The Hit (1984) Movie Script

Buzz off.
Willie. 6:30.
Stage fright, Willie?
Come on. Move it.
[Car Engine Starts]
Coming out.
[Man] Your last address was
77 A Eton Grove,
South Norwood?
Yes, sir.
And would it be true to say, Mr. Parker...
that for a good many years now
you have made your living...
solely as a hardened
professional criminal?
Yes, sir, I regret to say.
Afternoon of the 23rd of September, 1971.
Barclays Bank branch
in Beavers Road, East Dulwich.
- You participated in that raid, Mr. Parker?
- [Willie] Yes, sir.
[Man] And who were your confederates
on that occasion?
Hopwood, Riordan...
Fellows, Mr. Corrigan.
Who did what?
Uh - Oh. Uh...
I stayed with the car, and, uh...
Lenny, Jimmy and Jeff
went in the bank.
- [Man] And Corrigan?
- He got the money.
All of it?
- No.
- You shared it out, didn't you?
- But Corrigan got the liors share.
- Right.
'Cause he was the mastermind
behind the operation.
Yeah. See, Mr. Corrigan -
Yeah. Mastermind.
Morning of the 25th of October, 1972.
The Securicor van
in Peckham High Road.
A guard was wounded.
- You took part?
- Yes, sir.
And Riordan, Fellows and Mr. Corrigan.
- Not Hopwood.
- No, sir.
I think -
I think Lenny had flu that day.
- [Woman Coughs]
- Or cold feet.
Who fired at the guard?
Uh, that was Riordan.
Finally, Mr. Parker...
I will ask you this:
In agreeing to give your evidence...
have you been influenced
by any promises...
of immunity from prosecution...
or special treatment
at the hands of the police or of the court?
No, sir.
I'm here, and I'm saying this...
because I think I should.
I think it's right.
Very well, Parker. You may stand down.
Thank you, milord.
# We'll meet again #
# Don't know where
Don't know when #
# But I know we'll meet again
some sunny day #
# Keep smiling through #
# Just like you used to do #
# 'Cause I know we'll meet again #
# Some sunny day #
# We'll meet again #
# Don't know where
Don't know when #
# But I know we'll meet again
some sunny day #
[Crickets Chirping]
[Priest Praying In Spanish]
[Speaking Spanish]
[Chattering In Spanish]
- Oh. Qu tal?
- Hola. Qu tal?
[Speaking Spanish]
- Hola. Qu tal? Qu desea?
- Uh, caf solo.
- [Engine Stops]
- [Car Door Opens]
[Car Door Closes]
- [Chuckles]
- [Speaking Spanish]
- Muerto.
- [Spanish]
[Spanish Continues]
- Hola, Willie.
- Hey. Hola.
- Cmo ests?
- Bien. Seor Juan.
Qu hay?
- Muy elegante, eh?
- Ay. Muy elegante.
- Cmo se dice en espaol?
- Los negocios de vivir.
Mr. Parker!
Mr. Parker!
Mr. Parker!
[Chimes Jingling]
[Jingling Continues]
- [Straining]
- [Spanish]
#[Flamenco, Up-tempo]
#[Singers Shouting]
[Bird Squawking]
[Chattering In Spanish]
- [Man Chuckles]
- [Chattering Continues]
[Engine Starts]
[Chattering In Spanish]
[Chattering In Spanish]
- [Grunts]
- [Willie Groans]
[Tapping On Window]
- [Laughing]
- Dinero!
[Chattering In Spanish]
[Horn Honks]
Come on.
Can I open the window?
- Enough.
- Ta.
[Horn Honks]
- [Tires Squealing]
- [Horn Honking]
Sorry, Mr. Braddock.
Mr. Braddock.
# [Willie Humming: "We'll Meet Again"]
# But I know we'll meet a... #
# Some sunny day #
- What you grinning at, asshole?
- Sorry.
Got nothing to smile about, mate,
if you knew.
If I knew?
He thinks I don't know.
If I knew.
Where's Mr. Corrigan? London?
Have you fellas got a boat
stashed away somewhere?
No. Can't see it.
And we're traveling north.
No. I'd say a quick run up through France
and then over the drink.
That's your only problem, seems to me...
getting me over the water.
Yeah, well, Corrigan ain't in London.
He's in Paris.
- Myron.
- Sorry, Mr. Braddock.
That's an unusual name. Myron.
Well, Paris.
cross the frontier at -
Somewhere quiet, eh?
Up through France, should get
to Paris, 5:00, 6:00 in the morning.
Quick word with Mr. Corrigan
and then...
lights out, Willie.
The executioner...
and his assistant.
Yeah, well, if you know,
it ain't funny, is it?
Isn't it?
- I'll tell you something I read once, Myron.
- [Braddock] You.
Uh, Parker, Mr. Braddock.
Willie Parker.
Shut your mouth.
Get some practice in, eh?
[Man On Car Radio Speaking Spanish]
[Man On Radio]
El residente ingls William Parker -
- [Continues In Spanish]
- Hey. Fame.
[Continues In Spanish]
- Juan Velsquez...
- Ah. Poor old Juan.
Seems those fellas who picked me up
swiped him on the way out.
I thought we hit something -
- Swiped who?
- Juan. Juan velsquez. He's a cop.
[Man On Radio] En un Dodge color marrn,
con licencia nmero 33-00-21.
Ah. Got the car number.
[Spanish Continues]
They expect to make arrests at any moment,
and there's a reward for information.
- Turn it off. What cop?
- Nobody said nothing to us about no filth.
A new addition, when they heard
Mr. Corrigan was getting out.
- Spanish cop?
- Favor from the Guardia Civil.
He's lying, Mr. Braddock.
- You fuck! You're lying!
- Why would I do that?
Of course he is.
He's shitting us. He's winding us up.
- Turn off the road, next exit.
- Mr. Braddock -
Do it.
There's no bloody exits.
[Police Radio Chatter]
[Police Radio Chatter]
[No Audible Dialogue]
[No Audible Dialogue]
We got no problem, Mr. Braddock.
It's only those Spanish geezers
could finger us, and we took care of them.
Didrt we?
Let's do him here.
It's as good a place as any.
Get the fuck out of this country.
We'll get another car.
Can't be too careful.
Shut up!
Risky, innit, boss?
- We'll go to Madrid.
- Madrid?
Fuck this! I've had enough.
I'll get back in the car then, eh?
- He's up to something.
- What did you do?
Yeah, I know.
He's up to something!
Is he?
Is he?
[Engine Starts]
- Where to, Mr. Braddock?
- Left.
Oh. It's ages since I've been to Madrid.
[Man On TV] And again with Ditchburg.
Once again, Madden wins it.
And again...
No, it's kept in play this time. Kerry.
Attempted smother by Shodum.
Beauty. Ripper.
- [Chuckles]
- [Announcer]... into the goal square.
- Volls will get there first.
- [Door Opens]
Good chipper by Bradbury.
- Hello, sweetheart?
- [Announcer] Trying to find Watson
or Heard.
They're both there.
Took McConkel out of business.
It's three on one out there
and picked up by Weston.
Kicked towards center field.
Oh, fuck.
[TVAnnouncer Continues, Indistinct]
Oh! What a steal from Ryan!
[Announcer Continues, Indistinct]
I know you, don't I?
It's Mr. Mitchell, isn't it?
- No.
- Sure it is.
Tony Mitchell.
Mitch. You remember me, Mitch?
- You remember me. Harry.
- What you doing here?
Well, uh, sort of borrowing the place.
It's all right though, Mitch.
Uh, Bruno knows.
Oh. Well, no, he don't, actually. Um -
He gave me, uh, the keys
a couple of years ago...
and, uh, I had to leave
where I was in a hurry.
And I thought
that Bruno wouldn't mind -
- I wasrt expecting to find anybody here.
- Yeah, well, why should youse?
- Yeah. That's why the gun.
- Yeah, I can see that.
I mean, it's a social call, isn't it?
I mean, uh, you drop in on a friend,
and you know the flat should be empty...
and, uh, you find
this bugger installed here.
Well, naturally you're gonna, uh -
Well, I mean, if you're -
if you're carrying one.
Means nothing, eh?
That's clear.
[TVAnnouncer Continues, Indistinct]
Australian Rules.
I get 'em sent over every week.
Uh, my name's Harry.
I know Mitch.
Um, I don't know you
though, mate, do I?
- No.
- Oh. I don't know you either.
But, uh, what's in a name?
Three friends of, uh, Bruno's -
All friends of Bruno's.
Good old Bruno.
How's it been, Mitch?
My name's Willie Parker.
You've probably
read about me in the paper.
You bastard.
[Harry] I didn't hear that, Mitch.
He's a joker, right?
He's a bloody clown. I swear to you, Mitch.
I never heard his name.
- Willie Parker.
- [Harry] Shut up.
- Shut up! What are you trying to do to me?
- Not trying to do anything to you, Harry.
I don't know you're on a job.
I don't know nothir.
[Chuckles Nervously]
I haven't read the paper.
I'll burn the fuckir paper.
[Lock Turns]
- [Gun Cocks]
- [Gasps]
No, look. Don't.
Maggie, I want you
to meet some friends.
Amigos, okay?
Son buenos amigos.
Mi estimado amigo
Mr. Mitchell...
and, uh, these are some other friends.
- Hola.
- [Phone Rings]
Wort be for us.
I don't take calls here.
Look. Why don't we, uh -
Why don't we have a beer, eh?
Nice, cold beer all around.
- Talk this thing out.
- [Ringing Continues]
- I could do with a beer, Mr. Braddock.
- Great.
That's what we need.
And we can sort it all out.
- Nothing for him.
- Oh, let bygones be bygones.
A beer, a chat.
Maggie, tres cervezas. Pronto. Okay?
Sit, sit. Get comfy.
She's called Maggie?
Magdalena Mara victoria Morales.
Beautiful, isn't it? But a mouthful.
I call her Maggie.
She's been with me for a year.
Best year I ever had.
How old would you say she was?
I don't give a toss how old she is.
How about 16?
How about 15?
[Chuckles Nervously]
Not bad for an old fart, is it?
I suppose you're wondering
what she sees in me. Well...
money obviously, but it's more than that.
It's a real bond.
She was in bad shape when I met her.
Beautiful little kid
running wild in the streets.
Comes from an excellent family.
So she tells me.
Brother's a priest. All that.
But, you know, death, disaster...
unfortunate investments.
One minute she's a little princess
up in the hill...
next she's down there working the bars,
doing the best she can.
This is Spain.
- Why don't you shut up?
- I can't!
[Footsteps Approaching]
Did you know
I'd moved to Madrid, Mitch?
Mitch and me are old mates from Rome.
He helped some associates of mine
with a problem they were having.
You know how it is. A few greedy buggers
messing it up for everybody else.
Well, old Mitch come in one weekend...
sorted it out.
- Gracias.
- Oi.
De nada.
I'll just leave it here.
Whenever you're ready, Mitch.
Car keys?
Uh, the garage has got 'em, Mitch.
Uh, I've been using the car a little bit.
I thought Bruno would be glad to have
the motor turned over once in a while.
If you want the car,
have to phone down for it.
- Tell them to bring it round.
- Right. Sure.
[Harry Speaking Spanish]
Bringing it straight round, Mitch.
It's a white Mercedes.
I know what it is.
Carburetor's a bit dicey.
I was gonna have it serviced, but I didn't.
You leaving straightaway?
Oh, that's too bad.
Madrid's a fabulous city, and the...
Go on.
I don't deserve this, Mitch.
Do you like...
the girl?
- Maggie?
- Mmm.
Yeah. Yeah, I do.
I mean, she's got a hell of a temper
sometimes, but we get along.
I think I finally struck it lucky.
Gonna have to take her, Harry.
Best I can do for you.
Well, it'll shut me up.
That's for sure.
Not that I'd, you know -
I appreciate it, Mitch.
How long will you keep her?
She'll be all right.
She's a good kid.
I guess I was just in the wrong place,
wrong time.
Get the girl.
We're taking her with us.
- Eh?
- Is that gonna work, Mr. Braddock?
Get the girl!
You, the bags.
[Maggie Groaning]
Harry. Harry!
[Speaking Spanish]
- Harry!
- You.
Tell this whore
that we're just about to go out...
and if she doesn't behave herself,
then I'm gonna get very angry.
I don't think I need to tell her.
[Maggie Sobbing]
[Door Closes]
[Muffled Groan]
- [Muffled Whimper]
- That's enough.
I'm sure true love will see us through.
Even with a reward.
- Wait.
- [Myron] Mr. Braddock.
I didn't talk to 'em, Mitch.
Didrt have time.
Fair old reward though, isn't it?
Have to be careful.
Want a drink?
Shall we watch the game?
[Man Announcing Game, Indistinct]
That's my team, Mitch.
They're losing.
[Lighter Clicks]
[Announcer] Two points for Edwards
at the seven-and-a-half minute mark...
of the second, uh, quarter
of the elimination final for 1983...
and, uh, the Blues
still bouncing back.
[Announcer Continues, Indistinct]
[Car Door Opens]
Everything all right, Mr. Braddock?
[Engine Starts]
Aw, look.
She's terrified.
Don't worry.
You're - You're in safe hands.
She doesn't understand
a word I'm saying.
- [Willie] Do you want me to translate?
- No.
She's a pretty little thing, isn't she?
She's wasted on that Aussie.
Now you'd have thought
he'd taught her a bit of English.
- Do you speak any English?
- Qu?
English. Do you speak any English?
Oh. Yes. English.
Fair dinkum.
Jesus. I'm horny.
[Willie Chuckles]
Well, it's comir along.
I think she's taken a fancy to me.
#[Flamenco, Up-tempo]
Wait here.
#[Singers Shouting]
Out. Come on. Out.
Qu pasa?
#[Man Singing In Spanish]
- [Braddock Grunts]
- [Spanish]
- Oh!
- [Myron] What are you doing?
What does it look like I'm doing?
We can't take her with us,
and we can't let her go.
- [Sobbing]
- Oye!
- Por qu?
- Mira. Margarita.
As es la vida.
Por qu?
[Myron] But what about Harry?
He'll talk as soon as he finds out.
- Harry's dead.
- [Willie Speaking Spanish]
- What?
- So we don't need her.
You. Get away from her.
No. No!
[Sobbing Softly]
Take 'em both to the car.
[Car Door Closes]
He should have killed them both
together in the flat.
I don't know.
It's supposed to be quick, clean work.
Look at him now.
Australians, women.
It's not his fault.
It's an accident.
Yeah, but he's not meant
to have accidents.
Perhaps he's slipping.
- Yeah, well, I ain't slipping.
- Well, I'm counting on that, son.
Get inside.
You all right, Mr. Braddock?
The grass was trying to wind me up.
I told him.
Shut him up.
We'll take care of her later, eh?
When it's dark.
You sure we gotta take care of her?
I mean, we can't just find
somewhere quiet, let her go?
- I ain't goir soft or nothing.
- She's seen me.
It's gonna be all right,
innit, Mr. Braddock?
I don't understand what she's saying.
She wants to stop,
do some shopping.
- What?
- She needs to get some new clothes.
What for?
She had a bit of
an accident back there.
How about it, Mr. Braddock?
It can't be very comfortable.
Well, I don't want to sit next to it.
I think we should stop.
- Yee-hoo!
- [Man Speaking Spanish]
[Man #2 Speaking Spanish]
[Men Chattering In Spanish]
- Size 10, mate.
- Oh.
Hope they fit.
It's the best I could find.
These are fine.
Think we should find
a rubbish dump or something.
[Willie Laughs]
That could have been a mistake,
Mr. Braddock.
Could have been a clue or something.
[Willie Chuckles]
[Men Chattering In Spanish]
Buenos das, inspector.
I don't know what's wrong with it.
I know I said I knew about cars,
but I don't really.
- Well, not a lot.
- Shall I give it a try?
- You know about cars then?
- Well, I was a driver, wasrt I?
- Shut up.
- Give it a try.
[Engine Cranking]
And again.
[Engine Cranking]
Okay. Give us a tick.
[Inales Deeply, Exhales]
Couple of minutes, Mr. Braddock.
So far, so good, hey?
Right, Myron.
[Engine Starts]
Nice one, fearless.
It'd kill him to thank me, wouldn't it?
No lip, you.
I don't half fancy a beer, Mr. Braddock.
All right, beers all around then.
[Men Chattering In Spanish]
[Tv: Man Announcing,
Crowd Cheering]
[Chattering Continues]
You all right?
Four beers, please, mate.
- Cmo?
- Four beers.
- Four. Four beers.
- Cerveza?
That's it. Four.
- Cuatro cervezas.
- Yeah.
All right.
- [All Laughing]
- [Mimicking] All right.
Mister. Mister!
Cuatro cervezas.
[Announcer Continues]
[Man Groans]
[Men Groaning, Shouting]
- Yahoo!
- [Men Shouting]
[Bartender Shouting]
Oh, Christ!
That felt good.
This country goes on and on forever,
don't it?
There's another one.
How comes they got
so many castles then, hey?
It's the route of the invaders.
They came through these mountains...
Romans, Gauls, Napolon.
The Pass of Roncesvalles.
- What?
- They fought the Saracens here.
- [Myron] Who did?
- Roland and Oliver.
Knights of old, Myron.
Great warriors, great chiefs.
Great friends.
They fought together,
and they died together...
at Roncesvalles.
Why'd you do it, Willie?
Why'd you grass?
Oh, I couldn't go back to nick.
Then they came up with this deal.
Was this a deal?
This wasrt no ticket to Canada
and good-bye.
This was a lifetime.
Nobody ever got a deal like that.
I was sorry I did it though -
for the fellas.
This ain't no better
than the nick, is it?
This is nothing.
[Speaking Spanish]
[Engine Stops]
The boss seems to be holding up
all right, don't you think?
A moody sod. That's for sure.
Well, 700 miles to go to Paris,
frontier to cross.
Can't say I blame him really.
I wonder if he's up to it.
I think so.
I think he is.
- All right. I want to know!
- Know what?
You've had something going
from the start.
You've got a plan.
I want to know now, or I swear -
- I haven't got any plan.
- What you so happy about?
- What's going on?
- Nothing's going on.
- You silly sod! You're gonna die!
- So are you, sooner or later.
You're gonna die fuckir soon, mate.
I'll tell you
something I read once, Myron.
Apparently what happens to you
after death...
is not all that much different
from what happens to you before death...
physically speaking.
All part of the same process.
You know?
So if it's all the same, really,
what's there to worry about?
You're barmy.
Don't worry about me, Myron.
Worry about you.
Are you really up to this?
- I ain't worried about me.
- Good.
Then worry about your boss.
Is this job gettir him down?
Is he makir the right decisions?
Are you gonna have to take over
at some time or another?
Think about it.
We don't want anything going wrong.
You got bird shit in your hair.
Well, well.
You're no 15-year-old.
What are you?
You think my little friend Myrors
gonna save you?
- [Braddock] Hmm?
- [Grunts]
You bitch.
Mr. Braddock? Do you think we could
stop for something to eat soon?
I ain't had nothir all day,
and I'm really hungry.
Expect I'm not the only one.
Her too. She's probably hungry and all.
She's already eaten.
I'm gonna stop soon.
We'll stay off the road till after dark.
Sort of a lot of hangir about, innit?
Yeah. I had hoped
to cross the frontier this evening.
Bit safer. They like to stay
in their huts when it's dark.
Had to make a few diversions.
You would have your fun and games, Myron.
[Nut Cracks]
- You're not eating, Mr. Braddock.
- I'm going to get some petrol.
We've got enough petrol
to get to France, haven't we?
I want to get well inside France.
- I'll take her along.
- What for?
So's I can watch her.
And you can watch him.
Why don't you take him along?
I'll watch her.
Because, Myron, I think she might
distract you from your job.
- Come on.
- [Maggie Whimpers]
Mr. Braddock, I've been thinking.
I don't think anything should happen to her.
Now's as good a time as any, Myron.
It's not fair.
It's not fair?
No, Mr. Braddock, it isn't.
I mean, him - he's a fucking grass.
He put his mates inside.
But her - she ain't done nothing.
[Gun Cocks]
You're just not thinking right.
The job's got you down.
I mean, I'm game for anything,
but, Christ, there's a limit.
You're just not thinking right.
Make you feel safer,
won't it, Myron?
Put her in the car, Myron.
Well, go on then!
- [Engine Starts]
- Now, Mr. Braddock. Here you are.
Spanish for "Fill the tank."
Lleno, por favor.
I'm sorry, Mr. Braddock.
Well, eat your food then!
# [Whistling]
He'll kill you if you hurt me.
Who, Myron?
What an idea.
# [Whistling]
# [Whistling: "We'll Meet Again"]
- Where you going?
- Look at the water.
# [Willie Whistling]
Hey. Let's have a look
at your cosh.
Feel this.
- Razor blades.
- [Chuckles]
What for?
- I still got a gun, you know.
- Guns.
- Leather?
- Yeah.
- What's it filled with?
- Sand.
That's enough.
Had it since I was at school,
for years.
Made it in handicrafts.
Never lets me down.
Nice place.
I tell you what.
I think you're crazy,
but I admire your attitude.
I don't know, this whole thing... it's not
turning out like I thought it would, not at all.
It's my first time, you know.
It's like a test, Mr. Braddock said.
If I do well on this one,
he'll take me along on his other jobs.
And if you don't?
- Don't what?
- Do well.
At least I got a grand for this one,
ain't I?
[Myron] I want you to know,
when you get the chop -
When it happens, I'm not going
to be enjoying meself.
That's a comfort.
- I wouldn't worry.
- I ain't worried.
I mean, he needs you to drive
and to watch me.
So you're safe till Paris at least.
Well, we're both safe till Paris.
You did take a bit of a risk though.
Do you think she's won'th it?
I mean, we don't want
anything going wrong, and...
she is in the way.
You're no different from him, are you?
I don't see how you reckon that.
She's got nothir to fear from me.
I think I'll have a lie-down.
# Keep smiling through #
# Just like you used to do #
- Socorro! Aydame!
- You bi -
Socorro! Aydame!
Corre! El telfono!
[Gun Cocks]
- [Shouts]
- [Braddock Groaning]
[Maggie Gasping, Groaning]
No! No!
- [Maggie Gasping]
- [Braddock Groans]
[Maggie Groans]
Diablo! Hijo de puta! Basura!
Dios mo!
Let me go. Please!
Let me go.
Where is he? Huh?
Jesus. I don't know.
Watch her.
[Waterfall Roaring]
We're moving out.
Climb down.
[Police Radio Chatter]
[Speaking Spanish]
[Speaking Spanish]
What's she sayir?
She's saying, if we both jump the boss
together, one of us might live.
- [Myron] I've got a gun here.
- Then use it on him.
He's my partner.
- Estpido!
- You're crazy.
Look, calm down.
Let's be sensible.
I'm gonna have a word with him
about you anyway.
He'll see reason.
I know he will.
Willie, I don't know about you,
as it's a job.
I tell you what.
I got a feelir about situations.
And I don't think anything's
gonna happen, not really.
I just don't believe it.
Will you help me?
Why didn't you make a run for it
when you had the chance?
What for?
You'd have found me again.
Would've got the boy into trouble.
I'm not scared.
- You've gotta be.
- Why?
'Cause everyone else is?
'Cause you are?
You don't know -
- Death -
- Is just a stage in the journey.
We're all gonna get there.
No exceptions.
Me and you and -
It's just a moment.
We're here.
Then we're not here.
We're somewhere else...
And it's as natural as breathing.
Why should we be scared?
I was scared, at first.
I was dead scared.
I knew Corrigan
would come after me one day...
or send someone.
I've had 10 years
to get ready for this.
I thought, and I read.
Must've read a whole library of things.
Amazing things.
In the end, the only thing
that really worried me...
was that he'd send
some rubbish after me.
And I thought,
if I got somebody good...
somebody who could
do the job proper...
then I could do my bit.
Did you ever, um -
Did you ever call yourself, uh,
something like Walsh, uh, Wallace...
something like that?
- Wallace maybe.
- [Chuckles] Yeah.
Thought so.
I met you once in the old days.
Well, we was
in the same room together.
Yeah. I remembered you.
You didn't remember me though.
What's your real name?
Nothing I can do about this.
You know that.
I read this in a magazine
when John Lennon died.
"Death, be not proud...
"though some have called thee
mighty and dreadful...
"for thou art not so;
"for those whom thou think'st
thou dost overthrow...
"die not, poor Death...
nor yet canst thou kill me."
You gonna kill the girl?
I don't think she's ready.
Ten miles to the border, Mr. Braddock.
We'll pull over soon.
[Bells Tinkling In Wind]
I've locked him in.
He's still sleeping.
He's a brave man, ain't he?
Seems so.
We'll do him here.
How about her?
I'll do 'em both.
Thanks, Mr. Braddock.
I don't think I could've done it really.
It's my first time, innit?
Wort be needir a gun then, will you?
Don't suppose you could help me
get them out of the car?
Oh. Sure.
Do I still get my thousand?
- Well, come on then.
- [Whimpers]
It's all right, love.
It's all right.
Valor. Ten mucho valor.
I wish I could have made her understand.
And you too, Willie.
Ah. "Willie." Thanks.
- Huh?
- I said you too.
What is it?
I'm gonna do it now, Willie.
I'm gonna do it now.
Not me.
- Now?
- Right.
No, it's tomorrow.
You're doing it tomorrow.
It's tomorrow, Willie.
You've gotta take me to Corrigan.
You've gotta get me to Paris.
I'm gonna do it now.
That's not the job.
The job ends in Paris.
- You're not doing the job.
- Come on, Willie.
- No.
- [Gun Cocks]
You can't.
You've gotta get me to Paris.
Not till Paris.
You can't.
Not now.
[Breath Quavers]
Oh, God.
- Myron.
- [Laughing]
Stop him.
Oh, God. Please!
Willie. You mouth.
You can't. Not now!
Where you going?
I don't want to see -
What's this?
- [Shouts]
- [Grunts]
- Enough.
- [Spits]
Enough. Enough!
[Maggie Groans]
Oh. Oh, aye.
You're a very lucky girl.
Very lucky girl.
[Helicopter Whirring]
[Men Speaking Spanish]
[Policemen Chattering In Spanish]
Es l.
- Ests segura?
- S.
Capitn. D las rdenes.
- [Man On Bullhorn]
Mr. Braddock! Stand just where you are!
- [Sirens Wailing]
[Sirens Continue]
The exit!
Exit? Exit!
- [Speaking Spanish]
- Ex -
No desparen! AIto!
You are Charles Kinnear,
born in Dublin?
Just nod if that is true.
You are Raymond John Baker,
born in Newcastle?
[Willie's Voice]
It's just a moment.
We're here.
Then we're not here.
We're somewhere else...
And it's as natural as breathing.
Why should we be scared?