The Hand That Feeds (2021) Movie Script

"Intro Sound"
[intense music]
[low rubmle]
[mysterious music]
How could you understand?
Just an idiot kid!
[pained groaning]
[unintelligible ominous whisper]
[rising strings]
[percussive music]
[imposing music]
I'm Agent Reynolds, this is
Agent Jermaine. Who's been
Only the forensics team
that you sent over.
Alright, good. In about 5
minutes this whole lot's gonna
be full of reporters and
-You don't talk to the press.
Got it? -Yes sir.
Alright. Get on the horn.
[mysterious music]
Where am I heading?
It's up the stairs
and to the right.
Holy shit!
Yeah... What the hell
happened in here?
Definitely didn't
happen on accident.
[low growling]
What's up with that hole?
No idea.
It doesn't go anywhere,
it's just a dead end.
You guys done over here?
Alright, I need everyone to
clear the room, please. Let's
[ominous music]
Oh, shit...
Jameson Biggs.
You know this guy?
Yeah. I did.
Ooh. What the fuck is that?
Reminds me of something I
saw when I was in the Navy.
Pulled this whole sinking
boatload of refugees out of the
But last I checked there weren't
any great whites walking around
the city.
Yeah, I'm not sure if I follow
you, Jack. What are you saying?
What I'm saying, Sol, is
if that's not a shark bite
I don't know what
the hell it is.
[ominous music]
[cell phone ringing]
[cell phone keeps ringing]
[ringing stops]
[folksy music]
[sizzling, chatter]
Holy shit, dude. Check out that
fine female specimen that just
walked in, man!
You know you say that
shit every time, right?
But I mean it this
time. Like look!
I'm pretty sure
that's Henry Ward!
MIGUEL: Shit, you know that guy?
Yeah. He used to help my dad
with the bar and he probably
still does.
What's the holdup?
Oh, I see! She's out
of your league, Miguel.
Now get back to work. Huh?
... Yea though I walk through
the valley of the shadow of
death, I shall fear no evil. For
thou art with me.
Thy rod and thy staff
shall comfort me.
-At this time...
we'd like to welcome a very good
friend of Jameson's, Mr. Henry
Ward, up here to read the
eulogy. Henry?
In good times and in bad, in
moments of darkness and those of
light, we are left with many
Death turns a new
page for all of us.
We all remember Jameson Biggs.
Some with fond memories.
Others, maybe not so much.
Without a doubt, Jameson
Biggs was a man of few words.
A man angered by his...
HENRY: ... Demons.
[ticking, water running]
[TV news chatter]
You're just a worthless drunk.
Good for nothing piece of shit!
At least I put my time
in down at that bar.
Why don't you go drink
yourself into a coma?
You know what? I've had
enough of your bullshit.
I'm gonna pack up Russell
and I'm gonna take my shit...
and I'm gonna leave
your dumb drunk ass!
Oh is that right? You think
you're gonna take my goddamn son
from this house?
-Yeah, I'm gonna take MY son out
of this house! -You're gonna
take MY goddamn son out of this
-Goddamn! -What you think you're
gonna do? You fucking bitch!
Stay down!
JAMESON: I'm coming for you! You
little shit! I'm gonna get you!
[kids playing]
[rock music]
Son of a bitch, Russell.
How many times have I told you
you need to be more goddamn
[alien noises]
Russell, go to the car.
-Dad, we were just -Don't
backtalk me, boy! Get to the
goddamn car now!
HENRY: He and I saw many deaths.
We were lucky to
make it through.
But in his death, we must ask
ourselves what it means to
What it means to accept a path
that most could never
[bar chatter]
HENRY: Jameson.
You sent the kid to the
car. Or did you forget?
Nope. Didn't forget.
Just needed a rest.
Ah, save it, friend. How do
you expect him to get home?
You're not serious!
I'm good.
You're in no shape to drive.
Know what, Henry? Mind
your own fucking business!
Anything happens to that kid,
I'm gonna be stacking you in
that cooler!
Pick that shit up, Henry.
What happened in there, Dad?
You wouldn't understand.
You're just an idiot kid.
[ominous music]
Russell, where the
hell did you get that?
It was in Grandpa's things.
I just thought it was cool.
-No no no. You get that the hell
out of here now! -Hey!
Why are you so
crazy all the time?
Russell, pretty soon you're
gonna have to grow up.
Realize there's nothing a
man won't do for his family.
Yeah, like get
drunk all the time?
I never wanted this... this
burden. This curse. And pretty
soon it's gonna be yours.
Let's hope you got the balls to
handle it, kid. Because I sure
as hell do not.
Get your seatbelt on. We're
gonna get the hell out of here.
Hi Rusty.
-This must be...
A lot?
Well... Yes.
Yeah, well, fuck off.
What? What. What could you
possibly have to say to me?
It's been 15 years. Why now?
-I'm so sorry, Rusty!
-Save it.
I don't accept.
Dad's dead, you've got
your perfect new family,
and I'm stuck here with a
shitload of fucked-up memories,
a future going nowhere, but
probably ending up right there
next to him.
And it's both your faults.
So don't apologize.
How can I help
you? What can I do?
Piss off.
Go back to your second
chance and leave me alone.
[dramatic music]
Ah, shit!
[grooving music]
Good morning.
... Oh.
You wanna go get some breakfast?
Um... You know what?
Count me out on this one, but
why don't you get yourself
something nice?
I'm not a fucking
hooker, asshole!
Hey! Look at that!
God dammit, guy!
How many times do I gotta tell
you, the homeless shelter's
literally two blocks from here?
[dramatic music]
[diner chatter]
Well look who decided to show
up! Queen bee mingling with the
worker bees.
Dude, I didn't think
you were gonna show up.
Yeah, sorry about that.
Has Clarence shown up yet?
Yeah, he's been in
here since like 7.
Old man likes to sling eggs and
bacon like he loves it or some
Dude, I've been covering your
ass far too much, alright?
You've been late for far too
long, man. I can't keep doing
-Don't steal my eggs, man! Don't
steal my eggs! -Let me look like
I'm working.
Damn it, man!
Well, you little
sack of rat shit!
I'm getting tired of this.
Third time this week! How am I
supposed to run this place when
I got cooks who can't show up on
-Yeah. Sorry. I
Why don't you keep your little
prick at home like the rest of
us and try to get a good night's
Come on! We took care of
it, man. Just lay off.
Shut the fuck up. Miguel needs
to get his ass back to the
bacon. Comprendo?
That's fucking cold, man.
How can I do my job if I'm
doing your job, Russell?
Besides. Looking like a grease
stain is bad for my image.
That's why I pay you to do it.
And last time I checked I pay
you pretty fucking good too.
So you just want
to fire me or...?
Yeah! Yeah, I wanna fire you.
But unfortunately Marco out
there likes his cholesterol a
little too much, if you catch my
Just get here on time, okay?
Or you're gonna find your ass in
the fucking fryer. You feel me?
And clean this mess up.
Someone's gonna trip and break
their fucking neck.
Jesus fucking Christ!
You ever wonder
if it's worth it?
What do you mean?
Like this town. Or this job.
We live to serve eggs on a
platter for 9 hours a day.
You ever wonder if
this is worth it?
No, bro. You're talking to a man
who's got everything to lose.
How do you mean?
When I came here I...
It wasn't easy for me.
Life isn't easy, Russ.
That's just the way it is.
This job... It ain't
great. But it's a job.
You feel me?
Yeah... Yeah. Forget I said
anything. That was stupid.
Hey. Life is
everything you make it.
Some people need everything.
All I need is a way to get by.
All I need is a way to make cash
so I can put food on the table,
and I can pay the bills, and I
can treat my ladies to a nice
dinner. That's what I need,
My old man, may he rest in
peace, he used to tell me
agradecido dios."
Be grateful to God.
-Didn't your old man teach you
that? -No.
-Good Lord works in mysterious
ways, man. -Nah, fuck that guy.
Who? Your old man
or the Good Lord?
Porque no los dos?
[praying in Spanish]
You stupid fucking white trash
motherfucker! You're gonna go to
hell for that one. Seriously!
You know what? Speaking of hell,
I'm gonna go out for a smoke.
You think you got this?
Yeah, yeah, get the fuck
out of my kitchen, man.
[intense music]
As I'm sure you're aware, your
father didn't have much in the
way of assets. Mostly debt,
He did have one thing
of value to his name:
Roby's Bar.
The bar.
The hell am I supposed
to do with the bar?
LAWYER: Whatever you want.
The property is paid for.
You can sell it, rent it out, or
keep it going. It's your call.
[rustic music]
[lively chatter & rustic music]
Russell Biggs. Pleasure, my boy.
Hi, Henry. How's it going?
I wish I could say circumstances
were better. IMy condolences,
I feel like it should be me
offering you my condolences.
He was your father, Russ.
For better or for worse.
You know, there's nothing anyone
can say that would change
everything that happened between
you two.
Yeah, no shit.
Just don't let it consume you.
I just wanted him to come
around. You know? But he was
always too busy with this place
or beating Mom.
You're a grown man now. You get
to choose: How to feel. How to
move forward.
How to make the right
choices at the right times.
How to forgive him.
What if I can't do that?
Well... I'm afraid that sooner,
rather than later, his demons
are gonna surface and become
your problem.
Okay. You better stop drinking,
old man. You're starting to
scare me.
Jesus, Dad. Are you gonna talk
this guy to death or are you
gonna let him have some fun?
Russ, you remember Jessie. You
were both pretty young at the
time but you know what they say
about young love.
Oh my god, stop!
It's nice to see you.
And I'm sorry about your loss.
Same. And, uh, thank you.
Well we were just knocking some
pool balls around. You care to
Yeah! Why not?
[strange rumbling]
What the fuck was that?
Nobody really knows.
Happens from time to time.
Place is full of mysteries!
You mean to tell me nobody's
ever gone upstairs to check it
That doesn't sound like a mouse
or a rat. That sounds like a
fucking polar bear!
Your dad never allowed
anyone to go upstairs.
Nobody except for my dad, who
also never allowed anyone to go
So I guess we've all just
kind of gotten used to it.
It's probably haunted.
So what's the plan? You're
pretty much the boss, right?
Yeah, I am. How
do you know that?
I'm pretty sure our dads
talked about everything.
All these years later? It's not
just a trip down memory lane.
You're trying to decide if the
place is worth holding on to,
Yeah. Maybe I am.
Well, Russell Biggs, perhaps you
ought to hold on to it for a
little while. You might just
start to like it here.
Babe. I got stuff
to do. Let's go.
Hey Tony! I told you.
You're not allowed in here.
Fuck you, old man! None
of your goddamn business.
[simmering rock music]
This what you've been
doing? Other women?
We were just playing pool, okay?
Not anymore.
I'm not gonna tell you again.
You usually talk to women
like that, party pants?
She getting you
wet? You like that?
So how's Daddy
doing, by the way?
[aggressive rock music]
This ain't over.
Got that right, little bitch.
Hey Tinkerbell. Think fast.
Fucking go!
[motorcycle revs up]
[metal music]
So uh. Who's the meathead?
Felt like fucking Bigfoot.
No, not Sasquatch.
The other guy.
Oh, that piece of shit.
Tony Bishop. Lieutenant
for the local M.C.
We might be dead tomorrow.
Eh, well, we'll see about that.
What's Jessie see in
all of that anyway?
It's not like that. She's tried
to leave him a couple times. You
can imagine how that went.
Hey. Thanks for having
my back in there.
Don't mention it.
Everyone calls me Kip.
Nice to meet you.
You know, no offense, your
dad was kind of a nutjob.
Yeah! None taken.
He was a... Yeah.
I've never seen anybody take
on Tony one-on-one like that.
I think he made a good choice
leaving it in your hands.
Just do me a favor though: It's
a nice spot. Don't fuck it up.
Gee, Kip. Thanks for
the vote of confidence.
Don't mention it.
See you tomorrow?
[ominous hum] [banging]
What's wrong with you?
I'm not ready for this.
That's because you're weak!
[intense music]
My bar now.
What the fuck were you up to?
Crazy son of a bitch.
promised, but I don't know what
to tell you. I got a...
It's game night with the boys,
alright? I promised them I'd be
there and if Kyle wins one more
... I'm never
gonna live it down.
Alright, I'm at my last
delivery. Love you. Bye.
Got your pizza, bro!
[drum beat]
Are you in here? Hello?
Of course there's a
fucking hundred stairs.
[drum beat intensifies]
Somebody order a pizza?
This is some Ed Dean shit, dude.
Huh! That would make
some good macaroni art.
Do you want this pizza?
RUSSELL: Fucking shit!
[terrified panting]
Jesus fucking Christ!
What the shit?
Hey. You want this
fucking pie or what?
RUSSELL: Oh shit! Oh fuck! Run!
Get out of here! What are you
doing? Run, motherfucker! Go!
[ethereal hissing]
[terrified screaming]
Oh fuck!
[meaty bludgeoning sounds]
[demonic howl]
Ah, shit.
Looks like I wasn't
wrong after all.
Anything anyone has ever
said about my dad was right.
He was a loon. He
was a fucking quack.
I think being crazy might
be an easier explanation.
Than what?
That everything your dad went
through, and everything you're
going through, was for real.
No. No, what I just
saw can't be real.
You ain't seen shit yet, kiddo.
This is just the beginning.
Have you seen that thing?
No. No I haven't. But I've seen
enough to know your old man was
not crazy.
We had ways of dealing
with this... thing.
After bar close tonight,
meet me back here.
I got something to show you.
Might even answer a few
In the mean time, you go home
and get some rest. You're gonna
need it.
Um... There's a dead
pizza man upstairs.
No. No there's not.
Not anymore, anyway.
[tires squealing]
[water dripping]
[bathtub filling]
[pained groaning]
[gasping, panting]
-REYNOLDS: Yeah, come on in.
-So what do we got? -Well, the
autopsy results were
Throat wound appears to be
self-inflicted. But the bite...
-Yeah, not a shark bite, huh?
-Not even close.
They say the DNA appears
to be mostly human,
but unless we're on the hunt for
the Jolly Green fucking giant, I
don't know what to tell you.
What do they mean,
"mostly" human?
Look at this: The maximum jaw
width of an average adult male
is about 55 millimeters.
REYNOLDS: And this
bite wound on Jameson?
122 millimeters.
Not to mention humans only have
4 cuspids. This motherfucker?
He had 12.
I don't get it. Doesn't make
any sense. What about DNA?
Inconclusive. I'm telling you,
man. We are dealing with some
fucked-up space alien bullshit
Really starting
to look that way.
It doesn't appear he has much of
a relationship with his kid or
his ex-wife, but I'll establish
Maybe we'll learn something.
[phone ringing]
Go ahead, Linda.
LINDA: Deputy Director
Mullen for you.
Yeah, go ahead and
put him through.
Uh, he's here, sir.
He's here?
Yes, sir. He's in Intero-1.
Alright, Linda.
We'll be right in.
Wait wait wait. So you're
telling me the big man's here?
Better button up.
This can't be good.
Take a seat.
What brings you to town, Hank?
Jack, do you mind telling me why
I had to leave my wife and hop
on a red-eye and fly 1,000 miles
to this frozen asshole of a town
because my best guy can't handle
the press or return my fucking
phone calls?
Hank, it's a small community.
The local yokels got here first.
You know how they like to talk.
There's no reason to assume that
it's going to affect the case.
Quiet towns need quiet
headlines. You know why that is,
Because quiet headlines prevent
panic. You've got the entire
county up your ass and I'm here
to pull it out.
I appreciate your concern. We'll
sort it out. We just got the
autopsy report today. We have
plenty of time.
This your new guy?
Agent Sol Jermaine.
Pleasure to meet you, sir.
Mine as well. So where
are we at, gentlemen?
We're following up our
leads. Nothing solid yet.
Well, actually... I
think I have something.
Well? What is it?
I pulled up all the missing
persons reports in the area and
it's a fucking laundry list.
Every last case, cold as shit.
But they have one thing in
They all could be trailed
or linked back to the bar.
Jesus, Jack. Well at least
your training's on point.
-Good work, Junior.
-Thank you, sir.
Don't get cocky.
Yes sir.
You gentlemen have work to do.
Follow the leads and make them
stick. And if this guy Russell
has anything to do with the...
... magical
disappearing bodies...
I want him in a 4 by 10 cell.
Jack, you know where to find me.
Yes sir.
[intense synth music]
RUSSELL: Henry, what are
we doing in a funeral home?
I'm coming to that. But first I
have to help you understand just
what the hell you're up against.
Okay... Yeah,
okay. Explain away.
Your father trusted me. He
told me everything he could.
I think in his heart he knew
that eventually this thing was
going to come after you.
Why? What does this
creature want with me?
Not a creature. A demon.
[ethereal growl]
HENRY: Tied to your
family by a curse.
Your father and I found a lot of
papers and journals from your
that talked about a curse
that started with him.
Okay. Why him? What did he do?
Well, your grandfather was
successful but not by his own
He took advantage of a lot of
poor and middle-class people.
He hurt a lot of families
to get what he wanted.
He ran across a shaman that told
him the curse had started with
one of these families.
Okay. Let's say I believe any of
this voodoo shit. I never met
the man!
I know you didn't. But just like
you and your father, he and his
father were not close.
Got even worse as he grew up.
Okay. So a family curses him
with a demon. Why didn't it just
kill him and get on with it?
That's not how the curse works.
That would be the easy way out.
Then how does it work if
it's not trying to kill you?
It kills the people you
care about. Unless it's fed.
What, like a dog?
[demonic growling]
They call it "Comedenti."
That's Latin for "The Eater."
And you saw what kind
of appetite it has.
... And it has to eat people.
And lots of them.
And fed only by you.
How do you know? I mean, how do
we know that this thing is
passed on to me?
Because if it hadn't,
you'd be dead right now.
And you saw it
with your own eyes.
Other people can't
see it, that's right.
Unless they're cursed.
Or about to be eaten.
Oh fuck! This is nuts...
No argument from me there. But
it's your duty now. You have to
keep that thing fed.
If not, the consequences will be
unavoidable. People you care
about will suffer.
You'll lose everything, just
like your grandfather did. And
your own father.
For how long?
Until you find a way to kill it.
Something your grandfather and
your father couldn't do.
What happened to my grandfather?
Nobody knows for sure. It's
clear from his writing that he
spent a lot of time trying to
figure out a way to kill it.
Looks like he had a promising
lead but then... nothing!
Or got eaten.
Your fa Eh... Come on.
-Come on.
No. No, what? What
were you going to say?
Well, your father
thought perhaps if...
if he took his own life...
that would end the curse.
Obviously, it did not.
So the demon remains. Upstairs
there for whatever reason. I
don't know. Maybe that's where
the curse started.
Okay... So what
are we doing here?
Aside from getting a jump start
on putting me in one of these
Well, that might be where I can
help. This funeral home's been
in our family for years.
Okay... How's a funeral
home supposed to help me?
It's full of bodies?
Bodies that are already dead so
there's no need for pointless
You're either high or
a genius. I can't tell.
Worked for your father.
After the wake was done, the
casket closed, family was none
the wiser.
This is seriously messed up.
I never said it was noble. But
it's either that or the
Yeah. Okay. How often
does this need to go down?
The demon needs to be fed at
least every 3 days. At least.
That leaves you...
uh... 48 hours.
And you don't want to be late.
Oh and another thing: This
has to be kept between us.
Well no shit! What makes you
think I want to disclose any of
I met a pretty girl,
shared a cigarette
I'm not a smoker but I
wasn't gonna tell her that.

When it gets dark
out, strap guitars on.
The bass guitar solo
plays a funky song.
Late nights,
brown bottles,
pretty girls,
full throttle.
How long can I wear
this body down?
Hey boss. Two shots of whiskey.
Absolutely. Two shots
whiskey coming right up.
So do you think I could come
over and have you teach me a
thing or two tonight?
-You know I'd love it if you
came over. -Yeah? Have a little
-Oh, are these for us?
-You know it!
It's good to be boss!
... 'til you come close to
a new town, new girl will come
and let you take her home.
Sweetheart. Did
Tony do that to you?
Don't worry, Dad. It's fine,
okay? Would you just... give me
a cold one? Please?
... demon ain't
at home, lay low.
I met a skinny girl
outside of 218.
It was summertime and
summertime was running late.

When it gets dark
out, strap guitars on.
The bass guitar solo
plays a funky song.
[thumping music from inside]
-Oh shit. Alright. Yeah.
-[retches, coughs]
It's okay. I tried.
-I thought you were a smoker.
[chuckles, groans]
I wanna help you with
your, uh... Problem.
You can't help me,
Russ. Nobody can.
That's bullshit. You don't
deserve to be treated the way
you're treated.
And nobody hits a woman
and gets away with it.
What? You don't think a woman
can take care of herself?
That's not what I'm saying. It's
got nothing to do with the
If a man hits a
woman, he's not a man.
Look. I see a strong
independent woman who is...
... and truly beautiful.
And all that's wasted on a
piece of shit named Tony.
You're sweet, Russell Biggs.
But seriously. Don't you
wish he would just go away?
Don't you wish he would
just... slide out of your life?
Of course I do. Okay?
But Tony is fucking Tony
and he's not going anywhere.
Not with his club. Not with
his status in this town.
It's nice to know that
someone cares though.
I'm not afraid of Tony...
What's his name?
Bishop. I'm not
afraid of Tony Bishop.
Maybe you should be.
[bar chatter from inside]
Hey, Henry. Can you make sure
that Jessie isn't with Tony
The hell are you thinking, kid?
You're not thinking what I
think you're thinking, are you?
Fuck yeah!
Russell, that's dangerous!
You know, you may not be doing
the dirty work but that doesn't
mean you're not at fault.
All those skeletons are
gonna lead right back to you.
Yeah. Yeah. Just make sure
she's somewhere else, okay?
-Bro, you got a light?
Thank you.
-I said thank you.
TONY: The fuck?
RUSSELL: Hey. Tough guy.
I'm taking what's yours.
You got a problem with that,
why don't you grow a pair and
meet me at my bar? 3AM.
The new guy.
Oh, princess! You
done fucked up.
You done fucked up!
[motorcycle revs]
[rock music]
[highway sounds]
Heh-ha! Daddy's home!
Where are ya, little bitch?
Douchebag! Up here.
Wanna come down and
make me a drink?
Maybe I've had enough?
Not enough? I don't know.
That'll do.
Ready or not, here I come!
Ope! Someone forgot
to do the dishes.
[glass shatters]
Dishes are done!
You gotta be fucking kidding me.
You can't just come down here?
Jesus fuck...
Goddamn that's a lot of stairs!
[ominous music]
TONY: Where the fuck are you?
I love what you've done with the
place. Art fucking sucks,
Hey! There he is.
I hear you've been
spooning with Tinkerbell.
I'm sick of taking your shit,
Tony. I'm not gonna do it
Actually... You kind of are.
You're taking it right now!
[grunts, groans]
I just got back from
the bar! Only had 2.
We only ever have 2. We don't
do one thing in this town:
You just don't!
Mess! With the Bishop!
Fucking little piece of shit!
Inbred little son of a bitch.
Are you feeling good, huh? I'm
feeling good. Let's see what you
[grunts, groans]
Oh shit! Woo!
Let's do that again!
-Oh, shit! This is just too much
fun. -[Russell groans]
Fucking hell! My balls, man!
[demonic rattling]
You little fuck! If you
wanna play that way...
... we can play that way.
[rising strings]
What the fuck!
Oh shit! What the
fuck is that? Fuck!
[terrified babbling]
[retching groan]
[demonic roar]
[painful gibberish]
[triumphant demonic roar]
[sink running]
[truck engine revving]
You must be Russell Biggs.
I'm Agent Reynolds.
You can call me Jack.
Alright, Jack. It's a bit late
for a nightcap, don't you think?
Oh, no. I'm not here for
anything like that. I gave it up
years ago.
Kind of hit rock bottom,
if you know what I mean.
Well, uh... Well,
what can I do for you?
Well, I'm just curious, see.
Been keeping a close eye on a
gentleman by the name of Tony
Maybe you've had the pleasure?
You know, I can't be certain. I
am fairly new around here.
Taking over for the old man, you
I used to know your dad back in
the day. I'm sorry for your
Yeah. Um. You're not here to
talk about my dad, though, are
I'm not.
See, what's strange to me,
Russell, is that we trailed Mr.
Bishop to this area.
And I can tell you with absolute
certainty that this right here
is his bike.
That's odd, right?
Sure. Strange. Although he is
known to frequent this bar from
time to time, isn't he?
I thought you said you
couldn't be certain.
No. I can't be certain. But
Henry's daughter does date the
man and has made mention of him
a couple of times.
In fact, I wouldn't be surprised
if that's where he was right
She was here not too long ago.
We'll see you around, Russell.
See you, Jack.
[tap on window]
Jesus Christ, guy. What,
are you stalking me now?
Yeah. No. I'm good
on that, thanks.
Yeah. Alright. Fine.
Give me a minute.
Alright. What do you want?
What? What's... What is...
-Oh, you want me to follow you?
Yeah. Okay. Obviously. Of
course. It's only the middle of
the night. Why not?
Uh, so hey. Where
are you taking me?
Seriously, guy. You gotta tell
me what's going on here because
I'm not playing anymore.
Jesus fucking Christ! You're
crazy! And I'm an idiot for
following Mr. Crazy into murder
Just show me what
you're gonna show me.
Yeah. You killed a rat.
Congratulations. What?
Yeah! Yeah. It's bloody because
there's blood in rats. Yeah.
What? Ugh...
Oh man. That's sanitary. Yes!
It's more of that blood we were
just talking about.
What do you want?
Smacking the ground and...
"To..." Oh. We're doing
this. Okay. Yeah. Sure.
"To kill." "To kill" a rat? To
kill a rat you throw a knife at
it? What's the story here?
You know what? Fuck this. Fuck
you! I'll see you at my house
later. Right?
[sad music]
REYNOLDS: I know. I just... I
got a bad feeling about this
one. This time I really mean it.
Just, uh... Tell them I love
them. Give them a kiss, huh?
Tell them I'm sorry. I love you
[tapping fingers]
Ah, shit. You're
making that face again.
-What do you mean? -Come on.
Don't bullshit me. You know
exactly what face I'm talking
How does Liz feel about this?
She doesn't strike me as a woman
who likes to share.
I don't know how you do it. I
mean, I'm sure you miss an awful
lot of pancakes with your kid.
Sol, you're good at your job.
But you don't do this job as
long as I have without missing a
few pancake breakfasts.
At the end of the day, the hope
is if you do your job and do it
... there's some other kid that
doesn't have to miss a pancake
breakfast with their mom and
Hell yeah.
Hell yeah.
Alright. Stakeout tonight.
Don't forget to pack a sandwich.
Aw, come on. You and your
fucking sandwiches, man! Jesus!
-REYNOLDS: Where are you
spending your money? -JERMAINE:
Fast food!
[upbeat rock music]
-Hey guys! How you doing?
-Good! Thank you.
So I'll give you a little time
with your menus here and I'll
come back and take your order.
-Awesome. Thank you!
Well if it ain't my long-lost
never-here-half-the-time buddy
and this lovely angel whose
company he surely doesn't
You're too sweet!
Hey Miguel. How are things? Is
Clarence losing any more hair?
Oh, that motherfucker's got
hair growing up his ass always.
-Forgive me, beautiful.
-You're fine.
Nah, we're good, man! We miss
you but... Happy for you all the
Thanks. I appreciate that.
Well. I ain't shit for waiting,
so can I get you two anything?
Uh, an iced tea would
be amazing, thank you.
I'll just do a Coke.
An iced tea for the lovely lady,
and a rum and coke for the
drunk! Coming right up.
Why? Why are we friends?
You look good, Jessie.
Haven't even gotten our drinks
yet and you're already hitting
on me! Rusty doesn't waste much
time, does he?
No, I don't suppose I do.
You're sweet.
Look... I know you might think
that I might be broken or
something but I'm not. Okay?
I didn't mean to
assume anything...
But your boyfriend did crack a
pool cue up the side of my face?
I'm sorry about that. Um...
Our relationship...
It was complicated.
Yeah. I don't think that Tony
will be coming around anymore.
Why is that?
Some agent came looking for him.
Which can only mean one thing:
That he's wanted for something.
Which is not surprising.
No shit? Huh...
Is there something
you're not telling me?
No! A guy did stop by the bar
the other night and was looking
for Tony...
I told him that he
might be with you.
Oh. Uh...
Well Tony's a ghost now.
I just hope he stays that way.
I have a feeling he will.
Besides! Nobody
needs that energy.
-Or competition, right?
-[scoffs] "Competition." Pah!
It's only the Biggs, baby!
[ominous music]
REYNOLDS: Well well well.
Where have you been, Henry?
We just need one reason. One
reason to go in there and bust
this guy.
Maybe they're just running low?
Maybe. Maybe not.
Something doesn't
smell right here.
Probably all your
fucking sandwiches.
-Woah! What?
-So disrespectful!
I'm not judging you. Just
giving you the facts, man.
-They fucking stink!
-Big problem, Russ!
-What's that?
Fucking agents are
staking the place out.
I told you this was risky!
Now they got eyes on us.
Relax! They don't have shit.
Wrong! We don't know
what the hell they got.
I told you: Mess around like
this, all those skeletons are
gonna lead right back to you.
Say they got a search warrant!
How are you gonna explain all
these dead bodies in your
Alright! Alright.
Shit! Let me think.
-Get the bodies out?
-Are you serious?
I'm sure they saw only me.
If they're sitting outside,
they're too damn close. It's the
only way.
How am I supposed to feed that
thing without any bodies, Henry?
We'll figure it out. But ain't
nothing getting fed if we're
sitting in prison.
Now get going!
"Now get going."
You're not lifting the bodies.
I say we just go in there.
How are we gonna do that?
We don't have enough yet.
The fuck we don't! The data
speaks for itself. We have the
missing persons. Tony last week.
And to add on top of that:
the fucking pizza guy!
-There's a pizza guy? -Yes
there's a fucking pizza guy.
And guess where his
last delivery was.
-The bar.
-That's right. The bar.
We got these motherfuckers. All
we gotta do is go in there and
bust 'em. That's it.
Welp. There's nothing to
stop us from talking to him.
We should see what he
has to say for himself.
-Let's go.
-Fucking A, right?
Why don't you go around back
and check it out, just in case?
-Be careful.
-Hey Jack.
-Hey Henry.
-How you doing?
-I'm good. I'm good.
Hey, sorry about the nature of
our conversation last time I was
here. It was, uh...
Don't worry about
it. It's all good.
Need a hand with that beer?
Yeah. Yeah, that would
be nice. Thank you.
You just show me where you
want me to set it down.
Oh, just stick it around the
corner there. I'll stack it in
the cooler later.
So! Rumor has it you're looking
to retire. Any truth to that,
Oh, you know. We all gotta hang
up the hat sometime. We're not
all gonna live forever like you,
I'm training in some new blood
though. He's got a good sense of
things. I think he's gonna work
out just fine.
Ah, speak of the devil!
I'm almost afraid to ask this,
but surely a late-night cold one
isn't the only thing you're
after, I would assume?
You're right, Henry.
We just never really had a
chance to touch base with
Russell after the unfortunate
circumstances with his father.
Just had a couple questions
we wanted to ask him.
At 3 o'clock in the fucking
morning? Come on, Jack. You
don't gotta bullshit the
You're right,
Henry. I apologize.
Actually we need to ask him
quite a few questions about
quite a few unfortunate
-Think you could help me out?
-Next time I see him, I'll send
him your way.
Probably tomorrow.
Alright. Sounds like a
plan. You do that, Henry.
See you around. Come on.
See you, old-timer.
Yeah. Have a good
night, gentlemen.
Are you alright? You
seem a bit off today.
Yeah, I'm good. I haven't slept
well the last couple nights, is
Well what's wrong? You
can talk to me, you know.
I had some plans for the bar.
Stability stuff. Fell through.
Mm. Perks of being a small
business owner. It's alright,
everything will work out the way
it's supposed to.
That's what I'm worried about.
You're just full of mystery,
aren't you, Russell Biggs?
You know what? Let's forget
about this. Because I'm fine.
And you are fine. Beautiful,
[cell phone ringing]
[cell phone stops]
You can't just dodge her
forever, you know. She's your
mother, even if she doesn't
deserve to be.
It's just easier to
pretend she doesn't exist.
-Her or her perfect new family.
-Hey, do you remember what you
told me?
You told me that you want to
replace the bad memories with
good ones.
Jameson had some pretty bad
effects on you. Maybe you two
have more in common than you
-No. No, I was a child and she
should have protected me. -I'm
not making any excuses for her,
Maybe she's come
to terms with it.
I don't know. Quit being a sad
little bitch and answer the
Okay. Next time.
Maybe you just need a night
off from all your worries.
Now that is the best idea
I've heard in a while.
[calm guitar music]
Erin! Have you heard
anything of Russell lately?
I haven't seen him since a few
days ago. I think he's with
Jessie. Sorry, Henry.
Three days, Russ!
Three fucking days!
Where the hell are you?
[laughing together]
Goddammit, Russ!
I don't know where you are or
what you're doing but that thing
needs to get fed or all hell's
going to break loose!
-How'd the test go?
-It went fine, I guess.
Like, I normally get A+s and
I just got an A- this time.
Girl, I can barely get
Cs, let alone get an A!
-Do you study?
-I do the best I can!
-Well that's not my problem. I
just do my math. -Whatever.
Everyone's favorite! Broccoli!
-That's weird!
-Mom? What's going on?
-[demonic whispering]
-What's going on?
I think we have some candles.
That sounds like fun. I
think they are over... here.
RUSSELL: You've reached
Russell's voicemail. Go ahead
and leave a voice message for me
to listen to never.
If I want to talk to
you, I'll call you.
No! No! No no no no!
Hmm. Not a bad
first time, right?
-Mmm. Didn't hate it.
-[snorting laughter]
"Didn't hate it."
Well, Henry called and so did my
mom, but she left a voicemail
which is weird.
Listen to it.
What the fuck?
What? What's wrong?
[ON PHONE: sobbing]
What the fuck is that, Russell?
-It's It's my mom. I gotta go.
-Russell, what the fuck is going
I can't explain right now but
whatever you do, whatever
happens, do not leave this
Okay? Do not leave this
apartment. Alright?
Okay. I gotta go.
This is Jack. I'm trailing
Russell Biggs right now.
He took off in a big hurry and
I think he's up to something.
When you get this, I need you
to head to the bar right away.
I think tonight
can be our night.
[otherworldly creaking]
[demonic howling]
[demonic roar upstairs]
[demonic roar upstairs]
Oh shit...
Mom? Mom!
Mom? Mom, where are you?
Shit! Mom!
No no, Mom! Mom...
Russell Biggs,
you're under arrest.
You're out of your depth, Jack.
I just got here, you know I
couldn't have done this. Why
would I kill my own mother?
I don't know what the hell
happened here. But I'm gonna
bring you in and I'm gonna find
Put your hands on the
back of your head.
Do it!
Are you here?
I heard something on Russell's
phone and I don't know what to
What's up, Reynolds?
Sol, I got him. I
got Russell Biggs.
I followed him to his mother's
house. Multiple homicides.
The entire family.
It's a total massacre.
Oh shit.
bringing him in.
Alright. Well I'm gonna head
down to the bar to see if the
old man has anything to say
about this.
[high-pitched whistle]
Who the hell are you?
Uh, Jessie. Who
the hell are you?
I'm Jermaine. I'm looking for
a man named Henry. Is he here?
I don't know. Henry is my
father. I came here looking for
him. I think that something
terrible might have ha
[low rumbling]
You're making a huge
mistake here, Jack.
Here's the thing, Russ.
I don't think I am.
The missing people around that
bar. Tony Bishop and his bike.
And now your mother?
And those kids?
Not to mention your history with
your father, and what's the one
thing they all have in common,
You don't understand.
No I don't. But I'd like to.
Well I can't fucking
explain this.
You better start trying to
explain it, Russ. Or you and I
are going to be here for a very
long time.
-Russell Biggs. -This is Deputy
Director Hank Mullen.
Deputy Director? Jesus Christ.
Jig's up, kid.
It's time to talk.
You and your family have been a
thorn in the side of this bureau
for a very long time.
I don't know what the fuck
you're talking about, Hank.
You listen to me, boy: I'm done
with your ghost stories and
boogeyman stories.
Your grandfather was a killer,
you are a killer, and so was
your dad.
Where is this coming from, Hank?
You don't know shit
about me, buddy.
Oh, that's where you're
wrong. I know a lot about you.
[sigh] A word
outside, Hank. Please.
I don't know how you do it, what
you do with the evidence, but
I'm gonna find out.
And when I do, I'm gonna stick
you in the deepest, darkest hole
you've ever seen.
-A word, Hank!
-Piece of shit!
-Come on, Hank.
-Hey. Take your fucking hands
off me. -Let's go.
The hell was that, Hank?
This kid knows more
than he lets on.
That may be, but apparently he's
not the only one. Why don't you
tell me what do you know?
This case goes back a long ways.
It's a family of killers in
The only probable motive is Tony
Bishop. I'll give you that. The
rest... I'm not certain.
What's to be uncertain about?
All the signs point to Biggs.
What more do you need? Blood to
fall from the ceiling? I want
that confession!
I followed him to his mother's
house. I was less than a minute
behind him.
There's no way he could have
done what I saw in that house.
But I'm only gonna get to the
bottom of it if you let me do it
my way.
I got some rapport with the
kid. So let me do my thing.
He's been gone a long time.
When I started, he was the
focus. I know he's still
[echoing clang]
-Stay behind me.
-Okay. Sorry.
Do you know what all
these weird paintings are?
No, but I'm sure
your father does.
Oh God, I hope he's okay.
-Oh man, I got a bad feeling...
-[whispering] Okay. Shh.
Oh no!
Oh no no no no!
-What the fuck!
HENRY: My dearest Jessie.
Wherever you go in life,
whatever you do, I know you
won't be the same.
You have been my shining
star for all these years.
Jessie... My love...
My life...
You have been the
best part of my life.
When your mom left I didn't
think I would make it but...
Dad, that's very sweet, but why
are you writing it on a bar
You can laugh if you want, but I
proposed to your mother on a bar
No way.
Everybody thought it was corny.
Even she did! But you know she
kept that napkin for years and
years and years.
It was kind of a thing
between us, you know?
Now it can be a
thing between us.
Love, Dad.
P.S., I'm glad I wasn't wrong
about young sweethearts.
-[sobbing] -Hey hey hey! We
gotta get the fuck out of here.
Come on! Let's go,
come on. We have to go.
What is that? What is that!
-JESSIE: Oh no, we've gotta do
something! -JERMAINE: Get out of
here! Freeze!
[demonic howl]
Freeze, motherfucker!
Fuck you, Halloween!
[otherworldly growl]
[pained scream]
[intense synth music]
[ethereal whispering]
Every minute I waste explaining
this to you is another person
potentially dying. We have to
get to that bar!
Yeah, because the demon and your
curse from your father, yadda
yadda yadda, I get it!
-Yeah, well it's the fucking
truth! -I get it!
Look, I didn't believe any of it
either but Jameson's dead and he
left me with this fucking thing.
Who else knows about
this old story of yours?
Henry. But I forced him to help
me. I knew I couldn't do this by
I sent my partner over to the
bar to talk to Henry tonight.
Well call him! Call
your partner right now.
[dreadful music]
Sol, it's Jack. Do not go to the
bar. Call me back. It's urgent.
Son of a bitch. There's some big
shit going down right now, Jack,
and we're sitting here with our
thumbs up our asses.
How do I know that this
isn't some sort of trap?
How do I know that Henry isn't
just your accomplice and that my
partner's already dead?
I don't know what to tell you to
convince you. Keep me cuffed,
maybe. Or do whatever you need
to do.
But if we do not go to that bar,
more people will die. I can
fucking promise you that.
Take a chance, Jack!
Alright. Let's go.
Sol! Sol, where are you?
Henry! Henry, answer me!
What the fuck?
Jessie! Don't fucking touch her.
Where the hell have you been?
You know this crazy fuck?
What did you say?
Simon Biggs.
What happened to you?
This is your grandfather.
What's up with this tapping?
It's Morse Code. Here.
"Had to stay away."
"Jessie's in shock."
Agent Jermaine. Sol.
Henry. What about Henry?
So what do we do?
No, here!
"Demon trapped."
"Animal blood."
"They have to " Yeah!
"To kill," to kill!
That's what you were
trying to tell me before?
Fucking told you, Jack!
Alright, I got it.
Now what?
I don't know. I need to find
some way to kill this thing.
-No, no, I can't let you This
is my curse. -No! No!
[ethereal whispers]
[intense orchestral music]
[demonic roar]
Time to die!
[demonic roar]
Shit! I gotta find some
animal blood and help him.
You're not just gonna find
animal blood lying around,
No no, I've seen it.
He was using it to...
Got it!
-Alright. Let's go.
You stay here. That's gonna be
fucking useless against that
Watch Jessie? Get
her out of here?
-Simon, where are you?
-[ethereal groaning]
Get off him, you weird bitch!
-[anamilistic growling]
-[Russell grunts]
[pained howling]
Don't bite the hand
that feeds, bitch!
[pensive music]
Is it dead?
About as dead as it's gonna be.
You and I got a shitload of
paperwork and red tape in our
But she's gonna be okay.
So you do believe me?
I don't know what I believe. But
whatever it is, I hope it's
-Sure you don't wanna stick
around for a drink? -No! I'm
going home.
I feel like pancakes.
See you, Russ.
See ya, Jack.
Unis will be here soon.
However it played out, you know
he's not through with this,
No. I know. But he's
gonna cooperate.
Simon's dead. So
is Agent Jermaine.
Had I known what you knew, I
might have been able to prevent
I... I'm sorry I
didn't trust you, Jack.
Trust never did come
easy for you, did it?
Part of the job, right?
So what's next?
Give my regards to Washington.
I'm done, Hank. Finished.
Jack. You're one
of the good ones.
Take a vacation.
You think about it.
[melancholy rock music]
[dogs barking, birds chirping]
Back in 1896
About halfway
up the hill
The city got a heart
And that heart's
beating still.
The walls are
still standing.
-Wait, you think I have a
dependency problem? -Mhmm.
Well, you're the one that
went out all the time.
Oh, whatever! Mr. "Who wants
a drink? Who needs a drink?"
Okay, no, but that's a
line. It's part of the job.
-I didn't find the bar, the bar
found me! -Whatever. Whatever!
[baby crying]
Ugh. It's Henry. You ready?
[baby crying]
Ah-ha-ha! It's your turn!
-You know, he goes down better
for me anyway. -Oh, you wish,
-[baby crying]
[baby laughing]
Hey-hey! What's so
funny, little Henry?
Oh! Hi! Hello!
What? What are you
looking at? Hm?
-[rising strings] -Yeah. Hey.
What are you looking at?
Captions by
Samuel T. Weston