The Holiday Stocking (2022) Movie Script

The harold angels sing.
Glory to the newborn king.
Peace on Earth and mercy mild.
God and sinners reconciled.
Joy for all ye nations rise...
Our family was
extremely close knit.
We were always together.
And because our last
name was Holiday,
we felt like Christmas
was created just for us.
Hey, mama's song is playing.
It's time!
Time for the stocking!
Robert, stop yelling!
Mama said we can look for the
stocking when her song came on.
I mean, did you all hear me?
It's time!
The neighbors can hear you!
Yup, that's me.
Our father died
in a car accident.
I mean, Mom never
remarried and in many ways,
I felt like the
man of the house.
That looks great, Cricket.
Thanks, Mom.
Oh, this just might
be your calling.
It's perfect.
I want to work with you at
your own bakery one day.
Well, how much
fun would that be?
Cricket, look.
It's snowing.
Guess that means an
angel's getting its wings.
Start searching before your
brother's tonsils fall out.
My grandfathers on both
sides were pastors.
And my parents met at church.
They were big into mission work.
My sisters and I, were not.
So, in the weeks
leading up to Christmas,
my parents made us
play a game that we
call the holiday stocking game.
Hey, I found it.
I get the first guess.
Robert, look.
We'd search for the
holiday stocking,
reach inside, and pull
out the holiday riddle.
Hey Chris.
Give it.
Let her read it.
Riddle number one: In December,
you can catch this easily,
cannot throw it.
If you guessed the riddle, you
got to choose the good deed.
Five searches, five
riddles, five good deeds
done as a family.
Robert, do you know it?
I do.
A cold.
Very nice.
What would you like to do?
Let's buy some coats
from the thrift store
and hand them out
to the homeless.
It's a great idea, honey.
No fair, Mom.
She just wants to go shopping.
Don't blame me for having the
fastest brain in the family.
You look tired, mommy.
Well, that's because I've
been up baking since 5:00 AM.
I don't like you
working so hard.
No, it's fine.
I will do anything to make
sure that my babies have
the perfect Christmas.
Come here, kids.
Come on.
As much as I want you three
to have the presents you want,
never forget what your
father always said,
the most important
gifts at Christmas
are the things that
money can't buy.
We would still complain
about volunteering,
but once we were doing it.
It was fun and it
made mama so happy
to see us giving
back as a family.
So what exactly is
all of this stuff?
Oh, this box?
Is a key part of
my plan, Sarial.
Your plan?
Robert you transitioned
three weeks ago.
You've completed
your orientation.
I would think you'd be excited
to finally ascend to Heaven.
Yeah, but you say
that so calmly.
This whole thing is
still just strange to me.
I mean, look at this.
Why would they use this picture?
What they doing
with this picture?
I think it looks nice.
Now, back to this plan.
Well, you said it's best to
enter Heaven with no regrets
and I still have
one major one that...
I'd like to make it right.
I mean, my sisters
they've been estranged.
I mean, it got worse
after our mom died.
I mean, they didn't even speak
to each other at my funeral.
And I really regret that I
never made a better effort
to mend our family.
And now your plan has something
to do with this dusty box?
The Holiday Stocking game.
It always brought us together.
And if I can get
them to play, it just
might stir up some good
old memories, you know.
And maybe they'll remember how
important family really is.
Well, you know what they say,
make plans and watch God laugh.
Does he?
Does he what?
You know, does he laugh?
You'll see.
Well, this decision is
above my prayer grade
What's that?
But you snap your finger...
You have 12 days.
Why only 12 days?
12 tribes, 12 disciples,
12 Days of Christmas.
My boss has a thing
for the number 12.
But what if I'm not able
to bring them together
in that time?
Well, then your
sister's fate may
be that they remain
estranged, and you'll
have to live with that for
the rest of, well, eternity.
I'm sorry.
No, I can't let that be true.
No, I know I can get
them back together.
Any ideas how you'll get them
to play this stocking game?
Well no, I mean no.
Not yet.
I mean, I got 12 days.
So you're saying your plan
isn't well thought out?
I'm saying, I might
need a little help.
Well, first things first.
Obviously, you're dead.
So you can't just walk up to
your sisters in this body.
So we'll have to
change your appearance.
What do you mean
changed my appearance?
Are you ready?
Give me a second.
Even my voice is different.
My sisters will
never recognize me.
As long as you're
wearing this pendant,
you'll remain visible
to the living.
That way you can at least
communicate with them.
Robert meet RJ.
That's your new name.
I like it.
Can people see you too?
When I want them to.
This is going to work.
Don't forget the rules.
You'll appear as a regular human
and can touch and move things.
But your sisters will
not recognize you,
and you cannot tell
them who you are.
Got it.
How will I find you?
A flip phone?
It may look old
school, but it's got
everything you need in there,
plus you have angel intuition.
Good luck.
12 days.
Got it.
Thank you.
Spelled out snowflakes
falling, the magic in the air.
It was sounds of silver...
How do I look?
Dani Holiday, You look amazing.
You look like a runway model.
Thank you, bestie.
You're gorgeous.
Thank you.
Well, I guess when you have
one of the most successful
Black owned advertising
firms in Chicago,
you need to look the part.
Once we secure our
private equity funding,
our firm will not only
be known in Chicago,
we're going national, baby.
You know, I'm excited, but
I don't want to jinx it.
That's why I'm your VP.
I spoke to Ben and
he feels confident
that that deal will
close by Christmas.
Don't worry.
In the meantime, we're going
to every Christmas party,
taking all the
pictures, and making
sure Chicago knows what
Black excellence looks like.
Hey, we might even find a man.
Come on down.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas
Oh, that must be the driver.
Hi, you're not the driver.
How can I help you?
Yes, I'm sorry.
I'm RJ.
I'm working with your
brother's estate.
How did you know where I live?
Everything was in your
brother's paperwork.
This is for you.
Can you meet me
tomorrow morning?
The details are inside.
No, wait, wait.
What is this about?
This is his Christmas present.
He wanted to do this in
person, but obviously God
had other plans.
He made me promise that
I'd see it through.
Please, read the card.
I'm leaving!
Try to clean up before
your mom gets home!
Hey, you.
I was just heading out.
I got a delivery in
Tulsa by morning.
Well, I'm glad I caught you.
Are you going to be
home for Christmas?
It's just a seven day run.
So I'll be back next week, and
I'll be here until New Year.
All right.
Well, be safe.
Love you.
Love you too
Gia, can you come downstairs?
Hey, Mom.
I thought you were going to
clean up the house today.
What happened?
I'll do it now.
Hey, can I go sledding
with Gabby tomorrow?
I really wanted us to
do that as a family.
I'd rather go with friends.
This was stuck on
the door earlier.
Dear Marlow, I'm RJ,
Robert's executive assistant.
Though he's transitioned, he
left me special instructions
to deliver his final
Christmas present.
This was very important to him.
Therefore, I hope you will
meet me tomorrow at noon.
The tree at Christmas
Market for more details.
I don't know if I'm
feeling up to going out.
Angels we have heard on high.
Sweetly singing o'er
I'm late.
I was afraid no
one would show up.
What's that?
I haven't seen this
stocking in years.
Where did you get this?
Well, it was in a box of things
Robert left for you and Marlow.
Well, where's the box?
Well, he wants both
of you to participate
in the Holiday Stocking game,
before I hand over the box.
So you're holding
our things hostage?
No, not at all.
I promise to give you
everything afterwards.
It was important to him
that you and your sister
restart the stocking
family tradition.
My sister?
Is Marlow coming?
Probably not.
Perhaps if you talk to
her, she'll come around.
I don't think that's
going to happen.
Friends of Chicago is the
charity you'll be helping.
Robert insisted.
I'd love for you to
still participate.
I'm sorry.
I really don't have time.
Oh, but I do want
to get that box.
Please reconsider.
Here you are.
Two dozen Christmas
tree cookies.
One winter wonderland
coconut cake.
Thank you.
I can start that cake order,
if you want to go home early.
No, I got it.
You can handle inventory.
Can I help you?
Yes, these all look so, so good.
Thank you.
I'll have a reindeer
brownie, please.
All right.
I'm RJ.
I work with your
brother's estate.
Did you get my card?
The mystery card?
I've just been busy with orders.
I see that.
Excuse me?
Um, is that your mom?
Yeah, this was her shop.
We worked side by
side for many years.
Brownies on the house.
Thank you, but it's important
that you hear me out.
I feel like...
Look, Robert and I, we really
didn't speak that often.
I can't imagine what business
he would have with me.
Robert had that all this time?
Please, it was his last wish.
Like I said, I'm really busy.
Well, thank you for your time.
Where did you come from?
Don't you worry about that.
What are you doing?
Seeing if you have another
trick up your sleeve,
because baby sis is
not going for it.
You saw that?
I see everything.
Well, I have another plan.
So don't worry.
Ooh, brownies.
You know what the best thing
about being an angel is?
You never gain weight.
Good morning, Ben.
Please tell us that you
have good news for us.
Not quite.
My client was
committed to investing,
until she looked at
your profile and saw
that you have no community
initiatives or charity
She never said that
was a requirement
and we've had many meetings.
Technically, it's not, but
if she's investing millions
into your company, you have
to align with her principles
and she's big on philanthropy.
Is she backing out of the deal?
I have to be honest with you.
She's wavering.
Ben, You know that we're
anticipating this investment
to grow our business.
Look, I want your company
to get this funding.
If you've done any charity
work or community service
get it in front of me and
I'll see what I can do.
Oh, Wow.
What are we going to do?
I do not know.
We've worked so hard for this.
I mean, we've won awards, we've
retained fortune 100 clients.
I mean, I personally
network my Jimmy Choos off.
This cannot go down like this.
I agree, but do you have
anything to give to Ben?
Me either.
But I do know where
I could get some.
It's time to wake
up everybody across the world
and sing the longest
time for Christmas.
Can I have your attention?
Time to laugh and sing
around the Christmas...
I am so glad you
reached back out.
Well, I had, I had
a change of heart.
What about Marlow?
I'm going to be
doing this on my own.
I hope that's OK.
Well, Robert really
wanted the both of you.
Well, I'm sorry.
I'm all you got.
This isn't exactly how we...
I mean, you, play the game.
It's fine.
These look just like the
cards that mama made.
Robert took the time
to get it just right.
Riddle one: I'm loud
but silent, and I
love hanging around
Christmas parties.
What am I?
I mean, It's loud and likes
to hang around Christmas.
You got it.
Have we met before, because
it feels like we've met?
Of course not.
You hungry?
I know I am.
I was wondering why
you had us meet here.
Two reasons.
The food is great.
And the person
who owns the place
runs the Friends of Chicago.
The foundation you're
volunteering with.
And here he is.
Excuse me.
What's up, man?
How you doing?
Good to see you.
You too.
You too.
I got her.
I got you.
Thank you.
I'm Wilson Whitlock.
Dani Holiday.
I would like to volunteer.
Well, it's nice to
meet you Ms. Holiday.
I look forward to
working with you.
Welcome to Pat's BBQ.
Can I offer you
something to eat?
I could eat.
I get so excited when
it snows outside.
Get excited, girl.
You used to love decorating.
I'm never excited at 7:00 AM.
Well, I had to get an
early start, because I
got to get to the shop.
And you can come with me, so
we can go shopping afterwards.
I just thought it
might be nice for us
to spend some time together
I just want to go back to bed.
What's this?
You can toss it.
Ornament, please.
I'm trying to figure
out this riddle.
Is this a work thing?
No, when we were kids, we
used to play this holiday game
with riddles to solve.
And your uncle wanted us to
keep that Christmas tradition
this year.
I guess it was in his will.
That sounds fun.
What do you win?
You just solve the
riddle and then
you choose some
volunteer work to do.
Never mind, that
does not sound fun.
What kind of game is that?
Volunteering is good.
My mother, your
grandmother, used
to make us do that every
year around Christmas time.
Ugh, I'm so glad we
don't do that it.
You know, it was actually fun.
Because we would fight
to solve the riddle.
I mean, like fight fight.
And once we did, we just
chose the volunteer work.
And it wasn't so bad.
Sounds like torture.
The boots I was
telling you about,
they're on sale for $300.
We should get them today.
Are you asking me or telling me?
You know what?
I think volunteer work
would be good for you.
No, no, no.
I'm asking you.
I'm totally asking you.
Oh no, honey.
It's too late.
You know what?
I think this is a sign.
It is a sign.
We will do this volunteer
work, because you
need to understand that
Christmas is not just
about receiving.
Please don't.
Oh, it's done.
Done, done, done.
Dun, dun, dun, dun.
Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun.
Your mama got that swag that
you got at school Dun,
dun dun, dun.
Oh yes, honey.
You're going to love it.
No, no, no.
Let's bring it in
a little bit more.
Nope, that's not it.
A little over to the left.
Actually that's
that right there.
Right there.
That's perfect.
Thank you.
When I suggested you decorate
some of the seniors' homes,
I didn't expect you to
hire a professional crew.
Well, I wanted it to look great.
I mean, if I'm going
to do something,
I'm going to do it big.
So how did you get
involved with all this?
My dad.
He ran a soup kitchen
on the south side.
Wait, was it on MLK?
When I was younger,
my family and I
used to volunteer
there all the time.
That was our original
building, but it burned down.
Pat's is our new headquarters.
The foundation's
office, in the back.
Wow, what a coincidence.
Maybe, but I like
to think everything
happens for a reason.
Well, I think they're ready.
Ms. Thorton.
You ready?
Light it up baby.
Right there.
This is what makes
it all worthwhile.
Ms. Thorton, she's a widow.
She didn't have much family.
This means the world to her.
It also means the world to me.
You know, we used to volunteer
all the time when I was a kid.
And I'm ashamed to say that
it has been a while since I've
done anything like this.
Well, I hope this isn't
the last time I see you.
We'll see.
All right.
Let me grab some of this.
Let's grab some.
I might have done too much.
No, no.
It's fine.
It's fine.
We're going to make
this right Ms. Thorton,
you just stay right there.
You solved the riddle yet?
Is this volunteering thing
going to take all day?
Oh, wow.
You have gotten so big.
Excuse me?
I'm sorry, I saw a picture
of her at Robert's place.
She was little.
You bake too?
I'll help out here
sometimes, but mama
likes to be the only
one who makes the cakes.
We did not figure
out the riddle.
So we don't have to volunteer?
Well, when I was younger and
we didn't solve the riddle,
we had chores.
So you can go sweep the kitchen.
Auntie Dani!
Look how grown you are.
You are beautiful.
And girl, look at those lashes.
Ooh, if I had those, I
wouldn't be wearing these.
I didn't know she was coming.
Robert wanted his sisters
to play the game, again.
Together like old times
Good to see you.
Glad to see you're
I'm actually doing this for Gia.
So she can learn the
importance of giving back.
Whatever reason brought
you both here, I'm glad.
So what's next?
I've already solved one riddle.
Are we going to do
five riddles like we
used to when we were kids?
Wait a minute.
What do you mean you
already solved one riddle,
without me being there?
Marlow, really?
Yeah, really.
We can make some adjustments.
You won't have to
search for the stocking
and the volunteer
assignments can
come through the foundation.
We already have a riddle.
I come bearing gifts as
a child's favorite King
especially during Christmas.
Who am I?
Oh, the kings that
brought the gifts, right?
The frankincense and myrrh.
Those would be wise men.
Those would be kings.
The Mouse King.
Oh, like the Nutcracker, right?
No, no, no, no.
Instead of doing chores,
we should go shopping.
Maybe it'll come to
us while we're out.
You are so much like me.
You know, I actually
have to pick up
a dress from a boutique
at North Ridge mall.
Oh, I think the boots I
want are at North Ridge.
Let me check.
I said no.
Is anybody listening to me?
Ooh Lord Father, give me the
serenity to change the things
to accept things
I cannot change...
Show me those boots.
Remember how mama
used to display
her cakes in the window.
She was so proud.
So how's the shop doing?
You know, I really
miss seeing Gia.
You can call her anytime.
And I hate that we
barely talk now.
I always wish that I knew how
to bake just like you or mama,
but I guess it wasn't my thing.
I guess taking care
of your sick mother
wasn't your thing either.
I paid for the nurse.
I mean, we have been
over this 1,000 times.
Can we not do this, please?
A stoc-king.
That's the favorite king.
A stocking.
I would never have gotten that.
Ooh, Lil Miss Gia think
she's about to get out
of volunteering.
We will say about that.
Hey RJ!
I solved it!
It's a stocking.
Please don't go
sledding without me.
That's great news.
What's great news?
I spoke to Mrs. Whitlock.
She says that tonight they're
making meals for the sick
and shut in.
Well, I can't cook, but
I can call the caterer.
I've used this company before
and the food is amazing.
The whole point of volunteering
is to actually volunteer.
Well, I can't tonight
because I have plans.
RJ, we can volunteer
tomorrow, right?
I'm trying to teach Gia
the importance of service
and she looks up to you.
Well, we can do something now.
I'm working now.
What happened to us
spending time together?
We still will.
We still have three cards,
three riddles, right?
You know what?
We'll just do it ourselves.
Hey, do you, like
you usually do, fam.
Oh, word?
You know what?
Forget it.
No, no, I tried.
No wait.
T, why do you wait
until the last minute
to find your holiday drip?
Because you have a
stylist on speed dial.
Yes, girl.
The category is gorgeous.
Give it.
Live it.
I have two bloggers who
want to interview you
about your Christmas traditions,
and all of your volunteer work.
Any other investor prospects?
Not as interested.
I'm working on news coverage.
In the meantime, sweet talk Ben.
I think he likes you.
I think Ben likes the
sound of his own voice.
I'm just looking for someone
who cares about more than just
Girl, aren't we all.
I don't know.
I think I might
have found someone
The guy runs a foundation
that I'm volunteering with.
T, please.
He's tall.
He's fine.
And he just has this
really sweet spirit.
I think I might ask him out.
Send me his full name and
let me do some research.
Girl, his family owns a barbecue
place and he runs a foundation.
What is there to research?
Credit score, kids, ex-wives.
Just send me his name.
I'm going to send you his name.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
Thank you.
Welcome to the holiday bake...
Before you say
anything, I'm sorry.
Can I take you out to lunch?
Your office may be closed
for the holiday, mine is not.
Can we just start over?
Dani, I don't have
time for this.
Can you just please leave
so I can get back to work?
But dad, mom, Robert,
they're all gone.
And I only have one sister.
You're my family.
I'm trying, Marlow.
Goes jingle bells, jingle bells,
jingling all no the way.
Remember when dad used to bring
us here to get mom's Christmas
No, I was four when
he died, remember?
You know, we used
to get hot chocolate
and he loved extra marshmallows
with just a pinch of cinnamon.
You keep saying that
you're here because of Gia,
but you've got to have a bit
of holiday spirit in there
Well, I'm not miserable, if
that's what you're asking.
Well, I'll accept that as a yes.
She has grown up so much.
There was a time when Gia
would cry when I left the room.
Now, she cries when
she has to be with me.
It's the same way
we were with mom.
You were.
I was not.
I started working at the
bakery when I was Gia's age.
Mom and I were inseparable.
That's true.
I mean, you were
the closest to her.
And you had plenty
of opportunities.
Look Marlow...
Mom, Is that RJ?
How did you find us?
Um, I guess I have a sixth
sense for these things.
May I?
Of course.
Santa Claus was tired
and had trouble walking,
so he went to a doctor
and asked for help.
What did the doctor give him?
I don't remember
these being this hard.
If we don't know the answer,
can we just get another riddle?
No, because then we have
to solve both, mom's rules.
Well we're not 10.
You know, I'll give you
some time to think about it,
while I see if I can find
myself some hot cocoa
with extra marshmallows
and a pinch of cinnamon.
Call me if you figure it out.
I'm still trying to figure
out how he found us.
It's like he's stalking us.
And it's weird that he's always
wearing the same clothes.
He has a flip phone.
If that's not
suspicious what is?
OK I'm going to help at the
foundation's neighborhood
You guys want to come?
We'll be there.
Which means I got to
get back to the shop
and complete an order up.
What's up, homie?
That's a whole wave.
Yeah, a whole wave.
O come.
O come.
O come ye faithful, come.
O come.
O come.
O come ye faithful.
Come all ye faithful.
Joyful and triumphant.
O come ye.
O come...
Any luck finding
anything out on RJ?
Oh well Robert's offices
are closed for the holidays,
so no luck on finding out
about our mystery man.
I'm Jamal.
I'm Gia.
No, he Didn't.
So you live around here?
My mom's into volunteering
so she made me come.
Did your mom make you come too?
This is kind of fun.
Candy cane.
He couldn't walk, so
he got a candy cane.
That's the first
one I figured out.
It's a riddle contest.
Oh cool, I like riddles.
Someone looks like they're
having a good time tonight.
I have an emergency at the shop.
It's the last thing I needed.
I'm going to have to go.
I'm sorry.
Gia, grab your coat.
We're leaving now?
Well, I can always drop
her home, if you want.
I mean, unless you need
us to come with you now.
I can handle it.
I'll be fine.
Just take care of my baby.
I'll check on you later.
All right.
Be careful.
She's in the house safely and
she actually admitted to me
that she had fun.
Thank you.
I'm actually living inside The
Nightmare Before Christmas.
I have another order of
100 cupcakes for tomorrow
with a broken oven.
Oh Wow.
Well, I'll ask if you could
use the oven at Pat's.
Oh, that's a good idea.
Yeah, Wilson and his
mom are still there.
I can always stop back by.
Now, are you doing
this for me or
are you doing this for yourself?
What do you mean?
I saw you and Wilson just
looking at each other,
gazing into each other's eyes.
I think he's really into you.
Girl, I can see you
smiling through the phone.
You know, whatever.
I will see if you can use
that oven in the morning.
And you're welcome, by the way.
Aren't you full of surprises?
Oh this is nothing.
I actually went
to culinary school
and worked as a chef for a year.
Thank you.
But my heart is really
in philanthropy.
Goodnight you two.
Goodnight, Ma.
Goodnight, Mrs. Whitlock.
And Thank you so much
for letting my sister
use the oven tomorrow.
No problem.
I hope we'll see you
around here more often.
Bye, Ma.
So what kind of
cookies are these?
Sugar cookies.
Want to know my secret?
Oh OK.
You want to help?
You know, baking is not
really my thing so...
Is frosting your thing?
Oh, now that I can do.
All right.
Watch me work.
All right.
So what do you do
other than not bake?
Well, not to toot
my own horn, but I
do own the largest
African-American advertising
firm in Chicago.
Wait a minute.
I've heard of you.
You own DHH.
I do.
We reached out to you guys
about doing some pro bono work
for our clothing drive.
I don't remember that campaign.
Because your company
doesn't do pro bono work.
And we couldn't afford you.
It's all good.
Well, you know the owner now,
so feel free to call whenever.
Well, now we have a
long standing contract
with Matlock Advertising.
Excuse me.
My mom forgot her purse.
I'll be right back.
Oh, Teresa, girl,
perfect timing.
Listen, I was thinking
we should start
doing some more pro bono work.
Oh, that's a good idea.
We'll partner with a
charity and announce it
at the top of the year.
Oh, I did research on Wilson.
Why girl?
I told you you weren't going
to find anything wrong.
You didn't find
anything wrong did you?
No, no, no, he's
an absolute saint.
You want to get into the
pearly gates, he's your guy.
But if you want to
boost your brand,
you need to meet
Senator Barrington.
He'll be at my New Year's party.
I hear you.
Do you girl?
This holiday giveback
will serve its purpose,
but are you really trying
to scuff up your red bottoms
running around BBQ
joints and food banks?
You are a mogul, my friend.
I'll call you back later.
That was my crazy friend.
She is always joking.
It's getting late.
I think you should
probably head on home.
Good night.
Good night.
Hey hey.
Where's your mom?
Oh, she looks exhausted.
You know she was at Pat's making
cupcakes this morning at 7:00.
The store is her life.
My mom wanted nothing more
than to have her own bake shop
and Marlow helped
to build that dream.
It is her whole world.
She's such a perfectionist.
It's a little hard to work for.
Yeah, she's a lot
like our mother.
Nah, grandma Sarah
was super nice.
Grandmothers are always
nice to their grandchildren.
Candy cane.
I still can't believe
I got the answer right.
Well, you did.
So when did the
stocking thing start?
I've never heard
of it before now.
So in the 70s...
You know this part...
Mom and dad met at church.
And every Christmas they would
make stockings and give them
to needy families.
So this one Christmas my dad,
who had a huge crush on my mom,
decided to make a
holiday stocking.
And he planned to put a
ring in it and propose.
How old were they?
They were only 17.
And she wasn't as
serious about him.
So when my grandfather found out
what my father was going to do,
he said, "The only thing that
better be in that stocking
is a riddle,
because you a joke."
And as punishment,
he made them do
mission work for the rest
of the holiday season.
Well, they fell madly in
love working side by side,
helping out others and they did
that for the next three years.
And you know, my dad,
just to be slick,
did give my grandfather that
stocking, with a riddle in it,
just as he suggested.
And when they got
married, they decided
to make it their
family tradition.
There are five riddles,
because there's five of us.
So we each had a chance to win.
Why don't we still do it?
I guess we all got busy.
But thanks to Robert
and RJ, here we are now.
Did you ever get the tea on RJ?
Nothing yet.
What's his last name?
You know, I don't know.
Speak of the devil.
Oh Hello, ladies.
RJ, do you have Insta?
What's your last name?
I'll be right back.
Give me one sec.
So weird.
Where are you?
RJ, you can't just call
me anytime you want.
My eternal life keeps me busy.
I'm in the middle of bowling
a perfect game, again.
I need a last name.
They're going to look me up.
Didn't you think
that would happen?
Can you help me, please?
First, operators then phone
books, now social media.
We never had to deal with
any of this back in the day.
What's happening?
You now have all
social platforms.
When they look you
up, it will look
as if you worked with Robert.
All right.
How do I do some of that magic?
You'll learn later.
Thank you.
Oh, my last name?
What is it?
RJ Angel?
Maybe you'll think twice
before interrupting me again.
Mom, wake up.
I don't like you
working so much.
Will you please go
home and go to bed?
If you don't take care of
yourself, you'll burn out.
I am fine.
I'm just happy that the
oven is working again.
Here comes our mystery man.
RJ, since we helped out at
family night last night.
Does the count
toward riddle three.
That's not how it works
Well, here comes riddle four.
Let's see, when does Christmas
come before Thanksgiving?
The dictionary.
Oh, we should take the
clothes from our closets
and give it to the women at the
Love and Grace women's shelter.
Last night, Mrs. Whitlock told
me it was one of her charities.
Well, that's not
quite volunteering.
That's because you
haven't seen my closet.
But it does benefit
the foundation.
I think it's a great idea.
Oh, I'm so proud of you.
Let's do it.
You know, I don't think
it's that great of an idea.
Why not?
Because number one,
my wardrobe's couture.
And two, the Whitlock's may not
be that fond of me right now.
Did Wilson mention
me this morning?
What did you do?
It's a long story.
Oh, I need to clean up my
closet for all the gifts
dad's giving me.
I'm pretty excited.
I'm sure the shelter
will be happy to receive
whatever you have to give.
Now, I must go.
Oh, your last name.
What is it?
Excuse me?
RJ Angel.
Well, what does
the RJ stand for?
It stands for nothing.
Just an R and a J. That's all.
You OK?
It's just your eyes.
I'm sure we've met before.
Maybe, no, I don't think so.
I don't think so at all.
Have a good one.
You know, I can
come by your house
and help you with your
closet tonight, if you like.
Oh well, only if
you feel like it.
I mean, I do want
you to get some rest.
Oh no.
I'm good.
Because see, if I don't
come help you tonight,
it's never going to happen.
That part.
Oh, I found him.
Oh, Yeah.
It looks like he did work
with Robert for a few years.
There's a bunch of
pictures of them together.
Oh, I put in a call to
Robert's assistant, Yolanda,
so we'll see what
she has to say.
So I guess until this evening.
Oh girl, stop frowning.
Just look at it like
Christmas spring cleaning.
Thanks, Gia.
Oh, my little sugar plum.
I'm so happy you found him.
You tracked him down
like a little hunter.
I'm so proud of you.
Now you made it weird.
Thank you.
Good job.
Ooh, are you giving that away?
Are you crazy?
Girl, this is vintage couture.
Excuse me.
Stefon says Hello.
He'll be off the road
in a couple of days.
How are you guys doing?
OK, little sis.
What's going on?
It's nothing.
I just wish we had more time
to spend together, that's all.
Well, that happens in
the best of marriages.
What'd you guys do the
last time he came home?
He slept.
I worked.
Well, therein lies the problem.
You got to get out.
You got to enjoy each other.
Date night, right?
Go to the movies, go dancing.
You got to have fun.
I mean, he's out on the road
putting in his hours and you
always at the shop.
I mean, you two
are just in a rut.
I know what you need.
A makeover.
You will feel sexy.
You will feel rejuvenated.
When am I going to have
time to do all that?
I'm pulling 15 hour days.
Hire more people.
That's not going to happen.
I just need to make it
through the holiday.
Well, I'm just going to go ahead
and schedule that makeover.
And when Stefon sees
you, Oh, he going
to be ready to unwrap
his Christmas gift.
I can hear the bells already
just a tinkling, a tinkling.
Jingle, jingle, jingle.
Well, while you're trying
to reignite my fire,
what are you going
to do about Wilson?
I mean, he's probably
completely insulted
and thinks I'm a total snob.
You think he's right?
I will say that I was
a little surprised
that you even took the time
out to do something like this.
Something that
didn't benefit you
You're making me
sound so superficial.
Really Marlow?
I'm just saying.
You are a little bougie.
Well, I guess it's better to be
a little bougie than to be very
stubborn, because I reached
out to you several times
and you just ignored me.
I was busy.
You were holding a grudge,
like you always have,
ever since you were little.
And you were being over
the top, like you always
do for the longest.
The longest?
Really me?
Marlow, come on now.
I mean you...
Marlow, you know what?
I don't want to argue.
I just, I want to spend
time with my sister,
and my niece, my family.
Your right.
Let me finish scheduling
this makeover.
Wait, wait, wait.
I will do the makeover only
if you reach out to Wilson.
Text him and ask him what can
you do to make things right.
OK that's not happening.
It's a wrap.
He's done.
Sorry about the other night.
What can I do to make it right?
I see the dots.
He's responding.
Oh, they went away.
Aww, you really liked this guy.
Oh, more dots.
He says meet me in
Washington Park at 6:00 AM.
6 AM.
Why would I do that?
Because you want him to
see who you really are.
Yeah, at brunch.
All right.
We going put the
blankets on this table.
Hats and gloves
on this other one.
I'm here.
I'm here.
I'm sorry I'm late.
I just stopped to
get some coffee.
Is that Dani Holiday
underneath all this?
Well, who else is
wearing a fur in the park
at this time in the morning?
No one.
All right.
There you go.
Here you go, brother.
There you go.
That should keep you warm.
Bless you.
Got to say, this
coffee hit the spot.
Oh, I have some boxes
of clothing in the car.
For your mother to bring
to the women's shelter.
I really appreciate your help.
It's really hard finding
volunteers when we start early.
I can't imagine why.
I mean, my toes are
just frozen, that's all.
It's probably those high heels.
I'm sorry about
what my friend said.
It was wrong.
It was.
But she said it, you didn't.
I accept your apology
So why are you still single?
Is that what we're doing?
Well, I got to ask.
Well, I guess I haven't
found the right person yet.
What about you?
I just, I guess I haven't found
the right person yet either.
What a coincidence.
You know someone
recently told me
that everything
happens for a reason.
They sound pretty smart.
I better finish up.
Danny Holiday, would you
like to go out with me?
I would, Wilson Whitlock.
Happy holidays.
Thank you.
Gia, pull order 542.
Hey, Frank.
You enjoying the holidays?
Yes I am.
I'm here to pick up my three
dozen pumpkin spice cupcakes.
Frank, I don't see that order.
Well, I spoke to you
about this two days ago
remember it was my
wife's birthday I
want to surprise her.
I am so sorry, Frank.
We've been really busy around
here I must have forgotten
but if you come back at 6:00
I will have you ready for you.
All right.
Gia, take the next order for me.
Happy holidays.
How may I help you?
Hey OK.
So look, I know Stefon
gets in tonight,
but I'm going to have to
cancel the salon appointment,
and I may not make dinner.
I have one of my regulars
with a huge order.
Absolutely not.
You are not canceling.
I'll call Nick and I'll tell
him that there was an emergency.
He'll work it out.
And honestly, if
you leave now, you
can get there and back by 4:00.
Tracy's not here today.
So it's just me and Gia.
And you know she cannot
handle this place by herself.
I'll come there
and work for you.
You'll put me out of business.
OK, look.
I bake, kind of.
I grew up in the
same kitchen you did.
You could have fooled me.
No, I just can't go.
Yes, you can, because I made
reservations for you two
at Godfrey's, and you
do not cancel on that.
Come on.
Your entire night is planned.
Just put yourself
first, for once.
You deserve this.
All right.
I will get the cupcakes started.
All you got to do is
pull them out the oven.
Do not burn my shop down.
Don't worry.
I won't.
OK, bye.
Did you notice that I only
burned one batch of cookies?
You threw them away right?
No, I sold them as
Cajun Christmas cookies.
Girl, I'm joking.
All right. pucker.
Oh, Stefon is parking.
You look gorgeous.
And your hair.
I mean, yes, yes.
Thank you.
Baby, you look incredible.
I love you, mama.
I love you too.
It's that time of
the year when the snow drops
are falling.
The angels are calling.
It's that time of the year.
Good morning.
Well, good morning.
I see that the shop
is still standing.
Oh, you are glowing.
I had an amazing
time last night.
Thank you so much.
Stefon kept saying
how I look the way I
did when he first met me.
I love it.
Did you ever get a
chance to grill RJ?
Oh well, I haven't seen him.
Well, this stocking was here
when I opened up this morning.
It's the last one.
Oh it's a little bittersweet.
It is.
You know what?
You got this.
All right.
Let's see.
Where did Mr. Snowman take
Mrs. Snowwoman for a night
out on the town?
I remember this one
from back in the day.
To a snowball.
It's so corny.
Well, I think we should do
one of your favorite things.
What's that?
Throw a party.
Oh, throw a party.
Oh, for the foundation.
Yes, I overheard
Wilson saying that he
was looking for a sponsor to
throw a Christmas party for one
of his kid's groups.
Oh, OK.
Party over here.
A party over there.
I said a party over here.
And a party there.
And a party over there.
Hey, hey.
Get it, girl.
You have got to stop doing that.
You look happy.
I did it.
They finally feel
like family again.
What's wrong?
It's not enough.
You still have
unfinished business.
What do you mean?
I repaired my
sister's relationship.
I haven't seen them this
close in a very long time.
True, but there's
something else.
You know, don't you?
I have an idea.
Can I have a hint?
That would be cheating.
I'm on your team.
It's called an assist.
I hope you're good at riddles.
Very funny.
What if I can't figure it out?
Then, this connection between
your sisters, might not last.
Gently down to the ground.
And they'll make their way
from the Christmas tree maze.
I cannot believe you pulled
all of this off in one day.
What is this place?
It's the House of Mercy.
They provide shelter
for runaways, abused,
and foster kids.
That is awesome.
Hello, ladies
Hi Wilson.
You know I was thinking that,
maybe we could use some more
chairs here.
Think there might
be some in storage.
Want to come With?
You know, I might want to
volunteer at a place like this
Oh, my sweet little gumdrop.
Well, now you're
making it weird.
Well, I promise you can go
sledding with your friends
on Christmas Eve.
All right.
Excuse me, can you
tell me where to find...
I have not seen you in years.
How are you?
What are you doing here?
Oh, Wake Up Now Chicago!
Is doing a big piece on Dani
and "The Holiday Stocking."
So we need to get behind
the scenes footage.
A piece?
A profile on her work
in the community.
Our investor
insisted her company
needed a charity facelift.
I heard she even
gave you a makeover.
You look amazing by the way.
We'll be sure to get
you in the story.
Does Danny know about this?
We came up with it together.
Check this out.
What do Chicago's
advertising queen
have inside her
holiday stocking?
There she is.
Get B-roll.
Oh, Theresa.
What are you doing here?
So this was all about publicity?
It's not what you're thinking.
You know what?
I cannot believe this, Dani.
Actually I can.
Marlow wait.
Just listen.
No, you did this for
yourself, as usual.
It was never about
family and I fell for it.
You have not changed.
That is not true.
Not all the way.
I really wanted us
to be a family again.
It was never about us
Please, just let me explain.
Why don't you save
the rest of your lives
for your little interview.
Gia, let's go.
What I miss?
I promise this
wasn't just about me.
I mean, at first, yes.
But then I started
having fun and it
wasn't about the business.
So just talk to her.
There is nothing to talk about.
I don't ever want
to see her again.
Honey, it can't be that bad.
It is that bad.
Just because she was the
one in the bakery with mom,
doesn't mean she
gets to judge me.
You know, she thinks she is the
only one whose made sacrifices.
Is that true?
It's true that she helped
pay for mom's care,
but she was never there.
All the money in the
world can't replace that.
Maybe that's the way
she shows her support.
Well, I'm done with her.
Maybe she was sincere.
No, she was exploiting this.
And then to drag me in it
like I'm some charity case
like, Ooh poor homely Marlow.
She said that?
Probably, behind my back.
I just think you
need to hear her out.
I do too.
That party was going
to be lit, mom.
This is not about
you having fun.
You're the one who wanted me to
see that volunteering was fun.
Those were your words.
Girl, stop using my words
to prove your point.
Thanks for ruining my Christmas!
You're welcome.
I'm going to go check.
Yeah, you do that.
Oh, my.
We need to talk.
Oh no.
Wait a minute.
What are you doing here?
The game is done.
No, this riddle is
for me to answer.
Here, read it.
No, no, no, no, no, honey.
I'm not reading anything.
None of Robert's people
even know who you are.
I'm sorry.
Well, Robert is sorry.
You know what?
I'm just going to read
this riddle myself.
Why did it take the giraffe
so long to apologize?
I don't know.
Because it took him forever
to swallow his pride.
Robert was going
through marriage issues
and financial problems.
He's sorry he couldn't,
didn't prioritize better.
Where's all this coming from?
Some of his final
words to me were
that he should have
been more involved
in taking care of your mother.
He felt she only
listened to you, which is
why he let you handle it all.
But that's no excuse.
How do know all this?
Robert didn't have
a lot of friends.
So he confided in me.
I just hope this
brings you some peace.
And I hope you can find it
in your heart to forgive him,
because he truly loves
his baby sister, cricket.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
Yes, Teresa.
I will see you at the
studio in the morning.
No, no, you don't
have to apologize.
You didn't do anything.
I'll see you there.
Ask mother pine in the air.
My favorite time of the year.
There stringing up
lights everywhere.
Cups overflowing with cheer.
Soft snow is falling
and my heart is calling.
I'm falling so in love with you.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
Holla if you want to have
a happy holiday with me.
Happy holiday.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Happy holiday.
You doing OK?
Happy holiday.
All these years, I
thought my sisters
were the only ones that fought.
I never saw my part in
any of this until now.
I just can't believe my
sisters aren't talking again.
I know you want things
to be right between them,
but at least you can have peace
in knowing that you tried.
If it takes up until the very
last minute, I can't give up.
In 48 hours, your
12 days are up.
I know.
And I am praying for a miracle.
Thanks for waiting for me.
I wouldn't have
it any other way.
You know I had to have my
man put the star on the tree.
Baby, what's wrong?
I just miss us spending
time together as a family.
And I wish that Gia would
know how much she means to me.
I'm sure she does.
Hey guys.
Hey Gigi.
So what time are you going to
go sledding with your friends?
I don't think I want to
go with them anymore.
Baby, what's wrong?
But we haven't gone sledding
as a family in years.
I thought it might be fun.
Wait a minute.
You want to come with us?
Can I invite Jamal?
Whose Jamal?
You sure can.
Yes, honey.
He better be a snowman!
Gia, Who is Jamal?
Been talking to.
This is going to be so much fun.
I'm so happy you decided
you wanted to come with us.
Now, you're making it weird.
I'm sorry.
You ready?
Hey, not so close!
She's growing up.
I'm not ready.
Me either.
See you down there.
What are you doing here?
How does he even...
You know what?
Never mind.
Have a good time.
I should have told you
about the publicity.
I shouldn't have
kept it a secret.
I just, I didn't think
you'd understand.
And I know that I can
be selfish at times.
But my time with you and Gia
had nothing to do with work.
Say something.
This is the first day off
I've had in two years.
I just want to enjoy
it with my family.
Are you serious?
I have been working like crazy
to keep mom's shop running.
We lost a lot of
clients when mom passed.
So I've been rebuilding
and it's hard to keep
all the balls in the air
and keep a smile on my face
like everything's great.
Well, I didn't know.
I just figured you
wanted to handle it.
And that you didn't
want me involved.
I mean, you always seem like you
have everything under control.
You are a hard nut
to crack, Marlow.
Have you met you?
All right.
I understand why you didn't say
anything, but I'm your sister.
You should be able
to come to me.
Yeah, and I'm your
sister, and you
should be able to come
to me when you need help.
I promise.
I promise to do better.
Just so tired of having
to be strong all the time.
Well, then just let go.
You don't have to be anything,
but my little sister.
Cricket, I love you.
I love you too.
We going to freeze
our faces off.
Now, look.
I'm still doing that
interview tomorrow,
but just know that my
time with my family
had nothing to do with business.
We'll be watching.
Wait a minute.
I think he's looking for you.
I'll meet you on the way down.
What are you doing here?
How does he... it
doesn't even matter.
Thank you for coming.
Are you kidding me?
This is the highlight
of my holiday.
Sledding with you.
You ready?
I'm not going to get hurt, am I?
Not if you trust me
and hold on tight.
Just one more thing
for good luck.
Yeah, I think we're ready.
Let's go.
You get on front.
So make sure to mention
that one of your clients
just want to Clio.
Some bullet points that say
you've been doing the Holiday
Stocking since you were a kid.
And that community service
runs in your family's blood.
Are you nervous?
I'm not nervous.
Do I seem nervous?
You seem a little nervous.
I'm a little nervous.
OK listen.
I got this, T.
Christmas is upon
us and all week long
we've been hearing
beautiful stories about how
Chi-town's best celebrate.
With us today is Dani holiday.
Owner and CEO of
DHH Advertising.
She and her company have found
unique ways to celebrate.
Welcome, Dani.
Thank you.
So tell me, why have you and
DHH Advertising partnered
with Friends of Chicago?
Well, DHH is all about
community service,
and during the holidays
it's especially important
to take time to give back.
And I genuinely feel
that we should...
Well, actually during
this time of year
it's always important to...
That I really want to
make it clear that...
Actually, I don't want
to talk about DHH.
Oh, OK.
Christmas was a big deal in
my family, when I was young.
We didn't grow up with a
lot, but when my father died,
it got even harder.
But we played this game,
"The Holiday Stocking."
We would pull a riddle
from a card in a stocking
and whoever got
the right answer,
first, got to choose
what volunteer
work the family would do.
So interesting.
So you focused on giving,
instead of receiving.
Yes, but I haven't
been giving in a while.
I've been too busy building
and maybe even taking.
But this holiday, my
sister Marlow and I
brought back the holiday
stocking tradition.
And it just opened a part of my
heart that I forgot was there.
This holiday I realized that
spending time with my family
and connecting with my community
is what's most important to me.
So I have decided to step down
as president and CEO of DHH.
Oh, OK.
Yeah, I'm stepping
down and I'm leaving
the company in the very
capable hands of my amazing VP
and friend Teresa Fields.
So that I can fully devote
my time and resources
to organizations
that really make
an impact in our community.
And of course, to
reconnect with my family.
I may even help my
sister run her bakery.
The holiday bakery for
all your baking needs.
Well, that is a very powerful
statement you shared with us.
OK that is my
sister right there.
That's my sister.
In case you didn't know.
That's my sister.
Thank you.
What did you just do?
Something I probably should
have done a long time ago.
Ben just called.
We got the funding.
The investor watched
your show and was
moved by your sincerity.
We did it.
We did it.
Come on.
Mm, mm, mm, yeah.
We do have to talk
about resigning though.
We can talk about that later.
Well, congratulations.
It looks like your
work here is done.
Wait, I have one more
thing I have to do.
You are stalling more than
an overheated hooptie.
Seriously, it's important.
I need you to show me how
to do that angel magic.
There's nothing left to do.
I still have one more day to
give them my Christmas gift.
One more day.
The magic.
I'm focusing, but my
snaps aren't working
An angel's magic isn't in our
fingers, it's in our hearts.
Now that yours is
complete, try again.
Hark the harold angels sing.
Glory to the newborn king.
Peace on Earth and mercy mild.
God and sinners reconciled.
The first Noel.
The angels did sing.
Was to certain poor shepherds
in fields as they lay.
Our family photo.
Look at you.
Look at that face.
Look at that face.
Oh my goodness.
I mean, this is decorated
like our old home.
This is so strange.
Speaking of strange,
did your phone
start to play mama's song?
It sure did.
You don't think that...
You know that's crazy.
Merry Christmas.
I hope you like it.
Tracy let me in.
This is beautiful.
Your box, as promised.
Don't tell me this is also
a part of Robert's plan.
No, but he told me that
you always exchange gifts,
and he didn't leave me
anything to give you.
So I thought this
would be perfect.
Ooh, what?
My old camera.
Mama kept it.
Girl, look at this.
This is mama's old apron.
Now, you know when
she put this on,
she was getting in
that kitchen to burn.
I'm going to wear this today.
It's midnight.
Oh, OK.
Well, I guess it's
officially Christmas.
So Danny and I, we're going
to have dinner and Wilson
will be there.
You should come.
Yeah, you should
bring your family.
I wish I could, but I can't.
Well, will you at least
come back for a visit?
Ladies, I have to go,
but I hope you have
a very, very Merry Christmas.
And remember the best gift
at Christmas are things...
That money can't buy.
We just wanted to
thank you for...
For everything.
Thank you.
I have to go.
I have to go.
He dropped his pendant.
Which way did he go?
Either he drives very fast or...
Oh look, it's starting to snow.
Well, as mama would say, another
angel's getting their wings.
The Herald angels sing.
Glory to the newborn king.
Merry Christmas cricket.
Merry Christmas.
God and sinners reconciled.
Joyful all ye nations rise.
Join the triumph of the skies.
The herald the
herald angels sing.
Glory to the newborn king...