The Apprentice (2024) Movie Script

NIXON: I wanna say this
to the television audience.
I've made my mistakes.
But in all of my years
of public life,
I have never profited,
never profited
from public service.
I've earned every cent.
and in all of my years
of public life,
I have never obstructed justice.
And I think, too, that I can say
that, in my years
of public life,
I welcome
this kind of examination
because people have gotta know
whether or not their president
is a crook.
Well, I'm not a crook.
I've earned everything I've got.
There's nothing like this place.
There's nothing like it.
You know, the Vanderbilts
and the Kennedys,
they all came here.
Do you see that old guy
over there
with the pretty young model?
That's Daniel K. Ludwig,
the shipping magnate,
one of the only two billionaires
in the United States.
And over here,
you've got SI Newhouse
who owns half of
all the newspapers
and magazines in the country.
Anybody who is anybody
comes here to this place.
There's nothing like it.
Why are you so obsessed
with these people?
Well, I mean, I'm not obsessed
with these people, I just, uh...
I'm curious, you know,
about people.
There's a skill
to being a billionaire.
It's a talent.
You have to be born with it.
You have to have
a certain gene.
WOMAN: It's a pretty cool place.
Yeah, and they say
I'm the youngest member
ever admitted.
WOMAN: That must be a big thing.
It is. It's a very big thing.
I'm just gonna go
powder my nose.
Okay, sure.
RUSSELL: Excuse me. I'm Russell.
My friend wants to know
if you'd join us for dinner.
Uh, well,
I'm actually leaving, so...
He's a longtime member.
He wants to congratulate you
on passing
the selection committee.
ROY: Well,
that's totally untrue.
Sonny Liston was...
Well, fine.
He was arrested 19 times.
-But the guy was a champion.
So, you can't blame him for it.
-Well, hello there.
-DONALD: How's it going?
-ROY: How are you?
-I'm fine, thank you.
Have a seat.
-We're not gonna bite.
There you go.
What's your name, handsome?
I'm Donald Trump.
ROY: Donald Trump,
nice to meet you.
-Roy Cohn.
-DONALD: The Roy Cohn?
From all the papers
and everything?
ROY: That's right. The Roy Cohn
from all the papers.
-That's right.
-DONALD: Yeah, you're brutal.
-I'm brutal. That's right.
-DONALD: Yeah.
He's the guy who put
the Rosenbergs in the chair!
Got Rosenbergs
in the fucking chair!
On that count,
guilty as charged.
But whatever I do,
I do it for America.
-Well, uh--
-ROY: What are you drinking?
Um... I'll just have
some ice water.
-Ice water? Okay.
Meet my pals.
-This is Carmine Galante.
-Nice to meet you.
ROY: And this voluptuous
gentleman over here
with the diabetes
is Tony Salerno.
Can I call you Fat Tony?
Or are you gonna get me whacked?
You can call me whatever
the fuck you want, okay?
You're my attorney.
ROY: But you don't call him
Fat Tony
because you might end up
in the East River
or something like that.
Everybody else
is not worth naming.
I, uh...
I love getting to know people.
It's important for my business,
so it's really nice
to meet you all.
Mr. Salerno, it's really nice
to meet you.
What is your business, Donald?
Real estate. I'm vice president
of the Trump Organization.
-Oh, you're Fred Trump's kid?
-That's right.
He's Fred Trump's kid.
It sounds like your father
is a little tangled up.
It looks like he could use
a good lawyer.
ROY: But tell us about it.
Right now, the government
and the NAACP are suing us.
They're saying
our apartments are segregated.
This is America. You can rent
to whoever the hell
you goddamn want.
But our lawyer wants us to pay
a huge fine to settle. We can't.
It's gonna bankrupt us
and ruin the company.
ROY: So, you tell the feds
to fuck themselves!
-MAN: Damn straight!
-File a lawsuit.
Always file a lawsuit.
Fight 'em in court.
Make him prove
you're discriminating.
(CHUCKLES) Wow, I guess...
might have to get us
a new lawyer.
Of course, it helps if Nixon
and the Attorney General
are your pals.
Well, are you available?
I mean...
What are you,
some kind of a faggot?
Mrs. Nathanson?
The rent.
You got it? Is that all?
I think so.
DONALD: You think so?
And if I count it
and it's not there,
what am I supposed to do?
NATHANSON: It's just
the one month.
I just hurt my back.
I just hurt myself.
That's all. And I had to go
to hospital.
You know what that's like.
Let's hope you're alive
next month. Get the rent.
Get the rent.
Or, if not, this is it.
Mrs. Thompson.
THOMPSON: Well, it sucks!
-GRANGER: You're not real!
-DONALD: I am very, very real.
GRANGER: You're in my head.
Mr. Granger, please.
Come on.
GRANGER: Fuck you!
DONALD: Fuck you!
These NAACP faggots
call me racist.
MARY ANNE: Fred, please. Enough.
FRED: Mary,
they're calling me a racist.
How can I be racist when I have
a Black driver, Mary?
-MARY ANNE: No language.
-FRED: How can that be?
Pleasant conversation.
I'm not racist.
No politics.
Do you think
that's funny, Freddy?
Would you get your elbow
off of the table, please?
Yes, sir.
DONALD: Dad, the truth is,
we're being sued.
We need the lawsuit behind us,
and I need to bid
on the Commodore.
And I think, with Roy,
we have a chance.
Not this crap
about your hotel, please.
Roy Cohn is not the guy
that's gonna help us, okay?
He's a crook.
He's been indicted three times.
He's never been convicted,
by the way.
The man's a genius.
He ran McCarthy's show
when he was basically
a teenager,
and he's pals with Nixon
himself. He's vicious.
You don't think
I tried pulling strings
with Beame and Rockefeller?
They're no help.
The government wants to kill us.
Just... just take the meeting,
that's all I'm saying.
Just meet with him to discuss,
that's all.
I think maybe Donnie's right.
Why not meet with Cohn,
get a second opinion?
Says the airline pilot.
My firstborn son
is a goddamn bus driver
with wings.
MARY ANNE: Fred, please.
Do you know what kind of
an embarrassment that is for us?
Whenever... Whenever I'm asked
about my family,
I don't mention you, Freddy.
That's how embarrassed
I am about you.
MARY ANNE: Frederick, enough.
FREDDY: Do you like the music?
-DONALD: I do.
FREDDY: Hey, how are you?
Good to see you.
Oh, my God, you look beautiful.
Why didn't you call me?
Oh, she's busy.
Oh, my God,
Oh, my God, the stories
I can tell you about her.
You really know your way
around here, huh?
Well, come here often enough,
you get to know a few people.
DONALD: Well, I can see that.
Could you loosen up
a little, Donnie?
You look like a security guard.
God, those summers
were the worst ever.
I would spend the whole time
counting the planes,
taking off from Iowa.
I was like that the whole time.
He used to make me
pick the nails off the floor
-to save money.
-He still does that, Freddy.
Even now.
He would say to me,
"You keep an eye,
"anybody takes too long
on their smoke break,
"you tell me about it,"
and he would give me a quarter
for every guy that I tattled on.
It was me against them.
DONALD: Well, then
you probably got rich, huh?
(CHUCKLING) You probably
got rich those summers.
FREDDY: Let me get
another drink.
No, no. Come on. Come on.
We're all right. Thank you.
Thank you very much.
I don't need my little brother.
You think I don't have money?
I got money.
I know you do,
but it's my treat, okay?
Take your hat.
You're gonna need this.
Vic, I'm thinking of
a three-story atrium, all right?
And this whole side,
all the way down,
I wanna clad
in mirrored glass, okay?
So, when you're across
42nd Street,
or you're coming up
the Park Avenue ramp,
and you look up, you're gonna
see the Chrysler Building,
the Grand Central Station,
all the landmarks
reflected in that glass.
It's gonna change the whole
ambiance of the neighborhood.
It's gonna be a beautiful thing.
What do you think?
Yeah. We're done.
"We're done"? Vic.
What... What are you...
What are you saying?
If you were serious,
I'd be talking to your father,
not you.
Who the hell wants to build
a luxury hotel on 42nd Street?
I do, okay?
I will eat, breathe, and sleep,
and shit this job
until it's done.
This is 1,600 rooms
right next to Grand Central.
MAN: Man, how you doing?
You wanna have some fun?
This is my wife here.
You wanna fuck my wife?
-No, I'm fine, thank you.
-Her tight-ass pussy's all yours
-for 40 bucks.
-I'm all right.
-MAN: You sayin' my wife--
-COP: Hey, guy! Guy! Come on!
-MAN: Whoa! Whoa!
-COP: Move on!
New York is the greatest city
in the world,
and when it comes back
and it will big-time,
there's gonna be one hell
of a lot of money.
People are gonna get rich, Vic,
like you wouldn't believe.
Come on, Vic. Think
outside the box, all right?
I can't deal with you
until you get the Feds
off your back.
You got that?
Vic, it's gonna be great.
ROY: David, how are you?
DONALD: How you doing?
How you doing?
Donald Trump
from the other night, remember?
-DONALD: Mr. Cohn.
Great suit.
Donald Trump, I met you
the other night.
Russ, could you get
my table, please?
Listen, about the lawsuit,
I wanted to talk to you about,
you know, from before,
with my father.
ROY: Look, I'm here to have fun.
Okay, kid? Don't ruin my night.
Now, I gotta take a piss.
Mr. Cohn, sorry,
you have to represent us.
ROY: Oh, you've gotta be
kidding me.
Well, I'm sorry to follow you
to the bathroom,
but you... you...
you have to represent us.
The DOJ is trying to ruin
our lives.
It's... it's... it's a disgrace.
-It's an injustice.
-ROY: I'm trying to take a leak.
DONALD: They're gonna force us
to rent to welfare cases,
and they're gonna
ruin the buildings.
Please! I'm begging you, sir.
I'm standing in a bathroom here
with... with... with this guy,
and I'm begging you
from the heart
to just, please,
as the only guy,
the only guy that's got the guts
and the balls
to take on these bullies,
to consider this case!
Well, uh...
I never liked bullies.
The liberals hate capitalism,
and strength,
and everything that people
like us stand for,
truth, justice,
and the American way.
Okay? What they wanna do
is they wanna take money
from you and me,
and spread it around
to deadbeats on welfare.
-I'm fine.
-They're worse than Nazis,
-believe me.
-I don't do that.
ROY: Oh, well,
I got news for you, kid.
You do if you want me to listen.
Drink up, Donnie Boy.
So, I don't have all night.
DONALD: Okay. So...
the suit says we violated
the Fair Housing Act.
Don't tell me what the law is.
Tell me who the judge is.
Edward Neaher.
That's bad. He's a Boy Scout.
That's bad?
ROY: It's not good.
You know what, Donald?
This whole civil rights deal,
it stinks,
the way herring stinks.
You tell me,
how many stuffed shirt leftists
want their little Johnnys
and Janes in school
with little Negroes?
Right? And they say
I'm Lucifer incarnate.
-At least I'm honest, right?
-DAVID: That's true.
Well, the other night,
you were talking about...
-ROY: Come on, drink up.
-DONALD: I mean... I was...
You were talking about the...
suing the government.
And, I mean, were you serious
about that, or...
I'm serious as a heart attack.
Okay, to you.
-Thank you.
-ROY: To Donald.
I'm telling you, Roy,
I'm gonna...
I'm gonna take New York.
I'm gonna take New York
and bring it back.
I'm gonna do it. You watch.
You watch.
I'm gonna take that Commodore,
I'm gonna make it the best
fucking hotel in the city.
I'll take the Penn Central.
I'll take the Yards,
the Hudson Yards.
I got all these ideas
and that's...
That's the problem
with my father.
-You know what, Donald? You...
-DONALD: People...
You're gorgeous, you know that?
You're a real thoroughbred.
-You're one of a kind.
ROY: Okay? I'm telling you,
you're one of a kind.
-I think--
-Not too bad yourself.
ROY: Well, I mean,
I'm not much to look at.
You know you're good.
I bet you fuck a lot,
don't you, Donald?
You look like somebody
who, uh...
fucks a lot.
I think you're right.
I like this kid.
-I feel sorry for him.
Yeah, I can see that.
Go see if he's okay.
I'm not Bonnie Lindenbaum,
and this isn't Avenue Z.
-The powerful people,
they hire me
because I'm not the typical
and do nothing shyster.
I won't be pushed around, okay?
You're the client,
but you work for me.
That means you do what I say.
What I say, 100%.
Absolutely, Totally.
Whatever you say.
And if you throw up
on my scarlet piping,
you're a dead duck.
My office, 12:30 tomorrow.
-MAN: Yes?
DONALD: Hello. This is
Donald Trump for Mr. Cohn.
-Thank you so much.
-MAN: Donald who?
-Donald Trump.
-MAN: Come on in, Donald.
No, I'm telling you
it was not in his briefcase.
It wasn't alleged
to be in this briefcase.
I was in court. I saw
the complaint and you didn't.
Did you?
No, you're not listening to me.
Just get the goddamn injunction
and shut up already.
Uh, where were we?
Murdoch, prepping his bid
for the New York Post.
Needs due diligence
on owner Dolly Schiff.
Due diligence? What's to know?
She's a communist cunt .
-Tell Rupert that
she's Robert Barron's wet dream.
-Thank you, Rosario.
-MAN: And ripe for the pickin'.
Phelps divorce. When is that?
MAN: A week, Monday.
Because I wanna be armed
to the goddamn teeth
when I put her yutz
of a husband on the stand.
Morning, sweetheart.
MAN: We also have to deal with
the latest subpoena
from the IRS.
ROY: Those geniuses at the IRS.
All right,
it's a total vendetta.
Charlie, come here, you schmuck!
-MAN: Okay, here.
ROY: That's Charlie Brown.
Give him...
-give him a kiss, Charlie.
MAN: Oh, yeah.
ROY: Nice. Be careful,
he might try and blow you.
-Well, that's the lawsuit,
-in case you wanna take a look.
-ROY: 194.
All about the Fair Housing Act.
ROY: I'm doing my sit-ups,
Donald. Hang on.
195. (GRUNTS)
Don't touch them, please.
-DONALD: Oh, I'm sorry.
-ROY: 198.
DONALD: Wow, you got
quite a collection, Roy.
DONALD: President Nixon,
that's pretty incredible.
ROY: Nixon, yeah,
he's a good friend.
-He's a close personal friend.
-Do you wanna read the lawsuit?
I don't need to read
the lawsuit.
I told you, it stinks.
Smells like my armpit
smells right now.
DONALD: Yeah, I mean,
in reality, I mean...
I mean, we do rent
to Black people.
-You do?
-Yeah, 10% of our buildings
go to Black people.
-ROY: Oh, well...
-It's just,
they have to make four times
the amount of the rent
in terms of the income
to be approved.
Sounds to me like they're
discriminating against you.
DONALD: That's right, they are.
ROY: And it should be called
the Unfair Housing Act.
It's your building. You can do
whatever the hell you want.
Sure sounds nice
when you say it, Roy, you know?
-Where's my check?
-Oh, I got it right here.
ROY: Okay, we're in business.
You got a great name, Trump.
Well, may end up on that wall
one day.
-It'd be nice.
-ROY: You could be on that wall.
Yeah, you could be on that wall.
Why not?
How do you mix
with all those people?
Everybody wants to suck
a winner's cock
is what it comes down to.
I've been indicted three times.
I won 36-0.
Government, zero. Roy Cohn, 36.
-I'm a winner.
-How do you win?
You wanna know how to win?
I'm gonna let you in
on a little secret.
There's rules.
Roy Cohn's three rules
of winning.
The first rule is the simplest.
Attack, attack, attack!
Civil rights. Katz.
ROY: (ON PHONE) I hope the putz
you're schtupping
has got real money, 'cause
after I get you fired,
you're sure gonna need it.
-Excuse me?
-Unless you drop
your baseless litigation,
I am countersuing
the Justice Department
for 100 million dollars.
And you are gonna rue the day
that you ever filed--
-Who is this?
-It's Roy Cohn,
calling on behalf of my client,
Donald J. Trump.
Always let it ring twice.
To whom do I owe the pleasure?
MAN: (ON PHONE) Mr. Cohn,
this is Jay Stanley Pottinger
the United States Department
of Justice.
Wow, I'm sure your mother
is very proud.
MAN: How dare you threaten
one of my attorneys?
I should have you disbarred
for speaking to her that way!
Stan. Stan. Bubala.
Why don't you calm down?
That never happened.
JAY: Barbara Katz has worked
for me for 20 years!
-You threatened her, and now--
-ROY: Sounds like, maybe,
maybe she's hormonal
or something like that.
-MAN: What did you say?
Rule two.
Admit nothing, deny everything.
Objection. The Civil Rights
Division did not file a lawsuit.
Frankly, it compiled
a 48-page press release,
as far as I can tell.
Now, the government
has failed to spell out
one single fact
concerning alleged
discriminatory practices
against Blacks by the Trumps.
I motion to have this case
dismissed on summary judgment.
Counselor, continue.
BARBARA: Thank you,
Your Honor. Agent Green,
what led you to believe
that you were denied a lease
at Trump Properties
based on your race?
Well, not only
did the newspaper advertise...
That's Walter. DOJ.
He runs the show.
THEODORE: I saw three Caucasian
couples approved before me.
-ROY: Objection. Speculation.
-Mr. Cohn--
How can he say for sure
they were Caucasian?
Please allow Agent Green
to answer the question.
I've seen Puerto Ricans
whiter than my tush
after a long winter.
-Your Honor...
-MAN 1: Mr. Cohn!
-ROY: Marvin, how are you?
-Good to see you.
-Good to see you.
How do you feel
about your chances?
The government's case
is phony as a three-dollar bill.
Let's just say
we're in a very strong position.
MAN 1: Mr. Trump, do you think
you can beat the US government?
I feel very good about this.
MAN 2: One more question,
Mr. Trump.
-MAN 1: Mr. Trump!
-MAN 2: Sir!
We're really gonna win,
aren't we?
Are you out of your mind?
Of course not.
-DONALD: What?
your case is a total dog.
But... but you said
that they had no evidence.
Your leasing agents marked
Black applications with a "C."
That "C" didn't stand
for cotton candy, now, did it?
Raul, I'm late for a little
rendezvous. Step on it.
Roy, you said we'd win
hands down.
ROY: Rule three.
This is the most important
rule of all. Okay?
-No matter what happens...
-Do we to drive this fast? matter what they say
about you,
no matter how beaten you are,
you claim victory
and never admit defeat.
Never admit defeat!
Donald, you wanna win?
That's how you win.
Walter, my good friend.
What a nice surprise.
It's, uh...
nice to see you, too, Roy.
Your bulldog Katz,
she's being tough on us.
WALTER: Barbara
is one of our best.
ROY: You know,
this case isn't fair.
You and I both know that.
Well, you know what, Roy,
justice is complicated.
-"Justice is complicated"?
-WALTER: Yeah.
You know what could get
complicated, Walter...
is a...
a married man committing
certain indiscretions
with the cabana boys in Cancun.
The last I checked,
homosexuals were barred
from federal civil service.
WALTER: What do you want, Roy?
Why don't you do the right thing
and make this case go away?
You know I can't do that.
Imagine your wife
reading in the Post that...
-ROY: ...her husband is a fairy.
Is that what you want?
Say hello to Moira and the kids.
-What? I'm not gonna bite.
-That was...
Why don't you sit down?
You're all the way
over in Alaska. Come here.
I don't know, Roy. I mean, I...
Pretty sure
what I just saw was...
I... I don't even know what...
what to think of that.
I mean, I'm...
I'm speechless.
Here's the thing, Donald, uh...
You played...
you played sports, right?
So, they probably
taught you, uh...
"Play the ball, not the man."
But you see, in reality,
it's the total opposite.
You play the man, not the ball.
Okay? To get what you want,
forget the ball.
You get the man.
This is a nation of men,
not laws.
And you don't care?
ROY: It's an advantage...
to not care
what people think of you.
Fuck what people think of you.
There is no right and wrong.
There is no morality.
There is no truth
with a capital T.
It's a construct.
It's a fiction. It's man-made.
None of it matters
except winning.
That's it.
...leave office
before my term is completed
is a part of every instinct
in my body.
But, as President, I must put
the interests of America first.
I shall resign the presidency,
effective at noon tomorrow.
-My first priority,
in this presidency,
is to sustain and strengthen
the mutual trust and respect,
which must exist...
Never answer your own phone,
like some loser.
-Get a secretary.
-How's it going?
ROY: Listen, the judge called
with news about the suit.
Well, what are they saying?
Well, the government folded
like a cheap tent.
We settled with no fine.
No admission of discrimination.
So, you won big, kiddo.
Roy, that's...
-that's incredible. I--
-Now get ready.
I'm gonna pick you up
in about an hour, okay?
DONALD: You're a genius--
ROY: Listen, Judy,
about 100 reporters
were crawling up my ass
to get this interview,
and I gave you the exclusive.
Uh, yes. Hello, Judy.
This is Donald Trump.
I'm very excited...
very excited to talk to you.
JUDY: So, Donald, now with
the lawsuit behind you,
-what do you wanna do next?
Well, I intend to acquire
the Commodore,
and I'm planning on making it
the the best
and the finest building
in the city.
-Maybe... maybe the country.
-(MOUTHING) The world.
In the world, Judy.
In the world.
It's gonna be the finest
building in the world.
It's gonna be
a spectacular hotel.
Absolutely spectacular.
First class. And, uh...
JUDY: That sounds
very ambitious.
Where do you get the drive?
You're still so young, Donald.
I got... I got flair
and I'm smart,
so I think that's gonna
make me successful.
-Slow down.
-But I also wanna stay humble.
I'm sorry, Judy.
Listen, let's do the rest
in person,
and bring a photographer, okay?
I'm sorry, Roy.
No, I mean, listen,
it's your life.
Now, you got a ways to go,
but you're learning.
You know, I should have
talked to Dad
before announcing the Commodore.
He'll be convinced when he reads
about it in the Times.
-Okay? You create
your own reality.
-It's not that easy.
-Truth is a malleable thing.
-These are too tight, I think.
-(STRAINING) All right. Well...
-You have kind of a big ass.
-I'm sorry.
You know that?
You gotta work on that.
TAILOR: We try something else.
Look, my dad is tough.
He's very tough.
ROY: Well, that's why
you gotta spread the news,
like it's already happening.
Just, you can't push him around
very easily.
Fine. Okay, fine. Then, uh...
What? You let him push you
around. Is that what you want?
-No, I don't.
-TAILOR: Look.
Very, very fine fabric.
-What is that? Merino wool?
It looks expensive.
-How much is this?
-Okay, that's--
-Okay. We'll take it.
And a matching shirt and tie.
-I can't pay for this.
-Forget it. Okay? Forget it.
Listen. Here.
I don't need your money.
You'll pay me back
with your friendship, okay?
Quid pro quo.
You be a friend to me,
I be a friend to you.
Okay? That's... that's...
That's the pact, okay?
If you look like
a million bucks,
I look like a million bucks.
Is this a guy...
Is this a guy from Flushing,
or is this a guy
from Fifth Avenue?
-You know what I'm saying?
-I'm Fifth Avenue.
Fifth Avenue
is where we wanna be.
-ROY: That's right.
IVANA: ...for over 20 minutes.
HOST: I've already explained.
This is a members-only club.
-Only members are allowed.
-We can become members.
-We can file papers right now.
-You cannot become members.
I've asked you once to leave.
IVANA: I want to speak
to the boss.
HOST: I am the boss.
IVANA: You're not the boss.
-HOST: (CHUCKLES) I am the boss.
I want to speak
with the real boss.
-HOST: I'm sorry you're upset.
-DONALD: Excuse me.
Um, what's the issue?
I'm sorry, Mr. Trump. I was just
trying to get them to leave.
Well, actually,
they're on the list.
We don't need your help.
HOST: And what list
would that be?
The, uh, Roy Cohn list.
My apologies, Mr. Trump.
Why don't you take
your coat off?
Thank you very much.
MAN: Hi, ladies.
Let me get those registered.
DONALD: I'm Donald Trump.
You're such a...
-What is the word?
-DONALD: Gentleman.
A man who thinks
women need his help.
Well, you... you were totally
failing without me.
So, I guess you needed
my help a little bit.
What's the catch, gentleman?
No catch.
Enjoy your night.
(CLEARS THROAT) Thank you.
SERVER: Ladies, can I get you
anything else tonight?
-WOMAN: I'm good.
-I'm good, too.
The check, please.
SERVER: Mr. Trump
took care of it.
WOMAN: Well, then...
Mr. Trump is obsessed
with somebody.
Thank you. All right.
Should we get out of here?
-WOMAN: Yes.
-Excuse me, hello?
Hello, excuse me!
Excuse me.
-Do you need a ride?
-We don't need a ride.
DONALD: It looks
really cold out there and, uh...
-Let me give you a ride.
-WOMAN: You know what...
-DONALD: Listen, come on.
You didn't tell me your name.
Ivana Zelnickova.
-IVANA: Zelnickova.
IVANA: Thank you for the ride.
I really wanna
see you again, okay?
I'd love to, and I'd love
to take you to dinner.
Thank you, Donald. But...
I have a boyfriend.
So what? He doesn't let you eat?
Good night, Donald.
Come on. (GIGGLES)
MARY ANNE: "Donald J. Trump
is tall, lean and blonde,
"with dazzling white teeth,
"and looks ever so much
like Robert Redford." (CHUCKLES)
I'm so proud of you. Look here.
I'm so proud of you.
-(GASPS) Oh.
-DONALD: They even called me...
Donald, it would have been
appropriate for you
to talk to me
before you announced
your Commodore plan.
Now, it looks like
I don't run
my own goddamn company.
not if you back me up.
Donald, the Chrysler Building
is in foreclosure.
And you want to open a hotel
around the corner.
The Chrysler Building
is a landmark--
It's like adding a deck chair
to the Titanic.
Dad, sooner or later,
you might have to
accept the fact
that I could be right,
and maybe I know what I'm doing.
Look, Donald,
I respect what you've done.
I really hope so. I hope so.
I hope so, Dad. I really do.
MARY ANNE: Donald...
I gotta go.
MARY ANNE: Really, Frederick?
Hey, Russell. Uh, where's Roy?
Donald, what's a nice boy
like you
doing at a party like this?
How do you know Roy?
-He's, uh... he's my lawyer.
Mine, too.
-I'm in real estate.
-ANDY: Mmm.
-What do you do?
-I'm an artist.
What do you make?
Anything I can sell.
Making money is art.
It's true. It is.
It is.
Are you successful?
Oi! There he is, the boy
with the golden hair.
I say, if you're indicted,
you're invited.
The suit looks great.
Come on, let's Let's mingle.
Dick, how are you?
This is Donald Trump.
-Oh, how's it going?
-ROY: New friend. New client.
Listen, Roy, I hear Ed Koch
is gonna run.
Oh, well, he'll never win.
He's a total homo.
-(CHUCKLES) He's a homo?
-ROY: That's what I heard.
DICK: Listen, Abe's worried.
He wanted me to talk to you.
Okay, call me tomorrow.
I'm at the party, okay?
Dick is the deputy mayor.
You know, he's a good friend.
Gentlemen, I want you to meet
a real prince.
-This is Donald Trump.
-Mr. Murdoch.
Nice to meet you.
-GEORGE: George Steinbrenner.
-DONALD: Of course.
ROY: He knows
who you are, George.
-I mean, are you kidding me?
-Sir, I used to play ball.
Coach said
I could have gone pro.
GEORGE: What the hell happened?
Well, I realized,
why play on the field
when I can just own the stadium?
-I like that.
ROY: Talk to you later?
Rupert is gonna be key for you.
You wanna get quoted in the Post
and all the papers a lot.
You know, keep your name
in the papers.
-Oh, that's my accountant.
-DONALD: Uh, really?
Listen, you better work
on the Commodore pitch, okay?
Brush up on that because
I got you a sit-down
with the CEO of Hyatt.
-Jay Pritzker?
-Yeah, Pritzker. Who else?
Roy, that's amazing.
Roy, that's...
-ROY: Okay.
-That's incredible.
ROY: Estelle!
On behalf of the sadistic,
inhumane conservatives
in this country,
I wanna welcome all of you.
It's great to see so many
old friends, and new ones.
I love this country.
I think of America
as my most important client.
Some of you are my clients,
and I hate to break it to you,
but America is more important.
-We are the last line of defense
between a free world
and a totalitarian hellscape.
-God bless America!
-ALL: God bless America!
-ROY: God bless America!
-ALL: God bless America!
Where is Roy? Have you seen him?
-I think he went upstairs.
All right,
I guess I'll look around.
-Oh, yes!
Well, gentlemen, this is
a monumental opportunity.
The Grand Central Area
is one of the most important
locations in the city.
The Chrysler Building is there.
The Pan Am Building is there.
The whole area is monumental,
and the key to the whole area
is the old Commodore Hotel,
which is just sitting there,
boarded up,
and waiting to be transformed.
I wanna make it something
very special.
I wanna build an incredible,
glorious, glamorous hotel
that's gonna put people to work
in the construction trades,
it's gonna save hotel jobs.
It's been a brutal year
for New York.
We're one step away
from depression.
And we have to bring it back.
Thank you.
Commodore Hotel is a great idea,
but not only is it in shambles,
but everything around it,
as well.
Everything on that city block
-is going to need to be rebuilt.
-DONALD: I'd love to do that.
I think "destination"
is a great word.
You know, it brings
people to... to Manhattan.
A lot of Europeans are waiting
to come back to the city.
Mr. Pritzker, any questions?
Just one.
Between the unions and taxes,
how will you make money?
Well, that's a... That's
a really interesting question.
Well, there won't be
any taxes, Jay,
because we're gonna get
a tax abatement from the mayor,
who is begging developers
to build, okay?
And if I tell him that the CEO
of Hyatt is committing,
then I can get him
to waive the property taxes.
The city's broke,
and you're saying
they're gonna forego taxes?
I'm saying I got
the city planning commission
in my pocket.
MAN: Think
you're dreaming, Donald.
Russell, it's Donald.
Can you let me in?
I... I need to talk to Roy.
-ROY: Easy, easy...
ROY: ...or you're gonna
break my intercom.
Roy, can you let me in?
I... I need your help.
ROY: Boy, you fucked the dog,
didn't you?
Listen, I... I...
-I'm sorry.
I really need your help on this.
Okay? I'll... I'll call
the mayor. What's my ask?
Waive Hyatt's property taxes.
-Waive Hyatt's property taxes?
-DONALD: Yeah.
Oh, so you want...
You want me to ask them
for a $160,000,000 abatement?
-Yeah, Well, with you--
-You're nuts.
DONALD: With you,
it can be done. You're Roy Cohn.
You're Roy Cohn. The Roy Cohn.
ROY: It's just not gonna happen.
I mean, I'll do anything
for you. Whatever you want.
ROY: You know, I can't turn,
you know,
loaves into fishes here,
you know?
DONALD: I know,
but I'm begging you for this.
I believe in this, Roy,
and I'm begging you, please.
-Just make a call.
-Okay, call me in the morning.
Okay? Call me in the morning.
-DONALD: Roy, I love you.
-Be glad he owes me.
I love you!
-DONALD: Thank you.
-Have a good night.
-Good night.
DONALD: Bye. Have a good night.
FRED: Let's just hope we're not
made fools of in there.
Everyone's on board, Dad.
This is just a formality.
FRED: Yeah, right.
ROY: It was only a year ago
that President Ford
told New York City to drop dead.
New York City, drop dead.
Now, my client, Mr. Trump,
is trying to give this city
a much-needed blood infusion
and resuscitate the corpse
of New York City,
and I urge you to support
my client In doing so.
-Thank you.
-Thank you, Mr. Cohn.
Let's go through the last run
of comments on this issue.
Deputy Mayor Richard Morgan
will provide the mayor's view
of this proposal.
Thank you, Chairman.
I'll keep this brief.
Mayor Beame
and the rest of City Hall
fully support Mr. Trump's plans.
MAN: This is a damn rip-off!
The rich don't need
another tax break!
-MICHAEL: Order!
-Especially this man!
-Okay, okay. Okay.
-MAN: Come on, Chairman.
MICHAEL: While it is true
that there is support
for Mr. Trump's proposal,
it is also true that the city
is being forced to cut
vital services to the poor.
We will move to a vote
after a short recess.
You said they were on board!
Now, you're wasting my time.
What did I tell you?
What did I tell you?
-What happened, Roy?
You thought the rules
don't apply to you?
Well, what are we gonna do now?
They're gonna vote any minute.
ROY: Watch your head.
It's my playroom.
I can record everything
and, you know,
keep a record in case I need it.
This is the patch bay,
and you run these cables
to any room in the house,
and you can listen in.
I got Onassis.
I got Cardinal Cooke.
Oh, I got everybody.
Park your butt here.
The chairman came to see me
one day
with a little problem.
Michael, can I have a word?
-ROY: Where'd you put the money?
MICHAEL: I put it in the fund
I thought
no one would take a look at.
Now, they're going through
the books.
-ROY: How much?
I don't want this thing
coming back to haunt me.
Have you no decency?
You know,
I've heard that before.
You have to be willing
to do anything to anyone to win.
This has been one of
the toughest votes we've had.
There's a lot of strong
feelings on both sides.
ROY: You have to be willing
to exploit your enemies
and instill fear.
Our responsibility is to do
what's best for New York.
The truth is,
the city needs investment.
Therefore, we grant approval
for Mr. Trump's tax abatement.
-WOMAN: Outrageous!
MICHAEL: This is
a final decision!
This is corruption!
I will ask you to maintain
order in this house!
Well, that's illegal, right?
ROY: Oh, it's illegal?
Donald, wake up!
You know, when I tried
the Rosenbergs,
I wanted so badly
to see those pinko kikes fry
for what they did.
Now, Judge Kaufman
had no trouble
sending Julius to the chair,
but Ethel was a mother
with young kids.
They wanted her to live,
as if that's some sort of
special immunity
for betraying your country.
So, during the trial,
I'd slip out at lunch
to a phone booth
and call Kaufman.
You know, technically,
ex parte conversations,
they're not allowed. But, uh...
when democracy is at stake,
you're damn right
I'm willing to violate
a few technicalities.
I don't care if she's a mother
with young kids.
She betrayed our country
and she has to die.
You have to set an example
and put this woman to death.
She's a traitor.
Do you understand
what I'm telling you?
I mean, America
is the biggest client.
That's right.
You have to be willing
to do anything for America
to safeguard democracy.
IVANA: Hi, Don.
What's going on?
You wanna go to dinner?
Donald, I like you.
And the flowers are beautiful.
-But I cannot do this--
-DONALD: Come on.
This is hurting my heart.
I can't sleep. I can't eat--
I'm off for a job in Aspen,
and I need to pack.
A job?
Like... like--
Listen, Donald,
I'm getting engaged.
You're getting engaged.
IVANA: I really love
my boyfriend.
-Well, just--
MAN: All right,
so here's the idea.
We got, like, a rock band
going here.
She needs all the attention.
You guys are great.
You're supporting her, though.
-Are we good?
-MAN: Yeah.
Push your tits towards me.
There you go.
The arrogance.
The arrogance. Sexy.
Here we go.
Come a little bit forward here.
There you go. Okay.
Great job.
You look good.
Donald, what are you doing here?
I heard Aspen real estate
is hot.
-DONALD: It's true.
I have a lot of, uh,
unfinished business.
You wanna go to dinner?
I'm gonna make a run
after the shoot,
and maybe you can join me.
-You... you wanna ski?
-IVANA: Do you know how to ski?
I'll meet you here.
Meet me at the slopes.
No, no, no. I'll meet you here.
I'll get my skis,
and I'll meet you here.
Do you like modeling?
I like the money.
You make good money on that?
IVANA: I make decent money.
But what I really want
is my own fashion line.
I want clothes, jewelry, shoes
with my name.
My biggest dream is to have
my own interior design firm.
I have a whole vision.
No, you're just not like
the women I normally meet.
Because I want something more
than a man and a ring?
-IVANA: Well, cheers to that.
You're really not gonna
drink anything?
I don't like anything
to slow me down.
Okay, I don't mean to laugh.
Well, in life,
there are two types of people.
There are killers,
and there are losers.
But it's good
not to be a killer, no?
Killer means winner.
Are you a killer, Donald?
Are you going to kill me?
REPORTER: It's called
the Big Apple,
the greatest city in the world.
Now, there seems to be
something rotten
in the core of the fruit.
"The city can barely afford
to pay its bills,"
says Ed Koch,
the mayoral candidate.
We don't know yet the sacrifices
we need to make
to get this city
back on its feet again.
REPORTER: And as the crime
is surging,
it might even have to lay off
those who fight crime.
But this won't stop young
real estate promoter,
Donald Trump, from pursuing
his dream project,
a 1500-room luxury hotel
at the Grand Central Terminal.
New York, right now,
is at a great turning point.
It's gonna go one way
or the other,
and I'm gonna make damn well
sure it goes the right way.
I wanna make it
a fabulous place again.
ROY: So, what you're
telling me is,
I'm supposed to remember, now,
in March, 1977,
who I had dinner with
in February, 1958,
and, you know, what color tie
they were wearing and...
Exactly! Listen,
let me call you back.
-DONALD: That was--
-The clowns at the IRS
-crawling up my ass again.
-That's terrible.
Roger, meet Donald Trump.
-ROGER: Hi. Good to meet you.
-How you doing?
Roger Stone.
-(CHUCKLES) Sorry, I'm all wet.
-No, it's...
ROY: He's all wet.
Huge fan of your work.
-Oh, thank you.
-ROGER: Yeah.
Roger here is into politics.
His specialty is dirty tricks.
Ah, well, no comment.
Roger, duh, be a mensch,
get me a Paloma.
So how's things?
Well, uh, listen,
things are... things are good.
-And I... I met someone.
-You met someone?
That's great. Good for you.
Well, she's...
she's a tough cookie.
Well, she better
not mess with you
because she'll have to
answer to me.
We're gonna get married.
You're gonna get married?
You're gonna get married?
What do you mean?
-I love her--
-Are you nuts?
Are you out of
your goddamn mind?
Well, I'm in love...
Donald, let me put it
to you this way.
Would you sign a contract
giving away half your assets?
-What? A contract?
-That's what a marriage is,
it's a contract
between two parties.
My parents have been married
in 40 years, Roy,
I don't know what...
nobody had a contract.
Listen, the matrimonial game
is a zero sum game.
Trust me, I almost married
Barbara Walters,
and then I wised up.
You're gonna need protection.
It's not the Magna Carta,
it's just the standard prenup.
That's all.
IVANA: Yeah.
In the event of separations
spouse will receive
$20,000 annually.
It's not too bad.
We're not gonna separate...
-Okay, let me finish.
-Just sign it at the end.
Let me finish.
Please take your time.
-I will. Trust me.
Return all the gifts? (LAUGHS)
Is this a joke?
Does it say that?
Ah, we... we don't
have to do that.
Well, legally, a gift doesn't
constitute marital property.
-You agree with that?
-ROY: In the case of divorce
-or the dissolution...
-A gift?
...of the marriage.
You don't need to bullshit me
with this legal language.
-ROY: This is not personal.
-I can get a $200
-lawyer like you as well.
-ROY: It's the law.
-You can keep the gifts.
-You know, I don't need that.
Well, we don't have to...
just keep the gifts.
-IVANA: Forget it.
-It's fine.
ROY: Buyer beware.
Ivana! Hey!
Look, forget the gift clause,
all right?
Roy got carried away.
Listen, I'll give you
50,000 now
like a signing bonus.
All right, come on.
The wedding is in two days.
$100,000 in my account
before the wedding,
-Ivana, please.
Let's talk about this.
Come on, Don't do this.
Go find someone else, Donald.
I'm not a trophy wife.
You're gonna ruin your life
if you don't marry me.
-DRIVER: (HONKS) Come on!
One second. Listen, I'm...
-Why is that?
because I'm rich, I'm handsome.
-I have a great family.
-Oh, my God!
I'm gonna be the number one
builder in New York.
Listen to me.
You're gonna have a life
you can't even dream of, Ivana.
With me.
I love you.
I love you. Okay?
I wanna have children with you.
I want us to grow old together.
MAN: Hey! Congratulations!
Fuck you.
Thank you very much
for coming.
Thank you.
Uh... here. Cheers.
She thinks she's gonna
put me in the movies now.
She thinks
I look like Robert Redford.
Thank you.
And thanks for coming.
Your building is almost
as beautiful as your wife.
-And it's only getting
even more beautiful.
You must have a lot of money.
There they are!
Uh, the two lovebirds.
-There he is.
-You look...
You look marvelous.
-IVANA: Excuse me.
-See you in a second.
I don't think somebody's
over the prenup.
-She'll come around?
-I don't think so.
But that's all right.
It means I'm doing my job.
Somebody's got to protect you.
Look at this.
I mean, you've got everybody.
You've got the mayor.
Uh, the City Council President.
All the major developers here.
Everybody is lining up
to kiss your ring now, kiddo.
You've arrived.
-You know that?
-Thank you, Roy.
I love you.
You're practically my family.
Thank you for saying that.
FRED: I hope
we're not tired yet.
We're just getting started,
you know.
Drink up, everybody.
Hey. Hey. Good to see you.
Good to see you.
It's been a long time.
-Roy. How are you?
-I'm good. How are you?
-Oh, good.
-Very nice to see you.
You should be
very proud of your son.
I'm extremely proud.
Extremely proud.
You know... you know,
I've been meaning to tell you,
I... I wanted to thank you
for all you've done for Donald.
I appreciate it.
Well, I haven't done anything.
He doesn't need my help.
Oh... (LAUGHS)
Little Donnie needs
all the help he can get.
We had to ship him off
to military school
when the teachers found
his switchblade collection.
Yeah, well, you know,
I saw West Side Story...
West Side Story.
-DONALD: I got it...
-You know what, Fred?
Uh, I just fixed
what others couldn't.
Well, I appreciate it, Roy.
Thank you for doing it.
-I really do.
-See ya.
-FRED: Thanks for coming.
-See you in a second, Roy.
Appreciate it.
-DONALD: Uh...
-He's an asshole.
Well, no, he's got a client
he's... he's dealing with.
-How's it going, Dad?
-It didn't seem right.
It's... it's going fine.
It's great.
I don't know
any of these people.
-Like, who's that guy?
-Well, these are...
these are very
important people.
I wrote a few things down
in case you wanted.
I should do, uh, a speech,
you know, a toast or whatever.
We're okay, Freddy,
don't worry.
-Don't worry about the speech.
What... what happened
with the TWA?
I don't like to fly anymore.
Well, that's great, Freddy.
All right, well, look, I...
I gotta go see Ivana, so...
Hey, tell her... tell her,
That's congratulations
in Czech.
-I looked it up.
-I will. I will.
-Oh, shit.
Ah, shit.
-Can you just...
-Oh, no, it's on your suit...
Leave it. Put it down.
-FREDDY: Sorry.
-Sit down. Sit down.
-Let's see.
-Give me a wet glass.
You're looking at me
like it's my fault.
You give me a wet glass.
Shit! You're mad with me now.
I ruined everything.
Now you're mad with me.
I'm not mad.
Listen to me. I'm not mad.
I'm sorry, Donnie.
I am not fucking mad.
Listen to me.
One fucking night.
One fucking night.
Can't you fucking
keep it together for once?
Stop pissing your fucking life
down the river.
You were supposed to be
at my dinner.
You were supposed to be
at my dinner,
you're my older brother.
Stand up.
Don't be such a fucking bum.
IVANA: Ready?
-MAN: Ready.
ROY: I got it!
I got it!
MAN: Five, four,
three, two, one.
Happy New Year!
Every major tax cut
in this century
has strengthened the economy,
by creating new investments,
new jobs and more commerce
among our people.
It's time to put America
back to work.
Listen, don't sell
Koch too hard.
I can handle him. Thanks.
Oh, you know how
to handle him, do you?
Listen, this is
gonna be a cinch.
Just, uh, let me handle it.
I really think this is gonna be
one of the most
exceptional buildings
anywhere in the world,
and frankly, there's never been
anything like it.
Sixty-eight stories tall,
28 sides,
a million square feet,
every unit will have amenities
like you wouldn't believe.
And the high floors have
exceptional views
over Central Park.
The lobby,
the floors will all be marble.
Pink Paradiso marble
from Italy.
It will have the largest
atrium in the world,
the 60-foot waterfall
spanned by shops
and retail and restaurants.
And I think it's gonna be
something very special.
Frankly, there's never
been anything like it.
And what you gonna call it?
Trump Tower.
Trump Tower?
Oh, that's interesting.
ROY: Look, he has
a great track record,
so we think
this is a very reasonable ask.
Well, I...
as I frequently say
about his buildings,
the merits are fine.
The thing is,
we're just not gonna give you
the tax breaks. Why would we?
I mean, I can't let you
get rich on
the backs of the people
of New York and their treasury.
-Well, I can't do that, Donald.
-Mr. Mayor, first of all...
-Look, Mr. Mayor...
-No, you're not...
you're not, Mr. Mayor,
because I'm building
a 68-story building
that's gonna employ
5,000 construction workers.
And we have heard stories
about the construction workers
working on your projects.
They don't get paid.
They have liens
against you, Donald.
I'm trying to employ people
in New York,
and turn us back around.
-You're trying...
-Towards the future,
and you're being
a very unfair guy.
Because, frankly,
what do you know about me?
What do you know about...
the amount of money
that I made on my own?
You don't know anything to be
perfectly honest, Mr. Mayor.
You don't know me at all,
but you will.
You'll never forget me
after this
because I won't forget
what you just did.
Trump Tower will be built
with or without you.
You're about to be
sued, Mr. Mayor.
I think we should attend
the Park Ball next month.
The tables are $10,000
and we get
to the House Committee.
I don't know. Why would I
give money to those snobs?
It's gonna make
the park more beautiful.
It's ridiculous, okay?
Trees don't need money
to grow.
The city really should let
developers build over the park
because it's prime real estate.
It's like, trying to be friends
with these Park Avenue phonies.
They don't care about you.
I mean, the way you're posing
for the cameras,
it's like you're...
you're begging for attention.
Donald, I'm posing
because they want to shoot me.
Don't get jealous.
Don't get jealous.
I'm not jealous, okay?
-You're getting jealous.
-They're jealous of me.
-Getting a little jealous.
-No, no, no.
They're jealous of me, Ivana,
because nobody
-has tried on any scale...
-Because you're with me.
...of what I'm trying
to do in the city.
No one's built
what I've built at my age.
-All right?
-I cannot sit.
It's just... it's Koch, okay?
He's being a piece of work,
and that's the problem.
He's not gonna budge.
All right, here, let me
help you with the shoes.
He just wants
a bit more money.
I gave him $50,000.
-What does Roy say?
Roy is useless.
What do you mean,
"what did he say?"
By the way, the FBI
raided his house this morning.
He owes them seven million
dollars in taxes.
But it doesn't matter.
I don't need Roy.
I don't need anybody.
I'm gonna go on television
and tell the people
what a loser Koch is, okay?
And that he's a one line artist
that doesn't care about
anything but looking good.
What's the matter with him?
What's the matter with him?
Why you crying?
Don Junior, Come here.
Come here. Come here.
Come here. Look at me.
Look at me.
Look at me.
You see, everything's okay.
Don Junior, everything's okay.
Look over there.
You see New York City?
That's your city.
Listen, you're
a New York City kid.
Do you see right there?
Yes, that one. That one.
Is that one you're favorite?
Which one's your favorite?
-I think he's just tired.
Don... It's okay.
I guess
I'm terrible with babies.
I don't know
what you want me to say.
Who is that? Freddy?
FREDDY: Hey, will you
tell this guy who I am?
-He knows.
-I'm his brother.
When? When, uh...
When did you get into town?
Just a couple of days ago.
I've been calling you,
but you didn't return my calls.
Hmm. You don't look too good.
-Are you sick?
I brought this for Don Jr.
Maybe I can go give it to him.
That's okay. That's okay.
Listen, I'll give it to him,
all right? I'll give it to him.
What's going on?
I didn't know you're in town.
Look, Donald, I know...
I know...
You know, I know I'm a loser
and all that, but...
You know, my...
my grip's kind of...
kind of slipping a little bit,
you know, and...
It... it's getting kind of...
you know, things are getting
a little bit scary and...
-Ah... You know I want to...
I want to...
I want to change...
DONALD: Mm-hmm.
Just... just take it
easy, okay?
It's gonna be all right.
We're gonna figure this out.
I'll help you, all right?
-FREDDY: Yeah.
That's all right, buddy.
We're gonna figure this out.
-All right? Don't worry.
-IVANA: Freddy?
-How are you?
-Ivana. Hi.
He got a toy for...
I didn't know
you were in the city.
Should I make up
the guest room?
Uh, well, I mean, you know,
we also have...
didn't you say your family's
coming in town, right?
You know, why don't you stay
at a hotel tonight?
Here. Get a hotel
for the one night,
for... for tonight.
And then, uh,
let's talk tomorrow.
You know,
we'll sort something out.
All right?
Just... just for tonight.
All right?
Come on, Freddy, don't
put this on me, all right?
I mean, you think
it's easy for me
to watch you waste your life?
Poor Freddy
WOMAN: Donald Trump's biggest
accomplishment to date
is the Grand Hyatt.
Now an even more ambitious
plan is in the works.
A bold new skyscraper
at prime
Fifth Avenue location,
neighboring the famous
Tiffany's store.
Taller what...
it could have been taller.
It could have been
a lot taller actually.
I wanted to build
taller than the Twin Towers.
I may still do that
I don't know.
-We're still building, so.
-We're gonna build...
We're gonna do taller,
but it's not gonna be
as beautiful as this one.
It's most important
what is it inside
and not what's
gonna be outside.
WOMAN: Trump's vision
is shared by his wife, Ivana,
a former fashion model
turned interior designer
Like come over here.
The floor... the floor is
gonna be pink marble.
Gonna be pink marble,
I'm gonna bring
a whole mountain from Italy.
Ivana's gonna
design the floors.
I'm gonna design the ceilings.
WOMAN: But it's his feud
with outspoken Mayor Ed Koch,
that may make him
best known to New Yorkers.
Well, he's an one line artist.
Uh, I mean, you know...
Uh, when it comes
to running the city,
he's about as bad
as anybody I've seen.
I would say he's got no talent
and only moderate intelligence.
Is this an appropriate way
to talk about
an elected official?
Ed Koch has been
a disaster for New York,
and he's... he's done
a lousy job as the mayor.
Anybody that
lives in New York knows it,
and people understand that
in order to be successful,
you have to have
a certain instinct to win.
Donald, you're a mover.
You are a doer.
If you could make
America perfect,
how would you do it?
Well, I think that
America is a country that
has tremendous,
tremendous potential.
I think that much
like the mind,
I think America is using
very, very little
of its potential.
I really feel that.
But I also feel that
it's a country that gets
no respect
from other countries.
None, zero.
And... and that's a shame,
isn't it?
Tell me this.
What if you lost
your fortune today,
what would you do?
Well, then maybe
I'll run for president.
-I don't know.
-Well, you'd do very well.
Well, I'm only kidding,
when I say that.
I'm just being facetious.
No, it's a good answer.
Listen, you're gonna
love Atlantic City.
I got this guy, Sullivan,
he's a killer.
Simon, find a way through.
All right? We've got
to get to the heliport.
Oh, is that gay cancer?
Just wiped his face all over
the fucking glass.
-Get out of my face.
-Run him over, Simon.
Come on, Simon.
I'm kidding.
Atlantic City is just beginning.
It's virtually untouched land,
there's so much potential.
Atlantic City
has peaked, Donald.
Once other states
legalize gaming,
you'll have competition
lining up.
Plus, you don't know
the first thing
-about running a casino.
-I know a lot about
a casino, Roy.
I'm not worried about that.
Why don't you finish
Trump Tower first.
It's done. Basically finished.
I think
your balls are swelling
-a little too much.
-It's gonna be fine, Roy.
You gotta... You gotta think
about the future.
The future is coming.
The future is here right now.
The future is in Atlantic City.
I see now. This is what
a goldmine looks like
-in human flesh.
-Unbelievable, huh?
-People see what you building...
He's excited.
You now excited, yeah?
-Excited face.
-All right.
Hey, did you win?
Did you win?
-MAN: How many times?
-You look like a winner.
-Where are you from?
Georgia's my favorite.
-How many machines?
-Sixty-seven machines.
Well, we're gonna put
in 3000, all right?
And then we'll pack
every grandma
in the world in this place.
We're gonna suck
this place dry.
Applying for a gaming license
is gonna take, uh,
eight, ten months minimum.
Not if you're this guy.
-Not if you're this guy.
-Always losing back there.
ROY: Look, this place is about
as much Las Vegas
as my Aunt Libby
is Grace Kelly.
It's gonna be better
than Las Vegas.
It's totally cheap
and grubby...
Roy, you're being
so negative all day.
What is this?
Is this free food?
Wow. Well, I might
have to get in there.
Cheese balls over here.
Ooh! It looks nice and hot.
-ROY: What are you doing?
-Do you want one?
No, it looks
totally disgusting.
Listen, what do you think
about midget boxing?
I don't think very much
about midget boxing, Donald.
When I do Trump Tower,
people love it.
Everything I do
is turning to gold, all right?
Everything's gonna work out.
ROY: But this is...
this is not a gold mine.
You're expanding too fast.
-Here we go.
You're gonna be
and you're gonna have debt
up to your ears,
and I don't advise it.
I know what I'm doing, okay?
You've been negative
the whole day.
I mean, what's going on?
Well, I'm getting a little
tired of you not listening
to me anymore.
I do listen to you,
just act a little bit more
like my attorney
and less like my dad
because I already got one,
he's pain in the ass.
Fine, you know?
You know what
lawyers do, Donald?
They charge their clients.
Send me the bill.
That make you feel better?
Good, fine.
I'll send you a bill.
I can pay you
because I have money.
Because I'm successful, right?
-All right?
-MAN: I'm sorry, Mr. Trump.
ROY: And, uh, who... who...
Listen, I'm worried about you.
You're stressed,
you're sensitive.
I mean, what's going on?
MAN: Telephone for you.
What's going on?
"He maketh me lie down
"in the green pastures,
"He leadeth me
beside still waters.
"He restoreth my soul,
"he leadeth me in the paths
of righteousness..."
"Preparest a table before me
"in the presence
of mine enemies..."
I'm fine, Ivana.
You don't need to be fine.
Look at me.
Do you like what you see?
I'm fine.
-I'm fine.
-You don't need to be.
I'm fine. Stop.
(WHISPERS) Don't...
Don't come near me.
It's gonna be okay.
Please stop looking at me
and stop touching me.
Fantastic. I feel great.
Is it glamorous
or is it glamorous?
What is it?
When you're willing to spend
the kind of money
that I've spent...
I hear you're gonna
perform tonight...
A lot of people said
Trump Tower could not be done.
In fact, our loser mayor tried
everything to deny the city
this great building.
And he's lost,
consistently lost.
But we've got the best people
buying in,
Carson, Spielberg,
Prince Charles and Diana,
everybody wants
a piece of Trump.
Fantastic, fantastic.
Oh, I think I see Mr. Cohn.
How are you, Randy?
-Well, how you doing tonight?
-I'm good.
I'm very excited.
It's very exciting.
(MOUTHING) I'll call you.
I've never met anyone
who reminds me more of myself.
Donald, he's got grit.
He is relentless
in the pursuit of perfection.
Look at this.
It's a masterpiece, uh...
marble waterfalls.
Listen, I could have
built it taller than
the Twin Towers, if I wanted.
Gentlemen, enjoy your night.
ROY: Good to see you, Randy.
Donald, could... could I talk
to you for a minute?
DONALD: Yeah, sure.
How are you?
You look like shit.
Can I get an ice water?
I know it's a bad time,
I just...
What's going on? Are you tired?
I'm just overworked,
that's all.
DONALD: All right.
-Well, maybe
you should try these.
-ROY: What are those?
Diet pills.
I got it from my doctor.
They're amazing
for everything.
Energy, sleep.
I don't need
to sleep anymore.
Are you sure
that's a good thing?
Well, I can't do deals
when I sleep,
so yeah, that's a good thing.
Listen, I just... I need
to ask you a little favor.
I was wondering
if you might...
be able to put
Russell up at the Hyatt.
The country house is...
it's too cold for him.
Uh, he has pneumonia.
Get him a blanket.
Russell's a good kid
and he's...
he's very loyal,
and it would mean a lot to me.
Listen, he never helped me,
but I'll do it for you.
No problem. All right?
Come over here
for a second.
-You think she looks good?
ROY: Oh, sure, she looks
like a real beauty queen.
I mean, every night
she comes home
telling me what to do.
I feel like I'm married
to a business partner.
I don't...
I don't feel anything.
I look at her
and it's like... whatever.
At least
I got her to do her tits.
-ROY: Oh, yeah?
-They're amazing.
-WOMAN: Wait up.
-Hey! How are you?
-DONALD: There you are.
Hey, listen, I want...
I want you to see this...
What is it with Roy?
You realize he looks sick?
No, it's fine.
-No, no, no.
-How are you?
-What do you think?
-Oh, I loved this. Lovely.
I planned it myself.
Well, I let her do all
the easy stuff.
IVANA: So tell me,
how do you like it?
-How we doing, Dad?
-Oh, hey!
-How's the view?
It's all right.
I wonder what
the electric bill is for that...
that... that seems impractical.
Don't worry about that, Dad.
You know what this
reminds me of?
When I built the Trump Tower
in Coney Island,
Trump Village.
You built Trump Village.
I built Trump Tower.
-This is Trump Tower.
Right. That's what I meant.
But when I...
when I built that high rise
in Trump Village,
boats could see you
20 miles out to sea.
This is very different
than that, Dad, okay?
This is...
this is the big league.
-The big time.
You know...
I've been meaning to say,
you know...
I know...
that I've been tough
on you, right?
But look at you now.
You're a killer.
A king.
Try some caviar.
It's the best.
I got you a gift.
"The G Spot?"
IVANA: The G Spot.
"Experiment with your G spot,
"as you may have done
with your clitoris.
"And if and when you learned
to masturbate that way..."
Oh, that's... great!
It's, uh... great.
-Wanna go upstairs?
Listen, uh...
I gotta tell you... I'm...
I'm just not attracted
to you anymore.
Really. I mean, every time I...
I kiss you,
I feel, like, you know...
it's my duty or something.
I mean, it's, uh...
-I'm touching you,
I'm touching
those fake plastic tits.
I mean, I feel weird.
They were your idea.
You made me do it.
Well, maybe
they were a mistake.
IVANA: Donald. Donald.
Can you tell me
what is happening?
You're behaving like an animal
and you're hurting me.
-Why are you doing this?
-Oh, uh...
You don't care
how it makes me feel?
Just trying to be honest.
I'm really... I'm telling you,
Oh, my God,
I don't know what's happening.
Is it because of the stupid
pills that you're taking?
I think what's happening is
you're getting a bigger head
because you're forgetting
your story.
-You came over here to...
-My story?
...from Eastern
whatever the fuck it is.
And you married me.
And where did you come from,
Where did you come from?
Queens. Have you looked
at yourself in the mirror, huh?
Have you?
-I have. What's your point?
-Your face look like an orange.
-(CHUCKLES) You're getting fat.
You're getting ugly.
You're a rude
and terrible, terrible person.
You're getting bald.
You're disgusting.
-Bald? I'm not fucking bald!
(GRUNTS) Donald!
-DONALD: Fuck!
Donald! (SCREAMS)
Is that your G-spot, huh?
Is that your G-spot?
-(GRUNTS) Huh?
-Please, Donald.
Did I find it?
Did I fucking find it, huh?
-How does that feel?
-Does it feel good, huh?
Two new casinos in Atlantic City
in just two years,
Donald Trump has been
on an impressive shopping spree.
There seems to be no limits
to the expansion of his empire.
Japan? You're the best.
Lot of money.
Lot of money
in Japan, huh.
From sea to the sky,
some say the age of Trump
has begun.
Trump Tower, Trump City,
Trump Plaza, Trump Castle.
-Does ego come into play?
-It sells, Mike. It sells.
It has nothing to do
with the ego.
It sells.
MAN: Here he comes, folks.
DONALD: I can't believe it.
That's your man.
-How's it going?
There she is.
-This is all thanks to my wife.
She's a hell of a manager.
She even cleans
the floors herself.
He's so funny.
MAN: Let's go, Donald!
You'll be very happy.
Very happy.
-Ah! What's going on?
Can you stop for a second?
Stop for a second stop.
Forget it.
Nothing, nothing.
Nothing, I'm just, uh...
I'm just overwhelmed, you know?
I got a lot going on.
These people are crawling
up my ass down there.
We got these coin machines.
They're supposed to wait
eight hours.
They got to replace them
in two hours.
There's never been people
that are playing that fast
and that hard.
Like I told you, fellas,
we're gonna be number one.
Number one.
Nobody competes with it.
BANKER 1: Donald,
we need to talk about...
And by the way,
here's the difference.
We're talking about
Atlantic City,
-not Las Vegas. Great job.
-BANKER 2: Donald!
Wait, what do we have
in Atlantic City?
We've got the ocean.
We've got the ocean
right here, fellas.
We're gonna also make this
the boxing Mecca.
I was talking to Don King
about bringing Mike Tyson,
various, uh,
situation's over here,
because that's gonna be
a lot of money.
You know what I mean?
I think like a prize fighter.
I don't like to tell people
where I want to go,
what I want to do.
I want to just roll
with the punches.
You know what I mean?
And I think that's gonna be
good for Atlantic City.
That's great. But we've been
hearing the exact same thing
since you nearly defaulted
on your loan payment
last quarter.
Yeah, but there's
never been anything like this,
of this magnitude,
this quality.
The Taj Mahal is gonna be
the eighth wonder of the...
All right, you listen to me,
you son of a bitch!
If you don't make
a goddamn payment
by the end of this month,
my bankruptcy attorneys
are gonna be up your ass.
My credit is good,
my credit is solid,
and you fellas
have nothing to worry about.
Last warning, Donald.
I got people to answer to.
Do you gamble, Roger?
Like to gamble, huh?
Played a little slot machine?
I like to make money,
not lose it. (LAUGHS)
Well, let me tell you something,
there's gonna be a lot
of grandmas in Atlantic City
that are gonna be
very happy with that.
-Oh, yeah.
DONALD: The budget,
$1 billion.
-ROGER: Wow!
-You gotta come stay.
Very Eastern flair, huh?
-This is something.
-Well, it is. It is.
I've got Roy on the phone.
Tell him I'll call him back.
Hey, listen. Reagan's making
this country so fucking rich,
you can't lose.
-I'm telling you, Donald.
He stands for all the things
you care about.
Lower taxes,
cutting regulations.
A powerful military.
-Oh, I like that.
-Like it used to be, right?
-Yes. We need that.
-We do.
-We need that.
-Hey. In fact,
we have a brand new
campaign slogan.
Listen to this.
"Let's make America
great again."
Well, I like the "again" part,
you know,
points to a great past.
It does.
Not many people see that?
Well, I do, okay?
Because I love this country.
And I'm tired of seeing
this country getting ripped off
like you wouldn't believe.
It's losing
$200 billion a year, Roger.
-ROGER: Yeah.
-200 billion.
Does Reagan know that?
Because all of these
oil sheikhs,
and the Japs,
and the welfare queens,
and the union thugs
are sucking us dry.
-You're right.
-It's time to get smart.
And it's time to get tough,
because otherwise
there's not gonna be a country,
and there's
not gonna be a world.
-And you know who's tough?
The Soviets, they get it,
believe me.
You're talking about tough
and strong.
Listen, you want me
to read about the missiles,
it's gonna take me
an hour and a half.
I probably know
most about it anyway.
Donald, I'm telling you,
I love how passionate you are.
Have you thought about
running for office?
Well, look,
I'd run very well, right?
-I mean, but, no, no.
Come on, Roger,
let me tell you something.
Government is for losers.
Come on, you'd do great.
Hey, I know politicians,
Roger, okay?
I know politicians
better than anyone.
And some of them are smart.
Very few.
But most are dumber than a rock.
-(LAUGHS) Yeah.
-Let's be honest, okay?
I give money to politicians,
so they do what I want.
They're all very corrupt
and stupid.
Okay? And you know that, Roger.
But you know what?
I'd love a blow job
on Air Force One.
I think that'd be
pretty fabulous. All right?
(LAUGHS) Hey, I'm sure
it's happened before.
Can you make that happen?
Yeah, well, hey, hey.
Call me if you change your mind.
Listen, you get me on that
Air Force One, we'll talk.
-(LAUGHS) Okay.
-All right.
Tell Ronnie he's got my support.
-ROGER: You got it.
-Hang on one second. Yes?
-Roy is on the phone again.
I'll call him later.
Hey, uh, Donald, before I go,
have you seen Roy lately?
Uh, no. I'm gonna call him back,
and we're gonna talk.
-You haven't heard?
-Heard what?
Well, uh, Russell has AIDS.
-He's sick as a dog.
-That's... Wow, that's terrible.
Hey, he's still your lawyer?
Well, he's not my lawyer,
per se.
I mean, I have a number
of attorneys, right?
Different lawyers,
different things.
That's really terrible, Roger.
-Yeah. Yeah.
-Well, the world's a mess.
-Goodbye, Donald.
Come over here.
What did Roy say?
Not too much,
but he's called three times.
Does he sound sick?
A little bit.
Yeah, he's got a cough.
All right. If he calls again,
just tell him
I'm out of the office,
all right?
And if he shows up,
put him in the conference room,
by himself. Okay?
-Will that be all?
-That's it. Thank you.
DONALD: Thank you.
Thank you, thank you.
Thank you, thank you.
All right.
-ROY: Donald.
-Thank you very much. Roy!
Long time no see.
Is this some
kind of a goddamn joke?
What is that?
This is how you thank me?
The manager at the Hyatt
kicked Russell out.
All right,
that's probably a mistake.
Oh, fuck you, Donald!
Fuck you.
Oh, your office
sent me the bill.
-It's a mistake, Roy.
-Don't you try me.
Remember who taught you
this stuff.
I'll call them, all right?
I'll just... I'll fix it.
You ungrateful,
fucking cocksucking nobody.
-I made you.
Don't you forget that.
I made you.
-Pretty sure I made myself.
-Uh, no.
-You were a loser then.
-Hey, listen...
-And you're still a loser.
-Listen, uh...
Okay, Roy, listen, I'm running
a business here, okay?
Guests complained
about Russell's condition.
What you lied about, by the way.
All right?
So that's what happened.
It's not my fault.
Really? What are you
trying to say?
I hear that he's sick.
-Really sick.
-Yeah, he's got pneumonia.
-He's got pneumonia?
-That's right.
Is that the name for it now
on the street?
Watch out.
Maybe you'll get it.
You know? You don't want that.
What, are you scared of me?
No. It's a little cold out.
-You know?
Good to see
that you've, uh...
lost the last traces of decency
you once had.
Well, I learned
from the best, Roy,
what can I say?
I love you, too.
You've got some
feelings now, suddenly?
You're the fucking devil.
-I don't recognize you anymore.
-You're the fucking devil.
Get the fuck out of here!
-You scare me.
-You fucking old man.
You're no saint.
You're not God.
Why don't you go save him?
Save him over there.
Don't get sick, Roy
Dad! There's the big man.
-Look at this guy, huh?
-Looks great.
-Look a this guy.
You look good, Dad.
-You look great.
-Ah. Good.
-Irwin Mishkin.
-This is Irwin.
This man's got 195 IQ,
all right?
-The best.
-Irwin, where'd you go
to school?
-Oh, boy.
-He's a New Yorker.
You're a smarty pants, huh?
He's my new Roy Cohn.
-All right. Go ahead.
Listen, Dad, I bought some land
under the Empire State Building.
FRED: Oh, boy.
DONALD: Irwin, you love
the Empire State Building?
The best building.
FRED: How many units
can you put in there?
Don't worry about it.
Listen, take a look at that.
Irwin's got
a couple of things to say.
IRWIN: Yeah, Mr. Trump,
my office had a request
relating to the trust.
This will allow us
to avail ourselves
of some new tax breaks
-and reduce the overall...
...the taxation on the trust.
So with your signature here,
we'll be putting Donald
in as the trustee for the trust.
And that will allow you
to not have to...
Save you a lot of taxes, Dad.
-IRWIN: Absolutely.
-For the trust.
-That's right.
FRED: And you want me
to sign here?
DONALD: Yes, I do.
-Oh, really? Uh, they...
Mom, what are you doing?
We don't have time.
I gotta get back in the city.
Listen, Mom,
we don't have time.
-Dad, go ahead.
-FRED: Is that the tea?
-Please sign right there.
-What is this?
-This is for the trust, Mary.
-Oh, let me take a look.
-Look at the, uh...
-It's just a formality for you.
-And who are you?
This is...
This is my attorney.
But this is
your siblings' trust.
I understand. Listen...
You're jeopardizing
your siblings' trust.
I'm not jeopardizing anything.
I have some loans
that need to be guaranteed,
and I gotta just get
these bankers off my back.
I just need to show the bankers
that I'm good.
Your father
is a little confused.
He's not the right person
to be signing this document.
That's why we should have,
as you should know
as a lawyer...
-...sound mind.
Who's going to look after
this family, okay?
Who's going to look after
this family
when he can't
fucking spell his name?
Language. Donald...
DONALD: Let's go, Irwin.
Come on.
-Mom, you don't understand.
-MARY ANNE: What is the rush?
I'm looking out for the family,
all right?
-MARY ANNE: Language, Donald.
-I'm looking out for the family.
I'm pretty much sure
that nobody else is doing that.
Not Elizabeth, not Mary.
Not fucking Freddy.
No, you do not speak his name!
You have no right.
It's time for you to go.
...the other fellow
with the dark hair...
Okay. You need to stop
consuming these immediately.
I thought
they were like vitamins.
It's amphetamines.
It's cheap speed.
Erectile dysfunction
is one of the many side effects.
I didn't have that problem,
but, you know, I eat...
I mean, we all like to eat, Doc.
-Right? You know.
Did you see this?
Are you seeing this?
It keeps growing.
Everything is growing.
And I'm not talking
about my hair.
Uh, have you tried exercise?
-No, no. Absolutely not.
-Why not?
You know that's gonna
kill you, right, Doc?
First of all,
the body is like a battery.
It has finite energy
and it runs out.
-Okay, that's not true.
-That is totally the truth.
-Totally the truth.
The problem that I'm having
is I'm just...
I need to stop growing,
that's all.
-We have surgical options.
-That sounds great.
DOCTOR: Okay. Yeah.
So with an incision here,
here and here,
we're going to get
rid of the ab fat,
and we're going to get
the love-handles gone too.
Well, I hate the love handles.
What about my hair?
Okay, you've got some
male pattern baldness.
And that's normal?
It is, absolutely, okay?
But it doesn't have to be,
you know?
You'll talk to our
in-house specialist...
About a scalp reduction?
We're gonna
cover that up easily.
Getting old sucks.
Do you know what I mean?
-Did you ever feel that way?
Well, a lot of my patients do.
One more question.
What do you think about AIDS?
-What do...
-What do you think about AIDS?
-What do I think about it?
-Yeah. How do people get it?
Because it's not just
homosexuals, Doc.
-You know?
The research indicates, HIV,
it spreads through
the exchange of blood or semen.
-Semen? Yeah.
and what if they touch you?
What if somebody touches you?
-Or they breathe on you
-That's okay.
They can...
They can breathe on you.
That's okay.
The legal establishment
in the state of New York
wants to take away Roy Cohn's
license to practice law.
-They say he's dishonest.
They want to disbar him
for allegedly
playing fast and loose
with clients' money.
How are you. Roy?
I'm terrific, Mike.
It's great to see you.
This is what
the disciplinary committee
of the bar says about you.
"Total lack of moral character
and professional fitness.
"And a cruel public use
of your illness."
That's a pack of lies
because I've never used
my illness
to plead for anything.
I've called them
a bunch of yo-yos,
and that's what they are, Mike.
They're a bunch of yo-yos.
MIKE: Mm-hmm.
When I tell friends
that I'm going to
do a profile on you,
the question
on everyone's mind is that...
And I'm sure you know
what I'm going to say.
Do you have AIDS?
Oh. No, I mean,
that's easy.
I have liver cancer.
Uh, which...
they found moves
in strange directions.
Uh, but there's...
I do not have AIDS.
I'm sure you know why people
ask about AIDS, Roy Cohn.
Because they believe
you're a homosexual.
Well, that's a lie.
-Every facet of my personality,
my aggressiveness,
my toughness,
and everything
along those lines,
is just
totally incompatible...
Hello, it's Roy.
Roy, it's Donald.
How are you?
Donald, how are you?
DONALD: Great.
How are you?
DONALD: Listen, I watched
Mike Wallace.
Right. Well, how did I do?
You owned it.
ROY: Did I look...
-Did I look weak?
-Well, listen...
He's an asshole,
you know?
Frankly, he asked
nasty questions.
How's Russell?
Oh. Russell died.
I'm sorry, Roy.
I didn't know.
You're not sounding very good.
-New York is a mess.
I mean, these bankers,
they got no feel for the deal.
And everyone's crawling up
my ass about the debt.
Don't even get me
started about Ivana.
I mean, she's a bitch.
So you thought, uh,
give old Roy a call
and ask for some
free legal advice.
(CHUCKLES) I mean,
is there anyone better?
Come on.
I miss you, Roy.
You're the only guy that cared.
You're the only guy
that gave a shit...
about me.
Listen, I have this property
in Florida.
You're gonna love it.
I think you should come down.
-Let's get you out to the ocean.
How do you feel, though?
You feel all right now?
Oh, sure.
I feel like a million bucks.
Because you don't look that bad.
You know, if I had my way,
I'll be as thin as you.
I'm gonna do this procedure.
You know, they suck the fat
from under your skin.
And also,
don't tell anybody, but...
I get them to remove
my bald patch.
You... you look like
the fellow from Miami Vice.
Who dressed you
for crying out loud?
(CHUCKLES) It's this broad
I'm banging, Carly.
She's, uh,
got great big natural tits.
You want to see?
Look at that.
Look at that.
She's a ten.
It was built to be
the winter White House.
ROY: Wow!
These walls
are all silk tapestries.
And, uh,
the ceiling is all gold.
ROY: It's pretty impressive.
And they wanted a condo in it.
Can you believe that?
ROY: What happened to your leg?
(CHUCKLES) I didn't pay them
on time.
That's what happened.
Ivana wants to turn this
into Camelot.
I mean,
that's what she's saying.
I was like, "Please don't
compare us to the Kennedys."
Got you a little, uh...
a little birthday gift.
For me?
DONALD: It's your birthday.
Oh, you didn't have to do that,
DONALD: Come on, 59.
But who's counting, huh?
Tiffany diamonds
and look what it says.
What do you think?
It is terrific.
they're gonna look good.
ROY: Oh, look at this.
Did you see this?
Donald got me diamond cufflinks
for my birthday.
ROY: Beautiful, right?
My darling,
this is cheap pewter.
The stone is zirconia.
They're fake.
Donald has no shame.
Everyone, I just...
I just want to say a few words.
Tonight, we're celebrating
a really great guy,
Roy Cohn.
Roy is tough. (LAUGHS SOFTLY)
Some say vicious, even scary.
I mean, look at him.
That's not exactly a face
you want to bring home
to your mother.
Am I right?
But, um, you know, with Roy,
it's about friendship, right?
He has to like you.
And if he doesn't?
Forget it.
-He has to like you, right?
Thank God he liked me.
And I mean, I don't know,
I mean, he must have thought
I was a baby or something,
because, you know,
I don't drink,
I don't smoke,
I don't take drugs.
I have other problems
which I don't want
to tell you about.
-But, uh...
For whatever reason,
he liked me.
But the truth is
as tough as Roy is,
and he is brutal,
he, uh, truly is a loyal guy.
It's a matter of honor with him.
And, um, frankly,
he's a hero.
Happy Birthday, Roy.
-MAN 2: To Roy.
-DONALD: This is to you.
ALL: Happy birthday.
And mazel tov.
ROY: Well...
I don't know
what to say, um...
Thank you, Donald.
Twenty-four carat
American patriot and a friend.
I know you're going to go on
to do a a lot of things
that would make me very proud.
-Thank you.
-Well, it's not over yet, Roy.
-What? My life? (LAUGHS)
Let's hope not.
Maybe not tonight.
Stay alive
for a little longer, Roy.
I gotta go to bed,
I think
My country 'tis
This wee sweet land of liberty
Of thee I sing
Land where my fathers died
Land of the pilgrim's pride
From every mountainside
Let freedom ring
My native country
Land of the noble free
Thy name I love
I love thy rocks and rills
Thy woods and templed hills
My heart with rapture thrills
Like that above
Let music swell the breeze
And ring from all the trees
Sweet freedom's song
Let mortal tongues awake
Let all that breathe partake
Let rocks their silence break
The sound prolong
Land where my fathers died
Land of the pilgrim's pride
From every mountainside
Let freedom ring
DONALD: There he is, huh?
Greatest writer of all time.
-How you doing?
-Sorry, Tony.
I was with a contractor.
-That's all good.
-Wow. Here we go.
(LAUGHS) Here we are.
Where do you want to start?
Let's see if this is gonna be
a negative book.
Well, honestly, I'm amazed
that you asked me
to write this book, Mr. Trump,
considering the article
I wrote on you
-wasn't exactly flattering.
-Yeah, well...
You put me on the cover
of New York Magazine
and you can write,
that's the most important thing.
Now you just have to be
nice to me
because I'm paying you.
Sure you are.
So I was looking through
some of your interviews,
and I'm finding it hard
to settle
on a grand narrative
for the book.
Yes, you like making deals.
Oh, I'm gonna stop you
right there, Tony.
I don't...
I don't like making deals.
Do you understand?
I love making deals.
I love making deals.
The bigger the better.
-But to what end?
-To what end?
Deals are the end.
I mean,
that's like asking Da Vinci,
why he painted the Mona Lisa.
You consider yourself an artist?
Well, I am an artist, Tony,
and deals are my art form.
Look, making deals
is an art form,
and I want to put this
in the book.
It's something
that you're born with.
You either have it
or you don't have it, okay?
And if you don't have it,
don't do deals.
Just get a beautiful job,
have a nice family and relax.
"The Art of the Deal."
That sounds good.
You know, I like that.
I think people
will buy into that.
Well, let's see, Tony,
I'd buy that book.
(LAUGHS) Okay,
let's go back to your childhood.
Uh, living in Queens.
What was that like?
Well, I had a great child,
very normal.
Uh, wonderful parents,
supportive parents.
And, you know,
my dad was tough,
and he helped me develop
a killer instinct.
-And yeah...
Frankly, you know,
I don't want to...
I don't like to talk
too much about the past, Tony.
You dwell on the past,
you go right down the tubes.
This is just to give
the reader some context.
(STUTTERS) Don't come here
busting my balls,
looking for some deep shit.
All right?
I hear when everybody
tries to dig around your life
looking for some deep shit.
We're all animals.
Everybody wants to get rich
and have other people
suck their cock.
Everybody wants to win, Tony.
And that's the truth of it.
-But that won't read well.
-Well, that's the truth of it.
But it's not the truth
we're looking for right now.
Right now,
people need to think
there's some
sort of special sauce.
Principles, set of rules
that make you different.
Well. that's easy
because I have my rules.
I got three rules, okay?
They're my three rules
of winning.
Rule One.
The world is a mess, okay?
The world is a mess, Tony.
You have to fight back.
You have to have
a tough skin.
Attack, attack, attack.
If somebody comes after you
with a knife,
you shoot him back
with a bazooka. Okay?
Rule two.
What is truth, Tony?
What is truth?
You know what's truth?
What you say is truth.
What I say is truth.
What he says is truth.
What is the truth in life?
Deny everything.
Admit nothing.
You know what's true?
What I say is true.
And third of all,
the most important.
No matter how fucked you are,
you never, ever, ever
admit defeat,
you always claim victory.
You know, that sounds like
the US foreign policy
for the past quarter century.
Well, unlike that,
this actually works.
And I won a lot, Tony.
I won a lot. And even when
they said I didn't,
I still turned it into a win.
And that was the difference.
So how do you combine
these set of rules?
Well, I have an instinct, Tony.
I have a killer instinct.
I always have.
Listen, Tony, you have to have
a natural ability.
I'm a big believer
in natural ability,
and a lot of that is genetics.
You have to be born with it,
you know?
And some people aren't,
and some people are.
And that's the difference.
You have to have it.