The Holiday Sitter (2022) Movie Script

["Why Couldn't it Be Christmas
Every Day?" plays]
I wait for Christmas
All year long
How I wish
that I could only change it
Take the calendar
and rearrange it
Then every day
Would be so nice
Candy canes
And all the snow...
[mutters to self]
Keep an open mind.
Don't look for a reason
to run.
[chuckles weakly]
Dr. Vance DeBlaine.
So sorry I'm late.
Surgery ran long.
All good.
Nice to finally meet you.
I know we said drinks,
but should we grab a table?
Most people
think a tonsillectomy
is just for when you're young,
but a lot of adults
have 'em, too.
Is that so?
It is.
So, Sam, your profile said
you're a business manager?
Vague, I know.
Uh, basically I help
high-net worth clients
manage their money
and assets
and guide them to, hopefully,
make prudent decisions.
Right now, I'm trying
to convince one client
not to buy
a social media company.
[kids giggling loudly]
Kids are so cute
at that age.
Ah. Don't mind me,
I'm kid-crazy right now.
My brother and his wife
just had twins back in August.
My first time
being an uncle.
Wanna see pictures of them?
Oh, no, that's okay. I--
Oh, yes, there they are--
there are two of 'em.
Leah and Chloe.
They live in Portland.
I can't wait to see them
for Christmas.
Makes me want to have twins
when I get married.
[whispers] Check?
[mouths words]
Do you have any nieces
or nephews?
Uh, yes.
One of each.
Miles and Dania.
They live with my sister
and brother-in-law in Brayden.
That's not too far away.
You must see them all the time.
Not really. Being self-employed
means working 24/7.
[chuckles] You know, plus,
I find the suburbs confusing
with all the peace and quiet
and lawn gnomes in front
of the identical houses.
Will you see them
for Christmas?
No! Heh-heh!
I will be
on a plane to Hawaii
in T-minus 22 hours
and four minutes.
It's my first attempt
at relaxation
in longer than I care to admit,
well, it'll just depress me.
Wait. You're going to Hawaii
for Christmas?
That's right.
Without your family?
[giggling and laughing]
Mm. I'm sorry, Murph.
No time for fetch.
-[phone rings]
-Off to work I go.
Hey, Mom.
Hello, my baby boy.
Would you like to come over
for lunch?
I made extra lasagna.
And Arabella is here
while your brother's
at the store.
I wish I could,
but I'm off to work
on Kathleen and Nate's nursery.
You know, their baby's due
New Year's.
That's right!
Hey, did they give you
any tips on adopting?
Yeah, they did,
and, uh, I'm looking
over some documents.
Oh, and I have an appointment
with their lawyer in January.
[gasps] This is so exciting!
Maybe, by next Christmas,
I'll be a grandma again.
Hey, whoa-ho, whoa.
Tap the breaks.
I can practically
see you knitting booties now.
Look, this is gonna
take some time,
and a surprisingly hefty
retainer fee
for me
to get things in place.
Well, don't wait too long.
Your brothers and sisters
have a head start on you.
I'm starting to lose count
of how many grandkids I have.
That's very funny.
I'll call you later.
Bye-bye, honey.
Good morning.
[kids chuckling]
You are in such trouble!
But that's--
...Two weeks early.
I thought we were having
a New Year's baby.
We're not ready!
Tell that to the baby.
Oh, I'm bringing it up
when she's 18.
We need to focus!
And pack!
-Okay. Yeah.
Lydia said the birth mother
just started having
real contractions.
Okay, so we may have
a bit of time.
I think so.
The drive from here to Buffalo
is nine hours.
Yeah, and that huge snowstorm's
a couple days away.
That's not our biggest problem
right now.
our biggest problem right now?
Who's gonna watch Miles
and Dania while we're gone?
Right, yeah, the kids.
Uh, what about your mom?
She's still
at her art retreat in Italy.
She's not supposed to fly in
until the day after Christmas.
Yeah, my parents are still
on vacation in Sydney.
Where's Frank?
Dad's at
his fishing cabin with--
[both] ...No service.
What about
Miles watching Dania?
I mean, he's 13 now.
Right, yeah. Terrible idea.
Forget I suggested it.
[sighing heavily]
Whoever it is
has to be trustworthy
and responsible.
And have nothing else
going on...
four days before Christmas.
- This Christmas
-[both exhaling deeply]
I'll dream
of a private yacht
I'm not saying that you can't
buy the yacht, Stavros.
I'm asking if it's truly
the best use of your bonus,
you already have one.
Yes, you did.
Last year.
There you go! Exactly!
Okay, so, there are
many things we can do.
We can take the--
Tigers... are illegal.
Uh, Stavros...
I'm gonna have to call you back
on my way to Hawaii, okay?
Just don't buy anything!
Shut the front door!
That's why
she was acting weird!
Yeah, it turns out
she was planning
the world's
most romantic proposal.
Did she dress up in a suit
of armor and ride a horse
with a jousting pole
and the ring on it?
Did one of
your clients do that?
Uh, Omar.
Don't ask me how I found
the jousting pole. Whoa!
And, no, she didn't.
It was roses, "I love you,"
and this ring.
It's perfect.
This deserves a toast.
Oh, my god.
I knew you'd have
two champagne flutes handy.
In my line of work,
you always have
to be ready to celebrate
in case a big deal goes through.
And this...
pretty much qualifies
as a big deal.
[both laugh]
It's exciting!
Okay, but really,
can you believe it?
Like, I'm engaged?
Honestly, Ellie?
I can't.
Didn't we always say
that marriage
is for other people?
I don't know, things change
when you meet "the one".
I heard it--
it's cliche, but it's true.
I'll take your word for it.
Hey, you know what?
It could happen
for you, too, though.
Oh... wait.
It can't,
'cause that means that you'd
have to make it to a second date
and like, you know--
oh, that thing you do,
where you look
for a reason to run--
yeah, you can't do that.
Then what?
Move to the suburbs
and settle down, like my sister?
Or me and Abbie. We're talking
about moving there.
We could be neighbors again!
[scoffs] Please.
Can you imagine me...
in the suburbs with a husband,
a dog, and an SUV?
Why not?
more than anything,
I just... you know,
I hope one day
you find a guy
that makes you want
to break open
a bottle of champagne
and, you know,
have it just be for you.
Thank you.
Uncle Jason?
-Oh, hey, Arabella.
told me to bring this to you,
in case you get hungry.
Oh, thanks.
Of course.
Hi, Arabella.
Hey, Miles. Are you gonna be
at the play tryouts tomorrow?
Yeah, sure. Totally.
See you there.
Bye, Uncle Jason.
-Bye, Arabella.
So, the community center's
doing The Life and Times
of Santa Clausthis year.
Arabella's the Elf Queen.
And the kid who's supposed
to be the narrator
has to go out of town,
so they're looking for
a replacement, ASAP.
-Got it.
-I can
text your parents the info,
if you really want to audition?
[blurts nervously]
Yeah, I do. Thanks.
[laughs] Look at you.
I'm gonna get you!
Okay, you two.
Aunt Martha's in Oklahoma.
Uh, what about the Huttons?
Hedy said that they're going
to Pat's family's
in Michigan tomorrow.
Yeah, we're just
so close to Christmas.
[voices carrying]
What about Jason?
He's babysat the kids before
and he's thinking
about adopting--
this could be a trial run.
Well, you know, we just
hired him as the contractor
for the nursery.
It feels like a lot to ask
more than an evening,
you know, like we're--
Yeah, taking advantage.
[both cringing] Yeah.
[inhales sharply]
We could ask your brother.
Are you kidding?
Don't you remember
what happened last time?
-[flames whooshing]
-[alarm blaring]
[wheezing and choking]
[hacking and coughing]
[coughs and sputters]
I'll totally pay for that.
[smoke alarm blares]
He did pay for it.
That's not the point!
Sam doesn't know
the first thing about kids.
Plus, he'd probably say
"no" anyhow.
He hasn't visited us since...
Hey, um...
Sam's family.
He's only
a couple of hours away.
And, hon?
He's kind of our only option.
[tropical music plays]
[Jason hums and scats
to the tune]
[phone begins ringing]
Bah, buh-buh
Is everything okay?
Why do you say it like that?
[exhales deeply] Because...
we haven't talked since...
[words catch]
Did Mom tell you that
Nate and I are adopting again?
Yeah, she mentioned something
about that a few months ago.
How's that going,
by the way?
The birth mother
just went into labor.
Ah! So goin' soon, then?
Sooner than expected.
She wasn't supposed to arrive
until New Year's.
[phone alert chimes]
And Mom was gonna help--
...But she's not set
to arrive until the 26th,
to watch Miles and Dania,
and we have to drive out
to Buffalo
to get the baby today.
It'll cost her a kidney
to rebook
this close to Christmas.
That's what she said.
we need to find someone
to come here
and be with the kids
until we get back.
[record scratches]
are you asking me
to babysit?
I know it's been
a really long time
since you've been
drafted into service--
It's been years, Kath.
We're obviously desperate,
but you are the only person
who never goes anywhere
for the holidays.
And you can make
all of your work calls here...
when you're not with
the kids, of course.
[grunts in frustration]
[Dania] Mom!
You're gonna make me
do it, aren't you?
I'm calling in
the Calvin Card.
[horrified] What?
It has been 22 years!
You made me lie to Mom and Dad
about where you were
on Senior Night in high school
when you snuck out
with Calvin Carnackie
to Central Park,
and I told them
that you were
with Sonya Perez
and Lola Kurtz,
so that you wouldn't
get grounded
for the whole entire summer.
You totally owe me--
Oh! I can't believe
you're calling that in!
[exhales victoriously]
Desperate times,
desperate measures.
Isn't there, like, a--
a professional
Mary Poppins service
out there you could hire?
Someone who has
the slightest clue
on what to do
with children?
And who didn't blow up the house
last time they tried?
You know what?
[huffs] I knew better
than to ask,
but Nate pulled
his "Sam's family"
Jedi mind-tricks,
and I fell for it.
I guess I'm just gonna have
to leave Miles in charge
after all.
Merry Christmas, Sam.
[dial tone beeps and buzzes]
Miles being in charge
was sarcasm, right?
He's 13.
Of course, it was sarcasm.
Just checking.
[inhales] How long
would this...
arrangement entail?
Two days. Probably.
You know, Sam...
babies have
their own schedules.
But you won't.
I will leave you a detailed one
and make sure
that you don't have
to worry about a thing.
[screams] Ahhhhh!
[forced cheer] Okay.
Seriously? Okay!
Wow! Thank you!
But I don't have to cook?
Absolutely not.
[relieved sigh]
Best behavior
from both of you, okay?
Jason's gonna watch over you
until Uncle Sam gets here.
I don't need
a babysitter anymore.
Well, your sister does.
Unless you wanna do all
the cooking and cleaning
for her
while I'm gone?
[kids] No!
I'll stay
until your brother gets here.
And I'll finish up the nursery
before you get back.
[sighing] You're amazing.
Thank you so much.
Okay, car's packed.
Christmas is in four days.
You'll be back in time, right?
Of course, sweetie!
I promise.
We'll absolutely be back
in time for Christmas.
And we'll bring
your new baby sister, too.
Later, buddy.
I'm sorry--
you gave up Hawaii...
to babysit?
Didn't give up.
I merely delayed
my departure.
But my baby sister hasn't
asked me to watch the kids
Since you almost burned down
their kitchen,
making an omelette?
It was a minor fire,
quickly extinguished.
Plus, my plan is just
to order in everything.
That's expensive.
Cheaper than a remodel.
Sam, you have
an aversion to kids.
No, no, not an aversion.
I'm awkward
and uncomfortable.
Mainly when they're tiny.
But Miles is like 13,
he's practically
in college now and--
-...Dania is...
...well, she's somewhere
between like six and... ten,
so, we're going to be able
to communicate like adults.
It's gonna be a disaster.
Oh! Ye of little faith.
I am going to rock
these two nights of gunclehood
and then it's off
to checking work emails
on sandy beaches,
sipping Mai Tais.
I got this.
You got this.
I got this! Sorry.
[slaps shoulder]
[game music plays]
[game audience applauds]
Let's go!
That's it--
time for you to hit the hay.
Oh, come on.
This is just 'cause you lost.
And because
it's 15 minutes past
when your mom said
she wanted you to be in bed.
But, in deference
to your victory...
...I'll clean up.
I think
this is the place.
Thanks for the ride.
[car door shuts]
I got it. No problemo.
Oh. Wow. Okay.
[ring clinking on gnome]
[loud dog barking]
Who are you?
the guy who lives here.
Your family's neighbor.
Sam. Dalton.
The brother.
Which you obviously
already know.
I've said "obviously" twice.
[chuckling awkwardly]
Uh... this way.
All these houses out here,
they just... they look--
they look the same to me.
So, when was the last time
you were in Brayden?
A while.
Kathleen and Nate usually
come to visit me
in the big city,
when they need
some grown-up time.
You're new.
Yes and no.
Well, you guys
sure do like to go all out
for Christmas around here.
Well, you should see
my mom and pop's place
across the street.
Oh, your parents
are across the street?
Yeah, for a few years.
Then my place opened up around
the time my great-aunt Mimi--
God rest her soul--
...left me enough
for a downpayment.
Here I am.
[chuckles awkwardly]
Here you are.
Enough about me.
Kathleen left this for you.
Ah, yes!
The schedule!
This is the longest document
I've seen
that wasn't
a mortgage application.
She has got this
down to the minute!
7 A.M.-- "Wake up".
children are awake."
Oh, she's serious.
"Begin ordering breakfast.
Menus are in the... kitchen."
I'm feeling very "Maria
Von Trapp meets the Captain"
at the moment.
Oh, she doesn't
have the play on here.
-Yeah, there's an audition
for the Christmas play,
tomorrow at 10 A.M.
I was in Christmas plays
when I was a kid.
I once played
an elf named Gunther.
Pretty sure that's the origin
of my lederhosenaversion.
Ahem. You were saying?
Yeah, Miles really
wants to audition.
He kinda has
a crush on my niece,
but we don't discuss it.
Wise. Ha.
Well, what does
she have down for 10?
Uh, "Christmas Crafts.
Make stocking for baby."
Well, I'm already taking
my niece Arabella
to the auditions--
I can take Miles, too,
and then you're free to make
the stocking with Dania.
Yeah, okay.
-Are you sure?
And that way, you'll be
back on schedule by noon,
for, um... "lunch".
[laughs silently]
That's great.
Cool. Okay.
Where are the kids, anyway?
They're asleep.
So early?
It's past 10:30 P.M.
Which is late...
for children.
And for me, too,
so, if you're okay here,
I'm gonna head home.
-[huffs anxiously]
-[phone chimes]
I airdropped my contact info
to your phone,
so, if you need any help,
I'm just right next door.
Bless you.
[relieved chuckle]
You're doing a good thing,
the brother.
Thank you, Jason...
the neighbor.
[to self] Don't look
for a reason to run.
You so got this!
-[clattering and crashing]
Who are you?
Uh... Sam.
Your uncle?
My uncle Sam has a mustache.
Th-That was
an unfortunate phase
that was blessedly brief.
Uncle Sam!
Oh! Oh... hi!
I texted Mom.
She said I could have
pancakes for breakfast!
Oh! [chuckles] You're up!
[grumpy] You're late.
"Somebody" hasn't
had their morning coffee.
I'm 13.
I don't drink coffee.
Good call!
Guess that leaves you out,
too, then, huh?
Good call.
So, where is
the, uh, machine?
With the... you know?
We don't use pods
because plastic stays around
in landfills
for a million-billion years.
Okay, fair.
But what do the adults
of the household--
A.K.A. "Mom and Dad" to you--
drink for caffeine?
Dad drinks kombucha
and Mom drinks tea.
This is a coffee-free home?
I really feel like that
should've been conveyed earlier.
Want me to get you a kombucha?
Not if my life
depended on it.
I'll make do with tea.
Now! Breakfast!
You're not gonna cook,
are you?
Eh! No. Heh.
Luckily, your mother's
unnervingly thorough schedule
on what the next two days
looks like,
includes delivery places,
which means breakfast pancakes
are gonna be provided by...
Oh! "Clean Green Food".
Oof, I'm gonna lose
so much weight.
[phone dials]
[out-of-service tone plays]
We're sorry.
Your call cannot be
completed as dialed.
Please check the area code
and number, then dial--
I'm hungry!
Yep, any second now...
any second.
[out-of-service tone plays]
We're sorry.
Your call cannot be completed--
Uh... okay.
So, apparently,
this "Clean Green"
is having
some technical issues.
Do you know any other
restaurants we could order from?
They're the only
vegan place nearby
that'll deliver breakfast.
Dania's vegan now.
[whimpers] Oh, okay.
does cereal count?
Huh? How about that?
Mom said pancakes!
Does she do this a lot?
I will give you 50 bucks
to not make that face anymore.
[cries out]
I just want pancakes!
We really gotta work on
your negotiating skills, kid.
[Dania moans wailfully]
Hey, sweetie.
There's eggnog on the table.
Now go inside.
I'll be in there
in a second, okay?
-Hey, Ma.
-How are you?
-I'm good.
Thanks for taking Bella
to this play thing.
It's just right in the middle of
the store's Christmas rush.
Yeah. Of course.
How are you doing?
I'm hangin' in.
It's the first Christmas
as a single dad, so, uh...
Arabella knows
you're doing your best.
Thanks, Ma. I hope so.
Parenting isn't easy.
Oh, ho, ho, ho.
You're preaching to the choir.
You sure you wanna
tackle this solo?
I'm tired of waiting
for someone to want to join me.
Which could be never
at this rate, so...
Well, not with that attitude.
Jason, you spent too long
in Los Angeles,
looking for the right guy--
you've only been in town a year.
You never know
who you'll meet.
[phone chimes]
[door opens]
[whining sadly]
[quietly] I'm sorry!
I didn't know who else to call.
Apparently, it's vegan pancakes
or deep sighs of disappointment,
followed by a face
I usually only see
right before
someone breaks up with me.
[sighs despondently]
So do you want me to find
the recipe for you?
It's a little more
complicated than that,
in the fact that I don't, uh...
you know-- cook.
Oh, right. The fire.
They told you?
Only because I did
some minor renovations for them
last summer,
and I found some scorch marks
that the other contractor
Who knew dried chives
were that flammable, huh?
It was like a tinderbox!
But we're gonna focus
on the now.
Right. Now, I will pay
you a hundred dollars
to make me
a vegan pancake breakfast.
Do you want to give it a try?
Or make sure
the griddle's hot?
Thank you.
And we just need
a little bit more flour.
And the flour... flour.
This is flour?
Just... scoop.
-And now the oat milk.
Ooh! All right.
There we go.
Now all we have to do
is make them...
Christmas pancakes.
Wow! Nice trick.
Do you have kids?
Not yet.
But I do have
18 nieces and nephews.
I'm sorry, what?
Jason has a big family.
I'm the youngest
of seven kids.
W-- Wow.
And one thing I learned
along the way
is how to create things
Christmas pancakes.
Actual Christmas pancakes!
Who knew?
[bell dings]
Oh! We have to leave
for the auditions in 15 minutes.
I'll be ready.
Can I talk to you
for a second?
So, you're really good
at this "uncle" thing.
I suppose.
I don't know what I'm doing,
even with the world's
most comprehensive
set of instructions.
Don't be so hard on yourself,
you just got started.
Yet, I've already failed
three times.
You know what?
I want to hire you.
To co-nanny or...
manny or uncle...
I just need someone
to help me
until I get the hang of things.
-You don't have to hire me.
-I wouldn't feel right
asking you for help
every two seconds.
I wouldn't know
what to charge,
and besides, I'm already here
working on the nursery--
You're already here!
And I've seen the room,
it's practically done.
Good job, you!
-I-I don't know...
-I mean, you said it yourself,
you have, what--
800 nieces and nephews?
You're an expert!
I'm stuck in beginner mode.
Think of yourself as...
an "uncle consultant".
-An uncle--
-For two days.
Name your price.
Do you always throw money
at a problem?
Only when I think it'll work.
Well, I do need
to hire a lawyer.
Okay, really not that serious.
I was thinking--
Yeah, for something else,
and, um, the retainer fee
is three times
what I budgeted for.
What's the fee?
Well, looks like you got
yourself an uncle consultant.
Yes, I do.
Oh, and, uh... here.
You got some green batter
on your Rossini loafers.
Oh! Thanks.
Hey, Jason?
How'd you know
these were Rossini loafers?
[quietly] Oh?
[realizing] Oh!
Look at
all the big Nutcrackers!
Whoa! Look at all
the big Nutcrackers!
Ah, I take it you didn't go
to a lot of these growing up?
Does the Museum of Modern Art
There's a slight difference.
Well, I gotta go paint sets
until the auditions are over.
Uh, yeah. Go.
Go, go, go.
Text me when you're done.
Hey, Logan. Kevin.
-How are you?
Nice to see you.
[exchange continues
[Sam] Interesting.
Uncle Sam?
Niece Dania.
The Christmas stocking
craft booth is this way.
There's the reindeer toss!
May we do that, please?
Don't you want
to make a stocking
for your new baby sister?
Maybe later. Let's go!
Hey, Uncle Eddie.
Hey, kiddo!
Your cousins are getting
fitted for their costumes,
and after that, Ms. Latsko
wants to see you for Elf Queen.
Where's the fitting area?
I'll show you.
I just got done.
Good luck, Miles.
Hey! Thanks so much for
coming to try out, Miles.
We were left in a lurch,
so this is real helpful.
And, uh...
Pete asked me to drop Arabella
back by his house
when it's over.
I'll tell Mom.
-Have fun.
-Let's go!
Come on.
Oh? Yeah!
You are a reindeer
ring-toss ringer.
What does a "ringer" mean?
It means you get
another stuffed reindeer.
Your turn, Uncle Sam.
Oh, no, this isn't for me.
You don't know
until you try.
Some things you just know.
Mom's good at this game.
Nice psychological trick
there, kid.
I see what you did.
I don't know what that means.
It means you have tapped
into my sibling-rivalry side.
Let's do this!
All right. Here we go.
Just a little, uh...
a little rusty.
It's the wind.
Yep, wind's blowing that way,
so you gotta...
trajectory, you know.
You'll learn it later.
Uh, okay, here we go.
[sheepish chuckle]
Hey, batter-batter,
hey, batter.
Hey, batter, hey, batter!
Sah-wing, batter-- oh!
[crow squawks]
Hi. See, the problem is,
sometimes, I'm so strong,
I don't-- oh!
[phone ringing]
Oh, I gotta take this.
you, um--
-You know, uh, just...
[Kathleen] Sam?
Here, just play a few--
-...Hundred rounds on me, okay?
Uh... hi, Sis!
Hey, how's it going?
Hey. I'm calling
to give you an update
on the baby.
Where are you?
Oh, we're at the Christmas Fair
with Dania,
-where she has just won...
-[crowd applauding]
...Another stuffed reindeer!
Go, you!
Good job!
You know, I actually think
she's found her life calling.
Aren't you supposed to be
doing the crafts
that I scheduled for now?
Uh, yeah, well, we're gonna get
to that in a little bit.
Sam! It is really important
to stay on schedule.
Kids need structure.
Is everything okay
with the baby?
Yes, thankfully.
Things are just taking a little
longer than anticipated.
Well, you think you're gonna
be back by Christmas?
So far, we're still
on track for that,
but it's gonna be closer
than we thought.
Where's Miles?
He's auditioning
for the Christmas play.
Ohh! The play!
I totally forgot about that.
Yeah, Jason didn't.
He's with him right now.
Yeah, your neighbor with like
a thousand nieces and nephews?
He's helping me with the kids.
I figured that's okay,
since, well...
you left them with him
until I arrived.
That's fine.
Jason's great with kids.
Yeah, and also
very good-looking
and gay!
And how come you never
told me about him before?
I thought about it when
he first moved in next door,
but you two
are very different.
He's really serious about
having a family, Sam.
And you're...
[non-committal grunt]
Dr. March called.
We're back on!
[gasps] Gotta go, Sam!
No, no, no, no! Don't go! I--
W-Wait, wait, wait, wait!
[texts chiming]
Don't forget your winnings.
[exhaling deeply]
Hey, what'd you want
to talk about?
I'll be in in a second.
Got it.
[Dania] I am so in love
with my reindeers.
[Miles] There are a lot of them!
Have you named them?
[Dania] Not yet.
[door creaks shut]
So, my brother, Eddie,
is directing
the Christmas play this year,
and he said that the only reason
that Miles got the part
is because the other kid
trying out
gets queasy
when he's nervous.
I think he was off
because my niece
was talking with another boy.
Ah, yes.
Young love is tough.
Old love's not much better.
What do we do?
Well, I was thinking--
since you said
you'd done plays before--
that you might have
some advice for him.
No, that was many years ago.
Were you any good?
I was.
Uh, despite the lederhosen.
I knew you would be.
I can't tell--
is that a compliment?
It's an opportunity for Miles.
Maybe you can
give him some tips?
Oh... I don't know.
He doesn't seem
to particularly like me.
Because he's a teenager!
All adults are boring.
Yeah, but he listens to you.
Yeah, because I'm connected
to the girl he likes.
I'll see what I can do.
-Should we go in?
-Yeah, want to go in?
Cool. Cool, cool, cool.
That's an interesting
fashion choice.
My shoes weren't
the only thing
that got hit
with the green batter.
My sweater got nailed, too.
I had to switch.
And you just happened to have
a Christmas aloha shirt?
Festive, right?
I was packed
for my trip to Hawaii
for Christmas
when Kathleen ambushed me.
You know, it was easier
to throw in a couple sweaters
and pants
than to totally repack,
especially since
I'm headed to the airport
as soon as they get home.
You're spending Christmas
in Hawaii?
By yourself?
Trying to.
My goal
is to unplug and relax.
Best I can.
But it's Christmas.
Don't you want to spend it
with your family?
My parents got divorced,
like, 20 years ago.
Mom's in Italy.
Dad spends most of his time
at the lake house--
he's retired.
What about coming here?
Hold on.
Oh! One sec.
Hey, Duchess.
Yes, we received
your request to have
all the toys donated anonymously
to the school.
[door opens]
Yes, we are right on top of it,
don't worry, mm-hmm.
-Oh, hi, Mom, come on in.
Oh, okay, yes!
And a ve-- very Merry Christmas
to you, too.
All right. Bye-bye. Have fun.
Sorry, a VIP client.
Murphy, no!
-Drop the reindeer!
Murph! No! Sit!
[crying out]
[darkly] We meet at last.
-[groans] Oh!
-Are you okay?
Oh, I'm okay.
I'm a li-- ahh!
I'm good! I'm good!
Good. Okay.
-I'm so sorry.
Murphy associates
plush toys with fetch.
Kathleen's gonna kill me.
She totally is.
We can fix it.
Do not worry.
Marilyn DeVito.
Sam Dalton.
Are you one of Jason's sisters?
I like you already,
Sam Dalton.
Meet my mom.
You're too young
to have seven kids!
He just gets better and better.
I came to drop off cookies,
but also to remind Jason
that it's the family
Christmas lights walk tonight.
Christmas lights walk?
It's a neighborhood tradition--
incredibly festive.
Oh! Can we go with the DeVitos
tonight, please?
Oh. Uh, well,
we don't want to impose.
-Honey, please, no. [laughs]
Our family motto is...
"the more, the merrier".
I guess we're going on
a lights walk, huh?
What about the angel?
Here we go. Ready?
One, two, three, up!
There you go!
All right, right up on top.
Look how pretty.
[Marilyn] Beautiful.
[Sam] Yeah! You did it.
[quiet chatter]
So, Sam, is this
your first time to Brayden?
Uh, no, actually,
I was here five years ago.
Oh, right--
the kitchen incident!
[familiar chuckles
and laughter]
Does everyone know?
No. No, no, no.
Pop, here, and I run
DeVito General Store,
so all the contractors
come to us for all the supplies.
All of 'em?
[family] All of them!
As well as my youngest,
who's back home now...
-for good!
-Mm. [chuckles]
Where were you before?
Los Angeles.
But you're here now,
thanks to Great-Aunt Mimi's
kind heart.
smooching air-kisses]
[Sam smooches]
Come on.
This is supposed to be
a Christmas lights walk,
not "linger".
Let's mosey!
Bella, let's "mosey".
[Marilyn, bossily]
We're walking now.
We're walking.
[indistinct exchange]
Hey, guys.
Who are they?
That's Kevin and Logan.
Kevin grew up in Brayden
and when he moved back,
he brought Logan with him.
Oh, another relative?
No. Kevin was
my high-school boyfr--
-You okay?
That shrub just attacked me!
I'm beginning to think
you have an inner-ear disorder.
[Sam laughs nervously]
You were saying?
Kevin and I
broke up in college,
which is where
he met Logan.
Oh. Is he the one
that got away?
No, Kevin and Logan
are perfect for each other.
I'm really happy for them.
They're good people.
I'm sensing a "but..."
Sometimes, I envy
what they have.
Ever since I can remember,
I've wanted to fall in love,
get married,
become a dad.
Your happily-ever-after?
Somethin' like that.
What about you?
I don't know about
"happily ever after".
I-I go on dates,
I just barely make it
to a second one.
If you ask
my best friend, Ellie,
it's because I'm always
looking for a reason to run.
Don't ask me why.
Well, maybe it's easy
to find a reason to run
if there's not
a better reason to stay.
I'm totally
quoting you on that.
You're welcome.
Well, I'm...
sure you'll find your guy
But I'm tired of waiting for
my happily-ever-after to start.
What does that mean?
After this Christmas,
I am starting
the adoption process.
That's what I needed
the retainer fee for.
No more waiting.
I'm gonna have
my happily-ever-after,
even if I gotta do it on my own.
...She's a Christmas baby.
I know.
You softie.
I know.
[phone buzzes]
Your mom or mine?
Oh, no... now yours.
They want updates.
Should we start
telling everyone?
Not yet.
I want to savor this moment
a little longer.
We'll be together
once again
This Christmas
Stop trying
to make fetch happen.
Time with the loved ones
Hanging gifts...
Excuse me, gotta get up,
excuse me.
[Jason] Good morning.
I figured,
since you're paying me,
the least I can do
is come in early
and make breakfast.
Well, I applaud
your reasoning.
Why do I smell coffee?
Oh, ho, ho, ho... ho!
That's it--
I am paying you double.
I'll add it to the bill.
-Have you heard anything
from your sister
about the baby?
Ah, not yet.
I texted them last night,
but no response.
When's your flight to Hawaii?
Christmas Eve afternoon.
Depending on
when they get back.
That's tomorrow.
You're gonna miss Miles' play.
I didn't know about it
when I changed my reservation.
Santa waffles!
I have many skills.
Can I help?
Okay. Uh...
how do we do this?
Just lay 'em down here?
Yeah, start at the top.
Now all he needs
is a fluffy white beard.
How's that?
I think you got it.
Hey! Miles.
Good morning!
Uh, how-how--
how are the lines coming?
Mr. D said
I could keep the script
during the performance,
since it's tomorrow,
and I won't be able to memorize
all the lines by then.
I'm not very good.
Well, if you want,
I can help you.
I did some Christmas plays
when I was younger.
I mean, I need all the help
I can get.
Okay! Great. Yeah.
Uh, after breakfast?
Why don't you go
wake up your sister?
It is... waffle time!
Waffle time.
Can I get a "ho, ho, ho"?
Let me hear ya, Miles!
"Ho, ho, ho!"
I'm starting to feel a bond.
Okay, thanks.
What are you here for?
Extra paint.
I want to finish
the nursery tonight,
in case Nate and Kathleen
get home tomorrow.
-Oh, fun.
-Hey, what's with the limp?
Huh? Oh. Got a blister
last night at the lights walk.
Can you believe it?
Oh, that's no fun.
Well, it was actually fun.
Helped get me outta
my post-divorce funk, so...
Anyway, how about you?
You and Sam
and the kids have fun?
Yeah. We did, actually.
Nothing. Ahem.
Mom thinks he's single.
How would Mom know that?
I don't know,
maybe it's just a Mom skill.
She does it with women for me,
you know. I mean, now.
Well, Sam and I haven't
talked about that sort of thing.
I'm just helping him
with the kids for a couple days
while he's here,
and that's it.
Right. Mom said
he lives in Manhattan.
Not too far away from you,
if you wanted to date.
Who said anything
about dating?
Do you?
I just came for paint.
Oh, come on!
So, do you want to date him?
What I want
is to start a family,
and not Sam's thing.
I thought you didn't
talk about that.
Not with Sam.
[sets paint can down]
Kathleen had mentioned
when I first
moved back to Brayden,
about maybe
setting me and Sam up.
Well, that sounds promising.
Yeah. Until I told her that
I wanted to start a family,
and then she said
Sam and I wouldn't
be a good fit.
Apparently, he's kind of
a permanent bachelor,
and not the settling-down
and starting-a-family kinda guy.
Or maybe you let him
tell you that,
one way or the other.
I mean,
i-if you're interested.
[sighs] Mm-hmm.
Okay, let's restart with
the opening paragraph, okay?
[monotonously] "Many of you know
of the man we call Santa Claus,
but today you're going to hear
about how he came to be."
Okay. I'm gonna stop you
right there.
Uh, we'll do it again,
but first things first--
let's do posture, okay?
Uh, stand straight. Okay.
Very good.
Shoulders back. Feet planted!
Head up.
Now you look confident!
But I'm not.
But you lookconfident--
and that is half the battle.
Bookmark that for the rest
of your life-- it's useful.
See, posture helps
with your breathing,
which helps your voice,
which we want to make larger,
not louder.
Okay? So, one comes
from the throat,
one comes from the chest.
[deeply] We want to talk
down here in our chest.
[squeaky] We don't want to be
up here in our... throat .
This is a lot.
It's standing, breathing,
and talking.
You're doing
all three right now.
You learned all this
just by doing some plays
when you were my age?
No. I actually took
some speech classes in college.
I was shy back then.
-You were?
-I was!
Teenage years
are not easy on anybody,
but I promise you...
it does get better.
Little things that you're doing
along the way--
like this play--
they all help.
[takes a deep breath]
There we go!
All right! Let's do this. Ready?
In three...
two, one--
[deep breath]
[forced] "Many of you know
of the man we call Santa Claus,
but today you're going to hear
about how he came to be."
[blows air]
Okay, this time, let's try
breathing and talking--
same time.
[phone chimes]
[alert chimes]
[Sam] Looks like
I'm an uncle again!
When can you get home?
We're gonna video call
with Kathleen and Nate soon.
I'm on my way.
[Sam, gushing]
Hello, hello, hello!
Oh, you're so cute!
Look at her!
[baby babbles]
What's her name?
Uh, we're still
working on that.
Are you going to be back
in time for Christmas?
Uh, we're gonna do our best,
honey, yeah.
It's snowing very hard
outside, though.
But you promised.
We did...
and we're gonna be there.
Can your sedan handle
traveling in so much snow?
I'm not sure.
What about an airplane?
We can't take your sister
on an airplane, sweetie--
she's just too young.
Have you asked Dad
for help?
His cabin's less than
an hour from Buffalo
and he's got that huge SUV.
You guys could drive together,
to be safe.
Dad would be great,
if we could reach him,
but he has no cell reception
and he never
answers the landline.
What about Mr. Biddle?
He's a neighbor
closer to town.
Mom calls him
to drive up to Dad's place
to tell him to call her
all the time.
But Mom's in Italy.
I guess I could try
to get her attention
to get Mr. Biddle's number?
I have his number.
You do?
Yeah. I went fishing there
every summer with Dad
-until I was 16.
-You fished?
Weird, right?
That's a good idea.
That's a really good idea, Sam.
Did you see the look
in Dania's eyes?
If we're not back
in time for Christmas,
she will never forgive us.
Sam will reach your dad,
then he'll drive lead for us,
and we'll make it home
in time for Christmas.
We have to be safe about it.
Thank you so much, Mr. Biddle.
It's really important
that I talk to Dad.
Oh, no. Stavros.
What was that?
Oh, yeah, it has been a while
since I've been fishing.
This summer? Okay.
Um, maybe we can do that.
We can come up with Dad,
go to the cabin--
it'll be a whole thing.
Yes! Thank you--
thank you so much!
Thank you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Oh! Nice work.
Ah, thanks.
I always find painting
to be soothing.
Can I help?
You might get paint
on your nice sweater.
I changed my departure
to Christmas Day,
a-after the presents from Santa
have been opened,
of course.
I mean, even if they do make it
back in time for the play,
they're going to be wiped out.
Makes sense.
Oh. And Kathleen wanted me
to wrap some presents,
so I'm gonna do that while
you and Miles are at rehearsal.
And what about Dania?
She'll be around.
I'm still getting used
to this whole sneaky-parent
behavior thing.
You missed a spot.
Yes, dear.
I can help you.
Wrap the presents,
if you like.
After rehearsal.
Maybe you and Dania
can come, too,
and then, afterwards,
we can wrap the presents
when they're asleep.
I have to earn
my "uncle consultant" keep,
after all.
So, the...
retainer fee was for
the adoption lawyer, huh?
Yeah, the same
as Kathleen and Nate's.
They're helping me
through the process.
It's a big step--
being a single parent.
I mean, I'm exhausted
just co-uncling with you.
And now you sound like
everyone else I know...
especially the guys
I used to date
back in Los Angeles.
Was it bad?
Not bad so much as
just disheartening.
You know,
I'd date a guy for a while
and then, as soon as it got
to the...
"Oh, you're serious about
having the family?" thing,
they just ghosted.
The last guy
went to the bathroom
and he just never came back.
So, I paid the check
and then started making plans
to move home to Brayden.
I would never do that to you.
You'd at least
pay the check.
[laughs] Right?
How'd it go?
And then Arabella
came on stage with Declan,
and Miles got off-track.
Well, we still have a day.
It's a Christmas play
in a community theater--
no one's expecting Shakespeare,
except maybe
a couple of parents.
My goal is for the kids
to learn and have fun.
It doesn't seem like
Miles is having any fun.
I mean, if need be,
I can read the narrator's--
That would
embarrass Miles even more.
Look. Brother favor?
Don't decide yet.
Sam and I'll see
what we can do.
[casually] Sure.
[phone buzzing]
Mm. Hold this.
I'll be right back.
Dad! Hey!
Hey! Bert Biddle
came up to my place today
to tell me that my family
was looking for me?
Is everything okay?
Yes, actually.
The news is all good.
You're a grandpa again!
From you?
What? No. Dad, come on.
Right? I mean,
that's why I was confused!
It's Kathleen and Nate.
Remember the baby
that was supposed to come
New Year's Day?
she came early
and they're stuck
in a snowstorm
and it's gonna--
[sighs] You know what?
Let me back up to the part
where you get the chance
to save Christmas.
Jingle bells
Thank you.
Jingle bells
Jingle all the way
What fun it is to ride
Thank you.
[Sam laughs]
Jingle bells
I think it looks cute.
Oh, okay.
how are
we gonna wrap that?
Lotta tape, my friend.
Dashin' through the snow
O'er the fields we go
-[words catch]
-No, not this way.
[paper rustling]
Nope, that's...
[Jason chuckles softly]
Oh... okay.
Okay... around.
That's a disaster.
No, it's perfect.
It's so bad.
So, what do you want to do?
About Miles?
I can talk to him tomorrow.
You know,
see if I can come up
with any techniques
that'll help him focus.
I can watch Dania
while you do,
maybe I can finally get her
to make the Christmas stocking.
About that--
...I feel like
I'm taking advantage of you.
What do you mean?
O-Our original deal was for
a couple of days, at most.
We're headed into day four,
if you count you watching them
before I arrived.
I don't.
But I do.
The nursery's almost done--
you must have other things
you have to do.
It slows down
around the holidays.
Besides, I'd feel like
I was quitting in the middle
if I left now.
But don't consider it
part of, you know,
the payment.
Of course, I'd consider it
part of the payment.
I'm not gonna take advantage
of your kindness.
[Dania] Uncle Sam?
[both panicking]
What are you doing up?
Can we talk?
Can I come in?
What's going on?
I miss Mom and Dad.
What if they don't make it
back here for Christmas?
Well, you know, they're doing
everything in their power
to make it back here in time,
but they gotta
be safe about it.
I know.
It's just...
I wish they hadn't gone away
in the first place.
You know...
I'm a little bit older
than your mom...
and, so, I got to be
an only child for a while,
and I have to say...
I really liked it.
Like, a lot.
Then, one day,
my mom and dad told me
that I was gonna be
a big brother...
...and I didn't like that.
You didn't like Mom?
No, it wasn't your mom.
It was the fact
that I wasn't gonna be
the only one anymore.
I was scared my parents
wouldn't love me the same.
Did they?
They did.
Just the same.
And you having a little sister
isn't gonna change
how your parents feel about you,
or Miles.
They will always love you...
because you...
are you.
You really think so?
I know so.
[relieved chuckle]
Thanks, Uncle Sam.
Now you need
to get some sleep.
[exhales with resolve]
[chortles victoriously]
Did you order all this in?
Made freshly,
by yours truly.
With plenty of vegan options
for milady.
You cooked with fire?
Okay, now you make me
sound like a caveman,
which I strangely like.
But yes,
I cooked with fire, and yes,
the place
is still standing.
Feel free to put thatin
your Brayden gossip-group chat.
[Miles joins clapping]
[all clapping]
Thank you! Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Come on, eat, eat,
before it gets cold.
Up, milady, I'll push you in.
Where's Dad?
Maybe he's out of cell range?
We're in upstate New York,
not the North Pole.
That'll be room service.
Sam says
I'm a grandpa again?
Yes, you are.
Oh, my goodness.
well done.
It's your grandpa.
It's your grandpa.
Uh, I'm gonna
take Murph for a walk
and then get ready
for tonight.
And there's this.
It's an early
Christmas present.
Worth it to see that expression
right there.
And there's more.
I figured you'd want
something for tonight
I thought that color would
look really good on you.
Thank you.
It's perfect.
see you later.
[exhales deeply
as door closes]
[Sam] There you are!
I wanted to get it done
before Santa shows up.
"Baby Sister".
Since we don't know her name.
I'll make another one for her
next year.
Mm-hmm. What?
[words catch]
You need one, too.
Thank you.
We'll hang 'em up
when we get back
from the play tonight.
Is everyone ready?
[less certain] Ready.
Then let's go.
Come on.
Got it.
So many!
Oh. Yeah.
Kathleen and Nate are delayed
because of the snow,
so she texted me to make sure
I capture everything.
Oh, well, I'm glad
you're here for this.
Me too.
Although, I might be
a little bit more nervous
than Miles
at this point.
It's close.
Oh, well, it doesn't get easier
and I've seen dozens of these.
[quietly] ...Arabella says
Miles is wonderful.
She did?
Probably helps that she has
a little crush on him.
She does?
That's why she wanted him
to be in the play,
though she's too shy
to admit it.
Grandmas know things.
They do.
Will you excuse me
for a moment?
Of course.
[exhales eagerly]
[anxiously] "Santa stacked
six singing snowmen
in his sonic sleigh."
She likes you!
She likes you,
not "Decker."
I heard it straight
from her grandma's mouth.
She likes you, dude!
Now I'm more nervous.
What? No, no, no, buddy!
This is your chance to shine.
You got this!
Let me hear you say it, okay?
I got this.
"I got this!"
[more comfortable]
I got this.
[passionately] "I got this!"
I got this!
[roars] "I got this!"
[crew] Shh!
Good luck!
I knew it!
[exhales with resolve]
Hi, everybody,
and Merry Christmas!
You can go ahead
and grab your seats now.
We'd like to thank you all
for coming out tonight
and welcome you
to T he Life and Adventures
of Santa Claus!
[cheering and applause]
Good evening
and Merry Christmas Eve.
Many of you know of the man
we call Santa Claus.
But today you're going to hear
about how he came to be.
Once upon a time,
there was a mighty forest,
and in that forest
there was a baby
who was all alone
and needed to find a family
to care for him
and to love him
and be there for him, always.
And although
there are many more children
than there used to be,
Santa Claus never complains.
For, to him,
there is nothing as beautiful
as a happy child.
Merry Christmas!
-[crowd cheers and applauds]
-[crying out] Yes!
[cheering continues]
Let's go, Miles!
Oh! Great job!
-Thank you.
-See, Uncle Eddie?
I knew Miles could do it.
Your parents
are gonna love the footage
your uncle got for you.
Do you have plans
for Christmas brunch?
I do.
I'm actually gonna be on a plane
to Honolulu tomorrow afternoon.
You're missing Christmas?
Christmas happens
in Hawaii, Mom.
I-I know, I know.
I just thought
that it would be nice
to have the family over,
since Kathleen and Nate
will likely be very tired
after driving all that way--
and with a tiny baby.
DeVito Christmas brunch
is not to be missed.
The whole family is there.
All of 'em?
[DeVitos] All of them!
That is a very generous offer
and I will definitely
pass it along
to Kathleen and Nate,
when they get back.
I vote "yes".
Sure you do!
[Sam chuckles] Anyway...
we have to get home
because someone has to help
hang stockings for Santa Claus.
[Dania] You really
were good tonight, Miles.
You didn't even mess up!
Thanks, D.
You know your parents would've
been at the play if they could.
I know.
Your mom texted
that they'd stop for the night
to be safe, if they had to.
They can't go too fast
because they have the new baby.
That's right.
As amazing as you were
tonight, Miles,
you both need to get some sleep
because tomorrow
is a very special day.
Good job!
What time
is your flight tomorrow?
Uh, two.
But I gotta take
the train to JFK,
so I'll probably leave Brayden
around 11.
That's barely time for brunch.
Clearly, I didn't
plan this through.
You know...
there's something
about a quiet house
on Christmas Eve...
I used to always love.
It's the anticipation.
So much is about to happen.
Our family
isn't big on traditions,
one thing that we do
on Christmas Eve
that I loved,
is we turn off
all the lights in the house,
except for the ones
on the tree.
And then we listen
to "Silent Night"
and just...
[takes a deep breath] present.
[clicks light off]
[Sam sighs]
[Jason begins to hum
"Silent Night"]
All is calm
[Jason gasps softly] bright
[vehicles approaching]
[brakes squeal]
[men chuckling]
They're home.
Hey, Dad!
My boy!
-Thank you!
-Of course!
That's what big brothers
are for.
Oh... my gosh!
There she is.
So cute! Come on! Come on!
I always forget
how tiny they are.
Well, she'll probably
be in college by the next time
you come visit, so...
Oh, I'm impressed...
you got a dig in,
in the first five minutes.
Well done.
You know I'm skilled
like that.
What if I...
stayed here for Christmas?
Are you serious?
Only if that's cool with you.
[astonished chuckle]
You know I'm cool with it.
What made you
change your mind?
A lot of things.
I can't thank you enough.
You're the best contractor
in the world...
and a great friend.
Glad to help.
And it was a real education.
I hope it didn't scare you off
of having kids.
Just the opposite.
Well, you're gonna
be a great dad.
I second that.
I hope so.
All right, well,
I am gonna go get her settled
I will see you later
and I will talk to you soon.
Okay, bye.
I had a lot of fun.
So did I.
It was nothing like
how I thought it would go.
It's a really good thing
you had an uncle consultant.
Um, I almost forgot
to give you this.
There you go.
It should cover
the retainer fee,
and then some.
This is way too generous.
Well, I couldn't have done it
without you.
I bet you could have...
Hey, Sam?
Could you, uh, uh...
show Frank
to the guest bedroom?
I'm gonna go help settle
the baby with Kathleen.
Yeah, sure.
Okay. Thanks.
So I think I'm gonna take off.
It was nice getting to know you,
Sam Dalton.
That sounds strangely final.
The deal is done,
and the check is paid.
As agreed, so...
Merry Christmas.
These cookies are great!
-You didn't make them, did you?
-[door opens]
-No, they were a gift.
-[door closes]
Huh! Well...
they're fantastic.
Get up!
It's Christmas!
-Come on, Miles!
-I'm coming!
[footsteps thumping down stairs]
[Miles] Awesome!
[Sam chuckles]
What'd you get?
[Dania] A unicorn.
Psst! Hey...
Merry Christmas, my loves.
Mom! Dad! Grandpa!
-Hey! Aww!
-You made it!
We missed you so much.
I'm sorry
we missed your play.
It's okay.
Uncle Sam recorded it.
He did great.
Uncle Sam helped me a lot.
What's her name?
We thought, since--
Well, since
she's a Christmas baby,
we'd name her
something after the season.
Miles, Dania--
meet your baby sister--
[Sam sniffles]
I'm gonna be all puffy
for the Christmas photos!
[Kathleen laughs]
Well, you're gonna
have plenty of time
to recover for photos...
because Uncle Sam is spending
all of Christmas with us.
[Kathleen chuckles]
Thank you.
Uh, you know what?
Right there. Stop.
Okay, ready? Pose!
[phone chimes]
You have to see
what Santa brought you.
Oh! [laughs]
Just what I always wanted.
Thank you so much.
You okay?
I'm gonna get
breakfast started.
Does anybody have any requests?
I'd love some pancakes.
I'll go.
Mm. Tell me about Jason.
I like him, sis.
I really like him.
I kinda sensed that.
But... something went wrong.
I don't know what.
He gave me back the check
that I gave him last night.
Why did you give him a check?
It... was part
of our agreement,
for him helping me.
I know that he needed it
for his adoption lawyer.
Th-That's why I gave him more,
so that way,
he'd have plenty to cover it.
And he's... he's gone so far,
and beyond, helping me.
And you really like him
and wanted to help him
in return?
Did I do something wrong?
I don't think so.
he originally agreed
to be paid to help you,
and then things changed...
and it didn't feel right
taking the money anymore?
[voice cracks] I'm...
I'm scared.
I don't know if I can be
what Jason needs.
And his needs are very clear.
You don't think
you could ever be open
to having a family?
It's really hard to explain.
you've known your whole life
that marriage and kids
were at least an option.
[quietly] That hasn't
been my experience.
Most of the time,
I'm told no.
Well, not by Mom and Dad.
No. I'm really lucky there.
But legally,
and perception-wise,
you know,
I've faced a whole lot of
"Uh-uh. Not you."
And, yeah, it's different...
to a degree...
but my internal voice
is still catching up.
I think that's why I run
and never make it
to a second date.
hard to flip the switch
to "yes".
Do you think you want to?
With Jason?
All I know is, for
the first time in my whole life,
I'm thinking "maybe"...
I know.
Another year over
It's another one gone
It's time to reflect upon
All said and done
I'll be missing you
This Christmas Day
I wish
I were close to you
But I'm miles away
For me
Christmas is nothing
Without you to hold
Wow! This looks amazing.
Are you sure
you didn't call a caterer?
[mockingly] "Are you sure
you didn't call a caterer?"
So, are you
gonna invite Jason?
Would you look
what my fantasy football league
sent over... celebrate
baby Angie's first Christmas?
[Kathleen] Hmm.
We'll, uh...
We'll raise a toast later.
Mm. [munching]
Why are you staring
at the champagne?
I'm gonna tell Jason
how I feel.
I'm so proud of you.
why are you staring
at the champagne?
I told my friend, Ellie,
that big deals
should be celebrated...
and this...
is a really big deal.
You're still
in your Christmas pajamas!
I like Sam.
But I need someone
who puts his family first,
not flies to Hawaii
on Christmas.
Excuse me,
but from what you told me,
didn't he drop everything
to take care of
his niece and nephew?
I mean, that's pretty much
the definition
of putting family first,
isn't it?
For a couple of days.
I need someone
for the long haul, Pete.
Buddy, there's no guarantees
in life.
How'd you leave it?
Well, he paid me
for our time together,
and that tells me
what he thinks.
So he followed through on
paying you what you agreed to?
Felt transactional.
Because it was a transaction,
not a declaration!
Look, here's what I know, okay?
Sam is the first guy
in a long time
to make you look
really happy.
I suppose I can call him
after Christmas.
Yeah, yeah.
I mean, unless he meets somebody
while he's away...
alone in paradise.
I didn't think about that!
Should I call him now?
Train station's 10 minutes
away-- go in person.
Take care of that.
Go get him!
I don't know what I'm doing.
You're risking your heart.
Is it always
this terrifying?
Yep! I hate to tell ya...
but it is.
Ohh. I love you.
I love you, too.
go get your guy.
[shrieks] Go!
You know
it's drivin' me crazy
Just bein' away from you
It's getting colder, baby
He's at his house!
I don't want
no winter blues
Get him!
Yeah, I know
we've been here before
You've been all alone
When the first snow falls
Guys, he's going to his house!
This time
I'm telling you
I'll be there for Christmas
Baby, we
I'm sorry
I gave you that check.
No, I was being
too sensitive.
We had an agreement, but...
things changed.
Yeah, I don't care
about the agreement.
You're what's important to me
and that's what
I was coming to tell you
before you left for Hawaii.
I'm not going to Hawaii.
Wonderful state,
can't wait to visit, but...
...what I want is here.
You're what's
important to me, too.
I-I should've said this
to you last night,
but seeing you leave--
it threw me off.
Pretending to have
a husband and kids
and a dog
and even a mini van,
i-it's not something
I ever saw for myself...
or even thought
that I could have.
And I--I know we were
in a kind of
our own little bubble, but...
[voice cracks]
...I really liked that bubble.
A lot.
Me too.
It felt right.
Youfelt right.
You feel right!
More than any other guy
I've ever met in my whole life.
And I can't make "forever"
a guarantee, I know that,
but I think that
there might be a way--
Do you want to have lunch
with my family for Christmas?
Yes, I do.
And then do you want to have
Christmas dinner with mine?
Sounds perfect.
Merry Christmas...
Merry Christmas.
[family cheering]
[cheering and applauding]
Get under the mistletoe
When it starts to snow
Honey, I'm coming home
This time
I promise you
I'll be there for Christmas
Baby, I'll be there
for Christmas