The Highest Brasil (2023) Movie Script

[Brendan] Tell me a thought
you had this morning.
Just something you
thought about today.
I thought about
brushing my teeth.
[Brendan] And what about
brushing your teeth
did you think about?
I looked at
my brushing-my-teeth smile.
It's not a real smile,
but it's a smile you have to
make to have nice teeth
so that I can smile for real.
[man] Anything else?
When I got in my car,
I didn't wear a seat belt.
I don't want to die,
but if I have to go,
then who am I to prevent it?
I thought of being thrown
through the windscreen.
I think I'm brave enough to
admit that the idea of my head
being smashed in like an egg
fills me with great comfort.
Brush your teeth for me.
Are you smiling for real?
Show me.
That's good, yes.
["Habanera" by
Vinny Marchi playing]
L'amour est
Un oiseau rebelle
Que nul ne peut apprivoiser
Et, c'est bien
En vain qu'on l'appelle
S'il lui convient de refuser

Rien n'y fait
Menace ou prire
L'un parle bien
L'autre se tait
Et, c'est l'autre
Que je prfre
Il n'a rien dit
Mais il me plat
L'amour est
Un oiseau rebelle
Que nul ne peut apprivoiser
Et c'est bien
En vain qu'on l'appelle
S'il lui convient de refuser

L'amour est enfant de bohme

Il n'a jamais
Jamais connu de loi
Si tu ne m'aimes pas
Je t'aime
Si je t'aime
Prends garde toi
Prends garde toi
Si tu ne m'aimes pas
Si tu ne m'aimes pas
Je t'aime
Prends garde toi
Mais, si je t'aime
Si je t'aime
Prends garde toi
L'amour est enfant de bohme

[car engine idling]
[keys jingling]
[birds chirping]
[footsteps squelching]
[boat motor whirring]
[seagulls squawking]
[motor rumbling]
[faint rattling]
[seagulls squawking]
[wind whooshing]
Swell on the sea today.
Six boxes, though.
That's great, Seamus.
That's really great.
With the prices now,
it could have been nine.
Did you call Joe's cousin?
I already did.
He's looking to crew.
You can't do it all by yourself.
I already did.
He'll find someone.
[dog whines]
No, Frankie.
No, Frankie. Frankie.
You can't always get
what you want, eh?
[fire crackling]
[newscast playing on TV]
Don't forget the bread tomorrow.
Brown, yeah?
Let's try some
of that nice sourdough.
[newscast continues]
Cheaper airfares between Dublin
and London have been approved
by the Minister of
Communications, Mr. Bichram.
The weather forecast,
continuing cloudy and cold
with spells of rain and
That's the main news.
Have a good night.
Can you take out the rubbish?
[Seamus sighs]
[inhales, exhales deeply]
[wind whooshing]
He said he'd be here.
He's young, you know.
[Seamus] But he's worked
a boat before, yeah?
Waiting for a helping hand,
Where's he sailing from?
I'm sure he'll be here soon.
-[ both chuckling]
-[Seamus] Yeah?
[loud clattering]
[boat engine humming]
[waves splashing]
[ominous music building]
[music intensifies]
[shrill scream echoes]
[woman weeping]
[woman screaming]
[door latch clicks]
[John] You're not Dr. Simmons.
I'm Kathleen.
I'm a research assistant.
[John] So you're not a doctor.
I'm a doctoral student.
[John] Come to stare
at freaks like me?
-And take notes?
[John] I knew someone like you.
[inhales deeply]
She had the same smell.
When she came down
out of the ocean.
She was all wet...
of the other world within.
And fish of the eye face.
I want you, in the night,
high up in there,
in the blue train.
I just, um--
I'm here to learn how to help.
[John] What if I kicked you
in the cunt?
What would you learn from that?
We could fill out these forms
for Dr. Simmons.
[John] I think you'd learn
quite a lot from that.
Um, just your name,
um, personal details,
and, uh, there's a consent form.
[John] Now,
if I held you down...
I bet you'd like what it is
I'd have to teach you.
Of the sorts
that you don't have very often
in that wet cunt of yours.
[photocopier whirs, beeps]
[photocopier whirring loudly]
[cash register beeping]
[cashier] 1.50, please.
Thank you.
Sorry, sir, you dropped a piece
of paper on the floor there.
Oh, shit.
Fucking bins.
Oh, fuck.
[engine idling]
[Seamus] Frankie!
I saw a hearse on the way back.
Do you really need
to hold that collar?
Well, yeah. Until I see
another four-legged animal.
Yes, yes, I do. Frankie!
-Frankie. Where is he?
-The dog is out.
[Seamus whistling]
My jokes are hilarious,
and I am a joy to be around.
[waves lapping]
[Seamus shivering]
[Kathleen] Oh, no.
-[Seamus] What?
-[Kathleen] My ring.
My wedding ring. It's gone.
[Seamus] What do you mean?
-[Kathleen] It's not
on my finger.
-[Seamus] Are you serious?
-Are you sure you had it on?
-I always have it on.
I never take it off.
[Seamus] All right, all right.
When did you notice it gone?
[Kathleen] Just now.
I was swimming over there...
-[Seamus] Your wedding ring!
-...and it's not on anymore.
You can't take it swimming.
Things slip off in the water.
[Kathleen] I know, I know.
[Kathleen] Oh, no. Oh, no,
this is bad. This is bad!
I'm so sorry, Seamus!
[Seamus] Don't worry, don't
worry. Were you over here?
[Kathleen] No,
more sort of over there.
-[Seamus] It's got to
be here somewhere.
-No. Back, back.
-Back. No.
-This isn't a good sign,
[man on TV] Well,
I'm not quite sure,
but I suppose it would be.
-[reporter] No,
you seem definite.
-[man] Definitely.
[reporter] How do you see
this life, and where?
[man] I've seen a flying saucer.
-You've seen one?
-Yes, definitely.
At Lion's Cove.
-When was this?
[reporter] You don't think
this is a figment
of your imagination?
[man] Several other people
with me saw it.
You all have the same figment.
[woman 1] But I guess that'll be
something worth knowing.
[woman 2] I think there
is life on other planets.
And how do you see this life?
How do you
visualize it yourself?
[woman 2]
It's like queer-looking people.
[reporter] Queer-looking people?
Like, totally different
from the people?
What form do you think it
[woman 2] Animal. Because
we're animals, aren't we?
What are you looking at?
[flyer rustling]
It's nothing.
All right.
Well, don't be too late.
I'm really sorry
about your ring.
[Kathleen] It's only a ring.
[seagulls squawking]
Engine trouble.
I had to turn back halfway.
[van driver] That's tough luck.
Do you still want me
to take those to the market?
[Seamus] Well, yeah.
[van driver] Are you sure?
Have you room in the front?
[engine rumbling]
[plane whooshing overhead]
[faint ticking]
[loud clattering]
[gate clattering loudly]
[Ivanka, echoing]
You brought the flyer. Good.
Yeah, am I--
am I in the right place, or...
You're on your way to it.
I'm sorry?
[Ivanka] I just...
need to ask you a few questions
before you can take a seat.
-Okay, yeah.
[Ivanka] Good. Name?
[Seamus] Seamus Fitzgerald.
-I'm a ship's captain.
-A ship's captain.
[Ivanka] And how many crew?
It's just myself for the moment.
I can't--
Just put "fisherman."
[Ivanka] Good.
Do you suffer
from claustrophobia?
[Seamus] No.
Have you ever had the dream
where you are drowning?
[Seamus] Sorry?
Merely a formality.
But don't--
Put drowning, yeah, yeah.
I've had drowning dreams
a few times.
I think there's been a mistake.
I don't think
I'm in the right place.
You can go if you want.
why don't you just stay?
Yeah, look. I'm married, so...
[Ivanka] Married.
And, uh, do you own
an in-date passport?
Well, I do, yeah.
I don't have it with me.
I didn't think I'd have to--
Thank you, Seamus.
That will be all.
Why don't you take a seat
down there, next to Tilda?
Look, can I just ask
what all this is?
-Because if it's,
like, a self-help--
Okay, let's start.
The highest of afternoons
to you all.
My name is Brendan.
I see you've met my associate,
Is this it?
You there. What's your name?
[Brendan] Seamus? Is this it?
Well, I--
Seamus, is this it? Is this it?
Seems to be.
[Brendan] "It seems to be."
It seems to be.
What do you hear?
The traffic.
The traffic outside.
-[Brendan] What is your name?
Andrew, what did you say?
The traffic outside.
The wind?
Maybe on a windy day, Tilda,
but it's not windy,
and it's not the right answer.
Everything is screaming at you.
The walls of your shitty house.
Your stupid car.
Your disgusting food
that you heat up every night.
Your boss.
And do you know
what they're screaming?
"Is... this... it?
Is this it?"
You. What's your name?
Okay, David, what do you do?
I work in insurance.
What is that?
I deal with customer issues
regarding their policy,
and I help them
to work out what--
[Brendan] What is that?
It's an outward-facing rule.
[Brendan] What the fuck is that?
Seamus, what do you do?
I'm a fisherman.
Oh, a fisherman.
What is that?
What is that, Seamus?
What is that?
I'm just catching fish.
I just--I just catch fish.
[Brendan] As brave as a lion.
You heard that?
-Yeah, I suppose.
-What does it mean?
It doesn't mean anything.
A lion is huge.
Do they need to be brave?
Does it take courage
to be the biggest killing
machine in your environment?
Now, the minnow,
that small, tiny,
pathetic little fish.
What can it do?
Ever heard of a shoal of minnows
taking down a wildebeest?
No, don't think so.
That's probably because
wildebeests don't
live in the sea.
[Brendan] But if they did,
and you scoured the ocean,
and you collected the bravest
group of minnows together,
then yes, it could happen.
A fucking wildebeest.
The breakfast
of minnow champions.
And you are minnows.
wildebeest-hunting minnows.
Track four.
[speaking in Russian]
Fucking brilliant, aren't they?
["Habanera" by
Vinny Marchi playing]
L'amour est
Un oiseau rebelle
Que nul ne peut apprivoiser
Et, c'est bien
En vain qu'on l'appelle
S'il lui convient de refuser

Rien n'y fait
Menace ou prire
L'un parle bien
L'autre se tait
Et, c'est l'autre
Que je prfre
Il n'a rien dit
Mais il me plat
L'amour est
Un oiseau rebelle
Que nul ne peut apprivoiser
Et c'est bien
En vain qu'on l'appelle
S'il lui convient de refuser

L'amour est enfant de bohme

Il n'a jamais
Jamais connu de loi
Tell me, what would you
like to do, Andrew?
I'd like to build
a treehouse for my children.
Boring. David?
I'd like to tell my boss
he's a piece of shit.
Negative, David. Too negative.
[Tilda] I'd like to...
find treasure
in an ancient pyramid.
On Mars.
[Brendan] Yes, yes. Good.
It's the Napoleonic Wars.
I'm a sergeant on a gun battery
on the eve
of the Battle of Waterloo.
There's a smell of rain
in the air
and the sun has just come up.
And I'm there and I'm hitting
someone over the gun carriage.
It's my boss, and I tell him
he's a piece of shit.
...pas, je t'aime
Prends garde toi
Ask yourself what everything in
this world is bellowing at you.
You were just only
too deaf to listen.
Is th--is this it?
Say it again for me.
-[music stops]
-Is this it?
What did he say?
Is this it?
Is this it? Is this it?
-Is this it?
-[Brendan] Is this it?
-Is this it?
-[Brendan] Is this it?
-Is this it?
-Is this it?
-[Brendan] Is this it?
Is this it? Is this it?
Is this it? Is this it?
Is this it?
Is this it?
[chanting continues]
Is this it? Is this it?
Is this it? Is this it?
Is this it? Is this it?
Is this it? Is this it?
Is this it? Is this it?
Is this it?
Is this it?
Is this it? Is this it?
[growing louder] Is this it?
Is this it? Is this it?
Is this it? Is this it?
Is this it? Is this it?
Is this it?
Is this it? Is this it?
Is this it? Is this it?
Is this it? Is this it?
Is this it?
Is this it? Is this it?
Is this it? Is this it?
Is this it? Is this it?
Is this it?
Is this it? Is this it?
[all shouting]
Is this it? Is this it?
Is this it?
[Kathleen] I called the pub.
-You weren't there.
-[Seamus] Union meeting.
Can you believe the orange
now have to be 14% smaller?
Sounds fucking boring.
Really boring.
[motor whirring]
[Seamus sniffles]
Is this it?
You're an hour early.
[Seamus] Yeah, actually, I just
had a couple of questions,
if that's okay.
Yeah, sit down,
sit down, sit down.
Well, it's just--
-I was gonna ask if...
-[Brendan burps], if it costs anything
to do the course,
if it's a paid course?
'Cause if it is,
I just wanted to say
that I don't think
I'm gonna be able to--
Yeah. Yes, it is a paid course.
But not with money.
I can't use your money anyway.
Right, okay.
Yes, just to confirm...
it doesn't cost anything
to join, then?
I bet your head is filled
with loads of questions.
But you're just
too embarrassed to ask, eh?
I knew there was a reason
why you came through my door.
Only you can answer that,
I can't.
But what I can do is I can
help you to where you're going.
Where am I going?
So how long will it take you
to fix the engine?
I don't know.
I just know I can't take
the boat out very far.
You know, as--
with things as they are.
It might even be a while again
before I can fish properly.
[Kathleen] Can't you
just fix it yourself?
Brendan of Clonfert is one of
the Twelve Apostles of Ireland.
He is also referred to
as Brendan the Navigator,
Brendan the Voyager,
Brendan the Anchorite,
and Brendan the Bold.
He was born in the year 484 AD
and is known for
his legendary voyage
to find the Isle of the
Brendan convinced a small
of people in his community
to come with him and leave
together on his journey.
They traveled the seas and
came across various locations
while searching for
the Promised Land.
As the legend goes,
on their adventures,
Brendan and his crew
landed on an island.
But once they light a fire,
the island started to move,
revealing its true nature:
a giant sea creature.
After traveling for seven
they finally arrived
in the Promised Land,
where they are welcomed
and allowed to enter briefly.
Awed by what they have seen,
they return to Ireland,
While the narrative
is often assumed to be
a religious allegory,
there has been
considerable discussion
as to whether the legends
are based on fact.
You're Saint Brendan?
The Voyager?
[Brendan] Every seven years,
I come back to the mainland.
I take a group of people
who want to leave this place
is a phantom island
said to lie in
the Atlantic Ocean
west of Ireland.
Irish myths describe it
as cloaked in mist,
except for one day
every seven years.
According to scholars,
of the promised land
discovered by Saint Brendan
on his famous voyage.
["So Electric"
by Lifelike playing]
Despite the failure
of attempts to find it,
regularly on maps
lying southwest
of Galway Bay until 1865.
-[man screaming]
-Needless to
You--you don't want to?
But it isn't real.
It's just made up, isn't it?
Well, of course,
It'd be on a map.
You'd see it from space.
Can you see your sad, pathetic,
boring life from space?
Yet, it's still there, isn't it?
Have you seen something
you can't explain?
Well, I have.
[Tilda] Have you?
[Brendan] Tilda.
What have we said about
talking to each other?
Communication between members
of the group is not allowed.
Except through Brendan.
Why can't we talk to each other?
[Brendan] You just can't.
Is your life like a music video?
All glittery
and tasting of strawberries?
Thought not.
Is this it?
Right on, David.
You got it.
Tilda, come on.
Tell them what you've learned.
where there is no hate,
no bad thoughts,
bountiful resources
with food and wine,
excessive free love,
Paradise on Earth.
It is always 21 degrees
It rains at night
to keep the island lush.
The sun rises at 7:30,
bringing with it a dry day
and gentle breezes.
Sun cream is not needed.
It's sticky and annoying.
Have you got those notes
from last Thursday?
Yeah, I put them in a bundle
with Dr. Wainwright's.
Over here?
[Kathleen] Yeah.
There, there, yes.
Right there.
Ah, yes.
[John] You think
your world of pens and books
and German cars is real?
It's you who's psychotic.
You're the sick one.
Who are you to judge
what I think?
[Dr. Simmons]
Now, let's just relax.
-Just sit down for a minute.
-Who are you to tell me
what's fucking real, huh?
[Dr. Simmons] Let's get back
to when you were four, John.
You're fucking laughing at me
inside your sick fucking head.
Let's just relax, John.
Now, let's just sit down.
[John] You call it illness.
I call it dreaming.
-Dreams are real.
-[Dr. Simmons] Sit down, John.
-[John shouting] I'll sit down!
-Sit down, John.
-Sit down.
-I'll sit down!
-[Dr. Simmons grunting]
-I'll sit down!
[John shouting] I'll sit down!
-[punches thudding]
-Fucking sit down!
I'll fucking sit down!
-I'll sit fucking down!
-[Kathleen exclaiming]
[John grunts]
[flesh squelching]
[Kathleen gasps]
I've got someone helping me.
I don't know,
someone I think can help me out
with my situation.
Or our situation.
Like a friend.
A friend who can crew a boat?
I'm not sure.
But I've got
a good feeling about it.
I stabbed someone today
with a biro.
A patient?
Does this mean you have to
go looking for a new job now?
[Kathleen sighs]
I'm on leave until
they can sort out what happened.
Are you gonna ask me why?
Why what?
Why I stabbed someone
with a biro?
[cash register beeping]
Can I help you?
[wind whooshing]
Welcome. Come in.
-For the lovely lady.
-Thank you.
Flowers. [chuckles]
And a CD. Thank you. Welcome.
Cracking pork, Kathleen.
Absolutely delicious.
[Kathleen] I'm glad you like it.
A bit dry, though.
Seamus tells me you're visiting.
Yes. Only for a few days.
-And you, Ivanka?
-I'm from Russia.
[Kathleen] Do you go back?
[Ivanka] No.
If I went back,
people would see that
I'm not from there anymore.
I would be like a stranger.
[Kathleen] Why is that?
Because I look happy.
[Brendan] Happiness, eh?
What is that?
What makes you happy, Kathleen?
What do you do?
[Kathleen] Well, I'm working
on a doctoral thesis.
A doctoral thesis, eh?
Clever thing.
[Kathleen] Yeah,
I work in a psychiatric clinic.
Wow, what a downer.
Brendan's helping me
at the moment.
With--with my boat.
Yes, I'm repurposing it.
[Kathleen] Repurposing it?
[Brendan] Yes, it will
no longer catch fish,
but it will catch
live human beings.
Not to be taken
towards someone's plate,
but onwards to better things.
Hmm. Sounds very mysterious.
So, is there much, uh,
money in catching
live human beings?
Not money.
But riches.
Is there any veg left,
by any chance?
This is simply delicious.
No, no, that's the last of it.
So, what are you doing
exactly with Seamus's boat?
I was hoping we weren't
going to talk business.
But since you ask...
I'm thinking of getting
sweatshirts printed.
"I'm feeling High...
-[Kathleen] Sweatshirts?
They will be quite nice.
[Brendan] Oh, I'm stuffed.
You know what
would be great now?
A little whiskey
to finish this off.
I don't think
we have any whiskey.
An Irishman's house
with no whiskey in it.
Maybe I'm the crazy one, huh?
I'm not Irish, I'm American.
Oh, you're not from here?
[Brendan] So you came here,
another shore,
for a better life.
Don't worry, Seamus.
Where we're going... [chuckling]
...the joy maidens
will keep your glass filled.
Every time you outstretch
your glass like this,
and lo, it shall be filled.
Joy maidens?
You should see them, Seamus.
Legs up to their neck.
Serving drinks,
naked always, by decree.
Can you imagine?
No, of course you can't.
But you will.
[waves lapping]
You're gonna swap
your boat for joy maidens?
[Seamus] It's not like that.
Have you looked this guy up?
Have you looked him up
on the internet?
He can be a conman, Seamus.
I don't think he's a conman.
[Kathleen] No?
[scoffs] Who is he, then?
Why would a conman
come all the way over here
just to take us out in a boat?
-Your boat.
-[Seamus chuckles]
I'm late.
-Where are you going?
-I have to go.
-I have to go.
Where are you going?
Where are you going?
Where are you going?
[Seamus grunts]
[Seamus groans]
[Kathleen, panting] Okay.
You're gonna fix the engine,
and you're gonna go fishing.
[Seamus] I have to go!
[Kathleen] So--
Okay. [sighs]
[Kathleen panting]
[wind whooshing]
[distant tires screeching]
[approaching engine revving]
[tires screeching]
["Habanera" by Vinny Marchi
playing on car speakers]
[Brendan] Your turn now, Seamus.
Put it back up.
Si tu ne m'aimes pas
Je t'aime
Prends garde toi
Mais, si je t'aime
Si je t'aime
That's it, Seamus.
Keep it straight.
Right a bit. Right a bit.
L'amour est enfant de bohme

Il n'a jamais
Jamais connu de loi
Si tu ne m'aimes pas
Je t'aime
Straight. Straight.
Si je t'aime
Prends garde toi
Prends garde toi
Si tu ne m'aimes pas
Come on. Faster. Faster.
Faster. Faster. Come on, Seamus.
Keep it going. Faster. Faster.
Oh, you're driving now, Seamus.
Yes. Yes.
[music stops]
[Kathleen grunting]
[waves lapping]
[cell phone ringing]
Yes. This is her.
Okay. Yes.
That's fine.
Okay, thank you.
[waves crashing]
[Seamus] I've come here
over heavy waves...
and not without
considerable danger to my body,
in order to kindly
request admission
into the sacred island.
Spurning all others in my life.
In order to seek admittance
into the highest of places.
[Brendan] And, your name?
My name is Seamus.
[Brendan] Okay, so, passport.
Do your hair. Smile.
Are you here for a holiday,
or do you seek refugee status?
I seek refugee status.
State your plight.
This better not be shit.
[Seamus] The world that I have
been inhabiting is lonely.
And I'm not like other men
who fill a world
that is both overcrowded
with boredom and strife,
while at the same time is empty.
Overcrowded with boredom?
it's "overcrowded and boring."
The world that I have been
inhabiting is lonely.
And I'm not like other men
who fill a world
that is overcrowded, boring
and full of strife...
while at the same time is empty.
Have you listened to the people
and objects around you
intently, and with a purpose?
-I have.
-And what have you heard?
I've heard everything
from my previous life
call out with one voice...
"Is this it?"
[Brendan] Now...
show her your medical.
[paper rustling]
-[Ivanka] You are clean, yes?
-Yes, I'm clean.
[Brendan] It is usual
at this stage
to be asked how you found out
The options usually are TV,
online, through a friend,
or other.
[Ivanka] So, how did you--
-Through a friend.
-[Brendan] Other.
[Ivanka] Do you have
a change of clothes?
-Tweed coat?
-[Seamus] Yeah.
One book of your choice?
I--I don't have the book yet.
I'm still deciding on--on--
One book, yeah, I have it.
-Your own supply of antibiotics?
Toothbrush, toothpaste?
I have all of that.
-[Ivanka] Cocktail umbrellas?
-Pack of 50.
[Ivanka] Okay.
Sign here, and here,
and date at the bottom.
[pen scraping on paper]
[Brendan] Now, the disclaimer.
as a refugee,
you agree that your residency
here will be permanent.
While you are at liberty
to avail
of the many facilities
on the island
at no financial charge
to yourself,
you may not leave.
Your contributions
will be
of happy cheer and goodwill.
Raising your voice
for any reason is not accepted.
Theft, lying,
or any other kind
of unmutual action
will be punished.
The tweed coat is for Sundays.
Do you have any questions?
-Do I?
-[Brendan] Why would you?
-I have a question.
-[Brendan] Yes?
What is the punishment
for unmutual action?
Well, you won't get
the attention
of the others,
and the maidens, of course.
So it is just maidens, then?
Joy maidens, and joy men.
Because I was hoping
I wouldn't have to turn
into being a lesbian.
[chair loudly scraping on floor]
you're going to be exposed
to truly monstrous levels
of sexual activity.
It is a paradise, after all.
I hope that doesn't make you...
Not uncomfortable.
[Brendan] Good. Are you sure?
Uh, yes. Quite sure.
[Brendan] Andrew?
I guess, yes.
I'm pretty much okay with that.
How does the thought
of free love sound to you?
Well, I suppose
when we're over there,
it'll be different.
Like, here I'm married.
But it'll all be new,
so, you know, I guess
I'll--I'll just have to see.
[Brendan] Kiss Tilda.
I'm sorry?
[Brendan] Kiss Tilda.
Well, it's just, we're not--
at the moment, are we?
So, you know, I don't think--
[Brendan] We're not there yet.
But I have to see
that you aren't unmutual.
Should I--
should I stand up, or...
[Brendan] Just scoot
your chair over.
[Brendan sighs]
[lips smacking]
[Brendan] Did you like that?
Thank you, Seamus.
What did we say
about talking to each other?
Thank you, Brendan.
[David] Can we all kiss Tilda?
Have you got
your tweed coat yet?
Not yet.
[Brendan] I think
you'd better get that organized
before asking about kissing,
don't you?
[David] I suppose.
[Brendan] Go up there.
[David clears throat]
I came here over heavy waves...
and not without
considerable danger
to my body...
in order to
kindly request admission
to the Sacred Island,
and spurning
all others in my life...
to seek admittance
to this highest of places.
The sea is cold, and dark,
and unpleasant to be in.
Isn't that right, Seamus?
But on the other side of that
vast expanse is salvation.
Now show me you want it!
[Seamus] Grab him. Grab him.
Get down. Get down.
[Brendan] That's enough.
That's enough. That's enough!
[Seamus] Get him down!
Get him down. Get him down.
That way.
That way. That way. That way.
[waves crash loudly]
[Andrew] I can't swim.
[Seamus] Hold him there.
Hold him there. Hold him there.
[Andrew] I can't swim!
I can't swim!
-He can't swim.
-[Seamus] Relax.
-I can't swim.
-[David] Just stop struggling!
[Tilda] You can't speak to him.
-You can't speak to him.
-[Seamus] Stop struggling!
-[Tilda] You can't speak to him!
-I can't swim!
-[Seamus] Stop struggling.
-I can't swim!
[David] I was supposed
to keep my shirt on, right?
[waves roar]
[Tilda] Water, please.
I have to inform you
that for the purposes
of fairness and transparency,
this conversation
will be recorded.
Do you wish to consent
to this interview being taped?
-I do.
-[interviewer] Speak up, please.
-I do.
-[interviewer] Good.
Could you state your name
for the record, please,
and what you do here?
[Kathleen screams]
[phone rings distantly]
You're not like the others.
What's not to like
It's not so much
the island itself.
They say there are
rivers of wine and all that,
but to tell you the truth...
I don't really drink wine.
[Seamus] I didn't always fish.
I used to crew
large cargo ships.
We'd set out
for Shanghai or Hong Kong.
We'd go across Asia
or sometimes even to California.
It was a good job.
And then, this one afternoon,
we were just a few
days out from Manila,
just off the Philippines,
and we came into this squall.
The roll, the waves.
I'd never seen anything like it.
They--they were crashing
down on the ship and...
I was absolutely terrified.
And that's when I saw something.
I was up on the bridge, and I
could see down to the decks.
And at first
I just thought it was, like,
dark water
that was swamping the ship.
Then I saw this thing, this...
It was a creature.
It was a--[scoffs]
It was a sea creature.
30 meters in length.
The captain put in
an SOS, but...
it was too late
to save the ship itself.
The inquest found
that it was weather.
Bad luck,
that had sunk the ship.
Did the others see what you saw?
Oh, they saw, all right.
But I was the only one
to say what I had seen.
They knew best, apparently.
I failed my evaluation.
I lost my job.
And now I've got all this
bad luck following me
around everywhere,
which means I can't even do
anything properly.
Which is why
I've got a fucking myriad
of superstitious rituals,
that just
make me look even madder
than people
already thought I was.
Flowers, and fairy circles.
I have to turn my clothes around
the other way before going in,
so that they
can't follow me out.
One magpie bad.
Two magpies good.
All of that shit.
[Tilda] You still do that?
I don't. No.
now I'm a fisherman.
And I'm not even good at that.
[Tilda] I believe you.
I believe you, Seamus.
Okay, back to your seats.
Come on over here.
I want to show you
all something.
Just kneel here.
Lovely Tilda.
Such a good student.
You've worked hard, haven't you?
I have.
I have worked hard.
[Brendan] That's all
I've ever asked.
You've all worked hard.
Thank you, Brendan.
Does anyone have anything nice
to say about Tilda?
[Andrew] She reminds me
of someone who was
kind to me once.
[David] I like her eye.
[Brendan] You'll know the answer
to this
as we get nearer
to the Sacred Isle.
Do you know what we won't do?
We must not frown or look down
A look of radiant happiness
is imperative
for gaining entry
to the Sacred Isle.
I've been practicing my smile.
[Brendan] What did we say
about talking to each other?
[David] We shouldn't talk
to each other
until the final day.
[Brendan] That's correct, David.
David saw you talking
to Sheamus.
Is that right
or are you a liar?
What are you?
I'm a minnow.
[Brendan] What kind of minnow?
-A brave one.
-[Brendan] Show me.
I'm a brave minnow.
[Brendan] What are you?
A brave minnow.
[Brendan] What are you?
A brave minnow.
[Brendan] What are you?
A brave minnow.
[Brendan] Seamus, what is she?
Why don't you ask her?
What are you?
I'm a brave minnow, Seamus.
A brave minnow.
A brave minnow.
A brave minnow.
[Brendan] Sit over there.
[Brendan] That's enough, David.
Ivanka, Track Four, please.
["Habanera" by Vinny Marchi
plays on speakers]
L'amour est
Un oiseau rebelle
Que nul ne peut apprivoiser
Et, c'est bien en vain
Qu'on l'appelle
S'il lui convient de refuser

Rien n'y fait
Menace ou prire
L'un parle bien
L'autre se tait
Et, c'est l'autre
Que je prfre
Il n'a rien dit
Mais il me plat
L'amour est
Un oiseau rebelle
Que nul ne peut apprivoiser
Et, c'est bien en vain
Qu'on l'appelle
S'il lui convient de refuser

L'amour est enfant de bohme

Il n'a jamais
Jamais connu de loi
Si tu ne m'aimes pas
Je t'aime
Si je t'aime
Prends garde toi
Prends garde toi
Si tu ne m'aimes pas
Si tu ne m'aimes pas
Je t'aime
Prends garde toi
Mais, si je t'aime
Mais, si je t'aime
Prends garde toi
L'amour est enfant de bohme

Il n'a jamais
Jamais connu de loi
Si tu ne m'aimes pas
Je t'aime
Si je t'aime
Prends garde toi
[discman clicks]
[buttons clicking]
["Habanera" by Vinny Marchi
plays on headphones]
-[button clicks]
-[music stops]
[Brendan's voice plays on CD]
If you are in possession
of this CD
and you are listening to this,
it means I like you.
Just give me a call,
and maybe I can facilitate
your departure
to somewhere better.
What do you want? Money?
Because we haven't got any.
What do you want from me?
There's something you want,
isn't there?
Just tell me it's not real.
Will you tell me?
[waves crashing]
[Kathleen panting]
[ominous music plays]
[waves crashing]
[Brendan] Kathleen.
[Brendan] Kathleen.
[Tilda] I remember
one time at school...
a girl from the other class
was bullying me.
So she pushed me
at the stairs, and I fell down.
At first I was--
I remember, I was upset.
But then, when everyone
has gone,
and I was alone there,
I suddenly realized
that there was something
that I actually liked about it.
So, I stood up...
and made myself fall again.
I don't know why.
Then I stood up again,
and fell down again.
And somehow,
the pain from the first fall,
when the girl pushed me,
faded away.
[tense music plays]
The prefrontal cortex...
plays a central role...
in guiding decision-making.
Its function...
can be altered by alcohol use.
depresses inhibitions,
leading one
to become more talkative,
more confident.
It blunts the senses,
and increases
the threshold for pain.
[music stops]
I can't fight.
[Kathleen laughs]
[Kathleen sighs]
[tense music plays]
[tense music builds]
-[stocking rips]
-[Kathleen chuckles]
Do you believe me about
what happened on the cargo ship?
-Do you?
-I can't fight.
Do you believe me about
what happened on the cargo ship?
You're asking
if I believe you
that a giant sea monster
sank your ship?
[Kathleen sobs]
[Kathleen] Hi, John.
I just came here
to collect my things.
I won't be working
with you anymore.
Oh, is this
what they're giving you?
[pills rattle]
[Kathleen scoffs]
I hope it helps you sleep.
I know more than most
how you're struggling.
And you think
no one else understands,
but they do.
They really do.
I want you to know something,
and I mean it
from the bottom of my heart.
[Kathleen whispers]
I hope you suffer.
[John inhales deeply]
[John cries softly]
My professional opinion
is that...
you're never, ever
gonna get out of here.
Not ever.
[pills rattle]
[David] When I was a boy,
I would lay out
the broccoli on my plate,
like a little forest.
Then I'd be a Brachiosaurus.
That's a vegetarian dinosaur.
And then I'd eat it all.
I--I like to talk
with my mouth full.
When I was a boy,
I wanted to be an astronaut.
But I realized you had to be
an American to be an astronaut.
No Irishman has ever been
into space.
So, then I wanted
to be an American.
Let's discuss logistics.
The immigration fee, it's 16.45.
So, please make sure
you have the exact change.
[chair scrapes on floor]
[David] Is that 16.45 euro?
Yes, David, in euro.
[chain rattles]
[Brendan] Tomorrow
at nine in the morning,
we will all meet down there
at Seamus's boat.
You will stay with him tonight,
as it is the closest.
I--I hope that's okay, Seamus.
So, tomorrow you all come...
or you all don't.
This will help with that.
[ominous music plays]
[chain rattling]
[Andrew] Kathleen.
This is really excellent.
Brendan said the food
was excellent here.
Can I just ask--
Wait, you're not going to try
and mainland him, are you?
Mainland him?
You're not going to try
and keep him on the mainland.
The land of the unlimited, or--
l--limited, uh,
boredom and infinite sorrow,
like mainlanders do.
I was just going to ask
if you wanted more.
Isn't that what we're all doing?
Looking for more.
I'd have some more.
It's mainlanders. Mainlanders.
Not main-landers.
Main-lander. Main-landers.
It's Ireland.
You don't say Ire-land.
It's Ireland. Mainland.
You're all fucking insane.
[ominous music swells]
[music stops]
[tv show audience cheering]
Are you going
to miss television?
Why, will they not have
I shouldn't think so.
[hum of voices chattering on TV]
What else are you going to miss?
Post offices.
Horse racing.
Toffee pops.
[David] I bet they don't have
-[brush scraping dishes]
-[Andrew] Or Christmas.
[David] Smokey bacon crisps.
Saint Patrick's Day parades.
[faint chatter on TV]
[brushing stops]
[audience laughing on TV]
[Kathleen] Are you Tilda?
[Tilda] I am.
I've come here to take your dog.
-Seamus mentioned--
-You can't take the dog.
From tomorrow there will be
no one here to look after him.
Is everyone in there?
[Kathleen] Please leave.
Would you like me
to take the dog now?
I'll take good care of him.
I've always wanted one.
[audience laughing on TV]
[container scraping on shelf]
[pills cracking]
[kettle clicks on]
[boiling water hisses]
[TV show laugh track plays]
[David] Look,
I knew that cake would win.
It's far more creative
than the others.
Look at all that
edible glitter. [groans]
[hum of chatter on TV]
Can you try not to move?
I have to be fresh for tomorrow.
-I have a big day.
-Stay with me.
Some of us are trying to sleep.
You don't have to go.
You really don't. You don't.
-You don't have to go, Seamus.
-I'm sorry.
Seamus. Seamus.
[David] Can you just
let him sleep,
so we can all sleep?
I'm right here.
For fuck's sake.
-Touch me, Seamus.
-Seamus. Touch me.
-Kathleen, I can't.
It wouldn't hurt
if you kept the noise down, too.
[Kathleen] Please. Please.
You need to stay.
Stay with me.
I can't.
I have to go.
-[David] Tell her to shut up.
-You shut up.
[Kathleen] Seamus.
Will you stop pulling
that fucking thing?
He doesn't want you, okay?
Ow, you can't make
a move like that
without giving me some warning.
[David] Does that sow really
have to sleep in here?
[Seamus] Hey, hey,
everybody calm down, all right?
[David] I say
she leaves the room.
-This is ridiculous.
-She's not leaving the room.
-I'm not going anywhere.
-She's not leaving the room.
[Andrew] You can't fucking
yank my arm like that.
Ow! Me arm! Ow.
-[Kathleen] Ow.
-[David grunts]
[Seamus] All right,
you leave the room.
[David] I'm not going anywhere.
You can't yank
my fucking arm like that!
[Seamus] This is her room.
This is her room.
-[Andrew] Oh, my arm!
-[Kathleen] Get off him.
-[David and Andrew grunting]
-[Kathleen] Oh, my--
No! Oh, my gosh. Seamus! No.
-[Seamus] Kathleen.
Kathleen, you go.
-[Kathleen] Get off! Oh, God.
[suitcase zipping]
[soda can hisses]
[river whooshing]
[Brendan] Not long now, boys.
I'm scared.
I'm scared, too.
When I was a boy,
I owned an air rifle.
I got it for my 12th birthday.
And I was so excited
to use it,
that I went out into the woods,
just looking
for something to shoot at.
I saw this little robin...
just on the ground,
going through the twigs.
And I was so excited
to try out my new skills,
that I took aim at it.
And I shot it.
And I killed it.
And I was so overcome
by what I'd just done...
all that excitement
just left me.
Will it be a smooth crossing?
How far out is the island?
About 40 miles, give or take.
We've only enough fuel for 60.
If we go at a steady pace.
What if we can't find it,
we can't make it back?
[Kathleen] Seamus! Seamus!
Seamus! Seamus!
[waves crashing]
[Kathleen sobbing]
[Brendan] How do you start
this thing, Seamus?
["Habanera" by Vinny Marchi
plays faintly]
[Brendan] Turn it up.
Turn it up!
Rien n'y fait
Menace ou prire
L'un parle bien
L'autre se tait
Et, c'est l'autre
Que je prfre
Il n'a rien dit
Mais il me plat
L'amour est
Un oiseau rebelle
Que nul ne peut apprivoiser
Et, c'est bien en vain
Qu'on l'appelle
S'il lui convient de refuser

L'amour est enfant de bohme

Il n'a jamais
Jamais connu de loi
Si tu ne m'aimes pas
Je t'aime
Si je t'aime
Prends garde toi
Prends garde toi
Si tu ne m'aimes pas
Si tu ne m'aimes pas
Je t'aime
Prends garde toi
Mais, si je t'aime
Si je t'aime
Prends garde toi
L'amour est enfant de bohme

Il n'a jamais
Jamais connu de loi
Si tu ne m'aimes pas
Je t'aime
Si je t'aime
Prends garde toi
Prends garde toi
Si tu ne m'aimes pas
Si tu ne m'aimes pas
Je t'aime
Prends garde toi
Mais, si je t'aime
Si je t'aime
[song fades out]
["So Electric"
by Lifelike plays]
That's the way
We spell success
That's the way
We spell success
That's the way
We spell success
That's the way
We spell success
That's the way
We spell success
That's the way
We spell success
That's the way
We spell success
That's the way
We spell success
That's the way
We spell success
That's the way
We spell success
That's the way
We spell success
That's the way
We spell success
That's the way
We spell success
That's the way
We spell success
That's the way
We spell success
That's the way
We spell success
That's the way
We spell success
That's the way
We spell success