The Hammer (2023) Movie Script

[upbeat lively music]
secrets, the secrets
that you keep
one day gonna bring
you to your knees
what you gonna do about
(that, that, that, that)

-Kris: See you next week, carl.
-Carl: Yep.
-Kris: Give my love to darlene.
-Carl: Will do.
Girls, less chit chat, please.
This is a brothel,
not a day spa.
whoa, oh, oh, oh
watcha you gonna do
about that
Jacob! Judge brewer!
This ain't a hotel.
I don't do wake-up calls.
[kris sighs]
Up you go, jacob.
Time to move on.
[hand smacking]
[tense suspenseful music]
[gentle melancholy music]
[birds chirping]
[engine roaring]
What the hell?
Oh! Not today.
[engine rumbling]
[tires squealing]
[siren wailing]
Pull over!
Do you not hear the siren?
You in the toyota tacoma
pull over now
Or the entire state's
highway patrol is coming in!
I don't know
what I was thinking
Get your ass out
of the car now!
Driver, exit the vehicle!
-[tense suspenseful music]
[dramatic lively music]
[inhales, exhales]
Easy there, wyatt earp.
I come in peace.
Hands on your head!
I got bursitis.
This is as far up as they go.
You got any idea
how fast you was going?
Uh, nope, spedo pegs at 90,
So getting an accurate read
after that's a no-go.
Over 100!
-[kim grunts]
-speed limit's 70!
Okay, I'll take your word
for it. Didn't see a sign.
You got a license, lady?
-Kim wheeler.
-How do?
You from vegas, ms. Wheeler?
Used to be.
Came back for work.
[laughs] and what kind work is?
I'm the new
fifth district judge.
-[dramatic lively music]
-[wayne clears throat]
Hmm, got any proof of that?
Nope, didn't have time
for a business card,
But got my robe in the back.
Ah-ah, if you don't mind.
Little bit of a nervous nellie,
aren't you?
Uh, right there in that drawer.
-Wayne: Tag's still on it.
-Well, I told you I'm new.
Governor just appointed me.
First time on the bench.
I'm replacing that judge
who died in the whorehouse.
-Judge brewer.
-Kris: That's him,
And as the new traveling judge,
I'm covering three court houses
over 25,000 square miles,
Which explains
why I'm in such a hurry.
[wayne sighs]
Well, welcome to the territory,
your honor.
-Kim: Thank you.
- Um, just, uh,
Do me a favor and slow down.
Next time, I will have
to write you a ticket.
Thanks for the warning, deputy.
Now, you do me a favor.
You keep that gun
in your damn holster.
If I ever hear
that you pulled your weapon
On a traffic stop again,
you and I will have a problem.
[dramatic lively music]
Yes, ma'am. [clears throat]
[telephone ringing]
Oh, this one's a doozy, huh.
How do?
[mae clicks tongue]
Which way to the
judge's chambers?
Brewer or carpenter?
I hope not brewer
'cause he's dead.
Wheeler, kim.
Oh! Sorry, your honor.
Down the hall. Upstairs.
-Upstairs. Okay, thank you.
[indistinct chattering]
What? No cameras.
Uh, no.
-No visitor's sign-in?
-Uh, what for?
So, we know
who's coming and going.
Criminals mostly, ain't it?
Okie dokie.
[indistinct chattering]
Ooh. [laughs]
[gentle upbeat music]
How do? [laughs]
What do you think you're doing?
Checking out my new digs.
Judge kim wheeler.
You must be jo,
the court coordinator.
-We spoke on the phone.
-Sorry judge,
I hadn't had a chance
to pack things up yet.
Oh, no worries.
Looks like the former tenant
was a man of vice.
-No judgment here.
-Jo: If you prefer,
There's an empty office
down the hall.
Oh no. I'll be snug as
a bug in a rug right here.
Your morning cases.
I can brief you if you like.
-Thanks, I'm good.
-Are you sure?
There's, there's a lot
of material
For a first time judge.
You'll wanna be prepared.
I've done all my own research
and review since law school.
Only way I know to do the job.
This your handy work?
Some mighty fine penmanship.
Is there anything
I can get you for the bench?
Water, soda?
-Coffee'd be nice. Black.
-I'll see what I can do.
And my assistant.
What's his name?
I'm afraid, um, in light
of the changing situation,
He's decided to retire.
And by changing situation
you mean working for a woman?
[dramatic lively music]
Uh-huh. Yeah.
[sighs] lord,
you brought me here.
Heaven knows it's not my job
to question why.
Only ask that you give me
the strength
Not to strangle anybody
Or pee my pants
in the courtroom, amen.
Oh, hi.
Your honor,
I'm vicky mason, your bailiff.
Hi, vicky.
-Here's some coffee.
-Oh, bless your heart.
Thank you. Let's get
this show on the road.
I'm as nervous
as a long-tailed cat
In a room full
of rocking chairs. [laughs]
-Yes, ma'am.
-[kim grunts]
Oh, no! Crap.
Here. Oh gosh.
Go get us some towels
and stuff.
Nobody can slip on this.
Ma'am, I gotta call you
into court and be here.
This is highly irregular.
Yeah, well get used to it, okay?
Clean that up, would you?
All right.
All rise.
Fifth district court state
of nevada now in session.
Honorable judge kim wheeler
presiding. That's me.
That's the judge. [laughs]
Full house, I see.
Okay, everybody sit down.
First up on the docket is,
uh, mr. Langdon marshall.
Langdon's lawyer:
That's you.
Mr. Marshall, I understand
you were arrested
For public intoxication
and indecency, is that correct?
Indecency! [laughs]
Keep it down
or it's back to lockup.
[laughs] yeah.
Tell me what happened,
mr. Marshall.
We was hanging out at dusty's.
There was a line at the john,
So I went outside
to do my business.
Next thing I know,
this cop throws a light on me.
I, I turn around and...
And everybody saw my junk.
[willis laughs]
Mr. Marshall,
you've been arrested twice,
Once for public intoxication,
once for public urination,
And once for trespassing
while trying to steal beer
From a neighbor's garage.
You got a problem with alcohol?
Problem with alcohol?
Who doesn't?
-Kim: Okay.
Hey, when I'm speaking,
you zip it.
Otherwise, we're gonna
have a problem, mister.
Oh, you want a problem, woman?
I got a problem with you.
-Yes, I do.
-Lawyer: Wait, wait, bailiff!
You're the problem, yeah!
-[blow thuds]
-[willis grunts]
[people gasps,
chatter indistinctly]
Freeze! Everybody just chill.
[inhaler whistles]
[kim sighs]
I'm sweating like
a whore in church.
Of course, that could have
something to do
With me getting attacked.
It's my fault, your honor.
I should not have left my post.
-Oh, I asked you to.
-Vicky: Still.
Don't beat yourself up.
I can take care of myself.
Judge, we have a problem.
What's that?
Tomorrow is the, uh,
Hearing for the dirk crawford
murder case.
Dirk crawford?
Ran his best friend off
the road for dating his ex.
Still doesn't ring a bell.
That's because it was left off
of your schedule.
Technically, my mistake,
but the judge's assistant
Usually double checks
these things.
Bottom line, you're due
in tonopah tomorrow at 8:00 a.M.
Tonopah? Well,
that's quite a trek.
A hundred-and-sixty-seven miles.
We'll leave after work,
Stay the night
at the mitzvah hotel.
The courthouse
is right next door.
Can't we postpone?
It's a motion to dismiss
for a lack of a speedy trial,
So I don't think that
would be prudent.
The passing of judge brewer
has been difficult on all sides.
[gentle melancholy music]
[gentle mournful
music continues]
Mm, that smells good.
You will know the lord
When he gives you meat
in the evening, exodus.
Okay, I got venison, sausage,
eggs, and buttered sourdough.
You know there's 41 carbs
in that single slice of bread.
Ooh, carb smart.
You're gonna need your energy
if you travel with me, girl.
Here's you a fork.
[chuckles] this is quite
the rig you got.
Well, thank you.
Had it custom made.
Twin-turbo v8, chipped
with a custom camper.
Oh yeah? Well, 17 more payments
And that little baby
is all mine.
-Straight six or four banger?
-Those are engines, right?
[kim laughing]
-Hey look, it's the hammer.
-Oh, my god.
What's that about?
-Oh, you don't know?
Oh, you have officially
gone viral.
-[blows thudding]
-[willis grunting]
Are you smiling?
'cause that's not funny.
No, not smiling. Not smiling.
Although you have to admit,
A hammer's a pretty good
nickname for a judge.
Hmm. There you go.
I unfortunately
do not eat meat.
It's not meat, it's sausage.
Now eat.
[bright lively music]
-Can I ask you a question?
You homeless?
Why would you ask me that?
The, the camper,
the sleeping bag,
And no disrespect, your honor,
But you look like
you have not showered.
[kim sniffs]
I take a bath regularly
if that's what you're asking.
I can help you find a place
if you need.
No thanks. I like to sleep
where I can see the stars.
All right, but you know
that judge brewer
Received death threats?
Yeah. And he died
of a heart attack.
I can take care of myself.
This ain't vegas.
We don't even
have metal detectors,
And you met mae.
She is hardly a deterrent.
But then I have you, don't I?
[vicky chuckles]
[engine rumbling]
Your honor, what should I do
If I witness a crime
as it's happening?
I guess take the action
most prudent.
All right then.
Can you slow the hell down?
You are doing well over 100.
[laughs] sorry.
No, you're not.
[laughs] well, would
you look at that?
Uh, yeah, the
tonopah solar farms
Owned by the one and only
bart crawford.
-Any kin of dirk?
-Yeah, his dear old daddy.
[gentle upbeat music]
[birds chirping]
You are not sleeping
in this truck tonight.
Why are you so concerned
about where I get my 40 winks?
Well, because like how you said,
it is kind of my job.
[gentle upbeat music]
Okay, fine, fine. Fine.
But then I'm sleeping in here,
too. You got another blanket?
-[kim sighs]
-[vicky grunts]
Well, does the room
at least have a window?
Oh, a big beautiful window
with views of the mountain.
You'll love it. Come on.
-It's just down the hall.
-Thank you.
Have a nice day.
We are in luck. Our rooms
are on the second floor.
Rumor has it
the third one's haunted.
Oh, my kind of place.
What do you say we
get a drink later on?
-[electricity crackling]
Hmm, hope you're okay
with ghosts.
Oh, dead doesn't bother me.
It's the living
that gives me the creeps.
[gentle upbeat music continues]
[hands tapping]
Evening, ma'am.
What's your poison?
-Well, hi there...
Vance, uh, well,
I prefer an old fashioned,
But I'll settle on a diet soda.
-Coming right up.
-Thank you.
Hey, vance, you got my order?
Sure do.
There's your bottle, buddy.
You sell booze to go?
I didn't realize
that was still being done.
Yes, ma'am.
Whatever the customer wants.
Can I ask what brings you
to our neck of the woods.
Uh, court. I'm the new judge.
The hammer, right?
First time in tonopah?
No, I grew up around here.
How about you?
Born and raised.
Mm. Married, got any family?
Eh, there's a special lady,
but it's complicated.
Yeah, can relate to that.
-Love what you did to the place.
-Bart: Thank you.
[upbeat lively music]
How about a little splash
of whiskey
In that drink, your honor?
Not opposed, but I do like
to know who I'm drinking with.
I'm the owner
of this establishment,
-Bart crawford.
Well, I'm the judge
in your son's case,
And any conversation
outside the courtroom
Would be construed
as a conflict of interest.
Only interest I have is
in getting to know you better.
Well, well, if you've got
something to say,
Go ahead and say it
'cause I'm fixing
to enjoy my evening.
Just wanna say welcome.
We residents of tonopah
are thrilled to have
A legal mind of your caliber
on the bench.
I hope you don't
mind me saying this,
But you remind me
of that serpent in the bible.
Well, historically,
the serpent's a symbol
Of fertility and renewal
of the life force.
Not very subtle, are you?
-May I?
-Help yourself.
The governor's
a friend of mine.
When he mentioned your name
to replace judge brewer,
I endorsed your wholeheartedly.
As a lawyer, no one in this
state's done more for victims
Of abuse and discrimination
than you have.
Well, thank you for that.
So, you're a friend
of the governor, huh?
I am, we, we met in princeton
For my two decades
in silicon valley.
So you're a techie. [chuckles]
I bet this place
bores you to tears.
Well, no. On the contrary,
Nevada's a land
of untapped potential.
I'm very excited
about being back.
Your honor. Bart.
[grunts] you ladies going
out on the town tonight?
I could arrange a special table.
Thanks, but we're good.
You two enjoy your evening.
Judge wheeler,
very nice to meet you.
Mr. Crawford.
[laughs] I didn't take you
for a saloon girl.
Hey, I was just sitting
here minding my own business.
Sure, but if I was you,
I'd stay away
from bart crawford.
He's always reminded me
of that snake in the bible.
[gentle upbeat music]
[cellphone ringing]
[clears throat]
this better be good.
Hey honey, it is.
The autopsy just came
back on judge brewer.
It looks like he was
Yeah. Okay, thanks.
[dramatic tense music]
Judge wheeler. Judge wheeler!
What are you,
some kind of new rooster?
I thought I saw someone
sneaking about.
Maybe it's the mitzvah ghost.
And you said you'd sleep
in a room tonight.
I tried, but it was so stuffy.
What are you doing
down here anyway?
I just got off the phone
with a friend.
The autopsy for judge brewer
just came back.
He was murdered.
[dramatic tense music]
[gentle upbeat music]
-Kim: Good morning.
-Vicky: Good morning.
-All clean. Wanna check?
-I trust you.
Okay, so how close
is the courthouse?
-Eh, I'd say it's pretty close.
Judge, I have to say
I'm concerned.
What about?
Well, we just learned
that the man
That you replaced was killed,
And then there was a stranger
in white snakeskin boots
Creeping around your truck
last night.
How are you completely
unfazed by all this?
You're not worried
you could be next?
Oh, it's just the way I am,
calm under the pressure.
So, any more information
back from your friend?
They have a suspect,
but that's all he could tell me.
Is he a boyfriend?
Oh, we went on a date or two.
-Is he in law enforcement?
-He's a deputy.
Any more questions
in this interrogation?
No, not right now, but I'm sure
I'll think of something.
[both chuckling]
[people chattering indistinctly]
You're right. It is close.
[chuckles] you ready?
All rise.
Fifth district court
of the state of nevada
Is now in session.
The honorable kim wheeler
now presiding.
Y'all sit down.
All right, we've gathered today
To hear a motion
to dismiss in the case
Of the people v. Dirk crawford
on the charge of murder.
Okay, I've read the brief.
Any additional information
for me, mr. Goodlander?
Your honor,
the late judge brewer acted
With bias towards mr. Crawford
by denying him bail
And leaving him incarcerated
these past eight months
Despite the fact
he poses no flight risk.
Dirk crawford,
the son of bart crawford,
The one that owns
the large solar farm
-Along the highway?
-Yes, your honor,
But I don't see
how that's relevant.
Well, he possesses the means
to evade judgment.
I'm gonna side
with judge brewer on this.
What else you got?
Judge wheeler,
the actions of judge brewer
Denied my client his right
to a speedy trial,
And every day that goes by
Further prejudices
mr. Crawford's case.
-In what way?
-My client's defense hinges
On the testimony
of eyewitnesses.
Their ability to recall
the events in question
Could be negatively affected
by the passage of time.
You're afraid that a bunch
of small-town teenagers
Won't remember the night
That one of their own
was killed?
-Your honor, may I approach?
-Yeah, come on up.
You better start
acting remorseful, son,
And I mean right now.
With all due respect, judge,
You may not be aware
of the depth
Of animosity that exists
between the late judge brewer
And the senior mr. Crawford.
Your honor, this is all
clearly a calculated attempt
To introduce the idea
that the witnesses scheduled
To testify can't be trusted
To remember events
as they occurred.
Mr. Goodlander, I may be new,
but I wasn't born yesterday.
-Motion denied.
-[gavel thuds]
-Ellis: Told you.
-Kim: Okay.
In the interest
of a speedy trial,
We can begin jury
selection immediately.
-Who does the calendar here?
-Your assistant.
Crap. I was afraid of that.
All righty then.
Looks like I'm free Monday.
Monday good with everyone?
-Yes, ma'am.
Okay, see you boys then.
Court adjourned.
All rise.
[upbeat lively music]
Thank you. Council.
-See you later.
-Ellis: Thank you.
Oh, pretty.
Oh, I was meaning to ask you,
the young man who died,
Was any of his family
in the courtroom today?
No. He only has an uncle
that lives in a va home.
Wow, well how about the blond
That was sitting
by bart crawford?
Oh, that's charlene,
his ex, dirk's mom.
What's her story?
Probably exactly
what you think.
Ex-beauty queen who's used
To getting everything
that she wants.
Rumor is she broke
a lot of hearts around here
Trying to make bart jealous,
but he still divorced her.
Well, why was she giving me
the evil eye?
Probably 'cause she thought
you'd dismiss her son's case.
Hmm, you know anything
about the beef
Between bart crawford
and judge brewer?
No details, just
that he threatened
To kill the judge
in front of witnesses.
You think he could be a killer?
It's not the first time
a parent killed
-To protect a child.
-[notification dings]
Excuse me.
Mm, judge carpenter
wants me to stop by
And have a little chat
when we get back.
Oh, lucky you.
Great. Thanks for the warning.
[bright upbeat music]
Your honor, I'm kim wheeler.
Oh, hello, kim, call me hank.
Have a seat.
Thank you, sir.
You like moose?
Owner flew it in
fresh from alaska.
Oh, thank you, no.
I've already eaten.
You know, I must admit
You are not
what I was expecting.
No, I was picturing
some highfalutin type
With a designer suit
And a face full
of plastic surgery.
[both chuckling]
Well, I consider myself
low maintenance.
-Is that a fact?
-Yes, sir.
Well, first off, let me
welcome you to the territory.
-Oh, thank you. Thank you.
-Seemed like you had
An eventful first few days, huh?
Oh, nothing I couldn't handle.
Eh, your quick reflex
is to be commended.
No doubt that boy never knew
what hit him.
Well, that was
a regrettable sit--
And now they call you
the hammer.
-What is that?
That's a--
that's a catchy nickname.
Again, regrettable, hank,
but to change the subject,
I'm sure you're aware
That the courthouse needs
some serious security upgrades.
I wouldn't hold your breath
waiting for change around here.
I've been a judge
in this district
For over 20 years.
Now, rural nevada
is a tough country.
People like to think
it's the old west,
You know, old fashioned values.
Eh, to be a judge in
this district takes grit.
What happened to jacob brewer
is, uh, proof of that.
What exactly
you trying to say, hank?
Well, what I'm trying
to say is that, uh...
[chuckles] ...This is no place
for a woman, kim.
I mean, life here isn't like
life in the big city.
You can't walk 10 feet
without running into something
That wants to eat you
or bite you
Or stick you or sting you.
-I was born and raised here.
-No, the truth is...
I think the governor made
a mistake hiring you.
That's plain and simple.
I mean it's nothing personal,
But, uh, I'm just not sure
that a woman,
But, or any woman
has what it takes
To do the job
the way it should be--
In all do respect, your honor,
I disagree with you.
You know, there's no shame
In reconsidering
your appointment.
No one will blame you.
You're a topnotch lawyer, kim.
Surely there must be other,
More lucrative avenues
you'd like to explore.
Again, with all due respect,
I think
you're underestimating me.
So, if there's nothing else
you need to discuss with me,
I'll let you get on
with your dinner.
Well, in that case,
there is one more thing.
Yes, sir.
Are you aware
of the drug court program?
12-step program? Absolutely.
There's no telling
how many chemically-dependent,
Non-violent criminals
That it's helped get
back on their feet.
Well, I'm turning
it over to you.
I mean, that's work best
suited for a woman anyway.
I mean, you know, a lot
of hand holding and scolding.
Better suited for you girls
in tonopah.
Now, I'm having my secretary
send over
The case documents with jo.
First session's this afternoon.
Now, I'm sure you girls
will do a bang-up job.
Good luck.
-Thank you, sir.
-Sure you won't have something?
I'm good. Thank you.
[gentle calm music]
All rise.
Fifth district court
of the state of nevada
Is now in session.
The honorable kim wheeler
now presiding.
Congratulations on receiving
your ged, ms. Allen.
I think that deserves
a round of applause.
[all clapping]
And for coming
to us clean today,
Which our drug court supervisor
can confirm.
-Yes, your honor.
-Thank you.
And before you go, stop by
And see ms. Greg
in the court office.
She has a list of some
trustworthy sitters
That can watch your child
while you're at work.
Okay, next up, angel brown.
How do, ms. Brown?
I see you've completed
step 12 of the program.
Yes, your honor.
And you come to
us clean today.
Ms. Brown, I'm sure
you've heard the saying,
The truth will set you free.
Well, one thing
you'll learn about me,
I can't tolerate a liar.
I'm, I'm not lying.
Mr. Stevenson?
Your honor, her most
recent tests showed
Ms. Brown had over
1,200 nanograms per milliliter
In her blood,
Indicating she had used
At least once in the preceding
three days.
No. No, he's wrong.
I'm clean, your honor.
I'm not using.
Ms. Brown,
we all make mistakes,
And if you're smart,
you'll learn from yours.
Now, I'm gonna give
you a couple of days
In jail to ponder your actions.
[gavel thuds]
This is a joke.
You're, you're a joke!
Watch your tone, young lady.
Why? 'cause you're the hammer?
You gonna hit me?
Go ahead and hit me.
Hammer way!
I don't care, I don't care.
-Vicky: Come on, let's go.
-[gavel thudding]
I am clean!
[gentle suspenseful music]
What do you know
about angel brown?
Not much. She used
to party pretty hard.
Judge brewer sentenced her
to drug court late last year.
Yeah, records show
That she tested clean
nine months straight.
[indistinct chatter]
Any chance things could have
gone wrong on this test?
I doubt it.
Urine collection is supervised
And then the test is picked up
by the local lab.
And you've never heard
of anything going wrong before?
Although there was one girl,
eileen price,
She tested positive,
But it just turned out
the wrong name
Was on the sample.
-Where is she now?
-She works down at klassy kat.
[people chattering indistinctly]
[gentle suspenseful music]
[tense suspenseful music]
[gentle suspenseful music]
Now, if you're like me,
You've spent most
of your adult life being
About something
that happened in your
Parent that let you down,
sibling who hurt you.
Well, I'm here to tell
it's time to let that anger
and you shall be
[gentle peaceful music]
[kim sighs]
[wind chimes tinkling]
Go to hell! We don't want any.
Dad, dad. It's me, kim.
Well, well, well.
Looks like hell finally
did freeze over.
Hello there, sister.
[tense suspenseful music]
[gentle upbeat music]
Here you go.
-Thank you, ma'am.
How's daddy?
[chuckles] old, mad,
loves to yell.
So, just like
the good old days.
[kim chuckles]
You even care?
Sometimes I do.
He's got good days and bad.
Try to stop by and check
in on him anytime I can.
Where you staying?
In my truck.
Well, you're welcome
to stay here...
Or set up camp at the lady.
You know they say
judge brewer was murdered.
What? Why?
We don't know anything more.
Are we going to eat?
Swanson's in the oven.
Keep your shirt on, old man.
I'm just joking.
I air fried some chicken.
-come on, we got plenty.
[gentle calm music]
Don't you dare let that cat
at the table, daddy.
You want cream or sugar?
-No, I take mine black, thanks.
Me too.
You know,
it's just crazy to think
That my sister
is the big bad judge in town.
Yeah, a lot of people
would agree with you on that.
You know, I never figured
you'd come back here
After everything that happened.
Part of my path, I guess.
Well, no need to worry
about him anymore.
These days, he just watches tv
all day with daisy.
-Who's daisy?
-That mangy cat.
She wandered in one day,
Took one look at dad
and the two of them,
They've been inseparable
ever since.
I think he finally found
his soulmate.
And this one's declawed.
[both laughs]
So, he's out here by himself,
not even a housekeeper?
Mm. Kim, he can barely
afford the pain meds.
Besides, he gets all paranoid
around strangers.
They say it's the dementia.
I'm sorry, I didn't know
you were dealing with all this.
Well, I thought about
just letting him die alone,
But that didn't seem
real christian-like.
[both laughs]
But seriously, kim...
If you came back here
to try to--
No, no. Just came by
to say hi, kris, I promise.
Good. Let's just let
the past be the past.
I'll drink to that.
[mugs clinking]
Speaking of. [laughs]
Think you ought to go
a little slower on that?
Please, kim.
I think I know my limits.
Okie dokie.
It's almost empty.
[gentle calm music]
[cellphone vibrating]
[gentle suspenseful music]
[caller breathing heavily]
This is your first, last,
and only warning, judge
Who is this?
There's no place you can
that I won't know.
You, your passed-out
And your sleeping daddy
are no longer safe.
[kim gasping]
Unless you want to end up
like brewer,
I suggest you do
the smart thing...
And head back to vegas.
[caller breathing heavily]
[phone signal beeping]
Hello? Hello?
[wind chimes tinkling]
[heartbeat thumping]
Show yourself!
I know you're out there.
[tense suspenseful music]
Kris, wake up.
Where's mama's gun?
Okay, look, kimmie,
I don't think that I buried it.
Now, I know that
I buried daddy's car keys
And his shotgun shells
in the backyard, but oh god.
Oh, my gosh. [gasps]
-Kris: Kim!
Get over here.
Oh, my gosh.
Do you know what year this is?
Look at how beautiful
mama looks in this picture.
Kris, please focus.
Okay, well, it's not my fault
I was over-served.
You know you should wear
your hair like this again.
I'm telling you,
it's much more approachable.
[gentle melancholy music]
[gentle suspenseful music]
If you don't wanna be put
the attic again,
You're gonna have to
my rules
Or I'm gonna give you the
Young kim:
I'm sorry, daddy.
Please don't hurt me.
I'm sorry. [echoes]
[gasps] kimmie, there she is.
There we go. Mama's gun.
[exhales] do you mind?
It's all yours.
Can't be too careful
around here.
[tense suspenseful music]
How do you like
your coffee, judge?
Percolated over a camp fire
thick as molasses.
Black or cream and sugar?
-Black, please. Thank you.
-You bet.
-Have a seat.
-Thank you.
You're a bit far from home,
aren't you?
Oh, I do business in pahrump
so I can keep a place here.
Is that so?
So, what can I do you for?
Well, I'm guessing
you heard judge brewer
And I didn't get along.
Well, I've heard you
threatened to kill him,
-If that's what you mean.
-Well, that's why I'm here.
While the facts are true,
context is missing.
Right. Okay,
so contextualize away.
Well, the judge and I
had an adversarial relationship.
He was strongly opposed
to my, uh, solar farm,
Which he claimed
was bad for biodiversity.
When I prevailed in court...
He was livid.
And then your son got arrested,
and he was assigned to the case.
He refused to consider a plea,
And when he locked up dirk
without bail,
We got into a, uh...
Heated argument.
-So, you have a temper?
-Bart: I do.
But, uh, I've worked hard
at controlling it.
My son, unfortunately,
has the same issue.
So, why are you telling me
all of this?
Well, a couple of reasons.
I know my son comes off
as an entitled teenager,
But that's just an act.
Truth is he's scared to death.
His best friend's dead,
And he hasn't come
to terms with it.
But he will, I promise.
-And the second reason?
-I didn't want you, uh,
Going around thinking
I might be a murderer.
So what? I'm supposed
to take your word for that.
No, no.
The hotel's got a network
of security cameras.
Footage will show that I worked
long past midnight that night.
Oh, excuse me.
[tense suspenseful music]
No, I was just leaving.
Judge, thank you for your time.
-Thank you for the coffee.
-You bet.
You have a good day,
little lady.
Jo, do me a favor, would you?
Call the clerk over
at judge toroshi's office
In carson city,
his name's malcolm.
Tell him I need access
to a sealed juvenile record.
Whose record?
Leo stevenson?
I don't have to tell you
to keep this confidential.
-Of course not.
What was bart crawford
doing here?
He brought me coffee.
I would watch out for him
if I were you.
[gentle upbeat music]
Why's everybody
keep saying that?
[door alarm buzzes]
-[doors creaking]
-[keys jingling]
Great. You here
to hammer me again?
[indistinct chattering
in distance]
I need you to tell me
about leo stevenson.
-What about him?
-The truth.
You be honest with me
And I promise I'll do everything
I can to help you.
-Leo's like a real creep.
-How exactly?
He, like, stands in the bathroom
when I give my sample.
-He watches you urinate?
Is anybody else present?
No, but he does it
to all the girls.
He says it's to make sure
our pee's legit.
[tense suspenseful music]
Has he ever touched you?
No, but he's always saying
How we should, like,
go out sometime.
Have you ever gone out with him?
Ew! Gross.
I just, like, laugh it off,
pretend he's joking.
-Has he ever threatened you?
He, he just says things
like, if I wanna test clean,
-I gotta be nice to him.
-Oh honey, that is a threat.
Why haven't you told anybody
about this?
Uh... I didn't think
anyone would believe me.
I do.
[gentle calm music]
Being with that girl today
At the jail reminded me
of me when I was her age.
Back then, all I wanted to do
Is have this town
in my rear view mirror.
It's all right.
And I guess that's what I did.
Kris, I'm sorry
I ran out on you last time.
Least I could have done
was to leave a note.
You hated it here.
No, I hated the situation.
I didn't hate the location.
Maybe so, but...
I left you alone with him.
I shouldn't have done that.
It's my fault you left.
I don't know
what I was thinking.
Yeah, I was really mad at that.
But I'm not mad anymore.
All gone.
Well, hallelujah to that.
[both laughs]
Uh, why?
-Kim: Who's this.
-Kris: Wait'll you meet him.
This is the boy wonder
This oughta be fun.
What now, wayne?
Some schoolmarm
missing a husband?
-How do, deputy?
Oh, wayne, you know my sister?
We've, uh, met, and, uh,
I'm sorry about this, kris.
I'm just following orders.
Kris wheeler, you
are under arrest
For the murder
of judge jacob brewer.
Okay, come on, wa--
you gotta be kidding me.
You have the right
to remain silent.
Anything you say may be used
against you in a court of law.
You have the right
to consult an attorney.
-Let me see that.
-Yes, ma'am. It's all there.
[tense suspenseful music]
Sorry, kris. It's legit.
Okay, all right,
this is ridiculous.
I didn't do it.
Kimmie. Kimmie,
you gotta believe me.
-Don't talk to anyone.
-Okay, I got it.
I'll come see you
as soon as I can.
[gentle upbeat music]
Double burger. Big pie.
Hmm, nah,
I'll just get a burrito.
-[buttons beeping]
-[burrito thuds]
Well, if it isn't
the unsolicited solicitor.
Easy, your honor.
I am just a cog
in the wheel of justice.
Oh, save me
the crappy metaphors, ellis.
You haul my sister off to jail
And you don't even bother
to call me?
Sorry, we had to move fast.
You even got a case, ellis?
Perhaps you could stop by
my office later
-To discuss the matter.
-Oh, no.
We're gonna talk about it
right now.
-[clears throat]
-[inhaler whistles]
Okay, as you know,
Judge brewer
died of heart attack,
But there was tissue damage
suggesting drug abuse,
So a toxicology report
was ordered.
Now the report
found a massive amount
Of oxycontin in his system.
And that ties
to my sister how?
Well, she was the last one
to see him alive,
And oxy was found
in her possession
During a recent investigation,
So we believe
ms. Wheeler provided the drugs
-That led to the judge's demise.
You mean
there was more than one?
Rohypnol was also found
in the blood.
Well, that doesn't make
any sense.
Who parties on a date rape drug?
Who knows
why people do anything?
I want a copy
of that m.E. Report.
Your honor, you have to get
discovery through council.
Now, if you'll excuse me,
I need to nourish myself
and I must get back to work.
[gentle upbeat music]
What time can I see her?
What time's the arraignment?
Okay, thank you.
-[button beeps]
-bad news?
My sister's getting prepped
for her arraignment.
I can't see her till tomorrow.
Oh, well, I thought
you would wanna know
I heard from malcolm
in carson city.
He said he can't divulge
the contents
Of leo stevenson's
sealed records,
But he suggested
I look into the registry
Of spring hill in 2008.
It sounded like
leo was a patient there.
-You know spring hill?
-I do.
It's a treatment center
for male sex offenders.
[tense suspenseful music]
Were you aware
that leo stevenson
Was in the bathroom watching
the girls give their samples,
Then threatening to fail them
if they don't go out with him?
No, I was not.
Are you telling me
there's no oversight
In this drug testing
program here?
Hey, I've only been
on drug court a couple of days,
Same as you.
And you really think I'd cover
for that little weasel?
No, of course not. Okay.
So, what about leo?
Can we have him arrested?
Not unless someone comes forward
with some real evidence.
There is one person,
but she doesn't wanna talk.
Yeah, look, I know these girls.
They're alone and afraid
and all they want
Is to know that somebody
has their back.
[chuckles] yeah, I know
how they feel.
[upbeat lively music]
[man whistles]
Eileen, there's a man out there
preying on vulnerable women.
And you can stop him
by just telling your story.
You can take away
his power, eileen.
You do this and I promise
others will follow your lead.
Then ask one of them.
Look, I know we're asking you
to do a very hard thing.
Let me just give you
a little personal experience.
If you stay quiet
and bury this deep down inside
And just go on with your life,
you'll never escape it.
Take this opportunity
and confront him.
If you don't, that opportunity
will go away
And all you'll be left with
is a whole lot of hurt.
[gentle poignant music]
I brought you a dress to wear.
Shows you respect the court.
[laughs] okay, respect?
Okay, all right,
I spent the last 40 years
being resented,
Harassed, condemned.
They wanna lock me up, okay?
And this is their chance.
I'm here to help you.
I can't go back to jail,
kimmie, okay?
I just, I can't.
And you won't.
You won't have to.
Just as soon
as the judge grants bail,
-You're on your way home.
-I just need you to focus.
Let's start out with you
telling me everything you know
About the night
that judge brewer died.
Okay, um, well he, uh,
He showed up around nine,
you know, usual time.
-So, he was a regular.
-Oh, yeah.
He shoulda had a punch card.
Whenever he had court
in tonopah,
He'd tell his wife
he was staying at the mitzvah.
He'd make a big show about
having a few drinks at the bar,
And then he'd drive down
to the lady and spend the night.
Mm-hmm. So, what happened
when he showed up?
Oh, he must have been drunk.
Sadie went in to wake him up,
but he was passed out.
And he was dead
the next morning.
You ever give him any drugs?
Kim, we don't provide drugs
at the lady. We're ladies.
If a guest brings their own,
that's on them.
Okay, so where did the oxy
come from that the cops found?
Dad's prescription.
-For his dementia.
I keep the bottle in my bag
so he doesn't accidentally od.
Did judge brewer's
wife ever know
That he was catting around
down at the shady lady?
Uh, no.
Woman's holier than thou.
Judge told me once if she knew
What he was doing,
she'd kill him.
-[dramatic suspenseful music]
[tense suspenseful music]
-[fire crackling]
-kim: Dad, what...
Good lord, what have you...
[lid smacking]
-Oh, sh--
-are we gonna eat?
Are you okay?
-Are we gonna eat?
Not that. Come here.
Turn around, dad. Sit down.
Oh, I'll make you
a sandwich, okay?
Sit right here.
I'll get you some water.
Get me a beer.
-Dad, you need water.
-I want a damn beer!
[dramatic tense music]
Okay, I'll get you a beer.
Where's kris?
Kris is not here right now.
It's me, kimmie. Kim?
-Damn it.
-Here. Here you go, dad.
Don't touch me.
No, don't touch me!
Where's kris?
Kris is, uh, gonna be gone
for a day or two.
I always liked kris better.
Yeah, I always felt that.
Get me a beer!
Can't do this. Can't do it.
[gentle calm music]
Thank you for coming by
on such short notice.
Come on in.
[door squeaks]
Mr. Lipkin, you owe $10,000
in unpaid child support.
Now, I could throw you in jail
for six months.
Problem is if you're in jail,
you don't work.
You're not even working
when you're not in jail.
See my dilemma?
So, here's what we're gonna do.
I'm sentencing you
to six months probation,
And in which time
you're gonna work
Eight hours a day,
five days a week
Cleaning your ex-wife's house.
[people laughing]
You'll do the yard work,
Fix your children's lunches,
help them with their homework,
And any other damn thing
She wants you to do,
you understand?
And if in six months,
you hadn't found steady work,
I'm gonna sentence you
to another six months.
See how this works?
Do better, mr. Lipkin.
-[gavel thuds]
-next case.
What's going on?
Why am I here?
You're about to find out.
Why don't you have a seat,
mr. Stevenson.
[tense suspenseful music]
Thanks for being here.
This is a special hearing for
the fifth district drug court.
A witness has come forward
to give testimony
Regarding ms. Brown's
recent failed drug test,
And because of her courage,
other women have come forward.
Eileen price,
do you swear to tell the truth,
The whole truth, and nothing
but the truth so help you god?
I do.
How do, ms. Price?
You're a recent graduate
of the drug court, aren't you?
-Yes, your honor.
-Kim: All right,
Well, it says here
on October the fifth,
You tested positive
for methamphetamine.
A week later, mr. Stevenson,
the drug court supervisor
Admitted your name
was mistakenly placed
On someone else's sample.
You were retested
and allowed to graduate,
-Yes, ma'am.
All right, ms. Price,
in your own words,
Please tell the court
The circumstances
surrounding that incident.
[eileen exhales]
Leo told me
if I didn't go out with him,
I'd regret it.
I told him that I wasn't dating,
That celibacy was part
of my recovery,
But he wouldn't stop
hounding me,
And then suddenly,
I tested positive even though I,
I haven't been taking anything,
I swear.
Your honor... [clears throat]
your honor, uh, she's lying.
Zip it.
Please continue.
Take your time.
Leo told me that that's
what I get for being uptight.
He said that
if I had sex with him,
He'd make it all go away.
And did you have sex with him?
[people chattering indistinctly]
And that's when
mr. Stevenson admitted
He had made a mistake
on your drug test?
Thank you, ms. Price.
You may be excused.
[gentle calm music]
So mr. Stevenson, what do
you have to say for yourself?
Your honor, this is ridiculous.
They're all drug
addicts and liars,
That, that they have no proof.
Then why do I have
sworn affidavits
From five different women
stating that you threatened jail
Unless they had sex with you?
Bailiff mason, arrest this man
On charges coercion
and sexual assault.
Your honor, uh,
let's talk this out.
[people applauds]
This isn't a fair, a fair trial.
I need a lawyer.
[gentle upbeat music]
Ms. Brown, please stand.
Ms. Brown, I'm gonna throw out
your last drug test.
You'll submit a new test
overseen by bailiff mason.
If the results are negative,
You'll retain your position
in drug court.
Thank you, your honor.
I'm just sorry
I didn't believe you
In the first place.
-Court adjourned.
-[gavel thuds]
[people applauds]
Miss price, can I see you
in my chambers?
[camera shutter clicking]
You wanted to see me,
your honor?
Yes I did, young lady.
Come right on in.
What you did out there
took guts.
I'm really proud of you.
From what I can tell,
you're tough, smart,
Hardworking, and well organized.
How'd you like
to come work for me?
I need an assistant.
Uh, um...
Course, you'd have to quit
the classy cat. Pay's decent.
But the best part of all is
you'd be able to have dinner
With your daughter every night.
I... I don't know what to say.
Say yes.
Thank you, your honor.
Call me kim,
and your office will be
Right around the corner there.
First order of business,
I'd like for you
To call judge brewer's wife
and ask her to come by
And pick up some
of her husband's things.
Yes, your honor. Kim.
There you go. [laughing]
-This came for you.
-Who from?
There's no return address.
Oh, well let's see.
-[kim gasps]
-jo: Lord!
That's daisy.
-You know this cat?
-Kim: Yes, I do.
Home is where the heart is.
Dad. Oh, my god, dad.
[phone ringing]
What's the matter?
-The nurse is not picking up.
-[jo gasping]
-[gentle suspenseful music]
-[birds chirping]
Daisy, here, daisy.
[kim sighs]
We can't find daisy.
[gentle melancholy music]
Wait, someone killed
your dad's cat?
That's serious.
Yeah, I think
they were trying to scare me,
-Throw me off my game.
-Yeah, but for what reason?
Well, maybe they don't want me
to find out
Who really killed judge brewer.
Okay, and if you're wrong,
I mean, you're putting
your family at risk.
Okay, I was hoping that
you would talk to your friend
At the sheriff's department
and ask him
If he wouldn't mind keeping
an eye on my daddy's ranch.
Of course.
I don't want word
getting back to kris.
She's got enough to worry about.
Judge brewer's wife's
been waiting.
Right, I'll go talk with her.
Is that his junk?
[indistinct chatter]
-Wish me luck.
-You're gonna need it.
-Ms. Brewer?
I'm kim wheeler,
the new judge.
I understand your husband
was a kind man, well-liked.
[scoffs] for some.
These his things?
Yes, forgive me for being
indelicate, ms. Brewer,
But were you aware
that your husband
Liked to visit the shady lady?
With your tramp sister?
I know kris didn't lead
a sacred life,
But she's no killer, ms. Brewer.
There's no telling
what a piece of trash
Like that is capable of.
I know my sister and she swears
She did not give your husband
any drugs.
Oh, she would do anything
to destroy our love
-And ruin our marriage.
-What makes you say that?
Two years ago, I found out
jacob was having an affair.
He confessed
and was granted forgiveness
By the good lord and myself.
Two weeks ago,
I found this letter
in his jacket pocket.
An unsigned love letter?
From your sister
begging him to return,
And when he didn't,
she killed him, mm-hmm.
And there's the proof.
Have you shown this
to the sheriff?
I, I meant to, uh...
Some reason
I just couldn't part with it.
Maybe because both of us know
my sister didn't write this.
I'll make sure
the sheriff gets it.
I'm sorry for your loss.
Thanks for coming by.
[tense suspenseful music]
How did you know it was me?
Your handwriting.
I'd recognize
that fancy script anywhere.
I wrote that letter
after jacob and I broke up.
-How long were you two together?
-Two years.
But I was in love with him
for a decade before that.
And his wife never knew
it was you?
Jacob protected me
Even after dottie asked him
to break it off.
Did you two ever engage
in any kind of games,
-Use drugs, rohypnol?
-No, never.
What'd you do
when you found out
That he was going
to the shady lady?
I didn't know.
Not until after he died.
Okay, let me get this straight.
He strung you along,
then dumped you
And went back to his wife,
And you begged
for another chance,
Yet he would rather
hang out at a brothel?
You must have been madder
than all get out.
Try heartbroken.
I loved jake,
and I didn't kill him.
Then who did?
[sobs] a lot of people
didn't like jacob.
He got threats just like you.
Most of them were anonymous
and he never reported them.
He always said if someone
didn't want you dead,
Then you weren't doing your job.
So, do you think he was killed
because of one of his cases?
I honestly don't know.
Please believe me, judge.
[gentle suspenseful music]
Do you think this love letter
will help clear me?
Well, it's enough to bring up
reasonable doubt at trial,
But I doubt the da'll
drop the charges.
Glad you're both here.
Discovery came through.
-Did you get the autopsy report?
Forensic shows judge brewer died
from an overdose of oxycontin.
Administered intravenously
under the hallux nail.
-The what?
-The big toenail.
That's where they can hide
the injection mark.
You mean like a junkie?
That explains the rohypnol.
Judge brewer's a big old boy.
For the killer to inject him,
He'd have to incapacitate
him first.
Meaning whoever did this
Likely has experience
with iv drugs.
-Kim: Mm-hmm.
-Which I definitely do not.
[notification dings]
Crap. I gotta be somewhere.
-Check you later, thanks.
-Kris: Yeah.
This is looking good.
[gentle upbeat music]
So, you two make a deal?
[clears throat]
that's correct, your honor.
-Okay, thank you so much.
So, your client agrees
to these terms mr. Goodlander?
Yes, judge. The terms
are more than fair.
Okie dokie.
I'll set sentencing tomorrow
1:00 p.M. In tonopah.
-Thank you.
-Thank you, judge.
-Ellis, you got a second?
-Uh, sure.
-[inhaler whistles]
-[clears throat]
So, according to forensics,
The drug that
killed judge brewer
Was injected under the toenail.
So, clearly the killer
was trying to hide it,
Make it look like
a heart attack.
So, we're looking for someone
with iv drug experience.
It's a theory,
but like most theories,
It's long in imagination,
short in evidence.
It wasn't an accidental
overdose, counselor.
It was premeditated.
You can't just ignore that.
Are you trying to bully me,
judge wheeler?
No, I'm trying to make you
do your job, mr. Dinkins.
You have any idea why goodlander
Was so anxious to settle
the crawford case?
Because he's worried
you're a loose cannon
Running around
in everyone's business.
He doesn't trust his case
with you on the bench.
That's a bunch of bull.
He has a weak defense
and he knows it.
That may be,
But I'm gonna tell you
something for free.
I'd be careful ruffling
too many feathers.
Is that a threat, ellis?
'cause that sounds
like a threat to me.
It's just a friendly
warning, judge.
[dramatic tense music]
Folksy as hell,
but still a threat.
[gentle suspenseful music]
Hey, I need you to go
the drug court records,
Compile me a list of
all the iv drug users
And then crosscheck that list
To see if any of them
are still living in the area.
How far do you want me
to go back?
As far as you can.
I know it's gonna take a while.
-Don't worry. I'm on it.
-Awesome possum.
[phone beeps]
So, you really think
brewer's killer
Came through drug court?
Well, it's a lead we definitely
need to check out.
If dinkins won't do it,
that leaves us.
Would you say
I'm a loose cannon?
No, no, no.
At least not to your face.
Okay, fair enough.
[gentle upbeat music]
All righty then, mr. Crawford,
would you please stand?
Dirk crawford, you are hereby
sentenced to two years
In the southern desert
correctional center
In indian springs
with credit for time served.
Eligibility for parole
will be at the discretion
Of the parole board,
And I'm suspending
your driver's license
For one year
pending your release.
Thank you, your honor.
Keep your shirt on,
mr. Goodlander.
I'm not finished.
Mr. Crawford, it's clear to me
that you have issues with anger,
So I hereby order to you
to complete 52 hours
Of anger management classes
at your own expense,
And prior to release,
you will appear before me
To explain what you've learned
And why something like this
will never, ever happen again.
We'll all make mistakes,
mr. Crawford,
But yours cost
a young man his life,
Someone who by all accounts
was a close friend,
Someone who apparently
will never get to enjoy
The opportunities
that you so easily disdain.
That young man
will never have the chance
To fulfill his promise,
But you can honor him
by not wasting yours.
Do your time, mr. Crawford.
Make amends.
And the next time we meet,
Impress me with your resolve
to become a better person.
Because trust this,
you won't like me disappointed.
Any objections?
-No, your honor.
-Goodlander: No, your honor.
-We're done here.
-[gavel thuds]
All rise.
[gentle contemplative music]
Dirk, this is not gonna
happen, okay, honey? Just...
What the hell? You were
supposed to take care of this.
What the hell is going on?
-Be strong.
-What we're gonna do--
[charlene sighs]
Vance, I'm in need
of your expertise.
-Old fashioned?
-You got it.
I guess you're
feeling pretty smug.
Excuse me?
Now, you like sitting up
there all high and mighty
Passing judgment on people,
don't you?
Okay, there's a big difference
between passing sentence
And passing judgment.
My son is going to prison,
but you insist in piling
On the embarrassment
by ordering him to therapy?
I'm just trying to give dirk
the tools he needs
To make him a productive
member of society.
You are pathetic.
-Okay. Lady, you need back off.
-Or what?
You'll have me arrested
for speaking my mind?
I'm not touching you.
-I have my rights--
-easy now, charlene.
Don't touch me, vance.
You're gonna regret this.
Wow, she's a peach.
A peach? [laughs]
For her,
that's a great compliment.
Cancel that order.
Make mine a double.
Make two of those, partner.
Well, how about
I buy you dinner?
Case is over.
No conflict of interest.
You do realize
that I just sent your son
To prison, right?
And thanks to you,
dirk finally broke down
And admitted what he did.
Says he wants to make up
for all of his mistakes.
Well, I hope that's true.
What you said to him really
hit home and I appreciate it.
So, can I buy you dinner
to say thanks?
Well, if you can find a place
Where I won't be accosted
by my constituents.
Well, I know just the place.
Make those drinks to go, vance.
[upbeat lively music]
That was delicious.
Great idea.
I still can't get over
you moving back here.
Well, it's certainly
an acquired taste.
Well, how about you?
Why'd you leave?
Well, when mama passed,
my daddy and sister
Started fighting
like cats and dogs,
And then kris,
she left home and...
Daddy started taking
his frustrations out on me.
-He was abusive.
-Well, emotionally, yeah.
Then I left.
I ran off to vegas
and got a job at a casino
To pay my way through college.
-Wow, and now you're back.
-Lucky for us.
-Oh, cheers.
[glasses clinking]
Mm, how about I
freshen that drink?
-That'd be nice.
-[bart grunts]
Uh-oh, we are outta bourbon.
-Kim: Whoops.
-I'll be right back.
-I'm going to the barn.
-Kim: Okay.
[upbeat lively music]
Kim: [gasps]
white snakeskin boots?
[tense suspenseful music]
[dramatic tense music]
[water splashing]
How do, vance?
Howdy, judge.
A little early, ain't it?
-Oh, a little bit.
-What can I get you?
How about a diet soda,
please? Thanks.
Oh, and thanks
for helping me out yesterday.
Ms. Crawford's been going
through a tough time lately.
I hope you didn't take
what she said personal.
How can you defend
her the way
-She was treating you?
-Vance: Well...
Okay, nevermind.
Water under the bridge, right?
But I do need to ask a favor.
I need to look
at the hotel security footage
From the night
that judge brewer died.
-Can I ask why?
-Well, don't know for sure,
But I think
it could be something
Really important on it.
Well, we only keep a week
-On the server.
-Kim: Mm-hmm.
-Old stuff gets archived.
And we just moved our records
to an old barn outside of town.
I suppose
I could run you up there
-If it's that important.
-It is, it really is.
Thanks a bunch.
Then I'll make
that soda to go.
Thanks, vance.
[cellphone ringing]
Hey, eileen. You're up early.
I just emailed the judge
a list of iv drug users
Who went through the program.
Wanted to make sure she got it,
but she didn't answer her phone.
I think she's gone off
Her truck ain't here,
but I can give it to her.
Okay, by the way,
the only one I could find
Still in the area was a man
named vance, vance white.
It wasn't bart.
-Okay, thanks eileen.
-[phone beeps]
[phone ringing]
Oh, come on, pick up.
Judge, pick up.
Your call has been
[phone ringing]
Hey, it's me again.
I need you to do something
for me.
[gentle suspenseful music]
-How much farther?
-Oh, not far now.
Kind of out of the way,
isn't it?
You all right?
Yeah, yeah. [clears throat]
Come on.
Tell me
what you're looking for
In this video.
Well, I'm not sure exactly.
But you think the killer
could be on there.
Well, now that
you mention it, uh,
Whoever killed judge brewer
drugged him first,
And he, uh, always
had a few drinks
At the mitzvah bar
Before he headed on
down to the shady lady.
[laughs] give, give me,
give me one to go.
-Fill her up--
-sure thing.
And fill her up
this time, okay?
Yeah, that's better, yeah.
[tense suspenseful music]
So, you drugged my soda
with rohypnol
Just like you drugged his flask.
[gun cocks]
Just relax. Just relax.
Drugs take a little
while to kick in.
Take the next left.
I think judge wheeler's
in trouble. Hold on.
I think vance
killed judge brewer.
-And I'm pretty sure him
And kim just drove off
to god knows where.
-In what car?
-Her truck. It ain't here.
I think I can find him.
Come on.
So, after you drugged the judge,
You followed him on
down to the shady lady
-And injected him.
-Keep driving.
So, those were your taillights
at my daddy's ranch.
Broke into my truck,
killed my daddy's cat,
Trying to scare me off,
maybe force a mistrial.
But why kill judge brewer?
-Did bart pay you off?
-Are you kidding?
Bart doesn't even have the balls
to protect his own family.
Wait, this is about charlene.
Oh, that's why you
intervened yesterday
And was taking up for her being
so protective and so strong.
You're in love with her.
She's an amazing woman.
You guys having an affair?
No. That's none
of your business.
So, she's the one that
wanted judge brewer dead.
Her son was being railroaded
by a corrupted system.
Those your words or hers?
Vance, charlene's
the type of woman
Who knows how to get
what she wants.
She was just using you
to do her dirty work.
Oh no, no,
it's not like that, all right?
We're in love, we're,
we're gonna be together.
See, that's why she wanted
To keep y'all's relationship
a secret.
Five miles south on 95.
Go east about a mile
or two, okay? And hurry.
Don't you worry, vicky.
Wayne's on the way.
Vance, it's not too late.
If you confess
and agree to testifying
-Against charlene--
-whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Because coercion
is against the law,
And if you say
charlene coerced you
Into killing judge brewer,
Then I can get them
to lessen the sentence.
Or I could bury you
in the desert
And get on with my life.
[siren wailing]
Two dead judges
in two months, vance.
-That don't look good for you.
-Shut up!
Just pull up to the old barn.
-Stop the vehicle.
-[engine roaring]
Stop! Slow down!
Stop the truck!
Stop, are you-- stop!
-[truck crashes]
-[vance grunts]
[tense suspenseful music]
[breathing heavily]
[vance grunting]
[kim panting]
[breathing heavily]
Well, this doesn't look good.
[siren wailing]
Hey! Hey!
Judge wheeler! Kim!
Stop this nonsense!
[both grunts]
[thunder claps]
-[gun cocks]
-[gun bangs]
-[vance grunting]
-[gun bangs]
-[siren wailing]
Over here!
Quit your moaning or I'll give
you something I moan about.
Clean shot through and through.
He'll be okay.
Not my first rodeo.
Here, come here and take this.
Just breathe, wayne.
Wayne your friend?
Deputy, never thought
I'd say this,
But damn glad to see you.
I'll, uh, call an ambulance.
I'd feed him to the pigs.
Yeah, can we get
a paramedic team down here
Right quick as you can?
Came back with bourbon
and you were gone.
Oh, sorry about that.
How'd you find me?
I put a gps tracker
on your bumper.
Well that explains
what you was doing
In the parking lot
the other night.
Well, I was worried
whoever killed judge brewer
Might go after you,
So I decided to
keep tabs on you.
Well, I don't like it,
but I'm glad you did it.
More than anything,
I'm glad you're not a killer.
Hold on, speaking of which,
Why would vance
wanna kill judge brewer?
Well, that's a long story,
Which I'm gonna tell you
over that glass of bourbon.
All right.
You little twerp!
Who the hell
do you think you are?
I hope you don't like
that badge too much
Because my lawyers are gonna
be all over you in an hour.
[doors thudding]
Okay, I'm just saying,
A man lends you a vehicle
like that, he expects something.
Oh, he's just being nice,
that's it.
Hey, daddy. I'm back.
No need to get all emotional.
-Hey, kim.
How're we gonna afford
to keep paying these nurses?
You let me worry about that.
We're family, kris.
I know we hadn't been
that close in the past,
But I'm gonna make up
for lost time.
You already did, kimmie.
You saved my ass.
Well, I had to.
Everybody around here
would've missed it.
-Well, that's true.
-[kim laughing]
Hey, I'm having a little
Later on at the saloon.
Wouldn't be a party
without you.
-You in?
-Are you kidding me?
This jailbird needs
to spread her wings.
-Well, come on, girl.
-All right.
[kim laughing]
[gentle upbeat music]
how am I supposed
to live without you
What did that poor song
ever do to her?
so long
how am I
-[patrons clapping]
[patrons cheering]
The song's not done yet.
Uh, whatever.
Oh, sweet lord, I mean,
I get that she's in pain,
But does she gotta throw it
all over us?
-I mean, she's got emotions.
-Oh, she's been through a lot.
-We all have now.
-I'm out. Need another drink.
-Me, too.
I'm gonna need
something stronger.
All right.
Barkeep, three beers, please.
Enjoying ourselves,
are we, missy?
I'm sorry. What'd you call me?
What? You mean missy?
[both chuckles]
You didn't remember me
the other day, did you?
Yeah, when I was 12 years old,
My daddy locked me
underneath the stairs.
No food, barely any water,
And I sat in my filth
for two days and when I got out,
I ran straight to you.
Begged you to go lock him up.
Know what you said to me?
"missy, maybe
you should try being
A good girl for a change."
I have no idea
what you're talking about.
That's all right.
I should be thanking you anyway.
Because of you,
I'm the person I am today.
That's right.
We girls of tonopah are fierce,
And that's in part
because of men like you.
Y'all better watch out.
I think you must have me
confused with someone else.
It don't matter. We girls
are having a night out.
-You're up, judge.
-What are you talking about?
Kris says you gotta
a beautiful voice.
I only sing in the shower.
Well, then take
off all your clothes
And pretend it's a shower.
So bossy. What am I singing?
Oh, don't you worry about it.
I gave you something good.
Get it up there.
put your hands together
For the one and only
kim wheeler.
-[patrons claps, cheers]
-go get 'em, sis!
Come on, girls!
If I'm doing this,
y'all are, too.
put your hands together.
[patrons clapping]
Friday finally came around

this girl's ready
to paint the town
tonight, ain't nothing
gonna slow me down
[patrons continue clapping]
I did my time working
all week
tonight's all mine,
tomorrow I'll sleep
I wanna hear the band
with the cousin sound
[patrons cheering]
[upbeat lively music continues]
I've been cooped up
all week long
I've been working my
to the bone
and it's girl's night out

honey, there ain't no doubt

I'm gonna dance every dance

until the boys go home

[kim yells]
and it's my night to walk

no watching that old clock

ain't no doubt
no, it's a girl's
night out, whoo
Pitch, girls!
Okay, come on now.
Jo, loosen it up.
Shake it, shake it.
-Come on!
-[all laughs]
-patron: Whoo!
[upbeat lively music]
walking, you're
walking in your sleep
guilty, with
shackles on your feet
oh, oh, oh, oh
what you gonna do about
oh, whoa
can't get the blood
off of your hands
can't keep the wolfs
off of your back
oh, oh, oh, oh
what you gonna do about
[upbeat lively music continues]
oh, oh
white like a ghost,
ghost of your past
past catching up,
up to your leg
truth like a river
but about to crash,
crashing your stories
story can't hold
life's got you
tight face down
on the tracks
nothing you can
do about that