Take Point (2018) Movie Script

Take point (2018)
This subtitle made by UNION New Seoul branch
the Agent management department of UNION
and Agent Kim Yu-jung didn't do anything
with this work
Srsly. It's not me.
NO. I'm not.
God Damn. Alice wiseman, is it you?
I'll quit this fucking job.
Missing call 6
- Jisu -
Oh, fuck
We're screwed
Okay, now things are
getting different
Military Demarcation Line
30M Underground
- Jisu -
I have to go now
I'll call you
back later
Oh, I'm sorry to call you
at this time
I'm not feeling well
Wait a sec.
Honey, I have go to right now
I'll call you back after wor-
I'm on my way
to the hospital
I feel like my baby
will come out soon
What? now?
I know you can't
come here right now
But, I want you
to promise me
After our
baby is born...
You will quit your job,
Honey, I-
I know what you mean,
Ah, I'll go to the hospital
as soon as I'm done
Let's talk face to face
Hello? hello?
Ah, damn
Ah, fuck
Driving me crazy
You'd better make
a better excuse than that
Hey, South Korean!
Actually, you don't want to
share the bounty do you? Huh?
Who the fuck
are you?
Hey, you fuckin' servant of
american imperialism
Don't you understand
what's going on? Huh?
Good, Shoot it
We all die
What the fuck are you
talking about?
You really think
we walked in here on our own?
We all have been
kidnapped this morning
If you do not
want to die
Call in reinforcements
right now
It's all a trap!
What the fuck
is going on?
Other mercenaries are
waiting in ambush everywhere
They'll be coming soon
Let's go, quick!
- Please go first
- What?
What the hell?
Hey, North Korean!
Can you hear me?
King was shot
9mm bullet at a
distance of 5 meters
And this...
This red light
has to turn green
Explain to me well by
watching the display
I'll treat him
So, what do you do
after treating him?
Then you'll shoot us
won't you?
If the King lives
you also live!
How can I trust you?
You'll also dump your colleagues
out hesitation
I will cure him
give my comrades a gun
We need to fight
togetert to stay alive!
Come on!
Cerebral hemorrhage
caused a pericardial tamponade
It's a cardiac arrest
First, stop the CRP
The blood in the pericardium
must be removed
Check the first aid kit,
there is a white plastic bag!
That's not!
On top of that,
There is a syringe!
This syringe?
Hey, calm down
3 minutes left
until brain death occurs
Beneath the fourth rib
on the left
Insert the needle,
and remove the blood!
Which rib?
Fourth from underneath!
Under the fourth rib!
NO NO NO! Not there,
on the other side!
Yes, there!
Stab it!
Hey, never mind
just stab it!
You have to pull the piston slightly
at the point where the blood is filling
Good Good,
That's it!
Is it done?
Not yet!
Just a little more
How much?
Until 50cc
Slowly, Be careful
Is it done?
Pull it off!
Can you find
a vein right?
To insert an IV injection,
and then CPR!
What are you doing?
Move! Hurry!
You told me to slow down before,
Done it
CPR 20 times!
What the fuck?
What's happened?
I think the ribs
are broken
Hey, that's okay!
It's the first thing to revive
Don't you worry,
just do it!
I think it's time-over
Is he dead?
Didn't you say that
when King died, we all die?
Just do it!
Hey, South Korean
What's happened?
Can you hear me?
It's beating
It's beating
The heart is beating!
But it's still not stable
It'll stop
again soon
Can you see the
saline fluid bag?
Squeeze the fluid bag
with your hands!
With hands?
Oh, North Korean!
The light turned yellow
The light turned yellow!
What's next?
North Korean,
What's next?
Transfuse him!
Type O!
It was clotted,
Alpha 1,
Please report the situation
Alpha 1
Alpha 1,
Please report the situation
Alpha 2, An unexpected situation
has occurred
I can handle it
Dong-Whee, Are you okay?
Alpha 1,
Check the parachute
Alpha 1!
Hey, Dong-Whee!
Wake up!
Alpha 1,
The falling speed is too fast!
Is there any problem?
Hey, we have a problem
Alpha 1,
You are exceeding the safe speed!
Team leader, it's too late!
You have to adandon him!
Team leader, this choice will
kill both of you!
Please, abandon him!
Hey, South Korean!
South Korean!
Can you hear me? Huh?
Can you see me now?
Hey, South Korean!
Wha- Whats going on?
Are you all right?
Which country
bombed it here?
What happened to the
Supreme Leader Comrade?
The King is fine
How about my
team members?
This passage has collapsed
Your colleague was alive
a little while ago, but now...
By the way,
Are you injured?
Where did you get hurt?
That's a gunshot wound?
Take that camera
a little closer to the wound
Let me see it
What happened to your right leg?
Is that artificial leg?
Cut the crap
How do I get rid of
the bullet in my leg?
The warhead could be
compressing the arteries
So, you have to be careful
as much as you can
If you touch it wrong,
it's over
First, You need to cut the bullet hole
with a scalpel and open it up
Keep the wound area
open with a retractor
There'll be something
that looks like scissors
Yes, That's it
Keep it open
with a retractor
If the size of the hole is enough
for your index finger to enter,
It's near the
femoral artery
Be careful not to touch the artery
and remove the warhead with a pincette
It's done
That's enough
Now, when you start taking it out,
the pain will get worse
But that's okay
Pain is a sign that
blood circulates in your body
By the way, you are South Korean
Why are you doing this mercenary job?
Because of money?
Hey, do you think I'm talking
to you now because I want to?
Your mind will get
wandering and confused, right?
Your vision will get
much blurred
That's because of bleeding, Huh?
Hey, South Korean
You have to say
something right now!
I gotcha
I- got-
Wait a sec
You touched the artery
You have no choice
Just cover the wound
If you touch it more,
it's gonna be dangerous
You'd better cover the wound
Let's get out of here
and get treated
No, Fuck off!
I'm going to take it out now!
Hey, hey!
What are you doing!
You'll die of bleeding
if it is taken out!
Hey, South Korean
Can you hear me?
Hey, South Korean!
Can you hear me?
Hey, South Korean!
Hey, Can you hear me?
Is there a Stretch bandage and hemostatic?
Put the bandage on your thigh!
You have to stop bleeding
Yeah, that tape!
Hold on tight!
Are there painkillers right?
Inject it!
Are you stupid or
are you a lunatic?
Why are you ignoring
the doctor saying?
You really want to die?
What's wrong
with you?
Hey, North Korean
6 years ago...
When I was serving
in the ROK Army
One of my stupid colleagues
was hanging on me
because his parachute
didn't work
Two people are hanging
on one parachute,
so the falling speed is
out of control
I thought... if I gave up this stupid guy,
I could have definitely survived
Fuck, but I couldn't
let go of his hand
So, you kept holding on
with your colleague's hand?
A little while ago,
when our team chased you guys
You were trying to
save the doctor
If you abandoned him at that time,
you could have escaped
Honestly, what were you thinking
at that moment?
What are you
talking about?
"Will I save him?
Or will I leave him alone and escape?"
No, no
You should have
abandoned him at that time
When we landed,
my stupid colleague died
And I became limp
as you can see
Everybody treated me like garbage,
you know?
But then,
at that moment
I couldn't let go of his hand
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
North Korean...
So let's get out of here
Please, let's escape from
this damn bunker!
Hey, South Korean!
Can you hear the gunfires
coming from outside now?
Your colleagues,
They still believe in you
and keep fighting
But now that
you want to live alone,
Are you crying
like a stupid?
That's why
this war occured
Everyone wants to
survive only himself
you're right.
I was concerned
at that moment
But you were concerned too,
weren't you?
Do you need any special reason
to save people?
Do you?
Keep your mind strongly!
We can all
get out of here
you were right
I can save everyone
Hey, North Korean
North Korean!
Yeah, I'm listening
I need your help
If you help,
we can all survive
I'll ask for
backup somehow
You have to go to the control room
It's -13 area
There's an indoor light switch there,
and you must turn it off
When you turn it off,
our team will immediately pull back
Then you can join them
and get out of here
Ah, I got it
Which way should I go?
North Korean!
Are you Okay?
Oh, Never mind!
Never mind!
Can you see the place
where it collapsed in the back?
Go down there, and go to the
last compartment on the left
I got it!
Follow me
Hey, North Korean
Did you find it?
Wait a second,
Not yet
Hey, South Korean
I found it!
Hey, North Korean!
turn it off! Now!
Hey, North Korean!
Get out of the compartment
and turn right
Go straight and
you'll see our team
Go join them!
I got it
Hey, North Korean!
That's the wrong way
Blood pack
He can no longer survive
without blood transfusion!
Ah, fuck
Driving me crazy
Hey, South Korean
Can you see these blood packs?
Hey, honestly,
if these blood packs were not here
I would have really
worried about what to do!
Okay, Take it out
and move quickly
I got it!
See you soon
Hey, North Korean!
Get hide!
Hey, North Korean!
Grab that gun
That pistol!
Do not think
about anything
Just shoot them!
Wait a sec
It's empty
Check the magazine pouch
on the body
There will be
extra ammo
Hurry, hurry up!
Trust me
If you don't say anything,
they won't kill you
Don't tell them
Those blood packs,
you must bring them
Then we can all survive
I'll ask for backup
stall for time
as much as you can
I didn't know you're a doctor
Please forgive the rudeness
Nice to meet you
My name is Choi Hyun
Sorry for the
I don't want to
hurt you
We only need to capture
the King and Ahab
Where is the Ahab?
Why? Did he say that
everyone can survive?
What a lousy mouth...
How do you
know that?
Raptor 16, I was on that team
a few years ago
Don't trust him
He is a selfish person
who doesn't care about other people
That team can not
survive here anyway
Please tell me
where he is
if you tell me that,
I'll let you out of
this bunker
If I tell you,
I can get out of here,
Where should I go? Huh?
Ah, It's not too far
from the rendezvous point
Follow me
don't shoot me!
I didn't mean
to kill you!
Put the Bandage
on your thigh
We can all survive
and get out of here!
North Korean!
Go straight to the right
There's a staircase
on the front
Go down that staircase,
there will be my crew!
Staircase on the right?
Got it!
Hey, North...
Hey, North Korean-
Hey, North Korean!
You are alive,
North Korean
What's happened?
I'm okay
Is he all right?
Hey, South Korean
If my blood pressure
falls down,
Inject this immediately
Got it?
Wicked cubs!
Let's get out of here!
If I get out of here, I'll get a job
like a supermarket security guard
Who's gonna hire you
with your leg?
Hey, South Korean!
Don't you worry
too much
I'll save him
Hey, North Korean!
Are you all right?
Hey! North Korean!
Hey, North Korean!
North Korean!
Thanks, North Korean...
- Jisu -
- Jisu -
our baby is so cute
come home, darling