bite
right there in the store.
Which is where I came in.
And the next thing I know,
we were the ones
at the Valentine's Dinner.
And it was officially
the worst date of our lives.
I mean,
Pablo would not stop talking.
I was nervous!
And I was sure
that I'd made a huge mistake.
We were so different.
But... then I realized,
I was the one
who'd eaten the chocolate.
So he tells me the legend,
and I thought,
"Why not?" Right?
I mean, the date could not
have gotten any worse.
We already
emphasized that, honey.
- Right. So I eat...
- Honey.
The chocolate Cupid, and...
it was the funniest thing.
I mean, part of me thought,
"This is silly."
But another part wondered,
"What if?"
Like, what if the person
that you think
is totally wrong for you
because you're so different
is actually the one?
Because they're so different.
All that from a chocolate Cupid?
I'll tell you this...
after I ate it,
I couldn't get this one
out of my mind.
That's when I knew.
We both knew it.
Okay, tell me
that story doesn't qualify.
It qualifies.
Yes! Victory is mine!
I thought that was you! Hi.
Wow, hi.
What are you doing here?
I thought you were in Miami.
Ah, well, one of my clients
is in town on tour,
so I thought I'd tag along,
see the family, too.
How fun for you.
Wyatt Greggs.
Dean Chase.
Dean is a reporter
for Channel 55.
We're doing a story
on Lucy's chocolate Cupids.
Are you still
making those things?
They're actually
incredibly popular.
So, then I guess
you're still working 24/7?
And it's pointless to see
if you'd want to grab dinner...
Before I head back
to South Beach?
Yeah, sorry.
I'm super-busy.
Always were. Ah, well.
Good luck.
- Hmm?
- With the story.
Not everyone falls back in love
with their ex.
You two were in love?
Maybe the feeling was closer
to "strong like".
But not strong enough
to try a chocolate?
There's a coffee cart
down by the riverwalk,
has a hot chocolate
that is almost as good as mine.
Let's go.
I'll tell you why I've never
tried a chocolate Cupid.
yeah, okay.
It's really good.
But I will have to try yours
the next time I come over,
just to compare.
It's similar,
'cause we get our beans
from the same vendor.
Although, they use single-source
and I blend two...
Ecuador and Argentina.
The farms that I like
have strong fair-wage practices.
It's a big thing
in the world of chocolates.
Yeah, I read up on that
before I visited your shop
the first time.
Of course, you did.
It's one of my favorite places
around town.
Yeah, me too.
I live pretty close to here.
How long have you lived here?
It was, um, three years
this past November.
Might be why
I'm getting itchy feet.
But, uh, I seem to recall
we didn't come here
to talk about me.
There's the small matter
of some uneaten Cupids?
I believe
in the magic of the Cupids.
I think
it can bring you true love.
that is what scares me.
Because of what happens
when that love is taken away.
And the... destruction
that it can leave behind.
Does that have anything to do
with why you didn't want
your mother giving a testimonial
about the Cupids?
My dad got sick
eight years ago...
and he was gone really fast.
My mom had a really hard time
accepting it.
They were so in love.
And she was so lost
for such a long time after.
What do you mean, "lost"?
She was just a, um...
a shell.
For years.
It felt like
I had lost both parents,
even though one was still there.
I even moved back home
into my childhood house
to help her.
It's taken her all this time
to get back to herself.
A love like that, I...
It scares me.
does that mean you plan
on never falling in love?
I don't have it all thought out.
you asked me why I've never
eaten a chocolate Cupid, and...
that's why.
- I am so excited!
- She really is.
I really believe you.
Can you just hold still
for a second?
I feel like this is all
happening because of us!
I mean, of course, we happened
because of
the Sweet shop's magic!
Yeah, we're not on camera yet,
so just save it for that.
Here, come here.
I'd always wanted
to get married.
My friends
used to tease me all the time,
'cause I had a subscription
to bridal magazines
before I had a boyfriend.
It's true.
My problem was always
finding the right guy,
and believe me, I worked at it.
But I always fell short.
And of course,
I knew about the Cupids.
Lucy Sweet is my best friend.
I resisted going that route
for a long time.
Maybe I wasn't sure
if it was real, or...
maybe I wanted to find love
my own way.
But, after a while...
I had to accept
that "my way" wasn't working.
Then she tried the Cupids.
Right there, in How Sweet It Is.
And right as I turn around,
this gorgeous guy
walks through the door...
Hang on... you fell in love
with another guy before Tyler?
No, I saw another guy
before Tyler...
and I was hoping I'd feel
a rush of love, or something.
Their date was terrible.
No chemistry!
You gotta have chemistry.
So, how did you meet, then?
You dropped your...
I'd never believed
in love at first sight
until I looked at my Tyler.
What about you, Tyler?
What's your story?
I had eaten a Cupid
earlier that day
with the girl I was dating.
- It was her idea.
- Mm.
But it didn't work out
between you two?
Total bust.
She was nice, but...
she wasn't Serena.
What about
your respective dates?
Did either of them have
a fairy-tale ending?
I have no idea,
I never
talked to that guy again.
Jessica's seeing someone.
- Jessica?
- My date.
How do you know this?
She told me.
You still see her?
Yeah, we're still friends,
but I mean, it...
I mean,
we're just texting, mostly...
It's that sort of thing.
You... You're texting her?
Tyler, when did you know
that Serena was "the one"?
When she kissed me.
That's so cute.
- It's sweet.
- It's sweet.
It's really sweet.
Here, I'll take your coat.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
Oh, Serena's the best.
Yeah, that was
a great interview.
But, is it just me,
or did it get weird there
at the end?
Oh, no, it got weird.
But they're so in love,
it's crazy.
So what are you doing now?
Gonna make a couple hundred
more Cupids.
You were right.
Business went up, and then some,
after your station
aired that story
on Claire and Malcolm.
Glad to help.
Thought you were headed home.
Uh, I was.
But could I film you
making the Cupids?
Can't have the secret ingredient
getting out.
Oh, you never said anything
about a secret ingredient.
What is it?
It's, um...
a secret.
It's love, isn't it?
Come on, say it's love.
It's not love.
That's disappointing.
Aw, is the cynic disappointed
in the lack of love
in my family's
magic chocolate recipe?
I'm not a cynic.
Oh, right.
Right, right.
You're a... a realist.
Something like that, yeah.
So, what...
What are you doing now?
I am about
to temper the chocolate.
And what does that do?
I'm not gonna let you film me
making the Cupids, but...
you can help me
make the chocolate,
if you want.
I thought you'd never ask.
Go get an apron.
Yeah. Okay.
So, this is tempering?
It is.
It's a later step
in the process
of turning cocoa beans,
or seeds...
Either word works...
Into a little bit of heaven.
Here, you try it.
Oh, okay.
Okay, yep, spread it.
A little more of an angle.
Can you spread it right...
Here, scrape it like that.
- Bring it all back.
- Yeah.
- To the middle again?
- Yeah.
Yeah. Perfect.
Uh, and wh...
What does
spreading it around do?
Cooling it down.
Then we're gonna
heat it back up again.
And why do we need to do that?
Do you want the romantic version
or the science?
Uh, science, please.
Tempering transforms
the molecules of cocoa butter
into beta crystals,
which, in turn,
makes shiny, snappy chocolate.
And the romantic version?
- Don't be stingy.
- You're so bossy.
I am the boss.
- I don't know why...
- Here, you need to hold...
Turn your thumb.
Around them.
You know what?
Here, I'll do it.
Okay, watch.
I'm watching.
Did you always want to be a...
Um, journalist?
I always wanted
to be a TV anchor.
Like Peter Jennings
or Bernard Shaw.
They were always so calm
in a crisis.
Did Young Dean pretend
to read the news out loud
to his parents?
They split when I was nine.
My sister was still a baby,
so I kinda took on
the parental role.
Mom and Dad were too busy
marrying and divorcing
their way through our childhood
to do it themselves.
Now you're probably thinking,
"Oh, that's why
he's the love cynic."
I'm actually thinking,
"That's why he's the protector
of the little guy."
That was fun.
It was.
So, I guess this is
goodbye again?
You know, actually, um...
I've been thinking about
another angle on the whole
Valentine's and love.
Something I'll put up
on the station's website.
Maybe you could help me with it?
What's the idea?
Why are we still in love?
Uh, because we work at it.
We do.
- Love is work.
- Love is work.
But it's also fun.
- After the work.
- After the work.
I'm gonna remember that.
It's just...
I don't know.
I just saw him at the park,
with Jojo here...
and I just thought,
"That's my guy."
Love takes off the mask.
And lets us see the real you.
And the real other person.
I didn't want to live
without love,
and when I first took her hand,
all those years ago,
I knew I wouldn't ever have to.
But you're leaving out
one important thing.
What's that?
You're also a great dancer.
That's what decided it for me.
I remember.
And, in those days,
two ladies dancing together
caused quite a stir.
Not that we cared.
No, we didn't.
And that's love.
We fell in love fast.
And we broke up just as fast.
We were young.
Yeah. We stayed friends.
Believe it or not.
Then we started dating
a bunch of other people for...
The next decade.
Until, one night,
the both of us were talking
about our latest
dating disasters.
And I started crying.
So I hugged her.
And the longer
I stayed with him holding me,
the more I realized, I...
I didn't want to be
anywhere else.
Now we have four kids.
- What do you think?
- I love it.
It's hard to believe
that Mr. Cynical came up
with this idea, though.
Well, if you marinate
in all things Valentine's
for three weeks,
some of it's bound to rub off.
Well, if you like it,
I will kick it upstairs
and see what Nora thinks.
All right.
Hey, um...
how's it going with the, um...
the morning anchor job?
I'm still in the running.
Yeah, there's actually
this thing on Saturday night.
Um, the station's holding
a promotional event
for Valentine's Day.
A lot of the folks
who are gonna decide
who the next anchor is
will be there.
Oh. So, no pressure.
No, none.
Just the fate of my career
and thus my entire future life.
Sounds super fun.
Do you wanna come with me?
Yeah, you.
Um, Nora said
I should bring somebody,
and I bet she'd get a kick
out of you being there.
She loves the stuff
we're working on.
But, if...
If you don't want to, it's...
I would love to.
You would?
- Cool. Um...
- Okay.
I'll, uh, text you the details?
Uh, yeah. Of course.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Good work.
- Thanks, you too.
It's not listed yet.
The owners are making repairs.
But I thought I would show you,
just in case you liked it.
It's beautiful.
- And these views.
- Mm-hmm.
I've always wanted a room
with a view of water.
Are you interested enough
to put in an offer?
I'm not sure.
I haven't even told my daughter
I'm thinking about this,
let alone looking.
She has so much
on her plate already, I just...
You still have a couple weeks
before it hits the market,
and maybe by then,
you'll have told her.
Oh, you look beautiful.
Why am I so nervous?
You haven't gone anywhere
dressy in a while.
It's natural.
You should wear these.
Dad gave those to you.
And someone should wear them.
They're too beautiful
to stay hidden away.
Are you sure?
I'm absolutely sure.
- Oh...
- Oh...
I'll get it.
I'll get it.
Hi, Helen.
- Hello, Dean.
- Nice to see you.
Uh, is Lucy he...
Hey, Dean.
Nice suit.
You... You look...
- Thank you, Mom.
- You're welcome, honey.
Okay. Oh.
Knock 'em dead tonight.
Thanks, Mom.
- Here, let me.
- Oh.
Thank you.
You all right?
Oh, yeah.
There's just not
a lot of fancy events
for independent chocolatiers.
Thank you for doing this.
Of course.
You and the station
are a big reason that
our sales are up, you know.
I don't know if I told you this,
but we had a huge rent increase
a couple weeks ago.
No, you just implied
you needed sales to get better.
That's why.
Just trying
to get enough momentum
to get us through the year.
And? How's it going?
We're much closer to our goal
than I thought we'd be.
That's great, Lucy.
And here is the woman
who made it all possible.
Oh, I love an intro like that.
Lucy, this is
my news director, Nora.
Nora, Lucy Sweet.
Ah, we meet at last.
Nice to meet you.
I was just telling Dean
that our business
is doing so well,
I can barely keep up.
All thanks
to your news coverage.
And that's my segue
to run something by you two.
I looked at some of
your unused footage,
and it gave me an idea.
The perfect conclusion
to the series.
Dean does a live feed
on the 5 o'clock news
from How Sweet It Is
on Valentine's Day.
I love that!
That would be
so good for the shop.
And good exposure for you.
We're already getting
feedback from viewers
on this more personable side
to you.
What better way to wrap it up
than you eating
a chocolate Cupid live on TV?
Sorry, what?
Well, don't worry,
you don't have to pretend
to fall in love.
Uh, I...
I mean, I think
that would be Lucy's call.
Eating a chocolate
is Dean's decision.
But, um, otherwise,
I would be thrilled to have
the live feed from the store.
We'll work out
all the details on Monday.
And now, I have to go
play nice to the CEO.
- It's lovely to meet you, Lucy.
- Nice to meet you.
I can make
a secretly fake chocolate.
No one will know.
I'm not afraid of chocolate.
Right. Of course.
Because you'd have
to believe in it
for it to actually work.
Oh, is that
the secret ingredient?
Is it belief?
No. It's...
I'm gonna figure it out.
I am
an investigative journalist.
Hey, hey, hey!
- Oh-ho-ho, hey.
- Hey.
I hardly recognize you.
Ah, I try to break out
this jacket once a year
to remind me that I'm civilized.
Lucy, this is Gary Shane,
my colleague,
my favorite cameraman.
The famous Lucy Sweet.
I've been helping Dean
edit the stories.
And I plan to stop by your store
for some chocolates.
Oh, a Cupid?
Ha-ha, too old for that.
I love this song.
And Dean would love
to ask you to dance.
Do you want to?
Only if you want to.
I do. Want to. Dance.
...In my arms
Let me hold me...
Gary, would you?
Of course.
...Never let you again
Like I did...
Is this okay?
I don't get
a lot of opportunities
to dance in the shop.
Oh, I don't know.
Pretty sweet sound system
back there.
I bet you dance in the kitchen.
...I never fall
Unless it's you
I'm falling to
I was lost
in the dark...
Did you talk to enough execs
to help you get the job?
I don't know.
I'm glad I came.
We should go home.
Yeah, I guess we should, huh?
Hi, Mom.
Morning, honey.
What's that?
Why are you looking at houses?
Oh, um...
Honey, I...
I think it might be time.
For what?
To sell the house.
Believe me, this...
This old place
holds so many memories.
Most happy.
Very happy. But...
It's because of all the talk
about the Cupids, isn't it?
It's got you thinking about Dad.
Oh, no, no, no.
I... I've been considering it
for a while now.
And you were so generous
to move in here with me,
but I just...
I'm better now.
I know you are.
I know you don't like change.
Which is why
I didn't want to bring this up
until after Valentine's Day.
So, let's just set this aside,
and we can talk about it later.
You know, there...
We're a day from Valentine's,
and there's much work ahead,
so let's just...
- Mom.
- What?
You know I'll support you.
That's good.
'Cause you might have to.
I need some coffee.
Yeah. Yeah.
A little too much, too soon.
Dean Chase.
Hey. Where's Serena?
Oh, there you are.
Where have you been?
What happened?
Who's Jessica?
Tyler's date.
I'm sorry, since when?
Two years ago.
Tyler's been dating someone
the whole time
you've been dating?
How should I know?
Is that what he told you?
No! We found out
because of the interview we did
with you and Dean.
Are you talking about
the woman that Tyler
ate the Cupid with?
They'll always have that bond!
You ate a Cupid
with what's-his-name
and you don't have a bond.
Yeah, but Tyler's still
in contact with her.
That crosses the line!
Serena, he's crazy about you.
Is he?
Or have I been
completely blinded
by this whole Cupid-chocolate-
love-destiny idea
and completely missed the truth?
I can't talk about it anymore.
That's why
I've been avoiding your calls.
I've been hiding back here
for the past week.
Like you do in your kitchen.
You have no idea
how happy I am to see you.
I desperately need a...
a friendly face.
What's wrong?
New York?
That's always been
my number-one destination.
I think it makes sense
for what you want.
It's not an anchor position.
But it could lead to one.
What about the anchor position
at Channel 55?
Nora says
it's between me and Adam.
Thanks to you.
She specifically referenced
the clips that I sent
of our first story together.
Well, look at us.
It's all working out.
You're getting a shot
at your dream job,
and it looks like I'm gonna
be good for the year...
Maybe beyond.
There's one other bump.
The interview is in person,
That's Valentine's Day.
Yeah, I guess
they just consider it Monday.
What about the live feed?
Well, the interview's
at 1:00 P.M.
I'm pretty sure
that I can still do it,
get back to the airport,
fly home,
and make it in time
for the feed at 5...
With the time-zone difference.
That's cutting it awfully close.
I know. I know.
I really don't
want to miss out...
On our final story together.
You're doing the right thing.
Then why do I feel like
I'm messing up?
Because you're Dean Chase,
and despite all appearances
to the contrary,
you have a good heart.
Am I...
Am I wrong to think that...
we might be
starting something here?
We can't go there now.
But if there is...
If there's something there...
Dean, you're going after
what you want.
Like you should.
I don't know what I want.
Yeah, but that's why
you're going...
to find out.
And if you don't make it
back in time for the live feed...
I will.
Right, but if you don't...
it's okay.
Hey, at least this way,
you won't have to eat
a chocolate live on air.
Excuse me. Sorry.
I just need to get through.
Sorry. I'm so sorry.
Just coming through.
Just one?
Excuse me.
Mom, what's going on?
Channel 55's ads
for the live feed
started running.
Well, where's Georgie?
Her grandfather's car
wouldn't start.
She had to go take him
to his doctor's appointment.
When is she coming back?
Hopefully tomorrow.
Do the Cupids
come in milk chocolate?
Ah, no.
- Are these gluten-free?
- Yes.
- Can we order them in bulk?
- I... I don't... Lucy?
Okay, stop!
We're closing the shop
Thank you, please leave.
I'm so sorry.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Thanks for coming.
Thank you.
Come back some other time.
Thank you.
I'm sorry, I know.
It has to be a curse.
Mom, you remember
what Opa always used to say?
Your grandfather
was superstitious.
Serena's heartbroken.
She and Tyler were perfect
for each other.
Look at them now.
Serena and Tyler
are their own people.
Georgie's gone.
She'll be back tomorrow.
Look at us.
We literally have
too much success.
This has a "careful
what you wish for" curse
written all over it.
So you're a curse expert now?
Mom, I can't possibly
make enough chocolates
to fulfill all these orders
and get them out.
We have a note on the order form
that says they could be late.
And if they want
to buy them here?
I can't make enough chocolates.
We're going live tomorrow.
We're not gonna have
enough product.
People are gonna write
nasty reviews.
They are gonna complain,
and then we are gonna be ruined.
So, do you want to call Dean
and cancel the live feed?
I don't know.
He's probably not even
gonna be here tomorrow.
Where will he be?
New York.
For an interview.
I see.
Maybe it's the Cupids
that are cursed.
Why would you say that?
Because look what happened
with you and Dad.
Your father got sick.
It happens to people every day.
Chocolates had nothing
to do with it.
It scared me, Mom.
What happened after.
I wish
I'd gotten stronger faster.
He was the love of your life.
Of course, you were devastated.
I don't blame you.
But I also...
I don't ever want that.
you can't go through life
avoiding things
that might bring you pain...
You'll miss out
on what it has to offer.
But then I won't be sad.
Oh, honey.
You're sad right now.
You can't avoid the hard parts.
You have to face them,
no matter what happens.
Trust me on this one.
Aww, honey.
Come in.
Good morning.
How are you feeling?
I found Opa's recipe
for the Cupids.
Such a little thing,
but it's caused so much trouble.
Come on.
Just come with me.
Mom, what are we doing here?
I already told you I can't...
I know. Just go.
Thank you.
Keep going.
Just a little further.
When Helen called,
I had to come.
Well, you've helped
so many people.
They all wanted
to return the favor.
You know I'm dramatic.
We had a fight.
Which turned out
to be a good thing.
We cleared the air
on a lot of issues.
Now we're better than ever.
But now, I gotta go
back to work...
For you.
Mr. Chase, they're ready.
Thank you.
Even Claire and Malcolm's story?
Everybody, yeah.
Hi. Hi there.
I was just telling your mom here
that I just got word
from the station.
They had a technical malfunction
and now the piece
they had prepared
featuring the testimonials
is unusable.
Is there anyone here now
from your Wall of Love
to do a quick recording?
I can.
I met my late husband
in college.
We were both dating
other people at the time,
so we were only friends, but...
He always made me laugh.
And I... I loved the fact
that his parents
were chocolatiers,
but Scott couldn't boil water.
I guess that gene
skipped a generation.
Things finally changed
between us
about ten years
after graduation.
I... I was shopping
for a Valentine's Day gift
for some friends,
and I wound up
in How Sweet It Is.
Scott! Hi.
Don't tell me you're baking now?
I was just telling
my friend over there
about my dad's chocolate Cupids.
They weren't for sale
to the public then,
but friends and family
would drop by
and the Sweets
would give them away.
I remember
you telling me that story.
About how each
of your parents ate one
and then fell in love
in an instant.
It's not a story,
it's the truth.
You don't believe me?
I dare you to try.
I couldn't resist.
Now, I don't know
if I fell in love with him
at that moment,
or if I'd been in love with him
all along...
I only know
that was the luckiest day
of my life.
Just like losing him
was the hardest.
But if you were to give me
a chance to go back
to that moment,
when he gave me
that chocolate...
knowing what I know now...
I wouldn't hesitate
for a moment.
Love is worth the grief.
Oh, honey.
Thank you.
Come on, I only have
a little bit of time.
Serena, I'm swamped.
You'll thank me later.
I really do thank you,
because you're the one
who got all of this started
with your post.
You helped me find
the love of my life...
We're nowhere near even.
But this dress will help.
Come on.
Sorry, sorry.
Excuse me.
Coming through. Emergency.
Make way.
I gotta move.
Sorry. Sorry.
Excuse me.
You made it.
I told you I would.
One minute.
there's something
you should know.
You got the job.
And no.
Right before
I went into the interview,
Nora called to offer me
the morning anchor position.
And I...
I felt so happy,
I just knew
it was the right choice for me.
What about New York?
Oh, it turns out
it's too far away
from what I really want.
Get in position.
Come here.
Come on.
Ten seconds.
Thank you, Kim.
Four weeks ago,
I heard about the legend
of the chocolate Cupids
from the chocolate shop
How Sweet It Is
in Watson Corners,
run by Lucy and Helen Sweet.
After a post went viral,
many people flocked here
after hearing
that these chocolates
could lead you to true love...
if your heart is open...
mine wasn't.
But Lucy Sweet introduced me...
and many viewers...
to some of the couples
from the Wall of Love,
who met after
eating a chocolate.
And I have to admit,
by the time we were done,
even I was ready to believe
in the magic.
But not because
of the chocolates.
Because of the woman herself...
and her own special magic...
that has me completely
under her spell.
And because of that,
I am excited to try
a chocolate Cupid myself today.
Lucy... do you have one?
There are two of them.
I thought maybe...
I might try one, too,
if that's okay.
Only if they're both
the real thing.
No fakes.
There's no fake Cupids.
What about
the secret ingredient?
If it's not love, or belief,
or paprika,
what is it?
What's more scary than
opening your heart to love?
Putting it all on the line?
Everyone who tries one of these
is willing to do just that...
To risk it all.
That's bravery.
And I want to be brave.
Shall we?
I thought you'd never ask.
My grandfather believed
all chocolate
was a form of magic.
But for magic to be its best,
it must have purpose.
And what greater purpose
is there
than to love
and to be open to love
in return?