The Hillsdale Adoption Scam (2023) Movie Script

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Under the stairs.
Under the stairs.
Under the stairs.
Hey, here.
Number check!
Ah, Mila's in the lead.
Come here you.
- Show-off.
- Go get ready.
My babies.
So, today's the day, right?
Thank you.
Yeah, today's the day
I completely humiliate myself
in front of every colleague
I have.
Oh, so you didn't forget.
Listen, they are going
to love it.
Don't worry.
Everything about those
two sentences
that you just said,
tells me I horribly failed
at depicting both
an accurate portrait of my job.
And the vampires who make it
a living hell.
Stop it.
You are a marketing genius.
Do you hear me?
And today's the day,
that these vampires
are gonna realize it.
Now you're placating.
Is it working?
- A little bit.
- Oh.
Wha... whoa!
And with seven minutes to spare.
Hey, so here's what
I'm thinking.
Maybe we head outside
and throw football around,
while we wait for these
slowpokes to catch up.
- Duh!
- Duh, of course.
Come on, let's go buddy.
Love you guys.
Love you.
Ooh, okay.
Jesus, Owen!
- Oh, my goodness.
- I didn't mean to scare you.
Did you sleep here last night?
Tish and I got
into another fight,
and... I hope you don't mind.
Well, I guess someone ought
to use these beds.
- You scared me.
- Sorry.
You scared me.
Oh my goodness.
You can't avoid me forever.
If you don't fix this,
I will make sure you never work
in this town again.
And you know how few calls
that will take.
I never had these problems
when your dad
was in charge of my account.
You can do this.
You are confident.
You are fierce.
You are a complete coward.
Tony, you know I love you,
and those big meaty fingers.
But when I say gently,
please interpret that as,
if anything arrives
in less than mint condition,
I will hunt you down,
and destroy everything good
in your life.
- Ah.
- Thanks.
I see you uh,
packed your sass today.
Oh my goodness,
so how did it go with uh,
with the jeans guy?
Oh gosh!
I had to cut the cord.
What? Why?
Uh, he wanted us to go
jogging together
on a Sunday at 7:00 a.m.
Desi, you know you could
have just said no, right?
Ah, the mere suggestion
tells me that
he's operating
on a fatal dose of delusion,
and mama don't want
a cautionary tale.
But you know, enough about me.
How are you?
How's the assistant search
I feel like I am throwing myself
down a never-ending staircase.
- Oh.
- The last girl I asked,
why she was interesting
in staging,
and she started talking
about musicals...
That she did in high school.
Hey, I dated
a musical theatre nerd
once by mistake,
and he told me
I needed to reel it in,
while we were hooking up
in his creepy uncle's
Ford Focus,
because I was upstaging him.
Oh, ah, side note.
I might have run
a little overkill
on forklift Phil,
so if comes claiming
emotional damage,
you know,
it might be a tad valid.
You have to be nicer to people.
I'll try, but you
and I both know the reason
why you hired me
as lead decorator,
is because I'm a gorgeous
and intimidating
dragon whisperer,
and intimidate I shall.
How about you intimidate
Kyle Morgan?
Because he has called me
at least 10 times.
Sorry, boo,
he only wants to talk to you.
Oh, I don't know
how my dad did this.
It's been seven months.
You'll find your legs.
You're an amazing decorator.
Being a boss, an owner,
is a completely different beast.
Hey, I'm home.
Where are the kids?
What... what's wrong?
There was a court hearing today.
Gavin's biological mom
wants him back.
Terrence, the adoption
is almost final.
He's been with us...
They want us to drop him off
at the school and...
And what?
And what?
And that's it.
She'll pick him up after.
Then we fight.
The state wants him
with his mom.
I am his mother.
I know.
They cannot take him away
from me.
- That is our child.
- I know, I know, I know.
No, stop.
It's not okay!
Why are you staring?
Oh, ju...
Just looking at you.
Thinking about how much
I love you.
Go back to sleep.
You're weird.
It's what mamas do.
Gavin! Mila!
Can you come here, please?
Before we get started,
your mother and I
wanna have a quick chat
with you.
We love you guys so much.
Our foster son was returned
to his birth mother,
and we're devastated.
Shower time.
In a minute.
Mila, shower!
Sure, dad.
She seems to be doing
a lot better.
Children are resilient.
Hey, it's only been three weeks.
Gotta give yourself a break.
Baby, I just see him.
I see him everywhere.
It's like this house
felt like a home,
when it was the four of us.
Hey, hey, hey... Now, it just...
It'll feel like a home again.
Baby, maybe we should try again.
You know what Dr. Horgan said?
But listen,
that was two years ago.
Maybe my body just needed rest.
Don't you want another one?
Of course, I do.
I just...
You didn't see the pain
in your eyes that...
The constant defeat over
and over again.
And I had to feel it.
That's not fair.
You're right.
I'm sorry.
I just...
I can't watch you go through
that again.
I won't.
I just know that there's a void
in our family
that I have to try to fill.
Hey, we'll get through this,
I don't wan to get through it.
I want to solve it.
You... you good?
No, I think I heard
someone scream.
Please help me!
- Someone, please!
- See!
- Stay here.
- Okay.
Who is it?
Thank God, please,
you have to let me in!
I'm running away
from my boyfriend.
He just threatened to kill me
and I didn't know what to do!
If he finds me,
I swear he'll kill me, please...
Oh my God! That's him!
Please, I'm begging you,
you have to let me in.
Just go around back,
the gate's unlocked, alright?
Okay, thank you.
Wait, wait. What is going on?
I don't know.
What do you mean you don't know?
Come on, out!
Come out, come out,
wherever you are.
Just, just wait.
You don't see her?
Where did she go?
I don't see her.
Please, I need some help.
I need you to stay right here,
- I'm gonna call the police.
- No, no, no, no.
He'll know you called them
and he'll find me.
He'll find me.
Okay, okay, okay, come here.
Come here, come here, come here.
Okay, you just are in shock.
Just calm down. You're safe now.
- You have a safe place to be.
- Wait, wait, wait!
- What?
- Hang on.
Are you insane?
She could be lying.
Look at her face.
She's terrified.
Then I'll take her to a shelter,
to the hospital, to a...
No, no, you have got
to stay here with Mila.
What if whoever that is
comes back?
It's crazy.
We have no idea who she is.
Baby, she is pregnant.
And she needs our help.
- You take the pepper spray.
- I got it.
And make sure that your location
tracker is on.
It's already on.
- Go.
- Okay.
Come on, come on, come on.
Come on!
Come with me. Come with me.
Are you okay?
Come on, come on.
So, you don't have any friends,
any family?
Anyone that I could call?
Not for a couple thousand miles.
Okay, okay. There is a...
there is a hotel not too far
from here.
I'll take you there.
We were on our way to Florida.
Wait, wait, wait. That's him!
That's him. That's him.
Duck down, duck down, duck down.
It's okay. He's gone.
You can get up.
I promise everything
will be alright.
It'll be okay.
Oh my goodness.
Okay, we are here.
I'll pay for the room.
Don't worry about it.
Why are you being so nice to me?
I'm a mom, you're a mom.
And you have enough
on your plate right now.
Um, can I ask you a question?
Of course.
You... you said that he
threatened to kill you.
And I'm sure that two bottles
of whiskey in his system
didn't help.
Alcoholics don't just
dull their pain.
They dull the lives of everyone
around them.
Which is why I created a profile
on an independent adoption site.
And why he went...
He went absolutely mental,
which doesn't even make sense,
'cause it's not like
he's the father, but...
Have you told the father
that you're putting the baby
up for adoption?
He uh, he died.
In a car accident
a few months ago.
I... I am so sorry.
He was the best person I knew.
We started dating
in eighth grade.
Mrs. Wheeler's science class.
We wanted to go to Florida
and get season passes to Disney.
That's um...
That's where I'm headed
after all of this,
I have cousins that live
by the water.
It's nothing fancy,
but I think it'll be
a good place to start over.
After I say goodbye.
He deserves a home
that's ready for him.
Ready in ways that I'm just not.
Listen, that is the most
loving thing
that you can ever do.
It's what Gavin
would have wanted.
That was his father's name.
Oh my goodness.
He is absolutely beautiful.
Oh, he's perfect.
Look at him.
Yeah, he is.
It's gonna be okay.
Can you give me one moment,
Hm, yeah.
Do you believe in signs?
What kind of signs?
You know, like little winks
from the universe,
that let us know
that some things
are intentional.
Sometimes. Why?
I believe we were supposed
to meet.
Let's go home.
Mm... yes.
Are you out of your mind?
Beth, you can't just invite
a stranger
to sleep at our house,
just because you had
one bonding moment.
She could be dangerous.
I don't recall pitching a fit
when you brought Tucker home,
because you guys had
one bonding moment.
I brought home a stray dog.
You brought home a stray person!
What's the difference?
Oh, I don't know.
Opposable thumbs,
the ability to grasp things
like knives.
Have you really not thought
about the millions of ways
this could take a straight turn
towards aid line?
Of course, I have.
That's why you are spending
the night
in Mila's room tonight.
It's one night. We'll survive.
Or be brutally murdered.
that is the other possibility.
I'm so glad
we're taking this seriously.
I love you, too.
This is cute though.
I love her.
I love her.
Oh my God.
I'm sorry,
I should have knocked.
You're fine, It's... I'm just
a little jumpy.
Well, I um...
I brought you
some pyjama options.
Are you sure this is okay?
I feel awful
taking your son's room?
I could sleep on the couch
if you want.
Ah.It's really no problem.
We don't have a son.
It's um...
It's a long story,
but it's fine.
We are right down the hall
if you need anything.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.
Um, thank you for everything.
You're welcome.
Mila. Mila!
Mila, Mila!
- Where is she?
- Okay, listen, I don't know.
Oh, you know what
I'm talking about?
I don't know.
Where is she?
You have really pretty hair.
You have pretty hair, too.
I'm thinking of dyeing it
And who said that that was okay?
Stella's mom says
it's a sign of courage
and creativity.
And does Stella's mom
also decide
how much screen time
you get a day?
Just because you're content
being a grey sprinkle
on a rainbow cupcake,
- doesn't mean I have to be.
- Alright.
Well, this grey sprinkle
has a lot more to talk
about in the car.
So, let's go.
Excuse me, ma'am,
where's my kiss?
Come on, come on.
Mmm, muah.
We are gonna talk
about this later.
- I love you.
- Love you.
Well, this is gonna be
a fun car ride.
Glad it's you and not me.
Love you.
Love you, my grey sprinkle.
Mmm, thank you for that.
Oh, I packed you a pasta salad,
bottom shelf.
Babe, you're the best.
Thank you.
Oh my goodness.
Hell hath no fury
like a slightly inconvenienced
Gen Z-er.
- She's adorable.
- Mm, thank you.
You both seem like
really good parents.
Yeah, it's mostly Terrence,
you know.
He is the oldest
of four brothers
and he has had some practice.
You know what?
Come on,
we're gonna go shopping.
- Let's go.
- For what?
You know, just the necessities.
You didn't uh,
happen to grab a suitcase
when you were running down
the street from your ex,
did you?
I didn't think so.
So, come on. My treat.
You know, you don't have
to be this nice to me, right?
Oh, my toxic trait
is being this nice to everyone.
So, what you're saying is,
don't feel special.
Oh, pretty much.
Alright, got everything.
Sorry, didn't mean to scare you.
How can I help you?
Well, I'm actually looking
for a missing person.
She was uh, last seen
walking down the street.
Oh, um...
Didn't I see you last night?
We uh, we passed each other
on the street.
- Did we?
- Yeah, we did.
Well, I'm... I'm sorry.
I... I haven't seen her.
Have you contacted the police?
Not yet.
Well, maybe that should be
your next step.
- Thanks for the tip.
- Mm-hmm.
I got your keys.
Oh, right.
Um, thank you.
This is bad.
No, no, no, no. It's fine.
It's fine.
He doesn't know you're here.
Not yet.
Alright, come on,
let's go this way.
Ah, this is way too much.
This is barely a fresh start.
- Okay, we'll check your iron.
- Okay.
And then we'll see
if we need anything else.
Oh wait,
I think I know that woman.
Yeah, I've seen her on some
of the mommy blogs.
She's supposed to be this like,
super midwife baby guru
that everyone swears by.
She probably charges an arm
and a leg.
Is everything okay?
Yeah, it's fine.
I just um,
I just need to stop
by the office real quick.
- Okay.
- Okay. Yeah, come on.
I told you that you
weren't going to be able
to avoid me forever.
Now, what exactly are you
trying to do?
Your dad and I
had agreements in place,
when he started this business
and if it wasn't for me,
you probably wouldn't
even have a business,
as it is.
- So... Please
- Just... just give me a moment.
Just give me a moment, please?
- Is everything okay?
- I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine.
- I just um...
- You're having a panic attack.
Or two.
- Oh...
- It's okay, it's okay.
Just breathe.
I used to have them
all the time.
You didn't think you were
the only person burdened
with the crushing psychological
weight of being alive.
Did you?
Oh my goodness.
Who is the jerk
with the receding hairline?
Oh, he is a very unhappy client
that I wish
that I could just tell to go
to hell.
So, why don't you?
You know, I know we just met
and it's really sweet
that you think I'm the type
of person that can do that,
but I'm really more
of the rollover
and give you anything
you want type.
What's his name?
Kyle Morgan.
Does he have any kids?
Yeah, like three girls.
Perfect. Follow me.
What are you gonna...
What are you doing?
Mr. Morgan! Hi.
Quick question.
Do you enjoy threatening
and gaslighting everyone
with textbook verbal abuse.
Or is that a technique
you save specifically for women?
What the hell are you
talking about?
Oh, I'm sorry.
Should I speak slower
or do you want to call
one of your daughters
and have them explain it to you?
Who the hell is this?
Patricia Allen,
Mrs. Horby's attorney.
You're a lawyer?
Oh, I'm just here as a witness.
Witness, for what?
Would you like to take it
from here?
From this point forward,
all contracts
with Halo Interiors
and Morgan Estates
are officially terminated.
Your business is no longer
welcomed here.
Neither is your nauseating
drugstore cologne.
Your father would be ashamed.
The only thing he would be
ashamed of
is me letting you walk over me
for this long.
Yes, girl.
I can't believe I just did that.
I have been dreaming
of doing that
for the past seven months.
Well, congrats.
You are officially no longer
a pushover.
Hey, Georgia.
This may sound really crazy,
but do you want a job here?
As what? Your lawyer?
I think I might be
a few degrees short.
No, no, no, no.
As... as my assistant.
It would just be temporary.
I know you're going to Florida,
but maybe you could stay
an extra month, or two.
Just until I find somebody else.
I mean you'd collect
a couple of paychecks
in the process.
Wow, um...
Okay, listen, don't...
You don't have to feel
obligated to just say...
- Yes.
- Really?
Yeah, a 100%.
Okay. Well, great.
Do you wanna step
into my office,
and we can discuss the details?
Okay, but you offered her a job?
You should have seen her.
She was amazing.
Well, wasn't he one
of your biggest clients?
Uh yes, and biggest headaches.
Hey, are you at home?
Uh, no. No, no,
I just got back into the office.
Anyway, I should probably
get back to it.
Big day.
Oh, okay.
Well, love you.
Love you, too.
Okay, here we go.
And this, this is where we
that no longer fit in the home's
new design aesthetic.
I know, I know, but I promise
you, this is organized chaos.
It's boxes full
of snow globe collections
and mugs from around the world.
Anything that would kind
of scare off potential buyers.
Ah, like this little gem
right here.
"World's greatest mom."
Yeah, you'd have to be allow
that thing in your house.
Oh, hi, Tony, Bradley.
Please be careful with that.
It is worth a fortune.
- Hey.
- Hey.
and who's this glowing goddess?
Desi, this is Georgia.
Georgia, this is Desi,
one of our lead stagers.
Um, she's a pretty good
with the clients.
I.e. I scare them.
Pretty much.
Georgia is my new assistant.
Ah. And just when I was
beginning to think,
I would never hear
those three words.
And Georgia is staying
with us for a little bit.
Oh, well, that's intriguing.
But also a mini crisis.
We have another
hostage situation.
Wh... what's going on?
The upholsterer
for the Hodge Project,
apparently he's having
some financial problems,
and they're behind
paying their team.
So, the staff had a mutiny,
and now they're holding
our items hostage.
So, when is the install?
Tomorrow at 10:00 a.m.
As in less than 24 hours,
hence the slight panic
in my tone.
And we do have other projects
with him, correct?
- Regrettably.
- Great.
Okay, well, just
pay the scumbag,
give him an advance,
so that he can pay his workers.
However, make sure they have
the furniture there
before 9:30 a.m.
Crisis averted.
Oh, please,
make sure to tip them well,
so that when they leave
and start their own business,
we will get a first new
customer discount.
Money's in the safe,
you know the code.
Did you have anything to do
with this newfound confidence?
Maybe a little bit.
Well, it's sexy as hell.
- Thank you.
- But I gotta go.
Stay rich and fabulous.
Yes, ma'am.
- It was nice to meet you.
- So nice.
- She seems fun.
- She is.
- Just don't sleep with her.
- Ha.
Come this way.
- Hey.
- So uh,
when did you find time
to fold the laundry?
Oh yeah, I got home like,
half an hour early.
So, does this mean
I'm doing the dishes?
Already done.
What? Okay, Superman.
So, why don't you uh, bring some
of that productivity upstairs?
- Oh yeah?
- Yeah.
I'll be right up.
Do you mind if
I'm a little late today?
I'm meeting a couple for brunch
about a potential adoption.
- Oh yeah?
- Yeah.
They reached out last night.
I don't know,
uh, we'll see how it goes.
Um, I was just gonna get
an Uber to pick me up here,
if that's cool.
Of course.
I mean, or I could drive you.
I'll wait in the car.
Get a little work done.
I could use a change of venue.
Okay, yeah, thanks.
- I'll grab my stuff.
- Okay.
Thank you.
- Thank you so much.
- Thank you so much.
How nice to meet you.
- I'll let you know tomorrow.
- Such a pleasure to meet you.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- Hi.
- Hey.
So, how'd it go?
So good.
Yeah, better than good, great.
They were so sweet and cute.
And they've been trying
to get pregnant forever.
And their last two adoptions
fell through at the last minute.
So, they are desperate
and exhausted.
And very, very generous.
Yeah, how so?
They offered to buy me a car.
But can they do that?
I guess.
- I don't know.
- Hmm.
And they offered to pay
for that fancy midwife
we saw at the store,
and more than enough money
for me to get set up
in Florida after the birth.
So, what happens now?
I don't know.
I told them I'd let them know
but now that I'm hearing
all this out loud,
that sounds insane, right?
I think I should just say yes.
I mean, what if they change
their mind?
This could be the best offer
I get.
Well, maybe you should just
sleep on it.
I don't know.
I feel like I should
just say yes.
Listen to my gut,
and go for it, right?
I'm just gonna call them
and say yes.
Georgia, Georgia, Georgia.
What if you had another offer
on the table?
It's not like we haven't thought
about adopting a thousand times.
Yeah, through an agency
with a reputation,
and... and fancy plaques.
Plenty of people
don't use an agency to adopt.
It's more common than you think.
Okay, and we will still use
an adoption attorney.
Georgia already has one
picked out that she likes.
Yeah, I bet she has.
If you don't want me
to get poked
and prodded anymore,
this is our chance.
No injections, no trauma,
no drawn-out adoption process.
Okay, how much does she want?
And I think we should
buy her a car.
You're joking.
She already has an offer
from another family.
And let me guess,
she wants the money up front.
Half, yes.
there is a little boy out there
who needs a home...
who needs a father.
Someone to wrestle with,
and play football.
Georgia can...
Can work with me
until she has the baby.
And then she's off to Florida.
And then we have
our family back.
One girl, and one boy.
One very pricey receipt.
What if God sent her here
for a reason?
Ah, I hope you're right.
Is that a yes?
Whatever you want.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Don't forget this.
Having a baby.
I believe that midwifery
is more than simply a career.
It's a calling.
And it's my mission
to not only guide
my pregnant patients
through every stage of life,
but also assist them.
I offer a wide range of
services from wellness coaching
to prenatal care,
postpartum support,
family planning,
as well as a slew
of other elevated treatments
that you can pick
and choose from.
Sounds expensive.
Well, who's ready to hear
his heartbeat?
I am.
There he is.
That's a good strong heartbeat.
So, I want you to keep an eye
on that elevated blood
pressure, okay?
Try to stay as stress-free
and calm as possible.
It's important for you
and for baby.
- Yes.
- I'll try.
Um, also I'd like to schedule
our prenatal exercise.
How does tomorrow
at 3:30 sound?
Works for me.
3:30 works great.
- Okay, great.
- I'll see you then.
Thank you so much.
Oh, you're so welcome.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- She was great.
- She's lovely.
- Can I?
- Yeah.
- Let's see.
- Mm-hmm.
Ah, you ready to go?
Ready to go.
I thought that we would start
with 10 to 15 minutes a day.
Three days a week,
with one day off between walks.
That way we can slowly
increase the intensity,
and the duration.
Is that safe for the baby?
Oh, very. I like to think of
pregnancy as the one time,
when you can ah, focus
on not just setting records
with exercise, you know.
- Okay.
- It's also about optimizing
health for mama and baby.
- Oh.
- Could you?
- Absolutely.
- Thank you.
Here we go. Gotta save the
energy for the actual workout.
- Thank you.
- No, you're welcome.
Is everything okay?
I think I heard something.
Here, I'll go see
what's going on.
- You guys stay here.
- Sure.
- Where is she?
- What are you doing in my house?
I know she's here.
You don't leave right now,
I'm calling the police.
- What's going on?
- Call 9-1-1.
Get back here!
You quit your pulling, huh?
Get off of me!
I just wanted to talk to you,
Come on.
We're going down there.
- The police are on their way.
- Ssh, ssh.
Come with me, come on.
Wait, wait.
Wait, wait, wait.
Under the stairs.
Under the stairs.
Okay, go.
Come on, come on, come on.
Okay, let's go.
- Go, go, go, go!
- Okay, okay, okay, okay!
Why are you acting like this?
I just want to talk to you.
- Leave me alone!
- Drive, drive, drive.
Okay, okay.
- Hey.
- Hey.
How are you feeling?
How's the baby?
Oh, okay.
Better knowing there's
an officer out front.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Carmen says everything's fine
after the fall, so...
Can I talk to you
about something?
Oh, of course.
What about?
You and your ex, I just...
I just don't understand
how a woman who is so confident
and so self-assured,
in every other aspect
of her life,
would allow a man
to treat her like that.
It just doesn't...
Add up.
Well, I wasn't gonna say
it exactly like that, but...
You're right though, it doesn't.
Why do you think I ran?
When I'm not with him,
I finally start to feel like
myself again.
Or at least the version of me
that I hope is still in there
She is.
There is something I wanted
to talk to you about, too.
Please don't take this
the wrong way 'cause I'm...
So grateful for everything
you've done for me,
but I am not sure
that I feel safe
now that Puck knows I'm here.
My heart's been racing non-stop,
and I'm afraid with my high BP,
that staying just might not be
healthy for the baby,
and I can't help
but feel like it might be
better for everyone
if I just disappeared again.
Are you kidding?
You are a godsend.
We are so incredibly thankful.
Please, let me figure this out.
Let me find a solution, okay?
I promise that I won't let
anything happen to you
or the baby.
- Really?
- Absolutely.
Don't worry about anything.
Thank you.
You um, get some rest.
Okay. Goodnight.
It's a lot bigger
than the others.
Well, two beds, two baths.
Twice the square footage.
And with us being
on the first floor,
you have your own little oasis
in the back.
Total transparency.
It's a tad over your budget.
Well, there was plenty of space
in the studio apartment,
don't you think?
- Yeah, totally.
- Yeah.
The view on the third floor
are definitely a bonus.
Are you okay?
Here come, sit down.
Oh. Yeah, I'm... I'm okay.
I was just...
Oh, I think my blood pressure
might be a bit high.
You don't um,
you don't think it's
because of all the stairs
at the last unit, do you?
There are quite a few.
It's... it's fine.
I'll be fine.
Oh, boy.
So, if a client asks
for rusted Southwestern.
Ooh, okay.
I think I'd go
with Spanish textiles.
- Okay.
- Iron work.
- Yes.
- Terracotta
with natural materials.
And industrial touches.
You're a natural.
Can't remember the last time
I was this good at something.
Oh now, all you need
is your own computer
and your own car.
- You didn't?
- Listen, it's nothing fancy,
but it'll do.
No, I can't accept this.
Yes, you can.
You are too good to me.
No, honestly you could have
chosen any family.
And probably a family
that could have done more
than we can.
So, we're grateful for you.
Thank you so much.
Okay, now let's get
this apartment unpacked.
Oh, phew.
I know.
So, hot delivery guy came by.
Oh, I hope you tipped him well.
Of course.
You know you should really
write a book
documenting your...
Slut shenanigans?
I was gonna say lovers.
Ew, why?
To avoid sounding crude.
if I avoided sounding crude,
I'd be silencing one of my
biggest personality traits.
Well, that's true.
That's true.
Speaking of dominating
I thought we were done
letting people walk all over us
like cheap linoleum.
What are you talking about?
Rhymes with Porja.
and that's what you're gonna be
if you keep showering
your new bff with gifts.
They're not gifts.
They're necessities.
And it's completely normal.
Look, I like her and everything.
But I like you more.
And I know that gorgeous
little heart of yours
has no bounds.
I just want to make sure
you're being safe about things.
Well, I do appreciate
your concern.
Just promise me you're not
gonna ignore any red flags?
I promise, we're good.
Just... just trust me.
Now, let's get back
to talking about me.
How cute is this?
- Oh my goodness.
- Oh, we have to get this.
You're back.
How's baby?
Good, thanks.
Wait a minute,
I thought you're having a girl?
I'm... I'm sorry. You must have
me confused with someone else.
Oh no,
but we met a few months ago.
You were in
with that really nice couple.
No, never been here before.
- I could have sworn...
- Uh, do you have this in sage?
We're trying to stick
with a theme.
I... yeah.
I can check in the back.
- Thanks.
- That's so cute.
That was weird.
What'd you find?
Isn't this cute? Look.
I don't know what it is though.
- Oh God! I think I broke it.
- How cute!
Oh, no. Oh my gosh.
Oh, anybody having a meeting
- with the Johnson's...
- Thanks.
Definitely needs some caffeine.
- I'll be there in 10.
- See you.
Hey, girl.
I knew I didn't like you.
I just couldn't quite
put my finger on it.
Until now.
Yeah, I saw the security footage
and I know you stole
from the Diaz's collection.
I didn't steal anything!
Oh, you mean the jewel thing?
- Yeah.
- I took that to get polished.
I thought it was scuffed,
but it was fine.
I... I thought it would be
a nice gesture.
I can show you the receipt.
Oh, fabulous. I'll wait.
Yeah, okay, one second.
Look, the next time you decide
to take something
from inventory,
kind gesture or not,
you run it by me.
- Capisce?
- Of course.
I'm sorry for the confusion.
What the hell was that about?
We might have a problem.
Was it good?
Who are you?
Well, just checked on Mila.
She's sound asleep.
We need to talk.
What... what's up?
Hold on, it's Owen.
I'm on my way.
Okay, I'm coming.
I came as soon as I heard.
How is she doing?
She's stable.
That's a good thing
Owen found her when he did.
What happened?
A stack of boxes
fell over on her.
Your guess is as good as mine.
Has she talked?
Not yet.
The doctor said it may be
a couple of days.
Is there anything
I can get for you?
No, I'm good. I'm okay.
She's gonna be fine.
I know, I know.
It's just um...
I think Terrence is having
an affair.
Well, I saw him having coffee
today with another woman.
Okay, well coffee isn't
the most incriminating thing.
I mean, maybe there was
a good excuse.
He lied about it.
I'm so sorry.
I... I never would have taken him
for the cheater type.
Well, unfortunately,
it's not the first time.
When we found out
that I didn't have any um,
viable eggs,
we... we had a really dark patch.
He swore it was
a one-time thing,
and I believed him.
That must have
been really tough.
It was.
How old was Mila?
It was before Mila was born.
But I thought you said
that it was...
Mila was born via donor egg.
Oh, I had no idea.
Most people don't.
With Mila being at the top
of that list.
You have no idea
what it feels to wake up
every day and feel broken,
because you are unable to do
what every other woman can.
It doesn't make her
any less yours.
Or him.
Well, I uh,
I guess the baby saved
our marriage once.
It can happen again, right?
Please wake up.
I need you right now.
Hi, babe, how's Desi?
Still out of it.
Oh jeez.
Hey, I was thinking that maybe
we'll swing by
the hospital tomorrow,
and we can drop off some
supper, or maybe a couple of...
How long?
How long?
Right after Gavin.
I was in a bad head space.
A colleague of mine just
pressed the wrong button
and next thing I know
he's on the floor
and I'm out of the job.
You got fired?
Isn't that what
we're talking about?
I'm talking about the affair!
- What affair?
- I saw you.
You saw me what?
With her at Blackbird.
No, no, hun, that...
That was a job interview.
Terrence, don't lie to me.
I'm not lying to you.
I'll show you
the job application.
Beth, sweetheart, look at me.
I am not having an affair.
You promise?
On my life, okay.
I would never do that
to you again.
Are you kidding me?
That was the biggest mistake
of my life.
I mean, look, if you're...
You're unhappy.
When the baby comes, I know
it'll be just like last time.
What? No, Beth.
My love, having a baby did
not save our marriage, okay?
That was you and I,
we did that as a team.
Having Mila,
that was just the icing
on the cake,
that you and I built together.
Then why didn't you tell me?
After the whole Gavin fiasco,
I didn't want to add
to the stress.
Any prospects?
A couple.
But nothing really exciting.
Why don't you come work
for the company?
- Seriously?
- Yeah.
I mean, you could handle
all the business stuff.
That would give me the time
to do the job
I'm actually good at.
Wouldn't we get tired
of each other?
Oh, absolutely.
But as you said, we're a team.
So what you're like,
my boss now?
Um, absolutely.
Is there a problem with that?
No, no, no.
Actually think it's kind of hot.
But um,
you are still in trouble, sir.
You have to always tell me
the truth.
I promise.
I love you.
Hmm, love you, too.
I might be totally
the hell out of this,
but I wanna say they talked
about meeting her at some kind
of online mom's group.
Did they say the name?
I don't really, I...
It was something weird.
It didn't really make sense.
Was it Mommy Mine?
That's it.
Are you okay?
Yes, thank you.
I just... I just have to go.
I was afraid if you knew I had
a previous miscarriage,
you'd panic, and I just...
I didn't want to scare you.
I'm so sorry.
I know I should have been
up front with you, but...
I can't believe they're dead.
You don't think Puck
had anything to do with this,
do you?
Well, the police say
they don't suspect foul play.
I hope they're not wrong.
How's your blood pressure?
Ask me again in an hour.
Hey, I got food.
Oh, finally I'm famished.
Hey, hey!
What the hell is this?
It's cool.
We're in the clear.
What... what do you mean?
You didn't do this? Puck, you
don't need to worry about this.
Did you do this?
No, I didn't kill them.
I'm not lying!
Then who the hell did it then,
I did.
They knew too much,
it had to be done.
Why would you do that?
That wasn't even part
of the plan!
They didn't feel a thing.
You're a sociopath.
Well, welcome to the club,
Oh, daddy's mad.
Calm down, okay.
Hey, we have a new plan.
Look at me.
Hey, how does $600,000 sound?
What are you talking about?
Now he's listening.
In 48 hours,
Halo is going to unload a truck
with enough expensive art
to fill an oceanfront penthouse.
And when the sun goes down,
we're going to load it
all right back
into the same truck.
Along with everything else
And then we're out of here.
With a big-ass payday
in the back seat.
$600,000, huh?
Sounds nice, doesn't it?
There he is.
Nobody else dies.
Do you understand me?
Say it.
Nobody else dies, hm.
Nobody else dies.
Let's this put this over there.
Is anyone home?
Oh my goodness.
The articles might be...
Okay, okay, okay.
Okay, okay. I'm going here.
There's a lot of stuff.
But if we each take a truck,
we'll triple our odds.
Hey, girl.
I know,
I know this is a shocking turn
of events for you.
And I hope you know
it brings me zero pleasure.
I actually like you a lot.
More than any of the others,
which is weird,
'cause I normally
don't like anyone.
It's true.
She's really
not a people person.
You remember Carmen, right?
Not a midwife.
Although, I do think,
I'm starting to get
a bit of a knack for it.
So, here's the thing, B.
We are in a bit of a pickle.
Really going off-script
with this one.
And it is going to require
a little bit of acting from you.
So, I hope you're up
for the challenge.
This time tomorrow,
we'll be halfway
across the state
with well,
everything inside this place.
the McQueen's art collection
which won't be here
until the morning,
as you know,
that's our little dilemma.
So, until then, you'll be here.
First thing on the to-do list,
I'm going to need you
to call Terrence,
and let him know that,
you'll be sleeping
at the hospital tonight
with Desi.
Poor Desi.
Think you can handle that?
Oh, right.
Silly me.
Let's try that again, shall we?
He won't believe me.
For your sake, I hope he does.
Or the next phone call
will be to Mila,
informing her
of mommy's little secret.
Though, I guess the mommy part
isn't completely accurate now,
is it?
Thank you.
Hey, babe.
What are you guys up to?
Uh, just helping Mila
with her homework.
Um, I'm going to spend the night
at the hospital with Desi.
They think she may wake up
and I don't want her
to be alone.
Do you want us to bring you
a bag or something?
No, no, no.
I um,
I grabbed some things
this morning before I left.
Well, just keep me posted.
Love you.
Love you!
Love you, too.
Okay, well,
we've got some errands to run,
but Puck's gonna hang out
and make sure
everything stays copacetic.
Best behavior, okay?
Thank you.
Please, don't.
Just... just for a few minutes.
I promise, I won't scream.
Am I gonna die?
No. No one else is dying.
You're not so sure, are you?
They gave me their word.
Honesty isn't really
their strong suit though, is it?
Look, we... we have a system
in place, okay?
And that... the dying's
not a part of it.
Just like last time?
Yeah, well, last time didn't go
according to plan.
Is this going according to plan?
You're not a killer.
I can tell.
What part of
"No one is gonna die",
don't you understand, huh?
I want to believe you.
I do.
Listen, I have a little girl.
- I have a husband.
- Oh, don't do that.
- I have a...
- Stop doing that.
- Okay, please.
- Don't do what?
Trying to make yourself more
of a person.
Trying to connect to me,
like I'm some type of kidnapper.
This isn't what's going on here,
I'm not a killer.
God damn it!
I'm sorry, I'm sorry,
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
You know,
none of this would be happening
if you weren't so nice.
She knew if she laid
that victim crap on you,
you'd take her in.
Now what are you going to do?
You go... you go
and give her a job.
You give her all these
crazy-ass ideas.
I mean,
no wonder this is happening.
You know, none of the others
were like this.
We were just...
We just target a woman,
pocket a few thousand,
take some nice shit, bounce.
Nobody gets hurt.
Just emotionally devastated,
Now listen, it's not too late.
You can fix this.
Yeah, like my hands
are so clean, right?
Your hands might not be clean,
but at least they don't
have blood on 'em.
Not yet at least.
And you and I both know,
they're going to keep pushing,
and pushing.
And it is only a matter of time
before your hands are so dirty,
that they can't possibly
become clean.
Not another step.
Let her go.
Or I'll call the cops myself.
Why do you have to go say
a silly thing like that?
No! No! No!
No, no, no!
Sorry, Georgia.
Get her!
What was that?
It was probably Owen.
- Who the hell is Owen?
- The security guard.
Fine. Take care of it.
I got her.
She's mine.
- Switch me then.
- Why?
Because Johnny Rent-A-Cops
probably got a gun,
and yours just a mom.
And try not to get any blood
on the furniture.
I want top dollar
for everything in here.
I mean it!
I thought it was great.
Oh, your mom's gonna be su...
Where's mom?
I don't know.
Come on, let's go.
You know, I wasn't lying
when I said
I actually like you Bethany.
Turns out,
we're not so different,
you and I.
I was barely 18,
when they told me
that I'd never be able
to get pregnant.
First time, I pretended
it was at one of those
maternity shops
with the fake bumps
in the dressing rooms,
you know.
I just wanted to numb the shame.
Forget for a few minutes
that I couldn't do
what everyone else could.
How many moms are unhappy
with their one or two kids?
Always wanting more!
You think I'm greedy?
Look in the mirror!
Not all of us can afford
to buy a family
when things don't work out,
You have a perfectly healthy
little girl.
And it's still not enough
for you.
And the justifications!
The justifications are truly
works of delusion.
"It's for my husband.
He deserves a son.
She deserves a brother
to play with.
He deserves a sister."
Well, you know what I deserve?
A God damn break!
And that is where our little
rewrite comes in.
Maybe, I'll use the money
from selling everything
to start
my own staging business.
You can keep the boring husband,
and the cute kid.
This mommy wants the career.
Stay here, lock the door.
Look at all
this beautiful furniture.
Your mom has very good taste.
I know you think
that I'm probably a bad person
and that's fair.
But I promise you, I'm not.
I'm a good person.
As long as you do
what I say, okay.
You do that,
and we'll get along fine, okay.
Well, nobody told me
it was take your kid
to work day.
- Mila.
- Mommy!
Oh, nice try.
What are you doing?
Upping the stakes, duh.
Puck, give me...
Oh, Puck.
Puck, baby.
I hope you're alright.
Okay, Bethany.
Here's how this is gonna go.
You're gonna give me the cash
in the safe
and we're gonna call it a day.
You'll never see
or hear from me again.
- Baby, come on, come on, yes.
- Mommy!
- Come here, baby, it's okay.
- Beth!
It's okay.
We're okay, we're okay.
Mila! Mila!
Baby, yes, we're in here!
- Dad!
- Oh, thank God.
- Oh my goodness.
- Oh, thank God.
Oh my God.
Are you okay?
Come on, come on.
We gotta go, we gotta go,
we gotta go.
Let's go.
I'm just saying
Mrs. Dr. Brad Redford
sounds extra right.
You are the only person I know
that can have
a near death experience
and turn it into a meet-cute.
Take notes, young one.
Um, absolutely not.
Oh, by the way, uh,
Mrs. Fielding's cat,
she just finished having
another litter,
in case you're interested, so.
I read an article once
that cats are a gateway to BDSM.
- No, no, no, no, no.
- No, no, no, no, no.
- Please ignore her.
- Okay, I'm kidding.
Not about the cat thing though.
you should look it up.
So, is that a yes?
You know, I'm good.
I have all the family
I need right here.
Did you really just say that
out loud?
Okay, it sounded a lot less
corny in my head.
But give me your mama a pass.
Is that Gavin's biological mom?
Yeah, sweety, it is.
Um, give me one second.
I'll be right back.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I hope this is okay, us talking.
Oh, of course.
I just don't really know
the rules
for this kind of thing.
Me neither.
Oh, hi.
- It's okay.
- Can I please play with Gavin?
- Uh...
- Please?
Oh, yes, of course.
I think he would love that.
I'm Cynthia, by the way.
- Oh, Bethany.
- It's so nice to meet you.
So nice to meet you, too.
Hi, Cynthia.
Nice to meet you.
Oh baby, I missed you so much!
Look at you.
Hey, buddy.
- Let's go play.
- Yeah, come on.
What? Whoa, whoa, hey!
Oh, okay.
Good, just adjusting.