The Hand That Robs the Cradle (2023) Movie Script

Oh, welcome, welcome.
Let me know
if you need anything.
Oh my God.
Why is this so heavy?
It's just a couch.
It's heavy because
it's real furniture, babe.
It's not that online,
do-it-yourself garbage.
Thank you for helping.
I know this has been
such a pain.
Oh, come on, you know I got you,
but I do think
we should take a break.
No, not until I finish
unpacking the kitchen.
No, no, no, no.
I think you need a break.
And I know exactly how
to recharge your batteries.
Come on.
- Mmm.
- Oh.
Oh, no. Later. We're busy.
Very busy.
Uh, it might be work.
Oh, babe. Really?
- I'm sorry.
- But I...
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Hi, Mrs. Linenberger.
Yeah, my classes
are going great.
Just moved in
to my new apartment.
How is it?
- It's...
- Pocket-sized.
Very efficient.
It's the perfect study space
for a med student.
How's everything with the twins?
I cannot wait
to start work on Monday.
I promise, I'm gonna be there
bright and...
Oh, you're getting transferred.
That soon.
That's great news.
No. No, no, no, no.
I'll be fine.
I just wish I could say bye
to the girls before you move.
Yeah, yeah, no.
Another time.
Okay, bye.
Everything okay?
I can loan you some money
till you find something else.
Babe, I just got that promotion
down at the bank.
I do all the credit checks
on the new employees we hire.
Is that as thrilling
as it sounds?
I mean... nah.
Not at all.
This is why I hang around you.
All the thrill I need.
Don't worry, babe,
you'll definitely find
another family to work for,
even better than the twins.
Hi, I'm just busy
in the kitchen.
- Come on in.
- Mm-hm.
Baking up a storm here.
This looks tasty.
Say what it really looks like:
a disaster.
Would you hand me that bowl,
- Yeah.
- Thank you.
Oh, here's my first rent check.
Oh, and I didn't even
have to ask for it.
I knew you'd be a good tenant.
Did you get moved in okay?
Yeah, it was great.
How are you doing? You look
like you need some help.
Ugh, I just need to have
my head examined
for taking on too much
all at once yet again.
I have to get these cakes
over to the church by 1:00.
I never should have volunteered
to be on the Birthday Committee.
You know, every time I do
something nice like this,
it just turns around
and bites me in the butt.
Oh! Do you know anyone
at the church
who needs a babysitter
or a part-time nanny?
I need a job, and fast.
I thought you were busy
with the Linenberger twins.
I was, but Mrs. Linenberger
got a job transfer
and they moved this weekend.
It was perfect because I could
only work part-time,
and most families
need a full-time nanny.
I just... I can't do that
with school.
Well, I might have
a temp job for you today
looking after
this little rascal.
What little rascal?
The same little rascal
that keeps eating
all my frosting.
Danny? Danny!
It's never a good thing
when he's this quiet.
Means he's up to no good.
Did he get outside?
Danny, you know I don't like
these hide-and-seek games
you always play,
now show yourself.
Is Danny your grandson?
I wish I were so lucky.
No, his parents are
friends of mine from church.
Danny, I am not joking.
Now where are you?
Gotcha! Hoo-hoo.
Scared you good this time.
Danny, you know you're not
supposed to sneak off like that.
What would your mother say?
She would say scaring people
isn't a game.
I'm sorry, Mrs. Tubbs.
Oh, you know
I can't stay mad at you,
you little stinkbug.
Wow, those are cool shoes.
Do they light up when you walk?
I'm not supposed
to talk to strangers.
Oh, this isn't a stranger.
This is Delondra.
She's gonna look after you
while I finish baking.
Is that okay with you, Danny?
Depends. Do you like snakes?
I don't like snakes.
I love them.
Me too.
Catch this.
Ah! Oh!
Think fast.
Oh, there's a park
down the street
I've been dying to check out.
Do you wanna go?
If that's okay with you.
Oh, please. Let him run off
some of that energy.
The boy is like
a nuclear reactor.
He never runs out.
Tag, bet you can't catch me.
Oh, I bet I can.
Hey, why do you like kids
so much?
Don't you have friends
your own age?
Yes, but sometimes I think
kids are more fun
to be around than adults.
I don't want to grow up.
Why not?
Because adults worry too much,
and they always frown,
like my dad.
Why does your dad frown so much?
Hey. Come on, Danny. Come here.
Hey. No. Let go of him!
Don't come any closer.
What, Mom?
We were just playing!
Are you okay? Did she hurt you?
- No!
- You're his mother.
Yes, I'm his mother.
Melody, no!
It's okay.
This is the babysitter.
Yeah, Mom, don't get mad.
She's nice
and she likes snakes too.
You should have called
and asked my permission.
You know how I feel about
strangers watching Danny.
Oh, she's not a stranger.
This is my new tenant.
She moved
into the attic apartment
after Lonnie took off
for Alaska.
You must think I'm a terror.
No, no, I think
you're a good mother.
I probably would have reacted
the same way.
I'm Delondra Caprez.
Melody. Melody Chessman.
You have a great son.
I've watched a lot of kids,
and I can tell the ones
who have good parents.
Come on, let's make
this truce official
over some tea or coffee.
Come on, kiddo.
I'm so sorry I lashed out at you
at the park earlier.
Stop, it's forgiven
and forgotten.
Well, there is a reason
that I reacted so angrily.
It's okay,
you can tell Delondra.
She's good people.
What happened?
Seven years ago,
Danny was kidnapped.
He was only
a couple of months old,
and he was gone for a week
before the police found him.
Kidnapped? How?
The babysitter
took him to the park,
and she was attacked.
Some terrible monster
just yanked him
out of his baby carriage.
I'm still surprised
that we got him back.
They found him
at the fire station.
I guess the kidnappers
decided that a baby
was just too much trouble,
and they decided to give him up.
Danny still doesn't know
what happened to him as a baby.
And it's going to stay that way.
I want him to grow up
feeling as normal as possible
and feeling safe.
They never found
who took him that day.
So when I saw you
with him at the park,
someone I don't know...
You thought I could have been
the one who kidnapped him.
It's ridiculous, I know.
But I still will check on him
at least twice every night
while he's sleeping just
to make sure he's still there.
You can trust Delondra.
She'll keep him safe.
She's a professional.
A professional? At what?
I'm a nanny.
I've been doing it on and off
for the past couple of years
while I finish med school.
Mm, that's very impressive.
And Delondra
is currently available,
so what do you say?
Are you looking for a nanny?
Well, my husband and I
have talked about it.
He's been really sick,
and I'm busy at work.
If it wasn't for Mrs. Tubbs,
we would be lost.
That boy is wearing me out.
You're not gonna find a nanny
better than Delondra.
And Danny obviously adores her.
I don't know,
it's a big commitment.
I really need
to talk to my husband.
Oh, I'll handle Joel.
But if it's not Delondra,
it's gotta be someone.
You need help taking care
of Danny while you're at work,
and I just can't keep up
with him anymore.
Wait, so was today
a job interview?
Mm. In a way.
Well, when can you start?
Right now.
I... I just... I can only do
part-time while I'm in school.
I'm studying pediatrics.
Could she be any more perfect?
But don't rush
making your decision.
And I can talk
to your husband too.
I just... I do need to find a job
rather quickly.
No, you don't.
You have one if you want it.
- For real?
- For real.
- Hi!
- Oh, there he is.
Oh, geez!
I missed you.
this is my husband, Joel.
- Hi.
- Hey, Delondra.
Welcome to the family.
I hope this little guy hasn't
been too much trouble for ya.
Only the good kind.
This is wonderful.
Do you mind if I share this
with my friends?
No. Let's do it.
One, two, three.
Now everyone will see
what a good artist you are.
I will not wear
your real diamonds.
They're knockoffs.
Please take them.
You're like the younger sister
I never had.
I always wanted a big sister.
Looks like we both got our wish.
Bye, Mom. Bye, Dad.
Bye, buddy.
- Bye. See you.
- Bye, Mrs. Tubbs.
Bye, honey.
I knew she was the right choice.
I never thought
that I would be comfortable
with anyone who wasn't
one of us watching him.
But she's special.
Yeah, it's been really nice
not having to worry
about him all the time.
We can focus on work,
our home, our life.
My health is already improving.
Yeah, it's like
we can finally exhale.
You know how long it's been
since I've been able to do that?
About seven years.
I'm sorry I doubted you.
How can I thank you?
As long as y'all are happy,
that's all the thanks I need.
What do you want to do first?
Gonna have fun with this.
Careful, okay?
I will.
This is amazing.
I love the stuff
that's over here.
It's a beautiful day.
Hey, uh, will we still be
friends when I'm older
and I don't need
a nanny anymore?
Yeah, you got me
for life, buddy.
Pinky swear?
Pinky swear.
I'll never stop
being there for you
and keeping you safe, okay?
That's a promise.
And now can we play
hide-and-seek again?
Yes, again.
And I wanna hide first
and you count down from 15.
Okay, I'm gonna start counting.
15, 14, 13, 12,
11, 10, nine, eight,
seven, six, five, four,
three, two, one.
Ready or not, here I come.
Where are you?
Okay, you're too good at this.
You win the hiding prize.
Come on out.
Oh, look, I made a new friend.
I've been calling after you.
Why haven't you answered?
Come on, get off the swing.
But I'm still playing.
Danny. Right now.
Thanks so much
for keeping him safe
until I got here.
I'm Delondra.
I'm so sorry,
but we can't stay and play.
We gotta go home.
Let go of me, you're hurting me.
As I lay down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
If I die before I wake,
I pray the Lord my soul to take.
Night, Danny.
Sweet dreams.
Do you need some water, buddy?
Danny, did you do this?
What are you doing here?
Did you follow me?
You're gonna have to kill me
before you hurt that little boy.
The little boy?
Delondra, we're back.
Wait, wait, wait,
she might hurt you.
- Who?
- Her!
She must have gotten away.
A woman from the park earlier.
I think she followed
Danny and I home.
God, Danny.
Danny's fine.
He's sound asleep.
So you noticed
any recognizable tattoos,
birthmarks, moles,
or anything like that?
Um, she had a strong smell.
Like she hadn't showered
And you said
the first time you saw her
was today at the park?
She's probably a vagrant.
She followed you home hoping
to find some quick cash,
which explains why she broke
into the home office.
So you're saying she could
come back at any point?
Not likely.
The homeless,
they're not career criminals
and they scare easily.
Well, do you have enough
information to catch her?
We'll try.
As you know, a lot of break-ins
have been happening lately.
We'll keep our eyes open,
but you guys should do the same.
Well, thank you.
- We appreciate it.
- Yeah.
Melody, let me help you
with that.
You're shaking.
Of course I'm shaking.
You were almost beaten up,
and Danny...
Hey. Everything's gonna be okay.
No, it won't.
She'll come back.
The police are gonna handle it.
What, like they did the first
time Danny was kidnapped?
If Delondra hadn't been here,
then that maniac could have
made off with our son again.
Look, Melody, we have no idea
if she's the one who took Danny
seven years ago.
Yes, she is.
Who else would it be?
How's Danny?
He's fine,
he slept right through it.
Oh, thank God.
She thinks it was the kidnapper.
That's impossible.
They never caught
who took him before.
God, I can't go through
this again.
And you're not.
Listen, why don't
we just go to bed.
- In the morning...
- You are not suggesting
that we spend
another night here.
I will not stay here another day
and wait for that lady
to come back and take our son.
We can't keep moving, okay?
This constant relocating
is not healthy for us.
It's not healthy for our son.
No, I can't sleep here.
I won't.
Pack up a few things.
You're staying with me tonight.
And then tomorrow,
when you all have cooler heads,
we'll figure out next steps.
- Yeah.
- Okay.
I'll help you pack
Danny's things.
Oh, no, we got it.
You relax.
You've been through enough
Can I make you something warm
to drink?
Cocoa always makes me feel
better in times of stress.
You're so good to the Chessmans.
Of course I am.
Why wouldn't I be?
I can't remember
whether you have
a queen or a king-size bed
in the guest room.
Which linens should I bring?
Oh, don't worry about that.
I have plenty of linens at home.
You know what?
Maybe this was just
a one-off incident,
- terrible but...
- No.
It was the original kidnapper.
I know it in my heart.
I just don't understand
how she would find us.
We intentionally move
every two years
just so something
like this won't happen.
And we don't post anything
on social media,
so how in the world
would she find us?
Delondra, is something wrong?
I posted a photo of Danny.
What photo?
A photo I posted
on social media.
- Danny and I.
- Are you kidding me?
What photo are we talking about?
Who gave you permission
to post photos of my son?
He's not some toy
for you to use.
This is your fault.
You're why she found us.
I didn't think that...
Yeah, you didn't think,
just like I didn't think
when I hired
some stupid med student
to take care of my little boy.
Melody, that isn't necessary.
You knew how scared I was
to trust you
and how afraid I was
that something like this
was gonna happen.
I thought you were my friend.
I am your friend.
I'm sorry.
Look, it's deleted.
And I will never post anything
about Danny again.
That's right, because you're
never gonna see my son again.
- You're fired.
- Melody!
You don't mean that.
Because of her,
a kidnapper broke into my home
and stole
the happiness and security
that I've spent the last
seven years trying to regain.
I'll go.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I let you down.
I'm sorry.
I blurred the lines.
But they didn't feel like
another nanny job.
Melody, Joel, Danny.
Really felt like family.
I blew it.
I'll get it.
No, it's okay, I got it.
Hi, I just wanted to stop by
and say...
Oh, I'm sorry, I can come back.
Oh, no, it's all good.
I actually
was just about to leave.
I'll see you tonight
for dinner, babe.
So sorry about what happened,
but I know the police
are gonna find her.
Our city's got a good force.
Thank you.
You've made this place
really cozy.
I remember when this attic
was just a storage space.
Oh, I didn't realize you've
known Mrs. Tubbs for that long.
Yes, there was a time whenever
she was the only person
that I could count on.
And then you came
into our lives.
Melody, I cannot tell you enough
how sorry I am about that photo.
Well, then let me tell you.
I was out of line yesterday.
No, you weren't.
Will you let me
finish my apology?
I just get so scared
that someone's gonna come
and take Danny again,
that I just can't think.
And sometimes I say
the worst things
to the people
that I care about the most.
It's not much, but I wanted
to make it up to you.
No, you didn't have to do this.
- That's too much.
- Oh, it's nothing.
It's just some
of your favorite cosmetics
and a few other
guilty pleasures.
- Still friends?
- Of course.
And most importantly,
will you still be Danny's nanny?
Have the police
made any headway yet?
Shh, not in front of Danny.
None of us are safe
as long as that woman
is still out there,
and I am not waiting around
for the cops
to get their act together.
Are you leaving?
Mrs. Tubbs offered us
the use of her cabin.
It's five hours
up in the mountains.
It's the only way for me
to keep Danny safe.
And you too.
You want me to come with you?
Well, you are still our nanny.
And you don't go back to school
until the fall, right?
Yeah. I mean, I would feel safer
being away until the cops
catch that woman.
And we would feel safer
having you with us.
Danny doesn't need
any more disruptions.
You're one of his new constants.
Okay, you got a deal.
But I gotta be honest,
I am not that great
at the whole camping,
outdoors thing.
Well, neither am I,
and neither is Mrs. Tubbs,
which is why her cabin
is equipped with TV,
internet, and a hot tub.
Ooh, are we staying
at a cabin or a spa?
Well, after all
we've been through,
we all deserve
a little bit of luxury,
but most of all peace of mind.
Wait, what do you mean
you don't know the address
to where you'll be staying?
How am I supposed
to know where to send
my love letters to, babe?
Please! You never sent me
a love letter
the whole time
we've been together.
- What?
- I'm lucky if I get
a text back.
All I get is "Sup" and "K."
I mean...
It's just because I prefer
to express my feelings
to you in person.
No, but seriously, babe,
you sure you're gonna be okay
alone in the woods?
I'm not gonna be alone,
I'm gonna be with the Chessmans.
Besides, Danny will
keep me busy enough.
Are you sure you're gonna
be okay here alone?
I actually fly out
for that finance conference
up in San Francisco tomorrow.
I was kinda hoping
you might come with me,
turn into a little mini vacay.
I wish,
but the Chessmans need me.
I mean, it's taken a lot for
them to trust me with Danny.
I don't want to let them down.
Tell me something.
Do all nannies take their jobs
as seriously as you do?
Only the good ones.
I would invite you in,
but we're leaving
super early tomorrow.
Nah, it's all good.
I understand.
But, hey, I guess
I just better go ahead
and give you this now then.
Open it.
For any close encounters
with wildlife
you might have up there.
Baby, what's that?
The last thing I need
is a bear encounter.
If Goldilocks can hold her own
up there in the woods,
so can you.
All right, come on.
Give me my good night kiss.
All right, be safe.
- I will.
- Good night.
Good night.
I don't wanna hurt you.
Where is he?
Where is the little boy?
Will you tell me?
Please don't hurt me.
I just wanna talk.
About Danny?
Hey! No!
Hey, let me out!
No, please.
Let me out!
9-1-1, what's your emergency?
There's a woman.
She's in my apartment.
You sure you're all right
and you don't have to go
the hospital to get checked out?
No, she didn't hurt me.
Scared the heck out of me,
but I'll recover.
We're gonna keep her
booked overnight.
Then we're gonna transfer her
to a facility across state
where she can't hurt you or
anyone in this community again.
- Who is she?
- Who knows?
She didn't have any ID.
Logistics is gonna run
a fingerprint scan,
see if she's been booked
for anything before.
Like kidnapping?
- Delondra.
- No, let her ask.
It's just nice to hear
that someone else
is just as suspicious
of this woman as I am.
She kept asking
where the little boy was.
Sorry, we're short-staffed.
Got to cover a bust at the mall.
We'll continue
this conversation later.
Whoever this woman is,
we will find out.
She can't hurt you again.
I know we're staying in a cabin,
but I thought it might be fun
to camp a little.
Here, there you go.
Oh, I'm so clumsy.
Don't worry.
Nothing broke.
Melody, you're trembling.
I can't stop thinking
about that horrible woman
and what might have happened
if she had...
Honey, nobody got hurt, okay?
More importantly,
Danny didn't get hurt.
Morning, Mrs. Chessman.
Mr. Chessman.
Morning, Officer.
Didn't expect to see you
so soon.
Yeah, I was in the area.
Just want to give you
a little update.
Going on a trip?
Yeah, just a little vacation.
You know, with everything
that's happened,
the family can use
a change in scenery.
Hm. I love camping.
Know a few good spots.
Uh, where ya headed?
Uh, why are you here?
Is this about that woman?
I got some good news
depending on how you look at it.
Fingerprint check confirmed
that the woman
who's disturbing you
is Karla Wichael.
And turns out
you're not the first family
she's threatened like this.
So, this isn't a random thing?
I can't disclose too much,
but she's been arrested
in several states
over the past few years,
in Indiana, Ohio, Texas,
all under some misguided belief
that someone took her child
and she wants him back,
which explains her obsession
with seeing Danny at the park
and why she followed him
back here.
Wait, so could this be
the person
who originally kidnapped Danny?
Mrs. Tubbs says cupcakes
are just like muffins
but only fancier.
Did you have cupcakes
for breakfast?
Wow, are you a real cop?
You must be Danny.
Are you here to arrest us?
Of course not.
I'm here to help.
That's what police officers do.
Officer, maybe we could talk
more privately,
away from little ears.
Of course.
Have a good trip, kiddo.
Yeah, come on, let's get you
loaded in the car,
- get ready for our big trip.
- But I want to play
with the cop
and pretend I'm a robber.
Danny, mind your nanny
and get in the car
with her right now.
Come on.
Melody, this tension
is gonna give you
a nervous breakdown.
You have to learn to calm down.
I wish you were going with us.
It's your cabin after all.
Oh, I've got too much
to do here.
And my church would be lost
without me.
Besides, I should stay here
and keep an eye on things,
just in case.
Just in case what?
God, I don't know how much more
of this I can take.
A summer away from this nonsense
will do your heart good.
And it's just for a summer,
For now.
You can't keep running
and you can't keep
being so scared all the time.
It's not good for Danny.
I know.
Delondra, I asked you
a question.
Sorry, buddy. What is it?
Will you play games
on my tablet with me?
You're gonna share
your tablet with me?
What a privilege.
No, it's because I love you.
I love you, too, sweet guy.
- You guys ready?
- Yeah.
Oh, he just, uh,
he just wanted information
on the other detectives
working on Danny's case,
you know, that way
he can update them
on this Karla woman.
Mommy, don't be sad.
Oh, how can I be sad
when I'm with you?
I love you, big guy.
Don't ever forget that, okay?
Road trips are
supposed to be fun.
Let's have some fun, okay?
- Melody?
- Okay.
Louder, Mommy.
I still can't hear you.
Do you care for some coffee,
Oh, no. Just gonna get going.
Have a nice day.
Wow, this is
just like Robin Hood!
Hey, Dad, can we catch
our own food?
Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm sure
they have chicken fingers
in the wild you can catch.
This was the right decision.
You can relax.
It's okay to exhale.
- Okay.
- Hey,
I can get the bags.
You guys go inside
and get settled.
Are you sure? It's a lot.
Go on.
Is someone there?
- Can I help you?
- No, but can I help you?
Oh my God.
You scared me.
Weren't you talking to me?
No, I was...
I don't know
who I was talking to.
Well, now you're talking
to Babs Bennett,
and this is my father.
Welcome to the mountain.
We own the cottage
down by the old mill.
You should come by sometime.
Bring your boy.
Oh, no, I'm just the nanny.
I'm here helping the family
while they're on vacation.
Summer vacation.
How fun.
Well, I won't keep you
from getting settled in.
- Come by anytime...
- Delondra.
Nice to meet you, Delondra.
You won't believe
what they have in the house.
Deer heads!
Do you think
they can talk to us?
I don't know, let's find out.
Ooh, it's all so musty.
When's the last time
Mrs. Tubbs was here?
Uh, I think it's been
about two years.
She's not even rented it
to anybody either.
Oh, I met a nice family.
They live
down by the old watermill.
I was thinking
I could take Danny there
for lunch tomorrow.
I don't think it's a good idea
for us to be socializing
with anyone while we're up here.
I mean, we're gonna be here
all summer.
It's not like we can avoid them.
Well, we came here
to find privacy,
not have it invaded.
Are we not enough
to keep you company?
Oh my God,
look at the wildflowers.
Oh, I think I'm gonna
go pick a bouquet.
Yeah, pick two or three.
This place could use
some flowers
to brighten it up.
Why don't you come with me?
- It's so beautiful outside.
- No.
Danny's taking a nap,
and this is a new place,
so I don't want him to be afraid
if he can't find me
when he wakes up.
Everything okay?
I'm not so sure
that bringing Delondra here
was the best idea.
I'm just scared.
We learned long ago
never to make decisions
based in fear again.
All right, this summer
is gonna give us time
to figure out what to do.
When will it end, Joel?
This feeling that everything
we have will be taken away.
Ah! Ow.
I won't hurt you.
My name is Caleb Jantz.
I just want to talk with you.
Are we clear?
I promise.
I don't want to hurt you.
I don't have any money.
I don't want your money.
What do you want?
Are you related to that couple
in the cabin?
- Answer me.
- I'm the nanny
to their little boy.
He's not their little boy.
What are you talking about?
Of course he's...
That little boy was kidnapped
seven years ago.
How did you know
he was kidnapped?
Wait, you mean...
they actually told you
they kidnapped him?
They didn't kidnap him,
they're his parents.
Aren't they?
They're only pretending to be.
I suspect that couple
you're working for
aren't that little boy's
but are the people
who kidnapped him
seven years ago.
And you're the only one
who can help me
get him back to the family
he really belongs with.
Oh, Danny wore me out.
Besides, he says Delondra
is the only one cool enough
to play fortress with him
the right way.
Where is she?
She's still out picking flowers,
but she has been gone
for quite a while.
All right,
I'll go track her down.
No, you rest. I will go.
And while she is playing
with Danny,
you and I can sneak off
and play with each other.
Who do you think you are
making accusations
about people
you don't even know?
I know they're not
who they're pretending to be.
And why should I believe you?
You assault me in the woods
and you expect me
to take you at your word?
I'm sorry I grabbed you.
I didn't know how else
to make sure
you would listen to me.
If you don't believe me,
I won't bother you anymore.
No, you must have
the Chessmans mistaken
with another family.
Another family with a little boy
who was coincidentally
also kidnapped seven years ago?
What does that
have to do with you?
My nephew was kidnapped
seven years ago
when he was an infant.
Our family has been a wreck
ever since Aspen
was taken away from us.
- Aspen?
- Yeah.
That's my nephew's name.
Well, see?
Then it can't be the Chessmans.
Their son's name is Danny.
Because they changed his name.
He was an infant
when he was taken,
so he wouldn't know
the difference.
No, you don't understand
how much they love him,
the lengths that they go to
to make sure
that he's never kidnapped
or in danger again.
You mean the lengths they'll go
to make sure they're not caught?
You suspect I could be right.
Just a little.
I see it in your eyes.
Why should I believe you?
Because I have proof.
Back at my Jeep.
It's parked down the hill.
I promise, I won't hurt you.
You can say that again.
I can see why they hired you
to be the nanny.
Follow me.
How do I know I can trust you?
Because if you love
that little boy
the way I think you do,
you owe it to him
to set things right.
Are you out there?
Go ahead, take a look.
If you want me to see something,
show me.
I'm not putting my knife down.
That's the woman
who was stalking me back home.
How do you know her?
Karla is my sister.
This is the last photo
we have of my nephew
before he was kidnapped.
Is she up here with you, too?
No, no, she's still in jail.
They won't believe a word
she said.
She's had these kinds
of encounters with families
she thought took her son before.
She had a nervous breakdown
after he was kidnapped.
When she doesn't take
her medicine like...
So, she's accused other families
of kidnapping her son before?
- Yes.
- So she has to be
mistaken about the Chessmans.
Look, I'm really sorry
about your family's misfortune,
but that doesn't mean
you can come up here and just...
I'm not finished.
I told you.
I have proof.
When the police
pretty much gave up
trying to find my nephew,
I hired a sketch artist to draw
what he might look like today.
You know...
I'm telling the truth.
Don't you? You know
that little boy
you're taking care of
is my nephew.
If your sister really is
his real mother,
then why didn't she just tell me
instead of acting
like a crazy person?
She broke into my home.
Because she's not
on her medicine.
When Aspen disappeared,
her mind cracked right open.
Getting him back
has become an obsession.
We all tried to convince her
it was a lost cause,
but when she called me from jail
and begged me to find out
if what she suspected
was true...
Why are you coming to me?
I'm just a nanny.
I'm not a police officer.
The police
won't help us anymore.
My sister has wrongly accused
so many people over the years,
they won't take my word or hers
seriously anymore.
We need proof that little boy...
What kind of proof do you need?
- DNA evidence.
- Please.
It's the only way to know
if that little boy
really is my nephew, Aspen.
Once I have that proof,
then the police will have
to take my claim seriously.
What am I supposed to do?
Take a sample of his blood?
No, just some of his hair.
You've really thought
this through.
I promise I won't make you
do anything else.
I'll even pay you.
Just a few strands of hair
for the lab
to compare with his baby hair
and see if it's a match.
There has to be somebody else
who can do this.
If the DNA isn't a match,
then I'll know it's not him.
But if there's a chance...
I'll make a compromise.
I'll call the police
and I'll leave an anonymous tip,
and then
Child Protective Services
will be legally required
to investigate.
That... that could take weeks.
If the Chessmans suspect
anyone is on to them,
they will flee and I may
never have another chance
to find him again.
Please, give me
some of his hair.
I'm sorry,
it's just too much to ask.
You're the only one
who can do this.
You owe it to that little boy
to give him back
to his proper family.
There has to be another way.
Am I interrupting something?
Yes, but, um...
I was, uh, just asking her
for directions
to the best place to fish.
Haven't had any luck out here.
Yeah, I told him
he was wasting his time
because I've never been here
Uh, perhaps you know
a good spot.
I don't fish.
None of us do.
Found your basket.
Oh, great.
I was scared I lost it.
Good luck with your fishing.
I'll, uh, be out here all night
if you change your mind
and want to join me.
Nice meeting you.
You sure you're okay?
Yeah. Yeah, of course.
Everything's fine.
I hope these stems
aren't too broken.
Can't make a bouquet
without any flowers.
So, uh, what was going on
back there?
I'm on to you.
Oh, it's...
It's not like that.
Don't worry, I'm not gonna tell.
He was cute, I don't blame you
for flirting.
I'm not gonna tell Rob.
That is what you were doing,
Oh, to be young
and single again.
Look, it can't be a coincidence.
And you should've seen
the drawing, Rob.
I'm still not sure
I believe any of this myself,
but the drawing
that the artist made
looks just like Danny.
if all of this is true,
I don't want you staying there.
I don't know
if any of it's true,
which is why I need your help.
Can you see
what you can find out?
I can't get on my computer here.
I can leave
San Francisco tonight
and come and get you
first thing in the morning.
No, no.
All of this could be nothing.
I know it sounds unbelievable.
But it could also be
very possible.
Babe, I got a bad feeling
about all of this.
I can't go to the police
with just feelings.
Only proof.
So, see what you can find out
and call me back, okay?
How am I supposed to know
you'll be safe?
Well, you gave me
a good luck charm
in case of wildlife emergencies,
Delondra, I love you.
Babe, please be safe.
I will. I love you, too.
You're a little three-foot-tall
bogeyman, you know that?
Uh, where's your mom and dad?
I don't know.
Let's play a game.
Um, yeah.
First, let me brush your hair.
It's a mess.
Come on.
Is that you?
Who's there?
I did what you asked.
Oh, Rob.
Did you find out anything?
I couldn't find anything online,
so I did a credit check
through my work database
on Joel and Melody Chessman,
but it turns out
I don't even think
that's their real name.
Get this, babe, they changed
their name three times
over the past seven years.
You're kidding.
What are their real names?
George and Carol Probasco.
And they do have
a little boy named Danny.
Well, at least they did.
Records show he died
in some type
of household accident
seven years ago.
So it's true.
Danny isn't theirs.
They really are the kidnappers.
Get out of there now.
- No, not without him.
- What do you mean?
You think these maniacs
are just gonna let you
walk up and take the little boy?
No. I have to get him
away from them tonight.
This could be his last chance
to be with his true family.
If I disappear,
then they'll know
that I'm on to them
and they'll run away again
and they'll take him with them,
and who knows when anyone
will have a chance
to save that little boy?
Call the police.
That's what they're there for.
I'll call the police
as soon as I get Danny away
from Melody and Joel.
The only way
that I know he'll be safe
is if he's with me.
You are just the nanny.
That little boy
is not your responsibility.
Yes, he is.
I made a promise.
People break promises
all the time.
Not me. Not to him.
I'll call you
as soon as I have Danny, okay?
Is someone there?
Is someone there?
- Oh!
- Oh, Delondra.
What are you doing out here
so late?
I thought I was
the only night owl in the woods.
- You look scared to death.
- Um,
you said you live
right down the road, right?
- By the old watermill?
- Yeah, yeah,
you can come visit me
and my dad anytime.
Can I come there tonight?
But it's already so late.
Yeah, I might need your help
with something.
I just can't tell you
what it is yet.
Can I trust you?
Of course you can.
Is there anything I can do
to help you now?
No. Thank you, though.
Have fun with
your new boyfriend?
I see you've been talking
to your wife.
Well, is there any truth to it?
I hear he's been making
quite the impression on you.
I just wanted to go for a walk
before bed.
Got darker faster
than I thought it would.
- Night.
- You know, Melody said
your new friend's been
making up stories about us.
He didn't say anything
about you.
You wouldn't lie to me now,
would you?
Of course not, Mr. Chessman.
Just as I know
you would never lie to me.
We can trust each other.
Of course.
Yeah. Uh, get some sleep.
Yeah, I know Danny wants
to wake up early
and make pancakes, so...
See you in the morning.
Does she know?
I mean, if she did, why would
she come back to the cabin?
But I don't want
to take any chances.
I think I may take a hike
tomorrow with just Delondra.
Melody, she doesn't know.
Otherwise, she'd have
the police here by now.
Okay, so I want to make sure
it stays that way.
Don't worry, you won't
have to be involved.
I'll take care
of all the messy little details
just like I always do.
Wake up.
Shh, we're gonna play
a secret game.
Okay? Just you and me.
All you have to do is be quiet,
not make a sound,
and then you win
all the ice cream you want.
What game is this?
It's called the Monster Game.
We have to be as quiet as we can
so we don't wake the monsters up
and they catch us.
Can you do that?
Put your jacket on.
Hop on my back.
Remember, don't make a sound,
Okay. All right,
on the count of three,
we're gonna run really fast,
but we have to be quiet, okay?
One, two, three, come on.
Come on, buddy.
Come on.
Yes? What can I do for ya?
I'm really sorry to bother you,
but, um, can you let us in,
We need your help.
Delondra, it's the middle
of the night.
What is going on?
I'll explain everything.
Please, can you just let us in?
Did I win the game?
Can I have my ice cream now?
I promise first thing
in the morning
you can have an ice cream cone
for breakfast.
Can you take Danny
back to a bedroom?
I need to talk to you two
I don't want
to go to their room.
I want to go back home,
to my bed.
Please, just listen, okay?
Be a good boy?
Just take him somewhere
comfortable and quiet?
Hey, did you know I have a room
filled with teddy bears?
Want to see?
Suits me.
You're scaring us.
What's going on?
Follow me.
I know this sounds
like something
out of one of
those true-crime shows,
kidnappings and fake names.
What are their real names again?
George and Carol Probasco.
My boyfriend, he works
at a financial services company
and he found that out
when he did
a credit check on them.
They really did
have a son named Danny,
but he died seven years ago.
And then Caleb Jantz showed me
a photo of his nephew,
or at least what his nephew
would look like today,
and the boy looked
exactly like Danny.
I mean, it was eerie.
I was gonna meet with him
and that's when I ran into you.
I don't want to believe
the worst
about the Chessmans
or the Probascos,
whoever they are,
but everything that I've learned
brings me
to the same conclusion:
the boy I've been nannying
for the past few months
isn't being raised
by his parents,
but by the people
who kidnapped him.
It's like they're using him
as a replacement
for their dead son.
Certainly seems that way.
I didn't think
you would believe me.
I believe in maniacs
and that this world gets
more twisted every day.
I mean, to look at them,
you would never think
that they would do
something like this.
They're so nice.
Delondra, could you give me and
Babs a minute to discuss this?
Everything's gonna be okay.
You'll be home soon, okay?
Your real home.
Oh, I must've fallen asleep.
We'll handle this quietly,
Delondra, don't make a scene.
And if you keep
making accusations
about us kidnapping our own son
and using fake names,
then we're gonna be forced
to press charges.
You don't want that, do you?
Get up and put on your shoes.
You should go, Delondra.
Yes, let's go,
so you can get your things
and you can go back
to where you belong.
I've already told Mrs. Tubbs
to be expecting you.
Did we win the game, Delondra?
Did we get away
from the monsters?
No, Danny, we didn't.
Look, I can understand
you wanting to find out
who took Danny,
but to accuse me and Joel?
I thought of you
like my sister, Delondra,
and I thought that you
saw me the same way.
Then why did you change
your names?
Rob did a credit check...
Which is illegal.
Your boyfriend obviously has us
confused with someone else,
and I will make sure
that he never works
in the financial sector again.
No, don't bring Rob
into this, okay?
He only checked
because I asked him to.
But why?
Why would you think that
we could do something
so vicious as to kidnap
our own son?
Caleb showed me photos...
Who's Caleb?
The man I was with.
The man you saw me
in the woods with the other day.
He has a nephew that was
kidnapped seven years ago...
No, no, Delondra, stop it!
Maybe I got... carried away.
I believed the wrong person.
You obviously did.
Just take your stuff
and get out of here.
Joel will take you back.
where's my phone?
I don't know.
What, are you accusing me
of taking that too?
You know, you really are
messed up in the head, Delondra.
I want Delondra to stay!
- Danny! Danny, come here!
- Please!
I told you to wait in your room
until Delondra leaves.
Come on, Danny, let's go outside
and see if we can find
some bunnies.
No, I want Delondra to stay.
Look, Danny, I wish I could,
okay, but I made a mistake.
- Now I have to go.
- What kind of mistake?
Was it because
of that game last night?
Did I not do a good job playing?
- Danny, let go of...
- No!
- Help me.
- No, no, leave me alone!
- Calm down!
- Leave me alone!
- Danny, quiet!
- Leave me alone!
Let me stay!
- Danny, quiet!
- Let me go!
Leave me alone!
Just calm down.
It's gonna be okay,
Danny, just calm down.
Why did you have to be
so curious?
Why did you have to know?
Grab her, Joel.
Oh, this is gonna be
nice and quick.
Just a few swallows
and you'll never have to think
about your worries again.
You brought this on yourself!
No, no!
Come on, now.
You know we have to do this.
Oh, don't you go get weak
on me now.
Man up!
Killing her
is not gonna change
the fact that...
It is over, Melody.
Oh, no, don't do this to me.
We knew it was over the minute
his mother found where we live.
But she can't prove anything.
You saw her,
she's out of her mind!
Violent. They think
that she's crazy.
But they'll investigate.
Especially if Delondra
goes missing,
they're gonna search for her,
they're gonna find something.
No, no, they won't,
because we'll just run away,
and we'll start over
like we always do.
We can't keep running, Melody.
I mean, it was easy
when Danny was little,
but he's older now,
he... he's smarter,
he's gonna figure it out.
His teacher,
his teacher's gonna find out,
one of his friends at school.
This is why we home-school him,
so that we can control
who he's around at all times.
It's a lost cause, Melody.
Joel, don't give up
on our family.
Aren't you tired?
How many more people
do we need to kill
before we feel safe?
I can't do it anymore.
I'm too exhausted.
There's nothing wrong with...
protecting our family,
and... and making sure
that our son is safe.
He's not our son.
Yes, he is!
Our son is dead!
Face it.
That little boy
does not belong to us.
It's over, Melody.
I'm done.
No, no.
Are you saying that you want us
to turn ourselves in?
Oh no, this is all my fault.
I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have
put you through so much.
Joel, stop crying
and look at me.
I need you to tell me
if this is what you really want,
because once we go
to the police,
that's it, that's it.
It's better than waking up
terrified every day
that we're gonna get caught.
That's no way to live.
And that is no way
to raise a child.
Where did she go?
Don't worry.
I won't make you do anything
that you don't want to do
ever again.
I love you.
Hey, don't worry, okay?
We're gonna be fine,
just hold onto me, okay?
Watch your head, okay?
Delondra, where are we going?
Um... I just have to remember
which way to Caleb's Jeep.
Think, Delondra.
Okay, let's go this way.
Come on.
Come on.
Are you okay?
Delondra, your face.
I'm fine.
Come on, let's keep going.
Okay, watch your head.
Got it?
Come on, come on!
Give me my boy!
- Mommy?
- Give me my son!
Come on, come on!
Danny, Danny!
- Mom!
- Danny, come on, baby!
Just stay down.
Come on, come on!
Delondra, it's a manual,
just like Mrs. Tubbs' truck.
Danny! Dan...!
Danny, are you okay?
My parents did bad things,
didn't they?
I overheard you talking.
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
It is?
At least I know
that you're still good
because you always kept
that promise of keeping me safe.
Let me see your lip.
You want some more aspirin?
No, I think I'm
pain-relieved out.
I just hope Danny's okay.
I think he's still back there
with the social worker,
but I'm just concerned
about you right now.
I'm fine.
I'm terrible, I don't...
I don't know what I am, I just...
I hope I did the right thing.
Are you kidding me?
You helped
that little boy escape
from those terrible people.
Of course you did
the right thing.
Terrible people that he thought
were his parents.
How is he ever gonna recover
from this?
Excuse me...
Delondra Caprez?
I'm Todd Wichael,
Aspen's father.
Oh, you mean Danny.
And this is my wife, Karla.
Yeah, we met.
I'm so sorry about my behavior.
I wasn't on my medicine.
No, don't apologize.
I can't imagine what
losing a child like that
would do to somebody.
I don't think I could handle it.
Our nightmare is over
because of you.
I can't begin
to thank you enough
for bringing our son back to us.
No, I'm nothing.
I think anybody would've done
the same thing.
No, not anybody would've just...
Oh my God.
This is Todd and Karla Wichael.
They're the couple
I was telling you about.
I'm not supposed
to talk to strangers.
No, buddy, we're not strangers.
We're your parents.
We're your real parents.
I'm your mommy!
And this is your daddy!
We've come to take you home.
What's going on, Delondra?
I know this is confusing,
but you weren't raised
by your real parents.
Um, so now you're gonna go home,
to your real home.
I don't wanna go home with them,
I don't know those people.
But I know you, Delondra.
Take me home.
I'm sorry, I can't.
You have to go be
with your family.
I'll be good,
I won't take up much room,
I'll do everything you ask,
just please, Delondra.
Is there any way that he could
stay with me, like,
an adjustment period
or something?
He's just a kid.
Trust me, it's better this way.
Oh, Delondra!
You poor thing.
Oh, does that hurt?
Oh, I hope it
doesn't leave a scar.
You know, I've got
some vitamin E oil,
it'll fix you right up.
Detective, would you like
a cup of coffee?
I'll be stationed outside
for the next few hours,
till my relief gets here.
You're gonna stay
outside all night?
What on earth for?
Although Joel Chessman's body
was recovered at your cabin,
Melody Chessman's
still at large.
You think she could come here?
It's not likely,
but we'll keep your house
under 24-hour surveillance
until we locate her.
Thank you.
If there's not enough blankets
in the guest room,
just let me know and I'll pull
more from the closet.
Oh, Mrs. Tubbs, Rob and I can
stay in my apartment tonight.
I mean, the attic
is just up there.
Absolutely not.
That attic apartment it not
as secure as the main house,
what with all the deadbolts
on the doors
and locks on the windows.
Besides, you're better off here
where both me
and that nice detective
can keep an eye on you
just in case.
I still can't believe it.
You know people for years,
and then something
like this happens.
It's pretty crazy.
Mrs. Tubbs,
I was actually hoping
I could stay with Delondra too,
so I was wondering,
could I maybe crash
on the couch tonight?
Or you could just sleep
with Delondra.
I know I may be a church lady,
but I don't always have
the morals of one.
What's the use of sinning
if you can't be forgiven?
I'm still too upset to eat.
I hope little Danny
can eat tonight.
I can't imagine
how scared he must be,
staying with people who are
complete strangers to him.
I mean, they're not
really strangers.
They are his real parents.
But, yeah, he must be
really scared.
It happened so fast.
I barely even got
to say goodbye to him.
Well, at least
you got to see him off.
What about me?
You'd expect that they would
at least let him spend
a few days with me
so he could adjust to the fact
that his entire life has
just been turned upside-down.
I mean, he may never recover.
Melody and Joel
are the only family
he ever knew.
All that love,
all that kindness.
It doesn't matter.
No, they just took him away.
He's been kidnapped
all over again.
All because of you.
Are you saying
that Danny was better off
with the people
who kidnapped him?
Whoa, Mrs. Tubbs, no disrespect,
but clearly Melody and Joel
are the ones
in the wrong here,
not... not Delondra.
I'm sorry, please forgive me.
I... I think I'm just...
Just very upset
over the whole thing.
Hey, this is, um,
this is some delicious cocoa.
Thank you.
It was Danny's favorite.
I would serve it to him
when he would stay overnight
with me sometimes.
Am I ever gonna see
that boy again?
Of course we will.
We just need to give his family
time to adjust.
Okay, I know it's
gonna take time,
but I know we'll see him
again one day.
We don't even know where he is!
They just put him on a plane
to God knows where.
He's with his family.
His family was here!
Because of you, Joel is dead.
And Melody? She's just lost
in the woods somewhere
to fend for herself
like an animal.
You just left her there!
Who does that?
I expected so much more
from you.
I'm getting really tired
of you insinuating
that I'm the one who did
something wrong here.
Because you did do
something wrong!
Danny was just fine
before you came into our lives!
I was a fool to recommend you.
I don't know how my judgment
could be so off.
You know what, I think Rob and I
are gonna stay
at my apartment tonight.
Rob, let's go.
Oh my God.
Oh my God, Rob!
He's barely breathing!
Mrs. Tubbs, call an ambulance!
Why are you doing this?
Because you took
my grandson from me.
Officer Leiker!
Officer Leiker, help!
You've been a very bad nanny.
There's no one coming
to help you
because there's no one
who's left that can.
I told you my house
was very secure.
All the doors are locked
and all the windows
are barred shut.
So just be a good girl
and drink your cocoa,
otherwise this is going to hurt
a lot more than it needs to.
Are you okay, my dear?
She made me kill George.
And then she tried to kill me.
You knew?
You knew that Melody
was the one who kidnapped Danny?
Oh, you gullible little twit.
My daughter
didn't kidnap anyone.
I did.
I needed to get my daughter
a new baby to raise.
After my grandson died,
Carol was suicidal.
The only thing that was going
to fix it was to find
a new child to take the place
of the one you lost.
We could love him better
than his biological family
could anyway.
So it was meant to be.
Why did you bring me into this?
Because, after seven years,
this family needed a break.
I was getting older.
George's health was failing.
We couldn't keep up
with the constant demands
of a rambunctious little boy.
And Carol was cracking
under the constant fear
that someone would find out
and take Danny away.
- I was fine.
- No, you weren't.
You were getting edgy
and scared and catatonic.
We needed help!
We needed a nanny.
But we chose wrong.
You were my friend, my ally.
And what did you go and do?
You took away everything
that was precious to me.
What's good for you,
what's good for me,
is doubly good for you.
Fair is fair.
You are gonna wish
you just drank my mama's cocoa.
I'm gonna make sure
this hurts really bad.
I'm gonna make
this hurt real bad.
Show yourself!
Oh, honey, honey, are you okay?
Are you okay? Oh!
No, no, Delondra, let us out!
Delondra, come on!
Game over.
Delondra? Delondra!
Open this door!
Rob! Rob!
Rob, wake up.
Rob, wake up!
Please wake up, Rob, Rob!
It's me.
No, you're gonna be okay, okay?
I'm gonna call for help.
You came!
Of course I did.
I wouldn't miss this
for the world.
Oh, the cake says "Danny."
What happened to "Aspen"?
You know, after everything
our son's been through
and adjusting
to his new life with us,
the last thing we could do
is take away
the only name he's ever known.
So, everything's good?
He's happy?
Ask him yourself.
Hey, Danny!
I can't believe it!
Here, this is for you.
You didn't have to get me
a present.
You already got me one.
You do?
You brought me back
to my real parents,
and that's the best thing
I could ever ask for.
Well, I hope that you get
everything you wish for.
I already did.
You're here,
just like you promised.
Remember, pinky swear?
Pinky swear.
- You wanna do this cake?
- Yes.
All right, everybody,
cake's ready!
Come on over, cake time!
Gather around!
All right, on the count
of three. Ready?
One, two, three!