The Hollow Point (2016) Movie Script

Hey, Ken.
What's up?
You're getting
skinnier on me.
Where's my money?
Your friend was late
four hours last week.
And he's late
again today.
Go have a talk with him.
The talk is happening
right now.
You're going nowhere
until clive gets here.
Never seen no speed limit
on this road, sheriff kilbaught,
so I...
So I made a...
A modest estimate.
Never been anything modest
about your modesty, clive.
This truck don't go
a mile over 50, sheriff.
Now, you were driving
a different truck this morning.
I've been watching you
the last few weeks,
driving back and forth,
back and forth,
back and forth.
Now, we both know there
ain't nothing in this town
worth taking
a second look at.
That against the law
now, sheriff?
Okay, come on, out.
Even your mama thinks
you're a piece of shit.
You don't belong here.
You got me thinking.
Two trucks...
Hauling the same junk
in the same day?
I mean, what's
garbage like you
doing with garbage
like this?
Come on, open her up.
It's the only job
i can get,
seeing as how people
are so damn discriminant...
Against those
who have paid their dues.
Hell of a word
there, clive.
But it ain't your word.
What did you do
with the other truck, huh?
You're gonna
start walking--
What you got there, boy?
You spit that out.
Spit it out!
You spit that out!
Come on, get up.
Get up!
Is it the stew-maker?
Hear the cartel
has a guy,
dissolves people in acid,
puts them in a barrel,
makes them soup.
Is that who
I'm waiting for?
Is it you?
My job is to place
a call at 7:30.
And if you don't
make the call?
You get put on a list.
And if you get
put on the list...
It's unfortunate.
But if clive isn't here
in the next 15 minutes,
soon enough, I'll be
talking to a dead man.
If I'm already dead...
You're a dead man!
You ain't doing too good a job
at staying gone.
You know, sometimes...
I can't get
through an entire day
without hearing
all kinds of rumors
getting told about you.
Like what?
I don't know.
One of my favorite ones
is the one
about you getting murdered
on Indian Ridge.
Well, they have the decency
to bury me, at least?
Can't say.
Don't really keep track of
the rumors I didn't start.
Got any rumors about me
being made sheriff?
Sheriff kilbaught ain't
gonna like you coming back.
Well, he's gonna find
he ain't got much room to argue.
Maybe I don't
like you coming back.
You know I always
told you,
you deserve
better than this.
Welcome home, Wallace.
Hey, how come that thing
always stayed broken?
Don't got a phone connection
at my ma's old house anymore.
Marla was good
about looking after it, but...
Use that one.
You ever hear anything
about me getting murdered?
Yes, sir,
i believe I have.
They shot you
in the throat.
- Throat?
- Yeah.
- No kidding?
- Mm-hmm.
Heard you was mouthing off
like you used to,
and somebody just shot you
right there how you stood.
Well, Jerry,
ain't you gonna welcome me
back from the dead?
They call them "cop killers."
Why is that?
On account of them
killing cops.
Do you need it for,
like, DNA?
Forensics lab is two weeks
and 150 miles away
from giving half a shit
about this town.
Bet you no one's
told you that.
Yeah, yeah.
Yep, don't let that
worry you none too much.
You know, are you lonely
for a car?
I get lonely
when I don't have a car.
But I'm not lonely anymore,
'cause at Diaz motors
I've got plenty of friends.
You don't got to knock.
I know what you're after.
Come on in.
You are scared shitless.
What did you know
about that?
There's just the matter
of this job
you come to do.
Six reported incidences
of harassing motorists,
two with brutality.
Then there's you,
crossing the line.
No, that ain't it.
It's been a long time
coming, Leland,
the way you've
been running things.
If you ain't scared
of what needs to be done,
then you ain't got
no clue why you're here.
I got sent here
to replace you.
Maybe a day too late,
but replace you
You got sent here
because it's your
punishment, Wallace.
Taking your statement,
is all.
You fetch me some water,
would you?
You have no idea
what that...
That boy clive
was threatening to bring.
These horrible people
doing immoral things,
and now they're creeping
across the border,
threatening to make
the boogeyman a real thing.
It's enough to give you
a good start.
It'll make you
want to wait
for all the bad things
to come get you.
I don't regret what happened.
Takes a willing hand
to punish horrible men.
They're building
a case, le.
They're gonna
lock you away.
You come here
to get my statement?
Expecting me to say
I'm innocent?
I was gonna make
that boy walk.
I was gonna put him
on that back road,
leave him to the boogeyman
to rip him apart,
or return him to whatever
ungodly dirt he came from.
And if the road
couldn't do it...
I'd do it myself,
'cause sometimes that's
just what you got to do.
Well, you've done enough.
Welcome home, Wallace.
Ken mersey didn't go home
last night.
He's been reported missing
this morning.
Boys need stupid
things to do.
That's how their mamas
wire them.
Well, his mama
wasn't no electrician.
Explains the dim bulb.
It's not like you
to be so funny so early.
I always figured
Ken mersey liked you
a whole lot more
than you liked him.
Maybe he just don't
want to show his face.
He's missing,
I'm worried.
It doesn't have to be
so black-and-white, Lilly.
For fuck's sake.
All I'm saying is that...
Maybe he's gone
because he wants to be gone.
This ain't hardly
about Ken, is it?
This is about Wallace
coming back.
Hey, do you want
to take care of this?
Oh, Jerry, you're just
aching for coffee, aren't you?
Drink up.
There's plenty more.
That's an awful shame
about kilbaught.
Old sheriff kilbaught
is a violent dinosaur
going the way of his kind.
How about yourself?
I'm good on coffee.
Spent a good five months
figuring out smuggling routes
up in Indian Ridge.
Kept on hearing about
peculiarities and such.
Catapults and
back-alley breast implants.
Even heard
about a submarine once
somebody took the time to build
by hand in their garage.
And these brass bastards,
they buy fear and panic,
which makes them a whole lot
cleaner than money.
You can speculate all you want
about where they came from
or where they're going,
but the real concern here is,
what's gonna happen
if this bullet
don't make its destination.
You found just the one?
You still alive?
Someone's calling looking
to speak with the sheriff!
He sure rushed my gate
in a hurry.
I called you because
the plates came back.
They were registered
to a used car lot
over in your jurisdiction.
Diaz classics?
Showed up as stolen.
I called it in.
It took 40 minutes.
Anyway, they chased him
all the way out
to the 24,
lost him out there
on a back road
before your guy
went in after him.
What guy?
I don't know.
I couldn't flag him,
but I saw him.
I saw the tan uniform.
I figured I'd just
call your partner
in the morning
and check in.
Was me and the old man.
As of this morning,
got to be just me.
Dispatch, we have a code 32
off carrion road.
Burning pretty good,
by the smell of it.
I think I found us Ken mersey.
What the hell
happened to you, Ken?
Where'd you get off to?
Well, that's everyone
that's come in.
Closest thing
to a molotov cocktail
these folks have seen
is a broken air conditioner.
Sorry about that, deputy.
But I don't believe
your friend is here.
Didn't say
he was a friend.
And it's sheriff.
Is Ken in there?
Is he okay?
Don't give me
that look, Wallace.
Surprising, is all.
Ken mersey is a good man.
He looks after me.
Oh, Wallace, stop it.
What do you know
about the truck?
He bought it.
He told me to fix it up
and sell it to shep.
You know he was
smuggling ammunitions
across the border
in that truck?
That's a lie.
Well, whatever
he ain't telling you
got him in trouble
last night,
got him confronted.
By who?
Still sorting that out.
But whoever that may be,
I ain't gonna tell you
that Ken mersey
don't got his own
consequences coming to him.
Ah, fuck.
You bring him home,
They got your commercial
on TV up in Indian Ridge.
It's 4:00 in the morning,
but it's TV nonetheless.
You trick-or-treating?
Was wondering
if you knew anything
about Ken mersey
going missing.
Yeah, what kind
of trouble he got?
The considerable kind,
i guess.
Really taking
yourself seriously
in that uniform,
ain't you?
Don't mind going after
an old drinking buddy
like that?
As far as I can see,
he's under arrest.
If he's still alive.
How do you take
your coffee?
I don't.
No sales being had.
No maintenance or repairs
being had.
It's just a whole lot
of nothing.
I haven't had a real need
for Ken in the garage.
What about
the stolen truck?
He took them with.
He didn't say anything.
He just...Went.
That don't sound like him.
People have a way of
changing on you, I guess.
I guess.
I want the trucks back.
That's why I only
reported one.
I wanted him
to know, you know?
I didn't really want Ken
to get into
any sort of trouble,
knowing his mama and all.
Ken was cutting
armor-piercing slugs
into scrap engine parts
not 20 feet
from where you're sitting.
Well, if he was doing
any of the sort,
it wasn't in my garage.
There's no other
place in town
suited for that
kind of...Activity.
First off,
how about his garage?
Ken opened his own shop?
Always get a ribbon
for trying.
You're good
right there, Wallace.
What'd you get
yourself into, Kenny?
I took 250,000
to leave this place,
to not belong in here,
for just--
for just one night.
It kicks a good bit
of life into you.
That cousin of yours,
he's laid out on a slab.
Kilbaught took his head
clean off,
and you ain't too far behind.
I want to know where
the bullets are coming from
and who struck the deal.
I want names,
names I can hunt down and put
away this side of the border.
The cartel won't
take this lightly.
They'll send someone.
What's coming,
it ain't some butcher.
It's punishment.
You can't stop
a thing like that.
All that money you took
can't buy the fact
that now you got them
coming after Marla too.
She didn't know.
They won't care.
I only took my cut!
What's this?
Oh, you chicken shit,
just go.
Fuck me.
Oh, god.
Oh, god.
Oh, god.
What the hell?
Hey, Wallace.
What the hell
happened to you, son?
Who did this
to you, boy?
When it happens...
When it stops...
You can't feel it.
It don't hurt.
We got to get you some...
Come on, Wallace.
Come on,
you're gonna be okay.
How does that feel?
About as good
as it looks.
If we fetch it,
we can re-attach it.
They do...
Do that, right?
Well, you got one
of two options:
Get used to it,
or don't look at it.
Hear that?
That'd be me,
slow-clapping you,
if my clapping hand
was still with us.
Could have been
a lot worse on you.
I saw your friend
when they brought him in.
He ain't my friend.
Way you saw him...
Kilbaught was right
about people like him
bringing hell
up into this town.
The way I see it,
Ken mersey got
what was coming to him,
getting his head
cut off the way--
you said you were
gonna bring him home.
That's what you said
to me, Wallace.
Well, the hell
with him.
I know what I said.
There was nothing
to bring home.
You're such a fuck.
Shepard Diaz.
History of misconduct,
or any badges with that name?
Hang on.
Simon, yep.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
hold on.
Well, does the system
make any note
of tattoos or distinct markings
and such?
The neck.
Last known address?
Wallace, I need to talk.
Think I've done more
than enough of that
with you today.
I'm sorry for snapping at you
back at the hospital.
You should be
back in that bed.
You ran off
without these.
I don't want you
to do this.
It's not your job
to punish me like this.
I ain't punishing.
Going out there
and getting yourself killed?
Yeah, what are you
calling that?
Please don't do this.
You're all I got left.
Wasn't too good
at taking you
away from this place,
was I?
You are tired,
busted, and hurt,
is what you are.
Don't be mad.
Got to thinking about
that stolen jalopy of yours,
which got me thinking
about your ex-wife.
I couldn't hold on
either, shep.
Never could.
And I was captivated
by my bride.
I just couldn't tell
which color was what on her.
Didn't know why
i never did bother.
Anyway, she got to
walking out on me.
Been gone more years now
than we was actually together.
You can't win
a woman back.
That's something ugly beasts
like you and me
do not get to do.
Oh, go fuck yourself, le.
- Hey!
- Fuck you, fuck you.
Hold on there
a second.
Don't you go
dwelling in dignity.
Does not suit you.
Doesn't suit us.
She's half your worth,
and she's gone.
You haven't sold a car
on that lot for ages.
You got a face
like a thumb,
and you stuck it
on a TV commercial.
How dare you, hmm?
I do must ask myself,
how the hell do you
keep this place afloat?
Come on, sit down, shep.
You are not
an unfortunate man.
You're an auspicious parasite,
and I need you to tell me
who's on the other side
of that spook.
You came in
with your mind made up.
What the fuck you want
me to tell you, le?
Can't ask you
to trust me.
Well, then don't.
Shame on you.
I had trouble finding
the fix for it.
But I found it.
So what's this, then?
It's only ever been
three crosses that I remember.
Who's the fourth?
Could be the one
waiting for me.
"This god-forsaken road
will bury us all
was the way
Ken said it.
You look good
with that promotion on you.
You already got made sheriff.
You got what you wanted.
- Oh, yeah.
- What about me, huh?
Wasn't so much a promotion,
like I said it was.
Why wasn't I good enough?
Good enough
for you to stay?
So how much money he take?
Well, enough,
i guess.
You sound like
you really care.
They don't care
about the money neither.
They just got to decide
if his death is enough.
Simple as that.
If they can find Ken
in the middle of a back road,
they're sure as hell are
gonna find you.
I've seen the man
who killed him.
I know his name,
i know where he is.
And what are
you gonna do?
You can't even
write him a ticket.
Kilbaught, he knew.
There's no
arresting anyone.
Not anymore.
I need a ride.
Up here,
on the left.
You know you don't
got to go.
Call it
a good cause, then.
The only good cause
you'll ever have
is listening to me.
We could go.
Keep driving.
I'd really like that.
Oh, fuck!
Get back, get back!
Go on, put it down.
That girl behind you
ain't gonna like you
with no pecker.
Now put the fucking gun down.
Who the fuck are you?
Who the fuck are you?
I'm the man looking
for Samuel Gibbons.
That'd be me.
Is this you hiding him?
Look, look,
i don't know much,
but just take
whatever you want and go.
Shut up!
You're a cop?
I work for county,
same as you.
Whatever the issue
is here,
you and I,
we can sort it out.
We can understand
each other.
How is it
that they own you?
I don't know
what you're talking about.
I know they own you.
I swear to god, I don't know--
I don't know
what you're talking about!
I know they do, you son of a
bitch, I know they do!
Stop it! Stop it!
- You're gonna take me to him!
- Oh, my god!
Now we're gonna
make a liar out of you.
Why are you helping him?
Take me to him!
You gonna take me
to him now?
I don't know what
you want me tell you.
I don't know!
They're good
at making threats.
- Get the fuck away from him!
- Get back.
Just--just stop!
They're efficient
at getting
their points understood.
So maybe you had a gun
held to your head.
But I bet she ain't had a gun
held to hers.
No, stop it!
You stop it, god damn it.
Please, no, please, please.
Stop, god damn it, please.
Stop, stop.
Stop him.
It's okay.
You're gonna be okay.
What happens to her
is because of you.
Now, you tell me
where he is!
I swear to god, I don't know
what you fucking mean.
You know what he done.
And that don't make you
any better than him.
Oh, my god.
Is that the guy
who killed Ken?
I don't know.
I was sure that he--
you were gonna
kill him anyway?
What is it
with you, Wallace?
You find the wrong guy,
and then you won't stop.
It ain't making you any better
than what you're chasing after.
Marla, wait.
What a pair, huh?
What's that you said
about good people disappearing?
Was that...
'Cause there's no
protecting them?
Or you fail
to protect them?
Or you scare them away?
One of those.
All of those.
Nearly killed
an innocent man.
Well, there's
no getting him,
the man you're after.
Could be anybody.
Because incidentally,
he is anybody.
Monsters hide
in plain sight.
And once you put enough
money in a man's hands,
he'll do almost
whatever you want,
and you can turn him
into whatever
you need him to be.
Just like these boogeymen
on the back roads.
They're demons.
And "demons"
is only a way
of calling their illness.
- Ahh.
- What's there to stop it, then?
You go after
the illness itself.
Crumpled under the vest?
Seor Diaz
selling them crap.
They're after shep.
So shep was using Ken
to smuggle shitty bullets
into Mexico?
Would you do it?
Make a go at it for 250,000?
That don't seem enough.
No, I wouldn't.
I wouldn't run
if I knew I couldn't.
I'd burrow down.
Put him on the back road,
let the back road take him?
What's different, then?
What's changed?
Shep owes your friend
Ken mersey a death.
Now, he'll pay for it,
and he'll pay
for it right, to us.
You're making an arrest?
That's why you're here.
Helping restore me
to the man I once was.
He wasn't my friend.
This guy,
you sure he's here?
Asshole showed me
a wire receipt
just before he shot me.
Hey, stupid!
Come on out!
We know you're in there!
Oh, shit!
He's under the house!
You gonna shoot?
I was thinking
about it, yeah.
Put it down, shep!
Oh, shit.
It's okay.
It's okay.
So...That hovel
you've been squatting,
what made you think
of that place, huh?
Might as well
spill it, shep.
The way you've been going
about getting folks killed
is only gonna
get me madder.
Some young filly
on the side, huh?
That was a long
time ago, sheriff.
Oh, no, no.
I don't think
there's any need
for formalities anymore,
not after you shot me.
What the hell
you mean by that?
It's only me.
It's a list.
It's a walking,
breathing list,
and it will
follow you to hell.
The guy they use,
don't know where
he's coming from,
but he finds
who they tell him to find.
He is a butcher.
Won't matter
how far I get.
Won't matter where I go.
They're looking
to make an example.
You've been
liquidating assets.
I'm trying to buy my name
off that forsaken list.
I've given them everything
that's not locked down
on my lot.
I've given them every
buckskin I've earned,
and it's still
not enough.
Who's wiring your money?
My ex-wife's pension,
few drops in a bucket.
All her life
amounted to, I guess.
I need Ken mersey.
If he made it back
with that money
and I get my hands
on that money,
I promise you, le,
on my life,
I promise you,
I'll make all this
go away.
I'll even cut you in.
All you do is let me
walk on out that door.
Let me make it right.
How much you reckon
that's worth?
You stay another day
in this town,
and you're gonna answer
for what you did.
They'll put you
in a cement box
for what you did
to clive.
I'm offering you kindness.
I'll mull it over.
So that's you leaving.
Always known what's going on
in my head, haven't you?
Not by choice.
Yeah, lucky you.
Maybe some day,
when luck can afford me.
Yes, ma'am.
You are sweet
in small doses.
Your picture.
You deserve better.
Wallace, please don't--
and I'm gonna keep
telling it to you like that
until you leave.
I can't.
Can't think of something
nice to say to her.
Lilly's a nice girl,
and she was asking
for a rosary,
so I think
i should get it.
I'll go fetch it.
Wallace, please stay.
This place is...
Scorched of life.
It's a graveyard.
Think about leaving.
Do what you got to do, but...
The only person
that's gonna save you is you.
Oh, sorry,
i thought Lilly was in here--
it's you.
What about me?
Can't remember
the last time
I walked around
with a picture
of a girl in my wallet.
Well...One that
i didn't love to pieces, anyway.
I don't know.
Maybe I'm talking about
a different Ken mersey.
I know who you're
talking about.
The Ken mersey
i got to know...
Couldn't talk about
anything that wasn't you.
His share of the take
was always your share
of the take.
I hear he does that.
Always the church girls.
Damn it.
Slow down, heavy.
We're stopping
all cars tonight.
What the hell is this?
What in the hell
you think it is?
What the hell is that
cock-skin doing with a gun?
Now, now, now.
You're gonna have to mind
your manners around Jerry
from here on in.
He's been deputized.
What is it
you're doing here?
Someone is coming
to make something terrible
out of shep Diaz
and make an example
out of this town.
I reckon I'm here
doing the same thing.
By protecting shep
or by getting him killed?
Either way is
fine by me.
You are a mean
dinosaur, Leland.
Congratulations, Harry.
Go get your gun.
You've just been deputized.
Here, you take this.
And I'll take this.
Go on, now.
What the hell is this
between you and him?
What's that you call it?
That might as well
have been you out there
dismembering people.
He ain't hurting no one
that don't got it coming.
He took my fucking hand!
We fall short
of god's glory
because of people
like you.
What about Marla?
Because that's who
he's off getting tonight.
I seen the pictures,
the spying you've
been doing for him!
God, that's how
he knows where to find
who he needs to find.
If Marla dies tonight,
I'm gonna make sure
that falls on you.
His faith
is being tested,
like I'm being tested.
All right,
where's he coming in from?
It's the only
way he knows.
No, I need to know.
So we can be together.
Where's he
coming in from?
You expect him
to come get you?
Come and save you?
I'm the one saving him.
Well, you ain't gonna do
too good of a job
of that tonight.
There's gonna be trouble
like you've never known
if you don't let him
finish that list.
What are you doing to her?
There's only ever
been three crosses.
Someone's gonna come
aiming to take Lilly
out of here.
You don't try
to be brave.
You let him
do just that.
He's gonna ask,
and you tell him
where Marla and shep went.
I don't know
where they went.
The crosses
down on carrion road.
Tell him that,
and don't get
in his way, you hear?
Where are you going?
To protect this town.
Dig faster, lollipop.
It'll help you stay warm.
I found something.
I told you
little hands go faster.
Come on.
This is just a third.
This is nothing
but his cut.
He left my money behind.
It ain't gonna be enough.
Okay, there were other ones,
some other jobs he did for me.
Where does he keep his money?
We're both
on the fucking list.
Sorry, cap, we're...
We're closed.
Where is she?
Well, seems the poor girl
got herself
into an accident.
Don't surprise me none.
I'm sorry?
I said it don't surprise me.
She's a...
She talks like
she's the only one
that's gonna be saved.
Who's responsible?
Ain't nothing responsible
for an accident.
I said,
who's responsible?
You best remind Lilly,
there ain't no one
walking this earth
who is saved.
Then you tell me
what you see.
What do we do now?
This was Ken's dream.
This is why
he wanted the money.
Jesus Christ.
I really hate
that I'm believing you,
just let me tell you that.
He died for
that patch of earth.
This just seems
so fucking meaningless.
Yeah, we'll all have
a good cry about that later.
You see that?
You see that?
Come here.
Hear that?
- You hear that?
- Someday somebody is gonna
put a bullet in that fucking
fat head of yours!
You're just about
110 pounds of bummer,
ain't you?
Come on.
Give me that.
Now, look, baby.
This money
is part yours too.
Do you want it or not?
Well, go find something
for us to break this ground.
Oh, god damn it.
Oh, Harry.
Where is he?
He got away!
Oh, god!
Jerry, where are you?
Come on!
You're not afraid
of dying, are you?
I'll get you there!
Take me to Lilly!
Hurry up!
We don't have all night!
Wallace, are you there?
Wallace, are you there?
Wallace, come get me.
I can't.
I saw your name
on that list.
He's coming through here
to get to you.
I'm gonna slow him down a bit
so you can disappear.
Wallace, don't...
I always told you
that you deserve better, Marla.
But I never said
i didn't love you.
What the hell you doing?
That was his name,
harland Guthrie.
First man I killed.
Now I'm old and numb,
but that stinger's
still in there,
the kind of sorry
that burns in you,
for cutting the breath
of one of god's
own creatures like that.
Seeing you with her,
like harland looked at his wife,
just days before he killed her.
I've been wondering
a lot about you.
I've been thinking
that, you know, if you...
If you fail them...
If shep goes on living
like he does,
then they won't hesitate
to punish you.
And they'll do to you
what you've been trying
to do to him.
They will erase you.
And they'll erase
all memory of you,
starting with her.
With god by our side,
who can be against us?
Come the morning hour,
you'll reckon it's better
she dies by your hand
than their cruel hooks.
And then you'll be
just like old harland.
I'll make the same
deal tomorrow,
one just like it.
Why don't you
just leave with her?
You ain't gonna make it.
Neither are you.
Time to add
a few more crosses
to carrion road.
Come on, come on,
come on, come on.
All right.
I think we're a minute
into your time.
You gonna try
something stupid again?
Oh, yeah, it's a fucking
smelly zoo, isn't it?
Don't worry, baby.
We're gonna get you
stinking too.
Come here.
All right.
Two hands.
Okay, come on.
Grab it,
two hands.
Now, what you want to do is,
you want to lift up.
You want to put
your shoulders into it,
and you bring it down.
Real good.
Come on, baby.
Let's go.
You want your money,
you got to earn it.
Yeah, well,
you can fucking keep it!
Come back, you bitch!
You're gonna finish off
the list for me.
First you're gonna
cross out the girl,
then the salesman.
If you know the girl
don't belong,
why not let her go?
Because it's not
the true shape of fidelity.
I see you.
Say it again.
Only killing
I'll ever see again...
Is you killing me.
And I don't even
know your name.
You put this on yourself, son.
You don't get to
walk away from this place.
Don't got to be this way.
Don't let it take you, huh?
Give me--
give me the gun.
Don't go down the path
i did, Wallace.
I see you.
Good enough.
It's gonna be all right.
It'll be just fine.
Now get out of here.
I couldn't keep
waiting for you, so...
I like that you're here.
After some thinking,
I decided I'd
come and get you.
You know, keep driving.
I like that.
Get in the car.
Buenos dias.
Morning, stupid.
How'd you find me?
And I'm telling you, boy,
when I get serious,
I stay fucking serious.
Times like these,
you can't blame a guy
for trying to
turn a dollar.
Come on.
I keep hearing these stories
about good people disappearing.
If you're talking
about that offer I made,
that still stands.
Is that right?
All you got to do is
let me walk out that door.
Let me disappear.
No such thing
as disappearing, shep.
There's only dying.
As far as good people go...
I don't recall meeting one
that wasn't already dead.