The Green Woman (2022) Movie Script

you seen my place?
I have misplaced my spot.
I'll just check with myself,
and we'll get along fine.
It's fine by me.
What works for you, works
for me too, doesn't it?
Have you seen my date?
I left them here last week
with a bunch of things
to say when I was too tired
(SINGING) Listen little lamb...
I think everything's
going to be OK.
It's going to be all right.
People just need...
You wouldn't believe
the day I've had today.
Is this all the mail
there is, Rommy?
What's there is there.
Rommy, is this all
the mail there is?
What's there is there.
Are you sure this
is all the mail?
No, I am hiding all the mail
as part of an evil conspiracy
against all bureaucrats.
It's there.
It's nice.
It's very nice.
Hey, listen, did you
bother to do any work today
or did you just sit
around in your PJs?
Not like it's my duty
to support you, Rommy.
What would be the point
of supporting someone
when I make enough money
here to support myself, huh?
You know, Lloyd says
writing is a dying industry.
Hey says maybe you should
get a job in marketing.
You could write for them.
Does he now?
Fuck, Rommy, he's
just trying to help.
Well, you know what?
I've just spent a whole
day doing paid work.
So I didn't know
I needed any help.
Get off my case, please.
You're pathetic.
Rommy, if you grew up,
you'd see you need help.
I have grown up.
For fuck's sake.
Goddammit, you're
impossible to work with!
I swear to God.
If you're going to be like
this as soon as I get home
from work, I will go out.
Good, leave.
That's exactly what you want.
Rommy, keep drinking.
Good evening, Romulus.
How are you this evening?
Jesus, Sergeant.
Don't do that.
Are you saying that
I can still command
a certain amount of fear
from the general public?
Good thinking,
buddy, but you don't.
And don't call me
Romulus either.
I like... I'd like it
if you called me Rommy.
And I've told you
don't call me buddy.
It's Fischer.
How was your day today?
What can I do for you, Fischer?
Rommy, I came by to see how
you were going, if you're OK
or if you need anything.
I'm just a little bit
confused because you
keep coming around
here every few weeks,
and I don't know why.
Look, I am just checking to see
how you were handling things.
Life can be pretty
hard at times,
and it's good to have a
friend you can chat to.
Well, I'm fine.
Are you sure?
I noticed you've lost
quite a bit of weight
over the last year.
Are you eating?
Yes, I have.
You know, you really
ought to get someone in
to look at that garden.
It's looking a little
out of control.
I'll keep it in mind.
Call me if you need me.
I'm here for you.
Thank you.
Just look after yourself, Rommy.
Will do.
Rommy, what was that
Sergeant Fishy doing here?
His name is Fischer.
Oh, whatever.
You still didn't tell
me why he was here.
What have you done this time?
What makes you think
I've done anything?
I don't think you've noticed,
but I don't do anything
but work all day here.
Oh, is that what you call it?
You know, Rom, he's been coming
around here a lot lately.
Are you sure there's
nothing you want to tell me?
All right, you got me.
I'm under investigation for
plans of world domination.
So to answer your
stupid question,
no, I haven't done anything.
So please stop asking me
these stupid questions.
Then what was he
doing here, Rom?
Jesus, you never
give up, do you?
Why was he here, Rommy?
To check up on me, if
you really must know.
Maybe once you cut out
this writing bullshit
and get a real goddamn job.
I've got a real job, and
I'm fucking good at it.
So shut the fuck up.
You're a deadbeat.
Oh, that's a big
word for a big girl.
Stop it!
Oh, Look at me.
I'm naked.
You're pathetic.
So I'm pathetic?
Oh, and I'm the
one who's pathetic.
Thanks a lot.
Christ, you're always so
angry when you get home.
Hold on.
Who is it?
I said, who is it?
This is a very funny
Ugh, pathetic.
Are you going to get up
soon, Mr. Big Shot Writer?
Rommy, get up.
How did you expect to feel, Rom?
What are you trying to say?
Well, maybe if you'd stopped
with all this writing business,
you could stop being
such a drunken waste.
Oh, man.
Oh, that's not good.
That's not good.
Well done.
Just shut up, all right?
Let me wake up.
And that's another thing,
were you banging on the door
last night when you came home?
Were you banging on
that door over there
when you came home last night?
No, what the hell are
you talking about?
You reek.
You stink.
Don't worry about it.
I won't.
God, you're going to make
me late for work, Rommy.
Jeez, sorry.
Rommy, do me a favor today.
Don't work too hard.
You're amazing, you know that?
You have no idea how lucky I
am to have someone like you
in my life.
Have a nice day.
Well, that went well.
Thank you.
Have you never seen
a green woman before?
Well, don't look so surprised.
It was you who always
said that the universe is
full of weird and wonderful
things beyond your imagination.
Oh, sorry.
You OK there?
Yeah, I've had one hell of
a day, done a lot of work.
That's great.
Is it worth anything?
I... I beg your pardon?
Is it worth anything?
No, I heard you.
I'm just a little
bit disappointed
that you have no
respect for what I do.
You won't believe who I
ran into at the gym today.
Who is it?
Sarah Martin.
Sarah Martin.
We used to live next door
to her in our first flat.
No, I can't remember.
Yeah, she used to
date that Asian guy.
Um, what was his name?
You mean Aaron Nguyen?
No, I don't because Ling and
Ming sound nothing like Nguyen.
Well, he left her,
and now she's broke.
Oh, that's got to suck.
What do you expect
me to do about it?
I was just going to suggest
to Lloyd that we her.
Apparently, she's got a
great background in finance.
Apparently, he left
her with a kid.
He left her for another woman.
I'm going to have a shower.
I've got to go out tonight.
You're going out?
Can't we just stay in for once
and just have dinner together?
No, this is important.
I've got a business meeting.
I've got to go.
Rommy, if you had a proper
job, you'd understand,
but you don't.
I'm having a shower.
But it's my birthday today.
Hello, stranger.
OK, how do you keep
getting into my house?
You wouldn't believe
me if I told you.
Do you promise?
It's a fascinating story.
What if Mary comes home?
Don't you just love to feel
a little naughty every now
and again?
It's just so delicious.
All right.
Can you at least tell
me what your name is?
All these questions, huh?
Aren't you the curious thing?
Do you remember though,
curiosity kills the cat.
Did it?
Good thing I don't have a cat.
Besides isn't it
more fun this way?
It's definitely different.
All right.
Well, maybe you could
be so kind as to tell me
why I have a green woman in my
house at 3:30 in the morning?
Now that's the million-dollar
question, isn't it?
Well, wouldn't you say?
It's OK.
You can feel our trust.
Well, where is the
other half anyway?
What is her name again?
M... Mary.
M... Mary?
Well where is Mary?
Is she not going to say hi?
I'm guessing she's at a meeting.
She's probably at
a business meeting.
Oh, a business meeting.
Is it normal for Mary to be
at a business meeting at 3:30
in the morning, especially
on your birthday?
So you know it's my birthday?
Oh, I know you far better than
you could possibly believe.
Is that because my
mind created you?
Or am I real?
Anyway, what did she get you?
Well, she hasn't
gotten me anything yet,
but I'm sure she will.
Aw, that doesn't seem fair.
Did you get me anything?
Aren't I enough?
I'm not sure yet.
Where are you going?
You just got here.
Are you... you leaving?
Sorry, my dear, but I must.
Will I see you again?
Come on, pick up, pick up.
Hello, please leave a
message after the tone.
Yeah, hi, Mary.
It's me again.
Look, I can't believe
your phone's not on.
Can you... when you
get this message,
can you please call me back?
You went away three days ago,
and I haven't heard from you.
Just I'm a little worried.
Please just call me back, OK?
What, no hello?
Oh, Jesus Christ.
Are you crazy?
I am glad I still have
that effect on you.
You know how much
trouble I'm going
to get into for
having a scantily
dressed beautiful green
woman in my house?
Mary's going to kill me.
Do you think I'm beautiful?
Do you knock?
I could have been in
the middle of something.
I'm sorry.
Are you?
Well, no, but I...
Well, then no harm done.
Besides think of
me like the sea.
I come and I go as I please.
I see you're still
holding my hand.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I... uh...
Don't be.
I didn't expect you to
come back, that's all.
I am glad you decided
to take a chance on me.
Who are you?
Has anyone ever
told you how cute
you are when you're puzzled?
Come on.
Are you ever going to
tell me who you are?
I will in good time.
Rommy, I know you've
had problems with trust
in the past, but trust me.
Besides, can you
honestly say I am
like anyone you have ever met?
Well, actually I have
a dinner date tomorrow
night with a purple woman.
No, I've never met
anyone like you before.
Who are you?
Where are you from?
Oh, you always have had an
insatiable sense of curiosity.
I was told not to tell you yet.
Now there it is.
How the hell do you know
that unless it's in my mind?
All in good time, my dear Rommy.
I do promise you the answer
will be great entertainment.
Well, then who told
you not to tell me?
Well, I could tell you
that, but you're really
not going like the answer.
Tell me.
OK, but you're not
going to like it.
Just tell me.
You did.
I did?
I would have done
anything you asked of me.
All right.
Well, if I told you,
then perhaps you
can tell me why you're here?
Now that's where it
gets really interesting.
I am here because you sent me.
But what do you and I
apparently want with me?
Well, you didn't think
I was going to come all
this way for nothing, did you?
Even though I do
enjoy our visits.
You do?
But I do need you to
do something for me.
Like what?
Oh, don't worry.
It won't be too bad.
That's not the assurance
you think it is.
You need to answer that.
Do I have to?
Give me a second.
Yes, Mel.
What's up?
How's the script going?
What are you talking about?
It's not due for
another two weeks.
I was expecting it in...
You haven't even paid me.
OK, just... I've got to go, OK?
Yes, bye
Sorry about that.
(SINGING) Cry for you, baby.
Yeah, I do.
When I didn't
think that I would.
To love you, baby,
like I have, I
didn't know that I
could let myself long
for the touch of
another so much.
I thought I was independent,
that's my sentiment.
But apparently I'm not.
Apparently I'm not.
Because all I want to do is
go home and get down with you
Where have you been for
the past three days?
You didn't call.
I thought you could have
gotten in a car wreck
or something, Mary.
Rommy, what do you
want for dinner?
Are you going to tell
me where you were?
You didn't reply to any
of my text messages.
You know I was
worried about you.
I was at a meeting, Rommy.
Oh, you were at a
meeting, were you?
Where you and your
bureaucrat friends
debating the meaning of
life, that kind of meeting?
Oh, hang on, a
meeting that required
you to wear the same fucking
clothes for three days
What the fuck are
you inferring, huh?
It's you who's doing all
the inferring in this house.
Oh, really?
Well, then what the
fuck are you saying?
Where were you?
I told you.
You were with Lloyd.
You're just a delusional
fuck up, Rommy.
You sit around all day drinking.
That's my problem?
It is.
You fail every single
day at everything you do.
Besides, with a
reaction like that,
how do I know you're
not seeing someone?
You think I'm seeing someone?
Yeah, who the fuck
are you seeing?
You know what?
You're right.
I am seeing someone.
I'm seeing someone
behind your back.
I'm seeing a green
woman behind your back.
How does that make
you feel, huh?
Go fuck yourself.
Do you really need that?
Don't you think you should be
weeding instead of drinking?
I don't really have time to
do any gardening right now.
I've got to do this.
There's always an
excuse with you.
Oh, I just got a message.
I got to go into the office.
But it's your day off.
I mean, how can they
expect you to go in?
I've got to go in.
Have to go in.
You're quite nicely dressed up
Lloyd actually makes you
wear that for a client?
Yeah, Rommy.
I need to look presentable.
All right, I've got to head off.
Are we going to do anything
for my birthday this year?
Are we going to do
anything for my birthday
this year, because you kind
of went away for three days
and you missed it.
Rommy, it's just another day.
Just another day.
You weren't saying
that last year
when you made me
uh... when you begged
for me to organize a
surprise party for you
and a 30 of your friends.
Do you remember that?
Rommy, that was your choice.
I'll make it up to you, OK?
There's always next year.
You never know your
luck in the big city.
Mary's a bitch.
Mary's a bitch.
I'm so lonely.
I know.
(SINGING) All by myself.
All by my...
Who's there?
I said, who's there?
Hello, stranger.
Miss me?
Are you crazy?
Mary just left.
Oh, you are not happy to see me.
Well, I can always
go if you want me to.
No, you can... you're
here now just stay.
It's fine.
I knew you were
going to say that.
You did?
I know you far better than
you could possibly believe.
Um, I'll come back.
I think I'll...
come back.
Not at all.
There's so much room in here.
It could easily fit
two or three people.
Well, as much as I could
lie here talking all day,
I didn't just come
here for a visit
so that you could avoid
looking at my body.
Why is it when a man
really likes a girl,
he tries so desperately hard
to avoid looking at her?
I digress.
I need you to do
something for me.
Well, don't just stand there.
You look uncomfortable.
Come and lie by me.
What do you want me to do?
What do I call you?
I like the idea of being
called the green woman.
It sounds mysterious, enigmatic.
OK, green woman.
Uh, what would you like me
to do for you, green woman?
I know we've been
enjoying all this fun.
This is serious.
I can be serious.
I don't doubt it.
I need you to get
something for me.
It's going to sound
a little strange.
Like what?
I need you to procure several
meters of copper wiring.
That's what you call
it in your time, right?
My time?
Yeah, I'll bet tomorrow it
gets much more advanced.
And I need a satellite
dish at least this wide.
You actually need me to do this?
And it must be done tonight.
Where on Earth do you expect
me to find a satellite dish
and copper wiring tonight?
Well, it doesn't matter
where you get it from,
but I need it to be untraceable.
Where do I find it?
Well, you're a
resourceful person.
You can do anything.
You really think you've
got the right person?
I think you've got
the wrong person.
I'm sorry.
I know you can do this, and I
know you will do this for me.
I don't... I don't
usually leave the house.
I'm sorry.
I haven't been out of
the house in a while, so.
I know.
And I know you're scared, but
you can do this, me and you.
You really need me to do it?
Well, that's something you'll
have to decide for yourself.
Well, morning, sleepyhead.
I was beginning to wonder if
I was going to have to come
and wake you up.
Hm, so is it good enough?
Yes, my dear, you did good.
Nice pants.
OK, that's embarrassing.
I'm going to get dressed.
If you must.
I'll see you in the lounge.
Hello, stranger.
I, uh... I thought you
would have gone by now.
You want me to go, do you?
God, no.
I am glad to hear that.
There is something I've
always wanted to ask you.
What's that?
Why Rommy?
What do you mean?
Why the name Rommy?
It's short for Romulus.
Yes, but you only have
one sibling, a sister.
Why were you named
Rommy without a Remus?
How do you know about Celine?
You told me.
But you haven't
answered my question.
The truth is I did
have a brother,
and his name was Ramos.
And he died when he was younger.
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
It's OK.
It was a long time ago.
Well, that killed our mood.
It doesn't have to.
I, uh... one second.
I've been saving this
for a special day.
If that's what I think
it is, then let's.
It's been a while.
This is good.
I know, right?
It's a pity I have to keep
it hidden from Mary though.
She doesn't like me smoking it
But she's OK with you drinking?
No, not in the slightest.
She does like to try to
control you, doesn't she?
I don't think she's that bad.
Oh, no, no, no, it's healthy for
a relationship to be like that.
You know what?
She was actually really
good back in the day.
When we first started dating,
she was happy, she smiled,
I smiled.
And in fact, she was
the very first person
to treat me like a person.
You're more special than that.
I'm not perfect.
Oh, I never said that.
I have seen you
damn entire worlds
to suffer their just fate.
I mean, no one's perfect.
Jesus, thanks.
Thanks a lot.
You know, we're sitting here
talking about me all the time.
How about I ask you a question?
It seems fair.
What would you like to know?
Well, I don't really
know a hell of a lot
about you, apart from your
fascinating and your green
and you have a very
beautiful face.
Hey, I'm far more than
just a pretty face.
I hold a PhD in
astrophysics and cosmology.
Wow, pretty impressive.
I only have a Bachelor in
science, majoring in physics.
Why haven't you got
any further yet?
Two guesses, Mary.
She kind of stopped me.
I can't imagine you
giving in to anyone.
I know.
So what university
did you go to?
say anything to anyone.
Where did you go?
Mars University.
Go the Martians.
You went to Mars University?
Hang on a minute.
Does that make you a Martian?
That makes you a Martian.
Ah, yeah.
You think because I'm
green I'm a Martian.
That's profiling.
I slept with you.
You helped me get in.
So y... y... you say that we've
known each other for some time,
Yeah, for some time now.
Well, not you.
The other you.
Which gets a little confusing.
Yes, very confusing.
So I've been thinking.
You and me, were
we together at all?
(WHISPERING) I hate to do
Especially after
such a nice moment,
but I wouldn't want
you to think I was here
just to take advantage of you.
(WHISPERING) I don't think
you could if you would.
I think this might be serious.
Because you always understand.
Who, me?
What do you want me to do?
What is it that
you need me to do?
I need you to get me two things.
I need two meters of
fiber-optic cables.
So two meters of
fiber-optic cable?
And I need... well,
this last thing
is going to be a little tricky.
I need you to get
me an SSD NASBook
with fiber-optic connections.
Would you like fries with that?
Do you think you could do it?
I don't think I can find that.
Where am I going to find that?
Go on, think.
Actually... actually...
The school that is currently
employed by my company,
they are undergoing a massive
development at the moment.
That's why I'm doing the
new manuals for them.
They might actually
have what you're after.
Do you think they will?
Yes, but there is no way I'm
going to call them right now.
I mean, it's a little bit
suspicious, don't you think?
I'd appreciate it.
I'd do it for you.
But what you're asking me to
do is a little bit dangerous,
and I don't want to
get into trouble.
I don't want to get caught.
You can do it.
Where are you going?
Are you leaving?
It is time.
Well, I'll think about it.
You'll do it.
Good day?
Uh, yeah.
It was a good day.
That's nice.
Hey, you'll never believe this.
Believe what?
Um, well, I was
talking to Gene today,
and he mentioned that we've
got a full-time position
open in admin.
And I thought it'd
be great for you.
OK, explain to me how
that is great for me?
Because it's a foot
in the door, Rom.
Gene said that you'd
be on 40 grand a year,
and then within three
years be up to 45 grand.
I make more than
that doing this.
So why would I want
to take a pay cut?
Rommy, don't you
want a steady job?
I have a steady job.
Rommy, it'd be
really good for you,
and everyone else
does jobs like this.
So I set up an interview for you
with Gene on Monday at 9:00 AM.
That should give you enough time
to get ready and get organized
and maybe tell the other job
you're getting a real job.
Mary, are you not hearing me?
I have a real job.
I just told you that.
Rommy, you're an adult now.
So start acting like one.
I mean, I'm busting
my goddamn ass
out there trying to
make a fucking living.
I'm just trying
to help you, Rom.
Don't you want to
make me happy too?
Rommy, I never get what I
want, and you know that.
Oh, you never get what you want?
No, I don't
Oh, what a load of crap.
What about me?
I wanted to travel and then
get that study offer up
in Cambridge, but you
wanted to buy a house,
then a car, then it was all
about your fucking career.
Do you remember that?
How can you still
be mad at that?
Well, I am.
If you wanted to
do other things,
you would have
fucking done them all.
But you haven't, and
here we are living
in this fucking shithole.
You're an adult, Rommy.
Grow the fuck up, please.
That's because you
faked a pregnancy.
You made your choices, Rommy.
You made your choices.
You want me to go
to this meeting?
How about I do this.
I'll tell you to
go fuck yourself.
Rommy, I do fuck myself
because you're not doing
a good enough fucking job.
So is it good enough?
Yes, my dear.
It's good.
Decided to join the land
of the living, did we, Rom?
Decided to cook a meal, did we?
I thought I was cooking.
Don't be too thankful.
I didn't know when you were
coming back from your sook,
so I didn't make you any.
I wasn't going for a sook.
I was having a nap.
Well, how was I
supposed to know?
You know, Rommy, if
you're still hungry,
you can always just have a
piece of bread and some peanut
Uh, hello, I'm
allergic to peanuts.
I know.
I'm sick of you and your
food allergies, Rommy.
If you were hungry,
you'd eat it.
Where are you going?
Well, I think I might
go down the street
and get something that's
not going to kill me.
When did you start wearing
that terrible jacket?
It looks shocking.
There's nothing wrong
with the jacket.
You started wearing that thing
when we started going out.
Well, I wanted to change.
You know what would
be a good change?
What's that, Mary?
If you moved to China.
Oh, crap.
That'd be a good change,
change of scenery,
change of environment,
change your life.
(SINGING) You and I,
we're not so different.
We've got the same kind
of games and disguises.
You got to try to make the
most of this life, Jack.
There ain't no coming back.
There ain't no coming back.
There ain't no coming back.
(SINGING) Hey, if
you think about it.
Always try a little
bit harder then.
You know I have faith in you.
Keep on pushing a
little bit harder
and keep on growing
just a little wiser
than the last time.
The last time.
The last time.
Hello, it's just me.
Hey, Mel.
Hope I didn't wake you.
What's up?
You are aware that you're
overdue for your paper?
Uh, excuse me?
You're the one who
changed the dates.
Have you even done
any work on it?
I just need to see something.
I will get it to you, OK?
Well, you're running out
of time because we're
about to terminate the contract.
Mel, there is no reason
to threaten my job.
Rommy, we know you've
been working hard.
Well, I'm glad you can see that
Just start making progress.
Well, I do see.
Just get it to me, OK?
Fine, bye.
Of course you're not home.
Are you here, green woman?
I got those cables for you.
I knew you'd be there.
I could have sworn
you'd be in here.
Well, that's a shame.
Good morning, Romulus.
I mean, Rommy.
I told you I'd
remember this time.
You almost forgot.
So how are you on this fine day?
I'm well.
Thank you.
I have to say I'm surprised
to see you out and about.
Sometimes I need to go out.
So true.
Yeah, sometimes I wish that
I could just hide away.
Oh, Audrey would never allow it.
What brings you here?
Work, as usual.
The van was broken
into last night.
Stole a bit of expensive
cable, not sure what kind.
I can never keep
up with that stuff.
Me neither.
Well, I hope you
catch whoever did it.
Me too.
I didn't see anything,
so I don't know.
Anyway, I must push off
and keep investigating.
No time like the present.
Yeah, right.
Right you are.
This is me anyway, so.
Speak to you later.
Where have you been?
A business meeting.
No, stop on this show.
Lloyd loves it.
Oh, there's a
ringing endorsement.
Yeah, he likes baking.
I'm sure he does.
And I'm sure if I tasted his
cakes, they'd taste awful.
Well, I've tried his cakes,
and they're scrumptious.
And other girls at work
have tried his cakes,
and they love his cakes.
They love his cakes.
Well, I don't think it's
his cakes they love.
Yeah, maybe you're right.
You know, he's a good cook,
but he's pretty handsome too.
Oh, yeah, he's handsome.
You know what?
He's just so dreamy.
Oh, Lloyd...
Shut up...
Well, fuck Lloyd.
You know, Lloyd's really
smart and he's handsome
and he's successful.
All the things you
are not, Romulus.
So what are you
trying to tell me?
Are you trying to tell
me that you're more
attracted to Lloyd than me?
No, no, that's not...
Because it certainly
sounds that way.
Saved by the bell, huh?
Excuse me.
No, no, no, no, it's fine.
It's OK.
No, it's OK, no one important.
Yeah, yeah.
At the usual place?
OK Yeah, no, I'll
be right there.
Um, there's been a big mess
up with some funds down
at the office.
So I'm...
At the usual place, huh?
Yeah, the main meeting room.
I'm going to go have a shower.
You look fine.
Rommy, I need to
look professional.
You look professional.
You know what?
I think you're
seeing Lloyd tonight.
Oi, come here when
I'm speaking to you.
Mary, don't... oi.
Fucking business meetings
all the fucking time.
I've got a business meeting.
I've got a business meeting.
Oh, it's you here.
You know many other green women?
Something on your mind?
Yes, Mary has another
business meeting tonight.
A business meeting
at 9:30 at night?
Don't you start.
Oh, what?
I believe her.
Like you could be mad at me.
In fact, where have you been?
Because I got that other
item for you two days ago.
Trust me, lover, I am
back at the right time.
The right time?
What does that...
Trust me.
Wait, where are you going?
Oh, relax.
Besides, after hearing all
these stories over the years,
I have to see her.
Shh, stop.
Oh, my God.
She's going to...
Not really.
But you wouldn't understand yet.
You are not you yet.
You know what?
What does that even
mean, I'm not me yet?
You are you, just not you yet.
You're not who you should be.
Right, so now you think
I'm a failure as well?
When you first met
me, you saved my life.
Right there and
then, and you never
asked for anything in return.
I could never think of
you like that, never.
I am not her.
OK, I think you've actually got
me mixed up with somebody else
because I think I
would remember that.
In fact, I think I
would remember you.
I am glad to hear that.
I will explain later.
Now I need you to do something.
You still doubt me?
I need you to trust me.
I can see why you have
issues with trust,
but you need to do this for me.
Why should I?
It's me who risks
my neck, not you.
I don't even know if
you're real or not.
And you want me to go
off and steal more stuff?
You need to do it.
You need to do it,
and it won't be easy.
So that's all people want me
for, for I can do for them.
Have I ever shown you
anything but my respect?
I suppose.
And I suppose you
should do this.
But don't do it for
me, for that woman.
Do it for you.
Give yourself a future
that no one you know now
can possibly have, a
future you deserve.
That's the point.
How is that possible for me?
Write down what I tell
you, then think about it.
But I need you to understand,
it must be done tonight.
All right, you know what?
I'll take down details, but
I'm not promising anything.
That is wise.
There is a man hiding here.
His name is Ben.
He's stolen something
that belongs
to me, more specifically you.
You need to bring the
item back tonight.
What do you expect me to
do, just walk up behind him
and mug him?
No, he's squatting
here, hiding from me.
Bring the item back,
and I promise you
I will never ask anything
big of you again.
Yeah, I'm not hurting anyone.
You shouldn't have to, not
that I would mind with him.
Where does he...
Where does he live?
22 Wattle Grove.
The item will be there tonight.
How do you know that?
Well, I am the green woman
and pretty damn brilliant,
if I do say so myself.
OK, how do I know
I can trust you?
There is not a lot you
can trust in this life,
but you can trust
in me and in us.
I promise you
wonderful, unique man.
Mary, you home?
Obviously not.
Oh, yeah.
Mary, is that you?
Who else would it be?
So what time did you get home
from your business meeting
last night?
I didn't bother waking you up.
What's your problem?
Well, you have to admit, it
does sound pretty suspect.
Like you're one to talk.
And what's that
supposed to mean?
Excuse me.
Who is it?
Oh, it's only Sergeant Fischer.
I told you, you don't
need to call me sergeant.
I know, I'm sorry about that.
So what brings you
to my favorite bird
on this fine morning?
Rommy, why are you
such a goddamn wanker?
Because it pisses
you off so much.
Is this a bad time?
No, no, no, not at all.
If you'd like to come in, I
just... we just boil the kettle.
No, sorry, not at this time.
Just dropped by to
ask you something.
Oh, what can I do for you?
Well, I've had a few
incidents of late.
More of those, huh?
It's been an increase in theft
of high-end communication
But that's not it.
So what is it?
Well, it appears
that a squatter has
broken into a family's house
around the corner in Wattle
And the occupant, he
was attacked last night.
Is he OK?
Do you think Romney did it?
He's OK.
The family came home this
morning and found him.
That's good.
They called an ambulance.
He's in a stable condition.
So how can we help you?
I was kind of hoping that
you might have heard or seen
Apparently, a person was seen
heading in this direction.
Rommy, you haven't
done anything?
I, uh...
Fishy, I wasn't here
last night, so I can't
account for his whereabouts.
I, uh...
So have you seen anything?
No, no, no, no, no, I
didn't see anything.
I'm sorry.
Sorry I can't help.
It's, um... the woman
said she saw someone
about your height pacing in
front of the house last night.
I know you've had your
problems this year,
and I was surprised to see you
out of the house last week.
But you're good one.
Well, thank you.
You've just been through
hell in the last year.
Well, I'm fine.
You don't have to
worry about me.
I'm going to head
off, keep interviewing
some of the neighbors.
Good luck on the case and
keep issuing those tickets.
I'll speak to you later.
Yes, see you.
What have you done?
I don't want to hear
this from you, OK?
I don't need to be lectured
on proper behavior,
especially from the likes
of someone like you.
In fact, you know what?
I don't even need you anymore.
I'm over it.
I'm so over us.
Rommy, you can't do
anything without me.
I support you, Rommy.
You have nothing, nothing.
I'm sick of you making
me feel bad all the time
and bringing me down.
I'm not stupid.
In fact, I think we both
know I'm a hell of a lot
more intelligent than
you will ever be.
I hate you so much.
I know what you've been doing.
I know, and I can't have
you in my life anymore.
Rommy, if you do this,
you'll regret it.
You think so?
I swear to God,
you'll regret it.
Come here.
Do me a favor and
don't let your fake ass
hit the door on the way out.
It is amazing how
sweet and innocent
they look at their age.
Only they knew what
they will become.
They just look so happy, and
they're just so innocent.
They have such an amazing
future ahead of them, and...
But look, one is
already beginning
to dominate the other.
Innocent or not, their
natures will always win.
You speak as though
it was a sure thing.
Oh, for them, it is.
For just about
everyone here it is.
Look, if you're here to ask
me to take something else,
I'm sorry but
you're on your own.
I am not here to ask
you to steal anything.
I... I don't think
that you're here
because you want to see me.
I hear what you are saying.
I promise you I am
here to help you.
I would never do anything
bad to you, never.
But what is it that
you want me to do?
What makes you think
I want anything?
I see you have done
nothing with the items yet.
Was I supposed to?
That's the question, isn't it?
Don't do it for me.
Do it for you.
Well, you could do it for me.
So all these cords.
But where do I start?
I start at the beginning.
Where's the beginning?
Well, it's finished.
Where are you?
Morning, Rommy.
Have you got it yet?
Yes, I emailed it this morning.
You should have it.
I'll check that then.
It's the third time.
Look, Mel.
I understand your
position, but let
me tell you I'm going to start
looking for another writing
But you've signed a contract
that clearly states...
I am aware of this.
But hey, constant
changing of deadlines,
it's driving me a
little bit crazy.
I can't handle it anymore.
What's that supposed to mean?
Well, what it's supposed
to mean is I quit.
Wow, she hung up on me.
OK, definitely don't
tell Mary about that.
Where is Mary?
Did someone start
the party without me?
And so we're partying
together now, are we?
Are you OK?
I'm sorry.
I... I don't mean
to be rude to you.
I'm just... something
weird has happened.
I broke it off with Mary.
This is why I need this.
Interesting idea.
Yes, well, fiber-optic
cables wasn't the only thing
I found in that van.
Rommy, what is this weird
thing that happened?
Well, like I said, I
broke it off with Mary.
And just like that, all her
stuff's gone, everything.
Everything's gone.
And how do you feel about it?
Well, you know what?
The strange thing is I
actually feel kind of relieved.
Rommy, there is something
I need you to see?
Look, I'm... I'm over it.
No more favors,
no more stealing,
no more hurting anyone.
Please stop asking me.
Haven't you worked it out yet?
I've never asked
you to do anything
for anyone but yourself.
Well, you know what?
Your machine is ready.
I'm so sorry, Rommy.
I need you to see something,
and it is going to hurt a lot.
I'm just running out of time.
Have you checked
the second bedroom?
What do you mean?
I mean, all of Mary's
stuff is in there.
Yeah, right.
You need to go in there,
Rommy, you need to.
No, I don't have to do
anything, if I don't want to.
We're running out of time.
No, we're not
running out of time.
I don't want to go into
the second bedroom.
I said stop asking me to
go into the second bedroom.
Rommy, please...
Where have you been?
Rommy, I never left.
What are you talking about?
Where's all your stuff?
Rommy, you need to go
into the second bedroom.
Because you need help.
I'm not going into
the spare bedroom.
Rommy, we want to help you.
I don't want to go in.
Stop asking.
Stop it.
Don't you want to
forgive yourself?
OK, that's my handwriting,
but I didn't write that.
Yes, you did.
Rommy, open it.
Mary, why are your
clothes in this box?
Read the paper, Rom.
Why are your clothes
in the box, Mary?
Mary, please tell me why
are you clothes in the box?
Why are your clothes in the box?
Stop telling me what
to do, the both of you.
Oh, no.
No, no, I don't have to.
Yes, you can.
Look how much
effort you are going
to just to avoid looking at it.
I can't do it.
Don't make me do it.
Rommy, read the paper.
"Dead on arrival.
Tragedy was discovered
yesterday morning
when a vehicle belonging
to 27-year-old Mary Decker
crashed into a tree in front
of the Windsor Street Train
Miss Decker and her
fiance Lloyd Hanson,
30, were found trapped in the
vehicle when police arrived.
Miss Decker was found
dead at the scene
with a high alcohol
reading of almost four
times the legal limit when
Mr Hansen was found..."
it says that you died
in a car accident, Mary.
It also says that you
were engaged to Lloyd.
Well, what is this?
Is this some sort
of a sick joke?
Rommy, it's the truth, and
you know it's the truth.
Just remember, Rommy,
just try and remember.
I can't.
I can't.
It can't be true.
I remember me and Mel, we just
got out of a business meeting.
For the first time
in a long time,
I was going to be home early.
And I remember I
couldn't wait to see you
because I had such amazing
news to share with you.
And when I walked
through that door,
I found you and Lloyd
on the couch over there
on top of each other.
He ran out of the room
as quickly as he could,
and you just stood there
looking at me full of guilt.
And then you said...
Lloyd and I have fallen in love,
and he's asked me to marry him.
And I called you
a slut and a whore
and every other goddamn name
under the sun because you
really hurt me, Mary.
You hurt me.
But that's not
what hurt the most.
What hurt the most was
when Lloyd was standing
in the garden out
there just waiting
for you to run into
his arms, and you
did, right in front of me.
And that's when
I began to drink.
And you got scared
to leave the house.
You forgot about everything
except for your guilt
and your pain.
You fell apart.
This was all my fault.
No, Rommy.
She was drunk, and she got
behind the wheel of a car.
So this is why you're here?
It makes sense then of you
to tell me how crazy I am.
Rommy, you're not crazy.
You're just in a lot of pain,
hanging on to so much guilt.
Mary, I want to use
this opportunity
to tell you that, uh, I'm sorry
for all the pain I put you
And, um, I'm leaving
you for good.
I'm sorry too.
So this is why you're here?
That is just one of the reasons
you asked me to save you.
Are you OK?
Yeah, I feel fine now.
Does anything seem
unusual about it?
No, not really.
But it kind of does
look a little bit
like something I created
in university, but...
How interesting.
No, that's not what I
create in university
because what I created in
university is a device...
Well, it's a device for giving
specific locations in space.
And time.
Well, how can I do that?
I can't do that.
Not yet, but you really
are a very clever boy.
Hang on a minute.
Are you saying that the
future me will design this?
Yes, and I will bring it to you.
You need to make a choice,
stay here and drown in this era
or come with me.
Have the universe as your
playground and be someone.
That's som... something.
Use the device and take
a chance or stay here
drinking yourself to death.
I don't want to do that.
No, but the police will be
here in less than five minutes.
You left something behind.
You need to choose
where you want to be.
OK, I will.
Oh, I'm so glad you decide
to trust me, choose us.
It's working.
I feel nervous now.
Of course you do.
You may never get to
see this place again.
What do you mean?
It's strange to think how
normal this place looks.
If only we know what
it will be tomorrow.
Hey, wait, wait, wait, I need
some clothes or something.
You won't need clothes
where we're going.
(SINGING) Falling from grace
with another shadowed face.
Another one to care
about and then discard.
Her counter distraught lace.
Tying me to place.
Another one that
drifts along on and on.
On and on and on.
I want to tie you up
Want to drag you out.
Want to chew you up
and spit you out.
Want to tie you up
and drag you out.
The end, it's all with us.
We've wandered for miles
spinning in circles.
I want you to try to escape
the empty spiral spinning
in circles.
I watch you die.
(SINGING) How could you
replace that look of distaste.
Another one I'll tear in two.
I'm stuck on you.
Once more for what we waste.
For hours more we chased to
find the one that's lost in you.
We're just like you.
You tie me up.
You drag me down.
You chew me up and spit me out.
You tie me up and drag me out.
The end is so endless.
We wander for miles
spinning in circles.
I watch you dry, you
die, you die inside.