The Greatest of All Time (2024) Movie Script

KENYA 2008
Coming in...
Special Anti-Terrorism Squad chief
Rajiv Menon has been found
to be a traitor.
An officer in his Branch
has found evidence
of his involvement
in various terrorism plots.
Including 26/11.
This News has created a massive concern
in the Intelligence community.
The Govt of India has started
a nationwide manhunt for his arrest.
Train speed, 80 kilometers per hour.
The chopper will land in 80 seconds.
Be ready.
Scientist has arrived, sir.
Ari, take him to the lab.
I don't think this uranium is original.
It is fake.
To double-check this,
I need to take
this uranium to my lab.
Only then...
Sorry, bro.
Only then can I be...
200% sure whether it is original or...
Original or fake?
Kalyan sir?
Don't worry, buddy.
On my way.
I need...
some time.
Uranium is original.
Only the scientist here is fake.
Welcome on board, Mr. Gandhi.
I've come to see many men
disguised as Gandhi.
But for the first time,
I saw Gandhi in disguise!
Even if my disguise is exposed...
I am Gandhi as always, I say!
Ready, baby?
Hey! I was born ready, dude.
Gandhi sir!
Only four minutes left
to smuggle the uranium
Hey! Why are you yelling, bro?
Give me a few more minutes.
I'll get Menon too.
Yes, dude, I came to
grab the uranium and kill Omar.
I have Menon as a special offer now.
As if I can leave him behind!
Let's go!
Hey! We'll deal with him later, hurry up.
What are you doing there?
Make it fast.
Coming up.
Where's Gandhi, dude?
Gandhi, make it fast!
His entry spells power
- Who is our master?
- Commander!
Greatest General of them all
Hey! Shall I start a party of my own?
Rock and roll, in every town?
Shall I begin the campaign?
Pick up the mic and not abstain?
Hey! One minute.
What did you say?
I said, "Shall I open the champagne?"
I heard "campaign"!
Hey! Proves you are drunk as a skunk!
All ears now.
Start music.
Hey! Shall I host a party of my own?
Rock and roll, in every town?
Shall I open the champagne?
Pick up the mic and not restrain?
If you hear the clap of thunder
It's my voice echoing all over
If you hear fireworks explode
It is my boys in revelry mode
Allies are our dear citizens secure
You'll never leave my party for sure
Need more sound, whistle night and day
Do not nit-pick, whistle away
Let the action spread, whistle, and sway
Hey guys and girls, no gender bias
Whistle, in all the centers, every dais
Whistle for G.O.A.T, pure magic
Whistle, rock and roll automatic
Whistle to hunt the dragon
Hey, guys and girls, come on
whistle with me, and sing along
Whistle night and day
Whistle sing and sway
Whistle any which way
You were born to celebrate
Why did you forget the reason innate?
You opened your eyes just
To see other faces smile happily
Steal your enemy's heart, dude
Analyze why they are mad at you
Introspect, take a call often
Deal with your life every now and then
The sky won't fade, it is endless
Our earth won't vanish, it is timeless
Till the last drop of spirit is shared
Our party will continue unshattered
We don't hear koels sing
In places sans water flowing
We don't see peacocks plumage-spread
When eyes blurred with tears unshed
Moonwalk, trend set by Michael Jackson
Marlon Brando known for his role as don
You want a change, walk with a purpose
Our vote for your party is unanimous
Whistle night and day
Whistle sing and sway
Whistle any which way
Hey friends and fans, all genders
Whistle, in all the centers
Move and groove
Rock and roll
Loosen up, set it free
Need more sound, whistle night and day
Hey! Do not nit-pick, whistle away
Whistle and sway
Thank God she's asleep!
Switch on the light
Switch on the light.
Doctor's orders, you need to sleep.
Especially in your final trimester.
Go back to bed.
I will take care.
Let me go pee.
- The toilet is over here.
- Correct.
- This side.
- Changed it?
Had dinner?
I asked if you had dinner.
I swear, hereafter,
I must stop drinking.
She is watching my every move.
Which divine hill among all, guarantees
To fulfill the wishes of all its devotees?
Which hill stretches across so divine
All over Kongu region as a gem sublime?
Which hill showers God's Grace
To all families always in all ways?
The sanctuary sought by heavenly beings
Lord Muruga, bless me.
What is this?
- Your dad's work?
- Yes, Ma.
He is utterly useless!
Lord Muruga, gem of Marudhamalai precious
Your trident guards your devotee's pious
I haven't even showered yet!
Doesn't matter, dear.
God won't be mad at you.
Your coffee is waiting
for you on the dining table.
Is this your way of repentance
for yesterday's sloshed state?
Listen. Hello?
He has to go to school only at 8:30 a.m.
Why did you wake him up at 6:30 a.m.
and deck him up as a mini-saint?!
He shouldn't be late to school,
that's why.
Is he the scapegoat for
your drinking revelry?
Why are you bringing that up
in front of our son?
I swear I won't drink ever again, happy?
You swore you'd never drink
when I was expecting Jeevan.
Now you promise on our second son too.
Not our son. Our daughter.
- I won't swear on our daughter.
- Not girl, boy for sure.
We'll see all that later.
Eat, get ready, and let's go.
Dad, don't come home late hereafter.
Why do you feel that way,
my little prince?
You apply holy ash on my forehead
and drop me early to school like this?
I feel so sleepy in class, Pa.
All that's fine.
How is your teacher Shanthi?
Dad, I'm seriously telling you.
Tell me, Radhika.
Gandhi, where are you?
I'm driving Jeevan to school.
Will you please come home
and pick up Sreenidhi?
Isn't Sunil at home?
He is here.
But not in a state to drop her.
Oh God! What happened?
Hey! What happened to you?
Why are you sitting still as a statue?
Work pressure it seems.
This is the result of all-night drinking.
- Cheeky fellow.
- Ma!
Why are you staring blankly?
Isn't he also working in your office?
Doesn't he have
the same work pressure?
Look how responsible he is.
Why that look?!
Okay, it's getting late for school.
Let's go. Come along, dear.
See you in the office, dude.
Remember Anu's appointment
is at 4:30 p.m. today?
Of course, I remember.
If I offer an extra peg or two
will you obey implicitly?
How about using your own brain?
- Morning, sir.
- Morning.
Won't you keep qui...
- Good morning, sir.
- Morning, sir.
Shall we?
Hey! Won't you oil the hinges?
Does this look like a high-tech
Intelligence Office?
More like a scrap dealer's go-down.
Your expenses cover only our operations.
If you shell out for office maintenance
we can oil everything once a week.
Don't you have money even to buy oil?
No problem, sir.
We can adjust and get in.
Be a sport. Just watch me.
Hey, move it, Madagascar.
How was that?
Look! What an awful blunder you've made!
In our Snatch Operation, you were
asked to sneak out the uranium.
You have damaged an entire train!
If the Kenyan government learns
what we did,
you know what mess we will get into!
Sir. In this Snatch Operation,
we intended to kill Omar,
Lashkar-e-Taiba's leader.
And snatching the uranium from him.
But unexpectedly we ran into Menon.
Sir, actually we wanted
to kill Menon as well.
During that process,
these three damaged the train.
Forgive them.
Sir, actually, what happened is...
Actually, you shut up.
My neck hurts.
Come in front.
Sir, according to the shot
we can't see if we are in front of you.
Let me be the judge.
Go and stand there.
I can't stand this!
Come on.
Sir, it's already been handed over
to Baba Nuclear Center.
What happened to the terrorists?
Sir, Omar, Menon.
The entire team died
in the train blast, sir.
There are no survivors on the train.
Official report from
the Kenyan government.
Sir, Menon must have helped Omar
in this uranium deal.
We will get more details
if we investigate this, sir.
How can we investigate with corpses?
- Fine, you handle it.
- Sir.
- Okay, Gandhi?
- Sir.
Our next assignment is in Thailand.
Regarding that, your flight
to Chennai is at 3:30 p.m. today.
- Get ready.
- Sir.
I must take my wife to the doctor
at 4:30 p.m.
How sad! Is that so?
The doctor will handle that.
You handle your assignment.
Thank you, sir.
Anu, why isn't Gandhi here with you?
Phone is switched off as usual.
Your baby is healthy.
Take all the vitamin tablets I prescribed.
Walk regularly.
And do some household work.
What's up?
Your baby is fine.
No need to get tense.
I am not worried about my baby.
My tension is thanks to Gandhi!
Gandhi is making you tense.
He is generally aloof.
Doesn't come home on time.
He goes out alone and talks
when he gets any calls.
Maybe he's having an affair
with some woman.
I have my own suspicions.
Don't be suspicious of Gandhi.
No way that can be true.
This is pregnancy-related crankiness.
It's normal for you to get upset.
No, you don't know him.
One day, you know what...
Oh God!
Tell me, dear.
It is so noisy.
I can't hear you.
That... that's nothing.
I lowered the window in my car.
So it's windy.
You tell me, dear.
Will you note down this grocery list?
I need you to buy on the way back home.
Yes... pen.
- Pen.
- Pen.
I have one, dude.
Tell me, dear.
I'll note it down.
One kilo of tomatoes.
One kilo of tomatoes.
One kilo of tomatoes.
Then, dal...
Which one?
Half a kilo toor dal.
Buy one kilo of urad dal.
One kilo urad dal.
Half a kilo toor dal.
One kilo...
Hey! Ask if she wants sugar.
No, dude, I asked
because it isn't on her list.
Do you want sugar, dear?
No need. Fully stocked.
Who are you? I am asking you.
I'll call the security now.
What are you doing here?
What is that sound?
- What are you doing?
- I have to act only now.
I heard a female voice.
He hung up on me.
I tried calling him.
The phone was switched off.
Even this can be ignored.
Another day...
Tell me, dear.
Where are you?
I'm at work, of course.
You know our Muruga.
What is that funny sound?
Nothing, dear.
In my mouth... I mean...
- What are you saying?
- Me and my blab mouth!
Wait, let me tell you
how badly he covered it up.
I meant in my tummy... gas.
You heard it wrong.
Silly woman!
And he mocked me!
I swear I can sense it.
He is having an affair with a female.
Even now he said he'll come
and his phone is switched off.
He'll call me at night
and give me some excuse.
Don't be an idiot.
These guys won't ditch us.
Gandhi isn't like that at all.
These boys are not
as talented as you seem to think.
If you are so sure about it,
grab him by his
collar and ask him!
Has Jeevan gone to school?
What did your doctor say?
All okay.
By the way,
your school reunion.
How did it go?
All that was fine.
It got late, so I slept there.
Where did you stay?
His house.
My buddy.
My buddy Sunil.
I told you last night.
I forgot.
You forgot?
That's okay, lay the table.
I'll shower and eat.
Hello? Kalyan brother?
Yes, Anu.
- Hello, Anu?
- Not Kalyan.
- Can you hear me?
- Sunil.
Last night, Gandhi...
He stayed behind at my place.
Got delayed last night.
He left this morning.
- Any message for him?
- No, brother, thanks.
No. That's correct!
Actually, Sunil dropped me
at Kalyan's place.
I stayed behind only at Kalyan's house.
I should have told you that first.
Dammit, I forgot that.
My tongue slipped, and I was confused.
Stop glaring at me like that.
I'm too stressed, I'm not lying.
I downed a few extra drinks
and that's the culprit.
Oh my goodness gracious!
Tell me, Anu.
Oh God!
Nothing much, bro.
Last night, Gandhi...
He stayed behind at home
because it was too late.
Look how peacefully
he's sleeping like a baby here.
I feel bad to wake him up.
Anything important?
Should I wake him up?
- No, I'll call you later.
- Smarty!
Right from childhood overacting
is second nature to him.
Sunil brother or Kalyan brother?
- Sunil.
- Switch onto speaker mode.
Speaker mode.
Tell me, dude.
Gandhi, Anu called me just now.
I told her you were here
and convinced her so well.
You bet! She was moved
by my performance.
Stick to my version, got it?
Act naturally?
Brother, it's been half an hour
since he got back home.
Say something, buddy.
We are in this mess
because I said "something"!
Ask him to speak up.
Anu, dear...
Sorry, last night was a bit excessive.
We were partying till the wee hours.
We spoke without thinking.
- Please.
- True.
You know what friendship is?
Not just having a good time
and painting the town red.
If he is going astray, pull him up.
Advise him on what to do
and what not to do.
I call you "anna" since I think of you
as my brother.
Did you think of me as your sister?
If you really had a younger sister
and her husband was behaving like this,
won't you question him?
Yes, we will.
Then why didn't you?
What the hell did you do, dude?
This won't work for me.
I need an answer. Yes or no?
Either he should live with me
or go after the girl he fancies.
I'm educated, I have a good job.
I can take care of myself and my baby.
I can manage everything.
- I can't tolerate this any longer.
- Hey, stop this nonsense.
What happened now?
Why are you so hyper?
I swear there is
no other female, tell her.
Am I having an affair or what?
Not at all, Anu.
No, as if I don't know.
He gets frequent calls
and he steps outside and speaks.
If I follow him, he cuts the call.
- No, Anu.
- What is he up to?
What is his job?
I have no clue, I'm so confused.
- Hey.
- I swear I just can't believe this.
You're suspecting me?
You made me suspect you!
When it has gone this far.
I can't be without telling her the truth.
- I'll tell her, dude.
- Hey.
- Gandhi.
- No, dude.
- Don't.
- I have no other choice.
We work as a trio in SATS, I mean...
Special Anti-Terrorism Squad.
We take instructions from RAW.
- Actually this department...
- Don't pile up more lies.
You were in Chennai yesterday.
My dad saw you in Nungambakkam.
Actually, Anu, did he see me enter
or exit from Shastri Bhavan?
Did he see me enter
or exit from Shastri Bhavan?
I don't know.
God, won't You let me carry out
even a single surprise successfully?
I went to renew our passports, Anu.
Second honeymoon.
- Thailand.
- Thailand?
The three of us.
Oh! Sorry.
Actually, the four of us.
This was my surprise for you.
But before that,
you are my wife.
That's how you found out.
I swear you are the only one for me
and I can't dream of anyone else.
Work pressure, dear.
That's why. Trust me.
Look at me.
I want to make it up.
This trip is... ours.
Getting perturbed and confused
without any reason.
Don't spoil your health.
My daughter should come out
safe and sound, got it?
Sorry, darling.
Have you lost it?
Will anyone go on a mission
with his family?
- That too, Bangkok with his wife and kids?
- Hey!
She is pregnant and unreasonably upset.
How can I leave her in this state?
It isn't even safe for you.
And that idiot boss is landing there.
How will you handle him?
Who cares about that fool?
I can't handle the "boss" at home!
I don't know, dude.
I have to manage.
Bro, tea or coffee?
No, I'll make you lunch.
You can go only after you eat.
- Oh!
- Oh!
Even if heaven is where we roam
Can it equal home sweet home?
To sit and admire cows and goats
On pastures green, graze, and browse
Nowhere fields can be seen
Now-here in this urban scene
Night and day on a playing spree
Apex game of goat and tiger, carefree
No stone seat under the banyan tree
Harnessing two bulls to a cart duly
No way here to sing along gaily
As we plough the land daily
Calling girls over for chitchat
On a laughing riot over this and that
No such entertainment
Here, just disappointment
This life here lacks magic
Only routine and robotic
Whom can I complain to?
My heartbeat cribs too
Waving its magic wand
No city equals our homeland
Let this be called paradise on earth
But can it replace our place of birth?
Whichever place we visit, wherever
- Can it equal our motherland ever?
- Daddy, color changes to red.
-Can any language spoken world-over
-You're playing the wrong card.
- Ma, Dad is messing up the game.
- Be as honey-sweet as our Tamil ever?
The mission is on.
Smack that very very good good sound
Grab that, that can be yours now
Move in too hot to speed in now
Free flight flying high
Your time now
Smack that very very
good good sound
Grab that, that can be yours now
Move in too hot to speed in now
Don't drool too much.
Focus on the task at hand.
That girl has the access card.
Smack that very very good good sound
Grab that, that can be yours now
Move in too hot to speed in now
Free flight flying high
Your time now
Smack that very very good good sound
Grab that, that can be yours now
Move in too hot to speed in now
Yes! Connected!
- Where's my card?
- What's happening?
Gandhi, careful.
Security guards have surrounded you.
Do you have any other plans?
Any plan B?
Not just plan B
I have up to plan Z!
Five-star General
Who you know, no comparable
Who wants war?
Now the curse is incurable
Fly through the air like a phoenix
A pinnacle
Greatest of all time
Greatest of mankind
Gandhi, no chance of comparison.
It was an amazing trip.
Jeevan enjoyed it truly, right?
Let our daughter be born.
We will plan our third honeymoon.
It won't be a daughter.
Definitely a boy baby.
How do you say it
so confidently all the time?
Has Radhika told you
after checking the scan?
No, she didn't.
My heart says so.
My heart says it's a girl.
Hey, Jeevan.
What should your sibling be?
Brother or sister?
I want only a baby sister.
Like father like son!
Oh, my God!
I thought as much.
- Let me check.
- Don't go!
- What the hell?
- What happened?
- Hey!
- What are you doing?
Get down.
Oh no!
Gandhi, who are these men?
I'll tell you, wait.
Does whatever a spider can
Faster, Dad.
- Don't worry.
- Who are they, Gandhi?
He's over there, let's go.
Eyes on him, follow.
Don't worry. We'll go now.
Look, I can't run anymore.
- They are chasing us, Dad.
- We'll escape.
They are right behind us.
Okay, man. I know.
Gandhi, I can't take another step.
Come on.
- I swear, I can't.
- Come with me.
Come, stay right here.
Okay? I'll be back.
- Where are you going?
- Don't be scared.
- Don't leave me and go.
- Wait here.
Who are you?
Who sent you?
Tell me.
- Ma.
- Gandhi!
What happened?
Do you need help?
My husband...
Hello, help!
Come here!
Hey! Who are they?
- Tell me.
- I don't know.
- What... Oh God! Anu.
- Someone, help!
Terrific fight, Dad.
- Superb chase.
- Wrong timing!
- Nurse, tell him to go a little faster.
- Sure.
Gandhi, who are these men?
Why should they come and chase us?
How did Kalyan land here?
You claimed it was a holiday
and brought us...
What would I have done
if something had happened to Jeevan?
I am here to handle it.
Nothing bad will happen.
Then is it true you are part of SATS?
- Listen...
- Tell me, Gandhi.
I'll tell you after our baby
is born safe and healthy.
- Careful, son.
- I'm asking you, tell me.
Hey, stop.
- Stop!
- What?
Hey, Gandhi.
Even when we were dating each other,
- you were in SATS?
- I'll tell you later, dear.
- First priority is your delivery.
- Gandhi, tell me right now.
Gandhi, I want to know.
Yes, dear.
I was in SATS.
Let's go.
Excuse me, sir.
Are you the patient's husband?
Can you just come to the reception?
- You need to sign the consent form.
- Okay.
My legs hurt, Dad.
I'm not coming with you, Dad.
Don't budge from here, sit tight.
Excuse me.
You need to sign this.
Hey! How, Gandhi?
- How did he go missing?
- He was with you, right?
Chief, I made him sit...
- I went to sign the form.
- Okay, calm down.
Have you checked the entire hospital?
I searched. I didn't think anything
bad would happen.
- I can't even understand this language.
- Don't cry, dude.
It will all be fine.
I got this CD from Pattaya Hospital.
It's a surveillance footage.
Can you check the content?
Hey! Who is that lady?
Who is she?
Have you seen her
anywhere earlier, Gandhi?
- Number plate.
- Pause. Pause.
Check that. Check the number.
The car...
The van number.
Relax, Gandhi, relax.
He is safe.
There has been an accident.
Can you send your team?
Okay, I'll send it right away.
It's an emergency.
Why are we here?
A car with kidnapped children
overturned in an accident.
If possible, we would
like you to verify.
The situation is not good.
Authorities have not finished their job.
Come anyway.
- Excuse me, sir.
- I'll show you the crime scene.
One accident happened here.
His child is missing.
He will be fine. Don't worry.
I'll check.
You can't go.
Excuse me, hello.
Hello. Please!
Sir, he's a government officer from India.
He is like a cop.
Just like you.
Like you, please.
- Allow him.
- I will talk to you.
No need to be alarmed, Gandhi.
Oh God!
Where did you go?
Did you see our baby?
Keeping it a secret from me
for all these years...
How did you have the heart?
I agree with whatever you do, right?
Then why?
We have a daughter
just the way you and Jeevan wished.
At least from now on
don't hide anything from me.
Where is Jeevan?
Where's Jeevan, Gandhi?
What happened?
Why are you crying?
I asked where's Jeevan?
Why are you crying for that?
You are scaring me, Gandhi.
Tell me.
- Where is Jeevan?
- Forgive me, dear.
Answer me, Gandhi.
Gandhi, talk to me.
Where is Jeevan? Tell me!
- Jeevan.
- Gandhi.
Gandhi, tell me.
Where is our son?
Please tell me, Gandhi.
- Passed away, my dear.
- What did you do to our son?
Oh God!
Oh God!
What did you do to him?
What did you do to my son?
What did you do?
My baby!
What did you do?!
What did you do to him?
Hey! Given a chance
you are letting your tongue run!
Do you know who I am?
Do you know who my sister's husband is?
Do you know which part...
He has warned me not to
use the party's name.
He has announced it only now.
What to do?
- Hello?
- Brother!
When I was on the way to
Pavalar's hotel to attend a meeting,
a policeman snatched my bike key.
He's creating a ruckus, brother.
- Give him a piece of your mind...
- Hey, Cheenu, wait!
- Talk.
- Hello?
- What's your name?
- How does it concern you, sir?
- He's too smart to follow traffic rules?!
- Wrong...
- Tell me your name.
- Sub Inspector Ilavarasu.
- Which station?
- I'll go.
- Push the bike.
- Guindy...
Mr. Ilavarasu.
Take the penalty
due for his offense.
Not even one rupee less.
If I get to know
he escaped your clutches,
I'll file a case against you.
He shouldn't call me
for all this hereafter.
- Understand?
- Yes, sir.
Did my brother-in-law
show his power to you?
I'll show you my power now, come.
Mom, Dad is at the door.
I'll be down in five minutes.
Ask him to sit inside.
Okay, dear.
I'll wait for you.
My dad is so stubborn, told him so often
but he will never come in and sit.
I'll pick you up this evening.
- Okay, Ma.
- Bye.
- Shall we go?
- Yes.
Why is Mom picking you up in the evening?
Nothing much, Dad.
Sreenidhi's birthday is coming up, right?
Mom wanted to go shopping.
Are you coming for Sreenidhi's birthday
with me or your mom?
I want to go with both of you.
Why are you adding fuel to the fire?
Actually, even I'm sorry.
I opened your Insta account
and checked your new friends.
That's not fair, okay?
It's personal.
My dear daughter, you are just 16.
I have all the rights till you are 18.
Look into that camera.
Can you take off your cap?
How many days are you staying here?
Welcome to India.
What brings you to Chennai, sir?
- Sunil's daughter's birthday, right?
- Hi.
That's right.
Jeevitha was telling me, sir.
So, see you there in the evening.
I'll see you, sir.
- The same brand.
- I'll see you.
- Okay.
- Okay.
My boss.
- Sir, one smoke?
- No, thanks.
- Okay.
- Only "khus-khus"!
- Here.
- Thank you.
Thanks, Cheenu.
Haven't you had dinner?
I've served the cat and him too.
Wait for just five minutes.
Are you taking a dig at my biryani?
Number one biryani in Chepauk Ground,
you know?
Even Dhoni will ask me,
"Cheenu, add an extra leg piece for me."
- Really?
- Yes.
He has an employee in his shop
by the name Dhoni, that's all, sir.
Not our M.S. Dhoni.
Keep mocking! Serves me right
for secretly serving you booze.
It's my fate.
Hello? How do you do, dear?
I'm good, Uncle.
Dad, Mom is leaving.
Sreenidhi asked you to stay
a little longer.
Your mom wants to know
if I can drop you back home.
Am I right?
- Tell her I'll drop you.
- I'll wait inside.
Is Anu still not talking to you?
Gandhi, no one is to blame for this.
How can she be angry with you
for so many years?
Shall I reason with Anu?
This drift isn't because
of her anger, sir.
My son was five when he passed away.
I was unable to take proper care
of my child.
That guiltiness...
This is the punishment
we decided for ourselves.
What stupid logic is this?
Sir. Let him be, sir.
He shows up rarely.
Let's change the topic.
I almost forgot
what I wanted to share.
Hey, dude.
Moscow is reopening
our Indian Embassy.
Our minister spoke out of turn,
and it became a sensitive issue.
The local group is on a war path
against the Embassy being reopened.
Go there for just one week
and train the Immigration officers.
Our Vasu is doing the needful.
Vasu is unwell.
That's why I asked him.
Anu agreed to let me be Jeevitha's driver
only because I quit the agency.
- Don't ruin that.
- My dear fellow.
I didn't ask you to
take your gun and shoot.
I'm asking you to do
the same job over there.
Even senior officers
are scared to do this.
Sir, convince him.
He has prior experience.
Anything wrong with what he said?
You refused to take up field work.
Did I object to that?
Then you didn't want any risky job.
Didn't I understand your feelings?
Gandhi, if you vegetate here
don't you need a life for yourself?
My daughter won't let me go, sir.
Your daughter will agree.
You finish the task
and buy her a special gift.
She will be even happier than
you dropping her at school. Am I right?
-Absolutely right, sir
You know the famous Tamil proverb?
Work is worship.
Oh no!
The casual statement made by
our minister was misunderstood, sir.
But the Russian Government
is very supportive.
But the opposition party is trying to use
this situation to their advantage.
Some random small group is protesting
about reopening our Embassy.
Go back!
Our Indian media is also using
the short video clips they get from here.
And magnifying it as if
our Indians are not protected.
You'll be helping the local students here.
It will be good if you can make them
confident with your arrival from India.
And, sir, in a couple of days...
we have planned an event with
Indian origins here and Russian ministers.
We should just show to the media
that Indians are very safe here, sir.
That is very important.
Johnson, what nonsense
is happening here?
Don't know, sir.
They have been rioting since morning.
Call the armed forces immediately.
You mentioned an event with
Russian ministers and Indian origins.
- Arrange that immediately.
- Okay, sir.
We need to sort this out...
- Dad, don't come home late hereafter.
- Not a girl, boy for sure.
Dad, I'm seriously telling you.
You swore when I was expecting Jeevan.
Now you promise on our second son too.
- Terrific fight, Dad, Superb chase.
- Like father like son!
Hey, Gandhi.
- Why won't you pick up my calls?
- Hey...
As soon as I heard about the attack
on the Indian Embassy,
I tried so hard to reach you.
No response from you.
That's why I flew right away.
Are you okay?
What's up?
In the gang that attacked the Embassy...
an exact copy of me...
I saw a boy, dude.
What are you saying?
My son.
- If alive today...
- Hey! Gandhi.
Jeevan is dead, dude.
I know.
I know.
Just inches from me...
It all happened within
a fraction of a second but...
His gaze.
Those eyes.
I believe you, dude.
Something is amiss, I feel
maybe I did something wrong.
Look at me.
You have this doubt, right?
I'll trace that gang tomorrow.
I'll bring that boy to you.
Then you'll get all the answers.
Until then,
don't overthink and
worry too much, okay?
Get in, sir.
- You go, sir. I'll come later.
- Okay, sir.
You are my dad, right?
My son!
I thought you had passed away.
Sorry, dear.
Sorry, dear.
Hey! I am so sorry.
My son.
From the day you disappeared,
I have thought of 1000 different ways
of how I could have saved you.
But to think you'll be alive.
I didn't imagine that option even once.
How are you here?
I was in many different places.
Now I am here.
Didn't you wish to meet me?
You could have come
looking for me, for your dad?
I don't remember many things, Dad.
I was wondering about...
when I saw you in the Embassy...
The face I see often in my dreams.
You looked so familiar.
Even now,
I can't even believe this.
I'm standing in front of my dad.
Your dad will never go anywhere
leaving you behind.
No, Dad.
You're in danger.
That's why.
I'm talking to you alone here.
Faisal gang.
Before they try to attack you,
you must leave...
this country at the earliest.
Then come with me.
Let's leave right now.
Come with me.
No, Dad.
First, you leave this country
and get home safely.
Trying to take me with you.
I'm seeing you after so many years.
You think I'll leave you behind?
You have no clue
about the Faisal gang.
They are extremely dangerous.
You don't know your dad's true colors!
Without you, forget this country,
I won't move a millimeter from this spot.
Oh, shit.
Dad, you're okay?
You okay?
Dad, run. Come with me.
- They are getting away.
- Follow.
Catch them. I'm coming.
Come on.
Over there.
Dad, let's go!
- Gandhi.
- Tell me.
Hey! Bingo!
I got it.
The local gang led by Faisal
attacked the Embassy.
I have tracked their hide-out.
We can get our boy
if we go there now.
I got my boy back
half an hour ago, dude.
Just do as I say.
- Tell me.
- I'm in the lane you specified.
- Where are you?
- Mr. Gandhi.
Look to your right.
White truck.
My dear buddy.
Shall we go back to India?
Hi, Ma.
Young eyes sparkle
Smiles encore
My womb feels fragrant once more
Grey skies afar now in blue brilliance
Heart submerged in a gale of gladness
My prince forever
No separation hereafter
To retrieve your belongings
You are a part of me, my tender flower
Let us bond in unity
Honeyed vision for eternity
Let darkness scatter into oblivion
Let stars bloom in our bird nest hereon
Like the most unexpected treasure
You sparkle in our trove now for sure
My heart sparkles with joy limitless
Even your mustache, like a baby lisps
Young eyes sparkle
Smiles encore
Family shrine is scented once more
Grey skies afar now in blue brilliance
Heart submerged in a gale of gladness
The second day of the monsoon shower
Pristine pure are the drops thereafter
This is a kind of second birth for you
Now we can lead a contented life anew
In the battlefield where wars are waged
Biggest strength is the blood bond forged
Come on, stand up, swirl your weapon
Pierce the skies, nothing to fear, son
Like a long-suffering, silent parakeet
That's forgotten how to chirp sweet
When our hearts drowned in misery
You waltzed in as our lilting melody
Let us bond in unity
Honeyed vision for eternity
Let darkness scatter into oblivion
Let stars bloom in our bird nest hereon
My soul friend, as soon as I saw you
Down memory lane I walked through
Recalling the scent of your plaits two
Is this you? Is all this true?
First love is always so divine
Wordless sublime sunshine
A drizzle without witness here
Is this you?
Is it true, my dear?
Into this innocent heart of mine
You breezed in like a feather sublime
Though childhood and time sped fast
You waited for me, patient and steadfast
Let us time-travel now
Retrace our past years, my love
Revisit life and how
Rewind as children embracing love
Today is not like yesterday
Today is not the same as the next day
In a heart with love overflowing
We aren't qualified to sing at all!
Why this murderous spree?
Thank God SPB is not alive.
His ears would have bled to death.
Brother, don't I sing
better than SPB's son Charan?
How do... Okay.
You can't even imagine,
to that extent...
I am happy
Shall I share all my feelings completely?
Wow! Bravo!
She lit the lamp of love in my heart
One who stripped my life of everything.
He himself stood right
in front of my eyes
and returned everything...
more than 100%, dude.
Brother, life is a circle.
The winner will lose.
The loser will win.
Can't stand your throwbacks!
Cheers to our Jeevan.
- Cheers!
- Yes, cheers!
If you get a little tipsy
and throw up weird dialogues like that.
If we don't react to any negative
towards us,
our life will be ultimate!
Oh no!
- Sir?
- Gandhi?
Where are you?
Third round, sir!
I'm here at the Chennai airport.
I have to meet you immediately.
Our usual place.
Hotel Maris, bar.
Come soon.
What's the matter, sir?
I can't tell you over the phone.
I'll tell you in person.
Come soon.
Hey, no! Move!
Hey! Passengers.
Get out of the way.
Gandhi, where are you?
Gandhi, can you hear me?
I'm on my way, sir.
The next train to Chennai airport
has arrived on platform number two.
The next train to Chennai airport.
Next train to Chennai airport
has arrived on platform number two.
Chase him.
You're talking to a real G.O.A.The V-I-J-A-Y
Youngblood with guts and grit
Young general, firm and fit
The V-I-J-A-Y
A gene to inherit
Commander, people's favorite
Sorry for your loss.
He was such a fine fellow.
It's really a big loss for our SATS.
Before Nazeer landed in Chennai,
from his official computer,
he transferred some data
to his personal phone.
I have even sent you
that CCTV footage.
But the system was checked.
It is completely corrupted.
It is very confusing, sir.
What is that important data?
Why did he want to show it to Gandhi?
All the dots are confusing, sir.
When I spoke to him over the phone,
I sensed an urgency in his voice
of wanting to share a secret with me.
This attack was to prevent me
from meeting him.
Did you get Nazeer's phone?
Sir, his phone has been switched off.
Our team is tracking it, sir.
He made me run after him, killed him
in front of my eyes, and he escaped.
That scene is replaying
in my mind repeatedly, sir.
I have lost to a masked man.
I am unable to sleep even a single night
peacefully because of that failure.
Whoever the killer may be,
I'll hunt him down with my own hands.
I have to kill him, sir.
I've made up my mind, sir.
I'm coming back to the squad.
What, sir?
"He's old now.
Many years since he left the squad.
How will he manage?"
Is this what you're thinking?
Age is just a number, right?
A lion is always a lion.
Forests can change.
But its hunting instincts
will never change.
Get back into the squad.
I'll take care of it.
Thank you, sir.
I'm waiting.
Five-star General
Who you know, no comparable
Who wants war
Now the curse is incurable
Fly through the air like a phoenix
A pinnacle
Greatest of all time
Greatest of mankind
Sir, this isn't the only time
Nazeer sir was here.
He landed in Chennai
on the seventh of last month too.
But he didn't inform
his family or SATS, sir.
He was staying in Hotel Maris.
That's the CCTV footage.
But we didn't know why he came
or whom he met during that visit, sir.
Where is the phone you picked up
at the metro station?
That phone...
Somehow that phone is missing.
But I don't know where.
-That phone is very important
-Yes, sir.
Find that first.
If by some fluke he gets that phone,
our entire plan
goes down the drain!
You checked Nazeer's gadgets.
Any leads?
Sir, I couldn't take any data.
His system, gadgets... are corrupted.
He followed us, dude.
So well-informed
of all our moves and plans.
He collected all the data
and came to meet Gandhi.
There was a chap on a bike.
Details of that bike?
Sir, that's an assembled bike.
Sanjay, don't overthink.
That phone is switched off
since this morning.
I'm tracking it.
-You are at it?
Hello, Sanjay.
All well?
Superb, Dad.
No complaints.
Smooth sailing as per the plan.
Tell me, dear.
How long will we be
on the run like this?
I am so scared
when I think of their future.
Abi, don't be so flustered.
I'm doing all this
only for our well-being.
No, stop.
- Abi!
- Dad!
Swetha! Sanjay!
Swetha? Sanjay?
What is this?
Abi! Oh no!
Abi, I can't believe this.
My children...
Instill fear in him.
Instill only fear.
He should remember
only this fear from now on.
Though my tiny hands were eager to embrace
A hand to clasp missing nowadays
Though my eyes can see well
This sight is more painful than hell
Won't my mother's yearning lead her
To rescue me from this torture?
Won't my dad lock his hands to comfort
My trembling fingers in support?
Though my tiny hands were eager to embrace
A hand to clasp missing nowadays
Though my eyes can see well
This sight is more painful than hell
Oh no!
A dawn will brighten skies from sorrow
A refreshing breeze will caress tomorrow
O' waning moon fading daily
Pacify, till you wax again duly
Only when clouds split open
Rains shower in gay abandon
When distress fades into the horizon
In smiling eyes tears of joy will glisten
-Happy times will soon dawn
-Tell me this.
Your name.
Your parents.
The place you were born.
Don't you remember anything?
Pacify, till you wax again duly
I am your dad.
Your name.
Where is Menon?
Is he hiding or what?
From now on.
My father won't be available.
It's me, his son,
who will do the talking.
What are you doing, Dad?
Tell me, Dad.
Our family...
Right in front of my eyes...
Today, I found out who was the murderer.
Instead of killing him
why are you pointing a gun to your head?
Look at me.
If you can't, tell me.
I'll do it.
No need, son.
I don't want you to commit that sin.
What is sinful?
Is it a sin to seek revenge
on the one who destroyed our family?
Isn't it a sin for the son
to kill his own father?
The man who burned our family to ashes.
The one who drove me out of my country.
And made me roam from
place to place as a refugee.
He is none other than...
Your biological father.
Look at the hand of fate!
It has brought me to this state.
I adopted a boy to take revenge
on the man who killed my family.
when I found out
that boy is his own son...
Other than killing myself,
I had no other option.
Even now I could have hidden
this information from you.
Used you as bait and killed him.
But my conscience didn't allow it.
Sanjay, it's okay.
Forget our plan.
- Only you matter to me, Sanjay.
- Dad!
Think again!
I was wondering how I could kill him.
No, Sanjay.
- It's not fair.
- What is fair?
Tell me what's not fair?
Losing my memory.
I was begging on the streets.
You picked me up and gave me life.
Not him.
I can't even imagine
how traumatized I would've been.
Dad, I don't even know his face.
You are the only dad to me.
I am your son.
That's how I see it,
and I will continue to do so.
Gandhi destroyed your family
and reduced you to this state.
He has to experience everything
you went through.
He can't die so easily.
My son.
How is our Gandhi?
Showering tender love and care on me.
Only love.
I killed their boss Nazeer, right?
He returned to his squad
just as we thought.
You take it easy, Dad.
We will tick our wish list
using him as bait.
Sanjay, you should be very careful.
He shouldn't have any doubts
till our mission is completed.
Sister, it's been ages since I had
such delicious home-cooked food.
As if girls nowadays enter the kitchen?
- Only online orders.
- Started again?
- Learn from her.
- Okay, sir.
Yes, Ajay.
Nazeer sir's phone is switched on now.
Nazeer's phone is switched on?
- Which location?
- Signal from the tower in Mount Road.
Exact location?
Our location hider
is installed on his phone.
So we have deactivated it via remote
and we are tracking it now.
Okay, keep tracking.
I have no father to boost me up further
No love from mother to rest
My head on her lap ever
I climbed by myself the mountain summit
Why are you bothered by it?
- Hello?
- Hello?
I am Gandhi speaking.
Tell me, Father.
Who are you, sir?
My name, Father...
Oh no! Director of Goa,
Venkat Prabhu.
I'll get caught if I use any VIP name.
I am Thirrupathi Brother...
Thirrupathi Brothers?
No, Father.
Yes! My name is Bose.
Subash Chandra Bose.
Subash Chandra Bose?
My dear man, if you can be Gandhi,
why can't I be Subash Chandra Bose?
- Okay, Bose sir.
- Yes, Gandhi?
That phone belongs to my friend.
He lost it.
Yo! Daddy.
Lost it?
Trying to pickpocket this mobile from
that chap in the elbow-to-elbow crowd,
my backbone broke.
Oh! Are you a mobile thief?
Hey! What?
All you want is this mobile?
Come with 50,000 rupees.
Meet me in person.
Pay and take the mobile.
I'll come with the money right now.
Tell me your location.
Daddy, you might be smarter than me.
But in this matter,
I am the smart cookie!
Won't I get caught
if I reveal my location?
Will you come to the location I specify?
- Where should I come?
- Quick question.
Guindy, Kathipara?
Daddy, do you know
"Gandhi Mandapam"?
Come over there.
We'll finish it in a jiffy.
Okay, Bose sir.
I'll be there.
- Where are you?
- Behind your house.
Two minutes.
Track him.
- Hello?
- Is it Subash Chandra Bose?
Yes, Bose here.
Who are you?
I am...
- Tell me.
- Nehru!
Jawaharlal Nehru.
- Thyagu?
- Hello?
Are we in the present or have we
time-traveled to the Independence era?
Hello? Mr. Bose?
Hello? This is Bose.
I'm still on the line.
What is the matter?
You agreed to give that mobile
to Gandhi for 50000 rupees, right?
- Yes.
- I'll pay you double.
Give it to me.
Even if I buy a brand new phone,
the same model costs only 75000 rupees.
You are offering me one lakh!
Nehru and Gandhi are ganging up
to make me look like a fool?
Mind you! I am Bose.
Of course not! I'm not playing with you.
That phone belongs to me.
If it reaches Gandhi's hands
it will become a royal mess.
My aunt Indira Gandhi.
Indira Gandhi?
- It's personal, Mr. Bose.
- Okay, buddy.
Gandhi and Nehru
can have 101 problems.
You've promised me
an extra 50000 rupees.
I'll tell you the venue.
"Gandhi Mandapam" for Gandhi.
Nehru Statue for Nehru.
Bro, come directly over there.
I'll be there in 15 minutes.
We'll clinch the deal.
- What do you say?
- Okay, Mr. Subash Chandra Bose.
- Start your bike.
- I'll be there, Bose.
Keep tracking him.
Where is he?
Sir, he isn't going to "Gandhi Mandapam".
Instead of turning left,
he has turned right.
What the hell are you saying?
Why is he calling me
as if I'm his girlfriend?
Hello, Father?
Hello, Bose sir!
Your friend Nehru has agreed
to give me 50,000 rupees extra.
So I'm giving this mobile to him.
So stop hassling me.
Kindly hang up.
My friend Nehru?
He is paying extra?
Sir, I think your phone is bugged.
Where the hell is he going?
Sir, he's moving towards Kathipara.
Give me the phone.
Kathipara, turn towards Kathipara.
Sir, his name is Diamond Babu.
He owns a phone shop, sir.
His hobby is to steal mobiles.
I've sent his original number to you.
Please check.
Narayana, stop.
Here's your fare.
- Only 40 rupees, bro?
- Be happy I paid you.
Or I'll flick your meter!
Who is calling me from a fancy number?
- Hello?
- Hey!
- Aren't you Diamond Babu?
- No, Superstar Mahesh Babu.
- What do you want?
- I spoke to you now, I'm Gandhi.
Father, how do you know my real name?
We are SATS, dude!
Socks... means?
Police, I say. Police.
What do you mean, Father?
We know your entire horoscope.
Listen to me carefully.
- Tell me.
- A chap called you just now.
- Told you to come to Kathipara?
- Yes.
He is a murderer.
- Murderer?
- That phone you stole...
he killed the owner
and grabbed that mobile.
Now he will kill you too.
- And take that mobile from you.
- Kill me?!
Oh no! Father.
That Nehru is calling me.
Don't answer that call.
- Do not answer.
- He hasn't even asked me, Father.
Okay, what should I do now?
He isn't picking up my call.
Don't panic.
I'm coming over there.
Go and wait inside
Le Meridien that's nearby.
We'll meet you there.
- Okay?
- Okay, Father.
I'll book a suite room and relax.
Come and pay the bill.
- Hey! He knows.
- Nab him.
Get me biryani when you come.
You take care of the CCTV camera.
- Dhilip, search this side.
- Okay.
- Aravind, you track.
- Okay.
You come, quick!
Sir, someone has hacked
the CCTV cameras.
Which floor?
Fourth floor, sir.
He's moving in the corridor
towards the east wing exit.
- Aravind?
- Sir.
I have been hacked, sir.
- Hey!
- Move aside.
Wait, I say.
- Hey.
- Mr. Diamond Babu.
- Give me the phone.
- Gandhi or Nehru's team?
Gandhi's team.
Give me the phone.
Come over here.
I asked you for 50000 rupees.
Just pay my auto fare.
I'll give it to you.
You won't get a single paisa.
Give me the phone.
Where is it on you?
Why are you frisking me?
- Phone?
- It is in my hand.
Tufty, where are you going?
Nehru is hell-bent on killing me.
- You're just going away?
- What to do...
Why are you creating a ruckus
in front of my room?
- Welcome!
- Don't let him escape.
Get lost, man.
Hi Shilpa, remember me?
Youngblood with guts and grit
Hey, Jeevan!
You're talking to a real GOAThe V-I-J-A-Y
What are you doing here?
Nothing much, Uncle.
I thought I'd get the phone from you.
Uncle, give it to me.
Hey, Uncle!
Give it to me, dude.
Jawaharlal Nehru.
Jeevan, listen to me.
No! Uncle.
What is this, Uncle?
Uncle, get up. Your time's up!
Just a bit longer.
Bear with it.
Don't move.
Where the hell is he?!
You say you've been hacked.
Ajay says CCTV footage has been hacked.
- Sir!
- It's over, finished.
Bear with it, Uncle.
Just a few more seconds.
That's all.
That's it.
Close. Chapter close.
Oh shit!
Hey! Stop.
Oh no! Dad.
- Hey!
- Uncle.
- Sorry, Dad.
- What are you doing here?
No, Dad, I wanted to
spend time with Sreeni...
Okay, don't hang around here.
- Okay.
- They killed Ajay, sir.
He's lying dead here, sir.
- Where?
- Laundry room, sir.
What are you saying?
- Did you ask me to come for this?
- No!
For a song.
She looks at me, it's an electric spark
She walks in front of me, it's a catwalk
Hey, swing it
Hey, break it
Hey, feel it
Hey, touch it
Hey, swing it
Hey, break it
Hey, feel it, feel it
Touch it, touch it
Your hands signaled a brake to me
Thanks to you, I turned weak truly
Oh no! In my heart, you embedded tight
Offering aphrodisiac laced with delight
You danced into my dreams so often
Nudging slumbering desires to awaken
I will make your dream come true now
Once you feel the joy, I take this vow
I will start all over again, my love
Hey, swing it
Hey, break it
Hey, feel it
Hey, touch it
Hey, swing it
Hey, break it
Hey, feel it
Hey, touch it
Hey, swing it
Hey, break it
Hey, feel it
Hey, touch it
Hey, swing it
Hey, break it
Hey, feel it, feel it
Touch it, touch it
This is love play to savor every day
If this job is secured
We must caress enraptured
Changes within me, head to toe
Mind took time to realize though
Hey! It created havoc in my tender body
Always in all ways a golden rhapsody
Hey! Something in me
Tingling tickling temptingly
Time is lagging when you don't kiss me
I have totally forgotten now
Top or bottom, up or below
Hey, swing it
Hey, break it
Hey, feel it
Hey, touch it
Hey, swing it
Hey, break it
Hey, feel it, feel it
Touch it, touch it
Hey, swing it
Hey, break it
Hey, feel it
Hey, touch it
Hey, swing it
Hey, break it
Hey, feel it, feel it
Touch it, touch it
Don't think that you can lie
and escape from here easily.
Didn't you flick this phone from him?
He will look far better
than this man, sir.
You remember his face, right?
Yes, sir.
Aravind, check the CCTV cameras
in the area where he flicked this phone.
Sir, do you take me for an imbecile?
First, I disconnect the camera
and then steal the phone.
Two officers have died because
of some information on that phone.
That phone contains something
the murderer needs desperately.
Don't be scared, tell us
whatever you find on that phone.
I told you right in the beginning.
I steal a mobile, sir, but I'll never
fiddle with the content inside.
If you want you can ask
the customers I stole from.
They will agree. I'm a decent worker.
Send him off.
What, dude?
If only Ajay hadn't come home
for lunch that day.
He would be alive now, right?
Please don't start this again.
You are not to blame.
Cool down.
I missed him twice
though he came this close to me.
When we have no idea
about his identity.
We must find out his motive.
I'm analyzing all the cases
Nazeer sir handled last.
This is not connected to a case
handled by Nazeer.
If so, why did he single me out
and want to meet me?
This is an issue
connecting all of us.
How can this be
connected to the three of us?
You left the Force many years ago.
Maybe a long-time revenge?
Gandhi as an agent
nabbed this perpetrator.
Perp wants him back
as an agent to seek revenge.
Why are you narrating the story
of "Sathriyan" to us?
All this is happening
only after Jeevan came back to us.
He told me on that day we met.
That gang won't leave us alone
if he comes back with me.
Yes, Rajendran.
You asked me to place
the Moscow gang on red alert.
Harbor police has arrested
one of them called Abdhul, sir.
He tried to enter
with a different ID, sir.
But he got caught
in the face screening.
I'm going to the harbor.
Please come there, sir.
- What happened?
- Drive to the harbor.
- Why?
- Just do as I say.
- Go to the harbor.
- Okay.
- Yes, dude.
- What happened?
I am waiting at the harbor.
The ship must have berthed.
Yes, it did.
But no one has stepped out.
Hey, bro, what are you doing?
Dad has been trying to call you.
Your line is busy it seems.
He's on the line, talk to him.
Give me. Sorry, I was
on the phone about something else.
Sreenidhi, right?
No! Just give.
Yes, Dad. Tell me.
Don't get tensed.
A guy from the Moscow gang
you were a part of
has been arrested at the Chennai harbor.
Kalyan, Sunil and I are heading there.
I will take all of them under my custody.
Why I'm telling you this?
They can't touch you, but still, to be
on the safe side, you stay at home.
Don't tell Mom.
She will panic. Okay?
Hey, Sha!
Abdhul has been arrested
by Harbor Security.
- What are you saying?
- They don't know yet my dad is over there.
If Gandhi reaches the harbor,
he will definitely identify my dad.
- Tell me what to do now.
- Shall we rescue them?
That is not as eas...
Hey! Harbor Security and
the police are going in now.
I think they are aware.
We'll get caught if we go in.
I'm not a coward.
It isn't that, dude.
Come up with another plan.
Hello, Sreenidhi?
Sorry, I can't come today.
Dad has told me not to step out.
Sreenidhi, hey!
Hey! Who are you?
What is it?
- Sreenidhi!
- Hey!
You have to release
within five minutes all those
under your custody in the harbor.
Otherwise, at the sixth minute,
I will call you back.
Who is it?
Your daughter's head...
it will be detached and rolling.
- Don't panic. Who is it?
- I don't know.
If we don't release the men in the harbor,
some chap is threatening
to kill Sreenidhi.
Didn't Sreenidhi go to Ajay's house?
Don't know, she said she was going out.
- Sunil...
- Didn't say where.
- Hey.
- Mobile.
- Her mobile is switched off.
- Calm down, she'll be fine.
We'll handle it.
Tell me, sir.
I've sent you a number.
Track the location immediately.
Jeevan, what are you doing?
You promised a long drive.
Just the two of us.
I am terrified.
Sreenidhi, I'm so so sorry, Sreenidhi.
I had no other option.
My dad has been caught by your dad.
Your dad won't let him go
if I ask him directly.
As soon as your dad
releases my dad.
We can leave this place.
What are you saying?
Your dad is my dad's captive?
Please let me go.
Don't you trust me?
Then be happy.
You look so beautiful when you smile.
His mobile was last traced
somewhere near Tambaram.
Let's go.
Come on, I say.
What will we do over there?
Like he said let us release them.
First, let's save Sreenidhi.
- Please, dude.
- Kalyan.
Talk like an agent.
You think your son will be
in trouble if they are released?
How can you even say this?
If they are released, what's the guarantee
the murderer will let Sreenidhi go?
We should not let him get away this time.
My daughter is dying there
in the hands of a murderer.
Don't you have a daughter?
Would you be talking like this
if she was in a similar situation?
Sunil. Please, bro.
Sreenidhi is like my daughter too.
- Shut up!
- I feel the same way you do.
In that case,
here, call him.
Let them be released.
We can save Sreenidhi, dude.
At least you call.
Sunil, listen to me.
He will need Sreenidhi only till we have
the men he needs under our custody.
If we release them,
he will do anything to Sreenidhi.
He killed Ajay for a bloody phone!
Wait, I'll...
- Hey! Give me that phone.
- Hey!
Both of you are fighting
instead of saving Sreenidhi.
Think of our next move.
Sreenidhi, why are they doing this?
- Let me go.
- Doesn't your dad love you?
Doesn't he care for you?
Then why?
Because the reason is...
He is not scared of me.
Just wait. I will show him.
He'll know I mean business.
Dude, video call.
You didn't take my threat seriously?
If you don't release them,
you won't get a call from me next.
You'll get a beheaded daughter.
- Hey.
- Please, somehow...
save my daughter.
- Please save her.
- Give me the phone.
- Hello?
- Release Abdhul and Co., sir.
What do you mean, sir?
Release him and have him
followed by MUFTI, sir.
Release all of them.
Looks like love shows up
only if the knife speaks.
Otherwise, it's impossible, right?
Oh no!
Let me immediately...
- administer First Aid.
- No, don't.
Look how your dad
drives me to insane limits.
It's over, just a dab.
- Is it hurting?
- Yes.
Please, I'll leave.
Let me go.
- Please.
- Why do you say that?
You shouldn't be saying that.
I love you, darling.
You saw how much I love you?
Sir, the location shows Tambaram.
A closed theme park.
When everything is alright,
won't you snitch to your dad about me?
You'll say, "Jeevan tried
to kill me by slitting my throat."
No, I won't tell him.
- You won't snitch, right?
- I swear I won't.
I've slit your throat.
Anyway, you'll naturally
be really mad at me.
"Who is this psycho
Half Jekyll, half Hyde?
What will I do if he's like this
even after we are married?"
Won't you feel this way?
No, I won't think like that.
You'll ditch me then, right?
You won't marry me.
All because of your damn dad!
I don't want to take the risk.
Go with him.
I cannot kill the girl I love.
- I can't do it I just can't do it.
- Jeevan...
I cannot kill her.
Jeevan, please.
- Light slit, very light.
- Please.
Before you bleed yourself to death,
let them save you,
if they can reach here in time.
Don't move. It will hurt you.
That's all. It's done.
Done and dusted!
Chapter closed.
I love you madly, deeply.
This is true love, sweetheart.
You may think I'm lying
but it is honest to God truth.
Shit! I'm not lying.
"For mere humans to understand
this is no mortal love in this land.
Not the usual kind.
The most unique find.
That cannot be defined.
Crossing every boundary
pure and full of glory.
Most sacred in history.
Most sacred in history."
Sreenidhi, look at me.
Look at me, Sreenidhi.
Look up.
My dear girl.
Oh no!
It was Jeevan.
Jeevan was the one...
How, child?
You promised Jeevan
you wouldn't whisper a word to anyone.
Now you are blurting it out to me?
Isn't that wrong on your part?
Menon, I swear I didn't know
you were with your family on the train.
If I had known I wouldn't have
allowed this operation.
Even now,
I've convinced my SATS team
that you are dead.
The pain and trauma
I went through,
Gandhi should have experienced it too.
Transfer money to my account.
I will handle the rest.
Gandhi is coming to Moscow.
Ask Jeevan to be ready.
Menon is still alive.
What puzzles me is...
why he faked his death.
First, I have to meet Gandhi.
And show him all the evidence
I have saved on my phone.
I'll handle this
It is very confusing, sir.
What is that data?
Why should he bring it
all the way to meet Gandhi?
We should not spare the beast
who did this to my daughter.
Whoever he maybe,
I have to strangle him
with my own hands, dude.
High in all senses
Height of drunkenness
Her walk is a magical melody
She waltzes in, this glam-doll lady
Poet Kbrotherdasan penned likewise
Here she is, in front of my eyes
To the rhythm of her gait, her hips sway
She grooves gracefully all the way
Love-struck, God of Love, with an arrow
Stabbed himself to fall for you!
Height of all heights!
Height of charisma
Height of dance-drama
Height of mega melodrama
Height of royal splendor
What gall! Better surrender!
Height of royalty
How dare you threaten me!
Even a pad can be a bat in cricket
Depends if the yellow army is striking it
Shovel "Head" digs your grave here
You are as good as dead, no fear
You fixed the sticks to the bier
You are the egg for the snake here
You fell into my net easily
Don't think you can hoodwink me
Don't you underestimate
Don't miscalculate
Her walk is a magical melody
She waltzes in, this glam-doll lady
While we rock and roll in the south
Her beauty waltzes far north
Preserved in a jar, she is pure honey
Giving heart attacks to more than many
Love-struck, Cupid with his arrow
Stabbed himself to fall for you!
Smart cookie
Big shot, VIP
Son of a gun, eh?
God's gift all the way
Junior to hog the stage
Don on a rampage
Height of celebration
Height of intoxication
What a killing!
Truly thrilling
Sorry, Uncle.
V times two for Victory
Winning category
Beat it
Killed it
To the hilt
Planned hit
Why are you staring?
Carry him out.
What is this?
He had Uncle on red alert, Dad.
That issue in the harbor.
What if he tracks down Uncle
and lands here also?
That's why I killed him.
No problem, Dad.
It won't be an issue.
Hey! Take him away.
- What are you gaping at?
- Leave. Clear out.
-Clear off
-What's your problem?
- Go!
- All of you, leave.
Where is that "yellow sari"?!
FARMAPURAM BAWAL RESTAURANJust can't trust and eat
biryani in any shop!
I know this chap.
Just a few days.
In just a few days,
everything will be over.
Yes, Babu.
Father, I told you I stole a cell
from a chap at the railway station?
He's here.
Do this for me.
- What?
- Follow him.
Father, I ordered a biryani.
Can I eat and go?
Hey! Just do what I said.
Okay, Father
Bring the leaf and come!
That chap with the bag, Father.
- Follow him.
- Okay, sir.
Come on.
- Babu.
- Father?
- Stay right here and watch.
- This bidi shop?
Ensure no one enters.
Stay on guard.
Go ahead, Father.
You know about my quick wit.
Guys, be careful.
When Sha returns, everything should be
in its place and not raise any suspicion.
He shouldn't get
the slightest doubt, got it?
- Sure, sir.
- Yes, sir.
Sir, we have downloaded data from
the disk we took from Sha's house
We released ten men
in the harbor that day, right?
- Yes, sir.
- Got that CCTV footage?
Yeah, we have it, sir.
Do you already know him, sir?
My ex-boss!
We thought he was dead.
If he was in hiding for so many years
and he's showing his face now.
Something major is gonna happen.
Hey, guys. Look at this.
Tell me.
Night... 12:30 p.m., right?
Same place, right? I'll be there.
It has to be Menon.
My gut feeling says
tomorrow is gonna be our day.
Hello, Gandhi.
- I'll call you later.
- Gandhi, one minute.
Jeevan isn't at home.
He isn't picking up my call.
Did you look everywhere?
He isn't at home.
I've looked all over the place.
Where did he go?
Okay, you shouldn't be worried.
I'll try to reach him.
Where the hell are you?
Haven't I dinned it to you
the situation is really bad?
I'll get back soon.
I just went nearby.
Where are you?
Not too far, Dad.
I came to meet my friend.
You are my dad, right?
One who stripped my life of everything.
I thought you had passed away.
He himself stood
right in front of my eyes.
And returned everything
more than 100%, dude.
Can you hear me, Dad? Hello?
Be very careful.
Sure, I'll...
We are being followed.
- What?
- Leave now.
- What are you saying?
- We have been surrounded.
Leave, right now.
Arrest them.
Leave. Leave right now!
Arrest them!
Go, quick.
Hi, Gandhi!
If you hadn't been Gandhi's son,
- This interrogation...
- Brave warrior of Madurai truly
You kindled me duly
Whistle echoing in the air hereafter!
Grandson, warrior of Madurai forever
Send Gandhi in here.
I will talk only to Gandhi.
Just answer all my questions.
I'll ask him to come.
I can't listen to anything you say.
You had better listen to me.
Call Gandhi.
He is acting over-smart.
You're treating him so courteously.
Hey! What?
You think you're being extra-smart?
After three murders!
Gandhi, hit him.
Do you have proof?
Tell me if you have proof
that I murdered those three.
Tell me, Dad.
Do you have proof or not?
I am your dad.
I know very well
you murdered the three of them.
Just two minutes more.
I'll show you the bloody proof.
Why are you flipping
the record now, Dad?
I killed them because you asked me to.
Are you playing the fool?
Am I playing the fool?!
You told me.
Your cover has been blown by Nazeer bro.
You said, "Kill him
and I'll protect you.
"My friends have to be saved."
What is that girl's name?
Kidnap Sreenidhi
and give her grief.
- Hey!
- Don't believe.
- What is he saying?
- He's lying.
Now you claim
you'll show me proof.
What do you mean by "next"?
I thought you'd come to my rescue
and I called you inside.
Now you're trying to escape.
I don't understand
what is happening here.
Do you know how intensely
I loved that girl Sreenidhi?
Sunil uncle.
Sunil uncle.
Sunil uncle, hello?
Are you there?
Oh no! I can't see any faces.
I know you'll be there.
I love Sreenidhi, Uncle.
Why would I kill her?
Asking me to kidnap Sreenidhi.
He was the man who updated me
standing right next to you.
Oh, God! He's coming to hit me?
He is out to hit me.
He is trying to kill me.
He is killing me. Oh no!
- Stop the recording.
- Are you trying to manipulate me?
- Oh, God!
- Tell me.
Who asked you to murder them?
I'll confess.
Stop the recording.
Sunil, don't go in.
If you do not tell me
what your plan is now...
- Actually, Dad...
- Tell me!
They won't see your performance
if you do this here!
Repeat this over there.
- Gandhi.
- Uncle, he's trying to kill me.
- I'll change into an approver!
- Gandhi.
Let him go.
What are you doing?
He has gone astray, dude.
Thanks, Uncle.
At least you understand me.
What, dude?
Twisting everything?
Hey! He was my friend
even before you were born.
I know your dad inside out.
I know you even better.
I can easily shoot you now
and get away with it.
No one can question me.
But because we are true
to the job we have undertaken,
we are playing fair
and talking to you.
Tell me.
How are you and Menon connected?
Why did you commit these murders?
What else have you planned?
You can't step out alive
without coughing up the truth.
Oh, my God!
You are on a totally
different level, Uncle.
After your daughter's death,
not even your tears of grief have dried.
You got back to work
with due diligence.
In a way it is good.
I killed her, Uncle.
Despite losing your daughter,
your work ethic and diligence
will fetch you accolades and awards.
You can fly kites with it.
Go back home.
Hey! If I hear one more word from you...
One more word from me?
- Hey!
- Hey!
I followed your instructions
and killed him too.
Who is next? Next?
Oh, my God!
Hey! Come on, come on.
Gandhi, open the door.
Dad, answer your phone.
Your phone is ringing.
In case it is an emergency,
answer that call, Dad.
Won't you listen to me?
Your wife is calling you repeatedly.
Ask her if it is a life-threatening issue.
Mindlessly hitting me!
Talk to her.
What do you want?
Let me go.
It's your husband Gandhi.
- Greet him.
- Gandhi.
- Gandhi.
- How are you, Gandhi?
Long time no see.
You know what you should do.
Return my son safe and sound.
Go on, do the needful, Dad.
Open the door.
Drop the gun.
Careful, Dad.
Drop the gun, dude.
Bye, I'll call you later.
Menon brainwashed you.
I don't know what he said
to turn you against me.
But what crime did your mother commit?
Ask him to release her.
What crime did our family do?
You killed them unjustly.
In that train.
Imagine the anguish
my dad would have gone through.
I didn't know they were on that train.
Oh! Shut up!
Hello, Gandhi.
Just for this single day,
I have been waiting for decades.
- Hey!
- Gandhi.
Don't be scared.
I won't lay a finger on you.
If I had intended any harm,
after taking your son Jeevan
away from you,
all these years...
would I have raised him as my son?
You kidnapped Jeevan?
- Why?
- This question is not important now.
After so many years,
the question is why has
he returned now as your son?
Chennai Super Kings playing
against Mumbai.
Crucial match. Semi-Final.
This is the perfect match to
decide who is the best team.
This is a long-standing feud
between CSK vs. Mumbai.
After murdering the SATS officer
and escaping,
you along with your son
in the semi-final match today...
will be framed for a bomb blast
on a mammoth scale.
Poor innocent people
will die, in multiples of 1000.
A sea of yellow is flooding
Chepauk Stadium now.
40,000 cricket enthusiasts
as spectators waving and cheering.
CSK bowlers.
What is your answer?
Why have you parked your van here?
Sir, there is a problem.
The vehicle isn't moving.
- Move it.
- I'll go now, sir.
You and your family
who will go into hiding
will be hunted down by this entire nation.
How's my plan?
Just like how you drove me out
of this country branding me a traitor.
In the same way, this country
will hunt you down for treason.
You should experience the same anguish
I was forced to go through.
I had no idea your family
was scorched to death.
Even if you think
I am to blame for their death,
that is a bone to pick
between you and me.
Why should the public suffer?
No need.
No need, Menon.
Don't do this.
Ask Jeevan to stop.
You think I can stop Jeevan?
You are still thinking
of him as your son.
Only the plan to take revenge
on you is mine.
Everything else is his doing.
You know what?
He's going to create history.
- Don't do this.
- Mahatma Gandhi.
He is our father of the nation.
M.S. Gandhi.
Villain of the nation!
Don't, Menon, wait.
- No, sharpen your ears.
- Don't do this.
- Sound of the bomb blast in Chepauk...
- Menon.
- Menon, please.
- It will deafen you here.
- Remember this day forever.
- Menon, don't.
- Your friend will come and arrest you.
- Hear me out, Menon.
Hey! Son of a gun!
You're walking away
while I'm talking to you.
He thinks of himself
as some kind of martyr!
And as if he was defamed unjustly.
What a sob story of being wronged!
If you betray the nation for money
what do you expect other than this?
Gross! Come back.
You've planned so much
when you saw me and escaped.
Imagine, me who chased and caught you.
How meticulously I would have planned!
If you tie me up like this,
do you think I can't spring into action?
Hello, Menon.
This isn't your plan to nab me.
To make you stand in front of me,
I sketched this plan.
Father, I told you I stole a cell from
a chap at the railway station? He's here.
Isn't this a formula for a bomb?
What is all this, sir?
They intend to plant a bomb
somewhere in Chennai City.
The bomb explodes,
rending the air in Chepauk.
It will deafen you here.
If you are nabbed and interrogated,
you'll claim you won't confess,
be it hell or high water or some crap.
That's why...
I wanted you to divulge your plan
straight from your mouth.
This is a mini-drama.
Gandhi is always...
Father of the nation, I say!
First innings, Mumbai
has scored 205 runs.
In Chepauk, an average score of 170
or max 180 is a tough task to chase.
Do you have service on your mobile?
But this is Chepauk.
The lion's den.
Even if the opposite team
scores 50, CSK will...
Raghavan sir.
Dry mutton curry.
Meatballs and bheja fry.
Eat while it's piping hot.
What's the news?
We'll win, right?
Reach the Finals. Cup is ours.
Mission on.
Oh, God!
Shoot out?
Hey! Who is this?
Hey, Sunil?!
How can you be alive?
Only Menon can rise from the dead?
Won't you accept my resurrection?
You watched Sreenidhi grow
from a baby to a young girl.
How did you have the heart to kill her?
What are you blabbering, dude?
What did I do?
Gandhi filled me in.
You didn't kill her.
Kalyan killed Sreenidhi.
Harbor police have arrested Abdhul
whom you asked to place on red alert, sir.
A guy from the Moscow gang
you were a part of
has been arrested at the Chennai harbor.
Release Abdhul and Co., sir.
Only Rajendran and I knew
his name was Abdhul.
I was wondering right then
how Kalyan knew.
So I asked our doctor Venkat
to postmortem Sreenidhi's body.
In that report,
she didn't die of strangulation.
She died of asphyxiation.
Go with him.
Kalyan went straight to the spot
where she was held captive.
She was alive when he reached her.
Gandhi will deal with his son.
Shouldn't I handle "my friend"
who killed my daughter?
Second innings has started
Mumbai is entering the field.
Chennai openers.
Ruturaj and Devon Conway.
Left hand, right hand, Indian, foreign.
- Superb combination.
- All okay?
You think we'll win?
I presume your family is safe?
Not doing good?
Close all the gates shut
due to security reasons.
Until I give further instructions.
I don't care even if it is any VIP.
Don't allow anyone inside.
Correctly, when the match
enters the final over.
Six galleries to the left will explode.
So what all of you must do?
Shift over to the right
before the blast.
After the bomb blast,
the audience on the right side
will panic and run helter-skelter.
We will also run out with them
as if we are also spectators.
If ransom money is paid
within ten overs,
Gandhi took the money
and blew up the stadium.
If money isn't paid up
within ten overs,
Gandhi blew up the stadium
because he didn't get the money.
That's all.
If we don't get the money and
the bomb doesn't explode,
what to do, boss?
Hey! Who is he?
Father of the nation, I say!
Who you know, no comparable
Who wants war?
Now the curse is incurable
Fly through the air like a phoenix
A pinnacle
Oh, God!
I can see you are doing
a damn good performance.
Can't hear you.
I can't hear you.
Wretched fellow!
Pick up that walkie-talkie.
What happened, Dad?
How are you here, Dad?
You were there.
How did you come here?
Which "dad" are you asking?
This chap?
If you lay your finger
on him once more...
My prodigal son!
This is your dad's good time.
I give you two minutes.
Diffuse the bomb and then
come and stand before me.
Otherwise, in front of your eyes...
his head will fly in mid-air.
Gandhi! Listen to me.
You will repent this to the fullest.
Gandhi, you will regret
what you are doing.
What kind of answer is this
to what I told him to do?
What a pathetic job of parenting!
What a lousy upbringing!
Stop this!
This is the result of not sending
the boy to school but planting bombs.
Stop this!
Tell me, what is it?
You want to fight?
Come in front of me.
- Come right in front.
- Am I in some foreign land?!
Sanjay, don't think of my plight.
Just hit the button!
His name is Jeevan.
Hey! I am Sanjay.
Sanjay is my name.
If you dare harm my dad,
I swear I won't spare your life.
He is only throwing words
but not showing them in action!
Is love so trivial to you?
Wait and watch, what I do now.
Why are you yelling "dad"
like a broken record?
Whatever you do over there,
the same will happen to him.
My intention is not to kill him.
Don't twist my arm!
We've been waiting for many years
for this particular moment.
- Jeevan, it's over.
- Do not think of me.
Simply... just hit the button, man.
Nabbing my dad...
you want to stop this?
Do you think you can stop me?
Do you think you can stop me?
No one can stop me.
Now, right now,
in front of your eyes,
I will blast this entire ground, dude.
Do it, try your luck, do it.
What are you looking for?
Your uncle took it and left, dude.
Look at the screen.
In 60 balls, 112 runs.
- Catch him.
- The real chase starts now.
One second, bro.
Bro, one second.
Like Thalapathy told me, not just kids,
but I've got even adults as my fans now.
No need for an autograph.
We can take a selfie.
I'm an officer of
the Special Anti-Terrorism Squad.
- Nice.
- A bomb has been planted on the ground.
Sir, I didn't hear you clearly.
- Tell me once more.
- I don't have time to repeat.
He's the head of
the bomb blast group.
Stay put here and make sure
he doesn't escape, okay?
Sir, I came to have a jolly time
and enjoy the match.
You're telling me a story
of a Vijaykanth film?
Whatever it is, we can
discuss and decide, sir.
- We can talk it over.
- No time to talk.
If anyone comes to rescue him,
threaten to shoot him.
- But don't kill him.
- Sir, one minute.
Hold the gun, Shiva.
Thousands of lives on the ground
rest only in your hands now.
Good luck.
Sir, one minute.
I think you're going on
a more important task than this.
You attend to it, sir.
I'll handle this.
CSK has scored 14 runs in the last over.
They have started their power play.
They are out to blast whoever bowls.
The real power play begins.
Hit it! Fantastic!
The ball flew out of the stadium.
It no longer matters
who the bowler is hereafter.
The ball will fly out of the field
into the stand, and all eyes over there.
He did it! Sixer!
His name needs to be changed.
He isn't Shivam Dube anymore.
- He is Sixer Dube!
- Look there.
Numbers one to four don't
feature in his syllabus.
Straight six only. He aced it.
He is the ruling God
in this middle-overs phase.
He is rocking.
- What are you doing here?
- Oh no! Uncle!
Hey, bro!
Cheenu, I was looking for you
all over the place.
Oh no!
Mental Uncle, there you are?
Oh God!
Give me the detonator.
What? Detonator?
Didn't Jeevitha give it to you?
No worries, bro.
Jeevan's men were chasing me, right?
Jeevitha was watching the match.
I got a brilliant idea.
I told her to give it to you.
I diverted all the villains.
Jeevitha... match?
Please, Uncle.
Don't tell anyone at home.
I won't tell anyone.
Give this to your dad.
Is my dad here too?
Even your brother is here.
I'm dead meat!
If you don't hand this to your dad
all of us here are as good as dead!
- Oh no!
- CSK vs. MI.
As each ball decreases,
- it is like the countdown of a time bomb.
- How did you get this?
- Give it to me.
- Heart rate escalates.
Are you mad or what?
No one else knows I gave her
the detonator, except you and me.
Sanjay, Gandhi's daughter
has the detonator
and is running in gallery three.
Catch her, quick.
Heartbeat, this is heartbeat
With the right route it is a treat
Beats this heartbeat
With the right route it's a feast
At the end of 16 overs,
CSK is 148 for four.
Now CSK has to score 58 runs
in the remaining 24 balls.
Strategic time-out is coming to an end.
Count down begins.
Chennai vs. Mumbai.
The final battle starts now.
Who is he?
He made me go dizzy
In my heart and mind he snuggled
Endearing like a baby he prattled
Love unlimited
Who is he?
He made me tipsy
He made my youth terrific
Like the first drizzle of love magic
My true Valentine
My heartthrob makes my heart race
My love sublime
Lub-dub, luv-duv always
My forever true love
She wafted into my life now...
Fiery shot! Is it a four?
No, the Mumbai fielder is right there.
Mumbai fielders are all over the place.
Sanjay, I've spotted Gandhi.
I'll stop him.
You get the girl.
Lovely shot! Towards the cover.
All the way to the boundary?
Or is it a single again?
CSK can't win taking these singles.
We need some special force!
The greatest of all time
A man of lies, of disguise
Can you see it in my eyes?
The greatest of all time
An agent, with a secret
A soldier, the deepest
A father to a family
The greatest, come follow me
I used to live in the struggle
But now I live in luxury
With champagne bottles poppin'
Models all around me
My hustle never stoppin'
My grind it never seizes
Now livin' the life
That most people can't believe
The match has reached
the height of climax.
In two overs, 28 runs needed.
For CSK to win this match.
Trust me, I have played with
Mahendra Singh Dhoni for many years.
If he wears his helmet,
it signifies he's the next batsman.
Another CSK wicket. Howzat!
If you are wondering why CSK fans
are in a celebrating mood.
Stadium is scorching
in this sizzling suspense.
Decibel level here is at its peak.
We can't even hear our own voice.
Because it is the entry
of none other than.
Mahendra Singh Dhoni.
Even if a nuclear bomb explodes now,
only the name, "Dhoni" will reverberate.
Hard length delivery.
He has tackled with ease.
Towards square leg. One run.
Twentieth over.
Eighteen runs are needed
in this last over.
- In this nail-biting finish...
- Dad.
If you want one cricketer
to win this game.
That is no one else
but Mahendra Singh Dhoni.
Mahendra Singh Dhoni is on strike.
He hit a sixer.
Down the ground.
Even the most experienced bowler
when bowling to Mahendra Singh Dhoni...
His hands will be slightly paralyzed!
We may say this match is
now on a knife-edge finish.
Not on the tip of a knife.
This contest is in the hands of Dhoni.
M.S. vs. Mumbai.
Twelve runs required in five balls.
Dot ball.
A dot ball at this time
is worth its weight in gold.
Mahendra Singh Dhoni.
Trusted idol of millions of fans.
The firm faith of all CSK fans.
Dhoni, the fate of this match
is sealed only in your hands.
Dhoni found a gap.
Oldest player in this League.
But his energy and speed
did not slacken one bit.
He has taken two runs
with effortless ease.
Fielder is running.
But is there hope for two runs?
Both of them are running.
Jadeja is running.
Sacrifice is the essence of team spirit.
Jadeja has lost his wicket.
Run out.
Good news is Mahendra Singh Dhoni
retains the strike in the last ball.
Five runs are needed in the last ball.
Bloody old...
- What is this, huh?
- Dad!
Why are you yelling "dad"
like a broken record?!
Don't, brother.
Hand over the detonator.
Don't, brother.
Don't hurt her.
Jeevan, let her go.
If you want her to live,
give me that detonator.
- Don't hurt me, brother.
- Jeevan.
Don't talk rubbish.
You are piling up your misdeeds.
Brother, don't hurt me, please.
- Please.
- I'm telling you even now.
Release her.
We can talk it over.
As if we will talk!
Give it!
You badly wanted a younger sister.
How do you have
the heart to kill her?
I don't know what
Menon has poisoned you with.
I suspected so many fellows.
But I didn't suspect
my own flesh and blood.
I had full faith you wouldn't
have stooped so low.
Hey! She...
She shares your genes.
Let her go, please.
Who the hell is he?
Hey, boomer!
Why do you talk so disgustingly?
Give it to me.
Whose fan are you?
Answer my question.
Whose fan are you?
- Thala...
- Hey!
Are you both playing the fool?
One ball, five runs to win.
Mahendra Singh Dhoni hit a six.
Age is just a number.
A lion is always a lion.
Once again he proves that he is.
The greatest of all time.
What do you lack?
You're "Top Star".
The mission is on.
You're talking to a real G.O.A.The V-I-J-A-Y
Youngblood with guts and grit
A gene to inherit
The V-I-J-A-Y
Commander, people's favorite
You're good to go, Jeevan.
Let me know when, Sanjay.
I'll tell you.
You just keep at it.
The V-I-J-A-Y
Young General, firm and fit
A gene to inherit
The V-I-J-A-Y
Ilaya Thalapathy
The game is over.
But only when I say it's over!
Ready? Roll camera!
I think he is trying to get some bloopers.
I can see through it.
Did I ask you for 100 helicopters? I just
asked you for one, just one, please.
- No chance!
- Sir is calling.
He is so insistent.
Just say yes, or no?
Don't say your dad will yell,
your uncle won't approve.
Start music.
Ready, taking.
Doctor, save me!
Let's go for the bloopers.
You guys planned it already?
What? Shall I smack his face?
My hands are shivering.
Wonder how our DOP will manage.
Okay, camera.
Ready? Camera. Action!
This year is also ours!
Subtitle translation by: Rekhs