The Academy of Magic (2020) Movie Script
Oh, my goodness,
your poor little thing.
Oh, let's get you
out of the rain.
Oh, look at you,
where ever did you come from?
What a strange little toy
that came with you!
Oh, what a beautiful birthmark
you have.
I'm gonna call you Aura.
You're safe now with me, Aura.
I'll take care of you.
Aura, are you almost done
up there?
Yes, Aunty.
Well, come down then. Hurry!
Thank you, dear.
We have to get Grunveld's cart
before he comes to take it
to market.
I know Aunty.
Same as every year.
Oh, my goodness. Here he comes.
Apples are red.
The color of money is green.
Come and say hello.
Grunveld will want to see
how big you've gotten.
I know, Aunty.
Same as every year.
Are you ready for cake tonight?
I made you a huge cake.
You didn't have to.
Of course I have to.
It's not every day
my little girl turns 16.
What did I just do?
Oh, I don't know.
But you saved my life, my dear.
Thank you!
My goodness! What happened here?
We don't know exactly.
Well, someone needs to know.
What about my cart?
They don't just grow on trees,
you know?
They grow on trees.
But, how are we going
to get them to market now?
I left my cart with you
and now it's firewood.
How on earth
am I supposed to fix this?
You think I have insurance?
Look at me!
What do you think
I'm made of? Money?
Aunty, what did I do
today really?
My guess is some sort of magic.
If I can do magic
then what am I?
You are my little girl
who's gotten very big.
Don't worry about it now.
Let's just have some cake.
But I need to know.
All I know is 16 years ago,
on this very evening,
you were dropped on my doorstep
with nothing but that silly
little toy to keep you company.
Silly little Yodel.
I wondered if someday
something would happen,
and the day would come
when I would know
what you are meant to do.
That's right. Today is that day.
16 years and I'm ready to go.
Ouch, rusty!
I haven't moved
in a very long time.
You can talk?
And walk?
Yes, and I want to thank you
for taking such good care
of our little girl here.
Aunty, what's happening?
Stay back. I'll stop it.
Wait. Don't!
Oh no, I'm sorry Yodel.
I didn't know
what your power would be.
It's impressive, and painful.
You know what I am?
Oh yes.
You are an enchanter.
I'm an enchanter?
She's what?
Mm-hm, an enchanter.
You have magical talents, Aura.
And now that you are 16,
you get to learn
how to use them at a school.
I'm magic,
and I get to go to school?
Not just any school,
the Montrose Academy.
The very best school.
The best magic school anyway.
Aura, you have grown up.
I've always felt
you were different
from the other children.
This is your chance.
You chance to study magic,
and become
what you were meant to be.
I trust Yodel will protect you.
After all, your Aunty
is getting old.
No, Aunty.
I believe in you, Aura.
Go and discover your magic.
Oh, I knew this day would come.
And you, you little thing,
you better watch out for her.
That is my mission.
I will be fine.
Just take care of yourself,
I will always be here for you
if you need me.
I know that.
Follow me, young lady.
I shall lead the way.
Good luck, Aura. I love you!
Me too, Aunty!
You do know the way, don't you?
Of course, I do.
I have an internal map
leading to the academy.
I could use a good winding
if you don't mind.
(GRUNTS) What other tricks
have you got up your sleeve?
I got this.
Just pat me, please.
How's that?
Cool, right?
Everyone loves music.
So, all those years you were
just asleep on that shelf?
That's right.
Even when I was little,
and I played with you as a doll?
Totally asleep.
Wait, you didn't really play
with me as a doll, did you?
I certainly did.
Wait a minute, Aura.
Walk behind me so that
I can protect you.
You know, if danger rears
its ugly head...
Oh no!
How much more protecting
are you going to do?
It was just an accident.
Don't bother helping.
I got it.
Onward we go.
No more time to waste.
I promise you,that,
that will never happen again.
I am quite familiar
with these surroundings.
There was a bridge,
right over there!
What is it this place?
It's pretty spooky out here.
(GASPS) Did you see that?
Trust me. This is the right way.
And now, let me present to you
the Montrose Academy of Magic.
It's up there behind the clouds
on the top of the mountain.
I now believe nothing you say.
Uh, it's been around
really a long time.
Even a fine bridge like this
can't beat time. Am I right?
But don't worry.
These are small problems.
Well, how about this?
It's a dragon!
I don't remember anything
about a dragon.
You bad dragon.
Get away from us!
Hey, you like apples?
Get away!
You leave him alone!
Hey, hold up.
Don't hurt the dragon.
He's from the academy.
We were just
protecting ourselves.
Who are you?
I'm Shawn.
I'm going up to the academy,
and this dragon
is the ride up there.
But you need to have
a gold token for him.
I don't have a gold token.
No, we don't know anything
about a gold token.
Didn't you get a letter
from the school?
It's all in there.
My entire life is about getting
you into the Montrose Academy.
I'm pretty sure I would
have known about this.
Welcome to hitch a ride with me,
but I can't guarantee
you'll get in.
Are you sure about this, Yodel?
We'll get you in, Aura.
Don't you worry.
Okay. Let's go.
My name is Aura, by the way.
Really, Aura is your name?
Let's get going.
Hurry up, Aura.
Good boy.
Come on, Yodel.
Let's go.
A dragon ride?
This would be first for me.
Me too.
All right, to the academy.
Dakabra-abra, dragon fly!
Oh, my-- hold on, Aura.
It's so beautiful up here!
Look at the beautiful
Montrose Academy.
I never knew
what it looks like up from here.
Wow, I can't believe I'm here.
Can I give you a hand?
I-- I can handle myself.
All right. Suit yourself.
Wee! That was quite a ride.
And, Aura, here we are.
The Montrose Academy of Magic.
Although it does seem
a little bigger than I remember.
And you are Mr. Miller?
Shawn, to my friends.
Well, Mr. Miller, it is then.
You barely made the last dragon.
And what was the reason
for that?
Well, those two
didn't help speed things up.
Playing the blame game, are we?
Well, welcome to the academy,
Mr. Miller.
Who might you be, young lady?
My name is Aura Heffenpfeffer.
I don't see your name
on the list.
But I'm afraid I don't--
I don't have a gold token.
Well, then you are denied
How did you even get
on the dragon?
what is all this commotion?
Well, this young lady
does not have a gold coin
for tuition.
Oh, Lambert,
I happen to have an extra coin
for just such an occasion.
Let's call it a scholarship,
shall we?
Oh, thank you so much.
Hm, a birthmark,
red like a rose.
Had it all my life.
It's very distinctive.
How can I ever repay you?
I am sure you'll find a way
to pay it back.
Well, is that thing
going to join her?
He's Yodel. He brought me here.
Doesn't matter.
No mechanicals.
It's not a thing, Lambert.
It's a pet.
Right, my dear?
I guess he is my pet.
I have one, too.
I know how attached we get
to the little darlings. Right?
I'm Frank.
I'm the headmaster here.
I'm Aura.
And I'm so grateful
for your generosity.
Well, welcome Aura!
Come right in.
We are just about to start.
Join the others.
Don't be shy.
You'll all be friends
in no time.
I didn't know roses could
even grow above the clouds.
That's amazing.
Yep, it's really amazing.
What's gotten into him?
You can call me Ruben.
I am Jerrold.
Oh my goodness.
Suzan, look at that nasty
farm girl.
Uh, Finn,
I bet she smells bad too.
Gather around, students.
Gather around. One row.
Your attention, please.
You would now be welcomed
by your illustrious head master,
otherwise known as Dr. Hubery.
But you may all call me Frank.
Thank you, Dr. Lambert.
You may relax.
Let your claws retract a bit.
Welcome to the Montrose Academy.
Here we will take
your blossoming talents,
which most of you just
recently discovered you have,
and make them
into your calling in life.
Go away, Boo-boo dragon.
I don't wanna play with you.
You would grow from amateurs
to masters.
But of course, at your own pace.
Know that nothing is set in
stone here other than our motto,
which is Latin for "Try".
That's all we ask.
Lambert, tell them
about the tests.
No matter what you think
you can do,
you're all just beginners
and beginners need training.
Your tenure here would begin
with a series of challenges.
Five tests over five days.
You will be evaluated,
and the brightest one of you,
the most promising student
will earn the privilege
of studying directly.
With me!
I will show you the secrets
of the ages,
and twice a week,
we have tea and cookies.
Oh, here come your uniforms.
Huh? What? What's happening?
Huh? What?
Don't mind the Stonemen.
They're merely my handy helpers
here at the academy.
But you may pick your uniform,
or actually your uniform
will pick you.
Oh. Wow.
That's kind of cool. I like it.
Oh yeah.
Please, we have our own.
We don't wear off the rack.
Dinner is in the dining hall.
Eat well and get all rest.
Classes start tomorrow
right early.
There you are.
Stop goofing around.
You, you are going to be
the life of me.
I don't know
if he thinks I'm a kid,
but you know I am not interested
in his child's play.
Mmm, spaghetti and mushrooms.
Ah, thank you.
For you.
Anyone sitting here?
Um, I'm just leaving.
Hey, you wanna sit with us?
Thank you.
It's so exciting to be here,
don't you think?
Do you wanna try
one of my apples?
If anyone would like some,
they are really tasty.
It was really a good harvest.
Wow, these are really tasty.
Don't just do what commoners do.
Besides, that apple is bad.
Do you even know
where it came from?
It came from the most beautiful
orchard in Apple Valley.
I picked it myself.
But I bet you pick
everything you eat.
Don't you, farm girl?
How about this?
Can you pick noodles?
How about mushrooms?
Ring a ding ding ding.
It's harvest time.
Watch this.
Ah! Ouch!
Stop it.
Get this off him now.
Sure, maybe you'd like a taste.
Come on, Yodel.
Let's go.
Mm-hm. That's it.
Give up. Leave already.
Ah! Wait!
Make it stop!
It's your spell.
Use your skills.
I don't know
if I'm cut of for this place.
Pull yourself together,
young lady.
You are not going to give up on
account of couple
of mean-spirited kids, are you?
Of course you're not.
You attend your classes,
study your lessons,
and learn to be the enchanter
you were born to be.
You know what?
You're right, Yodel.
Good morning.
This is the first
of the five challenges.
The purpose is to assess
your capabilities.
Today's challenge focuses
on Invisibility.
You will be required to make it
to the top
of this staircase.
Take a good look at the stairs.
They are not as simple
as they seem.
Then once you make it
to the top,
can you capture this ball?
How about now?
Or now?
Use your instincts.
Can you help yourself?
The winner is whoever first
succeeds in bringing the ball
back to me.
And you can start anytime,
I got this.
By such intelligence,
are you sure?
With real strength,
intelligence is useless.
Up, up.
that I am happy that I have.
I don't feel so good.
Is it all right
I sit this one out?
You may, but it wouldn't
score you any points with me.
I got this.
Everybody get ready
to see what winning looks like.
You are thinking this is simple.
Uh, hey, hey.
That's not fair!
Life isn't fair, Mr. Finn.
I won't play this, seriously.
Our skin is not that thick.
That's way too difficult.
Hey, guys.
I used to do a rain rhyme
back in Apple Valley.
Sometimes it worked.
Do you want to help me?
Sure, if you think
it would work.
Okay, guys.
Just follow my lead.
-It's raining.
-We did it.
Thanks guys!
Clever. But it can't be
that easy, farm girl.
My, my, are you alright?
I'm-- I'm fine, thank you.
And why?
Because you need to know
you have a lot to learn
Can I go now?
Yes, I suppose so.
All right. Class dismissed.
Tomorrow, Transformation.
Please study.
Coming in second is not bad.
If that Lambert
hadn't pushed you,
you would have won.
No, Shawn won because he's good.
And he's so cool.
You do know this is a no robot
eating section, don't you?
And about that whole
spaghetti thing,
we need to have a talk
about that.
We are not gonna have
a talk about it,
unless you want me
to do it again.
Not so fast, Aura.
I'm coming with you.
Wait for me.
Fine, leave already.
This isn't over, farm girl.
Come on.
Oh, I'm so glad to see
that you so excited
to study here
in this great library.
Where did he go?
Why would he come in here?
You shouldn't concern yourself
with that boy.
You need to concentrate
on your studies.
And this is just the place
for it.
Of course, that's why
he was so good today.
He's been studying.
Hmm, I'm gonna to study too.
I wanna be at the top
of the class.
If you want to read,
I recommend you start
from the basics.
Follow me. This way.
Do you know
where all the books I need are?
Of course, I do.
I have a complete map
of this school inside my head.
I know where every detail is.
Have a seat, please.
You're going to read and learn.
I will fetch you
a basic magic book.
Are you sure this one?
Sure, Collection of
All Basic Magic. Enjoy.
Wait, you aren't thinking
about chickening out, are you?
No! I was just making sure.
To levitate an object,
you must channel
your internal power
with an Abracadabra.
You see that?
Just keep going.
A blossoming spell
can have the same effect
as a blooming spell.
Magic Wisdom, Volume 22.
What was that?
Yodel, wake up.
Perhaps we shouldn't be
here this late.
Wait, there should not be
a door there.
How did he get in there?
I don't know.
But according to
my internal map,
there should be no door.
But you did see Shawn
come out of there, right?
Yes, this is a mystery.
Uh oh. It is morning.
We are going to be late
for class.
Ah, young Aura, you're late.
Sorry, it won't happen again.
That's going in my little
black book.
As I was telling those
who manage to show up on time,
today's challenge
is called Transformation,
and it involves shape shifting.
We got this one.
If you bothered to study
for today's assignment,
you already know
how to transform an object.
You each get a magic wand.
Take care of them.
They have been used
by generations before you.
You will not get another.
They are quite expensive,
you know?
Twist the top to turn them on.
And you, Mr. Miller?
You won yesterday challenge.
I'm interested to see
if you can repeat yourself.
Surprise me.
Formas de formas do.
Grow in size, I command of you.
Yes, young Miller.
Well done.
So, is that Okay?
Can I go now?
Why are you always
in a such hurry, young man?
The answer is no.
Not until the class is over.
Now, Gernt, go ahead.
Make my day.
Yes, the big rock
goes up and down.
I think we are done with that.
How about our own
living redundancies?
I could use a bit of laugh.
Wait, don't cross the wands!
-Twice as stupid as I thought.
Double trouble.
Is this is how it's going to be?
How can twice as many of you
only have half of the brain?
Your turn, Mr. Finn.
Watch and learn, chumps.
Nailed it.
Serviceable, but not impressive.
All right, Suzan.
Let's see what you can do.
Oh no, a mouse.
Oh, no. No, no.
I did it.
I am a mouse.
Dude, you are afraid of a mouse?
Yes, there it is.
The mouse that you are.
Now late comer,
let's see if you have been
paying attention.
Can I use my imagination?
Well, yes.
I encourage you to.
By all means,
time for you to shine.
Now, will you look at this?
I'm floating.
What, I never--
You clever farm girl.
Ah, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean for it
to grow right up under you.
She thinks she's so hot.
I got to start up again.
Look at farm girl.
She's a caterpillar.
She's a caterpillar.
Well, that's amusing.
But a bit mean-spirited.
-Wouldn't you say?
Look, it's a hawk.
Watch out, Aura!
Ah, hawk.
Very resourcefully done.
Using the transformational
power inherent in a caterpillar.
Speeding up the nature
evolutionary process.
You win today's challenge.
Well played.
Yes, very well played.
But Lambert, let's show
these young minds that
magic can also be fun
and beautiful.
It's not all about winning,
you know?
But I thought you said it was.
Please collect the wands.
Let's remind our
young students that
no one is great at
this right out of the gate.
My first transformation.
Oh, I became a piece
of old Limburger cheese.
I stunk up the pantry.
I was welcome at no parties.
But my-- my point is, my point,
you see this
field of brown grass?
Wow. Beautiful!
Zee Brala Boom.
Let there be butterflies.
Wow. Beautiful!
Look at all those butterflies!
But I want you to find
a needle in a haystack.
And it looks like this.
Now, find it.
For mere mortals,
this would be impossible.
But for you young enchanters,
it shall be
a delightful challenge.
All right. We got it.
I got this one.
Aura, the trick is to
let the magic come to you.
Don't chase it.
The more you chase it,
the harder it is to catch.
Yes, I see.
Uh, ah.
Bad dragon.
No no no, don't touch me...
Don't touch me.
No, why do I have to be a robot!
Good dragon.
Stay! Stay!
Good dragon.
What the exactly are you doing?
I'm just doing
what headmaster said:
letting the magic come to me.
And you're buying that?
Headmaster was telling
the truth.
Two idiots.
-RUBEN: (CHUCKLES) We got it!
-JERROLD: We got it!
Aura, the trick is to
let the magic come to you.
You take it.
No, please.
-You take it.
-It's yours.
You earned it.
Actually, you did.
Hey, if neither
of you guys don't want it,
just give it to us.
Can I ask you something?
No, please don't.
Wow, we have a winner.
I knew you could do it.
Well done, Aura.
I say! That extra coin
was a good investment.
Boo-boo, come.
We have work to do.
What are you doing up there?
That annoying little
Boo-boo dragon
chased me up here.
I am just, I-- you know.
Yodel, I wanna find out
what's behind that secret door.
Where's Shawn going?
Come on.
Okay, but Aura,
I wish you wouldn't concern
yourself with that young boy.
Keep to your studies.
That's why you're here.
After I find out
what Shawn's up to.
Aura, wait for me.
Don't go down there.
This section is not allowed
for students, Aura.
We shouldn't be here.
Even if there
was something here,
which I am sure there is not.
You don't know how to open it.
How do you know?
Frank said to let
the magic come to me.
Open sesame!
This does not feel right to me.
Exactly, so let's go.
what's that?
That's the old academy building.
But I, I didn't know
it was still here.
Be careful, Aura.
I wonder what happened to it.
That is the old entrance.
Another locked door?
Yes, of course it's locked.
I will use my powers on it.
Open sesame.
Hey! It's not working.
This has a "spell-block" on it.
I need an actual key?
Yes. It has been made secure.
Magic will not work.
But even more importantly,
you shouldn't be down
here, Aura.
Don't you care
what Shawn is doing?
I only care about you.
Ugh! Let's go find him.
I have a lot of questions
for that guy.
Sorry about
transforming you today.
I guess I got a little excited.
It's fine.
We're all just learning.
Exactly, would you care
to join us?
Maybe you can share
your secrets.
You know, once you get your
slop from the creep-a-zoids.
That's okay.
Thanks anyway.
We really have to talk.
Uh, no, we really don't.
She thinks she's so hot.
We'll see how "hot" she is.
I saw you in the library.
I know you went through
that secret door.
Huh? I-- I really don't know
what you are talking about.
You're up to something, Shawn.
So, the two winners
have decided to sit together.
How charming! May I?
I understand
how you won the first test.
I mean, what you did
was mildly smart.
But you, what was your
secret today?
Did Frank give you an inside
tip on how to catch butterflies?
Or did your little box boy
help you cheat somehow?
Oh my! Is that a comet?
Must have been a reflection.
My bad.
Anywho, I know
you two want to eat.
Actually, I was just leaving.
Oh no! Did I do that?
I thought I saw that comet.
My bad.
Get away!
You did that on purpose.
Yeah, like I said,
I'm really sorry.
If you excuse me,
I think I'm gonna go
read up on those comets.
You'll pay for this.
Uh, no, he won't.
Whatever, I'll get him tomorrow.
Stop looking at me.
Let's just eat!
There's hot sauce in my food!
Today's challenge is the
most difficult so far,
and perhaps the most dangerous.
So please pay close attention.
And, in case you are
wondering where Mr. Miller is,
it seems he decided to un-enroll
in our prestigious academy.
He left us in a dark of night.
So sad.
But such things happen.
I am certain more "rotten fruit"
will shaken from the tree
as we go.
Now, you will find a gold token
in the pocket of your uniform.
Please pull it out.
Was this inside the dragon?
Yes. It will function
as your flying craft.
And it will only take orders
from you.
Yes! Levitation!
Eventually, you will master
this mystical skill on your own,
but today you will use
this training aid in a race.
Inside the cloud is a maze.
You will start here.
And use levitation
and flying skills
to find your way
through the maze.
Exiting at the opposite end,
where a cloud ring
obstacle course
will be waiting for you.
You must pass through
each and every ring.
Do not miss even one.
The first to complete
the the course
and bring me that
flag is the winner.
But there's a hitch:
Do not to touch the cloud,
or get any of it on you.
or your flying ability
will be diminished.
It will slow you down.
In fact, you will fall.
And if you hit the ground,
you're out of the race.
So, climb aboard,
and let the contest begin!
Ready, set, go!
Oh no, you don't!
You don't stand a chance.
Know your place, farm girl.
In the back of the line!
Oh no, you are not
getting in front of me.
Out of my way!
-Hey, watch out!
-Hey, watch out!
Gernt, out of the way!
Oh, Gernt.
Down, down, down.
No, up.
Oh no, this is the wrong way.
Oh, no.
Hey, Aura, this way!
Thanks, guys!
Today is not your day,
It's not your day either,
farm girl!
Hey guys.
Let me slingshot you past Finn.
Come on, hold on tight!
Go get the flag, guys!
Believe it, Lambert.
We actually won something.
All because you helped us, Aura.
Because you helped me!
By the way,
how did you find your way
through the maze?
-We have one at home.
-We have one at home.
Our parents are way
into this stuff.
This isn't over, farm girl!
Actually, I'm pretty sure it is.
That's what "finish line" means.
And what an exciting finish
it was!
Such a nail bitter at the end.
I had no idea who would win.
And you,
with that selfless gesture.
I was very moved
by what you did, Aura.
Thank you, sir.
It was nothing, really.
A lesson for us all.
I just wish Shawn
had been here to see it.
Do you know why he left?
Unfortunately not.
And to make matters worse,
someone broke into my office.
I'm missing some
very important items.
I-- I'm-- I'm not blaming Shawn.
I'm just curious,
why he isn't here.
He seems like such
a troubled young man.
I have been looking
for him all day.
His absence worries me.
That's enough pestering for now.
Dr. Hubery is a busy man.
Back to work, all of you.
It's alright, Lambert.
You, my dear.
Just keep doing
what you're doing.
Do you believe Shawn
broke into Frank's office?
I don't know.
Something's not right, Yodel.
(GASPS) Now something's
really not right!
Shawn's disappear,
and the guards moved
from the front door into here.
Mm, I have to know
what's going on.
So I have to know what went on.
Yodel, I have to know
the history of this school.
Back to the books then.
Something's been fishy
for a while.
This is the History
of the Academy section.
All that is known
can be found here.
Someone got rid
of all the books?
Someone doesn't want us to
know the history of the school.
But who could that be?
Look, there's Shawn!
It was all a distraction.
Come on!
Yodel, we can make it!
Look at this place.
Aura, this is the original
You need to come with me now!
I told you, no!
He will hunt you
to ends of the earth, Shawn.
He won't stop,
and I can't have that.
Who is that?
Why is she here?
I didn't bring her.
I followed him.
Who are you?
I'm his grandfather.
And you shouldn't be down here!
Your grandfather?
Why didn't you tell me
you were looking for him?
Please, whoever you are,
just leave!
Shawn, take her and go.
Where did you
get that mechanical?
Who are you?
I am Aura Heffenpfeffer,
from Apple Valley.
Pleased to meet you, sir.
Oh, you are not
from Apple valley.
That is just where
that mechanical took you
to be be raised.
You were born here.
Your given name is Montrose.
And your grandfather
founded this school.
I'm sorry, what?
You really have no idea, do you?
Alright, quickly,
I will tell you what you
should rightfully know.
Then you must go.
Now, Listen.
Long before you were born,
your grandfather,
Augustine Walter Montrose,
was one of the greatest
enchanters of the land,
known far and wide
as a good and kind man.
He helped people.
He decided to build an Academy,
where young enchanters
could come and learn,
to be taught in
all of the magical ways.
Then one day, not far from here,
a box was found.
A very dangerous box.
It had been buried hundreds
of years ago by the ancients.
It was hidden away
because it contained
a terrible power
that could be used
for great evil.
Your grandfather knew that power
was too much for some to resist,
so he split its strength
into two parts.
Both needed a magical spell
and a key to open it.
Neither could open
the Box without the other.
He entrusted the two keys
to his closest friends
for safekeeping.
One he gave to me.
Who has the other one?
To know this only endangers
you more.
Just know your grandfather
was betrayed.
First, he demanded I turn over
my key and reveal my spell,
but I refused.
So he locked me in this cell,
leaving me devoid of magic.
He thought I would break
and give him all that he wanted.
Your grandfather knew
that I would never
give up his secret,
and he was right.
What he didn't know was that
his family would be at risk.
Your parents were taken first.
That was the worst
of all nights.
He managed to save you,
but he knew you were in danger.
So he built that mechanical
to take you far away.
He knew when you turned 16,
you would discover your talents
and come here
as all enchanters do.
He hoped he could defeat
his betrayers before then
and be able to hug you
once more.
Unfortunately, he was wrong.
No one knows
how the evil one took him.
Perhaps it is better this way.
As long as I keep this
spell safely in my possession,
the terrible evil can never
be claimed by him.
His beast is coming,
you must go!
Not without you, grandfather.
Hide now,
and when the danger passes,
get as far away from here
as you can!
Be off, both of you!
I don't want you to be
part of this.
It's too late for that now.
I'm impressed with your magic.
Listen, we'll work together.
No matter who the bad guy is,
I will help you.
I'm gonna face the beast.
Wish me luck!
The answer is the same today,
as it has been for
the last five thousand days.
I will never give in to you.
You'll never be trapped again,
I've got a surprise for you,
I've been practicing.
There's no real power in that,
it's just a student wand.
It will do what I need it to.
Shawn, watch out!
Hey, Boo-boo!
That's it, buddy.
Fire away.
You bad dragon, why don't
you try me on for size?
No, come after me!
No, no, no.
No one hurts Boo-boo!
That's all right.
You got too excited.
Look at what that rude
little boy did to you.
That's it, Miller.
I've had it with all your
stall tactics.
I found a simpler solution,
You want the boy?
I get the key.
Alright, Frank.
I give in.
This way then.
You win.
I'll do everything you say.
Just don't hurt him.
I wish I'd thought of
capturing your grandson earlier.
Would have saved us all
some time.
Please, he's my only grandchild.
It's so nice to see
you finally smartened up.
Lead the way, old friend.
I will do everything you say,
your bastard.
Frank is evil.
Come on, Yodel.
Let's go!
now stand back and watch.
I give you
"The Well of Secrets".
It's beautiful, don't you think?
Now, yours.
Grandpa, don't do it!
Well, I have to, Shawn.
"And your incantation,
if you please?"
Do you really think
you can trick me
by leaving something out?!
I gave you everything
I have Frank!
I swear.
Walter made three keys.
But who could possibly
have the third?
Of course! The birthmark.
A birthmark red like a rose.
Reliable old Walter
kept it in the family!
I knew that
there was a good reason
to sponsor that girl.
That's a good dragon!
He is going to kill us!
Yodel, don't you have
any more tricks, do you?
Twist my winding, quick!
We don't have time for this!
It's time to use
my secret weapon.
Holy Crow!
It's working.
He likes music!
Keep it up.
I'm going after them!
Where's that girl
when I need her?
Don't do anything rash
while I'm gone.
Dr. Hubery?
What's happening?
And what is that?
None of your business
is what it is.
Frank, you can't hurt
the students!
Don't be such a wet blanket.
Not your best look, I'm afraid.
And you stuck that way
forever too.
Oh, well.
No, you can't do this!
Not if I have anything
to say about it!
My, my!
If it isn't our young Aura.
Just the girl
I was looking to find.
You don't really expect
to win, do you?
I can't let you to do this!
You have a lot of gumption.
I'll give you that.
But I'm bored
with this chit chat.
Give me what I need!
No Frank!
I won't let you to do this!
You're going to have to deal
with me first.
Alright then, I will.
Ohhh, Frank!
How about this!
I will turn into
an army of Mini-Millers.
You don't stand a chance!
Oh, how quaint a bunch
of little insects!
No more strength.
We can hold him.
This is how you deal with me?
Well, what did you know?
I'm a mythological beast!
And it's time to destroy you!
Oh, I'll get you.
You little sparrow!
You can fly but you cannot hide!
You won't escape me.
I'm having fun with this,
Where did you go,
your little pipsqueak?
Watch out!
Faster, grandpa!
He's right behind you!
I forget about the girl
and the boy.
Oh no, Frank!
Don't hurt the kids!
That's where I draw the line.
Deal with me!
Leave them alone!
I beg of you.
Leave the kids out of this!
It's your weak spot, isn't it?
I found your Achilles' heel.
You shouldn't let
your guard down, brother.
See, people need to think about
what positions
they are going to be
when I turn them into stone.
I'm sure you two
will be much more creative.
Shall we?
Why are you doing this?!
I just had this
conversation with Lambert.
It didn't go well.
You can't be just
a terrible man.
There must be some part
of you, somewhere,
that knows what you've done
is wrong!
What I've "done" ?
To whom?
To my grandfather!
To my parents!
Ah, yes.
I did what I had to do.
And I'll do it again.
Soon, in fact.
We need to get out of here.
I wonder how tears look
set in stone.
Why are we running?
Because he's too powerful
for us.
He just turned your grandfather
into stone, Shawn!
If we don't fight him now,
it'll be too late.
Aura, don't you get it?
We are no match for him!
Actually, he is right!
Shawn! No!
What did you do?
This will all go much easier
if you just give me
your hand, my dear.
Then I will just
have to take it.
Well, well, she does have
some spunk, doesn't she?
We can do this, Shawn.
You saw it!
Together we are just
as powerful as he is.
Yeah, except,
I don't have any spells.
I'm not magical.
You are student here.
Just like I am.
Everyone in my family
has the gift but me.
I faked my way in this place
so I can find my grandfather.
There you are.
Look at you two!
Such a thrill
to see young people
enjoying each other's
company so much.
Warms my little black heart.
Will you help me?
I wish I could, but I just
don't have any magic power.
There! There's some
magic power for you.
Finally alone!
With my favorite student!
Aura, I am coming to get you!
Dream on!
Mm! Here I am!
It's just you and me now!
I'm not afraid of you.
Oh, here's Frankie!
Hole in one!
You think you are very clever,
don't you?
You know, such a game
can back fire!
How do you like it now?
Hot enough for you?
See? I knew you'd come out
of your little shelter
before the school year was over.
A struggle, so predictable!
Now, for the grand finale!
Let's see if you got
what it takes...
what I need!
Open up!
Rise from the ash,
and give me what is mine!
Ah there!
Ah! Stop it!
Now, come to me and
I will serve you, Master!
I finally have
the supreme power!
Everyone, surrender to me!
There you are, my dear.
What's going on here?
Finn, this is not
what we signed up for!
I'm scared!
Hello! Goodbye!
Now, which village
shall we destroy first?
Any requests?
Okay, guys, listen up!
Are you with me?
-Sure, whatever you need!
-Sure, whatever you need!
Here's what I need.
Remember the rain rhyme?
Go over there and gather
as many clouds as possible.
Then wait my signal and
be ready with your magic wands.
And Shawn, you shut the lid
on the shrine when I say so.
And be ready
with your wand too, Okay?
Hey, Frank!
It's me, Aura,
your favorite student!
What do you want, Aura?
I just want to tell you
how impressed I am
by all of this.
Now that I've seen
what you can do,
I'm wondering is there a
way that I can serve you too?
Of course there is.
I'm so glad you come around
and can see my true power.
Now you're just
like my other students.
Why do I feel so bloated?
Oh, that?
Well, that's because I think
the bigger you are,
the greater you'll be.
Yes. That's a good idea.
I feel sluggish.
What are you doing now?
I'm just adding a little more
to your torso.
Are you sure that will work?
Yes, I'm sure.
Absolutely sure!
No one is greater than you,
No, it's too much.
Now guys!
I can't take it any more.
It's too much.
It's working.
Keep aiming at his torso!
Wait, Aura,
what have you done to me?
Shawn, now!
There, we did it!
You guys are amazing!
No, you are amazing, Aura.
We did it together.
Yeah, let's do it again.
That was fun!
You think you can
free my grandfather?
Can you do it for everyone?
Because that would be awesome!
Who did that?
They're going to pay.
Look at my clothes.
They're filthy.
That was very impressive, Aura!
You are the bravest girl
I have ever met!
And I think there's someone else
who would be very proud
of you too.
I knew you would come here.
I feel a little stoned
if you'll pardon me.
And well done to you,
Augustine B,
my old mechanical friend!
It's good to see you again!
Augustine B?
Wow, I have never flown before,
and certainly not on a dragon.
My goodness,
I could do this all day!
Oh, my.
Is that the school?
It's lovely and so big.
I reserved a special seat
for you.
Yes, everyone is so huge
outside of the Apple Valley!
Aunty, let me introduce you
to my real grandfather,
Augustine Walter Montrose!
Thank you!
If you haven't taken
my granddaughter in,
none of this would be happening.
Thank you so much, my dear!
I don't know.
And so, let me introduce
our new headmaster,
Aura Montrose!
As you can see,
our school has been liberated,
thanks to all you students!
My grandfather and I
would just like to say
"thank you"!
To all of you!
And a special thanks
to my friends:
Finn, Suzan, Gernt,
Ruben and Jerrold,
and of course Shawn,
without whom we'd all be
Frank's army of Stonemen.
And of course, let's not
forget Yodel and Boo-boo.
Now, with our wonderful
new teacher, Mr. Miller,
and with his first
student Lambert by his side
I predict that we will
have the best year ever
in the history of
Montrose Academy of Magic!
Right, grandfather?
For the Academy of Magic!
Hurrah! Hurrah!
Yeah! Woo hoo hoo!
Oh, my goodness,
your poor little thing.
Oh, let's get you
out of the rain.
Oh, look at you,
where ever did you come from?
What a strange little toy
that came with you!
Oh, what a beautiful birthmark
you have.
I'm gonna call you Aura.
You're safe now with me, Aura.
I'll take care of you.
Aura, are you almost done
up there?
Yes, Aunty.
Well, come down then. Hurry!
Thank you, dear.
We have to get Grunveld's cart
before he comes to take it
to market.
I know Aunty.
Same as every year.
Oh, my goodness. Here he comes.
Apples are red.
The color of money is green.
Come and say hello.
Grunveld will want to see
how big you've gotten.
I know, Aunty.
Same as every year.
Are you ready for cake tonight?
I made you a huge cake.
You didn't have to.
Of course I have to.
It's not every day
my little girl turns 16.
What did I just do?
Oh, I don't know.
But you saved my life, my dear.
Thank you!
My goodness! What happened here?
We don't know exactly.
Well, someone needs to know.
What about my cart?
They don't just grow on trees,
you know?
They grow on trees.
But, how are we going
to get them to market now?
I left my cart with you
and now it's firewood.
How on earth
am I supposed to fix this?
You think I have insurance?
Look at me!
What do you think
I'm made of? Money?
Aunty, what did I do
today really?
My guess is some sort of magic.
If I can do magic
then what am I?
You are my little girl
who's gotten very big.
Don't worry about it now.
Let's just have some cake.
But I need to know.
All I know is 16 years ago,
on this very evening,
you were dropped on my doorstep
with nothing but that silly
little toy to keep you company.
Silly little Yodel.
I wondered if someday
something would happen,
and the day would come
when I would know
what you are meant to do.
That's right. Today is that day.
16 years and I'm ready to go.
Ouch, rusty!
I haven't moved
in a very long time.
You can talk?
And walk?
Yes, and I want to thank you
for taking such good care
of our little girl here.
Aunty, what's happening?
Stay back. I'll stop it.
Wait. Don't!
Oh no, I'm sorry Yodel.
I didn't know
what your power would be.
It's impressive, and painful.
You know what I am?
Oh yes.
You are an enchanter.
I'm an enchanter?
She's what?
Mm-hm, an enchanter.
You have magical talents, Aura.
And now that you are 16,
you get to learn
how to use them at a school.
I'm magic,
and I get to go to school?
Not just any school,
the Montrose Academy.
The very best school.
The best magic school anyway.
Aura, you have grown up.
I've always felt
you were different
from the other children.
This is your chance.
You chance to study magic,
and become
what you were meant to be.
I trust Yodel will protect you.
After all, your Aunty
is getting old.
No, Aunty.
I believe in you, Aura.
Go and discover your magic.
Oh, I knew this day would come.
And you, you little thing,
you better watch out for her.
That is my mission.
I will be fine.
Just take care of yourself,
I will always be here for you
if you need me.
I know that.
Follow me, young lady.
I shall lead the way.
Good luck, Aura. I love you!
Me too, Aunty!
You do know the way, don't you?
Of course, I do.
I have an internal map
leading to the academy.
I could use a good winding
if you don't mind.
(GRUNTS) What other tricks
have you got up your sleeve?
I got this.
Just pat me, please.
How's that?
Cool, right?
Everyone loves music.
So, all those years you were
just asleep on that shelf?
That's right.
Even when I was little,
and I played with you as a doll?
Totally asleep.
Wait, you didn't really play
with me as a doll, did you?
I certainly did.
Wait a minute, Aura.
Walk behind me so that
I can protect you.
You know, if danger rears
its ugly head...
Oh no!
How much more protecting
are you going to do?
It was just an accident.
Don't bother helping.
I got it.
Onward we go.
No more time to waste.
I promise you,that,
that will never happen again.
I am quite familiar
with these surroundings.
There was a bridge,
right over there!
What is it this place?
It's pretty spooky out here.
(GASPS) Did you see that?
Trust me. This is the right way.
And now, let me present to you
the Montrose Academy of Magic.
It's up there behind the clouds
on the top of the mountain.
I now believe nothing you say.
Uh, it's been around
really a long time.
Even a fine bridge like this
can't beat time. Am I right?
But don't worry.
These are small problems.
Well, how about this?
It's a dragon!
I don't remember anything
about a dragon.
You bad dragon.
Get away from us!
Hey, you like apples?
Get away!
You leave him alone!
Hey, hold up.
Don't hurt the dragon.
He's from the academy.
We were just
protecting ourselves.
Who are you?
I'm Shawn.
I'm going up to the academy,
and this dragon
is the ride up there.
But you need to have
a gold token for him.
I don't have a gold token.
No, we don't know anything
about a gold token.
Didn't you get a letter
from the school?
It's all in there.
My entire life is about getting
you into the Montrose Academy.
I'm pretty sure I would
have known about this.
Welcome to hitch a ride with me,
but I can't guarantee
you'll get in.
Are you sure about this, Yodel?
We'll get you in, Aura.
Don't you worry.
Okay. Let's go.
My name is Aura, by the way.
Really, Aura is your name?
Let's get going.
Hurry up, Aura.
Good boy.
Come on, Yodel.
Let's go.
A dragon ride?
This would be first for me.
Me too.
All right, to the academy.
Dakabra-abra, dragon fly!
Oh, my-- hold on, Aura.
It's so beautiful up here!
Look at the beautiful
Montrose Academy.
I never knew
what it looks like up from here.
Wow, I can't believe I'm here.
Can I give you a hand?
I-- I can handle myself.
All right. Suit yourself.
Wee! That was quite a ride.
And, Aura, here we are.
The Montrose Academy of Magic.
Although it does seem
a little bigger than I remember.
And you are Mr. Miller?
Shawn, to my friends.
Well, Mr. Miller, it is then.
You barely made the last dragon.
And what was the reason
for that?
Well, those two
didn't help speed things up.
Playing the blame game, are we?
Well, welcome to the academy,
Mr. Miller.
Who might you be, young lady?
My name is Aura Heffenpfeffer.
I don't see your name
on the list.
But I'm afraid I don't--
I don't have a gold token.
Well, then you are denied
How did you even get
on the dragon?
what is all this commotion?
Well, this young lady
does not have a gold coin
for tuition.
Oh, Lambert,
I happen to have an extra coin
for just such an occasion.
Let's call it a scholarship,
shall we?
Oh, thank you so much.
Hm, a birthmark,
red like a rose.
Had it all my life.
It's very distinctive.
How can I ever repay you?
I am sure you'll find a way
to pay it back.
Well, is that thing
going to join her?
He's Yodel. He brought me here.
Doesn't matter.
No mechanicals.
It's not a thing, Lambert.
It's a pet.
Right, my dear?
I guess he is my pet.
I have one, too.
I know how attached we get
to the little darlings. Right?
I'm Frank.
I'm the headmaster here.
I'm Aura.
And I'm so grateful
for your generosity.
Well, welcome Aura!
Come right in.
We are just about to start.
Join the others.
Don't be shy.
You'll all be friends
in no time.
I didn't know roses could
even grow above the clouds.
That's amazing.
Yep, it's really amazing.
What's gotten into him?
You can call me Ruben.
I am Jerrold.
Oh my goodness.
Suzan, look at that nasty
farm girl.
Uh, Finn,
I bet she smells bad too.
Gather around, students.
Gather around. One row.
Your attention, please.
You would now be welcomed
by your illustrious head master,
otherwise known as Dr. Hubery.
But you may all call me Frank.
Thank you, Dr. Lambert.
You may relax.
Let your claws retract a bit.
Welcome to the Montrose Academy.
Here we will take
your blossoming talents,
which most of you just
recently discovered you have,
and make them
into your calling in life.
Go away, Boo-boo dragon.
I don't wanna play with you.
You would grow from amateurs
to masters.
But of course, at your own pace.
Know that nothing is set in
stone here other than our motto,
which is Latin for "Try".
That's all we ask.
Lambert, tell them
about the tests.
No matter what you think
you can do,
you're all just beginners
and beginners need training.
Your tenure here would begin
with a series of challenges.
Five tests over five days.
You will be evaluated,
and the brightest one of you,
the most promising student
will earn the privilege
of studying directly.
With me!
I will show you the secrets
of the ages,
and twice a week,
we have tea and cookies.
Oh, here come your uniforms.
Huh? What? What's happening?
Huh? What?
Don't mind the Stonemen.
They're merely my handy helpers
here at the academy.
But you may pick your uniform,
or actually your uniform
will pick you.
Oh. Wow.
That's kind of cool. I like it.
Oh yeah.
Please, we have our own.
We don't wear off the rack.
Dinner is in the dining hall.
Eat well and get all rest.
Classes start tomorrow
right early.
There you are.
Stop goofing around.
You, you are going to be
the life of me.
I don't know
if he thinks I'm a kid,
but you know I am not interested
in his child's play.
Mmm, spaghetti and mushrooms.
Ah, thank you.
For you.
Anyone sitting here?
Um, I'm just leaving.
Hey, you wanna sit with us?
Thank you.
It's so exciting to be here,
don't you think?
Do you wanna try
one of my apples?
If anyone would like some,
they are really tasty.
It was really a good harvest.
Wow, these are really tasty.
Don't just do what commoners do.
Besides, that apple is bad.
Do you even know
where it came from?
It came from the most beautiful
orchard in Apple Valley.
I picked it myself.
But I bet you pick
everything you eat.
Don't you, farm girl?
How about this?
Can you pick noodles?
How about mushrooms?
Ring a ding ding ding.
It's harvest time.
Watch this.
Ah! Ouch!
Stop it.
Get this off him now.
Sure, maybe you'd like a taste.
Come on, Yodel.
Let's go.
Mm-hm. That's it.
Give up. Leave already.
Ah! Wait!
Make it stop!
It's your spell.
Use your skills.
I don't know
if I'm cut of for this place.
Pull yourself together,
young lady.
You are not going to give up on
account of couple
of mean-spirited kids, are you?
Of course you're not.
You attend your classes,
study your lessons,
and learn to be the enchanter
you were born to be.
You know what?
You're right, Yodel.
Good morning.
This is the first
of the five challenges.
The purpose is to assess
your capabilities.
Today's challenge focuses
on Invisibility.
You will be required to make it
to the top
of this staircase.
Take a good look at the stairs.
They are not as simple
as they seem.
Then once you make it
to the top,
can you capture this ball?
How about now?
Or now?
Use your instincts.
Can you help yourself?
The winner is whoever first
succeeds in bringing the ball
back to me.
And you can start anytime,
I got this.
By such intelligence,
are you sure?
With real strength,
intelligence is useless.
Up, up.
that I am happy that I have.
I don't feel so good.
Is it all right
I sit this one out?
You may, but it wouldn't
score you any points with me.
I got this.
Everybody get ready
to see what winning looks like.
You are thinking this is simple.
Uh, hey, hey.
That's not fair!
Life isn't fair, Mr. Finn.
I won't play this, seriously.
Our skin is not that thick.
That's way too difficult.
Hey, guys.
I used to do a rain rhyme
back in Apple Valley.
Sometimes it worked.
Do you want to help me?
Sure, if you think
it would work.
Okay, guys.
Just follow my lead.
-It's raining.
-We did it.
Thanks guys!
Clever. But it can't be
that easy, farm girl.
My, my, are you alright?
I'm-- I'm fine, thank you.
And why?
Because you need to know
you have a lot to learn
Can I go now?
Yes, I suppose so.
All right. Class dismissed.
Tomorrow, Transformation.
Please study.
Coming in second is not bad.
If that Lambert
hadn't pushed you,
you would have won.
No, Shawn won because he's good.
And he's so cool.
You do know this is a no robot
eating section, don't you?
And about that whole
spaghetti thing,
we need to have a talk
about that.
We are not gonna have
a talk about it,
unless you want me
to do it again.
Not so fast, Aura.
I'm coming with you.
Wait for me.
Fine, leave already.
This isn't over, farm girl.
Come on.
Oh, I'm so glad to see
that you so excited
to study here
in this great library.
Where did he go?
Why would he come in here?
You shouldn't concern yourself
with that boy.
You need to concentrate
on your studies.
And this is just the place
for it.
Of course, that's why
he was so good today.
He's been studying.
Hmm, I'm gonna to study too.
I wanna be at the top
of the class.
If you want to read,
I recommend you start
from the basics.
Follow me. This way.
Do you know
where all the books I need are?
Of course, I do.
I have a complete map
of this school inside my head.
I know where every detail is.
Have a seat, please.
You're going to read and learn.
I will fetch you
a basic magic book.
Are you sure this one?
Sure, Collection of
All Basic Magic. Enjoy.
Wait, you aren't thinking
about chickening out, are you?
No! I was just making sure.
To levitate an object,
you must channel
your internal power
with an Abracadabra.
You see that?
Just keep going.
A blossoming spell
can have the same effect
as a blooming spell.
Magic Wisdom, Volume 22.
What was that?
Yodel, wake up.
Perhaps we shouldn't be
here this late.
Wait, there should not be
a door there.
How did he get in there?
I don't know.
But according to
my internal map,
there should be no door.
But you did see Shawn
come out of there, right?
Yes, this is a mystery.
Uh oh. It is morning.
We are going to be late
for class.
Ah, young Aura, you're late.
Sorry, it won't happen again.
That's going in my little
black book.
As I was telling those
who manage to show up on time,
today's challenge
is called Transformation,
and it involves shape shifting.
We got this one.
If you bothered to study
for today's assignment,
you already know
how to transform an object.
You each get a magic wand.
Take care of them.
They have been used
by generations before you.
You will not get another.
They are quite expensive,
you know?
Twist the top to turn them on.
And you, Mr. Miller?
You won yesterday challenge.
I'm interested to see
if you can repeat yourself.
Surprise me.
Formas de formas do.
Grow in size, I command of you.
Yes, young Miller.
Well done.
So, is that Okay?
Can I go now?
Why are you always
in a such hurry, young man?
The answer is no.
Not until the class is over.
Now, Gernt, go ahead.
Make my day.
Yes, the big rock
goes up and down.
I think we are done with that.
How about our own
living redundancies?
I could use a bit of laugh.
Wait, don't cross the wands!
-Twice as stupid as I thought.
Double trouble.
Is this is how it's going to be?
How can twice as many of you
only have half of the brain?
Your turn, Mr. Finn.
Watch and learn, chumps.
Nailed it.
Serviceable, but not impressive.
All right, Suzan.
Let's see what you can do.
Oh no, a mouse.
Oh, no. No, no.
I did it.
I am a mouse.
Dude, you are afraid of a mouse?
Yes, there it is.
The mouse that you are.
Now late comer,
let's see if you have been
paying attention.
Can I use my imagination?
Well, yes.
I encourage you to.
By all means,
time for you to shine.
Now, will you look at this?
I'm floating.
What, I never--
You clever farm girl.
Ah, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean for it
to grow right up under you.
She thinks she's so hot.
I got to start up again.
Look at farm girl.
She's a caterpillar.
She's a caterpillar.
Well, that's amusing.
But a bit mean-spirited.
-Wouldn't you say?
Look, it's a hawk.
Watch out, Aura!
Ah, hawk.
Very resourcefully done.
Using the transformational
power inherent in a caterpillar.
Speeding up the nature
evolutionary process.
You win today's challenge.
Well played.
Yes, very well played.
But Lambert, let's show
these young minds that
magic can also be fun
and beautiful.
It's not all about winning,
you know?
But I thought you said it was.
Please collect the wands.
Let's remind our
young students that
no one is great at
this right out of the gate.
My first transformation.
Oh, I became a piece
of old Limburger cheese.
I stunk up the pantry.
I was welcome at no parties.
But my-- my point is, my point,
you see this
field of brown grass?
Wow. Beautiful!
Zee Brala Boom.
Let there be butterflies.
Wow. Beautiful!
Look at all those butterflies!
But I want you to find
a needle in a haystack.
And it looks like this.
Now, find it.
For mere mortals,
this would be impossible.
But for you young enchanters,
it shall be
a delightful challenge.
All right. We got it.
I got this one.
Aura, the trick is to
let the magic come to you.
Don't chase it.
The more you chase it,
the harder it is to catch.
Yes, I see.
Uh, ah.
Bad dragon.
No no no, don't touch me...
Don't touch me.
No, why do I have to be a robot!
Good dragon.
Stay! Stay!
Good dragon.
What the exactly are you doing?
I'm just doing
what headmaster said:
letting the magic come to me.
And you're buying that?
Headmaster was telling
the truth.
Two idiots.
-RUBEN: (CHUCKLES) We got it!
-JERROLD: We got it!
Aura, the trick is to
let the magic come to you.
You take it.
No, please.
-You take it.
-It's yours.
You earned it.
Actually, you did.
Hey, if neither
of you guys don't want it,
just give it to us.
Can I ask you something?
No, please don't.
Wow, we have a winner.
I knew you could do it.
Well done, Aura.
I say! That extra coin
was a good investment.
Boo-boo, come.
We have work to do.
What are you doing up there?
That annoying little
Boo-boo dragon
chased me up here.
I am just, I-- you know.
Yodel, I wanna find out
what's behind that secret door.
Where's Shawn going?
Come on.
Okay, but Aura,
I wish you wouldn't concern
yourself with that young boy.
Keep to your studies.
That's why you're here.
After I find out
what Shawn's up to.
Aura, wait for me.
Don't go down there.
This section is not allowed
for students, Aura.
We shouldn't be here.
Even if there
was something here,
which I am sure there is not.
You don't know how to open it.
How do you know?
Frank said to let
the magic come to me.
Open sesame!
This does not feel right to me.
Exactly, so let's go.
what's that?
That's the old academy building.
But I, I didn't know
it was still here.
Be careful, Aura.
I wonder what happened to it.
That is the old entrance.
Another locked door?
Yes, of course it's locked.
I will use my powers on it.
Open sesame.
Hey! It's not working.
This has a "spell-block" on it.
I need an actual key?
Yes. It has been made secure.
Magic will not work.
But even more importantly,
you shouldn't be down
here, Aura.
Don't you care
what Shawn is doing?
I only care about you.
Ugh! Let's go find him.
I have a lot of questions
for that guy.
Sorry about
transforming you today.
I guess I got a little excited.
It's fine.
We're all just learning.
Exactly, would you care
to join us?
Maybe you can share
your secrets.
You know, once you get your
slop from the creep-a-zoids.
That's okay.
Thanks anyway.
We really have to talk.
Uh, no, we really don't.
She thinks she's so hot.
We'll see how "hot" she is.
I saw you in the library.
I know you went through
that secret door.
Huh? I-- I really don't know
what you are talking about.
You're up to something, Shawn.
So, the two winners
have decided to sit together.
How charming! May I?
I understand
how you won the first test.
I mean, what you did
was mildly smart.
But you, what was your
secret today?
Did Frank give you an inside
tip on how to catch butterflies?
Or did your little box boy
help you cheat somehow?
Oh my! Is that a comet?
Must have been a reflection.
My bad.
Anywho, I know
you two want to eat.
Actually, I was just leaving.
Oh no! Did I do that?
I thought I saw that comet.
My bad.
Get away!
You did that on purpose.
Yeah, like I said,
I'm really sorry.
If you excuse me,
I think I'm gonna go
read up on those comets.
You'll pay for this.
Uh, no, he won't.
Whatever, I'll get him tomorrow.
Stop looking at me.
Let's just eat!
There's hot sauce in my food!
Today's challenge is the
most difficult so far,
and perhaps the most dangerous.
So please pay close attention.
And, in case you are
wondering where Mr. Miller is,
it seems he decided to un-enroll
in our prestigious academy.
He left us in a dark of night.
So sad.
But such things happen.
I am certain more "rotten fruit"
will shaken from the tree
as we go.
Now, you will find a gold token
in the pocket of your uniform.
Please pull it out.
Was this inside the dragon?
Yes. It will function
as your flying craft.
And it will only take orders
from you.
Yes! Levitation!
Eventually, you will master
this mystical skill on your own,
but today you will use
this training aid in a race.
Inside the cloud is a maze.
You will start here.
And use levitation
and flying skills
to find your way
through the maze.
Exiting at the opposite end,
where a cloud ring
obstacle course
will be waiting for you.
You must pass through
each and every ring.
Do not miss even one.
The first to complete
the the course
and bring me that
flag is the winner.
But there's a hitch:
Do not to touch the cloud,
or get any of it on you.
or your flying ability
will be diminished.
It will slow you down.
In fact, you will fall.
And if you hit the ground,
you're out of the race.
So, climb aboard,
and let the contest begin!
Ready, set, go!
Oh no, you don't!
You don't stand a chance.
Know your place, farm girl.
In the back of the line!
Oh no, you are not
getting in front of me.
Out of my way!
-Hey, watch out!
-Hey, watch out!
Gernt, out of the way!
Oh, Gernt.
Down, down, down.
No, up.
Oh no, this is the wrong way.
Oh, no.
Hey, Aura, this way!
Thanks, guys!
Today is not your day,
It's not your day either,
farm girl!
Hey guys.
Let me slingshot you past Finn.
Come on, hold on tight!
Go get the flag, guys!
Believe it, Lambert.
We actually won something.
All because you helped us, Aura.
Because you helped me!
By the way,
how did you find your way
through the maze?
-We have one at home.
-We have one at home.
Our parents are way
into this stuff.
This isn't over, farm girl!
Actually, I'm pretty sure it is.
That's what "finish line" means.
And what an exciting finish
it was!
Such a nail bitter at the end.
I had no idea who would win.
And you,
with that selfless gesture.
I was very moved
by what you did, Aura.
Thank you, sir.
It was nothing, really.
A lesson for us all.
I just wish Shawn
had been here to see it.
Do you know why he left?
Unfortunately not.
And to make matters worse,
someone broke into my office.
I'm missing some
very important items.
I-- I'm-- I'm not blaming Shawn.
I'm just curious,
why he isn't here.
He seems like such
a troubled young man.
I have been looking
for him all day.
His absence worries me.
That's enough pestering for now.
Dr. Hubery is a busy man.
Back to work, all of you.
It's alright, Lambert.
You, my dear.
Just keep doing
what you're doing.
Do you believe Shawn
broke into Frank's office?
I don't know.
Something's not right, Yodel.
(GASPS) Now something's
really not right!
Shawn's disappear,
and the guards moved
from the front door into here.
Mm, I have to know
what's going on.
So I have to know what went on.
Yodel, I have to know
the history of this school.
Back to the books then.
Something's been fishy
for a while.
This is the History
of the Academy section.
All that is known
can be found here.
Someone got rid
of all the books?
Someone doesn't want us to
know the history of the school.
But who could that be?
Look, there's Shawn!
It was all a distraction.
Come on!
Yodel, we can make it!
Look at this place.
Aura, this is the original
You need to come with me now!
I told you, no!
He will hunt you
to ends of the earth, Shawn.
He won't stop,
and I can't have that.
Who is that?
Why is she here?
I didn't bring her.
I followed him.
Who are you?
I'm his grandfather.
And you shouldn't be down here!
Your grandfather?
Why didn't you tell me
you were looking for him?
Please, whoever you are,
just leave!
Shawn, take her and go.
Where did you
get that mechanical?
Who are you?
I am Aura Heffenpfeffer,
from Apple Valley.
Pleased to meet you, sir.
Oh, you are not
from Apple valley.
That is just where
that mechanical took you
to be be raised.
You were born here.
Your given name is Montrose.
And your grandfather
founded this school.
I'm sorry, what?
You really have no idea, do you?
Alright, quickly,
I will tell you what you
should rightfully know.
Then you must go.
Now, Listen.
Long before you were born,
your grandfather,
Augustine Walter Montrose,
was one of the greatest
enchanters of the land,
known far and wide
as a good and kind man.
He helped people.
He decided to build an Academy,
where young enchanters
could come and learn,
to be taught in
all of the magical ways.
Then one day, not far from here,
a box was found.
A very dangerous box.
It had been buried hundreds
of years ago by the ancients.
It was hidden away
because it contained
a terrible power
that could be used
for great evil.
Your grandfather knew that power
was too much for some to resist,
so he split its strength
into two parts.
Both needed a magical spell
and a key to open it.
Neither could open
the Box without the other.
He entrusted the two keys
to his closest friends
for safekeeping.
One he gave to me.
Who has the other one?
To know this only endangers
you more.
Just know your grandfather
was betrayed.
First, he demanded I turn over
my key and reveal my spell,
but I refused.
So he locked me in this cell,
leaving me devoid of magic.
He thought I would break
and give him all that he wanted.
Your grandfather knew
that I would never
give up his secret,
and he was right.
What he didn't know was that
his family would be at risk.
Your parents were taken first.
That was the worst
of all nights.
He managed to save you,
but he knew you were in danger.
So he built that mechanical
to take you far away.
He knew when you turned 16,
you would discover your talents
and come here
as all enchanters do.
He hoped he could defeat
his betrayers before then
and be able to hug you
once more.
Unfortunately, he was wrong.
No one knows
how the evil one took him.
Perhaps it is better this way.
As long as I keep this
spell safely in my possession,
the terrible evil can never
be claimed by him.
His beast is coming,
you must go!
Not without you, grandfather.
Hide now,
and when the danger passes,
get as far away from here
as you can!
Be off, both of you!
I don't want you to be
part of this.
It's too late for that now.
I'm impressed with your magic.
Listen, we'll work together.
No matter who the bad guy is,
I will help you.
I'm gonna face the beast.
Wish me luck!
The answer is the same today,
as it has been for
the last five thousand days.
I will never give in to you.
You'll never be trapped again,
I've got a surprise for you,
I've been practicing.
There's no real power in that,
it's just a student wand.
It will do what I need it to.
Shawn, watch out!
Hey, Boo-boo!
That's it, buddy.
Fire away.
You bad dragon, why don't
you try me on for size?
No, come after me!
No, no, no.
No one hurts Boo-boo!
That's all right.
You got too excited.
Look at what that rude
little boy did to you.
That's it, Miller.
I've had it with all your
stall tactics.
I found a simpler solution,
You want the boy?
I get the key.
Alright, Frank.
I give in.
This way then.
You win.
I'll do everything you say.
Just don't hurt him.
I wish I'd thought of
capturing your grandson earlier.
Would have saved us all
some time.
Please, he's my only grandchild.
It's so nice to see
you finally smartened up.
Lead the way, old friend.
I will do everything you say,
your bastard.
Frank is evil.
Come on, Yodel.
Let's go!
now stand back and watch.
I give you
"The Well of Secrets".
It's beautiful, don't you think?
Now, yours.
Grandpa, don't do it!
Well, I have to, Shawn.
"And your incantation,
if you please?"
Do you really think
you can trick me
by leaving something out?!
I gave you everything
I have Frank!
I swear.
Walter made three keys.
But who could possibly
have the third?
Of course! The birthmark.
A birthmark red like a rose.
Reliable old Walter
kept it in the family!
I knew that
there was a good reason
to sponsor that girl.
That's a good dragon!
He is going to kill us!
Yodel, don't you have
any more tricks, do you?
Twist my winding, quick!
We don't have time for this!
It's time to use
my secret weapon.
Holy Crow!
It's working.
He likes music!
Keep it up.
I'm going after them!
Where's that girl
when I need her?
Don't do anything rash
while I'm gone.
Dr. Hubery?
What's happening?
And what is that?
None of your business
is what it is.
Frank, you can't hurt
the students!
Don't be such a wet blanket.
Not your best look, I'm afraid.
And you stuck that way
forever too.
Oh, well.
No, you can't do this!
Not if I have anything
to say about it!
My, my!
If it isn't our young Aura.
Just the girl
I was looking to find.
You don't really expect
to win, do you?
I can't let you to do this!
You have a lot of gumption.
I'll give you that.
But I'm bored
with this chit chat.
Give me what I need!
No Frank!
I won't let you to do this!
You're going to have to deal
with me first.
Alright then, I will.
Ohhh, Frank!
How about this!
I will turn into
an army of Mini-Millers.
You don't stand a chance!
Oh, how quaint a bunch
of little insects!
No more strength.
We can hold him.
This is how you deal with me?
Well, what did you know?
I'm a mythological beast!
And it's time to destroy you!
Oh, I'll get you.
You little sparrow!
You can fly but you cannot hide!
You won't escape me.
I'm having fun with this,
Where did you go,
your little pipsqueak?
Watch out!
Faster, grandpa!
He's right behind you!
I forget about the girl
and the boy.
Oh no, Frank!
Don't hurt the kids!
That's where I draw the line.
Deal with me!
Leave them alone!
I beg of you.
Leave the kids out of this!
It's your weak spot, isn't it?
I found your Achilles' heel.
You shouldn't let
your guard down, brother.
See, people need to think about
what positions
they are going to be
when I turn them into stone.
I'm sure you two
will be much more creative.
Shall we?
Why are you doing this?!
I just had this
conversation with Lambert.
It didn't go well.
You can't be just
a terrible man.
There must be some part
of you, somewhere,
that knows what you've done
is wrong!
What I've "done" ?
To whom?
To my grandfather!
To my parents!
Ah, yes.
I did what I had to do.
And I'll do it again.
Soon, in fact.
We need to get out of here.
I wonder how tears look
set in stone.
Why are we running?
Because he's too powerful
for us.
He just turned your grandfather
into stone, Shawn!
If we don't fight him now,
it'll be too late.
Aura, don't you get it?
We are no match for him!
Actually, he is right!
Shawn! No!
What did you do?
This will all go much easier
if you just give me
your hand, my dear.
Then I will just
have to take it.
Well, well, she does have
some spunk, doesn't she?
We can do this, Shawn.
You saw it!
Together we are just
as powerful as he is.
Yeah, except,
I don't have any spells.
I'm not magical.
You are student here.
Just like I am.
Everyone in my family
has the gift but me.
I faked my way in this place
so I can find my grandfather.
There you are.
Look at you two!
Such a thrill
to see young people
enjoying each other's
company so much.
Warms my little black heart.
Will you help me?
I wish I could, but I just
don't have any magic power.
There! There's some
magic power for you.
Finally alone!
With my favorite student!
Aura, I am coming to get you!
Dream on!
Mm! Here I am!
It's just you and me now!
I'm not afraid of you.
Oh, here's Frankie!
Hole in one!
You think you are very clever,
don't you?
You know, such a game
can back fire!
How do you like it now?
Hot enough for you?
See? I knew you'd come out
of your little shelter
before the school year was over.
A struggle, so predictable!
Now, for the grand finale!
Let's see if you got
what it takes...
what I need!
Open up!
Rise from the ash,
and give me what is mine!
Ah there!
Ah! Stop it!
Now, come to me and
I will serve you, Master!
I finally have
the supreme power!
Everyone, surrender to me!
There you are, my dear.
What's going on here?
Finn, this is not
what we signed up for!
I'm scared!
Hello! Goodbye!
Now, which village
shall we destroy first?
Any requests?
Okay, guys, listen up!
Are you with me?
-Sure, whatever you need!
-Sure, whatever you need!
Here's what I need.
Remember the rain rhyme?
Go over there and gather
as many clouds as possible.
Then wait my signal and
be ready with your magic wands.
And Shawn, you shut the lid
on the shrine when I say so.
And be ready
with your wand too, Okay?
Hey, Frank!
It's me, Aura,
your favorite student!
What do you want, Aura?
I just want to tell you
how impressed I am
by all of this.
Now that I've seen
what you can do,
I'm wondering is there a
way that I can serve you too?
Of course there is.
I'm so glad you come around
and can see my true power.
Now you're just
like my other students.
Why do I feel so bloated?
Oh, that?
Well, that's because I think
the bigger you are,
the greater you'll be.
Yes. That's a good idea.
I feel sluggish.
What are you doing now?
I'm just adding a little more
to your torso.
Are you sure that will work?
Yes, I'm sure.
Absolutely sure!
No one is greater than you,
No, it's too much.
Now guys!
I can't take it any more.
It's too much.
It's working.
Keep aiming at his torso!
Wait, Aura,
what have you done to me?
Shawn, now!
There, we did it!
You guys are amazing!
No, you are amazing, Aura.
We did it together.
Yeah, let's do it again.
That was fun!
You think you can
free my grandfather?
Can you do it for everyone?
Because that would be awesome!
Who did that?
They're going to pay.
Look at my clothes.
They're filthy.
That was very impressive, Aura!
You are the bravest girl
I have ever met!
And I think there's someone else
who would be very proud
of you too.
I knew you would come here.
I feel a little stoned
if you'll pardon me.
And well done to you,
Augustine B,
my old mechanical friend!
It's good to see you again!
Augustine B?
Wow, I have never flown before,
and certainly not on a dragon.
My goodness,
I could do this all day!
Oh, my.
Is that the school?
It's lovely and so big.
I reserved a special seat
for you.
Yes, everyone is so huge
outside of the Apple Valley!
Aunty, let me introduce you
to my real grandfather,
Augustine Walter Montrose!
Thank you!
If you haven't taken
my granddaughter in,
none of this would be happening.
Thank you so much, my dear!
I don't know.
And so, let me introduce
our new headmaster,
Aura Montrose!
As you can see,
our school has been liberated,
thanks to all you students!
My grandfather and I
would just like to say
"thank you"!
To all of you!
And a special thanks
to my friends:
Finn, Suzan, Gernt,
Ruben and Jerrold,
and of course Shawn,
without whom we'd all be
Frank's army of Stonemen.
And of course, let's not
forget Yodel and Boo-boo.
Now, with our wonderful
new teacher, Mr. Miller,
and with his first
student Lambert by his side
I predict that we will
have the best year ever
in the history of
Montrose Academy of Magic!
Right, grandfather?
For the Academy of Magic!
Hurrah! Hurrah!
Yeah! Woo hoo hoo!