The Beast Inside (2024) Movie Script

(liquid burbles)
(gentle music)
(glasses clink)
(no audio)
(no audio)
(gentle music)
(eerie music)
(eerie music continues)
(dramatic foreboding music)
(gentle melancholy music)
(gentle melancholy music continues)
(gentle melancholy music continues)
(gentle melancholy music continues)
(dramatic music)
(somber music)
(somber music continues)
(somber music continues)
(somber music continues)
(somber music continues)
(somber music continues)
(dramatic music)
(eerie music)
(gentle somber music)
(gentle somber music continues)
(gentle somber music continues)
(flame hisses)
(gentle music)
(Anne exhales)
(gentle music)
(gentle somber music)
(gentle somber music continues)
(Jessica muttering)
- [Father Geoffrey] I know, Jessica.
(hospital machines beep)
(Jessica muttering)
- What's gonna happen?
(stammering) Danny, is he here?
- [Father Geoffrey]
It'll be soon, sweet one.
(gentle somber music)
(phone buzzes)
(gentle somber music)
Anne, it's Father Geoffrey.
I think we're very near the end here.
If you can get to the hospice home soon,
I think that would be best.
(somber music)
(hospital machines beep)
(gentle music)
(dramatic music)
(Jessica screams)
(dramatic music)
(quiet suspenseful music)
(dramatic music)
(eerie music)
(eerie music continues)
(dramatic music)
(birds chirp)
(distant chatter)
- [Daniel] I think when we get home,
we should actually turn on-
- Mom!
- Pumpkin!
- I got picked for the team!
- You did?! That's awesome, I knew it.
Good job.
- Hey Sam?
Wasn't it nice of your mom to say hello?
- I told her about the team!
- You did?
That's great, buddy.
Listen um, why don't you go inside,
let Mom and I talk for a minute, okay?
- Mom, are coming home soon?
- Yeah, I hope so.
I can't wait to come
home. I miss you so much.
(distant traffic hums)
(birds chirp)
I know.
- Anne, it's not me.
The judge, he said you can't
just show up like this.
It needs to be scheduled, supervised.
- I know, I know.
- Look, I'm not trying
to be the bad guy here.
I want him to spend time with you.
- And Meredith.
- That's Sam's aunt, not his mom.
Look, I'm serious, if they
found out you did this,
you could lose your visitation
and I don't want that.
- No one has to find out.
- We have talked about this.
I need to do what's best for him.
I need to make sure
he's safe, and frankly-
- You don't think he's safe with me?
- Sometimes he is.
Other times...
Is it any better?
With the new medication?
- Yeah, yeah a little.
- Okay.
Then stick with it.
I know you can beat this.
- Okay.
(melancholy music)
- Don't you wanna say goodbye to him?
- Just tell him I love him, okay?
(distant siren wails)
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music distorts)
(suspenseful music)
(door rattles)
(Anne gags)
(vomit patters)
(Anne gags)
(Anne coughs)
(Anne gasps)
(Anne coughs)
(labored breathing)
(ominous music)
- [Speaker] Everything okay?
- One minute.
- Can we talk about last week?
You missed your appointment.
- Yeah um, it was a weird week.
I just, I lost track of time. Sorry.
- Okay. That can happen, I understand.
But remember Anne,
this is part of your
path back to your son.
The court says you have
to be here or else.
- Yeah, I get it.
- How have things been?
(eerie music)
- Things have been difficult.
- You look tired.
- I feel tired.
- Anne, you don't have to do this alone.
You should consider coming
to group on Thursdays.
(pen scritching)
You know, this thing here,
it doesn't work if you
can't bring yourself
to be honest with me.
(pen scritching)
- Trust me, you don't want
me to be honest with you.
(eerie music)
(eerie music continues)
(eerie music continues)
(door rattles)
- I'm here.
- Hey Annie.
Okay, here's what I have on my charts.
The MRI shows no lesions
or other abnormalities in
the brain, which is good.
Some of your blood work
is gonna take a few days
to come back, so be patient.
Your A-7 counts are good.
No sign of any spinal fluid leakage,
or anything that could explain
what you're describing.
You are seeing someone about
these experiences, aren't you?
- Yeah, but it's not helping.
- Okay, maybe there's some
alternatives you can investigate?
- Thanks, Doctor.
(quiet music)
- The room is quiet.
Your mind is quiet.
You're relaxed and at peace.
(gentle music)
(gentle music)
(gentle music)
(gentle music)
We're in a safe space,
a place where we can explore
your fears and your worries.
(gentle music)
Anne, I want you to tell me what you see
when you close your eyes.
What is your mind's eye showing you?
(static buzzes)
(melancholy music)
(flesh squelches)
(melancholy music)
(Jasmine gasps)
(melancholy music)
(heart beats)
(dramatic music)
We're done here.
Did you hear me? Get the fuck out!
Now bitch!
- I still have to pay you.
- I don't want your money.
Get out of my sacred space.
(dramatic music)
(children playing)
(dramatic music)
(window whirs)
(children playing)
(dramatic music)
(birds chirping)
(children playing)
(phone rings)
- [Father Geoffrey] (sighs) Hello Anne.
You know, I've been around a
while and I've learned a lot
- $120 per day, no room service,
but there's a bar across the
street and the food is edible.
You don't have a cat, do you?
Room 218 down at the end, dial
zero if you need anything.
Certainly don't forget
Well that a pretty girl can
be danger- (music cuts out)
(door rattles)
(distant traffic hums)
(suspenseful music)
(keys clink)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music continues)
(suspenseful music continues)
(suspenseful music continues)
(water pattering)
(suspenseful music)
(water continues pattering)
(suspenseful music)
(gentle suspenseful music)
(gentle suspenseful music continues)
(gentle suspenseful music continues)
(gentle suspenseful music continues)
(creature creaks)
(foreboding music)
(horns honk)
(traffic hums)
(easygoing Western music)
(keys clink)
- Hello Father.
- You can't call me that.
I'm not a priest anymore.
- Because of what
happened with those kids?
I'll have two of what he's having.
- Yes, because of those kids.
- Weird, all those years,
seeing you on Sundays,
you would have never
struck me as the type.
Father Edgar, yeah, not you.
- There is no type, Anne. I'm sick.
- And broke.
(background Western music)
You aren't going to count
it? I could be cheating you.
- I taught you better than that.
- Can I get you anything else?
- Soon.
To two lost souls.
(bottles clink)
- Two lost souls.
(toothbrushes swish)
- Buddy, I think we are
getting a little bit too old
to be leaving our stuff laying around.
- Sorry.
(eerie music)
(toothbrush swishing)
If I could reach the stars
- There's something you
need to understand, Anne,
that the rights to exorcism are a relic
from a different age.
No one believes it.
It's an antiquated concept.
- You've know me my whole life.
You knew my mother and
you knew my grandfather.
You know what runs in my family.
- We all have to wrestle with
that one, but it's not demons.
Dark forces that would lead us
away from God's plan for us.
- I had bugs come out of my
mouth this afternoon, Father.
- Don't call me that, please.
- I don't care what the church believes
or doesn't believe anymore.
I have something inside
me, trying to take over.
Started a year ago when my mother died,
screaming in the hospital.
All those years she spent being poked
and prodded and medicated for nothing.
You were there.
(dramatic music)
- I can't do what you want me to do.
- Why?
- To run an exorcism,
you have to be an ordained
representative of God.
I can't wear the collar.
I can't bless the stole.
Anything that I read
from the holy scripture
will have no more power
than if anybody read it.
If I could reach the
stars and never hold
- You remember my grandfather
gave it to my mother and to me.
- I am so sorry.
- What's gonna happen
to my son when I die?
Love and share this peril life
I guess that why they always-
- You need to take this
back. I haven't earned it.
- Keep it. I'm not gonna
need it for much longer.
(glasses clinking behind bar)
(lights buzzing)
(cheerful music)
- [TV Personality] Spirit,
tell me that Tiny Tim will live.
- [Spirit] I see a vacant
seat, the porch in the corner,
a crutch without an owner,
carefully preserved.
If thee shall remain alone in the future-
(Anne gags)
The child will die.
(Anne gagging)
(bones crackling)
(Anne gasping)
(ominous music)
(bones crackling)
(ominous music)
(Anne gasping)
(dramatic music)
(Anne breathing laboriously)
- [TV Personality] Ebeneezer Scrooge!
(gentle music)
Have I abandoned (indistinct)
No, sweet no, I'd had been the man I was,
I'd had been the man I'm much
to be within in the course.
Why didn't you show me- (voice cuts out)
(birds chirping)
(traffic humming)
(phone buzzing)
- Yeah.
- Hello Anne.
- Hello Father.
- (sighs) I just wanted to say
I'm sorry about last night.
I really do want to help you.
- Okay.
- You know, I did a little
research on demonic possession
after our conversation
and I found something that may help you.
If you can get the demon
to reveal its name,
then that will give you power over it.
- Learn the demon's name.
- Yes.
- Okay, how do I do that?
- I guess maybe you could trick
it into giving you its name.
- Trick it.
- Yeah, it uh,
it's not very clear on things like that.
Doesn't give a lot of
information. I'm sorry.
- (sighs) Okay, thank you, Father.
- (sighs) Well, that went well.
(Anna sighs)
(birds chirping)
(traffic humming)
(footsteps patter)
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(pages rustles)
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(copier whirs)
(birds chirping)
(gentle music)
(dog barks)
(footsteps patter)
(birds chirping)
- How'd you know where I was staying?
- You put your room key on the
table at the bar last night.
- Creepy.
(distant dog barks)
- Hm, I see we're reading
"Malleous Maleficarum."
No Dante.
- You can help or you can criticize,
but if you're gonna do the latter,
you can piss right off.
- Hey hey hey, I come in peace.
I just want to help.
So, you're gonna do it, aren't you?
- I'm just researching.
- (chuckles) Oh, I know you
way too well, sweet one.
You are going to try
to exorcize this thing
out of yourself, by yourself.
- And you think that's a bad idea.
- Bad?
Bad does not even get anywhere near
covering what I think of this whole idea.
- I thought you said all this
exorcism stuff was nonsense.
- Look, I'm only looking out for you.
- And I'm trying to protect myself.
I have something that is growing inside me
and I feel it right underneath
my skin, trying to get out.
(Father Geoffrey grunts)
You wanna see evil?
Let me give you something
that you've wanted
since I was a little
girl in Catholic school.
(Father Geoffrey grunts)
Feel that?
(Father Geoffrey grunts)
What's the matter?
(Father Geoffrey grunts)
Nothing happening down there, huh?
Well that's right,
I'm too old for you, aren't I?
(dramatic music)
(Father Geoffrey grunts)
(Father Geoffrey grunts)
(quiet music)
- [Father Geoffrey] You
need to look at yourself.
- You need to take a
look at yourself, Priest.
You have an abyss that yawns before you,
waiting to swallow you up for your sins.
And don't come back.
(manager knocks on door)
(manager knocks on door again)
Hold on.
(Anne sighs)
(distant traffic hums)
(door squeaks)
- Your credit card got declined.
We need another form of
payment or you gotta get out.
- Why, wait...
(distant traffic hums)
That should do me for
the rest of the week.
(bills rustling)
(distant traffic hums)
- Okay.
- You're welcome.
(eerie music)
(water burbling)
(melancholy music)
(water continues burbling)
(melancholy music)
(water continues burbling)
(melancholy music)
(larvae squelching)
(quiet eerie music)
(larvae continues squelching)
(quiet eerie music)
(larvae continues squelching)
(quiet eerie music)
- [Aunt Meredith] Good.
Nice, nice control.
- How do you know how
to play, Aunt Meredith?
- (chuckles) Well I played
when I was in school.
- Did you and Dad do this
when you were little?
- I did play with your
dad when we were kids.
(birds chirping)
What you thinking about, bud?
- Am I gonna get any Christmas
presents from Mom this year?
- Yeah, of course. What
makes you think that?
- 'Cause she doesn't live with us anymore.
- I know that it's kind
of strange and scary,
but your mom's gonna make sure
you have such a good Christmas.
So good.
She loves you a whole
bunch. You know that, right?
- Yeah.
- Yeah?
Good. (growls playfully)
(eerie music)
(eerie music continues)
- Unclean spirit within, I exorcize you.
There of darkness that
falls within, I banish you.
Infernal enemy, I forbid
you, your encouraged,
and send you back to dwell
with thy diabolical legion.
Thy covert thy faction by the power
and the glory of the Creator,
and by the enviable nature of
myself, created in his image.
How dare you, cunning
serpent to thus attempt
to deceive this
(indistinct) within my body.
By looking about through my eyes,
in the name and power of
the God of man, I deny you.
May thee uprooted and
flight from this world
and dare no more to deceive us. (gasps)
(foreboding music)
(melancholy music)
(birds chirping)
(birds continue chirping)
Thy clean spirit, be aware,
my chapel was built upon solid rock, my...
(foreboding music)
My covenant is as strong as
of the strongest of force.
My faith is...
(ominous music)
My faith is as precious
as the gem of the stars,
shining down upon this world.
For be gone, foulest of creatures,
must be gotten, ill
conceived, and repugnant
in the eyes of the worthy.
Be nigh to the brow
and lowly to the ground
as the beast in mire.
The soul of man is not for you.
The eternal reward waiting at
the consummation of the world
is not for you.
The glory of the almighty
of his beatific glare
you shall never know.
Humble thyself to my will,
object thyself to my demands,
and quit thee your too
from this place that I-
(phone rings)
(dramatic music)
(wind whistles)
- Sam.
(beast growling)
(Anne screaming)
Sam, you're scaring Aunt Meredith.
(beast growling)
(ominous music)
(beast continues growling)
(beast growling)
(ominous music)
(exhales) Jesus, where
did you go? You scared me.
- I thought I heard Mom calling me.
(Anne breaths laboriously)
- I don't think she's here, sweetie.
- I know, I looked all over.
- Okay.
Let's get your ball. Let's go home, yeah?
- Fuck. (exhales)
(distant dog barks)
(eerie music)
- Hey buddy, what are you doing up?
- I had a bad dream.
- Come here.
What was it about?
- Some bad guy was hurting Mom.
- Oh buddy, that's just a nightmare.
You know, I've known
your mom for a long time.
She's a very tough woman.
But you know what?
Your dad is even tougher,
and I'm not gonna let anything
happen to either one of you.
You got it?
All right, come on, bedtime for Beckham.
(phone ringing)
- Hey.
I saw you called.
- Yeah um, Sam was asking about you.
- He was?
- Yeah,
he had a nightmare tonight.
- What was it about?
- Kiddie stuff, you know,
he's talking about black
shapes or something like that.
Anyway, he asked about you.
Make sure you're okay.
That's why I called.
So are you?
- Am I what?
- Are you okay?
- Yeah, yeah I'm okay.
- Okay, I'll tell him.
I'd let you talk to him, but
he's already back asleep.
- That's okay.
- You want us to call you tomorrow?
- Yeah, uh huh.
Of course, yeah.
- Okay. We'll talk soon.
Well have a good night.
- Yeah. Bye.
- Bye.
(Anne sighs)
(quiet music)
(birds chirping)
(water patters)
- Hey.
- Hey.
Sam get off to school okay?
- Yeah, all good.
- Thanks for taking over.
- You've got enough on your mind.
- Yeah.
- [Aunt Meredith] So when
are you gonna tell him?
- When am I gonna tell him what?
- That his mom's not coming home.
(birds chirping)
- Why would you say that?
- Are you serious?
(eerie music)
- Yeah.
Are you?
I'm not telling my son that
his mother's not coming home.
- What are you gonna
tell him when he's older
and he wants to know why
you weren't honest with him?
- If that's the way it
goes, then so-be-it.
But until then,
I don't want you to say a
word to him about any of this,
do you understand me?
- Yeah.
Course not.
(eerie music)
(door rattles)
(distant traffic hums)
(foreboding music)
- If you want something done right,
you gotta do it yourself. (exhales)
(ominous music)
(ominous music continues)
(foreboding music)
(quiet eerie music)
(quiet eerie music continues)
I want you out of here.
I want you out of me right now.
(quiet eerie music)
I'm gonna open my eyes and
if you're not too scared,
you're gonna show yourself in the light.
I'm opening them.
(jarring music)
(creature groans)
- [Demon] Your first mistake
was opening your eyes.
Why would I want to go anywhere?
This is such a nice place to be.
So warm, so soft.
(Anne screams)
(ominous music)
(distant traffic hums)
- Weird fucking job.
(ominous music)
(Anne shrieks)
(demon shrieking)
(water hissing)
(dishes clank)
(disposal rumbles)
(disposal immediately stops)
(switch clicks)
- Oh crap.
(footsteps patter)
(footsteps patter)
(Meredith grunts)
(Meredith grumbles)
(footsteps shuffle)
(footsteps continue to shuffle)
(latch rattles)
Oh God.
(latch rattles)
(jarring music)
(Meredith screams)
(quiet eerie music)
- Who are you?
(suspenseful music)
- Oh Annie.
- You're not my mother.
My mother's dead and you're not her.
- [Demon] Years ago tonight.
(suspenseful music)
- Mom?
(suspenseful music)
Oh Mom.
- Shh.
Everything's gonna be just fine.
You have fought hard enough.
It's time for you to rest now.
Aw, little Sam, he's gonna be just fine.
(foreboding music)
- Mer!
(footsteps patter)
Are you okay?
(footsteps patter)
Oh my God.
Mer? Are you okay?
Are you all right? What happened?
Are you hurt?
Okay, come on, let's just
get you upstairs. Come on.
Come on.
(quiet music)
- [Demon] Let's get you loose here.
You have a little boy
waiting for you at home.
(wings flutter)
(quite music)
- [Anne] You're a liar.
(quiet music)
(quiet music continues)
- Do you want to know
what it's like where I am?
- No. Please.
- White hot.
(jarring music)
Freezing cold. (crying)
Naked, our flesh is burned from our bones.
Our fall into crack and fall away,
every single day. (sobbing)
(demon sobbing)
Everlasting torture. (sobbing)
Our mind breaks, is restored,
and then breaks once more.
This is the price for
her struggles against us.
This is a reward forever and ever
until the very cracking
of the world, and beyond.
(Anne cries)
This is what waits for you and
your filthy little bastard.
(eerie music)
- Mom? Mommy.
(eerie music)
- Your mother is gone.
- Then why take the
sheep, just to be cruel.
No, you're in there, Mom.
Tell me its name.
- No.
- Say it.
- It's silent.
- Say its name!
- No.
- Say it!
- No!
(demon groaning)
- Just say it.
(demon groaning)
- I regard you. Take this
lowly creature, called Rubicon,
servant of darkness,
expel it from the light
so I may not know your
magic or your mystery,
so you can go on to see
the glory of your grace.
(dramatic music)
(jarring music)
(Anne speaking a demonic language)
(demon shrieking)
(dramatic music)
Protected from (voice distorted)
Protect (voice drowned
by screams and music)
(jarring dramatic music)
(demon is silenced)
(birds chirping)
- You look like hell.
- I bet I do.
I'm happy to report,
I don't feel that way.
Turns out that you were right.
- About what?
- I figured out the demon's name.
- Rubiconte.
- Seems like you earned
your money after all.
- I guess I did.
So uh, how are you feeling?
- Good.
I mean, it's been so long
since I felt like myself,
it's like the colors,
everything's more vivid
and I can breathe again.
- I am so happy for
you, Anne, I really am.
So, what are you gonna do now?
- I'm going to go see Daniel.
We have a lot to talk about.
- I'm sure you do.
- I hope things work out
for you. I really do.
- Don't worry about me. I'll be fine.
You, you go see your family, okay?
- Thanks.
(gentle music)
- Rubicante.
(birds chirping)
(facet squeaks)
(water hisses)
(Daniel exhales)
(faucet squeaks)
(water hisses)
(Anne knocks)
- Hey.
- Hey.
Finally started working
on the kitchen again, huh?
- Yeah, it's getting there.
- Yep.
- What are you doing here?
Sam's already at school.
- Yeah I know.
Actually, I wanted to talk
to you, if that's okay.
- Of course that's okay,
Anne. What's goin' on?
- Um, yeah,
I think it's pretty obvious,
I've been struggling
with some things lately.
- Yeah.
- And I wanna tell you,
Daniel, I really do,
but I'm just not ready.
It's about my family and I'm
just now figuring it out.
- I expected it was something like that.
- Yeah.
And um, I think I finally
have gotten past it.
- Okay. Good.
Sam and I really miss you being here.
- Do you miss me?
- Of course I miss you.
- I love you.
(door creaks)
- Oh hey.
- Hey.
- Just gonna get a drink,
but I don't wanna interrupt you two.
It's good to see you, Anne.
- You too.
She looks really tired.
- It's goin' around.
- Yeah.
- Mmhmm?
- I really really wanna make
things right between us.
You believe me, right?
- Of course I believe and I
want the same thing as you do,
but getting there is gonna take-
- Yeah, a lot, I know.
But I'm so close.
And I'm telling you,
things are gonna be better.
(eerie music)
- What?
(eerie music)
- I'm so tired.
- Well the demon is a liar
and it cannot be trusted.
The words it speaks stand on their head,
and their value is as
the trumpet of an ass.
Trumpet of an ass. (laughs)
(traffic hums)
- Smoke?
- What?
Okay, yeah.
Not like I'm gonna die of cancer.
- What?
- Nothing.
(distant dog barks)
- Hit a guardrail back in '05.
Got nine pins all up here.
Got stuck on opioids for a while.
That was a setback.
- I'm sorry.
Nice talk. Okay, thanks.
- Hey uh, I'll be at
the bar later, you know,
if you wanna come by.
- Yeah, okay.
(distant dog barks)
- I'll be at the bar later.
(distant dogs bark)
(door rattles)
- To leftward or the pier they turned,
but each had verse between his teeth,
pressed close to the tongue
toward their leader for signal looking,
which he with sound
obscene, triumphant gave.
With that, he cried and
Calcabrina and Cagnazzo there.
And the top of 10 lepers
he was... (muttering)
(chuckles) Mad Rubicante.
Rubicante. (laughs)
(keys clink)
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
(Anne exhales)
(gentle music)
(eerie music)
(Anne coughs)
(Anne laughs)
(quiet music)
(quiet music continues)
(papers rustle)
(gentle music)
(papers continue to rustle)
(quiet music)
- And at that moment of death,
the demon will leap from the body
and enter thus into the
nearest living thing
in order to protect itself
and prolong its existence.
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
(water burbles)
(Daniel knocks)
- I told you, I'm in the bath.
(door clatters)
What the hell? What are you doing?
Danny, don't!
(water swishing)
(water swishing)
(Meredith screams)
(Meredith breaths laboriously)
(carefree Western music)
Silent night
Holy night
All is calm
All is bright
- [Tom] What happened to you?
- Nothing, just been cooped
up in there for a long time.
Thought I'd get a drink.
Buy a girl a beer?
Holy infant so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly-
- Last call.
- You want anything else?
- No, no I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
(slow Western music)
(pair grunting)
- Start choking, choking.
- You like that, huh? (grunting)
(Anne gasping)
(Tom grunting)
- [Anne] Harder.
(Anne gasping)
(Tom chuckles)
(ominous music)
(Anne gasps)
(ominous music)
- [Anne Voiceover] And
at that moment of death,
the demon will leave the body
and enter into the nearest living thing
(demon screams)
(Anne gasps)
(eerie music)
(jarring music)
(Anne gasps)
(eerie music)
(Anne gasping)
(ominous music)
(Tom grunts)
(pair breaths laboriously)
- Get off of me.
Get off of me! Get off of me.
- I'm sorry.
- [Anne] Get out!
- Wow, okay. (breathing laboriously)
(door rattles)
(lights buzzing)
(drops patter)
(eerie music)
(eerie music continues)
(drops patter)
(eerie music continues)
(drops patter)
(birds chirping)
(melancholy music)
- You don't want this
body anymore, do you?
You came into it too late, didn't you?
You didn't think that I was
gonna get so weak so fast.
But it's what you do, right?
You live off us and feed off
us until we're all used up.
Then you cut out at the end
and find your next host
that you can poison
with your filth and your lies.
You're not gonna get my son.
I don't care what I have to do.
You're not gonna take him like you did me.
You hear me, you son of a bitch?
(melancholy music)
(birds chirping)
(melancholy music)
(buttons click)
(birds chirp)
(eerie music)
(crickets chirping)
(distant traffic hums)
(crickets continue chirping)
(distant traffic hums)
(keys clink)
(widow whirs)
- What are you doing here?
- This was my home too, Meredith.
(crickets chirp)
- This thing you're dealing with,
Daniel thinks it's drugs
or prescription medication,
or mental illness or something.
It isn't though, is it?
- No.
- I think you've always
thought I hated you.
I don't, you know.
- I haven't made it easy.
- Look, you made Daniel happy,
and I loved you for that.
But this, this thing,
it makes you a threat
to Daniel, to your son.
It's spilling over, isn't it?
(crickets chirping)
I saw it the other night.
And then yesterday at the
house, when I saw your face.
I hope you can beat
this, Anne, I really do,
but until then, don't
come around here anymore.
I mean it.
You come here again,
and you will be sorry.
I will make you sorry.
Good luck.
- Merry Christmas.
(crickets chirping)
(engine revs)
(engine rumbles)
(cocoon rustles)
(eerie music)
(cocoon rustles)
(eerie music continues)
(cocoon rustles)
(eerie music continues)
(insect flutters)
(ominous music)
(ominous music continues)
(creature speaking demonic language)
(ominous music)
(bell rings)
(door rattles)
In a while and I've learned a lot
(upbeat music continues)
(lyrics indistinct)
- Hey.
I just wanted to say sorry
about the other night.
Things got weird.
I just need three more days
and I'll be outta your hair.
I promise.
Well a pretty girl can be dangerous
See you soon, Mom.
(footsteps shuffle)
(ominous music)
(door clatters)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(pills rattle)
(ominous music)
(Anne coughs)
(Anne coughs)
(Anne grunts)
(ominous music)
(Anne mutters)
(ominous music)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(jarring music)
(jarring music continues)
(demon creaking)
(demon creaking)
(jarring music)
(jarring music continues)
(Anne gasps)
(jarring music)
(Anne screams)
- It's okay.
It's okay, you were dreaming.
It was just a dream.
- No. No it wasn't.
I was someplace else.
I'm not gonna make it, Father.
I'm not gonna survive,
and I'm not gonna be
able to save my son, Sam.
I'm too (indistinct)
- Anne, fighting the evil inside ourselves
is not a fruitless pursuit.
- (crying) I can't deny it anymore.
I'm so tired. I'm tired.
- I know. I know.
I know that you're tired.
But when you feel you don't
have the energy to go on,
that's the moment that
you have to make a choice,
and continue, and it's
that moment that matters.
Oh Anne, I know you're strong enough
to rid the world of this evil now.
I'm here. I'm here to help you.
(Anne sobs)
In the Bayou, you said that
we were two lost souls.
- Damned is more like it.
- Probably.
I had a lot to atone for.
- You think doing all this
might give you a chance
to get back in good with the big guy?
- I don't think that one good deed
is going to wipe out all the bad ones.
I used to, you know, but I don't anymore.
Now, I just wanna help somebody.
- This could succeed
and we could still both
lose everything, huh?
- Pretty much.
- (chuckles) Okay.
(gentle music)
- Heavenly Father, save this day,
your servant, who trusts in you.
Be for her, oh Lord, a tower of strength
in the face of the enemy.
Let the enemy have no advantage over here,
nor allow the son of inequity
to persist in harming her.
Send her help, oh Lord, from the sanctuary
and give her support from scion,
the hold, the victory that
overcomes the evils of the world.
Our faith, this sinner believes
in God, the Father Almighty,
creator of the Heaven and Earth,
and in Jesus Christ, his only son.
Our Lord, born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilot,
was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended into Hell,
and on the third day,
he rose again from the dead,
and therefore, holds dominion
over both the living and the dead.
He shall be our final
judgment in this life,
and he alone can call
us to embosom in Heaven
or banish us to burn for all
eternity in the fires of Hell.
Do you renounce Satan, Child?
- I do.
- And all his works?
- I do.
- And all his empty show.
- I do.
- Then let us implore God
to deliver us from evil
and pray as he taught us to pray.
Lord, we do not know
how to pray as we ought,
but the Holy Spirit
helps us in our weakness.
He intercedes and pleads for us,
according to the will of God.
Therefore, in the name of that spirit,
let us say-
- [Pair] Our Father who art in Heaven
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done
on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give is this day, our daily bread,
and forgive us our sins
as we forgive those
who have trespassed against us.
Lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from...
(foreboding music)
Be gone, unclean spirit.
Be gone, scion of the forsaken world.
In the name of God, you have
no power over this woman
or this world.
- You are unworthy, empty soul.
You were right before, a priest.
Your prayers have no more power
than that of a street whore.
You leave a wake of ruin in your path.
You wreak of guilt and shame.
- I hold the cross of the Almighty.
- You're a priest of corruption,
you portray the most basic
admonition of your faith.
all names that you hurled at
me that you too are guilty of.
We are not so different.
- No!
My God, protect the girl.
You've come to destroy her.
- But given the opportunity,
would you too not have destroyed her?
Tell me, Priest, was there not a moment,
a fleeting moment where
you thought about it,
where you wanted her?
(Father Geoffrey hollers)
(fist clapping face)
(demon laughs)
Your words say no, but I know you.
Little Geoffrey, you've
always been teased.
Little Geoffrey whose father hated him.
Little Geoffrey with a mom
who resented him for ruining her body.
But there was someone, wasn't there?
An uncle.
- Stop it.
- What was his name?
- Stop it.
- Uncle Andrew, Uncle Andrew
who's always so attentive.
Uncle Andrew listen to him talk
about the mean boys and the cruel girls.
He was so attentive.
- I will kill you, demon.
I swear, by God, I will kill you.
- But that's the point, isn't it?
You can't hurt me, can you? Abuser.
(somber music)
(ominous music)
- You lied to her, didn't you?
About your name.
It's from Dante and she
never read "The Inferno."
- We all have our secrets.
- (chuckles) Yes, but
not you, not anymore.
My uncle, he told me about his friend,
that special friend that told him secrets,
secrets that he would only tell me.
- [Demon] No.
- He had a funny name.
I always thought so.
- No.
- Afaceta.
(dramatic music)
Stay demon, who some call Afaceta.
It's leader of minds, ruler of lies.
I know who you are, and so knowing,
we have control of you.
Your whispers and deceits
can aid you no longer.
The power of the holy
sign shines down upon you,
and you are fetal before him.
- No!
- Demon! Leave her!
(flesh sizzles)
Leave her!
In the name of God, leave her!
(dramatic music)
(Anne screams)
(dramatic music)
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
- Yes Father?
- (grunts) I thought we went through this.
You're not supposed to call me Father.
Are you okay?
(Father Geoffrey grunts)
- Yes.
(Father Geoffrey grunts)
I think I am.
- You know,
I guess I should be going.
- Geoffrey.
- Yeah?
- Thank you.
- [Father Geoffrey] My
pleasure, little one.
(melancholy music)
(crickets chirping)
(melancholy music)
(door clicks)
(melancholy music)
(door clatters)
(melancholy music)
(engine revs)
- I spent so long
self-sabotaging and I realized
the only one I was fighting was myself.
- Mm. Wow, that's powerful, Chris.
Thank you.
- Really proud of you, man.
- Yeah, thanks. Thanks.
- Isobel, what about you?
Do you feel comfortable
and ready to share tonight?
- I'm just not ready.
- That's okay. I mean, that's
why we're all here, of course.
We want to make sure that
as we're working towards
getting better, stronger,
working through this,
and hopefully getting back home
to our friends and family that we,
we wanna make sure that we
don't forget the choices
that brought us here in the first place.
You know, the good ones, of course,
as well as the bad ones.
Let's take a moment to pray.
(melancholy music)
- [Group] We ask you Lord,
for your guidance in our struggles,
for your strength as we
test our will to ourselves,
for your forgiveness as they make amends
to those we've wronged.
We thank you for bringing
us together tonight, Lord.
Keep us safe and protected
and in good health.
(horn honks)
(body crashes)
- And everyone said-
- Amen.
- Mom's coming!
(gentle music)
- [Daniel] Hey. (laughs)
- [Anne] Guess who's coming home?
- Mommy's coming home?
- [Daniel] Yeah buddy.
(gentle music)
You okay?
- Yeah, I actually am.
(gentle music)
(melancholy music)
(melancholy music continues)
(melancholy music continues)
(playful music)
(melancholy music)
(ominous music)
(eerie choral music)
(foreboding music)
(dramatic music)
(no audio)
(upbeat rock music)
(upbeat rock music continues)
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
No one to confide in, I'm
living with sin inside me
Two generations of demonic possession
Understanding and commanding
has become an obsession
My family thinks I'm
sick with mental illness
Pumping me with pills and
meetings with therapists
But at night, the beast visits me
Contorts me, is growin' inside me
Feeling like ring is spittin' up peace
Gotta come up with a
plan, I gotta stop it
My soul's teetering on
the edge of the abyss
With the moon eclipsed,
sucking on Adana's clit
But I'm not some hick,
I got skin in this game
If there's a way out
then I'm gonna find it
How does a mother fucker
kill when he isn't alive
I do a beat, the beast inside
(upbeat rock music)
(demonic muttering)
(upbeat rock music continues)
Dirty hotel rooms of doom
I was living the American dream
Now I'm eating out of styrofoam
Now go without Thorazine
Cruising down the street
My friends will do the nine circles
The streets of LA are filled
with ghouls and monsters
The boogie man is real
And he's meeting with his AA sponsor
Everyone I care about
thinks I've lost my mind
Maybe they're right,
maybe this is mania
If I'm going to have peace,
I gotta find the priest
He's the only one who knows
how to fight this fuckin beast
Lost souls connected
like a dirty 70s flick
Dead end bit at the end of a shift
Casio Betty's there for roarer
But the shit is more Italian horror
70s boner and music and call it gels
Wrestle with the bits are possessed
My gramps and moms got the
luck of colonel, mother fucker
It's on
(upbeat rock music)
(upbeat rock music)
(demonic muttering)
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
The ones to confide in are
living with sin inside me
No one got and either
where I should be goin'
Bein' eatin' alive slowly,
like a nova in Nairobi
I got texts and vests
I got suitcases packed and mad stress
Lookin' for a vessel to unsettle
And deliver the animal within
This is gonna be a different
A different kind of engine
I'm not gonna let this
thing take me down
And pass to my son
Some other mother fucker
is gonna pay the cost
Self-exorcism like a right to the jaw
(upbeat rock music)
Los Angeles California
Miles long
(upbeat rock music)
See you next Tuesday films
(upbeat rock music)
The beast inside, the beast inside
(upbeat rock music)
The beast inside, the beast
inside, the beast inside
(upbeat rock music)
Make the cross and close your eyes
(upbeat rock music)