The Holiday Dating Guide (2022) Movie Script

Hi. My name is Abigale Seaver,
and I'm a dating coach
and author.
I'm a dating coach on my way
to being a published author.
This is my home, Tifton.
It's also home to
the best book publisher this
side of New York City...
C. McNeille Books,
which is more than just
a happy coincidence for me.
I've developed my own rules
for dating
that I share with my clients
and have now incorporated
into my hopefully
"Holiday Dating Guide"
to help people
fulfill their souls'
biggest desire.
They just have to get out
of their own way.
That and a little push from me
to guide them
in the right direction.
- Jim.
- Oh! Hi.
You got this!
No, no, I don't got this.
Remember our sessions.
All you got to do
is walk up to her and say hello.
71% of women in our age range
are just looking
for the right match.
Yeah, they're looking for
someone who can talk to them.
And I'm not that someone.
Chapter one.
- "You've got this.
- Yeah.
I've got this.
What I don't got is
what I'm going to say to her.
When in doubt, improvise.
Hi. Breakfast sandwich, please.
Bacon on the side.
That'll be $3.99.
Thank you.
- What are you doing?
- Trust me.
Now walk over there slowly
and get me a napkin.
Oh, my gosh!
I am so sorry!
Are you okay?
She is so cute.
What's her name?
- Ava.
- Ah.
I am so embarrassed.
Can I make it up to you
with a coffee?
Uh... Yeah!
Yes, that would be great.
- Great.
- Yeah.
You silly dog!
And that's how it's done.
Good morning.
Good morning.
'Sup, bro?
Hey, what's up?
You good?
Yes, I'm good. Yeah.
Let's go.
- You sure? Okay.
- Let's go.
After you.
Thank you.
Bro, did you know that some cats
are actually allergic to humans?
And apparently,
green eggs and ham
was actually created on a bet.
Thank you.
Fred, why do you know
all of these things?
And more important,
why do I need to know them?
Well, when you've been
a high school teacher
for well over a decade,
you learn a ton of random facts.
Plus, random facts are the best
way of meeting beautiful women.
That's how I got Lydia to fall
in love with me.
- Random facts, huh?
- Mm-hmm. Just saying.
Peppermint mocha latte, please.
- All right. And for you?
- Vanilla latte, please.
- All right. Perfect.
- Your turn?
- Yeah, I got it.
- Thank you. These?
Yeah, perfect.
How long did he give you
to decide?
- 12 days.
- 12 days?
Wait, wait, wait...
That's Christmas Eve.
Last business day of the year.
Are you still upset that he
killed the deal?
What deal?
Oh, do you mean the deal
that I spent six months
working on that would have
made us an international brand
and probably
tripled our profits?
That deal?
Yeah, I'll take that as a yes.
You're still upset
about the deal.
Listen, Dad is stubborn,
and Mom was...
You know, it is too early
to be talking about that.
Okay, well, look,
I'll change the subject.
Come with me to the bar tonight.
I thought you had plans with
Lydia tonight.
No, no. She has this mother-son
thing with Cole.
Please, don't leave me hanging.
All right, fine.
- Yes!
- I will come, but not for you.
It's for the other patrons.
All right, well,
you won't be sorry.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Oh, yeah.
Awfully chipper in the morning.
Ew. That smells horrible.
What is it?
Gwyneth Paltrow's $250
Holiday Ascension Smoothie.
- 250 bucks for a shake?!
- Ascending's expensive.
Also, I couldn't find
all the same ingredients,
so it's kind of a knock off,
but it promises to keep me
young and beautiful.
You're so extra.
Extra for being your roommate
for so long.
First of all, you would hate
living without me!
Secondly, after I finish
my meeting this afternoon,
you'll be looking at
C. McNeille Books'
latest published author,
and I'll probably be moving
into my own place.
And then how sad will you be.
Oh, so sad.
The meeting with
the book guy's today?!
- Yep. It's finally happening.
- Well, here's to you
getting a book deal, and me
staying young and beautiful.
You know,
this is why people get Botox.
I got to get going. Love you.
I know.
Are going to wish me luck
or what?
Being published
is only a lifelong dream.
No, you don't need luck.
You're the best dating coach.
And you're going to have
these publishers
eating out of the palm of
your hand.
I know!
I really want a doughnut.
You got this.
In fact, we have a new
coffee machine upstairs.
You obviously know
how to get to John's office.
You go down the hallway
up to the third floor.
But instead of hanging the left,
go right.
And there's a...
There's a new set up there.
Yeah. You'll really enjoy it.
Take care.
Okay, that sounds great.
We'll see you next week. Bye.
Hi, Abigale.
My name is Sarah.
Would you like
something to drink?
Oh, no, thank you.
By the way,
I loved your manuscript.
You know, little secret,
most materials
are usually read by
the assistants.
I, for one, am so grateful
I read yours.
I need all the help I can get
in the dating department.
I'm tired of spending
the holidays alone.
Are you nervous?
- Is it that obvious?
- Chapter one, right?
You've got this.
- Come on in.
- Jack will see you now.
- Thank you so much.
- Wait!
Good luck.
- Hi!
- Hi!
Abigale Seaver.
It's great to meet you.
I really appreciate you taking
the time to be with me, sir.
Especially so close
to the holidays.
Well, your e-mails were
incredibly persistent.
I'm grateful for the
opportunity, Mr. McNeille.
Oh, please, call me Jack. Here.
Have a seat.
Oh! Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Sometimes I can't
believe it myself.
Uh, you want to know the secret?
Yes, definitely.
Well, I married the smartest
woman in the world.
And she really loved
helping people.
She's beautiful.
Listen, if I'm being honest,
I didn't really understand
your manuscript.
Oh! I thought...
My assistant... she loved it.
And she has her finger on
the pulse of what's hip.
And I do know good writing
when I see it.
And I'm with you on
the importance of finding love,
Abigale, especially at this time
of year.
And... oh!
By the way,
you are welcome to come
to our Christmas Eve party.
We McNeille's go all out.
I'm in!
Wait, does that mean
you're going to publish my book?
Uh... no.
I-it's about the dating rules?
"Be a mystery,"
"don't be too independent,"
"never see someone
two days in a row"?
I mean, it's just so different
from how I met my wife.
How long have you been married?
Oh, we were married
45 incredible years.
I met Carolyn
and in high school, she...
She sat next to me
in chemistry class.
I guess I should have
known then, huh?
That's beautiful.
But times have changed.
People have changed.
Technology and social media
have flipped the game,
when it comes to dating.
Well, yeah, but love
hasn't changed.
I mean, for me, it's all about
an authentic connection.
And then love
just follows, it's simple.
Everybody arrives
at it differently.
I mean, sometimes
less really is more.
Jack, respectfully,
I've been using the advice
I share in this book
with my clients for years,
and I have a 90% success rate...
With rates increasing
during the holidays to 93%.
I really believe now is the time
to share this with the world,
and it has always been my dream
to have my work published
by your company.
Look, may I ask you
a personal question?
Are you in a relationship?
Well, no... but that's only
because my relationship
is with my work right now.
Okay, wait.
What if I can prove
my book works?
Uh, well,
I'm not sure what you mean.
What if I follow my own advice?
I'll use the book
and find myself a relationship.
What better way to lead
than by example?
Look, like I said,
you are a great writer,
and I would love to read
whatever you write next.
Think about it.
What better proof than
the author falling in love
with a guy using the advice
she shares in her book?
It's actually perfect!
H-how would I even know
if you actually succeeded?
I'll bring him to the
C. McNeille Christmas party.
Uh, you... you do know
Christmas Eve is 12 days away.
Plenty of time.
12 days to meet and make
a perfect stranger
fall in love with you?
Totally doable.
And if I succeed,
you'll publish my book?
Oh, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa.
Well, my wife always used to
say, "You might be right."
Solved any difficulties
we were having.
And... I can't believe
I'm agreeing to this, but...
But, um...
You might be right.
And if you succeed...
I will publish your book.
Thank you!
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Well, that was interesting.
I am horrible at
wrapping presents,
and this tape dispenser's messed
with my cuticles.
I need you to help me.
I'm kidding!
I want to know everything.
Okay. I might have told
Jack McNeille that I could get
a guy to fall for me by
Christmas Eve,
so basically, I have 12 days.
- Wait, what?
- He was skeptical about my book,
so I told him
I could prove it works.
Prove it works, as in,
you have 12 days
to fall in love with someone.
Well, not necessarily.
I could at least get someone to
fall in love with me in 12 days.
Ah, still immune to love,
even now.
James, you know I love
a great holiday romance movie.
Do I want the snow
to fall on cue
as me and Mr. Right kiss
for the first time?
Yes! Yes, I do!
But this is reality...
And my book is my priority,
and I'm going to do everything
it takes to get it published.
Ooh, scandalous. I love it.
You know, I've got a guy
that'll do it for 50 bucks.
I have to do this for real!
It can't be anyone
I've ever met,
and he definitely can't know
about this deal.
Do you want your book
published or not?
You don't think I can do this?
Okay, fine. Have it your way.
What does your book say
the first step is?
You haven't read it?!
Huh? No!
Yes, I've read it!
I love it.
I was reading it last night.
I love your use of words,
and, um...
You are the worst!
Early Christmas present.
- "The Holiday Dating Guide"?
- Genius, right?
No one's written
a holiday dating guide.
Okay, Get me up to speed
with the CliffsNotes.
Okay, so, the book
is pretty straightforward.
12 rules to get you
out of your own way
and help you meet someone new
without falling into
the normal pitfalls of dating.
- A rule book?
- Yes, a rule book.
Out of context,
it may sound silly,
but, for example,
one would never see
someone two days in a row.
- People actually do that.
- Mm-hmm!
Also, make sure your social
media looks amazing, festive,
but there'll be
a bit of a mystery.
- Obviously.
- Don't be too vulnerable,
and don't trust anyone to soon.
And never meet the parents
before the third date.
Oh, hindsight's 20/20.
Ooh, let's do happy hour
and scope out potential suitors.
Well, one of the rules is don't
include your friends too soon.
Well, we're breaking that one
because I'm not missing this,
but I promise I'll be invisible,
a fly on the wall.
Where are you going?
To find a guy,
make him fall in love with me,
and get my book published.
Guess we're done with
wrapping presents.
Deck the halls
with boughs of holly
Fa la la la la, la la la la
'Tis the season to be jolly
Fa la la la la, la la la la
Don we now our rock apparel
Fa la la, la la la, la la la
Thank you.
- Wow. Cheers.
- Cheers.
Oh, wow.
What, you're not gonna
go over there?!
No, because it's guy's night.
- Oh! You love me!
- Stop it.
Hey, wait. Whoa, whoa!
Do we know her?
It's the girl from this morning
that was doing the adorable
little happy dance.
Oh, well, she's gorgeous...
And lucky for you,
I'm taken.
Oh, please. You worship
the ground Lydia walks on!
It's the other way around.
The secret is
remaining mysterious.
Play hard to get.
It's Lydia.
Think she heard me?
- Yeah.
- Snookums!
Hey, I'm going to go use
the bathroom.
Don't cheat while I'm gone.
So, this is the place that
you recommend to your clients?
It's giving me vibes.
It's where you meet
real people, James.
Well, let's scan
the bunkhouse again.
Dashing through the snow
Ooh. What about the
singer in the band?
Jimmy Fallon Doppelganger.
Adorable, and America's
late night sweetheart.
Not to mention super talented. Hmm.
What if we start with that guy?
- Oh, go get him, tiger!
- Roar!
I'll tell ya,
this girl Puja is amazing.
So much fun.
Way more fun than Kelsey.
'Cept Kelsey's
your girlfriend, dude.
Don't remind me.
I feel bad enough already.
Why don't you just break things
off already, Barry?
Because we've been dating
for years.
Because my family loves her.
'Cause I love her.
Hey, Barry, you may love her,
but you may not be
in love with her anymore.
- What?
- I'm not sure, but cheating
is usually just a symptom
of a relationship in trouble.
And although I never
condone cheating,
the fact that you feel bad
means you're probably not
that bad a guy.
So, either let this Puja go
and get to couples therapy,
or let Kelsey go
so she can meet someone new.
Either way is the right thing
to do
and it'll translate to the best
chance of happiness for you.
Abigale Seaver,
Professional Dating Coach.
Happy to serve!
Ride in a one-horse
open sleigh
Hey! Jingle bells,
jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun...
Oh, my... oh, geez!
- Oh!
- Geez! I'm so sorry!
- It's okay.
- Oh, my gosh! I'm so sorry.
Thank you.
Cocktail napkins aren't
really absorbent. I'm so sorry.
- It's really okay.
- Ugh...
You know, it's good
to see you again.
- Motorcycle man?
- Yeah!
Didn't think it was possible
to feel more embarrassed
than I do now.
For the record, I thought
that your little victory dance
was adorable.
I'm mortified.
- I'm Michael.
- Nice to meet you.
Can I buy you a replacement
drink, Miss Mortified?
Uh, sure. But I'm paying
since I knocked into you.
- That's even better.
- Hmm.
Excuse me!
Uh, sir?
He doesn't work here.
I mean, he works here,
but he doesn't
actually work here.
- Clearly.
- Aspiring actor?
Frustrated poet.
Who is also a non-conformist.
Who hates Christmas.
And loves ignoring
cool people like us.
I'm sorry... I actually hate
when people check their phones
during a conversation.
That's okay.
No. Best friend, Brad,
who apparently saw me
bump into a beautiful woman
and is extremely excited for me.
Excuse me.
You know what?
What are you drinking? Beer?
Beer works.
There we go.
Keep the change.
That was borderline
But also impressive.
To non-conforming, frustrated
poet bartenders
who hate Christmas
and love ignoring cool people
like us.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Although I was supposed to pay.
Mm. Well, technically,
I bumped into you,
caused you spilled the drinks,
so I think we're even.
Uh, you know, you never told me
your name.
Be mysterious!
Well, if you can beat me
at pool,
maybe you'll find out.
Random facts, bro!
Random facts!
Nine ball, corner pocket.
Two ball, corner.
You know, even dolphins
have names for each other.
They have a distinct whistle
for every member of their pod.
One ball, side pocket.
There's no way that's true, and
you better not whistle at me.
It is definitely true.
My, uh... my buddy Brad
has a wealth of knowledge.
Actually used to look up
the things he would say
to try to prove him wrong,
but it turns out
he knows everything.
Four ball, corner.
What?! You're goin'
behind the back?
You're really good at this game.
Thank you. All right.
Three balls left.
I think your random facts
are my good luck charm.
So, what you got?
Actually, yeah,
I... I do have another one.
Sea otters hold hands
while they sleep... can I?
So they don't drift apart
in the water.
- Hmm. That's pretty cute.
- Hmm.
Do you and Brad practice
that one?
Every morning, yeah.
Your friend Brad seems to know
a lot about sea animals.
Well, he is a high school
science teacher
and one of
the coolest dudes around.
Do you want to take
the next turn?
Oh, I'm not above charity.
Yes, I will take a turn.
I'm going to do that
15 right there
in that corner pocket.
Just so I can save face here,
why don't we just say
whoever hits the eight ball in
next wins the game?
Deal... go ahead.
No. No. I think we both know
how this is going to go,
so why don't you
just put me out of my misery?
Eight ball, corner pocket.
Better luck next time.
That was amazing.
It was nice to meet Michael.
Hey, wait a second!
What's your name?
Oh, excuse me.
And "keep the date short"...
Oh, gosh.
I didn't know you were awake.
Awake? I haven't gone to sleep!
I can't keep my nose
out of this book!
Well, that's quite
the compliment...
Considering you
don't even like books.
Um, I love books,
I just hate reading.
- Oh.
- Can we talk about last night?
As we stream popcorn
and watch "Love Actually."
You were incredible last night!
Who was that rock star
mysterious girl?
Never seen her before.
Only problem is,
I never felt like
"you've got this."
And that's the first chapter of
my book!
I just kind of, like,
bumped into him,
and things went from there.
So, you skipped to
chapter two... improvise.
Ever since as far back
as fifth grade,
you've always been so worried
about following the rules.
Because rules are meant
to be followed!
And so far, so good.
Not amazing!
Okay. What am I missing?
If I go out with him tonight,
I'll be breaking my
two-day rule!
Okay. Do you have a chapter
about how you have 11 days
to make a gorgeous man
fall in love with you
or your dream of having
your book published
goes down the toilet?
Actually, exceptions to
the rule...
When the man is visiting
from out of town,
or the second date is playful,
not romantic,
because you can back-to-back,
playful to playful,
but you can never back-to-back
romance to romance.
And I know the perfect
playful date.
Sent one of my clients
there last Christmas,
worked like a charm.
He said yes to my playful date.
Aww! You look just like one
of Santa's little helpers.
One that probably
needs the most help.
It's a good thing you're pretty.
You're mean.
Thank you.
Ax throwing?
Should I be concerned?
Something I'm good at.
Okay, as long as you remember
tonight we're focusing on
chapters three and four...
Show your humor and get to know
each other lightly.
I wrote it, James.
No, Dad, I hear you.
There he is. Got to go.
Yes, Dad, and I... I promise
I'm going to think about it,
but I got to go. Okay.
Was that Brad with more
random facts?
Everybody loves random facts.
Best ice breakers going.
Worked on me.
I'm glad it did.
No, there was a...
It wasn't Brad.
It was my dad.
Are you guys close?
Yeah! Just, lately, we haven't
been seeing eye to eye.
But I think that happens, right?
- Yeah.
- It's complicated right now.
Oh, wait, you don't have, like,
any beverages
or anything you're going
to throw on me, right?
- Ha-ha, so clever.
- I have my moments.
She's beautiful.
- Thank you!
- '59?
- It is.
- Mm!
I'm kind of regretting
having you meeting me here
instead of picking me up,
but I got to figure out
if you're a murderer
before I let you know
where I live.
Spoiler alert.
I am definitely a murderer.
Well, did you know
that a recent survey
revealed that the holiday season
is a murderer's favorite
time of year?
- Random fact.
- Random joke.
- Oh!
- Come. Follow me.
- Oh, look at this.
- Yeah. Pretty, right?
All right. So I got to ask,
how do you know about old cars?
- My dad was a mechanic.
- Ah.
Yeah, I used to sit with him
in the garage all the time
and just hand him
whatever tools he needed.
- I love that.
- Yeah.
Told me it was very important
to know how to fix my cars.
"Because the two people
you can't trust
in this world are mechanics
and men."
Oh, wow.
He's not entirely wrong.
- Wow!
- You ready?
Thank you.
- Okay!
- Let's do this.
- Oh!
- Okay.
Have you ever done this before?
Uh, dated, or gone ax throwing?
No, I can't say ax throwing
has ever really been my thing.
But how hard can it be?
Take that, Rudolph!
- Wow!
- There you go.
Wow. Yeah.
Let's give this thing a whirl.
Every action movie
I've ever seen
makes this look a lot easier.
It's okay, just try again.
- Okay.
- Mm-hmm, okay.
Uh, sorry, I'm just
a little off my game.
Let me give you a few pointers.
- Okay.
- All right, always keep
your eyes
aimed at where you want to go.
- Okay.
- Ready?
That was impressive.
- Thank you.
- Okay.
- Okay. Next.
- Yeah?
Visualize where
you want to strike.
- Okay.
- Okay? Visualize striking
the target,
and then just release.
- Ah!
- Oh, my gosh! That was amazing!
Let's do it again.
Oh, okay.
That's super dangerous.
How would you feel about
a less adventurous adventure?
- Sure!
- Okay. I know the perfect spot.
Suck it, Santa!
I love it.
That lady is dangerous.
Welcome to my favorite place.
This is amazing.
Look at all these classics!
You're seeing it at a good time,
because usually when I'm
working, it's...
It's really messy.
- So you refurbish cars?
- I do. Yeah.
My dad and I always
really loved classic cars.
So when I was a kid,
he got this warehouse
so we could
restore them together.
Wow. My dad
would have loved this place.
He and I used to talk
about building
a Shelby Cobra together.
Just driving it on a Sunday
afternoon with no place to be
and just the wind in our hair.
Best feeling in the world.
Where is your dad now?
Uh, he lives in California.
I don't get to see him
as often as I'd like,
but we make it work.
I still have this little toy
car collection that he gave me,
though, but pales in comparison
to this.
Well, the next time
he's in town,
you're welcome to borrow
any of these.
I might take you up on that.
I'm going to insist that you do.
This one is actually the one
I'm working on right now.
Oh, gosh! She's amazing.
She is a beaut.
Black beaut.
This one means something to you?
Yeah. This one is special.
I used to see it driving
around town when I was a kid.
It was also my mom's
favorite car,
so I knew
we had to have one, one day.
- So, you grew up here, too?
- Yeah. Born and raised.
And you never left. I mean,
how have we never met before?
Well, I went away to college,
but my dad's company's local,
so I came back here to work
for him...
For a while, at least.
- And you're not there anymore?
- No. No.
We had a disagreement
about the company's future.
It was actually right after
my mom passed away.
And I am completely spilling
my guts on a first date.
I'm so sorry.
No, that's okay.
Getting to know each other is...
getting to know each other.
Nice little library
you have over here.
Oh, yeah. They, uh...
They were actually
my mom's collection.
She passed down to me
some amazing first editions
and, you know,
some of her favorites.
I just like having
them here with me.
Okay. I have been talking way
too much about myself.
What do you do?
- What do... what do I do?
- Yeah.
- For work?
- Sure.
Kind of a work in progress.
Okay, what are you
progressing toward?
A writer of sorts.
Wait, what's that face?
What type of writing?
I'm kind of in the middle
of my first book, so,
like I said,
kind of a work in progress.
I just remembered, though,
I promised my roommate
that I would decorate tonight,
so kind of got to go.
Oh! Uh, okay.
Ooh, hey, actually, uh,
do you want to pick one of these
for the ride home?
Um, as tempting as that sounds,
can I get a rain check?
I live really close, and I'm
actually in the mood for a walk.
Well, you know, this is one of
the best nights
I've had in a really long time,
and, uh, I really hope
I get to see you again.
- I think that could be arranged.
- Good.
Good night, Michael.
Good night, Abigale.
I still understand
why you didn't kiss him.
I know. Why do I feel like
I totally could have?
'Cause you totally could have.
James, I have to follow my book!
I honestly wish
I could give him a copy.
I mean, he's open
and vulnerable,
and almost immediately.
Isn't afraid
of looking ridiculous.
And asked to see me
on the next day.
This guy is definitely
not a rule follower.
So what is he?
Um, fun, real, normal.
Seriously, when are you
going to see him next?
I got so caught up in the
moment we didn't actually
set a date.
The Christmas party's in, like,
10 days.
You've got to start
making some bold moves.
I know!
My Christmas tacos and eggnog!
Okay. I was thinking more along
the lines of
chocolate covered strawberries
and champagne,
but nothing screams bold like
Christmas tacos and eggnog.
Chapter five,
show off your skills.
- Bring out the big guns.
- Taking no prisoners.
All right. Off to bed
for your beauty sleep.
You can have the rest.
Love you.
Hi, Sarah.
Thank you so much
for agreeing to work with me.
Of course!
So are we starting from scratch,
or do you have someone in mind?
There's someone I've been
interested in for way too long,
but he doesn't know I exist.
That won't be for long.
Tell me more.
His name is Sam.
He delivers mail to the office,
and every day
I have to greet him.
But I can't get up the courage
to actually say anything to him.
I know your first two chapters:
"You've got this," and,
"Be bold."
But I don't know what would
fall under that category.
I've never even said hello.
I just wave.
Okay, let's start small then.
Tomorrow, when he comes in,
ask him something very specific,
anything you want.
Like, what his favorite
Christmas song is?
- Perfect.
- It is?
Yes. And then be ready
with follow ups,
like what you think of
the song, perhaps.
Or ask him what his favorite
holiday movie is,
what he's doing
for the holidays.
63% of relationships
begin with a minor interaction.
So let's give this a shot
and then we can get together
in a couple of days
and reevaluate.
Wow, I hope I can one day
just learn to follow my heart
and be as bold
and honest as you, Abigale.
He's not here. What am I doing?
Chapter 11,
Never show up unannounced.
- Abigale?
- Yes! Hi. Sorry.
I was just in the neighborhood
at the coffee shop.
Oh, yeah. The one where you did
the little dance?
Yeah, that one.
Uh, I was just walking home,
and I was wondering
if maybe you were available
for dinner tonight at my place.
Kind of an expert at tacos...
Christmas tacos, actually.
Christmas tacos?
I'm in.
I'll text you my address.
Actually, do you want to
come in for a minute?
'Cause I'm making great progress
on the black beaut.
I can come in just for a minute.
- Okay.
- Only to see the black beaut.
Of course.
Oh, my gosh. I love her.
- Oh, yeah.
- So what's left to finish?
Well, I was thinking about
bumping up the stock engine,
maybe after market headers
or supercharger.
After market?
You think it's bad idea?
I mean, it's up to you, but I
like keeping it to the original.
Huh. I just really like to make
them bigger and faster.
You know, take them
to that next level.
But I guess I can get
a little carried away sometimes.
I mean, making something
the best version it can be,
I agree on,
but I like keeping it authentic.
It's more valuable in every way.
And it's the reason we fell
in love with them
in the first place.
Why do we always
have to complicate things?
I don't know.
Uh, anyway, I got to go.
Um, don't forget,
Christmas taco night, right?
- Can't wait.
- 'Kay.
- Hi!
- Hi.
Wow! It's smells really good
in here.
It's like tacos
and pine needles.
Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- They smell great.
I actually also brought you
something else.
- You remembered.
- Of course.
I have the perfect place
for this.
Come on in.
Thank you.
Wow, I love your place.
Thank you.
Oh, wow. This is great.
That is quite the collection.
I especially love the 300 SL.
- Ooh, that's a special one.
- Yeah.
- I'm gonna put these in water.
- Okay.
You know, my mom used
to make tacos for me
for my birthday every year.
Some of my favorite memories.
How can I help?
Everything's ready to go.
- Where... am I over there?
- Yes, right here.
- Okay. Thank you.
- Sorry.
Okay, listen, you have to mix
the meat and the beans together.
Oh, no, no, no!
Usually keep it separate!
Oh, trust me.
Separate, they have some flavor,
but together,
it is going to blow your mind.
Okay. Uh, let's dig in!
Uh, sour cream.
Wait, you're starting
with the sour cream?
Yeah, I know,
it's way too much sour cream,
but trust me, it is good.
No, it's just that I...
I set up the taco line
from right to left.
Are there really rules
when it comes to making tacos?
There are rules for everything!
Huh! Well, listen,
I have this theory that,
in order
to achieve true greatness,
you have to break the rules.
What do you say?
Okay, I'm in.
Okay! So, just go
with your heart, no rules.
- All right.
- Yeah. Get a little of this.
- Meat and beans together.
- Sometimes the process can be
a bit messy,
but the results are worth it.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
Nice! Oh, you're killing it.
- My sour cream.
- Oh! Uh-huh.
Slap it on top.
All right.
- Are you ready?
- Cheers.
I have sour cream
all over my face.
But it is part...
of the process.
But what about the results?
Literally may be the best taco
I ever had in my life.
You're like a crazy genius.
I know.
Actually, here, come on.
We got to document this.
To the moment...
- That you learned...
- Tacos in.
To be messy...
and to break the rules.
Nice job.
I mean, that's...
Oh! Okay!
You need some, too.
I can't be the only one!
- Let's document that.
- Yeah, let's d...
Now I'm a disaster.
Oh, gosh!
All good.
I mean, we're pretty cute.
So cute.
Okay, I know this is going
to sound cliche,
and I promise I don't mean
in a backhanded way,
but how are you still single?
I could ask you
the same question.
But I asked you first.
- Touch.
- Mm-hmm.
Well, I've always loved
the idea of love,
the kind you see in movies.
But after a few failed attempts,
I shifted my priorities
to my career.
It is tough to fall in love
when you're so focused on work.
I know that feeling
all too well.
I like structure
and predictability.
Work is way easier
to control than love,
especially when you approach it
in a similar way.
Yeah, if you approach it
with all that structure,
it eliminates the possibility
of anything...
wonderful happening.
So why are you still single?
Oh... Uh...
I was in a few
long relationships,
but I just never really
felt that spark.
I've always wanted
to kind of love my parents had,
just don't want to settle.
How do you feel
about taking a walk?
A walk?
Okay. When you think
about your childhood,
what is your favorite memory?
Well, when I was five or six,
I remember making
Christmas cookies
with my mom and dad
in the kitchen.
I was about to put the flour
in the bowl and I dropped it.
I remember being so sad
and I was crying so hard,
and all of a sudden
my dad scooped some up
and he threw it at my mom,
and then my mom scooped some up
and threw it at me,
and before I knew it,
we were in a full blown
Christmas cookie fight.
It's one of the only times
I remember being with them
when they weren't fighting.
If I'm honest, maybe that's part
of the reason
why I'm still single.
I want to guarantee I find love
with the highest probability
of success,
'cause I don't want
to live with regrets.
And I've always wanted to have
one of those
Hollywood fountain moments,
like in "Roman Holiday."
Let's jump in.
I mean, that is probably
going to be pretty cold,
but yeah, let's do it!
No, I was just kidding.
I didn't really mean for us to...
No, you just said that you
don't want to live your life
with regrets.
I was referring to marriage,
not swimming
in an urban body of water.
Hey, in 20 years, when you look
back on your life,
do you think
you're ever going to say,
"I wish I didn't jump
in that fountain"?
You're not going to make me
do this by myself, are you?
Chapter two, "Be bold without
embarrassing yourself."
I think so.
Okay. Three...
- Two...
- One.
Oh, it's cold!
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God.
- I can't believe it.
- Neither can I!
No, I mean, I'm actually
not freezing anymore,
I'm kind of warm.
What are you guys doing?
publicly humiliated.
I think we should go unless we
want to spend the night in
security guard jail.
Yeah. Get the shoes.
- Sorry!
- Sorry!
Good morning.
Someone's got a little more pep
in her step today.
What's going on?
Okay, two things
that never happen...
Me not Photoshopping my photos,
and Abigale Seaver blushing.
Spill the tea, girl.
It was perfect.
But what?!
James, I'm starting
to feel a little bad.
A little bad or a little good?
It sounds like things
are going great.
That's the thing.
I didn't exactly start this
to have a future with someone.
Now, I'm starring
in my own little rom-com,
going on ax throwing dates
and jumping in fountains.
Wait, fountains. This is major.
Majorly complicated.
It sounds like
the perfect holiday romance.
What would you tell
one of your clients
if they were spiraling
about the future?
Chapter nine...
"Don't worry about the past,
don't fret about the future."
It's like you wrote
a book about it.
See?! You can't tell me this
timing is just a coincidence.
Wait, are you planning
on ending things
right after the holiday party?
Because there are only five days
till Christmas Eve?
I don't know!
I just know that I don't want
to be the type of person
that uses someone
to get ahead in her career.
Too late for that.
Besides, all is fair
in love and war, right?
What chapter is that?
These rules!
Really starting to come back
and haunt me.
You said it, not me.
Hey. It's good to see you.
You okay?
Yeah, I was just laying here,
couldn't sleep.
I was gonna ask you something.
Yeah. Shoot.
Would you want to go to
a Christmas Eve party with me?
Yeah. I actually have something
that I'm doing with my dad
that night, but I...
I can definitely split my time.
Did you know that yawns are more
contagious than the common cold?
What, have you
been hanging out with Brad?
Ooh, actually, that reminds me,
I know it's a little early
to be meeting the friends,
but I'm supposed to go over
to his place tomorrow night
for dinner...
Do you want to come?
I think you'd really like his
wife, Lydia, and his son, Cole.
Sounds fun.
Look what you started.
Okay, we can't just sit here
watching each other yawn
all night.
So I will, uh... I'll text you
the details tomorrow.
Good night, Abigale.
Good night, Michael.
So he said "White Christmas,"
which is crazy because that's
also my favorite Christmas song,
which then got us talking about
our favorite Christmas movie
of the same name.
Then he asked if I wanted
to get coffee after work,
and I said yes,
so we went to coffee.
Literally a legit coffee date.
This is amazing, Sarah.
What's next?
Well, I kept it short,
like you said.
And then he asked
if I wanted to do dinner
the next night, but I said no.
Wait, why would you say no?
Because of your
"two day in a row" rule.
I... don't... Huh.
I don't know if you have to
follow that rule.
I thought you had to follow
all the rules.
Yeah, but recently I broke
the two day in a row rule,
and, you know, it wasn't bad.
It was actually kind of fun
and kept the momentum going.
- So did I do the wrong thing?
- No! No, it's fine.
- Let's just text him right now.
- Okay.
So say, "Hey, Sam,
my other plans fell through,
if you still want
to grab dinner."
Oh, my gosh! Dinner!
We're back on for dinner.
Okay. Tonight, I'm just going to
get to know him, but lightly,
just like you say.
And if he wants to open up,
or, like,
if you feel like opening up,
that's okay, too.
I'm getting confused.
Yeah, so am I, Sarah.
Listen, just go to dinner
tonight and be yourself.
And get to know each other,
whatever that looks like.
Are you sure?
I think so.
Give it. Give it.
Oh, man.
So strong!
And the craziest thing is,
she knows about her cars.
Wow, knows her classic cars
and random facts?
I don't know, bro, sounds like
a killer combo to me.
- It's pretty amazing.
- So when do I get to meet her?
Well, I was actually going
to ask you and Lydia
if she could come
to our dinner thing tonight.
- Oh, come on.
- Tell her 7:00 p.m. sharp,
and she doesn't need
to bring a thing.
Which means we can skip
the Christmas tradition?
Uh, there's no way
that's going to happen.
And those decorations
better look beautiful
if we're going to have
a guest over tonight.
- Yes, ma'am.
- Yes, ma'am.
Yes, ma'am.
- Smart kid.
- My boy.
Chapter eight,
"Dress to impress."
At least I know this rule
is going to work.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Am I overdressed?
No. You look amazing.
Um, I'm sorry,
did you not get my text?
No, I didn't.
Uh, it's just a silly Christmas
tradition that we have,
but come in.
These are my best friends...
Brad, Lydia, and Cole.
- Hi!
- Hello, Abigale.
- Hi, Abigale.
- Who's Abigale?
We're so happy
you could join us.
Did Michael not tell you about
our little holiday tradition?
Uh, I missed a text.
I mean, I wish I had known.
I would have
worn something different.
Unh-unh-uhn, don't even finish
that thought, Abigale.
No respectable American family
goes without an extra pair
of Christmas onesies.
- Facts.
- Perfect.
You... you really don't have to
wear that if you don't want to.
Are you kidding me?
Why wouldn't I want to?
Let me just go change.
The bathroom's down the hallway
on the right.
Okay. Thank you.
I love her!
Another rule out the window.
You look ridiculous.
We all look ridiculous.
- Wait, wait, wait.
- Whoa!
- Okay.
- Oh, wow.
- Fits perfect!
- Nice!
How do I look?
You are the perfect combination
of adorable and beautiful.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Oh, my gosh.
Is this you and Brad?
- It is.
- Aww.
I love that you guys have been
friends from such a young age.
- That's so cute.
- Uh...
Well, it feels like
a lifetime ago.
It feels like life
is going by faster
and faster as we get older.
I just wish I had a pause
button so I can slow it down.
Pause. Now what?
Hey, dinner's ready.
I actually met Michael first.
We were working together,
and I was reading
some self-help love book.
Because relationship books
are so helpful.
Exactly, so I told her
to throw that book out
because I already had
the perfect guy.
Enter Brad with a set
of random facts.
Ooh-ooh-ooh... did you know
that over 50% of
single Americans have not been
on a date in over two years?
Did you know that speed dating
was invented
by a rabbi in L.A. in 1999?
Ooh, I'm not worthy.
So what do you do
for work, Abigale?
Uh, I'm a coach.
Like a life coach.
Kind of hoping to have
my work published soon.
- Wow. Michael's actually...
- Loves books,
I love... love... he was just
going to say I love books.
She's already seen
the garage library, so...
- I did.
- Ho, ho, ho!
- Hey, buddy. I mean, Santa.
- Hi.
Abigale, do you know what you
want for Christmas?
Well, I'm hoping Santa will
help me with a work thing.
What? You can't ask for a work
thing to pan out from Santa.
You have to ask
for something from the heart.
Uh, I guess I'll think about it
and get back to Santa.
Hey, Santa,
we can do books tonight
if Abigale can come with us.
What do you think?
- I'd love to.
- Good night, Cole. We love you.
All right, let's do this.
All right. We'll be right back.
"He cupped his hands around
his mouth and said,
'Merry Christmas'."
Good night, buddy.
Love you.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
He'd be a great husband.
Very subtle. Thank you, Lydia.
He may be a bit of a wild card,
but us wild cards,
we live life on the edge,
we may be risky,
maybe a little bit dangerous.
I'm not sure how dangerous
a guy who color coordinates
his sock drawer is,
but I wouldn't change him
for the world.
Thank you.
- Oh, here.
- Oh, thank you.
You're welcome.
What is it?
Obstacles are just an
opportunity for a new strategy.
- What?
- Sorry.
Something my dad always says.
No, I like it.
Uh, what are your obstacles?
I may be my only obstacle
at this point.
So it's time for a new strategy?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
I wasn't expecting this.
- What?
- All of this is.
Thank you for being you.
Actually, you know what?
I almost forgot something.
early Christmas present.
- Christmas taco night!
- Oh, yeah!
Just the reminder that
the process may be messy, but...
- The results are worth it?
- Exactly.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
- Good night, Michael.
- Good night, Abigale.
Hi, this is Jack McNeille,
I can't talk right now,
and I think you know
what you do.
Hey, Dad. Um...
I was hoping to catch you,
I know I missed a few calls
from you, but I just want to let
you know that I am still
thinking about everything
you said.
And I am excited to see you
at the Christmas Eve party.
Okay. I love you. Bye.
I can't do this.
It helps if you pretend
you're in Cabo.
Seriously, James, I think
he's falling for me.
I think I'm falling
for him, too.
There's nothing wrong with that.
Yeah, but if Michael ever found
out that this all started as
a play to get a book deal,
it would crush him.
Listen, if you must get this
off your conscience,
then tell him, but for goodness'
sake, please do it
after the party.
Whole point of this arrangement
was to prove my book works.
Now I'm breaking all my own
rules, and, worse off,
I'm about to break someone
I love's heart.
James, my book, my life's work,
my relationship with Michael,
all of it...
A total fraud.
Hashtag imposter syndrome.
Welcome to the club.
Listen, you are anything but.
Remember, back in college,
you were always
playing matchmaker.
So many of our friends that you
connected are still together.
And you did that out of the
genuine kindness of your heart.
You're an amazing
dating coach and writer,
and your work speaks for itself.
Things were simpler then.
Suddenly everything's so...
"The process may be messy,
but the results are worth it."
I'm going to go to the party.
I'm going to
tell Michael everything.
I'm gonna give Jack an offer
he can't say no to.
Yes, that's my girl.
What does that mean?
Just like my book says...
"When in doubt, improvise."
I really want a margarita.
Joyful songs, rights and wrongs
And days by calmer seas
And as the children sing
outside their sweet melodies
I remember them all
See, this Christmas
has a hold on me
And it keeps tugging hard
on my heart strings
If I only had one wish this year
This Christmas would be
full of cheer
And we'd make this one...
You finished the black beaut.
She looks amazing.
Thank you. She's running great.
I'm delivering her
to my dad later tonight.
But he won't mind
if we borrow it for a bit.
Did you end up
modifying the engine?
No, I did not,
because somebody really smart
taught me that bigger and faster
is not always better.
Sometimes you have to enjoy
the process
and appreciate a classic
for what it is.
You look...
There are no words to describe
how beautiful you look.
Thank you. You look pretty
dashing yourself.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- Shall we?
- Yes, we shall.
Thank you.
Watch your head.
It's a little low.
I really need to talk to you
about something.
It's hard to say, but I...
You can't beat that sound!
Listen, since this
is her maiden voyage,
I feel like
we got to savor this moment.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
So this is where your party is.
Yeah, it's the C. McNeille
holiday party.
Let's go in.
Uh, Michael, I really need
to talk to you.
Uh, yeah, looks like I really
need to talk to you, too.
How about I grab us
a couple of drinks first?
- Oh!
- Hi.
Abigale! Great to see you.
Oh, you look beautiful.
- Thank you.
- So, did you bring a guest?
Actually, I want to talk to you
about that.
About our arrangement.
Hey! Sarah!
Oh, it is really good
to see you.
It's been too long.
Your dad said
you were coming tonight.
Hoping that means
we'll see more.
Ah, we'll see.
Do you, uh...
Do you know who that girl
in the red dress is over there?
Oh, Abigale?
She actually met with your dad
a couple of weeks ago
for her dating book.
- Dating book, huh?
- And she's coaching me.
- Coaching you?
- Yes! This is Sam!
Sam, come here.
As I was saying,
I did bring a plus one,
but I also brought
a revision of my book.
Oh, revised, huh?
And where is Mr. Right?
He is...
H-hold that thought. I really
want you to meet someone.
Oh, uh, Jack, wait, um...
I'm so glad you came.
- Thanks, Dad.
- Did you just say "Dad"?
Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't
introduce you.
This is Abigale Seaver,
the newest potential member
of the C. McNeille Publishing family.
Well, she wrote this book
on dating, and she insisted
she could make a stranger
fall in love with her
to prove that her book works.
So, um, where is he?
Can't wait to meet him
and hear all about it.
Uh, based on the last 12 days,
I think you're
looking at him, Dad.
Is this the guy you broke
the rules over?!
What... broke the rules?
That's what I was just going
to tell you, Jack, I...
This... Michael, it's not
what it sounds like.
Yeah, it sounds messy. Uh...
Too messy.
So, Dad, your Christmas present
is out at the valet.
And I know we need to talk,
but it's going to have to wait.
Sarah, it was great to see you.
Sam, pleasure meeting you.
I mean, Abigale, uh...
Good luck with your book.
Michael, wait.
I'm not really sure
what just happened.
What just happened is I fell
in love with your son,
and it changed everything
I ever believed in
about dating and love.
Here's the updated manuscript.
Merry Christmas.
Oh! Well,
Merry Christmas, Michael.
- Merry Christmas, Dad.
- Yeah.
Look, I got a couple of things
to say
before you give me your answer,
if you don't mind.
- Sure.
- Well, first,
thank you for the car.
I mean, I...
I absolutely love it.
I wish I could've
helped you restore it.
But, well, you know, you did
a mighty fine job on your own.
No, really, You brought it back
to its original classic beauty.
Thanks, Dad.
Um, secondly...
I'm sorry about the deal.
I know it was your intention
to expand the company, and...
Well, maybe I'm stuck
in my ways,
and need to get with the times.
But at the heart of this company
is making sure
that good people and good books
get published.
And I was afraid we might lose
sight of that if we got too big.
Well, like Mom
always used to say,
you might be right.
It was smart to kill the deal.
I know that Mom always wanted
to keep it smaller,
focus on helping people and make
sure their stories were heard.
I lost sight of that somewhere,
and I'm sorry.
Unfortunately, there are not a
lot of people like her anymore.
Oh, no, that's not true, son.
I can't say that I agree.
And, uh...
I have decided that I am
not going
to come back to the company.
I respect your decision.
But can you at least grant me
one courtesy?
You really should read this.
No, thank you.
Well, Abigale really knows
what she's talking about.
Yeah, Dad, I'm sure she does.
Well, there's always a place
for you at C. McNeille's.
- Where are you going?
- Ah, the office.
Year-end paperwork, you know, and...
Well, it's easier for me
to be there than...
at home without her.
- Dad...
- You know,
this is quite different from
the last version that I read.
Something tells me
that that's all because of you.
Now, I haven't changed
your office since you left.
And I know it's your favorite
place to read new material,
so, uh...
Peppermint mocha latte
for my favorite girl.
It was $12,
so you better drink it.
I take it he still isn't
returning your calls?
- Nope.
- And C. McNeille Books?
Last thing on my mind.
But yeah, that ship
has definitely sailed.
Listen, what's done is done.
But what would you tell
your clients
if they were in your shoes?
Chapter 12!
"Focus on the solution,
not the problem."
- I changed chapter 12.
- To what?
To "Take a chance once in a
while and follow your heart."
I did that.
And what if I told you
that Jack and Michael
were at C. McNeille Books
right now?
How do you know that?
Girl, I have my ways.
Take a chance, Abigale.
- Sarah.
- I got your messages!
All five of them.
Thank you so much
for doing this.
Of course. Sam wanted to help
as much as I did.
- Hey.
- Hi.
"White Christmas,"
my favorite Christmas song.
That's the reason Sarah are I
are together, all thanks to you.
- Thank you.
- Come on.
Be bold.
You got this.
Well, no, we had a great time.
I'm really sorry
you couldn't make it.
Listen, Merry Christmas, John,
and give my love to Ruth, okay?
Okay, bye-bye.
Merry Christmas, Abigale.
It's good to see you.
I lost my way.
I selfishly put my dreams
of having my work published
ahead of what matters most.
People and love.
And at Christmas of all times.
I really regret
wasting your time.
But more than anything,
I regret hurting Michael.
He's the most amazing man
I've ever met.
And I need him to know that.
Well, you... You came here so I
would give Michael a message?
I came to personally apologize
to you.
And, yeah, he's not responding
to any of my calls.
I may never be able
to forgive myself,
but I'm hoping maybe you
and he can forgive me.
Take a chance and follow
your heart once in a while.
Chapter 12.
Yeah, I read the new version,
and I finally get it.
And we especially...
Oh, we love the dedication.
"To Michael.
My first and only true love.
Thank you for teaching me
that when it comes to love...
Rules are meant to be broken."
Well, I think I'll leave
you two for a few minutes.
Michael, what I did...
Was... messy.
Like, seriously messy.
I know.
But... when it comes
to making tacos
or rebuilding classic cars...
Or falling in love...
The process may be messy,
but the results are worthwhile?
Michael, I'm so sorry.
Look, you did what you had to do
to get your book published.
I mean, you weren't expecting
to meet a ruggedly handsome
pool shark,
ax throwing champion,
five-star taco chef,
classic car whisperer
who happens to look really good
drenched in
a freezing cold fountain.
No, I... I wasn't expecting
to find you, Michael.
The rules,
they don't apply to you.
No, the rules don't apply to us.
I want to show you something.
You know, there are a lot
of people out there
that need your advice.
And as your publisher,
I'm gonna make sure they get it.
I decided to come back
to the company full time.
And the first book
that I'm going to publish
with C. McNeille is yours.
- Are you serious?
- Mm-hmm.
I don't know what to say!
How about...
"I've got this."
I've got you.
My name is Abigale Seaver,
and I'm a dating coach
and a published author!
My advice?
Follow the rules.
Follow them with all you got...
Until your heart changes
the rules.
Then just follow your heart.