The Huns (2021) Movie Script

[thunder rumbling]
- [Narrator] Revenge is
only the very beginning.
[dramatic music]
Savage tribes fought brutal
wars over their lands,
and it seemed never ending.
They were cruel people and
called themselves Hunu,
they were also nomads
who never stayed put.
They took whatever they
wanted whenever they wanted
and never relented.
- Abhar, tie her up so
she doesn't run away,
and be sure to make it tight.
[horse neighs]
- Listen, and I'll tell
you a story of yore,
be sure to pay attention.
It all began one
day, many moons back,
when the cold wind was blowing.
I remember it very
well, how could I not?
Strong warriors sat next to
the fire to warm themselves.
I look at the fire even now.
It tells only the truth.
This is a very long story.
I think the time has come
for me to tell it to you.
I hope you will understand.
On that night it all happened
this way as I know it.
- I'll say that I'm as hungry
today as a pack of wild dogs.
- [Man] Yeah, me too.
[men giggling]
- It was a very fast and
glorious fight today,
that's how it should be.
- Now, it's time to
celebrate our victory.
We'll pay our respect to
the dead for the cause.
[men chanting]
- It seems like the
younger one lost control
of his axe today.
If it wasn't for whores,
no one would stop it.
- That's for sure
- [Man] Tanai, are you sure
this one is your brother?
- [Man 2] He is so stupid
that he had better wise up.
- [Man] And he
knows you should be.
- You should be the youngest.
- Yeah, junior, he brought
such shame on himself.
- Do I amuse you or something?
What, no more laughing.
[man gasping]
- What are you gonna do
with your big mouth now?
[man gasping]
You'll dare to say those
things behind my back.
What, now you got
nothing to say to me.
You're a bunch of cowards.
Got nothing to say?
Go away, everyone.
Who do you think you're
looking at, my brother?
Look at this dirt
you see before you.
Tomorrow she'll
burn at the stake.
Yes, that is the
fate that awaits her.
We go.
That's good.
That's very good.
[thunder rumbles]
Who goes there?
Answer me.
Come out.
Reveal yourself to me.
Sky, why are you
playing with me?
I can feel you.
Sky, you know what I'm up to.
I know there's no
fooling you, Sky.
I can't hide it from you.
my brother, he will be injured,
oh, such a plan, my plan.
Can you hear that?
Sky, guide my path,
talk to me because I've
been waiting for this day
for such a long time.
You already know how I want
to get into my
enemy's den at night.
In every winter, I continue
to stretch out my hands,
yes, and out towards you
to look for an answer
but why are you silent again?
You must give me these answers.
Come on, answer me.
Show me your good graces.
Say something, tell me anything.
Say something, tell me anything.
Just gimme a sign.
So here I am, I'm
like a wounded wolf.
Have I gone mad
speaking to myself?
Very well.
[Tanai shouts]
You are the last
member of your clan.
So the question is, what do
you think I should do with you?
Well, speak up, answer me.
- Tanai, the chief of
the guard was killed.
He was killed by our people.
It's true, it was your brother.
I don't trust him, I don't.
[dramatic music]
- Remember, you
hadn't been born yet.
The cold winds began to blow.
Prey for everyone became scarce
and something had
to be done about it.
The darkness tells
what happened next.
Near the fire and the ashes.
[door creaking]
[crickets chirping]
- What are you doing?
- I'm trying to free
you'd If you let me.
- What will your brother say?
- He's not my brother.
- Are you sure?
But he'll never forgive you.
- You're free now, you can leave
- But what are we
supposed to do now?
- We need to move quickly.
Hurry up, let's go.
Let's go, hurry up.
Come on, hurry up.
Come on, hurry up, I said.
Let's go.
- Oh, but what happened next?
You ask me, sitting there
a story about revenge
it's deep in our
nature to act and react
in spite of the sky.
And this is a tale
of revenge and spite.
It's true that everyone
always wants to be in charge.
Everyone thinks that
they are the strongest,
but how can that
even be possible?
However, this may not
always be the case.
Go and fetch me that stone girl.
It has great power.
[suspenseful music]
- They were just here.
Let's get them!
[ritual music]
[foxes howling]
[dramatic music]
[men chanting]
- Tanai, all our horsemen
are killed, they're all gone.
I saw it myself, but
I managed to escape.
- Tell me what happened.
- Your brother is with her,
but he is unconscious.
- Explain yourself,
how is that possible?
- She killed them all, everyone.
- Yet you stand before me.
Unharmed without a scratch.
Tell me why didn't she
kill you too, coward?
Let him go.
He can still be useful to us.
We all make mistakes
in this life, but you
can thank me for sparing
the pathetic one you have.
Will you be grateful to
your gods if I let you go?
Go now as if nothing happened.
Get out now, I want you
to prepare for battle.
I'll show everyone
what war actually is.
[Hora grunting]
- You could have left by
now, why did you stay here?
- I can decide for myself.
You need not worry.
[suspenseful music]
- We must hurry.
- Show me where.
Show me the wound.
It can get much worse over time.
We should get going.
- No, wait, I must rest.
- Let's go.
- You see, no man had
been this far before
and the vast plains
were covered with grass.
They kept on their
journey without stopping.
No one could know
anything about it
or how it could end
up and what awaited
the cautious fugitives.
The best trackers
were sent after them,
though being careful
not to be seen.
They easily found their food.
However, Kile was badly injured.
Tanai wounded him
quite severely.
Wild horses are as fast
as the forceful wind.
It's very similar
to wind in the step.
Many wounds never
completely heal,
they just keep on bleeding
and always leave a scar.
Nobody knows exactly
how they survived
but power is inside us, always.
The sky gives us the strength
to understand nature itself.
We must remember to
always listen to the sky.
This is life as we know it.
Life is always
much more important
than death, for the sky
will always be waiting.
So now you understand
- We have to move
on, it's time to go.
[Kile grunting]
This is the place,
we've arrived.
- Strangers, on
guard, take cover.
- They won't shoot, don't worry.
It is forbidden.
These archers here are
said to be the best.
[water running]
- Look.
Well, speak up then.
- I am Kile, banished
by my brother.
I am the son of
Ramire of the Step.
- And who are you?
- My name is Hora.
- I know this one very well,
daughter of her father.
I would kill your
father if he were here.
Tell me immediately
why you're here.
Well, why are you here?
- My father Asgad, he's
been dead a long time.
- No, I'm far too old to
believe in any of this nonsense,
for that, I will send
you to your ancestors
for this lie you tell me
- Enough of that Kot,
can't you see they are injured.
Besides, you know the law
of the Step very well.
- Let me decide their fate,
you just stay out of it,
you hear me?
- No Kot, our law clearly says,
it says that everyone
has the right
to be under the protection
of the Sky for five moons.
You know this already Kot
and they are our guests now.
- You're very lucky.
- You know, the law of the
Step is the same for all.
And the law of the Step
applies, especially to you.
I have made my decision,
now get them out of here, Kot.
- I'll be sure to keep
my eye out for you.
You will show yourself.
[dramatic music]
[Kile grunting]
[dramatic music]
- Ekna, tell me what do you see
in the flame of the fire now?
- I'm looking at the flames now,
as I'm looking, I see a
vivid illustration here.
Kile is in the darkness.
Yes, he is on a thin
path leading to nowhere.
Meanwhile, though
his fire sees him
and burns at the same time.
Just like a snake,
just like a snake,
but nobody sees his path.
It's covered with such darkness.
The wound is much too serious.
- Is that all?
I demand that you explain to
me what this wound means, Ekna?
- Naturally, I know you've taken
the hard path for yourself.
There is fear lurking
in your darkness,
but there is another path
ahead of death itself.
You must remember that
everyone on has their own path,
never forget that.
We must never forget that.
We must listen to the quiet
that currently surrounds us.
Yes, listen to the quiet
for it has the answers
to all your fears.
Only the sky reveals the rays.
- Ekna, yes, of course,
I saw the sky revealing
its mystery at dawn.
- Yes, now I know what
answer to give you,
my answer is that
you have to decide
what you want by yourself.
Just feel it as it comes to you.
But know that death is
always near those who
actively desire it.
It is just like those
who happen to treat it
like a mother treats
her child, yes.
Like a mother treats her child.
Not only are you leading
yourself into a trap,
but you also see
nothing but death itself
while falling into
that very trap.
I hope you think about it
when looking at the fire.
It always speaks the
truth no matter what,
and it always reveals the path.
- Go now.
[thunder rumbling]
[fire crackling]
- I see you, oh, I see
you wise Kai Rakmana.
And yet during the long
never ending winters
we all realize
just how important
it is to maintain
the balance of life.
And soon we will all be
able to unite together
for it will bring
peace to all the clans
which means that in due
time everyone can join us.
Let's recognize all this
is thanks to Kai Rakmana.
And as a token of
my appreciation,
I will make a gift.
These are stones and
there are no such stones
in the lands of Kai Rakmana.
They carry the knowledge
of the whole entire earth.
And on my land, we always
listen to wise advice.
Look at these stones here.
They're unique.
And so pure.
These stones are
absolutely worthy.
In fact, I'd say
they are like you.
These stones are
worthy of Kai Rakmana.
And more,
let me make you a personal gift
as a sign of genuine
friendship as proof.
Look at these.
These are war mountain
furs and they sparkle.
They're color sparkled
brightly in the sun.
They're a gift, you
see, worthy of a queen.
Accept my gift, please.
- I accept your gift.
- I acknowledge this
[ritual music]
- I want to get out of here now.
[ritual music]
[man speaking in
foreign language]
[Hora moaning]
[man speaking in
foreign language]
- Are you awake?
- I've been awake for some time.
Today's the duel.
- And do you think
they'll leave anyone alive
- By the law of the Step,
the winner will be
able to leave the camp.
- This was destined to happen,
we cannot change anything
- After all, we've
had five moons.
- I understand, but
you can leave now.
- I can always make
my own decisions.
I decide for myself
- We will surely die
- In that case, we'll
each go our separate ways
- As you wish
[dramatic music]
- Many winters will
pass until I see you.
I appreciate what
you've done for us.
On behalf of the Hunu tribe,
I thank you for the opportunity
to pass through your lands.
We will not forget this.
Good bye.
[horse neighs]
[Kahn groans]
[suspenseful music]
[arrows whooshing]
[woman groans]
- There is the law of the Step
and this particular
law says the following:
"You can't kill an unarmed
man inside the camp on a whim
and you can't kill him if
he's already badly wounded."
It's known that only
on the fifth moon,
can he be called out for his
offense, that is what's fair.
- I Kogan the son of Harran
is now demanding death.
- His blood must spill.
- His blood must spill for Kan.
- His blood spelled.
- Death, death.
- That's right!
His blood shall wet the earth.
[horse neighs]
[water running]
- Oh, they're already here.
It looks like we're talking now.
Filthy scum.
Greetings to you today.
Is that really you, Kai Rakmana?
- You think you can
just come in here
and act like you own the place.
- I'm guessing that you are Kot
who'd better keep quiet if
he knows what's good for him.
- If I were you I'd
think long and hard
before you say something
in my presence.
- Oh, then should
we turn to the skies
for judgment on this decision,
and before speaking out of turn?
You should know that I
have the right of blood
to call my brother
out in a duel.
After that, I have no
problem killing this girl
like a vile jackal.
It seems to me that
you all have forgotten
the law of the Step.
You should know this
already Kot that only I
and no one else in all the
land own the life of my brother
and the life of this
fugitive here, Kai Rakmana.
I will have you know, this
girl killed two of my warriors
and now she pretends to be weak.
- You're the one who let
jackals into your home.
- What jackal are you
talking about exactly?
Are you talking about the
one that cut the throats
of my two strongest warriors?
That must be the
one that you mean.
Only a huntress acts this way.
- Don't say that, she can't
even hold the bow correctly.
- No, but I'm certain she's
not who she says that she is.
Does not one of you believe me?
You're buying what
this girl has to say?
- Tanai, you will stop now,
there's only one Kai Rakmana.
And these here are my lands.
The only one who
decides here is me.
- You're wrong, and you
have lost all your power.
Once you started arranging
things you shouldn't have
with the men from the north
and by trading with them.
You're no queen.
She is a fool, Kot.
- So what's going
to happen to us now?
- It was destined by the Sky.
- It was dusted by the Sky
- That may be, but we must
avenge the death of Kahn.
We really need to attack,
tomorrow is the duel.
- So be it, there
will be a fight.
- We must get our revenge.
- So then we'll get revenge.
- You know, I wasn't
always like this,
time has passed for all of us.
Somewhere in the past, there
is another version of me.
I felt like I was
speaking to the Sky
at all hours of the day.
You see back then I had so
much power, so much power.
So many things remain
hidden in the night.
They can't be understood.
These things are not
revealed to everyone.
[man grunting]
- I see you.
- I came to see you
as you had asked.
- You came to see me
just like I asked you to.
- What was so important that
you called me so urgently?
- I can really feel these stone.
Now I know what's hidden.
It has been shown to me.
I see a hand here.
She's with us here.
You are where the
wind of Step is.
This hand you feel
is what holds a baby.
And that means
that the Sky will
give a new life.
It's inevitable.
I think you need to
choose a husband.
Oh yes, it's imperative,
no doubt about it, Tanai.
- But that's impossible.
- Hear my words.
You heard me, didn't you?
- Okay, so let him
prove himself in a duel.
I will give him
that opportunity.
- I'm grateful that
you decided to be wise
and to listen to
me, Kai Rakmana.
- Go ahead, you may speak.
- Considering we're from
two incredibly great clans
it would be beneficial
for us to unite with you.
- Oh, so you have
made a decision for me
already then Tanai?
- You should have a strong man
by your side to protect you.
- I require time to think.
- I'll win the fight and
I will kill my brother.
Then I will be able
to stay here with you.
- It is your choice, you know
- With confidence, my warriors
catch pray better than Kahn.
They can also offer
a lot more too.
- But as you know, my
clan has its own laws.
- Tomorrow I can announce
my offer for all to hear.
- You should worry
about the duel first
then we can see what you offer.
- You must agree
to what I'm saying
because it will bring
peace to both our clans.
- You don't make
decisions in my house.
- We can bring the two clans
together, what do you say?
One United clan, there will be
more hunting grounds and fur.
I promise you that, I
guarantee tomorrow's fight
will decide everything,
you will see.
- The result of the fight
will decide everything.
- I hope for the
sake of the clans
you'll make the right
decision tomorrow.
I await the news.
- As I already mentioned before,
people do what they want.
They kill on the spot leaving
their hearts thoroughly empty.
It's a dark time for everyone.
Revenge turns their
minds black and leads
absolutely nowhere.
Lies are unpredictable.
After all, it's always empty.
[dramatic music]
[man speaking in
foreign language]
[ritual music]
[man speaking in
foreign language]
[man speaking in
foreign language]
- Before this Sky tonight I
announce the very beginning
of our clan's duel.
Everyone prepare yourselves,
we'll all drink fiery grapes,
we'll all drink them now.
[suspenseful music]
- I hate everyone
here who's before us,
they destroyed my clan.
- I've decided who's
going to choose first.
It's going to be Kile.
- Kile of the Step will
now make his choice.
- Very well, I pick Tanai.
- Now we swear on blood,
it is life for life.
- It's my turn,
and I pick you Kot.
- So be it, I will tear
you apart like prey.
You will taste
death by my sword.
Get up!
[suspenseful music]
[warriors chanting]
[dramatic music]
[indistinct chatter]
[weapons clanging]
- Get her!
[dramatic suspenseful music]
[women screaming]
[fighters grunting]
- Are you ready to die now, Kot?
[fighters grunting]
Anything goes and
war isn't fair.
I'm taking this because
it's rightfully mine.
Don't you dare die on me
not until I let you die,
you hear me?
This is my revenge.
You are going to feel
what I feel, I promise.
This is how it ends for you.
- Hello there sister.
I served tonight
for over two years.
What was all this for anyway?
- Don't you see?
They're all dead.
Aren't they?
Now it is your time to die.
It just so happens that
I'm afraid to keep a jackal
like you around.
[dramatic music]
- I look at you before me
as a reflection of your mother,
but fear not your
time will come.
You already know
though, don't you?
Your mother is horror.
Everything will begin to change.
Soon you will lead nations.
Come over here now and
take this sword from me.
Remember that revenge is
only the very beginning.
[dramatic music]
Yes it's only the
very beginning.
Wind blowing free
You know that true
owl never tell
You know what
I'm waiting for
You know time can never heal
The right time
will come when I
Take my revenge
defend with pride
Fearless though I
know I have to die
Wind do you know how lost
I feel now in this world
Only the frame in my heart
Let's my way in the dark
The right time
will come when I
Take my revenge
defend with pride
Fearless though I
know I have to die
Wind blowing free