Swiss Family Robinson (1960) Movie Script
Get us out of here!
Help! Get us out of here!
We're trapped.
Somebody get us out! Help!
What happened?
- She's hit something.
- Have mercy.
I can't get it open. It's jammed.
You first, Fritz.
Ernst, help your mother.
Captain Wilhelm? Anybody here?
Anyone there, Fritz?
If anybody was here, they'd have
heard us long before this.
As I said,
if they've abandoned the ship,
they've got no claim.
It's ours, by maritime law.
They wouldn't leave us here.
Something must have happened.
They thought the ship was going to
sink. It was every man for himself.
It was carrying too much sail. The
captain and the mate argued about it.
I'd have fought the pirates
instead of running into the storm.
Alright, Mother.
What a mess!
- At least we're not far from land.
- Then there's hope.
Maybe when we get to shore we can
get help. Make her sail again.
She'll never sail again.
We could build a raft.
We've got enough wood.
Fritz is right.
The sooner we get ashore, the better.
Look what I found!
- Look.
- Those poor things!
They must have had a worse time
than we did.
How's it look?
Are we solid on the rocks?
I don't know. No, I'd say we're here
until the turning of the tide.
Help me, somebody! Help!
Look what I found. The captain's
dogs. And are they glad to see me!
- He's alright.
- Better make a start. Come on.
Give me a hand.
If it's deserted I can work out where
we are when I learn how to use this.
Alright, take it along.
- It still works!
- There's no time for that.
- Let's put up a distress flag.
- We don't look distressed enough?
Anyone who sees a ship stuck on the
rocks might guess it's in trouble.
Now, you look after them, Turk.
You too, Duke.
- How can we take all these animals?
- We're not taking them.
- If we leave them they'll die!
- When we're safe on land
then you can talk to me
about the animals. Not before.
Francis, get them out of there!
We don't want this one or that.
- Wait a minute!
- Or that. We don't want any of them.
Right, Fritz.
Put it over your head. That's it.
- Alright, I'm fine.
- Grip the rope here.
- Alright?
- Come on, Mother. We'll catch you.
- Don't worry.
- Right, Fritz.
- Come on.
- Now.
- Sorry, Mother.
- Are you alright?
Fritz, the dogs!
He forgot the dogs.
They're not coming. Cast off.
They're my dogs! I found them!
Sit down. They weigh more
than any of us. We'd sink in no time.
Alright, Fritz? Right.
Watch that wreckage.
The dogs are going to swim it.
Come on, Duke. Come on, Turk.
You can make it. Keep swimming.
Straight between those rocks.
That side.
No, come and help me push over here.
Come on, boys, you can make it!
Keep swimming.
- Watch those rocks.
- Your side, Ernst. Push off!
Come on, Turk! Come on, Duke!
Look out!
Do something. They'll drown!
We can't take any more chances.
Come on, boy.
- Good boy, Turk. Well done.
- Keep them in the middle.
- That's right. In the centre.
- You see? They didn't sink us.
Let's get to shore.
I wouldn't dare pray for any more
miracles, not in one day.
Turk, Duke, wait. I'm coming too.
Wait for me!
- Francis, stay in your tub.
- I'm coming!
- Come back!
- Tie it round the tree stump.
Come on, let's go.
Francis, come back here.
See you later.
First thing we'd better do is
unload the raft. Then...
...put up some sort of
shelter for the night.
Not the first thing.
Fritz. No, hold it, Fritz.
- We are not making any progress.
- I know.
It's got to hang down even
on both sides.
- Aren't very good.
- We're lucky to have them.
- Pull your side down.
- Right, I've got my side.
Hold it down, Fritz.
Come on.
You're very lucky to have them.
I think tomorrow, if the ship's still
there, you and I, and maybe Ernst,
ought to try
and bring in the animals
and anything else we might need.
- How long will we have to stay here?
- I don't know. I just...
I just think we ought to do
everything we can.
What's going on?
Powder was wet.
Aren't you coming to bed?
You have to have some sleep.
- Besides, it's going to rain.
- No, I'm alright.
No-one can go back
and undo what's already done but...
Well, I... want you to know that...
...l'm sorry things didn't work out
the way I wanted them to.
I know.
It would have been better
if we'd just stayed in Bern.
I'm not so sure. Not with Napoleon
trying to grab up more and more.
Fritz and Ernst might both
be in a war. Maybe even you.
No. Better to stay and face things
rather than just running away.
Is it running away to try to find
a new life in a new colony?
Try to give our sons a chance
to live, a chance to be free?
Is that running away?
I keep thinking about all the men
in those other offices
along the Marktgasse. They go on
working at the same old jobs
and manage to find opportunities
for their families,
without running off
to the other side of the world.
We settled all this
before we left home.
It was a good thing we set out to do.
We were right. Nothing has changed
just because we were shipwrecked.
You're always right, aren't you?
We'll get there. I'm sure of it.
Sooner or later
there'll be a ship.
I'll pray for it
with every breath I take.
It's a big land, New Guinea.
For hundreds of years
there'll be new colonies,
a great new world to build.
No limit to what a man can do.
If we're a couple of months
late getting there, it won't matter.
We're not too badly off, are we?
We've got each other, the family,
- food to eat.
- Even a tent to keep the rain off,
if we had sense enough to use it.
Now don't worry. Try to go back to
I'm soaked!
- Having trouble?
- I'll get it down,
but it may take a while.
Wait a minute. Hold him.
I keep trying to tell her
it's for her own good.
A ship! There's a ship!
Ahoy! Ahoy there!
I think they've seen us.
Take a look, Fritz.
- There's something on the sail...
- I knew it.
It's the pirate ship that chased us
into the storm. Get down!
And I deliberately tried
to get their attention.
This time we have a weapon.
- Do you know how to fire it?
- I think so. Let's pull it back.
I'll get a keg of powder. See if you
can find some rags, for wadding.
I know. I'll be right back.
We'll only have one shot. Let's wait
until we can't possibly miss.
- What's happening?
- They're going away.
Did they see us loading
the cannon and get scared?
Pirates scared off by one cannon
and three people?
Do you know what they're up to?
What's that?
A quarantine flag,
warning there's Black Death aboard.
How did you know that?
Well, I do a bit of reading too.
Come on, Fritz.
- Pull those new lines tight.
- Right.
Yes, that's it. There.
No! What's the matter with you?
Not that way, stupid. This way.
- Maybe it's too much for one trip.
- We had to try.
- You got one!
- Watch that one coming in.
- There's another one.
- I'll get it.
- I hit it!
- Here comes another one!
Get out of here!
Got one.
Look out, Ernst, there's another.
- No, it's a turtle.
- We disturbed him with our shots.
I think we scared them away.
It's pulling us!
Better to use your head
than break your back, I always say.
Francis, see if you can find the...
Where are you?
Here, Duke, Turk. Here, boys.
Where's Francis? Go find him.
Now you wait just one minute and I'll
have some sugarcane for you.
Now, come along, little fella.
I won't hurt you.
Now, just let me fix this.
Here, little elephant. Come here.
That's right.
Come on, little elephant.
I wouldn't hurt you.
Come on, little fella.
I wouldn't hurt you.
I have some nice fresh sugarcane
for you.
Come on.
Come on. Just a little closer.
That's right.
Come on, little fella.
Francis, where are you?
Now you just put your foot...
right there.
Come on, little elephant.
A little closer.
Just a little bit closer.
Now stop pulling!
What's the matter?
You get out of here!
Francis, where are you?
You get away from my elephant.
Get out. He's my elephant.
Duke, Turk, come on!
You bit him enough.
Good old Duke.
Did I tell you
you could leave the beach?
You might have been eaten, wandering
off that way!
What do you have to say
for yourself?
- I'm sorry but...
- But what?
Can I keep the baby elephant,
Now I'll keep you.
Come on, Rocky, get going.
Alright, Francis, hold it.
Slack off a bit.
Come on, Rocky, back up.
Good little fella, back up.
- Right.
- Hold it.
- That was a good idea, Ernst.
- Thanks, Fritz.
Come on.
Fritz, no more full planks,
just some odds and ends.
I think we've got enough.
Well? What do you think of it?
I'd like it a lot better if I knew
tigers couldn't climb trees.
They won't climb this one.
You probably won't have seen
such a house.
I'm sure of that.
The world is full
of nice, ordinary little people
who live in nice, ordinary
little houses on the ground.
But didn't you ever dream of having
a tree house?
No. Mostly I dream of having a house
in New Guinea.
You think we're going
to be here for a long time.
This I have no way of knowing
but we can't sit on the beach
just waiting for a ship.
- But there could be a ship?
- Of course.
Then I think we ought
to try to light the signal fire.
And just forget about the pirates?
Maybe they won't come back.
Maybe we could get away with it.
We can't chance it. Being alive is
more important than being found.
- Don't look down.
- Alright, Mother. I've got you.
- What do you think?
- Fritz, can I sleep with you?
- What an idea!
- It's not built for two.
- But I'll give you a swing.
- Be careful. Take this rope.
Tie it around his waist.
- Getting on, aren't we?
- Yes.
Here, I want to show you something.
Look. This is our room.
You won't to get me to go up there,
- not without some sort of railing.
- It'll be like a house, enclosed.
This is your own circular stairway.
Let's go back down
before someone falls off the edge.
- Come on, Francis.
- He'll be alright. I'll go first.
Come on, little fella. I wouldn't
hurt you. I just want to pet you.
Come on.
- Hold him, Ernst.
- I've got him.
- He caught it.
- Are you alright?
Yes. He's my new pet. Don't let him
- Feel his heart beating!
- Mine could match his beat for beat!
Supposing I hadn't insisted that he
had this rope tied around his waist?
Until you get a railing put up,
I don't want Francis back up here.
And I assure you I won't be up here
I'm sorry, dear.
I don't blame you for being upset.
But you don't seem to understand
what we have in mind.
No, but won't you trust us?
Do what you like,
just see Francis is on the ground.
I assure you I won't be back up here.
Alright, we'll do that.
You stay back in camp and when
we've got everything as we want it,
then we'll bring you back,
see how you feel.
Don't you think you can talk to me
like that.
- How much further?
- Hurry! You'll love the new house.
This way, Mother. Wait till you see
what we've done.
There's all sorts of things inside.
You just wait.
- We must be there now.
- Take off the blindfold.
Just a moment, please.
Old Swiss custom.
Carry the bride
across the threshold.
Duke, Turk, get out of my way.
How's this?
All the latest innovations.
Running water.
Genuine imported tortoiseshell.
And not forgetting the cooler.
This is Ernst's contribution.
He invented it.
He and Fritz built it.
See how it works, Mother? Look.
Big wheel turns the little wheel
up there,
the cup pours the water
into the shell,
it runs down the bamboo
and feeds the sink and the cooler.
I... can't believe it.
Darling, thank you.
I'm second. I go after Mother.
- Thank you.
- Up you go.
Up there's the boys' room.
And look.
This is something I worked out. When
in for the night, turn the wheel,
pull up the stairs.
Keeps out wild animals and neighbours
who may become a nuisance,
always wanting to borrow something.
We'll be troubled so much by them!
Get me down!
Remember this? I built it for us.
Don't tell me, you pull this
to ring for the butler.
Here, I'll show you.
You can lie and look at the stars.
Don't you remember?
That summer we went to Interlaken.
You said that some day,
if you could have your wish,
you'd sleep each night
so you could see the stars.
What is it? What's wrong?
These curtains don't belong here.
They're from the Captain's
cabin. We thought you'd like them.
It's so wonderful. I don't deserve
it. I can't believe it.
Don't worry about the curtains.
If you don't like them, I know
a woman who can fix anything.
Here it is. Tiger.
"Panthera tigris,
a native of Asia,
ranges north to Siberia
and south to India
and the Malay Peninsula."
Only with a land bridge
could there be so many
different animals on one island.
How do you know it's an island?
Why couldn't it be a peninsula?
Well, why don't you let us
try and sail around it?
You know how your mother feels
about that.
I think there used to be a
land bridge between here and Asia.
This is all that's left.
That's why so many different
types of animals are trapped here.
What do you think, Fritz?
Do you agree?
I suppose there could have
been one, a long time ago.
There's only one way to find out.
Ask Mother again.
Maybe she'll change her mind.
Mother wants to get to New Guinea
too. There might be a village
or some place where ships come in.
If the occasion presents itself, I
might bring it up again. What's this?
A spelling competition?
"Tiger, bear, elephant."
That's a list of animals
we've identified so far.
"Hyena, monkey, lizard."
- Francis, let go!
- I can't let go
- or he'll get away.
- Let him go anyway. We'll catch him.
- Are you alright?
- Yes, I'm alright.
Are you alright?
Not a mark on him
that won't wash off!
- Grab his neck.
- We can learn to ride him.
Let me try. Help me out.
We'd better get him
trained a bit first.
- Let me try it, then.
- Alright.
I get to try next.
I got it.
You silly...
Here I go.
Look out for that rock.
No, you gotta keep swinging.
Everybody, follow the leader.
Come on, I'll race you down.
Mother, look at me.
- Go on, Father. You can do it.
- Of course I can.
Here I come.
- Where are we going?
- Wait and see.
Come on.
Look at the monkeys. Look.
- What?
- Look at them swinging.
- Look at that.
- I can do that.
- Let's see you try.
- Anyone can change hands.
- Now, steady.
- Go on.
My turn next.
- No, my turn.
- After me.
Are you alright?
Never better. See what I mean?
- You really are very graceful.
- Thank you very much.
Isn't this the kind of life we were
meant to live on this earth?
Everything we need. Everything's
right here, right at our fingertips.
You know, if only people could have
all this and be satisfied,
- the world wouldn't have problems.
- Or any future generations.
There isn't everything we need
right at our fingertips.
- Now what are you talking about?
- This.
It's wonderful for today, but what
about tomorrow? And our sons?
- What future is there here for them?
- Tomorrow can take care of itself.
Suppose we never got away?
They'd never know what
it was like to be married.
Yes. Yes, that's right.
Now you come to mention it, there
aren't many girls around here.
It's nothing to joke about.
Suppose they never have a chance
to know what it's like to have a
What you're trying to say is
we ought to make every effort
to get away?
- Exactly.
- Right.
Then I'll tell the boys
they can sail around the coast,
- see what they can find.
- That's not what I said!
Sooner or later
we'll have to face it.
But what do they know about sailing
and outrigging and...
- Do you think it's safe?
- We can't hold on to them forever.
Come on, Rocky,
you can pull it faster.
Come on, pull.
Fritz, grab hold. That's it.
We'll be back soon and maybe
we'll find a ship to take us away.
Don't worry, Mother.
Be careful, Fritz.
Get Rocky clear.
Back up.
It's going to be up to you,
Fritz. If you run into a storm
or trouble of any kind, I'm relying
on your judgement, your good sense.
Make sure you both get safely back.
Goodbye, Ernst.
- Goodbye. Don't worry.
- Remember to use your head.
Good luck.
Don't worry.
They'll be back before you know it.
I hope we are doing the right thing.
Letting them go.
I'm sure we are.
If we'd let them go sooner we
might be in New Guinea by this time.
- Bye! Bring me back a crocodile!
- Goodbye!
I wish Mother could see
this place. She'd love it.
You know what I'd like? I'd like to
see some real mountains once again.
Walk the Oberland.
Stand looking up at the Jungfrau
when a storm moves in.
Remember how you could smell
the snow in the air?
Do you ever think about what you'd
be doing if you'd stayed in Bern?
I think about Herr Kobel,
what he said,
that I should attend the Academy.
- Fine chance you would have had.
- It might have worked out.
I tell you where I'd really like
to be.
Walking down the Nydeggasse,
like on a Sunday after church.
All the girls stroll past
all dressed up.
- Anyone in particular?
- No, nobody special.
Maybe you don't know them
or speak to them,
but you look and they look
and you just know they're there.
Fritz, if we ever get to New Guinea,
will there be any girls our age?
By the time we get to New Guinea
we won't care what age they are!
Ernst, get the sail down. Quick!
- Keep down.
- What's the matter?
- What happened?
- Quick, give me the glass.
There's something moving over there
on the beach.
I'm sure it's the same one we scared
off with the quarantine flag.
Let's sneak in closer. If we stay
behind the rocks they won't see us.
- Ernst, bring the bow round.
- I'm trying.
That chest they've opened was my
First Officer's, God rest his soul.
I wish they'd fight
and kill each other.
You let me do any talking.
No! Leave him! Put him down!
Kuala, listen to me!
Little boy, you all alone.
He is 14 years.
Leave him alone.
Leave the boy alone! Kuala, wait!
You will want me to write a ransom
note. I write.
My people send money
if you let me go.
You send plenty money,
then you go.
No, wait!
Leave the boy with me
or I not write ransom note.
No boy, no note.
I'm sorry, Bertie,
to have got you into this.
We'll... get out of this somehow.
Now keep as still as you can.
You'll only make things worse.
Now they'll decide which crew
is going to take us.
We could sneak in
and free the old man and the boy
before the others knew
what was happening.
It's now or never. Come on.
At least I think they'll keep us
- Don't make any noise.
- Who are you?
- Who are you?
- We've come to help you.
- If only we had a knife.
- Quick! Don't bother with me.
Get the boy free first. Go on!
They won't harm me. I'm valuable for
ransom. Get Bertie free.
Get away if you can.
If they ransom me, I'll get a ship
and come back for you.
I won't leave without you.
Get away quickly.
Don't waste time on me. Go on!
- Run!
- No, I won't go!
Go on, leave me!
- Come on.
- I can't go on another step.
In here.
Pirates took your ship?
What were you, cabin boy?
The old gentleman
back there's your grandfather?
Come on.
And who are you anyway?
Where did you come from?
We were shipwrecked. Our ship...
Come on.
They're leaving.
They're going away.
Could be a trick, so we come back,
like the Greeks
and the Trojan horse.
I think we'll stay here
until daylight.
Probably save time
cutting across the island
instead of going around the beach.
No question about it now,
this is an island.
What about me?
What am I going to do?
I guess you'll come with us.
Right about that direction should
take us home.
But if they release my grandfather
he'll come back here to look for me.
Don't worry. He knows you're with us.
If we're not here,
he'll just sail around the island.
He couldn't get a ship past our
place unseen, even if he wanted to.
- Bertie, you can have the middle.
- Come on.
I'll just sit up. Not sleepy.
Do you imagine we've changed a lot
since we first landed?
- In what way?
- Lots. Like getting stronger,
- more sure of ourselves.
- I suppose so.
When we first came here,
everything scared us.
- All those strange noises.
- How could I forget?
We must have been pretty helpless.
That I'd have to agree with.
Listen. You don't think
we were something like him?
I don't think so.
Did you get a good look at his hands?
I bet he's never done anything.
A wealthy family, an only child.
- Sometime, look at the way he walks.
- I did!
And back home, we used to call
Jean Monteau a sissy.
Remember we were wishing
we could see some girls?
We're so close to getting our wish
but we've still missed it completely!
That direction. That's the way
we've got to go, Fritz.
We'll cross here. Doesn't look
as though it'll be over our heads.
Do we have to cross just here?
It's easy. Take off your clothes,
carry them over your head.
Better than walking in wet clothes.
Just until we've crossed
the deep part.
- I can't swim.
- I don't think you'll have to.
Come on, get started.
I'm going back to the beach
to wait for my grandfather.
- Don't come any closer!
- Are you out of your mind?
- Stay back!
- That's my gun! You can't take it!
Sorry, but I need it more than you.
My grandfather
will make it alright with you.
Wait. You keep his attention.
- I'll slip round behind him.
- I'll keep his attention!
You! Bertie!
Put that down or I'll let this go.
Drop it!
Don't do that, Ernst, I'll shoot!
I don't want to shoot you.
Now put that down!
Let go of me!
Stop it!
I'll teach him to shoot at me!
She didn't mean to fire.
I don't care! I could have been...
What? She didn't?!
It's a girl!
Why would a girl dress up like that?
It was because of the pirates.
My grandfather made me cut my hair
and dress like this because...
Because he didn't want them to know.
At least now you can wash your face.
Well, it'll be nice
to be called Roberta again.
I'm sorry,
but if we'd known you were a girl
- we wouldn't have...
- We'll try to make it easy for you,
as much as possible.
- Careful.
- Give me your hand.
Thank you.
Careful. Watch your step, Roberta.
Thank you, Fritz.
Variations and deviations
are two completely different things.
Like here, Roberta.
Variations can be compensated
for mathematically.
But deviations, you never know
when they're going to happen.
My grandfather will get you
navigating one of his ships.
- Would you like that?
- Maybe. Someday.
I'd like to finish school first,
- Do you like the sea, Fritz?
- I like things you can depend on.
You can never be sure of the sea.
That's the fun of it,
not being sure.
"The winds aloud howl o'er the masts,
and sing through every shroud.
Pale, trembling, tired,
the sailors freeze with fears
and instant death
on every wave appears."
Homer's Iliad. One of the most
beautiful things ever written.
When we were caught in the storm I
thought of those lines over and over.
Do you read a lot, Fritz?
Him? He practically
doesn't even read at all.
Never needed to. Ernst always
tells me everything he knows.
I think we're getting off course.
We should bear more... the right.
It's alright, he won't hurt you.
It's gone. Come on.
Stay close to me.
Get out of it, quick!
Do something!
Get the knife!
Ernst, the knife! The knife!
Hurry, Ernst!
- Hit the head!
- I can't find it.
I'm sorry it took so long to find it.
It was horrible.
Let's go back.
Please, let's go back.
It keeps getting worse.
And worse.
I think the worst is behind us now.
Here, give me your hand.
No! My compass has gone!
I don't know where to look.
I guess we'll have to get along
without it.
Without it? We wouldn't have a
chance. We need that compass.
We don't necessarily need a compass.
I think I can do as well without it.
Think? You could be wrong.
Alright, I don't think it,
I know it. And from now on, Ernst,
you're just going to have to trust my
judgement. Come on.
How's it feel now, Roberta?
I don't care what he says.
I can't go on day after day.
- We've got no other choice.
- We're lost and you know it.
- We're not lost.
- If you want to go on, go ahead.
Ernst and I have decided not to.
You've what?
We can find the river
and follow it back to the coast.
- Anyway, it's two against one.
- Even if it were ten against one
I've got to get us back
and I'm going to.
Being older
doesn't make you always right.
- What are you doing?
- Taking charge of the pistol.
It was appropriated once before
when somebody wanted to go back.
Give me back my pistol!
Now, watch yourself.
Stop it!
Have your pistol back.
But you only have a few shots left.
How far do you think you'd get?
There isn't any decision to make.
We've got to keep going.
I suppose we'd better go with him.
- Do you think you can?
- I'll try.
Go on, get out! Get away!
Go on. Get away.
Get away. Go on.
You really got yourself into a mess.
Alright, I won't hurt you.
Easy, boy. Easy. I'll get you out.
If we can get him out, maybe
you won't have to walk all the way.
You'll never get him out that way.
I'll get more branches, to make a
At a time like this you gotta use
your head. Here you are.
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
thy leaves are so unchanging
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
thy leaves are so unchanging
Not only green when summer's here,
but also when 'tis cold and drear
O Christmas tree,
O Christmas tree,
Thy leaves are so...
Must have got wet coming over.
I don't know how you managed
to get it ashore.
I couldn't have done it alone.
Fritz and Ernst helped. I...
- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
Are we ever gonna open up
these other packages?
- Those are for Fritz and Ernst.
- But suppose they don't come back?
- Suppose they got ate up?
- Francis, it's been a long day.
- And it's past your bedtime.
- But it's Christmas.
- Merry Christmas, sweetheart.
- I'll come up and say goodnight.
It's Fritz and Ernst!
What have you got there?
Did you bring me back my crocodile?
What have you got there? We thought
you got ate up or something.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
- What is it?
- A zebra.
Merry Christmas!
Ernst! Happy Christmas!
- Mother!
- Fritz! Happy Christmas!
A zebra.
- I think I need that razor next.
- Let's see, Ernst.
Yes. Got it.
It's a good thing you boys
have done. A very good thing.
And I'm going to try and make sure
it's not wasted.
How do you mean?
The pirates know you took
their prisoner
and that you're on this island.
Think they're going to forget?
They didn't know she was a girl
and not a cabin boy.
They wouldn't come after us.
What have we got?
- We've got their prisoner here.
- Pirates! If they come here,
I'll shoot them.
It'll take more than a crossbow.
We'll get the cannon from the ship.
It's useless.
It's rusted right over.
I should have covered it up.
Let's not waste time
looking backwards.
Thank you, Father.
First thing tomorrow,
we'll go out to the ship,
take off everything else we might
possibly need and then blow her up.
- You mean with gunpowder?
- What for?
They already know it's there.
I'm hoping that with hundreds
of islands and thousands of reefs,
they won't remember exactly
where we are.
Father's right.
We have to blow it up.
Be ready to fight
but not too proud to hide, eh?
Just a sip now.
That's enough.
It must have taken great courage to
pack up and set off for a new colony
and leave your whole world
behind you.
With my husband and my sons, I wasn't
leaving my entire world behind me.
You couldn't know what you were
getting into. All the hardships.
Think of the things
you might have had to do without.
Take a look.
- It's beautiful.
- I've always wanted a daughter,
someone I could dress up
and make clothes for.
I just didn't expect it
for Christmas.
Thank you.
How about this? We get some trees,
bend them down, make snares,
the pirates step in the snares,
trip them and they're caught.
But how can we defend this place?
I think what we need is a hill,
so they have to come up to us.
- I got an idea.
- What is it, Francis?
We could dig some big pits
and then we could put lions,
tigers, snakes,
and all sorts of animals in there.
When the pirates come, they fall in.
I don't know whether we could
manage the lions and tigers,
but I think a few pits
might be a very good idea.
You look very beautiful, my dear.
Come and join the family.
Allow me, Roberta.
May I have the pleasure
of the first dance?
There. What did I tell you?
Anything we really need, the island
will produce it. Even a girl.
A girl. But we have three sons.
Excuse me, Fritz.
I'll dance with you, Fritz.
I'll rest awhile, if you don't mind.
- What's the matter?
- I was just thinking.
We gotta have those lions and tigers
or else...
Well, that's the whole idea.
I guess we'll just
have to have them, then.
Since you have a partner, Ernst,
I'm sure you won't mind.
It might have been simpler
if I'd left the dress in the chest.
Alright, keep playing.
Thank you.
Come on, Francis.
May I have the pleasure?
Something must have gone wrong
with the fuse.
We're not going back to find out.
We'll have to pick up every scrap
of lumber. Can't leave any evidence.
Must be getting close.
I used to dream that somehow we'd
find a way to make her sail again.
Well, we can be sure of one thing.
If the pirates do come,
we're going to outnumbered.
Maybe ten to one.
But up here,
if we prepare everything in advance,
we'll be able to give
a good account of ourselves.
We'll be like medieval knights
defending the castle.
We'll keep the muskets
for our final defence.
I'll give the order
when to use them.
Of course, if anything should happen
to me, then Fritz will take charge,
- then Ernst.
- And then me.
Yes, then you, Francis.
We've only got a small army.
We can only afford one general.
Now that's our weak point
this is where they'll try to come up.
We could have used the cannon.
We'll have to do
the best we can without it.
Down there we'll put our pits and
our snares and our entanglements.
We could plant some gunpowder and
touch it off with fuses from the top.
Anything to hold them up.
You can rely on me, Roberta.
I've got it all worked out.
Can I take care of the lions
and tigers and things?
- You're in charge of the tigers.
- Good.
I'd like to be something in the
world, so I want to go to school.
You'd love it in London, anyway.
There are concerts, parties, dances.
Ladies in beautiful gowns.
Elegant men in tall hats.
- Did you ever own a tall hat?
- No.
I can't wait to see you in one.
You'll be quite handsome.
I think that's what I miss most of
all, the colour and the excitement.
I know I'd especially like it...
if you were there.
I'll be there. As long as I live,
I won't travel any further from home
than an occasional trip
to the seaside.
Thank you, Roberta.
There must be something my
grandfather can do for you all.
Herr Kobel used to say,
"For some boys school is a
punishment, for others a reward."
There must be something
my grandfather can do.
Francis, don't! If you drop that
you could blow us all to pieces.
Dropping it wouldn't set it off.
You'd have to light the fuse.
- Even then I'm not so sure.
- You don't think they'll work?
They'll make noise, keep the pirates
confused, that's all.
Just because Papa thought of them
instead of you.
What's all this?
More pirate alarms?
Yes, for the steep side.
You and your pirate alarm.
What about your tiger?
Have you caught him yet?
No. Until Fritz and Ernst dig the
pits there's no place to keep him.
- One of you, give me a hand!
- It's alright, I'll go.
Don't bother.
Up there.
Pull the knot as tight as you can.
Francis, put that down!
Is that alright?
There we are.
What are you doing?
He was just showing me
how it will work.
I feel sorry for any pirates who
It was my idea. If you like I'll
show you what else I had in mind.
Pirates. They're here! Into the fort,
everybody! Come on, quick!
- What is it?
- Francis! Where is he?
You know those coconut bombs?
You don't have to worry about them.
They work right well.
Come down!
You might have been killed?
If you'd stayed put, Ernst,
this wouldn't have happened.
- Don't tell me what to do!
- I just did.
- That's enough.
- I don't care.
He thinks he can just give orders.
I said that's enough.
This incident's closed.
Now let's get back to work.
I don't want to hear
another word about it.
If you really don't want to go to
school and your mind is made up,
maybe my grandfather could give you a
job. It'll be a good job, Fritz.
Perhaps in the counting house.
What if he doesn't get back here
for some reason?
What if we have to stay
on the island for 10 or 20 years?
He will come back, I know it.
He's probably headed this way now
in one of his fastest ships.
You'd take the job if he offered
it to you?
It's not that I wouldn't appreciate
it, but it's just not for me.
Cooped up in an office
counting somebody else's money,
doing the same thing
day after day.
What would you like to do?
If we get off this island I'd like
to do what we started out to do.
Go on to New Guinea
and become part of the new colony.
Maybe take up some land
in my own name.
- Well, why?
- Why?
Well, because it's a good thing.
You've got a chance to build,
with your own two hands.
It's the beginning of a new country.
That's what I like about it.
Well, I'm going to London.
Ernst was very flattering. He said
he'd like to be there if I was.
Wouldn't you like to see me
in London?
I don't know that I'll ever be
in London.
I don't see how anybody
can shoot a thing like this.
Why don't you teach me how to shoot?
It might be important
if there's a battle.
Alright. Come on.
Well... first you pull the gun tight
into your shoulder like this. And...
Well, here.
Tight into your shoulder and...
Well, right hand near the trigger.
No, here.
Left hand out to support it.
A little more. Right.
Now. No, you have to use
this hand to support it.
Now you sight along the barrel here.
You don't mind?
Why do you think I wanted you
to teach me?
- Roberta! Where are you?
- I'm over here.
May I have this next dance, m'lady?
You said that's what you missed.
- It's to make you feel at home.
- Where ever did you get that?
You wish the name of my tailor, sir?
Go past the town square,
take the first street to the left.
- Weren't you covering the pits?
- Weren't you working on the bridge?
He was teaching me how to shoot.
I asked him to.
Come here a minute.
I want to show you something.
If you'd like to learn how to shoot,
Roberta, I'd be happy to teach you.
I think I have the general idea.
The old tiger, he'll come along here
like this at night,
after the pit's been all covered up,
and he'll sniff the meat...
...and he'll start to circle the pit.
He'll come around here like this
...and he'll think, "I think I just
might grab that big hunk of meat."
So he gets down like this, gets like
this, and then...
Tell me, Francis, don't show me. Or
you'll be in there before your tiger!
Anyhow, he'll jump for the bait
and that's how I'll catch my tiger.
Think a tiger's going to fall for
this? You're wasting your time.
You talk about wasting time.
How many hours did you spend making
that silly hat?
None of your business.
You're not my boss.
No? We've got more important things
to do than try to amuse Roberta.
You're jealous.
Jealous? Of what?
Why don't you grow up?
That's enough, Ernst.
Now hit him, Fritz.
Come on, Fritz. Get him.
Come on, Ernst. Fight.
Get him, Ernst. Come on.
Get him, Ernst.
What a beauty!
Now your turn.
Come on, Fritz, get him.
Fight. Are you afraid of him, Ernst?
Poke him one.
Come on, Fritz. Ernst!
- What's this all about?
- Nothing.
Who started it?
You know,
I think this is probably my fault.
I think I've been pushing everybody
just a bit too hard.
It might do us a lot of good
to relax for a change.
So here's what we're going to do.
we are going to observe
the first national holiday
in the history of New Switzerland.
A holiday? You mean like Christmas?
Now let's get on with the work.
Get ready for it.
A holiday. We're going to have
a holiday, Roberta.
- Where did we get all these flags?
- I got them off the ship.
- Allow me.
- Thank you.
How do you like this?
For the winner of the race.
I'd better try it on for size.
Not going to argue?
Just conceding that I'll win?
This afternoon you and Ernst
were fighting. It was my fault.
- It wasn't your fault.
- Everything that's happened lately
is because you brought me back, even
the danger we're in from pirates.
You didn't ask to be brought here.
In fact, you had quite different
ideas. Remember?
Poor Ernst. The hours he must have
spent making that silly hat.
He didn't mean to neglect his work.
He was just trying to be nice to me.
- I know that.
- I never dreamed he'd do that.
I did hope I could repay your family
and all I've done is cause trouble
between you. I didn't want to.
Roberta, I'm not much at saying
things, you know, but...
It's no good. When we leave here,
you're going on and I'm going back
to London.
Let's not make it difficult.
When we leave here? How do you
know we're ever going to?
We might be here...
- My tiger! I bet I got him!
- Francis, come back here.
Look out, Ernst.
- He might be anywhere.
- Let me go!
Francis, wait till we get there.
It's my tiger. Let me go.
Mind the pit.
Where is he?
I would never have believed it!
Well done, Francis.
Let's cover it with palm leaves
so he'll go to sleep
and the pirates won't know
he's there.
Go and tell Mother. We'll do it.
You don't have to worry any more!
I got my tiger!
He's got his tiger.
Everybody back behind
the starting line.
Stay back.
Hang on.
Mother, you hold Duke, will you?
That's it.
You go round the first pylon
and then over to that one,
then back and forth three times
and here to the finish.
And now, ladies and gentlemen,
to the winner
this gorgeous culinary creation
which all of us will eat.
Quiet. Serving as official starter,
the loveliest lady of the canton.
Quick! Come back!
Quick, Mother, fire.
Come on, Rocky, get going.
Come on, Duchess. Run, girl.
That way. Come on, Rocky.
I can't get on! Give me a chance.
No, Turk, get out of here,
you're ruining everything.
Look out, Mother.
Wait a minute, Ernst.
- No, not that way.
- Hold it, Clementine.
Jump on.
Good boy, Lightning.
You're going the wrong way, Roberta.
Come on, Rocky.
Stand still.
Now we're going to win.
It's not good
if you can't stay on him, Fritz.
Turk, get away.
Not fair, Ernst,
you have to ride him.
- Come on, Rocky, we're going to win.
- Come on, Lightning.
Straight on.
No, not that way, the other way.
No, the other way.
Come on.
I give up. Come on, Clementine.
Come on!
Out of my way.
I'm going to ride you
if it's the last thing I do.
Quick, the tape.
That's not the way
you're supposed to go!
Wrong way, Roberta.
Roberta. Come back here.
Come on, Rocky, we're winning!
Not fair, Roberta, I was winning!
You're not hurt?
- Pirates on the beach.
- What?
Pirates on our beach.
- Up the hill, everybody, quick!
- I'll get the muskets.
Come on, Roberta. Come on.
Remember your orders?
Get started!
Yes, sir!
Come on. Come on, Francis.
Duke, Turk, come back.
No time now. They'll be alright.
Come along, Mother.
Come on, Francis.
Just stay quiet.
They've seen us.
They've seen us. The bridge, quick.
Alright, Mother?
Here, Duke! Here, Turk!
Good boy.
- Ready, Ernst?
- Ready.
Fritz, Ernst, come up.
Come up.
They must be getting near it now.
Over this way a bit.
My tiger! He got them.
Number three.
Now, don't light it till I tell you.
The flame
is meant to reach the powder
at the same time as the pirates.
See what I mean? Give me the torch.
They're running!
- Now the coconut bombs.
- No, not yet.
- They're coming round this way.
- Don't fire yet.
Get back.
We've got them on the run.
- Right. The coconut bombs.
- Good!
That's it.
Keep throwing.
We haven't stopped them. Use the
rifles. Try and pick off the leaders.
Where are you going, Father?
It worked.
Watch those logs fall down.
There's a man getting squashed.
We're safe!
Kuala make talk.
You hear?
We hear you.
You take boy belong Kuala.
Give us boy, no more fight.
You hear?
You want the boy? Come and get him.
We're ready for you.
You can put away your white flag.
- Maybe it would be better to agree.
- Don't worry.
He wouldn't bargain if he
thought he could beat us.
Send the boy down the hill.
Kuala take boy.
Nobody hurt.
You hear?
You make Kuala fight long time
then you die!
And Kuala take boy all the same.
It's true. You can't possibly hold
them off forever.
You don't look like a boy any more.
If you give yourself up now...
But what will happen
to all of you if I don't?
Nothing's going to happen to anybody.
He must think we're mad.
Roberta, don't listen.
My pirate alarm.
They're coming up that way.
Quick. Down!
Look out! Father, look out!
Ernst, look.
Stay back.
Get down!
- How many rounds have we got left?
- Five.
They're very close.
They're running away.
It's a ship. A merchantman.
They're firing on the pirates.
One of my grandfather's ships.
I knew he'd come for us.
- Here we are!
- We're here!
- Can I see your hat, please?
- Of course.
Thank you.
No more, thank you.
That was delicious.
Nothing to it, my boy. I've given
money to that college for years.
It's time I asked for something.
Well, Roberta and I have talked
about school but a... university!
I never dreamed!
I'm going to a university!
As for the rest of you,
I won't try to influence you
but if you'd like
to return to Europe,
I could give you an interesting
fresh start.
But if you still want to go to New
Guinea I'll happily take you there.
I think that since we have to decide
forever, that... husband and I
would just rather stay here.
That's what you want?
It's been a good life for us here.
As Roberta says, there are
things you have to do without.
But they're unimportant if people
aren't around feeling sorry for you.
You mean I don't have to go?
Fritz and Ernst will go with you.
We'll keep Francis for a few years.
- I'll be back.
- You won't be without neighbours.
You realise that? This is a new
island. There'll be a new colony,
- a new governor.
- You might be made governor, Father.
More than likely I should say.
It's funny how you can change
your mind about what's important.
What it is you really want.
Take your parents.
All of this time they've been
wanting to get to New Guinea
and now they have their chance they
find everything they want is here.
You mean they're not going?
- I can understand how they feel.
- I do, too.
Two people, if they have each other,
what more could they want?
I guess just to be alone.
It's time to go now. The Captain
wants to sail with the tide.
Just coming.
Surely you'll want to go
and see him off?
Anyway, I'll have to explain
to my grandfather.
- Bye, Ernst.
- Good luck next year.
Goodbye, Mother, Father,
Fritz, Roberta.
Bye, Ernst.
God be with you.
Wait for me! Duchess!
Clementine! Turk!
Get us out of here!
Help! Get us out of here!
We're trapped.
Somebody get us out! Help!
What happened?
- She's hit something.
- Have mercy.
I can't get it open. It's jammed.
You first, Fritz.
Ernst, help your mother.
Captain Wilhelm? Anybody here?
Anyone there, Fritz?
If anybody was here, they'd have
heard us long before this.
As I said,
if they've abandoned the ship,
they've got no claim.
It's ours, by maritime law.
They wouldn't leave us here.
Something must have happened.
They thought the ship was going to
sink. It was every man for himself.
It was carrying too much sail. The
captain and the mate argued about it.
I'd have fought the pirates
instead of running into the storm.
Alright, Mother.
What a mess!
- At least we're not far from land.
- Then there's hope.
Maybe when we get to shore we can
get help. Make her sail again.
She'll never sail again.
We could build a raft.
We've got enough wood.
Fritz is right.
The sooner we get ashore, the better.
Look what I found!
- Look.
- Those poor things!
They must have had a worse time
than we did.
How's it look?
Are we solid on the rocks?
I don't know. No, I'd say we're here
until the turning of the tide.
Help me, somebody! Help!
Look what I found. The captain's
dogs. And are they glad to see me!
- He's alright.
- Better make a start. Come on.
Give me a hand.
If it's deserted I can work out where
we are when I learn how to use this.
Alright, take it along.
- It still works!
- There's no time for that.
- Let's put up a distress flag.
- We don't look distressed enough?
Anyone who sees a ship stuck on the
rocks might guess it's in trouble.
Now, you look after them, Turk.
You too, Duke.
- How can we take all these animals?
- We're not taking them.
- If we leave them they'll die!
- When we're safe on land
then you can talk to me
about the animals. Not before.
Francis, get them out of there!
We don't want this one or that.
- Wait a minute!
- Or that. We don't want any of them.
Right, Fritz.
Put it over your head. That's it.
- Alright, I'm fine.
- Grip the rope here.
- Alright?
- Come on, Mother. We'll catch you.
- Don't worry.
- Right, Fritz.
- Come on.
- Now.
- Sorry, Mother.
- Are you alright?
Fritz, the dogs!
He forgot the dogs.
They're not coming. Cast off.
They're my dogs! I found them!
Sit down. They weigh more
than any of us. We'd sink in no time.
Alright, Fritz? Right.
Watch that wreckage.
The dogs are going to swim it.
Come on, Duke. Come on, Turk.
You can make it. Keep swimming.
Straight between those rocks.
That side.
No, come and help me push over here.
Come on, boys, you can make it!
Keep swimming.
- Watch those rocks.
- Your side, Ernst. Push off!
Come on, Turk! Come on, Duke!
Look out!
Do something. They'll drown!
We can't take any more chances.
Come on, boy.
- Good boy, Turk. Well done.
- Keep them in the middle.
- That's right. In the centre.
- You see? They didn't sink us.
Let's get to shore.
I wouldn't dare pray for any more
miracles, not in one day.
Turk, Duke, wait. I'm coming too.
Wait for me!
- Francis, stay in your tub.
- I'm coming!
- Come back!
- Tie it round the tree stump.
Come on, let's go.
Francis, come back here.
See you later.
First thing we'd better do is
unload the raft. Then...
...put up some sort of
shelter for the night.
Not the first thing.
Fritz. No, hold it, Fritz.
- We are not making any progress.
- I know.
It's got to hang down even
on both sides.
- Aren't very good.
- We're lucky to have them.
- Pull your side down.
- Right, I've got my side.
Hold it down, Fritz.
Come on.
You're very lucky to have them.
I think tomorrow, if the ship's still
there, you and I, and maybe Ernst,
ought to try
and bring in the animals
and anything else we might need.
- How long will we have to stay here?
- I don't know. I just...
I just think we ought to do
everything we can.
What's going on?
Powder was wet.
Aren't you coming to bed?
You have to have some sleep.
- Besides, it's going to rain.
- No, I'm alright.
No-one can go back
and undo what's already done but...
Well, I... want you to know that...
...l'm sorry things didn't work out
the way I wanted them to.
I know.
It would have been better
if we'd just stayed in Bern.
I'm not so sure. Not with Napoleon
trying to grab up more and more.
Fritz and Ernst might both
be in a war. Maybe even you.
No. Better to stay and face things
rather than just running away.
Is it running away to try to find
a new life in a new colony?
Try to give our sons a chance
to live, a chance to be free?
Is that running away?
I keep thinking about all the men
in those other offices
along the Marktgasse. They go on
working at the same old jobs
and manage to find opportunities
for their families,
without running off
to the other side of the world.
We settled all this
before we left home.
It was a good thing we set out to do.
We were right. Nothing has changed
just because we were shipwrecked.
You're always right, aren't you?
We'll get there. I'm sure of it.
Sooner or later
there'll be a ship.
I'll pray for it
with every breath I take.
It's a big land, New Guinea.
For hundreds of years
there'll be new colonies,
a great new world to build.
No limit to what a man can do.
If we're a couple of months
late getting there, it won't matter.
We're not too badly off, are we?
We've got each other, the family,
- food to eat.
- Even a tent to keep the rain off,
if we had sense enough to use it.
Now don't worry. Try to go back to
I'm soaked!
- Having trouble?
- I'll get it down,
but it may take a while.
Wait a minute. Hold him.
I keep trying to tell her
it's for her own good.
A ship! There's a ship!
Ahoy! Ahoy there!
I think they've seen us.
Take a look, Fritz.
- There's something on the sail...
- I knew it.
It's the pirate ship that chased us
into the storm. Get down!
And I deliberately tried
to get their attention.
This time we have a weapon.
- Do you know how to fire it?
- I think so. Let's pull it back.
I'll get a keg of powder. See if you
can find some rags, for wadding.
I know. I'll be right back.
We'll only have one shot. Let's wait
until we can't possibly miss.
- What's happening?
- They're going away.
Did they see us loading
the cannon and get scared?
Pirates scared off by one cannon
and three people?
Do you know what they're up to?
What's that?
A quarantine flag,
warning there's Black Death aboard.
How did you know that?
Well, I do a bit of reading too.
Come on, Fritz.
- Pull those new lines tight.
- Right.
Yes, that's it. There.
No! What's the matter with you?
Not that way, stupid. This way.
- Maybe it's too much for one trip.
- We had to try.
- You got one!
- Watch that one coming in.
- There's another one.
- I'll get it.
- I hit it!
- Here comes another one!
Get out of here!
Got one.
Look out, Ernst, there's another.
- No, it's a turtle.
- We disturbed him with our shots.
I think we scared them away.
It's pulling us!
Better to use your head
than break your back, I always say.
Francis, see if you can find the...
Where are you?
Here, Duke, Turk. Here, boys.
Where's Francis? Go find him.
Now you wait just one minute and I'll
have some sugarcane for you.
Now, come along, little fella.
I won't hurt you.
Now, just let me fix this.
Here, little elephant. Come here.
That's right.
Come on, little elephant.
I wouldn't hurt you.
Come on, little fella.
I wouldn't hurt you.
I have some nice fresh sugarcane
for you.
Come on.
Come on. Just a little closer.
That's right.
Come on, little fella.
Francis, where are you?
Now you just put your foot...
right there.
Come on, little elephant.
A little closer.
Just a little bit closer.
Now stop pulling!
What's the matter?
You get out of here!
Francis, where are you?
You get away from my elephant.
Get out. He's my elephant.
Duke, Turk, come on!
You bit him enough.
Good old Duke.
Did I tell you
you could leave the beach?
You might have been eaten, wandering
off that way!
What do you have to say
for yourself?
- I'm sorry but...
- But what?
Can I keep the baby elephant,
Now I'll keep you.
Come on, Rocky, get going.
Alright, Francis, hold it.
Slack off a bit.
Come on, Rocky, back up.
Good little fella, back up.
- Right.
- Hold it.
- That was a good idea, Ernst.
- Thanks, Fritz.
Come on.
Fritz, no more full planks,
just some odds and ends.
I think we've got enough.
Well? What do you think of it?
I'd like it a lot better if I knew
tigers couldn't climb trees.
They won't climb this one.
You probably won't have seen
such a house.
I'm sure of that.
The world is full
of nice, ordinary little people
who live in nice, ordinary
little houses on the ground.
But didn't you ever dream of having
a tree house?
No. Mostly I dream of having a house
in New Guinea.
You think we're going
to be here for a long time.
This I have no way of knowing
but we can't sit on the beach
just waiting for a ship.
- But there could be a ship?
- Of course.
Then I think we ought
to try to light the signal fire.
And just forget about the pirates?
Maybe they won't come back.
Maybe we could get away with it.
We can't chance it. Being alive is
more important than being found.
- Don't look down.
- Alright, Mother. I've got you.
- What do you think?
- Fritz, can I sleep with you?
- What an idea!
- It's not built for two.
- But I'll give you a swing.
- Be careful. Take this rope.
Tie it around his waist.
- Getting on, aren't we?
- Yes.
Here, I want to show you something.
Look. This is our room.
You won't to get me to go up there,
- not without some sort of railing.
- It'll be like a house, enclosed.
This is your own circular stairway.
Let's go back down
before someone falls off the edge.
- Come on, Francis.
- He'll be alright. I'll go first.
Come on, little fella. I wouldn't
hurt you. I just want to pet you.
Come on.
- Hold him, Ernst.
- I've got him.
- He caught it.
- Are you alright?
Yes. He's my new pet. Don't let him
- Feel his heart beating!
- Mine could match his beat for beat!
Supposing I hadn't insisted that he
had this rope tied around his waist?
Until you get a railing put up,
I don't want Francis back up here.
And I assure you I won't be up here
I'm sorry, dear.
I don't blame you for being upset.
But you don't seem to understand
what we have in mind.
No, but won't you trust us?
Do what you like,
just see Francis is on the ground.
I assure you I won't be back up here.
Alright, we'll do that.
You stay back in camp and when
we've got everything as we want it,
then we'll bring you back,
see how you feel.
Don't you think you can talk to me
like that.
- How much further?
- Hurry! You'll love the new house.
This way, Mother. Wait till you see
what we've done.
There's all sorts of things inside.
You just wait.
- We must be there now.
- Take off the blindfold.
Just a moment, please.
Old Swiss custom.
Carry the bride
across the threshold.
Duke, Turk, get out of my way.
How's this?
All the latest innovations.
Running water.
Genuine imported tortoiseshell.
And not forgetting the cooler.
This is Ernst's contribution.
He invented it.
He and Fritz built it.
See how it works, Mother? Look.
Big wheel turns the little wheel
up there,
the cup pours the water
into the shell,
it runs down the bamboo
and feeds the sink and the cooler.
I... can't believe it.
Darling, thank you.
I'm second. I go after Mother.
- Thank you.
- Up you go.
Up there's the boys' room.
And look.
This is something I worked out. When
in for the night, turn the wheel,
pull up the stairs.
Keeps out wild animals and neighbours
who may become a nuisance,
always wanting to borrow something.
We'll be troubled so much by them!
Get me down!
Remember this? I built it for us.
Don't tell me, you pull this
to ring for the butler.
Here, I'll show you.
You can lie and look at the stars.
Don't you remember?
That summer we went to Interlaken.
You said that some day,
if you could have your wish,
you'd sleep each night
so you could see the stars.
What is it? What's wrong?
These curtains don't belong here.
They're from the Captain's
cabin. We thought you'd like them.
It's so wonderful. I don't deserve
it. I can't believe it.
Don't worry about the curtains.
If you don't like them, I know
a woman who can fix anything.
Here it is. Tiger.
"Panthera tigris,
a native of Asia,
ranges north to Siberia
and south to India
and the Malay Peninsula."
Only with a land bridge
could there be so many
different animals on one island.
How do you know it's an island?
Why couldn't it be a peninsula?
Well, why don't you let us
try and sail around it?
You know how your mother feels
about that.
I think there used to be a
land bridge between here and Asia.
This is all that's left.
That's why so many different
types of animals are trapped here.
What do you think, Fritz?
Do you agree?
I suppose there could have
been one, a long time ago.
There's only one way to find out.
Ask Mother again.
Maybe she'll change her mind.
Mother wants to get to New Guinea
too. There might be a village
or some place where ships come in.
If the occasion presents itself, I
might bring it up again. What's this?
A spelling competition?
"Tiger, bear, elephant."
That's a list of animals
we've identified so far.
"Hyena, monkey, lizard."
- Francis, let go!
- I can't let go
- or he'll get away.
- Let him go anyway. We'll catch him.
- Are you alright?
- Yes, I'm alright.
Are you alright?
Not a mark on him
that won't wash off!
- Grab his neck.
- We can learn to ride him.
Let me try. Help me out.
We'd better get him
trained a bit first.
- Let me try it, then.
- Alright.
I get to try next.
I got it.
You silly...
Here I go.
Look out for that rock.
No, you gotta keep swinging.
Everybody, follow the leader.
Come on, I'll race you down.
Mother, look at me.
- Go on, Father. You can do it.
- Of course I can.
Here I come.
- Where are we going?
- Wait and see.
Come on.
Look at the monkeys. Look.
- What?
- Look at them swinging.
- Look at that.
- I can do that.
- Let's see you try.
- Anyone can change hands.
- Now, steady.
- Go on.
My turn next.
- No, my turn.
- After me.
Are you alright?
Never better. See what I mean?
- You really are very graceful.
- Thank you very much.
Isn't this the kind of life we were
meant to live on this earth?
Everything we need. Everything's
right here, right at our fingertips.
You know, if only people could have
all this and be satisfied,
- the world wouldn't have problems.
- Or any future generations.
There isn't everything we need
right at our fingertips.
- Now what are you talking about?
- This.
It's wonderful for today, but what
about tomorrow? And our sons?
- What future is there here for them?
- Tomorrow can take care of itself.
Suppose we never got away?
They'd never know what
it was like to be married.
Yes. Yes, that's right.
Now you come to mention it, there
aren't many girls around here.
It's nothing to joke about.
Suppose they never have a chance
to know what it's like to have a
What you're trying to say is
we ought to make every effort
to get away?
- Exactly.
- Right.
Then I'll tell the boys
they can sail around the coast,
- see what they can find.
- That's not what I said!
Sooner or later
we'll have to face it.
But what do they know about sailing
and outrigging and...
- Do you think it's safe?
- We can't hold on to them forever.
Come on, Rocky,
you can pull it faster.
Come on, pull.
Fritz, grab hold. That's it.
We'll be back soon and maybe
we'll find a ship to take us away.
Don't worry, Mother.
Be careful, Fritz.
Get Rocky clear.
Back up.
It's going to be up to you,
Fritz. If you run into a storm
or trouble of any kind, I'm relying
on your judgement, your good sense.
Make sure you both get safely back.
Goodbye, Ernst.
- Goodbye. Don't worry.
- Remember to use your head.
Good luck.
Don't worry.
They'll be back before you know it.
I hope we are doing the right thing.
Letting them go.
I'm sure we are.
If we'd let them go sooner we
might be in New Guinea by this time.
- Bye! Bring me back a crocodile!
- Goodbye!
I wish Mother could see
this place. She'd love it.
You know what I'd like? I'd like to
see some real mountains once again.
Walk the Oberland.
Stand looking up at the Jungfrau
when a storm moves in.
Remember how you could smell
the snow in the air?
Do you ever think about what you'd
be doing if you'd stayed in Bern?
I think about Herr Kobel,
what he said,
that I should attend the Academy.
- Fine chance you would have had.
- It might have worked out.
I tell you where I'd really like
to be.
Walking down the Nydeggasse,
like on a Sunday after church.
All the girls stroll past
all dressed up.
- Anyone in particular?
- No, nobody special.
Maybe you don't know them
or speak to them,
but you look and they look
and you just know they're there.
Fritz, if we ever get to New Guinea,
will there be any girls our age?
By the time we get to New Guinea
we won't care what age they are!
Ernst, get the sail down. Quick!
- Keep down.
- What's the matter?
- What happened?
- Quick, give me the glass.
There's something moving over there
on the beach.
I'm sure it's the same one we scared
off with the quarantine flag.
Let's sneak in closer. If we stay
behind the rocks they won't see us.
- Ernst, bring the bow round.
- I'm trying.
That chest they've opened was my
First Officer's, God rest his soul.
I wish they'd fight
and kill each other.
You let me do any talking.
No! Leave him! Put him down!
Kuala, listen to me!
Little boy, you all alone.
He is 14 years.
Leave him alone.
Leave the boy alone! Kuala, wait!
You will want me to write a ransom
note. I write.
My people send money
if you let me go.
You send plenty money,
then you go.
No, wait!
Leave the boy with me
or I not write ransom note.
No boy, no note.
I'm sorry, Bertie,
to have got you into this.
We'll... get out of this somehow.
Now keep as still as you can.
You'll only make things worse.
Now they'll decide which crew
is going to take us.
We could sneak in
and free the old man and the boy
before the others knew
what was happening.
It's now or never. Come on.
At least I think they'll keep us
- Don't make any noise.
- Who are you?
- Who are you?
- We've come to help you.
- If only we had a knife.
- Quick! Don't bother with me.
Get the boy free first. Go on!
They won't harm me. I'm valuable for
ransom. Get Bertie free.
Get away if you can.
If they ransom me, I'll get a ship
and come back for you.
I won't leave without you.
Get away quickly.
Don't waste time on me. Go on!
- Run!
- No, I won't go!
Go on, leave me!
- Come on.
- I can't go on another step.
In here.
Pirates took your ship?
What were you, cabin boy?
The old gentleman
back there's your grandfather?
Come on.
And who are you anyway?
Where did you come from?
We were shipwrecked. Our ship...
Come on.
They're leaving.
They're going away.
Could be a trick, so we come back,
like the Greeks
and the Trojan horse.
I think we'll stay here
until daylight.
Probably save time
cutting across the island
instead of going around the beach.
No question about it now,
this is an island.
What about me?
What am I going to do?
I guess you'll come with us.
Right about that direction should
take us home.
But if they release my grandfather
he'll come back here to look for me.
Don't worry. He knows you're with us.
If we're not here,
he'll just sail around the island.
He couldn't get a ship past our
place unseen, even if he wanted to.
- Bertie, you can have the middle.
- Come on.
I'll just sit up. Not sleepy.
Do you imagine we've changed a lot
since we first landed?
- In what way?
- Lots. Like getting stronger,
- more sure of ourselves.
- I suppose so.
When we first came here,
everything scared us.
- All those strange noises.
- How could I forget?
We must have been pretty helpless.
That I'd have to agree with.
Listen. You don't think
we were something like him?
I don't think so.
Did you get a good look at his hands?
I bet he's never done anything.
A wealthy family, an only child.
- Sometime, look at the way he walks.
- I did!
And back home, we used to call
Jean Monteau a sissy.
Remember we were wishing
we could see some girls?
We're so close to getting our wish
but we've still missed it completely!
That direction. That's the way
we've got to go, Fritz.
We'll cross here. Doesn't look
as though it'll be over our heads.
Do we have to cross just here?
It's easy. Take off your clothes,
carry them over your head.
Better than walking in wet clothes.
Just until we've crossed
the deep part.
- I can't swim.
- I don't think you'll have to.
Come on, get started.
I'm going back to the beach
to wait for my grandfather.
- Don't come any closer!
- Are you out of your mind?
- Stay back!
- That's my gun! You can't take it!
Sorry, but I need it more than you.
My grandfather
will make it alright with you.
Wait. You keep his attention.
- I'll slip round behind him.
- I'll keep his attention!
You! Bertie!
Put that down or I'll let this go.
Drop it!
Don't do that, Ernst, I'll shoot!
I don't want to shoot you.
Now put that down!
Let go of me!
Stop it!
I'll teach him to shoot at me!
She didn't mean to fire.
I don't care! I could have been...
What? She didn't?!
It's a girl!
Why would a girl dress up like that?
It was because of the pirates.
My grandfather made me cut my hair
and dress like this because...
Because he didn't want them to know.
At least now you can wash your face.
Well, it'll be nice
to be called Roberta again.
I'm sorry,
but if we'd known you were a girl
- we wouldn't have...
- We'll try to make it easy for you,
as much as possible.
- Careful.
- Give me your hand.
Thank you.
Careful. Watch your step, Roberta.
Thank you, Fritz.
Variations and deviations
are two completely different things.
Like here, Roberta.
Variations can be compensated
for mathematically.
But deviations, you never know
when they're going to happen.
My grandfather will get you
navigating one of his ships.
- Would you like that?
- Maybe. Someday.
I'd like to finish school first,
- Do you like the sea, Fritz?
- I like things you can depend on.
You can never be sure of the sea.
That's the fun of it,
not being sure.
"The winds aloud howl o'er the masts,
and sing through every shroud.
Pale, trembling, tired,
the sailors freeze with fears
and instant death
on every wave appears."
Homer's Iliad. One of the most
beautiful things ever written.
When we were caught in the storm I
thought of those lines over and over.
Do you read a lot, Fritz?
Him? He practically
doesn't even read at all.
Never needed to. Ernst always
tells me everything he knows.
I think we're getting off course.
We should bear more... the right.
It's alright, he won't hurt you.
It's gone. Come on.
Stay close to me.
Get out of it, quick!
Do something!
Get the knife!
Ernst, the knife! The knife!
Hurry, Ernst!
- Hit the head!
- I can't find it.
I'm sorry it took so long to find it.
It was horrible.
Let's go back.
Please, let's go back.
It keeps getting worse.
And worse.
I think the worst is behind us now.
Here, give me your hand.
No! My compass has gone!
I don't know where to look.
I guess we'll have to get along
without it.
Without it? We wouldn't have a
chance. We need that compass.
We don't necessarily need a compass.
I think I can do as well without it.
Think? You could be wrong.
Alright, I don't think it,
I know it. And from now on, Ernst,
you're just going to have to trust my
judgement. Come on.
How's it feel now, Roberta?
I don't care what he says.
I can't go on day after day.
- We've got no other choice.
- We're lost and you know it.
- We're not lost.
- If you want to go on, go ahead.
Ernst and I have decided not to.
You've what?
We can find the river
and follow it back to the coast.
- Anyway, it's two against one.
- Even if it were ten against one
I've got to get us back
and I'm going to.
Being older
doesn't make you always right.
- What are you doing?
- Taking charge of the pistol.
It was appropriated once before
when somebody wanted to go back.
Give me back my pistol!
Now, watch yourself.
Stop it!
Have your pistol back.
But you only have a few shots left.
How far do you think you'd get?
There isn't any decision to make.
We've got to keep going.
I suppose we'd better go with him.
- Do you think you can?
- I'll try.
Go on, get out! Get away!
Go on. Get away.
Get away. Go on.
You really got yourself into a mess.
Alright, I won't hurt you.
Easy, boy. Easy. I'll get you out.
If we can get him out, maybe
you won't have to walk all the way.
You'll never get him out that way.
I'll get more branches, to make a
At a time like this you gotta use
your head. Here you are.
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
thy leaves are so unchanging
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
thy leaves are so unchanging
Not only green when summer's here,
but also when 'tis cold and drear
O Christmas tree,
O Christmas tree,
Thy leaves are so...
Must have got wet coming over.
I don't know how you managed
to get it ashore.
I couldn't have done it alone.
Fritz and Ernst helped. I...
- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
Are we ever gonna open up
these other packages?
- Those are for Fritz and Ernst.
- But suppose they don't come back?
- Suppose they got ate up?
- Francis, it's been a long day.
- And it's past your bedtime.
- But it's Christmas.
- Merry Christmas, sweetheart.
- I'll come up and say goodnight.
It's Fritz and Ernst!
What have you got there?
Did you bring me back my crocodile?
What have you got there? We thought
you got ate up or something.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
- What is it?
- A zebra.
Merry Christmas!
Ernst! Happy Christmas!
- Mother!
- Fritz! Happy Christmas!
A zebra.
- I think I need that razor next.
- Let's see, Ernst.
Yes. Got it.
It's a good thing you boys
have done. A very good thing.
And I'm going to try and make sure
it's not wasted.
How do you mean?
The pirates know you took
their prisoner
and that you're on this island.
Think they're going to forget?
They didn't know she was a girl
and not a cabin boy.
They wouldn't come after us.
What have we got?
- We've got their prisoner here.
- Pirates! If they come here,
I'll shoot them.
It'll take more than a crossbow.
We'll get the cannon from the ship.
It's useless.
It's rusted right over.
I should have covered it up.
Let's not waste time
looking backwards.
Thank you, Father.
First thing tomorrow,
we'll go out to the ship,
take off everything else we might
possibly need and then blow her up.
- You mean with gunpowder?
- What for?
They already know it's there.
I'm hoping that with hundreds
of islands and thousands of reefs,
they won't remember exactly
where we are.
Father's right.
We have to blow it up.
Be ready to fight
but not too proud to hide, eh?
Just a sip now.
That's enough.
It must have taken great courage to
pack up and set off for a new colony
and leave your whole world
behind you.
With my husband and my sons, I wasn't
leaving my entire world behind me.
You couldn't know what you were
getting into. All the hardships.
Think of the things
you might have had to do without.
Take a look.
- It's beautiful.
- I've always wanted a daughter,
someone I could dress up
and make clothes for.
I just didn't expect it
for Christmas.
Thank you.
How about this? We get some trees,
bend them down, make snares,
the pirates step in the snares,
trip them and they're caught.
But how can we defend this place?
I think what we need is a hill,
so they have to come up to us.
- I got an idea.
- What is it, Francis?
We could dig some big pits
and then we could put lions,
tigers, snakes,
and all sorts of animals in there.
When the pirates come, they fall in.
I don't know whether we could
manage the lions and tigers,
but I think a few pits
might be a very good idea.
You look very beautiful, my dear.
Come and join the family.
Allow me, Roberta.
May I have the pleasure
of the first dance?
There. What did I tell you?
Anything we really need, the island
will produce it. Even a girl.
A girl. But we have three sons.
Excuse me, Fritz.
I'll dance with you, Fritz.
I'll rest awhile, if you don't mind.
- What's the matter?
- I was just thinking.
We gotta have those lions and tigers
or else...
Well, that's the whole idea.
I guess we'll just
have to have them, then.
Since you have a partner, Ernst,
I'm sure you won't mind.
It might have been simpler
if I'd left the dress in the chest.
Alright, keep playing.
Thank you.
Come on, Francis.
May I have the pleasure?
Something must have gone wrong
with the fuse.
We're not going back to find out.
We'll have to pick up every scrap
of lumber. Can't leave any evidence.
Must be getting close.
I used to dream that somehow we'd
find a way to make her sail again.
Well, we can be sure of one thing.
If the pirates do come,
we're going to outnumbered.
Maybe ten to one.
But up here,
if we prepare everything in advance,
we'll be able to give
a good account of ourselves.
We'll be like medieval knights
defending the castle.
We'll keep the muskets
for our final defence.
I'll give the order
when to use them.
Of course, if anything should happen
to me, then Fritz will take charge,
- then Ernst.
- And then me.
Yes, then you, Francis.
We've only got a small army.
We can only afford one general.
Now that's our weak point
this is where they'll try to come up.
We could have used the cannon.
We'll have to do
the best we can without it.
Down there we'll put our pits and
our snares and our entanglements.
We could plant some gunpowder and
touch it off with fuses from the top.
Anything to hold them up.
You can rely on me, Roberta.
I've got it all worked out.
Can I take care of the lions
and tigers and things?
- You're in charge of the tigers.
- Good.
I'd like to be something in the
world, so I want to go to school.
You'd love it in London, anyway.
There are concerts, parties, dances.
Ladies in beautiful gowns.
Elegant men in tall hats.
- Did you ever own a tall hat?
- No.
I can't wait to see you in one.
You'll be quite handsome.
I think that's what I miss most of
all, the colour and the excitement.
I know I'd especially like it...
if you were there.
I'll be there. As long as I live,
I won't travel any further from home
than an occasional trip
to the seaside.
Thank you, Roberta.
There must be something my
grandfather can do for you all.
Herr Kobel used to say,
"For some boys school is a
punishment, for others a reward."
There must be something
my grandfather can do.
Francis, don't! If you drop that
you could blow us all to pieces.
Dropping it wouldn't set it off.
You'd have to light the fuse.
- Even then I'm not so sure.
- You don't think they'll work?
They'll make noise, keep the pirates
confused, that's all.
Just because Papa thought of them
instead of you.
What's all this?
More pirate alarms?
Yes, for the steep side.
You and your pirate alarm.
What about your tiger?
Have you caught him yet?
No. Until Fritz and Ernst dig the
pits there's no place to keep him.
- One of you, give me a hand!
- It's alright, I'll go.
Don't bother.
Up there.
Pull the knot as tight as you can.
Francis, put that down!
Is that alright?
There we are.
What are you doing?
He was just showing me
how it will work.
I feel sorry for any pirates who
It was my idea. If you like I'll
show you what else I had in mind.
Pirates. They're here! Into the fort,
everybody! Come on, quick!
- What is it?
- Francis! Where is he?
You know those coconut bombs?
You don't have to worry about them.
They work right well.
Come down!
You might have been killed?
If you'd stayed put, Ernst,
this wouldn't have happened.
- Don't tell me what to do!
- I just did.
- That's enough.
- I don't care.
He thinks he can just give orders.
I said that's enough.
This incident's closed.
Now let's get back to work.
I don't want to hear
another word about it.
If you really don't want to go to
school and your mind is made up,
maybe my grandfather could give you a
job. It'll be a good job, Fritz.
Perhaps in the counting house.
What if he doesn't get back here
for some reason?
What if we have to stay
on the island for 10 or 20 years?
He will come back, I know it.
He's probably headed this way now
in one of his fastest ships.
You'd take the job if he offered
it to you?
It's not that I wouldn't appreciate
it, but it's just not for me.
Cooped up in an office
counting somebody else's money,
doing the same thing
day after day.
What would you like to do?
If we get off this island I'd like
to do what we started out to do.
Go on to New Guinea
and become part of the new colony.
Maybe take up some land
in my own name.
- Well, why?
- Why?
Well, because it's a good thing.
You've got a chance to build,
with your own two hands.
It's the beginning of a new country.
That's what I like about it.
Well, I'm going to London.
Ernst was very flattering. He said
he'd like to be there if I was.
Wouldn't you like to see me
in London?
I don't know that I'll ever be
in London.
I don't see how anybody
can shoot a thing like this.
Why don't you teach me how to shoot?
It might be important
if there's a battle.
Alright. Come on.
Well... first you pull the gun tight
into your shoulder like this. And...
Well, here.
Tight into your shoulder and...
Well, right hand near the trigger.
No, here.
Left hand out to support it.
A little more. Right.
Now. No, you have to use
this hand to support it.
Now you sight along the barrel here.
You don't mind?
Why do you think I wanted you
to teach me?
- Roberta! Where are you?
- I'm over here.
May I have this next dance, m'lady?
You said that's what you missed.
- It's to make you feel at home.
- Where ever did you get that?
You wish the name of my tailor, sir?
Go past the town square,
take the first street to the left.
- Weren't you covering the pits?
- Weren't you working on the bridge?
He was teaching me how to shoot.
I asked him to.
Come here a minute.
I want to show you something.
If you'd like to learn how to shoot,
Roberta, I'd be happy to teach you.
I think I have the general idea.
The old tiger, he'll come along here
like this at night,
after the pit's been all covered up,
and he'll sniff the meat...
...and he'll start to circle the pit.
He'll come around here like this
...and he'll think, "I think I just
might grab that big hunk of meat."
So he gets down like this, gets like
this, and then...
Tell me, Francis, don't show me. Or
you'll be in there before your tiger!
Anyhow, he'll jump for the bait
and that's how I'll catch my tiger.
Think a tiger's going to fall for
this? You're wasting your time.
You talk about wasting time.
How many hours did you spend making
that silly hat?
None of your business.
You're not my boss.
No? We've got more important things
to do than try to amuse Roberta.
You're jealous.
Jealous? Of what?
Why don't you grow up?
That's enough, Ernst.
Now hit him, Fritz.
Come on, Fritz. Get him.
Come on, Ernst. Fight.
Get him, Ernst. Come on.
Get him, Ernst.
What a beauty!
Now your turn.
Come on, Fritz, get him.
Fight. Are you afraid of him, Ernst?
Poke him one.
Come on, Fritz. Ernst!
- What's this all about?
- Nothing.
Who started it?
You know,
I think this is probably my fault.
I think I've been pushing everybody
just a bit too hard.
It might do us a lot of good
to relax for a change.
So here's what we're going to do.
we are going to observe
the first national holiday
in the history of New Switzerland.
A holiday? You mean like Christmas?
Now let's get on with the work.
Get ready for it.
A holiday. We're going to have
a holiday, Roberta.
- Where did we get all these flags?
- I got them off the ship.
- Allow me.
- Thank you.
How do you like this?
For the winner of the race.
I'd better try it on for size.
Not going to argue?
Just conceding that I'll win?
This afternoon you and Ernst
were fighting. It was my fault.
- It wasn't your fault.
- Everything that's happened lately
is because you brought me back, even
the danger we're in from pirates.
You didn't ask to be brought here.
In fact, you had quite different
ideas. Remember?
Poor Ernst. The hours he must have
spent making that silly hat.
He didn't mean to neglect his work.
He was just trying to be nice to me.
- I know that.
- I never dreamed he'd do that.
I did hope I could repay your family
and all I've done is cause trouble
between you. I didn't want to.
Roberta, I'm not much at saying
things, you know, but...
It's no good. When we leave here,
you're going on and I'm going back
to London.
Let's not make it difficult.
When we leave here? How do you
know we're ever going to?
We might be here...
- My tiger! I bet I got him!
- Francis, come back here.
Look out, Ernst.
- He might be anywhere.
- Let me go!
Francis, wait till we get there.
It's my tiger. Let me go.
Mind the pit.
Where is he?
I would never have believed it!
Well done, Francis.
Let's cover it with palm leaves
so he'll go to sleep
and the pirates won't know
he's there.
Go and tell Mother. We'll do it.
You don't have to worry any more!
I got my tiger!
He's got his tiger.
Everybody back behind
the starting line.
Stay back.
Hang on.
Mother, you hold Duke, will you?
That's it.
You go round the first pylon
and then over to that one,
then back and forth three times
and here to the finish.
And now, ladies and gentlemen,
to the winner
this gorgeous culinary creation
which all of us will eat.
Quiet. Serving as official starter,
the loveliest lady of the canton.
Quick! Come back!
Quick, Mother, fire.
Come on, Rocky, get going.
Come on, Duchess. Run, girl.
That way. Come on, Rocky.
I can't get on! Give me a chance.
No, Turk, get out of here,
you're ruining everything.
Look out, Mother.
Wait a minute, Ernst.
- No, not that way.
- Hold it, Clementine.
Jump on.
Good boy, Lightning.
You're going the wrong way, Roberta.
Come on, Rocky.
Stand still.
Now we're going to win.
It's not good
if you can't stay on him, Fritz.
Turk, get away.
Not fair, Ernst,
you have to ride him.
- Come on, Rocky, we're going to win.
- Come on, Lightning.
Straight on.
No, not that way, the other way.
No, the other way.
Come on.
I give up. Come on, Clementine.
Come on!
Out of my way.
I'm going to ride you
if it's the last thing I do.
Quick, the tape.
That's not the way
you're supposed to go!
Wrong way, Roberta.
Roberta. Come back here.
Come on, Rocky, we're winning!
Not fair, Roberta, I was winning!
You're not hurt?
- Pirates on the beach.
- What?
Pirates on our beach.
- Up the hill, everybody, quick!
- I'll get the muskets.
Come on, Roberta. Come on.
Remember your orders?
Get started!
Yes, sir!
Come on. Come on, Francis.
Duke, Turk, come back.
No time now. They'll be alright.
Come along, Mother.
Come on, Francis.
Just stay quiet.
They've seen us.
They've seen us. The bridge, quick.
Alright, Mother?
Here, Duke! Here, Turk!
Good boy.
- Ready, Ernst?
- Ready.
Fritz, Ernst, come up.
Come up.
They must be getting near it now.
Over this way a bit.
My tiger! He got them.
Number three.
Now, don't light it till I tell you.
The flame
is meant to reach the powder
at the same time as the pirates.
See what I mean? Give me the torch.
They're running!
- Now the coconut bombs.
- No, not yet.
- They're coming round this way.
- Don't fire yet.
Get back.
We've got them on the run.
- Right. The coconut bombs.
- Good!
That's it.
Keep throwing.
We haven't stopped them. Use the
rifles. Try and pick off the leaders.
Where are you going, Father?
It worked.
Watch those logs fall down.
There's a man getting squashed.
We're safe!
Kuala make talk.
You hear?
We hear you.
You take boy belong Kuala.
Give us boy, no more fight.
You hear?
You want the boy? Come and get him.
We're ready for you.
You can put away your white flag.
- Maybe it would be better to agree.
- Don't worry.
He wouldn't bargain if he
thought he could beat us.
Send the boy down the hill.
Kuala take boy.
Nobody hurt.
You hear?
You make Kuala fight long time
then you die!
And Kuala take boy all the same.
It's true. You can't possibly hold
them off forever.
You don't look like a boy any more.
If you give yourself up now...
But what will happen
to all of you if I don't?
Nothing's going to happen to anybody.
He must think we're mad.
Roberta, don't listen.
My pirate alarm.
They're coming up that way.
Quick. Down!
Look out! Father, look out!
Ernst, look.
Stay back.
Get down!
- How many rounds have we got left?
- Five.
They're very close.
They're running away.
It's a ship. A merchantman.
They're firing on the pirates.
One of my grandfather's ships.
I knew he'd come for us.
- Here we are!
- We're here!
- Can I see your hat, please?
- Of course.
Thank you.
No more, thank you.
That was delicious.
Nothing to it, my boy. I've given
money to that college for years.
It's time I asked for something.
Well, Roberta and I have talked
about school but a... university!
I never dreamed!
I'm going to a university!
As for the rest of you,
I won't try to influence you
but if you'd like
to return to Europe,
I could give you an interesting
fresh start.
But if you still want to go to New
Guinea I'll happily take you there.
I think that since we have to decide
forever, that... husband and I
would just rather stay here.
That's what you want?
It's been a good life for us here.
As Roberta says, there are
things you have to do without.
But they're unimportant if people
aren't around feeling sorry for you.
You mean I don't have to go?
Fritz and Ernst will go with you.
We'll keep Francis for a few years.
- I'll be back.
- You won't be without neighbours.
You realise that? This is a new
island. There'll be a new colony,
- a new governor.
- You might be made governor, Father.
More than likely I should say.
It's funny how you can change
your mind about what's important.
What it is you really want.
Take your parents.
All of this time they've been
wanting to get to New Guinea
and now they have their chance they
find everything they want is here.
You mean they're not going?
- I can understand how they feel.
- I do, too.
Two people, if they have each other,
what more could they want?
I guess just to be alone.
It's time to go now. The Captain
wants to sail with the tide.
Just coming.
Surely you'll want to go
and see him off?
Anyway, I'll have to explain
to my grandfather.
- Bye, Ernst.
- Good luck next year.
Goodbye, Mother, Father,
Fritz, Roberta.
Bye, Ernst.
God be with you.
Wait for me! Duchess!
Clementine! Turk!