The Ice Demon (2021) Movie Script

We'll stop here.
We won't make it any farther.
- Alright.
- Got it?
- Make it tighter!
- What?
Make it tighter!
It's not working,
the ground's too hard.
You hear me?
Here, hammer the stake in over there.
Into the ground.
- Nika!
- What?
- Nika!
- What?
We'll call for help tomorrow.
It's no use trying today!
- I won't sleep near a corpse!
- You will!
We can't put up the tent again!
- I will not sleep near a corpse!
- Yes, you will sleep near a corpse!
Help me move it aside!
Nika, what are you doing?
Hey, buddy, you there?
Come here.
Hey, cutie.
Dig in.
- For real.
- So then I told him:
"If you give me bunk instead of
decent bud again, you'll be smoking it."
And he just goes, "OK..."
What are you doing here?
Oh, you feeding our dog?
What do you mean, yours?
It's ours.
We play with it and feed it.
Get out of here.
I'll go if the dog comes too.
Savelyeva, come on...
You heard him.
It's our dog. We play with it.
And what do you play exactly?
A game.
Come here.
Want to play?
It's better with a group.
There's one bullet.
And there are...
six of us.
Semyon, are you crazy?
It's a fair game.
If you win, the dog is yours.
You have my word.
Gonna try? Or are you scared?
What the hell?
Who fired a gun?
The hell is this?
- Whose gun is it?
- Mine.
Not yours, your old man's.
What were you all doing?
We were just hanging out.
They're blanks, Misha.
I'm not dumb enough to use real bullets.
Nothing to say?
Like he said.
We were hanging out.
Give me the rounds.
Blanks, huh?
Come by with your dad tomorrow to talk.
You, get in the car.
Misha, I wouldn't have let her
shoot herself.
Are you following me or something?
Think you get to make decisions for me?
If you hadn't shown up,
I'd have handled it fine on my own.
I've known them for ages.
Why the hell are you butting into
my personal life?
What are you doing?
I won't go without the dog.
Don't let it in the car,
it... it can walk.
OK, then I'll walk with it.
Fine, put it in the back.
Your mother's worried!
Get a move on!
Come here.
Come here.
Come on.
Could've handled it yourself, huh?
Let's go.
- Good evening, Major.
- Report.
Two girls found a body near Goltsovo.
- In the mountains?
- Yes.
- You wrote this?
- My fingers were cold.
- Do it again and I'll transfer you.
- Yes sir.
- One girl died, and the other?
- Other one has frostbite.
- You ID them?
- Working on it.
Kolya, kill the music.
My head hurts enough as it is.
the body spent several years
in a frozen state.
Oddly enough,
the epidermis is nearly undamaged.
The initial examination
revealed a hematoma
in the occipital region.
I will perform
an autopsy of the cranium,
and an analysis
of the victim's lungs and stomach.
Got that?
Get him to the ICU,
quick, he's bleeding!
And you let her take the dog home?
What was I supposed to do?
Forbid her?
I don't know.
Talk to her somehow.
Talk to her?
Talk to her... about what?
What is there for us to talk about?
She never listens to me.
I don't know.
Find the right words.
'Cause that's so easy with you two.
Well, on the other hand,
if we keep the dog,
she can look after it.
Show some responsibility.
Sure. And if she doesn't?
We're letting her make mistakes.
People make mistakes, right?
They do.
Then they regret them their whole lives.
Or maybe they don't.
Ksyusha, answer it.
Sorry, I'm a little confused.
Who are you talking about?
- Hello?
- Our daughter. You?
It's the hospital.
They found Dad.
- Hello, Dr. Savelyeva.
- Hi. Where is he?
In the ICU,
but you shouldn't go in yet.
I'll decide that for myself.
You can't go in.
I'm the department head.
Who are you?
The Chief of Medicine flew me in.
I'm a neurobiologist.
- You're family?
- His wife.
- Is he OK?
- He's in a deep coma.
Under quarantine.
I know the rules.
I'm going in.
Then you know
only official relatives are allowed in.
I'm his daughter.
This is my mother.
Make it quick.
Family only.
- Hello
- Hi.
So, Misha...
Got yourself a rival?
Wonder how he ended up in there.
No sign of him in 10 years...
- He look alive?
- He is alive.
Same can't be said for that girl
who found him.
Ever seen anything like this?
The frostbites are all black.
Have they said anything?
One of them
won't be saying anything to anyone.
The other's in the next room.
I'm waiting for her to come to.
- Is there any chance he'll come to?
- There's always a chance.
It's a miracle he's even alive.
Where's this miracle been for 10 years?
He opened his eyes!
- He opened his eyes!
- Why did you go in there?
Impossible. It was a muscle contraction.
No, it wasn't! He looked at me, OK?
It's just wishful thinking!
Who are you anyway?
Why did you come here?
This is a medical anomaly.
He must be studied!
My husband isn't a lab rat.
I'm taking him home.
- Why would we do that?
- What if it were you in his place?
Look, honey. This monitor
shows all of Dad's vitals:
pulse, blood pressure, oxygen.
And most importantly, the on switch.
It must stay on.
If the oxygen runs out,
the machine will emit
a scary warning beep,
and you must replace it.
If I'm not here,
here's what to do:
You turn this valve,
then you connect all this
to the tank,
then unscrew the key.
That's it.
- Got that?
- Yes.
Do you think he can hear us?
Of course he can.
That's why
we need to keep talking to him.
About what?
I barely remember him.
Here are your old things.
- There's so much.
- Photos...
You were five in this one.
So silly.
Whoa... My blocks.
Your dad taught you to read with them.
More photos.
You look so happy.
This was his favorite sweater.
How come we never talked about him?
Why would we?
He left.
And we stayed.
But why?
Did he stop loving us?
Or was it because of Misha?
- What are you hiding here for?
- Sorting old things.
Put them back where they were.
Look, then put them back.
You should be studying for your exams,
not digging through old junk.
Hiya, Misha.
Why are you here without your dad?
Look, can't we do this without him?
I regret what happened.
Give me back the gun.
What were you thinking?
Look, Misha, if he finds out
I had his service weapon, he'll kill me.
As well he should.
You and Ksyusha
are not going to see each other, OK?
That's not for you to decide.
Guess your gun
is staying with me for now.
Guess it is.
Tell Ksyusha hi from me!
Matvei, can you hear me?
What is a coma?
- In essence, it's a type of deep sleep.
- Come.
Both sleep and dreams are activities
of the mind that aren't fully studied.
In ancient times, they believed that
during sleep the soul and body split
creating what's called
an astral body,
which would travel across
other layers of reality.
So, theoretically, a person, their soul,
can be reached during sleep or a coma.
How is this done?
As we well know,
our dreams are full of our memories
or other vivid
emotional moments.
So, in order to reach a person
who is asleep or in a coma
you can use triggers
in the form of words or items,
that relate in some way
to shared emotional moments.
Do you think I look older?
Are you going to sit here all day,
You should go out for some fresh air.
You know perfectly well
he requires constant care.
Has he woken up?
Have you forgotten
how you ran away from him?
How you called me
and asked me to come help you?
And I came.
Look, for 10 years
I didn't know what happened,
if he was alive or dead.
I wondered for 10 years.
It's just...
this is all so weird.
- He could be dangerous, you know.
- Dangerous?
A man in a coma is dangerous?
Maybe you're the dangerous one?
Maybe you're the one
who should stay away from my home.
Away from me.
Away from my daughter...
Don't come back here again.
Tanya, open the door!
We weren't done.
Dad, if you can hear this...
No! Go lie down!
Go lie down!
Dad, if you can hear this,
give me a sign.
I'll try again.
If you can hear this,
give me a sign, please.
Shh! Quiet, Dog.
Quiet! Go lie down.
Let me in?
Are you nuts?
You couldn't use the door?
Bet Misha would've let me in.
Oh, hi!
- So, what's his name?
- Dog.
Dog? Cool.
Not gonna take off your shoes?
Look, Ksyusha, I'm...
back there with the gun...
- It really was loaded with blanks.
- Semyon, why are you here?
You forgot your flashlight.
Oh, cool!
I had the same ones as a kid.
how about this:
I'll roll the block,
if it's a vowel, then...
I have to say something about me.
If it's a consonant, you do.
You in?
When I was 10, I ran away from home.
I came back after 3 days,
and thought my dad
would kill me.
But, get this,
he was sitting there, crying...
He said, "Glad you came back."
And didn't do anything to me.
Your turn.
I don't remember my dad at all.
And now, they brought him here,
and I don't feel a thing.
I do, though.
- Misha, ever heard of knocking?
- Get over here.
What did I do?
This is my room!
- I said you couldn't see him.
- It's none of your business.
Is that right?
Whose sweater is that?
- Mine.
- No, it's not yours.
It's my dad's, OK?
Oh, I see...
No, I can't come to Moscow right now.
Have you ever seen this before?
Well, I'll wait till the victim
regains consciousness.
Did you look at the scan I sent you?
The brain activity is extremely odd.
Write me as soon as you see it, OK?
Alya, can you hear me?
Why did you leave us?
- Good morning.
- Morning.
Mom, what's that?
Did Misha do that?
No one needs to know
what's going on in our family.
Are you scared of him?
I'm not scared of anything.
Dog, come.
C'mon, c'mon.
Good boy.
Look, it seems like
Misha totally flipped his lid when
he heard that your old man was back.
Can I press charges against him
without my mom?
Dunno. Doubt it.
Maybe you can, though.
My old man told me that...
Misha got arrested a few times
when he was younger.
That he fought with your dad.
Doesn't sound much like Misha.
You know him.
He's a tough guy.
He's, you know... protecting you.
First... first your mom,
now you.
Protecting. Sure.
My dad's here.
Hey, what are you doing tonight?
Not sure yet.
We'll talk later, OK?
OK. Bye.
Go on.
- Hey, Pop
How's school?
Everything's fine.
- Well, see you tonight then!
- Sit.
Nothing you want to tell me?
Where's my piece?
I don't know.
Look me in the eyes.
Where is my piece?
I said, I don't know.
Don't you realize
you're screwing me over?
I told you. I don't know...
You shithead.
Why'd you take it?
Why'd... sit down!
If it's not back tonight,
it's your head! Got it?
Screw you!
Tanya! Tanya!
- What's wrong?
- You scared me, I sprayed myself.
Tanya, what's going on with you?
This again?
Look, I had this dream...
I'm so sick of you.
Misha, what is it? Misha!
Mom! Mom!
Looks like he had a mini-stroke.
There's a chance he'll have
peripheral paralysis.
Has he had problems with
his blood pressure or...?
We never really had any problems.
Where is your mom, Ksyusha?
Why isn't she here?
Thanks, Vera,
but we can handle it ourselves.
What are you doing?
He ran out of oxygen.
I was doing what you said to do.
- I told you not to touch anything!
- Mom, calm down.
Who told you to turn it off?
Misha? That doctor?
Calm down!
- Demons?
- She must have been delirious.
Had a case when I was younger...
A family was found in the woods:
a mother, two girls, all dead.
They couldn't find the father.
Put out an APB, all that...
He was hiding in the basement.
So, I ask him:
Why did you do it?
He gives a nasty giggle and says:
"It wasn't me. It was demons.
And what did the voices tell him?
Do you remember?
They wanted a body.
"The demon needs a body."
Was he institutionalized?
Shot himself in the head.
So, people are scarier
than any demons, am I right?
- Right. See you.
- Goodbye.
Why are you out here with no coat?
- Dog is missing.
- What do you mean?
I bet...
He's off running somewhere.
Ksyusha, are you crying?
Don't worry, the dog will turn up.
Bet he's sitting somewhere
gnawing on a bone.
Ksyusha, c'mon...
I mean, we can look for him together...
My mom hit me.
Right. Come with me.
Come on!
What do you need in the short term?
Which things?
- Say something.
- He'll freeze.
- Who will?
- Dog.
He lived on the street.
You're the one who nearly froze.
Get your things.
Do you... need this?
- I can't leave right now...
- Why not?
Look, Ksyusha, there's some
weird stuff going on here.
I've got a plan.
We'll live in a hostel.
I can't leave them.
Your dad? Or Misha?
They don't care.
They don't give a fuck about you.
I do, though.
Ksyusha... look,
I really want to help.
I said I'm not going anywhere.
I wasn't asking. Got it?
Go away.
Get out of here.
- You weren't listening...
- Let me go!
I need you.
I need you!
Open the door, bitch!
Open the door!
Open the door right now!
You hear me?
- Who are you leaving for?
- Please, don't touch me.
Tell me who are you leaving for?
Where are you going?
Who are you leaving for?
You bitch!
Ksyusha, come here.
Come here. It's OK.
Don't be scared.
Come here.
Don't be scared.
Come here.
Sweetie, where are you?
What's the matter, honey?
Why are you hiding here?
What happened to Mommy?
Mommy is fine.
We had a little argument,
but that happens with grown-ups.
They don't stop loving each other.
Come here.
What, are you scared of me?
How about we go play our favorite game?
How about it, Ksyusha?
I won't let you and Mom leave.
I need you!
Let's go.
Ksyusha, I'm sorry, I... I didn't mean to.
I don't know what came over me.
Dog! Hey, Dog!
Dog, you in here?
Ksyusha, open up!
This isn't funny!
- Open the door.
- I can't, the lock is jammed.
- Semyon, do you have the gun?
- Yeah.
- Are there rounds left?
- Yeah.
Then lift the gun
and blow your brains out.
- Where's the girl?
- She died 3 hours ago.
I received my colleagues' findings
regarding Matvei's brain scans.
This is a coma patient's brain.
This is Matvei's brain.
Here, all the neurons are dead.
So, he's dead?
His brain is.
But somehow,
his body is still functioning.
There must be something in him
that's keeping him alive.
Until we understand what it is,
any contact with him
could prove fatal.
where's your mom?
We must be very careful,
as we don't know exactly how
he is influencing Tanya.
Or how to stop it.
Let's go.
A sedative.
Just in case.
Tanya, are you here?
Where were you?
I couldn't find you.
At the hospital.
Doing what?
We have an update
on your husband's condition.
I need to take some samples.
I'll be quick.
- You can't go in there.
- Let the doctor by, Tanya.
Why do you need this?
- Need what, exactly?
- My family.
You want to destroy it!
- Misha?
- Hmm?
Did I kill him?
He was already dead.
Why doesn't Mom remember?
She doesn't know.
You both ran.
And I came back
to get your things.
He was lying there
covered in blood.
I decided to move his body.
But she was defending herself.
How could she live with that?
Knowing she killed the father
of her child.
Is it really over now?
I hope so.
As they say,
the Lord gives and He takes away, eh?
- So, how are your ladies doing?
- Fine. Asleep.
Well, all the best.
By the way, you were right.
People can be worse than demons.
Told ya.
What's that about?
We swapped stories.
So, you need me to sign papers, too?
Yeah, there too.
Hey, Misha, I wanted to ask...
Has Ksyusha seen Semyon?
Do you know?
He's not picking up the phone.
Fed ya...
they're grown-ups, right?
They can sort this out it themselves,
Sort it out, my ass.
Misha, could you ask her?
As a father, I'm just a little uneasy.
I said she's asleep.
So, what do you think?
Who could've bashed Matvei's skull in?
He never did anything bad to anyone.
Except for Tanya.
What are you hinting at?
Not hinting at anything, pal.
I'm investigating.
That's my job, see.
It's just kinda weird...
He went missing 10 years back.
He was just taken away again.
Weird, don't you think?
- What's this?
- I don't know.
Can I look?
Go ahead.
My boy!
Hands up!
Hands up!
- On the floor, motherfucker!
- Fed ya, don't!
Shut up!
Time is 2:30.
Time of death is approximately
two hours ago.
But the condition of the skin indicates
a much earlier time of death.
Perhaps several days ago.
All metabolic processes
have long ceased.
Decay is occurring extremely quickly.
But something was keeping him alive.
Something was keeping him alive.
The demon needs a body.
The demon needs a body.
That's enough.
Why did you do that?
Fed ya, don't. It wasn't me.
Who then?
I swear, it wasn't me.
Then who?!
It was Matvei.
You're dead, asshole.
Don't, Fed ya.
I don't know how to explain it.
I swear, it was him.
I need to save my daughter, Fed ya.
Go on, shoot me.
I swear, it wasn't me.
I did not kill him.
Who will give me my son back?
Where have you been?
Come to dinner.
Where's Misha?
Dad is here.
There's no one there.
Dad is always with us.
Mom, Dad is dead.
Never say that!
Misha, I can't.
It won't open.
Misha, Mom's lost her mind!
You hear me?
This is our family!
You killed Dad!
I didn't kill him.
I didn't kill him.
I didn't kill him.
You killed him to save me.
But he's gone!
- He's always with us.
- I need you here!
He left, and we stayed!
We're still here!
We need to forget him!
You can't love people like him, Mom!
He won't let me go.