The Big Pardon (1982) Movie Script

Car 214 calling Control. Over.
Control here.
Transporting prisoner
Bernard Van Eyck,
a.k.a. the Deacon,
number 12409.
Taking Skylark route.
Due around 12:40 p.m.
Due time respected as planned.
Copy that. Message received.
- David.
- David.
That's right.
Let's dance.
Come on, drink up!
Careful, Maurice.
Hey, Asman!
Ho, Maurice. I just thought:
He's the first Bettoun born in France.
Oh this baby! When I touch him,
it gives me such strength!
It's like when you came:
I wanted to eat everything up!
I used to scare your mother. A monster!
Mr. Bettoun?
How's it going, doc?
Fine. I changed the bandage.
Why? It was no good, the bandage?
It's crazy!
You young people are always
doing over the rabbi's work.
Go on upstairs and kiss your wife.
Mama, put on the hat!
It's hot.
She's right in the sun.
She's got a hat and won't wear it.
Not thirsty?
Have a drink.
I'll introduce you
to some of the family, some friends.
Pepe, you look good
in the tuxedo after all.
Really? It ain't too big?
That's the cut.
From now on at the casino,
a tux every night.
Not a rented one! Get these sleeves!
So pull out your shirt cuffs.
That's Pepe. He's like a brother to me.
Even better.
Cheers to you, Angeli!
Are you married?
And divorced.
My wife's dead.
- Was your husband a doctor too?
- Yes.
What do I call you? Doctoress?
Just doctor.
I could never call a woman "doctor".
- What's your first name?
- Carole.
Pretty name! Reminds me of Martine Carol.
You're not related to her?
Raymond, the rabbi's leaving.
- What?
- I swear!
You wait. Don't move.
You'll eat lunch with me.
Albert, look after her. She's a doctor.
Nice to meet you.
So! You're a doctor!
What's the matter, rabbi?
You're not staying for the party?
What's wrong?
You know what's wrong.
If your men hadn't dragged me here,
I'd never have come.
What a terrible thing to say.
If my mother heard you...
What I say is,
you can push men around, but not God.
Now, you know I love you, so listen:
In Algeria you blessed us all,
the Azoulays, the Azerads,
the Fitoussis, the Bettouns and the rest,
and now you won't bless my grandson?
It's not good.
Be quiet, Raymond!
The Bettouns of Constantine
changed in Paris.
Here you do things we blush at
and discredit the whole community.
The Bettouns haven't changed. Things have.
We didn't ask to come here in '62,
with a foot in both places.
We had to fight to live.
But it's no use telling you.
Gg, take the rabbi home.
Don't bother.
I said take him home!
Do it!
Safe home!
Ho! Maurice!
Ay, ay, ay, my son!
- How happy I am for you!
- Jacky!
Bring the crib, you!
A boy, no less!
A boy! A little more
and you'd have had a girl.
This is for him. Royal, no?
With a red ribbon.
I did right by you, huh?
Pepe loves mambo!
Arman, it's been ages!
Thank you all.
Da Costa, thanks for being here
with my family.
Roland, excuse us.
Go on, I tell you! You can't say no.
Come on up, Freddy.
Let's give them a big hand!
You all know Freddy Ambrosi.
He's going to sing
one of his great hits: "Jealousy".
Specially for you. It's my favorite song.
I'm pretty rusty,
so we'll see what comes out.
Go to it!
You creep around me
Like a cold and fickle snake
You live inside me
Fuckers! Get your brother!
- What's up?
- Maurice.
What's up?
Angeli, quick!
Let's dance!
I get it, lieutenant?
Get the license plate.
No, that's all.
How do you like being
a grandfather, Mr. Bettoun?
You still haven't had enough of us?
Me, Maurice, and now little David?
After 15 years of seeing you multiply...
And in 15 years
you haven't got enough photos?
Really, why did you come?
We're not doing any harm. It's a baptism.
We got the right.
And the right to invite friends:
Marcel Constantini, alias Bonaparte,
pimping, rackets,
convicted in the Nancy bonds case,
then freed.
Richard Arnothy,
freed on wine fraud on grounds
of reasonable doubt.
Emilio Taviani, alias the Gorgeous Wop.
He wasn't always your pal.
He's better now.
Besides, friends come and go.
Classy bunch, for a family party.
With those fairy godfathers
around the kid's cradle,
his circumcision is a baptism of fire.
Don't worry, lieutenant,
the circumcision was OK, the baby's asleep
and my family wishes you goodbye.
So have a good afternoon,
have a good time.
I almost forgot: the drages.
It's your tradition too, right?
OK, Roland.
Thanks, children. Bless you all.
For me, it's a dream.
Freddy, my friend, have a glass with me.
The way he sang "Jealousy"
made me 20 years younger.
You mean 30.
Better not do it twice, then.
Here, Gg.
Serve these ladies, please.
Thirty years...
The wine of friendship!
Germain, God watch over you!
How does a dope like you survive?
Stop! It's a party.
So who beat Macias?
Alphonse Halimi!
Mama, eat!
You could have bought in quietly,
create phony competition,
and cash in both ways.
Easy for you, a lawyer.
Now that's a buffet, and it's kosher.
It's got it all, the sweet, the salty.
Amazing, no?
The way we do things? We give and give.
I can see you think
it's all kind of weird.
douard's OK. A real Ashkenaze?
That's why I hired him. As a lawyer...
Marvelous, just marvelous!
Pepe, your daughter doesn't eat with us?
I don't know where she is.
The cake!
A monument!
Look at him! King of the party.
When people criticize Raymond,
I'm disgusted,
just disgusted.
- Who does?
- Dopes who don't understand.
When he first came from Algeria,
he drove a cab.
Didn't even know Paris.
Too bad for the customer.
Then he bought the caf.
He said: "Albert, you're my cousin,
you're broke, I'm not.
You take La Nouvelle Algrie."
A caf! Right in the Montmartre quarter!
Like for his brother and nephews.
Their poor parents died
in a raid in Algeria,
and he took them in, just like that.
That's Raymond Bettoun!
My, oh my.
You ain't winning my shirt today.
Jacky, why do they call it
"money laundering"?
Do they wash the bills, or what?
What a jerk!
It's an expression.
Say we make 200 grand.
- Who, we?
- Us, the family.
What do we do with it?
Spend it.
- Fuck...
- A real jerk!
Stop it! You weak in the head?
You're Raymond,
you got 200 grand. Now what?
I stash it and wait.
That's it.
But not if you got a casino.
You take your bag... wait!
You swap the bills for chips
and you play. And you lose.
Why do I lose?
Sure you lose, dope. But it's your casino.
So you win.
And the dough's clean.
- There!
- So then what?
What's that?
That is disgusting!
I'll murder you.
- What'd I do?
- I'll murder you.
You provoking me?
I didn't do it. It was your woman!
What about my woman? Leave my woman alone!
Break it up!
Get out of here with your cherry pits.
You: beat it, scram!
A circus, she is.
We playing or gabbing?
I bet $7,000.
I'm out.
- I'll see you.
- No.
Show me.
Three nines, kid.
Full house. Push it over.
Son of a bitch!
What do you want?
- Am I bothering you?
- Yes.
your dad sent me, so make an effort.
It's rough, but you're not a free agent.
What's that to me?
When Maurice and his wife are happy,
you hide in a hole and cry.
Where's your pride?
I have no pride.
Come see.
- Thanks.
- Mom!
Mm, that's good!
Eat this.
Is that for me?
A pity, Viviane.
Now what?
We've always hurt each other.
Don't do that!
Look at uncle Alex!
I want to do it too.
This is poker or Scrabble?
- Jacky, time is...
- It's too long!
- Wait, wait.
- What's wrong?
Mister Carreras,
it's an honor to have you here.
You know what a birth is to us.
You're Bettoun's son?
I'm touched.
It's nothing. Where's your father?
In his office. I'll get him.
No! I'll go with you.
There goes the game.
Manuel, my friend.
They didn't tell me you were here.
I'd have come to meet you.
Cut it out, Bettoun.
What's this I hear?
You want my Biarritz casino?
I sweat over it six months
and you want to double-cross me?
Where do you think you are?
You're not in Algeria here.
We got rules.
I'm going to teach them to you.
You know what happens
to people who double-cross me.
Do you know where you are, Manuel?
Threatening me in my own house?
At my party?
Now that's not nice.
Twenty-four hours!
I'll give you 24 hours to quit pushing me.
Let's go.
You see how life changes, Manuel?
Five minutes ago you had your men,
you were Number One.
Look at you now!
Number Zero. You're nothing!
All you cronies have dropped you.
Know why?
I bought them.
With money.
"I pay, you look the other way."
And they said yes.
You see, Manuel,
this couldn't happen to the Bettouns.
And you know why?
We're a family, united
like the fingers of a hand.
You make me laugh, Bettoun.
I heard you're naive and sharp.
I say you're naive and dumb.
When I tell our friends about this...
They already know.
Come and look.
Recognize our friends?
They're all here.
What do you want?
You still don't get it?
I want the Biarritz casino.
What you'll get is war.
People will take sides.
Get ready. But you won't get the casino.
Can I go now?
Nobody's stopping you.
But don't wander around.
You might meet the Deacon.
I didn't tell you:
He broke out of jail this morning.
Oh, we helped a little.
He's looking to kill you.
It's an obsession.
Of course, you handing him to the cops,
that wasn't nice.
A real obsession, right, Pepe?
It's all he thinks about.
You're lucky to retire so young.
I can't see you out, I have guests.
Roland, see him out.
So what's going on?
Let's have a little atmosphere.
You came to eat or for kicks?
How about some music?
if you see the Deacon, call the police.
Dial fast!
Lieutenant, look!
Now we know where we are.
Carreras is out.
Let's go. We're wasting our time here.
She's his wife.
He's 30 years older
and scared to lose her.
- OK, son?
- OK, Mister Bettoun.
You want everyone to love you.
We all want that.
But you want more.
Sure, but I'm bigger. It's physical.
I can give, too. I can even give a lot.
Write that on your prescription.
You could leave your address,
too, if you like.
- I might have a little relapse.
- Really?
Or I could keep you prisoner.
You wouldn't!
A woman I like? Yes.
Maybe I would. I mean, why not?
You're French-born French?
Come on!
Maurice, your grandmother's dancing!
That's a miracle!
Give her a clap!
Haven't seen you much today.
You were so tied up.
Great party!
They all came. Not one missing.
You're not cold?
I'm fine.
Viviane, you'll have
to have your own life.
Your dad and I won't always be here.
You really are beautiful.
It's 8 a.m. Time for the news:
For 24 hours now, police all over France...
after the jailbreak. Bernard Van Eyck,
a.k.a. the Deacon, is a special case.
A hit man, accused of a dozen murders
on "contract", as they say.
Solitary, ruthless,
held dangerous even by the underworld,
he had just been given 25 years
by a Versailles court.
His nickname comes...
What do you want?
Looking for Manuel? He's on the run.
Not for long.
No, it's you I want.
What does that mean,
springing me without warning?
Why complain? Yesterday
you were inside, today you're out.
Now beat it, I'm busy.
You talking to me like that, Fatso?
You know who I am?
Leave him alone!
You think I'm fat?
Stay away from here!
It's residential here.
There are children here!
It's a fine thing, freedom. Enjoy!
You should change your face.
Grow a mustache. You'd look good.
Delmas, tell Villars I'm in his office.
Back to work, guys!
MANAGEMENHi, Pascal. Good to see you.
You're thinner.
You're in shape.
I'm careful.
You're in shape too.
What do you mean?
I'm fat. This is here to stay.
How's business. Good?
We make out. It's rough.
What is it?
I'm going. I'll take Serge and Nono, OK?
It's Sammy who...
Right. Call me.
We missed you at the party. It was great.
I couldn't come.
You were in Geneva.
News travels fast.
I knew it was you. I don't know why:
A jeweler's, downtown! At noon!
I said to Pepe, "That's Pascal!"
Something, huh?
World champion!
The Deacon was nice work too.
Are you interested?
Right now, I'm interested in you.
A job for me?
Better than that.
I've seen everybody in the last few days.
They agree things should be like before.
Situation's simple:
I'm in and Manuel... phtt! He's out.
So you're with or against the Bettouns.
I know. Sabattini called.
Lots of damage.
Not at all. But we have to keep
our eyes open.
Have to keep order. That's why I need you.
I need somebody strong
to come down on them if they move.
An associate.
And a friend.
Let me stay your friend.
Think it over, Pascal.
Sometimes you figure you're OK,
but when you think it over...
It's true. You're too young to retire.
You're young...
Hey, Little Lou!
Say hello to Mister Bettoun.
Who's this?
Gardel, my protg.
Great bantam-weight. A slugger.
There's mine. Is he in shape!
Shake hands.
He'll eat him up, robe, shorts and shoes.
Little Lou...
Maurice will take care
of your Geneva stuff.
Think it over. Ciao!
What's Algeria want?
Don't bug me, Bobiak.
Still here, Meniane? Can't do without him.
Give him a little something.
Look at him. You were never like him
at his age. Open up.
Serge, how's tricks? You getting it?
Albert, first the appetizers.
Yes, Raymond.
- Dahan, you're out? How much did you do?
- Two years.
Ay, why do I love you so!
How'd the team do?
Lost, three-zero. The field was muddy.
It wasn't muddy for the others? Who won?
- So we're last.
- Next to last.
Great! Look,
I finance five teams around here,
soccer, handball, basketball,
cricket, water polo,
and I've never won.
Come on! Look at all the cups!
I brought the cups from Algeria.
We won there.
Right! Bunch of bums here.
At least the Wasp will win for us.
I'll try, but Gardel looks strong.
You're going to win!
Give him some milk.
- Where's Pepe?
- Upstairs.
Upstairs. Ay, my profits!
Go on, drink the milk!
Come on!
- Raymond!
- Grandpa.
Working hard?
Come and take a look!
See how photogenic I am?
I don't see you!
I'm right there.
I'm taking $1,000. Write it down.
What's this?
Abitbol's two months behind?
He hasn't paid?
I sent Roland
to shake him up this morning.
Let's go see him now!
We're too old for that!
This Abitbol's a troublemaker!
Did Roland rough him up?
A little.
Let's go!
Hurts, doesn't it?
Why should I pay you?
I can make it on my own!
Hear that?
He wants to do it alone!
He doesn't know the moth story.
What moth story?
The dry cleaner who goes
to get a coat with his pole.
The minute he touches it,
it crumbles!
And what flies out?
Millions of moths!
Huge ones!
Same thing for the suits!
Same thing for the pants!
The whole place falls apart!
Moths had eaten everything!
He didn't have moth insurance?
He thought he didn't need it.
No foresight!
Always think ahead!
Once you pay,
you can relax!
Let him have it!
He's good!
Come on, keep hitting! That's good.
Someone for you, Mr. Halimi.
How's my boy doing?
He's improved.
- Fast on his feet!
- Really fast!
Gardel works out here too?
For a week now.
I never expected to see your here!
You could've been
my worst enemy under that mask!
I didn't know you boxed?
I used to box when I was your age.
Back to work, boys!
Orange juice!
Cheers to you, Pascal,
and to my casino!
Maurice and his big ideas
almost ruined the place!
He wanted to turn Biarritz into Las Vegas!
Topless waitresses, Macao roulette,
oxygen bar...
The locals were getting nervous.
I stepped in just in time.
I signed, and now it's all mine.
Congratulations, and good luck!
Look at them!
They all want to be world champ!
You thought about my offer?
I already said no.
I can break you.
Look at her!
Can't you keep her from drinking?
She's a big girl, she does what she wants.
She's not your wife!
Screw you!
Get out of here!
I'm sick of looking at you!
You can shove your orders!
Get your hand off me!
- You're rough on Roland.
- His macho bit pisses me off.
Good news, Pascal.
The deal's on.
My man in Antwerp says OK...
for 30 grand.
It's worth twice that!
You won't get a better deal.
Try, you'll see.
It's the blockade?
If I refuse, no one else will buy?
Bravo, Bettouns!
You're a friend.
It's a good deal. You won't regret it.
How about a drink?
After the dramatic shooting
of Manuel Carreras at Paris airport,
as he was leaving France,
the police have a suspect:
Bernard Van Eyck, the notorious Deacon.
This recently-escaped killer
had a score to settle with Carreras.
If he was the killer,
the Deacon wasted no time
in exacting bloody revenge.
It's a search.
You got a warrant?
- We've got visitors.
- Yes, sir.
Go ahead. Look everywhere!
Nice cover for you.
It's not a cover:
it's the family business.
We've been brewers for four generations.
Runs in the family!
And you're the black sheep,
You don't know The Deacon.
You've never even heard of him!
You think I'm a moron?
This was in Boy Scout camp?
Student riots, May '68!
Outside agitators...
Isn't that you and the Deacon
in this photo?
Where'd you dig that up?
In my files.
I never throw anything out.
Cop-hating made you buddies!
That's ancient history.
You don't like the past?
True, you had several!
Your family must've been happy:
The heir waving the red flag!
Not red, Lieutenant, black!
Is the big rumor true?
You're working for Bettoun, now?
Dark ale?
No, pale.
I don't get it.
You're young, ambitious, determined...
Do you think Bettoun's on your side?
He'll swallow you like the others!
His clan has sharp teeth!
I lost my own family at 15.
I don't need another one.
Bettoun stops at nothing.
You have to do it his way.
He learned the rules in the Casbah.
He reads them from right to left!
Good beer!
Cool it, Bernard.
They're gone.
Relax. We're safe, now.
Hi, beautiful! Hurry up!
Hurry up! He's here!
- What is it?
- Where you taking them?
Don't worry! They need fresh air.
They're white as ghosts!
Take care of your cathouse
and mind your own business!
All right, girls! Hurry up!
Where were you? I've been waiting an hour!
Had to nurse my shock absorbers!
Come on, girls.
- Is he here?
- Yeah, in the trailer.
You know Jean-Pierre Rougier?
What a shark that guy is!
He looks me in the eye,
and asks for two cards.
With my full house,
I thought I had it made!
So what's the bastard lay down?
Four kings!
Four kings!
Shit! I dropped ten grand!
There are days like that!
Count it.
Same thing next week for two more girls.
Excuse me, Madeleine.
No more girls, Pascal.
Freddy's suspicious.
If he spills to Raymond...
It's too risky for me!
- What?
- Take my wife home.
Night, honey.
I'll be home later.
Take some cakes home with you!
- Anyone want coffee?
- Mint tea for me!
Come help me, Viviane.
Make it strong!
- Give me a kiss. I'll eat you up!
- I don't want to go to bed.
Kiss Uncle Raymond good night.
- I don't want to go!
- Say good night!
Time for bed, little one!
Say good night, everybody!
I don't want to go to bed.
What gives with the pinball machines?
We worked over a couple of Bouli's boys.
They won't do it again.
Like you always do.
If there's trouble, you beat up an Arab!
That's your solution!
Roland's right!
The Arabs will stab you in the back.
If you teach them a lesson, they stay put.
Roland's right!
What's on your mind, Pepe?
I saw Freddy today.
Can't you see him
before going to Biarritz?
He's acting strange.
OK. On the way to the airport.
Tell him to bring his wife.
Some knockers she's got!
- Right, Jacky?
- You can say that again!
- Mamma mia!
- Yeah!
Here are the cakes.
Can't you see we're talking?
So what? Go right ahead!
Am I interrupting?
Pepe, tell your daughter to leave.
Go now, Viviane.
Very well.
Mind if I clear the table?
Where were we?
Where were we?
- Bye, Jacky.
- Bye.
- Can you drive me?
- Where?
To Paris!
Come on!
Come in.
Close the door.
I've half a mind to belt you one!
I thought it was over between you two.
You were wrong. And what of it?
I forbid you to see here
or even look at her!
Why? Are you jealous?
You have a wife!
You should respect her!
Are you really a son of mine?
You foul up everything!
All you care about is bragging
to your movie stars
and politician friends!
I know you're ashamed of me,
with my loud mouth and bad manners.
I'm your father, like it or not!
To get us where we are today,
I dirtied my hands,
Mr. Maurice Bettoun!
Go on home, now.
Go home!
- Can I leave?
- No.
Freddy, my friend! Get into the car!
Where's your tie?
Hello, Raymond.
What's wrong?
Nothing. Freddy's afraid
to tell you his problem.
Want me to tell him, Freddy?
Two of our girls have taken off.
Nobody knows where they are.
- Is that it, Freddy?
- Yes.
Why were you scared to tell me?
Because they're not the first!
Two others left last week.
Where'd they go, Jacky?
They took a vacation, or what?
You know about this, Jacky?
I swear on my mother!
It's the first time I heard it.
I told you, Freddy.
You should've told me, not bother Raymond!
Take care of it, Jacky.
When's the plane?
4:45 p.m.
Never mind! Let's go!
Get going.
Bye, Raymond! Have a nice trip.
D'you want some?
I was always hungry when I was young.
Sorry. I'll fix you another.
I was afraid of going hungry.
We were dirt poor in Algeria.
I thought that one was for me!
I'll fix it myself!
Come on, now.
You didn't say anything.
About what?
About last night.
What am I supposed to say?
I don't know... The truth!
Does Raymond Bettoun want the truth?
I've always tried to be good
at everything.
Even with women?
I haven't had many affairs like this!
With a real woman,
I feel young again! How was I?
You were really good.
You wouldn't lie to me?
Really good.
- Gentlemen.
- Good evening, sir.
How's everything?
Go on in, sweetheart.
See how polite they are?
Look, Carole!
My very own casino!
Roulette, blackjack, chemin de fer.
Right, Sammy?
All mine!
Take a look at that view!
Better than the casino in Algeria!
Open the windows! What a view!
Take the cover off.
Ever played roulette, Carole?
Pick a number!
Pick, sweetheart!
No more bets.
You've broken the bank already!
Open it! It's for you.
I stopped by Van Cleef's,
and got to thinking of you and our trip.
So I bought this.
There's been a misunderstanding.
Don't you like it?
We can exchange it, if you want.
I came with you because I wanted to.
I don't need a reward.
A tip for the staff!
Hi girls! How's tricks?
Keep your hands off the car!
Make yourselves useful!
I'd like a word with you.
Hi, champ! How's it going?
- Hi, Ren.
- How's it going?
I've been waiting for two hours!
Wait all night, what do I care!
He's drinking on your tab.
What's the occasion?
"Occasion"? Come over here!
See how he orders me around?
What's up, kid?
You send Bettoun's girls
to work at construction sites,
without telling him!
You're a fink, William. King of the finks!
I didn't say anything!
It wasn't nice,
what you did to the family!
Come with me.
Come have another drink.
Serve him anything he wants.
It's on me.
Don't move. I'll be back.
Don't make me wait all night!
- How are you doing?
- Fine.
Can I go up with her?
- Who, Sonia?
- She really turns me on!
Do it fast! Time's money!
That's not my problem!
- Hi, Ren.
- Hi.
Hi, William!
Where's the key to the john?
On the board.
What is it?
Can't I take a shit in peace?
What do you want? Hush money?
You think I'm a whore?
You're scared, aren't you?
You're afraid of Benamou!
Benamou's got you, now!
And he won't let you go!
from now on,
your name is shit!
Listen to this!
Oh, God! Benamou!
Going out, Jrme?
Finish without me, Dad.
It's just a gang murder at Pigalle.
Your Pieds Noirs, again?
Minus one!
What'd you see?
He was lying on the ground.
I ran away. I did right?
What about Freddy?
He was asleep.
He told me to come here.
He called the cops.
Who'd want to kill William?
Was he on the level?
Of course.
He was with us on the pinball job.
It was probably the Arabs again.
Call Raymond.
Here they come!
Hello, Mr. Bettoun.
Sorry, but I'll have to frisk you.
Raymond, my friend!
Come in!
How can I?
He wants to frisk me!
Larbi, let him in!
Stay here.
My friend!
How are you?
Who's that?
My son, ric.
Plays well, doesn't he?
I love to listen to him.
His mother's French. He's a 50-50.
A handsome boy!
Pepe's daughter had a 50-50
with a Catholic!
I swear it!
That's enough for today.
Go see your nanny.
Shall we go inside?
Why? It's a beautiful day.
Hey, Larbi.
This visit will puzzle a lot of people!
Jews and Arabs together...
A rare occurrence.
- Like a drink?
- Sit down. I came to talk business.
We've known each other a long time.
11 years.
That's right.
For 11 years, we've had our own districts.
We've had some run-ins.
I think the solution is
to talk man to man.
Straight to the source: no middlemen.
I'm for straight talk, too!
Often when you're sincere,
you get double-crossed!
Especially by the French!
That's not the case with us!
We either kiss, or kill!
During the Algerian war,
you were all terrorists,
so they say.
You and Larbi
were terrorists in Paris!
But now we're here, having a quiet talk.
Yesterday, somebody killed Benamou,
one of my boys.
He worked with Roland
on the pinball machines.
I hope one of your boys didn't do it.
May I be struck dead,
if I harmed a hair of his head!
I need to know for sure.
Swear it.
I swear it!
Neither of us wants war, right?
Why would I kill your men?
What happened?
He swore he didn't do it. I believe him.
Take care of William's funeral
and his mother.
We want some pastries.
The Bettouns in the Casbah!
This is a first!
Shopping for a new suit, Lieutenant?
Bouli been giving you trouble?
Didn't Benamou work for you?
Then again, what would a small-time pimp
have to do with a respectable businessman?
Are you still a $500 a month executive?
$600. I gave myself a raise.
An 18-room mansion, a night club,
a fleet of cars,
and all those mouths to feed...
How do you make ends meet?
Don't worry, Lieutenant.
With us, a few olives, a crust of bread,
we thank God.
You should!
He probably helped you
get rid of that Carreras so quietly.
But blood's been spilled since.
Don't forget, Bettoun:
God hates killing!
He's drawn to corpses like a vulture!
We don't need this kind
of trouble right now.
- Roland.
- Yes?
Find out about the missing girls.
There's something fishy going on.
I can smell it.
Let's go.
He only worked here two months!
I want Benamou erased from my books!
Things are hard enough as it is.
You think it's easy for me?
There's no way out. I'm trapped.
You're not married to your wife.
You're married to your father!
He's smothering us!
He's smashing us!
- He says he loves us...
- Be quiet.
- He's stifling our lives!
- Be quiet!
It doesn't matter, anyway.
We can't go on like this.
The door was open.
Nice piano.
So this is the Odyssey.
Not bad!
You're coming up in the world!
New style, new decor.
Did you know William Benamou?
Never heard of him.
Like a drink, Lieutenant?
You can't refuse.
Isn't that what I'm supposed to say?
Shit, Roland!
- How's it going?
- I was asleep!
Where've you been?
With all the cops around,
I decided to lay low.
I've got to talk to you.
How many more years do I have
to soak my fucking hand?
Why's she here?
It's OK. She doesn't speak French.
Raymond's upset about the missing girls.
You found them yet?
I've tried!
I've looked all over the place!
I need time!
You don't understand.
He wants to know now!
Wasn't Freddy acting strange
the other day?
I think he's holding out on us.
What d'you think?
You're hurting me!
You want me to smack you?
Dumb bitch!
It couldn't be Freddy. He's too dumb.
I'll go see him anyway. Bye!
- Bye, Roland.
- Bye, Jacky.
Hey, Jacky.
Get your ass in gear, OK?
You always have to be right!
But that's how the scene's written!
It doesn't say "he kisses her".
I should know, I've played the role!
You can't fool me!
It doesn't say "he kisses her".
- It says "he holds her".
- That's what I said!
"Hold", not "kiss"!
There's a difference!
Throw me the keys! Hurry up!
Come over here, you!
You're coming with me!
- What are you doing? Stop!
- Shut up!
Why her?
Don't move!
I don't know about the girls!
Keep your mouth shut
and you'll get her back, OK?
I didn't tell Raymond!
Don't hurt her!
Don't start!
Why'd you have to do this?
Shut up!
If your two-bit tenor doesn't blab
about my girls,
he'll get you back.
Don't cry! It bugs me!
What an act, this broad!
You know that car?
Do you?
Do you or don't you?
- No!
- Yes!
That car's following us, I'm telling you.
Or I'm a horse's ass!
Son of a bitch!
What the fuck does he want?
Don't be scared. Everything's fine.
Come on.
I hope he didn't hurt you.
Look what you lost!
She'll catch cold.
She will, Azoulay!
Take care of him.
Come on, get him!
Sting him, Wasp, go to it!
Easy now, break.
Cover yourself.
Did I teach him to box like that?
The kid's getting hurt.
He's wide open!
His legs are shot.
Come on!
Give it to him!
He's a disgrace!
Without headpieces?
Take 'em off.
Kill him, kid!
Kill him.
Come on!
Shall we stop it?
- I've got to talk to you.
- Not now!
It's serious! My wife's missing.
You shouldn't have married a kid!
You're gonna help me?
You're a pain, move.
- What?
- Move!
You can't let me down!
She's been kidnapped.
Get off!
I heard you.
The hook!
It's done.
Get up! You won!
Get up!
Raise your arm.
This will interest you.
Any witnesses?
The janitor.
According to you,
while you were at a fight with him,
Bettoun ordered Azoulay
to murder your wife.
I'll tell you what happened.
You came home and caught Azoulay
with your wife.
He got away, and you strangled her.
The old story.
Know how it'll look to a jury?
"He was old and ugly.
She was young and pretty."
You'll get 15 years.
You'll be 75 when you get out.
You'll have a good week left to live.
Those were the days!
All right, I believe you.
I don't want to pin it on you.
I want you as a witness
for the prosecution.
Give and take.
You're in a spot...
I'm offering you a come-back!
OK, Freddy?
Move along.
- Please!
- Please, sir!
- Look this way, please!
- Mr. Bettoun!
News from home.
You killed Freddy's wife?
Everyone thinks you did it,
You double-crossed me all along!
William, Colette,
now Raymond's in jail.
All because of me.
I was blind!
You learn fast.
I picked a winner!
When Raymond finds out,
I'd hate to be in your shoes!
At the rate you guys learn,
I'll live to be a hundred.
One feels dirty...
For a night or ten years, jail is hell.
To be treated like scum.
Especially for a good family man.
Having fun?
We're your perfect target: a solid family.
You wouldn't understand.
You pester me because you're lonely.
I feel sorry for you, Lieutenant.
We don't feel sorry for each other.
I've hounded you 15 years
and you don't know why.
I don't like your ways, your arrogance.
I don't like you, Bettoun.
You stink of oil.
And I have a sensitive nose.
My father's been held for three days
without charges.
I just want to say this:
We've always earned our living honestly.
Our success has made others envious.
A man driven mad with pain
has been used to discredit us.
Our activities are crystal clear.
They want to smear
the Bettoun's good name.
We'll fight until it's cleared.
What about your bordellos?
Show me one.
I'll give it to the Salvation Army.
That's all.
Is he being held longer?
Have you been in touch with your father?
What about the Biarritz casino?
Why do you need bodyguards?
That's enough.
Take it easy.
Get to work.
No pictures, please.
Youssef, go down to the gate.
North Station parking lot!
What are you doing? What is he doing?
Why not ask "Information"?
You aim to find Jacky that way?
I thought you knew the ropes?
Anyone can use the phone.
What, Maurice?
Meanwhile, I'm the boss around here!
And you can be replaced!
Now beat it.
Is something wrong?
Listen, he's weak. He needs help.
Save your crap for that asshole.
Don't be a pain!
Don't be a goddam pain!
I want to see my lawyers.
You'll see them later.
If you care to jump, be my guest.
It's only five floors.
Bring in the witness.
I don't need to introduce you.
I asked you for help.
You told me to get lost.
You've become so big, it's blinded you.
Colette died because of you.
What do you mean?
Why would I have killed Colette?
You're not accused
of Mrs. Ambrosi's murder.
Only of pimping and racketeering.
Why do you tell lies, Freddy?
That won't bring Colette back.
I wasn't nice to you?
Her death pained me, too.
Weren't you my friend?
Glad to see me in handcuffs?
Look at me!
In the eyes!
Close it. He's not napping!
How'd you find him?
One of my guys spotted him.
I knew it was the Arabs.
With all that's going on!
You're minding our business?
You guys could use a hand.
I'm doing it for Raymond.
He could get four or five years.
You'd better move fast!
Arabs are like gangrene.
You have to amputate.
You trust me, don't you?
We're two of a kind.
- You told Maurice?
- I shouldn't have?
- Where is he?
- Take a look.
It's trademarked.
Your good friend Bouli.
All smiles, and a knife in the back.
There's only one way
to deal with Arabs. Kill 'em!
Not yet.
If there's trouble, I want to see Bouli.
Settle it peacefully.
Peacefully? You kidding?
Azoulay in the trunk? Isn't that enough?
Negotiating with them is a waste of time!
Look who's head of the Bettoun family!
A real sissy!
Hurry! Move!
The harissa.
Got all you need?
- No, the beans.
- Right!
Don't move or you're dead!
Come on, move!
Move on, there's nothing to see.
What are you doing? You're crazy?
- No!
- Shut up.
Hold his head.
No! Let go of me!
No, no!
No, I don't want to die!
He's dead.
I don't have to lift a finger!
You kill each other.
It suits us, this war
between Arabs and Pieds Noirs.
I didn't want this war.
Tell your nephew.
I understand Bouli. He's a simple man.
Kill his adjutant, he reacts!
Since you've been in here,
things have changed.
Younger men...
When will you let me out?
If the Arabs are on a rampage,
only I can stop it.
I have to get out.
Come off it.
When you hold Raymond Bettoun,
you don't let go!
I'm doing my best, Maurice!
Why do I pay you?
You putting me on?
Keep my cool!
I want my father out of jail!
How is he this morning?
Bearing up.
Why did Roland gun down Larbi?
Has he gone nuts?
Enough! Roland is no longer part
of this household!
Viviane, it's me.
No, not Maurice.
Let me talk to your father.
Viviane. Bye, love.
- Hello?
- Grandpa?
Now you call! Why did you kill Larbi?
Now the Arabs killed the Wasp!
- Listen to me.
- Proud of yourself?
We had to act. Maurice isn't up to it!
What do you mean?
Raymond's in jail
and you go on the warpath. It's crazy.
Like Algeria!
We can't keep this up. I must see you.
See me?
- Alone!
- Why alone?
- It's out of hand.
- OK, then.
Tomorrow morning? OK.
Hold on.
Write this down.
- Where?
- Place St. Ferdinand.
Right. OK. See you.
- Take care.
- You too.
That's not good.
Come with me. He'll listen to you.
Go round again, you idiot!
Reload, goddamit!
Run for it!
Run away...
It's all over for him.
I'm letting you out.
You've got work to do.
I'll give you a week!
Where is mom?
Mom will come home.
- Where is she?
- Come on, darling.
Mom will come home, honey.
She's at the hospital?
Mommy's very sick.
I don't want her at the hospital,
bring her here.
Call Carol, tell her we need her.
Viviane can't stay at the hospital.
Come on.
- Fucker!
- Let go of me, dammit!
- Take his camera!
- Let me go!
Give it.
My camera. I'm a reporter.
Sammy, hurry!
Don't move.
Don't shoot!
What is it, Bouli? What do you want?
I brought you Bobiak.
A present.
Here you go, fucker!
Take him.
Take this French dog!
The war has lasted enough.
The Arabs want peace!
Open up, I want to see Raymond.
Open the gates.
Thank you.
The French man screwed both of us.
I lost my brother Larbi.
You, your brother Pepe.
I still mourn for him.
The war has lasted enough.
Say the word,
my men'll chew up the French man.
I'm tired of all the killing.
What is it, Raymond?
The word is out: the Bettouns are through!
They've gone soft!
You've forgotten how to punish?
We're both believers.
Wait till I'm out of mourning.
Only one thing can make me lose
respect for the dead.
If that happens,
I'll know God struck me from the Book.
I've brought the Gypsy.
I want him.
Sorry, I can't agree to that.
Trust me, Larbi will be avenged.
Anyway, the moment he shows...
Glad to have you back.
Where is she?
Ol, ol!
Let's kill him!
You've done enough damage!
Villar's not your job.
You know what you have to do.
She's asking for you.
You're in pain.
But she's going to die.
Go ahead!
Don't wake him.
Don't move.
The hotel's surrounded.
Bobiak told us where to find you.
You were hiding.
How're you doing?
What is it? Why are you looking around?
Don't be scared.
There's no need.
You know why?
Today for the Jews, it's Yom Kippur.
Think how lucky you are?
The Day of Atonement.
Of forgiveness.
You mustn't do anything, you can't work,
or receive money, nothing.
Or you're struck from the Book.
Today, all over the world,
all Jews forgive those who wronged them.
All Jews,
except one...
I don't forgive!
The characters, situations and events
in this movie are fictitious.
Any resemblance with real characters,
situations or events is coincidental.