The Human Race (2013) Movie Script

- How are you holding?
- I'm fine. I'm not the one who is sick.
Your sister isn't
reacting to the treatment.
We're doing everything we
can, but chances are...
Amy is a fighter.
She will fight this thing.
Amy Tyler. 8 years old.
Safe with Mommy and Daddy in Heaven.
I don't have good news I'm afraid.
You've developed chronic B cell
lymphocytic lymphoma. It's...
I know what it is.
- It took my mom, my sister.
- We can give you chemo.
Fuck you.
Veronica, I reviewed your new test.
I have some major news.
What? I have given
myself an extra month to live?
You are in complete remission.
- You're serious?
- Very serious.
Thank you.
Only one may win.
The school.
The house and the prison are safe.
Follow the arrows, or you will die.
Stay on the path, or you will die.
If you were locked twice, you will die.
Do not touch the grass...
or you will die.
Race or die.
What the fuck?
Come on.
Come on, man. Wake up.
Come on, wake up.
Come on, come on.
Come on.
A chosen training, I'd rather die.
No. Dying is overvalued.
What's your name?
- Eddie.
- Justin. Good to meet you, Ed.
Better to meet you.
Most men would have left me to die.
You do not have much
faith in human nature, huh?
It'll give us away.
I feel she crawling on my legs.
It's too dark until morning.
It's better to freeze to death,
than get our heads chopped off.
You know what I mean?
- "Dust in the Wind."
- Huh, shut the fuck up.
- I want them to play "Dust in the Wind '.
- Huh, that's a sad fuck song for a funeral.
Yeah, what's the point. If you want them
to cry for you, is a guaranteed tearjerker.
Four hours.
- When the sun comes up.
- Then what.
Then I'll get you out of here.
For one day you will wake up with
someone who is prettier than me .
- Hey, you on your way?
- Yeah.
- You're supposed to be here in an hour.
- What?
Where are you, man? You have to
be here in an hour. Where are you?
I don't know. That's what
girl's place look like, disco ball.
Hey, guys.
Hold on, okay?
- Where are you at? Up the bar from school?
- She had been here before too, huh?
Is she hot?
Yeah, dude, I'm in hell.
You have reek of booze.
You sure you want me to come?
Let me schedule.
The kid's won't mind.
You ought to come, man.
They look up to you.
All right, then I'll be there.
- All right, bye.
- Are you ready?
- Yeah.
- All right. First one to the
entrance way wins, all right.
- Deal.
- All right.
Everyone, clear the hallway.
- You know that I'm undefeated, right.
- I know.
So if I lose, I clean
your wheels for a week.
You look a little nervous.
All right, relax, man.
All right, Cody, are you ready?
Start us up buddy.
- Ready to go.
- Yeah.
Mr. Connor, this isn't
your private racetrack.
Mr. Connor?
If you want to do it,
simply do it.
Don't listen to the outside world. Where
you can achieve what you want to achieve.
Anyone have any questions?
When you were in the war with
Mr Conner, did you ever kill anyone?
We were there to help people.
And you only kill if you absolutely must.
And luckily we
weren't in that situation.
Seems like a good bunch
of kids you got there.
Yeah, they are.
How are you making out?
Good. Same shit,
different day, you know.
- Want to grab something to eat?
- Sure.
So. You saved me from some nightmares
torture, my friend. Thanks for the rescue.
- Story of our lives, huh.
- She wasn't even like a bird or rodent.
She was like this ugly
puffer fish, who just swam
up from the deepest, darkest
depths of the ocean.
How does a few drinks turn
Medusa into an angel?
Your definition of a few drinks
maybe somewhat skewed.
Bird or rodent.
What the hell does that mean?
Have I never told you that before?
Birds or rodents. Women.
If you look at them, you can trace
their lineage back to a bird or rodent.
- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah, they either have like ...
big toucan sam noses or little scrunched
up muskrat faces. I mean look at them, man.
All right.
How about her?
- What you got?
- Her? She's a moo cow.
She is no cow.
They talking like cartoon cow.
You know. Cute.
- So you'll find the cows?
- No, I would never take a cow to bed.
In fact, knowing your facts
then, we slept together...
I don't think you ever
kicked anyone out of bed.
That's because our first
date was grand, you know.
Lying under the stars.
The school, the house
and the prison is safe.
Follow the arrows,
or you will die.
Stay on the path,
or you will die.
If you are lapped twice, you will die.
Do not touch the grass,
or you will die.
Race or die.
79, 78, 77...
Race or die.
I can't.
Race or die.
Can you tell me?
Hold on. You saw what I saw, right?
I mean he stepped on the grass?
- Yeah.
- 75.
- Do you hear the numbers?
- Yup?
How did it happen,
someone's head explode like that?
What do you remember?
Well, I was telling you about
the girl and the car and then...
a bright white light,
and somehow we're here.
Hey, anyone know where we are?
Do you know where we are?
I don't see any cameras. I don't
know how they are watching us.
The voice in your head, that's
my voice you're hearing, right?
- No, it's mine.
- Let's go. What ....
- Come on, man.
We don't have to listen to it.
We don't need to be sheep.
It said that, if we're lapped, we die.
There is a lot of people up ahead of us.
We'd better figure out what a lap is ...
before we do anything else.
- Hey, can you stop 'em?
- Hang on, no, no, I'm here to help.
Let's get her up.
Come on, get her up.
You guys speak English?
It's going to be okay.
Hey, hey, look at me.
We can take them with us.
I think they are safer here.
Look . We're gonna get some help.
I need you guys to stay here, okay?
Stay here. We gonna
get you some help, okay?
I need you to protect her, okay?
Protect her.
Protect her, all right?
Look. Protect her, okay?
Don't worry.
It's gonna be okay.
I'll get you some help.
Stay here.
Protect her, okay?
Stay there.
Wait. Hold on a minute.
I can't leave them.
Look, if we get lapped twice, we die.
And we're no good to anybody.
It is a good move.
- No man, we gotta do what is right.
- Just, listen to me.
What is right, is you and I
get out of this in one piece.
With those kids included. You know that.
We're wasting time just talking about this.
Come on.
- Why is he doing this, Just?
- Who?
- God.
- God?
- 70.
- You hear him speak to you?
That ain't God.
You don't have faith?
You saw the white light.
Do you have any idea where we are?
- Purgatory.
- Purgatory?
The Bible teaches, "Those who
find themselves in Purgatory '...
must walk a narrow path to Heaven'
- A narrow path.
- 69.
Do you hear that?
-... 68.
I hear my own voice.
- He's testing us.
- 67.
We must stay on the path
and not give in to temptation.
If we continue on the path,
eventually we will reach Heaven.
Temptation? Like step off the
path and your head explodes?
Temptation that? Doesn't sound
too tempting to me, Father. Sorry.
God makes a journey for all of us.
What do you guys say we keep moving.
Come on.
Stay on the path or you will die.
This is so fucked.
- You just realize now?
- No, I mean, we're fucked.
You're 37.
You're 38.
And so many people have gone by?
Nice and easy. Come on.
You know, if they lap
you again, you die, right?
I'm familiar with that.
Put it like this, I can't go
anywhere without this.
Perhaps it's better.
At one point you're going to die?
Bullshit, nobody wants that.
Can you guys help?
- What does she say?
- Thank you.
They say they can't run forever.
Woh, woh, woh, grab him.
Grab him.
I think the house is after the next
tunnel. Let's help them get there.
Okay everyone.
We walk together, all right?
We will wait back here and
give everyone a heads out.
We want to take him out there
and make sure he is safe.
Hey, make sure
no one gets through.
It's going to be okay.
- Are you a vet?
- Yeah. Army.
- Pussy.
- Excuse me?
- I'm a Marine.
- Are you a Marine?
I was knee high in my
dick's eye in goob blood...
when you were just a
.. in your momma's womb.
Nice to meet you.
I learned a long time ago not to get
too attached to people
in such situations.
- They only leads to sadness.
- Bullshit!
I can't.
I can't shake like a man, anymore.
It's still there, Old timer.
- I'm Thomas.
- Eddie.
Race or die.
Wherever you are, if you're
lapped twice, you will die.
Everyone need to stop right here.
Everyone need stop right ....
No one is moving from
this point on, you got me?
I need you guys to slow done.
We're trying to get
everybody to hold up right
here until we figure this out.
You can stay in here, go
in to the other room,
just don't past the guy
with one leg, okay?
No, no ones getting through.
- Relax, everyone stop in here.
- We can't stop, we must race.
No one's going anywhere,
do you understand?
Do you understand?
If we continue to race,
people gonna die.
There's an old man up there,
if you pass him, he's dead.
I don't want this ...
- Good.
- Race or Die ...
Don't listen to that!
If we work together
we can beat this thing.
There is no fucking way out of here.
I'll wait.
- You don't let anyone through?
- You got that right, pal.
Open it, please.
Your wife?
She was an angel.
We all gonna die here, you know?
What the fuck is he doing?
- Why isn't somebody saying something?
- I think you've said enough.
It's those assholes that are
probably behind all these.
They're the ones that caused
all the trouble in the world.
Sit down.
Fucking foreigners.
Doesn't anybody know anything?
What. Are we just staying
here until we starve?
Don't you get it? If we just stay here
doing nothing, no food, no water...
we are all as good as dead, anyway.
You're free to go
wherever you want, lady.
Yeah, just not that way?
- Correct.
- Says who? You?
Who the fuck put you in charge?
Look. If you want that way,
go all the way back around.
Who the fuck put you
in charge of my life?
- Look. Time to shut up lady.
- Or what?
- Or I'll shut you up.
- Oh yeah, in front of all these people?
You're damn right I will. You're not helping
anybody and I doubt you'll be missed.
Fucking idiots.
What is the word. How do say
in American the female dog?
My brother is an amputee.
He lost an arm to cancer.
Can you spare one?
Do you want it?
They take away our mobiles, our money and
identification, they leave the cigarettes.
- Yeah, I gotta take a piss, now.
- Go back and piss where we came in.
Any reason why I think
you're picked for this thing?
I don't know,
I'm a cyclist.
- Cyclist?
- Yes, the Tour de France, Tour de Europe.
I have won them all, but why they would
put me here with people like you...
You gonna die.
Please don't.
You got him?
- The kids?
- Dead.
We should have
brought them with us.
- We can't save everyone.
- We should have fucking try.
They are following the Yellow
Brick Road to Emerald City.
The cowardly lion yawned...
He was feeling tired.
- He is gonna try to kill us all.
- But Dorothy knew they had to move on.
If they didn't get to Emerald City,
they wouldn't meet the Wizard of Oz.
And Dorothy couldn't get home.
As Dorothy looked around
this very strange land...
which at first scared her...
she knew that with the help
of her friends, she...
- How far along are you?
- Eight months.
Is it a boy or a girl?
I don't know, I chose not to.
They have names?
For a boy: Aizeah.
For a girl: Erica.
Do you want to feel?
I can feel it kicking.
- He wants to come out.
- It won't be long now.
Where did everyone go?
They are all behind me, chasing me.
They'll be here soon.
I'm sorry...
I will not put my life in
anyone else's hands.
I might pass you maybe
for a second time.
- I'm sorry.
- No, please. Don't.
- You won't feel anything.
- Don't.
No, you don't have to.
There's no place like home,
there's no place like ....
I think I just slipped
on a baby's hand.
- We gotta catch this guy, old man.
- Fuck that.
Get them.
Stay here. You gotta to stay here.
You cannot go ...
Fucking dig it.
Come on, die, die already.
Let's grasp their ass.
Wait here, let everyone
through, if anyone
gets away and comes
back, you smoke 'em.
- I wanna come with you guys.
- Stay the fuck there.
36. 35.
- Nice.
- 33.
Allahu Akbar.
Bye bye.
What the fuck is wrong
with these people?
Six vodkas, seven beers... having a piss
since we left that school this morning.
- Jesus, I hate that man. Come on.
- Oh my God.
I don't want to slow
music at my funeral, I
want something fast pace, man.
Some rock and roll.
Fast as the girls I'm chasing.
Yeah, you play at my funeral.
How does that sound? You
taking notes, because you
write my obituary, bro.
I'm a crippled baby,
pooping in my diaper.
I am a crippled baby,
pooping in my diaper.
- 26.
- Oh, fuck.
16. 15.
Eight, seven, six.
I am not going hurt you.
You can read my lips, right?
Okay, I'm not going to hurt you.
I'm not going to hurt you.
I'm not.
Do you know what that is?
Hey, hey. I'm sorry,
I don't understand.
It looks like they're being tortured.
They fly above these banks
until they can't fly any longer.
Why is God doing this to us?
And them.
- Now what?
- Congratulations, winner.
Who are you?
Who are you?
Who the fuck are you?
We are Acerod.
Acerod ?
What the fuck is Acerod?
- We are Acerod.
- Where the fuck am I?
You are in our human arena.
Congratulations, winner.
You will represent the human race.
While no human has ever survived, you have
shown you will not die without a fight.
You wait until there is only
one from the Engelenras,
the Argons and Milia troops.
Until then you may rest.
While you have little
chance from now on...
we all wish you luck.
Fuck you.
Step on the veins, and you will die.
Touch the fence in the
sky, and you will die.
Win and live.
Fight or die.
Subtitle by Hisami