The Guardian Angel (2018) Movie Script

Palle, it's very important
that you follow the steps
of your spiritual progress.
you and I,
have a great mission.
We shouldn't forget that.
shall speak to us.
My husband's a detective.
We have to watch
what we're doing.
- Strong kick.
- Wants out.
What brings you here in
the middle of the day?
I had to question a
witness down the street.
Wanna help me with the
boxes in the store room?
Oh, I have to go now,
but I can be back at five.
Promises promises.
I will.
Fill it.
Put your hands up.
Go on.
Stop the alarm.
Don't move.
I said don't move.
Fill the briefcase.
I said fill the briefcase.
Give me your bike.
Hey! That's my bike!
What the fuck are you
doing? You're crazy!
Don't follow me.
Get down.
Don't shoot.
Close your eyes.
Do not follow me.
Keep your eyes closed.
That way!
That way, stairway to the right!
way. Be careful.
Nice work, boss.
Right place at the right time.
I bet it's the same guy who
robbed the bank last week.
The sunglasses,
the woolen cap.
The way he did it.
It all adds up.
But if he did the first robbery,
where's the money he took?
Yes, he's here.
Anders Olsen.
My wife Marie, she
fell down a ladder.
- Please-
- One moment, please.
- Mr. Olsen.
- How is she?
- She will be fine.
- And the baby?
Well, uh...
Can I get you anything?
- Marie, I'm-
- I know.
Here you go.
"Local heroes."
Not me.
So much for my heroism.
Why do they have to
mention he was a Nazi?
What difference does it make?
He still shot two people.
People are dying.
Just like that.
Thank you.
Sorry, boss.
Yeah, really sorry.
Thank you.
But please, business
as usual, okay?
What do we know about
our bank robber?
Palle Hardrup.
28 years old.
Toolmaker, married.
Sentenced in 1946 to
prison for war crimes.
Being part of our local
Gestapo, the HIPO.
In that case, he also has
friends in this building.
Go on.
Comes from a good
family, modest means.
He was paroled in '49, employed
by an oil company in 1950.
He was studying
to be an engineer.
And then at his trial in '46,
he said that he was "motivated
solely by the desire
to defend Denmark and
secure its future."
Is that why he
robbed the bank?
"To secure the
future of Denmark?"
He claims that he did
it so that he could create
a better society, one where
everyone would live in-
- "Psychic and psychologically
balanced conditions."
He wants to set up a Danish
National Communist Party.
Da-da, da, da, da-da. Cling.
A lunatic.
And the other bank, any
clues where the money might be?
No. He denies knowing
anything about it.
Let's go talk to his wife.
I don't know anything
about any money.
Destroy everything, if you want.
You husband robbed two banks.
He shot two people dead.
This is serious.
Could you open
this door please?
Hell's tears.
Did your husband do
all these drawings?
He was studying engineering.
"Official Uniforms
for the Soldiers
of the New Nordic
Spiritual Kingdom."
Married shortly after Palle
was released from prison.
Who are they?
Friends of Palle, from prison.
I never liked them.
He sketched everything.
Parks, uniforms.
The future.
Okay, so this guy's
a complete nutcase,
but damn he can draw.
you discuss robbing
the Lands bank with anyone?
And the other bank
two weeks ago, was that you?
I don't remember.
Palle, you weren't
at work that day.
You remember that?
You've been in
prison before, right?
You were sentenced in 1946
for collaborating
with the enemy.
National Socialism
had a breath of the old.
Viking tradition in modern form.
Only by going back to what
we once were can we develop
traditional harmony and power.
The Nazis did evil things,
we know that now, but,
but what they wanted was a
strong society of equals.
What do we have today?
An indifferent
society, without aims,
without equals, without-
- So you shot two innocent
people just so you could
raise the money for
your vision of equality?
They didn't obey orders.
If I hadn't shot them,
I would've betrayed
God and his will,
and I would've been acting
against society and humanity,
and the guardian angel.
"Formed by the unity
of its five nations,
the Northern Monarchy
would be a mighty force,
able to weather all
storms and adversities.
Its ultimate task would
be to disseminate humanism
throughout the world."
He couldn't have done
this alone, it's just-
- I just spoke with
Hardrup's wife.
So, now we have some information
about the four riders
of the apocalypse.
Four nut cases of
the Northern Monarchy.
They were all in
prison at the same time.
Palle, Mikael Jensen
and Ole Mortensen.
The fourth one, she
couldn't remember.
Couldn't remember?
She said he just showed
up at the wedding uninvited.
He's on the wedding photo?
Don't know.
Jensen moved to the America
and Mortensen runs the club.
The Pink Dragon.
The Pink Dragon?
That's a brothel.
Lock the doors!
He went over there.
- No, he's not here.
- Shut up!
Get up!
Get up!
- Now!
- Don't shoot!
I thought you were
someone I owed money to.
Didn't realize you
were police officers.
No, thank you.
I have nothing but
respect for the police.
Do you know this man?
Look, I...
I had nothing to do
with that bank job.
I haven't seen Palle since
that picture was taken.
Did you know Hardrup
before you met him in prison?
No. We but we were in
the same cell for a while.
And the guy next to you?
Bjrn Schouw Nielsen.
Fucking pendulum.
That's what they called him.
He sold Jews for his freedom.
Back in the war, he had a
fight with a German officer.
Ended up shooting the
guy over some girl.
The Germans got hold of him,
and he asked them to
take him to the Gestapo.
Then he told them
about these Jews
trying to escape to Sweden.
Germans caught all of them.
Later, he betrayed
the Germans too.
There's no money
here, but, uh...
There's a lot of
other weird stuff.
Keep looking.
Anyway, Palle and Nielsen
wanted me out of the cell.
They both got into that weird
Eastern philosophy stuff.
You know?
Palle changed, totally.
He was like a different
person, like someone in a daze.
A daze?
You know, like,
what do they call it?
A trance.
Is it the bank robbery?
And somehow it
gets under my skin.
Are you spying on me?
Maybe I ought to.
I guess this didn't turn out
to be such a happy marriage.
More on Nielsen.
Age 14, thrown out by father.
Age 16, first jail sentence.
Assault, drunk, disorderly.
He was a member of a
psychological research society.
"The study of psychological
and extra-sensory phenomena
and hypnosis."
- Petersen?
- Hm?
I want all the information
you can find about this
psychological research
group and who led it,
and find Nielsen.
He's down here.
You want to wait outside
or talk to him now?
Mr. Nielsen.
Breathe on it and
you're a dead man.
On second thoughts...
You look familiar, but
you're not a regular?
I know, the papers!
I've seen your picture.
somebody famous, locally.
You wouldn't refuse
a drink, would you?
- Please.
- Roland.
Get a round of
beer for everybody.
We would like to ask
you a few questions.
If you don't mind.
Do you recognize this man?
My old friend.
Palle, the bank robber.
Do you still keep in touch?
Now and then.
He's been in pretty
bad shape lately.
Somebody really ought
to take care of him.
We have a warrant
to search your home.
There's no money.
Is he the bank
robber's partner?
I don't know.
Maybe you could
let me help you.
My brain really needs
something to do.
What about the bookshop?
And a way to forget.
It's confidential.
We started with
breathing exercises,
and progressed to
various yoga techniques,
such as Raja yoga,
Hatha yoga, Bhakti yoga,
and finally, Karma yoga.
Our objective was divine,
para-cosmic enlightenment,
in which yoga was a tool in
the process of purification of
the body and soul.
Mine and Schouw Nielsen's.
Can I help you?
Yes, I'm looking for your
section on Eastern philosophy.
Right this way.
Here we are.
Interesting to meet someone
who cares about
Eastern philosophy.
It's not so usual.
Does this interest
you as well?
Four years of philosophy
studies behind me.
Only a few courses
away from my degree.
Well, it seems we have much
to share with each other.
Can we get him to give
us any real answers?
deterioration produces
para-cosmic delusions in him.
In his state of mind,
I really doubt it.
What about the yoga and
mental practice with Nielsen?
Mortensen said Hardrup was
in some kind of trance.
Could he have been
under hypnosis
when he carried
out the robberies?
Neither forensics nor medical
science has recognized that
a crime can be committed
under the effect of hypnosis
and that the process
can be forgotten.
It's impossible.
Did you really
talk to Nielsen?
He was...
I don't know, fascinating.
It's really hard to believe
he's part of the crime.
He's a former Nazi.
He had this strange connection
with Hardrup in prison
where they would practice
yoga and meditation.
Normally those things have
a positive effect on the mind.
He's dangerous.
I might be able to get
something out of him.
I think you should stay
away from him from now on.
- What if he knows who you are?
- Maybe he does!
You saw his smile?
He is freed from
his fear of death,
which prevented
him from sleeping.
I needed to treat this
patient through his past life.
Do you believe in past lives?
Young man, I don't believe
in anything.
I use whatever works.
There is no point in solving
philosophical and religious
problems when someone's
well-being is at stake.
Do you always
overwhelm strangers
with information
about your patients?
Only those police
who seek enlightenment
in the mysteries
of manipulation.
So, what is troubling you?
Would you like to take a seat?
No, this is not about me.
You never know.
I'm here because of
work, not to be hypnotized.
Could you please tell me about
your psychological
research group?
What was its purpose?
To create new
viewpoints for people.
We also did some experiments
related to meditation,
hypnosis and
out-of-body experience.
Do you remember this
person from your group?
Yes, I do.
He was very eager
to learn everything.
Aboriginal people use trances,
which are a kind of
stage of hypnosis.
For them, it is connected to
healing and seeing deeper.
It is even said that
thousands of years ago,
certain tribes performed
complicated brain surgery
using hypnosis.
Miracle, isn't it?
It's generally accepted
that no one acts
contrary to their own moral
codes, even under hypnosis.
So you're saying you
cannot hypnotize a person
to commit robbery or to kill?
I didn't say that.
People often act in
the name of religion,
belief, patriotism.
We were taught these values
from the time we were children.
That is also
hypnosis, Inspector.
For some people's moral codes
can be exploited, circumvented.
Immoral things become moral.
That's what many leaders do.
Use idealistic
goals to get people
to act on their
most basic habits.
Let's see how it goes.
He's agreed to cooperate.
Dr. Dabrowski.
Palle Hardrup.
We are now
moving back through time.
Until the time when you
were in Horsens prison,
after the war.
Back to your cell.
You are now in that time.
In that moment.
Breathe slowly.
In and out.
Tell me, where are you now?
And what year is it?
In prison.
In my cell.
It's 1947.
Is there
anyone else in your cell?
I'm alone at the moment.
How do you feel?
You have any plans
for when you leave prison?
I have a great mission.
Tell me
about this mission.
Does this mission have anything
to do with the new party?
But I'm not allowed
to talk about it.
The guardian angel forbids it.
"The guardian angel?"
Yes, he forbids it.
You want to tell
me about it, now.
I can't.
I can't.
You can, Palle.
You are at complete
liberty to talk about it.
You have permission.
- What does he look like?
- I, I can't.
He protects me.
He protects me. I
can't, I must...
I must go away.
We're coming back from there.
From that time,
from that moment.
You can feel yourself,
your mind relaxing.
We are returning
to the present now.
To this moment.
It seems there is a
lock in Hardrup's mind
that I cannot break.
What do you mean "a lock?"
Someone has placed
a block there,
and it's linked to
a person or a code.
The guardian angel?
Hardrup's mind will
only accept a certain user
and the code is there
to maintain the effect.
The suggestion.
A code?
It could be a sign,
a memory, a voice.
Something which maintains
the state of trance.
You think he's
being manipulated? Hypnotized?
Apparently, yes.
Can we find another
way to break this lock?
Are you asking me to
help you solve this case?
I get to use the material
for my personal research.
I'm allowed to film
the experiments.
You get to manipulate
and use me,
if you let me do
the same to you.
Max Dabrowski,
the Great Bonzini.
And the infamous
police interrogator.
I hear you graduated
to selling popcorn?
Yes, would you
want to try some?
Psychology put into practice.
Taste the way of
life of Hollywood.
Too salty.
Your henchmen
drove me down here,
away from one of my customers.
Is it your intention to
destroy my honorable business?
Do you know what this is?
Are you joking?
It's a popular model.
I had one myself just
like it. It was stolen.
I reported it to the police.
It is your bicycle.
We found it close to the
bank Palle Hardrup robbed.
I'm surprised he
would take it from me.
It is a shame, to be
betrayed by a friend.
What are you doing?
Just for my own collection.
You and Hardrup were in the
same cell in prison, right?
Says in the report you
two practiced yoga there.
We did whatever
we could to endure
the difficult circumstances.
What is the New
Nordic Kingdom?
Because we found
material relating to that
in both your houses.
Those were Hardrup's strange
imaginations, not mine.
But I must say,
those thoughts did seem to
keep him stable in prison.
We also used other forms of
spiritual evolution together.
What about hypnosis?
Did you ever use that in
your spiritual evolution?
Not as such, but,
whichever method is chosen,
one must be careful.
Balance is essential to
personal development.
Is your history of
assault also essential
to your personal development?
Lambs sometimes
stray from the fold,
but even those who
stray have the right
to seek the light of love.
Lock him up.
And here's Dabrowski's book.
Thank you.
Does he suspect
somebody used hypnosis
in the bank robbery?
Anders, nobody's ever
carried out a crime like that.
We don't know
that, we can't know.
But how pure are
Dabrowski's motives?
Maybe he's wants
to make history.
Try to prove something
nobody can understand.
I read that he used to be
an old stage hypnotist?
- If you consider-
- Marie, please.
See you at home.
And you are completely relaxed.
You are falling
deeper in the dream.
You are back in prison in 1947.
You can see the place,
and also who are around of you.
And you will see and hear
how the guardian angel
will talk to you.
You will see and hear him now.
We still have some
unanswered questions.
That's why I invited
Dr. Dabrowski.
And your mumbo jumbo tests
can answer these questions?
Someone has put a lock
into Hardrup's mind.
A lock?
And is the only
unanswered question
is where is the money?
Otherwise, the case is clear.
You have nothing on Nielsen.
So release him.
You can collect your clothing
and personal belongings
on your way out.
You're free to go.
I know you're behind this.
And I'm going to prove it.
You and your Great Bonzini
can't prove a damn thing.
You are...
A chicken.
And you want to talk
to your friends.
You are in a deep, deep trance.
You have a fever.
You're hot.
You have to get get
rid of your feathers.
Glad to see everyone
is working hard.
Anders, we were, just-
- Okay.
We're continuing
with the Nielsen lead,
no matter how funny
you all find it.
Boss, we still haven't
got any solid evidence.
You sound like Thuesen.
We'll find evidence and
we'll show it to him.
That's our job.
So this one interests you?
Thank you.
My friend has committed
a horrible crime.
The police think that I
am involved in this crime,
which is linked to hypnosis.
So it will be a good
time to learn more,
to understand what the
police are trying to prove.
Four kroner.
What do you know about
this, through your husband?
But did you do it?
Some people have a
natural calling for evil.
Hardrup has gone
the wrong direction.
I blame myself.
I wasn't there to rescue him.
In hypnosis, you can
set locks in the mind
to make a person
think in only one zone
or you can open new connections,
remove blocks and frustrations.
Right here.
It's all a question of
skill and responsibility.
A tool for good...
Or evil.
In Poland, I used
to help my friend
who was a police officer.
Through hypnosis, we could
get witnesses to return
to the scene of a
crime in their minds
and remember insignificant
details more clearly.
They were able to
stop their memories
in a precise given moment,
and identify the guilty one.
It worked well, but then,
one witness faked his trance
and named an innocent person
in order to protect
the real criminal.
You lost your reputation then?
I fucked up!
Because of one little detail,
all our research was
turned into a farce.
Your father was
a police officer?
And a friend of Thuesen.
Is there something
you want to talk about,
regarding your father?
Let's not
talk about my nightmares.
Palle, the guardian angel
wishes to speak to you.
He will use this body
to transform his speech.
You are chosen as the founder
of the Northern Monarchy.
The herald and vanguard
for all spiritual thinking.
You will become a great leader
with an important mission
which Bjrn Schouw Nielsen
will also uphold.
All of your failings are erased.
You are under God's wing now.
I saw you were awake.
Mind if we talk?
You know, I have
trouble sleeping too.
It's no wonder.
Our unbalanced world can affect
us in many disturbing ways.
But when the mind
is purified
and you stand
at the foot of
the holy mountain,
you can feel the breath
of divinity fall on you
and all else loses its meaning.
They tried to scare me,
about Schouw Nielsen.
They wondered about
our friendship,
but we were the only
ones who sought the truth
within ourselves.
Why didn't you shoot me?
You obeyed the orders.
You did not step up against
the guardian angel's
and God's will.
You obeyed.
Who is the guardian angel?
He's a messenger from God.
Is he here?
Does he protect you?
The guardian angel
protects my family, yes.
I have to go.
Will you be home for dinner?
Things are rather
busy at work.
By the way, Nielsen came
by the bookshop again.
We had a rather interesting
talk. He knows I'm your wife.
This is crazy! He's
manipulating you.
Or then there's the other
possibility that he's innocent.
- You mustn't talk to him.
- We talk to our customers.
Should I just turn
my back on him?
I shouldn't have told
you anything! I'm an idiot!
You are not to see him!
Here's a list of all the people
who came to visit Hardrup.
There's only two names on it.
That's Nielsen and
Hardrup's wife, Bente,
and she only visited him once.
There's also several
letters from Nielsen.
But it doesn't prove anything.
I want to see those letters.
Yeah, we searched the
cell. Didn't find anything.
He destroys them.
From now on, all letters
to Hardrup pass through us.
- Right.
- Bling, bling!
Da-dee, dee, dee.
Coffee and pastries.
Susi used to work
for the signal corps
in Sweden during the war.
Back to the typewriter.
- Da-da, da, da.
- Bling, bling!
Have you gotten
into a trance again?
Just keep your
trousers on, okay?
Why not put Nielsen and Hardrup
in the same room together,
question them and
see what happens?
I want to film it.
I made all the mistakes.
I stole.
Even killed a German soldier.
But the hardest part
for me is getting past
how I betrayed my
Jewish friends.
I was lucky.
No one betrayed us.
We were able to avoid the camps
and my family got here
safely after the war.
I don't know if it was my
evil nature or the sum total
of my childhood traumas,
but all this self-improvement,
like yoga and meditation,
has helped bring me
closer to my inner light.
This hasn't been the
most balanced time for me.
My emotions go up and down.
You know, we, um, we
just had a tragedy.
We lost our child.
I am so sorry to hear that.
No smoking.
What about alcohol?
Are you balanced with that?
That part could still
use some development.
Sometimes, a glass of
wine can clarify the mind.
In the middle of the day?
in the middle of the day.
Shall we?
Why not?
The food's getting cold.
Have you been waiting for me?
It looks very nice.
I'm so sorry that we had such
a bad start this morning.
It's okay.
Have you been drinking?
With my colleagues,
after work.
A glass of wine.
Also I met my...
We talked about my graduation.
Over wine?
Just one glass.
- Good afternoon, Palle.
- Good afternoon.
What did you do with the money
from the first bank you robbed?
Palle, did it ever occur to
you that your friend Bjrn
was using hypnosis on you while
you were together in prison?
Sorry for the interruption.
Hardrup has already confessed
and he said he did it alone.
Why can't you trust me?
What are you scared of?
Why don't you see it yourself?
You are being manipulated
by this Polish-
- Polish what?
Say it!
I'm not hunting you
and nazis anymore!
Anders, I am concerned
about your fucking health!
I know you've had people
watching me. Including Petersen.
Four days. Max.
Wrap this up.
Then the case is closed.
The law allows me to
hold you for questioning
for as long as the
investigation continues.
It continues until you talk.
Long day, huh?
One drink, for the road?
Why not?
But this time,
at my place.
Happy birthday!
You want some cake?
Yes, please.
So you didn't invite Thuesen?
He ain't a friend
of mine, either.
You know I respect you more than
any other police investigator,
but in this case, whether
you're right or wrong,
this will never
succeed in court.
Hypnosis, Anders.
It's too weird.
I'm telling you
this as a friend.
Thank you for the birthday.
You know, lack of
evidence isn't a problem.
There are plenty of officers
who create the evidence
they need when they
know someone's guilty.
Mrs. Hardrup.
I see I came at a busy time.
Are you moving far?
Near here.
About half the size.
Would you mind answering
just a few questions?
I knew Nielsen
before I met Palle.
It was his idea that
Palle and I should meet
when Palle got out of prison,
and get married.
I know it sounds crazy,
but I got to love Palle
more and more with each day.
He's a good man.
Not mentally ill,
as Nielsen says.
Nielsen controlled the
people around Palle.
I hated it, but Palle insisted
he and Nielsen were bound
by a common spiritual
course shit.
Schouw Nielsen never had a
spiritual thought in his head.
The thing is...
Nielsen also wanted to have me.
He raped me.
And I resisted.
And I missed five weeks of work
recovering from broken bones.
And what did Palle do?
He approved of what Nielsen did
because it was a part of
his spiritual development.
Palle had to learn to
give up worldly matters,
everything he was attached to,
in order to get to a
higher spiritual level.
I have two witnesses
who will testify
that you successfully
hypnotized Hardrup
while you both were in prison,
and that you raped his wife
to gain control over his mind.
That's more than enough
for the public prosecutor
to start an official inquiry.
The noose is tightening
around your neck.
And, if I tell
you what you want to know,
what do I get out of it?
Your cooperation will
be taken into account
when the court sentences you.
So here's the deal.
I want a decent meal,
and an intimate, pleasurable
half-an-hour with some charming
young lady and then I
will tell you whatever
you want to know, including
how I manipulated Hardrup.
You're crazy.
I don't think it's an
unreasonable request,
under the circumstances.
I would like her to be blonde,
and not taller than
170 centimeters,
and as young as possible.
I can't do that.
I'm impressed!
Wait here.
But where's the girl?
Hi, Bjrn.
A good choice, Mr. Olsen.
First the confession,
then the fun.
This isn't the Catholic Church.
With the use of hypnosis,
I got Palle Hardrup
to rob two banks.
That's it.
This just gets
better and better.
Let's keep it decent, okay?
I cannot promise.
Time's nearly up.
Time's up!
Was something.
From time to time, your
wife came into my mind.
She is a very attractive woman.
Hasn't she told you about our
conversations that we have?
Good food and wine?
When will this dirty dog
be on the streets again?
With his written confession,
he'll be given a
shorter sentence.
What written confession?
funny, come on.
This is not my signature.
This is a vulgar forgery.
Obviously it is written
right-handed. I am left-handed.
You said so yourself. Police
officers often fake evidence.
You fucking bastard.
He got me drunk.
He tried to bribe me
in every conceivable way.
What has happened?
I had to release Nielsen.
He tricked me.
He said he was guilty.
But then he took his
words back, so...
But you
couldn't keep him?
I know you've been lying
and continuing
meeting with Nielsen.
If you want to help me,
keep meeting him.
Try to get some evidence,
try talking to him.
- Whatever you can find-
- No, I don't want to.
You have to help me. I
don't know what else to do.
You want to help me, right?
"And through the use of psychic
manipulation and hypnosis,
I convinced Palle Hardrup
that had a divine
mission to perform.
For the hypnosis, I used
the code 'Robin Hood.'"
God damn it, Anders!
How did you allow yourself
to be conned into this?
Liquor, whores, violence!
I've had to write Nielsen
an official apology.
Nielsen has promised
not to go to the press,
or file a complaint,
as long as you
stay away from him.
Jorgensen's psychiatric
report will recommend
that Hardrup be committed
to a mental hospital.
That is the end of
the case for us.
I suspect the
prosecutor and defense
will want all the evidence
at their disposal.
You are hurting yourself now.
But bring him back.
One last time.
The Great Polish Bonzini.
The problem is that the more
we try to hypnotize Hardrup,
the more difficult it becomes.
He just experiences
more physical pain.
He claims hypnosis
doesn't work on him.
Yet he is very susceptible
to posthypnotic suggestion.
Even though he was in
a very light trance,
Hardrup followed my suggestion
that the food was poisoned
and that he should destroy it
so that nobody would
be harmed by it.
I believe Nielsen used
the spiritual experiences
they shared together to
gain Hardrup's confidence,
then he used Hardrup's
own religious, political
and revolutionary ideas as
the material for his hypnosis.
We all know that Hardrup
is a schizophrenic.
No, he's not.
He's an idealist who became
putty in Nielsen's hands.
But there is still no
evidence of manipulation.
We need facts, not 'Robin
Hood' magic tricks.
I want Nielsen followed
every minute, every second,
everywhere he goes.
Shouldn't we
leave Nielsen alone?
Those were Thuesen's orders.
Do you want to report
to Thuesen or to me?
Pick your side.
I report to you.
It has been quite a while.
As you can see, the head of
police finally recognized
that your husband had been
trying to prosecute me.
I've been worried
about Anders.
It's like his whole state
of mind has been changing.
The long-term impact
of early trauma.
He tries to lash out and
find an outer target for his
inner furies.
If you could find
more within yourself
and transfer that
feeling to him,
it might start to heal
him and his energy.
You mean like, um,
using meditation or yoga?
For instance, guided meditation
could start the process.
I could help, if you want.
It seems congratulations
are in order.
You are pregnant.
Skilled suggestion, huh?
Letters from
Nielsen to Hardrup.
Some are happy to
surrender their fate
to the church or the state.
Please forget about
the sermon, Max.
Someday we'll invent a machine
that sends electric
signals to the brain
and controls it.
Take a look at the letters.
I can't make any
sense out of them.
The first letter says,
"Greetings, my friend.
Summer approaches,
nature blossoms and the air gets warmer."
The other one?
It's just as meaningless.
One thing puzzles me.
Both of the letters are signed,
"your friend, Bjrn
Schouw Nielsen XXX,"
and they look like swastikas.
I know they're not, but
it was just an idea.
You might be a genius.
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon.
How's it going?
I'm not complaining.
Once you've found your balance,
you can be content anywhere.
Can I see that book?
Look at this.
It's one of the most
widely-used signs
for post-suggestion.
Whenever Hardrup sees an X,
the suggestion implanted
by Nielsen is preserved.
- Your telephone messages.
- Not now.
The last one's from your wife.
- Boss.
- What?
Just spoke to surveillance.
Marie just had a long
meeting with Nielsen.
Hardrup has
to be completely isolated
from any X signs.
Put him in a new cell.
Check it three times a day.
If he makes any X signs,
paint it over immediately.
All his reading
material, confiscate it.
I have to
tell you something.
I know about Nielsen.
- Did he tell you anything?
- No.
It's, it's something else.
So no new clues?
What do want to say?
Maybe it's not
all that important.
Marie, I have to go.
I have a great mission.
Whenever you see this sign,
you will know that God
speaks through this body.
I am your guardian angel.
There is nothing
physically wrong with him.
He seems to be going
through a withdrawal.
Like an addict.
Of course, I'd need
to do further tests.
Is everything alright?
I know you've
separated me from him.
From God.
We're just trying to bring
the right man to justice.
When the Nazis lost,
do you remember what you
did in the name of justice?
Any girl who'd
slept with a German
had her head shaved, her
clothes were torn from her body,
and she was made to run
naked through the streets.
When the people executed
all those whose only crime
was that they had defended
their country, was that justice?
Where were the police then?
Ruined everything!
Bring the doctor!
This way!
Oh, no, no, no!
- Are you okay?
- Yes.
Better than our friend here.
He's totally disrupted.
He's been separated
from divinity.
That's all his brain
keeps telling him.
I don't know.
There is a risk
we might kill him.
Maybe we should
return him to the Xs?
Anders, this is too much.
You're off the case
as of now, it's over.
And the department will conduct
an official investigation
into your actions.
What happened to
the Great Bonzini?
I questioned my
responsibility and buried him.
The young woman I had
invited to come see
the Great Bonzini awake me.
The look she gave me,
at how I use my skills.
It hurt.
I would have married
her, you know?
She saw through the whole show.
And me.
You lost your child.
You know better than me what
it means to lose someone.
Did the same happen
with your father?
Yes, but, um...
You want to talk?
Look into my eyes,
and take a deep breath.
Is this a joke?
Look into my eyes.
Okay, let's play your game.
Breathe slowly.
Very slowly.
In and out.
You became a police
officer, like your father.
We were both stationed in the
same SA unit during the war.
Spying for the Nazis.
Just keep looking at my eyes.
So, what happened?
It felt wrong.
So I ran away, all the
way to London where I,
I started working as a police
specialist for the allies.
Fighting against the Nazis.
Against your father?
And you won the war?
I couldn't win.
Many of our colleagues
were in the SA too.
Like Thuesen.
I wanted to bring
them to justice
and have them tried in court,
but too many people
were against me.
And you
wanted to punish them?
Take revenge.
My father died in a car accident
when the Germans lost the war.
I returned home the day after.
I don't know if he
did it on purpose.
You could not make
up with your father,
so you punished yourself.
I'll never get
to understand why.
Why he chose to
be a part of them.
Why he became a
part of the Nazis.
Everyone can be manipulated.
Good. That's good.
It will be fine.
It will be okay.
Your wife, Marie, she called me.
She's been worried about you.
Me too.
We are trying to help you.
Oh, one moment, please.
For you. The nurse
from hospital.
Thank you.
Hardrup's getting worse.
We should break the lock now.
Welcome, my dear.
Thanks so much for helping me.
Well, the doctor
should be here soon.
Maybe you should
go and get him.
Just go.
I can understand
why so many writers
were captured by the
magic of the East.
- There's so much to discover.
- Yes.
Their way of thinking, their
techniques for self-improvement
all of which can
help set you free
of that stone of
grief you're hiding
inside your soul, Marie.
Don't let that knowledge,
even if it is good knowledge,
allow you to hide
your secret pain.
Bring it out.
I can help you.
I need help.
I need something.
Listen, I can't do it.
This is not right.
We don't have any choices.
All right.
Don't, no, no.
- Stop.
- Take a deep breath.
Take a deep breath, I say.
Yes, slowly.
Breathe slowly.
In and out.
Can he hear you?
Yes, at some level.
He is sensitive to
suggestions, too.
Concentrate again.
Completely on my voice.
Concentrate on my voice.
As you feel all
the sounds around you
begin to fade away
to silence.
no meaning whatsoever.
And out.
You hear the voice of
the guardian angel,
but now you can see
and understand
where that voice comes from.
I am going to begin
to count down from ten,
and when I reach one,
you will follow my
instructions very carefully.
- Is it here? This room?
- Yes.
Let's get
him back to the Xs!
Keep going!
Keep going!
It's Dr. Gammeltoft.
Please open the door.
You feel yourself relaxing,
more and more.
You feel a touch of
divinity within your soul.
You must liberate yourself from
things binding you to earth.
- Six.
- Six.
You must kill the feelings
of false attachment
to acquire true freedom and
release your divine powers.
That is why you must
kill, in your mind,
the people closest to you.
Including your own mother.
Again and again.
Until you no longer
feel any attachment
that stands in the way
of your great mission.
You are
free from the Xs.
I am your guardian angel.
You are free, Palle.
Open the door!
We're calling the guards!
The lock is broken.
You are awake.
How do you feel? Good?
Open the
door or we break it.
You are good now.
Sorry. The door was stuck.
I'm not mad.
I want a pen and paper.
He made me kill my own mother.
In my mind.
Again and again.
I can't believe.
He broke through.
- She's in Nielsen's house.
- Did anyone go inside?
No, I have
to report this to Thuesen,
but I wanted to
let you know first.
Let's go!
Take it, take it,
take it, take it.
There's a young lady with him.
I know.
Wait here!
It took quite a
while for you to come.
Where is she?
Now, now. She's
perfectly safe.
She is resting comfortably.
Specifically until you
sign a confession admitting
that you tried to frame me.
That I am perfectly innocent.
It's over.
Hardrup told us everything.
About how I hypnotized him?
How I coerced him into
robbing those banks.
Killing those people.
So you admit it?
Oh, of course, but I don't
think you are going to do
anything with that
information, are you?
Not after the inspector
got me drunk, beat me up
and coerced a
confession from me.
I've put a suggestion
inside your wife's brain
that she will remain relaxed
until I give her a code word
and that code word
will remain unspoken
until you cooperate with me.
It's quite funny, actually.
Is it?
The only reason she
was open to suggestion
was because of you.
You weren't very attentive
to her problems, were you?
Was that very wise?
I enjoyed it.
That's impossible.
Quite simple, actually.
You're not the only one who can
put locks into people's
heads, you know.
Before Marie came
to see Nielsen,
she was kind enough to
allow me put a suggestion
into her head that
would block him out.
Maybe you should have
listened to my lectures
a little more carefully.
Take him away.
Let's go.
I'm so sorry.
How's Thuesen?
I told you I would get you.
And you don't
think I've got you?