The Damned (2024) Movie Script

[slow ominous music]
[high-pitched vocalization
joins in]
[woman] We should not be here.
Magnus said
it was a place of opportunity,
if you could endure the cold,
the long nights,
the hunger.
This time last year,
all these racks were full.
we started eating the fish
we had set aside for bait.
The men don't want
to think of anything
but the next day at sea.
Perhaps it's the only way
they can survive.
But walking blindly
into the dark
is something I will not do.
[man singing] Bait the hooks
And bind them fast
And weigh them down
With a stone
There's two dark birds
In a white, white sky
The sun
The colour of bone...
-[woman] Hello, Helga.
-[Helga] Evening, miss.
-Oh, yeah.
Feels good. [chuckles]
-[men singing in unison]
Yeah! O this long winter
Will never ever end
Till my love
Will return to me
Pull the oars
Throw the lines
Then bend your head
And pray...
I saved you the head, miss.
-Thank you, Helga.
Will you sit down now?
You've been on your feet
all day.
Thank you, miss.
There's ice on the fjord
And snow on the hill
-And fish living
Under the sea...
O this long winter
Will never ever end
Till my love
Is returned to me
[man shouts] Yeah!
[laughter and banging on table]
Bad enough that we're
eating into our wages,
but when they taste like that...
-If you don't like it, you know
where the kitchen is.
You should swap places.
Bet Helga can row
faster than you.
[man] Well...
Am I a liar?
No, not at all.
I found at least three seasons
when the midwinter catch
was as poor as it is now.
We still had enough to sell
come spring.
[woman] I meant
no disrespect, Ragnar,
my concerns
are less to do with the catch
and more to do
with the well-being of the men.
In each of those years,
not everyone survived
the winter.
This is a fishing station.
Any man here that doesn't
have scars on his hands,
salt in his blood,
a rumbling in his stomach
from morning to night is
in the wrong fucking place.
If you'll pardon my language.
Seeing as the mountain roads
are snowed under till spring,
you know, we may as well...
tighten our belts,
stop complaining,
because no one's going anywhere.
You know, Miss Eva,
your husband, God rest his soul,
he made it a tradition
to give a toast
to the men on midwinter's night.
[glass sliding across table]
[chuckles nervously]
Things may seem dark now,
but we're already blessed
with good fortune.
As of tomorrow, each day will be
longer than the one before it,
until the springtime,
when you'll all be reunited
with your loved ones,
wherever they may be.
I'm sure they'll be
very happy to see you.
[man scoffs] Truth be told,
the only thing they'll be
happy to see is the money
in our pockets.
[men laugh]
May the Lord protect you
from hidden rocks,
harmful sea creatures
and dangerous pirates.
[all] Skl.
-[men put glasses down]
-[men exhaling]
[drinks being poured]
[man 1] That'll make you
a man in no time.
[man 2] Shut up.
[Helga] There were
two brothers I heard of
from a town
a little north of here.
They were fishermen.
One was handsome,
one was plain...
They worked hard every winter.
And in time, became wealthy.
the plain brother
spent his money wisely,
but the handsome brother
did not.
The older he got,
the more he came to envy
his brother's beautiful wife
and his fine house.
one day,
when they were out at sea,
he took up his oar
-[loudly] and struck him!
-[all gasp]
[Helga] Three times
at the back of the head,
pushed him overboard
and rowed home.
Told everyone that
that there had been
a terrible accident.
A year went by.
He married
his brother's beautiful wife
and moved into the fine house.
[softly] Then,
late one night,
when everyone was in bed,
there was a knock at the door.
[knocks table three times]
He sent one of the servants
to see who it was.
But the man never came back.
[knocks table three times]
He sent his wife...
But she didn't come back either.
[knocks table three times]
Finally, the handsome brother
went to the door himself.
But there was no one there.
Just the bad smell
of seaweed and rotting meat.
at the back of his neck,
he felt...
-[man 1 screams]
-[man 2 cries out]
[groans] Get out! Get out!
[sombre music]
[music continues]
[Eva] I was quite surprised
at how merry everyone
seemed last night.
[man] Fisherman's way, ma'am.
You drink deep
when times are good,
and deeper when they're bad.
Besides, I won a wager.
Seeing Ragnar part with money
always cheers everyone up.
What was the wager?
Uh... I don't quite recall.
Go on.
It's somewhat embarrassing,
to tell you the truth.
It concerned you.
Some of the men thought
you wouldn't return this season.
After what happened
with Magnus, they...
thought you'd sell
the fishing station quickly
and move back to your family.
Magnus was my family.
-This fishing station
is all I...
[Eva] All I have left.
[dark instrumental music]
[man] Come on!
One, two, three...
[instrumental fades out]
[slow intriguing music]
[distant indistinct chatter]
Poor bastards.
They must have got stuck
on the Teeth when
the tide turned.
What were they doing
this far north?
[men shouting in distance]
[man] Almighty God,
protect these men
and give them the help
that they need.
And save them
from the perilous sea.
[whispers] Amen.
[solemn music]
Where the hell are you going?
-Getting the bonfires lit.
Anyone still alive out there
will be freezing by the time
they get back to shore.
That is not our business.
-It could be us out there.
-[Ragnar] But it isn't!
If they had any sense
worth a damn, they wouldn't have
taken a ship that big
so close to the shore
in the first place.
We lost Master Magnus
out in those rocks.
And you'd still have us
take the boat out there?
Risk all our necks...
for strangers?
We're not going to help them?
You heard what Miss Eva said
last night, didn't you?
We can barely feed ourselves.
There might be
10, 20 people still aboard.
If you don't like
how I run things,
find another boat to work on.
I'm the helmsman, dammit!
It's my decision.
No, it's not. It's hers.
She owns the boat, not you.
[music fades]
I'm afraid Ragnar is right.
Helping those men will put
all of your lives at risk
and I cannot do that.
I cannot.
[waves lapping]
We will not fish today
out of respect.
[solemn music resumes]
[music continues]
[music builds]
[music fades away]
[wind howling]
[Eva grunts]
That's good.
We should search
the other beaches.
[Ragnar] Be a waste of time.
[Eva] What do you mean?
[Ragnar] It's a damn stroke
of luck this ended up
where it did.
I know the currents
around the Teeth.
Whatever wreckage can float
will stay close to them.
For how long?
Till the tide turns.
After that, who knows?
Could we get a boat out there
before then?
We'd have to leave now.
[tense dramatic music]
[Ragnar] Hey! Keep rowing!
[men grunt]
[men breathing heavily]
[Ragnar] Whoa, whoa! Stop! Stop!
[music fades away]
[boat creaking]
Watch it, you fool!
You'll have us all tipped over!
[glass clinking]
[Eva breathing heavily]
[eerie music]
[Eva gasps]
[speaks Basque]
[man] Ragnar, get up here.
[men shouting out in Basque]
-[man] Let's go through
the back of the boat.
-Push us off, damn it!
-[wailing in Basque]
-Can't we help them?
There's too many of them!
They'll swamp the fucking boat!
[man] Get to the back
of the boat, ma'am!
[Ragnar] Move it, now!
[tense ominous music]
[Ragnar] Go!
-[speaks in Basque]
-[man on boat] Get away!
-[Ragnar] Push us back, damn it!
-[man] Get away!
They'll have us over!
Stop it! Stop it!
Stop! Stop! Stop!
-[man] Get off!
-Get off!
[struggling and gruntling]
Stay back!
-[Eva] Ragnar!
[shouting] Where's Ragnar?
[music builds]
-[men grunt]
[man] Ragnar's in the water!
-Where's Ragnar?
-[man] Can anyone see him?
[man] Ragnar!
[Eva screams] Oh, my God!
[voice shaking] Help! Help!
-Stand back! Stand back!
[music fades away]
-[slow ominous music]
-[silent scene]
[music continues]
[glass bottles clinking]
Five jars of lamp oil,
six bottles of brandy.
That's it.
[man 1] Well, at least
we won't feel the cold.
[man 2] You think
we should be thankful?
[man 1] It's better
than nothing.
We lost our helmsman,
you damn fool!
-How are we
supposed to fish? Me?
-You! You were standing right...
There's nothing
he could've done!
Who are you to talk?
You tipped us over!
[shouts] Enough!
If no one has any objections,
Danel will take over
as helmsman
for the remainder of the season.
[Eva] Danel, thank you.
No need, ma'am.
You know,
your husband used to say:
"If you can't rely on
the man sitting next to you,
you shouldn't get in the boat
in the first place."
Do you think he would've made
the same decision I did?
What's done is done.
There's no use dwelling on it.
[splashing in distance]
[splashing continues]
What are you doing?
What's in your hand?
A watch, miss.
-Don't seem
to be working though.
-Put it back.
-Put it back.
-[stomach gurgles]
-[Aron yelps]
[scream] He's alive!
[faint gurgling]
[watery gushing]
[loud hissing]
[hissing continues]
[men coughing and retching]
[loud hammering]
[wind howling]
[man] That is blasphemy.
Jnas, what's going on?
Nothing, Miss Eva.
Foolish superstition is all.
[chuckling] Helga's worried
they'll come back as a draugur.
What's she got the ropes for?
As I remember it, miss,
the dead can't break free
if you bind their arms
with knotted rope.
They lose their direction
if you turn the coffin
three times.
They can't walk in your dreams
if you hammer nails
into their feet.
Old wives' tales.
[Jnas] Lift these up.
We're leaving, miss.
I'm right behind you.
[slow intriguing music]
[slow percussive buildup]
[music fades away]
[approaching footsteps]
[footsteps stop]
[distant heavy breathing]
[distant gasp]
[dramatic music]
[slow footsteps]
It seemed real.
The long winters, the dark...
They play tricks on your mind
even at the best of times.
Perhaps you're right.
[Danel] If it'd give
you peace of mind, I could...
load Magnus' rifle.
No harm keeping it ready
this time of year.
There might be seals.
[Danel] I should
give it a clean.
No telling
when it was last used.
About two years ago, you
and Magnus went hunting quail.
[laughs] Yeah.
Didn't come back with much,
as I recall.
He was as clever
as any man I've known, but,
bless his heart,
if he shot up in the air,
he'd miss the sky.
[both laugh]
-It didn't stop him from trying.
-[chuckles] No, it did not.
When Magnus asked me
to marry him,
he had the ring in one hand,
and his compass in the other.
After I'd said yes, I asked him
what the compass was for.
And he said
it was in case I'd said no.
He needed it to get back home
because he'd have been lost
without me.
[Eva chuckles softly]
[Danel chortles]
[door rattling]
[Danel] Oh, boy!
Will you teach me how to use it?
Yeah, of course.
-[chuckles] Careful!
-Sorry, is it loaded?
[Danel chuckles]
I certainly hope not.
-It's all right. It's okay.
-[Eva laughs nervously]
Hold it up.
-Tuck it into your shoulder.
And here.
Nice and steady. There you go.
Now... pull the hammer back
with your thumb.
[cocks rifle]
That's it.
And open the breech.
The cartridge goes in there.
Close it up.
Now line up the two sets
of sights with your target.
Slow your breath.
And when you're ready...
you fire.
[Eva breathing heavily]
[Danel] I should
get some sleep.
[clears throat]
It's been a long day.
[Eva] Thank you.
[Danel] Good night, ma'am.
[eerie music]
[echoing yells]
[man speaking in Basque]
[man wailing in Basque]
[man screaming]
[music gets louder]
[man speaks indistinctly]
[overlapping shouting]
[music fades away]
[man muttering in distance]
[sobbing and muttering
[shaky voice]
Beware... the draugur...
when it roams
the midnight plain...
[wind howling]
[man sighs]
[distant slow heavy breathing]
[Danel] We'll shoot the first
lines out past the Point.
Let's get moving.
And a...
-[shouts] Hey!
-[men grunt]
[wind howling]
[eerie music]
[Eva] I found this hidden
above the door.
[Helga] Weren't hidden, miss.
Wouldn't do no good
if it were hidden.
The draugur needs to see it.
What is it?
Wood from that ship.
[Eva] What?
It's a stave, miss.
To protect the house from evil.
Helga, the men
cannot be reminded
of what happened that night.
I cannot afford
to have them distracted
by spirits and ghosts...
Not a spirit, miss.
Not the way you're thinking.
[Helga] Most of it's skin
and bone and blood.
Just like us.
Only there's no life left in it
Just hate.
[music continues]
[Helga] I've seen
it in my dreams.
It stays hidden
during the day, miss.
But at night...
that's when I've felt it.
Trying to get in here.
Maybe you've felt it, too.
[ominous music]
-[animated chatter]
-[Eva] It went well?
-It certainly did, ma'am.
Found them out past the Point.
I think he looks a bit
like you. [laughs]
-Should be plenty more
where that came from, ma'am.
-We should celebrate.
We've got enough food now.
We should celebrate.
-That's a fine idea, Miss Eva.
-Hey! All in moderation.
Oh, I'm all about
moderation, me! [laughs]
-[singing in unison]
- Skl!
[all] Let the wind blow
Down this snow
And ice and cold
Drink to the bottle's end
Tomorrow's not our friend
Rabbit comes from his burrow
Deep, there's nothing there
For him to eat!
But a ll we have
Are burrows here
Rabbit drink your fill
Blow, let the wind blow
Down this snow
And ice and cold
Drink till the bottle's end
Tomorrow's not our friend
Old troll wakes up
And stomps his feet
For Christian blood
Is what he seeks
But all we have
Are barrels here
Troll, you drink your fill!
Blow, let the wind blow
Down this snow
And ice and cold
Drink till the bottle's end
Tomorrow's not our friend!
Blow, blow
Let the wind blow
Down this snow
And ice and cold
Drink till the bottle's end
Tomorrow's not our friend!
Skl! [laughter]
[glasses clinking]
[tired groans]
[indistinct chatter]
Sorry about your old man, man.
He was a good man... A good man.
[Jnas] Thank you, Hkon.
You've got some big boots
to fill.
Fuck off, Hkon!
[laughing] What?
[slow eerie music]
[Eva exhales deeply]
[three slow echoing knocks]
[three slow echoing knocks]
[music intensifies]
-[three slow echoing knocks]
-[Eva's breathing quickens]
[three slow echoing knocks]
[three slow echoing knocks]
-[Hkon] Miss Eva?
-[music stops]
Are you all right?
[Eva panting]
[Hkon] Ma'am?
[shallow breathing]
-[men laughing in distance]
-[glasses clinking]
[approaching footsteps]
[shallow breathing continues]
You saw it, then?
The charms aren't working.
It's too strong for that.
it'll get in their heads too
and that'll be the end of it.
That's what it likes best, miss.
See us turn on each other.
I just had
too much to drink, Helga.
A thing like that never stops.
I wouldn't sleep if I were you.
What happened on that ship
to those people
was a terrible tragedy, Helga,
but we had no choice...
It doesn't care!
It won't stop
until it's taken all of us.
The only way to stop a draugur
is fire.
[Helga] Burn it.
-[waves crashing]
-[noise stops]
[clamour in distance]
[loud clamour]
All of it! All of it! Gone!
[inhales sharply]
It's all gone?
Even the bait.
[stuttering] How... Who...
You were the last one in there?
Aye, ma'am. Came in last night
to get a bottle of brandy.
I... don't remember.
Late. But everything was there,
otherwise I would've noticed.
You were so drunk last night,
it was a miracle you could
remember your own name.
Where's Helga?
Has anyone seen her
since last night?
Not since she went up
after you, miss.
That bitch!
-[Eva] Skli!
-Well, who else is there?
-[Aron] Why would she?
-How would I know?
[Skli] Maybe she's thrown it
in the sea
trying to charm mermaids.
[Aron] She couldn't have...
I mean... Could she?
The devil needs but a single sin
to creep inside the soul.
The worship
of graven idols, gluttony...
-[Hkon] Maybe it was you.
Aye. Trying to teach us sinners
a lesson.
It was your sins. The reason
you'll never be healthy.
You're here cos of your father
never gave a fuck about you!
-Please be quiet.
-[Danel] There was fresh snow
this morning, ma'am.
Could be tracks left.
-Might be worth searching
the station.
-Maybe it was the draugur.
Stow that talk.
Helga might be lost or injured.
We have to find her
while it's still light out.
And our food.
[intriguing music]
[wind howling]
[Eva] Aron,
you were talking
in your sleep the other night.
[Aron] Was I, miss?
[Eva] It was a rhyme.
Something about the draugur.
[Eva] Was it something Helga
taught you?
"Lock your doors and windows
when the sea gives up its dead.
Beware the draugur,
for its rage will not be fed.
It steals for love of stealing,
it hurts for love of pain.
Beware the draugur,
when it roams
the midnight plain.
There's madness in its words,
there's sickness
in its breath.
Beware the draugur...
for its icy touch is death.
It lingers near the grave
and the breath
that it once drew.
Beware the draugur,
for tonight it comes for you."
[music intensifies]
[music fades away]
What is it?
It's one of Helga's charms.
[wind howling]
Skli, can I have your knife?
-[Eva] I need to see.
[ominous music]
[Hkon] What are you
looking for, miss?
I think
we should stop this, miss.
[music builds]
[music intensifies]
[music fades away]
Skli, go get a coil of rope
and some nails.
And a hammer.
[breathing heavily]
[wind howling]
[Hkon grunting heavily]
[tense percussive music]
[music gets louder]
[music fades away]
[wind howling]
[slow heavy breathing
in distance]
[floorboards creaking]
[gasps softly]
[liquid dripping]
[Eva breathing shakingly]
[waves crashing]
-[door opens]
-[Aron] Miss Eva?
He's sick.
We don't know what to do.
Stay with us, Hkon.
[Hkon's teeth chattering]
[laboured breathing]
It's too cold. It's too cold...
[softly] He's burning up.
[softly] Please... Please...
-Please just stop.
-It's all right, Hkon.
-[Danel] It'll be all right.
-No... No...
[Hkon] No! No, no, no.
Keep it away.
Keep it away. Keep it away!
[shouts] Keep it away from me!
Keep it away!
-Keep it away from me!
-[Danel] Hkon,
there's nothing there!
-There's nothing there.
-I don't want to hear it!
[yells] I don't want to hear it!
-It's all right.
[laboured gasp]
[shaky breathing]
It says we're all gonna die.
Hkon, you're sick.
-You're seeing things.
-And you haven't?
You think you're safe?
-[Hkon screams]
-Brother, please!
-[Jnas] What are you doing?
-Get off!
Hkon! Get off him!
[frantic breathing]
Get off him! Hkon!
-[Skli] Hkon! Stop it!
You'll fucking kill him!
Hit him! Hit him!
-[bone crushing]
[Danel coughing and gasping]
[coughing and laboured
Ten years I've known Hkon...
I've never seen him like that.
-Nearly killed me.
-I know. I know.
[sighs slowly]
[Eva] You said
it was an old wives' tale,
but it's real...
the draugur.
We have to get rid
of this thing.
I've seen...
[breathing heavily]
I've... seen...
a shadow
in the corner of my eye.
I've heard a...
a voice in the back of my mind.
I've been dreaming.
Every night...
I've been dreaming
about that man's death.
I can feel the axe in my hand.
Feel it split in his skull.
That's no ghost.
It's worse than that.
I don't know
what's happening here...
I can't explain it.
But I do know...
The only thing I know...
is that the living...
are always more dangerous
than the dead.
[slow sombre music]
[receding footsteps]
[Jnas] Miss Eva,
we will not fish today.
-[Jnas] There's an evil
among us.
We're all in agreement in that,
are we not?
And as much as it regrets me
to say it, Miss Eva, but it was
you who brought it upon us!
Jnas, you did not object
when we left those people
to die.
[Jnas] You permitted
Helga and Hkon to use
the devil's tools as protection
and look where that got them!
We must set a light
in the darkness.
A holy cross
up there on the headland
so God may overlook our sins
and grace us with his mercy.
But Jnas,
we don't have any food.
Who will join me?
[solemn high-pitched singing]
[singing continues]
[singing continues]
[intriguing instrumental]
[door bangs open]
[Skli] Miss!
On the table.
What happened? Is he all right?
-[Skli] Mind his head.
-[Eva] I've got him.
What happened to him?
[Skli] He fell in the water.
Hit his head on the ice.
He's burning up. Like Hkon.
All right, um...
Skli, could you get
a bowl of water?
Aron, there's a needle
and thread
and some bandages under my cot.
Will you bring them to me,
[singing and music fade away]
[Eva] What happened out there?
[Skli] Well, I...
We shot some lines
out by the pack ice,
and... it wasn't
more than an hour gone,
when an old mist
come rolling in.
And, uh,
that's when we saw the seals.
Danel was the only one
who saw them.
We just heard them barking.
Then we got the boat
alongside the ice
and Danel climbed up.
He was only supposed to be gone
a minute or two.
We waited for him
and we waited and, uh...
We waited until that mist
had grown as thick as smoke.
And all of a sudden...
he came running back out
of that fog.
Like the devil himself
was after him.
That's when he slipped
on the ice
and went in the water.
It's a miracle we got him back
in the boat when we did, but...
[sighs deeply]
Did you see
what he was running from?
I saw...
a shadow...
[softly] standing upright,
tall as a man.
[man blows]
[man blows]
[exhales sharply]
[Danel coughs faintly]
[Eva sighs deeply]
I was wrong to say
what I did, Miss Eva.
The guilt... the burden of it...
it should not be yours
to bear alone.
I held my tongue
when I should not have.
Father always...
When he made a decision,
he'd stick to it.
No matter what.
I used to always think
that was a strength, but now...
It's never too late
to admit our sins.
To ask for forgiveness...
for what we did.
Well, I'll go and bid Danel
a good morning, then.
[clattering in distance]
[Jnas] Help me.
What are you doing?
Who... Danel, stop.
Danel, you're scaring me.
[loud thud]
Danel, please stop.
[ominous music]
[shaky voice] Please stop. Stop.
[music builds]
[Eva gasps]
[breathes shakily]
[sombre piano music]
-[Jnas sighs]
-[Eva] Help!
[sobbing] Help me.
[screaming] Help me! Help me!
-[piano music continues]
-[sobbing faintly]
[sombre music]
[music decrescendos]
[faint shouting]
[Aron] No one...
No one's getting in my mind!
[Jnas] Put the knife down!
[Aron shouts] Shut up!
Don't talk to me like that!
None of you
get to talk to me like that!
[Eva] Enough!
[Aron sobbing]
We can't stay here, miss.
[Jnas] We'll end up
like Hkon or Danel.
[Skli] The next town's
three days away, miss.
But we...
we could take the boat.
Whether we go across the sea
or over the mountains,
what is to say that this thing
will not follow us?
[breathing heavily]
[SkIi] All right,
that's it, then?
We have to destroy it.
[Jnas whispers] But... How?
Helga said the only way
to destroy a draugur
is with fire.
You followed those tracks
up to the mountains,
did you not?
All along the ravine.
But... we lost them
near the foothills.
[whispers] It lingers
near the grave.
That is where we will
begin our search.
[tense dramatic music]
[music continues]
[music fades away]
This is a Godless place.
-[Eva] That's why we're here.
-[Skli] We shouldn't be here.
[yells] Hey!
Where did you go?
[eerie music]
Where are you?
[high-pitched vocalising]
[shouts] Where did you go?
[vocalising gets louder]
[vocalising becomes discordant]
[vocalising gets louder]
[vocalising stops]
-[screams] No!
-[dramatic music]
[Eva panting]
[yelling] Skli!
[Eva groans]
[Aron in distance] Miss Eva?
[Jnas] Miss Eva,
are you down there?
[tense dramatic music]
[music intensifies]
[raven caws]
-[Eva gasps]
-[music stops]
[Eva] Oh, Helga.
[solemn high-pitched vocalising]
[Eva sniffles]
-Prepare the boat.
-Miss Eva?
We have to leave
as soon as possible.
-But, miss, you said...
-I know.
I just have to take our chances.
[solemn high-pitched vocalising]
[floorboards creaking]
[distant footsteps]
[footsteps and creaking
-[glass breaks]
-[gasps softly]
[floorboards creaking]
-[approaching footsteps]
-[Eva breathes shakily]
[slow heavy footsteps]
[quietly exhales]
[breathing shakily]
[breathing shakily]
[Eva breathing shakily]
[breathing quickens]
[dramatic music]
You're not gonna get in my head!
[discordant music]
[Eva's grunts muffled]
[music intensifies]
[draugur wails]
[wailing continues]
It was in the house!
It was waiting for me!
[sobbing] I shot it!
I shot it!
-[Eva sobbing]
-[Jnas] What happened, miss?
[Aron] Are you hurt?
I heard a fire will
finish it off.
-It's over. It's over.
-[glass shattering in distance]
[breathing heavily]
[solemn music]
[man speaking in Basque]
[Eva's voice] Who are you?
What are you doing here?
[man speaking in Basque]
Please, please, stop.
[in Basque]
[Eva] I don't understand.
[in Basque]
-[in Basque]
-[Eva] I don't understand
what you're saying.
[in Basque]
[Eva] What are you saying?
[man continues
speaking in Basque]
-[Eva] Don't come any closer!
-[man speaks in Basque]
-[in Basque]
-[Eva] Stay back!
[solemn music continues]
[solemn music continues]
[solemn music stops]
[sombre music plays]
[sombre music stops]