The House of Snails (2021) Movie Script

Come here.
Excuse me, I found this dog
on the road.
Do you know whose it is?
Are you the Vimero?
No, I'm Antonio.
Good afternoon.
How are you?
I found a dog and I thought...
Not from here.
It's not from
If somebody
abandoned it,
the dog is no good anymore,
so don't look for the owner.
Do you know where
Mantecn Street is?
isn't a street.
It's a road.
Go that way
until you leave town.
You'll see a driveway on the right.
And at the end,
the house you're looking for.
How do you know
I'm looking for a house?
Because it's the only one
in town for rent.
And you don't look like the type
who has friends in Quintanar.
Thank you.
Good memory.
How's your first impression,
do you like it?
Good, the house looks good
from the outside.
The town, I don't know.
Until Midsummer Festival,
then you'll see.
The building is over
two centuries old,
so if you hear the wood creak
at night,
don't be frightened.
Shall we?
This way, please.
This is incredible.
I knew you would really like
this library.
You said you wanted something
inspiring and traditional...
so I thought of this house
that's been empty for years.
Many years?
But not because
of any problem.
We've brought everything
up to date.
It has drinking water,
electricity, a gas heater...
This town is very small
and renting out a house like this,
even just for a month,
is good money for the municipality.
If the heads bother you,
we can put them away.
Some people say they feel like
the animals are watching them,
but anyway...
As long as they don't
make conversation.
Like I was saying,
it has electricity,
a new water heater...
Everything you need, sir.
Don't call me sir.
Everything you need.
Shall we sign?
But you still haven't seen
the rest of the house.
I don't need to. It's perfect.
I'm glad we'll have you here
in town for a month.
-You're a writer, right?
I'm no Neruda but I'll sign it
anyway if you want.
No, that's okay.
-It's fine...
I checked it out from the library.
Can I ask why you picked this town?
Had you been?
No. I saw the ad and called.
I'm looking for solitude
and silence.
Then you'll love Quintanar.
Solitude and silence
are what we have most here.
Justa will come tomorrow.
The housekeeper you requested.
You told her my hours?
Yes, yes.
She comes with my
personal recommendation.
So you have nothing to worry about.
Then perfect.
I won't lie to you either.
She's my cousin.
See you later.
Is somebody there?
I feel bad but seeing him
disgusts me.
Keep your voice down,
someone will hear you.
What do I care?
He's the one who needs to shut up.
If he's howling something must have
happened to him.
If I have to go out there,
I'll show him.
Of course you're going.
He probably came untied.
I tied him up tight.
-With the muzzle?
-Of course.
But the bastard rips it off.
Take him some food.
Check his water.
-Maybe he saw a wolf and got scared.
-A wolf?
-What nonsense is that?
-Just go and calm him down.
And don't you dare touch him.
Okay, okay, I'm going.
Will you shut up already?
Stop making a huge scene!
Stop shouting!
Stop shouting!
Stop making a scene, damn it!
Come here!
Come here, if I have to go
in there for you...
I'll bash your head in!
You got that?
No food for a week,
you hear me?
There, there.
Here, eat it.
Eat it.
Garbanzos with spinach.
Eat it all.
I'll rewrite it, give you what you want
and everybody's happy.
Okay, fine,
but don't be angry.
No, I'm not angry.
You're too proud, Antonio.
It's not good for us.
Want me to say something
I think too?
Sure, go ahead.
-Are you sure?
I think you can't tell the difference
between a good and a bad text
because your only talent
in life
is being the son
of the founding publisher.
We'll find someone renowned.
-Someone renowned?
-Yes, you.
I think you forget sometimes
who you're talking to.
As an artist I have a right
to have a breakdown!
What are you looking at?
Good morning, Antonio.
Look, this is Justa, my cousin.
Good morning.
You remember
she was coming today...
Yes, yes.
Did you sleep well?
City folks usually appreciate
rest in the country.
Yeah, except the wolves howling,
everything perfect.
Right, sorry.
I forgot to tell you.
The mountain has wolves,
but they almost never
come down into town.
The wolves protect us!
Oh, yeah? From what?
Town superstitions,
pay no attention.
I got lost in the forest last night
for a moment
and I found the shed.
And I saw they have locked up...
something they were feeding.
Something or someone, I don't know.
It made very weird sounds.
It was all very strange,
like it was an animal.
I don't know which shed
you're talking about
or which animal.
Oh, look.
These are Justa's daughters,
Soledad and Rosita.
We've met, haven't we?
-You're the Vimero. Isn't he, Sole?
-Yes, he is.
What did I say before?
Not to speak to the gentleman.
Let's go!
He said he found a dog.
And where is it, smart guy?
He probably made it up.
He's outside somewhere.
Yeah, sure. What a liar.
He's the Vimero. I told you.
Pay no attention to the girls.
They've read a lot of fairy tales
and have a lot of imagination.
Or they wouldn't be girls.
And don't get the wrong
impression of Justa.
She's nice, she's just...
Don't worry, it's fine.
Okay. Anyway...
I just hope you like the house.
If you need anything,
let me know.
-See you later.
Can we keep them?
It was in a closet.
Smells like ass and wet rags.
Ask Berta.
Go on, don't bother me.
Find one about wolves.
Are you going to read all this?
Go on, get out of here!
He's definitely the Vimero.
What's the Vimero?
What is it?
Help! Help me!
Help me!
I need help!
Save me!
-No! Help!
Help me!
Help me!
I need help!
"The screams of the forest
inhabitant were inhuman.
Curiosity took over the visitor
and while going back to the shed
wasn't the most sensible idea,
he knew that caution's passport
never gets you as far as
bravery's safe-conduct."
Get back.
Don't eat until I leave.
There you go.
Excuse me.
What's in there?
Would you please answer me?
What do you care?
What is it?
Go away.
This is private property.
You can't be here.
You're the visitor, aren't you?
How do you know?
Because you smell like the city.
What'll it be?
Good evening.
What's typical?
What's typical
is to introduce yourself
when you walk in the door.
My name is Antonio,
I rented the house
on Mantecn Street.
Mantecn isn't a street!
It's a road.
Welcome to Quintanar.
Give him a drink on my tab.
Thank you.
Do you know who the Vimero is?
If you're staying for a while,
sit at any table you want.
Carmen, bring out some garbanzos.
I'm not hungry.
Yes, you are.
This goes right down.
It's good.
Glad you like it.
What is in that shed?
-It sounds like...
Like an animal?
This guy met Esteban!
is a normal man?
He's a wretched man,
but he's harmless.
Especially because he's tied up!
That's none of your concern.
His mother's tied him up
since he was little.
After she found him eating
a cow's heart.
And the best part,
it was his favorite cow!
That's enough!
My wife and I bring him food
every day
and we look after him.
But if he's sick shouldn't he be
somewhere they can treat him?
Esteban is a part of this town
and he'll die in this town
like everybody else.
We're all children of the curse.
What curse?
Did you come here
for the festival?
I only just found out
there was one. What curse?
Midsummer Eve.
Yeah, they're already preparing
the bonfires.
In this town we burn bad omens
and we make good wishes.
Gentlemen, it's late!
We're closing!
Watch yourself.
All this mystery is too much for me.
Does somebody out there
want to say something?
Are you all right?
I'm very sorry.
Yeah, don't worry.
I'm Father Benito.
Nice to meet you.
Yes, Antonio Prieto, the writer.
-I heard
you were in town
and I came to welcome you.
But I didn't expect to see you
come running out of the forest
like a madman.
What happened?
I heard a roar and got scared,
I thought someone was following me.
Probably a wolf.
Are there really wolves here?
If you see them and hear them,
they must exist, right?
That's true.
I don't understand why
the animals don't all team up
and go down to the cities
to eat all the people.
I'm joking, don't be frightened.
I wish that upon no one,
I would never ask God
to give a beast a rebellious,
communist conscience.
Have you got any mezcal?
I don't even know what that is, son.
This is an exquisite Mexican liquor.
I tried it years ago
and now we're inseparable.
Try it, Father.
Have no fear.
Let's see.
Want to try this?
No, thank you, son.
I've had dinner.
Justa made it. You might know her.
-My housekeeper.
-Justa, yes.
I know who she is.
A woman of few words.
Few words is saying a lot.
I would say more like
almost not a single word.
-You were saying?
I was saying that this house
has been empty for over 30 years.
Although the town hall only put it up
for rent very recently.
Actually I think the town hall
let you rent it because
it had no owner.
I suppose they didn't want
to rent it sooner out of fear
a relative might claim it.
I understand.
I believe it, some people
have so many possessions...
-they don't know what to do with them.
Between monarchs,
nobles and masons,
they've split up all of Spain
between them.
And the Holy Church, Father.
Oh, right.
And who runs Quintanar?
Any influential families?
Bastard landowner with lord's right
to the first night...
Quintanar is run by curses
and superstitions.
What does that mean?
The people here are good
and noble
but also very easily frightened.
They're definitely weird.
I don't know
if it's the climate, the wind...
or the superstitions,
but they're very peculiar.
What's this about the Vimero?
The Vimero?
A legend that wouldn't
surprise me at all
if it concealed a true story
about bestiality.
That , but with animals.
But what exactly is the Vimero.
Like the local boogeyman?
I understand that the last tenants
of this house
were very cultured and well-read.
Apparently, yes.
There's a huge library.
With all those books,
surely you'll find one
about the legend of the Vimero.
In Quintanar even the priests
are superstitious.
That would make a great line
for the cover of your book.
Antonio, do you like fishing?
I don't know, I've never gone.
It's the art we understand the best
through prayer.
-You know the dam?
-I think so.
I go fishing many mornings
on the other side of the dam.
Come by one morning.
You can tell me if you've seen
that Berta woman again.
A woman like that deserves
anyone's attention.
Don't look at me
like that.
God knows I offered Him
my celibacy,
but He's the one who gave me
these eyes.
He didn't even tell me
how to spell Vimero.
"He ran across the forest
as fast as he could
surrounded by the endless howling
and excited by the rusty flavor
the blood had left on his gums."
Good morning, Antonio.
Can we talk for a little while?
Sure, come in.
How about we go for a walk,
do you think?
I don't know if you've heard, but...
last night a wolf went into town
and killed a bunch of sheep.
So people are
a little nervous today.
I thought the wolves
never went into town.
Yeah, right.
I don't know what
could have happened.
Did you know Quintanar
was the last town
in all of Spain
to appear in
the National Town Registry?
It doesn't even show up
on most maps in the registry.
That's why I asked you
how you had found it, because
people say we're like a ghost town
that doesn't even exist.
That's what you needed to tell me?
Well, that and...
that I lied when I said I didn't know
about the man in the shed.
You already know?
I've heard, yeah.
Well, Esteban...
They locked him up because
apparently, as a boy,
he was very violent.
He liked to kill animals
and rip out their guts.
So he's been locked up
a long time?
I'm afraid so.
The innkeeper is his cousin
so they let him stay
in the shed.
It's a disgrace to keep a man
locked up like that.
-But nobody will do anything.
They're beliefs and rumors...
The Vimero?
The Vimero, yes.
I have to go.
Coming to the party tonight?
I don't think so,
I'm not much for parties.
It would be nice if you saw
the town on its night of magic.
It depends how my writing goes.
I'll be there.
What's your problem now?
Antonio, son.
Benito, how are you?
If you don't mind,
I prefer you call me Father.
Of course. Excuse me.
I didn't think you would come.
I went for a walk with Berta.
She told me to go
to the party tonight.
I don't feel very comfortable
in those environments.
Think of it as a reward
for getting far enough
in your novel today.
That's exactly what I said to her.
Let's see.
Grab one of these
and stick it all the way
-through the bait.
I'm sorry, it kind of grosses me out.
Take this one.
You must be one of those people
who sees a needle
or a drop of blood
and starts getting nervous.
Pretty much.
Let's see, come here.
Come and meet the father!
Let's see if your dog is an atheist.
How's the writing going?
Have you found inspiration
in Quintanar?
It's a long story.
What's wrong?
Since I got to Quintanar
strange things
have been happening.
What do you mean by
strange things?
I hear voices,
I see shadows,
I find things in places
where I didn't leave them.
I think you're worrying too much
about it.
If what you need
is for someone to tell you
to go after that woman,
I can do that.
So what are you waiting for?
Drop that rod, roll up your sleeves
and go and find...
What was her name again?
Berta, that's right!
Marta was my mother's name.
Go and find Berta.
And come and visit me
at the chapel.
It's there for you anytime.
The chapel is your home
for anything you need.
Got it?
Anything you need.
"People say we're like a ghost town,
that Quintanar doesn't exist."
See you tomorrow!
You don't have to come tomorrow.
Tonight is Midsummer Eve,
take the day off.
Whatever you say.
You don't want a ride home?
-It will be night soon.
-No, thank you.
Watch out for the wolves!
They can watch out for me!
Is somebody there?
Good evening, sir.
Eyes straight.
And what you have inside too.
God, from mud,
every man did mold.
Some for urinals,
some for pots of gold.
Look at all this great candy!
Tasty and homemade!
Delicious, look.
An olive branch.
An olive branch, sir?
Good choice.
It's the Virgin of Miracles.
She protects from the beasts
on the mountain, witches
and all the monsters
that can appear.
I didn't imagine
you were so superstitious.
I'm not, it's just here...
It's hard not to fall
into something so primitive.
They say that for it to work,
you have to give it to someone.
So let me.
Thank you.
-Happy Midsummer Eve.
-Likewise, lovebirds.
For someone like you,
I mean, city folk...
all this must be very strange.
-Strange, yes.
Not primitive. It's weird
but you get used to it.
-Would you like some?
-No, thank you.
No, no, no.
Quintanar is special.
And tonight, even more.
Try them with herb liqueur.
It's delicious!
-Good evening.
-Good evening.
Give us two, please.
Here, your candle.
Thank you.
I think I could get used to this.
To parties.
But this place
isn't always a party.
-Two more, please.
-Let's see.
Mom, come and dance!
Come and dance.
-No, no.
-Yes, come on.
No, no. I prefer the bar.
Okay, your loss.
The writer!
Can we go now?
What are you running from,
I'm not running,
I just want peace and quiet.
Yeah, right.
Quiet, silence, solitude,
that's what you want.
I know.
But in my language that means
to escape.
And men always end up
running away.
Not all men are the same.
I don't know...
Tell me what you know
about the Vimero.
Only if you promise not to put it
in your book.
I promise.
The legend says the Vimero
is a monster that brings death
to the town.
Every however many years,
on Midsummer Eve,
it's reincarnated
in an animal
or a person.
And it goes into town to kill
all the women it can.
They say that many years ago
several families in town
managed to chase out the monster.
So the Vimero placed a curse
on those families
and said that from then on
all of their descendants
would be born with
physical deformities.
That's why you've probably noticed
that here in Quintanar there are...
plenty of people with faults.
Like Esteban?
Esteban or anyone else in town
with a deformity are called
children of the curse.
And that's exactly what
we're celebrating tonight.
On one hand, we feel
for the brave family
who chased away the monster,
but on the other hand,
we're afraid.
Afraid because
it reminds us that
the Vimero can come back.
Do you believe in that?
Well, sometimes
even the biggest sceptics
turn to myths
to explain the unexplainable.
It's only a legend.
They locked up Esteban
because he's aggressive,
it's possible the origin of all this
is something more like
a wolf attacking people
in the past.
Nowadays it doesn't happen.
But before,
it seemed to be frequent.
...on Midsummer Eve.
We come to cast away evil...
The moon, the moon shines.
What's that?
You were curious about the Vimero?
They're leaving him bread,
fruit and meat as an offering.
The Vimero can only be reincarnated
on the Midsummer Eve.
They think that if they feed him...
he'll be satisfied
and won't kill anyone.
The Vimero will not come...
...on Midsummer Eve.
We come to cast away evil...
...on Midsummer Eve.
No, I'm sorry, I can't.
Thanks for walking me back.
I didn't imagine you
living with your cousin.
it's a large family home and some days
we don't even see each other.
Besides, I like to help her
with the girls.
Thanks for tonight, Berta.
Thank you.
We made you a drawing.
To show you the Vimero
so you understand things better.
"Of unknown origin
and an insatiable appetite,
anytime the Vimero shows itself
a massacre begins that will not end
until it is cornered.
When cornered and frightened
on land,
the Vimero seeks shelter
in the water."
The water.
Berta, are you okay?
Something awful has happened.
What happened?
She was killed.
Sole was killed.
I saw her last night
at your house.
They found her
on the road to the river
totally massacred.
Who could do such a thing?
Do you want to come in, water?
I have to go, Justa needs me.
I just came to tell you
-I have to go.
-I'll go with you.
No, you'd better not.
The police are investigating
what happened.
I'm telling you because
they'll want to talk to you.
Of course.
Should I go to headquarters?
There is no headquarters in town.
I suppose they'll know
how to find you.
Can I help you with something?
They called us this morning
to start with the ditch
and gravestone.
They're burying the little girl
Are you a relative?
Good afternoon.
I'm Sergeant Marco Mauri
with the police.
Antonio, good afternoon.
-Antonio Prieto, right?
I'd like to speak to you
for a moment, if that's all right.
I'm sure you've heard.
This morning a neighbour found
Soledad Rodrguez
dismembered in a sandbank.
I knew she was dead...
Yes, opened her up
like an animal,
cracked her ribs,
ripped out her...
That's enough.
Oh, sorry.
Unfortunately we're too used
to these kinds of things.
The mother and sister haven't seen
the state she was in,
so we got lucky there.
We've set up a temporary
in the warehouse
coming into town.
I'm staying a few days to talk
to everyone who knew the girl
and you'll understand that
you're a person of interest.
What I'd like to ask you
is not to go anywhere
this next week and try to remember
if at any time
you saw Soledad with anyone,
if she talked to you,
if she said she'd met anyone,
you know.
-And call me if anything comes up.
-All right.
I don't have a phone,
my house is on Mantecn Road.
Thank you very much, Mr. Prieto.
Oh, one last thing.
If your house is out of town,
please be careful with the wolves.
You city folk think
you're invincible,
but you're always the first
to go down.
We're closing.
I only want a couple of bottles
of liquor.
Bottles of what?
I suppose you don't have mezcal.
Local moonshine.
Not playing dominoes today?
Today we're talking about
who could have killed
Justa's little girl.
You can't think of anyone?
That's 500 pesetas.
You know what?
Given Esteban's violent record,
who knows?
Maybe he escaped from the shed,
ran into little Sole...
Hello. Sergeant Mauri?
Mr. Mauri won't be here
until tomorrow morning.
And where can I find him?
Right here, tomorrow morning.
And where is he now?
Can you give me
a phone number?
Where he's staying?
He goes to his hometown
when he's done investigating.
What time will he be here
At eight. He'll definitely be here
at eight.
Very kind.
At eight.
Tomorrow at eight.
I'm not afraid!
Nothing that comes out
of this forest will scare me!
"Nothing that comes out
of this forest
will scare me.
Has Sergeant Mauri arrived?
He should be here soon.
You can wait in his office
if you want.
The one who didn't want details.
Excuse me.
I couldn't have a job where
I had to forget seeing these things.
No, of course not.
You'd rather write about them
and let other people imagine them,
Okay. What have you got for me?
Remember anything?
I have a suspect.
There's a shed in the forest.
A family has locked up a dangerous
hunchback named Esteban.
Deformed, yes.
Apparently with a violent past.
He killed and gutted animals.
Last night I went and saw
he escaped.
Take me to that shed.
He's related to the innkeeper,
he'll be able to help you.
We missed a suspect.
Have headquarters send officers
and request civilian
We have to search for
a man with physical deformities.
I wanted to see how you were.
My cousin is with some friends
who came
to be with her.
Come in.
She just fell asleep.
I needed to see you.
I'm sorry about everything
you're going through.
I think you should go.
You'd better come out!
Father, are you here?
Antonio, son.
Come in, sit down.
I brought my dog, do you mind?
All are welcome
in the House of the Lord.
Thank you, Father.
Did you know Esteban escaped?
Man is an irrational being
without a soul
who destroys and kills
by instinct
and people seek to justify
his atrocities.
You're a strange man, Father.
You don't sound like a priest today.
Perhaps because the wounded man
inside me today
occupies more space in my interior
than the religious one.
What worries you, son?
I know you well enough to know
something is wrong.
When I sleep I don't sleep.
I have nightmares but actually
I think it's always the same one.
What's it about?
Someone running through the woods...
Being chased, he's terrified...
It could be me.
Or me chasing him, I don't know.
Try to insert yourself into the therapy.
How does the dream end?
The man being chased
reaches my house,
he stops,
but he doesn't come in.
Do you want him to?
I don't know, maybe.
Then ask him.
Tell him:
"I want you to come in."
-Tell who?
-Whoever is in your dreams.
The subconscious.
Mother Earth.
Your dead.
Down deep, they're all the same.
And what do I say?
That if he's trying
to tell you something,
to be more clear.
Because you want to know
what it is,
but you're not understanding.
Maybe that way he'll show you.
Things are easier
than we think, son.
You just have to know how
to ask the right questions.
And how to ask for what you need.
Look how well things went
with the woman from the other day.
How do you know that?
You can tell with those things.
You still haven't told me
your dog's name.
He doesn't have a name.
Things only exist
if we give them a name, son.
So if you're going to keep him,
you should give him a name.
I'm in no shape mentally to think about
a dog's name right now, Father.
"I will send four kinds
of destroyers against them,
the sword to kill,
the dogs to rip them apart,
and the birds of the air
and the beasts of the earth
to devour and destroy."
What is that?
Jeremiah 15:3.
Do you like Jeremiah?
Coming to look for that wretch?
I've done my part.
Now I have to write.
Then go.
There's a gun here
waiting for you
to destroy that monster
Thank you, Father.
Where are you?
Esteban, come out already!
"Knowing the dogs would find him,
the hunchback rubbed animal feces
on his body to throw off the scent.
He stayed completely still
inside the foxhole
for several hours
and waited until all of
the search parties had passed...
to go back to town."
Who is there?
Is that you, son?
Is it true what those gentlemen
are saying
you did?
Answer me!
How many times have I told you
not to leave the shed?
Nobody wants you out there.
Yes, and they blame you
for everything!
And now look!
Look what you've done!
Stop behaving like a little boy!
And listen to what you're told!
Calm down.
It's okay, come here.
It's okay.
It's okay.
Esteban's mother!
Let's go!
Don't move!
"Bullets, cartridges
and pellets sink into
his hunchbacked body.
They dig into his tough skin
and take his life."
He's not dead, he's asleep.
-We thought you might be dead.
-Little girl,
careful, there's a broken glass
and you might cut yourself.
My mother already cleaned it up.
This is yours.
Don't bother the gentleman.
Good morning, Justa.
Good morning, don Antonio.
I didn't think you'd be back so soon.
Anyway, a one-month contract
means one month of work.
I'm very sorry about your daughter.
Do you mind me bringing Rosita?
No, not at all.
Here's a glass of water
and an aspirin.
Thank you.
And you!
Leave the gentleman alone!
You're not telling things
right here.
Put that down.
You're writing a book
about the town and it's all lies!
It's called fiction!
Didn't your mother
teach you it's rude to read
people's things?
It's the only way to find out
-what really happened!
-Oh, yeah?
And what really happened?
That fool didn't kill my sister
and you know it!
It was the Vimero
and a child of the curse
can't be the Vimero.
Whatever you say. Go play with
the dog outside and leave me alone.
-What dog?
Goddamn it.
Goddamn it!
That's enough already!
Hello, Jeremiah!
A dead dog can't bite anymore.
I hope this was the end.
Let's hope.
But you never know, Mr. Prieto,
you never know.
Anyway, good luck with the writing.
And careful with the wolves.
"A dead dog can't bite anymore."
I ended up naming him Jeremiah.
-The dog.
What dog?
My dog.
I don't know what you're
talking about, Antonio.
You didn't just see a dog
at the door?
-Are you joking?
I swear on my life,
I didn't see anything.
Swear you didn't just see a dog
at the door.
-Where I am now. Swear it.
-Are you okay?
Shh, shut up.
Do you hear it?
-You're scaring me.
-Do you hear it or not, damn it!
It's not such a hard question!
No, I don't hear it!
Do you hear it or not?
He's screaming at the top
of his lungs!
What is this?
"A man kills his wife
and two daughters
in the town of Quintanar."
"The suspect,
of Latin American origin...
...with the initials B.P.
stabbed his wife to death
in front of his son
and then committed suicide
by jumping into the river."
"The boy, Antonio Prieto,
has been taken to an orphanage
in Madrid
in hopes he might overcome
the trauma he experienced
after having witnessed
his mother's murder."
What's going on here?
Take it easy, Antonio.
Take it easy.
What's going on here?
What's going on here?
What's happening?
No, no, no...
Berta. ..
What's wrong?
Are you all right?
I'm Father Benito.
Nice to meet you.
You still haven't told me
your dog's name.
Do you like Jeremiah?
He ran across the forest
as fast as he could,
excited by the rusty flavor
the blood had left on his gums.
If you don't mind,
I prefer you call me Father.
Did you know Esteban escaped?
I also know in town they're saying
it's because of the curse.
Man is an irrational being
without a soul
who destroys and kills by instinct.
The chapel is your home
for anything you need.
Got it?
Anything you need.
I knew it!
You're the Vimero!
You killed my sister!
Rosita, listen...
You killed my sister!
Antonio's the murderer, Mom!
He's the Vimero,
he lied to everyone!
Mom, Mom!
The writer is the murd...!
Do you think it's normal
leaving in the middle of the night?
Haven't we had enough?
But Mom...
And what's that nonsense about
Mr. Prieto being a murderer?
Now you know more
than the police!
You think I'm not grieving
and want to blame anyone too?
Go to your room right now.
I saw it.
What did you see?
Let me tell you.
-I told you, Mom.
Go to town and tell everyone.
Tell them the Vimero is back
and it's inside the writer.
-Justa, I can explain.
I can explain.
Mom, Mom!
Go, go!
Listen to me!
I'll chop your head off
if I have to!
I only said to listen to me.
Death to the Vimero!
No, no, no!
You okay?
I'm great.
Where's my mezcal?
No mezcal left in the whole hotel.
You finished off the last bottle
this morning.
The press conference
is in half an hour.
I want my mezcal.
Half an hour, Antonio.
Half an hour.
Awards mean absolutely
nothing to me.
All I want is the recognition
of my readers, nothing more.
Antonio, we've all been asking
the same question for years:
When is your next novel coming out?
And you've always said that
when you felt it, you'd give it shape.
Why now?
And why "The Snail's House"?
the legend says
that the Vimero never dies,
but it appears certain years
with its insatiable appetite
and goes on a rampage.
Considering the fact that
I write a novel every ten years,
you might say I'm sort of a Vimero
of this country's literature.
I only write when I'm hungry.
how much is fiction
and how much is reality
in "The Snail's House"?
Look, for the sake
of everyone here,
let's say fiction,
because otherwise
I should be in jail.
Can you give us a preview
of your next project
or will you keep us waiting
another ten years?
Sandra, we really appreciate
you asking him that question
because we his publishers
have been promoting
with Antonio for days
and we still hadn't dared to.
Look, I'll be completely honest.
"The Snail's House" reconciled me
with my craft,
so I promise not to go
ten years without publishing
a novel.
I recently heard about the legend
of the red shark of Barbate.
It's a coastal town.
Who knows?
I'll rent a house for a few days...
and see if the monster appears.
If you're looking at us because
it's up to us...
we'll send you tomorrow.