The Great Sinner (1949) Movie Script

Hand me the mirror.
Let's see...
What is this?
It can't be money. I haven't tipped in weeks.
It's a religious medal.
Or ring is split.
Looks like it was ripped out of a chain.
- I need more light. - Right now.
Are these crises frequent?
They occur whenever I sink deeper...
in my life.
Like now?
It was very close.
Only at the lowest point in human existence...
It's that He stretches out His hand
to help me up.
He said someone reached out to him. Who?
One who calls all sinners to himself.
Suddenly, in the bright light,
I see...
The reason for everything.
Do you really imagine having seen Christ?
On the threshold of destruction, everyone sees him.
Without him...
I couldn't live,
not even work,
or write.
I would be nothing.
I would be lost...
and escape.
Fedja... you wrote!
I will never forget our first date.
After all my struggle in the early years,
finally i was successful and had some money in my pocket.
I was on vacation, traveling from Moscow to Paris,
when the train stopped at a station in eastern Germany.
It looked like I would have company in the cabin.
At first glance, it didn't seem unusual.
But then...
I soon realized that I had left the Russian winter behind.
Suddenly it was as if spring had entered the car.
I looked at her, fascinated.
It was weird.
During the trip, she barely took her eye off her cards.
by the enigmatic looks that seemed to promise...
I didn't quite know what.
Now she was going to leave,
as unexpectedly as it had arrived.
The rest of the trip would be lonely without her.
And I hadn't even heard his voice.
Excuse me.
Are you going down here too?
N o, miss.
I'm going to Paris.
What a pity.
Get my suitcases too, please.
And that's how I ended up in Wiesbaden.
I looked for her everywhere.
But whatever direction I took on that water station,
he always took me to the casino.
Bets off, gentlemen.
30, pair, red.
Play your games, gentlemen.
Bets off, gentlemen.
18, pair, red.
Play your games, gentlemen.
Bets off, gentlemen.
6, par, black.
You again!
I should have guessed. But it was almost too late.
Too late?
Play your games, gentlemen.
What do you advise?
Stop playing and come with me.
This is very tempting, but say, what number?
- None. I want to talk to you. - None?
None... Zero!
Bets off, gentlemen.
Now we'll see.
26, par, black.
From now on, I will obey you blindly.
I'm at the Hotel Excelsior, Suite 68. What time is it?
Almost midnight.
Come in an hour.
19, Odd, Red.
- A brandy, please. - No, sir.
Our information service is too slow.
We have the richest and unluckiest coffee tree in Brazil.
We didn't give him credit and he couldn't play for a week.
Imagine the lands he could have lost.
It takes a week to get the references.
I prefer to be tricked by 10 cheaters
to leave a millionaire behind for even a day.
It will not be repeated, I assure you.
Another thing: if we can't prevent suicide,
The least we can do is that they don't happen at the tables.
There must be some way to get them in time.
Players are very strange. It is common for them to smile before killing themselves.
- What do you want? - I...
this is sure to interest you.
- Again? - Miss was not very lucky today.
I am seeing.
- Nine thousand, if I remember right. - Ten.
Every day you ask for more. Is there a shortage of diamonds?
Not from diamonds, but from girls like mademoiselle.
Pay him.
Here you are, sir.
Could you tell me who's in Suite 68?
- At 68? General Ostrovsky. - There must be a mistake.
- The general... Is he married? - You're alive, sir.
He lives with his daughter, Miss. Pauline.
- Are you a very pretty young brunette? - Very beautiful.
Come on up, sir, and enter.
You will not regret it, I assure you.
By the way, since it's going up,
Could you take this telegram for her?
With your license.
The bank is open for any amount.
- 5.000. - 300.
- 1.000. - 5.000.
- 2.000. - 12.000.
- Could I...? - Sorry, I'm ruined too.
- 2.000. - 12.000.
- 8.000. - 500.
There are still 59,000 left in the bank.
No more bets, gentlemen?
Your turn, Your Highness.
Thank God it arrived. I already missed you.
I was asked to deliver this to you at reception.
I am always afraid to open telegrams. Mind reading it to me?
'Your grandmother is in serious condition. It's just a matter of days.'
'It could be anytime. Doctor Smirnakov.'
personal matter. It's not good news.
You better read it.
Excuse me.
Father, see. Read this.
My mother...
A letter, please.
Any! Baccarat.
- Open bank for any bet. - 20 thousand.
- How will you place the bet? - I'll sign a promissory note.
Didn't you reach your limit?
This should cover.
Worth as much as money. My feelings.
Let General Ostrovsky sign the promissory notes.
- Make 25 grand. - As you wish, mademoiselle.
Five thousand apart. I take the cards....please.
- If you'll excuse me... - Why? Where are you going?
To sleep. Good night.
- It saw? I wanted to leave and I lost. - Sorry, but it's past 1:00.
Early for a player. Time for the turn.
- What turn? - From roulette to cards.
Or cassino date, we open.
Does bad news always cheer you up that way?
Do you prefer tears?
- I only cry when I feel happy. - Aren't you?
You ask too much.
Sorry. It's an evil of the profession. I'm...
I know who you are. It's a very small town.
Thanks for not going to Paris.
Increased to 2,000.
Forgive me, but...
- I'm a little confused. - Yea?
I'm still wondering why...
why am I here.
- So you didn't notice? - I didn't realize... what?
And I was so right...
We seemed to be close ...
During all that trip, with you close to me,
I won every solitaire game.
For the first time in my life all the letters I wanted came out.
It was extremely exciting.
Do you think I was responsible?
Of course it was!
I wasted the whole day at the casino today, until you came and gave me luck.
Here, I'll prove it to you. Play for me.
I would be very grateful.
Forgive me... I'm laughing at myself.
It's just that, of all the reasons you talked to me on the train,
this one I would never have guessed.
- Men are much more vain than women. - I thought you thought I was cute.
- Um, some women maybe... - Or maybe my literary reputation.
I once started reading one of your books.
I started writing several that I never finished either.
Why not finish your next one with me?
I would make an excellent final chapter.
Would he promise him?
Without a doubt. I love gaming stories.
It wouldn't be about that. I don't have the money for that.
For me, writing is living.
I couldn't write a novel... without being in love.
Nor writing about games without becoming a player.
What a most interesting theory.
So can we agree on a romance?
To luck. To our luck.
Have you stopped playing, Pauline?
No. On the contrary, dear. I found a new inspiration.
I just asked for this gentleman's hand.
Don't say.
Not in marriage. Just to cut the deck.
- Do you know Mr. De Glasse? - I didn't have the pleasure.
This afternoon we sent you an invite to the casino.
Ah yes. You work for the casino.
That's a good one. The casino is what works for him.
Mr. De Glasse is the stand himself.
The only one around here who never loses.
But admit that I take other risks.
- Didn't you miss this? - Ah, you found it!
The clasp must be loose.
You should have it fixed.
It wouldn't do any good.
Whatever I do, it just slips away.
But as long as he comes back...
Agora, let me go, mademoiselle ...
You provided me with very interesting material... for a chapter.
Maybe too much.
I kept the gem she gave me and the gem kept me in Wiesbaden.
I had to explore this strange passion that consumed the beautiful young woman,
making her keep her distance from me.
I was even curious to feel it in my own skin.
It wasn't the game itself that piqued my interest,
but the players.
The jovial type, all safe with his cigar.
The nervous one, desperately smoking cigarettes,
prowling the tables like a ghost in a cemetery where his body was buried.
The pawnbrokers, tireless vultures,
Greedy on the lookout for victims...
for their extortionate bargains;
And more those who had seen it all thousands of times,
the casino employees.
Apathetic, indifferent to watching the elderly gentleman with his young companion.
A monocle and a cleavage, a ballet and a kiss.
I wondered:
"What keeps people so engrossed in this insane game?"
I felt their fever on my own skin.
But what caused it remained a mystery to me.
I couldn't resist the experience.
Bets off, gentlemen.
25, Odd, Red.
Sorry, but that bet was mine.
I'm sure it was mine.
If you're so right, it must be my mistake.
No problem.
Play your games, gentlemen.
- 1,000 on 30. - 220 on black.
- 5 in black. - 30 in red.
Bets off, gentlemen.
26, par, black.
Play your games, gentlemen.
A cigarette?
You must be new around here.
Did you notice?
He still has his cigarette case. I also had one when I arrived.
- You still think I stole your money. - I wouldn't use that word.
But I should have, because I stole it.
Well, allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Pitard, Aristide Pitard.
Math teacher and thief.
Fascinating combination. Can I invite you to dinner?
- I'd rather you give me the money. - Aren't you hungry?
Only beginners spend money on food.
Money only buys a chance.
A player dies when he can no longer bet.
- The bullet is just the finishing touch. - But you didn't come to that.
I've exhausted even my touching stories.
I used to make them up in droves just to get people's money.
In a way, I do the same thing.
I'm a writer.
A pity.
- Words won't help me. - Sometimes help is closer than it seems.
I know.
It is exactly 1 km from the casino: the train station.
Just take the train and leave.
But that kilometer I never managed to walk.
When I have money, I lack the willpower.
And when I have the willpower, I lack the money.
Go home, Mr. Pitard, and pack your bags.
I have nothing to pack.
So it gets easier. Come on, I'll walk you to the station.
I stole your money and you still want to pay my ticket home?
You gave me something worth more than a ticket.
It gave me an idea.
- Good night, sir. - Ah, good night.
- Enjoying your stay? - Much more than I expected.
- Seems to be excited. - I'm satisfied with myself.
I just deprived you of one of your most loyal customers.
- Really? You are a dangerous man. - Remember Mr. Pitard?
Same, please.
At 8 pm today he had given her everything but her life.
And I would have sold it, too, for one more bet.
But right now he's on a train on his way home and...
Bets off, gentlemen.
I just put him on the train!
I warned you, I'm a thief and a liar.
14, pair, red.
Play your games, gentlemen.
Bets off, gentlemen.
18, pair, red.
Play your games, gentlemen.
- All in red! - You're crazy!
Take your money, get out of here and never come back.
Bets off, gentlemen.
26, par, black.
Play your games, gentlemen.
- 21. - 26.
- 2. - 4.
What was that noise?
- 5 in 13. - 5,000 in red.
27 in the third column.
Well, here I go after the doctor again.
No, no doctor. A priest.
Bring a priest. Go by taxi, take the money.
Will you pay for my ticket again?
But this time I won't deceive you.
This time I won't be back.
Don't let them sweep me out of life like garbage.
No, wait for the father.
Promise me a mass.
Bets off, gentlemen.
27, Odd, Red.
I had to leave. I knew it!
It's a sign that they won't turn their backs on me up there.
If... if I could redeem myself from a sin...
I stole something.
Open my wallet.
- A pawn receipt. - Rescue her.
Go, rescue her. Return it.
For whom?
For whom?
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen.
Bets off, gentlemen.
Good night.
- It's nice in here. - What do you want? We are closing.
I would like to rescue this.
A religious medal. The image of the Redeemer.
Pawned and rescued by sinners.
I had to write about this unholy place,
where Christ had been forgotten in a pawnshop,
and the Devil thrived in a casino.
I started to realize that gambling was much more than winning and losing money.
What is at stake is always the soul.
- Mademoiselle! - I can enter?
What an unexpected pleasure.
He was just worried about his soul.
I don't see why. I have no soul.
- Didn't you notice? - No.
I must have been mistaken. Please.
Just a moment. We don't have a lot of time.
It's that you're going out with me today. - Really?
I consulted my letters. They told me to come get him.
- Will you read my future? - No, I want you to make mine.
Cut it into three parts.
Treat them with care, please. They are very sensitive.
Take one of each and turn them over.
- Very strange. - Something exciting?
The 10 of clubs: money from an unexpected place.
The 2...
a love affair.
And this one?
The queen of hearts... that's danger.
A selfish and irresistible woman.
As you can see, you have no way out.
I will make you a player.
I have another proposal.
Let me make a woman of you.
As you wish. Just bring me luck.
Be forewarned that morality is contagious.
Just like the vice, especially the game.
Agora we are both forewarned.
Let's go out and see who's stronger?
What will you tell him?
The truth.
Armand accepts me as I am.
S rio?
Of all the sensations out there, why did you choose the game?
The game is what chose me.
Of all the sensations out there, why did you choose the game?
The game is what chose me.
As a little girl, my father held me on his lap while he played solitaire.
My first great passion was the jack of spades.
And your last is...
Mr. De Glasse.
What a lack of professionalism.
No player takes a chance on love.
My relationship with Armand is much deeper.
We are enemies.
One of these days we'll probably get married.
Is this necessary?
At least don't see me as a poor victim.
I find Armand very attractive.
What's so attractive about him?
Your money. The kind of money I love.
Because you won it playing. ???
You don't approve of it, do you?
This matters?
No, not really.
As long as you can keep him as a pet,
Once I can get him to the casino, he'll make a fortune.
In the meantime, don't you want to toast the bride?
I don't think that would be very flattering.
You can count on my vanity.
Whatever you say, I'll take it as a compliment.
Very good.
It insists ...
To woman more...
corrupt woman I've known.
- Corrupt? - Corrupt,
... confused,
... frustrated,
and empty.
But admit it in a very charming way.
Enchantment that is restricted to your resources as a player...
that you throw on the tables like money... you do with everything,
even with a grandmother to death.
When a man goes to the trouble of being so rude to a woman,
is generally in love with her.
You are not a woman.
- It's a symptom. - From what?
From one of the most lethal diseases in the world:
a sofistica o.
More champagne?
What else am I?
It is exasperatingly beautiful.
Now, finally!
And everything... that I reject.
I am really sorry.
I didn't want...
Do you need to hurt people before you turn out to be human?
That's what it looks like, no?
The curious thing is that today I made an effort to be friendly.
Let's try again?
It's still early. We can go somewhere.
I wouldn't dare. You can make another toast.
Anyway, why not? I love people talking about me.
What else am I?
I'm starting to think you're a liar.
Yes, that's what you are:
a liar.
Even your perversity is a fraud.
It tastes like honesty.
- You're wrong... - Don't say anything.
There is a better way to tell the truth.
Good Morning.
Looks like I'm doomed to interrupt your work.
Pauline! You woke up early.
She was restless.
After everything I said, I had to seek my soul.
I just gave you one.
How do you feel about getting it back?
I'm kind of confused.
How much have you written?
Has our romance progressed?
I don't know if I'm plotting my heroine well.
It would be wise to change a person so...
so perfect in its own way,
you absolutely frivolous?
Your insults are much sweeter in the morning.
No, Fedja, I think it's afternoon to regret it.
I wanted to move and succeeded.
Now you have a virtuous woman in your hands.
I think I deserve it.
Well, not that virtuous.
Goodnight Sweetheart.
- It was a beautiful chapter. - But not the last.
I'm afraid it is.
I have been happier than I deserve.
Why do you say that?
Because I'm falling in love...
and I cannot allow myself to do that.
When will I see you again?
You are disrupting my life.
When will I see you?
- Tomorrow morning. - Where?
At the source, at 11:00.
- Father. - Oh, my dear!
I didn't know you were home. I just wanted...
- All right, you know where the money is. - Thank you darling.
Armand has been asking for you. Won't you show up?
Whenever I hear this bird singing I get sad.
A father taking money from his daughter.
Which she worked so little for.
Ah, my smart-ass!
Do you really think?
What would you say if I was in love?
Pauline, I can't believe this.
What have I done to deserve these trials?
First your mother and now...
- Now, what a terrible blow! - Did you get another telegram?
Yes, tonight. She is much better.
Don't tell me it's that writer.
I knew it.
That's why I hate literature. It spreads vulgar ideas.
What happened, dad?
- Lost your sense of humor? - Humor has nothing to do with it.
It's seeing my daughter change with my own eyes...
- Come on, Dad... - The truth!
We were always a perfect pair.
How far this literary idyll will go is up to you.
I will not interfere.
But remember this: Armand is no idiot.
And if he doesn't
I'm afraid I too will suffer the consequences.
It's okay, Dad.
Don't worry.
Have I ever failed you?
Speaks like a true military daughter!
Discipline, my daughter. What would we do without her?
Goodnight My Dear. And don't forget:
love is a middle-class pastime.
Sir! Fountain water? Delicious.
- Good Morning! - Good morning, General.
To your health, sir. Nothing better for rheumatism.
Nice to review it. I haven't had a chance to talk yet...
- Excuse me, General... - There's no need to rush.
She won't come.
- Is that a message? - It's a father's duty.
Can we sit down?
Do you know how to play solitaire?
Napoleon always played before battles.
I am ready for battle, General. Be objective.
This is my honor.
I thought we were going to talk about your daughter.
My honor and my daughter are inextricably linked.
It's a terrible situation.
- As I said? - I can't let go of this jack of spades.
I will have to cheat.
A simple solution.
I'm not just Pauline's father.
I'm your mother too.
- Your interest in her... - I know.
She's your bail on the casino stands.
Sir, age and rheumatism prevent me from responding with a sword.
However, I still have good aim.
I would hit this ace of spades at 20 paces.
But you wouldn't end your game with one card missing.
It's true.
Not that it mattered.
My letters haven't been good lately.
Please allow an old soldier to bear his misfortune with dignity.
I ask you seriously:
stay away from my daughter.
Is this what Pauline wants too?
If it wasn't, it wouldn't be here.
It's too hard for her and I ask her not to make it harder.
Tomorrow she leaves for Rome on her honeymoon, you understand...
She asked me to say goodbye for her.
Is she responsible for your debts to Mr De Grasse?
I seem to be accepting too great a sacrifice, General.
Perhaps, but with deep sadness...
But we are like that!
A proud family. In matters of honor we unite.
- Am I clear enough? - Perfectly.
Great! As there are no more differences between the two of us...
how about a 'card' game?
- Low stakes, it's still early. - No, thank you, General.
I hope he frees his valet from swords.
There is a message for you.
From who?
From the parish priest.
Saturday, 10:30 am Mass in memory of Aristide Pitard.
I didn't know you knew Mr. Pitard.
I used to see him at the casino.
I liked him very much.
Once brought me luck. It looked like you.
He never had much.
Now you don't need it anymore.
Have you known him for a long time?
Just one night.
One night can bring two people together.
I have something that belongs to you.
My medal!
It had been stolen.
Like what ...?
Our friend wanted me to give it back to him.
It was your last wish.
And it had to be you soon.
Thank you.
I have to go.
Pauline, this is nonsense.
Not just for the money, is it? Tell the truth.
Why do you two act like this man owns you?
I wish you didn't know, but...
A year ago, right after my grandmother fell ill,
Dad gave Armand two promissory notes of a hundred thousand each.
I understand.
Now the promissory notes have expired and your grandmother hasn't died.
It's not just that.
Dad is so distracted.
When asked for a guarantor, he forged the name of his former colonel.
Listen, Pauline...
This is ridiculous. Two subscriptions, 200 grand can't separate us.
Yes, you can when you don't have it.
It's no use, Fedja. The bank always wins.
It was even fun before I met him.
Now I'm so far away from it all, Fedja...
And there's nothing to be done.
Goodbye honey.
A little favor for dad...
Two promissory notes of one hundred thousand each...
Two signatures, two pieces of paper...
Two hundred thousand.
I don't want to fall in love, Fedja. It's no use, darling.
- Two hundred thousand. - The bank always wins.
- He's the only one around here who never loses. - Two hundred thousand.
- Goodbye honey. - Two hundred thousand.
Your hat, sir?
Your receipt: number 1. This is today's first.
I hope it gives you luck.
Sit where you prefer. We are preparing the tables.
- Can you change, please? - Of course sir.
Play your game, sir.
No 1.
Bets closed.
35, Odd, Black.
Play your games, gentlemen.
No 1!
Bets off, gentlemen.
19, Odd, Red.
Play your game, gentlemen.
Bets off, gentlemen.
1, Odd, Red.
- I should have stayed at 1. - The 26 is unavoidable.
It hasn't been on this table for three days.
- Play your game, gentlemen. - No 1. Must repeat.
- 70 in red. - Bets off, gentlemen.
26, par, black.
Statistics, young man.
Statistics never fail.
Play your game, gentlemen.
Change this, please.
21, Odd, Red.
25, Odd, Red.
Play your games, gentlemen.
Change this, please.
Leave it alone! Thousand in red!
Bets off, gentlemen.
9, pair, red.
Play your games, gentlemen.
All in red.
Bets off, gentlemen.
18, pair, red.
Play your games, gentlemen.
All in red.
Hang on! I'll switch to black.
Very well, sir. Switch to black.
Bets off, gentlemen.
10, par, black.
Pure intuition.
Play your games, gentlemen.
Goes on in black.
Bets off, gentlemen.
28, par, black.
Play your games, gentlemen.
- In black. - For me too!
Don't be statistic!
Bets off, gentlemen.
Just a moment!
I will change to red!
- Sorry, too late. - But it was just a second!
Once all betting is over, it's forbidden to change, sir.
Your bet remains on black.
17, Odd, Black.
Give me my money! I can't take it anymore!
Enough of playing with amateurs!
Play your games, gentlemen.
In black!
Bets off, gentlemen.
10, par, black.
Play your games, gentlemen.
- In black. - You're crazy.
Trust in me. Stop now.
Bets off, gentlemen.
All in black.
- May I accept, sir? - Again too late.
- No, I spoke before the dealer! - I am really sorry. Your bet on black doesn't count.
25, Odd, Red.
Play your games, gentlemen.
N mero 1!
This is over the limit. No more than a thousand are allowed in a single number.
So thousand on 1 and thousand on 26.
- And two... - Bets off, gentlemen.
26, par, black.
You are embarrassed! Lost 1,000 and won 35,000.
Play your games, gentlemen.
Thousand no 1.
Ten thousand in the front row.
- In the front row. - First row.
Fifteen thousand in red.
15 thousand in par.
You are betting against yourself!
Fifteen thousand in even, that is, odd.
Ten thousand in the front row.
- And... - Bets off, gentlemen.
1, Odd, Red.
This is magic! You won on all bets.
And it was like that all day.
- I've been winning and winning... - Play your games, gentlemen.
I couldn't miss it.
And everyone imitated me, bet on my numbers.
I was like the leader of a great army revolting against the power of roulette.
By nightfall, he had made a fortune.
32, pair, red.
Play your games, gentlemen.
I didn't know how much I'd earned. In fact, I didn't even care.
I was numb, blind, dizzy.
The numbers flew in front of me.
Red, Black, Odd, Even, 1, 26, 35.
And then zero, sweeping everything away like death.
Anyway, I was starting to feel that passion.
It was almost sensual.
I saw a number, eight, I wanted it...
The general bet for me,
and my army followed me, blind, fanatical.
Bets off, gentlemen.
8, 8, 8...
It had to come to me.
8, par, black.
It was mine, my...
The taste of power was sweet, sweeter than love.
One moment, gentlemen.
We must suspend the game until the table receives more money.
This gentleman broke the bank.
Assistant! Assistant!
Five, ten thousand...
20, 25 thousand, 30 thousand, 35, 50 thousand...
55, 60 thousand ...
70 thousand, 80, 90 ...
90 thousand, 95 ...
95, 100 thousand, 125, 150 thousand...
A fortune, my friend.
- I want to be the first to say hello. - And I'm the first to greet you.
- To me? - Gentlemen, the game continues.
- Do you wish to continue, sir? - No.
I've played enough.
Please accompany me.
- You too, General. - I?
Play your games, gentlemen.
Come in, gentlemen. Do you agree to take something?
- I never refuse. - A brandy?
Not for me, thanks.
Looks like you travel with a lot of luggage.
It brought 235,750 in high notes.
You certainly prefer to take your earnings more practically.
Thanks, but the total is only 231 thousand.
The information is official. Whoever counted their money must have been mistaken.
- Great brandy. Can I have another one? - Help yourself.
Got something spectacular. So what can I do for you?
The general is here to redeem his promissory notes. I think they add up to 200 thousand.
Don't we always resolve these matters in private?
I had no idea. I'm just as surprised as you are.
Although it's a relief to switch lenders.
That is, I would like to say that I feel extremely honored by your gesture.
Yes, it is a very kind gesture. I am sure it will be greatly appreciated.
Could you give me the promissory notes back?
How foolish of mine. I forgot they're in the bank vault.
And tomorrow is Sunday. What a pity.
All right, the promissory notes can wait. I'm content with a receipt.
Impetuous like every artist. Sorry, but it's not our custom.
As soon as the bank opens on Monday, the promissory notes will be at your disposal.
It will be my pleasure to save the money for both of you until...
Monday, then, at nine.
Good night.
DISPATCH TO ROME CENTRAL DEPOSILook, honey, isn't fire beautiful?
Rome is on fire.
No need to unpack. Fortunately there are other cities.
Almost too much. I can't decide.
Where do you think we should go?
Remember you stopped me from going to Paris once?
- I think it's time we got back on our way. - I would love.
It's weird.
You beat me at roulette and I don't feel the least bit ashamed.
I beat the devil at his own game.
But he's not a good loser. We must kneel down and pray.
We will pray to Him. He will guide us.
For sure.
We didn't deserve it though.
We will try.
I promise I will never play again.
When are we leaving?
I saw the schedules somewhere. Here they are.
Trains to France.
P ginas 17 a 21.
good number.
It's still in the casino.
I discovered a curious thing.
There is a strange connection between people and numbers.
All my lucky numbers added up to 8.
Like 17, my favorite. 7 plus 1, 8.
The 26. 6 plus 2, 8.
The 35. 3 plus 5, 8. All give 8.
Can't we soon tonight?
But who will pick up the promissory notes tomorrow?
Your father?
Are we leaving him alone in Wiesbaden with all that money?
I say sensible guy, dear.
Are we leaving him alone in Wiesbaden with all that money?
I say sensible guy, dear.
Kiss me, Fedja.
Let's make this the most wonderful night you've ever seen.
- Let me plan. - The night is yours, mademoiselle.
First, the opera. Today they are presenting "La Traviata".
Then, a moonlit walk to the most romantic place I know.
But it's a secret, don't ask where it is.
- May I know what time we'll meet? - At eight, in the lobby.
At eight.
8... 8...
At eight in the hall. At reception.
I want to make a deposit in the vault.
235 thousand.
- The manager is out. It doesn't take long. - I wait.
Shall I call a carriage, sir?
No thanks. I'm waiting for Ms. Ostrovsky.
- A brandy. - No, sir.
I'll show you something interesting.
- A brandy. - No, sir.
I'll show you something interesting.
The zero came out three times.
I changed to 28, but I hit 4, 7 and 32.
So I bet on 8 and it came out even.
Incr vel!
- Really amazing. - Your brandy, sir.
- Do you want to sit down? - No, thanks. I won't be long.
- Apologies for the delay. - Pauline!
- What time is it? - If we run, we'll catch the end of the first act.
- Play your games, gentlemen. - Thousand on 15.
Just a moment.
2,000 in the first twelve, 2,000 in black...
I thought you were going to wait for me at the hotel.
Like? Ah, I decided to play until you arrived.
- And a thousand in the... - Bets off, gentlemen.
Take some money, Pauline. Sit down, play a little.
16, pair, red.
Fedja, come on, please.
One moment, dear. Suddenly everything is going wrong.
- Play your games, gentlemen. - Thousand in the 15...
4,000 in the front row and 4,000 in black.
Why don't you stay on my left? It's bad luck on the right.
Bets off, gentlemen.
- Zero. - I was going to cover it, but I forgot.
- Are you implying that it's distracting? - That's not it. What...
I'm not feeling it with me.
Play your game, gentlemen.
- Good night, Fedja. - Please, Pauline, wait.
I'll wait at the opera. Cabin number five.
It's fine.
N mero 5.
Parab ns, Pauline.
The young man learned fast.
Tonight a player was born.
You can feel the proud godmother.
You don't understand, Feodor.
I know ... this environment is stimulating.
Writers live on new experiences.
- This one is coming out, man. - How much has he lost?
Much more than you can.
This is what you expected, no? But you are wrong.
- He's different. You're playing for... - Money.
Plain and simple money. Make no mistake, Pauline.
It doesn't matter who it is. Once chopped, they all go the same way.
It's not true!
It's amazing how you've changed.
She became a woman because of that weakling.
What can he give you but words? Come back to me, Pauline.
Sentimentality doesn't suit you, Armand.
You called yourself realistic.
And I'm.
Always ready to adapt to new situations.
And here the situations change every minute.
Not with me, once decided.
Good night.
Play your games, gentlemen.
What hours only?
It's after three.
This late? I must have fallen asleep.
Glad you're here.
I had a horrible nightmare.
I dreamed of Mr. Pitard.
It was so pale and weird.
The glazed eyes.
He approached me and I suddenly realized that...
That it wasn't actually Mr. Pitard.
Put more wood on the fire, darling.
Your dream wasn't so far-fetched, Pauline.
I lost everything.
Everything you had, what I had gained for you.
I knew it.
It had to happen. It's all my fault.
It's no one's fault. It had to be that way.
It's always like this with me.
Now I have to go all the way.
What was it? Fedja...
I'm a little dizzy, that's all.
- Do you want me to call a doctor? - No, doctors won't help me.
I have had these crises...
but pass soon.
Is it often?
These are warning signs.
They say it's time to stop.
But I never can.
I don't understand what you're saying. I didn't understand anything.
Don't worry. I will never resort to a bullet.
I'm too curious to see what will happen.
Fedja, this is crazy. We're leaving tomorrow.
Only you interest me. The rest is over.
- Armand, my father's debts... - I need money, Pauline.
- Can you get me some? - Feja...
I have to try one more time.
I can get it all back today, I feel.
- I know, I feel like I'm in luck. - I won't let you.
Listen to me! Nothing is worth what it costs us'.
Honey, look at me. I'm here, I'm yours.
Gentlemen, this is my last game of the night, or rather this tomorrow.
- Open bank for any bet. - Three thousand.
50 thousand.
It's a mystery to me.
It has a kingdom in the Himalayas, diamonds, elephants... and a harem.
Why does he play?
You want to forget about your thirty-second wife.
- 500. - 2 thousand.
- 5 thousand. - 2 thousands.
5 thousand.
10 thousand.
5 thousand.
15 thousand.
Your hand, sir.
I don't want letters.
Letter, please.
30 thousand.
Me and you, huh?
Letter, please.
60 thousand.
Your features are unpredictable.
Pay 60 grand.
Table. 120 grand in my next hand.
You want to recover everything, don't you?
I do.
120 thousand.
It was a pleasure.
5 thousand!
- Show your money. - I'll sign a promissory note.
- What would the guarantee be? - The rights to my next book.
- When will you write it? - It's being written right now.
Right here, at this table.
So it will be fun.
Prepare the receipt for you to sign.
10 thousand!
What is the guarantee?
All my works.
Need to be more specific.
Rights to what you're going to write or that you've already written?
I'm talking about my future books.
Mortgaging your future.
A somewhat dubious investment.
Okay, everything! Past present Future.
My complete works.
Pretty tempting.
If you don't pay off your debt by May 1 of next year,
I will be the owner of your complete work
and all income from it will be debited to my account...
- I accept the terms. - Are you crazy?
Change receipts.
Just a moment.
Until the paperwork is done.
Is it soon?
You won.
And the letters ran out.
May they bring more! 15 thousand!
I am really sorry. There well be speculating about your immortality.
I want to continue! Never mind the maximum ceiling...
or m nimo!
- Keep my cigarillo. - I'm not a pawnshop.
This you can find several around the city.
You owe me one more game!
You hid those IOUs on purpose.
He refused to accept my money so I would lose it.
If you wish to demand satisfaction from the gentleman,
It will be a pleasure to represent you.
I will demand satisfaction in due time.
And with my weapons.
Please, sir, not in front of mademoiselle.
Satisfied, Armand?
Not yet.
I know I don't hold social or literary prominence.
I have to pay a price to be seen as a gentleman.
My friend, you know that we have always held you in high esteem.
Tall as your promissory notes, General.
Here they are.
I knew you would blame me for the mademoiselle's unhappiness.
That privilege is now all yours.
With your license.
Good Morning.
It's so funny! Too funny!
The three of us looking at us not knowing what to say,
and striving to look human.
Good morning, General!
How is your dignity today?
And you, my lady of hearts,
How does it feel to have been conquered and lost in two days?
Rid culo.
Painted figures, grotesque faces ...
And a life is lost.
Haven't I seen before?
Of course yes.
You've been here to rescue something.
- I was looking much better then. - How much?
The usual question.
Sooner or later everyone ends up here.
But you were kind of in a hurry.
What have you tried? Make a fortune?
How many?
Um rel gio, huh?
Yes, watches are always first.
I hated her ugly, greedy face.
I knew you would deceive me.
Gave me enough to pay my bills.
But I didn't pay them.
Bets off, gentlemen.
I played at 17.
But he didn't come out.
And the bills kept coming.
Just like the 1, the 26, the odd,
the red and the black...
when I didn't bet on them.
I started avoiding everyone, especially Pauline.
I avoided her whenever I could.
Sometimes I suspected she was deliberately following me.
For still loving her...
she made me feel guilty.
And for feeling guilty,
I hated her.
Exit via the service stairs. I owed money to half the hotel.
I didn't tip. Nobody greeted me.
One day I found another guest in my room.
He had been expelled and placed on the employees' quarters on the 5th floor.
It looked like an indebted prison.
But there was a refined touch of torture...
At sight...
It was always the same view.
My dear friend! Where have you been hiding lately?
I hardly see him at the casino. Why?
Dumb question. No need to answer.
Here, I hope 10 is enough.
Don't thank him. Just in case. Always give 10 before asking 15.
I know what your problem is. You take things very seriously.
Take my example: if I lose, I throw a party.
Champagne, caviar, tailor, anything just to get more beads.
That's the secret.
Never let your bank account convalesce.
I would like to follow your philosophy, General,
but I don't have your influential friends.
Nor will it be the way you treat them.
Why have you been avoiding Pauline?
Poor thing, she doesn't say anything, but as a parent, I understand.
We haven't forgotten what you've done for us, so...
this might interest you.
Poor mother. You've even ordered a silver coffin.
A silver coffin.
The words were engraved on me with a special meaning.
Pauline would soon be rich, very rich.
And he still loved me.
I tried to silence that thought to preserve a shred of dignity.
Instead I came to wish the harmless old woman dead.
What happened?
What are you looking at?
My mother.
Mam e!
I arrived, and it wasn't a hearse.
But Mom, how dare you travel so far?
Put my jewelry box over there.
I threw my legs in the air and got on the train.
- And your health? - Better than never.
I want Ivan here by my side.
I got the doctors running.
They just made me look over my glasses and shake my head.
So I called the midwife.
The same one that put him in the world, unfortunately.
And she healed you, Mom?
Gave me some herbs, wrapped me in three blankets...
And she healed you, Mom?
Gave me some herbs, wrapped me in three blankets...
and here I am.
- Where should I put this, ma'am? - In my room, as usual.
Vov !
Glad you came. I hardly believed it.
- I hadn't seen you. - I saw your father on the street and...
Look at me, girl.
You are in love.
Sim, vov .
So why is this air so dark?
Don't take your eyes off me.
Because I think you are magnificent, madam.
Nonsense. You are like the others.
Spend all your money on games waiting for mine.
What do you have to say?
At least it's honest.
You will be friends. I am sure.
We will be a family again.
Nice family...
Hypocritical girl...
I'd be mad at you if you weren't as pretty as me at your age.
No one can be that pretty, grandma. Please stay.
Of course you will! We won't let you go.
This I believe.
What do you have there?
Give me that.
It's a shame to have such a maddened child.
What better way to spend your money?
I can understand men liking gypsies, dancing, wine...
At my wedding, they danced for three weeks.
Some guests are still hung over. But, everyone had fun.
But letters... that's for psychics.
But you can do anything with cards, Mom.
- Nonsense. Show me one. - It's pretty simple.
For example.
One for you, one for me,
One for you and one for me.
Now turn them over.
- And da ? - 5 and 4, 9. 3 and 2, 5.
- See, you won, Mom. - Really?
- Do it again. - As you wish, Mom.
One for you, one for me.
One for you, one for me.
3 plus 5, 8.
2. You won again, Mom.
This is a kid's game.
I don't understand how an adult could lose a fortune on this.
Just to prove how crazy you are, try again.
It's okay, Mom. But...
let's make it more interesting for you.
How about we play for real money?
Well, I still have some change left over from the trip.
- Could it be two kopeks per game? - Very expensive. A kopek.
As you wish, Mom.
No. Embaralhe.
- Don't you trust me, Mom? - I know my son. I cut.
Ah, mam e...
- 8. - 6.
- The bank is at half a million. - Accepted: bank.
- We can't leave her. - You taught him to play.
I never assumed I would bet so much.
Why are you breathing down my neck?
Afraid Pauline will lose her dowry?
The bank is at a million.
Accepted: bank.
Bankroll is at two million.
Mam e...
Accepted: bank.
Your letters, madam.
Bankroll is at four million.
Bankroll is at eight million.
Maybe it's a little high.
Madame prefer to play a part?
If madam is tired,
it would be a pleasure to play again when it suits you best.
I think we'll have to postpone this meeting, Your Highness.
At least until Judgment Day.
Of all of us, she was the only real winner.
He had won eternal peace.
I almost envied her.
I wish I could get rid of everything, the game, that life,
but above all from myself.
Good night.
Do you remember me?
A cigarette?
Have you forgotten?
Your cigarette case is in the pawnshop.
Your hand is empty.
And you too, my friend.
We will. Be practical.
Allow me to pay your ticket.
I never forgot that one day you paid mine.
Do you think I've reached this point?
I won't feel anything.
Let's go.
I will show you the way.
Are you feeling sick?
Shhh, n o fale.
- You passed out. - Can't you see my friend?
He's gone.
- I'm alone. - No, I'm here with you.
Poor Pauline.
Still love me.
He fell in love with a patient.
I must be very sick.
Or I wouldn't hurt you like that, would I?
You don't want this, Fedja.
Come on, let me help you. You need to rest.
I rescued this for you, remember?
Now I need her!
You are so beautiful.
Goodbye, Pauline.
- You again? - Fast.
A medal!
- Where did you get that? - You know I rescued her from here.
Ah yes. And I'd be stranded if it weren't for you.
No, no more souvenir pictures.
Stop talking and give me the money.
Money? It's not even worth the wrapping paper!
Listen here...
Today I'm not kidding. You better give me something.
Think better, ?
- Well, I don't think it's better! - I need something to survive...
A man like you survive for what?
The same I say for a vulture like you.
He only lives at the expense of others' misery.
- Depriving people of their last chance. - Smart ass, huh?
So smart what took you to?
I want this money.
- Now. - Nothing comes out of here!
And I'm not going with your face either!
Get this crap and get out of here!
Are you still there? I told you to go away!
Relief! Come quickly, Mr. Huber!
There's a dead man in my shop! Or else he had an attack!
You should have seen his face.
It looked like a mad dog.
Look! He broke my mirror!
Get him out of here! I don't care about him!
Listen to me.
You know me as I am...
a sinner, in darkness, filled with hate.
But it's myself what I hate the most.
No! Don't let me hear this.
Give me strength, Lord.
Help me, Lord.
Have mercy.
Where there is hate give me love
where there is darkness give me light.
Save me from the devil in me.
They shared my garments among themselves...
and they played dice for my tunic.
The singing of the choirs is still present as I write this last chapter.
Sign that my prayer has been answered.
Now that my debts to heaven have been paid,
I know that with this book I will be able to pay off my debts here on earth.
All but one.
Pauline's I can never pay off.
I will humbly love her for the rest of my life.
I dare not hope that he loves me.
I just ask that someday
she will read this book
and forgive me.
Oh dear.
No, Fedya, this is not the last chapter.