The Hoot Owl (2022) Movie Script

You're chewing your nails.
You told me to tell you when
you're chewing your nails.
All right, thank you.
Are you nervous?
No, I'm good.
Oh my.
Has your sister
always done that?
You have no idea.
It's like a hibernating bear.
Your sister's getting
less hot by the second.
Wake her up.
What's going on?
Oh, nothing.
Did you sleep well?
I wasn't sleeping, I was
just resting my eyes.
Oh my God.
Do you still do that?
Sleep denial.
She's always done that.
Shut up.
I do not.
I wasn't sleeping.
Susie, I hate to break it
to you, but you snore, too.
I do not.
Like a bear.
Shut up.
You sound like a chainsaw.
Like a vintage Harley.
Screw you guys.
Here we go, Gibbons.
This is it.
What are you thinking?
That you're crazy.
You maybe right.
But I might just be the
lunatic you're looking for.
You're quoting Billy
Joel songs these days?
It's a good song.
I wish I could go back in time
and tell 21-year-old Scott
One day, he's going to listen
to Billy Joel and love it.
What's wrong with Billy Joel?
I love him.
It's her fault.
Wait, he sang Rocket Man, right?
That was Elton John.
Close though.
I love Elton, too.
I'm sure you do.
What about you Scott?
Do you love Elton?
He's got some good songs.
OK, why don't you
go open the gate
and we go see this
house that you bought us
before I strangle your friend.
All right.
Hey, you're chewing
your nails again.
Oh, yeah.
She's always done that.
You're getting that, right?
This is awesome.
Oh my God.
What do you think?
Well, it doesn't really
look like the picture.
Yeah, it's an old
picture, but I mean hell,
we bought it for the land right?
House is just a bonus.
I think it's fucking awesome.
As soon as I go pee in
them woods over there,
we got to check it out.
That's what I'm talking about.
Anybody want to come join me?
Ha ha ha ha ha.
It's not that bad, right?
No, it's not that bad.
We have a lot of work,
but it's not that bad.
Woah, tiger.
Calm down.
Thought I heard
something out there.
You mean, like, there's
animals in the woods?
That's crazy.
Fuck off, I'm serious.
Come on, tiger.
Let's go check out
the rest of the house.
Don't call me tiger.
Dude, wait till you
see in there, man.
It's full of stuff.
Oh, yeah?
It's not that bad
of shape either.
I'm going to go
get a flashlight.
I'll meet you all in there.
It smells in here.
In here.
Calm down, tiger.
Are you kidding me?
Duh, light switch.
Hey, what do you got there?
Woah, Gibbons.
Guy looks like a dick.
It feels like an estate sale.
Dead people stuff.
Hey, what do you say we go and
look at the rest of the house?
It's a good size.
Yeah, definitely.
Oh, yeah.
You know that means
it's small, right?
I was not snoring.
I was not snoring!
Do you think they
deliver pizza out here?
Pretty sure they deliver
out here.
Scott, no running water.
Well boo hoo.
That's the , right?
Oh, who knows.
OK this room freaks
me out a little.
The children's room.
God, don't say it like that.
Seriously, man.
This might not be
the best time to ask,
but do we know what
happened to the--
What's their name?
No, nothing.
Jamie, your hairdryer is heavy.
To the left.
Hold on.
Oh, god.
Right here.
Why exactly are we
the ones doing this?
All right, hold it tight.
Oh come on, don't fuck up and
karate chop me in the face.
Six years of martial
arts training.
When you were fucking kid.
Now hurry up, come on.
Don't worry about it.
Just stop getting in my face.
All right, on three.
One, two--
Fucking shit.
What did I tell you?
Double brown belt.
I'm kind of a bad ass.
Yeah, I'd say so.
That was fucking--
I'm impressed dude.
You got to show Susie that.
I'm serious.
You can work that.
No woman's ever been
able to resist it.
I can't believe how
cold it is in here.
So now that I've got
you alone, is there
something you want to tell me?
Whatever do you mean?
Well how about
you start with why
you showed up on my doorstep
in the middle of the night?
Don't forget that.
Yes, very drunk.
And how long has it been
since you've last seen me?
OK, we don't have
to talk about this.
I'm sorry.
It's OK.
Look, I'm just really
glad to see you.
I'm so glad you decided to
come with us this weekend.
Hey man, I really appreciate
you coming out here.
Of course, man.
No man, I mean it.
It means a lot.
It's been kind of a rough year.
What's going on?
April had a miscarriage
last January.
Fuck, man.
Sorry to hear that.
Yeah, thanks.
Yeah, she was almost full term.
There were complications and
she had to have a hysterectomy.
They go in they take your
ovaries and her uterus, and--
I know what a hysterectomy is.
Sorry, yeah, right.
No, but, she took
it really hard, man.
I guess what I'm
saying is, buying
this house and all this land.
I just felt like we
needed a distraction.
An adventure together, you know?
I get it.
I think it's a great idea.
Really, you're the only way
I could make this happen.
Buying this place let me--
It means a lot that
you came out here
and you're going to help
me fix the place up.
Listen, man.
We're going to make
this place great.
These guys I got coming out here
tomorrow, they're good dudes.
You're going to like them.
Great at what they do.
A little rough around
the edges, but--
Of course.
House needs a
little bit of work,
but ain't nothing we
can't handle, right?
You doing all right?
Thanks man.
Whoa, hey.
All right.
All right.
There we go.
You want any more of this?
You high?
I'm high.
Dude, I'm fucking blasted.
Man, that's why I'm
running off at the mouth.
You know.
That's fine, man.
But we should probably
gather this shit up.
Get back inside.
Get the wood.
I made the mistake
of telling Susie
I had a bottle of scotch, so--
The men have returned
from scouring the forest.
Check it out.
Are the men thirsty?
Thanks, you're too kind.
What is that?
Is that pot?
Do you have more?
I want to smoke some weed.
Where is it?
All right, let's party, then.
We got a bottle of good
scotch, some good weed.
All we need is some good music.
We do have good music, right?
Shut up.
Wait, Scott.
You were in a punk band?
Are you kidding me?
This guy was so fucking punk
rock, you wouldn't believe it.
It's true.
When we met, he used to
wear a spiked dog collar.
That is awesome, man.
Is it bad that I have so
much more respect for you?
Because I do.
Yeah, it's pretty awful that you
didn't have any respect for me.
I have to admit, you were a
really cute punk rock boy.
OK, but were they any good?
Are you serious?
We were fucking awesome.
What were you called?
Cracked fetus.
That is the best band name ever.
It was his idea.
OK, so did you release an album?
Please, God say yes.
Yeah, we had one album.
Small vinyl pressing.
Do you have a copy?
I do.
Oh my God, I have to hear it.
You should come over sometime.
I still have a
turntable, you know.
Man, I think I'm going
to to call it a night.
I'm not tired, so do you
want to get out of here
and let them get some sleep?
Yeah, OK.
Night, bro.
Goodnight you guys.
Y'all be careful.
Love you, sis.
Love you, too.
Hey, just make sure
you're in the back in here
it's really cold
everywhere else.
OK, you got it.
So, ready to go to bed?
Ready to call it a night?
I'm not really that tired.
Are you?
Not at all.
That was amazing.
I love you.
I love you, too.
So much.
Sorry it's been so long.
You don't need to say that.
You don't need to do that.
I know, but I just feel
like things are going
to be different from now on.
I'm done with being
sad all the time.
Why do you feel better?
I think I love this house.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
There was a man at the window.
Yes, I saw him.
I don't know, he was just there.
What's going on?
April said she saw
somebody out the window.
No, I did.
There was a man.
He was out there.
He was peeking in at me.
Did he have long
hair, big bushy beard?
Yeah, I think so.
That would be Bobby.
He's one of my guys.
See, I told you.
Hey, I'm sorry.
You scared the shit out of me.
I scared you?
Where's Bugs?
He's out here sniffing
around somewhere.
He'll show up.
Well, come on in.
Hey, Hank.
Hey Scott.
It's good to meet you.
Yeah, I've heard a
lot about you son.
Yeah, likewise.
Well hello, ladies.
Hank Strong.
Hi, I'm April.
This is.
Oh, Susie.
Let me guess.
You girls must be sisters.
You guessed it.
Yeah, OK.
Where is Bugs?
Where have you been?
Checking the place out.
Man, it is awesome.
Hey, I'm Scott.
Come on in, man.
It's not much warmer, but--
Yeah, I love your place, man.
It's magical.
Oh, thank you, both of
you, for coming out.
Hey, yeah no problem.
It's like coming
on vacation for us.
Hey, I'm Bugs.
Oh, this is my wife, April,
and her sister Susie.
Hi, I think we met
back in the kitchen.
Oh yeah, sorry about that.
Hank and Bugs here
are my two best guys.
Hank is an electrician
and a master carpenter,
and Bugs, believe it or not,
something of a jack of all
trades when it comes
to construction.
It's a gift.
It runs in my family.
You don't say.
No, I do.
Well, I was just about
to make some coffee.
Are you guys hungry?
We've got energy
bars, health muffins.
Oh, muffins.
What about this insulation?
I don't really want
to try to use that.
You can't use that.
OK, good.
Because it's--
Hey, yo, what's up?
What are you doing over there?
You don't want to be checking
out the boss's wife's ass now,
would you?
Oh, heck no.
Oh, boys.
Found it.
So, what I was saying is,
we should fix the roof first
because it could start
raining any day now.
Sounds like a plan.
Are there any more
leaks in the house?
Yeah, this is the
worst of it though.
It's a big f-ing home, man.
No shit, Sherlock.
That's what we're talking
about while you're
over there in ass land.
So how all did y'all meet again?
We'll just be right outside, OK?
What are you all going
to be up to in here?
Probably setting up
beds for everyone.
Yeah, well there's the two
mattresses in the back.
So you just bring those
to the living room.
No, I don't like that room.
It's creepy.
All right, I'll do
it when I get back.
OK, we'll see.
Be careful.
Don't freeze out there.
I won't.
Last night was great.
I love you.
Love you.
All right, now go, so
we can close this door.
What's up?
What's up?
Man, I haven't gotten
high this early in,
I don't know how long.
Get used to it.
It's how we do it.
Where's the beer?
Duh, where do you think?
I don't know.
Scott, you want a beer?
Man, it's like
like what, 10:30 i?
The morning.
I'll take one.
Yeah, you would.
Give me one too.
All right, shit.
Guess I'll have one, too.
A toast, to my friend Scott.
This land, may treat us kindly.
Hear, hear.
What are you doing?
Wake and bake.
You want some?
Isn't it kind of early
to be getting stoned?
To get drunk maybe, not high.
OK, not like that.
Don't actually touch
your lips, just suck.
Yeah, there you go.
You're going to get so high.
Must be bugs up there.
You know one's my wife, right?
Hell, yeah.
So hey Scott, Drew tells
me you bought this place
off the internet?
Yeah, online auction.
Oh man, I never heard of no one
buying a house online before.
It needs a little work.
I don't know if you noticed,
but the brick facade
is kind of coming
off a little bit.
Yeah, I guess it's pretty bad.
It could be worse.
How long was it empty?
About 15 years.
Did you get a good deal?
Not really your business, Bugs.
No, that's OK.
Yeah, I got a good deal.
Tell me this, though.
You did come out and look at
it before you bought it, right?
Not at all.
I just looked at a
picture online, you know?
And it turned out to be
20 years old, but hey.
My friend, you have
some big balls.
Why was it empty for so long?
Guys, come on.
Man, it's all right.
Believe me, I've had this
conversation more than once.
And I haven't told anybody
this, not even April.
Uh oh.
I know what that means.
It's a murder house.
Yeah, so the previous owners,
policeman and his wife.
Did you know when you bought it?
Well, they had to tell me before
I signed the papers, so yeah.
Did they tell you what happened?
But I looked it up.
The husband had
his head bashed in.
And his penis, his
cut off.
Let him finish.
And the wife, she had her throat
cut and her tongue cut out.
Did they find the penis?
In the wife's mouth.
That's fucking insane.
What about the tongue?
I don't know.
It wasn't anywhere I read, so--
Did they find out who did it?
What about the kids?
There's pictures of
these people inside--
And there's kids in it.
The kids, the twins.
Yeah, apparently
they went missing
or ran off a few years before.
And you haven't told
April about any of it?
And y'all don't tell
her anything either.
I mean, I'm going
to tell her, OK?
Just, eventually.
Not now.
I knew there was something
off about this house.
It's got a weird energy.
Oh God, here we go.
Y'all know what, man, I'm
very positive about this.
There's something strange.
Yeah we know.
Runs in the family.
Oh you guys are a regular
Abbot and Costello.
Let him go, man.
He'll be back.
Bugs, come back.
Hey, there's a pond over here.
God, I look ancient.
No you don't you look great.
Are you kidding me?
I've got bags under my eyes.
Yeah, well that's from
drinking and partying too much.
It's not from being old.
Well, maybe I should try
playing grown up like you.
What's that supposed to mean?
You know what I mean.
I'm just too old to
still be in school.
No, I don't think so.
I know a lot of people
who are your age that
are getting their doctorate
or their masters or something.
That's the thing.
I changed my major three times.
I still have a year before
I got a degree in anything.
So, what is it now?
What's RTBF?
It's radio, television,
video, and film.
So which
One is it?
Radio, television,
film, which one?
Film, I guess.
I don't know.
What are you going to
do with a film degree?
Make movies, I guess.
I don't know.
Can we change the subject?
It's depressing me.
Oh my god.
Come here.
Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?
was never going to leave you.
Got to give me just
a little more space.
I need just a little
more pressure.
Free this mind to
freely function.
I take in all the
oxygen mindless thoughts
in carefree times.
Just a little more complicated.
No reflex needs more confession.
I've been away.
for awhile.
Man, I'd totally turn this
property to a deer lease.
What is that, a damn time saver?
Shit, we done lost
an hour of sleep.
This is so cool, man.
I've always wanted to go
skinny dipping with you guys.
I tell you, we bring the sisters
down here, I'll be dipping.
Man, I got rights.
I told you, that's my wife.
Man, I knew there was
a pond on the property,
but I was not expecting this.
Man, I wonder if
there are any fish.
Hey, we brought our gear.
Well hell yeah,
there's fish in there.
I bet there's some big mothers
swimming around the bottom just
waiting to get snatched up.
Yeah, I'm going to
go get the gear.
We're still on the clock, man.
Hey, no.
It's OK.
They can go fishing.
I don't mind.
No, let's finish our work first.
Once we finish,
we can come back.
Fishing better in
the evening, anyway.
Always has been.
You look so beautiful.
I'm sorry I wasn't there
to see you when you were--
It was the happiest
I've ever been.
It just felt so right
being pregnant, you know?
I'm so sorry, April.
So when I lost the baby--
It's so fucking unfair.
I am sorry I wasn't
there for you.
I didn't know what to do.
I didn't know how
to be around you.
It's OK.
No, it's not.
I am a bad sister.
Please, stop saying that.
Are you OK?
It's been really hard, but I
feel better seeing you again.
And Scott buying this house,
as crazy as that sounds,
it's made a huge difference.
I feel good again.
Just happy.
Good, I'm glad.
And I'm done with being
a selfish bitch, OK?
So you're going to
see a lot more of me.
I'm not going to sleep with you.
Thank you baby, I appreciate
you not doing that.
Bugs, though.
Oh man guys, you know what?
We got about a couple of
hours of daylight left,
so when y'all are done eating,
just, y'all go fishing man.
Yeah, I'm going to stick
around here and get
things ready for tonight.
Maybe look at that
hot water heater.
I'll stick around and help.
No, man.
Go fishing.
You deserve it.
Hey let me stay up here and help
you with the hot water heater.
No Hank, you don't
need to do that, man.
Yeah, well.
These two amateurs?
Fish will still be there
when we get finished.
You OK?
Man, what's the deal
with you and Susie?
Are you and her,
you know, intimate?
Oh, fuck.
I swear there's an old
man trapped inside of you.
Well, are you?
Yeah we kind of
hooked up last night.
Yeah, that's what I figured.
Man, what does she see in
a geezer like you, anyway?
Are you jealous?
Hey, should we grab
some of these beers?
You're in luck, my friend
electric hot water heater.
All right.
That's a good thing.
Well seeing that the tank
outside probably doesn't
have any gas in it, I'd say so.
All right, so we'll get
this thing fixed, then.
Well, I didn't say that, but
I'm sure as hell going to try.
My grandma always told me it was
good luck to spit on your bait.
Apparently, it wasn't good luck.
Come on.
She's a pretty little thing.
Yeah, thanks.
You guys got any kids?
Oh we've tried, but no.
You're lucky.
I have two.
Oh yeah?
Live up in Oklahoma
with their mama.
I don't ever get to
see them anymore.
Sorry to hear that.
Yeah, I am too.
That's life, though.
You think we're going
to get any action today?
I think you've had
enough action, man.
You got something?
I think I got something, man.
Look at that.
That's not too bad, Bugs.
Today's your lucky day.
Now give me the devil horns.
Oh yeah, right?
There you go Oh, that's great.
Now stick out your tongue.
Yeah, you're a warrior.
You're a Viking warrior.
There you go.
Somebody's missing a boot, man.
All right, you see the boot?
Shove it up your ass.
I'm going to go pee.
What the fuck?
Sam, help me.
God damn it.
I'll get you, you mother fucker.
You better not be
fucking with me.
Come on guys.
Where are you at?
Bugs, you better not
be fucking around.
I don't get it,
where could they be?
That's Drew's phone.
That's today.
Why don't you try
calling Bugs again?
Well, maybe we passed
them coming out here.
Yeah, we were too noisy.
We would have heard them.
They would have heard us.
Well, what did they leave?
Full bottle of beer.
I don't like this.
Something's not right.
Oh my God, Scott.
There you are.
Have you seen Drew or Bugs?
No, I thought they
were with you guys.
No, we went down by the
pond looking for them.
All their stuff was there.
We found this.
Drew's phone?
Well have you
tried calling Bugs?
Yeah, we called him down at
the pond, but he didn't answer.
Oh, man.
Well, try calling him again.
See if he'll pick up.
Service out here sucks.
Hey, it's ringing.
Did y'all hear that?
Over here.
Call him again.
Listen, listen.
Over here.
Look for a light switch.
Bugs, where are you, brother?
Right there.
There's a door back here.
You and that god damn lie.
Somebody's been living in here.
What is it?
They're fucking dead.
Their goddamn heads are gone.
Get in the house.
No, please.
Lock the doors.
Please help me.
You can't go back out there.
You can't.
We have to call the police.
I'm not leaving him
out there to die.
You lock the door, OK?
Wait, where are you going?
It might be Scott.
What if it's not Scott?
What if it's that man?
Oh god, it's locked.
Did you turn that on?
Oh, God.
Come on, just push.
God, you fucking bitch, push.
Look, it's a baby.
I delivered a baby.
Isn't she beautiful?
What's wrong?
It's not right.
Something's wrong with it.
Don't say that.
Don't say that about my baby.
April, it's not your baby.
Where's Scott?
He's going to meet her.
He's going to be so happy.
April, Scott's dead.
April, everyone's dead.
April, we need to go.
I've got to get you
to the hospital.
Don't fucking touch
me or my baby.
We've got to go.
I'm not going anywhere.
This is my home.
April, I'm going to go.
I'm leaving.
I'll send you back some help.
Just hang on.
How does it feel?
This blood spilling
all in out for years.
You stand in time to me.
But in the morning you will be.
How does it feel?
This blood's been
pumping for years.
You are looking
right through me.
But in the morning you will be.