The Hive (2008) Movie Script

They came from all over the hill.
- There were millions.
We ran for our lives.
- I am not going back.
They will attack us.
Now a call via satellite
with Dr. Dubois of Stanford.
It is an ant expert.
What is wrong?
These ants are
somehow disturbed.
Mining or excavations.
If their territory is attacked,
they can be aggressive.
They communicate with chemical
signals, pheromones...
from their antennae.
They look bad, but every smell
intruder in the colony immediately.
So these are smart guys?
- Yes, their chemical language is special.
If they go find food...
coordinates that language behavior
of one million individuals.
Their brain has the ability
of a small computer.
How much would we learn as we
they communicate without technology?
We understand a few
suicide terrorists will not work.
What they know that?
These are thousands of ants
who drown...
to the base of a bridge to be built.
Let your hair by chat?
This is the man that the situation
is addressing.
Thank you, Jo.
That was very interesting, Dr. Dubois.
But it is a fairy tale
that a swarm of ants fighting...
behaves as a kind of parade.
It's just a great ball instincts.
Dr. Horace Lennart,
Director of Thoracic, former...
Now the biggest killer
insects in the world.
You tell people stories.
If we communicate with them
without technology, they eat us.
If you do not believe me,
come look in Ban Tao.
With a spray?
- That you should always have with you.
Thank you, Dr. Lennart. We're out of air.
Have you had fun?
- Dr. Claire Dubois.
How long are you there?
- One day. Tomorrow we start.
How does it look?
- Rainforest, rubber trees...
and what victims.
I can 'world's best entomologist
Always use.
I not only in your team.
- It is a family. They love you.
Almost as bad as I now al
Maybe we can once
eating out.
Talk to you soon.
Come on, what ndo we go skeletons
let melt.
Come on, folks.
Give the signal...
- And let loose the dogs of war.
Forward, march.
Back to the front line, fast.
Back to the front line, now.
Okay, guys.
We should fix this.
Our whole industry is flat.
We can not allow tourists.
There are more
than we had estimated.
More than in 2001?
- More than in 2001.
That swarm our economy
for two years ruined.
The ants are different, they say.
- How? Aggressive?
Yes, more aggressive.
- They almost never kill many people.
There are now more deaths than
in all previous incidents together.
Yes, more aggressive.
But they also struggle with policy.
I will show you.
Usually they remain the approaching
flames rill until we fire.
But today they are continued, as if
they knew that the fire was coming.
You understand what I mean?
Our defense was good.
That plantation is plucked bald?
- Everything is gone.
We must reduce them
to that barren piece of land.
Cortez, you go through the center
with the army.
Bill and I take the right side.
We exclude them.
You've hired the right people.
We are sure, now.
I hate this deal.
Debs, you receive me?
- Good picture. Now your perspective.
Picture good perspective.
Cortez, your GPS does not work.
It helps if I start him. Sorry.
All systems loaded.
- We go against it.
If you and Cortez erection, weaken
we are the center from the air.
Each ant poison kills another.
- Domino effect.
All ready? Are there any questions?
Team Cortez, the first contact.
Lethal effect is true.
We withdraw to the north.
Cortez, Central here. Spraying it.
How does it look like, Debs?
- Good pictures, recording runs.
- Cortez still has his hands full.
I would be with him.
- Keep up the plan.
We can plan ahead.
One of our advantages.
How is your connection to the base?
The mine is worthless.
Is there an antenna in the area,
or something?
A new celtoren,
but that works yet.
Len, did you hear that?
He works yet.
What is that?
There is something strange in your
neighborhood. The telemetry from falls.
Len, have you heard something here?
You can find this strange?
- Why?
I do not know.
I find it all a bit...
too quiet.
I get the kriebels.
Len, come again.
What is this?
What is that?
All ants.
- Destruction?
Do not move. Debs, you get this?
The connection was cut.
- Look where it goes.
I'm sure in.
This is strange, say.
This is unbelievable, Lennie.
The cables cross each other,
but remain separate.
They carry no food.
It seems like a communication.
Just whether they build nests.
They do not like them swarming.
- I know.
Watch out.
O God, there are millions.
Lennie, help me.
Get that branch off me.
Stay calm, Bill.
Lennie, make it open.
Make it stop.
There is one inside.
They have not arrived.
They have not arrived.
Cortez, come here.
There is something about Bill.
- What then?
It is fine.
Help me to withdraw his suit.
What happens?
- Classical withdrawal patterns.
You can stop. Good work.
Is it okay?
- I do not know.
Have you seen
how that branch came down?
No, when everything was already out.
So you have not seen?
- What?
Make a statement for documentation.
I see you later.
What is that?
You should see this as.
Devastated fields,
which I have previously seen.
Yes, but now I lay there
a filter over it.
Is this real?
And this one.
This is just a mud flat
to the river.
You have to copies of them.
What do you think it means?
- No idea, but we need to know.
Attention, please.
Minister Zhing would like to address.
I am grateful to my speaking...
to Dr. Horace Lennart
and the team of Thorax.
For their help in fighting
of the scourge.
The cooperation between
our brave armed forces...
and the American science...
Our vast archipelago
made safer and more productive.
One day we will this threat
perhaps completely eradicate.
And perhaps explains Dr. Lennart
one day what his secret formula.
I lift the glass to Dr. Lennart
and his team.
What is this for a rottent?
How is it, buddy?
This chic to be heard. There are everywhere
ants. They fall into my glass.
I see no ants, Bill.
- But I see them.
I feel they also have my entire body.
That is just a belated sensory
reaction. Perfectly normal.
It is not normal,
what we today took place.
How she left us on that tree fall,
that was planned.
How is it? You have the
not so well done today.
No, sir. Look.
There is still one left.
You have a overlooked.
What a horrible sight.
Billy is totally in the war.
- Len dragged him through.
Yes, if anyone can.
But I am worried.
- Billy.
Or actually Dr. William Routledge, B. Sc,
He was professor Lens
at the university.
When he was heavy on the drink.
Len helped him off, gave him
this job, paid his gokschulden.
But that was five years ago.
If he has back problems,
Len they lost it.
Yes. They do everything together.
they are back.
Stop the music, please.
Attention, everybody.
All leaves have been withdrawn. All
log into their military unit.
Thoracic team, discussion with me.
What is it?
A new swarm.
- It can not.
Never twice a year.
- I am now.
And they have already reached the river.
This is not true. Three times as large
as the first swarm.
Can not.
- So many are not.
Can I use your phone?
We will all have to work again.
Claire, with Len. The SMS I
've driven, explains everything.
Come to the airport at Ban Tao.
Then I tell you more.
What are the times changed, Doctor.
We draw no more Europe.
- No, unfortunately.
That is sweet.
We were sweet.
I saw the piece in Forbes.
Multi-millionaire for 35rd.
- It is so bad.
Earnings am I in the company.
I live in a caravan.
I'm still socially
in the backpack stage.
A backpack full of millions.
Frightening picture.
And you, professor?
- Associate Professor.
After all your scholarly articles,
and your book?
That was great, though.
- Do you know it?
Absolutely. And yet
no permanent appointment.
Speculating on mass-intelligence
insect is quite daring.
Now we have something in common.
- Oh yeah? What then?
We are both academic pariahs.
I kill insects,
you think they are intelligent.
This is an exaggerated description.
Suppose that a guy you showed evidence
that your hypothesis is true.
You mean that text and picture?
- What can a guy expect?
A kiss? A thick, wet kiss?
- What are you talking about?
after the swarm at Ban Tao.
These are molecular structures.
His made by ants?
Since it seems to, yes.
There is need for intelligence.
- That claim you anyway?
Not that she chemistry
and understand physics.
I have seen other things.
- Like what?
Look at this.
It is a tentacle, so to speak.
Full consisting of ants.
He raised themselves from the swarm
as a cobra.
What bulging with top Ecitons
eyes and feelers to the rear.
I swear to you, they view me.
Studied me.
She had a tree crash
on my colleagues and me.
They had us in this way can culling.
But when she had our view...
let us go.
What a story.
What do you think?
That a simple insect colony
self has become.
You know what this is?
How do you get this?
- Is it true?
How do you get it?
A student of mine saw something
in local ants.
We tested specimens
from around the world.
Africa, the Amazon,
wherever they swarm forms.
Seventy percent had these metabolites
in their system.
So I traced the origin.
How long you spray that stuff yet?
- Eight years.
It is now in the global ecosystem.
I'm not crazy scientist
which destroys insects for fun.
My team and I are requested.
We save lives.
People are very grateful.
This must stop them provisionally.
Sanchez, keep this in mind
with Jacobson.
Cortez, you have the lead.
Where were you? This is hardly under
control. Did you amused?
Hold on, Bill. We have now
bigger problems.
I've never seen this kind of behavior.
So many ants are not in the world.
We should remember
what we do.
Glad you're here.
We have never seen.
There are 200 million.
- There are more solid.
That can. We have
since twenty man lost.
If they pass, what then?
What do you think?
This they did not at Stanford.
What is wrong with you anyway?
Just shut up and listen.
These are samples from the forefront.
These are different species.
In the beginning they were a swarm.
They worked together.
That may not.
A swarm consists of a kind.
The same nest. Outsiders
they will not tolerate.
They discern another pheromone,
and killing them. As these guys.
Once they were in the pot, no more
in the swarm, they were again hostile.
But when she sat in the swarm...
A swarm pheromone. A pheromone,
and they work together.
A common goal.
What is that?
- I let it show.
Listen, guys.
- This is the village Bounang.
There are fifty people,
we saw.
The ants have them
not reached. Not yet.
We must save those people immediately.
Can we get boats?
- Yes.
We must ensure that the ants
remain behind the shore.
Defensive positions
in the gorges.
May I take this?
I want to study them.
Past it a bit?
- It went well.
It is made for one man
so much longer.
Where is well... Oh, there it is.
You okay?
The tank is full.
We do this for the team, huh?
- Of course.
Why do you ask whether it is?
Test the arms agree.
- I just do not spray.
Seems to me you just do not fit.
- Do I not fit?
I have taught you this.
We do this.
You can let it swing.
But that's not long.
Watch your own business, big guy.
The eyes are on. The recorders running.
These are lifeboats. We bring you
in safety. Get in the car.
Get in the boats.
Back to the river, as fast as you can.
Test the weapon.
- I just do not spray.
Test the weapon. Test the weapon.
We have to go back.
Bill, how is the situation?
I'm an old plantation.
I see an opening.
I look up.
You've used your weapon, I see.
Yes, to save her.
I had no choice.
I do not do it again.
In the old factory
we can embed them.
Len said you had to stay there.
You do not hard.
Call him.
Later that road opening.
The communication does not work.
Cortez I send to you.
Stay there.
- Do what you want, I go out on.
What did you say? Bill, stay there.
Her name is Ying. She is an orphan.
She lived with her brother,
but that has disappeared in the woods.
I'm afraid, Len.
Cortez, come in please.
Cortez, sliding in to Bill's position.
You see something you've always admired.
And suddenly, in a clear moment,
you see the dangerous side.
The deadly side.
Then you grab the gun, not the chair.
That happened to me ten years ago.
Cortez, if you can hear me
in this rotding...
I am at twenty meters
of the plant. Come hither.
Good to see you.
Do not move, Billy.
Not look to the top.
There are ants to you.
Get out.
I have no belongings.
Debs, you have there. Now.
C.H.C.H. Bill, Debs, Cortez, anyone.
Hold on.
Here I was talking about.
What Bill and I have seen.
What do they do?
- It is an invitation.
My god, you know what this is?
A nest.
- No.
Yeah, right, but look at that structure out.
See each ant as a switch,
who can say yes or no.
As a binary code?
They use electrical signals,
not only chemical.
You mean this is a computer?
This is madness.
Maybe we should not go.
I believe we have little choice.
This way.
I believe we are.
What do they do?
These images we have seen.
Is this a language? They...
and us.
The front line.
DNA. That they tried to formulate.
They kill us. They kill each other.
Will Ban Tao.
- What did you say, Ying?
Will Ban Tao.
- Yes, that's Ban Tao.
She is right. They want this island.
We leave her behind.
- Reverse.
She is the hostage.
It is in order. We must
to convey the message.
We come back, Ying.
We come back.
What do we do now?
I do not know what that was,
Ying but should return.
How have they learned?
They have become confident.
- As soon?
Thus, the evolution not.
- Sporadic jumps...
There is something new to the hand.
Cruelty. Deceit.
This is not just created.
And a foreign substance
in their nervous system?
If it is, we know
whose fault it is.
Are they for us?
- I do not think so.
When I saw ants two routes to choose
I found them intelligent.
Never thought I would see ant-TV.
- There is also new for me.
Would it be true that they
this island find their refuge?
We take everything on, they mean.
Thus, Zhing to see it.
- He may not know.
I am still under contract.
- He blows the whole thing up.
I have no choice.
We need to tell.
They listen to us.
- Yes, us.
We will be doing this together.
Perhaps with Chang,
Ying for retrieval.
You okay? The catch?
I'm sorry.
- Indicates not.
Does this something you think?
It seems little to Venice.
Good to see you, Dr. Dubois.
- Good to see you, Dr. Lennart.
Is everything okay?
Here I am. Everything okay?
Everything okay?
- Yes, all right.
Stay there, I come out.
Everything is fine.
It is Cortez.
You got it.
Good to see you.
We thought you were dead.
- That was nearly so.
What happened?
This is another intelligent species.
No people, but Insectoid.
They are not tools,
they use specific sub-species.
Millions of individuals form a matrix,
Like a computer.
They showed that they not only
ideas can understand...
but that they also have three-dimensional
can display.
And the main one is, they want
communicate with us.
And they have a girl hostage?
Len, do you believe this real?
This is what we have seen.
And what does it mean? They require
Just another island.
And I tell you now,
that will never happen.
Thousands dead. As far as we know.
Villages destroyed. Plantations closed.
Cattle slain.
Country wasted. No more tourists.
And we have not stopped.
They have pulled out.
- Why?
You have convinced them.
- No, we kill them anymore.
No. We do not negotiate
with ants.
Dr. Lennart, which advises you to us?
I'll tell you what I recommend.
Throw a bomb on.
- Please.
We must Ying back.
Dr. Dubois and let me negotiate.
At the moment sounds a bomb
pretty good. Right?
How do you convince them
we want to stop fighting?
Can we give them a part
of the island indicate?
West of the river.
- Less than half.
That is the offer. Otherwise I throw
there is indeed a bomb.
Right? A bomb.
You have until tomorrow morning time.
It is exactly as you said.
Communicate with them without technology,
and they eat us.
I could not do anything.
He was a good guy. A friend.
It is not so much that they killed him.
That you Expects.
But the way.
Previously, it was instinctively kill.
This was something else.
It was a trap.
- You've done your best.
After each battle, they are smarter.
It is whether they learn from it.
They learn it.
But we can teach them things.
Riken smart that we learn a lesson.
That they should not fool us.
You're upset about Cortez.
We all.
Claire and I are working on a plan.
- We must Ying back.
I participate.
Is it okay?
Can I show you something?
- Yes.
I am trying to find out why
all these species so well together.
I can not. Will you help me?
- Yes, let me see.
I have taken this...
and this done.
- And what is it?
My notes are there.
Okay, then watch us.
I started with this.
And when was this.
Maybe I'm something on the track.
You do this there? I'm back.
Do not move, Billy.
It was the ants.
He had no chance.
Ants. Ants.
He had no chance.
All right, Bill?
Yes, it's fine.
I know that we are not good
together can.
But I wanted to say
how bad I feel, of Cortez.
It was horrific.
And if I can do something for you...
When I taught at Caltech,
I was good then?
Did you think of something I could?
Lech Zwierzinsky was.
Paul Vertov of the UN.
It seems as if never once someone says...
that you are performing well.
You have Len and I learned a lot.
- Take care of Len.
Take care of each other.
I have...
I would not...
Good night, Bill.
Where is he?
Sorry, I had to pick the suit.
- We do not take them.
- No.
We let the suits in the barn.
Are you serious?
That cave in without suit? You're crazy.
They eat you, like Cortez.
It is a gesture of good will.
- By ants?
Claire and I go this time alone.
Well, if you want. You're the boss.
Can I have a word?
You must let me do this.
Let me do this.
I have to do it. Cortez, man...
And who do you want as cover
if it goes wrong? Me or her?
But no violence. And no deal.
Let me guess. The computer.
Yes, we think so.
- Those bastards are smart.
You okay?
- Yes, fine.
It is in order.
It is in order.
Take that away.
- He does not.
Keep it from my neighborhood.
Four ants, a human being.
That is an offer.
We are negotiating.
We talk with them. Unbelievable, huh?
Billy, do not move. Not looking up.
Are we ready?
- Not yet.
We are still negotiating.
We gotta get outta here.
- Not now.
Oh, yes, Len. Now.
What are you doing?
- We need those bastards finish.
Take that child and disappearing.
Give the signal.
- A bomb on it.
Yes, a bomb.
- Sounds good, huh?
Wait a minute.
What they know about suicide terrorists?
I can not wait any longer.
Three minutes.
From now.
What is that?
- Pheromone of another queen.
Run. Run.
Here, here.
I'm going to get Bill.
Be careful.
Things are going well.
Give the signal.
Give the signal.
We'll pay you millions and millions.
And this is all we get?
Ants? Extraterrestrial beings?
Space Ships?
A giant ant?
Because no one can explain what
has happened is nothing happened here.
Do you understand me?
No alien.
No spaceship.
We will protect people
nothing to tell them.
It is so.
I love this place.