The Habit of Beauty (2016) Movie Script

- Give it to me.
- Come forward, come forward.
- Give it to me.
- That's cool.
They tell me you're out today.
- Tomorrow night, tomorrow.
- Tomorrow?
- Is that a better camera?
- Just different.
Works with film.
- Can I try?
- Say warlock.
- Say what?
- Here.
Now take the picture.
You like it?
- Governor, Governor.
Is it true you're a big time photographer?
- Mm-hmm.
- How on earth did you end up here, then?
- I was unlucky.
- Aren't we all?
Money I'd pay to be in the
same room with that bird.
By the way,
I'll be good to her.
Governor, you okay?
Do you wanna come...
Take it easy, huh.
Take it easy.
Take it, take it.
I'll be back.
- I can't understand, sir.
I don't...
This is nothing to me.
You fucking scares people.
- Oh, right, yeah.
Yep, done.
Back already?
I'm gonna call you back.
Is everything okay?
You know they've done
everything they've can.
It's up to you now.
You know, I get it, you're
being so, so strong.
You know, no one's guilty in this.
Especially not you.
I know,
how it feels that
Carlo was still here,
you know, with us, with you.
But he's not in that room, Elena.
You know, it's time for us to
live our new life together.
And I am out here.
Come here.
It's gonna be okay.
You know I'm here for you.
- I know.
- So why don't we take a day off.
We can go away for the weekend.
- I can't.
It is a big day for you.
Stay focused on what you have to do.
- Focus, you mean on
all of this work?
- Yeah.
- This work?
- Here's another one.
- Sign there please.
- Good luck.
- Changing room's down at the end.
- Fuck are you doing here?
Are you some kind of perv?
- Do I look like a perv?
- Kind of.
What's this about?
- I don't need it anymore.
Use it.
- What do you want me to do with it?
- I don't know, you can sell
it and make 2,000 pounds.
So, you want a lift home or not?
- Okay.
I'll take the lift, but if
you get close to me, man,
I swear I'll smash this in your face.
- You like that camera, eh?
- Yes, it's alright.
It's pretty cool.
Looks like it could be from
World War I or something.
- It's not from World War I.
It's from the '50s, which
for you probably sounds like
a thousand years ago.
- Yeah, it does.
- I really like the
photos you took inside.
- What would you know?
- What do I know?
I've been doing this
for quite a while, Ian.
- If you're so
great, how do you end up
teaching fuck ups like me?
- Ah, you know.
You start on top, and you end up in shit.
What are you going to
do when you get home?
- I don't know.
Sell vegetables with my,
my dad.
- Save your number in my phone.
'Cause if I get a job,
I'll give you a call.
- Here you go.
- What in the fuckin' hell is that?
- It's your dinner.
- Is this my dinner?
- Yeah, it's your dinner.
- Ah, it's my dinner.
It's me fucking dinner, is it?
Get back in the fucking kitchen...
- You just stuck a fucking fag in there?
- One fucking you do,
and that's fucking shit.
- Look who's holding the beer.
- Yeah, and clean that up
as well, while you're there.
- I'll get you to fuck
off, you selfish old cunt.
- Oh, go back to the kitchen.
- You know what?
You're lucky you're not getting
that in your fucking face.
Oh, you're back, are ya?
- I missed you.
- Vicky!
You get off of your fucking
ass and give me a hand.
- Come here.
Come sit.
Sit, come here.
- You're working for me tomorrow.
- No.
I've got a job.
- What sort of job?
You wanna end up back
in jail again, do you?
- I'm work, working for a photographer.
- Oh yeah, doing what?
Taking pictures
of the naked titties?
- Go help mom, yeah?
- Okay.
- What?
- God dad, fuck off.
- Baby, wake up.
Hey, you.
- Dr. Frasnick,
you have visitors in the main lobby.
Dr. Frasnick, you have
visitors in the main lobby.
- No baby,
No, no, no, don't go...
- I have to go.
- No, no.
- I have to go.
- That's the reason
I don't want you to go.
- Bye.
- Okay, don't go.
Stay with me for a little
bit longer.
- Calm down, Jerome.
- I'm not a fucking
four year old.
- Aye, aye, calm down.
- Ian.
- Ian, whoa, what's up?
- What's up, man?
- You cool?
- I'm cool, yeah, you?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- What is that?
What you got in your pocket?
- Some pictures I took.
- I love holidays, man.
- Ah, man, no you don't.
- I do.
- Just pictures.
- Ian, you're gonna come see me, eh?
You're gonna come see me, eh?
- Wait, it's cool, it's cool.
- You're gonna come see me?
- He's coming.
Trust me.
Bro, bro, he's got it, yeah?
Trust me, you got my word, yeah.
- Come see me, Ian.
- Just go, just go, just go.
- Ernesto, what's happening?
You good?
- I'm good, how are you doing?
- Yeah, I'm good.
- What do you have there?
- A spliff.
- That, what's that?
- I, I,
took some pictures with your camera.
I only managed to print five.
That's all I could afford.
That's, that's my mom
in the photo.
- She's beautiful.
- Yeah.
- Really like them.
- Yes.
- Wanna show you something.
Check this out.
- Shit, man, this is shit.
- It's the lake where I live.
- How did you do that?
- Place that I like.
- What is that,
that is beautiful, man.
- I'll take you there one day, maybe.
- Huh?
- Maybe I'll take you there.
- What's wrong?
- Look.
If you have time,
I want you to help me set
up for my next exhibition.
You wanna do it?
- Fuck yeah, man.
What, in a, in a museum?
- In a gallery.
- I've never been in a gal-gallery before.
- It's gonna be your first time.
- How did you meet him?
- He was in my...
He was
doing photography workshops in prison.
- You met him in prison?
- Yeah.
So, so, so, so what, I'm in prison.
So, fucking what, what.
- I'm sure you are nice guy,
but I'm real busy.
Maybe it's better if you go back to him.
- Everything all right?
- Go fuck yourself!
- Hey, Yolo.
- Thank you very much.
- Hey.
Hey, what you doing with that?
- The fuck are you doing?
- Fuck!
Put it away behind your back...
- No, fuck off man, leave it.
- Put it away, hide it behind your back.
- Just looking.
- Hide it behind your back.
- Hey, Adam, Ian.
How we doing?
- All right.
The kid done something wrong, is he?
- No, no, no, just nothing wrong today.
Just passing.
- That's never a good look, is it?
- Ian's very different from us.
He's also very loyal.
- So, what.
- Shut it.
Sorry, Officer.
You were saying, go on.
- He needs to be a little
less loyal to certain people.
Or else,
he'll be back inside again.
- I'm not, I'm not a snitch,
snitch, dad, you know it.
- All right, all right,
I know, I know.
- You know it, man.
- I'll leave it with you,
Adam, to put this right.
I'm pretty sure you can.
Have a good evening.
Have a good evening, Ian.
- Yeah, thank you, you too.
Thank you.
- You're a big boy now, aint you?
Don't fuck it up.
- You happy, man?
Gonna do some work.
- Hey, Ian, how you doing?
- I'm all right.
- You made a hell of
an impression at the gallery.
- Bitch didn't like me, man.
- She's not a bitch.
She said she's going to
think about my exhibition.
If I do my exhibition there,
I want you to help me set it up.
- Was everything all right, sir?
- Yes, it was
just fine, thank you.
Baby, how you doing?
You know, I was worried about you.
I called you a few times.
- I know, I'm so sorry.
I was working.
- Yeah, I know.
Shall we eat?
- A bit?
Listen, I...
- You're not hungry, are you?
- No.
- No.
Okay, what's the problem?
Should we just go home?
I don't mind, I can get the...
- It's not easy for me.
- What is not easy?
Tell me what is not easy.
I move out of my flat to be with you.
I'm trying to sell my company
just to have more time for us.
So, what is not easy?
- I know.
- Elena?
What are you doing, where you going?
Let me get the car, we can leave together.
I just need to get my jacket.
- We're having a press conference
tomorrow at the gallery.
- Yes, yes.
I wanted to let you know
that we are going to
be hosting a restaurant
seasons collection.
- I'll make sure he gets that.
- Call me when you're free.
- Hello, Babe.
- Hi.
- I just wanted to pop
by and give you a hand.
Looks like you're doing just fine.
Why did you hide this from me?
- Because it just happened.
- Just happened.
- Try to understand.
I had to do this.
- Sorry.
Excuse me.
Um, they want to interview Ernesto.
- Hello?
Yes, I am
- Excuse me.
I really don't wanna be in the way.
All I need is this show.
Then I'm gone.
- You know, she almost killed
herself after what you did.
And not did you try and visit her once.
And now you wanna come
here with your photographs,
and you're coming out here
talking to me like we're friends.
I'm not your fucking friend.
- Fucking grass.
What, you think you can run away forever?
- What's your problem, cuz?
- What you mean,
what's my problem, cuz?
I ain't your cousin, at all.
What did you tell the pigs to get out?
Huh, and what have you
done to Jerome's stuff?
- I don't have it.
- What you mean you don't have it?
- I don't have it.
- What, you gonna leave me behind, yeah?
Fucking leave us behind, look, look.
Why do you think I'm here?
- Look at me, man.
We grew up together.
Since when do you hold Jerome's dick?
- Shut the fuck up, man.
Shut up, shut up!
- What happens to your little girl
if you're locked up again?
Another one of us around
here with no fucking dad.
You should do something, man.
- Fuck you.
Fuck you.
- You want me to
fuck you up this time?
Fuck off, you pussy.
- Ian, my friend.
That's a grand's worth of stuff.
- Fuck, I got arrested,
and I had to get rid of it.
- Had to get rid of it?
- Yeah.
- You're gonna pay me.
You're gonna pay me
by showing to me.
- No.
No more selling shit.
- You got balls,
I'll give you that.
- Same, huh?
We the same.
- Come on, go, come on, come on.
- Shut, shut the fuck up.
- You saying.
- Fuck off!
- Ian, bro,
this is a terrible shame.
Like I said, I like you, man.
I feel you got some balls, but,
if you say anything to
anyone, then you're gonna
end up a fuck little worse, yeah.
All right.
- Help me.
- Shit, fucking mother!
- Fucking what's going on here?
- Would you come and look at him?
Would you come and look
at him, you piece of shit!
This is what they've done to him,
'cause you're so fucking useless, look!
- Shut up, woman.
Who did this to you, boy?
Who, who did it to you?
Put your fucking tongue
in straight and speak.
Who the fuck did this to you?
Ah, you fucking retard!
- Just leave him alone.
- Don't look at your mother, look at me.
Who did this to you?
Oh, christ.
- Are you fucking blind?
Where do you think I get my money from?
You teach everybody all
these lessons and then you
piss it all at the pub.
Look, who pays for it when you're gone?
- Just let it go.
Just let it...
- Oh yeah, that's right.
'Cause you got a camera.
And you go around taking pictures of shit,
and now you think you better than me.
- You think, you think
this is about my camera?
You think this is about my fucking camera?
- You know what this is about
is that you a joke.
You'll never amount to nothing.
Because you can't f-f-f-fucking talk.
- That's where you're wrong, dad.
because I come from this shit hole,
does not mean I'll be a fuck up like you.
- Get out of my house.
- Hi man, what's happening?
- What happened, Ian?
What happened?
Who did this?
Who did this?
- Just some people.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
- Are you okay man?
Come inside.
- No, no, no.
- No, come in for a drink, please.
- I'm okay, I'm okay, I'm okay.
I brought some...
These are my cameras,
my lenses.
I mean, it took me a
lifetime to grow everything.
- Nice.
- I want you to have them.
- I can't, it's your camera, no.
- I don't need it anymore.
I wanna give them to you.
- Shut up, man, what
are you trying to say?
- Look, Ian, I'm unwell.
I don't have much time.
And I have a lot of
things to take care of.
I'm leaving tomorrow.
- What?
No, don't, you, you feel unwell?
Let's do something, then.
You can't just leave.
No one stops like that.
You ain't a fucking weak man.
- I came here to tell you something
that I already decided, okay?
Don't fight me.
Tomorrow is gonna be my
last exhibition ever.
These are the keys to my apartment.
Go and stay there, and get
the fuck out of here, please.
- I don't want your keys.
I don't need your keys.
What, what are you gonna do now?
- You don't have to worry about me.
Just worry about yourself.
Get the fuck out of this place.
- I love your work.
I love everything you've done.
I think it's great that
you're here tonight,
and if there's anything I
can do to help in anyway,
then please let me know.
It's your time.
- His provocative and
controversial photographs
were the must have for
designers all over the world.
But as quickly as he
appeared, three years ago,
he suddenly vanished.
But now he's back with a brand
new exhibition of his work,
ladies and gentlemen, please
welcome, Ernesto Mazzesi.
So, after a three-year
silence, you're back
with a brand new exhibition which
opens in London here tomorrow.
Are you excited to be back?
- Yeah, yeah, very much.
Very much.
Been a long journey...
- Babe.
Are you ready?
- And I'm sure it's not over yet.
I'm sure there's a lot more...
- Ready for what?
- But if you don't mind...
- Well, well,
I think they're trying to
convince me to sell everything.
- The first picture which
bought you huge success.
Now, you've photographed
many of the world's
most beautiful models, but
you chose the Elena one
for the cover of your book.
- You know what this means to me, right?
- Picture that's so special to you?
- Yeah.
- So, maybe we should talk about it later.
- Okay.
- She was very special.
She is very special.
And that's all I cared about.
When I came to London,
everything was difficult.
I had to rustle a lot.
- Shut the fuck up, man!
- I came from
a very simple family,
and I've always been very proud of that.
My energy comes from my
land, from, from my roots.
But, I wanted freedom, and I
thought London was freedom.
But it became a prison.
- Your new photographs,
what do they mean to you?
- I suppose they are a way
to find my freedom again.
- Now, it must have been very difficult
to be in such demand, and to
then vanish for a few years.
And I read somewhere that you've been
doing a lot of workshops with
young disadvantaged people.
Do you enjoy this?
- All I'm really trying to do is like,
trying to teach them not
to waste their life, and
not to waste their talent,
you know, to make the
same mistakes that I made.
That's it.
- So, if Ernesto
Mazzesi could go back in time,
what exactly would you do differently?
- Nothing.
- The theme of
loss is very apparent
in your new exhibition.
Now, if you don't mind my asking,
was the tragic death of your
son an influence on your work?
- I don't wanna talk about this,
if you don't mind.
- And
I, I need
to tell you something.
- I'm so glad he came back to work,
so I do know what it means to you.
- The Sublime Theory really
is a stunning piece of work.
I'm sure you'll like it.
Why don't you follow me to
have a look at some more work.
- Can you give another call to Ernesto?
- Yes, don't worry.
I'll call him.
- Okay.
- Hey, babe.
- Hi.
- This is just stunning, and
you look beautiful, okay.
- Just a second.
- Yeah.
- He's coming, he's coming.
- Have you heard from Ernesto?
- No, no.
There's something that I
need to talk to you about.
- Okay, we can talk about it later.
- What's going, going on?
- I don't know.
- I'll clean up.
- Where've you been?
What is going on?
- Hi, I'm Ian.
- Stuart.
There's an Ian here to see you.
- Don't worry, he's okay.
- Are you sure?
- Yes, I am.
- Call me if you need me.
- Thank you.
Where did you get that?
- Um, Ernesto
came to my house the other day,
and gave it to me.
And this.
he looks very ill, and,
and I'm scared he might
do something stupid.
I should have told you earlier,
but you have to help him.
He doesn't even want you to know, but,
but he helped me, and I
wanna do something for him.
- He doesn't care about you and me.
When things become too hard for him,
he just disappear.
Just like he did before.
But now he's gone again.
I don't want to do this, Ian.
- You can try.
We can try together.
- Try what?
Why don't you try to make
your own life better.
- My father,
the police said people on the
estate, everything is shit.
All I could do is become a snitch.
Give names to the police, but
if I do that, then I'm dead.
Do you understand?
It's hard for everyone,
Elena, not just you.
Me and Ernesto are friends,
like you both are.
- Joe Miller.
- I don't care.
I don't want to talk about Ernesto.
I wanna think, I wanna talk about us.
Don't you understand that?
I'm even ready to sell up
everything I've invested
for the last 15 years so
that we can be together.
What, what more could you possibly want?
- I need less,
less stress, less drama.
- You really think going back to Italy
is gonna help anything?
I mean, you're...
You're living in the past.
You're running around acting
as if you still love him.
Look at you, you're a mess!
You think you could just
keep doing what you want
and manipulating people.
Do you think we're all that stupid?
- Oh shit.
No, no, no, no.
Shit, no, no, no.
Go, go, please, please,
please, please, please.
No, go anywhere, please!
- You little fucker!
- No, go, turn left here, turn left.
- What happened, what's going on?
- The people, quick.
Just turn left here,
we'll go around the block.
- Who are these people?
- We're gonna have to go quick, here.
Come on, come on.
- Yeah, sweetie, uh, yeah.
Look, go to chicken shop, yeah.
That's a good girl.
Good girl.
- Hey.
Be safe.
- I'm sorry, come through?
- Show you the island.
What do you want?
What do you fucking want?
- Ian, Ian.
- No, mom, mom.
- No, no, go to your...
- No, no...
- Ian, go to your room now!
I mean it, now.
- I don't know, what's going on.
- Open the fucking door.
- What's going on, ladies?
- What's going on?
Well, what do you...
- What's going on?
Ian, no, no!
- Have you got any fucking idea
what your brother does to people
in this fucking estate?
- You're talking shit.
- Oh, really?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- You think the graffing on some woman
is the same as getting
the cops on the estate?
What time do you start drinking...
- Oh, fuck off, will ya?
- I might get to that as well today,
but this doesn't end here.
- Tracy,
you can fuck your ASBO
up your fucking ass.
- Get the fuck out here.
- No, nuke your fucking house.
- Stop shouting on my fucking door!
- Fuck off, you drunk.
- My little boy was in
prison, fucking prison,
but did I come over to your house
and start banging on your door?
I don't know how it works
around where you are,
but you drive around in a big fucking car.
But you don't do shit.
We do it different in this family,
'cause we don't have a kid
every two fucking years,
and live off the fucking social.
I work, and when I get back off the bus,
having broken me fucking back all day,
I like to chill out with a beer.
So, would you fuck off my
door and leave it alone!
You skanky bunch of sluts, fuck off!
Good bye!
Off you fuck.
- Now, they're off.
- Yeah.
- Is everything okay?
I bought chicken.
- Give, give some to Elena.
That's it.
- Thank you.
What do you think
if Ian
comes with me
in Italy for a few days?
Just to help me with my job?
- Well, um,
it'll only be for a couple
of days, you know, so, so...
Well, it's, uh, it's very
hard for me to run the store
on my own, you know.
- Padrillo.
- Ernesto.
- Hey.
- Ernesto.
Are you all right?
- I'll survive for now.
- That's good.
Um, I wanted to say...
- One second.
What did you wanna tell me?
What do you want?
- I don't know, but...
- Are you in my house?
- I am.
- Good.
- You're my best friend,
and I don't wanna lose you now.
- Don't be scared.
- Elena.