The Holding (2011) Movie Script

(Rustling, light thud)
(Branches snapping)
(Breathing heavily)
(Breathing heavily)
(Planks thudding)
(Man grunting)
(Girl) What are you doing?
(Sheep bleating)
(Stereo playing music)
(Turns stereo off)
You're not seeing anyone?
In town? A boy?
If I was, I wouldn't tell you.
- (Engine starts)
- Everyone has secrets.
It's how the world works, isn't it?
Come on.
(Moos, yelps)
- Won't be long now, lass.
- (Horn beeps)
Good girl.
Looks like weather.
Not till eight, I'd say, give or take.
History repeats itself.
Our Jack's birthday,
25 years ago today.
Born about eight.
Moment he screamed,
pissed it down.
How's our mother-to-be?
I reckon she'll drop that calf
next 24 hour.
I were going to Jack's for t'weekend,
but I could always...
No, we'll be fine.
I'll get the girls to help with the slurry.
(Motor whirring)
Are you ready?
- You're not trying!
- Shut up!
I'm 16, I'm not supposed to be helping pump
- gallons of shit out the ground.
- Hannah. Hannah.
Supposed to have a life!
- (Engine off)
- (Thunder rumbles)
I can wait on it.
Milk yields are down
and I'm being pressed on prices,
- next month should be...
- It's fine.
Guttering's blocked.
I can't get up there meself anymore.
See if I can get our Jack to come over
sometime next week.
Thank you.
For everything.
(Thunder rumbling)
Ten past eight. Be about right, eh?
Don't you ever put anything away?
Hear Karsten's buying your place.
I'm not selling. To anybody.
Put it on account.
If you like
- Karsten, was there something...
- Yes.
I've cash.
Give me the word and I'll pay you tomorrow.
You can't last another winter,
not with these prices.
This is my home.
Then I've an alternative proposition.
Karsten, I...
(Lighter clicks)
(Lighter clicks)
(Door slams)
(Wind whistling)
(Birds tweeting)
- Broken glass, broken lies.
- What?
That's what Coop says.
- Broken glass...
- I heard.
Amy, Coop's a lovely man,
but that's just an old wives' tale.
And don't dare tell him I said that.
(Cow groaning)
- (Cassie) Hannah. Hannah!
- (Cow wailing)
Hannah, did you get through to the vet?
- Hannah, the vet!
- Another hour.
Shit! The calf's too big
- we'll lose them both.
You can't let them die.
- Fetch the biggest knife you can.
- What are you gonna do?
- We'll have to cut it out.
- You can't kill it!
I can't afford to lose the mother. Go!
Hello, sweetness.
Where's your mum?
(Strained groaning)
This is not good.
This calf has to come out now.
Easy, girl, easy.
Dystocia Did you call a vet?
An hour. We're going to get the calf out.
- We could save the cow.
- Do you want to save both?
Get some boiled water,
twine and a sacking needle.
- (Mooing)
- Sh, sh, sh. It's all right, girl.
(Rapid grunting)
- Whisper in her ear.
- What?
You Know the Three Blind Mice?
Whisper that,
- (Shrieking)
- Hold her steady, best you can.
- (Hannah) I've got her.
- Go on.
(Whispers) Three blind mice
Three blind mice
See how they run
- See how they run
- (Cow quietens)
They all run after the farmer's wife
Who cut off their tails
with a carving knife
Did you ever see
such a thing in your life
As three blind mice
- Again.
- Three blind mice
See how they run
- OK.
- See how they run
They all run after the farmer's wife
- (Pained lowing)
- Who cut off their tails with a carving knife
Three blind mice
Three blind mice
- Here we go.
- See how they run
See how they run
- (Squelching, mooing)
- They all run after the farmer's wife
I've got it.
Who cut off their tails
with a carving knife
Did you ever see such a thing in your life?
(Man grunts, cow whimpers)
(Man) He's breathing.
(Man laughs)
(Lighter clicks)
(Door opens)
They both stand a fighting chance.
No small thanks to you...
(Cassie) So, Aden, right?
What brings you here?
(Aden) Dean. Thought I'd look him up.
(Cassie) He left.
- (Lighter clicks)
- (Aden) Is that so?
- Where do you know him from?
- The rigs.
You can't have seen him for almost...
ten years.
In another life.
why now?
I was passing.
He, erm...
He never mentioned you.
Is that dinner I smell in the oven?
- Oh, you must have, er...
- Places to go?
I'm in no hurry.
But if you rather I left, I understand.
No, of course.
It's the least we can do.
Mm. Mm.
This is good.
- So you run the place by yourself?
- Things are tight.
We can't afford to take on anyone else.
If I could, erm...
catch a night's sleep...
He saved the calf.
One night.
Thank you.
In the snap room.
It's not much, but...
(Aden) It's fine.
Shower and toilet next door.
Breakfast six-thirty.
(Amy) What about...
Yeah. It's a bit boring.
What about, like, Gabriel or something?
Gabriel's a good name.
It is. isn't Gabriel in the Bible?
- (Amy) I like Aden.
- You don't know him.
I think he's an angel.
Gemma takes her sister to see Take That.
And I get a God freak!
- Weirdo,
- (They laugh)
- (Dun mud)
- (Aden) Oh.
What's your business?
There's no honey here.
Not for you.
(Flies buzzing)
Token of his affection.
- Who is he?
- Karsten?
Owns the next holding.
He's harmless enough.
- As long as he thinks he's in with a chance.
- And is he?
What's it to you?
(Lighter clicks)
- What do you think you're doing?
- Helping.
You're welcome.
(Rattling continues)
- He have a name?
- Ivan.
Good blood.
His father sired half
the cattle in 50 miles.
Fetch a price, I'd say.
(Cassie) Enough to keep this place going
for a few months. If it ever came to it.
I thought you'd be gone.
A couple of weeks.
Food and lodgings.
You can work the hell out of me.
We'll be fine.
(Cattle mooing)
Is it Dean?
I just don't think it's a good idea.
A month.
No more.
The place needs work, and you know it.
I thought I'd find thee here.
He'd be 38.
Well, it's bound to play on thee mind some.
He was their father. I...
He were no such thing, Cassie Naylor.
Not in any true sense of the word.
A father protects.
Bless you, Coop.
(Lighter clicks)
You're a natural.
I know why you're here.
You think if you can get me to like you,
you can get in my mum's knickers.
Any chance of that, you think?
Liking or knickers?
How about neither?
(Hannah) So, what is it? Luke or Gabriel?
(Amy) Gabriel.
(Hannah) That's cool for a calf.
(Girls screaming)
- (Flies buzzing)
- My God.
(Cows lowing)
- You did this.
- Yeah? Prove it.
Life and death on the farm.
People like to forget it,
but that's how it is.
- Leave.
- You heard the lady.
Fuck you.
- (Choking)
- Put it down.
- Put it down. You're not gonna use it.
- Enough!
He leaves now. And I mean now.
That's not going to happen.
I'll close you down, Cassie.
(Wind whistling)
(Rain falling)
(Thunder rumbling)
(Sighs) Ease off.
It's just land.
(Cassie) Drains are blocked again.
(Aden) On the list.
You've no pictures of Dean.
You're different to him.
I don't know.
He didn't treat you right, did he?
It's late.
- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to mention him.
- It's OK.
I didn't mean to.
I s'll never let it happen again.
(Cock crowing)
You're not from around here.
Working here?
- (Door slams)
- Karsten killed my calf.
- He says not.
- And you'll take his word on it?
- Leave it 24 hours and let things...
- He had his shotgun!
Let things cool off.
Karsten's mostly talk, Cass.
Girls OK?
They're fine.
Any word on Dean?
- Dean's Cass's...
- I know.
I just thought I'd...
Dean and Jed used to have a drink
on Saturday night.
Chase the girls.
Always best everyone knows
where they stand, though, eh?
That's all.
- You've missed the bus.
- There's another one in 20 minutes.
Well, you'll be late. I'll drive you.
You don't have to talk to me.
(Cassie) Why are you being like this?
(Hannah) Like what?
(Cassie) Like all that matters
is what you think, what you want.
That's all anybody in this family
thinks about anymore.
(Hannah) Right.
I mean, we're not exactly
a family anyway, are we?
Just three people that live together.
What do you think you're doing?
Private road.
- It's our land. She's trespassing
- Oh, bullshit!
- Easy, Cass.
- He can't deny us access.
We've always used the road.
Needs work.
Yeah. If there were an accident,
we'd be liable.
- Jesus! You're not going to listen to that crap?
- She can walk.
Fuck you, Karsten.
- I've got a farm to run.
- Cass...
Yeah, let's see what the
law has to say, eh?
(Sighs) You'd best move the pick-up,
let her out.
I'm a reasonable man.
- (Jed) We'll have to look into the access rights.
- Oh.
Don't be a prick, Karsten.
(Engine starts)
(Footsteps going upstairs)
I'll talk to Karsten.
No. It's my farm, I'll handle it.
- isn't it about time you had someone...
- What?
To look after me?
Someone on your side, that's all.
(Vehicle approaching, dog barking)
(Barking continues, vehicle door slams)
- Get the fuck...
- Shut up.
What do you want?
To talk.
Like reasonable adults.
This is a precaution.
If it makes you feel uncomfortable...
You see, Cassie Naylor's
not selling her holding.
To you or to anyone else.
Not now.
Not ever.
But it's not about the land, is it?
Get out!
- You're not a listener.
- Don't be so...
(Panicked breathing)
- (Whimpers)
- Stop your fuckin' whinin'.
(Noah coughs)
More fun than rabbits.
Who are you?
(Dog barking)
(Distorted echoing voices)
(Faint screaming)
(Muffled banging)
(Banging on door)
Feel like killing something?
(Aden) Dean was lucky.
Having this.
Having you.
Hannah and Amy.
You sound jealous.
I never had much of a family
if the truth be told.
My dad left when I was just a kid.
Your mother?
Can't really remember her.
I'm sorry.
Oh, I did all right.
I'm not after pity.
I just want you to understand
I mean it when I say Dean was lucky.
I'd do anything to have what he had.
A man who let that go...
threw it away...
I'd say he deserves whatever comes his way.
(Music over earphones)
- It's good.
- Mm,
So what's with this guy Aden?
Oh, he's creepy.
- There's a party tonight at Dave's.
- I'm not staying.
- (Giggles)
- Oh, my God.
Not Frazer? You're staying at Frazer's?
That's cool.
I'll sort it out.
(They giggle)
. Night.
. Night.
Lights out in ten minutes.
(Door latch clicks)
Amy's in bed.
Let me see.
Who did this?
My dad had a queer sense of humour.
Karsten's a big softie
Some people have to be told.
That's all.
(Food sizzling)
(Running upstairs)
- Come on.
- (Hannah) Go away!
You stupid slag! You stupid, fucking slag!
(Blender whirs)
(Phone rings)
Hi, Cassie. It's Jed.
Is everything OK with Karsten?
Mm-hm. Aden spoke with him.
Calmed him down.
He'll be away for a few weeks.
So, are you all right?
Not local, then?
Or are you.
Found myself a nice girl, didn't I?
Now I've got two kids and one on the way.
I'm not going anywhere.
Not that I mind.
Air up here's...different.
I haven't got no history here.
Clean slate.
(Motor starts)
Yeah, breathe in that methane, girl.
Put hairs on your chest.
(They laugh)
Come on, girl. Whoop-whoop.
Come on, come on.
Come on.
Good girl.
Come on, Maggie, come on.
Come on.
(Cassie) Feed's up again.
I had a word with the delivery guy.
- Mick?
- Mm-hm.
Company he works for...
allows for a certain amount of wastage
Seems not all of it is wasted.
He could do us a deal.
Twenty per cent of
what we're paying now, cash.
- How many bags?
- Up to 50.
What's that for?
Been through t'mill but she's a good 'un.
Piece of shite.
Mind, you have to treat her right.
Where'd you get that?
From your drawer.
I didn't think you'd mind.
Keep it.
It's nothing to me.
I was young.
He was all I knew.
Thank you.
(Sighs) We can't make these.
Even part time, Cooper
is costing you, what?
Five hundred a month?
He's practically one of us.
(Aden) You're right. Forget it.
It's not my place.
(Coop) Good lad, Ivan. Good lad.
(Cassie) No. This is a business.
That's how my dad ran it. And his.
(Cassie) When we get ourselves sorted...
(Coop) Aye, no need for promises, lass.
. Right?
. Right.
(Coop) You know where
I'll be if you need me.
(Cassie) Yes.
Thank you, Coop.
So, same again next month?
- Where are you off to now?
- Karsten's.
- You do know he's away, don't you?
- Says otherwise here.
Well, try him if you like, it's your time,
Maybe I'll go and spend
some of these drinking vouchers.
We could all go into the village.
- Do something.
- Such as?
I'm meeting Gemma.
Come with us.
It would be nice.
(Sounds horn)
- (Beeping continues)
- Arsehole.
I did it.
(Mick) Half in there, Coop?
Aye. Go on.
Word has it Cassie Naylor let you go.
Whose word's that, then?
How many years is it
Naylor's had you working like a dog, uh?
And now she's taken on that Aden fella.
What do you know about him?
Why, what's it to thee?
That'll be just the pint, love.
Suit yourself.
Au right?
Why don't we grab a table?
All right.
Dropped by Karsten's after all.
Did you?
All over.
- Live like pigs.
- (Chuckles)
Not anymore.
I don't care who you are,
or why you did it...
but 500 buys you 24 hours.
Enough time to do what you like
with that slut and her girls.
She's no slut.
All right.
Will cash do you?
Not here. Out back.
- Try.
- (Aden) Here we go.
(Whispers) I am.
(Aden) They had to change the barrel.
It took forever.
I told you it'd be fun.
It was you, wasn't it?
Got her to let Cooper go.
What's it to you?
I live here.
Only because you have to.
- (Scoffs)
- Scared?
Of you?
- Maybe you should be.
- (Snorts)
- You're such a...
- Go on.
(Whispers) I'll tell her.
You run to your mummy.
I know why you're here.
Do you?
A freak like you could never have
a family of his own.
That's it.
I'll tell her everything.
Then we'll see what a big man you are.
Does that include the truth about Dean...
- ..and you?
- (Whimpers)
You're so fucked up.
You can't even begin to imagine.
But that's what they'd
think about you, isn't it?
Wouldn't say it.
Outwardly they'd be understanding.
Call you a victim.
But inside...
you know what they'd be thinking.
That you asked for it.
And from your own daddy.
That you're dirty.
- (Whimpers)
- You see...
I've spent a lot of time with them.
The "all I want to do is help you" brigade.
What they really want is
to feed off your pain.
Even your mum will be thinking that.
(Wind howling)
That you wanted it.
Especially her.
And you too.
I know it all, Hannah.
(She gasps)
Look. Where are you going?
- To Gemma's. Let go!
- I know why you're doing this.
You don't see anything.
You never did.
(Cassie) Listen.
You know what's so good
about your parents?
They're never here.
I'm being serious.
They're so fucking normal.
You know he tried to kiss me.
- Aden, she's a teenager.
- It's dark, she belongs here.
- Let her stay a couple of...
- Put Hannah on.
(Man) Who is this?
Andy. Cassie.
We had a bit of a row.
- A nasty word or two.
- She's not here.
- She said that...
- Hang on. Gemma!
She doesn't know.
Between you and me,
last time she was over here
she couldn't stop talking about Frazer
Frazer Goss? Thanks, An...
- Aden!
- Andy.
Aden. Cass no doubt has mentioned me.
You don't have the Gosses' address, do you?
Aden! Aden!
He's old enough to be your fucking dad.
- Jesus!
- What?
- He's here.
- (Doorbell)
(Doorbell, banging continues)
- Where's Hannah?
- I don't know.
Where's my daughter?
She's gone. And she's not your daughter,
you sick old fuck.
I bet you think you're in love.
Eh? You wee scumbag
Here's a tip for you.
Man to man,
Real love...
..hurts like hell.
- This is Hannah. Leave a message.
- Hannah. Call me.
(Vehicle approaches)
(Faint, echoing) Open up.
(Faint, echoing) Open the fucking door.
Open the fucking door!
What happened?
What have you done?
Where's Hannah?
What the fuck have you done to my daughter?
Listen to me.
Get up.
Leave it.
(He sighs)
I was out of order.
- I shouldn't have done what I done.
- No, you shouldn't.
Don't even think about coming back here.
Or anywhere near me or my girls.
Come on, Cass.
(Cassie) Are you OK?
Where are you?
I'm at Gemma's.
- He hurt Frazer.
- I'm so sorry
He's gone.
It's over
Come home, Hannah.
I'm here.
I'll come in the morning.
Are you OK?
I love you.
I better go.
(Disconnected tone)
(Door slams)
(Branch snaps)
Oh God.
God sent him.
God has nothing to do with this.
- Give me that.
- It's mine.
What happened to Daddy?
He left.
I told you.
(Door slams)
(Ringing tone)
(Phone ringing)
(Cassie) There's no body.
There's nothing.
Coop, he's alive.
Get some sleep.
I'm not going anywhere.
In t'morning, we'll go up the tor,
take a proper look.
I should have sold.
Moved away with the girls.
This is your home.
(Flies buzzing)
Won't fetch owt now.
Best call Jed Culligan.
I'm done with this.
This place.
Karsten can have it.
We can't move on.
Not while we're here.
It's not a place keeps people apart, Cass.
It's people.
It's what's hidden.
Not said.
(Thunder rumbling)
(Dog barking)
(Barking continues)
Wait here.
(Flies buzzing)
(Flies buzzing)
(Footsteps and creaking overhead)
Cass, what you doing?
(Engine stutters)
We need to talk.
(Cassie) Amy, get down now!
(Aden) Karsten left me with no choice.
You saw what he did to the calf.
- I couldn't risk him hurting you or the girls.
- (Amy screams)
Don't make me be like this!
(Dog barks)
Stop your sniffling
We love your mummy but she's done
some very bad things, you know that.
Get the first-aid kit.
I said, get the first-aid kit.
Amy, duck, best go up to your room, eh?
Your mum'll be fine. I'm phoning...
I'm gonna send t'police.
Let's see what they make of this.
(Aden) Don't do that.
Maybe you're right.
First things first, eh?
- (Groans)
- This has nothing to do with you.
Go to your room!
Where's Amy?
She's in her room.
She's fine.
You murdered Karsten.
- For you.
- Bullshit!
For our family.
Stop it!
Who the fuck are you?
Sit down.
What do you want with us?
Why are you here?
Like I said, I'm a friend of Dean's.
- Not from before.
- No.
I met him a few months back.
On the rigs.
He went back?
I don't think he felt too welcome here.
And he felt bad about what he'd done.
He needed to clear his head,
and the rigs was all he knew.
Apart from this place, of course.
We bunked together.
Not much else for a man to do out there
except talk.
And listen.
Dean was a talker
A lot on his mind,
weighing him down.
You could say I was his last Confessor,
We've something in common.
You want something in this life,
you take it for yourself.
You want to hold on to it, you do
whatever it takes, whatever it takes.
Do you understand?
Thing is,
after he got it all off his chest...
He was coming back?
He got so worked up,
he wasn't thinking straight.
He thought if he came back here and said
how sorry he was, it would all be all right
The thing is,
if a leopard gets a knock on the head
and thinks it's an antelope,
it's still a leopard, isn't it, Cass?
I'm not gonna lie to you.
I did it for myself.
It's true.
I never had anything.
He had everything.
And he pissed it away.
It's not right, is it?
I did it for you too.
For the girls.
You're ill.
- The things that your father did to you...
- What he did to me?
You should have seen what he did to my mum.
You'd never credit...
there'd be so much blood in a human being,
not till you've seen it all.
He cut her open with a broken vodka bottle.
And as they dragged him away,
all he kept on shouting
was how he loved her.
listen to me.
I can get you help.
It's the only way.
You can't get away with this.
With what you've done.
The bodies. They'll find them.
We've time enough.
For what?
To be together.
Be a family.
(Key turns in lock)
Hannah! Run!
(Aden) Hannah.
Don't make me hurt your mother.
Hannah, no!
You know I'll do it.
- (Hannah) Get your hands off her!
- Shut the fuck up!
(Key turns in lock)
He's going to kill us, isn't he?
We're going to die. For what you did.
- Whats she talking about?
- It's punishment. God sent him.
- He's God's avenging angel and he's...
- Stop it!
This is nothing to do with God.
- He sent Aden because of what you did.
- Amy!
He's just a man.
A bad man.
God doesn't hurt people.
"And the Lord sent pestilence upon Israel
"and there died of the people from
Dan to Beersheba, 70,000..."
Oh, you're so fucking weird!
Whats she talking about?
What did you do?
What did you do to Dad?
She buried him. Up on the tor.
- You saw?
- (Hannah) You killed him.
I am so sorry.
You killed Dad?
- I thought that...
- What?
Aden knows things.
Things only Dad knew.
He knew him.
Your dad wasn't dead.
He went back to the rigs.
I should have stopped him.
Your father.
I didn't realise until it was too late.
I should have stopped him.
You could have told me.
I thought...
I tried.
What did he do to you?
He hurt your sister.
Listen, we'll be OK.
I promise.
We'll be OK.
We just have to stick together.
- (Hannah sobs)
- OK?
- Yeah.
- (Cassie) Yeah.
Come here.
I love you both.
(Hannah sobs)
(Cassie) So much.
(Cutlery clinking)
What are you waiting on?
Crack a smile.
It's not often we get quality family time
How's everything at school? Huh?
How's wee Frazer?
How about something
from that Bible of yours?
"Whoever sheds man's blood by man
shall his blood be shed,
"for in the image of God..."
- Enough!
- (Gasps)
(Thunder rumbling)
(Panicked breathing)
(Whispers) Hannah.
Go to your room.
(Thunder continues)
(Wind howling)
Leave it.
(Belt clinking)
(Thunder rumbling)
(Aden grunts)
(Aden sighs)
(Whispers) Go, baby.
Take Hannah.
To the road.
Promise me.
Good girl.
(Door creeks)
(Stifled scream)
Amy, no, no.
(Amy screams)
Amy, hide!
- Hannah?
- Amy, come back. It's Jed.
- What's going on?
- Aden's gone...
- That's Coop's car.
- Get in.
Your mother's worried to death.
Hold up.
- They took it in their heads to run away.
- Hannah.
Get your sister, jump in my car.
Is there a problem?
Nothing we can't sort out, I'm sure.
If you don't mind.
(Jed) We found a body.
Feed truck driver, Mick,
- Word is you were seen with him.
- Is that right?
That's right.
- (Screaming)
- (Hannah) No!
(Hannah) Mum!
(Cassie) Hannah!
- He killed Jed.
- On the road. He slit his fucking throat.
There's nobody else. Just us.
Hannah, you stay here with Amy.
- Where are you going?
- You stay here.
I've never had this!
A home!
Just places I existed.
I only did this...
- (Muted squeal)
- Shh, shim
(Aden)..these things...
for you!
(Aden) For you!
- (Drops keys)
- Shit!
He's going in the house.
Amy, just stay here, OK?
Get off, you bastard! Oh!
I'll be a good husband.
A good father, I promise.
We can work this out.
I just need another chance, that's all.
(Hannah screams)
(Hannah) Get off!
- (Whirring)
- (Screams)
(Aden groans)
(Hannah screams)
(Aden groans)
(Cassie screams)
Amy. Run.
(Cassie) Go! Run, Amy. To the slurry pit.
(Electricity crackling)
(Cassie) You can do it, girls. Come on.
- (Grunting)
- Come on.
(Hannah) Come on, Amy, come on.
- (Straining)
- Quick.
- (Grunting)
- (Cassie) He's coming!
(Lighter clicks)
(Hannah) Amy, now!
(Aden coughs, splutters)