The Beast Within (2024) Movie Script

[animal cries]
[soft growling]
[woman screams]
[squelching noises]
[rats squeak]
[clears throat] Rats, all right.
Bloody knew it. All right.
I'll pick up
some traps in town then.
[rhythmic tapping]
[tapping getting louder]
[bang on door]
Love bug.
I've got to take Dad.
I'll be back before dark,
all right?
[soft breathing through mask]
[pig squeals]
All right. Come on.
[breathes loudly]
[pig squeals]
[pig squeals fade]
[intense music]
-You know the rules, kid.
But it isn't dark yet.
Come on. Let's go.
[birds sing]
[chickens cluck]
[vehicle approaches]
-What took you so long?
-[replies indistinctly]
I'm not gonna keep watching
this. Enough is enough.
[quiet tense music]
[indistinct voices]
[grandpa] What will you do
when she discovers the truth?
-[mother] She won't.
-[clattering sound]
Well, don't you look a picture?
Dinner's ready.
[crockery rattles]
-Come on, love, eat please.
-It's good.
Eat up or it'll get cold.
Willow, come on.
One bite, please, for Mummy.
Thank you, sweetheart.
[distant screeching]
All the animals in the pen?
[Willow] Yes.
I'll go double check.
Just foxes.
Where are you always going?
[indistinct noise]
[indistinct noises]
[father making pained gasps]
[gasping continues]
[gasping and straining]
[Willow] Dad?
[he groans]
Daddy, wake up!
[breathes heavily]
[soft twinkling music]
[birds sing]
[indistinct voices]
[grandpa grunts]
[mother grunts]
[thumping sounds]
-[mother] I've got him.
He's getting worse.
[Willow gasps]
[sheep bleats]
[tense music]
[scrubbing sound]
[scrubbing sound continues]
-[cutlery clatters]
-[sighs softly]
-Yes, love?
Why are you hiding it?
Hiding what, love?
Can you pass me
that plate, please?
It's nothing.
If it's nothing
then why are you hiding it?
[distant thumping]
He's awake.
He is your father.
Now get drying please.
Why does he always
come home like this?
Mum, I'm asking you a question.
[cup smashes]
Just go on. Go feed Winnie,
and I'll finish up here.
I said go!
[indistinct speech]
Quiet now. You'll be just fine.
Come on, lie down.
Lie down. Come on.
[father] I am getting worse.
Look what I'm doing to you.
Get some rest.
[footsteps approach]
[Willow gasps]
My oxygen's half full.
Oh. Well,
better turn it off then.
Well, don't spend it all
at once.
-Ready, monkey?
[sheep bleats]
What are we doing?
[pulls handbrake]
What are you doing?
Two seconds.
You wouldn't happen to know of
any capable drivers around here?
Well? Do you?
Me? I can drive?
Mm. Unless you wanna
take a sip on that oxygen first.
You're the only one who's going
to need a sip of that oxygen.
-You look pretty.
Our little secret.
[both chuckle]
-All right. You ready?
[clutch grinds]
-It's stuck.
-Let me have a look.
[clutch grinds]
How many times have I asked
your father to fix this?
All right. Got it.
Easy on the clutch,
slow and steady wins the race.
Take it away, driver.
[muted laughter]
All right.
You stay in the car for me,
What do you think?
I think I look quite pretty.
You do.
Very much indeed.
[brakes squeak]
[pulls handbrake]
I've missed my girls.
Little one in particular.
What's this?
Didn't know you got me a gift.
Come get it.
-Hey, that's mine.
-Hey, come get it! [barking]
[he laughs]
[he laughs]
Oh! [laughs]
Don't ever leave me again, huh?
[knock on door]
Lovebug, it's me.
[door handle rattling]
Can you open please, darling?
Got your favorite on the stove.
There's enough for Grandpa too,
if you want.
All right?
And where are you going?
I'll be back before dark.
[pig squeals]
[breathes heavily]
[pig grunts]
You're cutting it close.
[pig squeals]
[Willow pants]
[squealing continues]
[pig squeals]
[chains rattle]
Nothing changes.
Nothing changes.
[pig squeals]
-[pig squealing]
Willow, stop. Stop! Willow!
Willow! Don't go down there!
Willow, listen to me!
Listen to me!
-[pig squealing]
[pig screams]
Willow! Willow!
[moans softly]
Come on, sweetheart.
Come on, darling. Breathe
for Mummy. Come on, breathe.
Take a breath, come on.
Come on. Come on, breathe.
Please, sweetheart.
Take a breath. Come on.
Come on.
Breathe, please. Breathe.
-Come on, darling, just...
Come on!
Don't leave me!
Just breathe!
[Willow gasps]
That's it. That's it.
That's it, darling. That's it.
[breathes softly]
[muffled talking]
[muffled talking continues]
[muted chatter]
[bird coos]
[mother] We can't bloody keep
her trapped in there forever.
-[grandpa] Trapped?
[mother] Breakfast is ready
so she needs to come home now.
[grandpa] That child has been
trapped all her goddamn life.
-[mother] Oh, give it a rest.
-She came to me...
-All right.
-...scared out of her mind.
[mother] Well,
I'd like to see her, please.
[grandpa] Well,
she doesn't want to see you.
We're her parents, Waylon.
You don't get to speak!
[mother] Get off him!
Get off him.
Sweetheart. It's all right.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
Come here.
I love you
when you're like this.
[banging on door]
-Come on.
We're leaving. Get your stuff.
[brakes squeak]
You bastard. Get out of the car.
What the hell is wrong with you?
Where are you going, Waylon?
[Waylon] Oh, here he comes, huh?
The man of the moment.
Noah, can you get
back inside, please?
Yeah, that's a good idea.
-You go back home, sonny.
-Leave it!
You need to come
with your mother and I.
-Get your hands off me!
-Stay calm.
You're a fucking monster!
-I hate you!
-Waylon, stop! Stay there.
-Waylon, stop it!
-No! Stop it!
[yells] Mum might've put up
with you, but I won't!
I want you gone by the morning!
You are the monster.
-Come on.
-Get out of the truck.
[screams] I hate you!
-I hate you!
-That's fine.
That is fine.
But I am your mother!
I am your mother!
I am your mother.
[Willow gasping softly]
[engine starts]
[animals snort]
[sheep bleats]
[vehicle approaches]
Let's take a drive.
[animals snort and bleat]
[pulls handbrake]
[closes door]
[breathes heavily]
Would you like to know
what it is?
[Willow breathes heavily]
It's okay.
It's okay.
You don't need to be scared.
[chains rattle]
Your Grandpa Waylon's
a good man.
We don't all get that lucky.
I never met my grandfather.
I heard the stories.
He was a kind man, for
the most part. He had kind eyes.
It was his eyes
my grandmother fell for,
a bit like your mother
fell for mine.
He was a great storyteller.
He told the wildest stories.
He was good with his hands.
Strong as an ox.
Nothing he couldn't fix.
Except one thing.
Once a month, when
the full moon rose, he'd change.
And so every month
he'd take himself off
as far from my grandmother
as he could get.
Deep, deep into the woods.
And when he was there,
all alone,
his bones would begin
to break and crack,
his spine stretched,
his fingers...
split and grew, and the pain...
the pain of his soul leaving
his body would make him howl.
And the real pain...
the true pain
comes from hiding it.
See, he hid it to protect
my grandmother, to try and...
try and keep her safe.
But all secrets come to
the surface eventually, Willow.
She wasn't a fool,
my grandmother.
She'd known something
wasn't right for years.
I guess she put it down to
another woman in another town,
either way, she followed him...
deep into the woods.
And she saw what he was.
And he saw her.
The sun came up.
And my grandfather returned to
himself and saw what he'd done
to his wife.
He ran home.
He took his gun.
And all those stories
came to an end.
My father told me that story.
My father was a cruel man.
And I didn't want this, this...
family curse, this illness.
I am a coward.
And I'm a monster.
Because I...
I couldn't leave.
I couldn't...
I couldn't picture my life.
I couldn't.
[chains rattle]
I couldn't picture my life.
I love you
when you're like this.
What do you mean...
when I'm "like this"?
I left my baby lying there
Lying there
Lying there
I left my baby lying there
To go and get blackberries
[Willow] I miss Grandpa.
Where is he?
[axe chopping]
Could I have a go?
You want to chop wood?
I don't know.
That's a big job.
That's a big job.
That's a lot of responsibility
for a little girl.
These are my woods.
I own these woods.
I'm king of these woods.
Oh, yeah.
There's a whole ceremony.
A ceremony.
Kneel before your king!
I, Noah William Avery,
king of these woods,
ask thee, Willow Rose Avery,
with ancient pines
as my witness,
to solemnly swear
her allegiance
to this hereby forest.
Say, "I do."
-I do.
-We can't hear you.
-I do.
-We can't hear you!
-I do!
-And do you promise to be brave?
-I do!
-Do you promise to be honest?
-I do!
-And do you swear...
at all costs,
to protect this family
and everything in it?
I do.
Well, then,
I, Noah William Avery,
pronounce thee
Princess Willow Rose Avery
of Avery Wood! [roars]
And the race is on
and onward they go,
through the rocky roads
in the mountains.
[imitates car racing sound]
Avery's in sixth place.
Beep, beep! Move out the way.
She's coming in third.
-And... she wins!
-Hey, hey, hey, hey.
What's wrong?
Oh, it's nothing, it's just...
[clears throat] it's just my...
dog jaw.
I've had it since I was a kid.
Feel it.
-You're so silly.
-You want some tea?
-This is a good sandwich.
-Shut the fuck up!
Come on.
Get in the car.
Get in the car!
What are you fucking hiding?
I didn't see anyone, Noah.
[objects clatter]
[Noah] I'm so sorry,
I'm so sorry.
I'm just scared, you know,
that one day you won't
be here when I get back.
Say it.
I wanna hear you say it.
[mother] Nothing changes.
[sheep bleat]
[pig squeals]
I left my baby
lying there...
Lying there
Lying there
I lost my darling baby...
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday
Little monster
[mother chuckles]
Happy birthday to you
Make a wish, sweetheart.
Make a wish.
Yay! [kisses]
[gasps] A car just like ours.
-[mother] Yeah.
-And little piggies.
New matchsticks.
-Thank you, Mum.
-You're welcome, sweetheart.
Happy birthday.
[knock on door]
It's all right.
[door opens]
[Noah clears throat] Come in.
[door closes]
-Good evening.
-Is... is it mine?
[Willow] Mum, I got a puppy.
-Come on.
-Come on.
[Noah chuckles]
-[straining softly]
-He's so tiny.
How long are you thinking
of staying, Waylon?
I hate it when you call me that.
Every single time.
[Willow] You like your
belly rubbed, don't you?
[Noah] Belly rub.
Lovely belly rub.
You can't bite me. [growls]
So big, aren't you?
-[dog barks]
-[Willow laughs]
Yes, sweetheart?
Are we safe?
Darling, you are
the most precious thing
that's ever happened to me.
I would never let anything
hurt you.
Do you understand that?
[bird squawks]
[pig squeals]
[pig squeals]
Nothing changes.
Nothing changes.
Help me.
Let me in.
[winces, then gasps]
No, no, no, no, no...
[groans] No, no, no, no.
[gasps, breathes heavily]
[breathes heavily, pants]
[exhales slowly]
[light hissing]
[muffled thud]
[muffled thud]
[muffled thud]
[thudding continues]
[wind whistles]
[thudding and clattering]
Willow! Get back inside. Now!
It's just the wind.
[muffled thudding continues]
It's him, isn't it?
Everything is fine.
Get some sleep.
It'll be morning
before you know it.
[dog lightly growls]
Show me the bloody gun.
It's just a gun. For protection.
Open it.
I said open it.
I should have known
it was why he came back.
-[Waylon] He's gonna kill me.
-[woman yells]
And then he's gonna kill you.
[woman gasps]
Then he's gonna go upstairs
and tear that child to pieces.
I am a monster.
[air canister clatters]
Oh, Christ!
Oh, shit! It's empty.
Stay with her, Waylon.
It's okay.
[wind whistles]
Come on, baby. Come on, baby.
Breathe. Breathe.
Breathe, honey.
[gate rattles]
It's okay, Mummy's coming.
Mummy's coming.
Stop this right now!
You need to leave!
Oh, Christ!
Imogen, hurry!
For Christ's sake, hurry!
Imogen! She's unconscious!
He's coming in.
-He's coming in.
-[gate thuds]
Where's the gun?
-Where's the gun, Imogen?!
-I don't know, I don't know!
[light hissing]
Come on, darling.
-[Imogen] What?
[Imogen breathes heavily]
[gate thuds]
[gate thuds]
[gate thuds]
[gate crashes open]
[thudding on door]
-[Waylon yells]
-[Imogen] Come on, baby.
Come on, wake up!
Wake up, please! Wake up!
Wake up.
Please! Please wake up.
Please wake up. Please.
He is...
Please! Please wake up.
Please, darling. Please wake up.
Please wake up.
He is... coming.
[door creaks]
-[slow, heavy footsteps]
[thumping, rattling]
[dog barks]
-I'm sorry.
-[Willow gasping]
[dog whines]
We have to go.
We've got to go, come on.
Come on. We've got to go.
Come on, quick, quick, quick.
Quick. Quick.
[wind whistles]
[crunching sounds]
[floorboard creaks]
[slow, heavy footsteps]
-[Imogen gasps]
[heavy footsteps]
[squelching sounds]
[Waylon groans]
Come on. Come on.
Dad, I'm coming back.
[clattering sound]
Take this.
[wind howling]
I'm coming back!
If for some reason I don't,
you drive and you drive
and you keep on driving
until you see the sun.
Do you understand me?
Do you understand me,
I need to hear you say it.
All right, go.
[running footsteps]
[Waylon groaning quietly]
Shh... Sh...
[Waylon cries out]
Move! Move, move.
[Imogen grunts]
[Waylon groans]
[loud thud]
[loud thud]
[heavy footsteps]
[Waylon groans]
[loud footsteps]
[footsteps moving away]
[heavy footsteps]
-[rat trap snaps]
[grunts, screams]
[engine starts]
[truck engine running]
[Imogen grunts]
[Waylon groans]
[truck engine revs]
[Waylon groans]
Hurry up!
-Come on!
-Get in, get in!
[Waylon yelps]
It won't move!
-[clutch grinding]
-Come on!
He's coming.
Go! Go!
There's no time.
Protect Willow.
[muted dialogue]
[Willow pants]
We've got to keep going.
I can't breathe.
[Willow gasping]
Three deep breaths.
In, two three, out, two three.
We have to keep moving, love.
We gotta keep moving.
Okay? Come on.
Come on.
All right. Let's go.
[high whining sound]
Right, let's go, come on.
He could be up there.
[bird caws]
All right, you stay there.
Stay behind the tree.
I'll go check.
[tense music]
We're safe, sweetheart. Come on.
[Willow screams]
[distant growl]
Noah, put her down.
-Noah, please.
That's it.
It's all right.
-Please, Noah.
Please put her down.
It's okay.
It's all right, it's okay.
It's just me.
It's just me.
It's all right.
-It's okay.
Noah. Noah.
I know you can hear my voice.
And I know you know
how much we love you.
Now it's time
to come back to us.
Noah, come back to us.
Noah, come back to me.
Come back to me.
Come back to me.
Come back to me.
I love you
when you're like this.
[Willow breathes]
I love you
when you're like this.
What do you mean,
when I'm like this?
[muted dialogue]
[muted dialogue]
-[Willow screams]
[Noah] And do you swear...
at all costs...
to protect this family...
and everything in it?
[yelling continues]
[wind chimes tinkle]
[birds sing]
Would you like to know
what it is?
-Stop touching me!
-Why are you hiding it?
-Never in front of her!
Shut the fuck up.
Don't ever leave me again, huh?
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
I am a monster.
[overlapping whispering voices]
[Noah] It's time for her
to know the truth.
[woman screams]
[Imogen gasps]
Hello, little monster.
I left my baby
Lying there
Lying there
Lying there
I left my baby
Lying there
To go and gather
Hovan, hovan
Gorry o go
Gorry o go
Gorry o go
Hovan, hovan
Gorry o go
I've lost
my darling baby, oh
I've lost
my darling baby, oh
Hovan, hovan
Gorry o
I've lost my darling