The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild (2022) Movie Script

Everything changes.
That's just a fact.
They say a mammoth never forgets.
Well, as I get older,
I find they don't always remember either.
I've decided to put it all down here,
so it'll never change. Our herd history.
It all started with Manny,
my lovable grouch of a mammoth.
He'd lost his family to hunters.
Heartbreak made him a loner.
And then there was Sid,
a big-hearted sloth
had been abandoned by his family
because he could be, let's just say,
a little annoying.
And Diego, a fierce saber-tooth.
He risked his life
to defy his ruthless pack
and was left with nowhere to go.
Fate brought this unlikely trio together
when they were charged
with the care of a lost baby.
And in returning the child to its family,
they became a family themselves.
Now, Manny thought
he was the last mammoth in the Ice Age
and was convinced he'd never find love.
That is, until he met me, Ellie.
We felt the earth move.
Nineteen tons of combined weight
will do that.
I joined the herd along with my adopted
possum brothers, Crash and Eddie.
The six of us had so many adventures.
But every time
we thought it was the end of the world,
it only brought us closer together.
Even when we stumbled into
a Lost World of dinosaurs
living under the ice.
We met a fearless weasel
named Buck.
He was daring,
adventurous and a little eccentric.
Crash and Eddie
wanted to be just like him.
Now that we've found each other,
I want to preserve
every moment we have together,
because you never know
when things will change.
And lately, it seems like my brothers
are getting a little restless.
I can't wait to show this to the boys.
Crash! Eddie!
This is gonna be
our most extreme stunt ever.
Extremely dangerous.
Super-duper dangerous.
Stupendously dangerous.
That's a long way down.
Only if we make it to the bottom.
Crash! Eddie!
You better not be
doing something dangerous!
You know, I've been thinking...
What? When did you start doing that?
Last week.
And you didn't say anything?
Why'd you do it, Crash? Why?
We're supposed to be brothers.
I couldn't help it.
I was just sitting there, and I thought,
"Aren't you tired of Ellie
always telling us what we can't do?"
"Don't use tar pits as a bubble bath."
"Don't gargle with fire ants."
"Don't scale the side of an unstable,
10,000 foot glacier."
She's smothering us
with reasonable advice.
What if we move out and get our own place?
Ooh! You mean a bachelor den?
Nah, I was thinking more of a place
where two single guys hang out.
Oh, that's way better.
Just imagine it.
Don't make me come get you.
Look. I think it's time
we become independent possums.
I claim this mountain
in the name of possum freedom!
Where are those two?
So that's why I've always thought
that good hygiene is overrated,
but what really makes me feel special
is that you guys listen to me.
You really listen. And the
Uh-huh. I'll do it later, dear. I promise.
Manny! We gotta go!
All right!
- Yay!
- Whoo-hoo!
It took us all spring
to build that summer habitat!
All spring!
And you destroyed it in seconds!
Whoo! That's a new record.
It took us, like, eight minutes
to destroy our fall habitat.
But why'd you build it
right in the middle of our ice-alanche?
Rookie error, dude.
Diego! They're all yours.
About time.
Oh, great. Now I have rabies.
Okay, okay.
Let's work this out like a family.
Manny, use your feeling words. "I feel"
Come on. "I feel"
I feel like I'm about to crush you
like a grape.
That's good. Breakthrough!
Okay, look, it was an accident.
Let's just try to find
a new place to sleep
and you can yell at 'em in the morning.
I might as well yell at rocks.
If it wasn't for her protection,
you two would've been gone long ago.
Ha! If it wasn't for her,
we'd be out there in the world a-roaming.
Yeah! Our a-roaming skills are strong.
No, your aroma is strong.
You'd never survive on your own.
- We could if we wanted.
- Yeah... Oh, yeah?
- I double-dog dare you to prove it.
- Manny, stop egging them on.
Well, I'm just saying, maybe they've
reached a point in their lives
where they're ready to get out of my hair.
I... I mean, you know,
go find their own destiny. Huh?
- Nobody's going anywhere!
- Why not?
Because you can't
do anything for yourselves.
Anything you can do,
we can do nearly almost as well.
Can you clean your own habitat?
Can you feed yourselves?
Can you protect yourself from predators?
Oh, sure, bring those things up.
We do things that matter.
Like this.
The offense rests.
You know, even though you're my brothers,
sometimes I wish
you were a little more mammoth
and a little less possum.
She just insulted our possum-ness.
Which is a very big part of who we are.
That does it!
I'm done being treated like a baby.
It's time for us to move out
and make our mark on the world!
I make my mark on the world every day.
I just lift my leg and do it.
That tree is mine, for instance.
And that tree, and that one.
And that rock over there.
And your pillow too!
Go sleep over there.
And turn on your side
so you don't keep me up snoring all night.
I... I don't snore.
Trust me,
you blow that face tuba all night long.
Yeah, oh... Okay, look, I'm sorry
about what I said to Crash and Eddie.
It's just... Well, family can be difficult.
We are a nutty, mixed-up herd
full of loners and outcasts.
And that's just on my side.
Right, and you don't hear me
complain about your side ever.
My side takes care of themselves.
Yeah, well, Diego does.
And then we both take care of Sid.
Nah, don't you gotta...
You've gotta save some for later though.
Well, possum families
just aren't like that.
Yeah, you know, you could let them
face consequences sometimes. Just saying.
How? By kicking them out?
You know they can't survive on their own.
Mmm. Interesting.
Well, maybe what scares you
is that they won't need you anymore.
Or maybe it's the fact that their
only natural defense is to play dead.
They're my brothers.
They're the only family I had before you.
They saved my life, Manny.
Mama Possum raised me
as one of her own.
I was never happier.
I finally felt like I was home.
And when we lost her,
I was heartbroken.
But I knew my brothers and I
would always have each other.
Well, Sis, I guess
you're the head possum of the family now.
You know, I lost my mama too.
Well, technically, she moved away
without leaving a forwarding address.
But then I found Manny here.
And then, when Diego came along
and tried to kill us,
we knew we were destined to be a family.
Sid, don't you have somewhere else
to sleep?
Don't you?
We can't just leave
without saying goodbye.
Goodbye, Sis.
It's time for us to make our own destiny.
And maybe even make our own lunch.
We may never see you again.
Did you hear that?
Huh? Wha... I... I don't hear anything.
Right. It's too quiet.
Nothing's breaking. No one's fighting.
That can only mean one thing.
They're gone. They took all their things.
They don't have any things.
Uh-oh. This is not gonna go well for you.
Manny, my brothers are out there
in the wild, and it's all your fault.
What, my fault?
Well, you did challenge them
to try to survive on their own.
In effect, sending them to their doom.
Thanks, Sid.
Anytime, buddy. I always got your back.
Don't worry, honey.
If... If Crash and Eddie get into trouble,
they'll find their way back.
Find their way back?
The only thing worse
than their survival skills
is their sense of direction.
Mmm. And their math skills
aren't great either.
Come on. We've got to find them.
They also have zero musical talent.
And they're awful at bird calls.
Dude, being on our own totally rules!
And we've got nothing to worry about
since we've got nine lives.
- Oh, come on. Everyone knows that's dogs.
- Oh.
Well, how many lives do we get?
I forget. It's either four or eleven.
Destiny awaits!
Destiny hurts.
Have we been here before?
It does look kinda familiar.
Wait. Is this the way to the Lost World?
It's the most exciting place
we've ever been!
It's also the most dangerous.
Do you think we can find it?
With our keen sense of direction?
Puh-lease. To the Lost World!
Dead end!
To the Lost World!
It's hopeless.
We'll never find it.
Found it!
Ellie told us never,
ever to go back in there.
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
- To the Lost World!
- To the Lost World!
I smell mammals.
Snack time.
Your breath, dude.
You've gotta brush more.
I think I just swallowed
my Adam's apple.
One of us should give ourselves up
so the other can get away!
Good idea! I volunteer you!
That was close.
it's just like I remembered it!
It always amazes me
there's a whole world down here.
Right below our feet.
And a giant spider right above our heads.
We're gonna be goners!
Yeah! And then
we'll only have three or ten more lives!
You know that whole
"living on our own" thing?
- Yeah?
- I'm starting to question our judgment!
Well, this is the perfect time to do it.
I remember this guy.
He's allergic to possums.
Hello, boys!
- Buck!
- Buck?
That's right! Buck Wild, at your service.
Our hero!
The legend of the Lost World!
The wizard of weasels!
The yin to my yang!
Your ways are strange
and mysterious, Buck,
but mostly strange.
Thanks for dropping in.
Will the rest of the herd
be falling from the sky too?
I don't think I can catch the mammoths.
One, maybe.
Mayday! Mayday!
We're coming in hot!
This is your captain speaking.
Please keep your whiskers and bottoms
inside the dactyl at all times.
- Buck!
- Crack!
You picked a bad time
for a tropical vacation, lads.
A dino named Orson
just escaped from exile.
And he's jonesing to rule the Lost World.
Now he's got a couple of raptors.
And if he succeeds,
no mammal will be safe.
Whoa! Well, it's a good thing
I'm not a mammal.
- You are a mammal.
- Sorry, bro.
Looks like life dealt you a bad hand.
You're a mammal too.
That's impossible.
What are the odds of two possums
being mammals?
Well, they're the same odds
that you'll both be a raptor's brunch
if I don't get you out of here.
Got to feed Penelope.
She needs gas,
and these berries will give it to her.
Back off, Brenda. They're friends of mine.
So far, best day ever!
Now, tell me, what brings you two
to my world?
We moved out.
Yeah, we're mature now.
Well, at first, Ellie was all
"Yada yada yada."
And then Manny was like
"Blah, blah, blah."
Yeah, that does sound like him.
And Diego was all...
I mean, you know how he is.
And then Ellie said, "I don't like it,
but I suppose it's time.
Good luck out there."
Then she hugged us, Sid scratched himself,
and bingo bongo in the Congo, we're here!
You're telling me Ellie
gave her okey dokey
to this little artichokey
of a mission here?
Oh, yeah. Totally.
Okay, okay. We snuck out.
You try to survive that look.
I admit it! Whatever it is!
I've got to take you back home, fellas.
I'm the only one that can stop Orson,
but I won't be able to do that
if I have you two to look after.
But-but-but-but, Buck,
we came here to live a life
of adventure, like you.
You boys are nature's least likely
to survive.
And this is its most dangerous place.
Wow. Talk about a perfect match.
I'll be back in a minute, girl.
Buck, don't send us back.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
We wanna hang here with you.
Please. We're independent.
Both of us.
This boulder's not supposed to be here.
How did it get here?
Hmm How do you think?
Well, how should I know?
Your cluelessness is truly breathtaking.
Don't you take that tone with me, Rocky.
Now I insist you roll away at once.
Uh, I don't think
it's the boulder talking.
Well, not anymore.
I obviously intimidated him.
Seems like Mr. Boulder here
is all growl and no gravel.
Wow. Okay, enough.
I can't do this anymore.
Hey, I'm over here,
you soon-to-be ex-weasel.
Look at me.
Look at me with your dumb little eye.
I heard you'd returned. But how?
Nobody escapes from Lava Island.
Well, not everyone
has my colossal intellect.
Which is dwarfed only by your ego
and insecurity.
Why'd you seal the exit, Orson?
Oh, no reason. Just to keep
filthy animals like you
from coming in and infecting our ecosystem
with your fur and warm blood.
Lost World for lost species!
Dinos rule mammals drool.
It's true. You do.
Wait a minute. Dinos don't talk.
They just grunt and roar like nincompoops.
That's good. Hey, that's funny.
That's really funny.
Dinos have tiny brains.
Like I haven't heard that a million times.
Does this brain look tiny to you?
Holy moly, that's huge!
Seriously. That thing's a planet.
I'm surprised there isn't
a little moon going around it.
That kind of reaction used to hurt.
I thought I was a freak.
Then I realized that my massive brain
made me the smartest creature alive!
But you know the best part?
The joke's on you.
My brain, the thing
that everyone ridiculed,
is the one thing
that's gonna get me my revenge.
I'll rule everyone under the ice!
Not even you can stop me this time,
It's Buckminster.
Though most call me Buck.
"Buckmeinster" is not even a name.
That's like me calling you "Shmorson."
Whatever, Bucky. Now that I've got
some muscle behind me,
it's a whole new ball game.
There's gonna be a ball game?
Check it out.
Well, look. They've gone and died.
No one wants to eat dead possums.
It's too chewy.
It's like eating hairy gum.
I can totally see you're breathing.
Look, look... Right there.
Look, even these morons can see it.
Time for a possum picnic!
Until our next tango, mi iguana gigante.
No one outsmarts Orson!
Now, we're gonna have to play
a little game called
"drop goes the weasel."
It means, take down Buck!
Oh, my... Geez.
What did I say about boundaries, huh?
And you! Stop copying me!
It's not safe here, girl.
Better take off for the night.
Be careful.
Where to next, Buck?
We're already here.
Buck's bachelor den!
Talk about a possum paradise.
Hang on.
Gotta pay the cucumber for babysitting.
Crash, wouldn't it be awesome
if we could live here with Buck?
Look, I know I said
it was gonna be three hours,
but it was only two, and...
I'm not gonna pay for an hour
where you didn't do anything.
- He's got everything.
- I'll pay you for three.
You drive a hard bargain
for a salad pincher.
Right, I just hope you didn't spend
the whole time talking to your boyfriend.
You remember my daughter?
She's gotten so big and round, and big.
These are your uncle possums.
She doesn't remember you
because she was so young.
And also 'cause she's a squash.
Buck, I know you like living alone here
with your farm-fresh daughter,
but wouldn't it be nice
to have a couple of roommates?
Free pumpkin care.
And we charge less than cucumbers.
Sorry, boys. I'm a solo operator
who can't be tied down.
You can stay until I've stopped Orson,
but after that,
I'm gonna find a way to get you back home.
Well, maybe we could help you stop Orson.
Dude, up top!
I don't mean to be a negative Nancy,
but they've been gone a while.
Shouldn't we just be
looking for bones at this point?
I respectfully withdraw the question.
Hey, ber-tracker,
you picked up that scent yet?
Aside from you,
nothing smells bad. So, no.
Manny, they're out there all alone
in the cold. They're probably frightened.
Look, don't worry. We'll find them.
Because if we don't find them,
I'm gonna kill them.
It's a figure of speech. And ow!
Ha, ha, ha!
You've got nowhere to run, Orson!
Or should I say Shmorson.
So, how are you gonna defeat
this Shmorson dude anyway?
That is a good question, Crash.
- I'm Eddie, the handsome one.
- Right.
Back in the day,
Orson was tough on his own.
But now he's got some trained raptors,
taking him down
is gonna be a little bit trickier.
Why is he such a meanie anyway?
Another good question, Eddie.
I'm Crash, the other handsome one.
When he was young, Orson was teased
and got all insecure about his big head.
The bigger his head grew,
so too did his brain.
And he realized
that this was his greatest strength.
But he came to believe
he was superior to everyone else.
I tried to show him we were all equals.
I even invited him to be part of
this team I belonged to.
We established the watering hole
as a place
where all species
could learn to peacefully coexist.
My team was dedicated to protecting it
and making sure all animals down here
lived in harmony.
Like a superhero squad?
Well, I wouldn't use the term "superhero."
I mean, I wouldn't stop you
from using it. Anyway.
Orson turned down my offer.
He didn't believe in harmony.
He believed in a world
where the strong dominate the weak.
Hello! Can you repeat that?
I had a marshmallow in my ear.
I said
Orson believed in a world
where the strong dominate the weak,
and that he should dominate all.
And since I stood in his way,
he set a trap to get rid of me.
We defeated Orson that day.
But at great cost.
To keep the Lost World safe,
we banished Orson
to a place called Lava Island.
And not the nice one.
We thought a little alone time
would help Orson
to have a change of heart,
but his heart hardened even more
and he became obsessed
with getting revenge.
We didn't know he'd have company.
We're not sure how he survived
or what happened next.
Ooh. You likey the fire?
All we know is that Orson
somehow escaped from Lava Island
with a couple of raptors
under his command.
Bow to me.
Ah, simpletons. All it takes
is a little fire to bend you to my will.
The Lost World will finally be mine.
And he was free.
And then what happened?
Then you two showed up
and nearly got yourselves killed.
Yay, we're in the story!
Okay, boys. Lights out.
Buck, can you tell us more
about the superhero team?
Uh, nah.
That's a tale for another night.
Whoa, whoa!
Oh, for crying out loud!
What's that smell?
Oh, yeah. Gas.
The possums! The possums!
Gas don't faze us, dude.
We're used to things that stink.
Looking for this?
Zee, is that you?
Well, someone had to save your butt.
So I picked me.
Wait. What about Bronwyn?
She's safe. I left her with the cucumber.
Good. The cucumber knows karate.
Dude. Psst. You know Bronwyn's, like,
a pumpkin, right?
Yeah. I also know Buck's got a cousin
who's a pine cone.
Oh, right. Philip.
Buck, who's your awesome skunk friend?
I'm not a skunk, guys. I'm a zorilla.
What's the difference?
The difference is
I'm a mammal on a mission
to bring equality
and justice to the Lost World.
Also, skunks have slightly shorter tails.
She's totally a skunk.
A skunk with a secret identity!
Well... I... Okay, yeah.
If that'll get you going, great.
Come on, those boneheads are waking up.
We'll follow you anywhere.
Off a cliff, underwater,
into a volcano.
I like your new friends.
They make me feel smart.
Don't worry.
What they lack in intelligence,
they make up for in bumbling ineptitude.
Buck, we have some unfinished business
to take care of.
I mean, you know. Look. I know
we didn't always see eye to eye.
Or, in my case, eyes to eye.
Relax. I'm only here for one reason,
and it's bigger than you and me.
If we don't stop Orson, he'll destroy
the harmony we fought so hard for.
With him in charge,
the Lost World will be, well
And because then it will be
the "Lost Lost World,"
which is both sad and confusing.
Is the team getting back together again?
You stay out of it, you!
I thought you two stopped talking.
We patched things up.
And no, Lefty.
The team's not getting back together.
Once we stop Orson, I'm outta here.
That's a secret skunk for ya.
They never stay in one place too long.
Of course that glorious scent lingers.
Hmm. No, no, no. My head's not that big.
This is not to scale at all.
- I know you're there.
- I know you're there.
What have I said about copying, huh?
Uh-uh-uh. Don't... Don't...
Don't you... Don't you dare.
Stop copying me!
Oh, I should have worked with birds.
Clearly you two aren't nearly enough
to get the job done.
Time to add to my posse.
What I'm about to do next
will destroy everything you've worked for,
Get out of my face!
How'd you know those raptors
were gonna attack?
Unfortunately, Orson's been tracking you.
Fortunately, I've been tracking Orson.
Then, I guess it's up to you guys
to stop 'em.
Two superheroes joining forces again!
Buck Wild and Skunk-a-tor!
I can't believe you told them
we were superheroes.
I would never say that. They said it.
Well, you two must have been a great team!
Only when we agreed on things,
which was never.
I agree with that.
What's the problem, Buck?
She's pretty cool
with that super spray of hers.
Hey, what's your superpower anyway?
Boys, what makes a superhero isn't powers.
It's resourcefulness and courage.
Yeah, that's what they always say
when they don't have any powers.
Anyways, back to the plan.
We have a control freak egomaniac
to catch up to.
Yeah. And we've also gotta stop Orson.
This is my worst-case scenario.
They're heading for the watering hole!
Blimey. Orson's gonna serve his raptors
an all-you-can-eat mammal buffet.
Okay, here's the plan.
No time for a plan!
There is always time for a pla...
Okay, he can't hear me anymore.
Everyone, we face a grave threat!
Are we out of fruity drinks again?
We've gotta clear the area.
File out in an orderly fashion.
Two by two, one by three, five by nine.
Nope, still can't fly.
Go, go, go!
It's time to get buck wild!
What'd you do that for?
Buck! Oh, boy,
do I have a surprise for you.
He's done it. He's built an army.
I'm gonna RSVP "no" to this party.
We need to get out of here.
I'm coming for you, Bucky!
And you won't weasel your way out
the next time.
You can't protect
the mammals forever, Buck.
My new raptor army
will eventually hunt you down.
Now we really need a plan.
We'll never defeat Orson if you keep going
all "buck wild" without thinking first.
The more important question
is what does "Zee" stand for?
Aw. You're cute.
Let's stay on track, shall we?
We are completely outmatched.
If we're gonna defeat Orson,
we're gonna need some big-time help.
Hmm. Would you look at that?
I agree with Zee. We do need help.
And there's only one creature
who can handle the job.
Did you hear what he said? He said we!
He sees us as equals.
Actually, I think he meant
total equals. You got it.
Oh, and, uh, by the way, fellas,
the name thing?
It's just Zee.
Yeah, I'm not buying it.
My bone boat.
Whoa! Buck's bone boat.
I believe it's our bone boat.
Whoa! Buck and Zee's bone boat.
- I built it.
- I designed it.
It didn't need a design.
That's why the first boat sank.
It didn't sink. The water rose.
Do you sense some tension between them?
Maybe a little.
We'll reach Lost Lagoon by morning.
You know what I'm wondering?
Why we're going to Lost Lagoon
and who's gonna help us defeat Orson?
No. I'm wondering
why my butt's stuck to the seat.
Tree sap.
You know what else I'm wondering?
How could they have been
such a fierce team,
but still not get along?
I bet it's 'cause Zee never told him
what the "Zee" stood for.
Okay, out with it. Is it Zeeva?
- Zelda?
- Zeena?
- Zsa Zsa?
- Zamantha.
I'm sorry. Did you just say Zippy?
I told you it wasn't Zippy.
Uh, once again,
Zee doesn't stand for anything.
And that's not the reason.
So what is the reason?
- It's because he... Never mind.
- It's because she... Never mind.
Let's work this out like family.
Yeah, use your feeling words.
I feel
I feel.
Well, I feel Buck was stubborn
and reckless.
Well, I feel Zee gets too hung up
on details.
I also feel sad about my first boat.
This is good.
I think we're getting somewhere.
You're irresponsible, thickheaded.
- You're demanding, and you're always
- I'm tired of you
- being mean to me.
- always leaping before you look.
- Recklessly hurling us into trouble.
- but the rest of the team didn't.
We needed to have a strategy.
Your way didn't work!
We lost our team.
I know, Zee. But maybe there was nothing
we could do to save them.
Maybe not, but you were my best friend.
And I lost you too.
I feel that could've gone better.
Crash, I'm starting to think.
Oh, no. Now you're doing it too.
When we left the herd,
we swore we'd become independent
and make our mark.
Yeah, but how?
Buck needs some shut-eye
and we're nocturnal.
This is our chance to prove ourselves.
Follow my lead.
Okay, Lost Lagoon is due south.
We have to turn this boat around.
You're holding the map upside down.
Oh, well, in that case, we're good!
We're doing it! High five!
Oh. When is tea ready, Mum?
- Buck?
- Buck?
Buck? Buck? Buck, Buck, Buck,
Buck, Buck, Buck,
Buck, Buck, Buck, Buck, Buck,
Did I drift off?
It's all good, Buck.
We kept the boat on track
and made you a delicious a-breakfast.
You got these from the trees?
- Mmm.
- Mm-hmm.
That's very nice,
but they're also very poisonous.
From now on, keep your paws
and tails inside the boat.
You don't know what's out there.
Oh, so maybe we shouldn't have
snagged these jump ropes.
Guys, those are more poisonous
than the berries.
We're immune to snake venom.
Yeah, but I'm not. It would kill me.
It would make me break out
and then kill me.
Our bad.
Sorry, Zsa Zsa.
Should we not have
adopted these cute pet lizards either?
Maybe we're not ready to prove ourselves.
Ha! Speak for yourself.
Okay, you can speak for both of us.
We've made it!
Time to summon an old friend.
Crash, it's Mama T. rex!
Wait, you know Mama T?
Uh-huh. Our friend Sid
used to babysit her kids.
She's gonna help us take out Orson.
Well, that totally makes sense.
She's 15 tons of deadly, vicious terror!
No offense, Mama.
What's wrong, girl?
Toothache, huh? Come on.
Let Dr. Buck take a look.
Left upper incisor impacted.
Lower right molar missing.
Ah! There's the bad tooth.
Yeah, I've got to 86 the 23.
That's what happens, young lady,
when you don't floss.
Which is why we use our tails.
Well, how can she help us defeat Orson
with a bad tooth?
That is a good question.
I'm gonna need to pull it. Oi!
Well, if you're not going to let me help,
I guess I'll have to just give up.
Whoa! Respect.
I'm performing surgery here.
If I let go, she'll surgically remove
your top from your bottom.
Boy, it's really in there.
Okay, Zee. All done. Time to wake her up.
I just knock 'em out. I don't wake 'em up.
Incoming! We've got raptors!
Come on, boys! Let's get her up.
We need to call in reinforcements.
She is the reinforcements!
Hello? Anyone home?
You can sleep when you're dead!
Why'd you knock her out?
You told me to.
- No, I didn't.
- You winked.
I only have one eye.
Technically, that's a blink.
- Nap time's over.
- What did you have, bricks for lunch?
Well, here goes nothing.
Heads up, buttercup.
Go, go, go!
Oh, you're pathetic, Buck.
Did you really think reuniting with Zee
and recruiting some T. rex
could help you defeat my army?
Well, that was the idea. Yes.
Evidently, I miscalculated,
but nobody's perfect.
Except me, that is. I'm a genius
who's about to rule the Lost World.
Over our dead bodies!
My plan exactly. Soon everyone
will bow to me and call me king.
Excuse me. Mm-hmm.
I'm trying to do my evil here!
I'm on a bit of a roll.
But enough of this discourse.
Let the feeding frenzy begin!
Get away! Get away! Down!
Spray 'em, Zee!
I just sprayed!
I need time to refill, okay?
Ooh! TMI, dude.
Actually, Zee, it was all my fault.
You're right.
We lost the team because of me.
No, it was because of me.
No, I insist I take the blame.
Well, I insist you return the blame
and give it to me.
Look, it wasn't you. It wasn't me.
- It was us.
- It was us.
If we really want harmony
in the Lost World,
it has to start with you and me
working together.
Get Mama and the possums to safety.
Wha... What's he doing?
Giving us time to escape.
Okay, brainiac.
It's me you want.
You got me.
I win!
Take him to the watering hole.
There, I'll make an example of him
in front of all the other mammals.
Revenge is mine.
Hey, great idea alert.
Guess who had it? Me. Of course.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy now.
Just get your strength back, Mama T.
Orson's taking Buck back
to the watering hole. Meet us there.
This is all our fault, Eddie.
Buck said it was
a bad time for us to visit.
Yeah, if he didn't have to
look out for us,
maybe this never would have happened.
I wish we could've done something
to help him.
- Like what?
- I don't know.
Something cool,
like master the power of lightning.
Whoa! How awesome would that be?
Lightning Masters!
Yeah, we'd be all zap this and zap that.
And zap the first thing again.
Ah, face it, bro.
We're never gonna be lightning masters,
or make our mark.
Or pretty much do anything.
Ellie was right about us.
We're not ready to be on our own.
Is this what Buck would do? Give up? Sulk?
But we let him down.
Which means it's time to buck up.
You mean rush in without thinking?
Yeah, well, he would do that.
I, however, wouldn't have left
without a plan to rescue him.
But I'm gonna need your help.
We could if we had a superpower.
Remember what Buck taught you.
It's not powers that make you a superhero.
It's courage.
And resourcefulness.
Maybe that's our problem, Crash.
Whenever we're in trouble,
all we do is play dead.
Well, it is our go-to move.
Yeah, but it's kinda
the opposite of courage.
Yeah, I see that.
But where can we get courage?
You already have it
right here.
In our chest fur?
She means our spleens.
If we can harness the power
of our spleens, we can master lightning!
We're here on Raptor River.
Orson's got Buck
here at the watering hole.
We'll launch a surprise attack.
Like a surprise party with weapons.
Mmm I dunno, Zee,
or whatever your real name is.
The three of us
against Orson's whole army?
You would be surprised
what we're capable of.
I just wish we knew
how Orson controls the raptors.
Maybe he gives them treats.
I know I'd do anything for a marshmallow.
Would you marry a frog?
- What kind of frog?
- Focus, guys.
It's time to train for the mission.
Ha, ha, ha!
Oh. Right in the possum parts.
- Yeah!
- Ha, ha!
Face it, guys.
Crash and Eddie have gone bye-bye.
They totally disappeared without a trace!
I got footprints.
All that means is their feet
were around here.
Thank goodness. We're back on their trail.
It looks like their trail leads to a...
Oh, no! Those ding-dongs
went back to the Lost World!
Oh. And I thought I made bad choices.
We're in luck!
Orson's raptors got smaller.
Ha! They're tiny.
I say we crush them like ants,
then shoot hoops at the watering hole.
Guys, they're not tiny.
They're just far away.
Oh. Well, in that case,
we're in huge trouble.
It's time to get
Buck wild!
The entrance is blocked.
Do you think they got through?
Only one way to find out.
Come on.
Whew! Those upper body workouts
really paid off.
Come on! We need to find Buck.
He's their only hope down here.
Oh, great.
Their lives may depend on
an unstable weasel who talks to his hand.
- Ha!
- Oh!
What's that, you say?
The watering hole?
Oh, no! Crash and Eddie are in trouble.
You say that like it's news.
This is farewell, Buck.
Time to turn you into a chew toy
for my ravenous friends here.
You'll never get away with this.
There's no way I'm letting
my pumpkin daughter
grow up without a father.
What? Okay, I'm done.
Dinner is served,
compliments of King Orson.
Ooh, I like the sound of that.
- Whoo-hoo!
- Yeah!
Ooh! Morons!
Good work, fellas!
Get skunked!
I love the smell of skunky gas
in the morning.
Bye-bye, Bucky.
Hang on, Crash and Eddie.
Here comes the T. rex express!
You took a big chance
giving yourself up back there.
That's what you do in a herd.
Besides, I knew you'd be the one
to come and rescue me.
So, what now?
I'm sure you have something in mind.
How about we make it up as we go along?
Now, that's what I call a plan.
- Whee-hee-hee-hoo!
- Oh, yeah!
Okay, I'm confused. What just happened?
I believe Crash and Eddie
just kicked some serious butt.
- Yeah!
- All right, Mama!
Wait for me, guys!
You've been nothing but
a thorn in my side from the start.
You just never got it, Orson.
The Lost World
isn't meant to be ruled by anyone.
Not just anyone. Me!
En garde!
All right, who wants some?
Take this!
And that! Huh?
Time to get a little less mammoth
and a little more possum.
All right!
Back off. He's family.
Besides, he's high in saturated fats.
Look, the truth is we all need each other.
Down here, all creatures,
mammals and dinos alike,
we need to live in harmony.
Oh, you are so naive.
This is why I feel sorry for you, Buck.
You're too idealistic.
In the real world, it's survival
of the fittest, or should I say smartest.
Oh! Nailed it.
Oh, no.
Sic 'em.
Stay! Down, boy.
Bad dinos. No bite! No bite!
Ha, croissant!
Looks like you got me, Bucky.
Or do you?
Seems I've outsmarted you once again.
They're gonna tear
your little friends to pieces,
and then they're gonna come for you.
Watch this, Buckmeinster.
It's showtime.
It's the fire!
That's how he gets them
to follow his every move.
Remember what Zee said?
The answer is in our chest fur.
Three. Two. One. Play dead.
Oh, come on, guys.
We're not falling for that.
We didn't fall for it the first time.
What? You imbeciles.
You're raptors, not possums. Get up!
- Oh, yeah!
- Whoo-hoo!
- Those are my boys!
- Whoo!
Yes! Well done, lads!
That's called using your spleens!
Ha, what do you know, Eddie?
We do have a superpower.
- Yeah!
- Playing dead!
Looks like you've been outsmarted.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no...
Uh I'm okay!
Think again.
- Payback time.
- Oh, yeah.
Where's your chew toy? Go get him.
What? I don't know
if you got the memo. I'm your king.
I command you...
Oh, whoa! That was close.
Hey, please don't eat me.
You'll be depriving the world
of a great genius.
I'm full of tiny bones
that'll get stuck in your throat.
What have I told you about boundaries?
Boys, that was a fine job.
Better than fine.
I'd say super, even.
You made this old weasel proud.
Who are you calling old?
Crash! Eddie!
- Ellie!
- Ellie!
We're so sorry.
We shouldn't have left
without saying goodbye.
You came all the way down here to find us.
You put yourself in danger.
You didn't think
we could take care of ourselves.
With good reason.
And you worried about us.
'Cause you really care about us.
Boys, boys, slow down.
I'm the one who should be sorry.
I was scared of losing you.
I love you guys.
We love you too.
You guys actually did it.
I'm proud of you.
I never doubted them.
Okay, I doubted them a little.
Boys, I didn't know you had it in you.
Mostly because you act like
total dimwits all the time.
Aw. I love family reunions.
But there's no buffet,
so time to head home.
- About that...
- Hello, mates.
This is Zee. She's a very dear friend.
It's nice to meet you, Zee.
The way you took charge out there,
I'd swear you were part possum.
Actually, she's a zorilla.
It's like a skunk, only cooler.
And my name may or may not be Zsa Zsa.
We were lucky to have possums
join our superhero squad.
Really? A superhero squad?
She said it. I didn't.
You're probably gonna want our autographs.
- No thanks.
- I'm good.
Well, now that you've had
your big adventure,
I suppose you'll be heading back home.
After all,
you're probably bored of old Buck
and his daring, action-packed,
thrill-a-minute lifestyle.
Yeah, I am. Boring. Just so, so bored.
Total snoozefest.
Actually, the truth is,
Eddie and I have been thinking
Which we're slowly getting better at.
Uh Yeah.
The thing is,
we kinda, sorta like it here.
Eddie, you talk now.
We wanna stay down here,
but we wanna know that you'll be okay.
It seems like it was just yesterday
we were kids.
I thought we'd always be together.
Are you sure it's what you want?
Then I'll be fine.
We're staying!
Oh, magic!
I've been a loner for too long.
Zee made me realize
we're all stronger together than apart.
It's time for me to have a real family.
- Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!
- Oh, yeah.
- Go, Buck.
- Go, Buck.
- Go, Buck.
- Go, Buck. Yeah.
Buck, Buck, Buck!
I can't believe I'm saying this,
but I'm gonna miss you guys.
Yeah, we'll miss you guys too.
Yeah, okay. Enough of this lovefest.
Is that a tear in your eye, Diego?
No. And it never happened.
Look at you. You're such a softy.
Promise me you'll visit all the time.
We will.
Especially when we need something.
Change is scary,
but it is the way of the world.
And now I realize it can help us grow
into who we're meant to be,
even if that takes us to new places.
The only thing that stays the same
is the love we have for each other.
That's the thing about a herd.
You're a part of it,
even when you're apart.
Can you believe it?
The boys are back.
And they want lunch.
Well, one thing's for certain.
With those two around
the Lost World
will never be the same.
Ha, ha, ho!