The Huntsman Winter's War (2016) Movie Script

NARRATOR: What does
the Mirror show you?
What do you see?
An oft told tale.
That of Snow White,
how she vanquished
the evil Queen Ravenna
and took her rightful
place on the throne.
But there is another story,
one you have not yet seen.
One that comes long before
"happily ever after. "
A mere pawn?
A humble pawn
can bring down kingdoms.
Stop distracting me.
Poor little pawn.
Mean old king.
So sad.
But the final say...
Queen will have that.
Queen takes king.
(WHISPERS) And you thought
this was just a game.
NARRATOR: With the Mirror
at her command,
Ravenna was invincible.
She took her kingdom
as she had taken
others before it,
and as she would
take others again,
with her sister
Freya at her side.
RAVENNA: IS if love?
It is love, truly.
Your move.
Why should I bother?
You always win.
You always let me win.
I suppose
you are my weakness.
Very well.
Queen to rook five.
Checkmate in three.
Learn from loss, Freya,
and your day will come.
Your possibilities
will be endless
once the magic awakens
in your heart.
It won't.
We both know it won't.
I'm not like you.
All the women of our blood
are gifted, Freya.
And in time
you will find
the source of your power
as I found mine.
We'll see.
You're carrying his child.
You didn't know.
Well, he's promised
to another.
He does not love her.
Their engagement is sealed.
It cannot be broken.
He will deny you.
And he will deny
your daughter.
He will not.
I'm not being cruel.
I simply wish
to protect you.
You may be surprised
how things turn out.
You know much, Ravenna.
But you do not know all.
I'm afraid I do.
NARRATOR: Freya did not
believe her sister,
for love blinds
even the clearest eye.
And when her daughter
was but a few weeks old,
Freya's trusting heart
was rewarded at last.
Her lover had sent word.
He would defy his family
and marry Freya in secret,
in the Royal Garden.
They would
gather their child
and flee the kingdom
to begin a life of their own.
Freya, don't!
I had no choice.
I had no choice, Freya.
NARRATOR: Consumed
by grief and anger,
Freya left her sister
to seek a kingdom of her own
in the land far to the north.
There, the people would
come to fear her very name.
SOLDIER: Burn it down!
Kill them all!
NARRATOR: For if she
could not raise a child,
then in its place
she would raise an army.
Come on, boy!
(GRUNTS) Eric!
Come on.
NARRATOR: Freya turned
the once-green farmlands
of the north
into a frozen wasteland.
There she built her fortress,
and ruled as the Ice Queen.
MAN: Wagons!
How lucky you are.
You're with me now.
And you will never know
this suffering again.
You are scared?
Is it your father
that you miss?
Your mother?
Tell me your name.
Love is a lie.
It is a trick
played by the cruel
on the foolish
and the weak.
Cast it from your mind.
Never let it
render you frail of mind
or of will,
because in my kingdom,
there is but one law.
Do not love.
It's a sin,
and I'll not forgive it.
Now, let's hear no more
of family and love.
Those illusions
are beneath you.
I have freed you from them.
And in exchange for
this precious gift,
I ask only one thing,
your loyalty.
You will train.
You will harden.
You will become my elite,
my Huntsmen.
And nothing will ever,
ever destroy you.
SOLDIER 1: Take it!
One. Two. Three.
SOLDIER 3: Strike!
NARRATOR: And so children
grew to be soldiers,
becoming one with
blade and arrow.
MAN: Ready your bows!
The boy and the girl,
who are they?
What are their names?
The best ones.
Eric and Sara,
my queen.
Did I scare you?
Do you not know?
I never miss.
MAN: Wagons!
The new children, sir.
It's about time.
You're home, kids.
Come on, hurry up.
Get out, come on.
That's it.
Come on.
Go, boy.
Come on.
Move, faster.
What you doing in there?
I know who lives here.
She scares me.
Ah, right.
Yeah, she can be
a wee bit grumpy
from time to time.
Do you know what I do?
I just never let her
know what I'm thinking.
How do you do that?
Well, can you
make a mean face?
That's not bad.
What about like this?
ERIC: That's better.
Now that's your war face.
If you wear that always
when the queen is near,
she'll never know
what you're thinking either.
You do that,
and you'll be fine.
Come on.
NARRATOR: The queen sent
her army to wage war
against the great kings
of the north.
Battle after battle,
they returned victorious.
Those who were left alive.
You've done well,
my children.
Very well.
You forget to
walk in shadow.
And you forget
your balance.
What are you doing?
You cannae tell,
you daft boy?
I'm marrying you.
It was my mother's.
My only treasure.
I lived for her.
I live for you.
How do we
live for each other
in this place here?
Freya will take
one look at us,
and she'll know.
And what then?
It's almost day.
Gather your things.
Meet me in the courtyard.
She'll catch us
or she won't.
But either way,
we shall be free.
You do love me,
don't you?
Aye, I do.
I give you my life
and my death.
Stand or fall,
I'll never leave your side,
I swear it to you.
I know this story.
The girl goes in secret
to meet her one true love.
I wonder
how it ends this time.
I gave you both everything.
And in return you betray me.
For love.
We fought your wars.
We've done enough.
Please, my queen,
let us go.
Do not beg me!
It is weak.
You are weak.
Do you want to leave?
Very well.
Go to each other.
If you can.
And I'll let you go.
Shouldn't be too hard.
Love conquers all.
So I've heard.
Take him out of my sight.
NARRATOR: Once upon a time
a man and woman fell in love.
But such things cannot last.
For the heart is
a treacherous thing.
And love...
Love is nothing more
than a fairy tale.
Days turned to years.
Freya's empire
continued to rise
while her sister
Ravenna's fell
at the hands of
the Huntsman and Snow White.
But some evil cannot
truly be vanquished.
Who's there?
Show yourself!
RAVE N NA; Kill...
Kill for me.
Don't just stand there,
do something!
You're mad, man.
Aye, I wanted it an inch
higher but the wind
is tricky out here.
What have we got?
Well, that is exquisite.
You have no right.
I have every right.
These are my woods.
These are the queen's woods.
I have a royal permit.
For deer, maybe,
but not fawns.
That one there was just
a few weeks old.
Like the three others
you killed that I found
at your camp.
It's beautiful. Do you mind?
What? No.
Release my horse.
I'm keeping the horse
as payment.
Payment for what?
For the arrow.
It's not like they
grow on trees.
Well, technically they do,
but not the pointy bit there.
That's all yours.
You will pay, commoner.
I shall tell the queen
and the queen
will have your head.
Queen Snow White?
Snow White.
SOLDIER: Fan out!
Line the flanks!
See you later, love.
Your Majesty.
Please, my friend.
If this is about the horse,
I can explain.
Horse? What horse?
Never mind.
How'd you find me?
It wasn't easy.
You swore.
NION: Yeah, well,
he threatened to
put me in a big pot.
We paid him three gold.
ERIC: Oh, three?
Is that all?
Three each.
Who are you?
At your service.
Bonds, rewards,
debt collection.
I'm his brother.
BOTH: Same mum.
Walk with me.
I've come on a matter
of grave importance.
You should find
some gravely important
people, then.
The Mirror is gone.
We believed its dark magic
died with Ravenna.
We were wrong.
There is an evil
within the Mirror
that has only
grown in power.
And Queen Snow White
has vowed to rid
her kingdom of it
before its darkness
cannot be stopped.
Two weeks ago,
the queen ordered
a detachment of soldiers
to take the Mirror
to Sanctuary.
They never returned.
Wait, wait.
I'm not your man.
You're the best tracker
we have in the kingdom.
And as you say,
the Mirror is evil
and it mustn't
fall into the hands
of the wrong person.
And Snow White thinks
I'm the one to find it?
She commands
you to find it.
And to deliver it
to Sanctuary,
where its wickedness
can forever be contained.
Do you acceptor not?
Yes, yes, yes.
He accepts.
Provided there's
a reward.
I don't want no reward.
Snow White is unwell.
The Mirror...
She said she couldn't
stop looking at it.
She could hear
its voice calling for her.
That's why
she sent it away.
What was that thing?
Move all your forces
to the northern border.
Why? What do you know?
Queen of the North.
That owl was her spy.
Now she knows
about the Mirror.
And if she finds it,
everything we hold dear
will be covered in ice.
Move your men
to the north.
What are you two
still doing here?
We're your partners.
No, you're not.
I am Snow White's
man as well.
I mean, dwarf.
If she's in trouble,
I wanna help!
My queen,
Vardhelm has fallen.
It was the
last stronghold.
The entire White Lands
are yours.
You've won.
The game's not finished.
Is this where
the world ends,
or is there more?
My queen, the South
cannot be conquered.
Snow White's lands
are too vast,
her armies are too...
Did you know
that Eric was alive?
Did you?
H ow?
I swear to you.
I threw his body in...
That's all right.
I prefer it this way.
There's something
that he seeks.
I want it.
My sister's mirror.
It holds great power.
And with it at my command,
I can do great things.
I will free every child.
I will save them all.
As I saved you.
And my army
of Huntsmen will grow
until nothing will
stand in its path.
So, you see,
the game is not finished.
Prepare the Huntsmen.
Oh. Huntsman.
How much further?
How much further?
What? To the place
I'm looking for that
I don't know where it is?
It's hard to say.
This one's had a strop on
since we left.
They came through here.
Well, obviously.
This takes us to
the northern road.
Leads direct
to Sanctuary.
Don't need to be
a Huntsman to know that.
Hey, Nion,
who am I?
I'm talking to the dirt.
I hear it speak to me.
He's actually quite
good at this, Gryff.
Get stuffed.
He's a buffoon.
We ride north.
they headed west.
The northern road
cuts through a plain.
Nowhere to take cover.
The western road
runs next to a forest.
That's where they
would've made camp.
That's where
we're going to find them.
The dirt is
talking to me again.
What's it saying?
He's saying
the mouthy
one's an idiot
who wouldn't last
a day on his own,
and should go home.
I agree.
I'm not going home
till I get my reward.
You want gold,
but all you're going to
find out here is death.
A bit dramatic.
Dramatic, yeah,
unless it's true,
and then we should
consider it an accurate
warning, I think.
I know I'm not afraid
of Freya of the Frost.
Oy. Not so loud.
Keep your voice down.
You're even more
stupid than I thought.
Bloody hell.
Who would've attacked them
out here in the open?
Keep your eyes peeled.
They could still be around.
Look for tracks,
blood trails...
Go on! Get off!
These are
their own arrows,
their own blades.
They killed each other.
But why?
These are all
the queen's men.
The Mirror was here.
Well, this is definitely
not one of theirs.
l grew up
in the mines.
That's worth
half the world.
Whoever it belongs
to has the Mirror.
We need to find it
before Freya does.
What's this?
We have to
get off the road.
See if he knows something.
Bit quiet. You all right?
Fine. You all right?
Yeah, I'm all right.
I'm looking
for information.
You'll not get
much for that.
Well, there was a wee
massacre on the road
not far from here.
The queen's soldiers.
You know anything about that?
Yeah, they passed
through here
a few days ago.
They did?
Didn't stop.
Weren't thirsty.
Was anyone
following them or...
I'll have
a pint as well.
I'll take
that as a "no."
Good day.
Bit choosy for
what she's offering.
Perhaps you'd
have better luck
with your own kind.
Have you ever
seen a female dwarf?
No,I can%
say I have.
NION: Horrifying.
the best of them.
Repulsive things.
Ugly as the devil's bullocks.
All knuckles and hair.
Foul tempered and stunted.
Unnatural, misshapen,
gold grubbing, foul-mouthed
piles of sideways donkey ass.
So, assuming this is
a commonly held opinion,
how exactly are
new dwarves made?
Uh, generally
by accident.
Too little light.
Too much of this.
Come on. Keep up.
Chilly with
that door open.
ERIC: Pass me the...
What? Yeah,
some of the...
You three look like
you're far from home.
Aye. Just taking shelter,
then moving on.
Are these your children?
The missus must
be quite a looker.
That's a good one.
What he say?
That's all right.
No. No,
I'm not having it.
You ought to hold
your tongue, mate,
before you lose it.
ls that so?
You know,
if it was just me,
I wouldn't be worried.
If it was me and him,
I'd be a tiny bit worried,
because he's
a bit of a waster.
Not true.
But none of that matters,
because we're with him.
And he will gut you
like a deer quicker
than you can blink.
Because this man here,
this man is the Huntsman.
Is this true?
Are you the Huntsman?
That's me.
The thing of it is...
We're all Huntsmen.
I'm sorry.
It's all right.
Wait, wait, wait.
Can we not
talk about this?
You call yourself
a Huntsman?
I expected more from
a man who had the courage
to betray his queen.
And for what?
For the love of
some spineless woman?
Maybe you were something
in your day, brother,
but that day is long gone.
Have you made your peace?
(LAUGHS) I'll have
it soon enough.
Tell Freya
I died a free man.
Freya doesn't care
how you die.
No one cares.
You're already forgotten.
LEIFR: Fall back!
Fall back, now!
You have aged.
I tied you up.
She his wife
or something?
No. Can't be.
His wife's dead.
Is that what
you told everyone?
You poor,
heartbroken widower.
That story
must've wet the eyes
of many a young lass.
Maybe more
than their eyes.
No, no...
No, you're dead.
I saw you die.
This is not real.
This is not happening.
You're a ghost.
Or else I'm...
Or else I'm dead.
Am I not alive?
You're alive.
you should be dead.
You got hit on
the head like, six...
What do you think,
six or seven?
Seven times. A lot.
So this is...
Did you think
I'd forget?
Did you think
I'd forgive?
Stand or fall,
you said.
You'd never leave
my side, you said.
You swore it.
And then you fled.
I see you fight,
and I see you run.
No, Sara.
That's not what happened.
I saw Tull kill you.
I saw him kill you,
with my own eyes.
I would never leave you.
But I saw you leave me,
with my own eyes.
And you,
of all people,
should know
Tull could
never kill me.
I swear to you.
She put me
in her dungeon.
For seven years.
And when I finally escaped,
I swore I'd find you.
It's taken me a long time.
But here we are.
and wife.
You honestly believe this?
That I'd abandon you?
You still forget
your balance.
She's got another knife.
Yeah. Yeah,
I probably should
have said something.
She's got two more
little ones in her left boot.
It's no longer important.
If your face
is the last thing
that I'm meant to see,
then I'm grateful.
It should be
the last thing you see.
I don't like her.
I don't like her
one little bit.
SERVANT: My queen.
(WHISPERS) No fire.
No fire!
It's all right.
So, what happens
if Freya gets this mirror?
Don't you think
that you and me
have other things
to discuss, like us?
What happens?
She'd be unstoppable.
Where's my horse?
I sent it off.
What did you
do that for?
No horses,
no tracks.
We keep off the road,
out of sight.
(CHUCKLES) So you're
coming with me, then?
No, you're coming with me.
Yeah, whatever you
need to tell yourself,
that's fine.
From what I can see,
your wee band won't
do too well without me.
SARA: Whatever power
this mirror contains,
I'll not let Freya wield it.
We'll find it,
and we'll bring it
to the Sanctuary.
And then you and I
will part forever.
Tell me about this.
What do you think?
About what?
The woman.
Do you trust her?
Well, I mean, I don't think
we've got much of a choice.
Besides, she's pretty
good in a scrap.
I imagine that would come
in handy before too long.
We'll hit Callao Crossing
by nightfall.
There's a market there.
They might have
sold the Mirror.
Tracking never was one
of your strengths, was it?
I cannae wait to find out
what yours is.
If an enemy uses
diamonds for arrows,
I doubt they need to sell
the Mirror for money.
Well, if you
don't like my plan,
you can piss off.
That is charming!
And you can piss off, too,
as you so eloquently put it,
but that's not
gonna get rid of me.
You're still my wife.
Look, we were deceived.
The ice wall that
Freya put between us,
she showed us
what she wanted us to see.
And what if I'm right?
Do we not deserve
that chance?
It wouldn't matter.
You'd leave again.
We blind ourselves
to the truth
because we're weak,
because we hope.
But there's
no hope for love.
Love ends in betrayal.
Aye and always.
Well, I don't
believe you.
Don't move. Don't move.
That looks familiar.
Dwarf-made trap.
It's where
I would've put it.
Yes, it'll take
more than that
to catch the likes of...
No! No!
NION: Silly mope.
This was unexpected.
Oh, what?
The hidden dwarf trap
was unexpected?
You're not the tracker
you think you are.
I've been
a little distracted.
Hey, Doreena,
we've got something.
Catch of the day,
catch of the day.
God, no.
Careful, sweetheart.
I wouldn't want
to ruin that pretty
little face of yours.
Oh, bugger me.
Oh, it's like that, is it?
You don't even know us.
What do I need to know,
you squat-faced
little he-dwarves?
Sight of you clots
make me sick.
Shut your mouth,
you manky slag.
Shut yours,
you grotty wanker.
Kiss my arse,
you filthy minger.
Kiss mine,
you wobbly shite box.
Madam dwarf,
we have no
quarrel with you.
We seek a mirror.
I don't got no mirror.
Oh, that's clear.
Oh, you are getting it.
ERIC: No. No,
Just tell us
what you want.
Personally, I'd like
you to take your shirt off
and prance around for me.
But seeing as
you're so modest,
I'll settle for
every penny you've got.
Aye, so it's money
you're after.
MY apologies.
All I have is this.
You know what this is?
It's a great big
bloody diamond.
I'm not blind.
Where'd you get that?
You let us down,
and I'll tell you.
DOREENA: Coming,
Mrs. Bromwyn!
Keep an eye
on this lot.
Shoot the he-dwarves
if they get mouthy.
Or if you just feel
like it. (CHUCKLES)
You don't just cut it.
You thirsty?
I could get
you some water,
if you'd like.
Oh, yeah. Thank you.
I'd like that a lot.
Ah! I mean, nah,
I don't want nothing
from the likes of you.
All right,
my little fishes.
I've got a little
proposition for you.
GRYFF: Truce?
When I get my
hands around your
lice-bitten neck...
Yeah, yeah.
He's just... Truce.
Your diamond...
You got it from
a golden spear, right?
Aye, I did.
GRYFF: Goblins?
That old fishwives' tale.
You expect us
to believe that?
l expect you
to stand there
and look ugly and stupid,
and say nothing else.
Goblins is real.
Finest thieves in the world.
And greedy
as the day is long.
We was trying
to catch one.
You know, they say
their armor is made of gold.
Where can we find them?
Not far.
There's a hidden forest
just up the Dorian River
on the northwest side
of the Sanctuary.
They say they keep
all their treasure
there in that wood.
Gold, silver, jewels,
as far as the eye can see.
If your mirror is shiny,
it'll be in there somewhere.
Can we access
the Sanctuary from there?
Dunno. Maybe.
ERIC: Will you
show us the way?
Ah. Well, you see,
that's where
the proposition comes in.
You see,
no one's ever come out
of them woods alive.
But you two big ones,
you look like Huntsmen.
And Huntsmen
are pretty handy
with a blade, yeah?
We all go in together.
You get your mirror.
And me and Doreena
fill our pockets
with as much loot
as we can carry.
Aye, deal.
Right after
I kill those two.
ERIC: What? No.
Hang on.
I don't know.
I like them, I guess.
Like a dwarf, do you?
GRYFF: So, Mrs. Bromwyn.
Where's Mr. Bromwyn?
Dead, thank God.
HOW did he die?
Gouging his
own eyes out?
Keep flapping your gob
and you'll find out.
I'm sorry about before.
I would've
drunk your water.
You seemed thirsty.
Yeah, I was.
I get thirsty sometimes
if it's hot,
or if I'm running.
Me, too!
Or sometimes
if I eat something
really salty, like, um...
Roast chicken.
I know why
you're not talking.
Do you?
Aye. You noticed the sparks
between me and Mrs. Bromwyn.
I don't know
what to say.
She's my type.
Loud and angry?
Well, it's what
I'm used it, isn't it?
I'm awfully sure
you'll have
a good life together.
Aye, we would.
But there's a problem.
Another woman.
Bit taller.
Not as pretty,
mind you.
She sounds far too clever
to waste her time with you.
Well, I remember
that one time
we were caught up
in a net together.
This was a long,
long time ago.
Are you not the hero
of every story you tell?
That's because
I'm very brave.
Which is why
I'm going to save you
from drowning.
And how do you expect...
Some unpredictable
waters around here.
It's not me.
You're a right galoot.
So are you.
We're here.
NION: Oh...
Oh, dear. Oh, dear.
Come on.
What've you found?
SARA: Flint and steel.
ERIC: Their blood
smells like tar.
You see? It is gold.
Yeah, it is.
Goblins ain't real, eh?
SARA: Look.
Do your best
to stay dry.
This is bonkers.
Praise the bridge
that carries you over.
RAVE N NA; Kill.
They killed each other.
GRYFF: Just like
the queen's army.
RAVE N NA: Death.
What now?
take what we came for.
Keep it covered.
Do not look into it.
The Mirror. Move!
GRYFF: This is heavy.
NION: I can't see anything.
GRYFF: You're pushing me.
NION: Come on.
GRYFF: I can't see.
Cool it.
You don't need to see.
I can see. I'm at the front.
GRYFF: Ah! Watch your feet.
NION: Move to the side.
GRYFF: This bridge
is wobbling!
it is obviously wobbling.
Will you just shut up!
See that? Whoo.
I've never
taken it off.
It's time to go, love.
Go, go, go!
Take the Mirror
to the Sanctuary.
Come on.
l need fire.
Come on.
Don't you miss.
I never miss.
He saved us.
Are you crying?
GRYFF: Can't rid ourselves
soon enough of that thing.
Look, the heart
of Sanctuary's
only two hours away.
I say we move tonight.
Aye, there'll be
a strong moon.
Plenty of light.
Who knows what's
lurking in the dark?
I agree.
Get stuffed.
There's nothing out
there could take us.
That's right.
I took you.
In the tavern.
I took you as well.
In the morning, then.
Good night.
And after the Sanctuary,
on to the dwarven mining town.
Jewel and gold merchants,
all looking to buy.
Me and Doreena's gonna
make an absolute killing.
(CHUCKLES) Where is she?
Where is Doreena?
And Nion?
Well... (LAUGHS)
Would you look at that?
This one is called
It's good for
piles and toothache.
What's this one called?
That's just a flower.
I think it's beautiful.
I think you're beautiful.
If you're looking for
gratitude, you have it.
Nothing more.
What exactly am
I supposed to do?
You think
it's about you.
What you should choose.
What you should do.
That I'm just waiting here
for the man to pass a test.
And you did.
So now
I have to love you.
But I don't.
I choose for me.
Not you.
So let me go.
I can't. Stand or fall,
I'll never leave you.
Let me go! Let me go.
Sara, stop it.
The one you loved is dead.
I don't even remember
what it feels like to be her.
We did not
ask for our sins.
We did not
ask for this life.
Eric, I've done
terrible things.
Unforgivable things.
I know.
So have I.
Maybe you and me
are not worthy
of forgiveness.
That's for someone
else to judge.
But we are worthy
of each other.
RAVEN NA: Eric...
Kill for me...
What are you doing?
Have you been true?
My heart is yours,
it always has been.
But if this
is a game...
End it now.
Have you been true?
GRYFF: Huntsman,
what is this?
Stand tall, brother.
FREYA: Eric.
My Eric.
Your queen has missed you.
You're not my queen, Freya.
But I'm forever your queen.
Isn't that right, Sara?
You see,
you abandoned her, Eric.
But not I.
I raised her from despair.
Made her the point
of my spear,
my tempered steel.
She's laid
waste to kingdoms
and brought men such
as you to their knees.
She's everything
that you're not.
All I had to do
was send her to you,
and you led her
straight to the Mirror.
It's pathetic.
Oh, what are these?
They're just like children.
We're mighty
far from children,
Bitch Queen.
Bring me the Mirror.
You'll have to
kill me first!
No, I won't.
NION: Doreena, no!
You knew, didn't you?
You knew she'd betray you
and you spared her still.
Have you learnt
my lesson at last?
Harden your heart,
Queen of Winter.
Bury the world
in a tomb of ice.
It matters not.
Love will endure.
Yes, perhaps
you're right.
Shall we find out?
(IN SOFT VOICE) Kill him.
Is he dead?
I think so.
What do we do?
Pull it out.
Go on.
One, two...
Bloody hell, that hurt.
I don't believe it!
She missed!
She never misses.
Have you lost your mind?
She betrayed us.
Eric, she is not Cupid.
I doubt that
an arrow to the chest
is an expression of her love.
There is a grand design
at work here, friends.
And it grows even louder.
Head injury.
Number eight.
She never misses.
Look, lam twice
as angry as you are.
Doreena was the only friend
I had in this world,
but you need to face facts.
Sara is not on your side.
I don't need you to
believe what I believe.
What are these for, exactly?
I'll give you a hint.
We're not gonna
carry them on our backs.
So, what are you gonna do?
Trek all the way
to the frozen North?
Face down an evil sorceress
and her entire army?
All right, I'm in!
Tull, put the dwarves
in the gallery and bring
the Mirror to my sanctum.
Welcome home, Sara.
RAVE N NA: Freya.
Come to me.
Say the words.
Speak the words.
FREYA: "The age can be wicked
"to those who walk alone.
"When I look into the Mirror,
"I see myself
as I might become."
Mirror, Mirror on the wall,
who is the fairest
of them all?
Do not back away from me.
You asked a question.
The Mirror has answered.
Ravenna, how?
Are you not dead?
Something in between.
You've become
quite literal, Freya.
Of all people,
you should know
that is but a vessel.
I left my body.
I went into the Mirror.
And there I stayed.
I became part of it.
Until you released me.
We have much to do,
little sister.
With you and your
army by my side,
I will regain
my kingdom once more.
Snow White
shall kneel before me.
She will beg for mercy.
And then I'll tear
her heart out.
Oh, that's a bit
bigger than I imagined.
So what's the plan?
You have got a plan?
Is it any good?
But it's simple.
Freya will be
in her sanctum,
below the steeple.
I'll make my way
down from the top,
find her, and kill her.
What about
Nion and Doreena?
I've got someone
on the inside who's gonna
help me find them.
You have given
my Huntsmen new orders.
Better orders.
We will attack tomorrow
in two waves.
Flanking maneuver.
I presumed
you would agree.
It's a far
superior tactic.
This is my kingdom.
Did you say something?
This is my kingdom!
Of course it is.
And it always will be.
I would never question
my sister's rule.
But beyond these walls
is my kingdom.
My dominion.
Do not forget
what you owe me.
I made you
what you are.
MAN: Come on.
Move along. Faster.
Follow your brother.
Look lively now.
You as well. Go on.
Shut it.
Stop sniveling. Twerp.
Keep walking.
Just keep walking.
It's not my sister's fault,
my lord.
She was hit in the face
as a baby with a rock.
You two,
come with me.
Did you have to
hit him so hard?
Shut up.
He's very heavy.
We stuff him in here,
we cover our tracks.
That's very sloppy
work, that is.
This is the worst plan ever.
PIPPA: Stop.
You don't remember me,
do you?
This is my war face.
I know why you're here.
Aim true.
My children.
This is the day for which...
For which you were born.
You will face an army of men
who have never lost a war,
men who have...
Who have forgotten...
...what it means
to be afraid.
We will bring fear
once again
to Snow White's army.
And their lands will be mine.
And their children...
Their children...
For I am queen.
lam queen.
This is what
I trained you for.
This is why I raised you.
This is why I made
you what you are.
Hello, Eric.
I've missed you.
They're in love.
They reek of it.
Is this not
your kingdom?
It is.
Do you not have laws?
I do.
Then what
is your judgment?
LEIFR: Traitors!
ERIC: Traitors to who?
Your old queen?
Your new queen?
You broke the law.
The law?
Have you forgotten
the ones who loved you?
Your mothers,
your fathers.
What law did they break?
Love does not
make you weak.
It's all that ever
gave me strength.
Tull, have we not
fought side by side?
We were children!
Brothers and sisters.
Did we not love each other?
Fight with me.
If you die,
you die for something
that's yours.
Why do you
turn away, Freya?
You deceived us,
and now you
deceive yourself.
Why did you not
kill us back then?
Instead, you break my heart
and turn hers against me.
You see, Huntsman,
love doesn't
save your life.
I should know.
I've been dead before.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Stand or fall.
I stand with you.
MAN: Aye.
MEN: Aye.
Stand back.
Nothing can save you,
All that's left is pain!
Ravenna, stop. Stop!
We can't leave the Mirror.
Then we climb.
I thought I had driven
the weakness out of you.
I thought
I made you strong.
But you're as pathetic
as you ever were.
Have you lost your mind?
How did you
make me strong?
How did you draw
the weakness out?
What did you do?
What did you do?
I don't have to
tell you anything.
Oh. Oh, but you do.
You see,
you said it yourself,
you're something between
this world and the Mirror.
I summoned you out.
Now you are bound to me!
Tell me the truth.
Mirror on the wall...
...who is the fairest
of them all?
You are, my queen.
But not for long.
Your sister holds
a baby to her breast.
A daughter.
She will grow
to be more beautiful
than even you.
You cannot ask
such a thing of me.
I ask nothing.
I am but a reflection.
And you...
You have already decided.
Kill for me.
Yeah, I loved her.
I loved you.
That's why
I'm stronger than you.
Leave my children alone!
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry
I killed your daughter
and released
the greatest
power within you.
A power you have
wasted on nothing
but cheap sentiment!
Did you not think
I wanted a child?
Did you not think
I wanted love?
But these things
were not meant for me.
I have a higher calling!
Do you still believe
that love conquers all?
Maybe not all.
Just you.
Are you ready, Huntsman?
How lucky you are.
Come on.
I'm all right.
Are you all right?
Are you all right?
BOY: Yeah!
Hey look, the sun!
NARRATOR: Once upon a time
there lived a beautiful queen
whose heart
was broken in two.
But even buried
under ice and snow,
love survives.
Not on your life.
Fine, fine.
You're gonna
give up that easily?
God, you're stupid.
NARRATOR: The lands
of the North were free
and Snow White's kingdom
was safe from harm.
And so, some fairy tales
do come true.
But none ever truly end.