The Great White Hype (1996) Movie Script

Let's Go champ!
And so we are halfway through the sixth
round of this heavyweight title fight...
and on my unofficial count,
I got the champ ahead.
Why wouldn't you have?
He's getting a one-way beating.
He is administrating
a licking to this kid.
It's called the
"sweet science," this sport of boxing...
and it is a carnival of carnage.
This is the vineyard
of the "fistic" arts...
and the grapes of pugilism are being
stomped into a Chateauneuf-du-pulp tonight.
- Get outta the way!
- Um, an arena ve-ve-very...
Hard Copy, why don't you move your fuckin'
crew outta the way? You're fuckin' up my view.
And... And the groundlings,
very much aroused...
- Get outta the way!
- As they should be, for this is not a boxing arena.
It's the Globe Theatre.
It's the Old Vic.
These people aren't really watching a
heavyweight fight. They're watching King Lear.
Hey, hey, motherfucker, are you deaf?
I didn't pay $1,500 for both these seats...
and flatten them watchamajiggem
up here to see no King Lear.
- What the fuck is wrong?
- My brother, I'm a man of peace.
"Why do you box?"
- I can't let no white motherfucker call me "brother."
- "I'm not a poet."
-Movin' on. Here we go.
-Here we go. Here we go.
Where you at? Where you at?
There's three of you and one of me, and you're
running like roaches when the lights come on!
Punch or get out!
Hit him! Hit him! Hit him!
Go to your corner.
Three, four, five...
- -six, seven, eight, nine, 10!
- Roper! Roper! Roper! Roper!
He's out!
The Lord God Jehovah
is a mighty god!
- Am I right?
- A mighty god.
Champ. Champ.
You're a beautiful human being.
Come on over, baby.
Freddie wants to talk to you.
Congratulations, champ.
Was that as easy a fight as it looked?
Of course it was easy.
I'm the greatest fighter in the world.
Even in China.
Nobody can beat me.
You know, you got a little attitude
there. Are you mad at something?
I'm a little upset with myself, because I had
a image of this guy falling on a right hand.
But I hit him with the left, and I hit him
so hard that his jaw kind of shattered.
- When I came back with the right. he was already on the ground.
- Glory be to God!
All praises due Allah!
God bless America.
This is a great champion
and a great man.
If I can have the fighter
back a minute here, Reverend.
You're saying it makes a difference to
you how he falls? With a left or a right?
Oh, definitely. I'm a artist
out there, and-and, you know...
it's like I painted a beautiful picture of
the Mona Lisa and forgot to put the breast on.
That's beccause the champ is an artist, and
he's the greatest showman on the planet.
And the greatest fighter. No man can
beat this man at this point in his life.
And I want you to know,
Marvin Shabazz, wherever you are...
you better watch the things
you're sayin', 'cause we hear 'em.
- To go along with the rest of the heads he already has.
- Let me borrow the fighter...
We're callin' the taxidermist right now
for the fighter that he just laid out.
- Let me get the fighter back. Did this guy hurt you at all?
- Not at all.
- He hit me one time just to wake me up, because I was bored.
- Bored?
That's right. Otherwise, it was
just like fightin' my little sister.
That's right. Otherwise, it was
just like fightin' my little sister.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen
of the press...
I'm now proud
to present to you...
the undisputed...
and still undefeated...
heavyweight champion
of the world...
James "The Grim Reaper" Roper!
Move, move, move!
- Shut up!
- Shut the fuck up!
Sit down.
It's a press conference.
I want to say all praise to Allah.
Allah Akbah, champ.
Send some love out to my dear and a special
shout-out to the Reverend Sultan here.
'Cause without him,
I wouldn't even be around.
Who do you plan to fight next?
Uh, well, that's
the reverend's job.
He sets 'em up.
I just knock 'em out.
Fuckin' bullshit, motherfucker. I'm the number-one
contender, and I'm tired of you duckin' me.
- Get outta the way!
- Hey, we ain't duckin' you, man.
- You're just so black, we can't fight you.
- Fuck you!
Marvin Shabazz, you're a great fighter...
and you will get
your title shot.
Oh-Oh-Oh, no, no, no, no.
See, what we want is, is a guarantee.
Yeah, that's right, that my man,
Marvin Shabazz Flex O'Neil...
Marvin, will you?
Boy, that boy's good, ain't he?
And I'm sayin'
that everybody knows he's good.
We're just asking the reverend to give
us a shot at the title. Can you just...
Stop running like a B-I... itch.
- "B-I-itch"?
- It's "be-otch."
- Where the fuck you from?
- Listen, tar baby...
why don't you go get some Ambi, brighten your
ass up and stop lookin' like a oil spill...
and then we can talk business.
- I'll tell you what, honk.
- That old corny shit.
I'll stick my dick so far your
fuckin' ass, I'll impale your tonsils.
- Oh, that's a pretty picture!
- Shut up!
- All right.
- Fake-ass black man.
- Is this what you want?
- That's exactly what I want.
- I'll spank you with it.
- Spank him, champ!
- I'll spank you. Come here!
- Spank me with it, motherfucker! You ain't earned it!
You wanna drive another
I'm the champ, motherfucker.
Till you beat me, I am the champ.
Thanks, Sultan.
How's everybody?
How's everybody? Hey!
Everybody enjoy yourself,
all right?
How was the house, Peter?
Capacity. But we gave away
4,000 seats to charity.
Fred, we keep puttin' on fights like this,
I'm gonna have to sell the fuckin' hotel.
Do you have the pay-per-view
pickup, Artemus?
- I understand that, but I'm the one...
- Artemus!
Yeah. Okay. Yes. Yeah.
- Bad news.
- How bad?
Pay-per-view was down 50%
from the last heavyweight title fight.
-Yeah, we lost our ass.
Well, I just un-guaranteed it. Buy him
another fuckin' Rolls-Royce. Buy him two.
Wait. He's got six already.
Well, now he's got eight!
- Here he is.
- Showtime, folks,
Who's in the house?
The heavywight
champion of the world!
What's up, babe?
- I love you.
- Not like I love you.
- No, I love you.
- I love you.
-You're my brother.
- I just won $10 million!
- Ow! I love you.
Wait a minute.
That's the third "I love you"
- Am I gettin' jerked again?
- You're my brother.
- I know I'm your brother, but am I gettin' fucked again?
- I love you.
Artemus, am I gettin' jerked?
He's your brother.
- He loves you.
- I love you.
- Yo, forget this this, man.
- Champ, champ.
No, no, Reverend. This is the payday, man.
This is the day we've been waitin' for.
- You're my brother.
- I got your brother hangin' low.
Now, I done had 38 fights for you, and I
won 'em all. What I got to show for it?
- Six Rolls-Royces?
- Wait. You got eight.
No, I got a guaranteed
contact for $10 million.
I'll sue your ass.
- Sue his ass, champ.
- Sue him.
- For everything.
- Sue me.
- Sue him.
- Sue him.
I love you.
Yo, this is bullshit, man.
Stop saying that!
- All right? Yo, Irv!
- I'll be back.
What up, kid?
- Oh! Damn, champ!
- Ohh!
- Wardell.
- Yes, sir.. Yes, sir..Excuse me. Excuse me.
Okay, thank you.
Let me help you up.
Let me fix your hat.
Can you forgive me
as I forgive you?
What am I forgivin' you
for now, man?
For bein' human.
For bein' flawed.
I hurt. I bleed.
No, Fred. I hurt. I bleed.
And I want my goddamn money!
Sweetheart, could you...
There better be some money
up underneath this couch.
All right, everybody,
you heard him.
The champ wants his money.
- That's what he said.
- Yes, sir..
Artemus, we will pay the champ
what we're obligated to pay him.
Sell my house. Sell my cars.
Sell these rings.
- -Disband my company.
- Fire the employees. File chapter 11.
And we'll settle
with the champ for what?
Fifteen cents on the dollar..
Do it.
Champ, you would let this man...
the only father figure you've ever had,
destroy himself for you?
You bet your yarmulke.
- Well, consider it done.
- No. No.
Fred, please, now.
You're just a little upset.
Of course I'm upset.
I'm upset...
because I know what's wrong.
Peter, do you know what's wrong?
- No.
- Artemus?
- No.
- Sol?
- No.
- How about you, champ?
I don't know nothin' anymore.
There's a reason everyone
has lost interest...
in the heavyweight
championship of the world.
And it's very simple.
People are tired
of payin' good money...
to watch niggers
beat up niggers.
I need a white heavyweight contender
worse than white America needs one.
Come on. A white heavyweight?
Man, the two words
don't even go together..
It's like sayin' "black unity."
Hey, look, man, cut the bullshit.
I want Shabazz.
Shut up, boy! You work for me!
And if you do shut up,
and you do work for me...
you'll make more money
than you've ever dreamed of.
You'll make $40 million.
If I'm makin' 40,
think how much you gonna make.
- I am!
- Hey, look, Rev...
nobody gonna buy the idea
of a white contender.
It ain't about race
It's about boxing.
Sit down.
- I just stood up.
- Sit down.
What's the highest grossing
fight in the history of boxing?
- Uh, Tyson-Gibbons.
- Ali-Frazier.
- Hagler-Leonard.
- No, Hagler-Hearns.
- "Thrilla" in Manila.
- No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
The highest grossing fight
in the history of boxing...
Is Cooney versus Holmes.
Can you tell me why, James?
Yeah. 'Cause Cooney
was a white boy.
And his jab couldn't break wind!
That's true.
If there ain't a white guy
out there for you...
I'm gonna create you one.
Fred Sultan...
you and I are gonna take a close
look at this boxing promoter...
this exploiter, embezzler...
charlatan and demagogue.
And by the time our journey
is over, gentle viewer...
I'm gonna expose him
for what he really is:
the devil incarnate.
The real story begins in 1953,
in Atlanta...
when a young man
by the name of Fred Johnson...
who had been
a child evangelist...
and who'd already been caught running
a pyramid scam on his parishioners...
was arrested
and convicted for assault.
He nearly stomped a man
to death very brutally...
Don't... What army is this?
All right, all right.
Enough. Enough. Not again.
Not again. Get this on camera.
Don't touch him again!
Yes. Rolling.
I've got here Marvin Shabazz...
the man next in line
to fight James Roper.
That's how it should be, but I got
a bad feeling about this one, Mitchell.
Yeah, and if Sultan doesn't
give us a shot at the title...
and he tries to duck us,
then we will sue him.
That's right. That's right.
And I will support these men.
I-I-I'll take it, baby. I'll take it.
- These are honorable men. Very... Yes.
- No, we are honorable men.
But I've worked too hard for this.
We've worked too hard for this.
Now, I am the number-one
I'm tired of James "The Poodle," "Grim
Reaper," whatever he want to calls himself...
duckin' me, all right?
I'm tired of the man drivin'
around in eight Rolls-Royces.
- He ain't fought nobody. I'm still in a "Brough-ham."
- Exactly.
That... A what?
Uh, a-a Brougham.
He-He drives a Brougham.
What's a Brougham?
It's maroon.
Well, actually it's not maroon.
What it is... It's Merlot.
- And it's a Brougham.
- Cut.
Did we cut?
- Yeah.
- What's a Merlot Brougham?
- It's like an old car, right?
- You guys don't know what a Merlot Brougham is?
- I thought it was a breakfast cereal.
- I thought so too.
I'm sorry. We got...
- It's a Cadillac.
- Oh.
- A "Brom."
- "Brough-ham."
- A Brougham.
- Brougham, not "Brom."
- I got it. A Brougham.
- Rolling. Let's pick up.
- And again.
The Merlot Brougham.
It's a... It's a fine car,
but nothing like a Rolls-Royce.
And you guys are plenty peeved.
- Yeah.
- I don't care about the cars.
- I just want to fight. That's all.
- Exactly.
Like my daddy say, you out there, James "The
Poodle." "Pussy," whatever your name is...
if you a man, be a man.
Step up. Fight me.
You ain't fought nobody.
Your daddy said... what?
Is he talking about...
- He's talking about the poodle or the...
- No, no, no, no, no.
It's just a fact. You grow up
in the hood. You become a man.
You wanna start actin'
like a man, then you be a man,
Just like my father
had told me that...
when the green grass starts growin' on the
other side, then somebody gotta cut the lawn.
You know, my father said once,
"When you... When you, uh...
"laugh and the whole
world laughs with you.
Cry, and I'll give you something
to cry about, you little bastard."
That what he said. And you
know what that's done to me?
I-I'm not... I'm not for sure
You're a little
camera shy, aren't you?
Well, some-sometimes, but, you know,
I'm gettin' the hang of it. Yeah.
This the guy
at the top of your list, Julio?
He's on the top of my punchin' bag list.
Look at this shit. Fuck.
There he goes.
That's my new assistant.
I could intoduce you.
- Julio, come on.
- Looks like two moons over Miami.
Come on. Let's go.
[Sultan] Yeah, I like this guy.
Kind of squeaky clean...
Mouseketeer-lookin' motherfucker..
Yeah, Pat Boone
in boxing gloves.
You know,
John Wayne is his uncle.
Don't look like John Wayne now.
Come on, get the next one on.
What's with this guy's hair?
Look at his hair!
- Guy's part of the space program.
- -This guy's good.
Kind of swarthy, mysterious,
strong-jawed, sexy.
- Women might like him.
- Oh, they'll eat it up.
"Suave Bola" guy.
[Sol Try to towel off!
Championship in South Africa...
South Africa, Julio? South Africa?
- Where'd he go?
- Good for you.
Oh, I felt that.
- Oh, Dolph Lundren.
- I like this guy.
- I was at this fight. It was two months ago.
- Yeah? What happened?
Rocky VI.
The guy had to have his jaw rewired.
Get a picture of him.
Thank you. Thank you
very much. Thank you very much.
My God. You know,
it's a shame...
political power in this country's
not determined in a boxing ring.
If it was,
we'd learn how to fight.
See? I told you...
You told me shit, Julio.
Ahem! I have an idea.
Hey, shut the fuck up
and run the tapes, huh?
Oh, you gonna clown me?
You can run this shit yourself.
Hey, wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait.
He apologizes.
Speak, please.
Come on.
I was simply trying to say the champ,
he's never lost as a proffessional, right?
- Yeah. News flash.
- What gave it away? His record?
But... he's lost
as an amateur, right?
- So what?
- Yeah, so what? He was B.F.D.
So... who beat him?
- Who cares? He was an amateur..
- Amateurs don't count.
Are you high?
Are you on something?
Hey, hey, hey, shut the fuck up.
Don't you realize what she's saying?
Ten years ago, who beat
Roper as an amateur?
His mother.
Uh, who?
Terry Conklin.
Sweeheart, you are smarter
than all these clowns put together.
Terry who?
- You work for me now.
- Hey, wait a minute. She works for me.
Uh, Julio, she works for me.
Okay, fine. You got her.
Welcome to the club, sweetheart.
Well, you can check this
"sweetheart" shit at the door.
- She works for you now.
- Excuse me, Ms Bambi.
And you get a 10% raise.
Now, where were we?
- Terry Conklin.
- Terry Conklin.
From Cleveland.
Golden Gloves champion.
Good left hook.
Great overhand right.
Undefeated as an amateur..
Discovered God or drugs
or pussy or some such shit.
- Man, look at how they livin'!
- Ooh! Get down.
Since Marciano
for inner-fucking-peace.
- Geez, what a dumb fuck he was.
- Unbelievable!
Now, you wanna find
his Brady Bunch ass?
- I'll call Bert Sugar.
- You ain't fuckin' me no more!
Disperse, bitches, will you?
Marvin, Marvin, chill.
Then we come in here
Nino Brown style...
Yeah, that's what it's about.
And the next thing you know...
we got guns on you,
and what you got, huh?
You got a... a whole, uh...
Whole bunch og guns
with-with lasers on 'em.
We don't have any of those.
But I mean, you know,
does violence really solve anything?
I mean, we just came over because you haven't
answered our calls or anything like that.
We thought that, you know, maybe
something was wrong with you.
We just wanted to let you know we got
your back.
And, uh, you haven't offered us
a shot at the title.
And it's just a rumour, but people are
talkin' about you tryin' to duck my man.
- And that's, you know...
- Marvin, I'm giving you the title shot.
As a matter of fact, we were
just discussing the details.
Yeah, there's some
legal bull... Hello.
There's some legal bullshit we have to
work out before we can make you an offer.
We-We're... Yeah, we're just trying
to get all of our ducks in a row.
Yeah. It's a duck thing.
Oh, oh, okay. Duck thing.
So you are giving us a shot at the title?
You have my word.
Excuse me, Reverend, but your word
don't mean shit, all right?
Yeah, I mean, your word
is rather doo... doo.
Uh, but we-we're lookin'
for something tangible.
No, fuck tangible.
Give me something real.
I want somethin' real!
That's what I want.
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Just, you know, whoo, calm down.
We... You know, we're gonna get everything
together. Like I said, we come in peace.
You know, we're small-time.
I'd like to give you something as a sign of
good faith while I get my ducks in a row.
Fuck is all this ducks hit...
- Chill with all these ducks.
- Shut up, you woman.
We tryin' to, you know, negotiate.
Let me do business.
Are you still driving
that, um, maroon Brougham?
I don't mean to correct you in front
of your people, but it's Merlot.
- Oh, sorry. Merlot.
- Yeah.
Well, I'd like to give you a brand-new
Merlot Brougham, as a sign of good faith.
Because you're my brother
and I love you.
Cool, cool. That's...
Hey, that sounds, you know...
No, I-I-I'm tired of Merlot.
That's right, I'm tired.
I can't stand another Merlot.
Well, baby,
you know, there's this sweet gold...
Oh, kind of a muscatel.
Go on, sister. All right.
Hey, That's fine. Muscatel.
- Artemus?
- Yeah.
Order a brand-new
muscatel. Royal Brougham...
fully loaded with, um,
a petite Syrah interior...
and have it delivered
to Mr..Shabazz immediately.
Got it.
Thanks, man. I... You know... Boy,
that's... You know, that really means a lot.
I would take it that
a fully loaded...
muscatel Brougham with the serials
and petite and everything like that...
is a good faith down payment
on a title fight.
My brothers.
Hey, Man, I'm glad we could, you know,
straighten this out. Man, this... Is this rayon?
This is nice. Whole thing
got my blood pressure up, man.
[Thank you.
All right, now.
Come and hug the man.
- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
We're about to be champs, baby.
My daddy said, "Don't pull your shit out
if you ain't ready to use it," you know?
- Shut up!
- Bitch!
I gotta change.
Sultan, I got him.
Mm-hmm. Terry Conklin
is still livin' in Cleveland.
He's in a band
called Massive Head Wound.
Yeah, for the kids. Yeah,
I'm bookin' the flight now.
- This guy's a putz!
- No, he's got something.
You like him, Bambi?
- I think he's gorgeous.
- Say what?
- For a white boy.
- Thank you.
I think we found our man!
Terry. Terry,
this is Suzette.
Come on.
Wonderful music, Terry.
I feel that, uh,
you're my brother.
I'm your anti-brother.
My anti-brother.
I like that.
You know, actually,
you're a poet.
Well, an anti-poet.
All right. Come on.
Hit the bricks.
You know, it... it feels like...
oh, like anti-music.
Terry. This is Angel.
I worship you.
Worship is
a Judeo-Christian concept.
I'm a Buddhist.
No shit.
- Sol, heads up. Incoming.
- Uh, Terry.
Terry. May I call you Terry?
What you call me
is of no concern to me.
Good. 'Cause I'm gonna call
your ass "The Great White Hope."
Excuse me. Terry...
I'm trying to make you
a business proposition here.
- I give my money to the homeless.
- Good.
Then if you take me up on my proposition
and return to the ring...
I guarantee that you will personally
wipe out homelessness in America.
- What did you say?
- I want you to return to the ring.
I don't fight anymore.
But you're the only man to ever beat
the current heavyweight champion.
- Very long time ago.
- You can still kick his ass!
He's still susceptible
to an overhand right.
I did cold-cock that sucker, didn't I?
Oh, you nailed him!
You rocked his ass!
Think about it. This could be
the fight of the century.
- The fight of the century.
- Hundred years. You.
Mm-hmm. Yeah, right, right. Until
the next fight of the century, right?
Get the fuck outta my chair.
You're a shrewd man.
Well, if not for yourself,
Terry, do it for the tired, the poor...
the teeming masses
yearning to breathe free.
How much I get?
Ten million dollars.
And hire you the best managers
and trainers in the business.
Ten million dollars?
You really think
I could take him?
He's scared shit less of you,
And think of the homeless.
- Well!
- Well.
You found Terry Conklin, huh?
- Yep.
- Congratulations.
Now I want the W.B.I. to rank him in the
top 10 so I can give him a titles hot.
You know, Reverend, uh,
over the years...
I have bent and greased
and stretched the rules for you.
As a matter of fact, I consider myself
something of an artist in this regard.
- You are an artist, Julio.
- Yes, but even I...
cannot rank a fighter who has
never had a proffessional fight.
Now, what's it gonna take
for you to make this happen?
- I can't do it.
- Money?
- No.
- Sex? Drugs? Power?
Yeah, power.
That's what I... Yeah, power.
- Pow...
- Yeah.
You're fired.
Okay. Money, sex
and drugs.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I am proud to announce...
that 60 days from today...
on March 17,
St. Patrick's Day...
James "The Grim Reaper" Roper...
will defend
his heavyweight title...
against the number-eight-ranked
heavyweight contender...
according to the newly released
W.B.I. ranking.
"Irish" Terry Conklin!
-I'm not Irish.
- Let's hear it for the kid.
- There he is. There he is.
"Irish" Terry Conklin.
This is a goddamn disgrace.
This kid can't fight.
You've sullied the great name of boxing.
Oh, ye of little faith.
This man has been catapulted
into the rankings...
by the honorable, estimable,
incorruptible president...
of World Boxing International...
Mr..Julio Escobar..
- And for very good reason.
- Name one.
Well, you forget
that this man...
- was an undefeated amateur...
- That's right.
Who knocked out James Roper in
the Goleden Gloves Championship.
- Knocked him through the ropes!
- I was 17. I'd kill Howdy Doody now!
Nigga, sit your
motherfuckin' ass down.
I'm tryin'...
I think Terry has a few words
he wants to say to you.
Terry, come up here.
Uh, well, I would just like to start off
by sayin' thank you to the champ...
for giving me this chance to...
Wow, man. Wow.
You're a... You're a great champ.
Uh, and after I'm done
kickin' the champ's butt...
I'm gonna donate all my monies to
eradicating the homelessness situations.
And also the poverty
situations will be eradicated...
in America, as well
as the United States forever.
Thank you very much,
and God bless you all.
Got my vote for
Sportsman of the year already.
Terry, Terry, Terry, who bought this?
Who is that?
Who is he?
And who do you think's
gonna see the debacle?
This'll is the biggest payday
in sports history, much less boxing.
For Christ's sake, Sultan,
the kid's not even a professional.
Bert, the kid's not even
a hundred percent Irish.
But how many of you gave Foreman a chance
against Moore? Or Buster Douglas against Tyson?
Julo Escobar's
a whore on your payroll.
What did you say?
- Keep it legal.
- Did you hear that?
That's a libelous statement
and a racist comment...
-That's right.
Are you saying something
about brown-skinned people?
Do you hate Jews
and Negroes as well?
- I am a Jew.
- The you're an Uncle Tom!
Jews can't be Uncle Toms.
Sure we can.
It's a sign of self-loathing.
But you're still my brother.
I'm not your brother.
Peace. Son of a bitch.
Let's get out of here.
Terry, this is the legendary
Johnny Windsor.
- He's managed many, many of the greats.
- Very pleased to meet you.
Terry, eight weeks with me...
and you're not only gonna be
a lean, mean killing machine...
you're gonna be ready for
a commission in the Waffen-SS.
- Wha...
- Hate, son! Hate!
The great motivator.
You're gonna hate Roper. You're gonna hate
me. You're gonna hate the fucking world!
I hate no man.
Well, do it...
for the homeless, Terry
Get changed.
We'll start.
Good luck kid.
Look, all you gotta do
is make him credible.
I can make him credible,
till he gets in the ring.
- When the bell rings, he's dog meat.
- Dog meat.
Time and Newsweek
say I should be arrested.
Sports Illustrated
says the fight's a joke.
Ring magazine says
the fight is a fraud?
Why are they
sayin' these things?
'Cause it's the truth.
The truth needs to be shaped
and molded and framed, Sol.
Your fucking job!
I cannot make caviar
out of fish eggs!
- I can't commit homicide, but I might!
- Uh, excuse me, uh, Fred.
Listen, we... Hi, Sol.
Tough day for you, huh?
We need to get these contracts to Conklin for
his signature before he gets a good lawyer.
- I'll hire Conklin's lawyer.
- All right.
How are the contracts?
I had 'em reviewed
by my entire staff.
Nobody understands anything.
- Good.
I think it's our finest work.
These contracts are vague, indecipherable
and best of all, they're written in stone.
I-I love you.
- Don't you start that.
Excuse me, Reverend, but I opened
this on accident. It's yours.
But I think you might
want to take a look at it.
- What is this?
- I don't know.
Where'd it come from?
Mitchell Kane.
- He says he has a lot more of them.
- A lot more?
What's he want?
He says he wants
a private meeting.
No cameras, no third parties.
Just a "mano a mano" is how he put it.
"Mano a mano"?
My dick wants to laugh.
- What is it?
- Pictures of nothing, Sol.
You know what?
I don't need this shit.
I'll be at the pool.
I'll finish up these, uh,
these contracts for you.
Arrange a private meeting
with Mr. Kane.
Yes, sir.
Although our cameras aren't allowed
inside the offices of Rev. Fred Sultan...
let them record, in the happen chance
that I don't come out alive...
that this envelope contains enough
evidence to destroy this man forever.
When I return, if I return...
the spotlight of truth will have peered
into the depths of evil...
into the soul, if one exists...
of one Fred Sultan.
Kill the camera.
He's ready to see you,
Wish me well. Cut.
I'll be okay.
It's okay.
Sad. Sad.
I'm really proud of you,
I'm proud of you,
We'll be here.
Here we are.
Yes, mano a mano.
That's right. Uh, I got
a lot of pictures. Uh...
Uh, Wardell.
What? Oh.
Um, I've made
many copies of these
So what do you want?
I want to destroy you,
And I want
an exclusive interview...
where you're gonna have to finally
answer some of the tough questions.
You're a bad guy, man. You're bad.
Even Wardell's disgusted, you know,
but I'm not gonna kiss your feet.
You're a fake. You're a bully.
I don't like what you do to Girl Scouts.
That was pretty funny, huh?
- I like you.
You have a goal, and you have
the balls to reach that goal.
You have a blind, stupid
belief in yourself.
Don't. Flattery is not
gonna work. My course is...
No, no, no.
I wanna offer you a job.
I heard they're gonna do Cops: The
Musical. That could be kind of unreal.
Well, they did it with...
- You okay, boss?
- Never more lucid. Turn on the camera.
Thank you. Thank you, Artie.
Some said this upcoming title
fight is built around racism.
But is it racism
that electrifies people...
across the globe?
Or is it a pride in your tribe?
Dimly remembered throb
of drums in the night...
or the hard, white hoarfrost
of an early morn...
against the gleaming, sinuous
muscle of the jungle night.
You can't do this to me! I've been
the Sultan's publicist for 20 years!
Boss says you're gone,
your ass is outta here.
I am gonna sue you so fast,
you won't know what the hell hit you!
- Man, shut up!
- Hey,
- I got you guys this job.
- He's right.
You better watch your back!
Mitchell, have you sold out?
Uh, I'm taking
the road less traveled by.
And what happened to,
um, crusading for the truth?
What is the truth, after all? History,
they say, is written by the winners.
Fuck you, you whore.
- Vivian...
- I quit.
Oh, Viv-Vivian,
we can win a Pulitzer..
- Will you come on!
- Watch this.
One, please!
Sultan sucks!
Happy birthday, Mrs. Ned Ashton...
from me, the other
Mrs. Ned Ashton.
Oh, snap.
- What'd she say?
- Give me a hand here, boys.
- Damn. Yo, Grim, man.
- What the hell?
Yo, check, this out, G.
Yo, this is a gift from Sultan.
From Sultan, bro.
Damn. Yo.
- It's your fault, man.
- I'm sorry, man,
You all right, champ?
Let me see the ring.
- Damn! - Damn!
- Damn!
You done came up, champ.
Ooh! Wah, it's bigger
than the last one, bro,
-No question
-by a good six, seven diamonds.
Oh, damn!
I got this! That was
a good try, though.
- You got that one.
- Yeah, you know I got that one.
I was mad quick, right?
That was phat!
- Hey, Rollo.
- Huh?
Let me see the diamond.
- All right, man.
- Kick it in.
Shut up, Irv. Damn.
Here you go, bro.
- That look nice on you, champ.
- That look all right?
It look nice on you.
You done came up like 7-Up, baby.
Yeah, it look nice on you, man.
Real nice on the champ. Man!
I didn't want it anyway.
Yeah. You know you wanted it.
Shut up.
You got to stop eating this stuff...
and do some road work.
Man, I could beat Conklin
and my meat at the same time.
- But you got to be in some kind of shape.
- Oh, I'm in shape. I'm round.
Yo, Mike Tyson was round
when he fought Buster Douglas.
And Buster K.O.'d him. You know why?
'Cause Tyson wasn't ready to fight.
Don't worry, man.
When the bell ring, I'm in there.
Hey, Mr. Chump...
I mean, Mr. Champ.
I'd like to reintroduce you
to an old friend.
Mr. Overhand Right.
Say, Mr. Roper, when you
wake up in the hospital...
realize your belt's gone,
come over to my house.
I'll let you try it on
sometime, fat boy.
I like this kid.
Hey, Conklin,
whoop, there it is.
The Nevada Boxing And Gaming
Commission is pleased to announce...
the results
of the encephalograms...
performed on the two contestants
in this proposed bout.
James Roper's
encephalogram shows...
no cortical lesions whatsoever.
And Mr.Conklin's also shows no,
uh, no significant brain damage.
And this bout can proceed as scheduled.
What do you mean by
"no significant brain damage"?
We haven't seen Roper in weeks.
What's up with that?
He ain't here because he's ducking me.
Ain't that right, Rev?
You know he gonna get knocked naked
from the waist down anyway.
He wants to continue fighting
little punks like this here.
You know it's fixed. If he fights,
he's gonna be blind, crippled and crazy.
Tell him about the deal,
will you?
Why don't you piss off,
you fuckin' monkey?
Hey, Mr. French, I will
bust a cap in your ass.
You? You stunted little dwarf.
Let me fucking get you,
- Calm down.
- What you wanna do? Come on. Bring it on.
Sit you fat Pavarotti ass down!
Fuck you, fuck you
Not me. Him, you silly bastard!
-What's your problem?
I ain't got no problem, motherfucker.
You do. I'm gonna whoop your white...
-Fuck waitin' in line!
- What's up?
- I'm not gonna scare off. Come on.
Tranquilize yourself, will you?
Look at you.
You're scared.
You don't want no part
of this, do you, white boy?
You better go back where you came from
before I rip your fuckin' heart out.
What you got here, Rev, is shit.
You're supposed to have a fight here.
You got nobody! Nothing!
-Oh, Jesus!
You're still in it. You in it, baby.
We're comin' back in here.
"One-Punch" Terry Conklin, folks.
"One Punch" Terry.
- Fast hands for a white boy.
- Oh, we just sold 50,000 more tickets.
Now, that's entertainment.
All right, here we go.
Ladies and gentlemen...
we apologize for the behavior
of Marvin Shabazz and his manager.
But if Mr..Shabazz
just shows a little patience...
I'm sure that Rev. Sultan
Oh, absolutely.
But we're here to talk
about Roper and Terry Conklin.
We love you!
Thank you, thank you.
That's right. May I?
We have here 100,000...
cards and letters,
all for Terry Conklin.
Let's pick one at random,
shall we?
Let's get one of these.
Any one at all. This one here.
Here, I've got, uh... Let's, uh...
Let's see what we got here.
Uh, this one is from, um...
Gosh, it's from a boy named Joey
who's in a wheelchair.
He says... He says um...
"If you become champ, Terry,
I'll believe anything is possible.
Even walking again.
Love, Joey."
Terry, you've made a change.
I'll tell you, in the cynical age
that we live in...
it's, uh... it's rare indeed...
when someone or something...
becomes so transcendent as Terry
and this fight have become.
What's the matter? What are you doing?
What are you hiding for?
Enjoying your job?
Don't, uh...
Uh, I'm so...
I don't know how to tell you this,
but you, um... you smell.
You stink a little bit.
Well, they took away my suite,
after 20 years, like that.
- Hmm, well...
- You gotta protect yourself
- Uh-huh. You know, I'm not...
- Listen. Please. Listen.
The Sultan... is ripe for a fall.
Do you understand?
Evereybody in the organization
is fed up with him. It's not just me.
We've been waiting for a new leader
to emerge, and it's you.
I see. So I'm the, uh...
You take over his organization,
and you get me my job back.
God sent you,
Are you okay?
Where you goin'?
Going to take a spronge bath.
- Take it... Take it easy.
- I will.
Hey, Siegfried!
Who's that behind... Who?
Come on, fellows.
That isn't funny.
I'm not Irish. I'm not Irish.
You've got a lovely chest.
Lovely. Lovely.
You're a fucking stallion!
- Terry Conklin!
- Terry Conklin!
Stay down, boy!
Told you to stay down!
How do you like Las Vegas, Terry?
What's that?
How does it compare
to Cleveland?
Cleveland's a real city
with real people...
who aren't concerned
with bourgeois attitudes...
concerned with sexism,
racism, religiousism...
or any of the other kind
of "isms" that Vegas is about.
Las Vegas is one of the most exploitive
places I've ever seen in my life...
particularly exploitive
towards women.
I've never been to a city
more exploitive towards women.
It makes me sick, and I can't wait
to go home.
But wasn't that you on
the cover of Playboy magazine?
What's that?
That was me on the cover of Playboy
magazine, but let me say two things.
One, I hated it;
and two, that's not what I'm about.
- So how's the champ lookin'?
- He's looking good. Did you see him out there?
- No. We can't get in to see him.
- It was a great workout.
You should've seen the last workout
today. He's looking excellent.
So what about all
these reports of all this room service?
Uh, 10 gallons of ice cream...
uh, a carton of Gummi Bears,
all the porkskins in Vegas,
The champ has
an entourage. He feeds 'em.
So he's not eating any of this stuff?
Look. Even if the champ
were not in perfect condition...
he's still
a professional fighter..
He's got savvy.
He knows how to breathe in a ring.
Is racism driving this fight?
I don't think so.
Two dollars on "Irsish" Terry.
Are we exploiting a history of divisive
racial struggle in this country?
I don't think so.
Two bucks on the clean-cut
white boy, please.
Thank you,
- To play the piano, you need the
black keys... - And the white keys.
Doing a rock opera about
the homeless situation in Cleveland.
I think it's
applicable universally...
to the homelessness situation
in any major American market.
For example, South Dakota...
There's a homelessness situation
that's been brought to my attention.
been getting a lot of publicity...
about his donantions
to the homeless.
For your acts of charity.
Ain't nobody's business
what I do with my money.
We've found that you've given large
donations of money to a number of places...
AIDS organizations,
multiple sclerosis.
You visit children's hospitals
in every town you go into.
I'm about to donate some money to the
Remove My Foot From Your Ass Foundation.
I told you I don't wanna talk
about this. This is over.
So you're quite a rock 'n' roller..
I still am quite a rock 'n' roller.
Thanks for mentioning that.
Without further objections,
I would like to sing my song...
that I've just been working on
to Mr. Roper.
- Would that be all right?
- Yeah. Let's hear it.
It's called
"Mr. Roper, Mr. Roper."
I'm gonna open
a case of butt-whippin'
Butt-whippin' butt-whippin',
butt-whippin' butt-whippin'
It's called
"Mr. Roper, Mr. Roper."
You just wanna blow
this fight, don't ya?
Look, Titus, Chill.
My blackness will beat that kid.
[Woman Singing]
Mr. Roper.
He looks good.
He looks good.
Yeah. Looks is
what counts, isn't it?
Hey, hey, um, now, you know,
if he wins, have you thought about...
Oh, man, yeah.
If he wins, uh, what are your plans
after that? Have you thought about that?
Like, are you happy
with your deal with Sultan?
I'd sooner be turked
by a syphillitic bear.
Tu-Turk... Hmm,
that's interesting.
What is "turked"?
- Rectally relieved.
- Oh, geez.
So, what, after... after this fight, you'd
consider signing him with another promoter?
Or a, uh, smart younger man
such as yourself?
Well, I don't like to toot
my own horn, but...
- Is that what you're saying?
- Well...
Terry! Get over here!
- Hmm.
- What's up, Johnny?
We may have found ourselves
a great white hope.
- Oh, do...
- He wants to promote you,
- Who? You?
- Yeah, maybe so.
What about Mr.Sultan?
Uh, Mr. Sultan, you know,
not so good for you guys.
He'll get what he needs,
you know...
Let me ask you a question.
- Do you covet racism?
- Do I covet racism? How do you mean, covet?
- Are you a racist person?
- No, I'm not.
Because I am fed up with racism
in this business. Johnny?
- Too much of it.
- No, really, I believe that.
Wow. Gosh.
Can I have a hug?
Sure. Sure.
Oh, look at this. Oh!
the most popular heavyweight
since Muhammad Ali...
"Irish" Terry Conklin!
The challenger...
The challenger weighs in...
at an official 202 1/4 pounds!
[Women Cheering, Screaming]
- We love you, man!
- I truly do.
And tomorrow marks the beginning
of my personal quest...
for the eradication of
the homelessness situation in America.
I am a fighter of destiny,
and I'm going to shock the world.
God bless America!
Terry! Terry! Terry! Terry!
Terry! Terry! Terry! Terry!
Terry! Terry! Terry!
- You hear that?
That shit don't faze me.
And now, introducing...
the undefeated, undisputed...
- heavyweight champion of the world...
- Aah!
James "The Grim Reaper" Roper!
- He looks like shit.
- Roper looks at least 220.
That man's been eating
chitlins or something.
The champion...
wighs an official 238 pounds!
Hold it, hold it, hold it!
The champ has a few words
he wants to say to y'all!
I just want to say
that after 38 fights...
38 wins by knockout,
this is all the love you show me?
- We love you, Roper.
- Well, the rest of y'all...
can kiss my big, black, bloated,
Rolls-Royce-driving ass.
Give me my robe.
All right, all right, all right,
all right! All right, all right!
All right!
I want to thank you all
for coming out here today.
And I want to ask
yourself the question:
Is it hope, or is it hype?
We'll find out the answer
tomorrow night.
See you at the MGM Grand!
Thank you!
There he is. I love this outfit.
Is that a unitard?
Mitchell. Great news.
The gate went over
110 million today.
By fight time tomorrow,
it should be 125.
Ooh! I how to you,
- I sit at your feet. Ooh.
- This has been a brilliant partnership.
I hope it's the beginning
of a beautiful friendship.
It's the beginning...
of... something.
Hey, baby,
you feeling all right?
Oh, baby, listen.
I'm, uh... I'm concerned
that the, uh, champ...
is maybe too far gone
to beat this Conklin kid.
No fucking way the champ loses
this fight. He's gonna kill this kid.
He's got that... tummy.
You're starting to believe
your own bullshit. Relax.
- The fight's a lock.
- You would know.
You're the paisley pooh-bah.
- Look.
- Hmm.
The champ and I have
our little disagreements.
Hell, my whole
organization does.
He loves me.
They love me.
And I love him.
- Uh-huh.
- And I love them.
- You know what else?
- What's that?
I love you,
Very clever.
I gotta get one of those.
- You're my brother.
- From the brother of brothers.
Oh, God.
There is no excitement
like a much-anticipated...
- heavyweight title fight.
- Hey!
The fervor charts go off the wall when the
challenger is... when the challenger's...
- White. There, I've said it, Doc. White.
- I'm glad you said it, Stu.
Roper is a jungle animal.
He wants to do unspeakable things
to your mother and your sister.
Johnny, you do not have to whip me
into a racist frenzy to beat this man.
- We all know you're a racist bastard.
- Me, a racist?
- You're a pig.
- I am not a racist.
I'm a bloody Englishman,
the fairest people on the planet, mate.
If I was a racist, I wouldn't be training
you, you stupid muck-shoveling Mick.
What have we got here,
then, Paddy, eh? White gloves.
You disgust me.
Mm. No, Terry, no.
That's a good idea.
You should do it. Nice touch.
Wait. Wait a second.
Let me... Let me tell you something.
Come on, boys. Out now.
You think this is all
just a big joke, right? Oh, yeah.
Oh yeah. You think the public's
just falling in love with me...
because of the color of my skin.
Huh. Yeah.
Because I'm freh and good-looking.
You know?
Shame on you.
I am more than hope...
and I'm a hell of
a lot more than hype.
I'm a young man
in fantastic shape...
with a devastating
overhand right...
that is going
to shock the world.
Don't you forget
I never lost a fight.
Attaboy, Terry!
You kick his black ass!
It is the ass
of a human being, man!
A human being!
That is the ass that I'm
going to kick tonight.
I love you, Terry
I love you too.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
- Aah! Ah-ha!
- What is that?
Is that a circus entrance?
Is it a fighter coming in or a clown?
The guy thinks this is a rock concert.
Maybe we're in the wrong place.
Maybe this is a rock concert.
Yeah! All right!
None of the experts
give this kid a chance.
Yet, can a hundred million fans
across America be wrong?
If Conklin had started earlier in
his career, would he be the champion?
Or if Roper had fought somebody as good
as Conklin, would he be the champion today?
- Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
- Conklin! Conklin! Conklin!
It's obvious that the champion
is delaying his entrance into the arena.
I'm just thinking, is he
trying psychologically...
to toy with the mind
of the challenger?
Will y'all back up?
I'm trying to watch the show.
- That shit ain't mine.
You're gonna have to take me!
You wanna cut that junk off
and get rid of that cigarette?
My inspiration tape, okay?
Hey, I'm tryin' to tell you this is the
number one contender right here, baby.
Recognize, baby, will you?
That's what I'm sayin'.
We up in here, and he
needs to be in the ring.
Hey, Shabazz, how you doin'?
You gonna talk to me
like you know me now?
You gonna disrespect me
'cause you threw a sucker punch?
I'll show you little white ass...
Why don't you go home and
learn to speak English, you fuckin'...
Damn! El, man, I'm sorry.
I didn't know it was you.
Come here. Come here. No, no. Look at
me, baby. I'm right here. Look this way.
Come on, man.
You got work to do.
Wait till after the love scene.
The champion has still not come in,
and the challenger seems bewildered.
He just keeps circling around.
He could get tired.
Stu, do you think there
could be anything wrong?
I'll tell you what it is, Johnny.
The boy is scared of me.
- He's scared of me.
- Well, it's a possibillity.
- But, just in case, don't get him mad, eh?
- He's scared of me.
- Ref, come on. My boy's...
- Roper?
Hey, Roper, are you
scared of me? Huh, boy?
Roper! Oh, yeah,
he's scared of me!
Come on now!
Come on, Roper!
Come and catch a butt-whippin'.
Come and catch a butt-whippin'!
Kiss the donkey, son!
Kiss the mule!
I'm gonna make him kiss the donkey, ref.
He gonna kiss the donkey.
He's gonna smooch
with the donkey.
I'm gonna bust him up. Bust him up!
Time for the comeuppance, yes!
Time for the comeuppance, yes!
You rat-soup-eatin'
honky motherfucker!
Now I'm mad.
May the Lord bless you.
May the Spirit guide you.
And may the heavens rain down
their bounty upon you.
- May the...
- Nigga, grow up,
All right, baby.
Big payday. Go for it.
Let's see your gloves, champ.
Looks good to me.
Go, Roper!
Hey, Bambi, don't distract
the champ with that, all right?
Vincent, how you doin', baby? You seen
Jules? How's everything, huh? Huh?
All right. Good to see you.
Mitch, Mitch, Mitch, Mitch.
Sit here.
Julio, get up,
Come on, come on,
come on. Sit.
- Best seat in the house right here, man.
- There we go.
And as Roper finally
enters the ring...
It's hard to imagine
how a popular champion...
could become so unpopular
in such a short period of time.
Yeah, that's a story, but the other story
is there 20 pounds this guy's carrying.
How can he come in... Look at
the belly hanging over his trunks.
-That's a disgrace.
The guy never met a meal he didn't like.
This is where the action is,
seeing a show these are...
-the last few moments
What the fuck
are you talking about?
The new heavyweight champ of the world,
Terry Conklin, has signed with me.
- We'll see about that shit.
- Yes, we will.
Sh... Shit.
All right, you guys, I gave you
instructions in the dressing room.
Is there any questions?
- Yes, sir. I have one question.
- What?
Well, I was just wondering
up there to Mr. Roper...
what do you think it's gonna feel like
to lose to an amateur, chump?
Shut up, and let your fist do
the talking. Shake hands and good luck.
Good luck Fatboy,
- Am I that fat?
- No, just a whole lot of man.
Terry, listen to me.
Do this for the white race.
-I'm ignoring your racism.
This one's for the homeless.
The tension is building
here at the MGM Grand...
and it feels like we're
going to have a meltdown.
And here we go for the heavyweight
championship of the world.
All right, Conklin!
Here we go.
Do the work, champ.
Do it!
No holding.
Watch your head. Watch your head.
Punch or get out.
- Get outta there! Punch him!
- I'm playin' with him!
- Well, turn him loose and fight!
- I got him right where I want him!
Come on, Fatboy!
Watch that overhand right.
Watch that overhand right!
The champ is pissed off now!
- Look out!
- Look at this!
Yeah! Hell, yeah!
Yeah! Hell, yeah!
Oh, yes! Yes! You the man, champ!
Terry, get up!
Six, seven...
Nine, 10!
He's out!
And it's over! It is over!
Twenty-seven seconds
into the first round, it's all over!
Man, this wasn't a fight.
This was an execution.
That's it?
What the hell is this
microwave-fight bullshit?
That's what we're talking about!
All right!
- Congratulation.
- Thank you!
- We reap what we sow.
- We reap what we sow. Yes, Mitch, yes.
Yes, we do.
We reap what we sow.
-Guess that's kind of like
- Sit down, mate. Sit down.
- That's a good idea.
- How're you doing?
- Where's my midget?
He's on Queer Street.
Just quickly, if anybody starts
talking rematch, you know...
- No rematch. No rematch.
- Good.
I'm going back to Cleveland,
gonna play rock 'n' roll, man.
That's right. The best thing to do
with this crowd is walk away.
- Whatever, man.
- See you around. Good. Good.
Now, take it easy.
- I'm gonna go.
- You know what you need in rock 'n' roll? Management.
I just had a... I just had a...
You're woozy.
You're woozy.
I just wanted to put a bee in your
bonnet. We'll talk later. I'll call ya.
- I want my money back, you crooks!
- Let's get him up.
- Hey, you knocked him cold. I love it!
- Way to kick that ass!
- You're supposed to!
- Get the champ some peanut butter brickle ice cream!
- Yeah, spread it all over the ring girls.
- Champion-roll a!
Who are you?
Peter Prince.
- I own the place.
- I know who you are, man.
Oh, my bad.
-Artemus, how'd we do?
-Artemus, how'd we do?
$132 million gate.
That's a lot of fuckin' money.
That's right, and we haven't
even counted the gate here yet.
Wait till we box up
the videos of this fight.
It's not like we were
gonna pay Conklin anyway.
Get me... There you go. Hold up.
Sultan, we need to talk.
We had an original deal. You need to
respect that. What's up with that outfit?
- You Ali Baba Jackson up in this motherfucker?
- Oh, not this nigga.
- Hey, hey, hey, hey! Easy, frosty man.
- Hey, Ruk'n!
I'm tired of you and the Grinch That
Stole Blackness stealin' my glory.
Ain't nobody stealin' your glory.
You're a disgrace.
Look at him. He look like
a half-sucked Milk Dud, I swear.
You're sorry. What you wanna do? Isaac Hayes
said he wants his head back. What's up?
- Champ, it's just good publicity for the next fight.
- I'm tired of this.
Every time I have a moment,
here comes Mutt and Jeff to ruin it.
Well, stop talking and step to me.
You ain't fought nobody.
- Your shit stops now.
- Hey, man.
What do you want? I'm 132-million
strong. What do you want?
Why're you acting like you wanna do
something? You know and I know you don't.
Didn't I tell you you're
gonna get your shot? Huh?
Didn't I tell you?
- Don't be puttin' your... You ain't my daddy. Are you?
Matter of fact,
my nerves is had anyway.
If I can get this motherfucker out...
Hey, hey.
He's got a gun!
I'll do a walk-by up in here.
Who the champ now? Who the champ now?
- You're the champ. I'm runnin' with you.
- You're the champ.
And I just want some respect.
Will you?
We're seeing a championship fight after
a championship fight. This is incredible!
There's a second fight
goin' right now.
Don't give away
what we can sell!
You all right, champ?
That's all you got for me?
Huh? Who's the champ?
Who's the champ?
I am, baby!
Next time, I'll break
my foot off in your ass!
You have just seen a preview
of the marvelous fight to come...
between "Malevolent"
Marvin Shabazz...
and James
"The Grip Reaper" Roper!
This is the beauty of America!
May the best man win!
I love it!
And I love you!