Switch, The (2010) Movie Script
Look at us.
Running around.
Always Rush.
Always late.
This is why they call it,
the human race.
All we create most for this connection.
For some it what happens at first sight.
As what you know, you know.
It is the fate or its magic.
That's great for them.
They may live in a pop song.
With the speed train travel.
That's not the way they really works
For the rest of us what it is
less romantic.
It's Complicated.
It's messy.
It's about horrible timing
and missed opportunities.
And not being able to say when
you need to say.
When you need to say.
At least that's away was for me.
Fat ugly bitch cyclists.
Fat ugly bitch cyclists.
Pig face. Pig face.
I see a pig's face on a mummy.
I see a pig's face on a mummy.
Men boy very little men boy.
Really little men boy very little men boy.
Really little men boy very little men boy.
Really little men boy very little men boy.
Really little men boy very little
men boy. looking at me.
You're not a really little men child.
Boy. He said, and that's worse.
I'm a Really little men boy that
should be wear sweater.
He is mentally ill and is on a corner.
Cassia, exactly.
There is no reason they polite.
They are on a the right side
truth some reflection they
have I had crosses.
I can't believe this such can be
bother you, Wally. It does.
Now I have something news.Can I please.
I wanna show you something. first watch it .
Caught this out.
What is that?
I seem to have a tumor.
Is that your scrotum?
It is not a sunset.
My health disasteur?
Then cure on my death later.
My turn. See this?
That's the dollar in yen.
I bought in a week ago.
Now look it at this.
Yah somebody knew all this job
what you advise to get them?
I don't thinks, I got potential mentals, tv ratio...
Simple, simple, hold or sell?
We sell when things are down.
This wally,this is went out after a certain age.
I like you to first to know...
I'm having baby.
You pregnant?
Not yet.
I'm working on it.
Much the doctor. much sell's on my level
It's really great.
Considering, and she said.
My chermical mukus is georgeous.
She shriken me the slecture about my age.
I was really start to cure.
About timing and why wait.
I started...
Please stop having sex on food
Sorry You know I did not realize.
Handle it was myself, I can do this.
I got a killer in job to Network.
And I do not need a men to
a baby.
Technically, speaking.
Is this about Paul?
Consider that different from weather
a disastrous mistake, and continue.
This acctually nothing to do with Paul.
I think it does.
And Thank you for bringing it up.
All I'm saying is don't you take a kind a rude
Take a look at your relationship is so bitting of the next step.
To what you want before.
You know what I'm just try a thing about how this is supposed to go.
Alright I'm just trying to do it now.
Life is in saction.
Is that from 'n' Informer Show '?
Really? Did you buy the DVD?
But It really something deprissed with me.
I'm going to do this.
I want to have a kid.
I'm in the market for some cement.
You need to help me to find something.
So what are you mind to use a service?
Let's read your resume?
I heard about this women in Queens she
sperm from an Ivy League athlete bought...
Showed that it was a homeless.
You did not hear that.
kid a homeless child.
She made him a trial and lost.
You just make all of that.
Get up?
Why you even on this train?
Because We're not early done talking about this.
Wally, you're a forthright.
I have four interviews this week.
One I have to prepare for.
What's wrong with my sperm?
Your sperm?
It works.
I think you have great sperm.
We are best friends. Is not that weird?
That's weird.
It is, you're right.
You are little neurotic.
What self-righteous.
I am not pessimistic.
Realistic. Big difference.
It's not about you.
Or you can deal with this or not...
Do not tell, please.
Life goes on.
She recognize you no good sperm
slap on her face.
She thinks you're a unique?
You're jealous. Perfectly normal.
Big time promise stuff with deal.
Jungle stuff.
You may be upset.
She got you in the "friend zone" stopped.
Six years ago.
This is a cold inhospitable place...
Your manhood is an endangered species.
Now your seed devalued by her.
She's not me in the friends zone stopped.
We met there into it.
It was mutual.
She had you're window with Kassie
and you went all walie on her doing it.
What does that suppose to mean?
You've shared too much too soon.
wich is kill a romance.
She's gonna Hide crazy,
Least for the appetizers.
Which of your three failed marriages
You have learned that lesson?
All three of their special
I appreciate the friendly advice.
Everything is fine with me.
Are you? Why you mailed me
a picture of your armpit?
I told you I thought I had a tumor?
And it was an armpit?
I hope so.
please tell me you dont invited Wally?
Of course. I did.
Does he bringing that internet girl?
She broke up with him.
I had orgasms that lasted longer
than his relationships.
Could you stop. Sorry.
Ok Here are your talking points, Minister.
I know that Wally can be that blithe,
but at least he talls like it is.
Is it too intimate,
he draws a wall.
But nobody I trust more.
He always had my back.
Yeah I got a cash is he real that he
is really good guy totally undesireable.
Nobody is.
There must be someone for him.
I hope that party doesn't suck.
You really should got Debbie a gift.
She is 30.
She is really longhaul.
Given the thirtieth hair is
I had to buy an old fart.
I want a donor who I meet.
In someone's eyes I'm looking to,
and shake his hand.
When a sperm bank can not.
I want it fresh.
Not frozen.
Frozen is so refreshing.
What qualities would you like?
Sense of humor is most important.
Why do women always said that sense of humor is
most important things all we know that's a lie
It is a kind of high demand.
A funny sort of height.
Funny height.
Hello wally would you dance with me?
No, birthday girl.
Not as a sentence tonight.
You're such a boast kill.
I would not ruin it there.
You've nicely dressed for my party.
How nice.
You're welcome.
Who's dancing with me?
Yes, he's funny.
I've played in movies.
There is no fair
Kick boxing jumping.
Right, because I had not thought about.
You're right.
I'm bored, let's eat kebab.
Wally, this is Declan.
He is a writer / director.
Hello, double friend.
Hey, Wally.
This is Wally. One of my oldest friends.
He is a...
Analyst. Go along with me.
I want to stay.
I think not.
Do you have shares tips for me?
That straight up. My advice,
go on marching and go struggle on.
Come on.
Lets do it?
That's right.
You said I had to sell?
Changed my mind.
Hold on.
He took a finger.
Forget it.
Come on.
He is married.
And he's lying.
How do you know?
There is a mark of his ring on his finger.
He would not be your donor?
I don't know.
He strung my eyerings.
What are you talking now?
Are you mind?
That half-sole, the father of your child?
- I don't know yet.
You're on your own.
Kassie is leave.
Kassie had to go.
To a dealers house.
He's a little paranoid.
She went himself.
She will get some drugs.
What Ecstasy, and some Viagra.
And she thinks you.
She thinks I'm cute?
As Donkey Kong.
I had to literally say.
The address of the love shack.
You should go away now.
Go seriously got safe for two okay.
You sent him to Washington Heights?
Harlem is frightening, I had to go higher.
I did not even go through with it.
It was just an idea.
To think about.
Why you're so weird lately?
I doesn't.
Yeah you have. I always think's what you
should do it, this whole baby thing.
It is not right.
It's not natural.
Now when you meet someone tomorrow?
Or about six months?
You fall in love, you realize
you do that and it's too late.
Why it's so hard for you accept?
Look I'm not go away around with some virgin of this.
That might never happen.
This was not my plan either.
I'm not grown up in Minnesota
dreaming all the day that i was put that ...
For a sperm donor on Greg's list.
But, I'm here and it happens...
And It's scared.
And I can't kicked on you.
I can't ask for your support with you just
staying out with your consience judgment?
You'd supposed to be my friend.
I think we should tick sometime .
tick me when timeout
On relay to speak baby ?
See you later.
I'm not just your friend,
Debbie is your friend.
Is someone tasting you?
Let me guess, Kassie isn't?
No, she has won't seen each other a week...
She wants a timeout.
Time out.
How old are you, six?
Adults do not timeout.
We do have sex with their girlfriends.
You eat a chocolate bar on two.
Not with two. I need some energy.
I'm in the fat burning zone.
You burn muscle.
So you burn fat.
Pregnant party You're invited.
You're sweet.
How are you?
You're obviously busy.
I want another one.
I have already served.
What should I pour?
I stand by the strong stuff.
A party insemination?
Is there a doctor there, Debbie?
Yes, Dr. Oringson.
That guy.
Practicing it from an RV?
He is progressive.
This was my idea.
Everybody does so.
Kassie go to the another room,
we all go away...
Than they do the deed,
with this big taster.
Do not clean?
Why is she doing here?
I'm messy with you.
Debbie, stop.
She uses a medical device.
Is the same things.
Wally, what is wrong with you?
You have these negative ions
if pop up like fleash.
You try this. That makes you less enthuse.
What is this?
I stolen from my mother.
They're herbal. They would
also be pharmaceutically.
If I take one, you walk away?
I should chance that guacamole.
It goes from green to brown.
Just like your sweater.
This is strange.
Only Kassie doing like this.
I did not know so well.
Something to drink?
Thank you, bartender. I'm Wally.
I am the donor.
Roland donor.
I'm Kassie's best friend.
That's okay.
I feel like the price hawk.
There you used to it, right?
A question.
Why are you doing this?
We can use the money.
My wife and me.
She's right over there.
She is beautiful.
Thank you.
She is the light of my life.
My soul mate.
She is the wind beneath your wings?
It's a bit difficult.
A teacher salary.
She is a professor at Columbia.
Teaches feminist literary tradition.
Is that so?
Time to play.
Are you ready?
We have a nice room.
And everything, you know...
Duty calls.
Nice talking to you.
It's happening, folks.
I just met you Viking.
Is gorgeous isn't hel?
What's going on here?
The truth?
I'm freaking out.
I thought it would be nice
by a party, but...
It's really depressing.
Come on.
You think I'm crazy, don't you?
I think while you have a child.
I think that is natural.
You're not nuts.
Thank you.
Thanks, Wally. You understand it anyway?
I understand.
You understand.
Where's my crown?
It'll be fine with me.
I'm a bit emotional.
The crown is fantastics.
Let's take a toast.
Are you ready?
Before all is said and done it
and we kick your out...
I just want to make a toast
to our donors, Roland.
Roland where are you?
There he is. Roland.
How are goin there?
I'm also wanna to toast to our Kassie...
We are all here.
We are an inspiration to all of us.
You were taking the bull by the horns,
Your Venus, and we doing it.
Kassie on.
Great, we doing it?
You're kidding.
That song I've heard it before.
I'm here.
Use the other toilet.
Anybody out there?
Somebody here.
My head. Please.
You're fired.
You'll be no more.
What was that last night?
When you last night?
Creepy drivel.
I had nightmares after thats.
What did I say?
Idiot murmur.
Dangerous. Viking.
The music of it was dark and disaster.
I got the creeps.
Very disturbing. I put you in a rental car.
$ 40, I treated.
I don't remember anything.
You do not know your name
Diane Sawyer screaming?
Are you completely?
Diane Sawyer of Good Morning America?
Besides, she has such a creamy color.
She was a miss or something.
I went to Kassie's party and then...
I must have had a blackout.
You gave into my hall like a schoolgirl.
Seriously you don't remember?
You really need help.
What they decided.
It's alright.
For murder, they have no tongue.
They speak with most miraculous organ.
The place, the thing. Be reunited.
The conscience caught, the king.
Should we see the second half?
It gets better.
Do you promise ?
I'm not make any jokes.
What this guy is trying to prove?
I found it incredibly powerful.
It's not powerfull. It's like a new character
A very small character staggering
I'm pregnant.
Therefore the king listens to him.
He wears no pants. It is unnecessary.
Have you heard what I've just said?
She also told me that she
moved back to Minnesota.
Better place for a child to raise.
Something about a better place
for a child to raise...
And loving grandparents.
That ruined the second part for me.
Unfortunate because the naked guy...
Acted his assassinations.
Two weeks later, Kassie left.
She got a little chill up
when the moving van left.
She felt determined what a mistake
she committed her life.
She bought me a Terrier,
I love it.
M 's floor had after one month
been replaced.
I can see dogs worse than babies.
We were stay in touch.
But yeah, she's a single mom...
And I lived in New York.
There were Christmas cards and emails
but not much else.
And after seven years and two
failed relationships...
One stock market crash,
and numerous blind dates...
There I was.
Right where Kassie left me.
When my friend told me that you
was still single, I can believe it.
You gonna pick on the market,
the first date?
Yes, and the wedding in June?
And living in the suburb.
New Jersey?
Nice residential community...
But I have to work a lot
for that second house.
Although that can't be an excuse for
you to hide...
The ever growing monotony
New Jersey's drudgery.
What that leads to resistance in you.
But you would perpetuate that?
But you could do something on a
self-destructive way. Later.
That's me.
And I'm gonna blame myself for that...
And that guilt would must cope.
If I am out of town, I'm stuck in a hotel
to masturbate in the internet...
You probably sit down at home
with some drinking problem...
And a pathetic 50-year old single with
expensive jeans in a nightclub on a toll road.
I would not speak with you
because you're too young.
Or it could turn out great.
I am incredible.
What was I thinking?
Just suck up and smile.
Talk with you bake anything.
You have a missed call.
Hey Wally, it's Kassie.
We move back to New York.
I got an offer from ABC
and found a great school, for Sebastian.
He exercises his accent al
Call me, this is very exciting.
I thought after dinner to that wine bar
we hated to go again...
Those old waiter who always decorated.
He's alive, I think.
How old is he ?
Sebastian chooses only the
heavy alcohol.
Sebastian? Not just you and me.
Will you wanna see him?
And you actually have a give to something like a little gift.
Nothing big.
Small gift nothing big right.
I'll buy a little basketball.
He is not so athletic.
What then?
He collects picture frames.
Yeah, it's weird. Without photos.
That's very unusual.
Debbie says hello.
Does she?
she helps me unpack.
She's got a dream catcher made.
I do not know yet.
So, I will see you tonight.
Thanks you for rejecting my friends.
Did you hear that?
Part - to eliminate her from my life.
Exactly. I can not tell her.
See you later.
I am looking for a young women who...
Oh right there.
Pardon me please, ma'am.
You look great.
Look at you.
Who took over dress in you?
Nobody. What are you talking about?
I like it.
Where is Sebastian?
If he behaves strangely...
It is because he has to adapt.
He looks at the fish.
I think's he just fine.
Matthew, come on it's time to go.
I think I have Cyclonic Disorder.
I stared at the shark and felt nothing.
Honey, I don't what that is,
but I'm sure you don"t have it.
This is Uncle Wally. Say hello.
Hi, Sebastian.
Cyclonic Disorder.
Emotional fluctuations,
No interest, no fun,
no motivation.
Was I unclear?
Sebastian look, Wally's got a gift.
Let's see what it is.
Yes I do.
Take a look at this.
That is so sweet, Wally.
It is a one of silver edition.
Where is the picture?
What picture?
That comes with it if you'd buying.
The most important part.
This framework is used.
Say thank you.
Thank you.
You got it, look at this.
this is the big surprise.
I called in advance and have it ordered.
Ready for the best duck in the world?
I can not eat duck.
Wally, you know what they do with duck
Waterfowl on the farms?
No, you think of veal.
No, I read about the ducks.
They fatten the ducks thick.
With 's plastic tube in their throat.
I ordered it.
The ducks have a liver disease
called lipomatosis and could not walk.
Nature is in a crisis
and that has an offender.
What's going on here?
He is stubborn.
Hey guess what...
It cost me $ 84
and it's gonna be the best eat you ever had.
I'm not going to eat.
And I hate you, if you does.
We do not say 'hate', baby.
We can eat rice with soy sauce.
Great, rice with soy sauce.
A great compromise.
Uncle Wally likes to eat rice.
He likes you.
Kidding, right?
No, surely.
Can a few hours
of him this weekend?
I don't think...
I have to show a parent orientation thing...
In school, and need you really help me out.
Then spend your time together.
Know each other.
Excuse me.
For me Soda on the rocks.
Sorry about that.
Okay. I eat it that way.
I eat with my cereal.
Better than bananas.
That sounds delicious.
The form is already correct.
Honey, stay close.
Is he great?
He thinks I'm lesbian.
Because the only mother he knows
guys or fathers with seeds...
Or lesbians.
Can I go in?
No, we have to get home.
He is so smart and consider everythings.
And he sees never boring.
He went inside.
I know he does that.
What is a seed guy?
Part of his birth story.
This should be good.
A story I'm telling you.
How he got here.
That mother has no husband...
But he had wanted
they could wait no longer.
And then she went to the doctor
and the doctor said if you are looking for long enough...
Think you got a very special person who,
if you really ask nicely...
Give you seeds.
So that I can plant you in my tummy.
Got it.
But I read all the books
who have this...
And until it actually happens
nothing can prepare you.
The day when your kid comes home crying from
school because sains experiment.
Who was that?
A text from Roland.
Who is Roland?
The seed guy. The donor.
You still talk to him?
Yes, I called when I got back.
I do not want the anonymous donor.
So if Sebastian's asking questions I could answer.
And I want to know him.
I want it ever meet.
What will Mrs. Roland think about that?
There is not.
They are divorced.
Sorry about your divorce.
Do not worry, I'm not all the
details about how...
The marriage ended.
How she's cheated on me.
It's a long time
before I can trust anyone again.
Just leave it there.
Fair enough.
So listen you're under no obligation
to do anything and I don't think you to do anything.
Outside the donation, you
indeed truly amazing job.
You know what I mean.
But when he had questions...
I was honored to receive you call.
I was wondering about how the
him and you how through out...
Roland wants a picture of him?
I love that.
He's beautiful.
Yeah, right.
I must say that I
from me than you see him.
I could not say this then,
but I really respect you.
Your choice to do so.
There is a lot of courage.
Very brave.
And I do not see often.
No, nothing.
Really kind things to say.
It's true.
This went a lot better than I expected.
Yes me too.
I always found penguins a mystery.
I think that of puppies.
I having a birthdays party.
I know it.
There is when you do not want
that someone knows your birthday.
Why you don't want to others people knows your birthday?
Because getting old sucks.
And people have not reached
what they wanted and that also fails.
And living in denial
birthdays and part of that.
Are not you afraid you
Parkinson's will?
Not Parkinson's, but I sometimes
fits of hypochondria.
What is that? Thats thinking that you
have a disease you don't really have.
I have that.
Tell me about your new school.
Because you're kind of try to hide some of.
I don't wanna to talk about it.
What's his name?
Aaron O 'Connor.
Aaron O 'Connor.
How did you know?
Cause I have been there.
When you been to PS-66?
- No, proverbial.
You know you go to stand up took
soon or later right.
I don't want to.
Then he will kick your ass. Fun?
He is bigger than me and he knows karate.
A karate guy.
Then you just...
What you do is act crazy.
Nobody does the crazy thing.
Do not like it you can...
Like he don't care like funnier?
No matter what happens to you.
If you're crazy.
You never know what these people do.
There are other scared.
Scared Aaron O 'Connor.
He looks just like you.
Not my son.
How old is he?
I think his five.
He is a little you.
Come here.
The zoo was very nice.
That sounds so fun.
Wally has shown me the whole park.
You take my bag?
Tell me. What did you see?
If you go back to the cowboys...
Then you travel in your dreams,
to Colorado...
And then you tending cattle.
But I do not want to kill Indians.
That should not be.
What if I go to the astronauts?
You must travel to the moon.
And driving around with some cool buggies
with such a flag.
I thinks i'm going with the astronauts.
Good choice. In bed now.
We go to the moon.
Who sleeps on Sebastian?
Duck or chicken?
The chicken.
Ocharme the chicken.
He is exhausted.
What did you do to him?
He is finally asleep?
To what are you?
Rare photographs that you're tracking.
Like this. Not a good choice.
Are you...
Great choice.
Not really.
And not only that you were in costume.
That's not how you are.
If I had these bunny ears
I'm wanting to warn.
This was our second date.
Yes, that's right.
You let us all the time
dancing on C and C Music Factory?
I don't belive i did to make you back.
Yes, your favorite group back then.
A C & C superfan.
And you kissed me at that party.
I was an caracters.
I was playboy bunny.
A big kiss.
You disappeared that night.
You had taking me home.
That flight because I
was too intense, does not sound like me.
Was the journey I would have done,
but did not?
Was not your third...
Mom, I think I would like herding cattle.
I'm going...
I pull my pagers too.
I'll call you tomorrow.
With Wally here...
I am freaking out a little bit.
Yes, drip into my mouth.
Do you eat? Should I call you back?
No, say it.
I think...
That some how...
I hang out with
Sebastian last week...
And there are similarities.
And coincidences that...
I must discuss this with Kassie.
Whats the matter?
Here is it crazy, somehow...
This child looks like me,
more than he seems on the Viking.
The kid might be yours?
What you say...
Where are you now? Come over here wailey.
Hang on, why didn't tell me that before?
You had not been my help.
I give you everything I have.
This was seven years ago,
you were so drunk and talking nonsense.
I did not know that Diane Sawyer for the Viking
exchange for someone meant something.
What does this mean?
What is it means?
Roland is the Viking,
Viking is a Roland.
Who is Roland?
Roland Kassie's donor, the Viking.
Sorry I did not tell you that.
okay well okay so ...
That he is the donor and
there is a tradesman.
What kind of trade?
Damn, I don't thinking...
You what? Help me out here.
That the Vikings ingredient
from my...
How did that come about? Was there
access to its ingredients?
I do not even know.
I don't know it.
Here I get a bad feeling about us.
Yes, I think there was an access.
Remember the back?
Yes, there was access.
Not like where this goes.
God, I have...
I think I Sawyer.
Was in the bathroom.
Kassie has Diane Sawyer
and she invited her?
I've switch it.
My God.
You switch, really.
Kassie's pregnancy I've been hijacked?
That's unwise.
Why I'm not remember that?
Because you were horribly drunk.
You suppressed everything.
Like hungry dogs in the basement.
If you give them no food...
They will eventually escape
to do something unsafe.
Exhibit A.
Am I a horrible person?
I got to tell her.
No,no telling Kassie?
Yes, that's so challenging, so delicate.
The right thing to do.
Yes might be, don't you want to a lawyer firstr?
No lawyer. I've got to tell her.
Okay..But before you go...
If this is true, have you good news.
Congratulations, you're a father.
That's not helpful.
Hi, Wally.
Hi. What are you doing wake?
Where's your mom?
In the tub. Wally is here, Mom.
What are you doing?
Watching television.
No, you just switching quickly channels.
No, I watching each program simultaneously.
This should be better, because we
going to see each other very often.
Why we have to seeing each
others for the long time?
Because I...
I'm friends with your mother.
Well,it doesn't mean you friends of me.
Give me the remote.
What are you doing?
I need to talk with you.
I'll be right outside.
Is everything okay?
We are almost there.
I do not know how I say this,
but I'll just start...
You are the most important person
in my life.
This is very difficult.
The hardest thing ever.
I'd do anything for you.
We have known each other for such a long time.
I certainly do not want to lose.
But I just somethings must be to say.
I think I already know.
I think not.
Since I'm back
and we know each other for so long...
We missed each other clearly.
I'd be lying if I did not realize...
There 's energy between us hanging.
Sometimes I feel it too.
That you wanted to tell me?
That you have feelings for me.
Not exactly, but...
I... It's complicated.
This work. I'm in a Roland thing.
So I'm not...
I'm sorry.
Let's forget it.
And again I'm sorry.
You get it.
You get it.
Sebastian, open the door, please.
Roland things?
It's not a good time.
What Roland thing?
We just spent some time together.
Like a date?
Yes, I guess.
Did he meet Sebastian?
Meet Sebastian no...
No, I have specific rules.
Sebastian do not like when I'm with a men.
so just that advise.
Where did you meet Roland?
At a metting.
A book tour?
Where did the reading?
I have a kayak?
A kayak?
It is a great day.
Make that door open immediately.
Open it yourself.
I am crazy of you.
She is angry.
She's got a boyfriend.
After a few days we have not had boyfriend.
I am also six years.
What do you mean by that?
You told the lady on the bus...
I'm five,I'm not I'm six.
My birthday soon.
Will you come to my party?
Yes, I'm sure be there.
How are you?
Can we talk about last night,
I can not sleep...
That stuff on energy...
Can we forget?
That is what I mean, you said...
I call that only one party.
Who says a small wall not
can be strong?
We were just getting...
Wailey, do you remember Roland?
This was mentioned on your shirt at Kassie's
party a few years ago...
When you were hysterical.
What a memory.
Thank you.
Where is Sebastian, I want
him his gift.
He stands over there.
Put it on seriously.
Let me take.
I got it.
I put him in the rest of the gifts.
Got it?
Roland is here, and manages gifts.
What you got under it?
A climbing equipment.
Is that so?
Roland has given it to me.
Be nice.
Quite aerodynamic,
very windy up there?
Can you...
You look fantastic.
I do not want to climb the wall.
I promise you will like it.
I don't think so.
The reason we have the party here,
is to climb a wall...
We would not think the wall is
will feel redundant?
Do you feel it ?
Where did Sebastian really
give his party?
A kill shelter.
A kill shelter?
The last place where a dog resides
before he...
He thought it would help
of dog rescue.
But this is good for him...
Here he is active and athletic of...
No, it's too high!
What is he doing?
Take me down.
Sebastian, that's too high...
He's too high.
Let the walls go, the harness holds you.
Do what he says and let it go.
But what if it breaks?
It is important that you're having fun.
I do not want.
Sebastian'll be fine.
Count to three and then release.
I'm afraid.
Let me.
I'm coming, buddy.
This is not unusual, take it easy.
I got you.
They wave at me.
I got you.
No, stop.
I'll help you. I got it.
Let me go, big monkey.
Let me go.
I hate that stupid wall, and this is
the worst birthday party ever.
I would not be here.
Are you okay?
All is well with you.
I'm sorry.
We're going to wash here.
That was not a success for you.
It'll be fine with him.
I do not know you very well.
Let's have a drink after this.
I guess It's the most beautiful place on earth.
Have you ever been in Michigan?
I've been to Detroit.
I'm talking about the peninsula.
I have a small house.
It has been 30 years in the family.
I wanted Kassie there you go.
I know it is early.
Want another beer?
No, thanks.
I gotta go.
I'm so happy we did this.
The kid hates me, waly.
I do not think Sebastian hate you.
He does he told me few times.
He's got some...
Rough edges.
That's it.
He is very concerned,
questions far removed. He's really...
That's the word.
So what's the problem?
Since I can not really support it.
Neurotic is simply an intense form
of introspection.
You call him just so self-reflective
and that's good.
You walk around with an opinion,
with a opinion.
A nice friendly sort of way...
You got it.
You got it.
Those rough edges.
Do not misunderstand me.
That is beautyful.
What do you think it is not beautiful?
You did it again.
You got that focus.
That's are we like.
We are both determined.
Sebastian resistance might now against me,
but I'll come through.
Life throws you curve balls.
A few months ago I wanted children
with a women...
Which I was sure I never see again.
A few months ago?
Now I'm crazy about women
who pay me for my sperm.
There is such a curve ball.
Sebastian will get through this.
It'll be fine.
That dark cloud over his head
is not necessary.
Want another beer?
The guy did not stop.
He dont stop talking. He's keep going..
and talking..and talking..
He says his kid,
and that he is my best friend.
I give him advice how to be a better father
to my son.
It's a nightmare.
He emails me and smilling at me...
With great teeth.
He wants to fly with me.
Why are we here?
I have to swap his list.
Sebastian wants a new Series.
A sterling silver...
Nice of you are interested in his hobby.
You must first things
with Kassie straight.
Why wait?
I know that.
I tried.
Everything is reversed.
I turned around.
That night she said that she thought
energy that we had.
I've never heard.
Her mouth said much of her time
Roland spent...
But her eyes cried, "save me".
Go with the eyes.
Now I think I have feelings
for her.
Do you really?
It's only 13 years.
Says you long, but
Now I say finally.
Good news. You love
the mother of your child.
It falls now to Roland.
If I could tell her the truth.
If I do that I lose everything.
If you do not?
Then I am never more than Uncle Wally.
That's not good.
This is old, this new.
I would take the place of that.
The assets of the fund were not...
I know.
I must answer.
Sorry, hold on..
Thank God, you take on.
I'm in Michigan, and...
Camp Roland?
Yes, I'm with Roland.
He has a house.
It's been 30 years in the family.
Yes you got it. How do you know that?
He told me.
I didn't know you two have spoke.
We are very close.
What's the buzz?
I have to pay.
There is no mobile coverage there?
On this island apparently not.
Sebastian wanted the weekend with Liam
He has trouble making friends,
So I accepted that, but then...
Liams mom then called and said
that Sebastian has lice.
Calm down, they are lice.
I said no leprosy.
Want the situation "wallyen.
You used my name as a verb now?
Yeah I do that.
I do sometimes.
Can you please help me out?
I trust you, and you're the only
in New York that he is currently able to stand.
I feel bad about.
I take the first flight tomorrow.
Should I pick him
and to bring emergency?
No, but lice.
Put him on television at home then?
Yes, that would be great.
But first a few things.
Got a pen?
I'll be back.
Stop by after Dwayne Raid
Sebastian you've picked up in our street.
Buy trash bags, douchekap,
lice and a medicine.
The doctor sent been a prescription.
Where are the garbage?
With a yellow cross.
Stop home all his clothes in
a garbage bag.
Now the pants.
And in the bath.
Make sure that stuff but he
ten minutes to.
And what ever you do.
don't care with his eye.
And then you can replace the covers.
That we stop in too.
And this.
Put all the kisses and hugs in a bag.
The bags must be waterproof
so the lice suffocate.
All washing at high temperature.
Give me the wax?
Can we add steps?
Just let me shave his hair.
And what ever you do try to make him on it.
And make sure to follow the instructions to wash his hair.
Are you okay?
And just one more thing,
actually the worst part...
There is a small comb.
It can not be true.
Nothing, everything is good.
Are they everywhere?
They crawl over my head?
No, they're fine...
You're fine..Everythings gonna be fine..
Go about it?
No. I kill lice.
Did you find there?
I think so.
I got them.
Warm from the dryer.
We are officially the lice.
Or framed. Lice?
Whatever, We are at DEFCON 1.
Or five?
Good night.
Sleep tight.
That's your collection?
Why not use those frameworks?
Why is everyone asking me that?
Because people like their own
Pictures in frames stop.
But there are already people.
Yes, but people who you knowing.
Of course.
As these people.
This is the Owen family.
This is Mr. and Mrs. Owen.
And those are their two children.
She studied volcanoes.
And Mrs. Owen works in a shop
for medicines for pets.
Funny because Mr. and Mrs. Owen seem
on fashion models.
That is my grandfather.
What? This guy?
He is my father daddy.
He owns a boat.
He goes fishing for sharks.
And he knows a lot.
Did you know that sharks have no bones?
No,I didn't know.
That is my uncle Rick.
The younger brother of my father.
He bought an iPod for my birthday.
But he had stolen,
because there was already music.
How is the family of your father?
I never met them.
Why not?
My father left when I was pretty young.
You can keep it.
Good night.
There's too much flour.
That's more like dough.
This allows you to do the walls.
More water, right?
What about pancakes?
Chocolate chips?
Do your mother? Or peanut butter?
Or with cheese then.
A pancake lunch. Why not.
Do you like cheese?
Let lice in it.
What's so funny about it
concept lice to eat?
No idea, it's just funny.
Looking for testure?
We make them a bit crispy.
Keep your lice out.
I want to show a dead louse.
Let me see that.
You're home.
What's in that jar?
He has slain them.
Sorry I was not there.
Are they out there?
I love you.
I'm watching television.
That's cute look.
This is...
I was itching so I had a
bit of that shampoo.
You do not have lice.
I might have lice.
You do not have lice, and I
really appreciate you doing all this.
Thanks for that.
Yeah you're welcome.
How was the weekend?
It was good.
It was nice and quiet.
At the lake.
His grandfather built the cottage himself
wood on private property.
I think we're going about two weeks too
Sebastian and take it.
So it is kind serious.
We think there is actually
in order to moving in together.
Cassia, which is a mistake.
I think this guy a mistake.
Not spoiled for me.
Hang on.
He's this year merried with someone else.
He apparently continuing misery and
he does not realize that you are using.
I'm really here
that you had changed.
But you haven't.
I try to move forward my life
and you are still exactly the same.
The truth is that I'm actually happy.
Are you?
Roland is a really good guy.
He is supporting me...
Just because you never show a risk was,
You should not destroy mine.
I try at least one
allow in my life.
You should try some times.
Unless something else
You have to say to me.
Wally? Really got nothing for me?
Are there's no pancakes?
Wally, thanks for the lice patrol.
Taste some of this beer
that grandma made.
Sebastian, what's going on ? What happened?
Tony I was at his party and did what you said.
And O'Connor was there,
I stood up and doing crazy.
Your face.
He punched me and threw me into a
pool and then hit me again.
He don't care that I was crazy.
It has not worked, I've tried.
Where was this party?
At the park.
Which one?
East End.
East End Park?
That's like 20 blocks away on here.
I'll call your mom
they pick you up.
Wally, you have to take me home.
Take me home, Wally.
Sebastian, why you come here?
Because I thought you would be proud of me.
Honey, what happened to you?
I got fight.
Why did Donna did not call?
My fault. I told him to do something stupid.
He listened to me.
It goes well. He came to my place.
He came to you?
What going up?
Roland's family is here. Brunch.
Who beat that kid?
Come on, baby. You're little dirt.
We go in the bath.
Let's go to the kitchen.
What happened?
He got a fight with other kids.
That's awfull.
That makes him stronger.
As a child I suffered some bruises.
Mostly by my older brothers.
They are here, you have to meet.
Wait..hold on..
Check it out.
Stay here. This is good.
I'm sorry, Roland.
For What?
Does it feel so bad, huh?
I really need to talk to you.
Act a crazy behavior? Remember me
I ask you anything if I get bullied.
What do you want from me? I'm an idiot.
Cassia, this can not wait.
I got it.
Sorry, I'll be back.
What is wrong with him?
I try peas.
What is it?
There she is.
Kass, come on in.
But a moment...
Come, Kass. You too, Wally.
Come on take a sit.
Everybody listen up. Silence.
I have something to say.
A few months ago...
I do not a lie.
It was adore place
I was in a world of pain.
Kassie, I really need to talk to you.
My wife ex left me for reasons that...
I do not need to describe again.
Over here. Now.
And then...
Believe me this is real.
Go away.
Did the heavens open...
And the voice of an angel
stood on my voicemail.
And I'm happy to say...
That my life is now fulfilled.
Today Sebastian showed me really scared.
Wally, do you. I'll get to the good part.
Yes, sorry, you're a good guy.
This I do not like.
What should you do?
The ball toss.
When Sebastian needed someone
Today, he came to me.
He needed me.
And I need it.
What are you talking about?
About something I never could say.
I've hijacked your pregnancy.
I am the seed guy.
I replace that Roland's buffery with mine.
That one night at your party.
Sebastian is my son.
That was reckless, careless
and terrible. I panicked.
I'm not like you.
You're not afraid of anything.
I can not even got to take risks.
And what I find so wonderful about you.
You gonna hate me for the rest of your life.
You never forgive me and I do not expect.
But it just breaks my heart,
because he has changed me.
You have changed me, and...
I love you.
I could not say that before
but I can say it right now.
And I also say that I am truly sorry.
Fortunately, that dirty off.
Don't ever speak to us again.
What did I mess?
Sorry about your proposal, Roland.
His what?
I'm proud of you.
Wally, it's four a.m in the morning.
I did the right thing.
Face my fear an told her.
That is really good.
I lost her and Sebastian.
You did the right thing.
I'm proud of you, Wally.
It sucks.
Things are get better.
I drink liquor from a deli.
You must go home, Wally.
They are my home.
I've thought about it.
And, you can not disappear from Sebastians life.
He's your son.
And of course you can see him but
according to my terms.
How is he?
He misses you.
I miss him.
A lot.
Shoot him with Roland?
I could not continue there.
What happened?
What do you mean?
I do not know.
He is affectionate and
wants me to try new things.
He is not a psychopath
when he is drunk.
He whines as he eats.
I have rejected him,
because it is not you.
Will you marry me?
Look at us again.
Running around.
Always rush.
Always late.
That's why it called the human race.
But sometimes it slows down just enough for
all the pieces fall into place.
Fate does magical things.
And you're connected.
Do you smell that?
Sausage, fuel and burned armhaar.
Is that good for you?
Too bad that all these kids are.
I like an audience not mind.
Over here...
No, honey. Ice cream.
Take it out there's. But a child 's
milk allergy, no idea which.
It would be the little blonde.
This is a sorbet or something?
How about that?
This year, Sebastian decided to
birthday to help Doug.
And Doug is a great
playful three-legged dog.
He needs a home.
Doug is the next in line
one wishes to sleep.
That would be a terrible death.
But not dead yet.
very, very much alive and happy.
Now blow out the candles and eat cake.
I blow anything out until someone takes Doug.
I'll take it.
For example, I hear.
He has only three legs.
Make a wish, honey.
Everyones,a while all the randomness...
Something unexpected happens
and gives us a move forward.
And the truth is,
I start thinking...
I start to feel...
That the human race might
no variety.
Running around.
Always Rush.
Always late.
This is why they call it,
the human race.
All we create most for this connection.
For some it what happens at first sight.
As what you know, you know.
It is the fate or its magic.
That's great for them.
They may live in a pop song.
With the speed train travel.
That's not the way they really works
For the rest of us what it is
less romantic.
It's Complicated.
It's messy.
It's about horrible timing
and missed opportunities.
And not being able to say when
you need to say.
When you need to say.
At least that's away was for me.
Fat ugly bitch cyclists.
Fat ugly bitch cyclists.
Pig face. Pig face.
I see a pig's face on a mummy.
I see a pig's face on a mummy.
Men boy very little men boy.
Really little men boy very little men boy.
Really little men boy very little men boy.
Really little men boy very little men boy.
Really little men boy very little
men boy. looking at me.
You're not a really little men child.
Boy. He said, and that's worse.
I'm a Really little men boy that
should be wear sweater.
He is mentally ill and is on a corner.
Cassia, exactly.
There is no reason they polite.
They are on a the right side
truth some reflection they
have I had crosses.
I can't believe this such can be
bother you, Wally. It does.
Now I have something news.Can I please.
I wanna show you something. first watch it .
Caught this out.
What is that?
I seem to have a tumor.
Is that your scrotum?
It is not a sunset.
My health disasteur?
Then cure on my death later.
My turn. See this?
That's the dollar in yen.
I bought in a week ago.
Now look it at this.
Yah somebody knew all this job
what you advise to get them?
I don't thinks, I got potential mentals, tv ratio...
Simple, simple, hold or sell?
We sell when things are down.
This wally,this is went out after a certain age.
I like you to first to know...
I'm having baby.
You pregnant?
Not yet.
I'm working on it.
Much the doctor. much sell's on my level
It's really great.
Considering, and she said.
My chermical mukus is georgeous.
She shriken me the slecture about my age.
I was really start to cure.
About timing and why wait.
I started...
Please stop having sex on food
Sorry You know I did not realize.
Handle it was myself, I can do this.
I got a killer in job to Network.
And I do not need a men to
a baby.
Technically, speaking.
Is this about Paul?
Consider that different from weather
a disastrous mistake, and continue.
This acctually nothing to do with Paul.
I think it does.
And Thank you for bringing it up.
All I'm saying is don't you take a kind a rude
Take a look at your relationship is so bitting of the next step.
To what you want before.
You know what I'm just try a thing about how this is supposed to go.
Alright I'm just trying to do it now.
Life is in saction.
Is that from 'n' Informer Show '?
Really? Did you buy the DVD?
But It really something deprissed with me.
I'm going to do this.
I want to have a kid.
I'm in the market for some cement.
You need to help me to find something.
So what are you mind to use a service?
Let's read your resume?
I heard about this women in Queens she
sperm from an Ivy League athlete bought...
Showed that it was a homeless.
You did not hear that.
kid a homeless child.
She made him a trial and lost.
You just make all of that.
Get up?
Why you even on this train?
Because We're not early done talking about this.
Wally, you're a forthright.
I have four interviews this week.
One I have to prepare for.
What's wrong with my sperm?
Your sperm?
It works.
I think you have great sperm.
We are best friends. Is not that weird?
That's weird.
It is, you're right.
You are little neurotic.
What self-righteous.
I am not pessimistic.
Realistic. Big difference.
It's not about you.
Or you can deal with this or not...
Do not tell, please.
Life goes on.
She recognize you no good sperm
slap on her face.
She thinks you're a unique?
You're jealous. Perfectly normal.
Big time promise stuff with deal.
Jungle stuff.
You may be upset.
She got you in the "friend zone" stopped.
Six years ago.
This is a cold inhospitable place...
Your manhood is an endangered species.
Now your seed devalued by her.
She's not me in the friends zone stopped.
We met there into it.
It was mutual.
She had you're window with Kassie
and you went all walie on her doing it.
What does that suppose to mean?
You've shared too much too soon.
wich is kill a romance.
She's gonna Hide crazy,
Least for the appetizers.
Which of your three failed marriages
You have learned that lesson?
All three of their special
I appreciate the friendly advice.
Everything is fine with me.
Are you? Why you mailed me
a picture of your armpit?
I told you I thought I had a tumor?
And it was an armpit?
I hope so.
please tell me you dont invited Wally?
Of course. I did.
Does he bringing that internet girl?
She broke up with him.
I had orgasms that lasted longer
than his relationships.
Could you stop. Sorry.
Ok Here are your talking points, Minister.
I know that Wally can be that blithe,
but at least he talls like it is.
Is it too intimate,
he draws a wall.
But nobody I trust more.
He always had my back.
Yeah I got a cash is he real that he
is really good guy totally undesireable.
Nobody is.
There must be someone for him.
I hope that party doesn't suck.
You really should got Debbie a gift.
She is 30.
She is really longhaul.
Given the thirtieth hair is
I had to buy an old fart.
I want a donor who I meet.
In someone's eyes I'm looking to,
and shake his hand.
When a sperm bank can not.
I want it fresh.
Not frozen.
Frozen is so refreshing.
What qualities would you like?
Sense of humor is most important.
Why do women always said that sense of humor is
most important things all we know that's a lie
It is a kind of high demand.
A funny sort of height.
Funny height.
Hello wally would you dance with me?
No, birthday girl.
Not as a sentence tonight.
You're such a boast kill.
I would not ruin it there.
You've nicely dressed for my party.
How nice.
You're welcome.
Who's dancing with me?
Yes, he's funny.
I've played in movies.
There is no fair
Kick boxing jumping.
Right, because I had not thought about.
You're right.
I'm bored, let's eat kebab.
Wally, this is Declan.
He is a writer / director.
Hello, double friend.
Hey, Wally.
This is Wally. One of my oldest friends.
He is a...
Analyst. Go along with me.
I want to stay.
I think not.
Do you have shares tips for me?
That straight up. My advice,
go on marching and go struggle on.
Come on.
Lets do it?
That's right.
You said I had to sell?
Changed my mind.
Hold on.
He took a finger.
Forget it.
Come on.
He is married.
And he's lying.
How do you know?
There is a mark of his ring on his finger.
He would not be your donor?
I don't know.
He strung my eyerings.
What are you talking now?
Are you mind?
That half-sole, the father of your child?
- I don't know yet.
You're on your own.
Kassie is leave.
Kassie had to go.
To a dealers house.
He's a little paranoid.
She went himself.
She will get some drugs.
What Ecstasy, and some Viagra.
And she thinks you.
She thinks I'm cute?
As Donkey Kong.
I had to literally say.
The address of the love shack.
You should go away now.
Go seriously got safe for two okay.
You sent him to Washington Heights?
Harlem is frightening, I had to go higher.
I did not even go through with it.
It was just an idea.
To think about.
Why you're so weird lately?
I doesn't.
Yeah you have. I always think's what you
should do it, this whole baby thing.
It is not right.
It's not natural.
Now when you meet someone tomorrow?
Or about six months?
You fall in love, you realize
you do that and it's too late.
Why it's so hard for you accept?
Look I'm not go away around with some virgin of this.
That might never happen.
This was not my plan either.
I'm not grown up in Minnesota
dreaming all the day that i was put that ...
For a sperm donor on Greg's list.
But, I'm here and it happens...
And It's scared.
And I can't kicked on you.
I can't ask for your support with you just
staying out with your consience judgment?
You'd supposed to be my friend.
I think we should tick sometime .
tick me when timeout
On relay to speak baby ?
See you later.
I'm not just your friend,
Debbie is your friend.
Is someone tasting you?
Let me guess, Kassie isn't?
No, she has won't seen each other a week...
She wants a timeout.
Time out.
How old are you, six?
Adults do not timeout.
We do have sex with their girlfriends.
You eat a chocolate bar on two.
Not with two. I need some energy.
I'm in the fat burning zone.
You burn muscle.
So you burn fat.
Pregnant party You're invited.
You're sweet.
How are you?
You're obviously busy.
I want another one.
I have already served.
What should I pour?
I stand by the strong stuff.
A party insemination?
Is there a doctor there, Debbie?
Yes, Dr. Oringson.
That guy.
Practicing it from an RV?
He is progressive.
This was my idea.
Everybody does so.
Kassie go to the another room,
we all go away...
Than they do the deed,
with this big taster.
Do not clean?
Why is she doing here?
I'm messy with you.
Debbie, stop.
She uses a medical device.
Is the same things.
Wally, what is wrong with you?
You have these negative ions
if pop up like fleash.
You try this. That makes you less enthuse.
What is this?
I stolen from my mother.
They're herbal. They would
also be pharmaceutically.
If I take one, you walk away?
I should chance that guacamole.
It goes from green to brown.
Just like your sweater.
This is strange.
Only Kassie doing like this.
I did not know so well.
Something to drink?
Thank you, bartender. I'm Wally.
I am the donor.
Roland donor.
I'm Kassie's best friend.
That's okay.
I feel like the price hawk.
There you used to it, right?
A question.
Why are you doing this?
We can use the money.
My wife and me.
She's right over there.
She is beautiful.
Thank you.
She is the light of my life.
My soul mate.
She is the wind beneath your wings?
It's a bit difficult.
A teacher salary.
She is a professor at Columbia.
Teaches feminist literary tradition.
Is that so?
Time to play.
Are you ready?
We have a nice room.
And everything, you know...
Duty calls.
Nice talking to you.
It's happening, folks.
I just met you Viking.
Is gorgeous isn't hel?
What's going on here?
The truth?
I'm freaking out.
I thought it would be nice
by a party, but...
It's really depressing.
Come on.
You think I'm crazy, don't you?
I think while you have a child.
I think that is natural.
You're not nuts.
Thank you.
Thanks, Wally. You understand it anyway?
I understand.
You understand.
Where's my crown?
It'll be fine with me.
I'm a bit emotional.
The crown is fantastics.
Let's take a toast.
Are you ready?
Before all is said and done it
and we kick your out...
I just want to make a toast
to our donors, Roland.
Roland where are you?
There he is. Roland.
How are goin there?
I'm also wanna to toast to our Kassie...
We are all here.
We are an inspiration to all of us.
You were taking the bull by the horns,
Your Venus, and we doing it.
Kassie on.
Great, we doing it?
You're kidding.
That song I've heard it before.
I'm here.
Use the other toilet.
Anybody out there?
Somebody here.
My head. Please.
You're fired.
You'll be no more.
What was that last night?
When you last night?
Creepy drivel.
I had nightmares after thats.
What did I say?
Idiot murmur.
Dangerous. Viking.
The music of it was dark and disaster.
I got the creeps.
Very disturbing. I put you in a rental car.
$ 40, I treated.
I don't remember anything.
You do not know your name
Diane Sawyer screaming?
Are you completely?
Diane Sawyer of Good Morning America?
Besides, she has such a creamy color.
She was a miss or something.
I went to Kassie's party and then...
I must have had a blackout.
You gave into my hall like a schoolgirl.
Seriously you don't remember?
You really need help.
What they decided.
It's alright.
For murder, they have no tongue.
They speak with most miraculous organ.
The place, the thing. Be reunited.
The conscience caught, the king.
Should we see the second half?
It gets better.
Do you promise ?
I'm not make any jokes.
What this guy is trying to prove?
I found it incredibly powerful.
It's not powerfull. It's like a new character
A very small character staggering
I'm pregnant.
Therefore the king listens to him.
He wears no pants. It is unnecessary.
Have you heard what I've just said?
She also told me that she
moved back to Minnesota.
Better place for a child to raise.
Something about a better place
for a child to raise...
And loving grandparents.
That ruined the second part for me.
Unfortunate because the naked guy...
Acted his assassinations.
Two weeks later, Kassie left.
She got a little chill up
when the moving van left.
She felt determined what a mistake
she committed her life.
She bought me a Terrier,
I love it.
M 's floor had after one month
been replaced.
I can see dogs worse than babies.
We were stay in touch.
But yeah, she's a single mom...
And I lived in New York.
There were Christmas cards and emails
but not much else.
And after seven years and two
failed relationships...
One stock market crash,
and numerous blind dates...
There I was.
Right where Kassie left me.
When my friend told me that you
was still single, I can believe it.
You gonna pick on the market,
the first date?
Yes, and the wedding in June?
And living in the suburb.
New Jersey?
Nice residential community...
But I have to work a lot
for that second house.
Although that can't be an excuse for
you to hide...
The ever growing monotony
New Jersey's drudgery.
What that leads to resistance in you.
But you would perpetuate that?
But you could do something on a
self-destructive way. Later.
That's me.
And I'm gonna blame myself for that...
And that guilt would must cope.
If I am out of town, I'm stuck in a hotel
to masturbate in the internet...
You probably sit down at home
with some drinking problem...
And a pathetic 50-year old single with
expensive jeans in a nightclub on a toll road.
I would not speak with you
because you're too young.
Or it could turn out great.
I am incredible.
What was I thinking?
Just suck up and smile.
Talk with you bake anything.
You have a missed call.
Hey Wally, it's Kassie.
We move back to New York.
I got an offer from ABC
and found a great school, for Sebastian.
He exercises his accent al
Call me, this is very exciting.
I thought after dinner to that wine bar
we hated to go again...
Those old waiter who always decorated.
He's alive, I think.
How old is he ?
Sebastian chooses only the
heavy alcohol.
Sebastian? Not just you and me.
Will you wanna see him?
And you actually have a give to something like a little gift.
Nothing big.
Small gift nothing big right.
I'll buy a little basketball.
He is not so athletic.
What then?
He collects picture frames.
Yeah, it's weird. Without photos.
That's very unusual.
Debbie says hello.
Does she?
she helps me unpack.
She's got a dream catcher made.
I do not know yet.
So, I will see you tonight.
Thanks you for rejecting my friends.
Did you hear that?
Part - to eliminate her from my life.
Exactly. I can not tell her.
See you later.
I am looking for a young women who...
Oh right there.
Pardon me please, ma'am.
You look great.
Look at you.
Who took over dress in you?
Nobody. What are you talking about?
I like it.
Where is Sebastian?
If he behaves strangely...
It is because he has to adapt.
He looks at the fish.
I think's he just fine.
Matthew, come on it's time to go.
I think I have Cyclonic Disorder.
I stared at the shark and felt nothing.
Honey, I don't what that is,
but I'm sure you don"t have it.
This is Uncle Wally. Say hello.
Hi, Sebastian.
Cyclonic Disorder.
Emotional fluctuations,
No interest, no fun,
no motivation.
Was I unclear?
Sebastian look, Wally's got a gift.
Let's see what it is.
Yes I do.
Take a look at this.
That is so sweet, Wally.
It is a one of silver edition.
Where is the picture?
What picture?
That comes with it if you'd buying.
The most important part.
This framework is used.
Say thank you.
Thank you.
You got it, look at this.
this is the big surprise.
I called in advance and have it ordered.
Ready for the best duck in the world?
I can not eat duck.
Wally, you know what they do with duck
Waterfowl on the farms?
No, you think of veal.
No, I read about the ducks.
They fatten the ducks thick.
With 's plastic tube in their throat.
I ordered it.
The ducks have a liver disease
called lipomatosis and could not walk.
Nature is in a crisis
and that has an offender.
What's going on here?
He is stubborn.
Hey guess what...
It cost me $ 84
and it's gonna be the best eat you ever had.
I'm not going to eat.
And I hate you, if you does.
We do not say 'hate', baby.
We can eat rice with soy sauce.
Great, rice with soy sauce.
A great compromise.
Uncle Wally likes to eat rice.
He likes you.
Kidding, right?
No, surely.
Can a few hours
of him this weekend?
I don't think...
I have to show a parent orientation thing...
In school, and need you really help me out.
Then spend your time together.
Know each other.
Excuse me.
For me Soda on the rocks.
Sorry about that.
Okay. I eat it that way.
I eat with my cereal.
Better than bananas.
That sounds delicious.
The form is already correct.
Honey, stay close.
Is he great?
He thinks I'm lesbian.
Because the only mother he knows
guys or fathers with seeds...
Or lesbians.
Can I go in?
No, we have to get home.
He is so smart and consider everythings.
And he sees never boring.
He went inside.
I know he does that.
What is a seed guy?
Part of his birth story.
This should be good.
A story I'm telling you.
How he got here.
That mother has no husband...
But he had wanted
they could wait no longer.
And then she went to the doctor
and the doctor said if you are looking for long enough...
Think you got a very special person who,
if you really ask nicely...
Give you seeds.
So that I can plant you in my tummy.
Got it.
But I read all the books
who have this...
And until it actually happens
nothing can prepare you.
The day when your kid comes home crying from
school because sains experiment.
Who was that?
A text from Roland.
Who is Roland?
The seed guy. The donor.
You still talk to him?
Yes, I called when I got back.
I do not want the anonymous donor.
So if Sebastian's asking questions I could answer.
And I want to know him.
I want it ever meet.
What will Mrs. Roland think about that?
There is not.
They are divorced.
Sorry about your divorce.
Do not worry, I'm not all the
details about how...
The marriage ended.
How she's cheated on me.
It's a long time
before I can trust anyone again.
Just leave it there.
Fair enough.
So listen you're under no obligation
to do anything and I don't think you to do anything.
Outside the donation, you
indeed truly amazing job.
You know what I mean.
But when he had questions...
I was honored to receive you call.
I was wondering about how the
him and you how through out...
Roland wants a picture of him?
I love that.
He's beautiful.
Yeah, right.
I must say that I
from me than you see him.
I could not say this then,
but I really respect you.
Your choice to do so.
There is a lot of courage.
Very brave.
And I do not see often.
No, nothing.
Really kind things to say.
It's true.
This went a lot better than I expected.
Yes me too.
I always found penguins a mystery.
I think that of puppies.
I having a birthdays party.
I know it.
There is when you do not want
that someone knows your birthday.
Why you don't want to others people knows your birthday?
Because getting old sucks.
And people have not reached
what they wanted and that also fails.
And living in denial
birthdays and part of that.
Are not you afraid you
Parkinson's will?
Not Parkinson's, but I sometimes
fits of hypochondria.
What is that? Thats thinking that you
have a disease you don't really have.
I have that.
Tell me about your new school.
Because you're kind of try to hide some of.
I don't wanna to talk about it.
What's his name?
Aaron O 'Connor.
Aaron O 'Connor.
How did you know?
Cause I have been there.
When you been to PS-66?
- No, proverbial.
You know you go to stand up took
soon or later right.
I don't want to.
Then he will kick your ass. Fun?
He is bigger than me and he knows karate.
A karate guy.
Then you just...
What you do is act crazy.
Nobody does the crazy thing.
Do not like it you can...
Like he don't care like funnier?
No matter what happens to you.
If you're crazy.
You never know what these people do.
There are other scared.
Scared Aaron O 'Connor.
He looks just like you.
Not my son.
How old is he?
I think his five.
He is a little you.
Come here.
The zoo was very nice.
That sounds so fun.
Wally has shown me the whole park.
You take my bag?
Tell me. What did you see?
If you go back to the cowboys...
Then you travel in your dreams,
to Colorado...
And then you tending cattle.
But I do not want to kill Indians.
That should not be.
What if I go to the astronauts?
You must travel to the moon.
And driving around with some cool buggies
with such a flag.
I thinks i'm going with the astronauts.
Good choice. In bed now.
We go to the moon.
Who sleeps on Sebastian?
Duck or chicken?
The chicken.
Ocharme the chicken.
He is exhausted.
What did you do to him?
He is finally asleep?
To what are you?
Rare photographs that you're tracking.
Like this. Not a good choice.
Are you...
Great choice.
Not really.
And not only that you were in costume.
That's not how you are.
If I had these bunny ears
I'm wanting to warn.
This was our second date.
Yes, that's right.
You let us all the time
dancing on C and C Music Factory?
I don't belive i did to make you back.
Yes, your favorite group back then.
A C & C superfan.
And you kissed me at that party.
I was an caracters.
I was playboy bunny.
A big kiss.
You disappeared that night.
You had taking me home.
That flight because I
was too intense, does not sound like me.
Was the journey I would have done,
but did not?
Was not your third...
Mom, I think I would like herding cattle.
I'm going...
I pull my pagers too.
I'll call you tomorrow.
With Wally here...
I am freaking out a little bit.
Yes, drip into my mouth.
Do you eat? Should I call you back?
No, say it.
I think...
That some how...
I hang out with
Sebastian last week...
And there are similarities.
And coincidences that...
I must discuss this with Kassie.
Whats the matter?
Here is it crazy, somehow...
This child looks like me,
more than he seems on the Viking.
The kid might be yours?
What you say...
Where are you now? Come over here wailey.
Hang on, why didn't tell me that before?
You had not been my help.
I give you everything I have.
This was seven years ago,
you were so drunk and talking nonsense.
I did not know that Diane Sawyer for the Viking
exchange for someone meant something.
What does this mean?
What is it means?
Roland is the Viking,
Viking is a Roland.
Who is Roland?
Roland Kassie's donor, the Viking.
Sorry I did not tell you that.
okay well okay so ...
That he is the donor and
there is a tradesman.
What kind of trade?
Damn, I don't thinking...
You what? Help me out here.
That the Vikings ingredient
from my...
How did that come about? Was there
access to its ingredients?
I do not even know.
I don't know it.
Here I get a bad feeling about us.
Yes, I think there was an access.
Remember the back?
Yes, there was access.
Not like where this goes.
God, I have...
I think I Sawyer.
Was in the bathroom.
Kassie has Diane Sawyer
and she invited her?
I've switch it.
My God.
You switch, really.
Kassie's pregnancy I've been hijacked?
That's unwise.
Why I'm not remember that?
Because you were horribly drunk.
You suppressed everything.
Like hungry dogs in the basement.
If you give them no food...
They will eventually escape
to do something unsafe.
Exhibit A.
Am I a horrible person?
I got to tell her.
No,no telling Kassie?
Yes, that's so challenging, so delicate.
The right thing to do.
Yes might be, don't you want to a lawyer firstr?
No lawyer. I've got to tell her.
Okay..But before you go...
If this is true, have you good news.
Congratulations, you're a father.
That's not helpful.
Hi, Wally.
Hi. What are you doing wake?
Where's your mom?
In the tub. Wally is here, Mom.
What are you doing?
Watching television.
No, you just switching quickly channels.
No, I watching each program simultaneously.
This should be better, because we
going to see each other very often.
Why we have to seeing each
others for the long time?
Because I...
I'm friends with your mother.
Well,it doesn't mean you friends of me.
Give me the remote.
What are you doing?
I need to talk with you.
I'll be right outside.
Is everything okay?
We are almost there.
I do not know how I say this,
but I'll just start...
You are the most important person
in my life.
This is very difficult.
The hardest thing ever.
I'd do anything for you.
We have known each other for such a long time.
I certainly do not want to lose.
But I just somethings must be to say.
I think I already know.
I think not.
Since I'm back
and we know each other for so long...
We missed each other clearly.
I'd be lying if I did not realize...
There 's energy between us hanging.
Sometimes I feel it too.
That you wanted to tell me?
That you have feelings for me.
Not exactly, but...
I... It's complicated.
This work. I'm in a Roland thing.
So I'm not...
I'm sorry.
Let's forget it.
And again I'm sorry.
You get it.
You get it.
Sebastian, open the door, please.
Roland things?
It's not a good time.
What Roland thing?
We just spent some time together.
Like a date?
Yes, I guess.
Did he meet Sebastian?
Meet Sebastian no...
No, I have specific rules.
Sebastian do not like when I'm with a men.
so just that advise.
Where did you meet Roland?
At a metting.
A book tour?
Where did the reading?
I have a kayak?
A kayak?
It is a great day.
Make that door open immediately.
Open it yourself.
I am crazy of you.
She is angry.
She's got a boyfriend.
After a few days we have not had boyfriend.
I am also six years.
What do you mean by that?
You told the lady on the bus...
I'm five,I'm not I'm six.
My birthday soon.
Will you come to my party?
Yes, I'm sure be there.
How are you?
Can we talk about last night,
I can not sleep...
That stuff on energy...
Can we forget?
That is what I mean, you said...
I call that only one party.
Who says a small wall not
can be strong?
We were just getting...
Wailey, do you remember Roland?
This was mentioned on your shirt at Kassie's
party a few years ago...
When you were hysterical.
What a memory.
Thank you.
Where is Sebastian, I want
him his gift.
He stands over there.
Put it on seriously.
Let me take.
I got it.
I put him in the rest of the gifts.
Got it?
Roland is here, and manages gifts.
What you got under it?
A climbing equipment.
Is that so?
Roland has given it to me.
Be nice.
Quite aerodynamic,
very windy up there?
Can you...
You look fantastic.
I do not want to climb the wall.
I promise you will like it.
I don't think so.
The reason we have the party here,
is to climb a wall...
We would not think the wall is
will feel redundant?
Do you feel it ?
Where did Sebastian really
give his party?
A kill shelter.
A kill shelter?
The last place where a dog resides
before he...
He thought it would help
of dog rescue.
But this is good for him...
Here he is active and athletic of...
No, it's too high!
What is he doing?
Take me down.
Sebastian, that's too high...
He's too high.
Let the walls go, the harness holds you.
Do what he says and let it go.
But what if it breaks?
It is important that you're having fun.
I do not want.
Sebastian'll be fine.
Count to three and then release.
I'm afraid.
Let me.
I'm coming, buddy.
This is not unusual, take it easy.
I got you.
They wave at me.
I got you.
No, stop.
I'll help you. I got it.
Let me go, big monkey.
Let me go.
I hate that stupid wall, and this is
the worst birthday party ever.
I would not be here.
Are you okay?
All is well with you.
I'm sorry.
We're going to wash here.
That was not a success for you.
It'll be fine with him.
I do not know you very well.
Let's have a drink after this.
I guess It's the most beautiful place on earth.
Have you ever been in Michigan?
I've been to Detroit.
I'm talking about the peninsula.
I have a small house.
It has been 30 years in the family.
I wanted Kassie there you go.
I know it is early.
Want another beer?
No, thanks.
I gotta go.
I'm so happy we did this.
The kid hates me, waly.
I do not think Sebastian hate you.
He does he told me few times.
He's got some...
Rough edges.
That's it.
He is very concerned,
questions far removed. He's really...
That's the word.
So what's the problem?
Since I can not really support it.
Neurotic is simply an intense form
of introspection.
You call him just so self-reflective
and that's good.
You walk around with an opinion,
with a opinion.
A nice friendly sort of way...
You got it.
You got it.
Those rough edges.
Do not misunderstand me.
That is beautyful.
What do you think it is not beautiful?
You did it again.
You got that focus.
That's are we like.
We are both determined.
Sebastian resistance might now against me,
but I'll come through.
Life throws you curve balls.
A few months ago I wanted children
with a women...
Which I was sure I never see again.
A few months ago?
Now I'm crazy about women
who pay me for my sperm.
There is such a curve ball.
Sebastian will get through this.
It'll be fine.
That dark cloud over his head
is not necessary.
Want another beer?
The guy did not stop.
He dont stop talking. He's keep going..
and talking..and talking..
He says his kid,
and that he is my best friend.
I give him advice how to be a better father
to my son.
It's a nightmare.
He emails me and smilling at me...
With great teeth.
He wants to fly with me.
Why are we here?
I have to swap his list.
Sebastian wants a new Series.
A sterling silver...
Nice of you are interested in his hobby.
You must first things
with Kassie straight.
Why wait?
I know that.
I tried.
Everything is reversed.
I turned around.
That night she said that she thought
energy that we had.
I've never heard.
Her mouth said much of her time
Roland spent...
But her eyes cried, "save me".
Go with the eyes.
Now I think I have feelings
for her.
Do you really?
It's only 13 years.
Says you long, but
Now I say finally.
Good news. You love
the mother of your child.
It falls now to Roland.
If I could tell her the truth.
If I do that I lose everything.
If you do not?
Then I am never more than Uncle Wally.
That's not good.
This is old, this new.
I would take the place of that.
The assets of the fund were not...
I know.
I must answer.
Sorry, hold on..
Thank God, you take on.
I'm in Michigan, and...
Camp Roland?
Yes, I'm with Roland.
He has a house.
It's been 30 years in the family.
Yes you got it. How do you know that?
He told me.
I didn't know you two have spoke.
We are very close.
What's the buzz?
I have to pay.
There is no mobile coverage there?
On this island apparently not.
Sebastian wanted the weekend with Liam
He has trouble making friends,
So I accepted that, but then...
Liams mom then called and said
that Sebastian has lice.
Calm down, they are lice.
I said no leprosy.
Want the situation "wallyen.
You used my name as a verb now?
Yeah I do that.
I do sometimes.
Can you please help me out?
I trust you, and you're the only
in New York that he is currently able to stand.
I feel bad about.
I take the first flight tomorrow.
Should I pick him
and to bring emergency?
No, but lice.
Put him on television at home then?
Yes, that would be great.
But first a few things.
Got a pen?
I'll be back.
Stop by after Dwayne Raid
Sebastian you've picked up in our street.
Buy trash bags, douchekap,
lice and a medicine.
The doctor sent been a prescription.
Where are the garbage?
With a yellow cross.
Stop home all his clothes in
a garbage bag.
Now the pants.
And in the bath.
Make sure that stuff but he
ten minutes to.
And what ever you do.
don't care with his eye.
And then you can replace the covers.
That we stop in too.
And this.
Put all the kisses and hugs in a bag.
The bags must be waterproof
so the lice suffocate.
All washing at high temperature.
Give me the wax?
Can we add steps?
Just let me shave his hair.
And what ever you do try to make him on it.
And make sure to follow the instructions to wash his hair.
Are you okay?
And just one more thing,
actually the worst part...
There is a small comb.
It can not be true.
Nothing, everything is good.
Are they everywhere?
They crawl over my head?
No, they're fine...
You're fine..Everythings gonna be fine..
Go about it?
No. I kill lice.
Did you find there?
I think so.
I got them.
Warm from the dryer.
We are officially the lice.
Or framed. Lice?
Whatever, We are at DEFCON 1.
Or five?
Good night.
Sleep tight.
That's your collection?
Why not use those frameworks?
Why is everyone asking me that?
Because people like their own
Pictures in frames stop.
But there are already people.
Yes, but people who you knowing.
Of course.
As these people.
This is the Owen family.
This is Mr. and Mrs. Owen.
And those are their two children.
She studied volcanoes.
And Mrs. Owen works in a shop
for medicines for pets.
Funny because Mr. and Mrs. Owen seem
on fashion models.
That is my grandfather.
What? This guy?
He is my father daddy.
He owns a boat.
He goes fishing for sharks.
And he knows a lot.
Did you know that sharks have no bones?
No,I didn't know.
That is my uncle Rick.
The younger brother of my father.
He bought an iPod for my birthday.
But he had stolen,
because there was already music.
How is the family of your father?
I never met them.
Why not?
My father left when I was pretty young.
You can keep it.
Good night.
There's too much flour.
That's more like dough.
This allows you to do the walls.
More water, right?
What about pancakes?
Chocolate chips?
Do your mother? Or peanut butter?
Or with cheese then.
A pancake lunch. Why not.
Do you like cheese?
Let lice in it.
What's so funny about it
concept lice to eat?
No idea, it's just funny.
Looking for testure?
We make them a bit crispy.
Keep your lice out.
I want to show a dead louse.
Let me see that.
You're home.
What's in that jar?
He has slain them.
Sorry I was not there.
Are they out there?
I love you.
I'm watching television.
That's cute look.
This is...
I was itching so I had a
bit of that shampoo.
You do not have lice.
I might have lice.
You do not have lice, and I
really appreciate you doing all this.
Thanks for that.
Yeah you're welcome.
How was the weekend?
It was good.
It was nice and quiet.
At the lake.
His grandfather built the cottage himself
wood on private property.
I think we're going about two weeks too
Sebastian and take it.
So it is kind serious.
We think there is actually
in order to moving in together.
Cassia, which is a mistake.
I think this guy a mistake.
Not spoiled for me.
Hang on.
He's this year merried with someone else.
He apparently continuing misery and
he does not realize that you are using.
I'm really here
that you had changed.
But you haven't.
I try to move forward my life
and you are still exactly the same.
The truth is that I'm actually happy.
Are you?
Roland is a really good guy.
He is supporting me...
Just because you never show a risk was,
You should not destroy mine.
I try at least one
allow in my life.
You should try some times.
Unless something else
You have to say to me.
Wally? Really got nothing for me?
Are there's no pancakes?
Wally, thanks for the lice patrol.
Taste some of this beer
that grandma made.
Sebastian, what's going on ? What happened?
Tony I was at his party and did what you said.
And O'Connor was there,
I stood up and doing crazy.
Your face.
He punched me and threw me into a
pool and then hit me again.
He don't care that I was crazy.
It has not worked, I've tried.
Where was this party?
At the park.
Which one?
East End.
East End Park?
That's like 20 blocks away on here.
I'll call your mom
they pick you up.
Wally, you have to take me home.
Take me home, Wally.
Sebastian, why you come here?
Because I thought you would be proud of me.
Honey, what happened to you?
I got fight.
Why did Donna did not call?
My fault. I told him to do something stupid.
He listened to me.
It goes well. He came to my place.
He came to you?
What going up?
Roland's family is here. Brunch.
Who beat that kid?
Come on, baby. You're little dirt.
We go in the bath.
Let's go to the kitchen.
What happened?
He got a fight with other kids.
That's awfull.
That makes him stronger.
As a child I suffered some bruises.
Mostly by my older brothers.
They are here, you have to meet.
Wait..hold on..
Check it out.
Stay here. This is good.
I'm sorry, Roland.
For What?
Does it feel so bad, huh?
I really need to talk to you.
Act a crazy behavior? Remember me
I ask you anything if I get bullied.
What do you want from me? I'm an idiot.
Cassia, this can not wait.
I got it.
Sorry, I'll be back.
What is wrong with him?
I try peas.
What is it?
There she is.
Kass, come on in.
But a moment...
Come, Kass. You too, Wally.
Come on take a sit.
Everybody listen up. Silence.
I have something to say.
A few months ago...
I do not a lie.
It was adore place
I was in a world of pain.
Kassie, I really need to talk to you.
My wife ex left me for reasons that...
I do not need to describe again.
Over here. Now.
And then...
Believe me this is real.
Go away.
Did the heavens open...
And the voice of an angel
stood on my voicemail.
And I'm happy to say...
That my life is now fulfilled.
Today Sebastian showed me really scared.
Wally, do you. I'll get to the good part.
Yes, sorry, you're a good guy.
This I do not like.
What should you do?
The ball toss.
When Sebastian needed someone
Today, he came to me.
He needed me.
And I need it.
What are you talking about?
About something I never could say.
I've hijacked your pregnancy.
I am the seed guy.
I replace that Roland's buffery with mine.
That one night at your party.
Sebastian is my son.
That was reckless, careless
and terrible. I panicked.
I'm not like you.
You're not afraid of anything.
I can not even got to take risks.
And what I find so wonderful about you.
You gonna hate me for the rest of your life.
You never forgive me and I do not expect.
But it just breaks my heart,
because he has changed me.
You have changed me, and...
I love you.
I could not say that before
but I can say it right now.
And I also say that I am truly sorry.
Fortunately, that dirty off.
Don't ever speak to us again.
What did I mess?
Sorry about your proposal, Roland.
His what?
I'm proud of you.
Wally, it's four a.m in the morning.
I did the right thing.
Face my fear an told her.
That is really good.
I lost her and Sebastian.
You did the right thing.
I'm proud of you, Wally.
It sucks.
Things are get better.
I drink liquor from a deli.
You must go home, Wally.
They are my home.
I've thought about it.
And, you can not disappear from Sebastians life.
He's your son.
And of course you can see him but
according to my terms.
How is he?
He misses you.
I miss him.
A lot.
Shoot him with Roland?
I could not continue there.
What happened?
What do you mean?
I do not know.
He is affectionate and
wants me to try new things.
He is not a psychopath
when he is drunk.
He whines as he eats.
I have rejected him,
because it is not you.
Will you marry me?
Look at us again.
Running around.
Always rush.
Always late.
That's why it called the human race.
But sometimes it slows down just enough for
all the pieces fall into place.
Fate does magical things.
And you're connected.
Do you smell that?
Sausage, fuel and burned armhaar.
Is that good for you?
Too bad that all these kids are.
I like an audience not mind.
Over here...
No, honey. Ice cream.
Take it out there's. But a child 's
milk allergy, no idea which.
It would be the little blonde.
This is a sorbet or something?
How about that?
This year, Sebastian decided to
birthday to help Doug.
And Doug is a great
playful three-legged dog.
He needs a home.
Doug is the next in line
one wishes to sleep.
That would be a terrible death.
But not dead yet.
very, very much alive and happy.
Now blow out the candles and eat cake.
I blow anything out until someone takes Doug.
I'll take it.
For example, I hear.
He has only three legs.
Make a wish, honey.
Everyones,a while all the randomness...
Something unexpected happens
and gives us a move forward.
And the truth is,
I start thinking...
I start to feel...
That the human race might
no variety.