The Hungry (2017) Movie Script

You know what Uncle said?
He said you were fantastic
in the meeting with the Americans.
Everyone's proud of you.
Didn't I ask you
to get ready an hour ago?
Uh, I am.
Just put on a better shirt, man.
Dude, this is the best I've got.
You're not wearing that tonight.
You're not wearing that tonight.
Such a stupid guy.
Mum's got a massive hard-on
for this shit.
She's just happy, let her be.
Anyway, guess what.
Uncle wants me to sit in for him
tonight at the private meeting.
- With who?
- Poddar.
That fucker from the ministry?
- Yeah.
- Why? So you can bribe him?
- I don't think anyone's bribing anyone.
- Sure...
Somebody has to save him, na Aunty?
I'm gonna go.
But seriously, he's a very good boy.
He'll be able to handle everything.
Right, my boy?
Okay, oldies, he has his entire life
to do this. Yeah?
I'm taking him. Have fun, bye!
Come on.
Hate it!
Hi, Uncle.
Yeah, yeah, I'm coming.
See, that's the problem
with our youth these days.
No? Okay, listen.
"The musk is within the deer,
yet it searches for musk
throughout the forest."
My point is that our youth
have what they need.
So what are they searching for?
Yes, sir.
I'm very happy to have met you,
young man.
Now just dive into the family business
with all you've got.
Thank you, sir. Thank you.
And, sir, you'll be happy to know,
that we've identified
several prime agricultural sites
for the new seed technology.
And nearly three thousand farmers
are expected to benefit
from our initiative.
- Bravo!
- Right here, sir, this...
is our new India.
The India of my generation.
Now with your faith in us, I promise, on
behalf of everyone, the entire family,
the vision that our government
has for a new India,
we will do whatever it takes to make the
government's dream our nation's reality.
Very good.
The real reality
is that there's no ice, man.
I'm trying to quit, Sunny.
You're making it very difficult.
One drag won't kill you.
You look wow.
Just, I mean, wow.
I'm sorry.
Thank you.
Happy New Year!
- Hey!
- Happy New Year, Aunty!
Happy New Year.
Happy New Year, Daddy!
Happy New Year, Mum.
He's standing right there, see.
No, no, you have to go.
It's New Year's, you can't do this.
- Happy New Year.
- Happy New Year.
Happy New Year. Group hug!
Group hug! Group hug! Group hug!
Come, come, come. Together, together.
Things are looking up for
the Ahuja and Joshi conglomerate.
Long-term business partners, and
co-owners of Chandra Surya Enterprises,
the two influential families
are set to become one
with the marriage of Sunny Ahuja,
son of Tathagat Ahuja,
to Tulsi Joshi, daughter of
Mr Ahuja's deceased business partner
Mr Chandra Prakash Joshi.
Wedding enthusiasts will be disappointed
as sources close to both families say
that the wedding
will be an intensely private affair.
As it is Ms Joshi's second marriage,
the guest list includes
only close family, friends
and select business associates.
Many still remember the pomp
and spectacle of her first marriage
a little over two decades ago
to British restaurateur
Anthony Freeborn.
If it were up to me,
I would have told sir sooner.
So now you've started
planning weddings, also?
No, sir.
You know that I always
have your best interests in mind.
The prenup that I got her to sign...
It will please you.
...and 22 days on multiple counts
of accounting fraud,
forgery and counterfeiting
government stamp.
Yesterday afternoon,
the Delhi High Court
commuted Mr Ahuja's jail sentence
with immediate effect
stating that the prosecuting lawyers
failed to present sufficient evidence.
I'm standing outside the home
of Mr Tathagat Ahuja
who walks to freedom today
after 18 months and 22 days
of wrongful imprisonment.
The co-founder and chairman of agri-tech
giant Chandra Surya Enterprises
had been charged with multiple counts
of accounting fraud, forgery
and counterfeiting government stamp,
which is a non-bailable offence.
Take sir in through the back road.
Over the course of four decades,
Chandra Surya Enterprises
capitalised on the sale of grains
in the immediate locality.
Privately owned
by the Joshi and Ahuja families,
the business was,
at the time of Mr Ahuja's arrest,
one of India's
top agricultural companies...
You're going to have a daughter-in-law.
You must give her your blessings. Okay?
Tulsi, come. Come here.
You must put your hand
on your new daughter in-law's head.
Come on, put your hand on her head.
Lean in towards her.
Let the feast begin.
Welcome, all!
Hey, Arun.
Come on, sit down.
Make time to enjoy.
It's bloody important.
You had to wait for a while,
but I can promise you
it will be worth it.
Please stop eating.
Loveleen, let him enjoy himself.
- Dad, just look at his plate.
- Come on.
You have to encourage him.
He has a big night ahead.
- Uncle, you cooked all this, right?
- Who else?
That's all the encouragement I need.
Seriously you two...
Ah, Loveleen,
now that is the pice de rsistance.
Daddy, this is brilliant.
Oh, wow!
Do you see it?
What is this?
- Custard.
- Come on, man.
Use your imagination.
Look harder.
This is the sun.
And this is tulsi (basil).
Sunny and Tulsi!
Oh, good.
At least someone gets it!
Well done, Loveleen!
Well done you, Daddy.
Young love.
She's like, what...
Everyone, please...
Everyone, can I have your attention
for just one second, please?
Thank you.
If everyone could join me
in raising a glass to my old man.
Twenty years ago,
when I left for America...
He was just so damn supportive,
you know.
He said, "It's alright, son,
go and find your home."
Do you remember that, Daddy?
No, no, he doesn't, which is fine
because it was like 20 years ago.
Plus, I mean, he was...
If I remember he was...
He was pissed... you know, drunk!
Yeah! And, I hate to say this now,
but my mom...
You know,
she just wasn't getting any better
and I hated being here
and I know it was really hard
for him to let me go, you know.
But he did. He wasn't going to tell me
that home is the place you left behind,
you little shit!
He was going to make me
figure that out myself,
which I'm really grateful for, Dad.
I want to thank you for that.
Truly, thank you.
And, more importantly, I want
to thank this beautiful woman here
who's taught me the importance and
privilege and honour of being your son.
I salute your integrity.
Your authenticity,
your seemingly impossible standards...
Standards which taught me
the importance of surrounding myself
with the best of the best.
But you, Daddy-o, you are
the best of the best of the...
- Cheers, everyone!
- Cheers.
Look, everyone knows
how much I hate being praised,
so we can let these compliments slide.
Develop yourself to such heights
So that before every decree
God Himself will ask of you:
"What is your wish?"
That's the poet Iqbal.
He can translate it for you later.
If he understood it himself, that is.
There is one thing for sure.
The government did me
a big favour in sending me to jail.
Firstly, all that hard labour
helped reduce my paunch.
And secondly, in my solitude,
I got a lot of time to think.
Tulsi, my dear.
That wonderful man, your father,
he was not only my business partner,
he was the brother I never had.
I am extremely happy
that the Joshis and the Ahujas
are finally becoming what...
in business and life they always were:
One family.
When Sunny told me
no other woman but you
could fill his soul with happiness,
I was moved to tears.
Your love has given
Chandra Surya Enterprises
its future leader.
So let us raise our glasses
to this beautiful couple.
Wish them
unending adventures
in love, life, work and happiness.
He left?
Is this a joke?
You couldn't call me when things
got out of control, fucker?
OK, I'll speak with him.
You stay there, I'm coming.
Bloody hell.
I have something for you.
A little gift for Sunny from you.
Why don't you sign?
Just finish this off.
This one?
Wait a minute.
This one too?
Over there.
Don't worry boss, we've got this.
Yeah... Okay, cool.
I'm here if you need me.
I doubt it.
Mr Poddar is the only one
left to sign now.
Bravo, Mr Arun Kumar. Well done.
Thank you, sir.
Actually, ma'am arranged it all.
In fact, she even begged
Mr Poddar to expedite your release.
What was the need for that?
Mr Poddar is happy.
The Americans are good to go.
We did it this time, sir.
Timing is everything.
What the hell?
Do you call these marigolds?
Is this a joke, fucker?
Why have you got them in a bucket?
To feed the bloody goats?
What am I supposed to do
with one bucket of flowers?
It's not even enough
for the groom's headgear!
You think this is a beggar's wedding?
Get me a cart full of marigolds!
Get going right away!
Who asked you to bring out
that peacock, motherfucker?
Careful! Take it back inside!
Who the hell is this?
Oh, Chirag!
- Hi, Uncle.
- What a surprise!
Your mother was saying
you were not going to make it.
Tulsi! Look who's here!
- I got the last flight out.
- Wonderful! Wonderful!
You should have told me
you were coming.
You should have told me
you were getting married.
Sunny fucking Ahuja!
Oh, come on, Mum.
Please don't marry him. Don't do this.
Who do you think you are?
You never listen to me.
What do you want?
Go back then.
I'll arrange for your ticket, just go.
Kinda sucks you're still
left with me, right?
Shall I talk to Chirag?
What's the point?
I'm fighting darkness.
I'm losing.
What happened, Baba?
Wake up, no. Get up, please.
Get up, please, please.
How are you?
Oh, it's so good to see you!
Look at you.
Sorry, this is Bentley.
Bentley, Chirag. Chirag, Bentley.
- Bentley?
- Really nice to meet you, bro.
She's told me a lot about...
You know, you and...
Your name is Bentley?
Ya, it's a bit unusual.
It's stupid.
It's a stupid name for a person.
I like you, man!
She was telling me
that you're the funny one.
Funny, for sure.
- He is.
- Okay, let's go, baby.
Listen, please go practise okay?
You really need it.
Okay, okay.
Knock knock...
Haven't you ever heard
of a knock knock joke?
Knock knock!
- Who's there?
- Cows go.
- Loveleen?
- Go where?
How can I crack a joke with a joke?
I'll see you later, bro.
Sorry, he's a little like...
I'm not my brother.
Come on, guys!
Big round of applause
for Alice in Wonderland!
Easy now, guys, she's already taken.
What are we drinking tonight?
See that counter over there?
What do we call that?
Bar! We call it "bar"!
Some people call it "home".
Like him!
Hello, Uncle! How's it going?
Yes, ma'am?
Whatever he's having I guess, thanks.
You saw it?
Man, I'm so glad it's over.
I was super nervous, ya.
Thanks. Cheers!
I think people liked it, no?
You saw my dance, right?
I know how you feel, okay?
Honestly, he's all I can think of too.
I'm sure Volkswagen
will be thrilled to hear that.
Vodka party pack!
That's right, vodka party pack.
In this pack,
you'll get one box of mints,
one pack of condoms.
What's the point of carrying mints
if things don't go any further?
Fuck it.
You wanna wallow?
Let's fucking wallow.
I'm going to drink to his memory
and you're going to join me.
If you have trouble on the way,
then Tathagat Uncle can help you out.
Or if you're smitten with Tathagat Uncle,
then you can help yourself... chewing on mint.
Even if the government had fallen,
I would still have come.
Well, you are the one
with the power to make things fall!
Mr Poddar, thank you for
gracing us with your presence!
Congratulations, sir.
Congratulations, my dear.
Mr Poddar.
Come on, take some photos.
That's enough.
Come, shall we talk a bit of business?
there's one thing that bothers me.
This entire empire was built
by your hard work,
but the major shareholder
is her, Joshi's daughter?
Joshi was like family, Mr Poddar.
This is a family business.
Now it's one family in work,
as well as in name.
Well, at least the name is yours
and your work speaks for itself!
My heart swells with pride
when I see all this.
Chirag! Come!
Come, now.
I could have been your sister-in-law.
Stop! Don't let your mind wander.
You're about to get married!
Okay, who is it?
I don't know, that's not Tulsi.
Okay, okay, come.
Put your hand on her waist
to make sure... Come, come.
Man, control yourself! She's only 16!
Okay, Sunny.
This way!
Who is this now? Tell me.
No, no, no, no, Sunny!
Sunny, she's not your bride!
Come on, guys! Louder! Louder!
Big round of applause for Sunny
and Tulsi! Come on!
You really loved him, didn't you?
So why don't you do anything about it?
You do nothing.
You did nothing.
What could I have done?
How did Ankur die?
He killed himself.
That's what everyone says.
That's what I saw.
Couldn't it be that...
you just saw what your
dad wanted you to see?
Why would he kill himself?
I don't know.
Because he wouldn't... ever.
You knew him better than anyone else.
And you don't know why
he'd kill himself?
It's because he would never do that.
He would never do that.
That wasn't a suicide note.
It was a clue.
We never called our father "Daddy".
Your dad got scared
and your dad killed him.
You can't prove that.
So, what, if I had proof,
you'd believe me then?
What the fuck, man?
You walk into my house and call my dad
a fucking murderer! Fuck you!
- Daddy loved him!
- Daddy killed him!
Now it's time for Uncle to come
on stage and sing us a song.
He has a lovely voice. I've heard him
singing in the bathroom.
In the shower.
Singing isn't my thing.
- Mic?
- No, take it away.
I'll recite a poem for you.
I wrote it myself.
Go tell him what you told me!
No, you won't,
because you don't have the balls.
Because you know what he'd do to you
and that fucking mother of yours!
- Fucking gold digging whore...
- Fuck you! Shut up!
- Get off me!
- Shut up!
Shut the fuck up!
Shut up!
Shut up! I'll rip your fucking tongue out,
you stupid fucking...
What fun it was
To smash others' glasses
At the roadside inn
What fun it was
To smash others' glasses
At the roadside inn
Today, mine shattered
My glass shattered in
An uncontrollable manner
We were young
We thought our youth was forever
Now piercing my heel
A wound like no other
I fall in love
With what I see
And though I move
I cannot move on
Be cautious, my heart
Be cautious, my heart
This wound will never heal
It will turn green
Become infected
Before my very eyes
Shall we?
Yeah, but everyone's watching.
No one's watching.
Mum, I need you.
She was right there.
- We have to find her before she...
- Have you lost your mind?
You bloody idiot!
- What the fuck have you done?
- I'm sorry.
You fucking animal!
- Sorry. I'm sorry.
- Just leave me!
I'll deal with this.
Stick to the plan.
Stick to the plan.
She was right there.
Oh, shit.
We need to find her before she...
Oh, fuck.
Fuck! Fuck!
Guys! Guys! Guys!
When a dad gives his boy a gun
the night before his wedding,
you know what that dad's trying to say.
"There's still some time. Put the gun
to your head and pull the trigger!"
Anyway marriage is a long painful death.
It's best to just get done with it now.
Where is it? Where is it?
Babe, relax. Come on.
Babe, relax.
Listen, I'll call my guy tomorrow, okay?
I'll get us some Bolivian shit.
I got you.
Hey, hey, hey.
Hey, asshole.
How's it going?
Are you crazy, fucker? It just finished.
No, man, she's not answering
her phone. Why don't you call her?
Yeah. Okay, one sec,
listen, listen, listen.
I found some stuff.
White stuff.
Tide... Surf Excel.
Yeah, fucker, I'm leaving now.
I'm in the car.
Okay, cool. Bye.
Please go and rest.
Make sure nobody goes outside.
What about Bentley?
Has anyone called him?
I can do it.
Fucker isn't answering. Fuck!
What about the cops?
Don't be stupid!
- But, Dad...
- Not now.
Sir, what would you like?
Sir would like
this fucker's wedding to get done with.
But somebody seems
to have a problem with that.
Somebody comes into my house,
messes with my happiness.
The day we signed the contract.
This can't be a coincidence.
Don't worry, sir, I'll look into it.
On the day of the bloody
contract signing.
Is that really what you're worried
about? Your fucking contract?
Where could she have gone?
Get the car out.
I told you to tell Chirag everything.
He is a child.
You saw what he did.
Find Sunny.
Let's get this over with.
Hard work, my ass, man.
I mean, even this...
All of this is just about
shares to him, man.
I mean, how can it not be?
Look, I get it, okay? I'm not stupid.
Don't you want to marry me?
Then what's all this talk about shares?
What are you getting out of this,
I mean, what about your boys?
I mean, sorry...
I mean, Chirag...
What about his future?
You found it.
Oh, no, no, no... That's... That's...
- That's no good, babe.
- What?
I mean, look at this.
There's all this dirt and shit.
- What's a little...?
- No!
No girl of mine
can be doing any crap like this. Okay?
Only the best for my girl.
I'm gonna go find my sister.
You just get some rest.
Tell this fucker to take his own car.
Boss, don't worry. We've got this.
You need to leave.
Forgive him.
He didn't mean to.
Sorry, I'm sorry.
Bloody Bentley isn't picking up my call.
Let's go home.
This way.
I'll get it.
I'll get it.
We must deal with Sunny.
Chirag's ticket?
I'll get it.
He's on his way to the airport.
Where's Sunny?
First get my son on a plane.
Sir, I know that this is not
the right time, but...
Bentley's body was found in his car.
Appears to be an overdose.
I don't think his death
was connected to your daughter's.
But still, I'll look into it.
Meena and I are here, sir.
We'll make sure that no one finds out.
It's burning.
Clever, clever Loveleen.
- What? Diya (oil lamp)?
- Diya.
Or... Chirag (lamp)?
Loveleen is trying to tell me something.
She wants me to know
that the lamp must be extinguished.
- You are over-thinking this, sir.
- Chirag!
Where is he?
I don't know, sir.
Then look for him.
Find him.
Where is Sunny?
Isn't he back yet?
Chirag? Is he alright?
He left.
Arun put him
on the first flight to London.
He's a child. He couldn't handle it.
He loved her too much.
I need your help, my dear.
Sunny is all that I have left now.
You know how he is.
- He can't find out about this.
- He won't find out.
This misery is only ours to bear.
Only yours and mine.
We are family now.
So we must be strong.
Right, Loveleen?
Sweetheart, listen to me.
Spend one more day with your Daddy.
Meena. Lock the door.
Don't let anyone go in.
Sunny cannot find out.
It will be terrible if he finds out.
Just one more day. Then, I will give
my daughter the farewell she deserves.
Come on, come on, come on.
Fucking pick up.
Brother, we need to turn around.
Here! Turn around here.
We've identified
several prime agricultural sites
for the new seed technology.
And nearly three thousand farmers are
expected to benefit from our initiative.
Right here, sir, this is our new India.
The India of my generation.
Now, with your faith in us, I promise on
behalf of everyone, the entire family,
the vision that our government
has for a new India,
we will do whatever it takes to make the
government's dream our nation's reality.
Reality? Very good!
The real reality is
that there's no ice, man.
Excuse me.
Nice young man.
Fabulous party, my friend.
Typical Ahuja!
If you could have spared us
a little more time,
sir would have loved
to celebrate with you.
Oh, I would love to celebrate
with him also.
But what can be done?
We both have commitments...
Commitments after commitments.
Sir wishes you a very happy New Year.
Oh, great!
Thank you very much.
And please convey to Ahuja
- my heartiest wishes for the New Year.
- Of course, sir.
What happened?
But what can be done?
We both have commitments...
Commitments after commitments.
Sir wishes you a very happy New Year.
- Oh, great!
- Fucking bastard!
Who ordered this? Who?
Must be that bloody Ahuja.
- Fucker!
- Sir!
That asshole Ahuja
thinks he can double cross me?
Bloody fucker!
Fucking asshole. I'll deal with him.
I'll call the taxation department
right away. Fucker!
- I know about his fake accounts.
- This is a misunderstanding.
Shut the fuck up!
Go tell your fucking boss...
- Sir, please, just hear me out.
- His days are numbered!
What the fuck will you tell him?
I'll call that motherfucker myself.
Sir... Mr Poddar!
Enough is enough!
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
So fucking sorry.
- Sunny.
- No, wait, wait, wait!
- Sunny.
- Why didn't you tell me she...
- I'm sorry.
- No, why...
I'm sorry. I was trying to help.
I thought you were different!
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Sorry. I didn't know what to do.
I'm sorry.
You were spared.
It was horrible.
Any news?
He escaped, sir.
He's on a flight, ma'am told me.
What do we do now, sir?
- Fix yourself a drink.
- No, I'm fine.
No, I will not take no
for an answer today.
- You must be very tired, sir.
- Oh, well...
Where is the time to be tired?
We have risen from the land together.
- Right?
- Yes, sir.
In fact, whatever I am today
is because of you, sir.
And despite that...
you turn against me?
Hey, Champion.
Here is the itinerary.
If you need anything, call me.
Arun uncle.
I'm the one
who does everything around here.
So then the question
is what is your price?
I don't know.
Or perhaps the question should be...
how far are you willing to go
to get what you desire?
What is it you want?
I want your shares in the company, sir.
I like that.
And what if I give you her shares?
Cheers, fucker.
Here's to the man who works
for no one but himself.
But if we're going to be partners,
then there's one thing that bothers me.
Why protect the bastard
who murdered my child?
Tulsi asked me the same question.
Word for word.
What did you say?
I said, "Be patient, ma'am."
"You will find a day
to massacre them all."
How was I to know that she
would take my word literally?
Make yourself useful.
Those vegetables in the sink
need to be washed.
Just rinse and pass them to me.
So... She knows everything?
No, no, no, no...
Mr Poddar, this is a misunderstanding.
What would I gain by...
Please listen to me.
Mr Poddar, please,
you just give me a few more days
and I will sort
this whole bloody thing out.
Our partnership is the most important...
Do you realise what the bloody hell
you've gone and done?
- I'm so sorry, Uncle.
- Who's stupid fucking idea was this?
- I'm so sorry...
- Shut up. Shut up!
- It's too late to apologise.
- I was just thinking...
- Shut up! What is your agenda?
- There is no agenda.
You recorded our meeting
with the minister, asshole.
You think I'm a bloody criminal?
Well, I hope not!
What did you say?
Why did you have to go
and pay him off?
Now you're going to tell me
how to run my own bloody business?
It's not your business!
My family owns 51%,
so it's not your business.
- It's our business.
- You sure have a lot to say today.
Hey, come. Come here.
All our hard work for the last two years
is fucked thanks to you, motherfucker!
Just listen to me, Uncle...
Poddar must have called
the Enforcement Directorate by now.
- They're going to get after my blood!
- Sir, I'll handle the tax department.
What will you fucking handle?
While this fucking kid
was acting like James Bond
- what the hell were you doing?
- Sir, nothing is on record.
- I destroyed the phone in front of him.
- Stop blabbering like an idiot.
What's the fucking point
in destroying the phone?
Poddar is no fucking idiot.
He's going to bloody ruin me.
"Nothing is on record."
But he's there...
on record.
If you did this to me
you know what I would do to you.
this is on you, fucker.
Fifteen seconds to go... Champagne!
Champagne for everyone!
They were your orders.
That's all she needs to know.
Happy New Year!
I have served both families faithfully,
so now you owe me.
She is walking in the garden
as it is blossoming
She is walking in the garden
as it is blossoming
She's cast a spell on the groom
The groom asks his father
O father...
The groom asks his father
O father...
How shall I meet the girl
who is walking in the garden?
How shall I meet the girl
who is walking in the garden?
As she moves
the garden is blossoming
As she moves
the garden is blossoming
How shall I meet the girl
who is walking in the garden?
How shall I meet the girl
who is walking in the garden?
Carry a basket of flowers in your hand
O son
Carry a basket of flowers in your hand
O son
Go in the guise of the gardener
Go in the guise of the gardener
She is walking in the garden
as it is blossoming
She is walking in the garden
as it is blossoming
She is walking in the garden
as it is blossoming
- Why don't you rest for a bit?
- Are you mad?
The wedding is tomorrow.
The wedding is today.
Wake up!
Come on! How long will you sleep?
Get up! Get up!
Wake up, sleepyheads!
Come on!
Everyone! Wake up!
For morning in the bowl of night
Has flung the stone
That puts the stars to flight
And lo!
The hunter in the east has caught
The Sultan's turret in a noose of light
I want everyone up
and about in five minutes!
Are you getting paid to sleep
on those mattresses?
Get up and arrange them!
Have you left that plastic
behind for your mum, fucker?
Clean it up! I don't want to see
any piece of plastic anywhere!
My dear children,
I'm sorry I could not join you.
Preparing the lunch
took longer than I expected.
I have made a feast with my own hands.
Come, come. You must be starving.
You must be hungry, no?
What's your secret?
Oh... secret...
There isn't any.
It's really simple... It's just...
Come on. You don't believe me?
Look, she doesn't believe me.
Let's tell her.
Or, even better. Let's show her.
How much love I have used.
Straight from the heart...
This was the plan, wasn't it?
What did my children ever do to you?
But today is a festive day.
Let us... Celebrate!
Let us celebrate.
that fucker Arun Kumar,
where is he?
Let's call him.
Ankur didn't commit suicide.
You knew that.
You wanted revenge.
I took revenge on your behalf.
We are the same.
Kindred souls, aren't we?
Don't look at me like that.
Who else can I call my own?
Is it you?
Will you be mine?