Switch (2007) Movie Script

End of quote...
The settlers in North America
had to make do with what they had.
They didn't have Xbox or LCD
flat-screens. That wasn't important.
Hello, everybody.
This is Mikkel speaking.
As you know,
I'm on my way over to the West.
And I would like to thank everyone
for wonderful years at this school.
I want to thank Camilla for a great
time by the apple tree last summer.
I want to thank Anna
for letting me...
For letting me touch her fun bags.
I'll miss everyone.
I'll miss the guys, the teachers.
Especially Staalberg and miss Tanner.
Miss Tanner, I'll miss you
you wicked girl.
Get out!
Thanks a lot, everyone!
Thank you so much.
We're also looking forward to it.
Goodbye for now.
We're being picked up
by the owner of the house.
He sounded very nice.
We're getting off
right before Voss...
We're changing our eating habits now.
No more McDonald's and junk food.
We're eating cured ham
and Norwegian home fare.
We can pick berries and mushrooms.
And go skiing in the winter.
It's probably a small place,
where everyone knows everyone.
It's a good idea to behave
nice and friendly when we get there.
Don't you think so, Miksey?
Be a little sociable.
Are you listening when I talk to you?
Do you want a cup of coffee?
Do you need any help?
It takes a bit of experience.
But with a bit of practice,
you get the hang of it.
So if you need any more help,
just let me know.
milk and sugar in my coffee!
-ls that your mom?
-I don't know that lady.
Miksey, two sweeteners for your mom!
Yo, que pasa.
-ls it far?
-To what?
To where we're supposed to live.
No. If you look ahead,
you can see the ski centre.
That's our destination, in a way.
Can you see the red light
at the top of the house down there?
Pizza Palace!
It's the best place
in the whole town.
But stay away from pizza number 7...
-Number 7?
Every time I eat that one,
I get very loose in my...
Home, sweet home.
There's the snow groomer.
It's bad as hell.
-Have you ever driven a groomer?
-There's a first time for everything.
-Where's our apartment?
Up the stairs.
I live in here.
You live there.
All your stuff came yesterday.
Just knock on the wall
if you need anything. That wall.
That's good to know.
If you need a ride tomorrow, Mikkel, -
-then I'm leaving at eight o'clock.
Eight o'clock son!
It's pretty cool, or what?
A bit retro, but cool.
Hope you like the apartment!
Good night!
Everybody, this is Mikkel Nordskog.
From today on
he will be in your class.
Maybe you can tell us
a little bit about yourself?
My name is Mikkel.
I'm from Oslo.
I've been in high school
about a year and half.
So I've got a job here,
and my mom moved here.
Well, my mom got a job,
so I moved here.
I haven't been many places here.
But it sure was a long bus ride...
Yes, sir.
Sit here.
I think we all should say welcome
to Mikkel. One, two, three...
Welcome, Mikkel...
Very good.
Let's open the books at page 52.
It's the poem "The old mountains"
by Ivar Aasen.
And Samantha
will start reading today.
The old mountains in the distance
Are always the same
Covered in an armament...
Hey, Oslo boy!
Are you going to the party tonight?
-It's a party in the slopes tonight.
-Do you snowboard or ski?
-Cool. See you later.
Are you ready?
Where are you going?
-If you want, you can go ahead.
-You sure?
I've got something planned
with some people from the school.
-I don't mind skiing with you.
-I know. But that's OK.
See you later, then.
Oslo boy!
Jump, goddammit!
-Are you OK?
-Yes. Or...
Do you want a beer?
My mom's got
better skills than you...
Hey, Gaute.
Come on.
Hey you!
Do you want to join us
in the forest trail?
-Yes, you.
We know where the good snow is.
Are you in?
Yes, OK.
Are you OK?
Welcome to Voss.
What the hell...
Fucking shit.
Don't you think I know what
it's like being a young outsider?
You know what Henrik Ibsen said?
The majority are always wrong.
So we don't give a fuck
what the majority says.
So it's us...
Against the rest.
Us against the rest...
I've fixed up your room.
I thought it was too bad
that your things were still in boxes.
-When everything else here is so nice.
-It's not nice here.
You're pairing up.
You two. You...
You two...
OK, partner.
Thanks for the game.
-Let's do it again sometime.
-Hope we're on the same team then.
Mikkel, do you mind cleaning up here?
You and me.
Come on!
can you help me with the bags?
Fucking shit!
-What is it with you?
-What it is with me?
What is it with you
and this shithole of a place?
Why did we have to move here?
I was doing fine in Oslo.
I'll carry the bags upstairs.
Let the boy skate.
Thanks a lot, mom.
Everything will be OK
for well behaved boys.
It's a new spring.
Our new spring.
What are you talking about?
It's going to be a little bad
at first, and then good.
You know I'm not usually wrong about
those things. Hold this, please.
-Mom, can't we just get out of here?
-Relax, Miksey.
-Hey, girleyboy.
-How embarrassing?
-I think it's cute.
Shut up...
Does everyone here get
this kind of a warm welcome?
-Lucky me, then.
Do you want me to show you around?
Straighten up the first impressions.
-Do you mean that?
-Have you ever driven a snowscooter?
It's so pretty here.
It looks like a postcard.
I guess everyone knows
everyone here, right?
Yes, it's a pretty small place.
I moved here myself nine years ago.
From Hovseter.
It took a while for me
to get used to it.
Things seems strange
when you're from a big city and all.
I think you'll like it in time.
Hey, don't look so depressed.
Shit... This is all wrong.
Gaute is my boyfriend.
I can't...
You could...
What's up, guys?
What's up, Mikkel?
Were you at the top with Nina?
-If I where at the top with Nina?
-ls there an echo here?
I saw Nina driving down
five minutes ago.
I've been here all alone.
-Didn't I see you downtown with Nina?
-I don't know what the hell you saw.
Are you sure Aslak isn't your bitch?
You seem close.
You don't look at her.
Stay away, OK?
Stay away from Nina and this slopes.
I'll get you down.
-Get on my back.
-That's likely...
Don't be so damn stubborn.
Get on my back.
-Forget it.
-Get on my back, goddammit!
You know,
snowboarding is all about going down.
-Have you been doing this a lot?
-From before you were born, sonnyboy!
Just make yourself at home.
Is that you?
Topanga Beach, California, Mikkel.
Sit down.
I didn't know
you were such a great snowboarder.
You can make me
a good snowboarder.
I'm a nobody in this place
if I suck at snowboarding.
-You can make me good.
-In that case, you sucked before too.
-You have no desire to be
a good snowboarder.
No, that's the only thing I desire.
No, you want people to like you.
And you want to
be a part of the hip crowd.
You have to be yourself.
There's a strength
in being yourself, Mikkel.
I've been myself the whole time.
But that doesn't work.
I don't mind being
your snowboarding coach.
-But that's not what you need.
-How do you know what I need?
I don't want to coach you
so you can be just another poseur.
One who doesn't
understand what it's all about.
To hang loose...
Chill out...
Go down...
Not this, but this...
Not this...
Hey dude,
remember your board.
If it's so important being good,
maybe you should bring it with you?
-Don't follow me.
-I need to speak to you.
I can't talk to you, OK?
-You can't pretend nothing happened.
-Yes, I can!
Come on.
You can't tell Gaute or anyone
that we kissed.
What happened yesterday,
don't count.
Gaute is my boyfriend, so just...
Stay away, OK?
I'll walk out first. And then
you count to 100 before you go out.
I can't meet you anymore.
-My ecological children.
-You have to be my coach.
But I've already said no once, OK?
You have to make me
a good snowboarder!
You know I've got the talent!
Tommen, you have to be my coach.
Please! Gaute beat me up. Nina
dumped me in a fucking store room!
Fucking ey!
You have to be my coach, Tommen.
you're the only one that can help me.
-What the hell!
My way of training
is pretty extreme, Mikkel.
So we have to make a deal.
You have to do
everything I ask of you.
Even if you don't like it,
you have to do it.
-Are you with me?
That's cool.
We'll start early tomorrow.
There's lots of places
to practice here.
When you're walking uphill,
you can take comfort in one thing...
What's that?
Things are going upwards.
Things are going upwards...
This is the reason
why I live out West.
I don't care about the pearly gates,
angels and halos and that fucking shit.
This is the real heaven.
If this is heaven,
then Voss must be hell.
Hey, I don't know
what's going on in your life.
But you have to be yourself.
Do you understand?
Don't make yourself so small that
you have to be a snowboard hero-
-just to think you are somebody.
It's all about balance.
Both in your life and on the board.
-Do you have balance in your life?
-Not always.
But I try to have.
That's the thing.
Tommen, is this a test or something?
We can't just go down here...
It'll be fine. Focus. Visualize.
Take control.
-Have balance.
-What if it doesn't work?
No negative thoughts now.
All right.
Let's go!
And balance...
Ready for another go?
Do you know
what free riding is all about?
To be in balance with nature...
-And have control?
-No, no.
It's about dealing with unforeseen
events. Physically and mentally.
You're taking the bus to Killingmo
and shop groceries.
-Did mom put you up to this?
-No. I'm telling you that.
-You didn't foresee that.
I need more mixed nuts.
And it's part of the training.
Alfalfa sprouts,
roast beef and tomatoes?
Ecological tomatoes.
Mikkel, you have to stand upright
during the whole bus trip.
With your legs planted
at the same place on the floor.
And it's not allowed
to grab onto something.
-Yeah right!
-You bet!
Hey, Mikkel! I heard you've been
hanging around with Psycho-Tommen.
If you're ride with crazy-ass
Tommen, you'll break your neck.
Why don't you sign up for
the competition in Hemsedal.
And let psycho-Tommen
be your coach.
Freerider man...
Well, well...
A new day, many opportunities.
Or, like John J. Rambo used to say:
To survive war
you must become war.
Write that down.
It would be cool to find out
how good I really am.
Up here it's not much to measure
against... The jumps are different...
What are you trying to tell me?
Why not sign up for the jumping
competition in Hemsedal?
-No way!
-Why not?
If you choose the competition,
our training is over.
I'm not a competitive person.
I'm a freerider. Got it!
And now we're riding down
from up there.
There's Venus.
It's now in conjuncture with Uranus.
It means that you, a Cancer,
will succeed with everything.
How do you sign up to
the jumping competition at Hemsedal?
Don't kid yourself.
You'll break every bone in your body.
You better worry about yourself.
What's going on here?
Mikkel is going to Hemsedal.
He thinks
he's fool enough to make it.
-Do you mean that?
-Are you coming?
-Wait a second.
I've got a registration form
in the car, if you're interested.
-Oh yeah?
Come on.
-Aren't we in a hurry?
-Relax. I have to talk to Mikkel.
Are you sure you want this?
-Yeah, I'm sure.
Cool. Good luck.
See you in Hemsedal.
Well, this was really pleasant.
Oh shit!
Thank you.
Nice try.
But now you have to focus.
-It's important not to stress.
-It's just to pull back...
-I signed us up for the competition.
-I signed us up for the competition.
On day one
I told you I was a free rider.
I'm not taking part
in a bloody competition.
It's against everything I've stood
for, stand for and will stand for!
-I thought you were that way too.
That you were, or wanted to be,
a freerider.
But no, you weren't.
I had to!
It was either that, or
be a chicken for the rest of my life.
Competitions are fucking shit!
It doesn't matter who wins or loses!
-It doesn't matter!
-But you know I'm good enough!
You haven't understood shit, Mikkel.
Our little training program
was just finished for good.
I've waited for you.
Are you ready to play?
-Take a seat.
My turn?
I've got the meeting times
and some info about Hemsedal.
And one more thing...
When you jump from the big jump,
you'll do a massive face plant.
You'll break
every fucking bone in your body.
So regardless of how you'll do
in Hemsedal, you're finished here.
You'll get beaten up every week.
I'll spend all my time
trying to fuck you up.
You made a move on the wrong girl,
When I'm done with you, no-one
at school will want to talk to you.
Then you're free to sit in Psycho-
Tommens garage and eat lollipops.
Do you understand? Because nobody will
want to have anything to do with you.
Let's see how you handle pressure.
You're up.
Great, Mikkel.
-They're just messing with you.
-They're are?
-Do you think Gaute is your friend?
-It's you that's messing with me!
Do you think it's so easy for me?
Gaute is my boyfriend.
That's because you're too chicken
to say what you really feel.
You have ruined
everything for me here.
Because you don't have
the guts to be honest.
I've got nothing anymore.
And that' your fault.
Don't you want to play anymore,
What a jerk you are.
That's the walk of a hero!
Nice shoes dude...
Gaute and that crowd...
I thought I'd become a part of them.
I'm such an idiot.
Welcome to the club...
Look at this gang.
Topanga Beach,
Malibu, California, Mikkel.
That was my girlfriend.
And that dude there...
He was my best friend.
But one fine day, as they say,
Roxanne stopped being my girlfriend.
And became the girlfriend of...
Shit man,
shitman boogie!
What happened?
Lost love, Mikkel.
Lost love.
I know that...
If I don't join that competition,
I'll regret it my whole life.
I have to prove to Nina that
I can see the whole race through.
That I'm a cool guy.
Regardless if I break
every bone in my body...
I'll know
that I saw the whole race through.
Hurry up, so we can take off.
You have to wake up!
-What is it?
-You must take me to the competition!
Didn't the school arrange with buses?
I don't want to ride the bloody bus
with those shitty people.
Even if you are having a hard time,
there's no language anarchy here.
But you have to take me to Hemsedal.
What do you want me to do with that?
We don't even have a car!
Who would have thought that you would
ever enter a snowboard competition?
It'll be fine.
-Can't you drive any faster?
It's better to get there
a little late, than not at all.
I've heard that one before.
Welcome to Flying Aces big jump
competition here in Hemsedal!
We've got
the snowboarding elite here today.
Each jumper's two best jumps counts
as qualification for the final.
Mikkel Nordskog?
I need your signature.
It's for insurance.
In case you would fall.
Have you ever jumped
from such a big jump?
I've practiced this whole winter.
We're ready for last year's winner,
none other than Gaute Aas!
Beautiful! A great jump by Gaute!
This takes him straight to the top.
-Do you think Gaute will win again?
-That's what he himself thinks.
-What, did you break up?
What do you think?
We're ready for another contestant.
He's from
the same place as Gaute Aas.
Give a big hand to Mikkel Nordskog!
Mikkel's hand was down.
The judges will punish him for that.
Unlucky landing there!
Now we're ready for
the second round here in Hemsedal!
"I've borrowed your car
and gone to Hemsedal".
We're now ready for
Mikkel Nordskog's second jump.
What a backflip by Mikkel!
At last
someone who really goes for it!
This will take him
straight to the final.
The crowd is obviously impressed!
Gaute Aas is now
ready for his second jump.
A very fine jump by Gaute!
Gaute slams into Mikkel!
Sorry, Mikkel.
Didn't mean to.
I promise.
-Where does it hurt?
-The leg.
Let's hope Mikkel is OK...
-Here we see what happened...
-Gaute, you cheating fuck!
I'm coming!
Fucking bastard...
Come on...
Come on, come on!
I'm on my way!
-You can't continue today.
-I knew it...
-You almost made it.
Regardless, I'm very proud of you.
I think you should report that
he can't continue the competition.
I'm right outside
if you need anything.
Now we're ready for the final!
The best jump takes it all.
Almost perfect.
A frontside 1080.
We've come to the last contestant
in the final, Gaute Aas!
Gaute has been outstanding all day.
If he does well,
no-one can stop him from winning-
-for the third time running.
Satan's brew...
That's a frontside 1080!
Mikkel Nordskog is jumping!
Give me two minutes.
-His mom just said he can't jump.
-Yes! Two minutes!
The winner of Hemesdal Flying Aces:
Gaute Aas!
I fell asleep before I told you
the end of the story last night.
Roxanne, the love of my life.
When Rox the Fox decided
that Axel was a cooler guy than me,-
-I left Malibu.
Never to look back.
What are you trying to say?
-Don't bail out.
-I've almost broken my leg.
What you feel in your leg, will pass.
But what I feel here,
will never pass.
We've just heard that Mikkel Nordskog
is able to finish the competition.
That's ridiculous.
You announced me as the winner.
You can't go back on that.
Mikkel Nordskog...
Kick some ass.
Mikkel Nordskog,
ladies and gentlemen!
He does a switch one-foot backflip!
Ladies and gentlemen, the winner
of Flying Aces: Mikkel Nordskog!
That's a Beckenbauer quote. Franz
Beckenbauer, great soccer player.
Hello everybody,
this is Mikkel speaking. What's up?
I just want to thank everyone
for cheering for me in Hemsedal.
Thank you!
It wasn't easy for me
to move here from Oslo.
-I know everyone didn't like me...
-What the hell!
I also found out
I didn't like everyone either.
But many thanks to those
who made my life a living hell.
Because you made me
enter the competition.
But I just want to say something
I should have said a long time ago.
Nina, if you hear me:
Excuse me for not seeing that you
were only looking out for my best.
I was an idiot
for not understanding that.
You're great. I would do anything to
relive that kiss up on the mountain.
And without you having to
think of someone else than me.
Nina, I'm in love
for the first time in my life.
So kiss me, then.