The Angry Birds Movie (2016) Movie Script
Okay, come on. Come on. Come on.
Come on. Come on.
Oh, boy. Come on.
Let's go. Let's go, buddy.
Come on. Come on.
We got to move. We got to move.
Yes, yes, yes...
No, no, no...
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
Egg! Egg!
Got you.
Ow. Ow. Ow.
Ow. Ow.
I don't like it!
I don't like it!
I'm flying.
No, still can't fly.
Notta dodbly leees.
(Not the top of my list.)
Bottom feeder.
Up... and over.
No, no, no...
Look, it's okay.
I'm just a clown.
Oh boy.
That's loud.
You're loud.
You're... very scared of me.
Here, come here.
No? Okay. No, never mind.
Happy Hatchday.
Hi, pal.
You must be so disappointed
in yourself for being this late.
Oh, no.
No. No, no, no.
I'm not late.
Look at the time.
The order said, "Before noon."
Now, you're late.
- What?
- Where have you been?
- It's funny you ask. I was...
- You missed the party.
- What is that?
- Oh, that.
Uh, yes.
I fell on the box.
Oh, the squirrel.
That's on us.
You know, I tried to keep my body
between the ground and the box,
No, I think I got a little bruise.
You see anything back there?
Hear that, honey?
The clown we paid
to be here an hour ago,
fell on our son's hatchday cake.
That's why our son's hatchday
party is ruined.
- Oh.
- And the next time you messed up.
Don't tell me a story.
Just take responsibility.
Hey, man.
It wasn't a story.
I'm a screw up
that woke up late
and fell on the thing
you paid for!
It wasn't a story,
I almost drown.
Why don't we just settle this out
and say the cake's on you.
I'm sorry.
It's on me?
Well, who else will it be on?
Well, you know, I...
I'm not sure you're
going to like this.
but, since you asked.
Rather than being on me
as you suggested.
This cake...
... is on YOU!
So, you want to hear a story?
I run my butt off,
literally, mind you.
To get the "gluten free cake."
What the heck is gluten?
I mean, does gluten even exist?
Who are you?
- Get out of here!
- Already.
But, you're the only one
that has cake.
Oh, that's good stuff.
Anybody want to eat some cake
off their dad or husband?
Who needs plates when
you got this guy's face, right?
Oh, oh, oh, mm.
Oh, wait. I almost forgot.
You know, I'm suppose to do a
quick customers satisfaction survey
before I... weet weet split, okay.
So, on a scale of 1 to 3 stars,
what would you say
about my performance.
And don't forget,
the squirrel was...
... free
- Sorry about this.
- No!
My bad.
- Huh?
- Oh...!
It's a boy.
- Eyebrows.
- Eyebrows.
- Eyebrows.
- Eyebrows.
Your Honor.
Our family has always practice
natural child attach,
the risk of having a scramble
infant are too great.
There is going to be music
The nest was going to be full
of beautiful fresh cut flowers.
And the first 2 faces
he was going to see
were the loving faces of his
mother and his father.
We can never get that moment back.
Ma'am, I never wanted my face
to the first face your the baby saw.
What are we talking about here.
He probably doesn't even remember me.
No, no, no. No.
Shhh, shut up.
Shut up.
Cool it!
Ladies and gentlemen.
Am I a passionate bird?
Guilty as can be.
It was a quality cake.
Look, I worked very hard
to get it there, on time.
And he wouldn't even try it.
Mr. Red.
We are a happy happy bird community.
Under the protection of Mighty Eagle
We work, we play, we laugh.
We love and we live our lives
free from conflict and strife, sir.
We love the sound of our
own voice too, evidently.
Perhaps you've never heard the joke,
"Why don't birds fly?"
I'm going to tell you why.
Because, where else
would we ever want to go?
- Wow. Not a good joke.
- It kills me every time, guys.
So now, what am I
to make of the likes of you.
There seems to be
a recurring issue here.
I don't think I have an anger issue,
I think you got an anger issue.
- Oh.
- Oh.
is a weed growing in our garden.
And what do you do
when you find a weed?
I don't know.
But I bet you're going to tell me.
You pluck it out!
Oh my gosh.
Mr. Red.
When you moved your house
outside of our village,
did you notice that
nobody try to stop you?
Birds, they may smile
at you on the street
but, that doesn't mean
they like you.
Hey, you know what?
I got a question for you.
Are you aware that, that robe
you're wearing isn't fooling anybody?
We all see you prancing
along the street, your Honor.
And, you're what?
And I'm just approximating here.
Like an inch tall!
What are you doing?
- Viola.
- Ah-choo!
- What the?
- Daddy.
Mr. Red, given the
severity of the crimes,
I have no choice but to
impose the maximum penalty
allowed by the law.
Anger management class.
Pluck my life.
- Fresh worms, caught today.
- Huh?
Hey, Red.
How are you?
Oh, I'm horrible.
Oh. Hi, Red.
It's good to see you.
I wish I could
say the same.
- Ups-a-daisy
- Aw! Ow.
Thank you.
- Huh?
- Nm-mm.
- Let's go.
- Oh.
How are you, Suzie?
You good?
No running.
No running.
- Oop.
- Come on.
How's that nap schedule coming along?
Oh boy.
Y'guys ever thought about bird control.
Left, right, left, right,
there you go.
Girlie. Girlie.
You got this.
We don't want you to fall now,
take your time.
Here we go.
That's it.
Oh, you're doing it.
- Seriously?
- I'm almost there.
- Nope.
Birds of a feather
Chicken pose.
Crane pose.
Mighty Might Eagle soaring free.
Defender of our homes and liberty.
Hi, Red.
Is one of those yours?
When birds fly.
Mighty Eagle is a legend.
You think that's funny.
Ha ha ha. This is funny.
Oh oh.
Don't look, Bobby.
The anger might be contagious.
Let's go.
He started it.
There you go.
Oh, look at this.
This is going to be awful.
Okay, I guess that's art.
That's garbage.
And that's,
- Free rage what?
- Oh, hi.
- Hi, there. Welcome...
- Hello.
... to the Infinity Acceptance Group.
- I, am Matilda.
- Okay.
And I'm just super psych to be
taking this journey with you
You're gonna have a blast!
I'm really fun.
Everybody says that about me.
Hey, guys.
Say hello to Red, everyone.
Hi, Red.
Hello, birds I won't
get to know well.
Hey, apparently somebody didn't get
the memo that we like to start on time.
Because you're about 2 minutes late,
don't let it happen again.
Hi, my name is Chuck. I'm sorry
we got off on the wrong foot.
I like you a lot.
I can tell.
Now, Red.
Would you like to share
your story with us?
Not really.
Well, the court mentioned
something about a rage episode
at a child's birthday party.
How long is this class anyway?
As long as you make it.
Oh, okay.
Uh, gentlemen,
very nice to see you.
And uh, almost meet you.
Probably the nicest part of it
is not getting to meet you.
You know,
in some weird away.
So, I'm gonna go ahead and...
scoot on back out, past
those creepy statues and...
Back you go.
Sure. No, I can...
take a seat.
So, in another sense,
you are here until I
notify the court
that your anger issues
have been resolved.
Oh boy.
Share your story with Red.
Me? I'm the last guy
that should be here.
Simple speeding ticket.
Judge tells me
I was going too fast,
So I say, "Your Honor.
To be honest. I was"
You caught me.
I'm not angry. I'm honest.
So, shouldn't I be in an
honesty management class?
'Cause we got to
manage my honesty.
My one problem,
that's a different story
than you told last time.
Bill Beakins
Drinks on me, guys!
Maybe, it wasn't ice cream.
Alright, Chuck.
Thanks, we got it.
And this is Terence.
More like, terrifying
It says here in the little filey.
Terence uh, seems to have an
Now, Bomb's started
with us 2 weeks ago
Tell us your story, Bomb.
Well, sometimes when I get upset,
I... have been known to...
blow up.
So, like uh. Like what?
Like you get mad, you mean.
Well. No.
I literally blow up, okay.
I explode like a bomb.
Hence the name.
- Surprise!
- Surprise!
Excuse me.
Party foul.
- Do it!
- No can do.
I just went boom-boom
before class.
Hey, look.
I don't want to be here and all,
but this can maybe make it
a little more interesting to me.
Please, explode.
- You can't do it, can you?
- Yes, I can.
But, I'm having back issues today,
I'm gonna have to
take a rain check.
Do it!
This is not the time
or place, little amigo.
These guys are all nuts,
huh, big man?
Are we speaking telepathically
or you're just...
Good talk.
Nice chatting with you.
Managing our anger
through movement.
The first pose is
the dancer pose.
Great form, Terence.
Eagle. Parrot.
Peacock? Warrior.
Mountain. Tree. Rabbit.
Fish. Locust. King pigeon.
And of course, downward duck.
- Excuse me, boring heavy lady.
- Uh-huh.
Looks like the exploding
guy's gonna puke.
And have you done this before?
Uh, yes, I have.
But, usually not for free.
- Didn't think so.
- Awesome.
And how are we doing over here, Bomb?
Doing wonderful.
Stretching out the core.
Just remember to breathe,
up to your feathers,
and from your talons.
I don't know what happened
I was doing the poses.
I was feeling all zen.
Matilda was digging it!
Then I lost my grip on it.
I let it slipped and
it just squeaked out.
So, where are we going?
I'm sorry.
Yes, we
There's a new happiness exhibit
at the Museum of Happiness
that I'm dying to see.
Uh, you know what?
I... I mean I got a...
- I got a thing.
- A thing?
Like a disease?
Huh! Is it bird flu?
Chicken pox?
Cardinal sin?
No. By thing, I mean like...
desire not to hang out, with you.
Oh, yeah. Well, may... you know.
Maybe for the best, you know.
Because... I got something too.
How did I forget?
Even if you'd say yes,
I probably couldn't have gone.
I'm busy too,
I have a...
Business offer... deal
that is...
No, Bomb.
You're not good at this, buddy.
It's-It's charming up to a point
and now it's just sad.
It's a guy I know.
And he's opening up a brand new
luxury class reunion.
Okay, good.
Good, good, good.
Looks like it's just us.
Want to go get a bite?
Oh, but what about your class reunion,
where everybody brings a business offer.
Oh. No, no, no.
Chuck, I was lying.
I'm sorry if I've fooled you.
No means no.
I love your eye.
- Hey!
- Huh?
- Get over here!
- Hey, pecker heads.
- What's up?
- Yo.
Hey, man.
- Oh, I felt a peck.
- Whoa.
This is the legendary Mighty Eagle.
Our protector and hero, but
no one has seen him for years.
Mighty Eagle is missing.
When's Mighty Eagle
going to come back.
Eyebrows, didn't your parents
ever tell you,
Mighty Eagle isn't real?
Shhh. He doesn't know that.
He doesn't have parents.
- He does not have parents.
- Yeah, or even friends.
Ah ha!
Say bye to daddy.
- Bye bye!
- Bye bye!
- Goodbye, hatchlings.
- Bye!
- Have a happy day.
- Bye.
- Good morning.
- Morning, your Honor.
Here you go.
- Ah-Choo!
- Bless you.
- Yes!
- Bye, daddy's making dinner.
If my name were Bobby,
would you ask about my hobbies.
- Wow
- Or if my name were Judas,
would you ask me
what my mood is?
I laugh, I cry,
I love, I hate.
I do so much more
than detonate.
Think of it
That was beautiful.
You're gonna make me cry.
Yeah, that was some real
clever symbolism.
Ah! Red, why don't
we hear you poem?
I don't have a poem.
Why not?
Because I didn't write one.
Right, uh-huh.
And, is there a reason?
Well. You know,
I was gonna do it,
but then I thought about it.
and I realized,
"Oh, this is a huge waste of my time."
So I didn't do it.
Deep breath. Deep breath.
And we're back in the now.
- You had your hand up the whole time.
- Um-Hm.
My poem,
is about a hate crimes
- How did it...?
- Oh oh.
Oh no.
A lot of sickos out there.
A lot of sickos.
What? Oh, what
did I make you of?
- I made you out of love.
- Wow.
But, wait. Too late.
Now I see your fate.
Some very troubled somebody
destroyed you out of hate.
What could have made him so despise
your happy smile, your laughing eyes.
Your soul was pure.
Your heart was true.
And someone hated that.
But, who?
Yeah, I deserve that.
Billy has passed
to a high plane of existence.?
Everyone join wings.
Let us,
all say our goodbyes.
Yeah. Let me get in here,
I got to say goodbye...
Okay. You know, I'll just mourn
from back here, that's fine.
You know, if there is one thing
Billy always hated was goodbyes.
- Hey. What's going on there?
- Huh?
Class dismiss.
Very moving.
Come on, everybody.
Let's go!
Where's everybody going?
Hurry, something's coming!
- Last one to the beach is a rotten egg!
- Let's go.
Coming through. Pardon me.
Excuse me.
Let's get down to the beach!
- Follow me.
- Let's get down to the beach.
I didn't mean to photo bomb you,
sorry about it
What is that thing?
It looks like an UFO.
An unidentified floating object.
Stop it.
No, I'm not your daddy.
- What is that?
- Look at the size of that thing.
Where is it going?
I don't know,
but it's not stopping.
My house.
My house.
Slow down!
What the?
That house took me
5 years to build.
It's such a shame when you create
something and someone just destroys it.
Ladies and gentlemen.
- We have a very special guest for you.
- Huh?
- He's a green marine sailing machine.
- Here we go.
And he's king, to let you know,
he's not mean.
Put your wings together for
Thank you very much.
Please hold your applause.
Greetings from my world,
the world of the pigs.
What's a pig?
I am a pig!
Oh, where're we going?
Wrong way.
Not working.
We practiced this a hundred times.
- Oh, man.
- Give it to me.
- Oh.
- We're gonna come in again.
I'm so sorry.
My name is Leonard,
but my friends call me Chuckles.
- Oh, ho ho ho! Very generous.
- Yeah.
- Thank y...
- Oh.
- We mean no harm.
- Aw. Ow.
We saw your island across the sea
and we thought,
"I wonder what they're up to?"
But, there's no other place
besides here.
Yes, there is.
And we are from there.
We call it, Piggy Island.
Oh my gosh.
P-I-GG-Y Island.
Who else is out there?
My first officer, Ross and I
have sailed everywhere.
One brave soul against the sea,
and Ross.
Ah, excuse me.
Have you come to smash
all of our houses or just mine?
- Oh, man.
- Ho ho. Somebody want a gift basket.
Please. Please.
Don't be afraid.
My partner and I request
the honor of your friendship.
- Ross, show them how'd we do it.
- Oh?
Don't worry, he's always shy.
- Well, I'll say now.
- Hi! Uhh!
Hi, friends.
Oh, not a hugger.
Welcome to Bird Island.
Welcome to our new friends,
the Pigs.
- Let us have a celebration!
- Put it there!
- Welcome
- Oh.
And a hoof to a wing.
We would like to honor the pig's
with a special performance.
Oh, watch out.
Shaking my bacon.
They don't have feathers?
You know, they're just walking around
naked just presenting themselves.
I'm looking at all
their business here.
That part about them,
I really admire.
Now we would like to welcome
our special guest, the PIGS!
- Yay.
- Alright.
Thank you for your kindness
and hospitality.
- Our king sends his warmest regards.
- King?
You have shared with us the wonders
of your quaint simple little island.
Drop the banner, Ross!
Now, we would love to humbly share
some of the wonders of our world.
Ha! Yeah.
Humble my bird butt.
100 years from now,
everyone will ask,
"How do the friendship between
the pigs and the birds start?"
Who cares!
- Oh no.
- Hey.
Well, let them say us,
"We lite up the night!"
Holy moley!
Hey, look. They destroyed more of
the stuff we worked hard to build.
But, there's more!
- More?
Has gravity gone haywire?
No! Even better, your friends,
the pigs, proudly give you...
- The trampoline!
- Oh.
Those are my assistance.
- Oinky and John Ham!
- Hello.
Hey, hold on a second. I thought there's
only suppose to be 2 of these guys.
What goes?
Look at those jiggly pigglies!
But, that's not all, throwing things
just got a whole lot easier.
Say hello to...
- "The Slingshot!"
- Ta-da!
- I can't see.
- This is crazy.
- Tired of carrying things from place to place?
- Yeah!
Wish you could just get it there?
- Yeah!
- Yeah!
Well, now you can!
- Waiters, do me a favor.
- Huh!
- Take the rest of the night off.
- Okay.
Hey, if you got the night off
why don't you fix my house.
It's the same guy.
Well, the slingshot does it all
in 3 easy steps.
- Fire!
- I got it.
- Follow them fish!
- Me! Me! I want fruit!
Guys. It's the same fruit sitting
on the plates in front of you.
And now, for our
last gift to you.
Shut up and fix my house!
We don't know him.
I'm going to ask for a volunteer
from the audience.
- Me!
- Me!
Who should I pick?
- Who, who, who.
- Pick me, Mr. Pig.
How about the red guy,
with the enormous eyebrows?
- Aw.
- Ha ha ha ha.
- Me?
- Mm-hm.
Oh. No, no, no, no.
Yes, you sir. Come on
up here it's your lucky day.
Are you sure you don't
want to choose
one of the 100s of birds
that had their wings up?
- Get him up here!
- Come on, Red. Have some fun!
- Go!
- Go!
Oh, he's shy.
You hear that?
They're cheering for you!
You got to be kidding me.
Red guy with the eyebrows!
I would have sat closer
had I known.
that I was going to be
part of the show.
- Okay. Now what?
- Come on, give him a hand.
Right this way, come on.
Relax, deep breathe.
Who? Me?
Yeah. No. I'm ready.
- Aim!
- Aim at what?
Everybody on this one.
- Fire!
- Fire!
Who says birds don't fly
This seems really unnatural!
- Huh!
- Aw. I hope he's okay.
Hey, don't worry.
I'm fine.
Thanks for the lift!
I wished they would have
done that 10 minutes ago.
You know you want to
search their boat.
No, I don't.
Yeah, you're right, I do.
Bomb's on his way.
Mm. Mmm.
Come on.
Let's go!
And remember, keep it quiet.
Oh, yeah.
This is an impressive ship.
Shh. No. Inside voice.
Inside voice. Come on.
Piggy fitness.
- Mm?
- Nmm?
Very strange.
- Huh?
- Aw!
Who are these weirdos?
What are you doing,
we're trying to sneak around.
We didn't rent this place out.
Wow, you can rent this place?
- Hm.
- Give me that!
- Huh!
- Huh!
Hey, guys!
Looks like there's some more
stuff down here.
We were hiding.
When I say "Hey."
You say "Ho."
- Hey!
- Ho!
- Hey!
- Ho!
- Hey!
- Ho!
There's more of them!
- Hey!
- Ho...!
That's right.
I'm back, uh-huh.
Enjoying the party, everyone?
Because while you were living it up,
I snuck up onto their boat.
- What!
- What did he say?
And look at what I found.
There's more of them!
Than we thought.
Which is uh... mysterious and weird.
Am I right?
Ho ho ho ho.
Ho ho.
- How're you doing?
- Oh.
You remember. He said there
were only 2 pigs on board,
- but he was obviously lying.
- Hmm.
Oh, and there's strange
devices on their boat!
So clearly there's... you know,
some messed up stuff going on here.
How messed up?
I don't know
What's specifically?
I don't know either.
Any questions?
You snuck onto their boat?
You know.
I don't need a award.
If you guys are trying to think of
what honor to bestow upon me
- Don't need it.
- Boo!
Yeah, boo them.
- Boo.
- Boo.
- You're booing them or me?
- You.
Oh, it's me.
Perhaps, I can explain.
You see, my cousins
are simple folk.
A, B, C...
See, nothing.
I didn't want to risk their lives
until I found out that the...
the new world was safe.
We were gonna put on
a cowboy show for you.
Let her go, boys!
- Ha ha, yeah!
- Yoo!
. . ..
- That was Pigleand.
- Oh.
But perhaps,
it wasn't meant to be.
I believe that birds and pigs
are meant to be friends.
But if we crossed boundaries
that were not meant to be crossed...
- Oh.
- Oh.
Mr. Red,
you shamed not only yourself,
but our entire community.
Oh, I think you messed up there.
You said shamed when
you meant saved, right?
I sent you to treatment
to deal with your problems.
Clearly, more treatment is required.
- No!
- No!
Do not trouble
our honored guests again!
My friends, we would love
to see your cowboy show.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
Come on, everybody!
Put your hands together!
- Woo-Hoo!
- Yeah!
Don't listen to me.
Body train coming through.
Ah! I can't see.
I can't see.
- This is fun!
- Piggyback rides?
Let's move it there.
Oh boy.
Group picture.
Group picture.
Everybody say cheese.
- Cheese.
- ... omelet.
- Cheese omelet.
Spoiler alert.
- Hello.
- Jump!
- I am famish... Whoa.
- It's chow time!
Hanging tough through thick and thin.
What the heck?
Who invited you to move in?
Hey! Whoa!
That's my toothbrush.
Get it out!
- Woo!
- Yee-haw!
Alright, class.
Thought for the day.
"Water is the softest thing,
yet it can penetrate
mountains and earth.
Here's my thought of the day,
"When are we done?"
What the caterpillar calls the end,
the world calls a butterfly.
Can I just say, I never understand
a single thing you are talking about.
Wow, that's very life like.
Ha ha!
- Woo. Ho ho ho.
- So deep.
And Terence, let's see your...
Oh, my goodness.
I did not know
you felt that way.
Class dismiss.
And now, we've come
to the prestigious Palm Cistern.
Where birds of all feathers
flock together
for the 8 kinds of
fruit and nut trees.
Suck those bellies in.
Is that what I think it is?
That's an egg.
That's how our children are born.
You guys don't lay eggs?
Wished we did.
You look delicious, my dear.
That's us.
Hey! Hello!
Excuse me. Buddy?
Those are fragile.
Maybe you shouldn't pick them up, alright?
Not yours.
My friend from the banquet.
Now that's a very good painting.
Very good.
Yeah uh.
The assignment was, "Paint your pain."
So I... painted your pain.
It's actually the first
in a series.
- Here you go.
- Uh-huh.
- This one is nice.
- Oh.
I call this one, "Ketosis."
And, oh, I call this one,
"Bye bye."
Wonderful likeness.
I thought you said you stored
your nuts for winter
- Ha ha ha...
- Burn.
Alright, what's going on here?
Are you explorers
or are you staying?
Because if you are explorers, then
why are there more of you coming, huh?
Hi there, everybody!
Not my house again.
Tha-That's my home.
And you know what?
If you are staying,
why don't you just say so?
And why did you leave your home?
How do we know you're not
fugitives of the law?
You are making our guests
feel unwelcome.
And you're not asking
basic questions!
Maybe I wasn't clear enough.
Your opinion is not needed!
Why do we have to agree?
Why does it matter that
we're not the same?
Anger, is not always the answer!
Continue the tour.
Surfs up, you guys.
- So, get ready to hang loose.
- That went well, if you're me.
Ha ha ha...
We could really use you
right about now.
Hey, Chuck.
It's Red, zip on down here.
Oh. Hey, Chuck's mom,
can your son come out to play?
All of this, does not
just happen on it's own.
Oh, hey.
Just taking a shower.
- Bomb, buddy, TMI.
- Ah ha ha!
Now, I'm telling you.
Something isn't kosher with these pigs.
And it's up to us
to figure it out.
Figure what out exactly?
I don't know.
Maybe they are just being innovative.
- Go ahead.
- All aboard.
It does seem a little odd though.
- Weee!
- Nailed it.
Come on. Does none of this
seem wrong to you guys?
I'll tell you this, if anyone knows
what these pigs are up to,
- Hey!
- it's Mighty Eagle.
Oh yeah.
Take that, tree.
Eat my foot.
Yum yum yum.
Hello, Bird Island!
Mighty Eagle xo
- Heh heh, you're welcome.
- Does Mighty Eagle still live?
- Did he ever lived.
And if he did live,
where would he live?
By the Lake of Wisdom
in the ancient tree.
It's a fairy tale.
I've run all over this island,
where could that possibly be?
Way up high.
It's a long up that mountain,
and if I'm being honestly...
Well. I mean, you know,
I can kind of use your help.
What's that?
What are you trying to say?
Nothing. I was just saying that I can
you know, I can use your help.
Oh. I'm sorry, I couldn't quite
hear you over your ego.
Could you enunciate
that last word a little bit.
I need your help!
Why didn't you say so?
- Bomb?
- Let's... do it!
Oh gosh.
If there is a Mighty Eagle,
well, how come we don't
ever hear his battle cry?
- I don't know.
- Maybe we have.
What would a Mighty Eagle
battle cry sound like?
You know what?
I think I got an idea.
Maybe it's something like...
That's more like...
That's theoretically what
it's more like, scientifically.
Oh, I got one.
Not bad.
It's a good impression.
But, in my head, I'm kind of
imagining something more like a...
That sounds about right.
No. I'm thinking it maybe
it's a little bit more subtle.
Like a little bit,
just more majestic like...
- I'm cAlling for yOu!
- I'm coming foR You so OpeN your door!
Stop making Mighty Eagle noises!
It's like running a nursery.
Absolute childcare.
Someone has anger issues.
This uh.
This is the wrong mountain.
My calves are killing me.
- Oh, wow.
- Whoa.
That is simply unreal.
The Lake of Wisdom.
What are you guys waiting for?
Guys, hurry up!
This is what Mama talked about.
Ah. Be honest.
Do I sound any wiser?
Oh, way wiser.
You were kind of dumb before,
I can say that now.
That water is no joke.
I can literally taste the
intelligence and wisdom...
- ... circulating through my body now.
- Hey, guys. Nobody's here.
I mean, nobody's used
this place in years.
What are you doing?
Get out of there!
Don't spit in his mouth!
No, don't spit it back!
Uh, don't swallow it.
Get out. Let's go.
Come on.
Shh, shh, Bomb.
Take your time, will you.
I found the meaning of life.
- It's...
- Shut your worm hole!
Oh, wow, it's him.
Oh man.
No, no, no.
Horrible turn of events, horrible.
Not so much the Lake of Wisdom,
it's more like the Lake of Wizz.
Did you just come here
to look at me?
Or did you have
something to say?
- I think he saw us.
- Oh, you think so?
You have passed the first test!
You have found me.
- Whoa!
- Look out. Whoa!
Gaze upon.
Mighty Eagle!
I see all and know all.
- What are your names?
- If you know all,
why don't you know where we are?
I know very well
who you are.
You are lost souls, who have
come here, seeking wisdom.
- Whoa!
- Can we have some?
Wisdom is not something
that is given.
It is something that is...
No no no...
Will I help you attain wisdom?
- Whoa! Ha ha!
- Yes!
That, I will do.
Right. So, the reason we've climbed
the mountain is that we want to know...
- Prepare!
- Okay.
... to have your minds Blown.
Son of a...
This guy is good.
Welcome, to the Hall of Heroism.
It's really amazing to meet you.
You know, I actually
have your poster up uh...
You might want to shield your eyes
from the sprinkle of those trophies.
How many?
I have no idea.
Countless, I'm sure.
Wow. This is way nicer than
my Hall of Wimpiness.
Bring it home, mamacita.
Get out of town.
Ha ha ha ha!
What the?
Those are some
old school moves there.
So, he's kind of a wackadoodle.
That, you know,
it doesn't mean he's not wise.
Hey. Are you tired of filling
your balloons with heavy old air?
Finally, there's a better way.
- Helium.
- Helium.
It's a gas.
Don't worry about your balloon.
It will just land in the ocean.
The fish love it.
It's good for their tummy.
Free party.
Free party.
It's going to be the
piggiest party of the year.
Get a bird sitter.
Let's go, piggies.
Well now, that,
is some fine handy work.
- Hey, judge, you're under arrest.
- What?
For looking too good.
What about me?
Do I get a plus one?
Oh! Thank you.
Let me see.
Let me see.
Oh, that was a wet one.
- Ooo.
- Ooo.
- Ahh!
- Ahh!
Almost there.
Don't rush me.
- Oop. Slow down there.
- Deep breath. Deep breath.
And we're back.
And now...
Who's ready for trust falls?
- I got you.
- No no no no no.
Mighty Mighty Eagle soaring free.
Defender of our homes and liberty.
Bravery, humility, and honesty.
You must have grown up
singing this song in school.
- Yes, we did.
- Um. Right. Yeah.
Mighty, Mighty Eagle, rescue me.
Now you do the second verse.
- Uh. I.. I...
- Come on.
- Me?
- Yes.
Do it.
- Mighty, Mighty Eagle flap your wings.
- Oh yeah!
And fill up your big cave
with all your fancy things.
That's it.
- Politeness, Good sportsmanship.
- That's no me.
- and the long attention span.
- What?
Mighty, Mighty Eagle, yeah.
Take it away, Charles.
Oh great heroic Mighty Eagle.
With finer plumage
- ... than a sea gull.
- Oh, sing it.
Ambidexterity, pottery,
- ... and bankruptcy
- Ouch.
Mighty, Mighty Eagle...
Harmonize. Harmonize.
- Rescue me.
- Rescue me.
You know it better than me.
So, anyway, the other day,
these pigs showed up out of nowhere.
And, it caused me
a great deal of suspicion.
And he's walking
out of the room.
I don't get this.
This guy sits here on
his butt, all alone.
clearly doesn't leave the house.
He talk's a good game, but, he
doesn't care about anyone but himself.
Sounds a lot like you.
Oh good.
Thank you for your opinion, Chuck.
Well, hello.
- Hello. Mighty Eagle.
- What?
- What are you doing?
- Uh.
- I am bird watching.
- What?
- Ah.
- Take a peek.
- Oh you're disgusting
- Oh yeah.
Are you gonna help us or not?
- I am helping you!
- No. This is you helping.
Looking through binoculars.
Spying on old ladies.
Whoa, whoa.
What is that?
Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.
Oh my.
I was right.
I was right.
I knew it!
Bomb, Chuck, hurry up!
Get out here!
Oh oh.
Mighty Eagle, hey.
Fly us down there, now.
- No.
- I'm sorry. What?
I don't do that anymore.
I'm retired.
Mostly just tired.
Go handle it yourself.
This is everything
I've prepared you for.
Prepared us for?
Hold on.
Did I missed something?
Let me just go through
my notes really quick. Let's see.
Crazy stuff, bragging,
crazy stuff, karaoke.
No. See, I don't see
anything useful here.
The whole world,
everyone we know, is in danger.
Yes, it is.
- So, off you go.
- Hey. You know what?
I used to believe in you.
When I was a kid, I believed
nothing really bad could ever happen
because you were here.
And now I see the fate of
the world hangs on idiots like me.
And that, sir,
is sort of terrifying.
It's time for you to go.
You know, it's really upsetting to me
that you're the only bird that can fly.
And you're too afraid to do it.
- Huh!
- Huh?
Hey, guys. Come on, let's go.
We're done here. He's no hero.
So, uh, I'm having
a party next Tuesday.
Could you just
do a little pop in?
Come on, run faster!
- Whoa!
- Ah!
- Ow. Ow. Ow.
- Whoa!
Come on. Come on. Come on.
Let's go!
- Woo!
- Yeah!
- Woo.
- Woo.
I love this song.
I sentence you all
to 4 hours of hard partying.
Watch out below!
- Huh?
- Huh?
- Huh! They're taking the eggs!
- Follow them.
Oh man.
Right on time. Excellent.
Ah ha ha... !
Chuck, go shut
that party down, now!
Ee. But I only know
how to get party started.
- Go!
- On it.
- Bomb, we got to stop them.
- Yeah!
Got to get more speeeeed!
It's Chuck time!
Get to the ship!
Can everybody please stop partying?
There are eggs being stolen!
Matilda, we need your help.
- The pigs are stealing our eggs!
- What?
- I'm airborne!
- We have to get back to the village!
Stop dancing and start running!
Hors d'oeuvres, my weakness.
Come on, let's wrap it up.
- We got to get the eggs off the ship!
- Yeah, let's go!
- Is everyone on board?
- Let's go. Let's go!
Use the trampolines!
Can you get up there?
We got an intruder!
What the heck are they doing?
Untie the ropes.
Drop the eggs in the water.
Get rid of them.
Get him off of there.
It's too strong,
I can't break it.
Bomb, blow off the chain.
Knock them down!
Come on, Bomb.
You can do this.
Come on, Bomb.
You got this.
- Blow up.
- You got to get me mad.
Okay. Well then,
what makes you mad?
Try insulting me
on a personal level.
Oh, oh, uh.
Your poetry stinks!
You're just a bad poet.
And you know it!
Oh. I know.
I know!
Who wants a birdie bath?
Oh. I'm sorry, Red.
I couldn't do it.
Don't give up.
This isn't over!
Thanks for your hospitality.
- Ha ha ha... !
- Yeah.
Set sail for Piggy Island!
- Huh!
- Huh!
Oh no!
We'll find them
They're all gone.
Shh, shh.
It's okay.
Mr. Red!
What do we do now?
Wait, hold on.
You're asking me?
You knew.
You try to tell us.
But we didn't listen.
I didn't hear
Red, we need a leader.
- What do we do now?
- What do we do?
Wait a minute.
I'm not a leader.
Okay. Pigs stole our kids.
That sucks.
Made all you guys looked like idiots.
You know what we got to do?
We start replacing those kids.
Ladies, get busy!
We're going to be laying
some eggs tonight!
No. No, stop.
No no no...
We're not going to
replace those kids.
- We're gonna get them back.
- How are we going to do that?
What do you mean how?
The pigs already showed us how.
That, is where they went!
And, so that,
is where we are going!
But how do we get from here
to there?
I'm not aquatic,
in the least.
You know
We're gonna build our own boat.
- Huh?
- What are you talking about?
They stole your kids.
No. They stole our kids.
I mean, who does that?
Have you ever stolen
any one's children?
Have you?
I mean, you look like you would.
And you know what?
I'm a little bit angry.
I'm really angry.
And I don't think
I'm the only one.
Come on, we're birds!
We're descendants from dinosaurs!
We're not supposed to be nice!
Yeah, point-point made.
- Who else here is angry?
- I! -I!
- I am.
- Yeah, you are!
We're getting our kids back,
and I don't need any
- ... calm, detach, happy birds.
- No.
Not going to help us.
Don't need it.
I need some angry flocking birds.
You hear me!
Now, who's angry!
- Yeah!
- Angry!
Well, let's go!
Bring me everything that floats.
Yeah. Yeah.
That's perfect, yeah.
With every single feather
of my being,
I am not going to let any of these
eggs be taken from their parents.
Chuck, I need you to
tie those crates together.
You got it.
- Done, and done.
- Uh. A little help here?
Let's go!
Move it, everybody!
- Push with your upper body.
- Put your back into it.
I have no upper body!
Darn good for a bunch of birds.
- Whoa! Whoa!
- Yay!
Go Leonard!
When I say, "Eat the".
You say, "eggs."
- Eat the.
- Eggs!
Wow, what a reception.
Alright, snouts up!
My, it's a snout staircase.
Who thinks of that?
Welcome home,
King Mudbeard!
My father, and my father's father,
and my weird Aunt Chloe,
have all searched for the eggs.
But only I,
- King Mudbeard, have found them.
- Oh. My pom-poms.
I present to you,
the EGGS!
Say goodbye to Harvey.
- A feast!
- Huh!
I proclaim a feast!
2 nights heads.
- Whoa!
- Whoa!
- I cholesterol!
- Let's EAT.
Let's go make some omelets!
Oh. I feel a little nervous inside,
but that's normal, right?
Yeah, I think so.
Uh. Anybody else got
butterflies in the stomach?
Probably because you ate
too many caterpillars.
Drop your nuts
and move your butts!
Come on, let's go!
- Oh no.
- Whoa.
I wasn't expecting this.
Hold on a second.
That guy is the king?
He's got to have the eggs
with him in the castle.
- What the heck is a castle?
- And that's where we're going.
Hey, guys. Do you remember
everything you learned in my class?
- Yep.
- Nope.
- What class?
- Well, forget all of it for now.
Now it's time to let loose.
Oh good.
Because I never learn anything anyway.
Oh, me neither.
I actually just came to socialize.
I came for the snacks.
You don't happen to have
any of it now, do you?
Deep breath. Deep breath.
How are we going to
get over those walls?
I'll tell you how.
We're gonna fly.
The goal is the castle.
Get to the castle.
Who wants to go first?
- Over here!
- I do!
- Me. Me. Me.
- Hey. Alright, Matilda.
Always a brides-space.
Step right up.
Keep your wings, legs and beak
- inside the slingshot at all times.
- Shoot it!
And one,
and a whoa...
Take that, porkers!
Boom, baby, boom!
Well, how about that? My teacher
can shoot fireballs out of her butt.
You, what's your name?
I've seen you do something
strange before, right?
Well, let's see.
- I'm really good at...
- It doesn't matter. Launch him.
Oh, this guys looks good.
He's gonna make it.
This is incredible.
We're witnessing history right now.
No, he's coming back.
- He's coming, duck.
- Whoa whoa whoa...
Get down.
Whoa whoa whoa...
Did we win?
Uh, no.
Not quite yet, buddy.
Uh, we're still tied.
Hey, can we get an ice pack for Hal?
- Medic!
- Alright. Who's up next!
Whoa whoa whoa...
What can you do?
- Uh... Yuck.
- Uh, need a tissue?
Calvin Swine.
Who's next?
We need flyers, not standbyers!
Let's go!
You go out there and you show them
how frightening mimes can be.
Oh my gosh!
We're having a feast.
We're eating the eggs.
Going to have a big feast.
Going to eat all the eggs.
- What is that?
- Whoa!
That guy again.
- Citizens of Pig Island.
If you spot any birds
destroying your neighbourhood,
- please capture them.
- What did he say?
There's been a change of plan.
We will eat the eggs for lunch.
Did he say eat the eggs?
Okay. I want you to curl up
into a little ball, alright?
- Make yourself aerodynamic.
- Like this?
To the left!
To the left!
- Let me at em!
- Launch!
Don't mess with Bubbles!
- Get him!
- Heat pile. Hog pile.
Wow, that blows.
Uh, in a good way.
- To the left!
- Oh. Hold on, wait.
My left of your left?
My left is your left.
We are facing the same direction.
Good call.
Just look where the last bird went
and adjust from there.
- I got this you guys.
- Alright.
She got far,
but not far enough.
- Get her out of our town!
- Oh oh.
We have to get closer.
Judge power!
Trial by fire!
No, literally he's on fire right now.
Can somebody please help him?
Mighty Eagle!
I got an idea.
Do you think you can pull
the slingshot back far enough
to hit that giant boulder?
Okay. Launch me right towards
the top of that thing.
Red, I'm not going to lie to you.
I am...
... going to miss you
when you die.
Rest in peace, my friend.
Rest in peace.
Hey, guys.
Let's not get cheesy, okay?
This is gonna hurt.
What was that?
- My roof!
- Oh oh.
- Did he make it?
- I hope he's okay.
- I'm in!
- Yeah. I knew he would make it.
Send everyone else!
There's a red bird in these walls.
Bring him to me.
- Aye aye, sir.
- Roger that, boss.
Not in these walls.
In the castle!
Come on, you guys.
Here, pretty bird.
Here, pretty bird.
Transport the eggs!
Launch me exactly the same way
you did for Red...!
I wasn't ready!
Uh, faster!
Chuck, is that you?
Is this the house of horrors?
I got to be honest.
You look a little... fine.
- You look fine, come on.
- Bomb's on his way.
Ah! Ha!
Call in the Piggy Air Force!
What is that?
My loyal subjects.
The treacherous birds
have repaid our friendship
with an unprovoked act of aggression!
The attack will fail!
We have glass! We have wood!
We have TNT.
We tried to kill them with kindness
and now we're just gonna have to...
Well, you know.
Who's gonna go next?
Aim for that ram.
- Yes.
- Yeah!
- Terence.
- Terence.
Get them!
- No.
- What happened?
No eggs in here.
No. Nope. No. No.
Hey! Whoa.
I'm on this.
Never mind.
Backup engine.
Whoa whoa whoa whoa.
Wait. Hold on a second.
Wait, I know that rear end.
That's Bomb.
Yeah. Chuck, that's not his rear end.
That's his face, man.
- Sorry, Bomb.
- No problem.
It's a shaky week.
Thanks for getting me out.
- We want egg!
- We want egg!
He was sick.
But, then he got cured.
No eggs in... huh!
Ooo, these are clever pigs.
Okay, look. I'm gonna run up
and tackle the pig on the left.
Bomb, you can handle too.
Chuck, I don't know if you can help?
We got to figure out a way
to get into that room...
... room
Anyone have any bright ideas?
- Uh. Huh?
- You are gonna pay for that.
What just happened?
Oh, I'm sorry.
You were saying.
And here we are?
We found them!
Oh oh.
Oh, come on
- Red!
- Guys, come on!
Quick, follow him.
Things are looking sunny side up!
Guys, I'm here.
Everything is going to be okay.
- We are gonna get you out of here.
- Hurry up, Bomb!
- Come on!
- I'm coming!
Don't lose me!
Goodness, they made a harem!
Oh boy.
- We want egg!
- We want egg!
What is he doing up there?
This is a civilize buffet.
Don't hatch now.
Do not hatch now.
Get that red skank off my eggs.
- Hey!
- Oh man
- Bomb, are you okay?
- Oh, I've been better.
I'm going to get
a running start!
- It's show time!
- Oh.
Boil him too!
Let's pig out.
Looks like it's just
you and me, pork belly!
I'll be taking that!
Whoa, whoa.
- Hey? Oh.
- No!
- We're coming.
- Deep breath.
Ow! I'm in!
Classy joint.
- Huh!
- Where is everyone?
- Mighty Eagle. Where's he going?
I can't believe
I'm about to do this.
Oh, my battle cry?
Coming in.
Coming in.
Mighty Eagle!
Oh oh.
Mighty-Mighty Eagle.
Might Eagle, wake up, come on.
Oh, that's bad breath.
I can sleep late, Mom.
It's not a school day.
Throw him in the pot too.
I'll have the big turkey.
- Red!
- What!
- Huh!
- Whoa! What did I miss.
- You got to fly those eggs to safety.
- I got this.
Here we go!
- Whoa. Whoooaaa.
- Yes! Yes. Yes!
My eggs!
- Don't forget Chuck and Bomb.
- Who?
- Those guys.
- Right. Right.
Got you.
You're not getting away that easy.
- Save yourselves.
- Hold on, Red!
- I'm gonna save that egg.
- Red, don't be a hero.
- Red, no.
- No!
- Get out of town, everybody.
- Whoa.
There's just so many of them,
we're outnumbered.
How many?
Oh, not that many.
Just the right amount really.
No need to look back.
Just keep flying.
- I'll take that!
- No, you won't!
Give me that!
You just don't know
when to stop, do you?
Here's a 2 word answer,
Looks like your little
slingshot game ends here.
- Give me that!
- Not going to happen!
Oh no.
Get out of my way.
- Every pig for himself.
- I quit!
- Whoa!
- Whoa!
I know what I got to do.
I got to blow up that ram.
And that would be a good plan
if you were good at blowing up.
I need to stop those planes!
Remember me, Chuck.
Remember me.
Bomb's away!
- Oh, hi there.
- Here, chicky chicky chicky.
This little piggy popped!
This little piggy exploded.
And this little piggy went
wee, wee, wee,
"I want my mother!"
Come on, Bomb,
you can you do this!
Blow up.
Blow up.
- Oh oh.
- Ah ha ha ha!
Oh no.
Think explosive thoughts.
Surprise parties!
Yoga poses!
I blew up, on purpose.
You're wrecking my house.
What's wrong with you?
- You wrecked my house!
- Your house was ugly!
Well, now we're even.
Guys, look out!
Everyone, stand back!
Put on your seat belts, everyone.
Trust me.
This is dynamite.
There you are.
Not by the hair on
my chinny-chin-chin!
Delicious bird eggy wiggy.
You can't eat eggs!
What are you going to do?
I'm a foodie.
It's over.
You're finished, eyebrows.
Ah ha ha ha...!
Anger, is not always the answer!
Well, you know what,
I guess you win.
That was an awesome plan.
Mind blower.
Well, thank you.
You know, a lot of hard work
goes in my sinister plans.
It does.
No, I mean your plan was great.
But you didn't plan for THIS!
You have annoyed me
for the last time.
- It's them!
- Look at that.
Are you seeing
what I am seeing?
- It's Mighty Eagle.
- It's him!
Well. This guy looks
nothing like his statue.
- Honey.
- Our eggs!
- Are you okay?
- Chuck, my man.
- Did you see what I did back there?
- Yeah.
This egg is a splitting image of you.
There, safe and sound.
- Oh!
- Huh!
- Where is he?
- Red.
Where is he?
I think he might be dead.
- He's alive!
- He's alive!
- Oh!
- What?
- Yeah!
- Oh ho ho!
I'm glad you're alive.
I thought you died
or defected to the pig's side.
- Hey, buddy, way to not be dead.
- Oh.
- It's good to see you guys.
- Come on.
- Yay!
- Yay!
- Yeah.
- Oh.
- Glad you're back!
- You did it, great job!
- You're the bird!
I think these belong to you.
Thank you.
Oh, Crimson, Woody, Ash.
- Who?
- Is he talking to us?
You learn your lessons well.
Come on, bring it in.
I'm not the really affectionate type.
Does it feel like this is
crossing the line, anyone else?
- Yep.
- No.
- You're my prize pupils.
- Your prize what?
Ho ho, don't you see?
I had to make you
lose faith in me.
So you can learn to have
faith in yourself.
- That's not really how it felt.
- Tell them, Rosie.
Yeah. I don't think
that's what happened, man.
Oh look, he's blushing.
I'm not blushing,
I'm just red.
Okay, who wants an autograph?
Go get him.
Hoist it up.
- Grand reopening.
- Gets your worms now.
Well done indeed.
Is that you right there, Red?
Aw, really?
No, they didn't have to...
Oh. Yeah.
That's funny. I don't remember
crying on my knees like that.
But, you know,
it's nice.
Look at that.
They gave Mighty Eagle all the credit.
They made him look so much
more handsome than you.
You know,
back when I was angry.
That would have
really ticked me off.
Ah, forget about that.
You know what we should do?
Let's go to the village.
- Let's do it.
- No. Actually I love to go...
... hang out with you guys.
But you know I got this thing.
And I have another thing
after that thing
- and there's all these things in a row.
- Would you look at that.
What the?
Mr. Red.
Welcome back, to the village.
Mighty Mighty Red
You rescued me.
Defender of our homes and liberty.
Bravery. Humility. Angery
Mighty Mighty Red
You Rescued Me
lalalalaa laalala lalalalaa
Oh my gosh.
How did you guys find
the time to pull this off?
This is why we went to
go get pedicure, isn't it?
Nope. We got pedicures
because we are worth it.
- I got gels.
- You guys are something else.
To be honest with you,
I'm going to miss the beach view.
But, so what.
It's still there.
It's just not... right there when
I wake up and look out my window.
Well, you can still look out your
window and see me and Bomb.
So you know,
pluses and minuses.
Okay, see you later.
- Well, this just got awkward.
- That's really insensitive.
Want to go get a bite?
Forget it, let's just go home.
Guys, I'm just messing with you.
Get in here!
- Ha ha ha ha! I knew it!
- Let's be roomies.
Room mates. Boy, I can't wait
to make a chores list.
- Wait, hold on a second.
- I'll move my nest into the master bedroom.
- Bomb, you can stay in the guest half.
- No no no...
- Ah! Can we get a bunk nest?
- Oh, this is going to be perfect.
Whoa whoa whoa whoa.
Guys... No!
Oh yeah.
Moving out.
Watch this.
Coming right at you.
Oh yeah.
Come on, Leonard.
Leonard can't dance.
He's hatching a new plan.
Okay, maybe I'll dance
for just a sec.
- Woo!
- Yee-haw!
- Show them what you got, Red.
- Bomb, uh-uh.
- Come on, Red stuff.
- Nope.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Nice try.
There you go.
What are we doing?
Watch out!
- Whoa!
- Whoa!
Come on. Come on.
Oh, boy. Come on.
Let's go. Let's go, buddy.
Come on. Come on.
We got to move. We got to move.
Yes, yes, yes...
No, no, no...
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
Egg! Egg!
Got you.
Ow. Ow. Ow.
Ow. Ow.
I don't like it!
I don't like it!
I'm flying.
No, still can't fly.
Notta dodbly leees.
(Not the top of my list.)
Bottom feeder.
Up... and over.
No, no, no...
Look, it's okay.
I'm just a clown.
Oh boy.
That's loud.
You're loud.
You're... very scared of me.
Here, come here.
No? Okay. No, never mind.
Happy Hatchday.
Hi, pal.
You must be so disappointed
in yourself for being this late.
Oh, no.
No. No, no, no.
I'm not late.
Look at the time.
The order said, "Before noon."
Now, you're late.
- What?
- Where have you been?
- It's funny you ask. I was...
- You missed the party.
- What is that?
- Oh, that.
Uh, yes.
I fell on the box.
Oh, the squirrel.
That's on us.
You know, I tried to keep my body
between the ground and the box,
No, I think I got a little bruise.
You see anything back there?
Hear that, honey?
The clown we paid
to be here an hour ago,
fell on our son's hatchday cake.
That's why our son's hatchday
party is ruined.
- Oh.
- And the next time you messed up.
Don't tell me a story.
Just take responsibility.
Hey, man.
It wasn't a story.
I'm a screw up
that woke up late
and fell on the thing
you paid for!
It wasn't a story,
I almost drown.
Why don't we just settle this out
and say the cake's on you.
I'm sorry.
It's on me?
Well, who else will it be on?
Well, you know, I...
I'm not sure you're
going to like this.
but, since you asked.
Rather than being on me
as you suggested.
This cake...
... is on YOU!
So, you want to hear a story?
I run my butt off,
literally, mind you.
To get the "gluten free cake."
What the heck is gluten?
I mean, does gluten even exist?
Who are you?
- Get out of here!
- Already.
But, you're the only one
that has cake.
Oh, that's good stuff.
Anybody want to eat some cake
off their dad or husband?
Who needs plates when
you got this guy's face, right?
Oh, oh, oh, mm.
Oh, wait. I almost forgot.
You know, I'm suppose to do a
quick customers satisfaction survey
before I... weet weet split, okay.
So, on a scale of 1 to 3 stars,
what would you say
about my performance.
And don't forget,
the squirrel was...
... free
- Sorry about this.
- No!
My bad.
- Huh?
- Oh...!
It's a boy.
- Eyebrows.
- Eyebrows.
- Eyebrows.
- Eyebrows.
Your Honor.
Our family has always practice
natural child attach,
the risk of having a scramble
infant are too great.
There is going to be music
The nest was going to be full
of beautiful fresh cut flowers.
And the first 2 faces
he was going to see
were the loving faces of his
mother and his father.
We can never get that moment back.
Ma'am, I never wanted my face
to the first face your the baby saw.
What are we talking about here.
He probably doesn't even remember me.
No, no, no. No.
Shhh, shut up.
Shut up.
Cool it!
Ladies and gentlemen.
Am I a passionate bird?
Guilty as can be.
It was a quality cake.
Look, I worked very hard
to get it there, on time.
And he wouldn't even try it.
Mr. Red.
We are a happy happy bird community.
Under the protection of Mighty Eagle
We work, we play, we laugh.
We love and we live our lives
free from conflict and strife, sir.
We love the sound of our
own voice too, evidently.
Perhaps you've never heard the joke,
"Why don't birds fly?"
I'm going to tell you why.
Because, where else
would we ever want to go?
- Wow. Not a good joke.
- It kills me every time, guys.
So now, what am I
to make of the likes of you.
There seems to be
a recurring issue here.
I don't think I have an anger issue,
I think you got an anger issue.
- Oh.
- Oh.
is a weed growing in our garden.
And what do you do
when you find a weed?
I don't know.
But I bet you're going to tell me.
You pluck it out!
Oh my gosh.
Mr. Red.
When you moved your house
outside of our village,
did you notice that
nobody try to stop you?
Birds, they may smile
at you on the street
but, that doesn't mean
they like you.
Hey, you know what?
I got a question for you.
Are you aware that, that robe
you're wearing isn't fooling anybody?
We all see you prancing
along the street, your Honor.
And, you're what?
And I'm just approximating here.
Like an inch tall!
What are you doing?
- Viola.
- Ah-choo!
- What the?
- Daddy.
Mr. Red, given the
severity of the crimes,
I have no choice but to
impose the maximum penalty
allowed by the law.
Anger management class.
Pluck my life.
- Fresh worms, caught today.
- Huh?
Hey, Red.
How are you?
Oh, I'm horrible.
Oh. Hi, Red.
It's good to see you.
I wish I could
say the same.
- Ups-a-daisy
- Aw! Ow.
Thank you.
- Huh?
- Nm-mm.
- Let's go.
- Oh.
How are you, Suzie?
You good?
No running.
No running.
- Oop.
- Come on.
How's that nap schedule coming along?
Oh boy.
Y'guys ever thought about bird control.
Left, right, left, right,
there you go.
Girlie. Girlie.
You got this.
We don't want you to fall now,
take your time.
Here we go.
That's it.
Oh, you're doing it.
- Seriously?
- I'm almost there.
- Nope.
Birds of a feather
Chicken pose.
Crane pose.
Mighty Might Eagle soaring free.
Defender of our homes and liberty.
Hi, Red.
Is one of those yours?
When birds fly.
Mighty Eagle is a legend.
You think that's funny.
Ha ha ha. This is funny.
Oh oh.
Don't look, Bobby.
The anger might be contagious.
Let's go.
He started it.
There you go.
Oh, look at this.
This is going to be awful.
Okay, I guess that's art.
That's garbage.
And that's,
- Free rage what?
- Oh, hi.
- Hi, there. Welcome...
- Hello.
... to the Infinity Acceptance Group.
- I, am Matilda.
- Okay.
And I'm just super psych to be
taking this journey with you
You're gonna have a blast!
I'm really fun.
Everybody says that about me.
Hey, guys.
Say hello to Red, everyone.
Hi, Red.
Hello, birds I won't
get to know well.
Hey, apparently somebody didn't get
the memo that we like to start on time.
Because you're about 2 minutes late,
don't let it happen again.
Hi, my name is Chuck. I'm sorry
we got off on the wrong foot.
I like you a lot.
I can tell.
Now, Red.
Would you like to share
your story with us?
Not really.
Well, the court mentioned
something about a rage episode
at a child's birthday party.
How long is this class anyway?
As long as you make it.
Oh, okay.
Uh, gentlemen,
very nice to see you.
And uh, almost meet you.
Probably the nicest part of it
is not getting to meet you.
You know,
in some weird away.
So, I'm gonna go ahead and...
scoot on back out, past
those creepy statues and...
Back you go.
Sure. No, I can...
take a seat.
So, in another sense,
you are here until I
notify the court
that your anger issues
have been resolved.
Oh boy.
Share your story with Red.
Me? I'm the last guy
that should be here.
Simple speeding ticket.
Judge tells me
I was going too fast,
So I say, "Your Honor.
To be honest. I was"
You caught me.
I'm not angry. I'm honest.
So, shouldn't I be in an
honesty management class?
'Cause we got to
manage my honesty.
My one problem,
that's a different story
than you told last time.
Bill Beakins
Drinks on me, guys!
Maybe, it wasn't ice cream.
Alright, Chuck.
Thanks, we got it.
And this is Terence.
More like, terrifying
It says here in the little filey.
Terence uh, seems to have an
Now, Bomb's started
with us 2 weeks ago
Tell us your story, Bomb.
Well, sometimes when I get upset,
I... have been known to...
blow up.
So, like uh. Like what?
Like you get mad, you mean.
Well. No.
I literally blow up, okay.
I explode like a bomb.
Hence the name.
- Surprise!
- Surprise!
Excuse me.
Party foul.
- Do it!
- No can do.
I just went boom-boom
before class.
Hey, look.
I don't want to be here and all,
but this can maybe make it
a little more interesting to me.
Please, explode.
- You can't do it, can you?
- Yes, I can.
But, I'm having back issues today,
I'm gonna have to
take a rain check.
Do it!
This is not the time
or place, little amigo.
These guys are all nuts,
huh, big man?
Are we speaking telepathically
or you're just...
Good talk.
Nice chatting with you.
Managing our anger
through movement.
The first pose is
the dancer pose.
Great form, Terence.
Eagle. Parrot.
Peacock? Warrior.
Mountain. Tree. Rabbit.
Fish. Locust. King pigeon.
And of course, downward duck.
- Excuse me, boring heavy lady.
- Uh-huh.
Looks like the exploding
guy's gonna puke.
And have you done this before?
Uh, yes, I have.
But, usually not for free.
- Didn't think so.
- Awesome.
And how are we doing over here, Bomb?
Doing wonderful.
Stretching out the core.
Just remember to breathe,
up to your feathers,
and from your talons.
I don't know what happened
I was doing the poses.
I was feeling all zen.
Matilda was digging it!
Then I lost my grip on it.
I let it slipped and
it just squeaked out.
So, where are we going?
I'm sorry.
Yes, we
There's a new happiness exhibit
at the Museum of Happiness
that I'm dying to see.
Uh, you know what?
I... I mean I got a...
- I got a thing.
- A thing?
Like a disease?
Huh! Is it bird flu?
Chicken pox?
Cardinal sin?
No. By thing, I mean like...
desire not to hang out, with you.
Oh, yeah. Well, may... you know.
Maybe for the best, you know.
Because... I got something too.
How did I forget?
Even if you'd say yes,
I probably couldn't have gone.
I'm busy too,
I have a...
Business offer... deal
that is...
No, Bomb.
You're not good at this, buddy.
It's-It's charming up to a point
and now it's just sad.
It's a guy I know.
And he's opening up a brand new
luxury class reunion.
Okay, good.
Good, good, good.
Looks like it's just us.
Want to go get a bite?
Oh, but what about your class reunion,
where everybody brings a business offer.
Oh. No, no, no.
Chuck, I was lying.
I'm sorry if I've fooled you.
No means no.
I love your eye.
- Hey!
- Huh?
- Get over here!
- Hey, pecker heads.
- What's up?
- Yo.
Hey, man.
- Oh, I felt a peck.
- Whoa.
This is the legendary Mighty Eagle.
Our protector and hero, but
no one has seen him for years.
Mighty Eagle is missing.
When's Mighty Eagle
going to come back.
Eyebrows, didn't your parents
ever tell you,
Mighty Eagle isn't real?
Shhh. He doesn't know that.
He doesn't have parents.
- He does not have parents.
- Yeah, or even friends.
Ah ha!
Say bye to daddy.
- Bye bye!
- Bye bye!
- Goodbye, hatchlings.
- Bye!
- Have a happy day.
- Bye.
- Good morning.
- Morning, your Honor.
Here you go.
- Ah-Choo!
- Bless you.
- Yes!
- Bye, daddy's making dinner.
If my name were Bobby,
would you ask about my hobbies.
- Wow
- Or if my name were Judas,
would you ask me
what my mood is?
I laugh, I cry,
I love, I hate.
I do so much more
than detonate.
Think of it
That was beautiful.
You're gonna make me cry.
Yeah, that was some real
clever symbolism.
Ah! Red, why don't
we hear you poem?
I don't have a poem.
Why not?
Because I didn't write one.
Right, uh-huh.
And, is there a reason?
Well. You know,
I was gonna do it,
but then I thought about it.
and I realized,
"Oh, this is a huge waste of my time."
So I didn't do it.
Deep breath. Deep breath.
And we're back in the now.
- You had your hand up the whole time.
- Um-Hm.
My poem,
is about a hate crimes
- How did it...?
- Oh oh.
Oh no.
A lot of sickos out there.
A lot of sickos.
What? Oh, what
did I make you of?
- I made you out of love.
- Wow.
But, wait. Too late.
Now I see your fate.
Some very troubled somebody
destroyed you out of hate.
What could have made him so despise
your happy smile, your laughing eyes.
Your soul was pure.
Your heart was true.
And someone hated that.
But, who?
Yeah, I deserve that.
Billy has passed
to a high plane of existence.?
Everyone join wings.
Let us,
all say our goodbyes.
Yeah. Let me get in here,
I got to say goodbye...
Okay. You know, I'll just mourn
from back here, that's fine.
You know, if there is one thing
Billy always hated was goodbyes.
- Hey. What's going on there?
- Huh?
Class dismiss.
Very moving.
Come on, everybody.
Let's go!
Where's everybody going?
Hurry, something's coming!
- Last one to the beach is a rotten egg!
- Let's go.
Coming through. Pardon me.
Excuse me.
Let's get down to the beach!
- Follow me.
- Let's get down to the beach.
I didn't mean to photo bomb you,
sorry about it
What is that thing?
It looks like an UFO.
An unidentified floating object.
Stop it.
No, I'm not your daddy.
- What is that?
- Look at the size of that thing.
Where is it going?
I don't know,
but it's not stopping.
My house.
My house.
Slow down!
What the?
That house took me
5 years to build.
It's such a shame when you create
something and someone just destroys it.
Ladies and gentlemen.
- We have a very special guest for you.
- Huh?
- He's a green marine sailing machine.
- Here we go.
And he's king, to let you know,
he's not mean.
Put your wings together for
Thank you very much.
Please hold your applause.
Greetings from my world,
the world of the pigs.
What's a pig?
I am a pig!
Oh, where're we going?
Wrong way.
Not working.
We practiced this a hundred times.
- Oh, man.
- Give it to me.
- Oh.
- We're gonna come in again.
I'm so sorry.
My name is Leonard,
but my friends call me Chuckles.
- Oh, ho ho ho! Very generous.
- Yeah.
- Thank y...
- Oh.
- We mean no harm.
- Aw. Ow.
We saw your island across the sea
and we thought,
"I wonder what they're up to?"
But, there's no other place
besides here.
Yes, there is.
And we are from there.
We call it, Piggy Island.
Oh my gosh.
P-I-GG-Y Island.
Who else is out there?
My first officer, Ross and I
have sailed everywhere.
One brave soul against the sea,
and Ross.
Ah, excuse me.
Have you come to smash
all of our houses or just mine?
- Oh, man.
- Ho ho. Somebody want a gift basket.
Please. Please.
Don't be afraid.
My partner and I request
the honor of your friendship.
- Ross, show them how'd we do it.
- Oh?
Don't worry, he's always shy.
- Well, I'll say now.
- Hi! Uhh!
Hi, friends.
Oh, not a hugger.
Welcome to Bird Island.
Welcome to our new friends,
the Pigs.
- Let us have a celebration!
- Put it there!
- Welcome
- Oh.
And a hoof to a wing.
We would like to honor the pig's
with a special performance.
Oh, watch out.
Shaking my bacon.
They don't have feathers?
You know, they're just walking around
naked just presenting themselves.
I'm looking at all
their business here.
That part about them,
I really admire.
Now we would like to welcome
our special guest, the PIGS!
- Yay.
- Alright.
Thank you for your kindness
and hospitality.
- Our king sends his warmest regards.
- King?
You have shared with us the wonders
of your quaint simple little island.
Drop the banner, Ross!
Now, we would love to humbly share
some of the wonders of our world.
Ha! Yeah.
Humble my bird butt.
100 years from now,
everyone will ask,
"How do the friendship between
the pigs and the birds start?"
Who cares!
- Oh no.
- Hey.
Well, let them say us,
"We lite up the night!"
Holy moley!
Hey, look. They destroyed more of
the stuff we worked hard to build.
But, there's more!
- More?
Has gravity gone haywire?
No! Even better, your friends,
the pigs, proudly give you...
- The trampoline!
- Oh.
Those are my assistance.
- Oinky and John Ham!
- Hello.
Hey, hold on a second. I thought there's
only suppose to be 2 of these guys.
What goes?
Look at those jiggly pigglies!
But, that's not all, throwing things
just got a whole lot easier.
Say hello to...
- "The Slingshot!"
- Ta-da!
- I can't see.
- This is crazy.
- Tired of carrying things from place to place?
- Yeah!
Wish you could just get it there?
- Yeah!
- Yeah!
Well, now you can!
- Waiters, do me a favor.
- Huh!
- Take the rest of the night off.
- Okay.
Hey, if you got the night off
why don't you fix my house.
It's the same guy.
Well, the slingshot does it all
in 3 easy steps.
- Fire!
- I got it.
- Follow them fish!
- Me! Me! I want fruit!
Guys. It's the same fruit sitting
on the plates in front of you.
And now, for our
last gift to you.
Shut up and fix my house!
We don't know him.
I'm going to ask for a volunteer
from the audience.
- Me!
- Me!
Who should I pick?
- Who, who, who.
- Pick me, Mr. Pig.
How about the red guy,
with the enormous eyebrows?
- Aw.
- Ha ha ha ha.
- Me?
- Mm-hm.
Oh. No, no, no, no.
Yes, you sir. Come on
up here it's your lucky day.
Are you sure you don't
want to choose
one of the 100s of birds
that had their wings up?
- Get him up here!
- Come on, Red. Have some fun!
- Go!
- Go!
Oh, he's shy.
You hear that?
They're cheering for you!
You got to be kidding me.
Red guy with the eyebrows!
I would have sat closer
had I known.
that I was going to be
part of the show.
- Okay. Now what?
- Come on, give him a hand.
Right this way, come on.
Relax, deep breathe.
Who? Me?
Yeah. No. I'm ready.
- Aim!
- Aim at what?
Everybody on this one.
- Fire!
- Fire!
Who says birds don't fly
This seems really unnatural!
- Huh!
- Aw. I hope he's okay.
Hey, don't worry.
I'm fine.
Thanks for the lift!
I wished they would have
done that 10 minutes ago.
You know you want to
search their boat.
No, I don't.
Yeah, you're right, I do.
Bomb's on his way.
Mm. Mmm.
Come on.
Let's go!
And remember, keep it quiet.
Oh, yeah.
This is an impressive ship.
Shh. No. Inside voice.
Inside voice. Come on.
Piggy fitness.
- Mm?
- Nmm?
Very strange.
- Huh?
- Aw!
Who are these weirdos?
What are you doing,
we're trying to sneak around.
We didn't rent this place out.
Wow, you can rent this place?
- Hm.
- Give me that!
- Huh!
- Huh!
Hey, guys!
Looks like there's some more
stuff down here.
We were hiding.
When I say "Hey."
You say "Ho."
- Hey!
- Ho!
- Hey!
- Ho!
- Hey!
- Ho!
There's more of them!
- Hey!
- Ho...!
That's right.
I'm back, uh-huh.
Enjoying the party, everyone?
Because while you were living it up,
I snuck up onto their boat.
- What!
- What did he say?
And look at what I found.
There's more of them!
Than we thought.
Which is uh... mysterious and weird.
Am I right?
Ho ho ho ho.
Ho ho.
- How're you doing?
- Oh.
You remember. He said there
were only 2 pigs on board,
- but he was obviously lying.
- Hmm.
Oh, and there's strange
devices on their boat!
So clearly there's... you know,
some messed up stuff going on here.
How messed up?
I don't know
What's specifically?
I don't know either.
Any questions?
You snuck onto their boat?
You know.
I don't need a award.
If you guys are trying to think of
what honor to bestow upon me
- Don't need it.
- Boo!
Yeah, boo them.
- Boo.
- Boo.
- You're booing them or me?
- You.
Oh, it's me.
Perhaps, I can explain.
You see, my cousins
are simple folk.
A, B, C...
See, nothing.
I didn't want to risk their lives
until I found out that the...
the new world was safe.
We were gonna put on
a cowboy show for you.
Let her go, boys!
- Ha ha, yeah!
- Yoo!
. . ..
- That was Pigleand.
- Oh.
But perhaps,
it wasn't meant to be.
I believe that birds and pigs
are meant to be friends.
But if we crossed boundaries
that were not meant to be crossed...
- Oh.
- Oh.
Mr. Red,
you shamed not only yourself,
but our entire community.
Oh, I think you messed up there.
You said shamed when
you meant saved, right?
I sent you to treatment
to deal with your problems.
Clearly, more treatment is required.
- No!
- No!
Do not trouble
our honored guests again!
My friends, we would love
to see your cowboy show.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
Come on, everybody!
Put your hands together!
- Woo-Hoo!
- Yeah!
Don't listen to me.
Body train coming through.
Ah! I can't see.
I can't see.
- This is fun!
- Piggyback rides?
Let's move it there.
Oh boy.
Group picture.
Group picture.
Everybody say cheese.
- Cheese.
- ... omelet.
- Cheese omelet.
Spoiler alert.
- Hello.
- Jump!
- I am famish... Whoa.
- It's chow time!
Hanging tough through thick and thin.
What the heck?
Who invited you to move in?
Hey! Whoa!
That's my toothbrush.
Get it out!
- Woo!
- Yee-haw!
Alright, class.
Thought for the day.
"Water is the softest thing,
yet it can penetrate
mountains and earth.
Here's my thought of the day,
"When are we done?"
What the caterpillar calls the end,
the world calls a butterfly.
Can I just say, I never understand
a single thing you are talking about.
Wow, that's very life like.
Ha ha!
- Woo. Ho ho ho.
- So deep.
And Terence, let's see your...
Oh, my goodness.
I did not know
you felt that way.
Class dismiss.
And now, we've come
to the prestigious Palm Cistern.
Where birds of all feathers
flock together
for the 8 kinds of
fruit and nut trees.
Suck those bellies in.
Is that what I think it is?
That's an egg.
That's how our children are born.
You guys don't lay eggs?
Wished we did.
You look delicious, my dear.
That's us.
Hey! Hello!
Excuse me. Buddy?
Those are fragile.
Maybe you shouldn't pick them up, alright?
Not yours.
My friend from the banquet.
Now that's a very good painting.
Very good.
Yeah uh.
The assignment was, "Paint your pain."
So I... painted your pain.
It's actually the first
in a series.
- Here you go.
- Uh-huh.
- This one is nice.
- Oh.
I call this one, "Ketosis."
And, oh, I call this one,
"Bye bye."
Wonderful likeness.
I thought you said you stored
your nuts for winter
- Ha ha ha...
- Burn.
Alright, what's going on here?
Are you explorers
or are you staying?
Because if you are explorers, then
why are there more of you coming, huh?
Hi there, everybody!
Not my house again.
Tha-That's my home.
And you know what?
If you are staying,
why don't you just say so?
And why did you leave your home?
How do we know you're not
fugitives of the law?
You are making our guests
feel unwelcome.
And you're not asking
basic questions!
Maybe I wasn't clear enough.
Your opinion is not needed!
Why do we have to agree?
Why does it matter that
we're not the same?
Anger, is not always the answer!
Continue the tour.
Surfs up, you guys.
- So, get ready to hang loose.
- That went well, if you're me.
Ha ha ha...
We could really use you
right about now.
Hey, Chuck.
It's Red, zip on down here.
Oh. Hey, Chuck's mom,
can your son come out to play?
All of this, does not
just happen on it's own.
Oh, hey.
Just taking a shower.
- Bomb, buddy, TMI.
- Ah ha ha!
Now, I'm telling you.
Something isn't kosher with these pigs.
And it's up to us
to figure it out.
Figure what out exactly?
I don't know.
Maybe they are just being innovative.
- Go ahead.
- All aboard.
It does seem a little odd though.
- Weee!
- Nailed it.
Come on. Does none of this
seem wrong to you guys?
I'll tell you this, if anyone knows
what these pigs are up to,
- Hey!
- it's Mighty Eagle.
Oh yeah.
Take that, tree.
Eat my foot.
Yum yum yum.
Hello, Bird Island!
Mighty Eagle xo
- Heh heh, you're welcome.
- Does Mighty Eagle still live?
- Did he ever lived.
And if he did live,
where would he live?
By the Lake of Wisdom
in the ancient tree.
It's a fairy tale.
I've run all over this island,
where could that possibly be?
Way up high.
It's a long up that mountain,
and if I'm being honestly...
Well. I mean, you know,
I can kind of use your help.
What's that?
What are you trying to say?
Nothing. I was just saying that I can
you know, I can use your help.
Oh. I'm sorry, I couldn't quite
hear you over your ego.
Could you enunciate
that last word a little bit.
I need your help!
Why didn't you say so?
- Bomb?
- Let's... do it!
Oh gosh.
If there is a Mighty Eagle,
well, how come we don't
ever hear his battle cry?
- I don't know.
- Maybe we have.
What would a Mighty Eagle
battle cry sound like?
You know what?
I think I got an idea.
Maybe it's something like...
That's more like...
That's theoretically what
it's more like, scientifically.
Oh, I got one.
Not bad.
It's a good impression.
But, in my head, I'm kind of
imagining something more like a...
That sounds about right.
No. I'm thinking it maybe
it's a little bit more subtle.
Like a little bit,
just more majestic like...
- I'm cAlling for yOu!
- I'm coming foR You so OpeN your door!
Stop making Mighty Eagle noises!
It's like running a nursery.
Absolute childcare.
Someone has anger issues.
This uh.
This is the wrong mountain.
My calves are killing me.
- Oh, wow.
- Whoa.
That is simply unreal.
The Lake of Wisdom.
What are you guys waiting for?
Guys, hurry up!
This is what Mama talked about.
Ah. Be honest.
Do I sound any wiser?
Oh, way wiser.
You were kind of dumb before,
I can say that now.
That water is no joke.
I can literally taste the
intelligence and wisdom...
- ... circulating through my body now.
- Hey, guys. Nobody's here.
I mean, nobody's used
this place in years.
What are you doing?
Get out of there!
Don't spit in his mouth!
No, don't spit it back!
Uh, don't swallow it.
Get out. Let's go.
Come on.
Shh, shh, Bomb.
Take your time, will you.
I found the meaning of life.
- It's...
- Shut your worm hole!
Oh, wow, it's him.
Oh man.
No, no, no.
Horrible turn of events, horrible.
Not so much the Lake of Wisdom,
it's more like the Lake of Wizz.
Did you just come here
to look at me?
Or did you have
something to say?
- I think he saw us.
- Oh, you think so?
You have passed the first test!
You have found me.
- Whoa!
- Look out. Whoa!
Gaze upon.
Mighty Eagle!
I see all and know all.
- What are your names?
- If you know all,
why don't you know where we are?
I know very well
who you are.
You are lost souls, who have
come here, seeking wisdom.
- Whoa!
- Can we have some?
Wisdom is not something
that is given.
It is something that is...
No no no...
Will I help you attain wisdom?
- Whoa! Ha ha!
- Yes!
That, I will do.
Right. So, the reason we've climbed
the mountain is that we want to know...
- Prepare!
- Okay.
... to have your minds Blown.
Son of a...
This guy is good.
Welcome, to the Hall of Heroism.
It's really amazing to meet you.
You know, I actually
have your poster up uh...
You might want to shield your eyes
from the sprinkle of those trophies.
How many?
I have no idea.
Countless, I'm sure.
Wow. This is way nicer than
my Hall of Wimpiness.
Bring it home, mamacita.
Get out of town.
Ha ha ha ha!
What the?
Those are some
old school moves there.
So, he's kind of a wackadoodle.
That, you know,
it doesn't mean he's not wise.
Hey. Are you tired of filling
your balloons with heavy old air?
Finally, there's a better way.
- Helium.
- Helium.
It's a gas.
Don't worry about your balloon.
It will just land in the ocean.
The fish love it.
It's good for their tummy.
Free party.
Free party.
It's going to be the
piggiest party of the year.
Get a bird sitter.
Let's go, piggies.
Well now, that,
is some fine handy work.
- Hey, judge, you're under arrest.
- What?
For looking too good.
What about me?
Do I get a plus one?
Oh! Thank you.
Let me see.
Let me see.
Oh, that was a wet one.
- Ooo.
- Ooo.
- Ahh!
- Ahh!
Almost there.
Don't rush me.
- Oop. Slow down there.
- Deep breath. Deep breath.
And we're back.
And now...
Who's ready for trust falls?
- I got you.
- No no no no no.
Mighty Mighty Eagle soaring free.
Defender of our homes and liberty.
Bravery, humility, and honesty.
You must have grown up
singing this song in school.
- Yes, we did.
- Um. Right. Yeah.
Mighty, Mighty Eagle, rescue me.
Now you do the second verse.
- Uh. I.. I...
- Come on.
- Me?
- Yes.
Do it.
- Mighty, Mighty Eagle flap your wings.
- Oh yeah!
And fill up your big cave
with all your fancy things.
That's it.
- Politeness, Good sportsmanship.
- That's no me.
- and the long attention span.
- What?
Mighty, Mighty Eagle, yeah.
Take it away, Charles.
Oh great heroic Mighty Eagle.
With finer plumage
- ... than a sea gull.
- Oh, sing it.
Ambidexterity, pottery,
- ... and bankruptcy
- Ouch.
Mighty, Mighty Eagle...
Harmonize. Harmonize.
- Rescue me.
- Rescue me.
You know it better than me.
So, anyway, the other day,
these pigs showed up out of nowhere.
And, it caused me
a great deal of suspicion.
And he's walking
out of the room.
I don't get this.
This guy sits here on
his butt, all alone.
clearly doesn't leave the house.
He talk's a good game, but, he
doesn't care about anyone but himself.
Sounds a lot like you.
Oh good.
Thank you for your opinion, Chuck.
Well, hello.
- Hello. Mighty Eagle.
- What?
- What are you doing?
- Uh.
- I am bird watching.
- What?
- Ah.
- Take a peek.
- Oh you're disgusting
- Oh yeah.
Are you gonna help us or not?
- I am helping you!
- No. This is you helping.
Looking through binoculars.
Spying on old ladies.
Whoa, whoa.
What is that?
Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.
Oh my.
I was right.
I was right.
I knew it!
Bomb, Chuck, hurry up!
Get out here!
Oh oh.
Mighty Eagle, hey.
Fly us down there, now.
- No.
- I'm sorry. What?
I don't do that anymore.
I'm retired.
Mostly just tired.
Go handle it yourself.
This is everything
I've prepared you for.
Prepared us for?
Hold on.
Did I missed something?
Let me just go through
my notes really quick. Let's see.
Crazy stuff, bragging,
crazy stuff, karaoke.
No. See, I don't see
anything useful here.
The whole world,
everyone we know, is in danger.
Yes, it is.
- So, off you go.
- Hey. You know what?
I used to believe in you.
When I was a kid, I believed
nothing really bad could ever happen
because you were here.
And now I see the fate of
the world hangs on idiots like me.
And that, sir,
is sort of terrifying.
It's time for you to go.
You know, it's really upsetting to me
that you're the only bird that can fly.
And you're too afraid to do it.
- Huh!
- Huh?
Hey, guys. Come on, let's go.
We're done here. He's no hero.
So, uh, I'm having
a party next Tuesday.
Could you just
do a little pop in?
Come on, run faster!
- Whoa!
- Ah!
- Ow. Ow. Ow.
- Whoa!
Come on. Come on. Come on.
Let's go!
- Woo!
- Yeah!
- Woo.
- Woo.
I love this song.
I sentence you all
to 4 hours of hard partying.
Watch out below!
- Huh?
- Huh?
- Huh! They're taking the eggs!
- Follow them.
Oh man.
Right on time. Excellent.
Ah ha ha... !
Chuck, go shut
that party down, now!
Ee. But I only know
how to get party started.
- Go!
- On it.
- Bomb, we got to stop them.
- Yeah!
Got to get more speeeeed!
It's Chuck time!
Get to the ship!
Can everybody please stop partying?
There are eggs being stolen!
Matilda, we need your help.
- The pigs are stealing our eggs!
- What?
- I'm airborne!
- We have to get back to the village!
Stop dancing and start running!
Hors d'oeuvres, my weakness.
Come on, let's wrap it up.
- We got to get the eggs off the ship!
- Yeah, let's go!
- Is everyone on board?
- Let's go. Let's go!
Use the trampolines!
Can you get up there?
We got an intruder!
What the heck are they doing?
Untie the ropes.
Drop the eggs in the water.
Get rid of them.
Get him off of there.
It's too strong,
I can't break it.
Bomb, blow off the chain.
Knock them down!
Come on, Bomb.
You can do this.
Come on, Bomb.
You got this.
- Blow up.
- You got to get me mad.
Okay. Well then,
what makes you mad?
Try insulting me
on a personal level.
Oh, oh, uh.
Your poetry stinks!
You're just a bad poet.
And you know it!
Oh. I know.
I know!
Who wants a birdie bath?
Oh. I'm sorry, Red.
I couldn't do it.
Don't give up.
This isn't over!
Thanks for your hospitality.
- Ha ha ha... !
- Yeah.
Set sail for Piggy Island!
- Huh!
- Huh!
Oh no!
We'll find them
They're all gone.
Shh, shh.
It's okay.
Mr. Red!
What do we do now?
Wait, hold on.
You're asking me?
You knew.
You try to tell us.
But we didn't listen.
I didn't hear
Red, we need a leader.
- What do we do now?
- What do we do?
Wait a minute.
I'm not a leader.
Okay. Pigs stole our kids.
That sucks.
Made all you guys looked like idiots.
You know what we got to do?
We start replacing those kids.
Ladies, get busy!
We're going to be laying
some eggs tonight!
No. No, stop.
No no no...
We're not going to
replace those kids.
- We're gonna get them back.
- How are we going to do that?
What do you mean how?
The pigs already showed us how.
That, is where they went!
And, so that,
is where we are going!
But how do we get from here
to there?
I'm not aquatic,
in the least.
You know
We're gonna build our own boat.
- Huh?
- What are you talking about?
They stole your kids.
No. They stole our kids.
I mean, who does that?
Have you ever stolen
any one's children?
Have you?
I mean, you look like you would.
And you know what?
I'm a little bit angry.
I'm really angry.
And I don't think
I'm the only one.
Come on, we're birds!
We're descendants from dinosaurs!
We're not supposed to be nice!
Yeah, point-point made.
- Who else here is angry?
- I! -I!
- I am.
- Yeah, you are!
We're getting our kids back,
and I don't need any
- ... calm, detach, happy birds.
- No.
Not going to help us.
Don't need it.
I need some angry flocking birds.
You hear me!
Now, who's angry!
- Yeah!
- Angry!
Well, let's go!
Bring me everything that floats.
Yeah. Yeah.
That's perfect, yeah.
With every single feather
of my being,
I am not going to let any of these
eggs be taken from their parents.
Chuck, I need you to
tie those crates together.
You got it.
- Done, and done.
- Uh. A little help here?
Let's go!
Move it, everybody!
- Push with your upper body.
- Put your back into it.
I have no upper body!
Darn good for a bunch of birds.
- Whoa! Whoa!
- Yay!
Go Leonard!
When I say, "Eat the".
You say, "eggs."
- Eat the.
- Eggs!
Wow, what a reception.
Alright, snouts up!
My, it's a snout staircase.
Who thinks of that?
Welcome home,
King Mudbeard!
My father, and my father's father,
and my weird Aunt Chloe,
have all searched for the eggs.
But only I,
- King Mudbeard, have found them.
- Oh. My pom-poms.
I present to you,
the EGGS!
Say goodbye to Harvey.
- A feast!
- Huh!
I proclaim a feast!
2 nights heads.
- Whoa!
- Whoa!
- I cholesterol!
- Let's EAT.
Let's go make some omelets!
Oh. I feel a little nervous inside,
but that's normal, right?
Yeah, I think so.
Uh. Anybody else got
butterflies in the stomach?
Probably because you ate
too many caterpillars.
Drop your nuts
and move your butts!
Come on, let's go!
- Oh no.
- Whoa.
I wasn't expecting this.
Hold on a second.
That guy is the king?
He's got to have the eggs
with him in the castle.
- What the heck is a castle?
- And that's where we're going.
Hey, guys. Do you remember
everything you learned in my class?
- Yep.
- Nope.
- What class?
- Well, forget all of it for now.
Now it's time to let loose.
Oh good.
Because I never learn anything anyway.
Oh, me neither.
I actually just came to socialize.
I came for the snacks.
You don't happen to have
any of it now, do you?
Deep breath. Deep breath.
How are we going to
get over those walls?
I'll tell you how.
We're gonna fly.
The goal is the castle.
Get to the castle.
Who wants to go first?
- Over here!
- I do!
- Me. Me. Me.
- Hey. Alright, Matilda.
Always a brides-space.
Step right up.
Keep your wings, legs and beak
- inside the slingshot at all times.
- Shoot it!
And one,
and a whoa...
Take that, porkers!
Boom, baby, boom!
Well, how about that? My teacher
can shoot fireballs out of her butt.
You, what's your name?
I've seen you do something
strange before, right?
Well, let's see.
- I'm really good at...
- It doesn't matter. Launch him.
Oh, this guys looks good.
He's gonna make it.
This is incredible.
We're witnessing history right now.
No, he's coming back.
- He's coming, duck.
- Whoa whoa whoa...
Get down.
Whoa whoa whoa...
Did we win?
Uh, no.
Not quite yet, buddy.
Uh, we're still tied.
Hey, can we get an ice pack for Hal?
- Medic!
- Alright. Who's up next!
Whoa whoa whoa...
What can you do?
- Uh... Yuck.
- Uh, need a tissue?
Calvin Swine.
Who's next?
We need flyers, not standbyers!
Let's go!
You go out there and you show them
how frightening mimes can be.
Oh my gosh!
We're having a feast.
We're eating the eggs.
Going to have a big feast.
Going to eat all the eggs.
- What is that?
- Whoa!
That guy again.
- Citizens of Pig Island.
If you spot any birds
destroying your neighbourhood,
- please capture them.
- What did he say?
There's been a change of plan.
We will eat the eggs for lunch.
Did he say eat the eggs?
Okay. I want you to curl up
into a little ball, alright?
- Make yourself aerodynamic.
- Like this?
To the left!
To the left!
- Let me at em!
- Launch!
Don't mess with Bubbles!
- Get him!
- Heat pile. Hog pile.
Wow, that blows.
Uh, in a good way.
- To the left!
- Oh. Hold on, wait.
My left of your left?
My left is your left.
We are facing the same direction.
Good call.
Just look where the last bird went
and adjust from there.
- I got this you guys.
- Alright.
She got far,
but not far enough.
- Get her out of our town!
- Oh oh.
We have to get closer.
Judge power!
Trial by fire!
No, literally he's on fire right now.
Can somebody please help him?
Mighty Eagle!
I got an idea.
Do you think you can pull
the slingshot back far enough
to hit that giant boulder?
Okay. Launch me right towards
the top of that thing.
Red, I'm not going to lie to you.
I am...
... going to miss you
when you die.
Rest in peace, my friend.
Rest in peace.
Hey, guys.
Let's not get cheesy, okay?
This is gonna hurt.
What was that?
- My roof!
- Oh oh.
- Did he make it?
- I hope he's okay.
- I'm in!
- Yeah. I knew he would make it.
Send everyone else!
There's a red bird in these walls.
Bring him to me.
- Aye aye, sir.
- Roger that, boss.
Not in these walls.
In the castle!
Come on, you guys.
Here, pretty bird.
Here, pretty bird.
Transport the eggs!
Launch me exactly the same way
you did for Red...!
I wasn't ready!
Uh, faster!
Chuck, is that you?
Is this the house of horrors?
I got to be honest.
You look a little... fine.
- You look fine, come on.
- Bomb's on his way.
Ah! Ha!
Call in the Piggy Air Force!
What is that?
My loyal subjects.
The treacherous birds
have repaid our friendship
with an unprovoked act of aggression!
The attack will fail!
We have glass! We have wood!
We have TNT.
We tried to kill them with kindness
and now we're just gonna have to...
Well, you know.
Who's gonna go next?
Aim for that ram.
- Yes.
- Yeah!
- Terence.
- Terence.
Get them!
- No.
- What happened?
No eggs in here.
No. Nope. No. No.
Hey! Whoa.
I'm on this.
Never mind.
Backup engine.
Whoa whoa whoa whoa.
Wait. Hold on a second.
Wait, I know that rear end.
That's Bomb.
Yeah. Chuck, that's not his rear end.
That's his face, man.
- Sorry, Bomb.
- No problem.
It's a shaky week.
Thanks for getting me out.
- We want egg!
- We want egg!
He was sick.
But, then he got cured.
No eggs in... huh!
Ooo, these are clever pigs.
Okay, look. I'm gonna run up
and tackle the pig on the left.
Bomb, you can handle too.
Chuck, I don't know if you can help?
We got to figure out a way
to get into that room...
... room
Anyone have any bright ideas?
- Uh. Huh?
- You are gonna pay for that.
What just happened?
Oh, I'm sorry.
You were saying.
And here we are?
We found them!
Oh oh.
Oh, come on
- Red!
- Guys, come on!
Quick, follow him.
Things are looking sunny side up!
Guys, I'm here.
Everything is going to be okay.
- We are gonna get you out of here.
- Hurry up, Bomb!
- Come on!
- I'm coming!
Don't lose me!
Goodness, they made a harem!
Oh boy.
- We want egg!
- We want egg!
What is he doing up there?
This is a civilize buffet.
Don't hatch now.
Do not hatch now.
Get that red skank off my eggs.
- Hey!
- Oh man
- Bomb, are you okay?
- Oh, I've been better.
I'm going to get
a running start!
- It's show time!
- Oh.
Boil him too!
Let's pig out.
Looks like it's just
you and me, pork belly!
I'll be taking that!
Whoa, whoa.
- Hey? Oh.
- No!
- We're coming.
- Deep breath.
Ow! I'm in!
Classy joint.
- Huh!
- Where is everyone?
- Mighty Eagle. Where's he going?
I can't believe
I'm about to do this.
Oh, my battle cry?
Coming in.
Coming in.
Mighty Eagle!
Oh oh.
Mighty-Mighty Eagle.
Might Eagle, wake up, come on.
Oh, that's bad breath.
I can sleep late, Mom.
It's not a school day.
Throw him in the pot too.
I'll have the big turkey.
- Red!
- What!
- Huh!
- Whoa! What did I miss.
- You got to fly those eggs to safety.
- I got this.
Here we go!
- Whoa. Whoooaaa.
- Yes! Yes. Yes!
My eggs!
- Don't forget Chuck and Bomb.
- Who?
- Those guys.
- Right. Right.
Got you.
You're not getting away that easy.
- Save yourselves.
- Hold on, Red!
- I'm gonna save that egg.
- Red, don't be a hero.
- Red, no.
- No!
- Get out of town, everybody.
- Whoa.
There's just so many of them,
we're outnumbered.
How many?
Oh, not that many.
Just the right amount really.
No need to look back.
Just keep flying.
- I'll take that!
- No, you won't!
Give me that!
You just don't know
when to stop, do you?
Here's a 2 word answer,
Looks like your little
slingshot game ends here.
- Give me that!
- Not going to happen!
Oh no.
Get out of my way.
- Every pig for himself.
- I quit!
- Whoa!
- Whoa!
I know what I got to do.
I got to blow up that ram.
And that would be a good plan
if you were good at blowing up.
I need to stop those planes!
Remember me, Chuck.
Remember me.
Bomb's away!
- Oh, hi there.
- Here, chicky chicky chicky.
This little piggy popped!
This little piggy exploded.
And this little piggy went
wee, wee, wee,
"I want my mother!"
Come on, Bomb,
you can you do this!
Blow up.
Blow up.
- Oh oh.
- Ah ha ha ha!
Oh no.
Think explosive thoughts.
Surprise parties!
Yoga poses!
I blew up, on purpose.
You're wrecking my house.
What's wrong with you?
- You wrecked my house!
- Your house was ugly!
Well, now we're even.
Guys, look out!
Everyone, stand back!
Put on your seat belts, everyone.
Trust me.
This is dynamite.
There you are.
Not by the hair on
my chinny-chin-chin!
Delicious bird eggy wiggy.
You can't eat eggs!
What are you going to do?
I'm a foodie.
It's over.
You're finished, eyebrows.
Ah ha ha ha...!
Anger, is not always the answer!
Well, you know what,
I guess you win.
That was an awesome plan.
Mind blower.
Well, thank you.
You know, a lot of hard work
goes in my sinister plans.
It does.
No, I mean your plan was great.
But you didn't plan for THIS!
You have annoyed me
for the last time.
- It's them!
- Look at that.
Are you seeing
what I am seeing?
- It's Mighty Eagle.
- It's him!
Well. This guy looks
nothing like his statue.
- Honey.
- Our eggs!
- Are you okay?
- Chuck, my man.
- Did you see what I did back there?
- Yeah.
This egg is a splitting image of you.
There, safe and sound.
- Oh!
- Huh!
- Where is he?
- Red.
Where is he?
I think he might be dead.
- He's alive!
- He's alive!
- Oh!
- What?
- Yeah!
- Oh ho ho!
I'm glad you're alive.
I thought you died
or defected to the pig's side.
- Hey, buddy, way to not be dead.
- Oh.
- It's good to see you guys.
- Come on.
- Yay!
- Yay!
- Yeah.
- Oh.
- Glad you're back!
- You did it, great job!
- You're the bird!
I think these belong to you.
Thank you.
Oh, Crimson, Woody, Ash.
- Who?
- Is he talking to us?
You learn your lessons well.
Come on, bring it in.
I'm not the really affectionate type.
Does it feel like this is
crossing the line, anyone else?
- Yep.
- No.
- You're my prize pupils.
- Your prize what?
Ho ho, don't you see?
I had to make you
lose faith in me.
So you can learn to have
faith in yourself.
- That's not really how it felt.
- Tell them, Rosie.
Yeah. I don't think
that's what happened, man.
Oh look, he's blushing.
I'm not blushing,
I'm just red.
Okay, who wants an autograph?
Go get him.
Hoist it up.
- Grand reopening.
- Gets your worms now.
Well done indeed.
Is that you right there, Red?
Aw, really?
No, they didn't have to...
Oh. Yeah.
That's funny. I don't remember
crying on my knees like that.
But, you know,
it's nice.
Look at that.
They gave Mighty Eagle all the credit.
They made him look so much
more handsome than you.
You know,
back when I was angry.
That would have
really ticked me off.
Ah, forget about that.
You know what we should do?
Let's go to the village.
- Let's do it.
- No. Actually I love to go...
... hang out with you guys.
But you know I got this thing.
And I have another thing
after that thing
- and there's all these things in a row.
- Would you look at that.
What the?
Mr. Red.
Welcome back, to the village.
Mighty Mighty Red
You rescued me.
Defender of our homes and liberty.
Bravery. Humility. Angery
Mighty Mighty Red
You Rescued Me
lalalalaa laalala lalalalaa
Oh my gosh.
How did you guys find
the time to pull this off?
This is why we went to
go get pedicure, isn't it?
Nope. We got pedicures
because we are worth it.
- I got gels.
- You guys are something else.
To be honest with you,
I'm going to miss the beach view.
But, so what.
It's still there.
It's just not... right there when
I wake up and look out my window.
Well, you can still look out your
window and see me and Bomb.
So you know,
pluses and minuses.
Okay, see you later.
- Well, this just got awkward.
- That's really insensitive.
Want to go get a bite?
Forget it, let's just go home.
Guys, I'm just messing with you.
Get in here!
- Ha ha ha ha! I knew it!
- Let's be roomies.
Room mates. Boy, I can't wait
to make a chores list.
- Wait, hold on a second.
- I'll move my nest into the master bedroom.
- Bomb, you can stay in the guest half.
- No no no...
- Ah! Can we get a bunk nest?
- Oh, this is going to be perfect.
Whoa whoa whoa whoa.
Guys... No!
Oh yeah.
Moving out.
Watch this.
Coming right at you.
Oh yeah.
Come on, Leonard.
Leonard can't dance.
He's hatching a new plan.
Okay, maybe I'll dance
for just a sec.
- Woo!
- Yee-haw!
- Show them what you got, Red.
- Bomb, uh-uh.
- Come on, Red stuff.
- Nope.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Nice try.
There you go.
What are we doing?
Watch out!
- Whoa!
- Whoa!