The Bouncer (2024) Movie Script
Andre, you gorgeous bastard,
how are ya?
Okay, cheers mate. Hey, man.
Andre says he's had
a bit of trouble at the club.
Could be heading our way.
I should keep a look out.
Look at that. Right on time.
Gentlemen! I'm sorry.
- No sneakers.
-You're kidding.
For this place?
Yeah. For this place.
You guys are way too young.
I suggest going home.
So, who are you, anyways?
- Don't touch me.
- Or what?
Go home.
Or go to the hospital.
Your choice.
Fuck off!
Enough. Get off of me!
Get going. Don't come back.
- Let's get out of here.
- I'll come back for you.
And tell your mother
I said hello!
Come on, mate.
We should rotate.
Get somebody else out here.
I gotta prove myself here.
Might as well be tonight.
Mate, what if they come back
when they're done?
Big secret.
It's not my first time.
Don't worry.
I'll handle it.
Rather you than me, mate.
Come on.
That's a terrible picture
of you.
Go on, get inside.
Mr. Kane.
Looking good tonight, sir.
So are you.
You know that guy?
- No.
- Good.
Keep it that way.
I know trouble when I see it,
Yeah, you're not wrong.
His name's Kane.
And he's a nasty piece of work.
Ask anybody.
He's into human trafficking,
drugs, weapons,
the whole nine yards.
You do yourself a favor.
Whilst you're here,
you stay away from him.
I will.
Uh, look who's back.
Let me call the cops.
No. Don't do that.
- Frank, please.
- This is how we earn my money.
It's a cold night.
It's time to get warmed up.
Gentlemen, you made it back.
It's good to see you.
I think you guys are ready
for round two.
Take this piece of shit out
of here.
And if you ever think
about coming back,
you better be dressed
have a valid ID,
and treat our staff with respect
and kindness as we would you.
have a nice evening.
Frank, when the hell were you
gonna tell me
you were Bruce Lee?
Couple of lessons.
Goes a long way, brother.
You like the tie-bit?
- I thought it was good.
- Yeah.
Well, it's formal wear
for martial artists.
Start doing something different.
I only said I like his teeth.
All whores are the same.
You think to screw somebody else
when I'm here?
You're fucking disrespectful.
Get in the car!
Not our friend.
All right, I know what
you're gonna say, okay?
Can you explain to me what
the hell I just saw?!
Frank, listen. Calm down.
Those girls, they're--
they're from Russia.
And each week
there's another one.
And another one.
And another one.
And they're
in the same scenario.
Okay? If you stick around here
long enough,
you're gonna see that
all the time.
And you're gonna have
to look the other way.
I would never stay that long.
You know what?
You remind me of me saying
the exact same thing
five years ago.
Little trouble at home, huh,
Yeah, actually, Frank.
Because five years ago,
I couldn't go home.
And you know what, Frank?
In another five years,
I'm not gonna be able
to go home.
And five years after that,
I'm not gonna be able
to go home again.
I gotta stick it out here.
I don't get to quit
on some moral reason.
What I know about
the statute of limitations... doesn't apply to murder.
My, my, my.
You are full of surprises.
Let me guess.
You know how I know that?
'Cause maybe Carl isn't
the sharpest tool in the box.
But somebody like you
defending yourself?
Well, that's
a pretty dangerous thing,
especially, when there's some
damsel in distress.
Look, Frank.
You're gonna have to
learn to look the other way.
Everything isn't perfect.
Come on.
You got work to do.
I'm not kidding, mate. 1, 2, 3.
- And him in the middle.
- You serious?
Three on one.
And he wiped the floor with him.
It was all Bruce Lee.
It was the fastest thing
I'd ever seen.
Why don't you tell him yourself?
Tell some stories.
Well, let's see if those idiots
come back
for round three tomorrow.
No way. After tonight?
If those guys come back,
the only reason
they're coming back is to shake
your hand and apologize.
I hope you're right. Hey, um,
something's been bothering me.
What about this guy, Kane?
Think he'll be back?
Yeah. I do.
Because that guy loves
this place,
and he cannot stay away.
And nobody here does anything
when he treats women like that?
You know Frank, you uh,
you fight really good,
but you don't listen so good.
Stay away from that guy.
Just look away from him.
You fancy a nightcap?
I don't drink.
Keep it that way.
Even guys like you
can't look away,
develop a bit
of a drinking problem.
Pour me a coffee.
Look, I'm not trying
to be an asshole.
Frank, the reason I'm doing
this is
because you're the new kid
on the block.
You need some help.
You need somebody
to look out for you.
Tell me something.
Who's looking out for them?
Think about that.
Thank you.
Jay, why don't you get off
for home?
I'll lock up.
Sure thing. Thanks, buddy.
You're a good guy, Frank.
I'm just trying to keep you
that way.
Try not to think
about it too much.
Get some sleep.
Doctor. Uh, she's been getting
a lot of rest
and hasn't been complaining
of any pain.
She's still lucid?
Yes, when she's awake,
but she's been drifting in
and out of consciousness.
As to be expected.
Doc, how's she doing?
Uh, your mother is stable
for now.
She's in no immediate danger,
but the longer we wait,
the greater the chance
the cancer may spread.
She's gonna need an operation
as soon as possible.
Any luck securing
that financing?
You'll get your money.
I just don't know how,
but you will.
But you will.
But you will.
But you will.
But you will.
I wish I could do more.
I mean, my hands are tied.
I understand.
Have you tried maybe
some charities
or a-- a loan?
I've tried them all.
No bank is willing
to take a chance on me.
All right.
Uh, don't worry about that.
We'll-- we'll work it out.
- Concentrate on your mom.
- Yeah, okay.
Thanks, doc.
I've thought of someone to ask.
Hey. Hi, Mom.
Look, Frank's here.
- Mama.
- Oh.
He's a good boy.
I just spoke with the doctor.
He said you're doing great.
You think a mother can't tell
when her son is lying?
Oh, I know.
I'm on my way out.
But as long as I have
my two children here,
I can die happy.
I have to go away.
Go away.
Go away.
- Go away.
- Why?
I started working at the Regal.
Oh, Frank. No.
We told you what would happen
if you started working there.
I know.
But they pay well.
So, what happened?
Typical night.
Some guy was causing trouble.
He was so drunk, he fell down
and hit his head right
on the floor.
He got hurt bad.
And now his friends are
saying that I attacked him.
And where are you going?
I don't know.
Well, you'll be the first
to know.
- Take care of her.
- Of course.
Hey, Frank.
I'm calling from a payphone
over on the east side.
Never used it before.
I know you'll ask.
You need to be careful.
How's Mom?
Still the same.
The doctor won't even tell me
what her chances are.
They just say they're
doing all they can.
Yeah, same old song,
usual thing.
You know that I wish
I could be there, right?
I know.
Mom understands,
and she knows you didn't do it.
She just wants to see you again
one day.
I just don't know how to
sort this problem out.
I know.
I-- I might never be able
to see you guys again.
That's okay.
When mom gets out
of the hospital,
we'll move over to your place.
Be nice for a change.
I gotta go.
Please call me tomorrow.
Still the same? It's okay.
Why don't you smile? Huh?
You want to have a good time
or not?
- Yeah.
- Come.
Wait. Please.
Hey, you okay?
I'm not trying to bother you.
I can call the cops.
You're a fucking idiot.
I can help you.
You don't deserve that.
They can't help me.
Don't talk on the phone
no more.
Mr. K, nice to see you again.
- Thank you, Carl.
- You have a good night, Mr. K.
Shut the fuck up, I'm upset.
What the hell was that?
What did I tell you about this?
No talking to them,
no touching them.
Don't even look at them, Frank.
I was just trying to help her.
She'll be gone in a week.
Gone where?
Frank, it doesn't matter.
Gone somewhere away from here,
further down the line.
I don't know.
Russia, for all I know.
Just stay away from him
and his girls.
Elvis Presley. Everybody,
remember Elvis Presley?
-The most handsome man.
- You think he was handsome?
- No.
No, you lie.
He's beautiful.
You would fuck him, too.
Even when you tell the truth,
you lie.
Why do I have to deal with you?
You're watching me.
But I am watching you.
This is the time you come
and say, I must leave.
- No?
- Not at all, sir.
You're welcome to stay
as long as you like.
I'm here just to ask
if I can do anything for you.
This is a man
who knows how things should be.
Why you couldn't be like him?
Get me another bottle, please.
- Thank you very much.
- Right away.
Hey, so do we have any
watered-down bottles back here?
Of course.
We keep one of everything.
Yeah, that should do it.
Hope he doesn't notice.
Yeah, neither do I.
You look at me with something.
You hate me.
- No.
- I see it. No?
- Prove it.
- On the house, sir.
It's getting late, baby.
Why don't we go home?
I could run you a bath
and we could play.
A bath? Why, why?
Of course, you say I stink.
- No. No.
- Huh? Huh?
No, you don't stink. No.
- No, I do not?
- No. No!
You fucking talk too much.
You manipulate.
Every time we go out.
You know,
you are fucking dangerous.
Why do I have to put up
with this bullshit from you?
Every time we are out,
you cause fucking problem.
No, no.
You are devil's
fucking daughter.
Oh, you fucking...
We gotta go.
Come on.
Come on!
Now run. Go.
Come on. Move. Move.
Go, go, go.
Turn around. Turn around.
Turn around!
Come on, come on, come on.
Come on!
Come on.
Mr. Kane, what happened?
Get the car.
They took the car.
It's okay.
We can track it.
Get another one.
Grab my jacket.
And tell this useless piece
of shit
when he wakes up,
he has no job.
He's lucky he's alive.
Oh my God.
You can't drive this car
too far.
It has a tracker.
I heard Kane boast of it
many times.
You don't look like
you have any ID on you.
I'm taking you to your embassy.
You're Russian, right?
Yes, but that's no good
I'm Russian.
I'm Russian, but I have
arrest warrants out for me.
They'll send me to jail.
Yeah, I don't know what
the hell you're wanted for
but it can't be worse
than dying tonight.
It's bad.
Hey, I'd rather take my chances.
Okay. We'll park the car near
the embassy.
And hopefully,
they'll think you're inside.
Okay. Then what?
And then,
I'll think of something.
Let me concentrate.
Let me focus.
Take this car.
Get out!
Now, motherfucker!
Go after him, you idiot.
He's getting away.
That's it.
That's the Russian embassy.
Okay. Last chance.
I can drop you off right here.
Forget it.
We'll leave the car here.
And I hope I have
as many friends as I think I do.
Mr. Kane,
I have a strong feeling
she ran
to the Russian embassy.
- No, no, no, no.
-You sure?
I can call my guy
that I know there.
They have nothing
to go back to.
She, her friends, nothing.
Hey, Carl.
Frank, what's up?
I need your help.
Yeah, you okay?
Meet me in the same alleyway
that we talked about.
- You know which one.
- Yeah, okay.
Give me five minutes.
He'll be here in a bit.
Oh. What did you do, Frank?
Pay attention.
It's maybe a trick.
That's him.
Let's go. Let's go.
Come on, let's go.
Get in.
What the hell is she doing here?
Long story, brother.
She's the reason they're
stopping everyone.
- Who is?
- Cops.
Frank, other people.
Kane's put the word out
to everyone.
You are not getting
out of this city tonight.
Take me home.
You know the way, right?
Yeah, I know where you live.
You are in deep shit,
my friend.
I hope you thought
all of this through, Frank.
I know that.
And, brother, I appreciate it.
I appreciate what you're doing.
Thank you.
That's why I called you.
Oh, thanks.
Why don't you drag Carl down
with you?
Carl hasn't got enough shit
going on
that he needs something
like this.
Literally, Frank. There's so
much money available for anyone
that brings you two in.
- And how do you know that?
- Because I hear things.
Everybody is looking
for you two.
And she sticks out
like a sore thumb.
In fact,
there's a coat back there.
Put it over you
and keep down.
Fuck you!
- Keys are still here.
- Good.
When the guys find them,
please let me take care
of 'em.
With pleasure.
This is you, right?
Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Hey, brother.
We've had our differences.
And I know that.
I appreciate this.
Take care of yourself.
Give me a call
if you need anything.
Hey. Listen.
You might receive
a visit tonight.
Do yourself a favor.
Tell them you know nothing.
Sure thing, Frank.
Thanks, brother.
- Get out.
- Let's go.
- What?
- That--
That's not your place?
I don't want anyone
to know where I live.
Come on. Let's go.
This is where this guy lives.
Mr. Kane.
You know me?
Yes, of course.
What can I do for you?
I need a list of
all of you guys.
Well... Yeah.
Follow-- follow me, please.
Frank Sharp.
Now I have a name.
And an address.
You've been very helpful.
I will let you live.
Come on in.
Make yourself at home.
You okay?
This place is freezing.
Um, can--
Can you turn the heating on?
I don't have any.
I can't afford that.
Not even an electric heater?
I have an idea, though.
Be right back.
Put these on.
They'll keep you warm.
And you'll need the shoes.
We're gonna have
to move fast tomorrow.
Stay away from the windows.
We gotta keep a low profile.
I'm gonna go in for a shower.
Make yourself at home.
Can I help you?
I need some information.
I'm looking for this man.
Does he live here?
Who, the homeless guy?
He just come here
to pick up the mail.
He's going to die tonight.
I'm sure you don't want
to join him.
Are you sure
he doesn't live here?
No. I swear.
I believe you.
Send the picture everywhere.
Somebody must know
where he lives.
You have a very nice house.
You should find a nice wife.
Can I ask you something?
Why are you doing this?
Somebody has to.
Let me ask you a question.
What's your name?
Silvia, I'm Frank.
Frank Sharp.
It's nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you, too.
Can I use the bathroom?
Of course.
Your friend.
He's outside with Kane.
You said he doesn't know
where you live.
He doesn't know where I live.
It's Carl.
Frank, open up!
Keep your voice down.
He's not answering, Mr. Kane.
There's no way we can
get through this door.
What do you want to do next?
Can I have my money now?
I led you to him--
- You bring us here?
- Yeah.
But we have nothing here.
Be patient.
I-- I'm not lying.
Listen. I'm really itchy.
Can you give me something
to help this?
- Get the fuck out of here!
- Sorry.
I'll let you know
if he'll give you anything.
So, um, I'm probably
gonna take off?
You will wait until I tell you.
You part of the team, though?
Yeah, I made the deal.
I made the deal.
Yeah. I'm happy to be here.
Yeah. All right.
- Move it!
- All right, all right.
Move it!
Move it!
Don't do it!
Get in!
- Oh, God!
- Do you know how to drive?
Push the ignition.
Time for you to learn!
Just go! Now!
Okay, when we get close--
- Yeah?
- Take a right.
First street that you see.
Take a right.
-Can I go here?
-Yeah, go, go.
Go right here.
I'm sorry.
Don't be sorry.
What happened?
They killed Vlad
and took his car.
They took the keys to our car.
Why you didn't follow them?
I was waiting for you.
Let's go. Bring him.
Okay, you know what?
Maybe I should stay here
in case he comes back.
All right. All right.
All right. All right.
You did good.
You got us out of there.
So, what's the plan?
Where are we going now?
Just got to get to a safe place.
Here they come.
Get your head down!
Jesus Christ!
Stay down!
Stay down!
I got to get off the main road.
I think we lost them.
You sure?
We're gonna need some help
if we're going to survive this.
I know a guy.
I need your help.
Usual place?
Oh my God.
We're there.
why are you stopping here?
What is this place?
Don't worry.
We're here to see a good friend
of mine.
At least, I hope
he's a good friend.
Let's go.
I don't know
what you're talking about.
Can you answer
a simple question?
It's been 10 minutes
since I asked you
the same fucking question.
Where is my damn shipment?
Come in. Come in.
Make yourself comfortable.
You idiot.
It's been two days.
you're spending my money?
How can I help you, Frank?
- So, you know why we're here?
-Of course.
Everybody knows about you
and about her.
Don't get nervous, my friend.
But I would be so appreciative
if I can get a couple of these.
I cannot give you
any automatic hand, Frank.
You know? Kane will know
they come from me.
- Couple of extra clips?
-Kane can count.
And if you start
shooting people,
he knows the bullets come
from my place.
Jesus, you really don't think
we're gonna make it, do you?
Probably not.
But let me give you this.
I guess this will
have to do then.
Have you ever shot a gun before?
- Let me show you. Stand up.
Hold it with your right hand.
Support it with your left hand.
Don't ever put your finger
on the trigger,
not unless you're ready to fire.
Aim down the barrel.
On the other end.
Those are the bad guys.
That's who you aim for.
Be careful.
Go away.
Hey, Frank.
Stay sharp.
You know what?
I hope you have better friends
than him.
With him and Carl?
You've met 'em all.
They're here.
I'll take care of them.
Go! Go! Leave!
Let's go!
We need to get off the streets
and find a place
to spend the night.
I figure this is probably
the best place.
Nobody will be here
until about 5:00.
What do you think?
How about that one?
- Um, looks promising.
- Yeah?
No alarms.
No cameras.
Check the door.
Let's go.
Let's get some rest.
If I wanted to hide,
this is where I'd go.
Look at that.
What do you think?
That's worth checking out.
Mr. Kane?
I think we found them.
Take care of them.
Who the hell are you?
Kane put a really big price
on your head.
-Oh, really?
How much?
100 grand.
100 grand? Really?
You honestly think Kane's
gonna give you guys 100 grand?
You guys are idiots. He's not
gonna give you guys 10 cents.
We'll see about that.
You guys aren't collecting
no 100 grand.
They're tracking us.
We gotta go now. Let's go.
Right now!
I hope this thing
has enough gas.
Half a tank.
Good enough for me.
We're not gonna escape
like this.
We have to start
playing it smarter.
Yeah, Frank.
Hey, buddy.
You still awake?
I mean, I mean, no, no, no, I--
I have a few errands to run, so.
How are you?
Are you-- you still hiding up?
Had somebody at the door,
so figured it was best to run
just in case.
So, where are you now?
That's why I'm calling you.
I need your help.
Gonna try for Highway 5.
It's too big for them to block.
But I need for you
to run it first.
Can you check it out for me?
I can do that, dude.
I'll call you later.
Highway 5.
I think Carl is probably still
with Kane.
Of course he is.
He never calls me "dude."
I'd like to book a flight
to Paris.
What do you wanna do?
You wanna go there?
It's probably a little trick.
Maybe send somebody there
in case it's a double bluff.
Maybe he heads there later.
- Yeah.
- Yes, sir.
Are you leaving me?
I'm not going anywhere near
the airport.
Just trying to confuse them.
It's working with me.
He just booked a plane ticket
going to Paris.
And it's leaving in three hours.
Smart guy.
And the whore just booked
a train ticket going to Berlin.
What do you wanna do
about this?
Maybe we send some people there.
Just in case.
Which is probably
what he's planning.
He wants us to go here,
he wants us to go there.
But the question is
where will he be going?
Yeah, Frank?
How's the highway?
It's good. It's good.
It's all clear.
What about the road work?
- Cause you any trouble?
- Yeah.
No. I mean, this road work is--
There's cones out,
but it's no--
it's not causing any--
no holdups, mate, is all.
No, no, no. Wait a minute.
I'm confused.
It's the western highway
that has the road works.
You sure you're
on the right road?
I'm on the western highway.
I'm just saying there's no--
there's no big holdup, mate.
So, we're-- we're all good.
You're-- you're all good.
You know what?
Never mind, never mind.
Scratch that.
Check out the southern road.
It might be better for us.
Yeah, I can do that.
So, where are we going?
I don't know.
But you know what?
I just had an idea.
Hey, man.
Don't bother.
We just managed to climb
aboard a freight train.
We're going the hobo route.
I'm going to cut your mouth!
Have a nice day, asshole.
Now what, Frank?
I don't know.
But he's pissed off.
He's not thinking straight.
Now we have a chance.
Look, um, Mr. K, I--
I don't think you need me
Honestly, like...
I've done everything I can
with this guy.
Yes, you have.
And I appreciate that.
Pull over.
Allow me to show you
my appreciation.
Allow me.
No, Mister--
Mr. K, really, that's--
that's all right.
It's okay.
I just, uh--
I don't live too far from here.
If I could get a ride to--
You did good.
Thank you.
I tried my best.
Thank you, Carl.
We're running out of options.
We need to take our chances
and make a run for it.
Which way?
Well, my gut feeling says
to go east.
But as every choice
I've ever made in my life
has been wrong...
Does that include helping me?
I could have walked away
and left you with him.
At least, this way I can sleep
at night.
Stay in position.
It could be a friend of his
trying to lure you away.
He's still here.
Do you want me
to send more people?
Track the car down?
It's too much ground to cover.
I think it's time
we take up Dorian's offer.
Take me there.
You got it.
You still want to try
the West Highway?
I guess.
I'm thinking I want to smash
them against the barrier.
Shoot 'em in the head.
Then get going.
I don't see this car surviving
the crash.
Yeah. You're right.
Maybe you could steal
something stronger.
Too hard to steal.
All computers now.
Unless you have the keys,
you're wasting your time.
Do you want to end this, Frank?
Hell, no!
I'd rather crash into one
of these bastards
and take 'em to hell with me
than go out like that.
If it gets bad,
you take that gun,
and you unload it at them.
Go down fighting.
I promise.
I didn't come all this way to...
I can't drive anymore.
I'm beat.
It's about an hour before dawn.
We could hang out here
and try to get some sleep.
Sweet dreams.
Sweet dreams.
It might seem a little silly,
but can you hold me?
I'm scared.
And it's been such a long time
since a man touched me
without wanting to use me.
Of course. Come here.
Everything's gonna be okay.
Everything will be.
Why are you doing all of this?
Thank you for taking the time
to meet me.
I just--
I don't know who to turn to.
I don't know what to do.
You come to me,
when you have no one else
to turn to?
So, now what do you want
from me?
I don't mean any disrespect.
you've taught me so much.
And you've taught us
that we win when we lose.
But only if,
and I need your blessing.
You need to balance
yin and yang.
I've taught you good
from bad.
And now it's up to you
and only you
to make that decision.
And I just hope one day,
that you'll be proud.
You will never disappoint me.
You are like a son to me.
I promised someone
a long time ago,
that I would do the right thing
no matter what.
But it's cost you so much
trouble in the States.
And now here.
I know.
Let's try to get some sleep.
It's not over yet.
Follow us.
What's that?
It's a helicopter.
It's not passing. Wait here.
It's not leaving.
They're headed right for us.
How they keep finding us?
What's this?
Fuck. It's Kane!
Ugh! He always makes
his girls wear it.
Get rid of it.
- Son of a bitch.
-Toss it.
It's gotta have some
sort of GPS tracker in it.
Now what?
We gotta get out of here.
We got a car down there.
But I'm not sure it's them.
What if it's not them?
My blind grandmother
can shoot better than that.
Looks like they pulled
into that garage.
It's a dead end.
I'm gonna take her down,
so you can get out.
Shit! We're not gonna make it.
We're sitting ducks.
There. Go there.
Come on, let's go.
Come on, go.
You cannot run forever.
Leave it.
We only have two shots. Go!
Go, go. Come on, go.
Shit! Let's go.
Come on, come on. Let's go.
Go. Come on, go.
- Where are we going?
- I can't believe this.
We're in a parking lot
and not one damn car.
Our luck needs to change.
I've never been lucky, Frank.
How about you?
You're not helping.
Shoot 'em!
My gun's jammed!
Where's the key?
Where's the key?
Where's the damn key?
Told you.
Let me have some fun
with this idiot.
You take care of the girl.
There you are.
We've been looking for you.
It's been one hell of a night.
I gotta tell you.
I'm pretty damn tired.
It's about to end for you.
Yeah, for one of us.
You turn around,
look at your girlfriend.
She's about to die.
Hello, my little beauty queen.
I missed you.
Did you miss me?
In Russia, you had nothing.
I gave you everything.
I gave you good life.
This is how you repay me?
It's not gonna end well.
Looks like this is the end.
Yeah, for you.
I'm gonna crush you.
I actually loved you.
You know nothing about love.
You can take her.
I already did.
What do we do now?
I don't know.
And what about us?
Let me tell you about us.
Lights have all been sold
Not before their own
Heaven that's in for you
Strange you could ever know
Stretched out and weary
Episodes are chilling
Weary as the day's gone bad
Lazy with going mad
Good enough for me
If we could plainly see
For what it's worth
Don't forget me
What a strange place to be
Ah, what a lonely place
to be
What a strange place to be
And the sky turned green
Distance on a dream
A place that I could go
Where no one else would know
Heaven that's in for me
If I could only see
Faces I can't recall
Sticks in my memory
Good enough for me
If we could plainly see
For what it's worth
Don't forget me
What a strange place to be
What a lonely place to be
What a strange place to be
Picking up the pieces
of your life
Settle down
Stabbing with the knife
Days broken
and rotting away
Time lost in yesterday
Pick me up
I'm stumbling down
Let sky hit all around
This will mark
a brand-new age
Never forget
where I come from
Despite all this rain
Good enough for me
If we could plainly see
For what it's worth
Don't forget me
What a strange place to be
What a lonely place to be
Andre, you gorgeous bastard,
how are ya?
Okay, cheers mate. Hey, man.
Andre says he's had
a bit of trouble at the club.
Could be heading our way.
I should keep a look out.
Look at that. Right on time.
Gentlemen! I'm sorry.
- No sneakers.
-You're kidding.
For this place?
Yeah. For this place.
You guys are way too young.
I suggest going home.
So, who are you, anyways?
- Don't touch me.
- Or what?
Go home.
Or go to the hospital.
Your choice.
Fuck off!
Enough. Get off of me!
Get going. Don't come back.
- Let's get out of here.
- I'll come back for you.
And tell your mother
I said hello!
Come on, mate.
We should rotate.
Get somebody else out here.
I gotta prove myself here.
Might as well be tonight.
Mate, what if they come back
when they're done?
Big secret.
It's not my first time.
Don't worry.
I'll handle it.
Rather you than me, mate.
Come on.
That's a terrible picture
of you.
Go on, get inside.
Mr. Kane.
Looking good tonight, sir.
So are you.
You know that guy?
- No.
- Good.
Keep it that way.
I know trouble when I see it,
Yeah, you're not wrong.
His name's Kane.
And he's a nasty piece of work.
Ask anybody.
He's into human trafficking,
drugs, weapons,
the whole nine yards.
You do yourself a favor.
Whilst you're here,
you stay away from him.
I will.
Uh, look who's back.
Let me call the cops.
No. Don't do that.
- Frank, please.
- This is how we earn my money.
It's a cold night.
It's time to get warmed up.
Gentlemen, you made it back.
It's good to see you.
I think you guys are ready
for round two.
Take this piece of shit out
of here.
And if you ever think
about coming back,
you better be dressed
have a valid ID,
and treat our staff with respect
and kindness as we would you.
have a nice evening.
Frank, when the hell were you
gonna tell me
you were Bruce Lee?
Couple of lessons.
Goes a long way, brother.
You like the tie-bit?
- I thought it was good.
- Yeah.
Well, it's formal wear
for martial artists.
Start doing something different.
I only said I like his teeth.
All whores are the same.
You think to screw somebody else
when I'm here?
You're fucking disrespectful.
Get in the car!
Not our friend.
All right, I know what
you're gonna say, okay?
Can you explain to me what
the hell I just saw?!
Frank, listen. Calm down.
Those girls, they're--
they're from Russia.
And each week
there's another one.
And another one.
And another one.
And they're
in the same scenario.
Okay? If you stick around here
long enough,
you're gonna see that
all the time.
And you're gonna have
to look the other way.
I would never stay that long.
You know what?
You remind me of me saying
the exact same thing
five years ago.
Little trouble at home, huh,
Yeah, actually, Frank.
Because five years ago,
I couldn't go home.
And you know what, Frank?
In another five years,
I'm not gonna be able
to go home.
And five years after that,
I'm not gonna be able
to go home again.
I gotta stick it out here.
I don't get to quit
on some moral reason.
What I know about
the statute of limitations... doesn't apply to murder.
My, my, my.
You are full of surprises.
Let me guess.
You know how I know that?
'Cause maybe Carl isn't
the sharpest tool in the box.
But somebody like you
defending yourself?
Well, that's
a pretty dangerous thing,
especially, when there's some
damsel in distress.
Look, Frank.
You're gonna have to
learn to look the other way.
Everything isn't perfect.
Come on.
You got work to do.
I'm not kidding, mate. 1, 2, 3.
- And him in the middle.
- You serious?
Three on one.
And he wiped the floor with him.
It was all Bruce Lee.
It was the fastest thing
I'd ever seen.
Why don't you tell him yourself?
Tell some stories.
Well, let's see if those idiots
come back
for round three tomorrow.
No way. After tonight?
If those guys come back,
the only reason
they're coming back is to shake
your hand and apologize.
I hope you're right. Hey, um,
something's been bothering me.
What about this guy, Kane?
Think he'll be back?
Yeah. I do.
Because that guy loves
this place,
and he cannot stay away.
And nobody here does anything
when he treats women like that?
You know Frank, you uh,
you fight really good,
but you don't listen so good.
Stay away from that guy.
Just look away from him.
You fancy a nightcap?
I don't drink.
Keep it that way.
Even guys like you
can't look away,
develop a bit
of a drinking problem.
Pour me a coffee.
Look, I'm not trying
to be an asshole.
Frank, the reason I'm doing
this is
because you're the new kid
on the block.
You need some help.
You need somebody
to look out for you.
Tell me something.
Who's looking out for them?
Think about that.
Thank you.
Jay, why don't you get off
for home?
I'll lock up.
Sure thing. Thanks, buddy.
You're a good guy, Frank.
I'm just trying to keep you
that way.
Try not to think
about it too much.
Get some sleep.
Doctor. Uh, she's been getting
a lot of rest
and hasn't been complaining
of any pain.
She's still lucid?
Yes, when she's awake,
but she's been drifting in
and out of consciousness.
As to be expected.
Doc, how's she doing?
Uh, your mother is stable
for now.
She's in no immediate danger,
but the longer we wait,
the greater the chance
the cancer may spread.
She's gonna need an operation
as soon as possible.
Any luck securing
that financing?
You'll get your money.
I just don't know how,
but you will.
But you will.
But you will.
But you will.
But you will.
I wish I could do more.
I mean, my hands are tied.
I understand.
Have you tried maybe
some charities
or a-- a loan?
I've tried them all.
No bank is willing
to take a chance on me.
All right.
Uh, don't worry about that.
We'll-- we'll work it out.
- Concentrate on your mom.
- Yeah, okay.
Thanks, doc.
I've thought of someone to ask.
Hey. Hi, Mom.
Look, Frank's here.
- Mama.
- Oh.
He's a good boy.
I just spoke with the doctor.
He said you're doing great.
You think a mother can't tell
when her son is lying?
Oh, I know.
I'm on my way out.
But as long as I have
my two children here,
I can die happy.
I have to go away.
Go away.
Go away.
- Go away.
- Why?
I started working at the Regal.
Oh, Frank. No.
We told you what would happen
if you started working there.
I know.
But they pay well.
So, what happened?
Typical night.
Some guy was causing trouble.
He was so drunk, he fell down
and hit his head right
on the floor.
He got hurt bad.
And now his friends are
saying that I attacked him.
And where are you going?
I don't know.
Well, you'll be the first
to know.
- Take care of her.
- Of course.
Hey, Frank.
I'm calling from a payphone
over on the east side.
Never used it before.
I know you'll ask.
You need to be careful.
How's Mom?
Still the same.
The doctor won't even tell me
what her chances are.
They just say they're
doing all they can.
Yeah, same old song,
usual thing.
You know that I wish
I could be there, right?
I know.
Mom understands,
and she knows you didn't do it.
She just wants to see you again
one day.
I just don't know how to
sort this problem out.
I know.
I-- I might never be able
to see you guys again.
That's okay.
When mom gets out
of the hospital,
we'll move over to your place.
Be nice for a change.
I gotta go.
Please call me tomorrow.
Still the same? It's okay.
Why don't you smile? Huh?
You want to have a good time
or not?
- Yeah.
- Come.
Wait. Please.
Hey, you okay?
I'm not trying to bother you.
I can call the cops.
You're a fucking idiot.
I can help you.
You don't deserve that.
They can't help me.
Don't talk on the phone
no more.
Mr. K, nice to see you again.
- Thank you, Carl.
- You have a good night, Mr. K.
Shut the fuck up, I'm upset.
What the hell was that?
What did I tell you about this?
No talking to them,
no touching them.
Don't even look at them, Frank.
I was just trying to help her.
She'll be gone in a week.
Gone where?
Frank, it doesn't matter.
Gone somewhere away from here,
further down the line.
I don't know.
Russia, for all I know.
Just stay away from him
and his girls.
Elvis Presley. Everybody,
remember Elvis Presley?
-The most handsome man.
- You think he was handsome?
- No.
No, you lie.
He's beautiful.
You would fuck him, too.
Even when you tell the truth,
you lie.
Why do I have to deal with you?
You're watching me.
But I am watching you.
This is the time you come
and say, I must leave.
- No?
- Not at all, sir.
You're welcome to stay
as long as you like.
I'm here just to ask
if I can do anything for you.
This is a man
who knows how things should be.
Why you couldn't be like him?
Get me another bottle, please.
- Thank you very much.
- Right away.
Hey, so do we have any
watered-down bottles back here?
Of course.
We keep one of everything.
Yeah, that should do it.
Hope he doesn't notice.
Yeah, neither do I.
You look at me with something.
You hate me.
- No.
- I see it. No?
- Prove it.
- On the house, sir.
It's getting late, baby.
Why don't we go home?
I could run you a bath
and we could play.
A bath? Why, why?
Of course, you say I stink.
- No. No.
- Huh? Huh?
No, you don't stink. No.
- No, I do not?
- No. No!
You fucking talk too much.
You manipulate.
Every time we go out.
You know,
you are fucking dangerous.
Why do I have to put up
with this bullshit from you?
Every time we are out,
you cause fucking problem.
No, no.
You are devil's
fucking daughter.
Oh, you fucking...
We gotta go.
Come on.
Come on!
Now run. Go.
Come on. Move. Move.
Go, go, go.
Turn around. Turn around.
Turn around!
Come on, come on, come on.
Come on!
Come on.
Mr. Kane, what happened?
Get the car.
They took the car.
It's okay.
We can track it.
Get another one.
Grab my jacket.
And tell this useless piece
of shit
when he wakes up,
he has no job.
He's lucky he's alive.
Oh my God.
You can't drive this car
too far.
It has a tracker.
I heard Kane boast of it
many times.
You don't look like
you have any ID on you.
I'm taking you to your embassy.
You're Russian, right?
Yes, but that's no good
I'm Russian.
I'm Russian, but I have
arrest warrants out for me.
They'll send me to jail.
Yeah, I don't know what
the hell you're wanted for
but it can't be worse
than dying tonight.
It's bad.
Hey, I'd rather take my chances.
Okay. We'll park the car near
the embassy.
And hopefully,
they'll think you're inside.
Okay. Then what?
And then,
I'll think of something.
Let me concentrate.
Let me focus.
Take this car.
Get out!
Now, motherfucker!
Go after him, you idiot.
He's getting away.
That's it.
That's the Russian embassy.
Okay. Last chance.
I can drop you off right here.
Forget it.
We'll leave the car here.
And I hope I have
as many friends as I think I do.
Mr. Kane,
I have a strong feeling
she ran
to the Russian embassy.
- No, no, no, no.
-You sure?
I can call my guy
that I know there.
They have nothing
to go back to.
She, her friends, nothing.
Hey, Carl.
Frank, what's up?
I need your help.
Yeah, you okay?
Meet me in the same alleyway
that we talked about.
- You know which one.
- Yeah, okay.
Give me five minutes.
He'll be here in a bit.
Oh. What did you do, Frank?
Pay attention.
It's maybe a trick.
That's him.
Let's go. Let's go.
Come on, let's go.
Get in.
What the hell is she doing here?
Long story, brother.
She's the reason they're
stopping everyone.
- Who is?
- Cops.
Frank, other people.
Kane's put the word out
to everyone.
You are not getting
out of this city tonight.
Take me home.
You know the way, right?
Yeah, I know where you live.
You are in deep shit,
my friend.
I hope you thought
all of this through, Frank.
I know that.
And, brother, I appreciate it.
I appreciate what you're doing.
Thank you.
That's why I called you.
Oh, thanks.
Why don't you drag Carl down
with you?
Carl hasn't got enough shit
going on
that he needs something
like this.
Literally, Frank. There's so
much money available for anyone
that brings you two in.
- And how do you know that?
- Because I hear things.
Everybody is looking
for you two.
And she sticks out
like a sore thumb.
In fact,
there's a coat back there.
Put it over you
and keep down.
Fuck you!
- Keys are still here.
- Good.
When the guys find them,
please let me take care
of 'em.
With pleasure.
This is you, right?
Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Hey, brother.
We've had our differences.
And I know that.
I appreciate this.
Take care of yourself.
Give me a call
if you need anything.
Hey. Listen.
You might receive
a visit tonight.
Do yourself a favor.
Tell them you know nothing.
Sure thing, Frank.
Thanks, brother.
- Get out.
- Let's go.
- What?
- That--
That's not your place?
I don't want anyone
to know where I live.
Come on. Let's go.
This is where this guy lives.
Mr. Kane.
You know me?
Yes, of course.
What can I do for you?
I need a list of
all of you guys.
Well... Yeah.
Follow-- follow me, please.
Frank Sharp.
Now I have a name.
And an address.
You've been very helpful.
I will let you live.
Come on in.
Make yourself at home.
You okay?
This place is freezing.
Um, can--
Can you turn the heating on?
I don't have any.
I can't afford that.
Not even an electric heater?
I have an idea, though.
Be right back.
Put these on.
They'll keep you warm.
And you'll need the shoes.
We're gonna have
to move fast tomorrow.
Stay away from the windows.
We gotta keep a low profile.
I'm gonna go in for a shower.
Make yourself at home.
Can I help you?
I need some information.
I'm looking for this man.
Does he live here?
Who, the homeless guy?
He just come here
to pick up the mail.
He's going to die tonight.
I'm sure you don't want
to join him.
Are you sure
he doesn't live here?
No. I swear.
I believe you.
Send the picture everywhere.
Somebody must know
where he lives.
You have a very nice house.
You should find a nice wife.
Can I ask you something?
Why are you doing this?
Somebody has to.
Let me ask you a question.
What's your name?
Silvia, I'm Frank.
Frank Sharp.
It's nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you, too.
Can I use the bathroom?
Of course.
Your friend.
He's outside with Kane.
You said he doesn't know
where you live.
He doesn't know where I live.
It's Carl.
Frank, open up!
Keep your voice down.
He's not answering, Mr. Kane.
There's no way we can
get through this door.
What do you want to do next?
Can I have my money now?
I led you to him--
- You bring us here?
- Yeah.
But we have nothing here.
Be patient.
I-- I'm not lying.
Listen. I'm really itchy.
Can you give me something
to help this?
- Get the fuck out of here!
- Sorry.
I'll let you know
if he'll give you anything.
So, um, I'm probably
gonna take off?
You will wait until I tell you.
You part of the team, though?
Yeah, I made the deal.
I made the deal.
Yeah. I'm happy to be here.
Yeah. All right.
- Move it!
- All right, all right.
Move it!
Move it!
Don't do it!
Get in!
- Oh, God!
- Do you know how to drive?
Push the ignition.
Time for you to learn!
Just go! Now!
Okay, when we get close--
- Yeah?
- Take a right.
First street that you see.
Take a right.
-Can I go here?
-Yeah, go, go.
Go right here.
I'm sorry.
Don't be sorry.
What happened?
They killed Vlad
and took his car.
They took the keys to our car.
Why you didn't follow them?
I was waiting for you.
Let's go. Bring him.
Okay, you know what?
Maybe I should stay here
in case he comes back.
All right. All right.
All right. All right.
You did good.
You got us out of there.
So, what's the plan?
Where are we going now?
Just got to get to a safe place.
Here they come.
Get your head down!
Jesus Christ!
Stay down!
Stay down!
I got to get off the main road.
I think we lost them.
You sure?
We're gonna need some help
if we're going to survive this.
I know a guy.
I need your help.
Usual place?
Oh my God.
We're there.
why are you stopping here?
What is this place?
Don't worry.
We're here to see a good friend
of mine.
At least, I hope
he's a good friend.
Let's go.
I don't know
what you're talking about.
Can you answer
a simple question?
It's been 10 minutes
since I asked you
the same fucking question.
Where is my damn shipment?
Come in. Come in.
Make yourself comfortable.
You idiot.
It's been two days.
you're spending my money?
How can I help you, Frank?
- So, you know why we're here?
-Of course.
Everybody knows about you
and about her.
Don't get nervous, my friend.
But I would be so appreciative
if I can get a couple of these.
I cannot give you
any automatic hand, Frank.
You know? Kane will know
they come from me.
- Couple of extra clips?
-Kane can count.
And if you start
shooting people,
he knows the bullets come
from my place.
Jesus, you really don't think
we're gonna make it, do you?
Probably not.
But let me give you this.
I guess this will
have to do then.
Have you ever shot a gun before?
- Let me show you. Stand up.
Hold it with your right hand.
Support it with your left hand.
Don't ever put your finger
on the trigger,
not unless you're ready to fire.
Aim down the barrel.
On the other end.
Those are the bad guys.
That's who you aim for.
Be careful.
Go away.
Hey, Frank.
Stay sharp.
You know what?
I hope you have better friends
than him.
With him and Carl?
You've met 'em all.
They're here.
I'll take care of them.
Go! Go! Leave!
Let's go!
We need to get off the streets
and find a place
to spend the night.
I figure this is probably
the best place.
Nobody will be here
until about 5:00.
What do you think?
How about that one?
- Um, looks promising.
- Yeah?
No alarms.
No cameras.
Check the door.
Let's go.
Let's get some rest.
If I wanted to hide,
this is where I'd go.
Look at that.
What do you think?
That's worth checking out.
Mr. Kane?
I think we found them.
Take care of them.
Who the hell are you?
Kane put a really big price
on your head.
-Oh, really?
How much?
100 grand.
100 grand? Really?
You honestly think Kane's
gonna give you guys 100 grand?
You guys are idiots. He's not
gonna give you guys 10 cents.
We'll see about that.
You guys aren't collecting
no 100 grand.
They're tracking us.
We gotta go now. Let's go.
Right now!
I hope this thing
has enough gas.
Half a tank.
Good enough for me.
We're not gonna escape
like this.
We have to start
playing it smarter.
Yeah, Frank.
Hey, buddy.
You still awake?
I mean, I mean, no, no, no, I--
I have a few errands to run, so.
How are you?
Are you-- you still hiding up?
Had somebody at the door,
so figured it was best to run
just in case.
So, where are you now?
That's why I'm calling you.
I need your help.
Gonna try for Highway 5.
It's too big for them to block.
But I need for you
to run it first.
Can you check it out for me?
I can do that, dude.
I'll call you later.
Highway 5.
I think Carl is probably still
with Kane.
Of course he is.
He never calls me "dude."
I'd like to book a flight
to Paris.
What do you wanna do?
You wanna go there?
It's probably a little trick.
Maybe send somebody there
in case it's a double bluff.
Maybe he heads there later.
- Yeah.
- Yes, sir.
Are you leaving me?
I'm not going anywhere near
the airport.
Just trying to confuse them.
It's working with me.
He just booked a plane ticket
going to Paris.
And it's leaving in three hours.
Smart guy.
And the whore just booked
a train ticket going to Berlin.
What do you wanna do
about this?
Maybe we send some people there.
Just in case.
Which is probably
what he's planning.
He wants us to go here,
he wants us to go there.
But the question is
where will he be going?
Yeah, Frank?
How's the highway?
It's good. It's good.
It's all clear.
What about the road work?
- Cause you any trouble?
- Yeah.
No. I mean, this road work is--
There's cones out,
but it's no--
it's not causing any--
no holdups, mate, is all.
No, no, no. Wait a minute.
I'm confused.
It's the western highway
that has the road works.
You sure you're
on the right road?
I'm on the western highway.
I'm just saying there's no--
there's no big holdup, mate.
So, we're-- we're all good.
You're-- you're all good.
You know what?
Never mind, never mind.
Scratch that.
Check out the southern road.
It might be better for us.
Yeah, I can do that.
So, where are we going?
I don't know.
But you know what?
I just had an idea.
Hey, man.
Don't bother.
We just managed to climb
aboard a freight train.
We're going the hobo route.
I'm going to cut your mouth!
Have a nice day, asshole.
Now what, Frank?
I don't know.
But he's pissed off.
He's not thinking straight.
Now we have a chance.
Look, um, Mr. K, I--
I don't think you need me
Honestly, like...
I've done everything I can
with this guy.
Yes, you have.
And I appreciate that.
Pull over.
Allow me to show you
my appreciation.
Allow me.
No, Mister--
Mr. K, really, that's--
that's all right.
It's okay.
I just, uh--
I don't live too far from here.
If I could get a ride to--
You did good.
Thank you.
I tried my best.
Thank you, Carl.
We're running out of options.
We need to take our chances
and make a run for it.
Which way?
Well, my gut feeling says
to go east.
But as every choice
I've ever made in my life
has been wrong...
Does that include helping me?
I could have walked away
and left you with him.
At least, this way I can sleep
at night.
Stay in position.
It could be a friend of his
trying to lure you away.
He's still here.
Do you want me
to send more people?
Track the car down?
It's too much ground to cover.
I think it's time
we take up Dorian's offer.
Take me there.
You got it.
You still want to try
the West Highway?
I guess.
I'm thinking I want to smash
them against the barrier.
Shoot 'em in the head.
Then get going.
I don't see this car surviving
the crash.
Yeah. You're right.
Maybe you could steal
something stronger.
Too hard to steal.
All computers now.
Unless you have the keys,
you're wasting your time.
Do you want to end this, Frank?
Hell, no!
I'd rather crash into one
of these bastards
and take 'em to hell with me
than go out like that.
If it gets bad,
you take that gun,
and you unload it at them.
Go down fighting.
I promise.
I didn't come all this way to...
I can't drive anymore.
I'm beat.
It's about an hour before dawn.
We could hang out here
and try to get some sleep.
Sweet dreams.
Sweet dreams.
It might seem a little silly,
but can you hold me?
I'm scared.
And it's been such a long time
since a man touched me
without wanting to use me.
Of course. Come here.
Everything's gonna be okay.
Everything will be.
Why are you doing all of this?
Thank you for taking the time
to meet me.
I just--
I don't know who to turn to.
I don't know what to do.
You come to me,
when you have no one else
to turn to?
So, now what do you want
from me?
I don't mean any disrespect.
you've taught me so much.
And you've taught us
that we win when we lose.
But only if,
and I need your blessing.
You need to balance
yin and yang.
I've taught you good
from bad.
And now it's up to you
and only you
to make that decision.
And I just hope one day,
that you'll be proud.
You will never disappoint me.
You are like a son to me.
I promised someone
a long time ago,
that I would do the right thing
no matter what.
But it's cost you so much
trouble in the States.
And now here.
I know.
Let's try to get some sleep.
It's not over yet.
Follow us.
What's that?
It's a helicopter.
It's not passing. Wait here.
It's not leaving.
They're headed right for us.
How they keep finding us?
What's this?
Fuck. It's Kane!
Ugh! He always makes
his girls wear it.
Get rid of it.
- Son of a bitch.
-Toss it.
It's gotta have some
sort of GPS tracker in it.
Now what?
We gotta get out of here.
We got a car down there.
But I'm not sure it's them.
What if it's not them?
My blind grandmother
can shoot better than that.
Looks like they pulled
into that garage.
It's a dead end.
I'm gonna take her down,
so you can get out.
Shit! We're not gonna make it.
We're sitting ducks.
There. Go there.
Come on, let's go.
Come on, go.
You cannot run forever.
Leave it.
We only have two shots. Go!
Go, go. Come on, go.
Shit! Let's go.
Come on, come on. Let's go.
Go. Come on, go.
- Where are we going?
- I can't believe this.
We're in a parking lot
and not one damn car.
Our luck needs to change.
I've never been lucky, Frank.
How about you?
You're not helping.
Shoot 'em!
My gun's jammed!
Where's the key?
Where's the key?
Where's the damn key?
Told you.
Let me have some fun
with this idiot.
You take care of the girl.
There you are.
We've been looking for you.
It's been one hell of a night.
I gotta tell you.
I'm pretty damn tired.
It's about to end for you.
Yeah, for one of us.
You turn around,
look at your girlfriend.
She's about to die.
Hello, my little beauty queen.
I missed you.
Did you miss me?
In Russia, you had nothing.
I gave you everything.
I gave you good life.
This is how you repay me?
It's not gonna end well.
Looks like this is the end.
Yeah, for you.
I'm gonna crush you.
I actually loved you.
You know nothing about love.
You can take her.
I already did.
What do we do now?
I don't know.
And what about us?
Let me tell you about us.
Lights have all been sold
Not before their own
Heaven that's in for you
Strange you could ever know
Stretched out and weary
Episodes are chilling
Weary as the day's gone bad
Lazy with going mad
Good enough for me
If we could plainly see
For what it's worth
Don't forget me
What a strange place to be
Ah, what a lonely place
to be
What a strange place to be
And the sky turned green
Distance on a dream
A place that I could go
Where no one else would know
Heaven that's in for me
If I could only see
Faces I can't recall
Sticks in my memory
Good enough for me
If we could plainly see
For what it's worth
Don't forget me
What a strange place to be
What a lonely place to be
What a strange place to be
Picking up the pieces
of your life
Settle down
Stabbing with the knife
Days broken
and rotting away
Time lost in yesterday
Pick me up
I'm stumbling down
Let sky hit all around
This will mark
a brand-new age
Never forget
where I come from
Despite all this rain
Good enough for me
If we could plainly see
For what it's worth
Don't forget me
What a strange place to be
What a lonely place to be