The Hill of Secrets (2022) Movie Script

Since gold is the most luxurious color,
I'll choose this one.
Can I change it to pink?
I just...
think the teacher might like pink better.
Oh, really...
[The Hill Of Secrets]
It's delicious.
- It's really good, isn't it?
- What's so good about it?
It's a hassle to eat.
I still prefer lettuce-wrapped sausages.
Your dad and I just can't get along.
What? Is it because your
taste isn't high-class enough?
All you do is spend money all day.
Your dad can't even save 10 dollars.
The dishes are plain
and there aren't many options.
But Soyeon never complains.
Let's also donate money by phone.
Stop it.
Why? They are so pitiful.
-We have to help them together.
Your mom, in order to earn a little more money,
works from early morning until late at night.
Look at my hands.
Look quickly.
Since you were born,
- Mom and Dad have been working hard.
- Yeah.
We work until our bones ache every day
just to have the life we have now.
If they worked as hard as we do,
they wouldn't just be able to eat crab,
they could go to restaurants every day.
If they're not like that,
it's because they're not working hard enough.
don't ever expect to ask others
for money in this life,
Dont believe in God or Jesus.
Just believe in yourself, got it?
If anyone wants to take you to church,
never go.
They'll end up asking you for money.
Dad will help you.
Watch carefully.
Use the scissors to cut here.
open it up. Simple, right?
Come on, dig in.
Dad, what's our family motto?
Why are you asking that?
It's for a school assignment.
We don't have that kind of thing at home.
We do.
"Penny-pinching, not taking a single cent."
This is our family motto.
Let's go, let's go to the forest.
Let's go, let's go to the forest.
To the forest to pick up fragments of the moon.
To the forest to pick up fragments of the moon.
The fireflies on the last night of the month
are the broken fragments of the moon.
The fireflies on the last night of the month are
the broken fragments of the moon.
Let's go, let's go to the forest.
Let's go, let's go to the forest.
To the forest to pick up fragments of the moon.
To the forest to pick up fragments of the moon.
Anyone want to recite it?
Great, great.
Teacher Kim A-ran.
I heard your bus broke down on the way here.
Are you okay?
Ah, yes... I'm fine.
That's a relief.
Today we're going to have a meeting with
the teachers and students, right?
Then let's go in order of your seat numbers.
What does your dad do?
He works at a publishing company in Seoul.
- So that's why you love reading so much?
- Yes.
And your mom?
Do you have any siblings?
- I have an older brother and an older sister.
- An older brother and sister?
So when there's an emergency,
Can I just call this number?
Then Youna, you can go back to your seat.
Can I go to the health room for a moment?
What's wrong?
I have a bit of a headache...
Really? You don't look like it hurts much.
Let's talk first.
Does Ming En have any siblings?
I have an older brother.
He's in Class 3 of the sixth grade.
What do your dad and mom do?
My dad...
Is an office worker.
Where does he work?
at a paper company.
He makes white paper,
colored paper,
and notebooks or books.
Ming En's dad makes paper,
Then Kyungsoos father turns
the paper into a book.
What about your mom?
She's just an ordinary housewife.
Ming En, did you bring seaweed rice rolls again?
Yeah, I'm so tired of them too.
Does anyone want to run for class president?
- No, anyway, Kyung Soo will definitely be elected. - Right?
Or should I run for vice president?
Then I'll run for the cultural affairs chair.
Are you sure about this?
the apartment is yours now.
My mom is dead,
so our connection ends here.
Don't talk about regrets anymore,
and don't contact me.
- Sis, please don't be like this.
- You too.
Don't count on me anymore.
Decide whether to sell the apartment
or whatever on your own.
I want to do business, so leave quickly.
Let's go.
You're here.
What's wrong now?
I've already done more than enough for
people who have no blood relation to me.
Why is it that when it comes to money,
everyone just stabs each other in the back?
He said even if he dies,
he wants to leave the house behind,
So I told him to keep it for himself.
From now on, we're cutting ties.
Are you going to come ask me for money too?
No, it's not...
Can you buy me some clothes?
What's wrong with Ming En?
I don't know.
When I said I wouldn't buy her clothes,
she pouted.
Oh, come on. Buy her some clothes.
There are plenty of clothes at home.
They're all my brother's clothes.
They'd suit you well.
That one looks really nice.
Why do you always choose such ordinary clothes?
Wherever it is vulgar, it looks good.
The clothes Grandma buys for
you are all so ordinary.
If you don't want this one,
the one before is also nice.
this one is obviously the best-looking...
Among countless promises,
How many promises have been fulfilled?
What have the previous class
presidents actually changed?
I have never been a class leader,
but I've seen many officers over the years,
who only talk on paper,
or just take photos to look good.
Has anyone made an effort
to fulfill their promises?
The promise of
"Choose me, and I'll definitely do it."
Why haven't any class presidents
followed through?
First, there are too many promises to keep.
Second, being a class president
is just for popularity.
In fact, I have no interest in the monitor's job.
Instead of making a bunch
of promises I can't keep,
I have only one promise.
I want to set up a secret mailbox in our class,
where everyone can write down
their secrets that they can't say out loud.
I'll discuss them in secret with the teacher,
and find ways to solve everyone's
problems and worries,
so that no one in our class feels left out,
and create a class full of love and peace.
Not bad.
I've been practicing for a long time,
but it keeps getting tangled...
I woke up at six in the morning.
Dad, I've been elected class president.
You've been elected class president?
- "Welcome back next time."
- "Wishing you prosperity in your business."
Mom, I've become the class president.
What do you have to do as class president?
Do you know how tough
it is to be class president?
Mom will have to go
to your school more often.
There's a lot to prepare for every event.
You also have to prepare gifts for the teachers.
The one who gets tired isn't
the class president but the class president's mom.
This is something for moms
who don't work to do.
Why did you become class president?
I was elected by voting.
The student who always comes
first didn't get elected.
The student who was class president
every time also didn't get elected.
Not everyone gets elected.
Go tell the teacher that Mom
is too busy and you want to back out.
How can I back out?
I want to be the class president.
Exactly, you've already put on the official hat,
why take it off?
People like us aren't cut out for leadership.
Min Kyu's mom, that's not true.
You can learn as you go.
Go back and clean the house.
You must refuse.
Figure out your own weight.
Stand up.
At ease.
Stand at attention.
goodbye teacher.
Goodbye, classmates.
Did you receive a lot of letters today?
Really? Do you want
to read them together?
Why are there so many?
Let's read this one.
I hope we can celebrate together.
I'll investigate everyone's birthdays tomorrow.
Here are everyone's birthdays, teacher.
How about making a chart
and putting it up there?
Okay, then...
For the celebration, should we sing
"Happy Birthday" and prepare birthday cards?
Lets make a group message poster.
So, "Happy Birthday" song
and a group message poster.
Wishing you a happy birthday,
wishing you a happy birthday.
Since most people
don't go to the library often,
let's each bring a book to class
and create a small library in the classroom.
Why are you filming me?
Don't film me.
I'll film it nicely.
I hope our class has
its own commemorative album.
I captured the moment perfectly.
These two pictures together should look nice.
Move this down a bit and see.
-Is this okay?
-Move it down a bit more here.
Oh, it looks great.
Why do I always fail when it's my turn?
well done.
Summer, come and play with us.
You stepped over the line.
Let's start over.
Step with me on this side.
Try it with one foot on this side.
You hit my stomach first.
- You were the one who started it.
- Stop arguing.
Myung-eun, it's not Yoo-nas fault.
- It was you first.
- He hit me first.
Everyone, don't add fuel to the fire.
- Rui Xuan saw it.
- everyone saw it.
Let's listen to what
the other wants to say first.
Where's the teacher?
She's making copies.
I hope we can have pen pals from overseas.
that's a great idea.
But what about the language barrier?
We can learn to write letters
during extracurricular activities.
Nobody likes learning English,
but if we learn while writing letters,
Learning English will become more fun.
It's killing two birds with one stone.
It would be great if we could make friends
from other countries.
Is this all your idea, Teacher Kim A-ran?
So you were busy thinking about this
and that's why you were often late.
Anyway, it's a great idea.
It seems like the classmates
in our class really like you.
I think it's all because of the secret mailbox.
But coming home later than your classmates,
don't you feel tired?
No, it's fun.
And I feel satisfied too.
It's great to hear you say that.
By the way, can't your parents come
to the parent-teacher meeting?
Yeah, that...
My grandma is still not well...
They're busy taking care of her every day.
Ah, I see.
Look at this.
Isn't it high-class?
I want to live in a place like this in the future.
Many people ask me what
I'll do with the money if I don't spend it.
They want me to buy more new clothes.
I can't wait to see them speechless later.
We'll see.
Using a rubber band to tie your
hair will make it fall out.
It's okay.
There are relationships
Why not use the hairband I bought for you?
The lights in the store are too bright.
It doesn't suit me.
This is the best burger in the world.
It's so delicious.
- Mom.
- Eat more.
Then other machines will crush it.
- Start by making it short at first?
- Yes.
- Then make it even smaller?
- Yes.
Is that possible?
This way, we can protect nature.
But it seems like it will cost a lot of money.
How much do you think it will cost?
A million... No, two million.
Kyungsoo, do you have two million?
- It might not be easy to achieve, right?
- Yes?
- You can try to find a way.
- Okay.
- Then share it with the teacher.
- Okay.
Everyone, back to your seats.
Kwang Ho, stop playing and sit properly.
Sit down.
Class president.
Stand up.
At ease.
Goodbye, teacher.
Let's go.
What do you want to eat?
Is someone forcing you
to be the class president?
I didn't say anything.
I didn't say anything.
What's your name?
How many students are there in your class?
Dad is here to prepare.
Once you start,
you have to keep doing it.
Dad is here to handle it.
Try this.
The class president's parents
prepared snacks for everyone.
The first and fourth groups, come first.
Each person takes two.
Eating bananas gives me a stomachache...
It's okay. Eat it.
I don't like bananas.
Can I just take one...
It's fruit, so taking two is fine.
Only bananas?
Only bananas.
Take it.
Hmm, how will you do it?
- Install a pipe.
- Yeah.
Let the water used for handwashing
flow into the toilet through the pipe.
This is much more interesting than
the one I talked about before.
How did you come up with this?
I don't like wasting water,
so I just thought about it.
This idea is great and meaningful.
- Let's design it together.
- Okay.
Can we write down what we
just said and make it into a report?
Rock, paper, scissors.
Didn't anyone see flies in the trash can?
Who's on duty today?
Hurry up and clean up.
Go quickly.
Teacher, it's their birthdays today.
Chan Ho and Ha Seong...
Class president.
Don't you know it's their birthdays today?
Today is Chan Ho and Ha Seong's birthday.
Everyone, back to your seats.
Today is Chan Ho and Ha Seong's birthday.
The teacher also forgot for a moment.
Let's sing "Happy Birthday" to them together.
Wishing you a happy birthday,
wishing you a happy birthday
Wishing Chan Ho and Ha Seong a happy birthday.
Wishing you a happy birthday.
Happy birthday, Chan Ho.
Let's write a group message poster together.
For our birthday stars.
Class president?
You call it out.
Me? Why?
Me? Why?
Lee Min Eon.
Why are you giving your job to
the student council president?
I don't want to be the class president anymore.
Ming En,
can you tell the teacher what's bothering you?
Every little thing...
Can you be more specific?
Can you tell me?
Teacher will help you.
My grandma is sick...
My mom can't come
to school like other moms.
Min Eon, whether parents come
to school or not doesn't matter at all.
Our school life is created by ourselves.
It's not like our parents are
the ones going to school.
Since Min Eon became the class president,
there have been many changes in the class.
You set up a secret mailbox and
helped celebrate birthdays for your classmates.
You are observant of things
that other classmates might not notice.
Teacher thinks your
attention to detail is remarkable.
I hope you continue as the class president.
Are you willing?
Do you want to participate in this essay contest?
Teacher has always felt that your sensitivity
and delicacy are very unique.
What do you think?
Okay, I'll participate...
Mrs. Kwon, hello.
Oh, it's Min Eon.
Are these the ones you wanted to see?
Can I take a look?
Feel free to take whatever you want to see first.
Is that okay?
Inside which book does Min Eon need to read?
Auntie, don't take that one.
Choose from the other books.
It's okay, any of them is fine.
Ming En, you are just as I heard.
There is indeed a lot to learn from you.
You shouldn't pour it directly;
it will pollute the ocean.
- Forget it.
- What do you mean, "forget it"?
This needs to be recycled too.
How can you just throw it away like that?
Stop it.
Stop it.
I told you to stop it.
We don't even have trash bags at home?
- Hey.
- Why are you so careless?
I can hear you.
When cars and factory chimneys
emit black smoke,
the sky groans with a cough from a sore throat.
Yesterday, it was favored;
today, it's discarded garbage,
expressing its sadness with cries.
The dying fish, their bellies filled
with waste oil and white foam,
and white foam, making a heavy gasping sound
Originally, each of us could hear it
Originally, we could all hear this,
It seems that people are also sick
with a disease called indifference.
Kwon Kyung-soo,
Second Prize, 5th grade Class 7,
Kwon achieved the above result in
the school's environmental protection essay contest,
therefore this award is given.
April 15, 1996
Yin Nanzhi, principal of Yinnan Elementary School
Next person,
Excellent Award: Li Mingen, Class 7, Fifth Year.
Ming En, that's you.
Stand up, quickly.
Lee achieved the above results in the school's
internal environmental protection essay contest,
Mom, I won an award.
What? Let me see.
An essay contest, wow.
Honey, look, she got first prize.
- Oops, what should I do?
- It's okay.
Let me see.
What? First prize?
Why not the top prize?
I've never attended
an essay writing class before,
and it's my first time writing an essay.
Then you must aim for
the top prize next time, got it?
Since you've won an award,
let's celebrate with a meat dinner tonight.
At 9, meet your brother at the usual place. Got it?
You did great.
well done.
- Will you be sitting at this table?
- Sure.
I'm so full.
Let's go.
- Dad, do you want ice cream?
- Yes.
- What about you, Mom?
- I want vanilla flavor.
- Dad, also vanilla?
- I don't mind.
I'll be right back.
Ming En.
- Do you know her?
- Yes, she's in the same class as Jung Soo...
I heard your son is
the student council president?
Yes, he is.
Interests are written well...
My mom said she ran into your family yesterday.
Don't talk to me,
I'm busy writing an English letter.
Do your parents work in the market?
What will your next interest be?
What are you writing about?
My mom said she tried to talk to you,
but you clearly saw her and pretended not to.
-Where did she see me?
-At the barbecue restaurant.
She must have mistaken someone else for me.
I was home all day yesterday.
Is there another market?
My dad works at a company,
and my mom is a housewife.
Ah, the paper company?
Are you saying my mother is lying?
She must have made a mistake.
I'll just go there and ask if it was you.
I know where that shop is.
Go ahead, but it might be a waste of effort.
What would you do if it turns out not to be me?
If it's not me, what would you do?
Hello, I'm conducting a professional survey.
This is for my school project.
Can I interview you?
I'm sorry, I'm very busy right now.
Thank you...
Can I interview you?
Could I interview...
Haven't found the person yet?
not yet...
Today is the weekend...
you might not find anyone to help you.
Was your childhood dream
to become a salaryman?
My original dream was to become a scientist,
but somehow I ended up
becoming a salaryman.
After becoming a salaryman,
when do you feel the most accomplished?
A sense of accomplishment?
How do you feel when riding an elevator?
It's fun.
Maybe that's when I feel
the most accomplished?
Because this is
an elevator manufacturing company.
Should I simplify it?
You need to do your homework.
It's okay, I understand.
Is this okay?
Can you take a photo for us?
One, two, three.
One more with a bigger smile.
One, two, three.
Thank you.
As a token of appreciation,
this is for you.
You don't have to.
Can I open it?
it's beautiful.
I didn't expect to receive such a gift.
Thank you, I will cherish it.
Thank you for accepting the interview.
Even if I dont know, I still think its fun.
Please wait a moment.
Thank you.
What? Thank you. I'll enjoy it.
Ming En, long time no see.
- New hairstyle?
- You've grown so much taller.
Can you stay at our house tonight?
Yeah, stay and play.
Thank you.
Have you learned this before?
A little.
What does 'a little' mean?
It means not very good at it.
The cookies look so delicious.
Wait, who is this?
This is me when I was little.
- Is this your dad?
- Yes.
- Why does he look so young?
- Is he really young?
How old is he?
Why does he look so young?
Why are you so embarrassed?
Where am I embarrassed?
My dad is embarrassed.
Hye-jin, come in.
Please come in.
Quiet, everyone quiet.
The teacher has told you before.
Today, we have a transfer student
from Seoul coming, right?
Please introduce yourself.
My name is Kim Hye-jin.
Kim Hye Jin?
Who is Kim Hye-jin?
Is that all?
Is there anything else you want to say?
Is there anything you
want to ask everyone for?
I've transferred schools many times.
There's nothing I need to ask for.
Hmm... You'll get used to it after a while.
- Everyone, please help Hye-jin more.
- Okay.
Hye-jin transferred with her younger sister.
Her sister is in the next class.
Why are the sisters in the same grade?
- Have you heard of fraternal twins?
- Yes.
Didn't I say if you're not feeling well,
you can rest at home?
I already finished introducing myself.
You arrange a seat for her.
Can you sit at the back over there?
Class leader, give the command.
Take a break
Parents who work in our local area,
please raise your hands.
- Chan-ho, would you like to go first?
- Okay.
My dad works at the customer service center,
where he can help everyone.
After-sales service center work
My mom works at the department store,
where you can buy necessities.
My dad works at the university.
Universities are places that can help everyone.
My mom also works at
a health center that can help everyone.
My mom and dad work at a supermarket
where you can buy necessities and go shopping.
Hye-jin, please share with us.
I don't have a dad.
My mom runs a place called 'Touch Touch Tea'
that brings happiness to everyone.
What's 'Touch Touch Tea'?
I think everyone nearby heard that.
heard it. I'm right here.
They're crazy.
What are they doing?
North Korea is really close.
This is the Han River,
and that's the Imjin River.
North Korea is just across.
If you look closely,
you can see North Korean farmers.
They're not much different from us.
Next is the on-campus peace essay
competition award ceremony.
There were many entries this year,
and the quality was even
more impressive than previous years,
This makes the reviewer
very distressed when grading.
Let's start with the awards.
Please, don't hold back your applause.
Class 3-2, Yoon Soo-mi.
Class 9-3, Park In-soo.
Class 1-4, Kim Hee-yeong.
Next are the Excellence Awards.
There are two Excellence Awards.
Stand over here.
From Class 7 in 5th grade, Lee Min-eun.
From Class 6 in 6th grade, Ahn Sung-jun.
Lastly, the highly anticipated Outstanding
Achievement Award.
This time, the Outstanding Achievement Award
is not won by the 6th graders,
but by the 5th graders,
which is very unexpected.
What's even more special is that
there isn't just one winner,
but a pair. Next,
we will announce the winners.
Outstanding Achievement Award:
Kim Hye-jin from Class 7 in 5th grade,
and Kim Ha-ran from Class 8 in 5th grade,
please come up to receive your award.
Let's give them a round of applause
and encouragement.
Peace begins with small steps.
From Class 7 in 5th grade
at Inan Elementary School, Lee Min-eun.
The motto of our family is
'A journey of a thousand miles begins with
a single step.'
My parents always tell me
that even for great accomplishments,
you have to start with small things.
Don't be afraid.
Taking the first step is the most important.
The Korean War broke out between
South Korea and North Korea in 1950,
and a ceasefire agreement
was signed in 1953.
It has been 43 years since the ceasefire.
43 years is a long time,
four times my age.
Lee Min-eun personally visited
the Unification Observatory
and realized the importance
of peace and reunification.
It is very commendable and deserves praise.
Next, the winners of
the Outstanding Achievement Award,
Kim Hye-jin and Kim Ha-ran,
will read their works.
Lunchtime at Inan Elementary School,
Kim Hye-jin and Kim Ha-ran:
For us sisters,
peace equals lunchtime.
Whenever we transferred to a new school,
there were always whispers around us.
It was a silent attack
that left a huge void in our small hearts.
When we were even younger,
we lived each day in the midst of war.
The cause of the war was our parents'
divorce and our mother's profession.
Every day, we moved from
one school to another,
facing an unknown group of classmates,
and every day felt like a battlefield.
We were hit by invisible bullets every day,
covered in blood.
We didn't want to continue the war,
nor did we want to reluctantly reconcile
under the teachers' mediation,
because the war would always repeat itself.
Why force reunification?
On the contrary, we plan
to build our own beautiful peace.
From now on, we will write our
peace on this piece of paper.
- Wait a minute.
- Seems pretty impressive, doesn't it?
Really impressive.
Next is Min-eun.
Very impressive.
One more time.
- I want that height too.
- Like this?
Alright, here I come.
you can do it.
You can, you can.
Min-eun, isn't that your brother?
Who do you think you are,
talking about my parents?
- You trash.
- I'm not!
No, we're here to play this.
- Isn't that your brother?
- No, come on,
let's play this.
- It really looks like your brother...
- I said it's not!
Come on, everyone, let's play this.
- I really think that's your brother.
- I said it's not!
Why did you push me?
Who told you not to listen to the class leader?
- They're fighting.
- They're fighting.
Who told you not to listen to me?
I'm the class leader.
Let go of me!
What did I do wrong?
I called you over,
don't just keep looking.
What? Another award?
That's impressive too.
I'll be on stage reciting to the whole school.
You're going on stage like that?
You look prettier with your hair tied up.
Don't mess with me.
We're meeting at 9:00 at
the barbecue restaurant.
No, let's just barbecue at home.
It's troublesome to barbecue at home.
Let's just go to the restaurant.
No, I want to eat at home.
Let's eat at home then.
Why did you fight?
tell me why.
He was being unfair while playing dodgeball.
Do you want to grow up to be a bully?
If a fight breaks out while playing,
what else do you call it if not bullying?
He was being so unfair, who could stand it?
You should have told the teacher.
If you don't understand,
don't interfere so much.
What do you mean I don't understand?
What don't I understand?
Sit down.
Lee Min-kyu.
I'm proud of my mom
and think she's amazing.
She's more amazing than other moms and dads.
Mom is also the head of the family,
and the head always has to think more.
You're just like me.
Min-eun is just like her dad
from head to toe.
Always thinking about spending money,
having a bad temper, being neurotic.
Even their bad habits are exactly the same.
The only thing she has in common
with me is her skin color.
This person wants a toy.
Please make Kyung-soo be quiet.
The teacher can't handle his mouth.
Hye-jin, what's wrong?
Something strange happened.
What is it?
I've written many secret letters,
but none of them have come true.
I wrote another one today,
but still no result.
Wait a minute...
The clothes you are wearing now,
the stationery you're using,
who bought them for you?
Mom and Dad...
Then you...
why did you lie?
Do Mom and Dad make you feel embarrassed?
You even made up a fake family.
When you ran away from
the barbecue restaurant,
did you think Mom and Dad didn't notice?
They're not stupid.
Your donation will be used to provide nutrition
and medical treatment for children in Africa.
Why don't they help the poor in our country?
They show this kind of thing every day.
Change the channel.
Keep watching.
What's the point of watching this?
It's useless.
- Let's watch Channel 7.
- Okay.
What are you doing?
Join us now. For donation inquiries, please call...
What do you want?
I want to help children in need.
Hang up.
What a waste of money.
Come back and sit down.
Lee Min-eun.
Mom and Dad are really bad.
Lee Min-eun.
You'd better come home while
I'm still talking nicely.
Let go of me.
Min-kyu, don't mind her.
Dad asked me to take her home.
Let her stay for a few days.
you're not even our real uncle.
Let go of me.
Lord, please bless us
and let this dinner nourish
our bodies and minds.
In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
- Amen.
- Amen.
One out of three people suffers from malnutrition.
Your donation will be used to
provide nutrition for African children.
Grandpa, can I call to donate money?
If you want to, go ahead.
It's a city-wide essay contest.
Hye-jin, Min-eun, do you want to participate?
One, two, three.
One more.
Take another one from this angle.
One, two, three.
Closer. One, two... It looks great.
Why do we celebrate Family Month in May?
People celebrate their birthdays every year,
so it's the same for families.
Families grow older each year,
which is also something remarkable.
It's 9 o'clock. Aren't you going to sleep yet?
Wait a moment.
I want to write this down.
Really? Then I'll go to bed first,
Hmm? Okay.
Have you finished writing?
N-no, not yet.
Don't you find them annoying?
It's disgusting how they
take turns ostracizing their classmates.
I face this every time I transfer schools.
Have you tried the Dream Pork Cutlet?
It's really delicious.
Is it delicious?
She falls asleep like that every day...
She sometimes...
- Quiet.
- Wait.
- Shut up.
- I said it for fun.
You're not allowed to say that.
- I transferred to this one.
- I'm this one.
- I don't have ear piercings.
- Let me show you.
Like this. See?
Make it prettier for me.
Very pretty.
Do the other side yourself.
- Hurry up.
- Don't push me.
I think we can reach.
Min-eun, raise your hand.
What's wrong?
It seems like I've been holding
the pen for too long.
I've got a callus.
We don't have calluses.
it may be because...
I have to write book reports,
letters, and diaries every day.
Looks painful.
It's not painful.
Just looks a bit ugly.
How many days did you prepare for
the essay contest?
An hour?
How did you manage that?
We don't do any preparation.
We just honestly write what we want to say,
and that moves the teacher,
and then we win.
That's how it is in every school.
That's right.
It's never failed.
Grandma, I'm your granddaughter, Min-eun.
The sky is very clear today,
not a single cloud in sight.
Sometimes, I look at the sky where Grandma is,
and at those times,
I feel like Grandma is looking down at me,
which makes my face blush uncontrollably.
Grandma, you must know, right?
I lied to the teacher about you being sick.
Every time I lie,
I feel really sorry to Grandma.
But it's not because Grandma is gone that I lie,
it's because I feel that in this world,
if there's anyone who would forgive
me no matter what,
I'm really sorry
What is "family"?
To me, family is a question mark.
There are various examples
of families in the world,
but our family doesn't seem
to fit into any of them.
for example...
Dad likes to have fun and is lazy.
He has never opened
the store first in a day.
Inside, he only puts things
that are good for the body.
Here, eat.
Marinated squid, marinated cod roe...
Every day, he puts marinated
seafood in my lunch box,
which makes me feel embarrassed.
Min-eun, did you bring seaweed rice rolls again?
Yes, I'm tired of them too.
Other people's dads are busy working.
- Is Dad leaving?
- Yes.
My dad at home sleeps every day
and goes out to play.
- Seong-ho.
- What are you doing here?
My office is here.
He doesn't wear a suit every day,
but heavy jeans instead.
Have you heard?
Instead of leather shoes,
he wears dirty sneakers.
What? You're a lawyer?
Wow, we have one here.
- He doesn't have a briefcase.
- I only have receipts to give you.
Welcome to buy marinated seafood,
it's delicious.
I feel like I don't even exist.
She only informs me after
she's made her decisions herself.
She's a dictator.
If it weren't for your wife,
you would have been a beggar
on the street long ago.
Welcome, what would you like?
Is the boss lady not here?
She's out delivering.
Tell me what you need.
Marinated cod roe?
Marinated cod intestines?
The boss lady always gives me a little extra.
I'll give you a lot more.
I'm generous.
I'm even more generous than her.
Not stingy at all.
Hey, the customer is here.
I almost didn't buy it because only
the boss was here.
one kilogram?
Every time I go to the store,
he's sleeping.
He really seems irresponsible.
Actually, compared to Dad,
Mom makes me even more embarrassed.
She always wears a hat,
rain boots, and dirty clothes.
and dirty clothes.
Doesn't she care at all about
how she looks to others?
Dad, come out and help me with the kid.
So annoying.
Money is the only thing she cares about.
You know I only have you as a friend.
I can't find anyone else to help me.
I've never had nails like yours in my life.
She doesn't think about her friends.
Don't give it.
They're all liars, all in cahoots.
Why can't I give it?
It needs to be recycled.
You can't just throw it away like that.
Stop it.
Doesn't care about the environment.
My mom is dead.
Our relationship ends here.
Don't talk about regrets,
and don't contact me again.
Doesn't respect her parents.
Always spending money,
always complaining about Dad.
Every time you open or close your mouth to us,
you are despising Dad.
No manners.
I find it grating to listen to her talk.
Honestly, I often hear my brother
complain about Mom and Dad.
- Is Dad leaving?
- Yes.
Bye, Dad.
That guy just sleeps all day.
She hates it when Dad sleeps in
and goes to work late.
Do you know how depressed Mom is, Min-kyu?
Mom always goes to my brother's room.
Complaining about me,
Dad, Dad's family, Grandpa, Uncle,
friends borrowing money,
friends scamming her for money,
and strange customers...
There's a limit to how much
I can listen to her complaining.
Even I get tired of it.
But in front of Mom and Dad,
he always acts like a good son.
I'm living at grandma's house now.
Your uncle has always been lazy...
I've been hearing Mom curse since I was little.
I grew up with my non-blood-related
Grandpa and Uncle.
Mom says Grandma's high blood pressure
was caused by the two of them.
She will die because of high blood pressure
In fact, I have also seen my grandpa
grabbing my grandma by the collar.
But grandpa also has many advantages
Grandpa will do it for me whatever I want.
He does whatever I want and goes to bed at 9.
He brings me beautiful lunch boxes
and completely adapts to my schedule.
Min-eun, give this to Grandma.
He asked me to help people in need
and pray for our family and unfortunate people.
- I'll come back later.
- You can come by anytime.
- And this...
- No need.
Always thinking of others.
Take it and have a meal with your family.
Seems like a failure?
- Where did I fail?
- The taste is weird.
Caring for the environment.
- Let me...
- You do it.
Even though Uncle works
at the construction site,
he always wears a suit when he comes to see me,
looking handsome.
I've never said anything about it.
He does it on his own initiative.
Maybe because we're both
the youngest in the family.
I feel like we have telepathy.
- Uncle.
- Hello.
Hello to you both.
Listening to the homeroom teacher,
Min-eun's parents take care of
their elderly family members every day,
so I haven't met Min-eun's mom yet.
She's also in the hospital now.
Thank you for your hard work.
You're too polite.
We take care of each other, no problem.
We take care of each other, no problem.
Don't you have to work?
I can take half a day off for my niece.
Why can my uncle and grandfather do it,
but my parents can't?
Please, go ahead.
Why don't they consider things
from my perspective?
- Let's go.
- Goodbye.
- I'll leave first.
- Take care.
I've been wanting to ask
this question for a long time.
We're all fine.
Myung-eun is doing well.
We're fine, don't worry.
Take good care of yourself.
Well, let's hang up.
Let's go to Lotte World this Saturday.
How much money should I bring?
Including food... about twenty thousand?
Then let's go to the underground shopping
street to buy clothes later.
Let's go back to our seats.
- The teacher isn't late.
- That's right.
Everyone, sit down.
The results of the Seongwon City children's
essay contest are out.
Every elementary school in
Seongwon City participated,
and the competition was fierce.
It's a pity that our school didn't
have any winning entries.
you'll be very surprised to hear this news.
Not only did our school not
have any winning entries...
But we had three winning entries.
Ming Enduo submitted an essay
without telling the teacher, right?
Come and see for yourselves.
Myung-eun won two awards?
The grand prize and a letter
from her granddaughter.
We have two future writers in our class.
The award ceremony is on Saturday
the 22nd at 10 a.m.
It will be held at the Seongwon City Hall.
Your works will be published in
the Seongwon Daily and the Literature Selections.
Representing that every citizen will see them.
It's really something to be proud of.
Aren't they your friends?
The food is really delicious.
Why didn't Uncle become a painter?
A painter?
Look at him, he looks like
he has nothing to do all day.
You mustn't be like your uncle.
Uncle is really good at painting.
I'm working.
Is that considered work too?
Work at the construction site for
a day or two a week?
I'm not saying there's anything wrong
with working at a construction site.
But you need stability, right?
It's the same for everything.
Have I ever asked you for money?
Why are you bringing this up?
At your age,
not asking me for money is only natural.
I don't expect anything from you either.
You haven't done anything for me.
The house was built by your
non-blood-related sister's hard work.
Your sister helped you get remarried.
And even now, your living expenses
are all paid by your sister.
For mom's funeral and hospital fees,
have you contributed anything?
What's the use of telling me all this?
So stop saying things like that.
I'm begging you.
Grandpa is curious about what
Myung-eun wrote in her essay.
We can wait for the newspaper
to come out and see.
Have you called home?
Why not?
Mom and Dad will be very happy.
Do you want Uncle to come and help?
This is the Cultural and Tourism
Department of the City Government.
I am one of the winners of this essay contest.
May I have your name?
Lee Myung-eun.
Ah, the grand prize and selected?
Will the newspaper publish
the winning articles?
Yes, after the award ceremony on Saturday,
they are scheduled to be published in
the Seongwon Daily next Monday.
Can I just receive the award without
having my article published?
What? Why?
I just prefer not to make it public.
We can't omit it. Besides,
it's a grand prize-winning piece.
Alright, I understand...
Hello, it's me,
Lee Myung-eun, who called earlier.
Did you plagiarize or did your parents
or someone else write it for you?
Then why refuse the grand prize?
At least give me a legitimate reason.
Myung-eun is very articulate and logical, isn't she?
I just don't want to.
The teacher doesn't understand
why you're doing this.
Have you seen the banners outside the school?
The whole school knows about it.
It's in the newspaper too.
The principal is very happy.
Everyone makes mistakes.
When I was young,
I also plagiarized children's poems.
At that time, I didn't know it was wrong.
Can you be honest with me?
No matter what Myung-eun has done,
the teacher can understand
because I'm your teacher.
I just don't want to.
As far as the teacher knows,
you only need to receive the award.
But we still need to inform them quickly
to prevent any possible cancellations.
Oh you...
I only accept the selected award.
What's the reason?
Do you think that's reasonable?
I didn't intend to submit in the first place.
But now that you've won,
and it's the grand prize,
it's no longer just your problem;
it's the whole school's problem.
The essay is mine.
What does it have to do with the school?
Who was the first person to ask
you to start writing essays?
I also helped you with your spelling.
The winning piece was entirely written by me.
Are you hesitant to tell
the truth because you're embarrassed?
Like it's your diary?
Are you embarrassed to make it public?
My thoughts as a teacher
are different from yours.
As long as it's a genuine piece written by you,
it will surely move the readers.
The theme is "family."
What heartfelt words did you write?
Is it very different from
the selected piece?
I wrote about things
that no one else knows about.
That must make it even more special, right?
Honestly, I want to win the award,
but I don't want the article to be made public.
However, when I called them,
they didn't agree.
Those are the rules set by the organizers.
If I were you, I would accept the award.
Your parents will surely be very happy.
I won't accept the award.
I will explain to the principal.
I wrote about the difficulties at home,
but that article moved the judges,
which means it's a good piece.
Your family will surely like it.
If these are your true feelings,
the teacher can understand you.
You can refuse the award.
You don't need to force yourself to confess.
Confessing doesn't always lead to good results,
but it's still a good thing.
The teacher thinks that rather than confessing,
what's more important is the intention
to consider the other person,
just like Myung-eun considers her family.
i don't love my family.
I really dislike people like my family.
Is this what you wrote?
I really feel terrible.
Hello, this is Lee Myung-eun,
requesting to withdraw the grand prize.
Ah, it's you.
Have you changed your mind?
No, can I have my original submission back?
Sister, are you really not going?
What about brother-in-law?
Then we'll go on our own.
No need, you gave it to me a few days ago.
Just give it to me next time.
Okay, got it. Next time, then.
- Myung-eun.
- Hmm?
Let's go after dinner.
I'll fix my hair first.
You're already beautiful.
Hurry up and come eat.
We'll leave after eating.
2nd grade, Anhyung Elementary School,
Jung Min-seok.
Reason for award same as above.
Presenting the certificate of selection.
Younan Elementary School, Lee Myung-eun.
Reason for award same as above.
In conclusion, the two students
won awards at
the 15th Family Month Commemorative
Won the prize in the Shengyuan City
Children's Composition Competition.
Presenting the award certificates.
Everyone, let's take a group photo.
Please move closer to the center.
Very good.
The kids with the trophies,
please come to the center.
The kids with the certificates,
sorry to bother you,
but please move to the side.
We're ready to take the picture.
Good, very good.
Come on, let's take it.
One, two, three.
-Isnt the fried rice cake too spicy?
-Not at all.
Grandpa gets a stomach ache
from spicy rice cake if it's too spicy.
I still think we should go eat Chinese food.
The Chinese restaurant is too crowded.
But today is a special day
for eating Chinese food.
We have plenty of food at home.
Let's go home. Grandpa will
make something delicious for you.
I'll call the Chinese restaurant
for some fried noodles.
What time is it now?
Myung-eun must be hungry.
Myung-eun, what are you doing?
I need to go somewhere before going back.
I won an award.
I won an award at a major award ceremony
in front of many people.
It will be broadcasted on TV,
reported in newspapers,
and published in literature selections.
Our daughter is really amazing.
Let me pack a little more for you.
Actually, we are not biological sisters.
Hye-jin's mother is one of
the ladies working at Mom's shop.
one of the working ladies
Mom didn't marry Dad.
Dad is a guest and
I have never seen his face.
Even though Mom treats Hye-jin like her own,
she's not Hye-jin's real mother.
Ask us and my mother
to introduce ourselves as fraternal twins
and to tell everyone that our mother
is just an ordinary working woman.
This way, there won't be any problems,
and we won't have to transfer schools.
But Hye-jin doesn't want to hide anymore,
even if she's ostracized by her classmates again
or seen as a thorn in the principal's side.
Hye-jin doesn't want to forget
her gratitude towards them,
Hye-jin doesn't want to forget
her gratitude towards them,
and the best way to show this gratitude is...
to stop hiding the truth.
Everyone has one
Did you bring the family environment
survey from yesterday?
Bring it out.
Turn to the back.
Me personally.
I'm not very curious about
your family environment.
What's so funny, you little rascal?
I just want to understand you as individuals.
Starting now, on the paper in front of you,
freely write about yourselves:
your motto, dreams, role models,
Things I like, things I hate
personality, strengths, weaknesses,
insecurities, friends, birthdays.
There's a lot to write, right?
- Yes.
- No.
Then write down anything
you think the teacher should know.
If you can't think of anything,
write a love letter to me.
Come on,
feel free to express yourselves.