The Green Inferno (2013) Movie Script

What do we want?
Health insurance!
When do we want it?
What do we want?
Health insurance!
When do we want it?
Come! Join us.
We will not go away.
We will not be stopped.
And some of us
will not even eat
until these people
are treated fairly.
What the fuck?
You'd think they'd be too
weak from not eating.
Honestly, I hope
they starve to death.
Yeah, seriously, then we can
get some sleep up in this bitch.
So I go to this party and Scott's
like, "You should totally rush".
And I'm like,
"That's retarded.
"That's for idiots who were stupid
enough to go to Dartmouth. "
I'm on a hunger strike.
You're one of them,
I can tell.
Or I'm just not hungry.
Or you secretly want
to starve yourself.
Duh, what girl doesn't?
None of those girls give a
fuck about the janitors.
They just don't want to
look like they're anorexic.
None of them.
Not one.
So, what are they doing on the
lawn at 9:00 on a Sunday?
The only thing those posers care
about is looking like they care.
It's just some weird
demonstration to appease
their fucking white stupid
suburban Jewish guilt.
Hi. I'm Jewish.
I'm allowed to say that.
Kaycee! Come on.
What? They deserve
to get tear gassed
for waking us up
so early on a Sunday.
There's something
creepy about that guy.
Creepy or charismatic?
The two
go hand in hand.
That's the kind of guy
you got to look out for.
People use the term
"female circumcision,"
but "female
genital mutilation"
more accurately
describes what nearly
two million girls
go through every year.
Some cultures use a blade.
Like this one.
But more commonly,
FGM is done
with piece of broken glass, the lid
of a tin can,
or a sharpened stone.
Once the clitoris or outer
genitalia is removed,
the girl is then sewn up
and her legs are bound
for 40 days while
the wounds heal.
If they heal at all.
Why would they do that?
I mean, what's the point?
The villages don't
consider them women
unless they've
gone through this.
From their perspective,
it's a rite of passage.
It's insane.
There's an ambassador
on East 44th Street
who should be doing
something about this.
My father's
a lawyer at the UN.
Maybe he could get
involved somehow.
It's not only
African countries who do this.
Middle Eastern countries.
Tribes in the Amazon.
FGM is a global problem.
You'd need every lawyer
in the UN to stop it.
Moving on. The "Ant Ordeal".
Why even bother
with safe sex lectures?
They should just
teach that class.
Uh, yeah. I used to think putting
in a tampon was painful.
I know.
Excuse me.
Hey, can I talk
to you for a sec'?
I won't keep her long.
Nah, I just wanted to give
you a flyer for our group.
Oh, thanks. I think
it's cool and all
what you guys do,
it's just...
I'm not really into it.
Alejandro asked me
to give that to you.
I mean, it's really
chill. No pressure.
We just hang out,
talk about the issues.
The food's really good.
Wait, don't you guys
starve yourselves?
Some kids do, yeah.
Not me, obviously.
But tonight
we're celebrating.
School's giving the janitors
health insurance.
They're making
the deal now.
So, see you there?
I'll think about it.
Don't think. Act.
Don't think. Act.
You're not seriously thinking
about going to this, are you?
No. I'm acting. Acting like
I'm thinking about it.
Good. Because activism is so fucking gay.
The UN
Environment Program
handles matters
such as these, Justine.
Everyone is aware
of what is happening.
It's not something
that can be cured overnight.
Unless there was oil involved,
then we'd end FGM tomorrow.
Mmm. Were it so simple.
There are procedures.
We can't just go
invade a country
because they're
doing something
that we think is
illegal or immoral.
Where's your necklace?
It's in my dorm room.
Don't worry, it's safe.
You know your mother made that
out of your grandmother's...
Silver. Yes, I know.
I just forgot to wear it.
You know,
you should've kept playing.
Your mother loved it.
She also loved it when I
did what made me happy.
Playing used to
make you happy.
It still does. But I'm
not going to be a flautist.
It's not like I can
practice in my dorm room.
And if I played
on the street,
people would throw
change at me.
Well, you were very talented.
I like to think I still am.
You are. I just think you're
letting your talents go to waste.
Yeah. On books and college.
And terrible stuff.
The two are not
mutually exclusive, my dear.
Are you going to have
that cheese bread?
Knock yourself out.
Have you ever had fantasies
of saving a dying tribe?
Of protecting them from
encroaching civilization?
Well, an opportunity
has come up
to turn that fantasy
into reality.
For those of you
who care enough to join us.
In two weeks, an untouched
jungle in the Peruvian Amazon
will be destroyed forever.
And so will
the natives inside it.
The companies
want the natural gas
in the ground
under the villages.
So they GPS the location,
bulldoze the homes,
and kill the natives.
Ancient tribes, seen only in rare
glimpses from satellite photos,
will be gone forever.
So what's the plan?
March through the jungle
and starve yourself?
You must be a freshman.
Yes. Why?
Because only a freshman would
speak with such insolence.
You can leave now.
I'm sorry. I didn't...
I said I'm sorry.
Alejandro takes his social
work very seriously.
You think?
Sorry. I'll try
and talk to him.
Don't bother!
Anyway, thanks for coming!
I mean it.
Look, I'm really sorry
about the other night.
I didn't mean
to be so flip.
Yes, you did.
Save it.
We need people who are serious
about making an impact.
Not making jokes.
I am serious.
You're a serious student,
which is fine,
but it's really
not enough.
Well, maybe if you gave
someone a chance to learn,
your organization
might be more effective.
What's the cause you
care about the most?
I mean, they're
all important,
but what keeps
you up at night?
Women's rights in Africa.
But how can a white
girl from the suburbs
go to Africa and tell
a village that FGM is wrong?
I'll tell you how.
You organize a group
and you go there.
And you get
media attention.
Right or wrong,
you need cameras on them.
That's the only way
people change their behavior.
The threat of embarrassment.
You must shame them.
Show me how.
I think you're an
idealist, Justine,
and you have
good intentions.
But you're not
ready for this.
I am. Let me prove it.
The villages
are here, here and here.
The development is going here.
A few miles from the Yajes.
Ten more miles and the
Yajes village is ruined.
And that's the end of
unmanned civilization.
Justine. Nice of you
to join us.
Sorry, I got off
at the wrong stop.
It's okay.
We leave Saturday.
We get in one day ahead.
So when the bulldozers arrive,
they're in for a surprise.
Who is behind
the development?
It's a private
corporation in Peru.
They hire ex-military to protect
them and to kill the natives.
So we're going to take on a
private militia with our phones?
No. But we're going
to scare them.
And the Peruvian
Government will notice.
Hi. Sorry. How are we supposed
to stream from the jungle?
have a satellite.
Our contact will
hack us in.
I have 15 sites
ready to stream
and an army of followers
to tweet when we're uploaded.
Once the construction knows
they're on camera,
everything changes.
Just watch.
Are you sure you're here
for the right reasons?
Be careful. The jungle's
a dangerous place.
This is crazy.
Are you going tree hugging
or bulldozer hugging?
We're staging a rally.
They're going to shoot you
and bury the bodies.
Well, then you can
watch my execution,
because we're going to be
streaming the whole thing.
I'm so watching that.
This sounds insane.
You know there's always a
non-violent way to make your point.
It is non-violent.
It's not violent yet.
But trust me, these workers see
you fucking up their development,
it's gonna get ugly. Fast.
Not on camera they won't.
Two large cheese!
What does your dad
think about this?
Justine, I need some numbers.
Who are you going with?
It's a school trip,
Dad, I'll be fine.
It's not like I'm
going anywhere dangerous.
I want you to talk to Dale.
I insist you talk to Dale.
I'm not going to bother
the ambassador of Peru
to get vaccination tips.
I am texting you
his number right now.
Honey, Peru is
a dangerous country.
Do you know anything
about it?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. Dad,
I really have to go, okay?
I love you, bye.
Let's go before he
sends a SWAT Team.
Oh, wait.
Well, what do you
want me to say?
I think you're
100% wrong.
I think you're 100% whore.
I'm probably 50/50.
I love you.
I love you, too.
Please, be safe.
I will.
Nothing. I'll
see you later.
See you Monday.
Okay, this way, guys.
A-ha! Alejandro.
Carlos. He's the man.
One of us.
Hi, nice to meet you.
Please, get in the plane.
How are you?
Hi, beautiful.
How are you? Nice to meet you.
How's it going?
We kiss here.
It's like a tradition.
Okay, thanks.
You're such
a fat guy in love.
I am not.
There's nothing
sadder than that.
Dude, we're just friends.
There's nothing happening.
Get used to it.
You Okay?
Yeah, thanks.
Small planes
always make me nervous.
Feel like we're
gonna crash.
Okay. Everyone, give
a big round of applause
to our sponsor Carlos.
He's the one who's making
this dream a reality.
Thank you.
Thank you, Alejandro.
And thanks to you guys, we will
get this issue global attention.
All right!
Isn't it weird that that's the
guy who's paying for everything?
He's wealthy and he
supports our cause.
Just because he's
Latin and wealthy
doesn't mean
he's a drug dealer.
I didn't say that.
She never said that.
Yeah, I got it.
Thanks, Jonah.
It's Brad Pitt!
Justine, Brad Pitt! Come on!
Welcome to the jungle!
These things are awesome.
It's like a motorcycle
and a rickshaw had a baby.
No seat belts?
Don't worry, I got you.
Donde marijuana?
Don't worry, bro, I'll hook you up.
I knew that guy
would have the hook up.
Hey guys, grab
your stuff and follow me.
No helmets.
That's chill.
That's fucking insane,
that's like child abuse.
Good thing I got
that shot.
Actually, it's not
100% effective.
You could still
contract yellow fever.
Are you serious?
even if that's true,
don't tell her about it.
Don't get mad at me.
I bought this awesome bug spray.
It has DEET.
It's like...
wasting it all.
Here's your weed.
Gracias. How much?
Oh, don't worry.
It's on me.
Careful, it's Peruvian. Very strong.
Thank you.
Thanks, Kara.
Okay. Give me your phones.
Here, take mine.
Here you go.
I'm setting up
the stream app.
Make sure your
phones are charged.
Nice case.
I have very private
photos in there.
Don't worry, I never look.
I do. You have
any hot chicks?
Half the campus.
Tomorrow, no
matter what, keep streaming.
Those cameras are
our only defense.
They have guns?
Of course.
Which part of militia
did you not understand?
I just thought
the militia were like ahead
of the bulldozers
in the jungle.
I didn't think they were
gonna be right next to them.
Wait, they
could shoot us?
It's a risk, of course.
Well, then we should get guns.
These are our guns.
Calm down.
There's a group of us.
If they shoot at one,
they have to kill all of us.
Oh, my God.
No, that's a lot better.
That's awesome.
Nobody forced you
to join us.
And nobody's forcing you now.
You wanna back out?
Go ahead.
No. No.
Um... Mmm-mmm.
Go, go, go, go, go!
Go straight to the boats.
Come on.
Come on. Move.
Let's go.
Hold my hand.
What's he saying?
I don't know, it's Quechua.
What's Kashua?
She's a singer.
Shut up.
Save your battery.
There's no signal until camp.
Have you been here before?
We came with
Alejandro, like,
two years ago. But, we
never went this far.
But don't worry.
I know where we are.
That doesn't need a signal?
No, it uses...
It uses satellite.
There are 12
gee-synchronous satellites
that determine
our global position.
He has an older model, but
it's still pretty accurate.
Thank you, Jonah.
Hey, is there,
like, a village or
pueblo soon'?
Why? You need a toilet?
Not right this minute,
but I probably will.
Yes, if we stop I'd like
to use one, too, please.
What is it?
It's for the snakes.
I can hold it.
It's three hours
to camp.
Is there another machete?
Don't point that
thing at me, man.
Chop, chop.
We don't have all day.
This is the girl's
tree, find your own!
Sorry. Sorry.
Where's Lars?
Go! Go, go!
Fucking bug!
Fucking bugs and shit!
A fucking tarantula
almost bit my dick off!
Use this.
Not funny!
Oh, wow!
That's cool.
That's fucking awesome!
That's my next tattoo.
The Yajes thinks
that the black jaguar
is the guardian of nature.
They also think that it
carries sinners to hell.
Good thing he's
on our side.
I think it can
just stay where it is.
It's beautiful.
This is a good omen.
This is it.
Let's go.
Take those off. They can
get caught in the chains.
But you take
your passports.
In case we get arrested.
We leave it here.
No extra gear.
We'll be fine.
Nothing's going
to happen.
That's our guy.
See you guys at the plane.
This is not
about the individual.
This is about the cause.
We are now one face.
Now stand up
and make history. Go.
That's your kit, go.
Here's a lock.
Wait, wait, wait.
No, no, no. I got it.
Go, go, go. No, go!
Lars, your tree, go.
Okay, good. Great. Thanks.
Go ahead, go.
Let's go.
Good, you're good.
Okay, let's go.
Okay, you're good.
Kara, help me.
Kara, the lock...
Kara, the lock
isn't working.
This is the Yajes' home!
Leave nature alone!
This is the Yajes' home!
Leave nature alone!
This is the Yajes' home!
Leave nature alone!
This is the Yajes' home!
Leave nature alone!
This is the Yajes' home!
Leave nature alone!
Help me! Alejandro!
Alejandro, help me!
Don't stop filming!
Don't stop, you'll kill her!
What do we do?
Raise up your phone!
Don't stop filming!
This corporation,
the indigenous tribes
of the Peruvian Amazon,
is about to shoot a girl,
whose father works
at the United Nations!
The United Nations!
Kill her,
and see what happens!
You fucking bitch!
Oh, fuck!
Oh, fuck!
What the fuck?
Where's my stuff?
Where's the bags?
Shut up.
Where's the bags?
I need my fucking bag!
My pills are in that fucking bag.
I need the fucking bag!
Shut the fuck up!
We did it!
Holy fucking shit!
I thought I was going to get
raped in a Peruvian prison.
My fucking God!
We're trending! We're
fucking trending worldwide!
Reddit just picked it up,
guys, front page!
We're on the front page
of Reddit!
CNN retweeted us!
Check out the photo!
"The images broadcast
by the activists
"caused shockwaves
around the globe.
"The Forest Stewardship Council
immediately filed a complaint
"with the Peruvian authorities
"to halt what constitutes
an illegal exploitation
"of a region in the Amazon that is
protected by the Managua Treaty. "
Congratulations! We won!
Hey, Lars, make sure
that disappears
by the time we hit customs.
It's important to
celebrate the victories.
You're a hero.
You were going to
let them kill me.
You knew the risks.
Just didn't know
the biggest one was you.
begged me to join,
so I created
a role for you.
Don't forget that.
Fuck off.
What we did...
I said fuck off.
He didn't mean for you
to have a gun to your head.
That's exactly
what he meant.
This whole thing
was a mistake.
Look down there.
That's no mistake.
What the fuck was that?
Mayday! Mayday!
Oh, fuck.
I don't want to die!
Is everyone okay?
I'm stuck!
My seatbelt's stuck!
My seatbelt.
Come on, we've got
to get off the plane.
Brooke? Brooke?
Don't look.
Don't look. Oh, God.
Where's Brooke? Brooke...
We need to find my GPS!
We're in the middle
of the jungle!
No one's
going to find us!
I can send a distress signal.
The smoke... The smoke
signal's our best hope.
Your GPS is melted, man!
It's melted!
Stay calm!
Panic solves nothing.
Look for it.
Look, it's built to
withstand a crash.
It's part of the
survival kit.
Just look for it.
KARA'. The GP S'?
Just a cell phone.
Now we're really fucked.
Lars, come on.
This whole fucking place looks the same.
We're just gonna get lost.
Shh! Listen!
That has to be the Nanay.
If we can get to it,
we just follow it upstream
back to the construction site.
I think somebody's coming.
No! Kara! Stop!
Kara, wait!
Stay together!
Help us!
The GPS!
Please, stop!
Don't touch me!
She took my hair!
Help me! Please!
What are they saying, Alejandro?
What are they saying?
Where's Jonah?
Where's Jonah?
Thank you.
Thank you.
What the fuck
are they doing?
I can smell him.
My God, I can smell
my friend being cooked.
It's useless, man.
Oh, I feel like shit.
Alejandro, what is this,
why are they doing this?
They think we're the enemy.
There's nothing we can do.
I'm really sick.
We're all sick.
I need a bathroom.
No! No! No!
Go in the corner!
I'm so sorry, guys-
I wish I'd died
in that crash.
Someone should be
looking for us by now.
Look around.
No one is looking for us.
Even if they find the plane,
they're not going to look here.
Our best chance of survival is getting
the GPS before the battery dies.
Our best chance is
staying right here.
And wait for what?
Maybe we'd
have a chance
if we hadn't blown up
the bulldozers.
You fucking idiot.
We should feed you
to the natives.
There's more on the way.
More what?
We didn't stop anything.
We just delayed it
by a day or two.
What are you
talking about?
It's all a PR stunt.
Carlos was hired by
a competing company
to stop them from
reaching the village first.
So we did.
He gets paid and our
organization is known worldwide.
You know how many people
are gonna join us after this?
Now we can make real change.
What the fuck are
you talking about?
Wake up.
These people never
really had a chance.
There's too much money
in the ground here.
The second company
is already on the way.
They picked up where
the others left off.
Probably with the
same guards.
This was
a fucking photo shoot?
You risked your life
for a fucking photo shoot?
Justine, I hate to
break it to you,
but this is how
the real world works.
Everything is connected.
The good guys
and the bad guys.
You think the US government
didn't allow 9/11 to happen?
You think the war on drugs
is something real?
You think our plane
wasn't sabotaged?
They probably crashed it
to kill Carlos.
Justine, this
is good news.
It's good news.
If he's telling the truth,
then those bulldozers
will tear these
motherfuckers to shreds.
How long until
they get here?
Probably three days.
Three days?
I won't last three minutes.
I wanna get the
fuck out of here now.
All we have to do is
stay calm and not upset them.
Be thankful that they
killed Jonah first.
He can feed them
for a week.
Stop it! Stop it!
He's not worth it.
Listen, I can
get out of here,
you guys just have to
help me. Okay?
What the fuck!
My God!
My God!
No! No!
We have to get out of here.
Don't worry,
I'll think of something.
Samantha, what are you doing?
You can't get leave, you can't
escape, you can't get out of here!
You can't leave.
We're next, okay?
Please don't leave me alone.
I can do this. I'm fast.
I ran track.
I can do this, okay?
I'll be back.
I promise.
I promise.
Samantha, wait. Wait.
I know how to
distract him.
Shut up.
are you doing?
Now. Go.
Let's go. Now.
You okay?
Are you hurt?
What did they do to you?
I don't know.
I don't remember.
Samantha escaped.
She made a run
for it, we just...
We don't know if
she made it okay.
You know what this is?
You know what
they're doing to her?
They're going to cut her, she'll
bleed to death or die of infection.
More days for us.
Who the fuck are you, man?
Guys. Guys. Listen up.
We're not going to die
in this fucking cage. Okay?
We are all going
to escape tonight.
All of us. I promise.
- Okay?
- Okay?
They're coming.
It's useless, Justine.
You're actually
eating that?
It's pork scraps.
If we're going to escape,
we'll need energy.
I'm vegan.
Look, as soon as they find
her, she's going in the oven.
I'm going to add a special
ingredient that will fuck them up.
- Ready?
- I got her.
Okay. Open.
Put the weed in.
Is it in there?
Any last words?
What the fuck
are you doing?
If you don't want to
end up like the others,
you'd be wise
to do the same.
You're fucking psychotic.
I'm not psychotic.
When your body's
under stress,
the only way to think clearly
is to find a release.
wrong with you, man?
Everyone is fucking dying,
and you're fucking
jerking off!
You sick fucking asshole!
Violence is another way
of releasing stress.
Oh, yeah?
I'm going to release my stress
on you, motherfucker!
You guys
and your Scooby-Doo plan.
You think they've
never had a little weed?
They eat pot for breakfast.
Better pot than us.
Did it work?
Let's go. You should
watch more Scooby-Doo.
Sorry. But I can't let them
just eat me if I'm alone.
Fucking son of a bitch!
I'll fucking kill you!
You know that, I'll fucking kill you!
Come on.
What happened?
They darted you.
They saw you escaping.
Where's Daniel and Justine?
Probably dead.
They're still high.
Oh, thank fuck
they're still high.
It's a joke.
It's a joke.
Wait. No!
Fuck! They have the munchies!
They have the munchies!
Alejandro, help me!
Sorry, I can't.
Justine, look!
Let's go.
I see some smoke over there.
Come on.
Justine! Justine!
Hang on!
Daniel! Daniel! Daniel!
Help me!
Daniel! Daniel!
Grab onto it!
We're almost there.
Let's go.
Holy fuck.
The battery's dead.
Do you hear that?
Daniel, it's Kara's phone.
Get on my shoulders.
Someone's coming.
Hurry up. Hurry up.
Got it.
Help me.
Help me, help me.
Please! Please!
Please, stop!
Help me.
Let me go! Let me go!
Let me go!
Don't do it!
Don't do it!
Please! Please don't do this.
Please. Please,
don't do this. Please, God.
MY Phone.
Take my phone.
It's in my...
It's in my pocket.
Take it.
Let me get you.
Yes. Yes.
Justine, kill me.
Kill me.
Justine. Kill me...
I can't. I'm gonna
get you out of here.
Kill me.
Please. Kill me...
Justine! Let me
out of here!
Please! Please
let me out of here!
No! Justine,
don't leave me! Justine!
Justine, please!
Get me of here, Justine!
This is yours.
Thank you.
Shit... Fuck!
Don't shoot!
Don't shoot! I'm American!
Don't shoot!
Don't shoot!
Camera! Camera!
Filmo! Camera!
Filmo! You!
Camera! Internet!
Filmo! You!
You! Camera!
You! Camera!
Remember me, asshole?
Smile! You're
on camera now!
United Nations!
Are you sure
there's no one else?
Yes. I'm sure.
Let's go.
I'm here! I'm still here!
All the other students
were killed in the crash.
I stayed by the fire
as long as I could.
But by the next day,
it had burned out.
If it weren't
for those natives,
I'd be dead, too.
They heard the crash
and eventually they found me.
They fed me and guided
me out of the jungle.
They knew I was lost.
That I had accidently
landed in their backyard.
I never experienced
any anger or hostility.
It was the opposite.
I never felt afraid
when I was with them.
Until the bulldozers
showed up
and slaughtered
them like cattle.
We're all very
proud of you, baby.
You saved that village.
These natives...
The Yajes.
The Yajes. I'm sorry.
Allegedly headhunters.
Did you ever see any of that
sort when you were there?
Never once.
I made it.
Are you okay?
Yeah, just a nightmare.
Free Samara!
Let her go!
Free Samara!
Let her go!
Free Samara!
Let her go!
Free Samara!
Let her go!
Who's this?
My name is Lucia.
I'm Alejandro's sister.
I'm really sorry. I
actually can't talk right now.
I... I found
a satellite photo.
It looks like my brother.
We need to talk.