The House of Secrets (2023) Movie Script

And just like I foretold last week,
Mary and Johnson are up early.
I can see some movements.
They only come unto the balcony
on Saturdays,
I wonder why.
The noises I heard last night
means there was a big fight.
They aren't talking to each
other now, but they will.
I know they will.
Mary is out now, probably still angry.
Maybe not.
It's hard to read a woman's thoughts.
It's even harder to read it from my view.
I suspect that neither of them
probably got a proper good night sleep.
This happens to all couples
who truly love each other.
I wonder what this young
man does for a living.
He looks like the secretive type.
Definitely not my type.
No wonder they fight.
Now they are kissing.
How can you be angry at someone and
start kissing them?
It can never be me.
I... I wonder if they can
see me looking at them.
Well, it doesn't matter.
I'm glad there is enough for me to write
and share with you all.
Now they're going inside.
Just when it was getting juicer.
This means I'm going to
have to imagine the rest.
Or better still, I'll
let you do all the work.
- Grandma! Grandma! Grandma!
- My boy!
My big man Jay.
Good morning.
How are you?
I'm fine.
- But Grandma,
- Mmmm?
Mummy just bought me a new shoe
and I don't like it.
It's old school,
but she is always forcing me to wear it.
- Ah. Really? Do you know what we are going to do?
- Mhmm.
We are going to protest.
Where is Mummy?
Auntie good morning.
Stop encourging him.
I just bought thoes shoes, very expensive.
That's what is reigning right now
and he is refusing to wear it.
- That's not true Grandma.
- Yes it's the truth.
Please. Please come.
Come and take Jay to play outside,
he is disturbing Auntie.
He is disturbing.
Go and play outside.
- Good morning Ma.
- Good morning.
It's the most delicious thing
I've tasted since I got back.
Imagine! They made zobo into a tea bag.
I love it.
Ma, should I make Ogi and Akara for you?
Yes, that's fine. You always
know what I like in the mornings.
Thank you.
Come on. Go and play.
Go and play outside.
Good boy.
Come on, go.
Auntie, why are you up so early?
I have to be.
Else I won't have anything to write.
Besides, Mary and Johnson only come
out to the balcony at this time.
- Mary and Johnson?
- Mmmm
Oh! Mary and Johnson! Yes!
The couple that you are always writing
about in your column.
Eh Auntie,
Are you sure that they don't know that
you are watching them?
I don't know.
I think they want me to see them.
You clearly have too much time
on your hands.
Well, it's better than sitting at home
all day doing nothing.
If it wasn't for Daniel that had set me up
with this newspaper column thing,
I would have been miserable.
And I have your mother to thank for taking
care of me in this fine house.
Auntie it's okay.
It's alright. You are doing really well.
Daniel says that everybody loves
your column.
- Yes!
- Is it really that good.
Auntie it's good. It's really good.
Infact where is Daniel?
Can you bring today's paper?
Okay good.
- Auntie Sarah.
- Good morning.
- They've increased your money.
- Thank you
They say more people are buying the Friday
print because of you.
Apparently, it is even more popular than
the political column.
Even though the elections are around
the corner.
We can't wait for Obsanjo to become the
president come May 29th.
- Elections?
- Yes
Democracy is coming and people are
interested in ready juicy gossip.
Are you not going to make the food? Or
are you the one they are talking to?
Kamsi! come on go...
Will we not eat today?
That's new.
What? Oh! My tats.
- Tats?
- Tatoo
Yeah, I just got it.
Let me guess.
There is a girl involved right?
It's just body art.
What? Seriously, there's no girl.
- Auntie Sarah.
- Why not? too busy for girls? Doing what?
By the way,
what is it you are doing
when you are not here
helping me send stories to the newspaper?
- I... I'm preparing for my masters.
- Oh, okay.
This one that you have a "tats",
- I hope you don't smoke.
- Me? No.
Because I don't know about tatoos but
I do know that girls don't like
boys that smoke.
- Auntie Sarah, there's no girl.
- Okay.
Leave me alone please.
So when is the next one out?
What? Oh my story. This one is finished.
They print them so fast.
How do you get it to them?
It's simple really.
The post office is not far from here.
The post office, oh yes!
That's true, that's true.
Auntie, Doctor Badmos is here and
he will be with you shortly.
And tomorrow your sister
will come and visit you.
- Your mother is coming tomorrow?
- Yes.
- Don't you want her to come and check up on you?
- I... I
Doctor Badmos will come and we will
leave you two alone okay?
Daniel let's go.
Oh! Daniel wait. It's done.
There they are.
- Thank you Auntie Sarah.
- Thank you my dear.
Let's go.
Let's... let's talk about your neighbours.
Daniel tells me that you are quite the
celebrity in the papers.
Mary and Johnson.
Last night, they had a big fight.
Mary wants Johnson to stop smoking
and he agreed.
But he went behind her back.
You can read all about it next friday.
- Doctor Badmos, do you red my column?
- Sure. Of course I do.
I... I always look forward to it.
You write so well.
Thank you.
How's your leg?
Doctor Badmos?
When am I going to be free of this thing?
So I can go out and have some air.
It will be soon. Very soon.
You are recovering so well.
It must be all that akara that Kamsi
feeds me with.
So, I was... I was thinking that...
You were telling me something.
Yes yes... thank you Kamsi
What don't you like about the sound
of the trains?
What does it do to you?
Does it remind you of something?
- Anything?
- I...
I... I dont remember.
Im sorry.
Especially Esther and her mother.
That's why I was thinking...
Doctor will it...
Really be so terrible if I can't
remember any of it?
You were wrongly jailed.
They pumped you full with drugs
in their mental institute.
While people who cared about you,
your family who truly loved you
were looking everywhere for you.
You lived under such horrible conditions.
Those who found you, fought for you felt
we had to atleast get you some justice.
But we can't get you justice
if you dont remember exactly what happened
before you were arrested.
Your sister... Esthers mom,
never gave up on you.
And that is why she feels
more than anything else,
that we have to get you some justice, at least
so that this doesn't happen to somebody else.
I know... I know... I know. I understand...
That is why I have been doing
everything that you've asked me to.
Writing down my thoughts
or what's left of them.
Doctor Badmos I...
I cannot see anything beyond
what I see in front of me right now.
- I'm sorry.
- It's okay.
Just take a deep breath. Okay?
We will continue to take this one
step at a time.
One step at a time.
Another letter came in for you
from the Post office.
Your sister picked it up and sent it over.
Open it.
- Who is it from?
- A Panam Peters.
Ah! The same Panam Peters.
Now we know that Panam Peters likes you.
If anything, now we know there's somebody else
on the outside who is looking for you Sarah.
Or he could be a fan of my column.
- That is true.
- Im a celebrity, afterall.
That is also true.
What else does it say?
My love,
- dont forget the number.
- What number?!
- It... it doesnt say.
- No no. We've got to explore this.
All the possibilities.
Is it a telephone number?
Is it a home address?
Is it a P.O. Box number?
You have to think about it.
We have to remember...
I don't know! I don't know.
I'm sorry but I don't know.
It's okay.
Let's just...
Let's take deep breath and look
at what's in front of us.
But we will explore that further
in our next session.
My time is up.
- But we will continue this next week
- I'm sorry.
In the meantime, if you do need anything
Don't hesitate to reach out.
Yes, thank you Doctor Badmos.
Another hot love making session for
our friends tonight.
That's what I like to see.
And even better after the
horrible dream I just had.
Johnson and Mary are like
so many young couples.
They blow hot one minute
and then cold the next.
What are you doing here?
Why are you here?
How did you get...
No no no... not now.
Auntie Sarah. How are you doing?
- Do you like your cat?
- My cat?
Hello... Yes...
Well done Ma.
Dr. Badmus thinks that it
will be for you to have her.
Just so you are not so alone all the time.
Oh Wow!
And I like cats. How did he know?
Her name is Nala.
Oh beautiful. Nala...
Ma, are you okay?
Or should I get Dorctor Badmus?
Oh no, no. Im fine...
Wheres my big man Jay?
Oh Jay? Auntie you know Jay's problem
is too much.
I left him with his daddy today. Yes.
And your mother?
You said that she was coming to visit.
I'm yet to see her.
Auntie dont worry, don't worry.
Your sister will come and visit you.
She just has a few
things that she is doing.
She will be here really soon.
Maybe even tomorrow.
I thought you said the neighbours only
come out on Saturdays?
Im surprised too.
- They even came out last night.
- Oh really?
Auntie you know what?
It's really breezy, let
me close the windows.
Let me just close them.
Just so that you can be nice and warm.
For you know, you and Nala. There we go.
Nice and toasty.
Auntie in fact, let me just change
your view little bit.
You know you have been staring out
this window all day.
So... Change of scenery.
You know... Look at your
beautiful living room.
Ah there we go.
Are you comfortable?
Auntie, Dr. Badmus said you
remembered something very important.
A number.
Can you tell me what that number is?
- But I... A number?
- Yes.
But I wasn't able to remember any number.
If you can remember this Panam man,
You should remember the
number and we can...
Panam... How did you know about Panam?
Oh, Auntie Sarah don't mind Kamsi,
she doesn't know wht she is talking about.
Auntie please. Please you need to remember.
Its been three months.
Auntie! Auntie please.
Please you need to tell me something.
Anything! Auntie Sarah we
are running out of time.
- Who is Panam?!
- Madam!
Auntie Sarah we are running out of time!
Who is Panam?!
Is anybody here?
Auntie Sarah we are running out of time!
Who is Panam?
Good morning auntie Sarah. I heard you
wanted to see me. I got you some ribbons.
Hey Nala.
Where's auntie Sarah?
Auntie Sarah.
Auntie Sarah are you okay?
Auntie Sarah!
Auntie Sarah!
Oh my God. Oh my God... Guys!
Daniel why are you shouting...
What happened here?
Is this not auntie Sarah's shawl?
Where is auntie Sarah?
Auntie Sarah!
Auntie Sarah!
Auntie Sarah!
Auntie Sar... Daniel.
Is it not you that I'm talking to?
Where is auntie Sarah? What happened here?
What is... Daniel.
Daniel is it not you... Where is auntie...
Oh my... She escaped.
She remembers.
No no no no no.
Hello Yes.
No, no I was with my phone...
Listen, everybody is here but something
has happened.
Yes, yes. We're coming.
Guys she's here.
Let's go!
Mrs. Lawal!
Mrs. Lawal! She is gone!
She is gone!
What do you mean shes gone?
What..the.. Fuc...
You need to see this.
I had a nightmare this morning.
I was in a cell...
And some place with crazy people.
Maybe Ive been watching Mary and Johnson
too much.
Maybe shes haunting my dreams...
She remembers.
Call Dr. Badmus now!
- You mean Dr Jide?
- Yes just call him please.
I want security. CCTV. Okay.
What do you mean she is gone?
Follow me up now! All of you!
Ah! Now turn that damn thing off!
You know this is not the time to be
throwing blames around.
Where do you think she might have gone to?
I also believe she's starting
to remember somethings.
So this it's a time for
us to focus on our goal.
No problem. I'll be on my way.
- You! Where did you go to?
- Madam please.
Where did you go to? Don't "Madam
please" me. Where did you go?
You are very irresponsible and I am going
to report you to your boss. I will do it.
You Muhammad! Where did you go?
You were supposed to stay over,
where did you go?
Do you think this is a joke?
What do you think we are doing here?
She's escaped and you are sitting
and looking at me...
Guys... Guys! Look.
- Aha!
- Open the door!
Who are you? Who are you people?
Where am I?
- Stay back.
- Everyone stay back.
Stay back!
What is this place?
Panam! Panam they are here!
- Sarah.
- Who are you people?
What have you done to me?
Who are you people!
No! Stay back! Stay back! Panam!
Panam! Panam come!
Come please! Where are you!
Where are you Panam?
- Panam Come!
- Go go! Everybody out! Give me the room.
No... Daniel!
- Daniel stay.
- Daniel stay. Okay.
Everyone but Daniel, Out!
The woman needs you to go!
I should go?
- Go!
- I'll go! But can you give me the scissors
- No!
- Okay! Okay, sorry.
Listen guys, If shes
already asking us for Panam,
That means that we are closer to our goal.
Alright? Let's all calm down and make sure,
we don't rush anything.
Let's take things slow. Let's not rush.
We are not rushing, we are just guiding her
houghts to where we want.
I know, all we need to find out now is
what exactly she remembers.
Who are all you people?
Sarah, I am Dr...
I'm sorry...
I apologise. I'm sorry.
My name is Mrs. Lawal.
And I run this organization,
Justice for the Masses.
Its a non-governmental organization
and non-Partisan.
This year, we decided that we wouldn't
take the backseat anymore.
We want to actively participate in
deciding who gets to lead this country.
And that person is Durosimi Williams.
Shes the people choice.
We believe she can lead this country
to a brighter future.
Unfortunately shes running against
someone we are hoping you can remember.
Someone you would rather forget.
Someone we would rather
not see on the ballot.
Auntie Sarah.
General Sanni Sofa.
General Sanni Sofa.
Oh, you do remember the General.
That means you also probably
rememberthe event of...
The 3rd of February 1999.
The train station.
You and your husband...
Panam, were on the trip.
You had a major accident
where you lost him.
They framed your husband.
And after he was killed.
They arrested you as an accomplice.
You spent 5 years in jail not remembering
anything of that night.
So the authorities interpreted it to
mean that you were insane.
So they put you in a mental institution.
Then, you'd have had
fragments of recollection.
And you actually asked for Panam.
But then you relapsed
and forgot everything.
Three months ago,
Dr. Lawal came across your case.
And she, she had a brilliant Idea.
It can't work.
I know this case very well, remember?
I was kind of involved in it in some way.
That doesn't mean you can make a person remember
years of their forgotten past, Mrs. Lawal.
That is where Dr. Jide comes in.
His skills as a doctor can be put to use.
I will get her released from the mental
institutionand he will take over.
It still can't work.
I'm sorry it just can't.
Do you have a better idea Esther? Tell me.
What do you think?
She set up this entire place.
So she can help you remember.
- I think it will work.
- Yup.
We had to rent out an entire workspace.
So that no one else would find out about
our little experiment.
The solution came from our new
team member, Daniel,
So Ma, since you also have photos of them
recovered in the train.
If we construct the house just the way
it was in the photos.
We can set it up in such a way
that it juggles her memory.
All we need is a location,
Where we can setup this partment and
plant all our devices in there.
I can act as the guy that encourages
her to write.
- Esther can play a family member.
- Which Esther?
Maybe a niece?
So what about me then? What can I do?
Best to stay out of it Ma.
But I can't trust you
people not to ruin it.
Mrs. Lawal can actually be the maid.
You know, thats actually a brilliant idea.
Maybe I can.
Guys, are we serious about this?
Is this even ethical?
What are we doing here?
We're not going to get way with this.
Mrs. Lawal, where in the world did you
get these pictures from.
I think it's a brilliant idea, but we have
to make her believe shes actually in 1999.
We can get her something to be
passionate about.
You know.
And from her days at the post office and
from these pictures,
we can see that she knows how to
use the typewriter.
What if she doesnt remember how
to use the typewriter?
What is she even going to write?
Journaling, that is one of the few tools
that has given me.
Alot of results and breakthroughs
with my patients.
But wait.
How will she just stay indoors
all day writing?
If I was crazy, I wouldn't do that.
She currently has an injury on her leg.
But it's not as severe, if we could get a
wheelchair for her.
I can convince her to stay in the
wheelchair for sometime.
Afterall, everybody
listens to their doctors.
How long is this going to take?
Because the elections are just around
the corner. It's almost February.
Well, Ive reviewed the records sent
to me by Mrs. Lawal.
Shes mostly traumatized and she hasn't had
any triggers in many years.
So let's see...
Give or take, about two months tops.
Two months?
We dont have two months.
Auntie Sarah, sorry...
Be careful, Be careful.
Can I get you water to drink?
Or something else to drink?
Do I really have a sister?
I'm really sorry auntie Sarah.
Your husband kept a document with you.
In it are photos of the General
acquiring ammunitions to topple the
democracy in 1999.
Including ledgers of transactions
with Russians.
Running into billions.
We have reasons to believe he
kept them to you.
Can you remember what do did with it?
We need this to prevent this man
from becoming president.
Durosimi Williams might have the will
of the people,
but money can buy that will.
We need to make it impossible for
the General to win.
Sarah... I need you to remember.
- Mrs. Lawal
- Sarah, come on.
- Mrs. Lawal.
- Sarah.. I need you.
Mrs. Lawal.
- Sarah... I need you to remember.
- Mrs. Lawal.
Sarah. Come on.
- Sarah.
- Mrs. Lawal!
Grandma I made you a paper train.
- Mummy said you will like it.
- She did?
Jay baby, thank you so much.
Collect it back.
- Collect it back from Grandma.
- Why?
I'll tell you why. I want you to colour it.
So that it will have many colours.
Good baby.
Take me way from here.
- Sarah...?
- Please.
- Mrs. Lawal
- Please.
It's okay Sarah, take a break.
Auntie Sarah we are very sorry.
- It's alright. It's okay.
- We are very sorry.
Can I help you?
I need ermm...
I need you to...
I need you... I need you to...
To help me with something.
With what?
- With errm...
- The form?
The form.
The form? The form! Yes...
I need you to errm...
to help me open a post office box address.
Okay, errm but...
- You already have the form.
- Yes.
So... Fill it.
Hurry up.
The boy fine o.
- Ah. Sarah you've caught a good one.
- Mrs Eket, Mind your business.
And what do you even know about fine boys?
With this your scarf.
Leave my scarf,
go and meet your toaster please.
- He is not my toaster.
- Hes calling you.
- I'm done maam.
- You can drop it.
He is not leaving.
You are playing too hard to get.
Just go and talk to him. Besides you have to
go back to your desk, this is not your desk.
- Mrs. Eket stop it. Your trouble is too much.
- I love you too.
Leave this place.
- Hmm military men.
- So? Are they not human beings?
Thanks for the service.
You are welcome.
My name is Panam.
Panam peters.
XXX division of the Nigerian Armed forces.
Say errm...
Say I have a letter to...
To post everyday,
- Would you always be here to receive them?
- What?
Panam? Be fast about it, let's go.
- Hold on, I'm almost done.
- Come on!
So where errm...
Back to what we were saying.
Miss errm... Sarah
- Would you?
- No. I mean yes.
- It depends.
- Panam!
- We are in a hurry and you are wasting time.
- Calm down.
Ok so maybe not everyday.
Maybe just errm...
This Saturday.
Im not going.
I have the perfect red dress.
What is this?
What do you mean "what is this"?
We cannot do this now.
Panam, wht do you mean
we cannot do this now?
You have to take it out.
Are you forgetting that I am Catholic?
- And so?
- And I cannot have a child out of wedlock.
I cannot do an abortion.
- We are not ready for this.
- Panam do you think that I can do that?
So you want to trap me with this?
You must have fell and knocked your head to
think that I am one of your whores.
- Where did you go?
- Her old house and the old post office.
I remember openning up
P.O Box for Panam.
Thats where we met, the post office.
Incredible. Do you remember the box number?
Thank you.
Thank you.
Weldone Sarah.
You remember.
But, the post office burnt down.
Before Panam tried to
escape with you that night.
Sarah I'm going to need you to remember
a bit more now.
Stay with me, we are almost there.
The General's thugs went through
that burnt office.
The contents of Box 433 did not include
the photos or that document.
Where did you keep it?
Do you know what else I remember?
I was pregnant.
I was pregnant.
I was pregnant!
- Baby.
- My handsome man.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
- Shes disturbing me o. Yes.
- She is?
And I think that she wants to be a
soldier just like her dad.
My Lover.
Look I have told you, our baby is a boy.
- And, its a new Nigeria, he is going to be an astronaut.
- No, our baby is a girl.
And she is not going to be an astronaut.
I waited up for you last night.
But this one wont let me.
I understand but...
- I have got to go again.
- No...
Not until you eat something.
Do you want tea.
They now make Zobo in tea bags, tastes
just like the real thing.
I'll make some for you now.
I promise you are going to love it.
My baby.
Come here for a second.
- Panam what is wrong?
- Sit.
- Is this...
- Shhh...
Yes. Yes it is.
This is proof. General Sanni is about to
disrupt the democratic handover.
The swearing in of the new president
is about to be a massacre.
Oh my God!
- Panam.
- They have everything. Everything.
From ammunitions...
To offshore accounts with billions.
Support from the Russians.
And its all in here.
We have got to do the right thing.
We have to do the right thing Sarah.
My God! Panam wait.
Who else knows about this?
Panam who else knows about this?
- It is fine. It is fine.
- No, it's not.
Baby, baby, baby.
It was his idea in the first place.
We are in tHIS together.
You need to go to the post office today,
and hide it.
- In your box?
- No.
For this to work,
you cannot even put it in yours.
Panam, you are scaring me now.
Panam, you are scaring me.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I promise.
This will all be over soon.
Malik and I have a plan,
and it is going to work.
We want to meet with some
trusted journalists today.
But, it has to be the right time
because even they can be bought too.
Somebody needs to publish this immediately.
But for now, please, please keep it safe.
Are you running away?
Panam... is this good bye?
What is supposed to happen to me? What is...
Panam what is supposed to happen to our baby?
Sarah I have to go to work.
And No, I am not running away.
Not without you.
Never without our baby.
Where is she? Where is my baby?
- The documents Sarah, where did you keep them?
- Where is my baby! I want my child!
Where is my baby! Leave me alone!
Leave me alone!
- Let here answer me!
- I want my baby!
- Please stop shouting.
- I want my baby.
- Mrs. Lawal.
- My baby.
Mrs. Sarah please sit down at least.
- Please.
- Leve me alone!
- We need to talk.
- Not now Jide.
You lied to me.
- Esther, give me a minute let me just talk to her.
- Doctor No. She lied to us and I want answers too.
I do.
You lied to us.
When you called me into this project,
you said all I needed to do,
was to make her remember the P.O.
Box number.
And you are telling me that all these while
you knew there was nothing in the box?
- What exactly is your plan?
- Exactly.
Mrs. Lawal what are we actually doing here?
Banke what are you not telling me!
What am I missing?
It is time to told her about Daniel.
- No. No.
- Daniel? wait, which Daniel?
No we are not telling her about
Daniel at all.
I told you from the beginning,
that you should not even think
about bringing her son up.
- Until she is fully recovered.
- Look.
If she realises that hes still alive,
that will make her cooperate faster
and tell us what we need to know.
And she might relapse.
And she might relapse
and forget everything.
That Dr. Jide,
is a chance I am willing to take.
Oh my God!
Oh my God! Mrs. Lawal!
Daniel is her son?
Daniel is her son and you knew?
And you knew Dr. Jide? Even you?
I think we are getting desperate.
And we are pushing this woman too far
and too fast.
- Banke please.
- God, God... Daniel is her son.
Daniel is her s...
Daniel. Daniel, Daniel wait.
Daniel wait please.
We are sorry.
Banke, I can't do this anymore.
I'm done.
I'm so done.
- I told you to leave her out of this.
- Yeah, if you dont want to win an election.
Mrs Sarah.
We are so sorry that happened to you.
I am super proud at your
recovery state so far.
General Sanni is a very powerful man.
Many charges have been brought against him.
Corruption, abuse of power,
fraud, trafficking, embezzlement.
None of them stick.
The only person who was close to bringing
him down was your husband.
And Sanni pulled the plug
on his military coup plans.
Right after we fought for our democracy.
Mrs Sarah, my team and I...
Please stay for one more night.
Please Panam, I need you.
We need you.
I need you.
You are all the family I have.
My lover.
Take me to your commandant.
Take me to general Sanni
and I will explain to him
That I'm pregnant and you need to be
redeployed to Lagos.
My baby.
It does not work like that.
Besides you have Mrs. Eket.
She has been like a mother to you.
To us.
Also once our baby is out, my mum...
Has promised to come stay
with you for a while...
But I do not want to have this baby
in my house.
I want to have her in our house.
As a family.
I swore an oath.
- To protect this country.
- You swore an oath to never leave me.
- And I will never. I will never leave you.
- Please. Then stay Panam.
Stay Panam.
For one more night.
Two nights.
Just stay.
Please understand.
There is something happening.
Something that I have to be a part of.
I thought you might like some tea.
I apologize for my actions earlier.
I was desperate.
I was insensitive and that was unfair.
Sarah, I want you to know that no matter
how this turns out,
I am grateful that you tried.
Normally it shouldnt take more than
a few weeks, but yours is localized.
What that means,
is that you cannot remember
anything or anyone connected to the stress,
of the trauma you experienced at
the station and inside the train.
What trauma?
What, what happened at the station?
What happened inside the train?
Its the only thing that remains fuzzy.
Sarah I think its best you just forget
whatever happened at the train station.
Or your memory might be triggered in a way,
that now makes you forget everything you
recently remembered.
But I want to remember everything.
The night,
at the train station,
your husband was waiting for you.
You both missed the first train.
Now think about it.
Where did you go?
Who did you talk to?
Panam is waiting for you.
- The security guys are unto us. Follow me.
- I don't know you.
Where are you taking me?
Welcome Madam. Welcome.
Easy, easy.
Sarah listen carefully to me.
Your husband is in danger.
We are all his friends
and we are in it together.
- Correct.
- Do you have the documents he gave to you?
But I dont know you.
We are his friends in the force.
- Your husband is a brave man.
- Exactly.
And he has inspired all of us.
Together we will take down General Sanni.
Do you have the documents?
Where is Panam?
This woman is wasting our time, she
is worthless. Let's just kill her.
I'm so sorry.
Did you give the documents to someone?
How do you know so much about
the train station?
Mrs. Durosimi Williams has promised to
take good care of you.
No matter how this pans out.
She is going to get you a proper house.
I had my baby that night didnt I?
And you were there.
You were the one that was searching
us for weapons.
I remember you! You were there right?
- It, it was you right?
- Sarah, none of that matter...
Where is my baby?
Down! Calm down!
- Where is my baby! Where is she?
- Sarah!
Where is she? Where is my baby?
Where is she?
Calm down!
What did you say?
A baby.
A boy.
He survived.
When you passed out
giving birth to him.
Daniel, Daniel is your son.
I conceived
a son.
Daniel is my son.
Aunty Sarah.
Aunty Sarah.
Aunty Sarah I'm so sorry.
I didnt know any of this.
Aunty Sarah please.
Aunty Sarah...
Dont call me that! Get out!
- Get out! Out! Liars! All of you!
- Oh my God!
Liars! Liars!
Liars! Where's my child!
Where is she! Where is he! Liars!
Oh God!
Get up.
With your hands in the air.
Panam Gyang Peters.
You are under arrest for plotting to disrupt
the democratic handover coming soon,
and being in possession of harmful weapons.
We believe there are
weapons in your luggage.
So come with us gently.
We dont have to do this in front of your
pregnant wife.
Stop the train.
Stop the train!
Thats a mobile phone. If you press
the green button twice.
Daniel will pick up.
Im so sorry, I didn't know.
My intentions were pure.
- RPP!
- Recover Nigeria!
Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you.
So you wasted my money.
No wonder you were kicked out of the force
for ineptitude.
I left the force of my own volition
To do what?
To set up an NGO for justice.
Then why are you here?
Begging me for money.
The woman is deliberately hiding
the information.
I just know she kept those documents
with someone.
Now the good thing,
she remembers. So I just need more time.
Like I have said before,
if theres someone out there
with those documents,
you will loose the election.
Elections are in 10days.
According to the polls, I am winning.
I don't need this.
I don't need you.
General you know you need me.
I know you need my money.
That's what this is what this is all about.
You just want to blackmail me for something
that is long forgotten.
Long buried.
Im a civilian now.
I'm a man of the people.
I dont care what happens to that woman.
You just disgust me.
Your failure absolutely disgusts me.
I know your secrets general.
You will need me.
And when that time comes,
it will already be too late.
Banke Lawal.
Look at me.
Do I look like a man who
is easily frightened?
You came to me.
You made me an offer.
100 million for the documents.
Your lousy NGO was failing.
And you came to me.
I was generous.
I funded that nonsense.
I even made a down payment on that
our arrangement.
We have eyes on the boy.
When his mother calls,
we will follow him.
And if they have the document,
we'll pick those documents
off their dead bodies.
What have you done?
Your colleague, Esther.
She's a much smarter person than you.
You need to ask yourself,
Do I really need you?
Recover Nigeria!
- Recover Nigeria!
- RPP!
Great women of our dear country...
- This is a waste of time.
- Hey come on Ehis.
- Stop, Why would you do that?
- Stop what?
Do what? This?
This? This is a bloody waste of my time.
I could be out there doing something
tangible with my life than
being stuck in this place with you people.
This facility.
- Oh really so we are the jobless ones.
- Come on!
- We are together in this man.
- Theres no we!
There is no we. The Dr. and Mrs.
Lawal lied to us.
They fucking lied to us. They've
been lying to us I mean...
Did you know that there was a burnt P.O.
Box? A burnt post office?
Did you know that she was pregnant?
They've been lying to us.
He fucking lied to us!
Can't you see?
You know the general is
killing innocent people.
And now he wants to destroy what can
truly bring peace.
Come on!
Arent you tired of men in uniform,
sworn to protect their own people try
to rule by force.
Why would you do this?
Calm down Panam.
Stop shouting.
The general is not a bad man.
He wants to take care of us.
Looks at this place.
Look at Sarah and your unborn baby.
Think about them.
Don't you ever!
Don't you ever! Ever
bring my family into this!
Fucking traitor.
The documents are hidden far away
from where you or the general can find it.
And it will be in all the
papers across the country
and outside the country by weekend.
As you wish.
- Where do you think you are going?
- Panam.
Don't try me.
- Don't you dare.
- Panam.
Don't you think about it.
Go to hell.
It's already too late.
They are coming for you.
He has been bought.
I have been set up.
The Nigerian police is now after me.
They say Im a terrorist.
Listen to me.
We are no longer safe here.
We have to leave here tonight... Tonight.
Go and Pack quickly.
Meet me at the train station by 10pm.
- Do not go to anyone.
- Okay.
Do not go anywhere else lright?
I love you.
Now go. Go quickly.
Don't worry bout this,
I'll take care of it.
Go quickly!
I know where the documents are.
Where is Daniel?
Weve been calling him but hes
not picking up.
We can call again.
I heard about what
happened to your parents.
And your time at the orphanage.
That was a long time ago.
Car accident?
No... They said it was
an armed robbery attack.
The police rescued me and then they took
me to the orphanage.
Wow! And look at you now.
Lending your voice to
fight against justice.
I have people like you to follow.
I have been studying your work.
I even heard you used to be in the force.
You were part of the brave team that
countered the terrorist attack in 1999.
That was a long time ago.
It's a shame really.
The Police force and I,
our values just could not align.
I had to leave.
I wrote about it in a blog.
It's a shame that the
police is very corrupt.
They are now a shadow of their former self.
- I read your blog.
- You do?
Of course I do.
I follow you on twitter Daniel.
I like that young people like you are so
passionate about Durosimi Williams candidacy.
Your take in prticular about the idea of
having a first female president, impressive.
Thank you so much ma.
Thank you ma.
Im fan of hers myself.
Durosimi Williams and we have a project
that we are working on.
That we strongly believe will guarantee
her presidency.
We would like you to work with us on this.
Its all legal Daniel. I can promise you.
Durosimi Williams is working with us
on the same project.
Oh come on.
After all the things that
you have written about her
do you honestly think she will do
anything illegal to jeopardize her chance?
- Yes?
- Okay ma.
- Welcome aboard Daniel.
- Thank you ma.
When I first met my Panam.
General Sanni was his boss.
He was so loyal to him.
He spoke so highly of him then.
But when he found out what the general
wanted to do,
after the 1999 election,
he couldnt let that happen.
Look at your belly.
Your face, nothing but but belly big.
You are supposed to be at home resting,
enjoying your leave.
Come. I'm sure you have gist for me.
Plenty gist.
What is...
Is everything okay. What is wrong?
- Not really ma.
- Sit down. Sit down.
Sarah, you know you can talk to me.
Is it about Panam? Are you guys fighting?
Is he in trouble?
Where is he?
Is he not supposed to be around?
Are you not almost due?
Men. Military men.
Look at what he has done.
- And you told me. If only...
- Mrs Eket, Panam is fine.
Thank God.
What is this?
Dont open it o.
Dont open it.
They are very important documents inside.
Without question,
Mrs. Eket took the documents from me
and instructed me to go home and rest.
She almost lost her life because of it.
So whats her full name?
Mrs Eket?
Edidiong Eket.
I don't know that person.
I've never heard that name before.
I've never heard it before in my life.
I... Oga... Please.
I have never heard it before.
I don't know who that is.
I don't know. I don't know.
Please, No!
Please. I don't know who it is.
I don't know who it is.
If I know, I'll tell you.
I've never heard that person's name
before in my life. I've never heard it.
- Who the fuck is Edidiong Eket?
- I don't know, I don't know.
What? Mrs. Eket!
What happened? What happened?
- Are you okay?
- Sarah.
- Wait.
- They came looking for this.
Wait let me... Sorry sorry...
Take, take. Drink.
They also came looking for you.
Sarah, they burnt down the whole office.
The even burnt my car.
Mrs. Eket what about everybody else?
What about everyone else?
Everyone is fine.
We all got out in time.
Thank God! If not for God.
Ok Mrs. Eket, you know, I'm going to...
I'm going to take you the... to the hospital.
You are going to the hospital now.
Mrs. Eket, please help me...
I'll drive Panam's car.
Ill drive you with Panams car.
I'm coming.
My God! This was really really bad!
This thing was a bad thing.
Mrs. Eket lets go.
Sarah, Where are you traveling to.
Dont lie to me.
I have seen the documents Sarah.
We should go to the police station.
This thing is more than the two of us,
or even Panam.
Its already too late for that.
But I cannot allow anything happen to you,
I promised your mother on her death bed.
Mrs. Eket just get into the car,
we are going to the hospital.
For you or for me?
I will be fine.
- No weapon fashioned against me shall...
- Mrs. Eket just get into the car.
Why dont you let me drive?
Im so sorry I didnt tell you earlier.
Panam and I need to leave this place.
Things are going to get so much worse.
The Nigerian Police are on to us.
Im sorry to ask you for this.
But can you just hold on to
it for a little while longer?
Panam and I leave on a train tonight and...
I'm already late.
But.. Your baby.
I will be fine, I'll make it.
Okay Sarah.
I will keep it.
Until you come back.
You will come back, right?
That was the last time I saw Mrs Eket.
She promised to keep the documents.
So well hidden even she wuldn't be
able to find them.
Please sir, I have told
you everything I know.
I have told you everything.
Please let us go. Please.
Just allow us to go please.
- We have told you everything we know.
- Get the address.
- Please let us go.
- The name is Edidiong Eket.
- She worked in the Post office in 1999.
- Please sir.
- Call our people.
- You poeple should let us go.
Please don't do anything to this child.
I beg you. I'm begging you.
I'm begging you, please.
Please don't touch him?
Jay I'm so sorry.
Hello sir, there is no Mrs. Eket here.
And there is no document here as well.
Okay. You know what to do.
Yes sir.
At the orphanage,
They said you and my father died
in an armed robbery attack.
Panam would rather have brought
down the whole world.
Than watch me die at the hands
of petty thieves.
I hear he was a very good soldier.
He was the best.
And the most handsome.
Your father thought you
would be an astronaut some day.
I thought you were going to be a girl.
He loved you so much.
That he risked everything to protect us.
And I did everything that he asked, I...
I thought I did. I... did I?
- It's ok aunty Sarah. It's okay.
- I didn't know they were...
It's okay aunty Sarah, Mom.
I'm here now.
I'm no soldier but I will protect you.
I do not have all the money in the
but I will always protect you.
And little John.
Her name is Jane.
- It's a boy.
- She is a girl.
- A boy
- A girl.
- A boy
- A girl.
- A boy.
- Girl.
Can you feel her?
- Shes kicking.
- My boy.
Kick some more.
My girl.
- Kick. Kick some more, kick.
- Girl.
- It's my girl.
- My boy.
- My girl.
- My boy.
I miss him so... So much.
I was so lost and confused for so long.
Here we are now. You found me.
He wanted to name me John?
I like Daniel.
It fits better.
I think we just found her.
On facebook.
Mrs Edidiong Eket, is that her?
She still ties her scarf in the same way.
- It's her.
- Yes.
- Ehis! Ehis!
- So I did some digging and I found out where she lives.
- Ehis!
- We have to go there right way.
- What's going on?
- Come on.
- We've found Mrs. Eket.
- What?
We've found Mrs. Eket.
- You did? Edidiong Eket?
- Yea, we need to go now.
And she lives about two
hours away from here,
We need to go now becuse it's getting late.
- Is she the one?
- Yes.
Let me get the car ready.
Let's go. Let's go. Let's go!
No no... I cant let you go.
What if something goes wrong?
You stay here while I go join the guys.
- Im not letting you out of my sight.
- No, seriously.
Panam please...
I want to go with you.
Okay then let's go.
Hello? Esther where have you been?
Weve been calling you?
Muhammad please, please can you come
and pick us from Ringroad.
Just please hurry up.
How? They told me...
Yea, please we need your service.
Please hurry up. Please.
Yea hurry up.
I am so sorry.
I am so sorry.
I always feared that they
would come find me one day.
After all these years, once again
this is all my fault. I'm sorry.
Its okay Sarah.
I hid it in a hole behind
my bedroom wall mirror.
I dont think the fire will get to it.
I hope so.
- God will...
- I don't care about those documents anymore.
I heard about what happened to Panam.
I searched everywhere for you.
They said you lost the
baby and died in prison.
He found me.
Who is Daniel?
Daniel is... Daniel?
- A crazy man just ran inside the fire.
- Daniel!
No! No my son! Daniel no!
- Hold her!
- No! Daniel no!
- No! Daniel! Daniel No!
- Sarah!
Please dont ever do that again.
Is that?
Daniel, Panam's baby.
Come... My son.
- RPP!
- Recover Nigeria!
- RPP!
- Recover Nigeria!
- RPP!
- Recover Nigeria!
Thank you, thank you.
Thank you very very much my dear women.
Like I told you last week,
when we come into power...
the country will take over the
responsibilities of your husbands.
You will no longer lack,
and your sons...
Your... Your sons who...
A new shocking revelation is bound to
cripple the campaign of
former Nigerian general,
Sanni Sofa and now
presidential aspirant
of the Reformed Peoples party RPP,
who has just been hospitalised...
So good.
Just the way I like it.
A little pepper inside.
How did your people know how
much I love ogi and akara?
Well that was a lucky guess by Mrs. lawal.
Breaking News
The founder of the Justice
for the Masses NGO,
Mrs. Banke Lawal was
found dead in her car.
Police are suspecting a foul case of
assassination which could have come
from the perpetrators of the crimes
she helped get Justice for with
her NGO, Justice for the Masses.
Mrs Banke Lawal used to be a
top police officer in the 90s,
and helped foil a major terrorist attack in
1999 involving one Panam Peters..
She will be fondly remembered as
a fighter for freedom and justice.
She's survived by two children...