The Heiress and the Handyman (2024) Movie Script

Miss Waltshire.
Efcharist, Adonis.
Oh, perfect. I am starving.
What's that?
It's a telephone,
Miss Waltshire.
The call is urgent.
Apparently you are
not picking up your tilfono.
June! Have
you read my messages?
Michael, no.
We catch up on our monthly call.
Everything else in
between is just
you handling boring money stuff.
Well, I've been
trying to reach you.
There's been a crypto crash.
Oh no.
Listen, you need to
get back to New York.
Michael, you know I haven't
been stateside in autumn
since I was like 14.
Yeah, I know.
Ever since you took over
your family's fortune,
but June...
You know this, my schedule.
September, Greece, then
Christmas in Gstaad,
then Carnival in Buenos Aires,
and then home when
the Hamptons are open.
I know your usual
schedule but...
Are the Hamptons open early?
Look, here's the thing, kid.
This isn't a request. Okay?
You need to get here, now.
Hey Tyler,
best assistant ever,
apparently this is urgent.
I can never tell
with Michael. Ugh.
Um, you've lost everything!
Lost and everything...
I'm not really
connecting the two.
I'm supposed to
read this to you.
You've lost everything.
No private jets, no yachts,
no cars, no houses,
no designer shoes,
no designer bags.
What do I need to do?
Sell a hotel or something?
All your assets are frozen.
I mean look.
The entire hotel chain,
the Hamptons house,
the Lake Como villa,
the Paris flat,
your bank accounts,
stock portfolios,
your home safe contents,
cash, jewelry...
Blah blah blah. Boring.
Oh! Also...
No no no no no!
Not my credit cards.
I'm just following instructions.
I am worth a fortune.
This is ridiculous.
You were worth a fortune.
Past tense?
Past tense.
What am I supposed to do?
Oh yeah. Ummm...
I'm going to need
to take that as well.
But you get to keep this!
Analog is the new
cool, or whatever.
What is this?
It's prepaid!
Some good news...
You get to keep your
grandpa's town car.
Oh! And some old aunt
or somebody who died,
gave you this.
My Aunt Birdie?
Listen, I know this is brutal,
but there is a bright
side to all this.
A bright side?
Sorry, I've got nothing.

Whole lotta money
don't get the honey
Unless you be alright
Take that frown
turn it upside down
And make it feel alright
If you lost your swing
it don't mean a thing
It's gonna be alright
No one else is
gonna lift yourself
Unless you be alright
Be alright
It's going to be alright
Be alright
It's going to be alright
Be alright
It's going to be alright
Be alright
It's going to be alright
Ohhhhh Work it
Work it Work it
Work it

Wake up princess!
You can't park here.
Your palace is being towed.
My palace?
Is it even street legal?
Okay, okay.
You've got two minutes.
Lady, unless those are full of
diamonds, stop right there.
Well, they're not
filled with diamonds,
but they are full
of designer gowns.
We don't buy that kind of stuff.
You have to see, though!
I mean, look at this.
This is stunning.
I mean, this is right
off the runway in Milan!
I'll give you fifty
bucks for the necklace.
The necklace?
This was my aunt's.
So don't sell it.
Whatever is in this box is going
to be a total lifeline for me.
I mean, I am sleeping in my car.
Well, I was sleeping
until it got towed.
It's a long story.
My dad's entire
family fortune, gone.
Actually it's kind
of a short story.
Anyway, this box
belonged to my aunt.
She passed away
a few months ago.
Actually, my aunt
on my mom's side,
so a totally different legacy.
My sincere condolences.
But we can only let you
have a short time in here.
Other customers are waiting.
Right. Yeah. Thank you.
A house!
A house! Yes!
Oh, oh, thank you, Aunt Birdie.
You are the best!
Well, if there's
nothing further...
I knew that this nightmare
was going to be over. Right!
Here I come...
Greenville, Greenville!
That's cute, right?
I wonder what Aunt
Birdie's staff is like?
They'll be thrilled
to have you, I'm sure.
Ah, thanks!
Greenville, here I come!
Let's see.
1824 Apple Orchard Lane.
This must be it.
A pig!
In the house?
That's Gillian.
She lets her self in sometimes.
She comes and goes.
Can I help you?
Oh, yes, yes you can, actually.
My bags are outside and if
you could just show me to the
largest bedroom with an ensuite,
I'm dying for a shower.
I'm sorry.
Maybe I should rephrase.
Who are you?
Oh! How rude of me.
I'm June Waltshire.
Birdie's niece.
Oh, of course, yes.
Birdie's niece.
Nice to meet you.
I'm Bart.
Pleasure to meet you, Bart.
That's you, right?
C'est moi! Oui.
Oh, French!
Yeah. You know, a little
here, a little there.
I never saw you at Birdie's
celebration of life.
Yeah, you know, I don't
think I saw you there either.
Although the Waldorf was
quite packed that evening.
The Waldorf?
The Astor Ballroom?
It was at the pub in Greenville.
Seems there were
two celebrations.
Anyway, I'm very
glad you're here.
You are?
Yes! Yeah, I'm going to
need some things from town,
so I'll just write up a quick
little shopping list for you.
I do have some
dietary restrictions,
so I'm thinking a vegan
gluten-free wrap for lunch.
But no watercress, no
mushrooms, no onion.
I think there's been a bit
of a misunderstanding here.
Oh, here I go again.
Stepping on toes.
I'm so sorry.
You have your
process, obviously,
and you'll learn my
preferences as we go.
I'm going to go.
But, very nice to meet you June.
Oh! Go get my bags, of course.
It's always a pleasure to meet
the staff, so, nice to see you.
The staff?
I am not staff.
I'm Birdie's neighbor.
I run the organic farm next
door with my sister Nina.
Birdie was a friend and I
promised her that I would
take care of the land and
the animals while she was...
Her estate was being sorted.
So, you're Birdie's neighbor?
Not her staff.
Not even her handyman?
I just assumed because
you were in the house,
and familiar with
the pig situation...
You assumed wrong.
I see.
I'll bet you're handy, though.
Still awkward.
Okay, I'm, ah, I'll
see you around. June.
Yeah. All right.
Thank you.
At least he's a gentleman.
Hi! You must be June.
I'm Nina, Bart's sister.
Oh. Yes, I met Bart earlier.
I heard.
You know, I'm getting him
one of those butler tuxedos
for his birthday.
Very funny.
Oh, it is. It's really funny.
Yeah, I guess you're right.
It was a little funny.
It's nice to meet you, Nina.
Oh, that is way too
formal for Greenville.
Bring it in.
We're hugging now. Okay.
I'm a hugger.
Oh, I just wanted to say I'm so
sorry about your family fortune.
Not being so fortunate.
In all seriousness,
I feel for you.
You do?
Of course!
Your whole world must
be turned upside down.
Look, I'm a farmer.
You know, sometimes
it doesn't rain.
For a long time.
But then it does.
Life gets better.
Always gets better.
Look, I'm going to
let you get settled,
and once you're ready,
come on over.
I'll make some coffee.
Oh, well hello there Gillian!
You come here often?
Oh I know that look.
That is the look of me after
nightclubbing in Soho.
Let's see if we can rustle
you up something around here.
- Hey.
- Hi.
I brought you a list of chores.
I know who's on Jersey
Shore, thank you very much.
No. Chores.
As in things to keep the
animals and barn humming.
Right. Of course.
Look, I'm really sorry if we
got off on the wrong foot.
Um, I didn't mean
to be impolite.
It's just, my life has
taken a turn this week,
and not for the better.
I'm sorry too.
I wasn't expecting you.
Thanks for carrying my bags.
No problem.
All right.
Well, here you go.
Where do we start?
Follow me.
We basically just make our
rounds and get some feed.
Nina thought you
could use a four squared.
Ha! Birdie used to call
a meal a four squared.
That's right.
Look, tell me something.
How did Birdie
manage all of this?
Every time Birdie came
to visit us in the city,
she was the most lady-like.
Very dainty and made up.
But she obviously did
quite a bit of farm
work around here too.
Oh, she ran this
place like a pro.
My dad taught her everything
he knew, which was a lot,
and she soaked it up.
She loved living off the land.
She loved taking
care of me, too.
That's who she was.
You know, I was 14 when
the whole family legacy
got left to me.
I mean, who wouldn't want
the homes and the cars
and the hotels, right?
All I wanted was a hug
from my mom, you know?
Sounds like you would've
been lost without Birdie.
That is absolutely right.
Yeah, Birdie really taught
me to stick up for myself.
I should have come
out here more often.
Made more of an effort.
I think she wanted to make
sure that you had your space,
grow up on your own.
She talked about
you all the time.
What news and
accomplishments you made.
You mean my broken engagements
and terrible costume gala looks.
Well, I imagine it wasn't easy
growing up the eye of the media.
You have no idea.
You know, when you're growing
up and a picture of you
doing something stupid can
feed a paparazzo's family
for a entire month, you are
never far from their lens.
Your grandmother grew
up in the house too.
Did she ever talk about it?
Or Greenville?
No, no, not much.
I think by the time Grandma
Natasha got to Manhattan,
she had invented an Upper
East Side version of herself.
She didn't talk about
her country life much.
But her socialite
style was legendary.
And what about your mom and dad?
I feel like I knew
them even less.
I mean, they were amazing, but
they were always traveling
all over, dealing with the
hotels and the managements
and the openings.
And then they were gone.
They must have been so young.
Enough about my poor
little rich girl story.
What's, ah, what's your
story, Mr. Handyman Bart?
Ah, not much to tell, really.
I grew up here,
went away to school
and I came back,
my sister and I,
and we took over the
farm after my dad passed.
And that's it?
Come on, you seem like
such a Renaissance Man.
Everybody's got
some dreams, right?
I watched my father and
my grandfather struggle
to make a living off the land.
They were always
just fighting it.
My sister and I thought
if we leaned into nature,
nurtured it,
try to farm organically,
then we'd have a better shot at
keeping this place running.
Anyway, I should let
you get some rest
because you have a
lot to do tomorrow.
So, I have to do all
of this tomorrow?
Not just tomorrow.
Every day.
Every day?
But tomorrow, we'll
go into town.
What do I wear to town?
Whatever you want.
Just bring your smile!
All right.
We always start the shopping
at the Feed and Seed.
Oh, okay.
What do we get there?
No, it's not for us.
It's for the animals.
Oh, right, right.
Are there any people
feeding places around here?
Sure, yeah yeah.
There's, ah, Betty's diner,
Thompson's bar, Joyce's cafe.
Pretty much all three
have the same menu.
So no sushi?
No. No, we're land locked.
How do you people live?
Ah, most of us grow
and make our own food.
Kind of like Nina
and I with our honey.
Ooh, artisanal. I'll have
to try some sometime.
I think I can make that happen.
As usual, I see you're making
friends wherever you go, Bart.
Dotty, delightful as ever.
Bart Hudson, you are a flirt.
Dear, I see you have gotten
yourself some surly company.
The ladies of Greenville are
having an autumn high tea
this afternoon should
you want to join.
Oh, that sounds lovely.
June, where are my manners.
Let me formally introduce
you to Dotty Cartwright.
She was your Aunt Birdie's...
Rival, I guess would
be the right word.
Oh Bart, number one rival
would be more accurate.
You're Birdie's niece?
Yes. It's a pleasure
to meet you. June.
Your aunt and I went
head to head every year
at the Harvest County Fair.
Though sad to share I
trounced her royally
in the blue ribbon rounds.
I seem to remember
Birdie winning
six blue ribbons last year.
Oh, what does it matter.
I don't have any competition
worthy of my skills
this year either.
That's a little harsh there,
Dotty, don't you think?
I call 'em like I see 'em.
I hope you don't
have any delusions
of competing in the fair.
That was the first
time hearing about
this little fall fair thing.
Looks to me like you
belong on a yacht
somewhere in the
middle of the ocean.
There's no way in green acres
you could bake an edible pie,
nevermind win a
pie baking contest.
I'm going to stop you right
there, Dotty, because I actually
have an Oxford degree, so I'm
pretty sure I can bake a pie.
Well, you and your fancy degree
can dream of my blue
ribbons all you like.
I'm a shoo-in in every
category this year!
How do you know that for
sure that, though, Dotty?
I mean, how do you know?
I mean, maybe, maybe I inherited
Aunt Birdie's baking skills?
You know, maybe I'm a natural?
I don't think you've
ever seen a rolling pin,
let alone used one.
You're only in Greenville
on a lark, anyway.
People come and go.
Blue ribbons are forever.
Well, it's on, Dotty.
You're not going
to win by default.
Okay, I am going to be
baking pies and all of
the fall fair stuff, all
in honor of Aunt Birdie.
May the best apple
pie win, sweetie.
I'll show her, sweetie.
Dotty Cartwright
loves to compete
and she takes her
pies very seriously.
Yeah, I can see that!
Thanks for sticking
up for me, by the way.
No, thank you.
For stepping into
Birdie's shoes.
What do you mean?
Entering the contests.
Oh, right.
Birdie would be very proud.
Hey, have you seen her
blue ribbon collection?
Welcome to Birdie's prize room.
Oh wow!
She competed for decades!
Even at her age?
Nina and I helped her
the last few years.
We still do stuff under
the banner of our own farm
but we helped out
with the livestock.
It's impressive.
Best Apple Pie,
ten years running.
Take that, Dotty.
What are all these ones for?
Best in Show Livestock category.
Three years running.
Way to go, Gillian!
Oh no. That's Gillian.
She's a disaster.
That's Gillian's mom, Tessa.
She's the one who won all these.
She had these big eyelashes.
She would just bat
them at the judges.
How cute.
Oh, Birdie.
I took that picture.
You know, it's funny.
She'd come to the city
to visit me every year,
but I never made it
up here to see her.
Well, you're here now.
For the animals.
That means something.
Yeah, I have a purpose!
Speaking of, I better get busy!
That's right, Martha Stewart.
But just, you know,
start with the basics.
You walk before you can bake.
How to make a sandwich.
If you want to
learn how to make a sandwich,
first step is...
Now you have made a sandwich.
I know, I got a little bit
carried away, didn't I?
Oh well.
Hey, it's Nina!
Oh! Perfect!
Wow! You are brave, June!
I just wanted to wipe that
look off her face, you know.
Good luck.
Mean is Dotty's
permanent expression.
Yeah, no kidding.
What a sour puss.
Wow! This Prosecco is delicious.
It's not Prosecco,
it's Champagne.
It's 2004. It was
a very good year.
I'm sorry, that's such a
city person thing to say.
You know, I used to get
private tours at harvest time.
Yeah. I used to buy
champagne by the case.
Aunt Birdie always had a
thing for the bubbly too.
She used to take a
case home with her
whenever she'd come
visit us in the city.
Aren't these like a
thousand dollars a bottle?
No, just a few hundred.
Oh, just a few hundred.
Very fancy.
I was fancy.
Are you missing your old life?
You mean am I
missing my old money?
No no.
I mean, you know, it
definitely has its advantages.
You can get whatever you want,
whenever you want it,
any time ever.
Wow, I could certainly
get used to that.
Yeah, you definitely
get used to it.
And after a lifetime, you
really get used to it.
Anyway, I was just surprised
to see so many bottles
in Birdie's cellar.
She always said she was taking
them for special occasions.
I just, I can't believe
one never came up.
Well, maybe she was just
waiting for someone special
to share it with.
Okay. Let's get down
to business. Shall we?
Tell me exactly what
you signed up for
for the Harvest County Fair?
Well technically I haven't
signed up for anything yet.
But I guess it would be pies?
Okay, all right.
Today's the deadline.
You know what?
Let's do it! Let's do it!
Sign me up for everything.
Yes! Great. Awesome. Okay.
You know what?
Dotty is not going to
ruin Aunt Birdie's legacy.
I might have lost my money,
but I will not be losing
my family's dignity.
Thank you very much.
Cheers to that!
Let's do it.
Oh no thank you. I
got to work tomorrow.
Work. This used to be my work.
Well, around here, if you
need a construction permit
or a food truck
license, I'm your gal.
What about an award-winning
apple pie recipe?
Oh June...
Come with me.
Birdie would want nothing
short of Dotty annihilation.
Ohhh. I like the way
you and Birdie think.
Wait until you see this.
What do we have?
Birdie's pie recipe?
Uh huh.
Oh Dottie, you don't
stand a chance.
Hey there big brother.
What are you doing
out here all alone?
In the quiet.
Just enjoying the
end of a good day.
Our new neighbor had a
pretty good day, too.
I hope she did.
You know she did.
I'm just helping her settle in.
It's called being neighborly.
Plus she's been alone
for a long time.
And she lost her
parents like we did too.
At least we didn't lose
ours at the same time.
I mean, we got to be
with them as adults.
She was so young.
Yeah. June didn't
really have anyone.
Well, Birdie was her family.
Yeah, but now
she's lost her too.
But she must have other
relatives here in Greenville.
Maybe even like second
or third cousins.
Maybe I can help her
get to know her roots.
I can totally look up her family
history at the town office.
I could totally do that, right?
Yeah. She'd probably love it.
She was raised by
household staff. Employees.
Can you imagine?
No real bonds.
Couldn't have been easy.
Also, if she does
happen to have ties,
she might actually
persuade her to stay,
and it might make
a certain person happy.
A certain person, huh?
Uh hmmm.
What? You know what?
Fine, don't admit it to me
just admit it to yourself.
That's probably very helpful.
You're getting a little
ahead of yourself.
I barely know her.
And I think you
should keep the whole
finding her roots
thing between us.
I mean, she has had a lot of
disappointment with family.
You might not find anything.
I might not.
But I'm still going to try.
There's just, such a
bright light in her.
And she's very sweet.
It kind of feels like
she's from another planet.
I very often think
that about you.
I got to run.
All right. Let's do this.

Your head is shakin'
Your mouth is frownin'
Your tongue's a-waggin'
all over town
Your eyes are judging
Your elbows nudging
All the poison
that you spread
With each nasty word
you've said
Stay outta my business
Otta my business
Stay outta my business
Otta my business
Stay outta my business
Otta my business
Stay outta my business
Otta my business
Stay outta my business
leave it alone
The only business you got
is your own
Did you do that
all by yourself girl
It's not that good
you might need my help girl
Without your star
hitched up to my wagon
Girl you're never
gonna make it
Stay outta my business
Outta my business
Stay outta my business
leave it alone
The only business you got
is your own
Perfect timing!
Birdie's pie.
I'm looking for a taste tester.
Did you bake in that outfit?
I put an apron on.
A designer apron?
No. One of Birdie's.
Thank you very much.
Now you're channeling
the right vibe.
Now, I've never made a pie
before, so go easy on me.
Don't sugarcoat it, okay.
If I am going to be
blue ribbon-ready,
I need the whole truth.
Apples are undercooked.
Sugar's not integrating.
And somehow the pastry
is dry and greasy.
Wow, that's a, that's
a whole lot of truth.
How much sugar did
put in the filling?
The apples are sweet enough.
I'm doomed. I'm doomed.
My family is never going
to restore their name.
Aunt Birdie's
legacy is in ruins.
I mean, my pie is a disaster!
Are you saying that
we can't fix it?
What, did you say
we, Mr. Handyman?
I'd start with the crust.
Well, let's get to it.
Why are you mixing the flour?
It helps with the smoothness.
Right, then you add
a little bit of salt.
And next you put in the chilled
butter, right from the fridge.
You put in one at a time.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Throw these guys in there.
And at this stage, you
don't want to overmix it.
It's key that the butter be ice
cold, freezer cold, if you can.
All right.
Yes, chef.
I like that.
It's better than the staff.
So give that a couple of minutes
and then throw it the fridge,
let it chill for 15,
then you can roll it out.
All right.
None of this was in the recipe.
Yeah. See, that's
what happens when
you take the time to
perfect something.
She was always making notes.
You learn by trial and error.
Well, I don't really have
time for trial and error.
Then we better get going then.
Yes, chef!
And, like organic farming,
you got to pick your battles.
I think I'm going
to pick all of them.
Tell you what.
Let me handle root vegetables.
All right.
Oh, ah...
You've got a little something...
I'll get it.
There you go.
Anyway, you're off
to a great start.
Keep on this.
I'm going to go tend to the
animals and feed my animals too.
I appreciate it. Thank you.
Well, Gillian...
It's just you and me.
Yeah, yeah you're right.
I do look pretty ridiculous
in these clothes now.
If I'm going to cook like
Birdie, then I need to,
I need to think like Birdie.
I need to be Birdie.
I'll be back.
I can see why you
loved it here, Birdie.
It's beautiful.
Okay Gillian.
The internet says that you need
to learn come, sit and stay.
So. Let's work on this.
Come here.
Come here, Gillian!
Come on!
Braving the rain?
Technically, when you're
raising a show pig
you want to start
them really young.
That way they get
used to walking
in a wide circle
with their head up.
Well, what about a
rooting on the ground
and not paying attention
type of category?
Because I think she'd
really be great at that.
Yes she would.
Well, you could
always put her in
the Best in Show
Livestock category.
It's more of a beauty pageant.
There's no behavior necessary.
You just compete against
goats with coats and
little hens with straw hats.
Perfect! I mean that
sounds like fashion!
And fashion is something
I know all about.
All right Gillian, we're going
to have a full make over!
All right, come on, let's go.
Come on.
Have you tried picking her up?
No. Have you?
Oh, you know what I should do.
I think I need to start
with a mood board.
A mood board?
Yeah, you know,
like a vision board.
When you're manifesting.
Right. And that helps?
I mean, when manifesting,
which is like,
letting the universe
know that you're open
to the next level, that
you're following your dreams.
You should try it.
What would you manifest?
A new manifold for the tractor.
Be serious.
There's got to be
something bigger
that you want for
your life, you know.
I mean, try new things.
Leave this small town
for a little while.
Travel a bit.
Well, when I was younger I did
think about dusting the dirt off
of this town and
getting out of here.
But in the end, I know
this place was in my soul.
I wanted to farm like my family.
Still, there might
be something bigger.
All right. You see this straw?
There's a plan for it.
First, you plant it with care,
you raise it up till it's
golden, and then you harvest it
so it's ready to be
bedding for animals.
Sounds like it was
planted to become a nest.
That's right.
Hey, ah, listen, if
you want to clean up,
I can show you how to
eat lunch off the land.
I mean, but we're not
going to actually
eat off the land, right?
We do have plates.
Yes, we do have plates.
All right. I'm going
to go get cleaned up
and I'll meet you
by the chickens.
Sounds good.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Wow! Look at you.
How do you do that?
Do what?
Oh, this is nothing.
I mean, during Fashion Week,
I would change my look like,
six times in a day.
Birdie's vintage is
very in right now.
It is when you wear it.
Thank you.
Anyway, you want to look
under some chickens?
Did you say under some chickens?
Uh huh.
Here we go.
Oh, wow!
Look at that.
Good job, ladies!
Oh, we've got a few more here.
Got a couple more?
Yeah. They've been busy.
Look at you.
All of these eggs. Huh...
Hold on.
Let me take a photo.
That's perfect.
Hey! All right.
All right.
It's your turn.
Are there more?
Oh, yeah, a couple more.
I guess we could
put all our of eggs in
one basket, so to speak.
Ha ha ha. Here we go.
Now you get in there.
Go in?
Oh yeah. Go right in.
Oh hi ladies!
Hmm. You were right.
These are absolutely delicious!
So, tell me more about you.
All right. I'm ready.
So, you've never left here?
Like not even once?
No, I never said I
never left Greenville!
No, I did a little traveling,
when I was furthering my
education in organic farming.
I was in Italy
learning how to grow tomatoes
from a Sicilian expert.
Then I was in Salinas in
California for over a year,
learning everything there
was to know about lettuce.
Just lettuce?
Turns out there's a lot
to know about lettuce.
What about you.
What did you study?
Hmm. That makes sense.
Well, it sounds like you spent
a lot of your young life
trying to understand whether
people were being genuine
or if they were just
hanging on because of
your fortune and all that.
And studying human behavior
and society, it adds up.
You know, you know quite a bit
about people for a handyman.
Yeah, I try.
Oh oh.
Are you on another
scrapbooking spree?
Ha ha.
You know I've had that
habit under control
ever since I taped down
the cat's paw, by mistake.
Yeah, well Fluffy has
never forgiven you.
Very funny.
Well actually I just
completed my research
into June's family
from the archives
and I'm making her a tree
so she can see that
she has roots here.
I know she's going to love it.
How do you know?
You know, ever since getting
to know her, she surprised me.
For the life of me,
I never thought we'd
have anything in common.
And what do you have in common?
My big brother's speechless?
I'm shocked.
I know.
I think June and I, we're
kind of at a crossroads.
We're both looking for that
something to complete ourselves.
Maybe it's family.
Wow, that was really deep.
She's definitely shown me
what's missing in my life.
You might be the one
making a vision board next!
- All right.
- No?
That's enough. I got chores.
I'm going to see if
June needs anything in town.
Probably a good idea.
Thank you.
So that's brown bread flavor?
Sounds weird.
I had it in Dublin last year.
It was phenomenal.
Of course you did.
Ummm. This is so good.
You have to try a bite.
All right.
Oh look at that. Good!
You're keeping
each other distracted.
And while your eyes
aren't on the prize,
it will soon be my
name in the glass case
after I win Best Overall.
Not likely!
What is she talking about?
Nina will
explain it to you, dear.
She's the one who will
take down Birdie's photo
and replace it with yours truly.
How can you be so sure, Dotty?
I've eaten my own
pie, haven't I?
I'm not even sure
if that makes sense.
But I'm going to give
it to you anyway.
As you should.
Don't let her get to you.
What's this she's talking
about, a glass case?
Basically it's just a
picture in a glass case.
That's not just anything.
It's important.
Oh I love it.
Yeah, it's pretty
cool, isn't it.
You okay?
Yeah, yeah. I just, you know,
sometimes it really hits
home that she's gone.
Well, I can't bring Birdie back,
but I will promise
you one thing.
Oh, and what's that?
I will help you
compete against Dotty.
Okay. I like the sound of that.
That'll be good.
But wait that sign says
September 26th for the festival?
That's this week!
Ah yeah.
I thought we had way
more time to prepare.
Didn't you fill in
the entry forms?
Well, yeah, but Nina really
filled them out, and I...
Didn't read them?
No. Oh nuts!
Why are you smiling?
This is terrible.
Dotty's going to win everything!
I have an idea.
I am going to order an apple
pie flown in from Amsterdam.
They are the best in the world.
Okay, first off. Birdie
would never endorse that.
And how do you know?
Secondly, you've never
had Birdie's apple pie.

There's a little bit of
love and a little history
In this little
dizzy town tonight
Something sparking back
into our eyes
In this little clip of time
Maybe you can fill the gap
Tell me something that
I just don't know
Words running like
a river again
Nice job!
We can't make the
mountains come any closer
Oh wow.
It's looking good.
We can't make the
water flow any faster
That's going to be delicious.
You don't know what's right
till you go a little wrong
Oh hey. It's perfect timing.
I was just about to
pull the carrots.
The moment of truth.
Yes, ma'am.
- Here we go.
- All right.
Oh wow!
That's a huge carrot.
Yeah. Big carrot,
big pot of soup.
Seriously, how did you
get it to grow like that?
All right. See this barrel?
So I fill it with sand first.
Okay, then I hollow
out the middle,
fill it with really good soil.
That way when I plant the seed
it goes straight,
naturally, no obstructions.
Sounds like you've
set it up for success.
Yeah. It's a good
metaphor for life.
It certainly looks
like a winner to me.
The question is, how's
it going with the pies?
Well, I've got it to turn out
three times in a row now,
so I think we're doing
pretty good there.
All right.
Now I just have to get the
flower arrangement perfect,
prep Ruby the Hen's
cage and, oh,
I got to make Gillian's
flower crown.
- June!
- Yeah?
You're ready.
I'm going to pick
you up tomorrow,
we'll take my truck to the fair.
You know, actually
I think I'm good.
I can get there myself.
Wow! Look at you.
Goin' to the fair
Who's goin' to the fair.
I'm going to the fair.
Okay, so, I won't do that in
front of the judges tomorrow.
But I'm just really excited!
You're good. I like enthusiasm.
Great! I'll see you
in the morning.
See you in the morning.
Goin' to the fair...
You cool down,
you little beauty!
What was that?
No no no no no no no no.
Oh! Oh!
It's okay. It's okay.
I can, I can salvage this.
Oh no.
Wait a minute.
I'd know that
orthopedic shoe anywhere.
Oh you... Hmmmmmmmm!
Harvest festival here I come!
Maybe I should
have given her a ride.
Well, I think June has shown
you she's perfectly capable
of getting somewhere
without needing a driver.
I know, I know, but it's
a hundred pound pig
and it is a lot of pies.
Oh well yeah, well, when
you put it that way.
Are you worried she's
not going to show up?
No, but, what if
something happened?
I think I'm just going to
circle back to the farm.
Ohhhh. Look at you
being all caring.
I told you you were
getting invested.
I knew.
All right, all right.
Well go if you must.
I'll save you a seat
at the tractor pull.
- Hey!
- Hi.
Oh, I am so sorry I'm late.
We had a bit of a pie calamity.
Pie calamity?
More like a pie-mageddon.
Oh that sounds bad.
Oh yeah.
But you know, I learned that no
porch is safe as long as there's
raccoons and other
critters roaming about.
The raccoons sabotaged your pie?
Yeah, raccoons that wear
the same shoes as Dotty.
Hmm. There goes
the raccoon theory.
Well, I can't say for sure
whether or not she was
holding a raccoon but...
But, you made it.
Yeah yeah, I did.
Oh, you made it.
I wasn't sure if you'd
actually show up.
Oh no. I'm not going
anywhere, Dotty.
In fact, I'm surprised
that you're here.
Did you get enough
rest last night,
with all the sleepwalking
you were doing?
I am not sure what
you're insinuating.
I got my usual
eight solid hours.
Hmmm. Well I didn't get a wink.
You know, I thought I'd give
Birdie's pies just one more try.
It seems every time
I make that pie,
it just gets better and better.
Good luck!
You'll need it!
Have you ever noticed?
She grows the same exact
flowers that Birdie used to.
She uses the same pie plates,
the same edge on the crust.
And she fights dirty too!
Oh yeah. So what
are you thinking?
I don't know.
It's almost like she copies
Birdie or something.
Ah, I'm probably reading
too much into it.
Let's just get this
over with, shall we?
That is not the attitude
of a blue ribbon champion!
Listen, there's five
categories, okay.
You've practiced them,
you've blood, sweat and
teared your way through this.
You are ready.
In my eyes, you're
already a winner.
Thank you.
I never really had anybody
believe in me like this.
I mean, Birdie,
but it's just nice
to have somebody check in on
you and see if you're okay.
Are you okay?
But let's do this.
All right, let's show them what
a little style and heart can do.
Come on team! Let's go.
Come on! Gillian!
Let's go!
Let's go.
Here come the judges!
Oh, it's so good
to see you, Bart.
Are you having a nice day?
It's so nice to see you.
And who's your friend here?
This is June Waltshire,
Birdie's niece.
You're Birdie's niece!
Oh my goodness, you
look just like her.
She's going to make
Birdie very proud today.
We'll see, won't we?
This hen crate isn't regulation.
Well, I just thought I'd
add a bit of color and
pizzazz to those
boring old crates.
I designed those
regulation cages.
Right, ah, well
they're very sturdy.
Very very sturdy!
Besides, maybe I'll
give mine a second look.
I'm sure it's fine.
Container method?
Yes, ma'am.
Just like you taught me.
Good job.
Oh no.
Was that a you totally
nailed it snort
or was that a you
absolutely blew it snort?
I think it's a snort
that shall not be named.
A secret snort.
A snort of her own creation.
And you have pies for me too.
No one could ever
touch Birdie and Dotty
when it comes to pies,
you know. Never.
So good luck to you.
Well, thank you.
I think.
But the pies are
100 percent Birdie.
Just Birdie, Birdie, Birdie.
I don't know why I said
Birdie three times like that.
That was strange.
I'm just really nervous.
She was a really good friend.
I'm sorry for your loss.
Thank you.
Shall we?
Sliced. Overall appearance...
The fork goes
on the plate, dear.
Possible improper cooling,
I'll have to dock a mark.
I'm sorry.
You know what?
Birdie would be so
proud that you're even
trying to compete in her name.
Please don't be
hard on yourself.
Seriously, you've got to
put it in perspective.
There's no perspective
in pie baking, pal.
Well, pies are
particularly pleasant,
perfection notwithstanding.
You got to laugh.
Oh yeah.
Judging of the
Best in Show Livestock
Category will begin soon.
Please take your seats, folks.
Judging will begin shortly.
Here we go.
First up flower arranging!
Who has grown the
finest blooms this year?
Cartwright takes first prize!
Way to go Dotty!
You've got the awesome blossoms!
The petals with the medal!
Let's hear it for Dotty folks!
Ivy Wilson is in second place
and Andrew Bowman in third.
Root veggies are up next!
Bart Hudson is our winner,
growing for Birdie Farms
as he does every year!
Way to go Bart!
Congratulations! You really
deserved to win that.
Up next, feathery friends,
the Best in Flock.
Heads up, it's Dotty again!
Ms. Cartwright! Well done.
Congratulations. It's yours.
This is a nightmare.
She's winning everything!
She is misery personified.
Next up, apple pie!
Take it away pie
expert, Wendy Whitaker!
This year, we have
the perfect apple pie.
Flaky pastry,
beautifully spiced,
I could happily eat this
apple pie every Thanksgiving
for the rest of my life.
Congratulations, June Waltshire!
It was the best I've ever eaten.
Thank you.
I thought she said
the pie was too warm.
I guess Wendy likes
her pie a little warm.
We have saved
the best event for last, folks.
Best in Show Livestock!
Bring your goats, your
pigs and your lambs!
One cutie will rule them all!
Gill - i - an.
Gill - i - an.
Gill - i - an. Gill - i - an.
Gill - i - an.
The judges don't even
need to deliberate!
First prize goes to...
Gillian the pig!
And that's Birdie
Farms again, folks.
June Waltshire is the
farmer of record here.
Which means she'll be named
Best Overall in Fair.
Give her a hand folks!
I'm the farmer of record!
I don't even know
what that means.
It means you did it!
No, we did it!
Gillian! Let's get
pictures, baby.
Look at what we did!
Hey! I might need
some help unloading.
Yeah, just a sec.
Is this June Waltshire?
Yes, this is she.
This is Larry Elpin of
Elpin Farm Equipment.
Oh! Hi Larry.
How can I help you?
Is there an invoice that
we owe or something?
No, no no.
It's nothing like that.
My daughter sent me
a social media post
with you and your pig Gillian.
Wow, that was quick.
We'd like to discuss a
sponsorship deal
with your prize pig.
Are you serious?
Our Board of Directors
have been on me for years
to get some kind of lizard
or duck to be our mascot,
for advertising, you know.
So when I saw your cute
little pig I thought hey now,
that's an animal
I can get behind.
Well, that's amazing.
Would you be interested
in something like that?
It would be quite lucrative.
We're a national brand.
Oh yeah. Absolutely.
Ah, please send me a contract.
I'll take a look at it!
Okay! Okay.
A question for you.
Are you June Waltshire of the
big Waltshire Hotel crash?
Yeah, that's me.
That must have been
quite an ordeal for you.
Well, it's been quite a life
change, no doubt about that.
Well, I hope Elpin Farm
Equipment can play
some small role in helping
you get back on track.
Thank you.
That's very kind of you.
All right then.
My assistant will be in touch.
June! What a coincidence!
I was just asking my
staff to track you down.
I have news.
Do I want to hear it?
We found the
portfolio of old stocks
from the 1980s and
let's just say your grandpa
sure knew how to pick them.
He bought into Apple
at $22 a share!
Wait, I didn't hear you.
What? Picking apples?
No, forget the apples,
you're back in the saddle.
I mean, I needed apples for the
pie thing, but not so much
With back in the saddle,
how big is this saddle?
Enough for me to send your
private jet to come and get you!
The jet?
Are you messing with me?
Scout's honor.
You were never a Scout, Michael.
Okay! You caught me.
Anyway, you're gonna
be back on top, kid.
I just wired you a
little pocket money.
Oh. Okay. Great.
June, that was a joke.
It's a lot of pocket money.
Money for very big pockets.
Many, many pockets.
I actually was calling
because I wanted you to
take a look at a
contract for me.
Oh, yeah?
Yeah, so, you'll
never believe this.
I competed in a fall festival
with my Aunt Birdie's
prized pig and we won.
So now there's a farm
equipment company
that wants to hire
Gillian as their mascot.
A pig as a mascot?
June, you heard
what I said, right?
The fortune, it's coming back.
Yeah yeah yeah yeah.
I heard it.
That's, that is
not pocket change.
That is, that's life
changing back change.
Bart! Bart.
I know you took off
because I was on the phone
but you are not going
to believe this.
Hey, viral girl.
You say it like
it's a bad thing.
Isn't it?
No no! It's amazing.
Gill - i -an!
Gill - i - an!
She is quite the pig.
Yes! And I want
to go celebrate!
I'll let Nina know.
Oh, um...
Actually I was thinking
maybe just the two of us?
Oh yeah. I'm game.
Yeah, we could eat here, go into
town and get some ice cream.
Maybe we'll run into Dotty and
we can gloat a little bit.
Oh actually,
I was thinking maybe
something a little fancier.
Like the pub?
Do, do you own a suit?
Yes, I own a suit.
In fact, I own several suits.
Imagine that.
Why don't you put
one of them on and
be at my place at six tonight?
Short walk.
I'll see you tonight.
Okay, I will put a suit on.
For you.
Wow yourself.
You look stunning.
This old thing?
It's very last season.
You could have fooled me.
Well, will you join me?
This must be some prize money
for you to take
care of all this.
You don't know the half of it.
So this is how you used to roll?
With the car and a driver?
Yeah. Always.
Even to get groceries?
Right. The staff, yes.
You didn't get groceries.
You look really
nice in that suit.
Thank you.
Okay, I'm loving the
mystery here, but
you got to tell me
where we're going.
Is that a helicopter?

So you went from
living in your car
to renting out every
seat in this theatre?
Shhh, this is the good part.
June, there's no
one here to shush.
And I have a thing or
two I'd like to say.
I never expected someone like
you to walk into my life.
Well, I never expected to
find a handsome farmer.
Are you falling for me?
Where is that
champagne I ordered?
Wait. Champagne too?
Well, you got to
show me your world,
and now I'm going
to show you mine.
But I don't want you to have
to mortgage Birdie's farm
just because you're
paying for all this.
I won't.
It's all going to be fine now.
What do you mean
it's all fine now?
Well, Gillian and I got
an incredibly lucrative
advertising contract!
Are you kidding?
That was fast.
So that's what
we're celebrating?
Well, yes, that, and...
My business manager called.
I'm not broke anymore.
It turns out my grandfather
was just as much of a genius
at building a stock
portfolio as he was
at building a hotel empire.
So it looks like I'll be
back in PJs in no time.
Private jets.
Right. Oh.
Ah, wow. That's, ah,
that's amazing.
You must be thrilled.
You don't seem very
happy about it.
No no, I'm, I'm,
I'm happy for you.
Well, maybe this next part
will cheer you up a bit.
Look Bart...
Getting to know you has been one
of the biggest joys of my life.
I really like you.
I think I'm falling for you.
And, so, what I
wanted to ask is...
Do you want to leave and
come travel the world with me?
What's wrong?
I should have seen this coming.
I am getting the sense
there's not going to be
a resounding yes
at the end of this.
June, I can't just go
traveling the world with you.
Yeah you can, Bart!
That's what I'm
trying to tell you.
I can afford to take us all
over the world, all right!
We can travel.
We can do everything together.
June, you don't get it.
I don't want to
travel the world.
I want to stay in Greenville.
And I was hoping that you
wanted to stay there with me.
I see.
Well, this is going to make for
a rather awkward trip back
to Greenville, won't it?
Yeah. I guess we should go.
Yeah. I guess we should.
Oh, hey Gillian.
Well, it's time for
our last supper here.
Here you go.
Do you hate goodbyes?
Because I hate goodbyes.
But, here we are.
You were the best roommate ever.
The best pig of any pig
that any farm has ever had.
You know that?
And don't worry, you'll still
get your celebrity deal.
I'll make sure of it.
But you don't need me.
You've got Bart here to
take care of you, right.
I agree, I agree.
Bart is pretty amazing.
That's why I'm going
to deed him the farm
so that he can make sure
and look after all of you.
I'm going to miss this so much.
I'm going to miss you.
I'm going to miss
feeling of a real home.
All right, Gillian.
You be a good little pig, okay?
Oh there you are.
- Hi!
- Hi!
Mwah, mwah.
How are you?
Oh, doing fabulous.
Doing a lot of late nights
at celebrity parties.
But stepping right back
into my designer shoes
and getting back in there!
Anyway, enough about me,
let's get you out there.
You could always go back to
the Riviera, you know, but
definitely on the Italian side,
because Cannes is so yesterday.
Unless. How do you feel
about Fashion Week?
You know, June, the
designers weren't going to
give you tickets because
of well, you know,
because of the
blip and all that.
But I told them that you
were back and they said
that if you wanted to purchase
a table for $250,000 dollars,
they wouldn't have a problem
with you bringing your nearest
and dearest, which I'm sure,
of course, includes me!
Are you even listening?
Earth to June.
Sweetie, I think you might
have some mud caking your ears
because you're not hearing me.
No, I heard you, I just...
Don't want to go
to Fashion Week.
Well, that's disappointing.
But, wait...
I'm over it!
So, Italy then?
Straight to Gstaad?
No. You know, I think
Greenville is my new thing.
Excuse me? Greenville...
What is that?
Some kind of new club in
the city, or something?
No, actually, it's
where my family is.
So, we're not getting
on the private jet then?
I'm so confused. What?
Where are you going?
No! June...
Hey, Bart?
Are you partying in my house?
You came!
Bring it in.
Oh! I thought you
were going to miss
your own surprise party!
My surprise party?
You've been on your
own for so long,
I wanted to show you that
you still have family.
Right here.
Who are all these people?
I did a little bit of research,
you know, and some of these
people you're related to,
like way down the line.
But they're all part of
Birdie's family tree.
Your family tree.
Oh, here's a cousin, distant.
On your grandfather's side.
And a second cousin.
Who actually lives in
the next town over.
Let's give her some space.
Um, and...
There's another cousin.
Birdie's first cousin.
We're related?
Birdie and I were cousins.
I'm afraid you can't
argue with DNA.
She was proud of you, you know.
And she wished she could have
spent more time with you.
But, after your parents died,
the grief kept her away.
It shouldn't have. But it did.
Well, I understand that.
Wow. I guess it does
make a little sense
that we're related, though.
It's seems we all got
the competitive gene.
The pie gene, too.
Much as I hate to admit it,
you have a touch
for pastries, June.
Birdie and I got
it from our grandmother.
Oh, that would have been my
great-grandmother, right?
You look just like her.
Wait a minute.
Does this mean we have to
be nice to each other now?
All's fair in family
and pies, Junie.
If you'll excuse me.
That is actually very true.
I just, I can't believe
you all did this for me.
You have a lot of cousins.
Yeah, yeah.
I really do.
Ah, you wouldn't happen
to be one of my cousins?
Would you?
Not even close.
We're from Poughkeepsie, so.
That's good because...
I love you.
I love you too.
So does this mean
you're staying?
There's nowhere else that's
more important to me now.
With you.
Gillian's going to be
really happy to hear that.
Just Gillian?
Well, the handyman, too.